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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6898672 No.6898672 [Reply] [Original]

Florida ConGoers!
What would you say is the biggest problem with conventions in FL?
I am aware that every con has backstage drama, but what are the biggest problems?

>> No.6900617

The only BS I am aware of is that a lot of Con-Heads talk alot of un-true shit about the owner of Chibi-Pa. It's sad as he helped alot of them in the past before they made it big.
Supercon for example received a ton of help from Chibi-Pa in the early years (entertainment rooms, programing, equipment, etc...), but once they got big, they kinda left them in the dust.

Supercon has also been notorious for planing their con around or near other cons to economically destabilize them.

>> No.6900651

I feel like we have a lot of younger cosplayers that cause the drama and shit and craziness, but lots of states have that. For some reason it's just more talked about here?

Thankfully there's lots of good cosplayers too that I live seeing at the big cons. They're 99% all super nice and talented! There's more good than bad really but of course the bad is more talked about.

>> No.6900678

Well one problem is that it's always 100 million fucking degrees here. BO builds up and the whole con smells like a goat's ear infection.

>> No.6900726

The problem is most of the cons here are lowest common denominator pandering, piss poor organized, drama starting, pieces of shit. Those that are not the aforementioned are so small and new that they consist of almost no almost no programming, competent staff, and con goers.

>> No.6900783

Okay since it's so far gone... What was up with those hottest FL cosplayers threads? I remember them being a big deal and shit going down because of them.... Did we ever find out who made them? Was it a huge joke? I'm still confused years later

>> No.6900864


It was ment to be a joke, but some people ended up taking it seriously.

>> No.6900920

I've been to a lot of cons out of the state, and cosplayers are super chiil and nice. In Miami FL, most of the cosplayers are prissy ass wipes like the contestants on RudePauls.

>> No.6901364

I figured as much, thanks

>> No.6901530

That's just Miami in general though.

>> No.6901713

Does any convention in Florida have at least decent panels besides Metrocon? It seems like the conventions in Florida have such shitty panels.

>> No.6901720

Any opinions on Ocala Comic Con ? Going for the first time in a few weeks.

>> No.6904139

>giving a shit about drama

>> No.6906529


>> No.6906543

I wouldn't know about over there but up here with Fandom, the panels were decent the first year or two. Now it just seems like a complete mess, and understandable seeing how unorganized internally it is.

>> No.6907207

My top 3 list of problems would be:
1) The people running the events.
2) The dirty business practices between conventions.
3) Almost everyone having big egos.

>> No.6908309

Ill tell you my biggest grip; People running cons that are either out of the area, or out of state.
Mizu is owned by a guy in PA, and delegates to some nobody kids that don't answer emails.

>> No.6908417

>Giving a fuck about the convention owners and not having fun with the events and meeting people.

How stupid did you guys get in?

>> No.6908548

FL Con problems on my POV
-too much cons
some kids save their money to go to cons and end up going to some fun some not ones
(Holiday Matsuri 2011, Khaotic 2012 were Hella Fun) now the 2nd year are not even good enough to wipe ass.
we need new guests. and for god sakes , dont invite your friends i.e. BelleCon had 2 voice actors and the rest are just friends of the owners
-Stage Shows
mostly disappointing , unorganized , lack of discipline , poor execution , and casts become big head , egotistic "the shit" because therye part of the "stage show" that could be better.
needs discipline and respect and common sense, hotels tend to close their pools/hot tubs because of these greyscales
-Owners organization
plan ahead , set up properly , cater to what attendees need , not throw things left and right like Holiday Matsuri 2012 artist alleys couldve been better , but those guys didnt even break even on what they paid for.

so far thats what grinds my gears about FL cons. and for a short time 2 and a half years of attending , and a year of working on the Dealers room , i could only imagine the people that had been going for 5+ years.

FL does get One Day Anime Days
most of those are far better than actual cons.
and theyre only $3 to get in

>> No.6909708

I agree with the stage shows part heavily.
I worked with 300 Brigade and Urban Ronin, and they had the biggest egos.
I was working at ChibiPa and MizuCon when both were "invited" (actually they emailed and asked) to have shows. While we agreed, they asked for con passes for their entire staff.
The problem with this, is that giving away passes of that magnitude costs money.
EG: At ChibiPa, we were asked to give Urban Ronin 20 passes, a table, and a hotel room. Each pass costs approximately $25. If we have to give away 20 passes for all of them, a hotel room, and a table, we would have lost apron $850 on them.
They are entertaining, but they don't attract people, and we don't benefit from them coming.
We counter offered at 10 passes, a hotel discount, and the table, but some of them would have to volunteer, but they looked at us like we were retarded.

>> No.6909710

There are a few local guests that are fun, but the problem is that some have a big head and over charge half the time.

>> No.6909720

I agree with the too many conventions thing. There are so many little shitty conventions. They keep popping up and I just don't understand how they think it's a good idea. A lot of people only go to one or two cons a year. They think that the cheap, terrible con near their house is a better choice than something more organized, which takes money away from big cons hindering their ability to get a lot of good guests.

The guests almost always suck. Most cons grab one semi-well known dub voice actor or a power ranger. I think some of this may spawn from cons trying to attract literally every fandom ever which ends up as a hot mess.

