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File: 160 KB, 420x600, T2sXT7XopXXXXXXXXX_!!50996996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6926416 No.6926416 [Reply] [Original]

Any questions, quality, pictures, anything goes as long as it's Indie Brand..

Does any have experience with Akane & Alois?
I really love their Devil Doll OP, I think it's gorgeous, but considering that this is 666 yuan it's quite pricey for a Taobao brand (looks worth it though!).
How is their quality?
I'd also love to see a picture of this worn by someone else than the model but couldn't find any.

>> No.6926418

They've been around forever. If memory serves, you can email them directly and buy using PayPal if you so desire. The girl who designs/sews it all has a partner or husband or boyfriend or something who speaks English and handles orders for her. They used to have the info up on the TaoBao site's profile page.

Anyway. I don't own anything of theirs personally, but have handled some items through group orders and a friend's resale business. The quality is good. She takes her time to make sure each piece is properly completed and flaw free, from what I can tell.

>> No.6926419

I have an Akane & Alois dress (not this one, but a floral one) and the quality is very good. They're worth the price, in my opinion.

>> No.6926420

I own two of their dresses, both custom, and I love them. They are worth the price, and they know how to alter their shit correctly. I am 100% satisfied with the two dresses I bought from them.

>> No.6926422

Couldn't find the info on their page so did a quick google: http://egl-comm-sales.livejournal.com/7199238.html

They accepted orders in 2009, but I can't find any info past that apart from a brief hiatus that the shop took. So they may no longer take international orders directly.

>> No.6926425


Thanks everyone!
Really glad to hear quality is very good.
I think I'll go ahead and buy this one soon then.

>> No.6926443

Would anyone happen to have pictures of their previous works saved? I have been told that they accept commissions of old designs if you specially ask for them. But unfortunately I never find the old designs

>> No.6926471

The OP image is absolutely stupid. Why would they drape long hair over the portion of the dress that is detailed/has something going for it?

>> No.6926473
File: 152 KB, 420x600, T2SyT7XexXXXXXXXXX_!!50996996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the main image used on their sales page is this one. OP just chose to use one of the worn photos that's at the bottom of the sales listing.

>> No.6926517


I chose this photo because I also asked if someone had a picture of it worn by someone other than the model if that makes sense?

>> No.6929338

I am thinking of ordering a dress from Dear Margret but I am getting paranoid about doing so. Their Korean website doesn't mention international shipping and by the time the dress is supposedly shipped, the date for filing a claim with Paypal would have passed. I don't know what I should do. Is the international shipping with Dear Margret a clever scam?

>> No.6929341

Not as far as anyone knows? DM is pretty established in Korea, but the Sailor series is the first time they've opened international orders.

>> No.6929349

Their website mentions neither international shipping or the Tumblr page. The "translator" can be some Lolita who is trying to scam people, which is why I am scared to buy. I don't know any Korean so I can't use their Q&A section.

>> No.6929365

Shit anon, now you are making me paranoid to buy. I never even thought of this because it looked official on the egl post and Tumblr. You have a legitimate point about the website.


>> No.6929375

What is their website? I speak some Korean, and my best friend is fluent.

>> No.6929374

Dear Margaret has standards. She wouldn't hire any scammers.

>> No.6929382

I never said that they didn't have standards. The other anon mentioned that their website has no ties to the Tumblr so I think our concern is legitimate. I am sure that the clothes are good quality, since miscy posted here and vouched for them, but if international shipping is available why wouldn't think be mentioned on their main website?

It is http://www.dear-margaret.com/
If you or your friend can help that would be amazing.

>> No.6929381

She's listed at dear-margaretdotcom

>> No.6929383

Uh - their point is that the person is not mentioned on the DM website so people are concerned that DM didn't actually hire the person.

>> No.6929389

Someone's butthurt.

>> No.6929401

So, we are both checking and see no mention of having a Tumblr, international shipping, a translator, or anywhere/anyone else who sells the items. It seems fishy of this Tumblr person.
We're still looking and if we can, we will post a question on the Q&A if no one else can find an answer.

>> No.6929413

Thank you for the update. Tell your friend that I say thanks too.

>> No.6929425

What is the Tumblr page/person/post? We are going to email her.

>> No.6929427
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>> No.6929428


>> No.6929431

Okay thank you!
We are emailing her now to ask about it. Hopefully, I can find this thread again by the time we get a reply. I think it's maybe too early for her to be available to reply, but hopefully it won't be too long until we have an official answer.

