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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 30 KB, 570x238, r-VICARIOUS-EMBARRASSMENT-large570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6922520 No.6922520 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you in cosplay/lolita ?

>> No.6922522

My friend actually broke her prop while on stage for a cosplay contest.

>> No.6922527

A miku cosplayer's hair fell off in a contest. was funny as hell

>> No.6922631

i knocked a heavy stapler into my boyfriend's lap with my petticoat and he tried to pretend like it didn't hurt.

>> No.6922638
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>> No.6922650

I... I remember in my weaboo years I glomped someone so hard they fell to the ground and omf.... I always cringe when I think about it, and I feel so bad for the guy.

>> No.6922653
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Was strolling around a con with a friend and we had both brought cameras for once to take photos of cosplay.

Passed by a couple cosplaying from a game he liked and started pointing it out. He when stoned faced, would not turn to look, and kept walking. All the while, I'm like, "Dude! It's your favorite game! It's like a costume made FOR YOU! LOOK!"

And he kept walking..

Turns out that was his ex.. His REALLY, REALLY crazy ex. I didn't even recognize her under the costume.

I didn't even realize that I had my spaghetti canon on full blast.

>> No.6922671

I went into a panel one time and started talking to the person running it before it began. I was wondering why he wasnt really responding and trying to push me. Turns out, with my mask that I couldn't look down in, and my armored boots, I couldn't see or feel that I was crushing his stuff underneath me. Felt like an ass.

>> No.6922675

During a convention, we went to a nearby mall to check out the sales in cosplay (also, we were super bored in the convention).
We go to a store and a guy from our school sees us as we are on our way out. Still don't know if he recognized us though, we shared a class at the time.

>> No.6922687

It took me several minutes to realize that was a pencil mustache and not the top of his mouth, and that he did not in fact have terrifying flesh teeth.

To stay on topic, the most embarrassing thing I ever did was my homemade samurai costume that I wore to school.

>> No.6922725

>creep up behind my friend in cop stocking
>slide my hand across her bare lower back
>whisper 'hey sexy lady' in her ear
>cop stocking turns around and is not my friend and looks horrified
>she totally didn't believe me
>friends laugh forever

thank god I am female or she probably would have gotten me thrown out, pretty sure I'm still a sexual harrassment tumblr story though

>> No.6922736

>>friends bring a totoro costume with them to anime boston
>>it's pretty cool looking
>>apparently it's really hot inside, they take it off
>>i immediately ask to borrow it for a while, they're like okay why not
>>slide into it, fits fine, feels good man
>>suddenly lots of attention, anxiety levels rising, should have anticipated this
>>people start swarming me holy fuck help me oh my god
>>giant group of teenage hipsters swarms out of nowhere screaming LOOK ITS TOTORO
>>start pushing me in some random direction, can't see shit because the costume has a tiny eyeslit
>>they're grabbing and pushing it back and forth, she's barely holding together captain we can't take much more of this
>>50 people singing MY~NEIGHBOR~TOTORO~ YEAHH~TOTORO~ around me in unison, don't know any of them
>>extremely hot girl keeps cuddling up against me, gets a look inside the eyeslit, immediately walks away
>>get pushed onto an escalator, wonder where my friends are, hope i don't fucking fall and die in this totoro costume
>>eventually the hipsters lose interest when they realized i wasn't willing to do photoshoots with them
>>abandoned in a lonely hallway of anime boston, sweaty and alone, confused, lay down prone in my totoro costume for a few minutes of repose
>>small girl screams in the distance "MOMMY LOOK TOTORO DIED"

later on i went to some cosplay gameshow thing in the costume and had a blast though, so it all evened out

>> No.6922742
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Was this the costume?

Sounds rough through, should have had a handler to keep people from yanking you around.

>> No.6922745
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I'm sorry, but that bit at the end makes it all fucking hilarious.

For me.... I don't know. First thing that comes to mind is when I was cosplaying Gumi, and my friend was talking to some friend of hers in the Dealer Room while I was just standing there. Suddenly the friend looks at me and says, "Oh my god, Gumi!!", but I couldn't tell what she said, so I'm just turning around and thinking, "..Did she say TV? There's no TV here..?"
Took about 2 minutes of being stared at that I realized she was talking to me.

