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File: 18 KB, 480x349, 1044535_10201620517294172_1092922318_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6939511 No.6939511 [Reply] [Original]

there is a time when enough is enough. we can longer stand by while AX is torn apart by people who only care about themselves. they do not care about the attendees nor their staff, and this is proved by their actions. we can no longer stand behind the scenes and let them go any further. if there was any other way, we would have taken it. this is only done as a last resort. we have tried in the past to removed this cancer, marc perez, and we have failed, he has stacked the deck against the staff again and again, firing many staffers that dare questioned him, including his close friends, all to hold on power. there were board members that opposed them, but due to marc's influence on certain individuals, they were all removed. last year marc perez missed anime expo because of stress reasons. the reason of that stress? an affair with his secretary, whom he appointed and given a 45k salary. she was removed shortly by the board when they found out. marc tried to save his marriage due to his infidelity. even after this, marc remained as ceo when he returned. there has been more reports of marc's inappropriate behavior, which will surely come out. marc has proved he is no better than michael lattanzio that proceeded him, it's only because lattanzio was open with his disdain for staff. marc pretends to care but behind the scenes he was almost destroyed AX. he has ruined some relationships with many companies and conventions, including Japan Expo. His incompetence has made a mess of Anime Conji, which is obvious to any of those who attended that convention. according to numerous reports, they actually lost money this year. his latest and perhaps biggest mistake has been hiring Allison McKnight as the head of entertainment for AX. she had never been to AX before 2 years ago, and is now in charge of guest relations. she has no experience dealing with the japanese but was put in position for unknown reasons by perez. she has bullied her staffers as well as held information from

>> No.6939513 [DELETED] 

, and fired many people for absolutely no reason, just to show she had the authority to do so. just ask the programming operations department that no longer exists because of her. she has recently hired her ex-boyfriend ian tingen, a person who has no experience staffing, into a paid position. like perez in the past, she has no business etiquette, and does not mind taking advantage of her position to give paid postions to people with no experience. she has micromanaged to the point to where staff is almost forced to quit to keep their sanity and integrity. the language she uses on her facebook is even foul when it's directed towards the staff and attendees. now, there are a few people in upper management that actually care, like ray chang. the spja board of directors need to take action. they need to listen to their managers and staff. they need to do this for the attendees, before they experience another sub par convention, before it implodes. the staff deserve better. the attendees deserve better. there will be more to come. thank you for hearing us.

>> No.6939521

managers, and fired many people for absolutely no reason, just to show she had the authority to do so. just ask the programming operations department that no longer exists because of her. she has recently hired her ex-boyfriend ian tingen, a person who has no experience staffing, into a paid position. like perez in the past, she has no business etiquette, and does not mind taking advantage of her position to give paid postions to people with no experience. she has micromanaged to the point to where staff is almost forced to quit to keep their sanity and integrity. the language she uses on her facebook is even foul when it's directed towards the staff and attendees. now, there are a few people in upper management that actually care, like ray chang. the spja board of directors need to take action. they need to listen to their managers and staff. they need to do this for the attendees, before they experience another sub par convention, before it implodes. the staff deserve better. the attendees deserve better. there will be more to come. thank you for hearing us.

>> No.6939519
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>> No.6939531

So you're saying Chase Wang was any better? Sounds like all the AX heads are incompetent people.

>> No.6939543
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My question is where this all started to go wrong? The GoH diaster that was AX 2007? The decision to move to the LACC? The trio of Perez, Wang, and Latazino?
>ftw AX was once considered the pinacle of anime conventions and now is a corrupt steaming pile of shit

>> No.6939551

I like how Chase Wang's shitty con wound up folding and running off with the registration money. The fucker didn't even issue a statement, which is funny because he used to spam my inbox daily.

>> No.6939566

I've known about the Marc Perez and Ann Marie Cano affair since 2011. Their body language said it all.

From what I've been hearing, he's still trying to get into women's pants. But he was gonna pay his mistress $45K? Tsk tsk tsk.

>> No.6939568

They didn't run off with the money at least though. My friend was registered for their artist alley and she got a check in the mail for her registration + table fees.

>> No.6939576

There's still complaints about refunds on their Facebook, though.

>> No.6939579 [DELETED] 

Post pic of Marc Perez so we know who this cheater is.

>> No.6939593 [DELETED] 

I'm still surprised he can get into his own pants

Probably needs her to help with that too

>> No.6939601 [DELETED] 
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You've probably seen him before.

>> No.6939613

AX has always been corrupt. Mike Tatsugawa was kicked out for embezzling. 2007 the general staff threatened to strike because they didn't like how the board at that point was dealing with things (not just the GoH stuff) and Chase seized power. AX has always been the CEO/Con Chair's personal party instead of any kind of actual buisness. I swear to god that selling out to some company that wants to run it for profit would actually be a good move for the con in that it would end the power grabs and create better accountability amongst the paid staff.

>> No.6939619 [DELETED] 

what's up with that ugly fuck getting all the pussy

>> No.6939620

You know what's not ugly? Power. Money. Alcohol has nothing on those two.

>> No.6939624

i heard someone from anime conji had 5000$ in game gear stolen spja won't pay

>> No.6939628

So who do you think is competent enough to run AX? Who can fix it? Any suggestions?

If there's going to be a change in leadership, it should be someone that everyone agrees is best for the position.


>> No.6939631

If people weren't eager to attend cons just for the fun of attending cons, it would be nothing short of amazing that these sort of things ever got off the ground, let alone established themselves and got bigger every year.

The tedious, obnoxious high school drama never ends. If anything, these sort of people only get worse and worse the longer they keep at it, and certain faggots start to feel like they are more important or powerful or knowledgeable about running a convention then they actually are.

Not to trivialize how hard it is to run a con, but some aspects of it will really run themselves. Security volunteers know to keep attendees from destroying property or doing something dumb like sitting down in the middle of a huge walkway. Vendors know not to take up more space than they've purchased or interfere with the business of other vendors. Panel runners do the best with what they are given and only a few of them will be problematic in any meaningful way. This isn't because running the con is easy, but because many of the people attending and participating have been to many other conventions and have done all this before.

If everything goes well, the con chair may mistakenly believe that their decision making and management skills have somehow made things more successful or that the execution of the convention was drastically hinging on their ability to be in charge... Which is retarded.

>> No.6939634

if anything the hotel should be paying it because it was their fuckup that left the doors unlocked when they weren't supposed to be

>> No.6939644 [DELETED] 

pic of the mistress ann marie is she hot

>> No.6939647

interesting thread. Care to tell me about the structure of this convention? What qualifies people to be paid? 45k sounds quite alot for convention work to me

>> No.6939658

Especially true if you're coming in as chair for an already-established con, with all the necessary systems in place.
It would take more effort to fuck things up, than it would to keep things running as they were.

>> No.6939675

$45k to fuck the CEO

$85k as AX CEO

>> No.6939684

how many visitors does AX have over how many days? How much do the tickets cost per person on average?

>> No.6939695

according to official releases they have a 49,000 unique and let's say it's $50 each on average (could be more, could be less). Sounds like a lot of money but then they have to pay all the businesses and convention center. It's better to look at their declared profit/losses on their tax forms to see how they're doing. As a nonprofit they don't have to run a profit every year but it helps if they do. I think they're still suffering the effects of working back the debt from 2010. It would help if employees took $1 salaries but that's obviously not feasible to live off of. Since I'm not an insider I don't know just how much time each person puts into their positions.

>> No.6939697

If you read the comments on the Facebook people are slowly getting their refunds in the mail. I guess it's taking longer to get to some people because of how USPS is.

>> No.6939702

I just reread my post and somewhere out there is an English teacher who now wants to kill me

>> No.6939715

Thank you very much for the numbers! It's quite interesting to see how big conventions in the US got. Here in europe, Japan Expo is as big as it gets. And it's the only convention with similar big numbers at all. (but it's combined with a comic convention, too)

Still, the gap between volunteers and paid staff feels kinda icky.

