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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6935387 No.6935387[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anime Midwest is coming up in a couple weekends.
I am very very very excited. I've gone for the last couple years and I've had a blast. The exhibit hall is small but good, and the events are usually run by intelligent knowledgable people.

Other than the hate threads, report in Seagulls, who is going and who is excited?

>> No.6935555

I'm about 400 miles away and I'm thinking about it.

>> No.6935733


>> No.6936876
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If the con head could garner as many attendees as he's garnered reblogs of his most recent scandal, he might actually have a decent turnout.

An estimated 3,000 people in the Hyatt Regency O'Hare of all places is already a ghost town, but after this, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a few rolling tumbleweeds appear out of fucking nowhere.

>> No.6936877

>nearly 4,000 notes
>most of them are reblogs, judging from the first several pages of notes


That's got to be at least 3,000 reblogs... I heard the guy's currently in damage-control mode, but there's no fucking way he could keep up with this.

>> No.6938959 [DELETED] 
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So, who else has been keeping up?


>> No.6939032

Look again. 7,774.

>> No.6939173

That's really sad.

There's supposed to be a Lolita Fashion Show, and I think it should be good. Some of the usual local people are showing up.

>> No.6940514

Animinneapolis is a ghost town.

>> No.6940543

I'm about an hour ride away, by scooter. I have Friday and Saturday off, and I've got nothing better to do.

I might go and make an appearance, if not to simply see how it is, then to at least booze it up with a few friends who might go.

>estimated 3,000 attendees
The CTA parking lot is going to be gloriously empty.


>> No.6940701

who wants to link up and drink?

lots of lols I shall have this coming 4th

>> No.6940724

Well despite the rape controversy surrounding the con, I might make an effort to go. I'm a total nobody, outside of being friends with a few somewhat well known seagulls, but I usually find myself at the seagull gatherings when they happen.

>> No.6941895

Anyone else planning on going to this trainwreck of a con?

>> No.6942148

I'll be going for sure. Not sure if I'm going for all three days, or just one.

I'd be up for a seagull meetup

>> No.6942168
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After the ridiculous crowd density of ACen, I'm looking forward to a small con in a good venue. Had fun at it last year, so I'm expecting even better in a superior hotel this year. ^_^

>> No.6942690

Yeah, ACen was fucking packed, and the way they moved around the dealer's hall did not help. There hasn't been a fucking line for the dealer's hall in the past 10 years and for some reason, this year, there was.. and it was terrible.

If this con survives the controversy, it might be a nice alternative to ACen's kiddy crowd and rave bullshit. An actual anime con about anime would be nice, y'know?

>> No.6942956

It was more crowded since there was a prom booked in one of the major event halls that Saturday night so I'm guessing ACEN wasn't able to use the maximum amount of space possible.

At least this con can be a backup for people who couldn't make ACEN due to scheduling issues, life, etc. I'd probably only want to go for the lolita fashion show on Sunday and $30 for one day isn't too bad of a deal.

>> No.6942979

There was a prom last year too, just saying.

>> No.6943298

There's been a prom EVERY year for the past 15 ACens because the Hilton and the DES Convention Center thinks having "space available" is the same thing as being able to host multiple events in the same place. They are fucking terrible at logistics.

>> No.6944022

hell no. but a good friend of mine has been a regular attendee since it started, and she knows Kopf is a total creep. she had some personal run-ins with him and he was just a huge douche. but I think she's still going because she's friends with Ellen McLain.

>> No.6944507

Yeah, but how is the rest of the con? As far as I can tell, this isn't just a meet and greet with the con staff... and have you ever met a con chair or head of a department who wasn't a total cockfag? I haven't and I've been going to cons for over a decade.

>> No.6944511

supposedly it's pretty good. I heard a lot of good things about it last year compared to AWC and the guests and panels are good.

and dude no there are plenty of douchebags running cons, but according to my friend Kopf was just extra creepy (especially towards underage girls) on top of the usual douchebaggery. but I won't get into that.

>> No.6944583


Mainly because there have been 3 fucking threads on that already?

>> No.6945237

Can't be worse than the depraved, drunken, immature, outright retarded, mentally unstable, sacks of turd that somehow run nearly every other con.

Running a con is something done seemingly only by fuckwits who never progressed past their highschool years. They're all catty, petty, backstabbing, popularity seeking children who think they are celebrities, deserving of love and adoration and free handjobs.

Fortunately, everything else about a con is pretty much self-sufficient, and regardless of how terrible these people are, as long as they don't burn away convention funds on stupid shit, the show will go on and the attendees will always be more of a crowd-drawing feature than which cock-knocker is running the damn thing.

>> No.6945849

This. Also there's something off about the tactics of whoever is trying to bring him down. One thing to try to warn girls to stay away from him, but sending weird threats to vendors and starting rumors that the con has been cancelled (that was going around a few weeks ago, before the rape thing) is just shady. Fine if he's an ass and I'm not saying to trust him, but to try to bring down the entire convention is not fair to all the participants, artists, panelists etc. who have nothing to do with it.

>> No.6949486

I'm going to have to miss friday because of scheduling conflicts, but going all day sat and sunday. Is there going to be a seagull meetup?