>> No.6922750

Once when I was 15 my mom convinced me to wear lolita to a relative's funeral. It was casual-dress, so nobody was wearing black, but it was still embarrassing as hell to sit there in a red tartan BTSSB jumperskirt and feel all my distant relatives staring at me. Oh god I just wanted to run away... I have no idea why my mom thought it would be fine and wanted me to show up in lolita.

>> No.6922769

When I was a Frill during the Fashion Walk I was too busy gawking at a woman’s Biscuit Bag that I was utterly oblivious to my surroundings/didn’t hear pedestrians as they hollered for me to ‘look out’. I promptly lightly bumped my head on corner of an umbrella that was attached to their table. They squabbled and acted like it was some huge deal… I brushed it off and offered a sorry, even though they were acting like I was just injured or something? Anywho, we went on our merry way and stopped at a restaurant to enjoy sushi. We talked for a bit, finished our dinner and headed back to the hotel. By this time I utterly forgot that I walked into the tables with the umbrellas and I was genuinely surprised to see the same group was still there. Clearly they noticed us and one guy stood up and held the umbrella for dear life and was trying to act sarcastic I guess? I said “Haha, I wont be making that mistake again.” In a way to play around, because they seemed to be joking. Then one of the guys had the gall to say “Maybe it’ll knock some sense into you”. I was just… like, what? Were you so utterly tramatized by this experience you found the need to be rude? Were you holding on to that little nugget in hopes you would see us again? Derpderp. It was only some grumpy old man, so I didn’t care much of his opinion. But… it was definitely the first time my jimmies got rustled.

>> No.6922770

Isn't it in bad taste to wear red to a funeral anyway...? Did your mom hate your grandmother or something?

>> No.6922775

no, mine didn't have long fur and this was a couple years ago
the entire thing was funny as hell but my NEET anxiety was burning like a fucking solar flare so it was also extremely uncomfortable

>> No.6922791
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>NEET anxiety
>not in education, employment, or training anxiety

>> No.6922796


i am an autistic NEET with no social skills

thus i get anxiety in situations that force me into contact with large amounts of people

excuse me if i assumed you would understand this, i figured it was just part of the common parlance of 4chan

>> No.6922799

if you're a gril, don't sweat it.
if you're a guy, stop being NEET

>> No.6922823

How about no.

Male or Female; doesn't matter, if you're a NEET you need some help if you want to get over that problem.

If you want to be NEET4LYFE then do it, if that's what makes you happy.

>> No.6922844

>Maybe it’ll knock some sense into you
That's what you say when someone bumps their head. Someone has to say it, it's the law.

>> No.6922874
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>cosplaying pic related
>just finish using the convention's bathroom
>completely forget about the long bit in the back
>fixing pants, hear something thunk
>bell and part of the fabric is in the toilet
>soap and wash half the back trailing bit
>fabric is dark and obviously wet, parts of white pants are wet
>have to go change, hotel is across the street
>try to sneakily leave the convention center without anyone noticing
>"Hey Li, can I get a picture?"
>don't want to be rude but don't want photo evidence of this
>frozen in place, girl assumes that's a yes and takes picture
>run all the way to the hotel room
>still haven't summoned courage to wear Li again at that convention

>> No.6923055

>Lolita meetup
>Talk with one girl that no one else is talking to
>Realize why no one talks to her (extremely socially awkward, inappropriate comments, extremely poor dental hygiene, handmade MLP accessories, dress literally made from old bed sheet)
>Talking with other members and friends in a big group later when she approaches to talk with me again
>All my friends sort of... wander off, one at a time, leaving me alone with her, because they didn't want to be around her, but knew I would talk to her anyway.

She HAD to have noticed. I have never been so torn. I was just embarrassed for everyone and everything, her, my comm, myself, and the tree we were taking pics in front of.

>> No.6923063


>> No.6923068

not being a dickhead and making out of line comments to someone enjoying themselves isnt beta

>> No.6923071

If you say so, but I wasn't about to walk off while she was talking to me, just not something I do.

>> No.6923108

>Hey Lee
You know his name is Shaoran?