>> No.6929448

Thank you and your friend. I hope that we hear back soon.

>> No.6929452
File: 334 KB, 400x600, tumblr_moku9vLW8u1sp9586o2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know jahr was trying to work with dearmargaret/apricot years ago to open up international shipping. i hope this international shipping thing is legit. i love this.

>> No.6929458

Not a problem. If this is a scam, it's big, elaborate, and I want it busted. Thanks to both you and your friend, you two are doing the legwork.

What's odd though is that checking the conversion from the price on the website, the Classical Doll is only $230, but the Tumblr prices it at $270. I understand a markup for PP fees and paying a translator, but $40 more seems odd.

>> No.6929577

I LOVE ME SOME DRAMA. I want to know what happens next.

Won used to be worth the same as dollars so 267,000 won -> $267 -> $270? That is my assumption.

>> No.6929581

This is >>6929577 again but shit, the won dropped in value a lot. When I was buying wigs from Gabalnara, the dollar was weaker than the won. All my regrets for buying my wigs then.

>> No.6929585

That could be, I realized after my post that it resembled the old 100 yen to the dollar exchange rate. It's listed as $267, I just round up to make the math easier.

>> No.6929590

>>6929585 here. The yen has been wonky lately too. For a couple weeks there we were back at the 100 yen to the dollar exchange rate, now I think the dollar crapped out again.

Sucks because I only found this out because a dream dress was up for auction

>> No.6929635

The same thing happened to me too! I found my dream dress and thought "FUCK YES THE EXCHANGE RATE IS GOOD AND I FOUND THE DRESS OF MY DREAMS" but then I saw that the exchange rate dropped a little.

>> No.6929641

Because Paypal doesn't have KRW available as a currency. You have to open an account with the Foreign Exchange Bank of Korea for a USD trading account, which also takes a punitive cut from their conversions.

>> No.6929640

Stop whining. If it's really your dream dress, then you save up to however much you think it's worth. Be grateful the exchange rate's not back to 76 yen/USD.

>> No.6929647

I did buy it but it doesn't hurt to save some money. Geez.

>> No.6929649

Question to the anons who own Akane and Alois: Would you say the quality is better than standard Taobao staples like Dear Celine, Infanta, Rose Melody, etc? Also, how does it compare to brand?

>> No.6929654

It's a bit of a shock huh? Saw you got your dream dress, what was it?

Calm your titties, I was just saying that seeing that the exchange rate had changed was a bit of a shock. I still bought it, and got a pretty good deal even with the exchange rate and fees.

Oooh I didn't know that, thanks for clearing that up. Wonder why PP doesn't do KRW.

>> No.6929662

So how bout that butthurt going on about Otakon rejecting the indie lolita show and how they're "excluding the community"

>> No.6929683

Don't even bring that up. That post was just full of so much stupid that I facedesked.

>> No.6929741

There's a thread for it here >>6925259

>> No.6930012

i am itching to know what happens with this dear margaret drama

>> No.6930140

They're whining about nothing, because its been on the climb since last weeks very small drop, and it's back to about 98 again

>> No.6930156

I don't own any Dear Celine dresses, but I do have a couple of Infanta and Rose Melody dresses. I'd rate my Akane & Alois dress better than both of those. The fabric is nicer, and the construction is nicer. Although the A&A dress is more expensive than the others, so I was expecting it to be better quality. I can take a picture of the dresses together if you like.

>> No.6930246


Not the person you're replying to, but I'm definitely interested in seeing a picture.

>> No.6930388

I'd love a picture, if it's not a bother!

>> No.6930391
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>> No.6930484

>unironed, wrinkled fabric
>the horrible cutwork for that waistband
>that dokidoki fabric
it could have been a simple but pleasant skirt, but then they FUCKED IT UP

>> No.6930493
File: 318 KB, 1600x1069, P1060649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the delayed reply! Anyway, here is some pictures. Sorry they're not great.

Left to right: Infanta, Akane & Alois, Rose Melody, Infanta.

>> No.6930497
File: 523 KB, 1600x2138, P1060656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And compared to some brand dresses.

Left to right: Innocent World, Akane & Alois, Angelic Pretty

>> No.6930498
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Close up picture compared to AP.