These might be problems in a lot of populous states though. I don't really know.

>> No.6909734

The problem is not the Cons per say.

I agree that there are some small cons that are bad, but there are a few gems that are/were good.

The good thing about the small cons, is that it is available for some locals that can't travel actively or don't have enough money.

The bigger issue is, and if you go by a FL economic stand point: we are whats called "Water Locked".

We don't have a lot of boarding states, and we are mostly surrounded by water,so we can only rely on what is in state.

Any other state, has on average 10 cons. Most other states have 3 or more states surrounding them; which, in turn, has 10 cons.

While it seams like we have a lot, we in fact, have an average similar to other states.

>> No.6909979

Been doing the con scene in Florida for over 6 years now and here is my piece on all of this:

Shady Business between some of the bigger cons; namely Supercon. All over money and who they like/dislike. Mike has been well known to go to smaller event up north or near the Miami area and do what I like to call a "Supercon-check*, in which himself and one or two others that are on the higher end up Supercon's staff show up to a event and basically make it awkward and of course, to pass out Supercon flyers.

Also sadly, Mike has been locking down many of his guests or cosplay guests to his show and won't let any of them be a guest at another show even if it is just a small one day event.

Too many smaller events in either high or low places. It is sad to say, but I am honestly sick of having to either drive all the way to Orlando for some one day BS con or all the way to Miami for the same. There is no middle ground and it pisses me off. Now sure, it was nice years ago when we used to have stuff in Davie, etc, but now all you get is north or south crap.

I wouldn't mind seeing some events, even one day ones, in Fort Lauderdale or Davie or Boca, anywhere but freakin' Miami or Orlando.

Costume Contests.
I am sorry to say, but pretty much all the big cons and even some of the smaller ones have fixed costume contests. By Fixed, I mean judges who have no idea what they are judging on/vote for their friends in the contest/bias to one group or another.

Now you may get lucky and see someone who actually put in a lot of work into their costume and looks the part that get to win, but that is rare nowadays. Most of the time now, only girls in slutty costumes or bro-dudes in armor or all geared out get to win the bigger prizes.

>> No.6910000

Speaking of Florida cons... Would anyone know anything about Metrocon's staff and volunteers? I'd like to work as a volunteer for them, but I've heard some horror stories. Like, only hiring people they'd fuck, and things like that. Is that true?

Sorry for the slightly tangential question, but I didn't want to start an all new thread about it.

>> No.6910006

That they are in Florida probably

>> No.6914038

So. I guess Mizucon was bad...

>> No.6914043

really shitball con

disappointing after how... nice mizu 2012 was? but thats speaking personally. everything was downgraded; hotel, venue, panels, space to move

i am very wary of how absurd the presence might be, it might not be possible to deal with in an organized manner like the homestucks have done previously

at least in south florida, the cons are pretty much all turd. most of the year is spent waiting for supercon; all the others are generally awful. a shame

>> No.6914044

*as for supercon, i am very wary of how absurd the hs presence might be, it might not be possible to deal with in an organized manner like the homestucks have done previously

>> No.6915080

I remember when cons were made by the fans and for the fans.

Now its ran by neckbeards that are wannabe business men trying to get a quick buck.

>> No.6915175

I had heard there was some kind of incident between Supercon and Tates comics. This was sometime before Supercon opened its own brick and mortar comic store.

I'm not sure of the details. Anyone got the whole story?

>> No.6915331

Please for the love of god don't work for metrocon.....a lot of rumors about them are true.

>> No.6915358

Supercon had a deal to have Tates in the dealers since they draw a lot of people. Tates also has it that 3000 Brigade also has to preform, since they are backed by Tates.
Broder and Croom are good friends of each others families.
3000 made a joke, in where they were going to execute Croom on stage, but when Broder heard about it, he felt offended and said for 3000 not to make the joke during their show.
3000 still made the joke and Broder told the group to turn in their badges and leave.
Tates left after hearing about this on the Saturday night of the con and won't work with Supercon again.

>> No.6915453
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It was so shitty that I got furious with myself for spending $30 to go in.

>> No.6915476

There's really not much to tell. Florida simply has an abundance of fans. They don't have event planners, or a viable employee based staff that is seasoned to host events. There is a lack of affordable venues that will accept an Anime convention to held at that location. They don't have a viable and sustainable market to grow in FL because Anime doesn't have enough financial support to ever sustain itself in this location. The demographic targets people who don't have a proper disposable income and FL itself is focused on tourism based economy, which means minimum PT based work. Finally, there are better shows worth their ticket outside of Florida. You could claim these are options, but they look like facts to me.


>> No.6915506

They weren't just comments about Croom, but about Croom's wife. Mike sponsored them, gave them passes/hotel rooms and gave their director a thousand dollar budget. All he asked was that they not use his con as a venue to bash someone's wife.

>> No.6915587

Supercon never really opened their own store. The guy who owns the Past Present Future chain opened a store and let Mike Broder run it as a cross promotional thing. Rumor has it Mike ran the store poorly, hired and fired people constantly, stole from the till and so on, so he was fired.

>> No.6916037

Drugs and Alcohol aside: it was a shadow of what it used to be.

I felt like a first year event over a seasoned show.

