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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6927196 No.6927196 [Reply] [Original]

Each circle/hobby has its fair share of annoyance, but anime/cosplay always get the shit end of the bargain.
> Went to campus's anime club first meeting.
Girl with cat ears using random Jap words. Check.
Pervy guy with bodypillow wifu. Check.
Neckbeard with terrible hygiene. Check.
> Awkward Guy with the long cape, fedora, and an uneven spread manstashe. Check.

Why is this happening?

>> No.6927204

What did you expected?
Anime and video games gather almost every social outcast

>> No.6927243

Anime club is fucking tame. My mom is in a quilting circle and its fucking hell. You don't know shit when 60 year olds are acting 16. I've seen too much damn drama. Last meeting, this one lady stormed out because another said "You know no one is listening to you."

The anime club I went to, it was terrible. They fought the whole time if they wanted to watch the show subbed or dubbed. When it was selected, the losing group would make snide remarks. I hated it.

>> No.6927249
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yep yep

my bf's parents go to a country dancing club, and you wouldn't believe the insane drama 50 year olds get up to. I'm talking facebook drama, emails full of spelling mistakes and passive aggressive billboard 'notices'.

Eg. recently a crazy broad is accusing a guy of hitting on her because he said she looks nice. She's been calling his wife like crazy, dissing her out in front of the group and crazy crap like that.

>> No.6927254

>taking off trip so club members who lurk here wont recognize me.

Mine is infested with...
>freshman art majors who think it's okay to be as obnoxious as possible.
>Guy with tourettes who ALWAYS sits behind me.
>Fedora wearers who think it's okay to commentate over the anime, and will loudly reiterate what they just said if they get no response.

>> No.6927268

I swear there was this one guy who was a complete hikikomori. He would sit in a chair, plug in his laptop, put headphones on and play a mmorpg. The. whole. damn. time.

>> No.6927375

Is there a ghibli movie coming out about nerds? I will watch that shit in a heart beat!

>> No.6927378

Please watch your language.

>> No.6927380

The non pathetic people will band together and leave the group so they can hang out without being around the scary losers. Look for the ex club members or those who visit but wouldn't stay with that crowd.

>> No.6927383
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Are you fucking serious?
We aren't all lifestyle loli's here you know.

>> No.6927532

My anime club is actually pretty cool. There's only one girl who wears cat ears and even she is quiet during the screenings. When I went to my first meeting I was expecting the worst, but everyone is pretty chilled out.

>> No.6927572

I'd watch it to pretend I am "le nerd xD".

Maguma is literally one of the rare male equivalents of a gamer girl. Hats off to you.

>> No.6927580

At least it wasn't a club full of 2edgy4u FOBs who has no interest in socializing with anyone. They probably scared the weebs off.

>> No.6927597
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Ever watch Genshiken, Azumanga Daioh, or other Slice of Life shows? It'd just be a movie. And it's Studio Ghibli. So obviously it'd be gorgeous.

3/10 I'm actually perplexed.

>> No.6927604

Can I donate 100$ to you for a picture of you in your underwear, signed + your favorite lipstick kiss on it?

The price is negotiable.

>> No.6927607

I'm pretty sure that's by a pixiv artist who happens to draw in ghibli style. I saw a photoset floating around on tumblr with his/her other works. Pixiv id is 56487.

>> No.6927616

I'll consider it. I want the blood of your first born child as well so I may remain immortal after I sacrifice the silicone in Yaya's booth to make my costumes invulnerable to all sorts of mess.

Boo. But that's quite impressive none the less!

>> No.6927620

> I want the blood of your first born child as well
>just because I'm a woman, I must have children

>> No.6927632
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Men can have children, too. We just don't excrete them from our bodies. Check your privilege!

>> No.6927634

Stop oppressing her, cis scum

>> No.6928020

op are you in my anime club?

>> No.6928327

Maybe. My name is Eugene and I'm a ginger. You?