>> No.6930504
File: 466 KB, 1600x2138, P1060663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a picture of the lining. All my taobao dresses are lined. I'm really sorry because I don't know fabrics, but the difference between the Infanta and Rose Melody dresses and the Akane & Alois dress is that the lining in the Infanta/RM dresses is that typical shiny lining fabric, while the A&A dress is more like cotton (probably polycotton). I feel that the A&A lining is more comfortable. However the stitching is a little bit wobbly around the back of the neckline.

>> No.6930512
File: 1011 KB, 400x225, 1362253960100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone in my comm has that and wore it to the last meet they attended
if only she knew how many times she fucking flashed me, the horror

>> No.6930514

Thanks so much for the detailed pics! That quality definitely looks better than your average Taobao brand, I think I'll have to be making a purchase soon.

>> No.6930665


Thank you for uploading these!
The quality looks really good, I can't wait to order the Devil Doll op now.

>> No.6930718

http://www.lief.kr/ lief just posted their international site and new dress reserve is up for international.

The apron JSK in white is gorgeous imo.

>> No.6930723
File: 817 KB, 400x2854, M-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped the picture

>> No.6930727

red might be win for this too. the red and blue look SO bright though, I'm a bit hesitant to order in those color

>> No.6930753

I really wish there were more photos of these floating around. I collect matryoshka dolls and adore this print, but the colours and the cut (mostly of the OP) are turning me off a bit.

>> No.6930755

also, some of the dolls look like they're straight out of The Scream.

>> No.6930763

I don't know if this information means anything but I emailed the Dear Margaret translator and she said that it was not a scam and that the owner hasn't gotten around to posting information on the Korean site.

>> No.6930775

is this lief as in gardenberries lief? are they back now?
also HNNNNG I'ma need that dress

>> No.6930783

yes, Sora is the one in charge now, when previously she wasn't. Really looking forward to animal prints from them.

>> No.6930785

? DM has been around for years and they do international orders, someone thought they were a scam site? lol

>> No.6930795

Still suspicious as fuck of Lief until there is proof that things are good.

Too bad they won't rerelease their old prints even though they would make bank.

>> No.6930799

Do you know how to read? Since you can't, let me give you the tl;dr version:
>Nowhere on DM's website mentions international shipping
>People are legitimately concerned

>> No.6930805

OP I NEED THAT DRESS. thanks for posting it since I never keep up with taobao brands.

>> No.6930807

Hi translator. You mad that you got called out of your scam?

>> No.6930814

Looks like Korean brands are stepping up their game and getting good English translators. I like it!

>> No.6930821

uh, what?
I replied to a comment that was NOT replying to anything, so no clue there was an actual thread. Their tumblr mentions international shipping if you just look for it under news? http://dear---margaret.tumblr.com/tagged/news

>Blue Stripe Sailor and Classical Doll Sailor will be available but there will only be four slots open for international orders. It will be “first come, first served” but I will post the reservation dates in advance. In the future, domestic and international orders will be taken at the same time.

Sorry Dear Margaret has been around for so long, I had no clue people would actually be concerned or think they were a scam. There are reviews out there and people internationally do have their pieces (Miscy posted recently talking about the quality with a picture of her wearing one of their jsks).

Just kind of really confused me that an established indie brand was being inspected as a scam

But I guess it is summer.

>> No.6930824

>Q: Which forms of payment do you accept?
>A: We only accept Paypal for international orders. If you have any other suggestions or cannot use Paypal, please contact us about it and we will try to work something out.

>> No.6930833

You really don't get it do you?
Go to DM's website www.dear-margaret.com. There is no mention of Tumblr AT ALL and another anon who knows Korean confirmed that there is no mention of international orders or Tumblr.

Uh yeah, I guess it is summer *eye roll*

>> No.6930834


There's a fucking DM post on egl you moron http://egl.livejournal.com/19267312.html

>> No.6930838

>Sorry Dear Margaret has been around for so long, I had no clue people would actually be concerned or think they were a scam.
This is the line of logic that the "translator"ahemscammer is probably using.

>> No.6930840

wow you're an idiot

>> No.6930844

You do know that anyone can make a post on EGL, right? If the tumblr isn't mentioned on DM's website and if the LJ post links to the Tumblr, the scammer made the LJ post. Still doesn't prove that this is legit.

>> No.6930845

Lol you stupid cunt

>> No.6930849

The DM white knighting is delicious. You all look like fools who can't think or read. If you get scammed, that's what you get for being stupid.

