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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6939208 No.6939208 [Reply] [Original]

I looked through the catalogue but couldn't find one so here it goes! Feel free to post about anything lolita-related.

Topic starter:
So I'm really into the whole ~beauty guru~ comm at Youtube and I was just watching some videos and suddenly I'm on a new beauty "guru's" channel and at first I didn't notice but then I realized she wore lolita. I was just so surprised, and I think it's the first time I've seen a "legit" beauty guru in loli.
Have you ever run into a lolita in an unexpected place?

>> No.6939370

I was wearing lolita to a restaraunt with my family, and a chinese girl about my age comes out of the back and tells me that she was a lolita too. We chatted for a bit, and I was delightfully shocked.

>> No.6939380

I was wearing a lolita dress casually to my brother's college graduation, and one of the graduates ran up to me and recognized the fashion because she was a lolita, too. She seemed very excited, and high-fived me like twice. I was taken aback.

>> No.6939382

there's a lolita that must live near my boyfriends house, because I've seen her twice now. She must be the only other serious lolita in the city, aside from my friends and I. Every time I see her I'm dressed like crap. I saw her on the bus once.

Also, why can't I find a blouse I like that isn't Brand? FUG

>> No.6939398

Man, I hope that can happen to me someday. Usually it's people who are interested in the style or recognize it, and ask me where to get the clothes, but never it's someone I run to in person who is an actual follower of the fashion. What usually happens to me is that I'd happen-chance to find them online like the comm_sales through their location tag.

There was a girl I once went to high school with who wore a pair of btssb boots (our school as a uniform policy and this was after school). I kind of knew about her already because she was known to live in Japan for a year (I think her dad does business there) and I've seen some pictures on her myspace (Yeah...this was ages ago). We talked a bit about the brand and other random stuff before she had to go. We met again a few years later at ACen and she was modeling for Khaotic Kouture. She doesn't have time to wear lolita anymore, let alone join meets because she's currently a small business owner for commissioning professionally cosplays.

>> No.6939403

Second hand brand blouses sell for pretty cheap so look out for that.

>> No.6939408
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professionally made*

I sometimes run into parents/grand parents who say that they have their daughter/grand daughter who are into the fashion and sometimes wear it. I kick myself over those occurrences when I didn't ask for contacts.

>> No.6939428

>Start shitty job with shitty management in shitty new state/city
>Chatting with one of my coworkers
>say "Man, I wish I could wear some cute skirts or something, with like some mary janes haha"
>She says "Yeah man, I'd totally wear lolita at work if I could."
>you are my friend eternally

She actually turned out to be a huge cunt, and I quit. But related none the less.

>> No.6939430

They probably wouldn't share their children's information with a stranger, though. At least, that's my immediate reaction.

>> No.6939432

I'm actually a pertty well known person in my town because of Lolita (God help me). One day this girl came from China for a month and I wasn't alone anymore. I wore it with her all the time, but a month after i met her she left. I met her when i was walking to an antique store.

>> No.6939436

Probably. They probably don't even know their email addresses to be fair. Considering that they approached me first, I should have kept the conversation going and asked stuff like, "Oh, does she live here too?" or something generic. That being said, I just remembered running into Ellejay's mom once. Sweet lady.

>> No.6939441

Does anyone have that "How to Dress for Your Shape" diagram? I'm trying to choose better tops and without trying things on physically I feel I have a very hard time choosing.

>> No.6939450

is nail polish a thing in classic lolita as long as the color matches you coord?

>> No.6939457


Totally. Pinks, nudes, even reds if you're using darker colours. I like doing fancy patterned french manicures.

>> No.6939459

Yeah, of course. Nice manicures look great with any sub-style. I'd keep to more subdued, neutral shades with classic, though.

>> No.6939462

Aww....your story kind of reminds me of this manga someone made/posted on egl about a lone-lolita who got ripped by some community for wearing an OTT outfit. I can't seem to find it anymore.

>> No.6939504
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this one?

>> No.6939514
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I have this?

>> No.6939520

I figured I might ask in here... Does Grimoire restock their tights?

>> No.6939525

Thank you for both! I was thinking of the yellow one but I'll happily take both in to consideration.

>> No.6939544

Ugh, I never understand those.. Or like, I don't fit in any of them really. I guess that's a good thing, but still, I want to read interesting tips too!

>> No.6939559


You're welcome. They appear to both contain the same information actually. I find the cgl version easier to follow personally.


I posted >>6939514 . I've never paid it much thought, but it'd be interesting to see how my wardrobe/preferences matched up to the advice.

>> No.6939599

I find I'm a mix of two types since I have a kind of long torso. I pick between the two body types depending on this and usually treat the top half of my body like one type, as such when choosing before mentioned blouses. When I'm going with an OP or JSK I can cheat a little since My waist line is hidden a bit better.

>> No.6939635

who's the guru, OP?

>> No.6939643

Last year, I was in Orlando doing the Disney College Program and working at Hollywood Studios. One day, these Japanese guests went up to my friend's register next to mine and I totally recognized the little neck straps on her dress as lolita and her BABY purse!

I told her, in Japanese, "Your purse is from BABY! I know that brand!"
And she was like "OMG Japanese?! OMG really?!" and told me her dress was from ETC and asked me if I knew it. We then talked about how I ordered Marshmallow Bunny and took a photo with me and it was really cool.

Another time, I was working food stands in Epcot and a lolita walked by wearing the Bodyline carousel JSK in lavender and I just exclaimed "A lolita! I wear lolita too!"

I feel like such a creep sometimes, but I get super excited when I meet people that even know what lolita it.

>> No.6939653

I was at a nicer shopping center and walking back to my car with a fellow lolita and out of the BCBG store a guy runs out and he's shouts "BABY!"

I turn around and expect him to be a creep and he's like "Is that Baby?"

"Oh no this is AP, but you know about lolita?"

He explains that he owns a few dresses but barely wears them anywhere, we talk about the comm etc.

I love finding wild lolitas, but wild brolitas are even better

>> No.6939681
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They weren't dressed in Lolita exactly, but I saw Rinrin touring some Japanese girls at Disney's California Adventure while I worked there. It was kinda weird seeing her since the last time I did was at that Yumemiru event in Little Tokyo... She looked really cute though.

>> No.6939685

What the fuck is wrong with you all? Wearing things like this only reinforce the idea that women are fragile little things that need to be taken care of. You're ruining years of progress with this fad.

>> No.6939687

top lel

>> No.6939690

go away smoker

>> No.6939691

No, you're 'ruining years of progress' by reinforcing the idea that women who dress the way they want but not the way you/society wants are somehow to blame for misogyny and sexism. Shame on you.

>> No.6939694 [DELETED] 

>dat 2nd wave feminism

Get with the times, grhttps://www.4chan.org/bannedandma

>> No.6939699

>dat 2nd wave feminism

Get with the times, grandma.

Fuck, I love Rinrin. I'm not sure I would be able to keep myself calm and composed if I saw her in real life.

>> No.6939700


>> No.6939698
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>> No.6939740

>dat 2nd wave feminism
>Get with the times, grandma.

Not that anon, but this is a modern feminist sentiment. Equating clothing choices with subservience. I've had people tell me "omg it's not the 50s!" yeah, I'm aware. I feel like a lot of my friends want everyone to wear club clothing at all times.

>> No.6939805

I think she's rather new and don't have *that* many subscribers. A very popular makeup artist just did a collab with her, though, so she'll probably get noticed more.

>> No.6939951

I feel weird about calling out lolitas if I'm not wearing lolita myself, because you hear about people introducing themselves as lolita and it turns out they have some fishnet and Hot Topic dresses.

>> No.6939957

I was in a crit once during finals, standing next to my friend, who is also lolita. Our crits happen out in the open, so we were standing around when a lolita passed by us, and we both stared at her and then at each other, obviously both thinking, "Holy shit was that just another lolita." Later than week, I saw someone walk by wearing lolita again, so I chased her down and introduced myself and asked if she was in the local community. It turns out it was a friend of the girl who had walked by before and she was just letting her try on her clothes, but she was an international student (from like China or something) so she didn't know about the local lolita scene. She also turned out to be a cosplayer. I've been wanting to ask to hang out with her, because there's a decent number of lolitas at my school and we could all get together and eat or something, but she seems kind of shy, so I don't know if I'd be able to communicate with her that well, because my Chinese isn't that good...

>> No.6939989

Forever 21 has a really nice loliable blouse on sale right now? I usually pick the chiffon blouses with peter pan collars or if it's frilly. Try going to a vintage resale shop or a Goodwill in an area near college students.

>> No.6939998

Yes, Grimoire do restocks, but you have to be fast. F5 erryday.

>> No.6940010

Similarly, a bunch of us were hanging out and went to a german restaurant. One of the waitresses was on exchange from the Netherlands and was a lolita too! I didn't catch her name though.

>> No.6940070

I bought a cute blouse at F21 the other day, but it's a sleeveless. I wanted to wear it to AX, but I wasn't sure if it went to far against the rules. Can bare shoulders be excused for hot weather?

>> No.6940123

it all depends on how
though personally i'd only do it if i had a halter type jsk

>> No.6940170

Do you need a SS for them?

>> No.6940634
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okay ladies...i need your help. trying to find out more about this bodyline high waist skirt (pic related). all they have left is size M...and i'm at the upper end of the waist measurement (80 cm).

does anyone own this? will my 80cm waist fit? opinions would be greatly appreciated! thank you!

>> No.6940790

What type of shoes should I wear for kodona/ouji?
I'm thinking small heeled oxfords, but that can't be wear the line draws. I don't want to wear regular heels because that would be too girly for ouji

>> No.6940797

I see a lot of platform shoes used, like, RHS. And maybe creepers for more casual/punk coords? If it's a more formal kind, I imagine like... heeled buckle shoes, Louis XIV style.

