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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 128 KB, 800x800, mtdewbno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6932923 No.6932923 [Reply] [Original]

What are you feels, /cgl/?

Your dream dress never made it to your house?
Your wig is posessed by Satan?
Are there a bunch of angry anons having a witch hunt for you?
Did you forget to sew a part of your cosplay and have it fall apart at the con?

Post em' here!

>> No.6932944
File: 370 KB, 500x266, 1346875429656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't find a packaging box unique enough to send this prop in
>custom orders need to be ordered in packs of 20
>only need one
>mfw tfw

>> No.6932953
File: 22 KB, 251x231, tumblr_inline_mmrc5bwjkM1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see not one, but two of your dream dresses on the comm
>one of them is too big
>the other gets snatched up immediately

>> No.6932954

>tfw I can't afford any burandou dresses yet

>> No.6932964
File: 621 KB, 440x247, tumblr_mf3oadRqp81qcecx1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy dream skirt
>want to wear it to con, order accessories
>tracking says it'll arrive a week after con even with fastest shipping

>> No.6932968
File: 50 KB, 600x399, stahma_tarr_by_coolcatterri-d623bo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple things...

I'm losing weight but it isn't fast enough. I'm down 15lbs from January but I need to lose another 30lbs to be at my goal weight and the convention I wanted to be 'fit' for is only a month away. I feel like a hideous failure and now I'm not sure what I'm going to cosplay because I doubt I'll be comfortable in what I have planned.

My girlfriend keeps complaining about the money and time we spend on cosplay, but insists on doing costumes with me (I need to make them for her) and gets pissed off when I suggest that she doesn't have to cosplay with me so we can cut the cost in half. I don't know what to do anymore. I only spend about $200 a month maximum, so it's not like I'm going crazy but none of her hobbies cost money so it seems a lot in comparison to her $0...

None of my friends are into what I'm into, and the few that are live on the other side of the country and I can't afford to travel there to do anything with them.

I'm tan and all my favorite characters I want to cosplay are goddamn albinos. Pic related.

>> No.6932991
File: 46 KB, 469x632, HNI_0021_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a majority of my socialization comes from attending cons
>super outgoing at cons, cool people I meet live hours away
>con ends
>tfw lonely again
>sit in room on 3ds and tablet on /cgl/ and /co/ nonstop like a sad lonely motherfucker
>everyone in this city is an asshole
post con blues hit me hard

>> No.6932994

>made cosplay friends this year that I can laugh at bad homestucks/weeaboos with
>i still want to hang out with them at a convention in the winter
>realize they will most likely forget about me by then
>they continue on high school lives while i am in college
>look at college cosplay meet ups/events
>mainly homestuckaboos

>> No.6933006

ECA stack + DNP + fasting and you'll make it in 15 days
Avoid DNP and you'll still make it, but it loses the fun

>> No.6933009
File: 23 KB, 320x240, 9f13058xj6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forced to move out of parents' place on super short notice
>Gathering money for new apartment by selling stuff
>75% of most buyers so far have either backpedaled last minute or asked me to put something on hold and then stopped contacting me after that
>All friends completely ignore me when I ask if they could please help me with spreading the word about the things I'm selling
>But then when I panic over how screwed I am, or just panic in general, they're there on the spot to say "If we can help, please let us know"

>Have one friend who owes me a shitload of stuff that she begged me to borrow to her at a con
>She was crying at the time and feeling terrible so I helped out like the good friend that I am
>Ignores me whenever I ask for her to give it back, despite assuring me that she'd return the things as soon as possible.
>Last time I saw her I was feeling extremely shitty and really needed someone to just be there for me
>She looks at me, sees me crying, looks back on the guyfriends she was talking to and continues the conversation, completely ignoring me while doing so.
>Finally get her to understand that I really need someone to help calm me down because I'm having a panic attack
>She tells me to wait right where I'm sitting and then leaves me there, with 4 random guys who I've never seen in my life. They proceed to ignore me while she heads off. 20 minutes later she is not back yet.
>Come back from con, talk to her about it, is assured that we are totally besties so no need to worry.
go away

>Going to a con in little over a month
>Placed order for wigs for all of the cosplays I'm wearing that weekend over a month ago
>Package still hasn't been sent and might not get here in time

At least I'm visiting one of my con friends this weekend, looking so much forward to de-stressing a bit.

>> No.6933014
File: 497 KB, 300x126, 1370933365484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cannot into finding a cute blouse for dress
>cannot into figuring out a pattern for cosplay
>cannot into stop wanting to cosplay more and more increasingly stupid things

>> No.6933015

Care to explain further?

>> No.6933029

But Nia, I always thought you were some super alpha chick who would ride motorcycles and stuff around town.


>> No.6933033

ECA stack
>The ECA stack is a drug combination used in weight loss and as a stimulant. ECA is an acronym for ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin, with variants of it including the EC stack, which removes the aspirin for those that can not tolerate it.

>Dinitrophenol is a drug that greatly increases metabolic rate

>Fasting is primarily an act of willing abstention from all food, drink, or both, for a period of time.
I recommend to only stop eating food, not water.

ECA stacks are legal
DNP isn't but you can get it if you ask in your local gym

Maybe you should avoid DNP, although if the proper dosages are used you won't die

>> No.6933037

>cannot english

>> No.6933038

>recommending someone do an ECA stack without at least giving the chart and throwing around some vague details
Bloody hell you are irresponsible as fuck.

Also, wouldn't recommend ephedrine to females or anyone that needs to get drug tested for work because its molecular structure is closely related to meth, and it will give you positives on pregnancy tests if you're sexually active and want to scare the shit out of yourselves.

Oh and unless you work your ass off you're not going to see amazing results with this either, and fasting is for shit.

>> No.6933051

trying to snag my dream dress on auction, but my credit card is at its limit. i'm supposed to receive a payment for a commission today but if i don't get it, i'm not sure what i'll do. i would push my credit ($25 overlimit fee isn't much when i'm paying $300 for a dress) but i don't even know if it will work. even then i might not get it because sellers are finicky and buyers like to snag. :'(

>> No.6933055

I provided simple details, yes, but no one would use this kind of stuff without researching it.
It's not like I'm giving them the pills

Also, fasting is really useful, every fighter fastens before fights to get to their weight

>> No.6933058

>wants to buy Milky Planet
>Look at bank account
>200$ missing
>brother found card and bought a shit ton of steam games
>pay me back you fucking faggot
>never paid be back
>dream dress is slipping away
fuck this shit I'm just going to buy replicas

>> No.6933063

30lbs in fifteen days sounds impossible and unhealthy. I've been contemplating an ECA stack but wouldn't fasting while working out and taking ECA probably just... kill me?

>> No.6933064

Yeahhh that does not sound healthy.

You're a chick, right? Realistically, it won't be possible to lose that much that fast in a safe, healthy way. But, you could probably shave off 10-15 if you're careful. Net 1200 kcal and waist train with a corset. NOT sustainable for long term, please go back to 200-300 kcal under your TDEE after the con. And never go under 1200 calories unless you're extra petite.

If you're serious about getting fit, try bodyweight exercises. Lots of fun, and no equipment necessary.

>> No.6933081

I am a chick and I am already working out and doing cardio and eating under maintenance, though I think I need to step it all up a notch. I think I might switch from doing an hour of cardio to HIIT and see if that helps break my plateau.

I've gone down 4 inches in that 15lbs I lost so I know that some muscle is there and its not only the scale that matters, but I still have too thick of a layer of fat and it is ALL in my torso...

>> No.6933084

Won't kill you, you'll just lose some muscle along the fat

>> No.6933092

Then no thanks, I don't think being flabby but weighing less would make me feel any better.

