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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 102 KB, 525x788, joker_cosplay__anthony_misiano_by_harleyjokermadness-d56cm2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6923039 No.6923039 [Reply] [Original]

hey cgl, i want to cosplay the joker, but my smile just isnt wide enough. do you have any tips or anything that could assist making my smile look wider? im a novice at all of this.
>>pic related, his smile is my goal

>> No.6923097

try sucking a few cocks

>> No.6924614

Makeup. And become a huge self-absorbed douche while you're at it.

>> No.6924624

Post a picture of yourself.

>> No.6924763


The guy's a massive egotistical douchenozzle. Why would you ever want to be him?

>> No.6925337

Glasgow smile.

Is he really?

>> No.6925340

I've lurked enough and I still don't know why people say he's a douche... so why is he a douche?

>> No.6925357
File: 61 KB, 299x223, 1291027817799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that the Joker cosplayer who charges people to take pictures?

>> No.6925362

I recall there being drama about that.
I don't know the details, but he didn't make his own costume and mentioned that as minimally as possible and I'm pretty sure he wanted to charge for people taking his picture or something.

>> No.6925367

He's the male version of Yaya Han. Never done anything dramatic, but a little too into himself and self promotion.

>> No.6925384

Just very, very into himself.

There was a Joker impersonator or some shit in a comic, and he thought it was modeled after him. A guy dressing up like the Joker thought that a fictional guy dressing up like the Joker was made to look like him who looks like the Joker, instead of like the Joker.

He also asks for fanart of himself...as the Joker. Which is just Joker fanart.

>> No.6925393

>He also asks for fanart of himself...as the Joker.
I-I have no words for this...

>> No.6925444

>There was a Joker impersonator or some shit in a comic, and he thought it was modeled after him. A guy dressing up like the Joker thought that a fictional guy dressing up like the Joker was made to look like him who looks like the Joker, instead of like the Joker.
.... are you fucking shitting me? That is beyond any stuck up cosplayer story I have ever heard. And guys say women who cosplay are full of themselves.

>> No.6925450

Please. Yaya at least makes her own shit unlike this guy. If anything he is the male JNig.

>> No.6925588

JNig is actually pretty humble though.

>> No.6925593

Way worse than JNig. She at least makes some of her shit and from what I understand is actually kind of humble (if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me with examples, I don't pay much attention to her) all he did was apply some pretty impressive make up.

>> No.6925636


she's a little bit cocky.

mostly cause all of the white knight faggots who'd suck her dick though I imagine.
she's more of an annoying attention horse really.

>> No.6926256
File: 148 KB, 878x469, 248096_531869476854686_1377039389_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then in the story, the Impersonator gets shot point-blank.

You think DC was sending a message?

>> No.6926273

Didn't this guy try to sell panties and shirts with his face on it, then get upset that nobody bought anything?

>> No.6926274

Yes. They were cheaply made like cafepress shit-tier.

>> No.6926296


>> No.6926607

I also recall him asking for donations so he could attend cons. I believe that was what set off the shitstorm surrounding him that still rages to this day

>> No.6926729
File: 57 KB, 1373x262, cf7wc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..its done with makeup ya goof.

>> No.6926745

Oh god he is so handsome I don't understand why his Kickstarter flopped so hard.

>> No.6926749

because he's an asshole

>> No.6926856

Being an asshole is hardly a reason. There's ton of uber bitches and other assholes who got their shit funded

>> No.6926862


beta neckbeard guys funded those

women dont pay for that shit

>> No.6926874

Do you have a problem with that? If yes I will call you a misogynistic virgin.

>> No.6926908

doesn't he charge for pictures of himself?

>> No.6926914


I will add onto this that I've talked to him when he's just walking around cons out of makeup (he and his girlfriend are friends of a friend) and his crazy-smile is actually pretty good aside from the makeup.

I asked him why he decided to cosplay the Joker and he told me "I found out I could smile and look angry at the same time" -cue the face- "And the rest kind of fell together from there." And then he pulled a HUGE douche maneuver on my friend and we noped our way home.

>> No.6926917

I think that the people who call him a douche are just guys like you that are jealous of all the legions of girls he gets.

>> No.6926920

This would be false, because both I and the friend in question are female. He seemed friendly enough to me, but then later did something pretty rude.

>> No.6926929

define "something"

>> No.6927584

>did something pretty rude

Go on.

>> No.6927589

H-....he... he.... he r-r-r...r-...ra-.....raped....me.

>> No.6927611
File: 56 KB, 574x528, 1298780264487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if serious or trolling.

If you're serious, I'm so sorry. Did you go to the police and try to seek legal action? Sheesh, what an asshole!

If you're trolling, yeah he's seen as a douche but don't try to destroy someone with those kinds of stories!

>> No.6927618

When I told them about it, the police wouldn't dare to take action against him. They said they're too scared of The Joker.

>> No.6927848
File: 67 KB, 540x960, 523629_510681345656647_1698137049_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6928042

This is the first Dark Knight Joker I've ever seen that is actually good and makes a really good attempt at looking like Ledger's makeup instead of just smearing that shit on.

>> No.6928445

rape isn't funny

>> No.6928452

Yes it is.

>> No.6928514
File: 38 KB, 500x342, 1367465323802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