>> No.6940799

Also, heeled/platform boots

>> No.6940804

>Louis XIV style
oh I think I've got it now. thank you kind anon.
I unfortunately despise RHS/creepers so i'll go with him as inspiration/

>> No.6940953


I own this and I'm 74cm on the waist. I also had a friend who was way bigger than me try it out with room to spare, so I think you'll be alright. It's pretty stretchy.

>> No.6940960

I moved to another country at the start of this year and decided to anxiety of going out in a country whose language I don't speak very well by wearing Lolita to the mall. Alone. Some girl's mother recognized me as wearing Lolita. The girl and her mother were really nice. Sadly, quit wearing Lolita because she had a baby and my language skills were too noobish at that point to ask for contacts.

My skills are better now and I've managed to integrate into the comm here. But yeah, it was a pretty cool, but slightly unnerving experience.

>> No.6941029

Suggestion on how to get pen off a white bag? I lent my white AP shoulder bag to a friend who was borrowing one of my dresses at a convention. She managed to get blue ball point pen all over it, like the pen had dropped or something. I know it wasn't me since I hadn't used blue pen that whole weekend (I was stuck with sharpies and a purple pen at my AA table). I tried using nail polish remover which usually gets pen off and scuffs from my shoes but that didn't work. Acetone removed the material. I tried it in an inconspicuous area first. I'm thinking I might try to sun fade it out or use some peroxide pimple cream which works taking pen and sharpie out of light colored vinyl dolls.

>> No.6941031


Hairspray sometimes works for ballpoint pen

>> No.6941037

Since half of this thread is wild loli encounters:
Go to gym.
Coming down with a cold.
Look like a zombie, gross, sweaty, probably drooling or oozing snot. Pop into Trader Joes so I won't starve before I go home to die.
See the most impeccable loli, dressed from head bow to boots in Innocent World. Walk up to her, tell her she is amazing and that I too wear loli and love IW. She is very nice and polite but I can see her internal dialogue of "please don't touch my brand. Please do t touch my brand. Please don't touch my brand."
We have a tight knit comm and no one else knows who she is or has ever seen her.
I wish I didn't look like death that day. I would have loved to have met someo e that fabulous while looking great myself.

>> No.6941044

I have a question: I'll be going to my first meet up in about a week. I'm really excited to finally meet my comm and actually participate in the fashion. However, I'm a newbie, and not all of my recent purchases (mostly accessories) will be here by then. Should I still go, even if I look very plain? Or should I wait?

>> No.6941050

Tried it. It removed a little bit, but not a whole lot. It's still there. Gonna try the peroxide cream and see if it works.

>> No.6941158


Dunno, maybe you could pop into claires to find a few loliable accessories? Or maybe you could make some yourself? I know you have accessories coming, but Claire's has some good things right now if I recall (tons of flowers at least when I checked) and if you don't like it too much you could always use it for regular occasions afterwards.

If you're crafty, then you might have better luck throwing together an OTT thing with some stuff from Michael's/Hobby Lobby.

>> No.6941167

Claire's jewelry always looks really tacky to me, but since I'm going for a pretty sweet outfit, crafting some more stuff isn't a bad idea.
One can never have too many fuzzy bows and whatnot, I suppose.

>> No.6941191

I think it depends on your community. I went to my first meet up dressed rather plainly (and now I would also say ita), but I didn't feel too bad since nobody was OTT, or super fabulous. In fact, it's arguable to say I was not the worst dressed girl there. If your comm is larger and has some super talented coorders you might feel super out of place.

>> No.6941267

your best bet is to give them YOUR contact information, because I promise you that you will most likely be the first thing they bring up to their kids when they get home.
My mother visited italy for festivale, and took a photo of two italian lolitas in bodyline. she excitedly told me how she found other people that did this on her own-because she thought I was exaggerating about how big the community was (most people do)

>> No.6941308

Hey /cgl/, where do you get nice lace or light pink tights from places other than taobao and ebay? I want to coord my skirt this summer, but I stupidly left my pink tights at college, and the post office keeps being a retard and sends our packages to the wrong house.

>> No.6941372

does anybody have any pictures of any busty girls that look good in lolita?
because somehow I can't seem to find any pics of lolitas with a bigger bust (like 90cm+) looking good in frills...
(and for obvious reasons I don't really want to google "busty lolita" or something...)

>> No.6941387
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Okay this misfired the first time let's see if I can make this happen.

So I started out in the bodyline thread and figured I would ask here as well because this will probably give me more answers. Ive always wanted one really pretty lolita coord to wear when I want to feel nice and to wear if I find any lolita meets in my area.

My original idea was based around a pastel colored (rose or blue or green) high waisted skirt, a white blouse, white leggings, and shoes/wig to match details on the skirt. However all the skirts I loved were brand and too small for me (33" waist) until I found this lovely one on bodyline, the L380 in cream. Now my problem becomes I have no idea how to work a coord around this skirt because the original "outline" for the coord I had in my head won't work with such a light skirt.

Do any of you have examples of coords you like with white/cream skirts? Or any ideas what color I should go with for the blouse? I was thinking maybe a light brown or something along those lines but everyone ive talked to who owns the skirt agrees it's a little hard to work into a coord, and being a first time lolita I figured I would ask people more experienced than I am.

>> No.6941392

There are plenty out there that are busty, and look amazing in lolita.

>> No.6941410

I recently purchased items from both Alice Fururun and Clobba. I paid 2 or 3 days ago, but I haven't received notice of shipping or anything. Does anyone know how long it usually takes them to ship out stuff? I ordered something that was "in stock" from Clobba, and their CS told me it would ship fairly soon. I've heard that AF usually ships on Tuesdays and Fridays, so I paid them on Wednesday in hopes that it would be sent out on Friday.

>> No.6941416

Can any UK lolitas confirm the rumour I'm hearing about the Hyper Japan fashion show not wanting gothic lolitas? I'm still trying to figure out an outfit to apply with but majority of my outfits are gothic. I'm also wondering if it may be better to apply with ouji or otome instead if there's already a mass number of lolita applications.

>> No.6941429

I must say, most of them gave me eyecancer.
But maybe that's just personal preference maybe.
Thank you very much for the link anyway.

Okay, maybe they aren't THAT bad, but it's nothing that would make anyone go "WOAH AMAZING" like idk those efamous-chan or anything.

>> No.6941488
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does anyone have this dress? I want it for fall and winter to wear as a sailor OP. Does anyone have this dress? I've seen a good review on youtube and a few nice d_l posts using it.

I was thinking of getting it in black, but I'm primarily a sweet lolita, maybe I could style it to be a little bit sweeter with some pink accessories and a straw hat?


>> No.6941489

and of course I can't copy paste correctly at all and wrote the same thing twice. durr. sorry.

>> No.6941490

I think it's not so much a rumour but an assumption as the application form and website don't list Gothic Lolita as a style they are looking for

>> No.6941499

I wanted to know if I posted a coord when anyone mind giving me some concrit? It's my first coord and I could use the advice.

>> No.6941511

If you ever find it, I'd love to see it.

>> No.6941520

I have this dress in L in black. I really, really like it. It's my favourite bodyline piece by far, and it fits in really well with my sailor wardrobe.
I personally don't think it would look good with pink accessories. I think if you tried the dress on you'd understand. It looks really nice with simpler coords. For how cheap it is, it's totally worth it to get it if you like it though!

>> No.6941533

Well the post is from 2009. I'm sure quite a bit of them have improved. Just look around a bit more. Do you just prefer flat chested lolitas?

>> No.6941544

I like boobs very much lol.

Nah, what I'm saying is just that I do kind have the impression that lolita (and a lot of other j-fashion) are just not tailored for anyone who's not flat, I was hoping that someone could proof me wrong.
Most non-flat girls look just fat in lolita, even though they're not...

>> No.6941555

>I do kind have the impression that lolita (and a lot of other j-fashion) are just not tailored for anyone who's not flat
You're basically right, I mean, there aren't many big chested girls in Japan to begin with. And since Lolita specifically started out as a fashion trying to mimic dolls it makes sense. Dolls don't have breasts.

>> No.6941610

>went to a restaurant to eat with friend
>hung out with her outside restaurant
>see a group of lolitas
>tell them that they look really cute and that i like lolita
>they tell me about resources and where i can get cheap brand
>mfw i have a large wardrobe of brand and not an ita

i know that most people assume that people in normal clothes who know of lolita are itas but we all aren't!

>> No.6941898

Yeah, kind of agreed. Big boobs and lolita is suffering. My chest is 95cm, and it's SO difficult to find flattering looks. I end up sticking with a lot of fully shirred brand worn with cardigans, which help take the emphasis off my chest.
There are some really great lolitas with larger chests, but they tend to be plus sized overall, there's not really a skinny girl with big boobs that I've seen.

>> No.6941911

awesome! sounds like a great piece. would you say the measurements are true to size? my measurements are just a few cm under the L size so that's probably the best fit.

>> No.6941993

I have a few stories which I am surprised about because I consider my town to be pretty unfashionable/not knowing of random ass japanese fashion
>just got done with second meet ever
>get on bus
>some girll behind me pokes my shoulder
>"are you wearing lolita?"
>um yeah bitch of course
>find out shes part of community but just doesn't go to meets much

>waiting for bus stop
>feeling super awkward in honey cake + bear ears
>2 girls wearing hipster ish fashion on bikes come by oh god theyre gonna laugh at me
> girl 2 likes my biscuit bag asks if im wearing lolita and compliments my coord
>blush a lot and feel bad for being judgemental

i have a few more but idk if this is boring or not lol

>> No.6941996

thank you so much!!! i was worried because i was close to the max, and high wasited skirts work really well with my body type (hourglass)!