>> No.6933090

Yea you got yourself a problem if your family literally steals your money and you just go "ok...". Its one thing if its $20, but 200, come on. Step up.

>> No.6933095

It's the price to pay if you need to lose weight fast
If you're not in a hurry fasting is pointless

>> No.6933110

I know, I'm beta up the ass

>> No.6933127

>tfw I'm considering getting a sugar daddy to buy burando
Any advice?

>> No.6933139

you do realize you're about to derail the fucking thread

>> No.6933143


>> No.6933275

>love classic lolita
>have the money to invest in a wardrobe
>local comm is full of SJWs and drama
>local comm posts each other to /cgl/ and has Tumblr drama
>don't want to ever get posted to /cgl/
>know that keeping private would be hard because I'd have to post for comm sales for the rarer dresses
>know I would somehow get posted to BTB or something for buying lots of brand all at once or for being antisocial, or being too tall/too old at 23/having plastic surgery (I'm half Chinese, half white, so I have big eyes so people snarkily say I had surgery)

>really don't like the fact lots of the drama is started by teenagers/underages
>don't get why so many people don't understand that Lolita is just another hobby like /o/ or /fa/ which can cost a lot of money
>it costs less than buying designer clothes and people still complain it's too pricy when at least it can be worn more often
>getting a job and budgeting and saving, and living an lifestyle conducive to collecting Lolita isn't something others should be bitter about, I couldn't afford brand as a kid either

>people would assume a sugar daddy or boyfriend or my parents bought my clothes
>I just happen to have a really good job and a good budget

>have to choose between $70k cheapo house for grad school in a shitty area or one three times as big in a desu kawaii classic lolita faux-England suburb for $350k
>dreamhouse is so nice but I'd only be there for 6 years

>> No.6933280

stop fucking caring so much about what others will do and what they might react etc and just do it

>> No.6933293


I don't want to get posted on /cgl/ or BTB and the only way to avoid that is not participating in lolita at all, that's why I'm not going to do it.

>> No.6933303
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, gintama-do-it[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Gin from Gintama in a group cosplay but I'm not the tallest one in our group so it would look silly ;_;

>> No.6933310

>being this new

>> No.6933321

I don't have an obscenely high post limit for no raisen, haha.

oh god I need local friends ;_;

>> No.6933320

who cares if you get posted on CGL? really it does not change your life or who you are whatsoever.

>> No.6933360


I'd rather not be posted.

>> No.6933377

You would rather not be posted more than you would enjoy something?

>> No.6933388
File: 17 KB, 354x369, hugsforyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, I can relate so much.

Here, have a hug. :c

>> No.6933392

forgot trip

>> No.6933403

I bet you're one of those who don't have local friends because they refuse to befriend other blacks from their ghetto, since they're not white enough for them.

>> No.6933407


Yeah, and it's this sort of really pushy attitude and tone that makes me not want to join the local comms. Even just buying stuff counts as participating in egl and /cgl/ stuff.

>> No.6933416

then just don't join the fucking comm and dress up by yourself. Jesus christ, it's a fashion, not a team sport. Honestly, if you're this much of a spineless pussy in real life, please stay out of the fashion. Frills are for the strong.

>> No.6933423
File: 77 KB, 372x372, 1329691020998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ selective tripping aka attention whore tripping.

>> No.6933432
File: 22 KB, 356x200, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6933434



The dresses I want to buy happen to be older so I'd have to participate a bit at least in comm sales. Even if I didn't post pics, LJ posts, etc. and I decided to just post to buy, someone could post that to BTB. There are threads at least once a week where someone calls someone who outbid them a bitch.

>> No.6933442

I will never relive those magical con feels I got with my ex and her friends, all of us going to cons together and having fun. Now they're all dispersed across the US and none of my friends are even remotely interested and I'm too socially awkward to go by myself.
>That feel when too fat to do anything but fat characters

>> No.6933445

>mfw forget to sew side of vest
>at con
>nobody told me anything

How the fuck did I not notice?

>> No.6933449


I bought more than 30 main pieces in my first year and no one cared.

I've been very active in the fashion for over a year and have never been posted

It sounds like you're just making excuses for yourself to not buy it, and if you were really that well off that you can consider buying houses then

1. Lolita costs barely anything usually
2. You should know that while social graces are a must in high society, it's not compulsory until you get married

>> No.6933452
File: 8 KB, 226x200, tumblr_inline_mh9j3ca49I1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give up.

>> No.6933455


paranoia is not kawaii desu

>> No.6933473

I found out I have developed lactose intolerance at the last convention I was at.
Well, I did not really piece the two together until I went to my doctor a few weeks latter, but ya,
I am a fat bloated cow in all the pictures.

In the pictures I am not a fat bloated cow the lighting decided it wanted to make my large nose look like fucking Pinocchio.

>> No.6933479
File: 95 KB, 480x480, IMG_0191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a hobby that involves other people (sports, reading clubs, cocaine, etc)

>> No.6933500

>tfw you want to sew and exercise but spend with commuting your 9-5 ends up being 6-8.

Job is great, but as soon as it hits a year I'm looking for something closer

>> No.6933525
File: 64 KB, 400x299, AndThePromIsTomorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend broke up with boyfriend
>feel super bad for them
>but they also were in charge of the room for AX

fuck if I know what we are doing now.

>> No.6933526
File: 389 KB, 500x213, tumblr_inline_mnv27lMy2v1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to get something my dress tracked but seller says its not worth it
>"yeah you're right"
>tfw this was three weeks ago, dress is lost

>tfw you get excited because OH MY GOD only 175 euros?! YES. Oh wait.. GBP

>> No.6933541

But those people are....are.....

...are alphas

>> No.6933550
File: 235 KB, 500x400, tt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to stop letting your family walk all ver you anon. that shit is not cute.
kill yourself

>> No.6933552
File: 235 KB, 457x327, 1332872372239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cocaine users

>> No.6933562

>cocaine users
>like to party
>have money

sounds pretty alpha to me.

>> No.6933568
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1366854561996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The so called 'alphas' have high self-esteem, thus, no need to give shit to people to make themselves feel better
Give it shot

Stop arguing over anything, the cocaine part was a joke

>> No.6933570

Only the sports guys aka jocks. Rest of them are Beta.

>> No.6933573

The second time I've seen you here with your shit trip. You will never be accepted here.

>> No.6933575
File: 12 KB, 560x407, 1371684218318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not looking for your approval

>> No.6933579

>I'm not looking for the approval of people who don't approve of me! bawww!
>everyone else automatically loves me!

>> No.6933585

>be sugarbaby
>see SB thread on here
>get excited about talking to likeminded people
>get home from one job, see thread has a lot of people in it
>can't respond because I have to go to my other job
>tfw the thread is now gone

Seriously, if any seagulls are interested and wanna talk, find me on tumblr or use this email.

>> No.6933588
File: 199 KB, 665x598, IMG_0197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6933622

lol I've seen this trip around in the past couple of weeks (must be summer). There has literally been nothing but shit being given to him. I almost feel bad.

>> No.6933638

Stop with the sameshitting. Every fucking time someone insults the beaner, suddenly, out of nowhere, some knight in shining armor comes and says "omg i am so srrry that everyon is bullying you beaner-friend!".