>> No.6928335

Ginger with old timey name. check

>> No.6928543

>Yay Genshiken is coming back!
>Oh wait...the manga plot is awkward as fuck these days...

>> No.6928906

I think this happens because anime and similar fandom is the go to for people who are social outcasts (either by choice, or by being unbearable). It's the one hobby they can have where nearly everyone else is just as socially awkward as them. It's attractive because it's a hobby that involves the least amount of social interaction possible, but also has a community that will embrace your "I'm a kawaiii anime person" special snowflake delusion.

When I started going to uni, I decided to join the anime club because most of the other clubs were either unappealing to me or had huge membership fee's (for things like equipment rentals) that poorfag me couldn't afford. Some of the people in the club were decent but
>leader is an aspie redneck girl who makes godawful cosplay
>75% of the club members are lonely plsdatemepls neckbears
>One awkward couple always making out in the front row of showings
>Non school members were allowed to join so there was a slew of 14 years with kool-aid hair and squeaky voices
>As well as 30+ men looking to get their hands on junior girl puss
>People loudly commentating during anime with unfunny memes
>/b/ tards everywhere

was enough to make me refute my membership pretty early on. It was kind of sad because the anime showings actually featured some great shows and the group even managed to organize Ghibli showings at the local indie theatre.

>> No.6928933
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>loud cat-eared yaoi fangirl speaking bad japanese
>haughty fat elitist recluse girl pretending to hate the yaoi fangirl
>"cowboy bebop at his computer"-level casual scene girl who desperately tries to fit in
>obese autist guy playing with his rubik's cube at all times
>smelly pokemon-obsessed lesbo-drama ita
>pretentious fedora guy attending just to befriend weird quirky people to show off to his hipster friends
>edgy scrawny SOL-loving brony going "omg, just like fluttershy! yay~" and "yeah, that's what luna would look like if she were an anime" at every episode
+surprisingly, four normal students

I was weirded out at first but I eventually grew to love the whole group apart from the ita. Real people aren't badly written background characters, they have many sides and often start already growing out of their retarded phases before you even get to know them properly.

>> No.6928964

I want to go to my uni's anime club this fall because I somehow made it through first year without making any friends.
I'm a bit nervous about not being personable enough, but I guess I really shouldn't be.

>> No.6929348

Okay, so in autumn I will finally start uni. The thing is, I will be a couple of years older than the average student(I'm gonna turn 21 this autumn). I obviously want to make friends but I don't want to make any weird friends or come off as overly-childish by hanging out with yaoi fangirls with cat years going desu~ after every sentence.
So my question is: should I take the risk sign up for my uni's anime club? Because I heard that once you signed up for a club and you tell people then that stigma remains and I don't want my power level to be too obvious.

>> No.6929480

Why do you have to tell people you signed up for a club? How small is this university? Just go to the first couple meetings and see if it's any good.

>> No.6929490

geezous, that's fucking unbearable and sad.

>> No.6929733

>>leader is an aspie redneck girl who makes godawful cosplay

>> No.6930157

Try going back at 25..

>> No.6930287

who wants to be my future girlfriend?

>> No.6930331

>once you signed up for a club and you tell people

I signed up for my college's quidditch team. Never even went to a practice/game, but I'll never live it down.

>> No.6930340

Apart from the tourettes dood, you literally just described the club I ran two years ago.

>> No.6930585


Was there no executive leadership? Sometimes I think anime club's are shit because shit people run them. It should have been majority vote or the officers just make the decision.

I started up and ran our university anime club for 2 years and we had weebs and such, but we just kind of ignored them. Yeah there were creeps but we were a mostly chill bunch. Maybe I just ran a really tight ship, but people knew not to pull shit. We only ever watched dubs because we had 3 or 4 regulars who were blind and until we could become an official club (2 year process at my school), we had to meet in the public gathering spaces in our student union building and only had access to one TV. So like 30 people around a 32" TV. I was really glad when we became official and were able to upgrade to a classroom with a projector, but giving up the couches was hard.

