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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6951942 No.6951942 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a makeup newbie. I'm 24 years old and I literally have never put makeup on my own face.
I've looked into youtube videos but they are extremely complicated for me. Anyone have any links to tutorials for idiots?

>> No.6951954

What exactly is it that you find hard about them anon?a lot of good tutorials are "this is the color, put it in this spot" I understand drawing eyeliner and such may be difficult but there's the spoon method or the tape method. Have you looked into identifying you're face shape and type of eye etc?

>> No.6951956

>Have you looked into identifying you're face shape and type of eye et
No, I haven't.

I have a problem with my makeup (especially on my eyes) being way too heavy.

>> No.6951958

I have to ask - are you a guy? I don't intend to be offensive- I only ask because it's pretty unusual to have never worn it before at 24. If you are, you'll be looking for different tutorials than a girl would.
Beyond that, do you know what you're looking for? Eye makeup, acne concealing, contouring...?

>> No.6951959

I'm female. I've worn it but people have put it on me. I'm looking for mostly eye related things.

>> No.6951961

That's so adorable!
Maybe look for basic stuff for teenagers.

>> No.6952009

I'm pretty much the same. 21 and only ever used foundation/concealer. Most of the eye makeup I've used/other people have used on me has been way too heavy for my taste. I want to look girly, not like a raccoon.

>> No.6952050

You kind of work your way up with eye makeup. Start with mascara and an eyeliner pencil, it's easier to disguise mistakes if it's a pencil. Once you gain confidence, move on to gel or liquid liner, and maybe try just a sweep of colour for eyeshadow. Forget the more advanced eyeshadow stuff for now, I've been wearing makeup for years, and I feel like I've only just begun to get the hang of blending.

>> No.6952193

This was me too! I mean, I put eyeliner on, but even that sucked. It wasn't until I was 24 that I started actually trying to put makeup on. You are not alone.

The best advice I can give it watching YouTube tutorials. Not all tutorials are gonna work for you, but they are useful to pull little things from. Also, don't buy cheap. It will look cheap. Be sure to use face moisturizer, it really does make everything look better. But let it sit for about 20 minutes before you apply make up. And my favorite advice is try stuff out. If you like your current foundation, but there is something a bit off, go ahead and try something new. I went through about 6 brands before I found the one that fit my skin type.

Have fun!

>> No.6952200

It sounds like you're both "natural" makeup people, i.e. you don't want to look made up, but want to enhance your features. When you google for tutorials, "natural makeup tutorial" is probably best. I didn't start using makeup until after I left home at 18-19, and god I had a lot of terrible fails before I figured out how to enhance my natural features rather than just how to paint my face.

I think BB creams and powder foundations are easiest to work with, essentially you find one that matches your face in natural light. Use the in-store testers and go outside with a pocket mirror to check. Most people have faces that are multiple shades, so I recommend matching along your jawline/edge of neck so it blends in well.

For natural eyes, try a dark brown pencil eyeliner and neutral eyeshadow palette. Dark brown liner goes on the edge of your lids - outer 2/3. Light shade of your neutral palette goes across your whole top lid, then get a darker shade and starting from the outside of the top lid, blend it in towards about the halfway mark.
Mascara was something I found tricky initially, so skip that if you haven't used it much.

This is kinda what I mean about the eyeshadow, but without the highlight colour (I struggled with those and would often have like..a really white spot in photos because I didn't know how to match highlight colours to my skin)

>> No.6952203

Hey OP!

Don't bother with foundation or concealer if your skin isn't bad. I used clear complexion powder which just smooths and matts my skin. I then proceed to use dark brown mascara, and a deep blusher!

>> No.6952372

lol wow, you're an idiot.

>> No.6952400

Not the same anon, but why is she an idiot?

>> No.6952412

You always need to use things like foundation and concealer. Thinking you have such perfect skin that you don't need makeup is retarded. Even if you don't have acne or whatever you still need foundation to even out skin tone, correct dark areas, etc.