>> No.6933642
File: 93 KB, 160x107, IMG_0166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in exile from /fit/ for the summer, it gets filled with /b/ and /r9k/ trying to get 'toned'
Although I like it here, I might stay

>> No.6933643

>almost feel bad


>> No.6933644

no, you sound like you are just jealous of his good looks, boxingbro is very handsome, literally every girl on /cgl/ wanted to sleep with him at one point, I know him from a lot of places since he is so famous

>> No.6933646

Idk what he even looks like
Not really

>> No.6933647
File: 24 KB, 385x476, billy clinton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am le president Bill Clinton and I have to say that boxingbro is the most important person on 4chan, and you should be ashamed for saying bad things about him.

>> No.6933652

He looks like Zyzz, only 1000x more better and extremely hot. Also, he has a degree in pretty much every subject there is, including Woman's Studies, because he is a modern philosopher, who understands the value of knowledge. Finally, he is one of the best cosplayers on planet Earth, and he is also a designer of lolita clothes in his spare time.

You really are kind of a worthless piece of shit if you don't know who he is, or say bad things about him :/

>> No.6933660

I did 15 in two weeks just while using EC stack+work+belly dance. I don't eat much already, but I was stuck at 175 after losing 30 lbs for some reason. Stack gave my body that other push and now I'm at 160. Well, last time I weighed myself that is. I'm probably more at around 155 now. Feels good man.

>> No.6933672

I feel like I will never feel the feel of cumming inside a woman.

>> No.6933673
File: 47 KB, 421x402, 1356799904906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually lol'd

>> No.6933676


>> No.6933678

Dude I'm a different anon. I never said anything bad about him.
I just arrived in this thread.

I also don't know who Zyzz is.

>> No.6933685
File: 44 KB, 245x212, 1371256575170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the Brazilians

>> No.6933691

lol @ boxing faggot samefagging thinking that if he exaggerates comments, it will look like other people are ironically posting about him. I wouldn't expect anything more from a spic though.

>> No.6933693

Does he have a long, wild, tarzanian mane whose golden locks curl endlessly into infinity? Otherwise not interested.

>> No.6933702
File: 220 KB, 1936x1056, ss (2013-06-25 at 08.42.11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6933735
File: 24 KB, 155x155, 1341107852625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be able to cosplay some of your favorite characters because you're not a grill

>> No.6933751
File: 354 KB, 352x288, 1341283289785.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to get /fit/
>tfw youre an apple shape so any extra fat just makes you look gross
>tfw holy shit i wish i could just cut it off or something
>how did i allow myself to get like this.

sage for offtopic

>> No.6933777

The pyro is a man.
TF2 is based on TF Classic, and there the pyro is clearly a guy
The whole pyro being a woman is a ruse from Valve

You're gona make it, bro (?)
Keep at it

>> No.6933778

You don't even need photoshop to ctrl+c and ctrl+v the background color over the (You). MSPaint is good enough.

>> No.6933782

Falcone ver. 2

Falcone ver. Beaner

Shitposters like these make me miss the original Falcone.

>> No.6933788

>tfw you'll never be able to cosplay some of your favorite characters because you're a short, curvy female

>> No.6933789
File: 5 KB, 399x115, filter trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the screen with puush, but whatever, if you want to think I did the whole samefagging, go ahead


>> No.6933790

Fuck off Beaner Falcone.

>> No.6933795
File: 42 KB, 500x375, 1371254649503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6933796


Why can't we just be friends or just learn to co-exist with eachother

>that feel when almost every thread you ever make gets derailed

>> No.6933797
File: 360 KB, 500x398, 1371113752387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find one of my dream skirts
>Fatty chan altered it severely so it'd fit her
>Altered skirt would be baggy as fuck on me since I have a 24' waist and they made it go to 32'

It'd be possible to re-alter it so it'd fit me; but charging out the ass for something you ruined to fit you?

>> No.6933805

The character personas in TF2 are not based on TFC. They have absolutely nothing to do with each other other than how they play.

>> No.6933822
File: 69 KB, 542x602, IMG_0123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I duno, according to Wikipedia TF2 belongs to the Team Fortress series, it makes sense to think that the characters are the same

>> No.6933832

It's just a reaction image, I wasn't talking about the pyro.

At least you have a better chance at pulling off crossplay. You could probably do it if you really tried.

>> No.6933841
File: 368 KB, 234x219, panda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kawaii cheap china shoes hardly go over 24.5 cm

>> No.6933846

It's okay.
You can do it, I believe in you!

>> No.6933847

The reason is that there is literally no reason to tripfag constantly. Tripcodes were made to temporarily identify a poster in a thread that needed to be identified for different reasons. There is no other legitimate reason to tripfag and you will always get called out on it. Especially if you're a faggot new trip that has never contributed something valuable for the sake of contributing something valuable.

In other words, nobody likes an attention whore.

>> No.6933850

How short?

>> No.6933858


I just don't know what to do with my hips. They're big. My boobs are big, but I'm sure I can flatten those. Bone is another matter.

>> No.6933866

>5'3 short for a female

gurl pls

>> No.6933868
File: 80 KB, 500x750, lindsay-lohan-laugh-02-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bone is another matter.
>another matter.

>> No.6933869

Well, who would you want to cosplay?

>> No.6933870

I'm shorter than most women I know by a few inches.

>> No.6933887

Boomer Kuwanger, Pyramid Head, Stein...more or less tall/skinny/fit males. Or androgynous characters like Crona.

>> No.6933892

Sorry to have to ask this, but how much do you weigh? If you're fit, I can't really see how you wouldn't be able to pull of hips. Sure, some cosplays might be a bit of a challenge, but hips in general are a good thing - if you're fit.

>> No.6933894

I specifically find girls that put down non-alpha guys and act like bitches and make them feel like shit one way or another.

>> No.6933896

I'm skinnyfat at best. 115 and losing.

>> No.6933905

>tfw you see a black & skinnier version of PT everytime you look in the mirror

>> No.6933909


You don't develop lactose intolerance bro, you're born with it.

>> No.6933913
File: 1.19 MB, 1195x576, precious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to do a legit genderbend to the point where people won't be able to recognize you as a female underneath, that might be a bit of a challenge. But other than that, what's the problem? I've seen some of the most curvy and bodacious cosplayers do killer genderbends.

Pic related, same cosplayer

>> No.6933915

But sometimes it won't appear for several years, so it SEEMS like you have developed it.

>> No.6933918

It can stay dormant for many, many years. My 55+ year old calc tutor was telling me the other day. He had severe pain in his stomach so he went to the hospital. Turns out, he's lactose intolerant even though he's spent his entire life drinking milk and eating cheese, etc.

>> No.6933926

>Boomer Kuwanger
Well that's going to be armor, right? Nobody will have any idea if you're a guy or girl in that, so it doesn't really matter that much.
>Pyramid Head
I can see how height would be an issue here, but hey, if you really want to do it, be a short Pyramid Head. He wears a wrap though, right? So it shouldn't make that much of a difference.
As long as your clothes fit well, it'll look fine.
He wears a dress, so I think you're in the clear here.

In any case, you could either just do genderbends of certain characters.

>> No.6933927

but that's crossplaying... not genderbending.

>> No.6933933

Or just straight up do them and see how they turn out*.

You never know, you might like how it turns out.

>> No.6933934

which one do you want to do?

>> No.6933940

fucking impressive

>> No.6933949

I don't really want to genderbend, I want to crossplay. I want to be mistaken as male (or whatever Crona is) and it'll never happen without surgery. Hence the feels.

Boomer Kuwanger is too lanky for me to even begin to pull off, and Pyramid head is buff and shirtless, abs all day errday. Stein and Crona are a little more realistic, I suppose.

Anyway, sorry for the accidental sidetracking here.

>> No.6933952

Demoman was white in TFC. Just saying.