>> No.6942086
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I have a few questions & I would appreciate it if someone can answer them:

Is there such a thing as an inexpensive Lolita style? Like for example, Classical Lolita is (or would be) more expensive than Sweet Lolita or Gothic.

When you first decided to dress in Lolita clothing, how did you decide on what specific genre you wanted to wear? Was it the overall style that you liked?

Also, what makes a good coord? Is the number of accessories you can wear? The balance of color in the entire outfit?

> Inb4 gtfo poorfag
Nope, not quite. I recently got a job & I'd like to start saving up for my first Lolita coord. I'm believe that I'll like to get everything by the time autumn or winter comes around so that I can go to my first meet-up around that time. (Sorry if the first question seems stupid,)

>> No.6942089


>> No.6942100

>Is there such a thing as an inexpensive Lolita style? Like for example, Classical Lolita is (or would be) more expensive than Sweet Lolita or Gothic.
I think, if you want to buy purely brand, sweet is the cheapest because there are more second-hand sweet dresses than gothic and classic and they can go for pretty cheap. Generally, I think gothic is the cheapest if you want to buy offbrand, since you can find so much gothic offbrand stuff. I'm gothic and I only buy my main-pieces and blouses from brands, the rest is just offbrand that I find around town.

>When you first decided to dress in Lolita clothing, how did you decide on what specific genre you wanted to wear? Was it the overall style that you liked?
I always felt drawn to gothic and thought that it was the prettiest style. It also fits me best, because I am mature looking and tall.

>Also, what makes a good coord? Is the number of accessories you can wear? The balance of color in the entire outfit?
Overall color balance, silhouette (good dimension/balance in accessories), good petti, good quality clothes.

>> No.6942101

Any of the styles can be expensive. I mean the Classic and Gothic brands are the most expensive in terms of dress prices, but the Sweet brands get you on all the matching accessories.

basically, the most 'inexpensive' style is anything that is toned down, offbrand/thrifted, or secondhand, which any of the main styles can fit into.

>When you first decided to dress in Lolita clothing, how did you decide on what specific genre you wanted to wear? Was it the overall style that you liked?

I looked at tons of pictures of multiple lolitas online (different styles, different body types, etc) to get an idea of what I personally liked and what I personally thought looked good. Then I decided based off my personal tastes after looking at pictures for a long time.

>Also, what makes a good coord? Is the number of accessories you can wear? The balance of color in the entire outfit?

Balance to me makes a good coord. Balance of colors, balance of symmetry (and I mean more like... you wear a bow on the left side of your head, and then you wear bracelets on your right wrist, kind of like a zigzag line down your body). Accessories should simply go with the outfit, no matter how many or how few.

>> No.6942103

>Is there such a thing as an inexpensive Lolita style?
Overall, not really, no. But: from what I've observed lately a lot of people were suddenly selling off massive amounts of their sweet wardrobes and it also has been the more popular/common style for several years, so it's probably cheaper to buy and get into.

>When you first decided to dress in Lolita clothing, how did you decide on what specific genre you wanted to wear? Was it the overall style that you liked?
You don't have to wear just one... But anyway, I started with gothic, and it was what I liked overall since I transitioned from being an embarassing mallgawf basically. Over time, I transitioned from there to classic, but I still wear both.

>Also, what makes a good coord?
Uh... This is sort of like asking what makes art good. It's like any fashion sense, you pretty much have to learn what looks good by seeing examples of what's good and learning composition/color coordination/makeup skills etc.

>> No.6942114

>Is there such a thing as an inexpensive Lolita style?
Not inexpensive, per se, but I would say IW's sweetish-classic style is the cheapest to get into if we're doing burando, because the resale value on the vast majority of their stuff is hilariously low because of the high frequency of good luckypacks and lack of sought-after designs. You can often see fairly nice, simple IW JSKs going for <$90. And accessories are fairly easy to be thrifty on, because a lot of mainstream stores bring out classic-appropriate jewellery, headbands, etc. The blouses might get ya, though.

>> No.6942111

why is yui's cup broken?

>> No.6942119

>Overall, not really, no. But: from what I've observed lately a lot of people were suddenly selling off massive amounts of their sweet wardrobes and it also has been the more popular/common style for several years, so it's probably cheaper to buy and get into.

Not true. Classic, innocent world specifically is the cheapest.

>> No.6942123

So, I think I'm finally ready to start buying a lolita wardrobe. I know it's wrong, but I think the first dress I want to get is a replica, just for wear once or twice and to see how it looks on me. If it doesn't work I could give it away or something like that.

I'm a big girl, and I was wondering (not just wearing to my size and everything) for tips and tricks for a plus size girl and possible pictures of larger gals that look great in your opinion.

>> No.6942133

Since you are larger, tights are the most flattering legwear. PLEASE do not wear knee socks. They look terrible on bigger legs.
Belts are your friend, they create a nice visible waistline to stop you from looking like a big pink lump.
Also, don't waste your money on a replica. Just get a custom sized dress from Taobao or something. Since the dresses the replicas are made to look like aren't made for bigger people, the replicas just look off in larger sizes (they look off in any size, actually) and the quality isn't even comparable.

>> No.6942138

Even blouses are easier in classic than in sweet, because it's acceptable to wear cute, vintage looking blouses, which are available in f21 and thriftshops and stuff.

>> No.6942140
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also posting my favorite plus-size lolita.

>> No.6942142

Vanillablitz dresses well for her size. Depending on what you mean by big, partial or fully shirred brand will fit you. If not/in addition, Taobao has lots of shops that do custom size!

>> No.6942147

I guess you're right, I just have infinite ladyboners for IW's blouses so I always cave and go for them instead, haha.

>> No.6942172

Go into the archives and search for "Plus Size Lolita Thread". You'll have to wade through the troll posts and spam but there are lots of good coords in there

If you're getting a replica from Oo Jia, I would suggest getting a skirt, because her bodices can come out wonky as she doesn't accommodate them for larger busts (you have to be really specific and say you need the bodice to be XXcm long)

>> No.6942182

Not from what I've seen...

>> No.6942205
File: 212 KB, 480x640, lavtp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gunna rant for a second.

I really want to work lavender into my wardrobe. I'm just starting out, and I want to go for a classic/sweet/old-school sweet/hime/BabyTSSBlook (IDEFK what you'd call it). But the dresses I've bought so far are florals, and the only lavender I've seen are mostly all AP prints, which are not my style. At all.
Like, I really like AP'S Moon Night Castle JSK in lav, but that's it, pretty much.

I just really don't know how to fit lavender into the wardrobe I've started to build. But it's not like I have a tonne of stuff.
I just wish lavender was the staple that pink and sax are. I would give my legs for a lavender sailor jsk.

>> No.6942219

Well in replica's I honestly just want someone who has a certain print to test it out, because it that is the case I may want to see if I can get a custom one somehow.

My dream dress is Fantastic Dolly and I want it pretty much all the colors. I wanted to buy a red, white or purple and see how it looked on me.

>> No.6942220

Get a seamstress to commission something for you.

>> No.6942224

I think you're going to have to start doing complimentary colors then, instead of finding something that matches a print color. I think that if you have a good eye and experience with matching colors that compliment each other, it actually looks even more lovely than just matching things to the print/florals/whatever on the dress.

>> No.6942227

As someone who buys replicas sometimes, *do not* buy anything from DoL. Their stuff is dirt cheap, but it's not even worth the price you pay.

Don't do it

>> No.6942244

AP and Baby has made some (relatively) plain lavender items before, such as AP's ribbon jacquard (if only these items had shirring...). Bodyline has some things that come in lavender too.

I'm going through AP's hellolace/jsk page right now and there's quite a number of featured items in that colorway that aren't even prints (I think it's the old-school look that you're trying to go for). It's all the matter of hunting down for them. I'd put up a request on the comm_sales and figure out how to use Japanese auctions (mbok is a start) because I'll see them there every once in a while. You might want to work in other colors that work with lavender such as off-white and white, mint, yellow, and pink for blouses, accessories, and/or shoes (and brown if you're lucky to find anything in that color right now), but keep your main pieces in lavender.

>> No.6942254

I'm not the anon you're replying to, but I wonder what would be a better place to get a replica of Vanilla Chan then. There's a girl in my town who is interested in getting into lolita and the first thing she pointed to me was that dress lolita-dress's website. I'd offer to help get it for cheaper directly through taobao, but it seems like she'd rather get it on her own time through the convenience of an online shopping cart.

I don't really support replicas all that much, but I'd like to help her get into the fashion and going for replicas is likely to happen because she's a very fluffy girl (she has a classic hourglass figure and is slightly on the short side) and I'd rather have her wear something custom-made to her measurements than waste her money on something that won't fit her well.

>> No.6942259

Oo Jia actually made Vanilla Chan replicas. You could probably post a WTB for one (or as if she has any of the fabric left, but I don't think she will, this was quite some time ago)

Or, if she's against you doing it for her, you could just show her how to do it

>> No.6942263

tall side*


Man...I should really go to bed.

Dude, I somehow found myself watching a video of RinRin advertising some AP release and I couldn't get through the first 10 seconds. Someone please tell me that she doesn't always speak in that kawaii-uguu language. I usually can't stand this kind of thing, but man, it was so fake and cringe-worthy.

>> No.6942273

>Someone please tell me that she doesn't always speak in that kawaii-uguu language.
She doesn't. At least, she didn't went I met her prior to her transition to modelling in Japan. I assume that it's part of the image that's used for the brand, just like the other models all have "types" and "personalities" that are flatter than cardboard.