>> No.6939727

the biggest one out here in San Diego Comic Con. They are currently running 130k attendees total. I'll assume generously that 20k are free somehow (industry, comps, or something like that). I'll further assume that half of those are buying four day badges at $150 (8.25mil) each and the other half are buying maybe two days at $75 each (4.125mil) for a total of 12.375 mil. Used to be you could get a four day badge for $50 when I started going. Once they continuously sold out they got rid of all discounts which they should because otherwise you're just throwing money away.

>> No.6939728

Here is the size of Anime Expo compared to other NA cons.


>> No.6939737

>still no statement on the site
>not everyone has recieved refunds
>someone on the forums said they were ignored for months
>actually using "check's in the mail lol" as an excuse for this shit

No wonder AM2 crashed and burned.

>> No.6939747

It's interesting to note, that the conventions in the us seem to be more "commercial" than here in europe. Here many conventions are solely volunteer's work. Also, commercial aspects seem to be more accepted in the US.

Quite interesting

>> No.6939751

if you follow marc perez brother on foursquare you'll see he goes to japan a lot

who pays for that? spja

>> No.6939754

Most staff in the US work for free as well. Only a few jobs in comparison to total staff are paid. Commercial aspects (I'm assuming you mean industry sponsorships/booths?) just help with funds and help bring more guests so in my opinion it's win-win for everyone.

>> No.6939767

I don't complain about it as I think it's work after all and it should be paid. But where I come from another way of thinking is more common... everything should be cheap and free and of course(!) everyone should work for free, too.
I wonder for how long this will go well...I've already heard about staffers with responsibility to become sick from the double stress of working full time + sacrificing almost all of their free time for conventions. Might be fun at first, but after 6-8 years? I wonder...

>> No.6939772 [DELETED] 

What I want to know is whether Marc has to buy two seats for every flight

For himself.

>> No.6939787


No. He flies business class. Always.

>> No.6939790

Yeah, the ones working that much should be the ones getting paid. They basically are making it their job and if anything would be the ones earning their paychecks.

>> No.6939798

That answer killed my fat joke completely. I'm kind of sad now.

>> No.6939816


but marc perez is not worth his salary. the anime and game industry hate him because he's an incompetent fat fanboy whos unprofessional

>> No.6939840

As an non-insider I can't say for sure how much work Perez is doing, how effective he is at it, how many hours he puts in. For the European tangent we're going on, people who are putting in the time should be compensated somehow.

>> No.6939899

I hope you guys remember how much work for no pay most staffers get next time you complain that emails/submissions/whatever for your next con aren't going up fast enough.

>> No.6939907


I'll do it. Personally I won't be qualified right now though, but in 5 years I will be and I've made that clear to other folks. Anime Expo will be fixed.

>> No.6939949

why does spja pay people at all? are they the only con that does this?

>> No.6939960

As a insider we have heard he makes around 100k a year.

>> No.6939961

some nonprofits organizations do pay people for their time and effort. Whether or not said person is worth the pay is another thing

>> No.6939969

We can also confirm that tho the rooming is free, we are given 40 bucks for food for the days we staff will be there. Not per day for the whole con.

Also. Could some one with influence spread this to cosplay.com we are try to get stuff like this noticed with out being removed from positions. Thank you.

>> No.6940060



>> No.6940077


Sorry, I'm playing the Game of Thrones myself. Can't do it

>> No.6940257

You forgot the worst of the bunch: LORRAINE NIBUT

>> No.6940262

>why does spja pay people at all? are they the only con that does this?

are you being serious?

>> No.6940279

The hotel won't pay for it. The contract apparently said that Conji/SPJA was responsible for the security of the doors.

>> No.6940296

can we add Kim Young as well? she's the head of programming that included 2 MLP panels and 3 Cosplay is not Consent-ish panel.s

>> No.6940302


Add Greg Hignight in there too

>> No.6940304

I disagree greg hignight is a good person. sure he can be cocky and anyoing at times. but he dose not hold anyone back and he activtly helps others for the good of the con.

>> No.6940305

Conji was such a mess. There was no signage for the exhibit hall, and artists that participated in artist alley either barely made even or lost profit. Unfortunate especially for those who traveled out of town/state/country for this.

>> No.6940306

Is anyone going to do anything about this? I'm almost out of the navy and i hope my next AX experiance wount be a total 9-11 ordeal

>> No.6940308

Who is Lorraine and why is she the "worst of the bunch?"

>> No.6940310

I think it's a little too late for that. A complete change is going to be needed.

>> No.6940311

she is head of HR. her and mcknight have some kind of agreement to work together for there common goal. She also has power of the finances in spja. these powers where given to her by marc. these powers and friendship had been used to destroy parts of conji for 2013. Meterial that was ordered were denied ( commen requests were for stuff like binders. and paper and pens.)

>> No.6940344

(AX isn't the only side of things having problems. Ever since they took over Anime Conji, all kinds of problems popped up too. The game room was robbed on Friday night/Saturday morning. I talked with the guy running the room after everything happened. He's been running the room since the first year. The police showed up and so did the managers above him, Nathan & Greg. From what I overheard, SPJA was going to reimburse him for the theft. But now, they're changing their tune trying to say they're not responsible so they're trying to back out of it. The hotel even said that security of the room was the convention's responsibility. He's been sending emails but they're just ignoring them. That's not professional at all. What's worse is that they already agreed to cover the equipment in case anything happened before the con started. They even tried to not pay him the full cost of the van rental after they said they would in the beginning. They've got a real bad history of saying one thing to get what they want, then trying to switch their words around.)

>> No.6940361

why the fuck would anyone sleep with Marc Perez? He's a huge slimey fat fuck. do women seriously no standards that they'd let his tiny mexican dick and 400 lbs of fat pork them?

>> No.6940367

What's funny is that all of this behind the scenes drama rarely affects the actual con experience for congoers at AX.

>> No.6940375


>> No.6940376

>what is $1.2 million dollars in debt
>what is subpar anime convention when they're compeiting with Otakon and the other top-tier conventions

>> No.6940387

it's okay
they don't feel it at all
hotdog down a hallway, right?
plus he pays them so free money whoo whoo

>> No.6940396

I threw up in my mouth a little...

>> No.6940400

tell that to every other con getting better guest and better line-up of events.

>> No.6940405

How does them not feeling it make it any better?

>> No.6940421

they can do something like browse the internet on their phone while they wait for him to finish. or play candy crush saga. or something.

>> No.6940422

The doors auto locked at night. So someone got in or someone with a key let someone they weren't supposed to in.

>> No.6940471

from what I heard right after Conji the security guys unlocked the doors when they weren't supposed to and of course no one was watching because it wasn't supposed to be open in the first place

>> No.6940474

Hank Wong. That loser chink needs to go. He doesn't get enough money munching on Cecilia Amo's snatch it looks like.

>> No.6940481

Again, how does that make it any better? They're letting a fat disgusting subhuman penetrate their womanhood only because he might be some kind of pseudo-steppingstone in their pseudo-careers. This kind of behavior is neither new, nor very shocking, but it's comments like that that allow it to happen in the first place. "Oh just sleep with him a few times and you'll be set. What's the big deal? You won't even feel it lol".

>> No.6940529

How is this not on cosplay.com?

>> No.6940535
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Running a con at any time that isn't the month leading up to, during, and after the con itself barely qualifies as part time work. There may be some meetings and little shit in between, but the amount of hard, dedicated, I can't do anything else all week because at least 10 hours per day are going into this job, real, motherfucking *WORK* that actually has to happen is sporadic and light.