>> No.6933954

try cutting down on your carbs if you haven't yet and increasing your protein. My man lost 50 lbs in a month this way, I've lost 10 in 5 days

>> No.6933960

I've lost over ten pounds in a week by just eating less. Diet change is so fucking important.

>> No.6933969
File: 8 KB, 377x326, 1366855524750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, you're right
My bad

>> No.6933970

I dunno, everyone looks insanely different with armor on. I think you could honestly do Boomer.

>lost 50 lbs in a month

>> No.6934021

aww, you're a sweetie. I dont understand why you get so much shit. but then again, I'm not one to care about trip drama.
>that logic
honestly I can't tell if troll or extremely stupid.
seriously I'm trying to wrap my head around the logic behind your statement. would you be a dear and explain it to me?

>> No.6934022

> tfw you can't cosplay tall, sexy characters because you're short and extremely baby faced
> tfw anytime you do a sexy cosplay, people call you cute as if they're talking to a puppy

Anyone else?
Or similar cases

>> No.6934063

T-thanks. I didn't expect you'd react so p-positively after all that criticizing, b-but it really touched my heart. So I'm guessing you learned from your mistakes and are willing to get some black friends too? I already have a girlfriend, b-by the way..!

>> No.6934067

Well, at least that picture shows why you're here.

A summerfag who comes here to hit on chicks. At least last year they were amusing. You are not. You won't even make it into the Google Doc trip list.

>> No.6934071


>> No.6934074

what logic is so incomprehensible in the statement "forgot trip"?

>> No.6934075

I got that from /fa/

>hit on chicks
yeah, I love hitting on chicks from the other side of the world by saying 'no', it's really fulfilling

>> No.6934078

Clearly she (?) referenced the posts using the wrong order

>> No.6934080

S-s-s-s-sorry. B-but I h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-heard on /c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cgl/ that s-s-s-s-s-stuttering is c-c-c-c-c-c-cute.

>> No.6934084

H-h-how c-can y-you b-be s-so s-sure? I a-am q-quite c-certain t-that s-she w-was h-hitting o-on m-me.

>> No.6934090

As someone who stutters in real life - no, stuttering is not cute
Nor is it enjoyable

It's frustrating

>> No.6934093

/cgl/ forgot to take it's Parkinson's meds again =/

>> No.6934102
File: 483 KB, 500x279, uguu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww. Thank you so much!

I only got trip shit like, twice, and I think those anons were just derping around the second time it ever /really/ happened. (Like, took over a poor unsuspecting thread)
You're really nice too!

>> No.6934105


I know, I'm making fun of those dumb broads. They don't mean actual stuttering, as in the one that causes you to sound like a retard when you say mundane things. They think off animu situations where the bishie boy / girl tells the other that he "l-l-l-l-loves her/him" and the other is like "w-w-w-w-w-w-what? b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bb-b-b-bak-kk-k-k-k-k-kaaaaaa!".

>> No.6934108

meant to respond to this retard>>6934074

fuck, using the chan on the 3ds is hard

>> No.6934109

its :D

>> No.6934110

Man, those animes are crazy to think it is cute.

>> No.6934115

What the fuck? I just asked you a normal question, why are you calling me a retard? Fuck you too!

>> No.6934120

:D:D::DDD:D really?

Not just animes but also local retarded/underage seagulls.

>> No.6934123

Excited. I'm leaving in a few months to move to Japan for a year,and I think overall it will be a wonderful experience. But at the same time it's a big stressor as well - it's hard to leave so much behind, especially my boyfriend, who I'm going to miss incredibly. So basically, I'm just a jumble of mixed up emotions.

>> No.6934124

:D yeah! :D

>> No.6934130

Are you moving there to sell your worn panties to worn panty vending machine companies?

>> No.6934133

lol! :DD

>> No.6934141

that's what I said!!

tehehe :D

>> No.6934147


(Please be my gf.)

>> No.6934157

:( Sorry I'm taken! :D:D:D

but there's someone out there for everyone :D

>> No.6934193

>tfw keep answering posts backwards because 3ds
s-s-s-s-s-orry anon

>> No.6934229

>first time cosplaying
>first day carried around all my sewing stuff shoved into a bag because lolorganization
>was heavy and pointless, never ended up using it
>second costume is much simpler
>decide fuck it, never used it and its too heavy
>don't bring any of it
>15 minutes into wearing it someone asks for a photo, readjust my arms and RIIIIIIIP
>sleeve seam rips off the back
>walk around with a giant hole on my back all day because fuck it

>> No.6934236

I'm having trouble explaining to cosplay and lolita friends why I have no desire for a internet presence. I see how much shit people get on here, especially if they have tumblrs or things for people to interact with them. And I want exactly none of that.

No amount of good coords I make or craftsmanship awards I win will change that. Even a few masquerade judges have seemed kinda off when I had them announce my real name and not a username or handle.

>> No.6934272

Yeah yeah, you're a pure maiden. We know.

Something like that shouldn't be very hard unless you make it hard, i.e attention. "So anon, do you have a tumblr or something?" "No, I don't really want a social page like that, I'm kind of a private person." Easy as that.

>> No.6934287

Stop the stuttering, it's not funny, retard.

>> No.6934296

But I never said that I am a virgin. I have meat curtains already. :3

>> No.6934332
File: 73 KB, 500x436, tumblr_inline_mnsxtuhHld1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an indecisive fuck
>rearrange and change taobao order 239048 times
>constantly adding and removing things from my budgeting list
>keep seeing new things I want too, add those things
>realize I don't want/need them and remove them
>completely lose track of the reason I wanted to arrange this order (to build my lolita wardrobe)
>spend way too much time scrolling through pages of badly google translated text and overly shooped asian chicks wearing cute shit
>lather, rinse, repeat

>> No.6934340

>the joke
>your head

dont say you got it, because you clearly didn't.
tsk tsk, and I'm the retard.
some anons get so booty bothered when they're too stupid to comprehend a simple joke.

(Psst; here's a hint: everyone else was s-s-s-stuttering in the thread)

>> No.6934341

>I have meat curtains already
What is this, r9k?

>> No.6934357

>implying meat curtains aren't a thing

>> No.6934360

ok nevermind:D:D:DDD:D


>> No.6934381

Girls with undesirable vaginae get offended when you mention their vaginae are undesirable.

>> No.6934384

:D yeah, I'm leaving now. :D:D:D

you're kind of creepy :D bye

>> No.6934388

I know that feel, anon. SO CLOSE.

>> No.6934396

Troll detected.

>> No.6934410


>> No.6934425

lol'd harder than I should've

>> No.6934426

...Like in the original Cinderella story?

>> No.6934476
File: 18 KB, 384x288, 1305424470547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got a job at a restaurant
>Taking food home from job cuts down grocery bills
>Just learned that one item can have more sugar, fat, and carbs than something from McDonalds
>making it harder to lose weight and fit into brand again

I'm surprised that I'm still able to bike/run about 4 miles a day, Maybe I should lift more.

>Want to move out of shitty apartment and move in with best friend
>Folks told me to suck it up until the lease is up because it's too expensive to deal with fees, even though I'm willing to shell out an extra $100 for someplace nicer
>Not happy, but at least I'll save $1000


>> No.6934482
File: 8 KB, 265x148, 1332350660950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, I've had this feel before. I am idiot for not buying blouses that I so badly need now. I ended up selling everything I got from my taobao order. I'm going to do another taobao order soon and I hope I can learn from my lesson.


>> No.6934487
File: 499 KB, 320x221, 1313264133409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for something happy....

>Won an mbok auction for the first time (got two items)
>Arrived at my door an hour before the meet up

It actually happened a long time ago, but man, it makes me happy to remember this.