>> No.6923146

also, I was decked out in Homestuck cosplay and as I was going to a convention my parents insisted on taking pictures because my outfit looked SOOOO COOOL to them. It was mainly awkward because this is when I first started cosplaying and I was shy about discussing it. My dad had no ideas I was cosplaying/going to a convention.

>> No.6923148

That happened at Animegacon 2012.

The chick threw it to the floor to start her "lel so random" dancing, and the sound of the smash sounded so painful.

I don't know what she expected, though.

>> No.6923182

You are so fucking stupid, I can't even stop laughing (out loud).

Just use wikipedia, google or your brain the next time you are trying to all nerdy and randum xD
No shit, you suck at life itself, go die in a corner

>> No.6923198

lol so edgy xD

>> No.6923801

I was 14 and my friend was 13 and we got our picture taken and when the photographer showed us the picture, my friend's nipple had slipped out of her shirt. I immediately saw it and ran away.

>> No.6923885

Stopped reading there

>> No.6924031

Actually his name is Syaoran Li. Where did you even get Lee from? Their post said Li.

>> No.6924079

>first con ever, first cosplay ever, so proud
>sign up for costume contest, the "masquerade"
>show up and find out it's a skit contest
>mfw run offstage in anxiety attack

>> No.6924085

Old people joke around like that, I really don't think they were deliberately rude, they were probably just trying to joke and give you a hard time.

>> No.6924108

It's a pretty common thing for there to be NEETs on 4chan, especially aspie ones with social anxiety. NEET is often used as a noun colloquially, so his post was fine.

>> No.6926774
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>be a guy alone at a con
>end up running into a group mostly female group of cosplayers
>hit it off really well with them the first night
>come back the next day
>things are going even better
>as we're walking around, I start to realize I'm dehydrated/thirsty as fuck
>make a bee-line for the first water fountain I see
>one of the women in the group shouts "What are you doing?!"
>me: "Uh... getting a drink of water..."
>female cosplayer: "in the women's bathroom?"
>look up to see that the water fountain is on the wall right next to the women's restroom
>I can only stand there as spaghetti erupts from my pockets at Mt. Vesuvius levels

I basically got ditched by them after that, but I've actually managed to stay friends with a few of them and still see them on occasion.

>> No.6926795

If you want to use trendy internet words, use hikikomori to mean you don't go outside or interact with people. NEET means you're aren't making any progress on being financially independent.
sage for off topic

>> No.6926816

Why does it matter where a water fountain is located by..? No need to be embarrassed anon. It sounds like the girl was teasing you maybe? Nobody should a fuck if you're taking a sip next to a woman's bathroom.
A+ use of Charlie Kelly though.

>> No.6926821

No autistic introverted girls are top notch demand if they're good looking / cute.

Nothing better than having your own personal sex plaything at home that won't run away from you for some other guy.

If they're ugly, they can go fuck themselves, but that goes pretty much for any woman.

>> No.6926825

>>>extremely hot girl keeps cuddling up against me, gets a look inside the eyeslit, immediately walks away

My hips went into the orbit after reading this.

10/10, coolest story bro.

>> No.6926829
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>My hips

>> No.6926841

I copulated with my monitor out of sheer amusement, obviously.

>> No.6926843
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>> No.6926960

>at a cosplay meetup
>oh god I don't know anybody
>I notice there's a girl wearing lolita accessories
>strike up a conversation
>she's a bit weird but I'm just happy to talk to someone
>find out she's well known in the local lolita comm for being a terrible ita
>ask my friends about her
>they hate her and start listing off all the drama she's caused
>o shit
>help I'm afraid if I un add her online she'll cause more drama
>but she's really annoying
>she recognizes me at a lolita meetup

>> No.6927022

>be at kawaii kon
>bro is flame dragon, im beast
>walking around, people taking pics of us
>this qt walks by
>she says : Hey Wizard and Lion!
we had our helmets off
>I stood there confused
>I said: Wtf, did she just call me lion?
she didnt hear me, but according to my bro, I like yelled it at her

>> No.6927075

do you even anime? most NEETs aren't social and don't like going out or doing much, but they aren't total recluse shut-ins who refuse to leave their rooms (hikikomoris). obviously this person goes out of their house, so they aren't a hikikomori.