As someone else in this thread pointed out, there's large elements of con-going that run themselves. Worried about secure a panel program? Attendees are going to take care of 90% of that themselves, and the other 10% are guest panels, which will already run themselves, and big events like the masquerade which can't be controlled in any meaningful way unless it's the weekend of the con.

What about all the vendors who want to set up shops? You section off some space, based on what you can afford to rent out, and let people pay you to get that space. Then they show up, build their own stands, sell their own goods, and pack up and leave, on their own.

I'm oversimplifying, but what it amounts to is even something as big as AX doesn't call for an 85k salary. Especially not when you're apparently taking multiple expensive, lengthy vacations.

Not saying the guy deserves no compensation for his work, or that chairing a con is a cakewalk, but coordinating a single event once a year is not a full-time, professional career. Especially not when you aren't part of some larger organization or business and you are doing this as a 'non-profit' set up.

>> No.6940568

What allows it to happen in the first place are people who are willing to let others use them so that they can in turn use that person. That's it. Plain and simple. There's nothing "good" about it except for the fact that it advances someone's career. If that's what they're willing to do, so be it. If someone else isn't willing to, so be it. There are people who will use money, power, information, their own body, whatever little bit of advantage they can get to succeed.

Obviously it's disgusting to you. That's fine. It's also not as disgusting to the girl to the point of letting Perez pork her after she judged the costs and benefits.

>> No.6940575

I've been to both AX and Otakon for the last few years and I've noticed no real quality difference between the two. AX even has some of the best guests it's had in a while this year.
Yeah who cares that AX is in debt. My point was that congoers don't notice it.

>> No.6940579

So I guess we're all in agreement that the woman Marc Perez was having an affair with was in fact simply using him? If so, then I applaud her. If she actually fell for him, then I feel sorry for her and her incredibly low standards. 45k is a pretty shitty salary for someone living in California. She could have tried seducing at a better company.

>> No.6940586 [DELETED] 

I feel sorry for Marc Perez's wife. She should divorce his fat ass. Does her daddy know his son-in-law is porking some other woman?

>> No.6940591 [DELETED] 

Not even trying to be rude, but I don't understand what your point is. I was just commenting on >>6940387 and how they implied that because they "don't feel it", somehow justifies what they're doing. As if that's the only thing that someone should consider when deciding whether or not they should whore out their body.

>> No.6940599 [DELETED] 

why would you feel sorry for her? she was the one stupid enough to marry a fat slimey fuck.

then again she's probably hideous herself. anyone got pics of her?

>> No.6940596

Not even trying to be rude, but I don't understand what your point is. I was just commenting on >>6940387 and how they implied that because they "don't feel it", that somehow justifies what they're doing. As if that's the only thing that someone should consider when deciding whether or not they should whore out their body.

>> No.6940794
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>Wealth, Fame, and Power
>AX Confirmed for One Piece

>> No.6940853 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6940906

You must be from /b/...

>> No.6940907

Could do a lot worse

>> No.6940938

save this thread, and in 5 years come back.

>> No.6940955

As an ex-staffer, I recently found out that lies have been spreading around AX about how some of us left the con. A lot of them are lies, and many of us left because of Allison McKnight.

Has anyone looked at her linkden? Hardly qualifies for the position she has at AX and SPJA.

Even the profile itself is unprofessional. Why would you even want to hire someone like that.


>> No.6941057 [DELETED] 

you think she's sucking Perez's dick when no one's looking?

>> No.6941149


While I'm under the radar from upper management for the time being, I can't stay quiet for long with so many unprofessional mistakes on other parts of staff that look bad on me, the other staff that care, and the work we put into this con. It's hard to take pride in your work when your co-workers and bosses keep fucking things up, and then I have to make excuses and apologize for their behalf. I'd like to not to have to make excuses to people I know in press and industry because 'so-and-so from this department took a month to respond to an e-mail.' All I can say is that it's been my goal from the start to run things from the very beginning, and I refuse to take no for an answer.

>> No.6941173

looks like we have the next Mike Tatsugawa/Chase Wang/Marc Perez on our hands here

>> No.6941185


I have no interest in embezzling funds, frivolous lawsuits or easy lays. I really just want the bragging rights of being the best convention. That means creating value for attendees by listening to both the attendees and staff. If attendees didn't feel they got their money's worth, I'd gladly give the position to someone who can.

>> No.6941230

Someone should post this up on AX's Facebook. That'd be real funny.

>> No.6941243

So the King has several pretenders vying for the throne. Interesting....

>> No.6941317

Marc Perez's contract ends in October. It'll get renewed because the board sucks his little Mexican dick.

>> No.6941364

how do they choose it anyway? what kindo f company structure is it?

>> No.6941402

the kind where they hold onto power by consolidating it together and giving each other mutual handjobs

>> No.6941441

Girlfran, it was a rude joke about the size of his willy. It wasn't meant seriously or literally.

>> No.6941446
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>business opportunity
>in California
>especially southern California
>not expecting anyone that manages to get into power to fuck up everything for their own personal gain and entertainment, regardless of what it does to the company or anyone else involved.


>> No.6941545

No excuses, no forgiveness.

>> No.6941618

It's not an excuse - that's just how Cali is. It's a dump full of self-absorbed, self-serving, self-worshiping assholes. They all think short-term, too.

>> No.6941689

This. Fuck California All of it.

>> No.6941697


>> No.6941700

It truly is worst state. NorCal is only slightly less shitty.

>> No.6941711
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>> No.6941817

Probably, yes. I have a list of non /cgl/ and non-thread related reasons that there's no point in discussing here, but yes, California and I have not gotten along.

I feel wonderful knowing that I'll be moving out of Cali soon, though.

>> No.6941843


Put the exaggeration away and spend time in Missouri or Michigan for a few days. There are far worse states.

>> No.6941846

I lived in Michigan before moving to California. This was a terrible choice.

>> No.6941872


Michigan?? No offense but you have no leg to stand on. I think California would be better off.

>> No.6941884

>anally aggravated Califag detected

>> No.6941896
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>I hate california.
>try living in michigan!
>I lived in michigan.
>well you're wrong because I say so!

Opinions errywur, then. I lived in several parts of Michigan, and I would rather live there than any of the parts of California that I've been in. Michigan may not be first place in the US, but it's still better than Cali. The people are nicer to the degree that 90% of them aren't assholes, the weather is nicer (inb4 shitting bricks about this, I happen to like seasons), driving is a BREEZE in comparison, everything is cheaper, etc etc etc. The housing market is still in buyer's favor, so I'll be taking advantage of that instead of living in an apartment, cramped near a bunch of people I don't like and having to depend on the property owners to take care of anything that goes wrong instead of just doing it myself.

I like space, I like changing weather, I like being able to drive somewhere without having to dodge idiots, and I'll like being able to afford a place that will grant me room for all my projects.

If that makes me a terrible person with an invalid opinion because I've experienced Michigan and Cali and I favor Michigan, then so be it. I don't really need you to sign any forms for life to go on.

>> No.6941920


Except I didn't just spend a paragraph spilling out the contents of my entitlement, I just disagreed. Different strokes for different folks, but don't be upset that the state benefits from you leaving.

And the buyer's market is still in a buyer's favor for another year, you just don't have the income to make it here plain and simple. You leaving reduces the population density in the most populous state, even if it's a microscopic dent. It's one less person living in California and complaining about it. You have no idea how annoying you people sound.

>> No.6941923

So your poor, uneducated, and an idiot? You know you can buy a pretty big house here in california for pretty cheap? I bought mine for 199,000. Was built in 2006, 5 rooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 story, big garage, and 3,600 sqft. You can get a decent condo for about 50k too. Of course it will be about an hour away from downtown LA but if you drive its no problem. Just because your a fucking idiot that doesn't know where to look or have bad experiences doesn't make California bad. Since your such an idiot i will give you some advice. Go to texas instead. Your opinions are not fact.

