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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6951029 No.6951029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So just out of curiosity....does Jessica Nigri actually make any of her costumes outside of bikinis and felt pokemon ears glued to headbands? Some of the stuff she wears is fantastic, and I would have so much respect for her if she actually did.

Pic Related.

>> No.6951034

She owns her own costume/prop making company.

>> No.6951035

Nope. All that shit is commissioned to her. She's just a manikin.

>> No.6951053


Either way, it sounds like she doesn't make her own stuff. Which is funny, cause she totally claims she does.

>> No.6951064
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>being this jellymad
do your own thing and let her do her own

>> No.6951068

No, I honestly don't care. It's cool that she can get paid for it and all, I just don't know how long she'll be able to keep it going with just her looks.

And, you know, maybe she does make her own stuff or is at least learning to, but she has claimed to make things before that she honestly didn't.

>> No.6951071
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>people lie
well shit, that's new

>i don't care
>but i make threads about it

>> No.6951080

Never said it was.

I didn't actually, but I guess the anonymity of this site makes such a claim pointless.

Anyway, I'm sure she is a nice person, I just don't exactly agree with her methods.
However, she has found success doing something I assume she loves doing, so all the power to her for being able to pull it off.

>> No.6951128

He was making the thread to find out IF she was lying you defensive prick. It's not like the thread was "JNIG HATE THREAD FUCK DIS BITCH FOR NOT MAKING HER OWN COSTUMES" he was asking IF she made her own costumes. If just asking the question is too much for you it might be a sign you have a chip on your shoulder.

>> No.6951144

I figured she never made her own costumes because she never speaks about the craftsmanship.
But I am very surprised she's commissioned costumes and the like for so long, but the people who make them never even get a mention at all. Who makes her costumes? Is it the same person? Multiple people? Do they know they're not really getting a cut of the fame?

>> No.6951162

Dunno, stands to reason after a little fame and money that she could pay others to do it for her and still reap the rewards.

ITT: Skinnyfat/fat girls who are mad/jelly about a hot popular cosplayer

>> No.6951167


>> No.6951166

Her methods are keeping herself looking good and cosplaying as popular characters.

Are you sure you aren't just jealous she's doing it and you aren't?

>> No.6951178

Well, I guess I could give you that. She does clearly work on her appearance, and she does seem to at least keep up with what people want to see.

I'm not sure if I'm jealous per se. I don't know if I'd want to cosplay as a job, people take this hobby to seriously even when they aren't getting paid for it.

>> No.6951202

I'd do it, I'm not even a girl. If it's her whole living that sounds great. Keep myself fit and put together costumes year round.

Basically getting paid to dress up and placate nerds.

Wonder if there is a gap in the market for a male Nigri.

>> No.6951205

>Wonder if there is a gap in the market for a male Nigri.

There isnt, Harley's Joker tried and failed

>> No.6951210

He tried with a character popular with males from the west.

I bet maleanon here could make it if he were to primarily cosplay as characters with very rabid yaoi fanbases. He'd have to be pretty as fuck, but there are enough hambeasts out there that would pay money to hold hands with a bishie.

>> No.6951216

Volpin made her a Cassandra shield and sword that she show cased in a video. And unless you weren't following his progress on it, that would be the only way you wouldn't know it was his work. Or maybe it was just a picture of her with it after she received it and not a video, can't remember. And I don't think she actually has the rest of that costume made or else we would have seen pictures.

>> No.6951239
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>the best prop maker in the business making props for one of the worst cosplayers in the world

Harrison, baby, why do you wound me like this?

>> No.6951245

I dunno. She did some photo showing her working on her Gears of War cosplay but it looked posed since she was sanding fibreglass in a tank top and short-shorts, but I'm too lazy to look up the photo.

I think she does at least some stuff on her own but since she gets a free ride for being generic-hot and pandering to basement dwellers I highly doubt it matters at the end of the day anyways.

it's also really funny seeing people more attractive and talented than she is being called jelly when they complain about her doe. try harder whiteknights.

>> No.6951254
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>she was sanding fibreglass in a tank top and short-shorts

>> No.6951258

She did Cassandra?