>> No.6934532

I've gained 5-10 lbs since I came home for summer break so I feel fat and disgusting. so to solve this I'm going to

>Give up coffee
>eat less of the delicious crunchy salty snacks I love.
>Eat less

Hopefully I manage to fit into the dress I have coming.

That's just way too awesome.

>> No.6934544

Give up coffee? Last I read, coffee speeds up your metabolism (if you drink it black).

>> No.6934548

I'm a guy and I really want to cosplay but all of the characters I'd like to cosplay as are really muscular men, so I have to continue bulking up for another couple of years before I can do a really good one. Goalbody is the maximum size humanoid race character from skyrim.

>powerlifting training via /fit/
>already gone up 50 lbs in a year and a half
>permabulking is hard but it will be worth it

>> No.6934550

Barely, it won't make a difference

There's no need to give up coffee if you avoid sugar and cream. The more liquid, the better

>> No.6934551

I can't stand black coffee so I drink it with heavy cream and sugar. Tastes good, but is not good for my waist.

>> No.6934554

See >>6934551

>> No.6934556

>tfw you hate cream and sugar in coffee

Feels lucky.

>> No.6934564

Yeah, then you should leave it.
A cup of dark coffee averages 2 calories, but with cream and sugar it can add up to 50 easily.
Green tea could be used as a substitute, it's highly recommended for weight loss

>> No.6934618

>tfw you can drink dark unfiltered coffee with on a spoon-full of sugar and it's perfectly ok.

personally I don't like caffeine, but a small cup of dark coffee after a meal is really healthy.

>> No.6934626

To each their own. I'm usually a latte addict so this is a minor improvement.

Well over 50, 150 at least.
I tend to add a lot of sugar to teas as well, but I might try and get some fruity green teas to chill for summer.

>> No.6934648

I have a brother who does that too. He uses my cash to buy a lot of clothes for his girlfriend. Of course, he refuses to return the cash (& my parents are like, "Let him be.") So I walk into his room & cut up all the clothes (His loser girlfriend is staying in his room at that time) My parents proceed on giving back the cash to me as they are scared I will go batshit insane again.

You gotta do something, anon. Flip the shit over on him so he learn his lesson. Well for now I have already moved out so no more shit from him.

>> No.6934680

>tfw everyone talking about caffeine
>tfw currently suffering through caffeine poisoning
why god

>> No.6934691

I'm sorry man, maybe you should try to go out more?

>> No.6934708

I completed one of my dream goals. get fit and cosplay. I ended up wasting it and crossdressed as a magical girl. that and my picture being posted on facebook.

I want to do it again.

>> No.6934727
File: 1.01 MB, 200x200, 1366736692288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want to make some coffee but I can't find a pot.

>tfw working on getting in shape/looking better overall and running into an asshole friend who always put you down.
>tfw they got mad uglies

>> No.6934751

Do starting strength and couch to 5km along with your coffee. Regardless of your ideal weight and body shape; you'll look a lot better than you did in a years time than you would without exercise.

>> No.6934778
File: 86 KB, 960x728, 1370320288036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6933051 here, just placed the highest bid my card would let me. i feel pretty pathetic but i'll be getting around $900 in the next few days so at least i can pay shit off. especially if i don't win ;_; i hate fromjapan and mbok for not letting me bid whenever i want to. now i wait and crey. tfw.

>> No.6934798

the best
>doesn't know who fitness personified is
you'll never know the feeling of having a literal demigod insult you no matter how good you look

>> No.6935043

I want to do a shirtless cosplay, but I have massive scarring from cystic acne across my entire upper torso.

To give an idea of the severity, my shirt would usually stick to my back if I sat down on a couch for a while from the blood.

>> No.6935060

I'm not trolling. D o you want to see my labia or what?

>> No.6935075

>fitness personified
>didn't do cardio

>> No.6935142

Oh goodness, try some of that special make-up for scarring and such

>> No.6935159

I'm always here.

>> No.6935268

I have been sitting hear since 9am, waiting for an out for delivery package from ap.
It is like 11:30, my mailman is usually hear by now.
Starting to think he pulled that shit where he did not bother to come up to my apartment but instead just slipped a slip into my mailbox downstairs and called it a delivery attempt.
And he will through a hissy fit if I see him and ask him kindly, again, to make sure he comes up to the apartment with packages that I have to sign for and not do that.
"I knocked on your door that day and no one was home!" He will say.
I live in a fucking one bedroom apartment and have been sitting on my damn couch 5 feat from my front door since 9am. If you knocked I would hear you. Hell, if you brushed against my door I would hear you. It is made of paper I swear.
Next time I am going to be that creepy bitch sitting in the lobby for hours just to catch our lazy ass mailman for my bright pink package of joy.

...I'm really going to regret waiting up when I get to work tonight. Night shifts make me into a crazy mail-man hating bitch.

>> No.6935273

I feel feels similar to that feel.

>> No.6935297

>Is invited to judge a competition
>Wanting to join the same comp with partner due to good prize money


>> No.6935311

Ya a notice was left at 11:30 according to my tracking I AM ALL THE PISSED.

>> No.6935325

Been exercising like crazy and eating right and my weight is just stagnant for over a week now. I have to wear freaking spandex in a few months and I'm so frustrated and worried about it.

>> No.6935339

dude, your postman is a fucking lazy asshole. I'm feeling all the rage for you. I'm lucky mine is a bro, but holy hell If I were you I'd fucking put on a gothic coord, sit in the lobby, wait for them, and look uber pissed when they arrive and tell them your complaints.

>> No.6935353

Some mailmen, I swear to god.
I live on an old farm consisting of two different houses. One guest house we never use that is pretty far from the mainhouse, and then our mainhouse.
A few years ago, I ordered a big package. I never received it or a slip that I was supposed to come pick it up or anything.
A few months after that, I had reported package theft and received a new package for free to make up for it - One day I was chilling down by the guesthouse when I noticed that the lost package was lying right there in front of the door.

Some mailmen are lazy, and some go to great length to make people happy even if they don't quite succeed in doing just that.

>> No.6935431

Have you raped any underage girls lately?

>> No.6935438

Just three and a half.

>> No.6935468
File: 19 KB, 400x267, Foreveraloneinfrills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to buy lolita clothing and have a meet up very soon
>Automatic deposit account not set up yet
>Waiting for paycheck to come in the mail

>> No.6935613
File: 389 KB, 1000x1000, 1353925819996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only have 1 friend interested in cosplay
>only have sporadic contact with said friend

Oh well.

>> No.6935625

is this like the lolita version of sad keanu?

>> No.6935651

>Boyfriend gets super alpha at cons when he's my handler
>Keeps boosting my confidence in cosplays I'm unsure in
>Looks super hot in the bad boy cosplays he's wearing from series I love, muscles showing
>Mfw he won't have sex in the hotel room because someone may knock on the door, even with the latch and everyone's at scheduled panels.

Those feels when you love your SO to death, but they have way too much self control.

>> No.6935830 [DELETED] 

>tfw your first dream dress ever finally appears at the comm sales
>tfw you literally run to the bank three neighbourhoods away from yours to transfer your cash
>tfw you're home and read the reply to your PM
>tfw it's sold

Someone please hug me.

>> No.6935832
File: 2 KB, 493x402, sosad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw none of my friends has the same fashion-interest as me

>> No.6935852

>tfw I know this feel
>tfw I'm practically willing to scoop up any well-kempt non-weaboo with a slight interest in Jfashion and stuff them in a dress
w-we can be friends anon

>> No.6935878
File: 65 KB, 508x450, 4596016974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your first dream dress ever finally appears at the comm sales
>tfw you literally run to the bank three neighbourhoods away from yours to transfer your cash
>tfw you're home and read the reply to your PM
>tfw it's sold

Someone please hug me.