>> No.6927081

Not much but I was dressed as Erio at my first convention and for like 15 minutes I heard some girl yelling, presumably for her friend "Ariel," but didn't think much of it. I realized eventually she was actually saying Erio and was pretty embarrassed because I had actually looked directly at her and walked away a few times.

>> No.6927185

It was the design of the place, really. The entrance to the women's (and men's across the hall) restroom had no doors and just used the angle of the walls to keep keep the interior from plain view, but the water fountain was placed on one of the walls in the alcove by the entrance and was basically two steps from being inside the ladies' restroom. Hence, they pretty much thought I was walking straight into the wrong restroom.

I hope that makes sense. It's the best I can come up with right now without having to draw a diagram.

>> No.6927668
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>At convention and friend tells me her wig is totally tangled, she cant untangle it and its for her cosplay tomorrow
>I go over to her hotel room late at night to detangle the wig
>End up staying there for about an hour or more just untangling the wig
>Time for me to leave and it starts down pouring
>I am also suppose to be getting ready for a shoot that is happening in about an hour
>being a negress I couldnt get my hair wet because it will puff up and not fit under the wig
>No one in the hotel had an umbrella, so I asked them for a plastic bag
>Ran through the rain with a plastic bag on my head to try and get to the room with enough time to get ready
>Got to one of the door to enter the hotel
>I took the bag off my head and tried to open door but door is locked and need key to enter
>left my key in the room
>dude walks up to the same door with his key and an umbrella
>He tries the door with his key but wont open
>we are both forced to walk to opposite side of hotel through the rain
> he offers to share umbrella with me so I didnt have to put the bag back on my head
>walked soaking wet with random cosplayer under an umbrella to the hotel

I NEVER FELT MORE SPAGHETTI IN MY WHOLE LIFE. I cant deal with good looking people...

>> No.6927689


That sad feel when well-known drama whore keeps TRYING TO BE MY FRIEND AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO BESIDES NOT GO ANYWHERE SHE GOES.

>> No.6927711

>are you pretty much me?

>2nd con I have ever attended.
>young weeaboo stage with young weeaboo friends in '07
>thinks it's a good idea to randomly sign up for cosplay skit contest at the last minute
>Improv something 2 hours before going on stage
>hurr hurr it's gonna be so funny!!!!
>group gets called up and we....perform
>attempt to get laugher----no response
Fuck me I vividly remember the embarrasment of doing it, it's was super lame and I should have saved myself of that embarrassment.
>three completely different series' thrown together to be ~funny~
>at most 5 out of 50+ people clapped at the end
>left stage thinking we were so great

why.....why did I do that?

>> No.6928192


>> No.6928197

You thanked him, though, right?

As long as you did that, I don't see the problem. You didn't do anything wrong, you just had bad luck.

>> No.6928213


Was she actually rude or just unattractive? It's hard to tell from your post.

>> No.6928222


Oh god this. It's like you can't do anything at all or they will start drama about you, all you can do is just try to avoid them at all costs.

>> No.6928296
File: 584 KB, 251x200, 4554259+_ae2ea68100510b49d8eb1e11f9bac91b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Assassins creed cosplaying
>Someone cosplaying Italy from Axis Powers Hetalia comes up to me
>He says with a realistic sounding italian accent "Thanksa for-a making us-a italians look good, ya know?"
>I think he's acting in character, so I begin saying random things from Italy "PASTA, SPAGHETTI, RAVIOLI"
>He says "I'm gonna punch you in the face"
> I say grazie
>He walks away

I realize later he was /actually/ italian.

And I'm /actually/ an asshole.

>> No.6928315

Was he black too?

>> No.6928435

My body cant decide whether to cringe or laugh, so I did both. Story is 10/10, would laugh again.

>> No.6928437

>begin saying random things from Italy
>random things from Italy

Yes, you are an asshole.

>> No.6928455

You must not be familiar with the Hetalia fandom..

>> No.6928479

I did I thanked him three times... It really helped me out but I was too nervous to ask who he was or anything. I dont think I have ever held on to so much spaghetti in my life.

No he was white.

>> No.6928489

Good, god knows what could happen if you forgot to thank your white master.

>> No.6928494

I don't even know what Hetalia is, and the more complaints I hear about the fandom, the happier I am about that fact.