>> No.6951274
File: 463 KB, 350x500, sway-maid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's evidence that she's made some of her costumes, but even with that being the case, the conversation, as she's controlled it, is always about how she's such a smoking hot, super popular, Queen of cosplay with a billion hyper jelly, ass-ravaged haters who can't handle her ~*swag*~

Look at this damn thread, for instance.

It's like she thrives on the worst, cattiest, pettiest bullshit that comes from the cosplay community. She doesn't want to be renowned as a skilled costume maker who can model a wide variety of characters because of her mastery of craftsmanship, makeup, and wig styling. She wants to be famous for being a 3hot5u attention whore.

And, seriously, who wouldn't be jelly of her shit? Not because she's hot or talented, but because she's built a fucking empire on the backs of mouth-breathing sperglords and her giant, fake, padded tits.

Who wouldn't want fame and wealth for being a untalented and terrible person? It would be awesome for the accolades to roll in even though you barely even half-assed your work.

>> No.6951284
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Well, I don't think he's going to turn down money, lol, I mean it's his career/living right?
like I said, I don't think she's got the rest of the costume together for it, this picture was near the beginning of the year though.

Actually, it's uh 'Sophita's sword and shield' sorry i thought it was Cassandra (but I'm not a huge Soul Calibar fan so, my bad)

I still don't know if she's got the rest together. Picture in question - she actually did tag Volpin

>> No.6951285

Dat headband covering her baldness.

>> No.6951287

>shitty cellphone mirror picture with someone else's work

That's just miserable. For fuck's sake, set it out on a table or against a wall or something and take a nice, high res photo or something if you're going to show off your new toy.

>> No.6951292
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>> No.6951291
File: 43 KB, 720x480, 482730_547722845247744_1917235852_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's volpin's photos before sending out

>> No.6951379
File: 530 KB, 681x1024, tumblr_mp2v8nXxnM1ql5ffro3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. A whole lot of this.

I can't tell whether I'm okay with her or hate her with a passion, I really can't. Jelly exists though, don't get me wrong.

I guess it just irks me that in many, many of her cosplays, she has her bra just hanging out, whether the character calls for it or not, pic related. Like, really? "Redoing my second ever cosplay for AX!" And you couldn't take the time to find or make a yellow bikini top in the summer?

Maybe I'd respect her more if she did more covered costumes more often. Or I'd just find something else to be jealous of, I'm sure.

>> No.6951385

This. I can tell she has a passion, but the way she shows it is just weird. Like Yaya she often picks awkward makeup like give Fluttershy high school whore eye makeup.

>> No.6951386

This, all of you are out of shape and disgusting and you're just jelly.

>> No.6951387

would have been accurate with a bikini top AND rikku doesn't even have a huge fucking rack anyway, so the padding and boob magic is so unnecessary since she has the perfect body including smaller tits, for rikku anyway. silly

>> No.6951397

She succeeded where other cosplayers in the past failed

We should be happy for her instead of hating her

She should be out inspiration

>> No.6951401

I think the weird thing isn't that she makes or doesn't make costumes (/cgl/'s majority opinion is that buying is okay if you don't lie about it.) The weirdness is how incredibly vague it's been as to whether or not she does this herself, since she never talks about it but obviously at least attempted to make it look like she worked with the fiberglass thing. Add to that how incredibly varied the quality of costumes are and the fact that every other cosplayer who has this level of attention makes it clear if they make costumes or not, and it makes sense people are at least asking.

>> No.6951426

Hard to say whether her admitting she doesn't make her stuff from the get-go would she be getting more or less hate?

Anyone got that fiberglass pic? That shit's hilarious.

This shit's not.

>> No.6951429

Wat? If true, Yaya hasn't eaten her yet for this?

>> No.6951434

Where is there proof of her claiming she made her props and where is proof that she didn't make them? Just curious. These threads always seem to have lots of shit said but never any pics.

>> No.6951437

Succeeded in which way and by what standards?

Cosplay is just a hobby for pretty much everyone who does it. She's one of the very, VERY few people who do it for a living, and the way she goes about it, she may as well just try being a model or pornstar, because that's where she's getting her methodology from. Even still, the goal of most cosplayers is to successfully create and wear a costume that resembles a fictional character, not to be a colossal whore who is constantly drooled over by reddit users.