>> No.6951684

Bumping since this is like 12 hours away!

>> No.6951710

I might go tomorrow or saturday, scheduling and paycheck pending..

It'll cost me next to nothing to swing up there so we'll see if it's worth buying a badge, since all I'll likely do is see if the dealer's hall has anything cool.

Considering ghetto rigging together that cosplay repair kit idea I had and just walk around offering some assistance and materials to anyone who needs it.

>> No.6951880

>Con chair is a creep.
>WGN makes a fool of Kopf on morning news.
>3 guests cancel.

Have fun, guys!

>> No.6951892

>implying I care about the guests

>> No.6952153

he was just so awkward and wooden next to the newscasters. what a neckbeard loser
i'm glad one of my friends is in the dealers room because i would never pay good money for that shit.

>> No.6952446

Meetup anyone tomorrow?

>> No.6952835

Awesome! Linecon!

>> No.6953060

Still debating whether or not I want to spend the time to head up there.

How is the con so far?

>> No.6953277

Understaffed and crowded as fuck.

>> No.6953536

No seriously, pretty fun.

>> No.6953683

Hi Ryan.

>> No.6953687

i find myself in chicago this weekend on a trip i had planned months ago. I have nothing to do tomorrow and am desperately trying to keep myself distracted from the stuff I am going through this week so I'm thinking of going tomorrow... any other lolis I might know and see there?

>> No.6953787

I'm a girl you douche. Not every anon being happy about the con is Ryan, so fuck off

>> No.6953912


Hi Erica

>> No.6954223

Seagull meetup at 5pm today? Where should we meet

>> No.6955299

What I want to know is who the Jesus cosplayer that shows up to the cons in that area (ACEN, AWC) is.
He's really annoying, and his then white shroud is more yellow.
He also sleeps in his van in the parking lot.
Aside from that, it was fun. Too bad my camera fucked up, and the shutter button broke, and the AF was off.

>> No.6955447

boring and ellen mclain didn't even show. at least the staff are nice to the dealers and bring us food. everyone was losing their shit over steam powered giraffe

>> No.6955494

I read that the con is charging for guest autographs. What the fuck?!

>> No.6955513

First time going to AW

have to say I was suprised. Big turnout, good hospitality from the con staff.
Overall good time

would go again

>> No.6955852


Oh, you mean Jesus? I met him at Anime Apocalypse. He's usually a really cool dude and isn't normally obnoxious.

Anime Midwest is a convention run solely for profit and nothing more.

>> No.6956856

Con was boring as fuck. Staff were asshats. Some chick came in and started screaming at attendees and Samurai Dan at the end of one of his panels. Like, you had 3 guests cancel and now you're alienating the ones who are there? Good job, guys. My next two cons are Youma and Kollision. Hoping they'll make up for this shit show.

>> No.6957755
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Kopf scheduled AniMinneapolis the week before another con. He also decided that he was going to change the venue again so it is the same place that has another con the weekend after.

Kopf says 3000+ show up for his conventions. I would like to see an actual number.

CONvergence stated their attendance during their closing ceremony. Total numbers were just under 7000. I don't remember the exact number, it should be in the high 6800s.

>> No.6958218

Did you end up going? Did not see that many Lolita there but the fashion show was pretty good. I think one of their friends was drunk though cause she kept screaming random shit from backstage.

>> No.6958319
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I did go. Sat behind the table with Pailettes/moss badger and the group she was sharing her table with. They were very sweet and kept me distracted. I left pretty early, I had to get back to the city. So I missed the fashion show. I only took one pic at the con... my thought was gotta catch them all ;)

>> No.6960154

I have some pictures that I took, if anyones interested.
I kinda screwed up and instead of taking full body shots, due to space restrictions, I shot upper torso, so some of them aren't as good as they would have been.
But if anyone wants, i'll dump.

>> No.6960234
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Oh man...so much second hand embarrassment. If I can't wish that he'd stop organizing and running these shitty cons, I wish that he'd just stick with one and attempt to make it amazing.

>> No.6962543

Yes please!

>> No.6962706

Ok, gimme a while to resize them to 3mb

>> No.6962741
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>> No.6962749
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>> No.6962756
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>> No.6962765
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>> No.6962768
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>> No.6962774
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>> No.6962778
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>> No.6962780
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>> No.6962785
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>> No.6962795
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>> No.6962797
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>> No.6962807
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>> No.6962812
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>> No.6962817
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>> No.6962819
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Should I continue?

>> No.6962841

>minato smiling

Does anyone actually play Persona and then cosplay it instead of humping whatever tumblr has turned them into?

>> No.6962871

oh god i need that cat plush, what was the name of that stand? Tastype.....wat?

>> No.6962879

Tasty Peach Studios

>> No.6962896

Thanks anon

>> No.6962961 [DELETED] 

My Haenuli Royal kitten dress got purple ALL OVER the waist area of my white blouse.
It washed out with some massive spot treatment work. I'm guessing it was chalk for sewing? I hadn't seen any marks before putting it on, so I don't know. But now I'm skeptical to put it back on, which sucks because it was my first dress my boyfriend ever bought me.

>> No.6962977

I'll finish the dump tomorow

>> No.6966936