>> No.6916375

It's pretty bad at Metro these days. Back in the beginning you just had to worry about Roy creeping on you. Now the current owners are way worse. They act like frat boys, I made the mistake of going to one of their parties once...

They are also super power hungry, and will turn against you and shit talk in a heart beat. I'm positive Alex wouldn't recognize me if he ran flat into me, but when I had somthing to say about his convention, he called names and bitched about me like he'd known me for years.

>> No.6916669


Damn, I plan on attending Metrocon this year. Anything else I should know?

>> No.6916806

some people just get into the cosplay scene to become "famous" they even watch anime read manga, some hear about from friends, but most hear about online and think It is the "cool" thing to do since everyone else is doing it. I think that's the problem. I'm just curious as to why FL became the cosplay convention and cosplay drama capital in the usa, why this state in general?

>> No.6916845

THIS, this so hard. And it's so hard for people to drive out of the state for a con when the border alone is 8 hours away

>> No.6917193


Go with your friends and have a great time, just don't get any more involved than that.

The money from your even ticket will be going to some shady guys, but what you spend in artist alley and dealers room go to mostly good honest people and fans. So it's hard for me to say "screw that convention , don't go!!" Even though I really dislike the people running it.

>> No.6920067

Anyone looking forward to AFOs new hotel? Looks like its bigger and nicer the the Wyndham in terms of space for the actual con events. A few friends said they weren't going cause there wouldn't be a pool party because of it closing early. I dont bother with those so it doesn't bother me.

>> No.6920193

>Go with your friends and have a great time, just don't get any more involved than that.

Truly the best advice for FL cons.

Been going since 2009, and the best experiences are usually with friends. I occasionally listen into conversations about the behind the scenes shenanigans, and truly cannot believe all the drama that takes place.

Is there going to be a /cgl/ meetup at Supercon this year? My friends are going to be limited for the weekend so they might go 1 or 2 days, and I bought the 4 day pass.

>> No.6920718

-Supercon = Bad business people, Shit talkers to the higest degree, Good event.
-Mizucon = Shit tier staff, shitty venues, OK event.
-Chibipa = Hotel dickery, slow updates, contact is subpar, Fun Event!
-AFO = always a general Meh event.
-Metrocon = Shitty staff, pricey location, Fun event.
-Knightrocon = the new Yasumicon?
-FAE = It's getting better, but still needs work.

>> No.6920746

Haha, fucking Mizucon. I don't understand how a con that tiny could have fucked up the Sheraton's parking so badly. I got there Saturday afternoon and had to park in the creepy overflow gravel/grass/puddles/assault lot, and then I get inside and there are maybe 200 people, mostly just sitting around texting. What a shithole. Bailed after an hour.

At least when they were at the MACC you could bail and go shopping. The new venue, you can barely get to in a car, let alone walk anywhere else.

>> No.6920806

BeleCon had Eric Vale who was new to Fla and Steve Benett who is always fun. Not to shabby for a first year. I had the most fun I've had in years there. Just not enough people. I'm sure it will be bigger second year. The dance was the best in Fla by far.

>> No.6921361

Agree Bellecon was a great first year convention. My knew fave. Jacksonville finally has a con. Very professional with one exception. They used Shadocon security and security sucked! I saw a man threatening the con owners mom with violence. I saw him back at the con the next day and again at the charity auction on Sunday. He was a big hairy Sasquatch looking MF. How hard could he be to spot?

>> No.6921369

What happened to EXP Con? lol

>> No.6921383

I live in St. Augustine, my friend knows someone who works at the venue EXP was held at (aka the World Golf Village). Turns out the owners/whoever is in charge of that stuff refused to let the EXPcon runners hold it there anymore, supposedly because of noise complaints and general rowdiness. A loooot of old people hang out at the World Golf Village, so that's no surprise.

>> No.6921419

Uh, are any of you going to Megacon in Miami coming up on July?

I'm incredibly new to all this... don't know if it's worth going to or not.

>> No.6921478


What about the whole it's coming back in Orlando and announcement of announcements until nothing?

>> No.6921532

What's up Fax? Vendetta much?

>> No.6921721

WTF? Who threatened MaBelle? You gotta name or pic? Tell who it is and I'm sure he will not be allowed at any con I attend. We luv our MA

>> No.6921724

Believe you're talking about Supercon

I'd say go one day and see how you like it, although be warned about the killer parking.

>> No.6921755


My friend tried to volunteer for a kpop booth in the dealers hall (their FB page was asking for volunteers, btw), but whoever she spoke to said they only wanted volunteers from out of state.... which makes no sense.

>> No.6921760


St. Augustine is filled with bored rich kids, I think a con there would be a good idea.

>> No.6921989

You know Fax only causes drama on Facebook.

>> No.6922011

Megacon is in Orlando. Supercon is in Miami. Mega is a much better con. Super is smaller and poorly run. If you are on a budget save your money for Mega or Metro. If you must visit Supercon a one day pass is all you need

>> No.6922023

boner robin

>> No.6922047

Metro is better than supercon to you? Now I know you're full of shit.