>> No.6951445

all I've got on that front is the volpin prop picture I linked above, and the fact that she did tag him in the picture and said something like 'awesome props from an awesome prop maker!' or something

I really don't get why she would be vague, she doesn't enter contests or masquerades or whatever for prizes, so she doesn't need to lie or be vague about who supplies her stuff, it's so dumb and just gets her more hate when if she were 100% honest no one would care (look at spiral cats, and anything other group that only models and doesn't make their own shit, or that porn star chick that did the yoko recently, she says all her stuff is made by her team)

>> No.6951456

Back when I was in grade school, you were considered a loser if you stayed at home after school and played video games.

That's not the case anymore, because of dudebro gamers. Who play Call of Duty, Madden, and maybe a few other big name titles. Geek culture has a place in the main stream now. And Jessica Nigri's fame comes from the fact that she's the only cosplayer the typical dudebro gamer will accept. It's the reason why shows like the Big Bang Theory got popular too. Jessica Nigri is more of a booth babe than a cosplayer.

>> No.6951457
File: 177 KB, 791x215, Screen shot 2013-07-04 at 8.29.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, this was pretty much the reason I asked

>> No.6951458
File: 18 KB, 270x83, Screen shot 2013-07-04 at 8.30.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6951461

Holy shit, just let people make fun of other people. If you "don't care and let people do there thing" then by your own logic, you should stop posting.

>> No.6951463

Didn't her ex say that she actually despises nerdy stuff and is doing this for the fringe modeling/ acting gigs?

>> No.6951467
File: 97 KB, 720x960, jessica_nigri_power_tools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol okay jessica nigiri

>> No.6951473
File: 33 KB, 480x720, 375111_10151651618437533_1113040357_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets not forget the pictures she put up of herself in target underwear on her cosplay page purely for attention.

>> No.6951480

>her ex

I don't know anything about her relationships, but I've made it a habit to take things ANYONE'S ex says lightly.

>>6951437 reflects what I was thinking, as if she's a model that couldn't cut it in mainstream media so she went to where she would almost certainly be accepted. I couldn't find anything suggesting there's any legitimacy to that, of course.

>> No.6951489


>target underwear

Why not just be a model and get all the attention you want ~anyways~
why hide behind the thin veneer of actually giving a shit?
I know my opinion doesn't really matter but I feel people would care a whole lot more if she actually fessed up and admitted she didn't give a shit about cosplay and was just doing it because "lol I have great tits and like attention!"

>> No.6951491

>stands to reason after a little fame and money that she could pay others to do it for her
>become famous as a great seamstress
>gets a factory to make your shit after you get a little money and fame
>prestigious shoemaker
>commissions china factories to make your shit after getting a little money and fame
>great singer
>goes auto tune after getting a little money and fame

Yeah, that totally makes sense

>> No.6951493

Because she isn't unique looking enough to make it in the modelling world.

>> No.6951496

well I don't know anything about that costume. People have said she actually borrowed it from someone, and that also being 2 years ago means whatever details were probably lost over time. If she managed to win some kind of contest where she was asked to describe make process and materials, then she must have been knowledgeable enough about it to not give the judges any doubt that she either knew how it was made, helped with it, or made it herself? no clue. That's the first time I've actually even seen that she did enter a contest, never thought she actually did any of the contests.

>> No.6951498

>actually putting effort into something other than her body

Naw, man, that's not how it works

>> No.6951497

The amount of concentrated jelly in this thread is amazing.

>/cgl/ the womans /r9k/

>> No.6951506

yeah she doesn't look striking enough to be a model. She's too short, and has a cute face, but nothing really striking.

>> No.6951508

The only thing I'm jelly of is that she gets recognized as this omgmasterseamstress!11 when she clearly knows little to nothing about making anything, whereas the majority of us work our asses off.
her appearance? no. just no. sorry, the majority of us don't really want to look like a photocopy porn star, caked with make up and photoshop. Sorry to crush your expectations.

>> No.6951511

She's so ugly ugh
Not jelly at all, I seriously dislike the tanned skin, blonde hair and all dat make-up. Even her body is weird, I preffer skinny girls better.