>> No.6930851

man that's a damn good scammer to go to all the trouble to make an egl post with the website and tumblr, an egl account with the website on their info, and a tumblr with links to the official site. BRILLIANT, ALL THE SCAMMER MONIES,

Lol, it IS summer indeed.

>> No.6930860

lol the summerfag crying is delicious. You all look like fools who can't think or read.

>> No.6930862

Nothing on their Tumblr links to the official website, you dolt.

And using your logic, if they took all that time to do those things, COULDN'T THEY POST A LINK ON THE KOREAN WEBSITE DIRECTING CUSTOMERS TO TUMBLR?

Fucking summer.

>> No.6930858

I've seen people put more effort into scams before.

>> No.6930868

mfw I know who the translator is.

I love bitch fights on cgl. Carry on!

>> No.6930869


>tumblr isn't mentioned on main site

why would it be? can Korean people even make a tumblr account? Is the international site linked on AP's site? Because I can't find it. You're being pretty silly about this.

>> No.6930874

>can Korean people even make a tumblr account?

are you retarded

>> No.6930880

are you?

>> No.6930879

Why don't you just ask your Korean buddy to contact the DM site people and ask? Lol, why didn't you think of that in the first place if you had them translate every page? Best laugh I've had today!

>> No.6930882

can't you just get them to confirm they are official and make fucking newfags clam down? lol

>> No.6930885

Lol I gues that anon just didn't do a very good job of translating then, since DM mentions international orders several times on her blog/fb.
DM doesn't really update her website, unless it's to announce a new series.

>> No.6930889

You just went full on retarded didn't you? IF YOU HAVE AN EMAIL ACCOUNT YOU CAN MAKE A TUMBLR. SOUTH KOREA ISN'T FUCKING COMMUNIST CHINA. Hell even Chinese people have Tumblrs as far as I know.

> Is the international site linked on AP's site? Because I can't find it.
AP's website: http://www.angelicpretty.com/
AP international: http://www.angelicpretty.com/en/
No linking you say? SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN AND YOU WILL SEE A GIF THAT SAYS "Angelic Pretty Official English Site"
Still no linking you say? What about San Francisco you say?
>San Francisco 15 Kearny Street,San Francisco,California 94108 USA 1 (415) 788 0862 11:00~19:00

Other brand sites have some link to their overseas counterpart BUT DEAR MARGARET DOESN'T.


>> No.6930900
File: 567 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mnqda9okSp1qdu1k9o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you all just shut the fuck up, pretty please? Let us have a decent thread on indie designers without going through this bullshit again. IIRC, this discussion is already occurring in another thread.

You're all acting a little ridiculous and derailing an otherwise decent thread.

On another note, I'd be interested in seeing more photos/hearing owners' thoughts on this dress.

>> No.6930899

What Korean buddy are you talking about? And some anon above already contacted DM but some dumb whiteknights are saying "NOOOO THEY ARE INNOCENT" with no proof. There is more proof that this is an elaborate scam than there is proof for it being true.

>> No.6930902

Oh geez, calm down and get your Korean friend to simply message dear margaret. Wow you're upset.

>> No.6930904

just to butt in, the sites share the same domain, but they are NOT hosted by the same company.

>> No.6930908

>being this mad

I'm just passing by here, but you need to calm the fuck down.

>> No.6930910

>and another anon who knows Korean confirmed that there is no mention of international orders or Tumblr.

Sorry I guess it's just an anon who knows Korean, though why you believe them on an anon message board is beyond me I guess.

>> No.6930914

Well you get my drift. Japan Shop or whatever they use still link up to AP INTL.

Who is this Korean friend you keep speaking of. Samefag lol

It may be derailing a bit but why are you content with a scam that is happening. Do people need to lose money in order to realize what happened? Why not prevent something that can cause trouble for people?
Seriously? I can't believe this shit.

>> No.6930916

I did a quick skim of DM's site and there isn't any mention of Tumblr. And wouldn't a link to international shipping be stated in English or some other foreign language in the first place?

Yeah I'm mad. Why are people completely content with this scam happening. Does this need to blow up to maikodolly proportions for people to wake up?

>> No.6930920

I'm an owner but apologies because I don't selfpost on cgl (I can post just pictures of the dress if you request it). It's a super cute dress and the quality is great. The lace is really soft and the print is nice and crisp. My only complaint is that I'm having trouble finding shoes to coord with it but that's more the fault of my shoe size.