>> No.6922129

of course the people who like Belle Con are a part of Belle Con. people should try to get the inside scoop on the attendees.
i sure as hell didnt think there would be a second year for BelleCon because it was nothing interesting there . as for Eric Vale. HE himself was bored out of his mind.

and so was everyone else

>> No.6922231

some samefag in here doesn't know how to reply, sure is obvious you're samefagging it up

>> No.6922683

I would prefer Mega or Metro over Super.

>> No.6922727

I will say up front I was involved in BelleCON. You may think that I am biased but I know what went on there. Most of this is B.S. by people with something to benefit. Probably other cons. Security was excellent. Attendance was low but they paid their bills and announced dates for next year. PAID THEIR BILLS, something many cons in FL have not done. Eric Vale said that he very much enjoyed the con and would come back anytime. If you think the con was bad, why feel like you have to lie to make it look bad.

>> No.6922798
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this will not end well

>> No.6922818


>> No.6922827

because that guy got banned from all super con events its a long story, but apparently he was messing with under aged girls

>> No.6922836

and I wounder if he is dumb enough to show up

>> No.6922880

OK. I am putting an end to this crap story that people took out of hand.

George was unintentionally hitting on some under age girls at Animate, specifically the Cosplay Medics.

If you met the girls from Medics, you would think that they are way over the age of 18, and any one that goes to cons can tell you, it is hard at times to get a girls age right.

Durring the rave, he started hitting on girls that were underage, but he once again had no idea that they were underage. The girls were creeped out that he was dressed as the joker, but did mention their age to him.

George immediately backed off from them and apologized.

One of the girls went to tell security that a Joker cosplayer "creeped them out", but that was it. Security asked what the girls age was, to which they responded "17".

Now the security that was running the event was part of the Urban Ronin Stunt Team, many of whom claim to do security for a living. They had just hosted a panel on how to spot a creeper, and I guess they took it to far.

George had to take a phone call from his parents and ran out side to answer. The Security took this as him trying to get away, and immediately went after him.

Any and all other accusations, were directly made from the security and pretty much fabricated.

George has gone to other events and has had no trouble

>> No.6922977

Underage girls from the Cosplay medics is not the reason why he was kicked from Supercon events, It was the fact that he was inappropriately making physical contact with the underage girls during the rave, you can say that it didn't happen, but I was there and saw it happen, there was this group of underage girls in their own circle at the rave, and he decided to join in, and the way he was moving towards them was not appropriate even towards an adult, he was genuinely lucky those couple of underage girls he danced on in that way did not press charges.

>> No.6923023


Any cosplay plans for Super since it's coming up?

>> No.6923054

uhhhh yea getting completely shit faced

>> No.6923111

Wow. What a Vietnam Vet.
I was there to I can prove otherwise.
Not a single one of them ever stated they were under age and didn't even say shit to the guy.

>> No.6923117

No reason to go. I can predict a shit ton of problems cause of the homestckers.

>> No.6923129

this is just a thing that I've personally noticed, but it's humid as fuck down in Florida, so make up and shit is hard to keep right, not to mention the heat

>> No.6923173

Hey anyone been/Going to Ancient city con in Jacksonville? How is it ( A little off topic I know but I don't wanna make a thread)

>> No.6923864

I am sorry, but much of that story is BS.
I was there the night it all went down and I know many of the actual supercon security staff. Nope of the staff that was there that night to kicked him out were apart of the Ronin Stunt Team, all the staffers were much older and buff guys besides from one or two.

There is a couple of videos of him being escorted out of rave by a few of the staff and I was there myself and watched it go down.

George is a creep. He has been doing it now for 2 years at not only Supercon, but also at Megacon, Chibi pa and other events. He has been banned from other events besides the Florida con scene and almost everyone you run into nowadays at most cons always has a personal story about him that happened to them or a friend of theirs.

Also the underaged girls at the rave at Animate were a group of 15 and 16 years olds, not 17. The way in which he was dancing with them was wrong on many levels and he has done this kinda thing before.

>> No.6923967

Anyone else going to Metrocon this year? I'm saving up, but it's sure to be hella fun.

>> No.6925687

Metro is generally a fun con!
The only issue I ever had was during the Redbull Flutag event, but that was beyond their control.
Also, epic after parties.

>> No.6926264

Im actually volunteering at the kpop booth this year and this isnt true? Im not out of state what so ever, neither are some of the other girls i know that are volunteering.

>> No.6926348
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so i'm heading to metrocon for the first time this year. i normally only went to mega and chibi-pa but i decided to save-up to go this year since i live in south florida and gas is pricey

is there anything i should be wary about? people going that i should avoid, etc.? i'm a little timid since this con is apparently huge in terms of space and people.

>> No.6926773

>this con is apparently huge in terms of space and people.

It's not. It's nothing compared to Megacon, which you're used to. Just go and have fun and avoid male staff if you can.

>> No.6926797

Agreeing that the dude's a creeper. I'm not underage, but he just comes on way too strong.

Last year at Supercon, he started hitting on me during karaoke - shoving the microphone in my face, dancing up on me onstage, and he would not back off. The next day, whenever we ran into each other, he kept bothering me. I told him straight up that I was not interested, but he still kept asking for my Facebook. The dude has boundary and personal space issues. But I blocked him on Facebook and that was pretty much the end of it for me. Then later, the Cosplay Medics told me about the thing at Animate, but I wasn't there and I'm not sure exactly what happened.