>> No.6935902

And how exactly did he "get super alpha"? I could use a good laugh.

>> No.6935927

I want to work on my cosplays but I'm too addicted to Animal Crossing

>> No.6935945

>want to cosplay little girls
>not fat, but not an anime waif
>young, feminine face perfect for little girls
>can never pull off young characters because of figure
>can never pull off older characters because of face

>> No.6935948

Are you me, I think you may be me. I have that exact same problem.

>> No.6935954

>That feel when you find out that you're a pedophile.

What do /cgl/?

>> No.6935960

This. -_-

>> No.6935968


Go to >>>/a/. Literally everyone is a pedophile there.

>> No.6935973
File: 151 KB, 500x300, ya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>con in 9 days
>forgot to buy a sewing machine
>procrastinated and spent most of con money
>only friend that has one lives 2 hours away and is working on 3 cosplays for the con
>the one day cosplay group was free we spent the day at the mall and didn't do anything on cosplay other than buy fabric

>> No.6935979

you're stupid, you can have them invoice your paypal before you have cash all the way ready. what is this your first time ordering?

>> No.6936001

you're stupid, you can have them invoice your children before you have them all the way ready (delivered to your dungeon). what is this your first time ordering?

>> No.6936018

She's missing a cucumber sandwich. Or maybe she's said because she's finished it.

Yeah. It's Keanulita.

>> No.6936040

Of course I did,but she answered after I transferred the money. Seems like I was simply late..

>> No.6936058

Of course I did,but they were delivered already dead after I transferred the money. Seems like I was simply late..

>> No.6936057
File: 80 KB, 1018x784, solost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm familiar with this feel. In fact, there are some homestuck fans/cosplayers in my local lolita community. I'm just glad that they keep their fandom among themselves.

Still...it's homestuck.

I'm very surprised (and fortunate) that I haven't run across any of their meets because apparently, they're a large and active group.

>> No.6936132

Cosplay Mikuru or other moeblobs with great figures.

>> No.6936136
File: 99 KB, 500x498, lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my niche and I stick to it. Doesn't mean I don't want to venture outside of that realm every once in a while.

>pic related

>> No.6936196

I get what you mean.

>tfw you'll never be able to cosplay a loli.

>> No.6936212

Lol, next time I may do this, or just in my pajamas looking like an utter piece of pissed off shit.
Oh god, I think that half the reason why my current lazy ass pisses me off so much is because my parents have the best mailman ever.
His delivery time was about when I got out of school, and in passing he would always say "Good afternoon Miss anons's last name" and would hand me my mail if he had it, and if he knew I had a package he would sing a little song like "There is a package waiting for yoou~!" and it was fucking adorable.
But, my parents live in the middle of nowhere in a tiny town where everyone knows everyone.
And I live in a city. And fuck this mailman in my apartment seriously. He will also bitch and moan if I take to long to get to the door, fuck man, you would rather me answer my door with pants on.
Also, fucking lazy ass cranky mailman, remember that one holiday season when I first moved in and I left a cute holiday card, 20$ and some chocolates in my mailbox for you? Wonder why I have NEVER DONE THAT AGAIN? ITS BECAUSE YOU SUCK. fucking shit I am so mad.
Sorry that was long

>> No.6936225

I actually would love to see more Lain cosplayers.

>> No.6936229
File: 80 KB, 540x720, HNI_0024_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being such a sweetheart that you leave the mailman a gift
>your mailmain still continues to shit all over you by being a lazy whiny bitchy asshole
ughhh all of my rage. I wonder if you could complain to someone about it? goddamn, I really hate your mailman.
>tfw your story made me so booty bothered I bitched about it to two different people over the phone already

>> No.6936245

I hate when ugly girls cosplays get attention only because they're skinny

Like put some effort into making your face look good too uhhg

such a pet peeve

>> No.6936269

Oh my god, I have never had a mailman that went above and beyond but not once have I had a mailman that is as terrible as the one I have now. He will ring the doorbell and book it before I have a chance to walk across the room and open the door, I can call out to him "just a minute!" and I have watched him look at me through our window and just turn around. And everytime I stop him in the driveway he rolls his eyes and hands me my package and shoves the signing thingy at me.

That is when he bothers to give me my package. I have found packages in the bushes outside my door, a few times they were not even my packages and belonged to people several blocks away. I have no idea what his damage is but I HATE him.

>> No.6936271

My postie barely speaks English, frequently asks for directions when dropping off packages and has the worst timing ever.

We don't get post on Saturdays. I was expecting a package Friday. It was on the truck for delivery. I stayed home waiting for it, since I needed the item IN the package for that Sunday for a friend's birthday.

I waited some more. At six PM, I checked the tracking and it said "failed delivery attempt".

There was no slip. No package. No knock on the door. Nothing.

The next morning at seven AM, on a DAY THAT MAIL IS NOT DELIVERED, I heard a knock on my front door, then saw the post van go whipping down the driveway at full speed. The fucker had stuck the parcel delivery slip under the door and run for it, because he knew what he was doing was against regulations. Asshole.

>> No.6936273

Once they get hired they basically can't be fired so a lot of them just slack off and act like entitled dicks, and honestly, they hire people with the bare minimum qualifications so some of them are douches.

>> No.6936275
File: 499 KB, 500x281, 1354043133166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw black
>tfw you can only look accurate if you cosplay masked or fully clothed characters
>tfw the only cons you are able to go to are in the summer

>> No.6936278

Land whale detected.

>> No.6936282


>> No.6936285

Your boyfriend looks pretty ghetto.

>> No.6936288

I sent them an angry e-mail using there contact form this time, because seriously it is getting out of control.
I could bitch about him forever, like the time I moved apartments in the same building, and even though I asked my landlady never moved the names on the mail-boxes, and since I no longer had the key to the old one I could not do it myself.
I finally got sick of not getting mail I knew was coming (shit like a new issue of my credit card, bills, ect) and shoved some paper over the names on the old mailbox and shoved our names under the plastic for the new one, and BAM I started getting mail again. I sent my land lady a not very nice e-mail about it, asking for the key to my old mailbox so I could get my mail.
She said she spoke to the mailman about it, and he said he was aware of the change and had been putting the mail in the right box the whole time.
And then the next day it was like the fucking 5pm subway in my mailbox. A month's full of mail crammed into my tiny box.
He will also fit whatever into it, even if it means braking a package clearly marked fragile in half, or bending it, or smashing it with other mail.

>> No.6936290

>tfw you actually sit down and calculate the exact amount you spent on conventions/cosplay/weeb swag.

>> No.6936302

That's a damn lie, there are tons of black or dark skinned characters.

>> No.6936361
File: 2.57 MB, 360x239, friendsletbeone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhh. it okay anon, I feel those feels too. Except there are tons of black/dark tone characters we can be kawii.

>> No.6936371

>find /cgl/, think it'll be a cool place to talk about cosplay and cons
>it is, but there's way more lolita than cosplay
>a lot of cosplay threads are at least half lolita discussion as well
>not necessarily a bad thing but I wish there was more stuff I liked
>still try to live alongside my egl sister-anons and don't let it bother me
>middle school level gossip/drama, usually about lolita stuff
>can never say anything even remotely negative about lolita, any time I say the word and I'm not completely positive it gets responded to with "HEY, HO, WE WON'T GO" even though I nor anyone else I've seen have once said that they should leave
>these people have and will derail and destroy threads just because they disagree with someone, and will relentlessly respond to obvious trolls despite how it shits up the thread
>in a community that tries to push being proper and polite
Seriously, I try to like you guys and respect your hobby but you're really making it difficult.