It's like saying "If you already have all your eyelashes, you don't need eyeliner."

>> No.6952417

I disagree. Nobody NEEDS foundation. In a lot of cases it just makes the skin look worse. You may think your cake face looks good, but I can guarantee you it doesn't lol. Powder and maybe a little concealer on problem areas is more than enough.

>> No.6952419

I think you just hang around with people who don't know how to apply makeup.

>> No.6952420

OP, what kind of makeup tips do you want? Like everyday makeup or for formal events? Go to Sephora or the beauty section of a department store if you don't live in the middle of nowhere. They are paid to help people out with putting on makeup and all you need to do is ask them.

But here's my daily makeup routine in the morning:
Wash face, lotion, BB cream, Concealer around my eyes since I have serious dark circles, powder, golden shimmering eyeshadow, blk or brown eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow pencil, lipstick or lipgloss, blush optional if I have time.

>> No.6952424

Not that I would ever go there and betray my roots, but reddit has a Makeup Addiction board. Look that up. They're very friendly, have a lot of good links on their sidebar, are usually very friendly (as most sites that don't allow anonymity are) and it's good to see how other people are doing their faces.

/cgl/ got me into fashion, and Makeup Addiction got me into REALLY learning how to do my makeup.

>> No.6952427

Disagree. The other girl is being a bitch, but you also don't seem to know a lot about makeup if you think a little concealer and powder applies to everyone.

Different type of skins, different levels of oiliness, different types of issues all lead to different types of makeup.

But you're right, no one NEEDS makeup, much like no one NEEDS any of the shit we talk about on this board.

>> No.6952428

Nobody NEEDS any makeup. But if you have an interest in looking your best then yes, you do.

>You use foundation? OMG LMAO cakeface XD XD

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6952429

Did not mean to say friendly twice. Whoops.

>> No.6952433

Wow, defensive much? Did I hit a nerve?

>> No.6952435
File: 80 KB, 620x700, ggx2-baiken-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone be able to help with theater makeup? I need to make the scar over Baiken's eye, but is there an option for a material that would make so I could open my eye without the stuff getting stuck on itself?

>> No.6952436

Are you supposed to put foundation on your cheek?

>> No.6952443

I'm 25 and also haven't ever learned to use it since I haven't really been able to leave the house much over the last 7 years and it seemed pointless to do if nobody was ever going to see me anyway... But lately I've been thinking I really should take the time to figure it out. It all seems so daunting, though.

>> No.6952450
File: 36 KB, 629x419, 629px-Apply-Eyeshadow-Step-2-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit also has a /r/beautydiagrams subreddit that may be easier for you to follow instead of video.

Here is a very basic intro to face makeup. Note that you don't have to use all the fancy brushes, Use what came in the package and/or your (clean) fingers. http://www.instructables.com/id/Face-Makeup-101/#intro

This is a pretty good tutorial for eyeshadow but people have differing opinions on foundation as a good primer. You can skip primer entirely, really.

>> No.6952455

Its makeup, not rocket science. God, you people are so pathetic.

>> No.6952467

It's not necessary to go to all these great lengths to learn about contouring or falsies or whatthefuckever.
Just buy some basic shit, and you're done.
Small eyeshadow palette for evenings

Honestly, so many of those video tutorials just make women look like clowns and streetwalkers. Don't even bother.

>> No.6952469
File: 90 KB, 696x473, 1255051208939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a term for adult women who have never worn makeup:


>> No.6952476
File: 24 KB, 500x305, 1364237801943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen a financially feasible or socially acceptable make-up tutorial on YouTube. Sometimes the 'art' aspect of it looks cool(just an eye in a photo) but when they pan out on their entire face, it looks like shit.

Pic very, very related.