For the record, I can confirm that several of the female Medics are underage (between 14 and 17), and that two who aren't are in serious relationships. And generally, at conventions, they are there to work. So like... please just don't be that guy.

>> No.6926949

No one has anything on Ocala Comic Con ?

>> No.6928640

I really hate the people running most of them.
Years ago, fans were running them, and now its neck beards that want to get money and screw each other over.

>> No.6928705

It was very much Metro's fault that the red bull shit storm happend! They would love you to think its allll red bull's and the convention centers fault though.
metro was informed when they were booking the center that the red bull event was happening the weekend they wanted. They could do another date or share the space. Metro decided to take the red bull weekend. Even with all the past Redbull events as evidence of how rowdy they got, the staff was very excited at all the extra publicity they thought sharing the weekend would bring. Also, they hoped that there would be extra ticket sales from the red bull guest.

So when all this went to total shit, Instead of owning up to the choices they made, they blamed red bull and the convention center. Because that's how Metrocon rolls- nothing is ever their fault.

>> No.6929606

>t the red bull shit storm happend! They would love you to think its allll red bull's and the convention centers fault though.
>metro was informed when they were booking the center that the red bull event was happening the weekend they wanted. They could do

Except that's not true. Old staff here, Roy found out when it was too late. Though he was excited as hell about it.

>> No.6929667

This. And Roy would never overstep a boundary he wasn't invited to. He would take me out when I I was at an inappropriate age, we called each other all the time, and he NEVER pressured me or did anything. The girl that he got busted over was hitting him up for money. For god's sake, HER MOM LET HER SLEEP OVER AT HIS HOUSE. She was fully aware of what was happening, so all of that was bullshit.

He damn well knew how to run a convention. now Alex and Nick are running it all into the ground and I am ashamed to even be assosiated with MetroCon. The events were great like the FFBall, the chess match was watchable, the themes didn't SUCK ASS, and the con used to be SPONSORED. MetroCon could always boast amazing prizes because Roy knew how to talk business and got Best Buy on board.

>> No.6929701

I could have sworn they gave him an option to change dates. He had a pretty good relationship with the convention center management.

Dude, she didn't hit him up for cash. He did love buying her stuff though. And how do you know if she was fully aware or not? There are all kinds of abusive relationships.

>> No.6929713

Did Bellecon have any vendors, at all? They were trying to get vendors to give special "Bellecon" deals, in return for advertising out front. Vendors don't normally need advertising, if you have a pass to the vendors room, you'll probably be able to look around all the booths in 20 minutes tops. That con was small. In February-March they only had two vendors signed up, I was curious if they had filled the room by May.

>> No.6929717

I actually like Metro better as well. Nicer part of town, kick ass fire show every year, plenty to do at night, and better cosplays.

>> No.6929774


Captcha related: Way Royesh

>> No.6929778

Best Buy left the second Roy was became a convicted felon, and didn't go back because they didn't want negative PR.

>> No.6929805

Metrocon is what PR nightmares are made of.

>> No.6929808

Did she ever dump Roy?

>> No.6929825

Untrue. Best Buy left because of the sleight of their xBox 360 not being the highest prize the year "Yume Cup" was up when Metro was a WCS qualifier. More publicity was given to Yume and of course Best Buy pulled out as a result.

>> No.6929836

>There are all kinds of abusive relationships.
just because abusive relationships exist doesn't mean Roy was "abusive." The guy was a nice person who just did something incredibly stupid. Yea some of it all was his fauly, but Jessica wasn't blameless.

>> No.6929851

A lot of the time, the offending partner in an abusive relationship seems normal and nice. The abuse can be totally psychological. He's the "controlling" type. She was at an age where it was easy to do it.

>> No.6929874

Yeah anybody who doesn't realize he controlled her emotionally and psychologically was never around them. I remember the last year she was involved with the con very well. She was seeing a guy named Max or Matt that worked at a local comic shop and he was taking all her free time so she was "flaking" on her metro responsibilities. So Roy had bought her this expensive dolfie as a last ditch effort to keep hitting that and gave her this weird ultimatum: "Stay with the con, keep going to practice, and be in the chess match and I'll give you the doll at the end of the year or you can have it now and leave." She took it and ran like hell. She still ended up sleeping in Roy's hotel room that Metro and banging Roy a few last times.

>> No.6929883

I don't get the bestbuy sponsorship anyway, like any of those nerds weren't already shopping there.

>> No.6929971

I havent heard this on 4chan in 4 years.
Damn, I remember the original posts.

>> No.6930189

How wouldn't it make sense? A big name company was doing something for it's patrons; it makes perfect sense and is smart business. For the mere cost of a $500 they get their name plugged during the con and for months while a convention prepares.

>> No.6930812


Skip Metrocon. Shadocon and Khaotikcon are run by former Metro cast and follow the same format of focusing on crappy stage shows and constantly getting the same guests. Anything run by Broder (Supercon) or Croom (FAE) is going to suck but at least Supercon has a good dealers room (possibly better than Megacon). Holiday Matsuri was tiny, but fun and didn't have the pressure of the big cons. The one day cons (like Anime Day) are fun and inexpensive and generally lack the drama of the larger cons.