Not the person your responding too btw.

>> No.6941924

I live in Michigan and I think it's an all right state. It's kinda hard to be gay in some parts, but other than that it's okay.

>> No.6941947

It's lovely how hostile you are - you're giving a very good example of the kind of person that I will enjoy moving away from. Also, nowhere in my post do I say that my words are facts. I even use the word opinion twice. I'm sure I'm still an uneducated idiot, though. That's fine.

Entitlement to what? To liking something? To having an opinion? I'm not really even sure what you're getting at there, but okay.

And you're right, I was scrapped for money for the longest time because I lost jobs due to the companies that I worked for making bad decisions and folding or outsourcing. That goes back to my original post here >>6941446.

I have money now because I've been living as cheaply as I can so I can get out and get a place as soon as I move. I could get a house here if I wanted to, but why would I? I can get one just as nice for much cheaper elsewhere.

I'll be doing you a favor, to boot. And you thought people from Michigan were terrible.

>> No.6941960

YMMV. California is a big enough state that you can still find areas that are in buyer's favor, cheap, and not with a lot of traffic ... and have seasons. Pretty interesting really.

Wait, wasn't this thread about AX?

>> No.6942036


It was till someone shat in it.

>> No.6942056

>I could get a house here if I wanted to

No you couldn't. No amount of "living cheaply" would be enough for a down payment. You wouldn't be able to pay the mortgage, bills, and taxes even if you did. It would all catch up to you even if you did buy a shitty run down home. Maybe if you lived in Las Vegas where the houses go for 20k-50k. I can see now that you thinking you know it all was clearly the downfall of your stay in California. Like i said you are poor, uneducated, and an idiot. Move back in with your parents and start saving money if you actually want to buy a house. Or you can choose to keep renting and keep trowing away money like the uneducated fuck you are.

>> No.6942063

Still is last time I checked. Any new stuff coming yet?

>> No.6942091
File: 8 KB, 351x320, 1258626957731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, okay, guy.
>condemn someone for stating opinions as facts
>fabricate an entire history about someone else and state it as truth.

Can you do more? I'm curious how your fanfic about me will end.

>> No.6942126

199k is not cheap, idiot.

>> No.6942425

i have a feeling marc perez, his mistress, and his cronies are paranoid now

>> No.6942454

Nah, they don't read 4chan. They only check out cosplay.com

>> No.6942456

I don't know why they'd be paranoid. They have their power block setup so it's hard to dislodge them.

>> No.6942832

Hank Wong wants the CEO job. He's worse because no one likes him.

>> No.6942909

True. Anyone up to posting this shit on cc.com?

>> No.6942973

so where did AX first go wrong? Latanzio? Perez's first run? Did he suck less during his first run and then later go full-on corrupt post-Latanzio?

>> No.6942982

I'm not the person you're responding to. I see you have some reason but you could come off less as a condescending ass about it. Not everyone has the option of living with their parents and do your research before you go spouting bullshit. Houses are not 20-50k. They're 150k for an okay one and jobs aren't easy to find even now. You're also competing with more experienced people in industries that are hiring and desperate people.

Not everyone dreams about living in Cali. Some people like it, some people don't. I used to live in Cali for a decade and it wasn't that great of a place. I wouldn't like to go back to there unless it was in NoCal with a high paying job. You're arguing with him like you have personal stake in it. Different strokes for different folks and all that. Not everyone likes Cali. Get over it.

>> No.6943010

I wonder if Otakon has this much drama behind the scenes? I still want to go to anime expo someday. I will make it to that side of the country eventually.

>> No.6943029

This is an excellent idea.

>> No.6943032

AX's leadership has always been corrupt, ever since its inception. Lattazio first? LOL no. Did you forget Mike Tatsugawa?

>> No.6943077

Yes and no. I think the difference is that isn't AX for profit and Otakon is non-profit?

The problem with Otakon's staff is that there is a lot of staff bickering and fighting for position within the thing to the point where people are more concerned about who to shmooze than actually proving their worth.

Otakon's current staff also really doesn't give a flying fuck about attendees. In the past, if there was an increase in price for the con, the staff used to explain why there was an increase and what it was going toward. They would listen to complains and try to make the con change based on feedback. Now, the current staff will just post increased rates and tell you that it's not your place to know what they need the money for (which is for things like renting out the entire Hard Rock Cafe for themselves), and any complaint is met with basically "Everything is fine, nothing is broken. Otakon is great - see you next year!"

>> No.6943086

There was the Artist's Alley stuff last year. I know their AA has a metric fuckton of drama, some of it because of the incident in 2009 with the 14 tables but a lot of it just seems like shitty staff.

>> No.6943101

>a lot of it just seems like shitty staff.

This. So much this.

I've been involved in some other parts of the con and had to deal with their staff. Basically, people that are there to jockey for position remain and ignore their duties, and people that actually wanted to run a good event got fed up and left.

You're left with the worst of the stock now. Running the con properly is a a chore to them that interrupts their attempts for promotion within the con.

>> No.6943119

way before my time, (un)fortunately

>> No.6943174

It'd probably get deleted and the user banned within ten minutes.

>> No.6943195

SPJA is a non-profit

>> No.6943201 [DELETED] 

Whatever my thoughts on AX, I feel sorry for the fact he's basically going to have to go through a divorce now.

He doesn't deserve that.

>> No.6943206 [DELETED] 


Why would you feel sorry for some cheating asshole? Maybe he should have kept his damn dick in his pants if he cared about his marriage.

>> No.6943216 [DELETED] 


Women will never be able to understand that just because of a momentary lapse in physical loyalty, doesn't mean a man doesn't love his girlfriend/fiance/wife with all his heart.

Fucking unforgiving modern women...

>> No.6943220 [DELETED] 

Back to /r9k, please.

>> No.6943222

momentary lapse resulting in a 45k job. yeah, sounds really momentary.

"it's so hard not to cheat" is as good an excuse as fat people saying "its so hard not to eat cake". no it's not, you're just weak.

>> No.6943227

Cake is pretty delicious, though.

>> No.6943237

Oh man, I have cake in the fridge right now.

>> No.6943260 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that affair seems to be pretty fucking awful. But take it from me, when a girl leaves you after something that, you feel suicidal, especially if the girl was your fiance or something.

>> No.6943289

So... you're saying there's a good chance we'll get a new CEO then?

>> No.6943314 [DELETED] 

lol I dunno.

Just hope the man's wife sees sense and takes him back. He's going to need it.

>> No.6943318

Nevada is pretty shitty too. Ideal place to live if your dreams and aspirations are to work in fast food management.

>> No.6943322 [DELETED] 

I think his point was that cheating doesn't mean you don't love a woman.

>> No.6943325 [DELETED] 


>> No.6943489

No one fucking cares, this post was originally about how McBitch and company are fucking over staff for AX, and how her shitty business skills are screwing things up- ie, telling rejected panelists to calm the fuck down- she didn't 'rape yo baby'

>> No.6943506

you care enough to post a reply

>> No.6943586

Will Otakon Vegas be the same?

>> No.6943593

Probably. We'll see how they do. It's still 6 months away but there hasn't been much news about it at all.

>> No.6943651

those issues are really minor compared to the shitfest that is AX drama

>> No.6943654

fuck whats with the deleted posts? someone afraid of being caught by Perez or McKnight?

>> No.6943656

Eh, put it up anyways. Let it get banned. Shows a desire to silence any kind of dissent or truth.

>> No.6943657

Nothing really related, just some shit about being suicidal from divorce.

>> No.6943682

At least it was related to the topic instead of arguing over state-to-state living expenses... Probably deleted due to the 'singling out' rule though.

>> No.6943700

so marc perez is being suicidal? well if he offs himself hopefully a slightly less corrupt CEO takes over

>> No.6943703

No. He's not suicidal. The previous discussion was just about how someone said some men would feel suicidal after cheating on a woman then getting dumped right after.