But I went to a public liberal arts university in the middle of nowhere. It was a small school in general and I think I was one of the more "hardcore" anime fans in the bunch. A decent amount of us went to the local cons, but we had a lot of general "I like anime" fans who weren't so into cosplay. Our cosplayers weren't that great though.

Some guy on campus (who had come to the meetings a few times) went around tearing down all our flyers and even had one of his friends burn a flyer and tape it to my dorm (and scared the entire building). I never personally got the chance to confront him about it, but when one of the other officers talked to him, apparently he did it because his girlfriend dumped him and we were an easy target. So I guess that's my creepy psycho story for anime clubs, but other than that, we were usually not that bad.

>> No.6932132
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I must be special.
My anime club has went for like, 2 active years I think, and has been completely normal. No drama, weekly meetups, normal people with the exception of like, a bit low-powerlevelness and sometimes a tad of alternative outfitting, but not public, and was pretty minor. It was all tolerable, as they were cool and had good social skills.
We were 8 people in total, mostly everyone came in the active time, and they all were those kind of people you'll never know had any special hobbies of that kind, unless you asked.

You know, there actually have been some scene kids who probably did watch anime from the school we all went to, but we never really invited them, except for one time we got 2 of them and they acted... well, "according to the stereotype".
These days we kinda stopped with the "anime-club" as some of the members graduated and aren't really able to meetup anymore, and now we're just a friendly group who share some hobbies, and will occasionally meetup to watch some stuff.

Why must it fuck up for everyone? I assume it's because the nature of this whole hobby / community is based around high acceptance for others, so scene kids and other social wrecks who have been rejected from EVERYWHERE take advantage of that.
I think anime clubs aren't good ideas at all, just get yourself a group of friends you're comfortable with, and settle there. If you really fit where you put yourself, who knows, maybe you'll get some friends of your's into anime watching.

>> No.6932147

Wait am I seriously reading shit about people acting like this in university anime clubs? I thought that just existed in highschool ones.

I was that guy in mine who liked anime and had "nerdy" habits/interests and tried to fit in, but shit I still remember one idiot who painted his finger nails, dyed his hair awful colors, talked in an incredibly stupid voice. and always talked about how hot he would be if he got a sex change (Lol no, just no)

Do I seriously have to deal with that if I want to join my uni's club as well?

>> No.6932171

>I think anime clubs aren't good ideas at all, just get yourself a group of friends you're comfortable with, and settle there.

I quite like them. It was where I met my boyfriend and where I met most of my friends and future roommates. At a university that literally makes up 70% of the town's population, it's hard finding a group of friends to fit in with without joining a niche group. Had there been no anime club I would have been stuck going to a religious club that I had absolutely no interest in but wanted to be with "fellow Asians".

>Do I seriously have to deal with that if I want to join my uni's club as well?

I think it depends. Mine is pretty tame and nobody tries to speak weaboonese or anything. We're all a little quirky but so far no stalker-chan/kuns and nothing out of line either. Sometimes we get the occasional Brony but they never stay very long, possibly because there is a group dedicated to Bronies on campus. I've heard from one of my friends who goes to a different university has a bundle of weaboo neckbeards in his anime club though.
Club memberships aren't binding anyway, they always give you a few weeks to test the waters and if you don't like it then so be it.

>> No.6932245

At my college, there was an anime club that was actually run by a pretty good friend of mine. It was a mostly chill anime club, save for some socially awkward guys who weren't very good at holding conversations, and one or two meme-shouters, but there was one time where one of the guys really crossed the line with some of the girls in the club. See, our college had a clubhouse where clubs could rent and meet, and it was essentially a small house with a pool in its side yard. Some of us anime club girls had, on our own, decided to go swimming after the meeting one afternoon. We decided to wear our bathing suits under our clothes to make things easier, but after the meeting, when we went outside and starting taking our clothes off, one of the guys from the club followed us outside and started following us around with a video camera! He hadn't said a word to us the whole time, didn't ask, and was filming us dressing down to our bathing suits and hanging out in the pool. It was really creepy. I hounded him until he deleted the footage and left. Weird shit, man.