If you're determined to go to Metrocon or any of the big cons here's a secret everyone should know! Unless you really want to go to one of their crappy events or panels, DON'T BUY A BADGE. You don't need a badge to walk the hallways and hang out with your friends, only to go into the con's function rooms. They can't make you leave. The convention center Metrocon is held in is a city-owned building and the hallways are open public space. The same goes for hotels, too. Show up and hang out with your friends and have fun WITHOUT giving shady, scumbag con owners your money.

>> No.6933292

Could not agree more! What are you paying for really? The facility where Metro is held is lovely and you can hang there comfortably. At Supercon there isn't quite as much space for loitering near the main con floor but its no big thing to just slip in without paying. I would say Metro is more worth paying than Super though. And Mega is the most worth the price of admission. Don't give your money to crappy people!

>> No.6934323

They did have Vendors , but mostly the same as one day shows with the exception of 4
-suncoast comics [since its local]
-the asian couple who sold cosplays , shirts , binders , etc
-Roy who sold snacks
-Fax's sticker shack

Im glad i didnt buy a pass to look around the place. i didnt even buy anything

>> No.6934333

>Roy who sold snacks

>Sorry kids, all out of candy but I think I have some more in my van. Can you meet me in the parking lot in a few minutes? Don't wear a shirt.

>> No.6934343

im surprised its not the asian guy who usually sold snacks in Anime Day

>> No.6934510

Bad organization. Not worth admission price. Owned by the worst scumbags imaginable. Just ask around about Super Con Mike or the dicks at Metrocon. Basically not being part of the fandom and milking it like a cash cow

>> No.6934654

I don't know all the politics, but it sounds like when something goes wrong with one con.. there are a group of people who think they can do better and make another one in response.

For example: Anime South died, two other conventions rose up in its place. That was okay.

but then....

when EXP Con kicked it you ended up getting more which were both a direct response to it: WasabiCon and BelleCon. Considering the pricing and the way those were promoted, it was almost as if they were banking on the idea that they could serve as some kind of replacement and garner the nearly 4,000 attendance EXP had.

Now we have so many conventions (SukoshiCon: Destin, SwampCon, Animate!, MegaCon, FreeCon, ALT*Con, Khaotic Kon, BelleCon, FAE, Knightrokon, MizuCon, Ancient City Con, SuperCon, MetroCon, Anime Festival Orlando, MythiCon, UmiCon, ShadoCon, FAN:Dom, WasabiCon, Chibi-Pa, Holiday Matsuri) it'll make your head spin. That list doesn't even include the many defunct cons like Zona and Pariah.

Some of these are just fucking terrible. It is like nobody can get along with each other and focus on just making two or three great events a year. Probably some kind of power trip.

>> No.6934705

>/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL
Speaking of SukoshiCon, what did everyone think of the new location this year? I think it was awesome for photographs but I didn't experience the hotel since I live so close. It was kind of small but the convention center looked nice at least.

>> No.6935052

Every con sucks to someone, and every con rocks to someone. It depends on how your cosplay went, what a couple of particular panels seemed like to you, if you had drama with friends or security, whether or not the hotel messed up your reservation, how hot it was, how long you had to wait to see a guest, etc etc blah blah blah. Everyone's experience will be different, and the one way to tell how much overall people like the con? Attendance. Supercon has over 10k, Metrocon has 8k, and Megacon is way beyond either. So while people talk insane amounts of shit in the retarded, nit-picky world of cgl, take it with a grain of salt. If people continue to patronize an event in consistently increasing numbers, then go. Remember that you are responsible for making your own experience awesome, and have a good time.

Don't become one of these edgy shitheads who are one step away from having box-framed glasses shooped on with the caption, "I went to Jacon back when it was at UCF, not that you ever heard of it."

>> No.6935137

personally , i dont think BelleCon or WasabiCon can replace EXP Con.
sure EXP maybe left in the dust , but that is one damn good con.
WasabiCon was pretty much a fail $40 one day show , and BelleCon pretty much didnt cater to most attendees.
thats just me

>> No.6935239
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Nobody thinks that which is why nobody went.

>> No.6935241

Ha! Chance of this suck up being a con organizer or employee: 100%. The truth hurts. Love the bogus numbers citation like that somehow makes a difference

>> No.6935245

Chance of you being wrong: 100%

It's common sense. Cons that stick around for years and years are clearly doing something right. What you should question is some two-year old 400 attendance con being whiteknighted to no tomorrow. Opinions can vary, but the only solid evidence a con's success is its popularity.

>> No.6935282

Jamie doesn't post here or even visit. And she was never underage while they were dating. They broke up ages ago. And Jessica used him. Unfortunately, he was under her spell. She isn't a good person (I know this because we used to associate).

I think he was given another weekend by TCC for Flutag year, but it conflicted with another Central Florida event.

>> No.6935327

Those cons are prolly whiteknighted bc people want alternatives to the cons you are whiteknighting

>> No.6935375

OSam? Julie? Which one of Roy's disgusting sycophants is this?

>> No.6935379

>She isn't a good person (I know this because we used to associate).

Funny how everybody that was friends with Jessica but not Roy says the opposite.