>> No.6928500

They've gotten better, but a good portion of the fanbase ties a character down to one trait and just goes from it. What that Anon did wasn't exactly nice, no, but it's understandable.

>> No.6928504

Oh...I don't care about the insensitivity, I care about the incorrect and frankly irritating usage of "random" when really all she said were calculated absurdities.

>> No.6928751

>at con, having good time
> go up to a group of cosplayers and ask for a picture
>one character in their group is canonically blind
>they're taking a little while to get up/arranged for the picture, one girl apologizes because 'oh [blind character-chan] is blind'
>i laugh
>said cosplayer is ACTUALLY blind
>mfw i just laughed at a blind guy

>> No.6928980

>lolita meet-up
>there's a girl in her late twenties who's brought her mother
>I think it's ridiculous and point it out to my friends, we all laugh
>find out mother needs to translate sign language to us because the girl was deaf-mute

kill me now

>> No.6929029

A random assortment of the character's calculated absurdities, them. Calm your tits.

Anyone dressed as Italy deserves what they get.

>> No.6929041
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Well that cured you of that kind of judgement. Probably your friends too.
Be glad that it happened so you could see yourself in a new light.
Nothing like mortification to set people straight.

>> No.6929042

lmfao thats some good shit anon

>> No.6929046

I still judge older people who rely on mommy and daddy. I just make sure they're not disabled. So yeah, not really

>> No.6929052

You sound like a real fucking bitch
You don't know what someone's situation may be.

>> No.6929056


oh well. At least you know you're an asshole in that respect. Better than not knowing.

>> No.6929063

different anon, but how can you not laugh at a person who still relies on their parents when theyre in their late twenties and later, and dont have some sort of disability?
its hilarious.

>> No.6929075

New different anon, it's still better not to be a bitch just in case. Then you don't even have to pry into people's business. What if someone's disabled parent relies on them? You just don't know.

>> No.6929080

>4chan makes fun of manchildren (and womanchildren) all the time
>omg bitch

It IS hilarious and these people need to grow the fuck up

>> No.6929087

What if you go with your parent because they like to cosplay too and they are bros?

>> No.6929085

Exactly. Who is this self entitled bitch to judge others for no real reason? Everyone has a situation. My mom helped me for 2 years in my early 20's while i was job hunting. I have a job now thankfully.

Sometimes my dad needs help with his groceries because his rent is high and he lives on his own. I dont mind helping him

Why exactly should i feel bad? how does my life affect you, bitch anon? I hope you fall back on some hard times. You need a reality check.

>> No.6929088

>Dress up in embarrassing shit past age 18
>Judging other people

That shit is hilarious.

>> No.6929090


>frequenting a website absolves shitty behaviour

Judge and be judged basically.

>> No.6929119
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>tfw you have a bro parent that enjoys the same shit that you do and helps with cosplay planning

>> No.6929140


Oh man, I know. It makes me so nervous, because I don't want to be shitty to her and trigger drama but I don't want to be her friend because of drama and wind up being a target for drama, so either way I can't win unless I hide under the bed until she goes away.

>> No.6929144

>Friend is a homestuck
>Friend finished school a week earlier than me
>Waits outside my school for me to finish for the day.
>Wearing full shitty troll attire.

>> No.6929167
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>meet some cool new friends
>friends want to have a meetup somewhere
>I show up in casual cosplay that won't freak normies out
>they show up in grey paint and candy-corn horns

>> No.6929295

I was cosplaying Stocking one year, and my best friend was Panty. We had brought a friend along to the convention since she wanted to be introduced to the convention with some people she knew. This girl was big on making drama out of nowhere, and started to get upset because I was holding hands with the Panty cosplayer rather then paying attention to her. We go into the bathroom to try to calm her down as she goes on a rant on how no one treats her right and how I was ignoring her. She was raising her voice pretty loud and I was trying to cheer her up, then out of nowhere she yells "MY DAD RAPED ME!" Everyone in the bathroom just stopped and stared at us.

>> No.6929351


>> No.6929354

... Did he really?

>> No.6929404

>then out of nowhere she yells "MY DAD RAPED ME!"
God damn, I know your pain. I don't even know how many times I've been casually talking to someone and then they just start going on about how they were raped or abused etc.

