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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 51 KB, 317x265, 1343943117802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6939704 No.6939704[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I heard that it's relatively easy for a guy to score at conventions.

Is this true?

>> No.6939706

It's not. You still have to work people like you would in real life. If you have problems outside of conventions getting tail you're going to have problems in a convention.

>> No.6939708



Oh well.

I just hear about guys that get approached by girls who are all like 'omg you're mario! we should make out!'

Don't care if they're slut.

>> No.6939712

Yeah... it's not like that unless you've got the looks to back it up.

>> No.6939716
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I finally get to use this gif in a legit way.

>> No.6939758

I heard that the best way to get some ass is at the raves or room parties once the girls are fucked up. Is this true? Is this okay as the girl knows what she's getting into or am I'm taking advantage of her?

>> No.6939760

Intoxicated people can't give consent. If they wouldn't fuck you sober, you have no game.

>> No.6939761

>Is this true?

Kind of. You won't get laid if you're just another Beta who isn't 10/10.


1) Start tripfagging on /cgl/.
2) Post a lot.
3) Get famous here.
4) Hook up with some /cgl/ girl. It is incredibly easy to get inside them once you get status in here.

>> No.6939763

who really cares?

>> No.6939769

Except they can, you ugly tumblr fatty. Most of sex outside of marriage that happens out there in the world, the vast majority, I dare say, happens during intoxication. It is why alcohol exists in the first place.

>> No.6939770

I am actually from /fit/. So while I do have an above average body (which makes me good for cosplaying) I am a beta. Really, I am.

>> No.6939777

No problem! Just think off a trip and start complimenting everyone on /cgl/, creeping up everyone's ass, sucking up to people, and so on.

Just think off some appropriate tripname. Like, I dunno... That Guy. Or boxingbro. Sounds cool!

>> No.6939783

>wahhh I ply women with alcohol because they won't fuck me otherwise ;_;

OP confirmed for beta

>> No.6939785

>Implying every seagull has such high standards
Some of us just want the D. Not gonna see them again outside a con usually.

>> No.6939788

Call me that again, and I will delete this thread. ;_;

>> No.6939797

little beta bitch

>> No.6939796

>being so beta that you have to ask how to score at cons

OP confirmed for beta virgin :3c

>> No.6939792

Does smoker get a lot of /cgl/ pussy?

>> No.6939794

So you basically want to fuck girls that are passed out drunk?

How noble.

>> No.6939803

Not passed out drunk but well liquored up and still functioning.

>> No.6939804

No, people who are drunk are basically unable to think clearly! They cannot therefore give consent, since there is no way they can be considered responsible for actions that happened while they couldn't think clearly! What comes next, will you start expecting people who run over children and splatter their brains all over the sidewalk with a car, whilst drunk, to take responsibility?

You fucking nazi, you.

>> No.6939799

Just go on /soc/ to a hookup thread and talk with the girl on Skype to make sure she looks like her pic she posted.
It's really not hard and you could get a fuckbuddy out of it.

>> No.6939801
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Fucking beta.

>> No.6939808

Who even are considered famous tripfags here?

>> No.6939809

Not really, but even a fugly 3/10 with fucking MANTITS like him got to lose his virginity after he started tripping on /cgl/ and sucking up to others.

>> No.6939813

Are you sure that was even OP and not a troll?

>> No.6939817

they'd have to be passed out to fuck you OP

post your ugly mug or fuck off

>> No.6939818
File: 4 KB, 203x231, Hey yo baby girl you wanna make some fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In all reality, I haven't seen the "usual crowd" in a while. I'm also on at different hours now though.

>> No.6939822

yeah, OP here.

I kept quiet because it looked funny.

noo, I have been inside all day so my hair looks retarded and you will all get mad at the colour of my skin anyways.

>> No.6939821

Speaking of this whole less inhibitions=no consent, I actually personally love the idea of being taken advantage of while drunk, but no guys want to do it since they're scared I'll call rape or blackmail them or something.

>> No.6939824

Draw up a contract.

No seriously.

>> No.6939825

I've never seen your name before. Are you a new tripfag or something?

>> No.6939832
File: 58 KB, 300x368, 1371478199990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having to suck up to grills on /cgl/ just to get 3DPD pussy doesn't seem worth it. I'll pass.