>> No.6952473

Well... it's not THAT simple. People that just toss a bunch of foundation, eyeshadow and blush on their face end up looking awful. You also need to know the basics of HOW to apply them.

>> No.6952483

michelle phan doesn't know how to cosplay. She thinks part of a costume is drawing fake eyes onto your face to "give it that anime feel."

>> No.6952484

But it is that simple. The only application basic, really, is "moderation".
I don't think I've ever met a girl that was actually taught how to apply their make up by anyone, it's all on common sense and observation of what looks like shit and what doesn't.

>> No.6952497

Not exactly. For foundation you need to know how to exfoliate, moisturize, prime and how to apply it or you will end up with a cakey, porous-looking face. For eyeshadow you need to know shading basics and where to go heavy or light depending on the shape and indentation of your eye. And all that other crap.

Applying makeup is an art. You gotta know at least a LITTLE on what you're doing.

>> No.6952505

OP must have nice un aged skin.

Actually, maybe not. I only wear eyeliner and maybe some eyeshadow and my whole face is saggy and sad, aged 22.
I wish a girl would come over and make me up, if I saw someone put foundation on me, maybe I'd manage it better. I can never tell if it's the product's inadequacies or mine.

>> No.6952522

They've got makeup counters for that, y'know.

>> No.6952523

Makeup girls scare the ever living shit out of me, even when you get an 'alt' one that doesn't eant to turn you orange.
I'd rather it was someone not trying for a hard sell.

>> No.6952535

There are some people out there that looks better with foundation or without foundation. A little concealer and powder may be enough for you, but for other girls with acne spots and high pigmentation, they would be better off with foundation.
Sometimes, having perfect and even skin everyday takes a lot of time that some girls don't have or it may be a relaxing day where you are staying home and don't need to have a full face of makeup. A little concealer and powder may suffice in times like that.
When I'm doing clinicals, I stick with concealer, translucent powder and mascara. But that's because I'm running around for 10 hours in a hospital setting. If I were to go on a dinner date with my boyfriend or eating out with my friends, I'd choose foundation, powder, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.

>> No.6952539

You put foundation on your entire face, so yes,your cheeks as well. There was a time when I didn't have concealer, so I applied foundation on just my problems areas. It looked good in my room, but when I went outside in the sunlight, my face will looked splotchy.

>> No.6952546

I have to agree. You can buy every makeup item that Sephora or other makeup counters carry,but if you don't know how to apply then, it will all be a waste.
I have dry skin and I could never figure out why foundation/concealer made the dry patches on my face more visible than when I didn't have makeup on. I exfoliated my skin before makeup application and used moisturizer too, but the dry patches still appeared. Through trial and error, I realized that the best application of foundation, for me, was to dot the foundation all over and use my fingers to 'pat' the foundation in. If I used a brush or even rubbed my foundation, it would stir up my dry skin and make it more visible.

>> No.6952760
File: 405 KB, 247x188, heehee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't been looking very hard, then. I've only been into makeup for a little while, and I've found tons. Unless you're only looking at the Michelle Phans of tutorials, there are plenty.

Look up things like "No makeup makeup" "natural makeup" "work makeup" or "date makeup" tutorials on youtube, and you'll find tons that look fantastic.

Are you sure you're not just really insecure? Even a girl that tanned constantly shouldn't have saggy skin at 22.

Try going to a Sephora or a Mac counter. None of those girls are paid on commission, and Sephora's normally have an entire table specifically set up just so you can go in and ask for an employee to help you try out a new style. The other week I had one help me figure out how to contour.

>> No.6952775

Can /cgl/ help me out? I have some pretty bad sunburn on my shoulders and across my face, and a meetup on Sunday. I have been using vitamin e cream on it which has faded it a little bit but still very red. Gonna pick up some aloe lotion tonight too. Is there a way to cover it up though? Even if it fades to tan by Sunday, the way it burned will give me the effect of shitty faun makeup.