>> No.6943704

I wonder if anyone is crazy enough to sacrifice their account and get blacklisted by SPJA.

>> No.6943759

At this point, just do it, the SPJA is ban-hammer happy these days, they'll even ban people from the LACC for unrelated shit, and if you're a staff that has the balls to stand up to McKnight or Nibut, you get the ban hammer too

>> No.6943771

Why not post under a spoof account with a proxy or some free wifi or something?

>> No.6943936

They still moderate the thread before it gets posted on the forums.

>> No.6943950

Only if you're new. So yeah, it could be a sacrifice or maybe a proxy. Guess it's up to someone to do it, just like they did here.

>> No.6943952

why are posts getting deleted here too?

>> No.6943999

What's been deleted?

>> No.6944001

lol did someone say hignight is a good person? Man fuck that unresponsive dick.

>> No.6944013

SPJA will target anyone glorified as good, anon says Greg is good to get him targeted. Well played Anon.

>> No.6944028

Greg is cocky, annoying, and dresses like a lesbian but he cares deeply for the convention. He actually listens to staff opinion and fan wants/needs.

Of all the SPJA goyim, he's the least goyim.

>> No.6944029

You guys do all know that anyone can apply to run for SPJA BoD? Just make sure you don't say in your application or interview anything stupid like you're just joining to fire Marc and you should get on the ballot.

>> No.6944038

No one ever gets changed. At least not anymore.

>> No.6944049

greg is the idiot who couldn't spend the time to check gear properly causing staffers in other departments to waste time/energy to solve problems created by greg and his staff.

also, if he cares so much about the con then why was he handing out his own business cards last year rather than AX cards? sounds like someone is putting their own personal interests ahead of the con...

>> No.6944560

>dresses like a lesbian

ahahahahahah oh fuck it's so true. I always wanted to describe him as trying to be Mick Jagger, though.

Also, anon with an industry day job detected, amirite? I don't know anybody else who'd use goy in a context like that.

>> No.6944588

At least hignight doesnt sleep around will all of his managers.... Can't say the same for McBitch.....

>> No.6944905

5 different dudes apparently. Talk about con sars, more like con hiv.

>> No.6944930

is marc perez one of the 5 she slept with? she went to japan with him in march

>> No.6944985

Yeah. I'm surprised that they havent fucking taken down the site yet because you can still buy tickets through it.

>> No.6945415

How does the process work?

>> No.6945434

marc probably got himself some slippery japanese on that trip

>> No.6945947

Well shit, I'm not surprised, and I'm glad you opened this thread OP cause Perez is a piece of manwhore shit.

It's almost AX... Anyone know what to expect this year?

>> No.6946019

A lot of inconsistency & disappointment.

>> No.6946186

don't think so. he only likes fat white girls. have you seen his wife and ann marie?

>> No.6946226


Last Comic Standing should be good this year

>> No.6946228

He is totally fucking Alli. Also:

>trusting mexiucunts


>> No.6946231

A professional whore.

>> No.6946235

>not even hot
>worth 45k


>> No.6946637

AX is about to start. I'm sure they're too busy patting themselves on the back now.

>> No.6946636

Anyone have any proof/evidence of this?

>> No.6946648

Project Anime is going on, they already started

>> No.6946758

OP is a wannabe Snowden. He/she is too much of a pussy to reveal him/herself.

OP is probably some poorfag who cant attend AX and has to go low and smear a great organization.

>> No.6946816 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 100x100, 1294229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful around Taylor, he's usually on the C.com fourms now, likes to push everyone in the corners with threats..

>> No.6946828
File: 19 KB, 100x100, 1294229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful around Taylor, he's usually on the C.com fourms now, likes to push everyone in the corners with threats.

>> No.6946842

Fuck off Taylor Locke. Shouldn't you be sucking on Marc Perez's dick right about now?

>> No.6946891

please post some pics of his wife and ann marie, i want to see who are these dumb bitches who are desperate enough that they would sleep with such a slimy fat fuck.

>> No.6946896

this is probably true but the drama is still entertaining, and you have to admit, marc perez is a fucking fat mexican.

>> No.6946938

posting in a legendary thread

>> No.6946951

OP needs to learn to deal with the fact that they're never going to be the CEO of a large and powerful organization like AX. Someone is jealous.

>> No.6946966

Not sure if troll or damage control. Either way, thread's too far gone to put a new direction on it. It's already been established that no one holds him in high regard

>> No.6947024

It wouldn't surprise me if the retard that got fired for the shit she pulled in this thread is posting here: http://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S6835519

That said yes Marc is totally fucking stuff up because he thinks he knows better how to run things than anyone else and while he doesn't often fire good staff, he makes their jobs so miserable that they leave on their own.

>> No.6947032

You know what OP, fuck off! Who cares about the crap you posted. The attendees that are going don't give a shit. Not even the autist trips that post here and go to AX even care what you just wrote.

If Perez died and the SPJA hired a gorilla to takeover, guess what? No one really fucking cares.

This thread is stupid. Does /cgl/ even have mods to delete this pointless thread?

>Posting garbage right before AX
And not a single fuck was given.

>> No.6947048

>calling maguma and masa autists

I like you anon.

>> No.6947068


same poster

>> No.6947229

Is this Allison McKnight posting this?

>> No.6947417


I need my lels before AX and I don't believe this will affect the con. This is shaping up to be best AX in years!

>> No.6947433

Taylor Locke. He's currently sucking on Marc Perez's nutsack. You like that Mexican ball funk, Taylor?

>> No.6947435


What a mess!

>> No.6947447

I'm not Taylor or even an AX Staffer.

I believe that the SPJA is doing the best they can and the only way to do so is to support them. I bet you loser Seagulls couldn't even run a con sucessfully on that magnitude let alone a small con.

Quit being a dick like OP and stop portraying AX and the SPJA like villains.

>> No.6947448

Con drama rarely affects the quality of a convention, unless it leads to a bunch of newbies taking over positions.

>> No.6947452

Naw, that person seems way too stupid to pull this off

>> No.6947457

/cgl/, I hope you all eat shit come Monday when I see posts saying that this was the best AX in years and wow the SPJA is so awesome that I want to come back next and I hope they stay in Downtown LA forever!

>> No.6947461

You sure as fuck sound like staff

>> No.6947465

Taylor, is dat u?

>> No.6947472

Lol bitch please, go suck Perez's dick you twat.

>> No.6947482


>> No.6947498

When you're at your low-water mark it's not that hard to go higher.

>> No.6947533
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1372703491748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP is some asspained poorfag that he can't attend the greatest con on earth
>mfw OP is forever banned from attending anime expo

your loss op.

>> No.6947610

Not really keeping up with this thread so forgive me if this was already talked about..but I wanted to know what happened last year at AX? I remember hearing about money embezzling from some staff member..wanted to know if this was just bullshit or not. I know something happened in '07 but I'm talking about '12

>> No.6947760

I think you've heard the worst of the worst about American conventions, but having traveled Europe I know what you mean about things being more commercial here. I would hazard advertising in the US 100 times more prominent than in Europe. I have no real numbers, but outside of England I noticed very little advertising (there was more graffiti than advertising).

Think of it as a product of the larger population and bigger pop culture. Though Europe doesn't lack pop culture by any means, the movie and music industry are focused on bigger budgets and bigger profits. The same kind of thinking has poisoned some American conventions, and it's sustainable with the large population and the wealth of commercial sponsors.

>> No.6947832

Faggot Perez decided to have AX at the same dates as the ESPN's X Games, which of course caused a lot of havoc.

Perez didn't even attend last year probably because he hid from the angry mob of attendees and from what I heard, also from his wife cause he Cheated

>> No.6947840
File: 42 KB, 600x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this bitch hating. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

>> No.6947846

Implying that being the CEO of AX actually means anything.