>> No.6942281
File: 118 KB, 424x270, mondobummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I forgot about that place. It is a pretty old print though. I guess it wouldn't hurt to shoot an email. I hope it's not terribly complicated to order from her these days. I used to hear how slow Oo Jia is.

The girl in question isn't really against me doing it for her, it's more of the matter of wanting to spend her money on her own time. I've tried to promote doing a taobao order, but most of the girls I've asked said that they've either had no money to be willing to spend and/or they find it complicated. I really want to set a date to help ease everyone who is new into the fashion. It doesn't seem to be happening though. I don't know if it would be weird to invite mere strangers (most of them anyway) into my apartment for tea and pastries, a power point on the fashion, take measurements, and show them how taobao works (granted, I'll be doing most of the work anyway). Man, I wish that I lived in a single space apartment. I don't want to deal with my roommates who I kind of happen to be on not-so-great terms with at the moment.

>> No.6942286

>flatter than cardboard

Dang. That's a good way of putting it. I could have sworn that she's (Chinese?-) American or something. I dunno. I don't pay enough attention to AP in the first place.

There are times when I see that "kawaii-uguu" persona on lolita videos that I just want to make my own channel, talk about interesting subjects in a normal tone and speech pattern, but just happen to be wearing lolita, however, I'm not hungry enough for e-fame and I don't think I'd be willing to throw my money into a decent video camera (my webcam is really shitty to even use).

>> No.6942285

>I would give my legs for a lavender sailor jsk
me too, anon. I fucking love lavender.

>> No.6942288

She is, iirc she was in the socal comm before the got the gig?

>> No.6942292

It's pretty easy, you just shoot her a PM or email. Her turnaround is a lot better nowadays.

I would suggest letting them browse through a site like Qutieland or even Loli Loli Paradise's facebook if they find taobao confusing, and then have them tell you what they want, and then you could find it for them on taobao.

>> No.6942306
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Yep! I've been looking on the site for for some blouses, but I think I like fanplusfriend's stuff a little more.

> Balance to me makes a good coord. Balance of colors, balance of symmetry (and I mean more like... you wear a bow on the left side of your head, and then you wear bracelets on your right wrist, kind of like a zigzag line down your body). Accessories should simply go with the outfit, no matter how many or how few.

Ohh, okay. That makes a lot of sense. I'll be keeping this in mind when I revise my list of possible coords.

> Uh... This is sort of like asking what makes art good. It's like any fashion sense, you pretty much have to learn what looks good by seeing examples of what's good and learning composition/color coordination/makeup skills etc.

I see. Honestly speaking, I've never really done or worn anything fashionable & I don't really do much in terms of accessories. Finding a safe amount of accessories is obviously a trial and error process.

Oh dang, I've never noticed that


I'll check this out.

Thank you very much everybody for replying to my questions. I really appreciate everybody's input. I'm kind of on the fence about what style I'd like to try out first. I've always liked Sailor Lolita, but Gothic & Classic seem like good choices for a beginner, I think. I still have awhile before I receive my first check & even then I'm not going to rush into it.

>> No.6942311

The nice thing about Sailor is if you buy it off-season (in late fall through winter) you can get some great deals.

>> No.6942321

Cool. Thanks.

Oh speaking of taobao, I'm thinking about getting some shoes from Antaina because I need to have customized sizes (I wish my feet were narrow enough for Secret shop shoes). I got a little confused going through their stock photos and links because when going through a page, there are too many variations of the shoe I'd want, like a platformed version that isn't on the main stock photo, or a different looking sole.
Should I just copy and paste a photo of the exact shoe I want? And how bad is the Engrish?

>> No.6942358

Is there a way to contact From Japan with urgent requests? I set up a sniper bid, but realised that the seller requires buyers to provide an introduction before bidding, or they will cancel the bid. Problem is, the auction ends in about 6 hours and I only found the listing today.

I've already used the contact form and it's within business hours, so unless I can contact them in a speedy fashion, I just have to wait until they get my email and send the seller an introductory message.

>> No.6942360

That is awesome information to know. Are the deals for all shops in general or for certain shops?

>> No.6942365

I've noticed it mostly in the second hand sales, actually. Lots of sailor stuff goes up for auction in fall and winter.

>> No.6942370

... I am so retarded. It's Sunday. I'm fucked. I just hope that the seller relists the skirt.

>> No.6942376

Clobba/Martin's responses tend to be pretty slow/nonexistent on weekends, so I expect you'll probably hear from him once it's Monday in China.

>> No.6942386

Ohh, gotcha. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled when the time comes.

>> No.6942417

That's what I was thinking. I'm just not confident in my coording abilities, which is dumb. I've been redoing my regular wardobe in pink, lav, and mint, and it's fine.
I think I'm over-complicating shit. I just have to narrow my focus for main pieces. I have issues and worry waaay too much. Thanks. <3

Awesome! Thanks.
My friend just bought an AP sailor jsk from like,2010, on the comm sales, and I'm jelly as hell

>> No.6942498
File: 28 KB, 300x400, chelsea3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor is a weakness of mine. I have so many damned sailor dresses now. But the best part is I FINALLY got my multimate dream dress after finding the listing on Milky Ange's Amazon page. I thought it was gone for good.

>> No.6942529
File: 103 KB, 800x600, image-1371665409176-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does the toy parade salo in mint go for? Recently got it and looks like shit on me.

Pic related. Toy parade in its wrinkly glory.

>> No.6942533
File: 205 KB, 571x679, pinkblack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like shit? I really can't tell. Need someone else's opinion.

>> No.6942537

It could work but I think it needs some accessories because it's kinda plain. Rings/bracelets/headgear will help even out the harshness.

>> No.6942539

IW often has really nice sales where you can get stuff for 40-70 dollars. Not to mention their amazing oddment packs.

>> No.6942557

No, you can order directly in the site

>> No.6942564

Who is the guru? I love watching beauty vloggers.

>> No.6942565

>using a name, email, and subject on 4chan

Goddamn it summer. And if you read the thread you'd see that the question was already asked.

>> No.6942569

For London lolitas I'm posting this on /cgl/ one last time before I post it to a more public lolita group on facebook.


Phantom of the Opera meet! I'm looking to fill up the places before I go ahead and look for a good group price. If you're worried about me being some kind of crazy dramawhore, I'm also known as Gulper Eel here on /cgl/ for those contests we had.

>> No.6942572
File: 53 KB, 220x227, $T2eC16R,!zUE9s38+F+OBRV!Wk4iVw~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think it's simple and cute, really like it. Just need to make sure you make an effort with your hair and make-up to make sure it doesn't look to sloppy and still retains an 'effortlessly cute-casual' appearance. I'd be tempted to ditch the pink shoes though and actually go for black ones in a similar style just to add to the contrast of the black against the pink, pink would still look good, but black shoes would be my personal preference, with perhaps a simple black bow or hair accessory - a black with white polka dots 'bunny ears' simple hair band would look great i reckon.

>> No.6942580

Honestly I think that will make your legs look short and stubby. Wear pink or black heels instead.

>> No.6942939

Just wanted to know if you guys started by joining a comm/having lolita friends or bought lolita alone ?

I don't have a single lolita friend and I don't think it's a brilliant idea to befriend people just because they're in the same fashion. I'm too shy to try to enter a comm or being befriended by high schooler (old 21yo here) but I feel like I don't have any friend who would get the fashion and not think I'm turning crazy.

Plus I have that terrible feeling that lolis in my country are kinda bitchy and I don't need highschool drama. I still don't know if I should do my thing alone or try to join a group.

>> No.6942957

It's completely possible to be a lone lolita, especially if your local comm has drama and you don't want to participate.

I started off buying stuff along, then started to go to meetups. Thankfully, they're really nice, but actually my closest lolita friend I met outside of the comm and in school.

>> No.6942965

What country is it?

>> No.6942995

So, when should I expect LPs to start coming out. Other than Meta, of course.

>> No.6943007

Round New Year's there's a ton of em, otherwise just keep an eye out on brand news.

>> No.6943335

Well sure, but as with most sales, it's all the second- and third-choice items (leftovers). I was mostly talking about the secondhand market for one, and also of more popular (or at least desirable) items. IMO, it's easier to get your hands on cheaper sweet items in general.

And oddment packs may be a good deal but they sure as hell aren't cheap.

>> No.6943409 [DELETED] 

so my post keeps getting deleted, but for those of you who follow the snow field/miscy/egl . . . apparently amethystcitrine is dead?? What happened. Miscy posted about it on her FB yesterday.

>> No.6943420 [DELETED] 

Out of respect for Amethystcitrine, I would assume no one wants to see her posted here. I only knew her from EGL over the years, but she was a wonderful person. I believe she passed due to a long running illness of some sort.

>> No.6943424 [DELETED] 

It would be better for someone to just say what happened. Otherwise people will start making shit up.

>> No.6943427 [DELETED] 

Oh, goodness. She was my favorite lolita. That's terrible to hear.

>> No.6943433 [DELETED] 

One of mine too. I liked her very wearable cute/ classic style.
And she liked books. Books are good.

>> No.6943446 [DELETED] 

Stop posting, please.

>> No.6943452 [DELETED] 

They're being respectful and nice

Don't be stupid

>> No.6943455 [DELETED] 

as one of her closest friends will you please not post about her here as we mourn our loss. we will make a formal post about it on EGL once things are more settled. thank you for your respect in our darkest time.

>> No.6943456 [DELETED] 

You're being disrespectful.

>> No.6943461 [DELETED] 

Being respectful means you ask on the fb you saw it, not cgl

>> No.6943463 [DELETED] 

You are asking us to respect you, not her. You do realize that by saying nothing you are inviting rumors ( so far I have heard illness and car crash as cause of death)
Also- you mourn your friend by hanging out on CGL?

>> No.6943472 [DELETED] 

Maybe the person isn't friends with her on cgl

Would you prefer someone make a whole new thread about it?