>> No.6930922

uh yeah, I am the same anon who said stuff about the korean friend twice. I wasn't trying to hide that, lol summerfag.

Because it's not a scam, lol

>> No.6930930

Can you provide proof that this isn't a scam though? Like I said, there are more indicators that this is a scam than it isn't. I'll shut up if people prove that this isn't a scam like what I did with AP.

>> No.6930934

I don't know what's better. This fight about DM or the Rosaire drama. Mmmmm popcorn.

>> No.6930935

just waiting for a reply is all.

>> No.6930938

Thank you! I have a quick question about the bust of the dress. I've seen it look somewhat loafy/generally ill fitting, even on smaller people. Do you like how it fits?

>> No.6930941

although as some other anon pointed out, we don't know if that other anon and her friend did email dear margaret.

this is also making me worry because i wanted to order the striped sailor dress. everything looked real and i even emailed the translator once to ask what time reservations will open.

>> No.6930945
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mfw I'll have Classical Sailor when y'all crazy bitches won't. Better chances for me!

>> No.6930957
File: 213 KB, 450x675, 1303jsk_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has someone ordered from Cloud Chamber yet? I'm curious about how their stuff will look irl.

>> No.6930960

Probs a scam. Anyone can make a Facebook. Even Dear Margaret has one!

>> No.6930961

No, but also curious about them too.

>> No.6930966

Hmmm except DM's FB is actually linked on the website and their FB only lists two websites:


>> No.6930972

Umm... what? I wasn't even talking about this whole DM thing.

>> No.6930975

god calm the shit down. I'm sending her a message on fb.

>> No.6930979

Bring proof that you sent it.

>> No.6930982

I have a 33 inch bust and I like how it fits okay. It does look lumpy when I don't tighten up the corset lacing so I'm wondering if the people who don't look that good in it just aren't tightening up the laces?

>> No.6930983

Lol. Sure, what do you want? Screencap?

>> No.6930987


>> No.6930995

probably will go in her "other" folder, which she won't see. noooooooooooooooooo :(

>> No.6930996
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Waiting for a reply now.

>> No.6931000

Thanks. Although I admit that I have no idea what you wrote. Hope we hear back soon.

>> No.6931013

Not the person who sent the message but I'll translate. Just give me a minute.

Using trip so that everyone will know it's me.

Didn't see this thread earlier but I hope I can help.

>> No.6931022

I'm one of the fans who was glad to hear that you were going to receive overseas orders ^^
(tumblr link)
Lately there has been talk in the lolita community that the site is a scam. I don't think so but there are a lot of people who believe it to be a scam...
I would be grateful if you can confirm that this is the international website.
If this question made you feel uncomfortable, I am sorry. Take care of yourself and have a nice day.

(I'm sorry if there were some mistakes in my Korean;; It's been awhile since I've typed Korean ^^;)

>> No.6931027

Also, >>6930996, if there are any mistakes let me know. I studied Korean in high school and college and consider myself to be decent in the language but I might have made mistakes. I'm willing to take concrit so that my Korean improves.

>> No.6931035

Thanks for the translation. I hope we get a clarification soon.

>> No.6931048
File: 167 KB, 500x375, 6077463311_0656b05823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WANT MY ANTIQUE POSY. Never was so fucking jelly of Jahr until I saw it in her egl post.

>> No.6931055
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Why won't you jump into my closet? I got angry when I read that DM won't do re-releases.

>> No.6931075

>Devil Doll OP
>666 yuan

I see what they did there.

>> No.6931264

Anyone order Baroque's sailor dress? If you did, how is the quality?

>> No.6931279

I ordered it and got it recently. It was good for the price, skirt is lined but bodice isnt probably for the everyday summer feel. The matching belt is meh and the front buttons are also undoable along with a back zipper (which is kind of why not just make a fake button front) but otherwise its just like the photos, more empire waisted and good for an otome cord. Skirt is pretty long and heavy so you might need a petti either way

>> No.6931311

Thanks for the translation. Everything's correct; your Korean is very good!

>> No.6931381

Thanks! And thank you for the feedback.

>> No.6931680

Thanks for the info. Good to hear that construction was good since they seemed to have construction issues before.

>> No.6932362
File: 15 KB, 320x320, devildoll_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Devil doll

>> No.6932775

Any news from Dear Margaret?