>> No.6932286

I've become close friends with one of the admins of the local Anime club I used to attend, and somehow or another ended up being drafted as an admin/event organizer myself. here's the club thus far
>another admin who is really nice but says "nya" at the end of each sentence, online, on school papers, the works. goes by "nyan-chan"
>awkward as fuck Japanese exchange students that attend only to speak Japanese with other anime club members (most have please kill me looks)
> A couple Creepy ass guys sitting in the corner looking at R34 website and talking about how Lolicon is awesome, would do little girls (there were two like this but one got banned)
> Attractive as fuck toned asian guy who sits and watches vocoloid the entire time, complains about 3dpds, and bitches at me for "acting cute, wearing cute, being lolita, but not having a cute face"
>a couple awesome people that allready made their own friend groups and closed them off to everyone else.
I left because when I asked nyan-chan to stop nya-ing everyone bitched at me and said "ur just jeloush bcuz nyan-chan is so cute!"
a week later nyan chan wore Ita lolita and everyone complimented her about how she "outcuted me" yes, I was jelly. bitch didn't even wear a wig, makeup, or petti. she wore flip flops, argh.. I bit my tongue so hard

but somehow or another, I'm back, helping as an admin. /cgl/ what do I do to make this club not suck? and how will I get over the "Nyans"?

>> No.6932321


There is always that one really quiet girl that every guy there wants to date, she is usually Asian but not always.

>> No.6932341

They sound like a lost cause

>> No.6932346


My advice to you is to step down as an admin and just let it play out on it's own without you being dragged into it. That sounds like a drama time bomb waiting to happen.

>> No.6932351

Combine the awesome people.

>> No.6932365
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you might be right. I'm usually very good when it comes to coming up with events, teaching, icebreakers, so on, but i'm at a loss to what to do with these people. I want to try to kick out lolipedo #2 if possible because that guy is just a complete dick and scares other members.
if 3dpd faggot insults me again I'm telling him miku's never going to suck his dick no matter how many times he slaps it against the computer screen.

>> No.6932375

>drama time bomb waiting to happen
oh lord, this fucking weeb bitch tried clawing my eyes out last weekend and I'm still recovering. the deepsouth is full of crazies. your statement, plus the cuts on my face are making me want to nope outta there real fucking fast.

>> No.6932628

There was a neckbeard at my college passing around flyers in class for an anime club. He was so loud and awkward about it that it just turned me off.

I also had a friend that kept trying to get me to join the anime club at a nearby university. But he was kinda weeby and got on my nerves a lot. I had some reservations about the whole thing. Finally he told me that he wanted me to join because there were only two other girls in the club and they were both fat.

No thank you.

>> No.6932703

>> A couple Creepy ass guys sitting in the corner looking at R34 website and talking about how Lolicon is awesome, would do little girls (there were two like this but one got banned)

Go fuck yourself you conservative cunt. Lolis are perfectly acceptable and denying that is denying freedom of speech, and denying that is denying basic human rights, hence, back to the plantation, nigger.

>> No.6932705

Me. I would do anything f-for a boyfriend.

>> No.6932726

>> A couple Creepy ass guys sitting in the corner looking at R34 website and talking about how Lolicon is awesome, would do little girls (there were two like this but one got banned)
Most guys that are lolicons aren't this autistic and creepy. Most you'd never know unless they told you.

>> Attractive as fuck toned asian guy who sits and watches vocoloid the entire time, complains about 3dpds, and bitches at me for "acting cute, wearing cute, being lolita, but not having a cute face"
Most people would think guys like this do not exist but they do. He has forsaken 3D and gone for the purer path of 2D. He is a dick though for insulting you.