>> No.6935386

The real question is what MAKES a con great. People can go and bitch about it, saying it was too boring or difficult and yeah we can talk numbers. But some cons just survive because they've 'been there this whole time' what makes a con great? What do people actually want?

>> No.6935521


It's called "competition" and it's existed since long before anime conventions. Are there "too many restaurants" to eat at? Or "too many hotels" to stay at? How about "too many theme parks" to play at? Grow a fucking clue.

The only people generally whining about "too many conventions" are convention owners who know they know they don't have what it takes to be competitive. They're too cheap to make their con well, too stupid to know how to run their con right or too lazy to give a fuck because they know you'll pay them just to hang out with your friends and cosplay.

If you want to get rid of bad cons then stop going to them and supporting them. Metro is probably the most expensive con in the state and I saved a TON when I bailed on it two years ago and was able to go to two other cons because of that. It's the same thing every year so it doesn't matter. And after the colossal fuck up that was Shadocon this past year I'm skipping that one too. I'd rather save all that money and time off and go to Dragon Con.

>> No.6935946

Hey! Mike Broder! Stop fluffing numbers!

>> No.6936154

that's not all he fluffs

>> No.6936190

Hmm Osam didn't know J, at all. So if its her, everything she knows came from Roy's stories.

>> No.6936246

OSam did the chess match with Jessica in 05 didn't she? They knew each other, or well enough that OSam bitched about Jessica to no end the year Roy got busted. Would be funny if you were right and they barely/didn't know each other though.

>> No.6936255

Ewwwww. Theres an image I didn't need in my head

>> No.6936311

Jessica dropped out right when it started. Roy bitched about that to no end. Osam didn't start hanging out with Roy until after Jessica peaced out. So I doubt they knew each other.

>> No.6936386

The problem with Florida is that the conventions are basically pissing matches over who can run more events. Why do you think a new con or two pops up every year? It echoes exactly the problem with florida cosplayers. Everyone wants a piece of the pie. I go out of state for a lot of cons a year and ive noticed that people in the north and the west seem to cosplay for fun and get along, nearly every time I talk to a cosplayer here it's all "wwah i'm not famous enough" or "why do they get all the attention when I don't" or "I want to be tumblr famous!" and you can tell that's why they cosplay, or run awful panels, or try to run photoshoots that compete with the few shoot runners we have in Florida that actually know what the fuck they're doing. Likewise, people will go to a convention and be like "I want to run a con I want to be known for running a con I want a con of my own!" and start one up like fucking Mythicon this year which I have heard nothing but shit about. I hear about con owners hating each other and turning on each other and it may just be because I'm not "in" in that scene as much in the north because i'm based in Florida but it seems like the northern conventions are pretty open with each other and not as catty.

They tried to split it up into two cons instead of just moving the con to Orlando and they ran out of money and couldn't do either.

>> No.6936532
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>Remember that you are responsible for making your own experience awesome, and have a good time.

Then why are attendees paying for a badge? Why sould one pay for an event and then have to be responsible for their own having a good time? What is the point of the staff and owners?

>> No.6936599

You're thinking of 06, I said 05. And Jessica dropped out way closer than half way.

>> No.6936602

Pretty sure Jessica was a generic ninja and Samantha was a generic pirate in 05, and Sam did Metro for a few years before she started living with Roy, they bonded over their hatred of Derek.

>> No.6936687

DING! DING! DING! DING! Exactly! It's a little like saying you should pay to go to Disneyworld not expect any rides

>> No.6936752


What is ironic is that you ADMIT that you are skipping some Florida conventions to go to a Georgia convention. That pretty much invalidated your whole response.

Georgia has MomoCon, Seishun Con, DragonCon, AWA and NerdaCon. Do you read that? 3 large cons that are ALL BIGGER than most Florida cons, one small college con and one newbie con. Also unlike Florida you do not hear about somebody starting up a new con every 4 months. They all (debate-ably) rise in quality.

If you feel the need to compare a convention event to things that are technically irrelevant then allow me to provide you with some more research when it comes to oversaturation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_video_game_crash_of_1983

>> No.6936808

Perfect example! After the game crash a new more diverse higher quality game industry emerged. So if the current cons crash new and better ones will take their place! Thank you!

>> No.6936812


>> No.6936853

Are you seriously counting SwampCon as a serious con? You don't even have to pay for that. I don't think a lot of people even go thinking it's a full on convention. It's more of a gathering with a tiny artist alley section to be honest.

(As a side note, it was so bizarre to see cosplays in the Reitz. I think I know how other towns/communities feel when cons descend on them.)

>> No.6936888

Metrocon used to be good.. either skip metro or don't give nick and alex your money, pay for the convention parking and enjoy the con that way and support your local artists alley, if you really really need to go to the dealers room.. borrow someone's badge..

Btw.. What the fuck is Asylum? oh wait.. that's nick and alex's other shitty adult "themed" convention that has dropped off the face of the earth..

Shadocon and Khaotic? both are two decent cons, the shows can be fun and the rooms are always packed when they perform,..

The venue last year at Shadocon I'd say was not a good choice, neat idea with it being downtown at that hotel but the staff was not happy and was going through a entire management change.. that and getting any sort of elevator was a bitch and it was usually better to take the stairs

I did not go to khaotic this year due to funding issues but it was at shadocon's old venue so I heard it was pretty well..