>> No.6936376

>le omg le black girl in need of dick! here's le tripfag to save the day and to suck up
>"now I will become the most popular queen of cgl" - that guy

>> No.6936377

fuck, didn't mean to reply.

>> No.6936379

I just accidentally cut into a sleeve I spent 2 hours appliqueing...

>> No.6936383
File: 21 KB, 500x334, 1333865922622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a lolita, I totally understand what you mean. I also enjoy cosplay and I find it overwhelming to see that lolita conversations outnumber the cosplay ones. There are times when I wish that J-fashion/alt-fashion had a separate board.

>> No.6936389
File: 38 KB, 172x184, 1354349990018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you please just stop trying to ride my dick? It's flattering how you just follow me around and all, but it's getting a bit old.

>> No.6936396

Let's make a deal - you stop trying to stick your head into people's asses and I'll stop pointing out it out, fatty.

>> No.6936405
File: 388 KB, 500x382, 1368326598026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even trying to suck up to anybody, why the fuck would I?

>> No.6936428

>shoots a person
>"le I'm not trying to le shoot anyone" - that guy

You are literally nothing more than another creeper who comes here to jerk off to underage girls. There were dozens before you, and you're nothing special, so you get the same treatment as they did.

>> No.6936453

Glad you know everything about me, anon.
Also, you're the only person to get so butthurt over my posts, so maybe you should just stop taking the internet so seriously and maybe get off 4chan once in a while.

>> No.6936501

I personally think That Guy is kind of fun and neat, bump into him alot on other boards/threads I frequent. would befriend/10
sure, he can be a dick sometimes, but trying to start drama everytime you see his trip just to be a vapid cunt is way more unbecoming.

>> No.6936512

>Guy made a comment "Let me tell you what I'd do too that cosplayer if I got five minutes alone with her."
>Guy was twice his size
>BF got in his face and yelled at him, about to swing when the guy turned tail

Also super forceful kissing, extra hand holding, and displays of "She's mine so back off, asshole."

He's normally not big on PDA or confrontational, but he's not very beta at all.

>> No.6936509
File: 147 KB, 542x615, 1370623131913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ here. Please refrain from conflating us proud, gentlemanly lolicons with those vile, beastly pedophiles. They are not one in the same.

Every shekel is precious.

>> No.6936521

>Guy made a comment "Let me tell you what I'd do too that cosplayer if I got five minutes alone with her."
So, he wants to pretend to fight a guy twice his size(who was probably just a meat tank neckbeard that never threw a punch in his life) to impress you because the guy was objectifying some random girl?
Sounds like a manjina to me but I guess your panties were moistened so he's doing something right.

>> No.6936526

If both are untrained size matters, gota give him credit for that

>> No.6936534 [DELETED] 

>these people
>implying cosplayers wouldn't be almost the same

>> No.6936538

>tfw paranoia
>you make a pristine, white and silver ball gown
>avoid all mud puddles that might splash on you on the way into the convention
>lift your hems to your hips to keep from dragging them while outside
>enlist friends to follow behind and make sure you don't drop any of the layers
>avoid physical contact with cosplayers wearing bodypaint for fear of unsealed pigment spreading to your costume
>tfw at the end of the day, you still have a streak of Ice Queen blue on your back from the overenthusiastic teen who glomped you in line without asking first

>> No.6936552

What is stopping you from making cosplay threads yourself?

>> No.6936556

What's the point of losing weight if it's lean mass? She's not making weight... she wants to be hot. Lean mass = hot. And healthy. That anon should just wait until the next con if she's uncomfortable. Trust the process, you'll get there eventually.

>> No.6936566

If I recall correctly, her plan was to lose 30 lbs. she wouldn't lose more than 10 pounds of muscle, and could minimize the loss by supplementing protein.
But yeah, I said it before, if not in a hurry I wouldn't even consider it

>> No.6936567

Lolita having serious feels.

>TFW a dress you want is up for auction
>TFW you need a petticoat as well
>TFW you only have enough for the dress or the petticoat, not both.

I hate how expensive international shipping is.
I wish I could make a giant bell shaped petti. With as much of a pain as CP is it might be a better plan.

>> No.6936574

Also...there are 39 lolita/jfashion threads out of 163 threads on this board right at this moment...The rest are cosplay/con/ect related...

>> No.6936589

Where did I say that I wasn't? Me making threads won't make lolita any less dominating, and (like I said) they take up a lot of space in the cosplay threads as well. What is it with people having this kneejerk reaction to people complaining about lack of content? Posting a thread doesn't ensure that other people are going to make their own.

>> No.6936596

>looking past page 3
Also you're obviously looking at everything else vs. lolita instead of lolita vs. cosplay. Non-specific can go either way and usually goes in favor of lolita.

>> No.6936604

>doesn't know about the catalog

>> No.6936606

Oh, so only the first 3 pages count?
3 convention threads, 5 other/both, 3 lolita threads, 8 cosplay specific threads.

>> No.6936610

>doesn't know that it fixes nothing and posts after page 2-3 are still usually dead
Also, see >>6936371:
>these people have and will derail and destroy threads just because they disagree with someone

>> No.6936612

>tfw I'm the one pointing out the numbers and I'm a cosplayer.

>> No.6936619

The fuck are you talking about? There are 8 Lolita threads on zero and one alone. Arguing lies against people who disagree with you isn't helping your image.

>> No.6936630

That was the number when I did the count...oh, maybe things are active past page 3 then?

>> No.6936636

Or maybe you're a liar. Probably that, since those threads were already on at least page two before you posted.

>> No.6936654
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>> No.6936657

You probably think you're winning, but every post just proves my point about lolifags ruining a thread because someone disagrees with them. Please, keep going.

>> No.6936833

>talks about lolitas ruining threads
>ruins this thread him/herself

Boards are for discussions,so of course people will answer your post if they disagree with you.
Stop provoking lolitas and talk about the balance of lolitas & cosplayers in an own thread,instead of derailing this thread yourself,faggot.

>> No.6936891


Sure, let's see it.

>> No.6936894

>Also, you're the only person
Doubtful, you are kind of an unlikable asslick.

>> No.6936896

but I am a shy girl :D

>> No.6937069

He's been in street fights before. Normally he's just that fun laid back guy, but there's a lot of gang activity in his area. He's got some scars from baseball bats breaking the skin, knives, etc. I don't know about the other guy because I walked up just as he walked away.

>> No.6937085

>tfw white
>tfw you really want to cosplay a black character
>tfw you can't do it accurately because if you bodypaint, the lynchmob will attack

The character is Mira Nygus. She's so cool. ;_;

>> No.6937089

That came out sounding racist. Maybe should've just said "mob". You know, the tumblr warriors who will attack for me trying to look brown-skinned.

>> No.6937280

>Look fine in pictures I take myself in front of a mirror
>Get camera and a tripod
Yaay I can take pictures in nicer areas then my bathroom with better lighting!
>Can not fucking pose myself without staring directley in a mirror
>look like absolute ass
>Take 20 pictures, look like absolute ass in all of them
>This is why my street snaps always look like ass.
God fucking damn it I can't pose. I wish people taking pictures of me would go "Oh, anon, fucking stop that move your head this way we don't need to see the bottom of your chin and fix your bow it has a mind of its own, when you move your face that way you have a gigantic nose ectect"

>> No.6937304

>lolitas start the argument
>my fault for speaking my mind in the first place and my fault for responding, which they are also doing
Keep proving me right about you cunts.