But maybe that's just because I'm a lesbian weeaboo anorexic who spends too much time browsing kawaii blogs on tumblr. My beauty standards are fucked

>> No.6951510

I've never seen anyone say she was an amazing seamstress lol

>> No.6951509

I think she does those mirror shots to look more "natural". She wants to give the illusion that she's a regular girl that does cosplay and takes bathroom photos and puts them on FB. That her angle.

>> No.6951513
File: 60 KB, 500x333, models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well more like she isn't tall enought , skinny enough, interesting enough. She's able to make a profit in the cosplay world so why would she stop or be honests? Girl's gotta eat.

>> No.6951514

honestly i love her, obviously for superficial reasons, but she's actually a chill person and overall some of her stuff is really awesome.

>> No.6951516

That is pretty abnormal seeing as I've heard it constantly.

>> No.6951518

>I preffer skinny girls better.

Like, you prefer the not toned kind of skinny? Because JNig's definitely the toned kind of skinny, but not so much that I'd be turned off by the appearance of muscles. I actually really like most of her body; jury's still out on the tits.

>> No.6951520


Sure, Jessica, Suuuure

>> No.6951519

I think they mean they like girls that are a bit taller and thinner.

JNig is kind of square. She's not super wide or anything, but she's on the shorter side and kind of blocky. Toned for sure though.

>> No.6951521

>cute face
Her face is generic is fuck. Looks like every other blonde with plastic surgery you see in any major city. Good body though. Are you female by chance?

>> No.6951524

I preffer skinnier than Jnig, less orange (since I really like some tan/black girls as much as I like pale cuties, I'm gonna assume my problem with her is the tan) and yeah, less toned. She just looks american-TV generic, if you know what I mean?

And her tits are great, even if it's just boob magic. Only part of her body I can appreciate.

>> No.6951525
File: 128 KB, 624x738, 1331192645140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking something Volpin made into your bathroom so you can take a shitty cell phone picture with it

>> No.6951527

no, I think she has a generic 'cute face' is all.

>> No.6951551

Be careful not to slip on all that jelly.

>> No.6951555

weird because the people who know anything about costume making or tailoring would know different, which means you're seeing these comments from her neck beard fans, who (I won't say 100%) a vast majority of don't know anything about sewing or prop making. Which means you're jealous of attention from idiots who don't know what good quality even looks like.

Weird life you live.

>> No.6951563

Also yeah, her horrible orange tan probably has a lot to do with it as well.

>> No.6951561

Jnig is quite skinny. It's her awful makeup/generally fucked up facial skin that turns me off.

I'm not particularly into the bleach-blonde cheerleader types to begin with.

>> No.6951583

jessic pls go

100% bs here. bitch barely knows what a sewing machine is.

>> No.6951586

Let's not forget that she tried to sell prints of her cosplays that were photographed by paid photographers without their consent or knowledge. She's a thief and a liar. No one in their right mind sands fiberglass in shorts and a tank, you're out of your fucking mind.

I think it's cute that this thread pops up the day after I get into an debate with my roomie over Jessica being a sack of shit. He loves her and thinks all of "her" work is fantastic. I can't stand when people so blindly stand up for someone so fake.

>> No.6951593
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>> No.6951594

There's not a lot of proof that she does make her stuff and not a lot of proof that she does make her stuff.

I'd pay good money to see a panel with her and Yaya Han discussing cosplay construction. I wanna see Yaya reduce her to tears.

She should move to Japan where they wouldn't give a shit about her making stuff or not they would just be all over her blonde American ass.

>> No.6951603

I'll be honest, yes. But it feels less like I'm jealous, and more like I hate stupid people.
and for whatever reason, stupid people are prone to becoming successful.
That's really all that bothers me tbh.

>> No.6951607

Except she's not stupid. Or, if she is, she has a REALLY GOOD manager behind her capitalizing on her attention. She has someone who knows how to market and advertise, and you need that to become a big deal in this kind of hobby. It's all about marketing. If you make an amazing costume, yes you'll get some e-fame, but if you don't take advantage of being in the spotlight and making fan sites/doing shoots in that costume/getting nice prints made, then of course you're not going to go anywhere with it and wallow in the wake of someone with a mediocre design, but much better marketing skills.

>> No.6951617

I consider lying and saying you're capable of making shit when you actually don't even though your fans would love you otherwise for your body regardless pretty stupid. But hey, opinions vary I guess.