>> No.6943484

I started off alone but only because it was the dark ages. When I came back to lolita there were prints, communities, and overseas shipping.

I don't think starting off lone is inherently bad but people who refuse to join communities for dumb reasons they got from confession tumblrs tend to do lolita badly. Some of the only good reasons to be/stay alone is no community within a few hours, or everyone you've met after several meetups is truly repulsive (and not just some special snowflake stuff where they don't worship you for showing up.) Lone lolitas who feel the need to keep bringing it up are usually the worst.

>> No.6943492

So can someone explain what the difference is wanting to find out about something on facebook and wanting to find out about it on cgl? Is it because you are anonymous? Are you afraid that drama will happen?

What if someone doesn't have fb?

>> No.6943772

That fucking girl who's always in artist alley at conventions selling kawaii stuff has this obnoxious fake kawaii voice. She's the one selling the zombie alpacas.

>> No.6943805

21 Y.O.here too. A lot of the girls in my comm range from like 18 to late 20s on average but were a smaller and boring comm with less drama. I took a while to start my lolita wardrobe but when they changed the rules to only having people who actually wear lolita or gyaru and going to meetups was when I stepped my game up. Joining a comm can give you inspiration by seeing coords and prints in person and joining in on group orders to save on shipping. On the other hand, you could find super bitches and have everyone shun you for not dressing perfect. Buy stuff first on what you love and show up to a meetup looking fabulous. Also you can make online friends too.

>> No.6944046

Alone first, then went to a couple of meetups. It really depends on the demographic of your community. I had nothing in common with the high school kids apart from a shared fashion interest but have a couple of friends in their early 20s who I met through the lolita comm, so I would say it's worth it.

>> No.6944492

Thank you all for your reply, I tried to answer yersterday but got banned because I used banned text (??).

I'm french and I know all the lolis there are not like that but it feels like lolitas from for example, USA are so much fun than the one in my area. The one I talked to/read their blogs were really uptights and taking the whole fashion too seriously for me.I surely must have met the worst one (Literally overheard one in a con say "Hm I could on stage and be better than all of them" during a cosplay show or read annoying lifestylers blogs).
Or I meet really young girls and I don't want to be mean but I would rather avoid befriending young lolis (My bf viewed it negatively after he saw I bought a dress from a younger girl).

I think the lolitas who are in my age range kinda intimidate me and I would prefer to have a few regular friends but interested in the fashion. But oh well I'll see how it develops !

>> No.6944501

Hey cgl, I recently bought my first salopette and if you could help me out by answering some questions I'd really appreciate it.

1. Are you supposed to wear petticoats with salos? It looks a little off without anything under it.
2. If yes, where do you find pettis that short? All of mine are too long.

>> No.6944535

Theres a vid on youtube about that called "to petti or not to petti" or something along those lines.

>> No.6944627

I tried one of my short fairy-kei pettis under my dream sky salo and it worked well. But anything else I owned was too long.

>> No.6944634

Depends on the salopette. If yours has a gathered skirt (check out the Marshmallow Bunny Salopette for reference) you should probably wear a petticoat, but if it is not gathered, or if it is pleated, it might actually look better without a petticoat. I recommend bloomers, as they give you a very subtle lift and also protect your undies from being exposed.

As for which petticoat is short enough for a salopette, there's a really cheap Leg Avenue petti that I wear with low-poof coords, and for salopettes I roll it up once or twice at the waist to make it shorter. Works great for me!

>> No.6944693
File: 63 KB, 400x533, EGL-24259PL2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, how forgiving is MMM's shirring. The top of this dress is fully shirred yet the measurements say only an 82cm bust. I have a 91 cm bust, should I even try? and for that matter what about any of mana's other partial shirred, corseted dress. Anyone with some MMM pieces care to comment on the fit?

>> No.6944699

If you have to ask you don't fit

>> No.6944705

91 cm is pretty low, you should be able to fit that.

>> No.6944711

Moitie's measurements on shirred OPs is fucked. You can def fit it anon. IRL it goes up to like 98 cm

>> No.6944715

Stop being so sandy. Silent moon OP fit like a 105 bust.

>> No.6944733

It fit but anyone with 105 looked like they stuffed the dress with marshmallows.

>> No.6944749
File: 955 KB, 300x162, sadsadrori.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first dress, an Innocent World JSK, came in today.
Just gunna say, brand is so much better. Like, my friend gave me her bodyline dress, and it's nothing compared to this. The fabric is especially amazing. It's printed with roses, and then it's also embossed or something with roses, really subtly. It's amazing.

>mfw it doesn't fit
I was worried about my waist, but my bust doesn't fit it. I've just started losing weight, so we'll see how it goes. It's so lovely, I won't give up on it yet.

Any other tips for making a dress fit, other than using the waist-ties to create a panel/not being a fatty-chan?

>> No.6944758

Unfortunately you can't force something to be a size it's not made for. Use it as a weight loss goal! As you get thinner the fat under your ribs should start going away, and your bust will get a little smaller even if you've got some boobage. Think of how beautiful you'll look wearing such a well made and well-fitted garment, and you won't want to cheat your diet or skip the gym. Just don't alter it if you ever plan on reselling, and don't try and stretch the seams because they'll never look the same.

>> No.6944756

I use a good sports bra or a minimizer bra to take my bust in a few cms. But otherwise, I'd recommend just trying to lose weight. The best thing to do is small diet changes like keeping your calories lower (no lower than 1200, I usually do about 1400-1600) and doing some moderate activity every day. I don't cut out anything but keep things in moderation. I've lost about 10-14cm since October when I started. I have about 15lbs to my goal weight as well. It just requires sticking with it and being diligent.

>> No.6944757


And I didn't expect my bust to be too big at all. My bust is 98 cm, which is at the edge of the measurements. Maybe it's because my underbust is 86cm

>> No.6944764


I've been going for about 2 weeks now on this new diet. I really don't like the word diet though. I'm just making lifestyle changes to be healthier, and hoping weightloss is a side-effect. My boyfriend's been really great helping me.

I'm doing about 1400 calories a day at most, and I'm already down ~5lbs. I've already visibly lost weight in my ribcage. I'm very excited.

Thanks for the advice! I hung the dress on my bedroom door so I can see it and be inspired.

>> No.6944775

Sorry, I'm
and when I said diet I was using it as shorthand for a lifestyle change. You're on the right path, just keep in mind that it didn't get there overnight and it won't disappear overnight either :)

>> No.6944782

Innocent world is sadly cut in a tube shape and is often very unfriendly to breasts. Even if your measurements fit the shape can be wrong.
If there is shirring then you can cut it. Having it gone rather than at max pull makes a huge difference. If there is back lacing just remove it. Often the straps are adjustable. Try moving them longer and slightly outward and renewing them there for a little more room.
I adore IW but I do wish they would make their clothes to accommodate at least a b cup.

>> No.6944784


>> No.6944788

Don't be sorry! It's just a personal preference. I just figure that you have to think successful to be successful, and "I'm on a diet" isn't successful thinking, you know? A crazy percentage of people gain weight back after dieting because they treat it as a temporary thing, and diet just sounds like a failure word to me!

I think it's also like quitting smoking; you can't do it before you're really ready. I've tried a lot of times before, but this time I really feel good about it. I'm really happy and optimistic this time!

But for the first time in my life, I've realized how huge my hips are. I have a gigantic ass.

>> No.6944795


The straps are adjustable, but they came with only one button. Thanks for the tips! I have pretty small boobs, but a large/fat ribcage. We'll just have to see how things work out

>> No.6944797

Anyone else really dislike prints?
I wish I could have ventured into the fashion back when it was what is now called "old school".
I also prefer gothic and it seems like everyone is crazy over sweet. Oh well.

>> No.6944809

When I started out, I really disliked them. But the longer I've been in lolita (about 3 years now), they've grown on me- but I still mostly stick to more subtle ones, or at least ones with toned down theme (like flowers, even if the print itself it really bright).

I think solid dream pieces are harder to find than print ones, and I also think it can be harder to find really nice solids secondhand (because they're the wardrobe staples everyone keeps, even when leaving lolita, because they work out of it). But they're also less sought after so you have less competition for most of those pieces.

>> No.6944818

I'm the same. I don't like prints.
However, I kind of don't count floral/all-over prints as the same thing, because they're more like a pattern than a print? I don't know maybe that's retarded

but yeah, I really don't like the scene/picture border prints. They just do nothing for me. While they're cute, I wouldn't wear one. I just hate the idea of them on me, no matter how cute they look on others. It's just not my style.

>> No.6944825

It is -so- easy to gain weight back. In the couple months I've been home from school I've gained ~10 lbs which is making me feel a bit icky about myself. And it really is just lifestyle changes that got me. I'm eating more, which isn't a bad thing since at school I tend to eat close to nothing, but I'm also exercising less because my hometown isn't good for walking.

Prints really appeal to me personally, especially AatP border prints, but one of my top three dream dresses is a solid (AatP's Gathered Chiffon in basically every colorway).

For me, I really like it when a brand does something interesting with the cut of the dress because it can either complement a print or make a solid dress more visually appealing.

>> No.6945078

bump for lolita discussion

>> No.6945091

Ughh, I got a meta dress (candy house pinafore) and it fits, but it so obviously not made for a larger cup ;-;

>> No.6945221
File: 26 KB, 320x240, 982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a problem.

One of the plastic eyes of my BTSSB bunny bag is broken and I can't find a replacement anywhere but I know that the eyes aren't exclusive to the bag since my Kyubey plush got the exact same ones.

Pic related.

>> No.6945224

Any tips on how to wear lolita during the summer without looking like an ita?