>> No.6939830

He's been on a cgl sabbatical

>> No.6939829

You gave consent by drinking. If you can't resist cock when you're drunk, then don't drink, you irresponsible vapid cunt.

Note how it is always the cunts who are complaining, while men who wake up after a night of drinking next to a fucking banshee just suck it up and take responsibility for their actions ("well, I shouldn't have been drinking so much") whereas women, incapable to take responsibility for anything, cry to make the government see that as RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE!

And, of course, the first thing that comes to your mind, the moment someone dares to challenge your retarded statement, is that "omg!! it's the guys who want to have sex with *meeeeeeee* but they're too ugly to do it without making me drunk first! how disgusting :(". It just shows how self-inflated your ego is.

I personally find sex with drunk whores disgusting, but you don't get to have special rights, just because you fucked a guy you didn't want to -- because you're an irresponsible cunt who parasites on her parents / taxpayers that can't hold her liquor.

>> No.6939836

But that's pretty much why men live.

>> No.6939837

>not willing to put women on the pedestal, where the belong

Well I hope you like dying alone, you fucking neckbeard misogynistic virgin shit. Back to >>>/r9k/ >>>/a/ with you.

>> No.6939839

Ohh okay. For how long? I've only been here 2 months.

>> No.6939835

This. A legally binding contract that you each have a signed copy of.

>> No.6939842
File: 10 KB, 500x500, I can do it if I try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6939844

America really is a lost country. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.6939849


OP won't deliver.

>> No.6939850

oh, you're black? well that explains why OP is a douchecunt that treats women like shit.

protip: most women at the convention will be white or asian, ergo not retarded sluts.

>> No.6939852
File: 108 KB, 276x303, 1371008945407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That tumblr logic. Get rekt hoe.

>> No.6939846

Didn't the corpse win in the end?

>> No.6939848

yeah they sue everything and everyone.

>> No.6939854


Yeah rape victims exist but how many of them blamed the booze so they'd be seen in a better light?

Legally binding contract nigger. States that both parties knew what they were doing and agreed to do it under specific terms so someone can't claim rape later to fuck someone over.

>> No.6939859

Funny how tumblr trash feminists always pretend to be on the side of minorities, but they're more racist than the Nazis, deep down.

>> No.6939860

He's been gone quite a while. Maybe even the whole of this year so far?

>> No.6939858
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>> No.6939857

That might be a good idea actually. Thanks!

>> No.6939855

No, I am half asian half white, but slightly on the darker side.

>> No.6939862

Hey, me too!

I'm a bit on the light side, though

>> No.6939861

Was there a new one?

I only know of the one I had (legit 2nd or 3rd place in) until someone rigged it, which surprisingly wasn't me.

But at the same time it was pretty much rigged for dude to win anyway because they picked severely disliked and uggo competition.

>> No.6939867
File: 427 KB, 848x480, Tsundere-stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only because you locked me in a closet during the beauty pagent

>> No.6939864
File: 74 KB, 614x572, 1371097851123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That tumblr logic. Get rekt hoe.

My waifu loves me unconditionally and /a/ is bit boring with everything ending for the spring season. Imma hang around hear a little longer.

Bitches like to cry rape. Whatcha gon' do?

>> No.6939865
File: 610 KB, 717x531, boston [clapping intensifies].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great post. You're my new favorite tripfag.

>> No.6939870
File: 15 KB, 420x300, I'm trying to hide how much I enjoy this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved to Hawaii in Feb which time-zoned me and went on deployment.

I hop on from time to as we pull into ports.

I'll be back in October, don't worry guys.

>> No.6939871

Freeman is everyone's favorite tripfag.


>> No.6939872
File: 87 KB, 435x722, lepoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you mean this?

>> No.6939878

pics of top three , please.

>> No.6939874


>> No.6939875


>> No.6939882

All libs are like this.

>> No.6939884

Oh cool! Is there going to be another one of those? And how did it work? Did trips just post photos and people voted on them?

>> No.6939885

I don't have a tumblr. Nice homegrown retardiation you've got going on there.
your penis is probably tiny, but you'll reel in the weebs like crazy. You'll get laid if you say you're japanese.