I don't know what it is, I guess I have a face that says "Please, loudly open up to me about your traumatic childhood, stranger"

>> No.6929414


Behaviour like that is a hallmark of a liar and/or histrionic personality disorder.

>> No.6929415

but that's sad though
people should haven't to experience that. I guess they find you trust worthy, anon.

>> No.6929560

Yeah I will always run into people who will just start adding in their traumatic life story when I first meet them. I never know what to really say so I just let them talk and I will listen until the conversation is over.
I don't know if he really did, it was never reported and a lot of the times rape cases go unreported. She was a chronic liar, I was constantly catching her in a lie. But at the same time her mother did confirm that he abused her when she was younger...So I feel like I don't have the place to say that she was lying about it or not considering how severe something like that is.
Yes she probably did find me trust worthy but at the same time she yelled it in the middle of the restroom with tons of people around her fixing their wigs and such...There is a time and a place for talking things out like that.

>> No.6929593


>> No.6929665

I was abused but I generally only bring it up if people ask why I miss school a lot, when I panic, or when it directly relates to the conversation at hand, i.e. someone brings it up first. It makes me frustrated when people just blurt it out, unless they're having a panic attack, in which case they may not be able to help it.

>> No.6929684

Can I be your bf? I like damaged goods since they're more likely to like me even though I am a brony and 7/10 tops.

>> No.6929699

She already has a boyfriend, according to her tumblr.

>> No.6929702


>> No.6929746
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>> No.6929748


>> No.6929759

That would be embarrassing, indeed. Although in your defense, he could've at least said something at first before just pushing you.

>> No.6929773

You sound like the type of person that is always innocent. Also, if they had a table (in the vendors area?) wouldn't they be stuck there all day? Why were you surprised then that the same group was still there?

Next time try being more careful around merchandise. Sure you didn't break the umbrella, and they do sound like they were overreacting, but brushing it off like it was nothing was the wrong thing to do. You ran into it, you were at fault.

>> No.6929802

Hahaha so edgy bro! Continue policing 4chan on what really matters, correct usage of words that are used differently in spoken English, and maybe you'll get somewhere.

>> No.6929822
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This is far from the most embarrassing story I've got but it still marks the day I stopped speaking weaboo.

>Having lunch with a friend
>Other friend calls me, didn't pick up in time
>Joke around that "if he calls again I will great him with "hai moshi moshi~~~"
>Phone calls again 2 minutes later
>Pick up, do the weeb greeting
>My friend is not the one on the other line, it's a complete stranger who got the wrong number

>> No.6930541

You sound boring
how is that embarrassing at all?

>> No.6930661

I think it's fine if it's a bro parent. You're just 2 adults that get on and have fun doing a hobby together.
If your parent is overprotective and there to supervise you then that's just incredibly sad...

>> No.6930670

5/10 I had a good chuckle.

Polite sage for going off-topic.

>> No.6930672

It was a complete stranger you'll never talk to again. Meh.

>> No.6932254

I got one.

>Harley Quinn Arkham Asylum cosplay
>tromping around in platform boots, over four inches tall
>trip over nothing on the escalator, fall down the escalator
>friendly cosplay bro catches me in his arms
>wearing a miniskirt and my ass is everywhere
>clinging onto him for dear life
>I can't get up, humiliated, he has to carry me to safety and set me on my feet and stand me up

I felt like a delicate fucking fawn or something. Cosplay bro was immensely cool, though, and after that, I called a friend to be my handler for the next time I went down.

I seriously fell down in those things like ten times, always ONTO someone else, it seemed.

>> No.6932255
File: 49 KB, 471x268, 1353305098532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww that sounds adorable, I bet you you pissed off a few jealous hambeasts but seriously, that is like manga material.
Pic related, it's you, being carried by cosplay-bro

>> No.6932307


But do you need to bring your parents along with you to conventions?

>> No.6932311


I was abused too, and I only like to bring it up when people are having a hard time understanding why trivial things take me out of my comfort zone and I don't want to seem rude so I try my best to try to explain to them, but it is really hard to talk about with people sometimes and often times I will just opt to stop talking to them all together out of fear ;_;

I don't think I could ever yell that out in a public bathroom though, I don't even want to talk about it again and have to think about it again.