>> No.6945256
File: 76 KB, 320x480, rose_melody_swan_princess_embroidery_jsk_i_-_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many OPs and JSKs that can be worn without a blouse, also many people prefer ankle socks over OTKs in summer.

>> No.6945263

Any advice on how to treat your clothes to avoid the buttons conning loose and falling off? I swear it happens to me so often. DO I just have bad luck with buttons or is this normal?

>> No.6945265

From what I've gathered it's pretty normal for buttons to come off, even on brand stuff. There's no real way of stopping it except for reinforcing the stitching.

>> No.6945274

look for 'animal eyes' on craft sites. they are like screws so you can unscrew the old one out and screw in the new one. best luck.

>> No.6945286

I love Black Peace Now (sad they shut down) but they could not sew on a button to save their lives. Their pieces lose a button every 3 paces.
Just reinforce them with thread.

>> No.6945296

I always have to resew buttons, and sometimes stitch headbows and barrettes too

>> No.6945333

>Sheer blouses and sheer socks
>Go without a blouse if you can put a bolero over it
>Short sleeved OPs for less layers
>Wear shady hats, carry a parasol
>If it's like a million degrees, just go sleeveless, no one's going to blame you, and you can still look cute and coordinated

>> No.6945337

Seriously, though, they make like 3 loops and they're like, "That looks secure, let's sell this shit!"

>> No.6945339

I see so many girls being bashed for wearing their JSKs without a blouse though. And I thought ankle socks were also frowned upon?

Sorry for overthinking. I have my first meetup coming up and I do not want to end up on BtB or the ita threads on here...

>> No.6945348

If it's for a meetup, I would wear something- a sheer or lace bolero at least. Ankle socks have become more accepted these days, just make sure they match.

>> No.6945352

How many of you wear corsets under Lolita? I've been toying with the idea of buying a Timeless Trends steel boned. Like alot of people I've got a 95cm bust but I can have a seamstress let out the bust. My problem is my waist. Every time I bend over in skirts the snaps pop open.

>> No.6945357

People get bashed because they throw a JSK on without thinking about coording it properly, so it looks like an unfinished outfit. If you look at stock pictures from brands (esp classic brands like JetJ and VM) they have their models wear JSKs without blouses a lot. If you're unsure if you can pull it off, go ahead and wear it, but it's possible to not do it and still look good.

As for ankle socks, they're getting more popular. AP's been selling a bunch of glass ankle socks, and socks with ankle ruffs are acceptable, too (as long and the lace isn't gross and cheap). It's also pretty common for people to layer the transparent socks over coloured socks for a cool peek-a-boo effect, but you won't want to do that for summer.

>> No.6945360

I wear a cheapo leg avenue on top of my CP a-line. I am so tall that I have to buy tea length dresses so this gives me the perfect cupcake.

>> No.6945377
File: 19 KB, 240x320, 382618254.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if this is the right thread but whatever, I wanted to ask what print/series is this? I know it's from AatP

>> No.6945547

I've actually been thinking about making corset petti dress. Just something I could wear underneath my dresses to give a nice smooth and polished look. I just need to find a good pattern for the corset and petticoat that can be combined.

>> No.6945564

Another anon in a different thread was talking about how good Maidenform Control It shapewear is, so that might be a good cheaper alternative if you dont want to invest in an all-out corset. I just ordered one the other day to fit into a skirt that I am 2.5cms too big for, we'll see how it goes


Take all my money

>> No.6945587

>Take all my money

Well if you insist!!! lol

One day I'd like to open a shop for any girl who doesn't have the typical Asian body/height that most brands tends to sell (but brand quality if not better). I still have a lot to learn before I open my store but I practically live in threads like these so I can get the idea of what needs to be improved in Lolita fashion.

>> No.6945597
File: 327 KB, 1600x1066, $T2eC16dHJHIFFhnMWhK3BRo7y-5icQ~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please carry cute shoes in all sizes. I wear a 10 1/2 which literally doesn't exist. I either have to flop around in 11s or squeeze into 10s.

>> No.6945619

haha I was actually thinking of making (or having them made) my own designs that have built in orthotics so it'd be comfortable for all day wear. Also have shoes that accommodate larger calves and shins. I'm always frustrated when I can't wear cute boots because my calves have always been larger than average. The shoes would have real leather too instead of that un-breathable plastic crap that's being sold...

Don't worry anon, I'll be sure to have half sizes...after all I'm a half size too!

>> No.6945625


I don't want to be a bitch, but I just have to get this off my chest
I may be a fat, but I have size 6.5 feet and I'm 5'5", and I'm getting less fat. I just comfort myself with this fact whenever I feel judged/too fat/whatever

>> No.6945629


BTW I work at Nine West, which (at least in Canada), carries half sizes. Some styles have a 10.5. Just walk into a 9W on a weekday when it's not busy, and says "bring me everything you have in a 10.5."
I know that maybe you're ok for regular shoes, but maybe you'll find something loliable?

>> No.6945632
File: 53 KB, 350x266, 1356600942151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you. If you said that to me in real life I'd punch you in the gunt.

>> No.6945658

I would never say that to anyone irl. I'm sorry!

>> No.6945690

Me too, I was a bigger bitch, lol. Knee jerk reaction. I'm so jelly of your tiny feet.

>> No.6945704



>> No.6945716

That's really unfortunate. She looked like a sweet girl and she did some great stuff for the communnity.

>> No.6945720

Very sad.

But worse is that that I'm wondering about the fate of her dresses? /cgl/, what have I become?

>> No.6945735

Yeah it's better you don't talk about this here. Anyone's comments about her here have been deleted repeatedly for respect of the dead. There's a chunk of comments from this thread that were deleted. I'm not sure if it will be the same since the information has been released but it might be deleted like all the other comments.

I agree, I had no idea she had a role in lolibrary.

>> No.6945745

Which is kind of weird considering she used to trip here. She was as much a member of this community as EGL and we'll all miss her.

>> No.6945767
File: 68 KB, 1304x1208, Amethystcitrine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I have a feeling people complained, especially since one anon kept asking repeatedly.
Just read for yourself, I had kept the page open so it stayed for me even thought its deleted for everyone else. Although, I don't think it would be harmful to discuss her, she impacted the Lolita community so it's not just the friend whose mourning her.

>> No.6945770

Well, considering that miscy made a public post on EGL about it, I imagine it's fine to talk about now?

>> No.6945771

I don';t understand why respectful comments would be deleted

>> No.6945775

Yeah, I didn't get it either.

>> No.6945782

I have often wondered about what happens to wardrobes if something so sad like that were to happen. :(
curiosity i suppose.

>> No.6945791

I never get how anyone can even think about the dresses. This is truly disgusting.

>> No.6945796

It's not unusual for people to think about the items that people left behind, though? It's a very common thought, actually--whether it's people you knew or didn't.

>> No.6945798

This isn't something foul like "OMG, I want to swoop in and take all her dresses". Just a passing thought. Such as how when I see people on the sidewalk while driving, and I imagine hitting them with my car.

>> No.6945799

What was her tripp?

>> No.6945801

Or how when my parents pass I'll be left with he legacy of their houses full of shit to take care of. I think I'll just take a match to their places and be done with it.

>> No.6945803

I'm not the anon in question, but I kind of take comfort in that I'm not the only one who thinks about the things and people I leave behind once I do.

I wonder if I ought to write a will

>> No.6945804

I'm morbid, but I often wonder what would happen to my dresses (and other various possessions) when I pass, if I pass young.
I'm sure my family would offer them to my best friend, the only other person close to me who is a Lolita. I'm positive she would be too heartbroken to even look at them, she's like a sister to me.

>> No.6945806


>> No.6945812

I don't know, I lost a friend when I was younger and her mother just kept her bedroom how it was when she passed, I think she finds it kinda comforting to dust around her old stuff.

>> No.6945813

I have wondered the fate of her wardrobe as well. I loved her style and her wardrobe. I have thought about what should happen with my wardrobe if I died.* I suppose I should write it down.

*i have 5 very close loli friends. I would have each of them choose a few dresses and then have the remainder sold on the comm and money given to my husband.

>> No.6945818

Having no close loli friends I think I'd have my dresses sold and the money put towards some kind of charitable organization.

>> No.6945825

>write a will
Please do, and updated to reflect the changes in your life every couple of years i.e. s.o, kids, pets, more money that may have changed over the years.
It's important to let people know where you want your money to go and if you want your organs donated or anything you think is important. It's because of moments like these that people do wonder what will happen to X. (some)People don't think to plan this far ahead because it's a "I'll have tomorrow" mentality.

This is a question that isn't disgusting at all, I know if it's up to my folks if I passed before them, my Lolita everything would be donated to good will to be sold at in insanely marked down price. I wouldn't want that!
Sometimes it takes someone else to die for you to realize question like these.

>> No.6945831

Thanks anon. I'm glad you don't think I'm foul for wondering that.

>> No.6945866

Can we open a discussion about this? I'm interested- lolitas, what dresses would you leave to whom?

Personally, I don't have anything really rare or popular, but I think I'd want to give my closest lolita friend a good portion of my wardrobe. I don't know what she'd do with all that black, though, haha, but there are a few dresses I know of that she specifically mentioned liking. I think I'd also want some to go to some of my closer friends in the community. It'd be also nice if I could rely on somebody to sell off my dresses so the money could go back to my family. I guess that'd have to be done via an auciton or something, because I don't know who would do the selling otherwise.

>> No.6945878

I actually wrote instructions for my parents and my friend so that they know what to do with my Lolita clothes (they are the only items that I have of value). I have my sales post written out and every now and then I adjust the prices and items if I have sold them off already. My parents are clueless in regards to using the Internet so I told them to give the envelope of instructions to my friend and she should get 10% of sales.