>> No.6933147

Just check their official website and click in the "for Oversea". You'll be directed to the tumblr.
It wasn't a scam afterall.

>> No.6933318

>DM finally makes international ordering easier
>cgl freaks out and tells them "everyone thinks you are a scam"

Good job guys, they'll probably be like "screw these stupid foreigners" now

>> No.6933329

I am relieved! I admit that after the accusations, I was uncertain too but the link clears everything up.

>> No.6933342

The scammer probably hacked the site!

>> No.6933679

Ahh I'm glad that was cleared up! I never did get a response back from DM on fb, but I guess that doesn't matter so much now.

>> No.6933698

Thank you for sending the message anyway.

Has anyone ordered anything from Cloud Chamber? We all love it but i don't know anyone who has ordered.

>> No.6934949

I wish that it was a scam because the Rosaire drama was getting old. What will fill the void that the Rosaire drama left?

>> No.6935234

i was one of the people arguing against it, so it wasn't all of us! lol

I guess I'm glad they added the tumblr to the site? I dunno, I never thought it was a scam to begin with. But if it gives them more business, then that's good, because they def deserve it.

>> No.6935247

That drama is still going strong, it's just that the janitor sucks.

>> No.6935249

KRAD LANRETE!!!! From clobba:
>The first batch of fabric in White with Gold print - the gold was dyed too light, and those were sent to some domestic customers that did not mind the colour difference. And the fabric was fixed in the new batch.

>Part of the standard sized ones are finished, while the rest are still under production. All the custom made ones are not ready yet. Krad Lanrete planned to make the custom made ones first originally but they realized it was too difficult to manufacture this series later in the production, so they made the standard sizes first prior to custom made ones.

>> No.6935265
File: 47 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mmebrcOGYl1qaobm7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Krad, does anyone know if they'll open another reservation for the Phantom of the Opera chiffon blouse?
I missed out because I found out too late and I really want this in all three colors.

>> No.6935274

I own the vest and skirt combo in dark blue. I love it, it's one of my favorite pieces and the vest is especially versatile. The fabric is heavy and the lace is very soft. It's very easy to coordinate with white and silver.

>> No.6935275
File: 132 KB, 640x909, T2JUHHXbdaXXXXXXXX_!!1023246685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also, did anyone get the overdress (or whatever it's called) from Dark Box?
I really love it, the one with the long sleeves but does this shop also work with reserve like Krad or can you just order directly??
Want this in black and white but don't quite understand the listing.

>> No.6935277


I have the vest too, it's lovely and goes really well with gothic and classic.
It's well made and a steal for that price really.

>> No.6935588

That was actually just added.

>> No.6936010

Fffffff I need that

>> No.6938232
File: 116 KB, 500x638, tumblr_mp289ublAR1rq48n4o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on tumblr. I'm not fond of the greyish Spoonflower fabric, but I really love the design overall.


"Spot page" means you can buy it immediately, and it looks like there's four left. Gogogo.

>> No.6938292

>Grey fabric
>dull "gold" print
> Gothic windows over your tits

Uhhh no.

>> No.6938432

I really like this. I wouldn't immediately think of gold and heather gray working, but this looks divine.

>> No.6940939
File: 89 KB, 500x712, IMG_1682mh_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shop has an older Baroque print FYI if this is anyone's dream dress.

>> No.6941090

i like the new better.

>> No.6941250

>miss harajuku
ugh, we didn't need another one of these overpriced ~second hand shops~

>> No.6941305

I don't think the prices are great, but they're not terrible.

>> No.6941484

Link to the tumblr? I'd like to see some more pictures.

>> No.6942128

apparently not?

>> No.6942143
File: 82 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.473548520_6dm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Ick

>> No.6942804

Anyone ordering dresses from Dear Margaret tomorrow? I don't know if I should wait last minute so that I can open a Paypal claim if anything goes wrong. Do you think that they will sell out fast? There is only 2 dresses being sold.

>> No.6944702

I am going to attempt buying Blue stripe sailor. They might sell out fast due to limited quantity so I am not taking any chances. I don't think that they are going to scam anyone and many seagulls said that they are a reputable brand. If I have time and I am successful in buying the dress, I will review the brand when I receive my order. If you feel that uncomfortable, skip this order and see how this run goes. Lolita sales is always luck and even somebody in the comm can be a scammer too.

>> No.6945859

I got wait listed for Classical Sailor ;(