>> No.6932312

haha I remember this story. didn't you say "I'm so sorry deaf-chan" last time you posted it? and didn't she turn out to have a wheelchair too? ah, I've retold that story to my friends. I'll never forget

>> No.6932358
File: 4 KB, 499x321, whydid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolutely worst one was when I got drunk at an convention and started doing creepy stuff to my friend such as getting really close and stroking her hair and stuff like that because it's a joke, we do that all the time as a practical joke and have a laugh over it.

Only it wasn't my friend. She looked exactly like her, and I was just wondering why she looked so scared. Oh my god that still makes me cringe. Poor girl.

>> No.6932432

I actually had some do that to me just recently in lolita, he had never seen me in lolita before and luckily there were stairs but I got knocked backwards with him on top of me and me unable to like get him off and it was generally extremely uncomfortable.

>> No.6932439
File: 30 KB, 181x534, HNI_0015_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is gold.

>> No.6932444

>at a con getting food at a fast food place nearby
>lady behind counter says "enjoy your food!"
>reply with "you too!"

It might not seem that bad, but I am easily embarrassed. All of my spaghetti ;_;

>> No.6932449
File: 35 KB, 499x519, 1371015041695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How pathetic, you are probably the most worthless beta I've seen yet.

>> No.6932455

I always do this. I'm really outgoing but turn into a beta autist around normalfags.
I felt a lot better when me and my bf went somewhere to eat and both responded "y-you too" at the same time. lightened the mood and was easier to laugh off. plus "y-you too" is a meme so just think about how many akward fuckers like ourselves it took for "y-you too" to become a meme

>> No.6932488

A bit too late to get mad, isn't it, mangina-friend?

You can ask any (normal) male out there that isn't pussy whipped, they will agree.

It's a mere extension of the old "rich, deaf, blind blonde bimbo with huge tits who owns a beer brewery" dream female.

If you think that any male worth his salt (actually, any male ever, those who deny it are just Beta liars who pretend to have a different personality to cater to pussy, since they can't get it otherwise, a.k.a. manginas) cares about things like "personality", "hobbies", "my Women's Studies degree" or "my favorite book (50 Shades of Twilight)" then you are incredibly naive and borderline retarded.

Looks is the only thing that matters in pussy, and the less you have to work to keep pussy, the better.

Then again, from the reaction image you're probably some 5/10 chick who's never been in relationships, so it is okay for you to be naive & retarded.

>> No.6932492

as an Alpha male myself, I have to say this post is 100% the truth

>> No.6932505


-trying to sound like big men on the internet-

You betas ain't Alpha, the most you got is Alpha tendencies.
Looks don't male an Alpha......idiots. >.>

>> No.6932510

Literally a woman trying to tell people what is Alpha... LOL!

Alphas for women:
- on the outside: "My boyfriend is such an Alpha:) he is mr. perfect:)" [then proceed to call him a sissified worthless Beta piece of shit once the inevitable breakup happens, since he was a Beta all along, trying to please her by turning into a wimp]
- on the inside: "Mhhhm, man this guy disregards me so good, hnnng, I would love to cheat my boyfriend on him just to lick his muscles and so that he can cum inside me and ditch me like the whore that I am."

Alphas for men:
Zyzz and fellow /fit/izens
action movie stars
war wets
generally right-wing oriented politically, because only manginas are lefties

>> No.6932549

Sorry bro, but hanging around on a board pertaining to the hobbies of dressing up as anime characters and collecting frilly dresses doesn't make you an alpha. What an adorable delusion.

>> No.6932547


>> No.6932551

Thank you!

>> No.6932554

I'm glad someone finally said it!

>> No.6932557

>implying I do the retarded dressing up just because I post here

I'm here just to keep our women in check

/fit/ runs this board, remember? even your mod/janitor is from /fit/

>> No.6932559

backtrack much. gtfo.

>> No.6932562

I never said otherwise you mangina pussy, so I am not backtracking anywhere

>> No.6932564

Butthurt 5/10s detected. The truth hurts doesn't it.