>> No.6945891

I think I would honestly have my wardrobe put up for auction and have the money used for my expenses. If any good friends wanted something, They'd get first dibs, and maybe whatever they could offer to pay for it. I'd just be buried in a bodyline dress or something I handmade. (I really couldn't see myself getting buried in a regular old dress, because I'm so avid about cosplay and lolita). Either that or be cremated and sprinkled out over the ocean by a plane or something. But honestly at that point, I'm not going to care about my own body so it's whatever my family would want. I'd rather not leave my husband and family behind with so many expenses, especially my family who doesn't have much money to begin with.

Though I think I'd rather see my much loved pieces in my wardrobe go to good lolita friends rather than random people who will just sell it off eventually not really knowing or caring. IDK.

>> No.6945908

My heart is in pieces for some reason. Im usually very cold and dont give a shit about it but this made me shake for a while.

>> No.6945989

I feel the same. I didn't even know her other than reading her comments on egl/online.

>> No.6946038

Same. Maybe because she's been in the community so long? I don't even hang around egl very often anymore, but I recognize her username. It just feels so strange to hear that she's gone.

>> No.6946046

It does. I only had passing interactions with her, but it's still jarring to be reminded that there really ARE people at the other end of these interactions. I mean, you always know that there is at the back of your mind, but you kind of take it for granted.

The internet is a brilliant means of dehumanizing its users. Tragedies like this really show that.

>> No.6946084

I've written and re-written a "will" of sorts for my lolita wardrobe, but I finally decided that one special print item goes to an estranged friend, and all the rest go to one of my close friends (who also happens to be a lolita). If she feels like sharing the some stuff with other lolitas she's friends with, who knew me, that's fine. I don't care. But I feel like, well, I mean, besides the fact she's a close friend, I feel that she would get more happiness from my pieces than the other girls I know. So that sounds nice to me.

I don't want to think about would happen to her closet if she died. She has a couple pieces I'd really love to own, but honestly if I wouldn't give a fuck about them if she died. If she left any to me, I'd just sell them on the comm and give the money to her family. Even if she wanted me to have them, I'd feel dirty owning them. I should just save the money and be patient to find them for sale somewhere else, if I really want them that badly. I don't want to put on a dream dress and think "gee, I'm so happy I own this. I'm so glad __ was kind enough to leave it to me when she passed." Fuck no. I'd be like "I can't be happy wearing this. She's dead and I have this because she's dead. She would have kept this for herself if she was alive. She's not alive. Fuck."

>> No.6946109

Oh, man, I remember someone posted the saddest story about a girl who was in the hospital for something terminal, so she gave her dresses to to her comm, and they would visit her wearing the dresses to cheer her up.

>> No.6946113

I think if a friend passed who was very dear to me and left a dress to me I would have to keep it, It would mean that I would always have a piece of that person. I don't think I could ever wear it, maybe I would get it framed and hang it somewhere along with a picture of them in the dress. Then every time I look at it I can remember them and just how happy they were at that time in their life. (hopefully that's not to creepy.) :/

There are certain pieces that are quite expensive in my wardrobe that I would love to go to a few very good friends. Everything else I would probably want auctioned of and have the proceeds go to a charity or to my family.

>> No.6946162

I'd want to be buried in on of my Moitie dresses, and give the rest of my wardrobe to one of my lolita friends because she'd know what to do with it and be responsible about selling it for what it's worth so that my family could have the money. Our styles (and body shapes/measurements) are very different but I'd be happy for her to have whatever.

>> No.6946170

I am beyond devastated right now. I can't believe this happened.

>> No.6946184

French Lolita here too ! You seriously shouldn't be afraid. I travel quite a lot around our country and have met a bunch of locals loli, all of them were lovely and fun. You should try to come to the lolita convention or at Japan expo (near the "jeunes createurs" side), if you are well dressed people will not be snob for the most. I'm always happy to meet newer lolis. You could also introduce yourself on Facebook community, so you will make lolita friends easily.

>> No.6946196
File: 103 KB, 500x580, 1365646959006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This! I had some misconceptions about comms because I spend too much time on /cgl. I finally joined my comm the other day and they were all chill and downright lovely.

>> No.6946247


Thanks, I think you're right ! Plus I have the chance to live near Paris right now so it wouldn't be hard to find lolitas friends. I'm not a big fan of fb groups, I tried to find comm or boards to join but the french one look pretty much dead. Are there big boards with an active community ?

Also for the funeral thing I don't get why people find it's offensive to want to be well dressed at a funerals ? I like wearing great clothes to attend my family's funerals, or is it because in my country not a lot of people give a fuck ? Last time I had a cousin come to my grandpa's funeral wearing neon accessories and tacky make up.
Also I guess selling your clothes to pay for the expenses is a pretty good idea (then my secret dream is that my body would be turned into a diamond hehe)

>> No.6946275
File: 75 KB, 320x240, tumblr_miif5yztau1s6ueylo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is perhaps a weird question...
But how would you feel if someone in your comm wanted to borrow a blouse from you, and offered to pay a deposit or something?

I'm going to a big meet up event in a couple of months and I know the exact taobao blouse I need, but I don't know if it'd make it here in time and it would be wasteful when that's the only thing I really need from taobao atm.

There's a girl in my comm who has the exact shirt I want to wear, just for the event, but we don't really know each other past the regular comm meetup chat, and I wouldn't want to put her on the spot or weird her out. She's really nice so I worry she might say yes even if she didn't want to.
Plus, would lending a blouse to someone you don't really know ick you out?

>> No.6946282

I go to Paris for my studies, they are a lot of lolis and a lot of meets. Egl-comm-france and gothiclolita.jeun(.)fr still work but quasi all comm's life is on facebook right now

>> No.6946283

That's kinda ehh. Dress with deposit? Sure. But it's lolita. The blouse touches your skin. You will be sweating. Please just wear a different blouse.

>> No.6946285

I'd be pretty weirded out if I got asked that. If it were a friend, it's not odd to lend out clothes, but if you'e not that close, it is. I think the deposit thing makes it even weirder. If you don't want to get just the blouse from Taobao, buy it off a reseller, and have a back-up blouse in case it's not there in time.

>> No.6946287

Or, if you have her on FB, just make a post being like, "Hey, I'm in need of this blouse! Does anyone have one I can borrow or buy?" And see if she replies.

>> No.6946297

Thanks guys, I figured it'd be like this.
I can't find it on a resell shop anywhere, so it looks like I'l have to try the fb suggestion. It'll be so painfully awkward when she reads that there and this here and does the math.

>> No.6946358

Yes that's what I figured but I hoped some boards were alive. Strangely I'm much more at ease on a board and I don't want my private fb to be shown so I would need to manage two accounts (one is already boring to me but since now everybody use fb groups to transfer school infos to my class).
Ah I sound like I'm complaining too much ! I'll see how it goes maybe I'll meet a loli then enter a comm.

>> No.6946393

I totally understand this feeling. I hate facebook myself and just maded one with no private info apart from my location so I can just meet other lolis.
I think in France there isn't a comm like in the US, we pretty much hang out with friends and once in a while organize a bigger meet-up. We have a lot of obnoxious teenagers so we just stick in our own group most of the time. In my local comm we organize "welcome meets" tought.

>> No.6946406

Is LJ being glitchy for anyone else?

>> No.6946407


>> No.6946444

Chiffon everything.

>> No.6946448

> stop liking what I don't like


>> No.6946450

I think I'll do that.
Plus I've never met a group of people solely because of fashion so I find that kinda strange, like do you just hang out in a place ? Or do you go to a cinema or do something ?
I guess what I would like would be to have close friends in the fashion or understanding it, not a whole bunch of acquaintances I kinda like.

>> No.6946512


>how to wear lolita during summer?
don't wear black.
the only black you should use is your parasol.
all hair goes up; your neck should be exposed.
don't layer clothing. petticoat is an exception.
if you're not fat and have nice legs, ankle socks all the way
if you don't have a thigh gap, swear by stockings (130D and lower only) - i'm fattychan myself and summer+rubbing thighs = torture
good things to wear over your shoulders include short sleeved cardigans, boleros, and mini-capes.
forsake: hats, bloomers, velvet, corduroy, anything made of thick fabric, anything wooled, boots that go above mid-shin, and if possible wigs
this is all assuming that you will be outdoors most the time. if you can, just take refuge somewhere with air conditioning

>without looking like an ita?
dress for your size.
choose colours that flatter you.
match your colours well.
look at self in mirror before going out.

>>6946358 >>6946393
i have like 4 different facebook accounts for 4 different purposes. i hate facebook so much. i wish everyone would stop using it already so i don't have to use it to receive information from others.

>> No.6946514

You just all go hang out in a place, and get to know each other yeah.
But you can normally find at least one person in the comm who becomes a good friend to you, if not the whole comm, because if you already share this huge life-consuming frilly hobby it's likely you might have other things in common, too.

It gets less weird and synthetic seeming from there.

>> No.6946516
File: 73 KB, 481x720, 1356822715354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> how to wear lolita during summer?
Live in the UK.

>> No.6947071

So Parcelforce managed to deliver my dress to some random person who I have no idea who they are.. The address was written correctly on the package and I wasn't left a slip... Is it 100% certain I'll never get my dress now? I've phoned them up and they said they'll phone me back, and I've left a message through their online contact form.

>> No.6947123

It might be at your local post office, try checking with them. I know we take Parcelforce things in at the post office I work at, so you never know. Alternatively, just keep pestering them at the office until you get an answer.

>> No.6947755
File: 46 KB, 540x960, 1044481_1388347988048453_1076810840_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyonehave advice on how to clean the lace on a Baby heart bag? I was considering using mild soap and a soft toothbrush.

(Pic is not mine, but shows how bad can it get)

>> No.6947766

tide pen?