Anyone with enough money can be the CEO of a corporation. Hell, you could make your own corporation. And it'd have a hell of a lot more impact in the world than being the *CEO of ANIMEEE EXPOOO*.

Whoop de fucking do. Seriously, don't kid yourself. I'd rather be a Microsoft employee than the CEO of an anime convention. At least I'll be a guaranteed millionaire by the time I retire.

>> No.6947856

More damage control?

>> No.6947857

he isn't implying anything, idiot. he's merely saying that the OP is jealous of marc perez and that's why he's spewing all of the possible BS about him.

>> No.6947941

except the bs is true.

>> No.6948143


>> No.6948161

Rumor mill has it that he intentionally did it because he wants to show the city of LA that he can manage a big event in a tight situation.

Also, he plans to ditch the SPJA and find a job through the city.

>> No.6948166

Whatever happened to that "Bad Jokes from SPJA CEO" panel? Did it happen? What replaced it?

>> No.6948191

It didn't happen because he wasn't at AX period.
It was also a joke according to another staffer. I think I read it on the coscom forum that he really doesn't like to do stuff like that and he probably would have never actually gone on stage.

>> No.6948209

Marc Perez is a real paranoid fuck and uses other people to do his dirty work. Why do you think he has Allison McKnight and Taylor Locke do all the bullying for him? Lorraine Nibut too. Oh that bitch!

>> No.6948507

Sounds like a certain character in Game of Thrones

>> No.6948612

Look at all these haters posting on a thread about a con they are attending. I bet some of you ugly people are already at the LACC waiting to pick up your badge.

> hypocrites

Pick two

>> No.6948691


Just because the gears are already in motion to put a new Board of Directors to clean house on upper management doesn't make us hypocrites, just people who care about things like proper execution of a convention.

A good example of a large amount of policy changes enacted by the corrupt people staff is organizing to throw out includes no longer reimbursing volunteer badges. I do it multiple reasons, but this thread isn't the proper place to bitch about it. I'd rather shake Marc's hand with a smile this week and plant the dagger in his back this fall when it comes time to vote.

>> No.6948699

Taylor, get off 4chan and work on AX.

>> No.6948721

can't wait to see what kind of corruption Marc Perez's replacement will come up with. maybe AX will finally die.

>> No.6948825

>no longer reimbursing volunteer badges

because if ax did that, the volunteers would do nothing but try to kill time by being lazy and not be helpful to their fellow attendees.

>> No.6948844

inb4 Allison McKnight is the new CEO.

Oh Lawd, that would be hilarious.

>> No.6948912
File: 100 KB, 612x612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahaha Oh nigga please, We ain't haiting AX but assholes like you Taylor/Allison/Marc make it look really bad.

>> No.6948916


AX is about to get fucked even more.

>> No.6948922

Oh boy, now I be laughing here. Thanks for the update anon.

>> No.6948924

>hating on the people that bring you ax every year

well who else would be a good fit?

>> No.6948936
File: 45 KB, 436x543, 1372871941003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw badge prices jump more than a $100 and it will cost a grand to stay at the JW Marriott for the entire AX.

I wish the SPJA would use an ounce of their brain to pay the penalty and GTFO of LA. This is not good in the long run for them.

>> No.6948946

Amen sir.

>> No.6949185

if they actually finally gtfo of the LACC then i might go back. sick and tired of that crappy venue. i hope they go back to LBCC to scare off all the fat cosplay.com whiners.

>> No.6949570

This doesn't happen at other conventions. They get reimbursed, and they still work. Pfft.

And over $100 for a badge??? SERIOUSLY??? Screw that.

>> No.6949571


Aww hell. Here we go.

>> No.6949632

In my opinion, not reimbursing the badge is a smart move. This way only people that have the desire to actually want to help will be getting involved (yes these people do exist). Most the people who would volunteer would only be doing it for that free badge, and majority of the time would be seen goofing around or not paying attention to the information they needed to know to give to other people.

>> No.6949668


>> No.6949673

No Taylor and get back to work.

>> No.6949678

its not over $100 a badget yet idiot, that was another idiot anon speculating. AX will die if they did that. or they could change venues. didn't they only renew LACC for one extra year instead of signing a multi year contract?

>> No.6949688


I agree, with AEG in control, I think this could help lower prices for all surrounding hotels. Since they do own JW Marriott, they can lower their rates that which will also force places like the Westin Bonaventure and Luxe to lower so they can stay competitive.

>> No.6949762

I pray that'll help. I'm having a feeling that it may not go well though.... I may be wrong

>> No.6949937

Or everything will cost more because Marc and Co can't negotiate themselves into a paper bag unless it involves sex with other upper management members.

>> No.6950188

I am sorry, the prices will most likely go up.

>> No.6950358

Well, looks like someone put it up on cosplay.com.

Funny howmant views it has, but no one says anything on the thread itself.


>> No.6950370

Speaking of, I heard he just tried to fire an entire department tonight because he's a whiny bitch.

Seriously, though. Something about a TV getting broken by accident. Anyone know about that?

>> No.6950377



>> No.6950405

uh oh, well, here comes the fun.

>> No.6950611


Lol, you are too predictable. There is no way names will be named, lest we'll get fired for challenging their authority. They find the easiest excuses, hence why we stay quiet. Trust that there are very qualified people that are gunning for those positions in management.

>> No.6950620


Too bad your opinion sucks. Volunteers have to work 20 hours to get their badge reimbursed in the past. Even at a badge set at $100 dollars, that would mean you still work for less than minimum wage.

Furthermore, you are making some pretty hard guesses about how volunteers work. In my opinion, you are a shill for the current SPJA administration like other posters that lack objectivity in their situation.

If you haven't staffed for more than two years, you don't really know anything.

>> No.6950653

ITT: Allison McKnight and especially Taylor Locke white knighting SPJA.

Go suck some dicks.

>> No.6950730


That guy is a massive SPJA shill and he's not even a Staffer. I hate that faggot so much and he's the reason why I left the AX Forums because of his stupid shit. He doesn't listen to reason. I heard him and Taylor are secret fuck buddies.

>> No.6950743

I love /cgl/ because threads like this can exist. Everyone else in the community would be afraid of letting people speak out against AX. You'd never see this kind of information leak on cos.com or facebook. At least here on 4chan we still have some freedom of speech.

Bravo to the mods for not deleting this thread and giving in to their pressure. Bravo to the courageous anons itt for calling AX out on their bullshit and making these corrupt individuals further incriminate themselves by whiteknighting so fervently. Hopefully things will really change.

>> No.6950802


This board has mods? If so, this thread would dissapeared a long time ago.

You guys should come out to AX, it's really shaping up to be the best in years!

>> No.6950804
File: 1.47 MB, 225x124, dood srsly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm with >>6950620
on this point, i used to volunteer back in the day ('03 - '08) and even then, it wasn't all fun and games;
it used to be at least 22 hours total for all con,
4 for a day badge and eventually certain rules changed you were basically a gopher/entry level, disposable staffer, the benefits were barely enough to warrant the hassle:
shifts were done mostly 2 hrs increments, and you only got access to crash space & food if you were all-con, and both were pretty limited...
you wanna talk room stuffing, these doods packed up to 12 per room (and we're not talking 'bout suites here) taking away the marginal benefits would only leave an already shorthanded staff with less to work with, and half of the shit that gets done at con is done thru the green vests/volunteers;
the jobs you get are the ones that peeps with "power" don't wanna do, and just to show that they don't care about you or bother to double check & get their facts straight, i ended up getting banned on mistaken identity (some skinnyfag raver white kid that shared a first name with me did some shit that ended up doing some things that were blatantly taking advantage of the system, and brought about more b.s. rules in '08 due to said fuck-ups) and was dodging them so hard that the misdirection worked, and i ended up getting all that heat thrown on me for everyone of the night owl's "sins"... it didn't help that one of the 'tards in our room that year decided it'd be a great idea to store a handle of vodka in the mini-fridge when they had decided to do surprise check ups on rooms, and all staff/vol rooms are "dry", among other things...
tl;dr version
i've seen some shit and taking away the glue that binds AX together will bring it crashing down

>> No.6950805

He has every right to fire someone for something like that. The TVs they use are not cheap you know.