>> No.6951616

I think she's pretty cool. She's always cheerful and nice, besides being good looking. I'm male so I don't feel jealous of the attention she gets.

>> No.6951614
File: 99 KB, 865x960, storedash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never want to see yaya in a panel. i can't stand her grating voice or her arrogance.

that said, there's tons of evidnce that she doesn't make her stuff. she wore part of this to AR; and iirc during her 'panel' laid out where she bought everything from. anyone here can recognize the china-grade yaya-crap, and you're fooling yourself if you think she touched any of the rest of it.

>> No.6951618

Why do you guys always assume it's jealously? If we don't like a movie is it because we're jealous of the actors or directors?

>> No.6951619
File: 14 KB, 437x122, jnmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Just want to say... I make all my own costumes unless stated otherwise!!"

>Just want to say... I make all my own costumes unless stated otherwise!!

>Unless stated otherwise

Never seen her state otherwise. Ever.

>> No.6951620

or it could be her tendency to flash her fake tits all over the place...

>> No.6951622

Because many cosplayers think cosplay is a competition of who gets the most attention.

If that's not the case, why would anyone be mad at her?

>> No.6951624

She looks like every girl who made fun of us nerds in high school. Thus it's very grating to see those kind of girls rub their tits over the stuff we love, even if they love it too.

>> No.6951630

Well she may look like them but she's actually much nicer than many of the "actual" nerd girls. I bet she'd treat me much better than the average female from /cgl/ would.

>> No.6951631

it's like that kid you're mad at who claims they've done something when they haven't and they get all of the praise for it.
We aren't implying that we demand praise for our work or that we are jealous of her in particular, we just find the way she does things ridiculous.

Let me put it this way. If she claimed to make volpin's props, I'm pretty sure people would have a pretty valid reason to be mad at her. Not because of her body, or her fame, but because she took someone's work and claimed it as her own for raking in attention that she already receives daily.

>> No.6951640

Any functioning member of society wouldn't waltz up to you and treat you like a piece of shit. Get over yourself. This is /cgl/, functioning members of society who would act kind to individuals face to face bitch about everything here.

>> No.6951639
File: 48 KB, 205x251, yotsuba - cry - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not all bad anon...

>> No.6951638

'make' also includes 'bought pieces and mashed together'

>> No.6951642

yeah lots of people do that, but she marketed herself better than those people, so she succeeded.

>> No.6951643

good marketing overshadows all? not sure what to tell you, other people have done the same thing (lying, pushing tits out to here) and haven't succeeded /shrug

>> No.6951644

>but she displayed her tits better than those people, so she succeeded.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.6951648

I don't know why you don't want to admit she has a great marketing manager behind her, lol

>> No.6951646

The constant JNig threads are bordering on ridiculous, but worse people than her have tried to use 4chan as free advertising/pity points.

The kickstarter project which shalt not be named was advertised on /cgl/ of all places. No fucking lie. They showed up and said something like "We're trying to do something really important with this!" and posted the same fucking thread on all sorts of different boards... Then kept posting them because the 600+ post shitstorms that ensued meant more and more people saw and talked about said shitty project.

Not hard to imagine that Jessica coming here to be like "pfft, that bitch Nigri, right?" then defending herself when the shitstorm starts a'brewing with "hahaha! Jelly jelly jelly jelly!"

Not saying OP did that, but seriously, what's with all these white knight shitposts? That's not fucking right.

>> No.6951647

good point. I stand corrected.
Doesn't change my mind about her though. I still feel like she's a lying piece of shit.

>> No.6951650

Keep telling yourself that, dear anon. I bet I'm a hundred times nicer than J-Nig (which already seems to be pretty nice herself!). I can even give you a kiss on the cheek if you are not disgusted by my pouty, qt 3D lips. (´・ω・`)

>> No.6951654

I think the deal with the females who hate her is that most of us were also bullied and made fun of for being weird by these girls. Then we see our male peers giving them attention even though girls who looked like this gave them shit throughout school (and maybe even UNI for those who are not dropouts)... it's a little annoying, to be honest. I mean, you complain about girls going for assholes then go and do the same.

>> No.6951656

Does she act like an asshole?

>> No.6951658

You're just saying people in here are two-faced.