Holiday Matsuri? that felt more or less like a feelgood hangout con completely in the holiday spirit, I had a lot of fun last year attending it and cant wait to check it out this year..

Bellecon? well for it being at the same place that Janicon was once held, it was a ok little venue, the hotel staff were extremely nice and the one or two things I would improve on it would be the game room as well as more panels.. but supposedly its the otaku armys fault for supposedly bailing last minute removing all of there own panels from the con..

Supposedly I heard a rumor that there was a founder of bellecon who was going to run a zelda panel that people were excited to go to and that he asperger flaked out and would have rather attended one of the whammy's game shows instead to which that pissed off a hell of a lot of people.. I mean at least give it the teachers rule of 5 minutes in your panel room before fucking leaving and going to do something else..

>> No.6936940


I was going off of what was listed on animecons.com. You can debate how "serious" something is all da, but it was actually advertised better than BelleCon.

Some large conventions like MomoCon use to be free and only two days. Why does admission price matter when conventions were first visioned as a gathering that was for the fans by the fans -- no business beyond that involved?

nitpicking just to nitpick?

>> No.6937073

Ah sorry, just caught that. And still, I am very sure that they didn't hang out. The chess match cast is huge, you could go through a year and not learn everyone's name even.
Also, Jessica mostly kept to herself. I can only think of a few people she hung out with.

>> No.6937076

can we just post pictures of FL cosplayers we like/that rock? Like not trying to be a creep Korin, but I cant wait to see your Saziko costume!

>> No.6937355
File: 284 KB, 1100x500, Penis-Vagina Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Btw.. What the fuck is Asylum? oh wait.. that's nick and alex's other shitty adult "themed" convention that has dropped off the face of the earth..

You mean Penis-Vagina Con? The logo says it all...

It's just Nick and Alex's attempt to run a con where they (and their wives, Shannon & Heidi) can troll for girls and drink openly and not have to pretend they're following Metro's supposed "all-ages event" stipulation.

>> No.6937486

5 months out and the have two guest? Not impressed!

>> No.6938055

How was they second year of ACC? I didn't go.

>> No.6939033

Meanwhile, in the Midwest...

>> No.6939487

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.6939608

Maybe but s/he made a good point The quality of Florida cons seems stagnant

>> No.6941577

not sure how that invalidates their response. they make a good point and give their reason for skipping florida cons. it sounds like the only people who really like them are the ones putting them on.

>> No.6941948


"It's called "competition" and it's existed since long before anime conventions. Are there "too many restaurants" to eat at? Or "too many hotels" to stay at? How about "too many theme parks" to play at? Grow a fucking clue."

and then ending the post by saying they were skipping them all to go to DragonCon. Why bother to defend the number of cons in Florida only to denounce the conventions themselves?

Why do conventions in Florida have to become a franchise like McDonalds?

>> No.6942074

A problem is some con owners considering anime fandom AS a competition.

The only true instance of competition is when events are scheduled for the SAME dates within 300 miles or so. All cons pretty much share the same fanbase within a regional area. Since, most of the time, Florida cons are pretty well spaced apart, there's no reason that people can't attend multiple cons if they choose and can afford to, even if just for a day.

A few con owners in Florida seem to think ANY con that isn't run by themselves or their friends is competition. That does nothing but try to divide an already factioned group.

>> No.6942145

The problem is, rather than compete and actually run better and better events, they all make more shitty stage shows. So then all we get is a bunch of shit stage shows that are trying to out do the other shitty stage show, all while badge prices go up.

>> No.6942316
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>goat's ear infection

>> No.6942544

Even with the shady owners and all the shit talking you can still have a good time if you have good friends.

However, the one thing that really gets on my nerves about the florida con scene is the idea of being con-famous or whatever. I've seen friends turn into the most disgusting creatures in their attempts to achieve this.

>> No.6942747

They are trying to draw in bigger and bigger crowds by having at least one thing that appeals to every group. This is the difference between conventions run by and for fans of a certain genre and conventions run by people just trying to make a buck.

>> No.6942986
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What you just said is articulate, it is intelligent, and it is logical

>> No.6945083

Am I the only one sick of seeing the Supercon advertisements on TV?

>> No.6945087

Am I the only one sick of seeing Supercon ads on TV?

>> No.6945163

I know Supercon is getting tons of well deserved flack, but will there be a /cgl/ meetup this weekend?

>> No.6945535

Not that I know of, but I would definitely show up to one.

>> No.6945613

You are not alone. They are terrible. But remember its your money Mike is spending to pollute the airwaves. Want the ads to stop? Don't go to Supercon!

>> No.6945750

As a cosplayer in Miami, I apologize for most of the people down here, it can get a bit... bad at times.

>> No.6945765


As someone who's on 'staff' for Mizu, this past year was the current chair's first run, since the other ones left. He's really ridiculous and again, is out of state.
Now, more of the people who kind of ran the con are leaving and they're desperate for volunteers who actually give a damn and are organized. A lot of people who volunteer just want to boss people around, do their friends favors, and basically, get a free pass.

Which really blows.

>> No.6948942

What happened to the original Mizucon owners?