>> No.6952908

moisturize like crazy, then vaseline, then cover in a bandage overnight. You don't want it to flake off, and the moisture will help minimize the burn feeling if you cover with makeup.

>> No.6952929

lol moisturizer is not going to help sunburn. Mummifying your face with moisturizer and vaseline is just going to give you breakouts.

>> No.6952939

Do you go out in the sun excessively without sunscreen? Or tan a lot? There really shouldn't be a lot of sag at that age, if any at all. I might look into seeing a dermatologist if I were you.

>> No.6952957

Aloe Vera. It's better to buy the plant, slice off the hard outer skin and cut up the gel and spread it on the sunburn. If you can't get the real deal, which should be found at walmart, then get the aloe vera gel.

>> No.6952966

I'm never in the sun, I'm from the UK, we don't even have sun here.
I don't sleep much or drink enough water but also I think it's just the way my face is, I'm kinda thin so I guess it just means when I plump up when I'm old I'll have a nicer face? I'll ask the doc. though thanks.

>> No.6952972

anyone have excessively oily skin?
how do you deal?
what kinds of makeup do you wear to combat feeling like a greaseball?
preferably low maitenance stuff, like a foundation (or tinted moisturizer) and concealer and that's it. I dont wanna get into blush bronzer contouring and highlighting and shit too much work

>> No.6953000

Just because you don't see the sun through the clouds doesn't mean you aren't getting the ageing aspects of it. You should be wearing sunscreen anytime you go outside longer than a few minutes. But yeah, it could be genetic but I bet there's some product that can help firm up the skin.

>> No.6953006

>I'm from the UK, we don't even have sun here.

I beg to fucking differ, it's been hideously warm for the past five hundred months and I'm going to die if Autumn doesn't come soon.

>> No.6953008

silicone primer, mattifying gel, oil control products like Urban Decay De-Slick spray work really well
just make sure you don't wear something too heavy that will break down after a few hours. a setting spray is your best friend, and look for really dry foundations like Make Up For Ever Mat Velvet + and foundations that dry down to a powder like CoverGirl Stay Fabulous.

>> No.6953016

I've been Hikikomori for five days and the window's looked bright but cloudy here in the North.

>> No.6953039

Sunburn anon here, thanks yall. Dont really live near a walmart but will see if the grocery store has aloe branches (leaves? Whats the proper on that?) Ive used it that way before but back then my mom had a potted one so wasnt sure where to get it.

>> No.6953057

Palmer's cocoa butter always seems to keep my (mild) sunburns from turning into horrible flaky messes

>> No.6953230

Monitoring this thread. In a similar spot as you, OP.
19 but never really done much with makeup. I experiment from time to time, but not too great and would rather not 'experiment' for things I'd like to look good for.

I've seen so many videos I could probably tell you how to apply makeup and where what colors and shades go, but if I tried to put it on myself, nope!

>> No.6953946

This is so true. I used to be fucking abysmal at applying make-up even though I had the tools - the MAC brushes, the studio fix foundation, and I looked fifty times worse than people who had cheap shitty tools and foundation from cheaper brands because they knew how to apply it. My face was cakey and gross and I never exfoliated, moisturised, toned, or used cleanser.

Some youtube tuts on how to apply make-up go a very long way!

>> No.6953952

Where do you guys usually buy your BB creams? Any suggested ebay sellers that are legit or shops that are legit and fair priced?

>> No.6953985

Start with medication for oiliness - I swear by adapalene cream. Then it makes the problem easier since it takes part of the oiliness away. After that, primer, powder foundation, and any oil control products you can lay your hands on.

>> No.6953986

Honestly you do just have to try at some point as it is a skill that needs a bit of practice. If you're worried about events/things you want to look good for, then do makeup trial runs before the event until you think you've gotten the hang of it. Even professional makeup artists will do at least one trial with models, celebrities, and their clients to make sure that it's what they want.