>> No.6932565

>Walking in an obscure hallway of the convention floor
>See OwlDepot and someone photographing her
>Spaghetti hard and trip over the photographer's camera lens on the ground
>Spaghetti walk away as fast as I can

>> No.6932566

oh. puh. leez. stop trying to defend yourself, you are just making it worse.

>> No.6932572



>> No.6932569

>s-s-stop owning me p-please! my f-feminist Woman's Studies told me if I embrace my i-inner femininity I will become a f-female myself, w-which was always m-m-m-my dream

>> No.6932574

Guy here. I have to see this guy has a point. I am a Beta myself so my girlfriend dumped me for /fit/izens numerous times.

>> No.6932575


such charm, I bet you're still a virgin.

>> No.6932576

-have to say

>> No.6932578

As a girl, I confirm this is 100% true. Ever since I tasted Alpha cock for the first time, I couldn't get back to my bf, ever.

>> No.6932579
File: 227 KB, 352x359, mangina from CGL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I use my charm when talking to a guy who looks like this? (you)

>> No.6932581
File: 75 KB, 423x750, cgl & fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Mad Betas trying to fight against the truth.

>> No.6932583
File: 160 KB, 1029x865, cgl talking to fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6932584
File: 89 KB, 993x618, fit most desirable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6932614
File: 31 KB, 810x483, 1333781670984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /cgl/ was way more into /fa/ than /fit/

>> No.6932617

Well one anonymous post on 4chan is pretty solid evidence.

>> No.6932625
File: 2.67 MB, 1800x5000, [fa]ggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is into /fa/ because the men who go there are DYEL Betas with the same tier of looks as those who frequent /r9k/ and /a/.

>> No.6932631

>mfw you can actually recognize some of those people as the creepers who always post into the Suggestion Threads saying "I never cosplayed before, please tell me some compliments g-girls'

>> No.6932633

>implying /fit/ wouldn't be total homo for /fa/

>> No.6932636

>no /sp/

>> No.6932643

>still trying to use the "fit is g-gay, r-right guys?" meme because it's a Beta male who feels threatened by /fit/'s Alphaness, virility and success with women

They could literally take your woman just by standing next to her for 30 seconds.

>> No.6932653

Try answering like that to your friend's mother. And the new hostess at work. I really should've added the phone number to my contact list, the numbers look too much like each other.

>> No.6932661

You, I like you.
10/10 would laugh again.

>> No.6932682

So this thread went from amusing stories about embarrassing moments people have had to guys trying to show that they are manlier/more desirable than other guys? I guess it works, it's pretty embarrassing to watch.

For me…
>At AX years ago
>Waiting for a panel to start when I turn around and see a girl I recognized from a LJ community
>Want to introduce myself because we had chatted online before
>Instead I just freeze and stare at her creepily for a good ninety seconds
>She gives me a worried look
>Freak out, turn back around
>See her all over the convention from then on
>Now feel like a stalker every time
We're friends now, so… I guess it turned out okay. Or maybe she didn't remember that incident. Hopefully.

>> No.6932683

I can one-up you there. My mum has this one friend, Webbo, who has a really dirty sense of humour, and she'd been telling him about a holiday she was going on. A few days later, she got a call from someone asking her about her holiday. She assumed it was Webbo and kept asking him how his balls were, even as the holiday guy insisted he was not Webbo (he apparently sounded just like him), until eventually she twigged that she was like... sexually harassing a completely stranger.

>> No.6932857

>using reaction image of loli wannabe idol
>shiggy diggy doo

>> No.6933078

Am I the only girl who got a wet dream from seeing this picture? Man, /fit/ is so handsome.

>> No.6933106

You people don't really think guys from other boards give a shit about /cgl/, do you?

>> No.6933113


>> No.6933117

I hope they stay away :( they are so inconsiderate.

>> No.6933132

WE came for da quints

>> No.6933141

Most guys(including this /a/non) that lurk and post here are crossboarders and /cgl/ isn't their main board. It does seem like this board gets an inordinate amount of shitposters from /v/. I think they just roam all the non porn boards like a roaming troll mob these days.

>> No.6933261

/fit/ and /r9k/ gives the most shit. Big boards (/a/ and /vX/, /b/, etc) don't care, even if you make a thread about it it gets quickly shoved under popular thradsd.