>> No.6950816

poopity poop.

>> No.6950829

what are you talking about? 2 years ago there was a huge cosplay.com thread about Lattazio, though most of it was just bullshit spewn by butthurt ex-staffers and a big gigantic faggot named Hakaider

>> No.6950831

I doubt there's a single qualified person there, yourself included. Whoever pulls off this coup will be no better than AX's previous corrupt managers.

>> No.6950833

Like when no one got fired at ALA for the con suite debacle that exceeded 2 grand?

Yeah, right. Sounds more like dick sucking defense to me.

>> No.6950840

What's this all about? Please elaborate? Did it happen this year?

>> No.6950848


Lattanzio surprisingly spoke Japanese but sadly didn't understand the industry he was in and burned bridges with AX's business contacts.

Doubt all you want, but don't underestimate staff's discontent this year. All it'd take is to focus those feelings onto a scapegoat when it comes time to vote. I'm at least as competent in my staffing duties as my ability to politically navigate through the next attempted purge with my friends in tow because we balance giving a shit about the con vs. working with shit from upper management like last minute arbitrary policy changes.

>> No.6950893

>This thread is still alive

Why haven't the mods deleted this?

Maybe if you closet faggot Seagulls would leave your basement and come down to the LACC, I can say that so far things are smoother than ever.

No X-Games is one reason, but organization and the flow of the con is another reason why AX is already doing good on Day 1.

>> No.6950924


Taylor, this thread is still alive because people have genuine complaints. Of course an asshole like you who like bully people around would just love to bully the mods to shut down this thread. That's what you do at AX so why not elsewhere right?

Go back to sucking Marc Perez's dick.

>> No.6950939
File: 500 KB, 500x235, tumblr_mdwdshKXQp1rlerpuo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meets an asshole on the internet
>uses that to judge an entire population of people

I've been to my fair share of places in the USA. I happen to prefer CA. Then again, I don't like seasons, I like to crowded, I can drive like a demon through traffic so fuck traffic. My family likes their space and the heat so they choose to live in the South, my dad loves Texas so he moved there. I fucking hate Texas, the south is too empty and conservative. I mean, I live in one of those small town areas in CA and all the people are really nice, like Minnesota nice (I lived there for a while and they are disturbingly kind to strangers). CA is HUGE and has a lot of different cultures in it. In the upper O.C. to LA area you are going to get a lot of douche bags who are "industry" people or posers and they SUCK, but everywhere else is really chill. I just, like, don't know what your problem is man. BRB while I kick back my white russians and In-n-out before I head over to the beach and then the Magic Castel later (Just kidding).

>> No.6950961

>I can drive like a demon through traffic
>upper O.C. to LA area you are going to get a lot of douche bags who are "industry" people or posers and they SUCK, but everywhere is really chill

I have lived in LA my entire life, and travel all over Socal.
I don't think you know what in the jesus fuck you are talking about at all. Have you even been to LA or OC?

>> No.6950974

Open your eyes dumbass Seagull. People are having a great time. People are taking pictures of Cosplayers left and right. The weather is nice today. Everybody is buying something from every booth.

What I'm trying to say is that whatever crap is being spewed on this thread is not affecting the con in any form. Everyone is having a great time, so get off 4chan and get over here. Maybe your opinons will change on Monday.

>> No.6950978

>genuine complaints

More like bitching & moaning that they don't know how to have a great time at Anime Expo.

>> No.6950997

When the con is over all of these angry people will still be waiting here for you. You will have to deal with it eventually and it will not end until balance is restored. If you weren't indulging so much in your little world of self-gratification you wouldn't have this problem. Of course we all know that there will always be complaints no matter how well the event is managed, but your own staffs' anger wouldn't be spilling over on to the internet if you, as management, were doing your best for them and for con goers.

>> No.6951004

just quit already. lead a mass exodus if you want. theres no point trying to right a sinking ship.

>> No.6951009

All the complaints are from people who don't know how to make the best of things at AX so they need an excuse to vent out their frustrations.

Why are you still here? Come to AX and experience the fun. Connect. Create. Culture.

>> No.6951037

Why are you defending yourself on 4chan right now? Don't you have a convention to run? lol

>> No.6951046

Come down here and see how it's being operated compared to year's past and I'm sure AX will make you eat those words.

>MFW a poorfag Seagull has nothing better to do than talk shit about the greatest anime convention in the world.

>> No.6951050

Taylor, get off your self-congratulatory ass and work. You have a con to run and angry staffers to appease.

>> No.6951061

It's against the rules of this board to advertise your con here.

>> No.6951062
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>> No.6951170

The Staff is not angry. They are very very happy to be here and help fans. You're just butthurt that you are not here to witness all the fun.

>> No.6951193

since when?

>> No.6951255

no its not, dumbshit

>> No.6951267

ITT Buttmad /cgl/ bitches who can't make it to Anime Expo

Stay mad

>> No.6951309

What happened is that the person that was removed was working on something next to the TV. The cord got caught in his feet and he did not notice. He moved away and the TV fell and smashed its front. Taylor flipped out and fired the guy on the spot. I also heard that he wanted to fire everyone else under hhim, but that one of the guys was able to calm him down. He however removed the TV smashers assistant because he should have stoped it fro. Smashing

>> No.6951307


>> No.6951336

Wow, this year AX has broke 50K in unique attendance.

>> No.6951337

Along with the fire Marshall complaints, 3 hour wait in line and ALREADY cancelling events on day 1, trying to fire entire departments...

Seriously, this is the internet. Info gets out in a heartbeat. FFS, you're on 4chan. You of *ALL* people should know this.

>> No.6951343

Sounds like Taylor.

>> No.6951358

Looks like an admin pulled the thread that was in cosplay.com down.

Haha too late now.

>> No.6951357

Moron, that happens everyday. Of course whoever that guy is deserves to be fired. Who owns that TV? Not that guy or Taylor, it's the SPJA. Taylor had no other choice but to relieve that person.

>> No.6951361

>fire mashal complaints
>cancelling events on day 1

please do tell more.

>> No.6951362

The entire department? You must make a shitty boss.

>> No.6951368

My buddy told me that the fire Marshall showed up giving the con warning since there were so many people waiting for exhibit hall to open that it was crammed bad, probably at risk for trampling or something.

And I know for sure they canceled Japan America vs. Hollywood. There's a couple others, but I don't know about those.

>> No.6951378

But to fire staff that was not even involved?? And lie about the reason behind the firing? It was an accident

>> No.6951380

Taylor, cut the crap.

>> No.6951391

Can the Fire Marshal cancel an event?

>> No.6951396

Of course, they are responsible.

>> No.6951400

No, that happened back in '09 on the last day. Someone let attendees & extra staff into the suite when they weren't supposed to and the place got trashed.

This year was the infamous hot tub catastrophe involving the Homestuck retards.

>> No.6951442

And this is why you would never become a manager of anything, let alone have a team that would work for you.

It's called an accident for a reason. If that was put into everyday business, there wouldn't be any employees. Get real.

>> No.6951565

That's why you need to be careful. It's not like they can quickly go to Best Buy and go buy a new one right away. Where are they going to get the money?

The guy had to be made as an example. You don't fuck around at crunch time.

>> No.6951598

You sound like a real cunt. Firing the person responsible, harsh but understandable. Firing everyone under that person, vindictive and dickish, immature behavior.