>> No.6937305

>Looking for obscure character wigs
>Can't find accurate colour & length
>Give up & buy white wigs, plan to dye them
>Suddenly, all three wigs appear, right colour & right style

Now I'm seriously feeling like selling the white wigs to get the right ones. But not sure if they can be sold off fast, and not sure if the right wigs will stay long enough for me to get them...

>> No.6937316
File: 2.00 MB, 2265x1202, cosplayvlolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lolita here!

Here you go, a graphical depiction of cgl right now on the cosplay v lolita front

(some threads not tagged due to the possibility they could be both)

>> No.6937330

Not really fair to label con threads as cosplay as lolita fashion is a major factor of many anime conventions.
Even so, it's overwhelmingly cosplay oriented threads.

>> No.6937333

just get a spray tan. it looks so much better anyways.

>tfw people actually think rubbing brown bodypaint and looking like they smeared shit all over themselves is a better alternative

>> No.6937360

You labeled a lot of neutral threads as cosplay and a few lolita threads as neutral. I corrected your screenshot, right now it's 15/14 lolita. Please, keep lying to sound right, it makes you all look so much better.

>> No.6937362
File: 2.27 MB, 2265x1202, lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6937368


cgl bingo has no mention of lolita in the bingo
work in progress never has lolita and NEVER HAD lolita in it
while cons can be neutral, I think they are overwhelmingly cosplay related, this is not the whole board, but only a third.

No one is lying, you're the one getting upset

>> No.6937371 [DELETED] 

It's your fault that you get offended by people responding to your shit. Man,I'm not even a lolita but your perseverance seriously irks me.

>> No.6937373

>cgl bingo has no mention of lolita in the bingo
I'll give you that, 15/15
>work in progress never has lolita and NEVER HAD lolita in it
Yes it has and it's not exclusively cosplay
>while cons can be neutral, I think they are overwhelmingly cosplay related, this is not the whole board, but only a third.
Actually most are just discussion about the con.

>No one is lying, you're the one getting upset
Saying "u mad" makes you look like a troll and stops anyone from taking you seriously. Which is good, because you don't deserve to be.

>> No.6937380


>u mad

No one said that, you called a bunch of people cunts, lumped all lolitas into one large category, told me I was lying, etc etc

I laid out an example of why lolitas aren't overwhelming this board like you had said, defended my positions rationally, and am having a civil discussion with you.

Keep saying my opinions don't matter to you, because obviously they do

>> No.6937381

It's their fault for being offended by my opinion in the first place. I said they constantly shit up threads because they get butthurt, so if they want to prove me wrong, they have to be the ones to stop.

>> No.6937383


please note that the current work in progress thread has no lolita mentiioned in it, only cosplay

>most are just discussions about the con
and cosplay at the con, you'll find more discussion about cosplay in the con threads than lolita, unless there is specific lolita drama at the convention

>> No.6937384

oh god, this is why I can't stand cosplayers.
If someone dares mention they aren't wearing a wig they will derail the thread because they have a differing opinion.
they fight and bitch like middleschool level drama. its so obnoxious.
I love cosplayers, I really do, but your con drama threads and bitching about other people's shitty cosplays is making it hard.

>> No.6937395

>No one said that, you called a bunch of people cunts, lumped all lolitas into one large category, told me I was lying, etc etc
Yes you did (not literally "u mad" but still), I called the people posting cunts in direct response to being called a faggot a faggot, I lumped you into a category because almost every one of you I've encountered acts like this, and you were lying.

>I laid out an example of why lolitas aren't overwhelming this board like you had said
Almost every cosplay thread is character/series specific, so if I don't like the character/series it might as well just not be there. Lolita threads are almost always universal. Because of this, it still feels overwhelming.

>defended my positions rationally
You made an extremely biased post and then said u mad when I called you out on it.

>and am having a civil discussion with you.
No you're not.

>Keep saying my opinions don't matter to you, because obviously they do
Oh, they do. Because every opinion you voice in response to me just proves my point.

>> No.6937399

>lolita talking about drama

>> No.6937411

If you provoke them,you can't blame them for defending theirselfs/"shitting up threads".
But well,while I look at your edited catalog..it seems like you cling to your opinion even if the reality proves it wrong.

>> No.6937415

>not understanding my blatant sarcasm making fun of obnoxious anon's post here >>6936371


>> No.6937413


>> No.6937423


>> No.6937421

>If you provoke them,you can't blame them for defending theirselfs/"shitting up threads".
And you can't blame me for doing it any less because I'm being as provoked as they are. Also, if I stop then I wouldn't be giving them any chance to prove me wrong

>But well,while I look at your edited catalog..it seems like you cling to your opinion even if the reality proves it wrong.
changes made: 21
changes contested: 2

I am clinging so hard.

>> No.6937429

*any more

>> No.6937428

Your mockery isn't very good, and that guy wasn't being obnoxious. No more obnoxious than the butthurt shitstorm going on now, anyway.

>> No.6937432

if you check how long they bitch in the thread, you will see, yeah, they were being obnoxious.

>> No.6937434


>anon posts the threads in categories
>anon agrees on some, disagrees on others

it sounds like you have a provlem dude

>> No.6937441

>anon is wrong
>can't think of a good counterpoint
>pretends to be someone else
The only one with a provlem is you, comrade.

>> No.6937445

No more obnoxious than the other side, just saying.

>> No.6937449


>everyone who disagrees with me is the SAME PERSON

your argument is done, go home

>> No.6937457

In case you're not the same person:
>can't think of a good counterpoint
The only one with a provlem is you, comrade.

Also, telling someone to leave is just a smug way of saying "please let me win".

>> No.6937468
File: 192 KB, 1430x785, we cant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can't decide on which character I want to cosplay next
>tfw I really need to start working on cosplays but I keep procrastinating with all these little side projects

I don't even have Animal Crossing and all these little things keep holding my attention.

>> No.6937548

draw it from a hat.
work on minor accessories first in your free time.

>> No.6937665
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1345003021418238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very close, tight knit couple of friends
>We are pretty xenophobic when inviting people to places with us, but love going to cons and socializing.
>Best friend and her boy friend have been working alot.
>I am content being alone I guess, work very hard on my cosplay when I get home from work. Definetly going to impress her!
>Busting my ass, but always say "If you have time, lets take a break and go to theme park!"
>Sanding/sewing/gluing with my laptop up
>"best friend was tagged at theme park with 3 other douches"
>No call or anything. Sitting here staring at almost done cosplay, dont even want to finish it.
>Already spent loadsa money on ticket, parking, etc.
>contemplating going alone.

I dont want to go alone. It would feel weird. Like going to a movie theater by yourself. Was kind of a fucked up thing they did, especially since I'm there ride everywhere. I usually dont use my high charisma and comeliness score at cons because it makes her kind of sad, but the fuck man.

Whats going to a con alone like? Is it a depressing experience? I know I'm being a big baby but still, priorities.

>> No.6937963

>tfw you play to only spend 500$ on an order
>Keep adding small things
>Bank fees and shipping ends up making order 800$
I'm in some serious shit.

>> No.6937971

I have a friend who always shows up about 3 hours late to cons (she has to put on her shitty makeup and sleep in), so I spend time alone at cons.
It's pretty depressing, honestly. If you're into a fandom, there's ussually groups of them you can talk to, or if you're into lolita fashion, then talk to other lolitas. Con goers usually really want to make friends but don't know how to socialize. If people come up and talk to you, tell them you're friend ditched you and ask them if they want to hang out. Even find someone who is hanging out alone. It's scary, but honestly no one really cares. Just have fun. You already payed for it.