>> No.6947865

Anyone having trouble with USPS mail shipped from NY? I know there's been a flood but I stupidly paid by gift and it's been a week since the seller "shipped" out the item.

>tl:dr, usps mail delayed, anyone else having same issues?

>> No.6947878

Don't have those in my country sadly.

>> No.6947896


>> No.6948050

Is anyone else keeping an eye on this?


>> No.6948061

Dead link, what was it?

>> No.6948066


Sorry, I'm a dumbass and didn't copy the "l" at the end

>> No.6948072

make it end in html and it works.

>> No.6948074
File: 66 KB, 250x333, tumblr_mp50unhNWx1sx52eko2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this recently. I really like it, however, I'm a little stumped on making a coord for it. I hate to immediately default to black shoes and tights but it's all I can really think of at the moment that wouldn't class with the print. Maybe black tights with some sort of design on them? Of all the coords I could find online with this piece, I didn't really like too many of them.

>> No.6948078

Yeah I didn't notice the "l" at all. Thanks.

>> No.6948106

What's the best way to ship a big floral headband/crown without risking the flowers being smushed in transit, without using a cardboard box?

>> No.6948131

This is some kind of wacky 6AM idea, but does the crown fit inside of a spring/slinky?

>> No.6948137

Just use a box

>> No.6948149

maybe light blue tights with black shoes and cute little light blue wrist cuffs?

Seems like a party dress.

>> No.6948160

I'm getting an Oo Jia replica of Sugar Hearts. I have a 37" bust. The jsk is empire waist so it will look like crap on me, right? What should I do? Get the OP with the bodice made a specific length like >>6942172 suggested? get a custom made jsk with a different bodice than the original?

>> No.6948212

It depends. I have a friend who has a 100 cm bust and it looks fine on her. I'm at the same measurements and I look like crap in empire waists because my overall build is a bit different and I need extra length in the bodice. You can get it custom-made to have a longer bodice, and I think that's the one advantage of going with her for a replica. I have a friend who had dream sky made with a custom-designed longer bodice for that reason (and her measurements are tiny compared to mine).

>> No.6948296
File: 93 KB, 960x705, dreamskyjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it this jsk by any chance?

>> No.6948297

I'm not sure where else to ask, and I hope this isn't the wrong thread. Are there any good sweet accessory shops on etsy? I can't find any decent ones.

>> No.6948299

I also thought this was kind of an interesting design (minus the corset style ribbons). A bustier-style jsk of dream sky. Maybe I could get that jsk with sugar hearts, without the corset lacing, and adding straps that look like the original sugar hearts jsk?

>> No.6948317

Dream Princess makes really cute polymer clay jewelry. OnSecretWings makes cute accessories for sweet and fairy kei. Paradise Rose makes fluffy hair accessories and some cute cabochon rings.

>> No.6948318
File: 57 KB, 960x640, dreamsky2jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic.

>> No.6948342

mbok shopping services that can do last minute bids..?

I just found an auction I want to bid on badly, but there's only 6 hours left.

>> No.6948350

Send it in to fromjapan or uh... japonica? They should be open, it's Wed afternoon. They will not snipe on Mbok since that will get the auction cancelled, but 6 hours is plenty of time. Send in your form asap and you should be fine.

>> No.6948367

Japonica's business hours are over, sadly...trying to figure out how to do mbok bids on fromjapan...
I may just have to let it go, I'm too tired to figure things out right now.

>> No.6948368

I think Fromjapan would do it now, this is when I get replies from them and stuff. You go to "make shopping order", put in the URL and item name and stuff, and it'll ask you for your max bid.

>> No.6948370

Ah got it - the whole having to use the "shopping order" versus "auction" thing was confusing my sleep-deprived brain.
Thanks lolibro!

>> No.6948371

Yeah, it's pretty confusing! They only use the auction option for Y!Japan but not Mbok for some reason. Good luck getting your item!

>> No.6948399

These are great! Thanks a bunch.

>> No.6949233

I'd leave all mine to a fatty-chan I didn't like so she'd feel bad about not fitting in them.

>> No.6949306

I'm moving to London for college in a year and due to the intense custom fees, I want to knock out as much of my top ten as possible before I get there. The problem is deciding which pieces take priority after I get #3 on the list (already secured the first two and #5), I'm thinking the best way to go is to do it in order of what's typically most expensive. Anyone else have similar issues regarding what to prioritize?

>> No.6949630

She never said you had to stop liking it

>> No.6949771

I'd go for a combo between expensive and rare. If the dresses you like the most cost a lot but pop up all the time, you can wait until you're back. But if one of them is that kind of dress you may find once a year if you're lucky, snatch it right away no matter the cost.

Also, this involves patience, but in the case you find a really expensive piece once you are there, you could also consider buying the dresses and getting them sent back to where you previously lived (I suppose the US?) if you fear that you'll be hit with very high customs.

>> No.6949882

Yeah, US. That's a pretty good idea. My understanding is that with customs, if it's marked as a gift, you don't have to pay the crazy customs fees?

>> No.6950120

Unfortunately no, they don't care about the marking as a gift. Some countries do have a higher cutoff value depending whether the item comes from a store or from an actual person though, In my case, packages over €22 will have the risk of customs, but if the sender is a person and not a store, the risk will start at €45 and higher.

>> No.6950179
File: 811 KB, 1037x692, arletta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real quick: which color?

>> No.6950189
File: 888 KB, 1302x861, arletta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6950191

have to know the rest of the outfit first

>> No.6950197

I say dark, because it will match more of my wardrobe, also I honestly like them better. A more muted brown shoe will look nicer with more than such a bright one.

>> No.6950199

I need an overall nice practical brown shoe that will go with a lot, which is why I haven't included a coord. I just have no eye for browns so I don't know if the second would be going too dark or what

>> No.6950202


Aaaaand there's a very good answer that helps me a lot, thank you!

>> No.6950213

No problem. I tend to think that browns work really well in classic, but a darker brown like the more chocolate one on bottom will go with say rose, dark green, and wine red, milk tea...where as the more orangey/burnt umber on the top may clash more with some of them, and browns stick out in an outfit if they don't match. I made the mistake of buying the sort of color pictured up top(maybe a bit lighter) and they didn't go with any of the pinks i had, and pairing them with certain things made them look orange. Regardless, I really like those and I think they will work well.

>> No.6950257

any reason why I get a 'prohibited' message when trying to use fromjapan to order from the AP japanese site ? It says

>The items of this site are prohibited to be exported out of Japan, so we cannot help you buy them from this site.

well duh, that's why Im using a SS to buy it since I'm outside of Japan... any tips or SS with low fees for buying off sites? Even though, I guess fromjapan is actually 10% instead of 5% fee like I thought, looking at their fees (thought they were 5%)

>> No.6950276

Their fees are weird. Mostly, the 5% is a "transaction fee". Other shopping services often charge 4% on top of their 10-20%, so it still usually works out as being cheaper, but not always.

Either way, I've never received that error from their site. I'm not sure why that would happen. Have you tried contacting them through their email form to see why it's prohibited? And if they still refuse, you'd probably have better luck with Japonica or a smaller shopping service.

>> No.6950281

I sent Japonica an email and am awaiting their reply, since all I have ever used them for is auctions, so I couldn't find a straight up site order form. I'll email fromjapan too. I even tried to sign up on the AP site and use my tenso forwarding address, but I keep getting a message (that won't translate) when I attempt to sign up, so that was a no go too.

>> No.6950291

Lame. I wonder if they've banned shopping services from buying off of their site to prevent competition at reservation or something.

>> No.6950293

yeah don't know, was a weird message and I've already bothered my normal SS a LOT the past week with adding to my order, asked her to look for this item in store, then cancelled that because I realized it was in stock on the site (thought I would have an easier time than this buying it) and I don't have the heart to ask her to order it for me since I've bothered her so much already haha

>> No.6950415

Remember, the S.S. fee covers both the actual shopping and the customer service. I think a lot of people don't bother the S.S. enough to cover the service fee in terms of customer service. Think of it as making the SS worth your money.

>> No.6950480


So this is what they sent me back

'Thank you very much for your email.

The reason why we cannot purchase form this site is not because they cannot send their items DIRECTLY overseas, rather, they know that we are a proxy shopper who sends the items overseas, and so will not send the items to us. As such, we unfortunately, cannot purchase items from them.

We hope this does not cause too much inconvenience, but we appreciate your cooperation and understanding with this.

Kind Regards,

Yes, 100% agree and my single person SS has earned that I believe.

>> No.6950558

AP Japan banned sending stuff to known shopping services (fromjapan, japonica, etc.) and tenso address a while back.

>> No.6951204

How do you know if your sales post has been rejected? I forgot to put my location.

>> No.6951399

Two dream dresses in one day.
Having to pick one over the other
..original sax milky planet JSK one day you will be mine...

>> No.6951447

really? Japonica accepted my order and now the thing I bought shows sold out, so i know they bought it

>> No.6952389

Is fanplus friend worth it nowadays?
how is the quality, it at least infanta quality wise?

>> No.6952592

I think they send you a PM, buy often they let those through with just a comment to put your location, I think? From what I've seen, anyway.

>> No.6952594

With the advent of taobao, not really. I personally still like them for blouses since I don't find a lot of variety still in that department on taobao for lolita-specific blouses and I like their more gothic ones, but taobao brands are more consistent so other than that you might as well go taobao if you want to deal with the trouble of an SS as opposed to the ease of ordering off one site.

>> No.6953776
File: 59 KB, 250x333, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if this is worth a brand new thread, so I'll plop it here. Anyone else go for Westminster series that went up tonight? What did you get?

I'm a bit surprised that this style in the long sold out before any other color/style in short, personally.