>> No.6951606

If you don't have money to buy a TV in an emergency situation and you're a corporation...then you've got bigger problems than just a stupid TV.

"Made an example"...what a fucking douche.

>> No.6951665

Because it's not like Best Buy ever has any TVs in stock. At this point, this just sounds like a troll with nothing better to do on the Fourth of July, which is just pathetic.

>> No.6951672

Fucking hell. Who puts cords where people can be entangled/trip over? That's an OH&S issue right there. Lucky no one was injured.

>> No.6951744

I'm a really agressive driver, so unless we're at a full stop on the 5 or something I can usually get around in decent time. And yah, the upper O.C. getting towards LA does really suck because of all the hipsters and people trying to "make it" those people are typically douche bags. I live in a smaller town just on the edge of Orange County. Yah, I've lived in CA all my life and was born and raised here, where the fuck have you been?

>> No.6951766

This is my first ever Anime Expo and I had a blast! Why all the hate and jelly?

>> No.6951877

Maybe if you read the thread? Are you brain dead?

>> No.6951907

If you have all these issues and concerns, why don't you stop being a pussy and bring them up at the Con Gripe Session on Day 4? It's a public forum where you can speak directly to the CEO, Board Members, and the directors.

>> No.6951908

I think you're all brain dead. You're not giving AX a chance to redeem themselves. Even though it is only the first day, they have made huge strides so far and its predicted to be the largest and best AX EVER!

>> No.6951920
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Can I add in that their website is the biggest pos i've ever seen? It's complete garbage.It's a jumbled mess of shit, and crashes all the time. Whoever designed it/takes care of it needs to get canned.

>> No.6951931

That website really does suck. A fucking child could do a better job. And you gotta love all of the fat fucks cosplaying this year, too.

>> No.6952023

Same poster.

By the way, as we've seen, no one of a considerable level of intellect has used 'jelly' as a descriptive term. That and the 'prediction' has already been proven wrong.

>> No.6952068

How is my prediction proven wrong?

>> No.6952115

>Anschutz Entertainment Group

Please tell me I'm not the only one who at first read that as "Auschwitz Entertainment Group"

>> No.6952188

Just a reminder that official complaints can be taken at con ops for our database. I'm in there so I can write our reports directly.

Also, I've been listening to all the radio channels and from the attendee experience side things have been great.

Actually kinda scared of how smooth sailing things are when I'm used to repairing so many things at smaller conventions like Anime Conji.

AEG is supposed to be cool to work with, any dirt on them?

>> No.6952199


Some anon needs to go there and address things and people by name. Not gloss past bullshit and play in the vague. Be fucking direct.

Marc P and his paid mistresses.
Allison M and her bullshit treatment of staff.
Taylor power tripping shitty website IT failure

Instead of just looking at this bitch thread - speak UP. Wear a mask. Don't wear a mask. Address it head on.

Otherwise - 4chan is just being a bunch of pussies. Again.

>> No.6952214

If you guys have a problem with me, or want to discuss stuff I'm in room 509B at the LACC in West Hall. I should have some free time to chat with some of you if you're curious about actually knowing who I am as a person.

To clarify, we've been having issues with our signage systems since Day -1. We found that one of the tvs arrived to LACC broken. Keep in mind that this system was sold to sponsors as a set of (10) televisions. We had a back up from another dept that we were going to replace the broken one with.

What happened: Our staffer, was over by the tvs getting a printer from the table by them (keep in mind these 10 tvs had been set up and there for an entire day now, they knew to be careful around them). The cords from what I saw were wrapped around the bases of the stands they were on. And even if they weren't, how the stands are designed is there would have been no way he couldve been stepping on it without being right against the screen. They were also at the lowest possible height they would go for more stability. ANYWAYS, he turned around with the printer from what I was told by my staffers and knocked one of the tvs over, as it fell it hit another tv taking it with it.

When I found out about the issue they didn't seem to upset about it. I told them to get out of the room while two of my senior staffers and I assessed the damage. We started getting calls immediately so we went to handle those as we made them wait outside the room.

Being that this was only Day 0 and they had already managed to damage two expensive tvs, and for the fact that they are volunteers. I had no choice but remove their staffing status from the IT department. I apologized many times to them, and even mentioned how they are still on staff for Anime Conji. They also were told by both Marc and Lorraine that they can still staff AX if another dept can use them. From my knowledge, they declined the offer.

In the end, we let go of two staffers. We still have 6 others on IT.

>> No.6952216

As for the website, I did in fact design it. I know it's not amazing, but I didn't have much time to develop it. It works for what it is though and is a huge improvement from 2012's website, which I had no control over.

I'd love to take suggestions for the website though, my background is primarily in web development, so I love to hear feedback about our site so I can improve it for you.

You're all welcome to drop me an email at taylorlocke@spja.org. I will be doing a site re-design for 2014, it'll be taking place about a month or two after the end of con this year. So please look forward to that :)

Again, if you guys have any concerns, or questions, please dont hesitate to reach out. If something is messed up at-con or your confused about something just go ahead and drop by 509B, It'd be happy to assist you in any way possible.

>> No.6952219

One last thing, just to confirm for past posters being blamed. I actually didn't know about this until today at-con when some staffers were telling me about it. So I actually wasn't posting in here at all. I know it's probably not much proof but I really haven't had time to be on 4chan while dealing with AX stuff.

I've been all over LACC all day long for the past 3 days. x.x

>> No.6952225

This sounds about as fishy as the mysterious SR forms that kept going 'missing' at Anime Conji. Only they weren't missing. They kept changing the wording and covered it up with a lie to the staff affected.

Wouldn't be surprised if this was a lie to save face, too. Seems a lot of that's been happening.

>> No.6952264

Oh Taylor! Your insincerity is astounding! You got coached on damage control for this, aren't you? Lord knows this isn't the first time something you said had to get cleaned up. You have a tendency to shoot your mouth off. So unprofessional!

>> No.6952407

how stupid are you? if someone brought those things up at that panel, they would be escorted out by marc perez's thugs.

>> No.6952408

So how was everyone's Day 0 & 1 so far?

>> No.6952421

I wrote this at around 2AM in my hotel room before going to bed :/

>> No.6952439

They can't escort EVERYONE out. anon should grow some balls.

>> No.6952442

The lies make my heaaad hurt. You're a liar, and a bully. Fyi, the staffer that got his feet tangled in the cords was not holding a printer. Sounds like you also made the soul decision to fire him as well

>> No.6952449

You say this and all we hear is. 'Shit, I need to cover my ass'. Ya done fucked up son, and got caught.

>> No.6952537

so its day 2. how many more screw ups today?

>> No.6952624

None I hope.

>> No.6952634

How about you say that to my face and not online and see what happens.

>> No.6952640

someone should just punch this faggot in the face. maybe the guy who got unfairly fired should.

>> No.6952656

>Drops TV and breaks
>Being careless
>Fired unfairly


>> No.6952685

Wait, what? Not much time? Isnt this your job?

>> No.6952688
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This wasn't me.... :/ If you have an issue with me or any other AX Staffer, you're more than welcome to stop by room 509B or go to the con gripe session.

>> No.6952718

Thread is autosaging. New thread.


>> No.6953522

it was an accident you dumbfuck. who the fuck fires someone because of an accident?

>> No.6954095

More bullying! See!

>> No.6954097

So what happens when a thread auto-sages? Will replying to it keep it alive?

Came from Cosplay.com so I don't know how this works.

>> No.6954119

more stories about the marc perez mistresses? i heard ann marie wasn't the first one.

>> No.6954164

No; all threads die eventually (whether from inactivity or from having too many replies) and someone can make another thread to continue the discussion. (Though third party archiving sites automatically save a copy; see http://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/6939511 )

Welcome to /cgl/.

>> No.6954998


invalid thread. was it deleted?