>> No.6932745

>be in community college
>long haired animefaggot is the club president
>literally his hair obscures his entire face and you can only see his mouth
>talks like pendleton ward and only watches the anime he feels like watching, all suggestions were taken, but pretty much thrown out or begrudgingly watched one time never to be heard about again
>rest of the anime club is no grills allowed
>met with disdain for simply being in there, get ignored, have been locked out twice
>watch anime with loads of fanservice
>they're all loud as shit and play on their laptops, but give me shit for having a conversation with my friend barely mumbling
>fucking weebs
>club boils down to 6 people because they're all friends with each other and they really just wanted a private room to watch anime, not manage 30 people.
I'm so tired of these special snowflake nerds complaining about being outcasts while shitting on everyone who looks different than them. Fucking cunts.

>> No.6932747

I think you're forgetting the amount of b&s that will loudly proclaim their love for lolicon and gore just to be 2edgy. They either conditioned themselves to like it or are just faking it.

>> No.6932754
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I didn't ban him. but if you must know he got banned for reaching up the japanese girls skirts, and nyan-chan's, which is a perfectly acceptable reason to be banned, dumbass
way to jump to conclusions.

>> No.6932757
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Stop replying to obvious b8.

>> No.6932764

at forst I thought the 3dpd guy was a hilarious waste of potential, but as time went on it just got sadder and sadder. I wonder why people are like that. It baffled me that someone so attractive could sink into "3dpd" mode. its not like girls would reject him or anything.

on another note, does anyone have any GOOD anime club experiences?

>> No.6932772

Maybe because real girls are gross. I also think it's hilarious that anybody in this thread thinks they are any better than anyone else. You gave up your right to judge people the second you set foot in an anime club.

>> No.6932788
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>> No.6932813

>GOOD anime club experiences?
We have small house parties where we play video and card games, hot tub parties in the winter, midnight movie premier outings, after anime showing dinners (there's also a set rule for showings where they never show anything that has been out for more than two years/seasons/I forget, unless it is a throwback Saturday so fresh anime year round!) etc etc. Everybody is pretty chill and I love my club to bits.

>> No.6932827

the only thing local we have at our college is an anime club called the "Anime Curibu"
I was turned off by the name alone.
where is this club and where can I join? you had me at hot tub parties

>> No.6932834

>where is this club and where can I join? you had me at hot tub parties
College Station, TX. The most redneck place you can go to for good ol' anime.

>> No.6932907

thats 80 miles away from where my bf lives. I'm visiting TX for a lengthy time in july. so close, but doesn't sound worth the drive for a short meeting.

>> No.6932948

Ahaha, unless you like empty towns then it's probably not worth the drive. Most people go home in July so we don't meet over the summer either.

>> No.6932979

Nigga are you me?

Actually my club is way up in good ole Ohio (maybe someone I know is lurking and might have an idea of who I am). But yeah, we're pretty similar. Since day one it's been nothing but chill as fuck. Decent taste and variety of anime shown. None of the "Big 3" or similar stuff. Pretty chill people with a few awkward outliers, but mostly normal. Lots of people just go and play Magic or their 3DS or are on their laptops. And we, too, have after-club vidya gatherings and hot tub parties and we host a marathon during the year.

>> No.6933068

#rekt #420blazeit

>> No.6933072

>obviously, only le trolls would dare to to speak out in favor of something as worthless as freedom of expression

Fucking plebcancer.

>> No.6933103

I wore care ears in middle school, it was more of a goth thing, I left the goth people and started hanging with the nerds..
I hated people using Japanese words tho, I was embarrassed to be a witness when that was happening.

>> No.6934374

This thread made me fart.

>> No.6935435


>> No.6935476

>You gave up your right to judge people the second you set foot in an anime club.

Debatable. What if one is well dressed, well groomed, ensures good hygiene and not a complete genetic clusterfuck.

>> No.6935579

Then try and bring the rest of the weebs back down to Earth.

>> No.6936681


>> No.6936934

Reading all of you horror stories, I am greatful for my comm/club.
We all get pretty well along with each other, though the club is quite huge. We've got great meet ups and smaller ones (10~15 p.)
Sure there was a huge drama a while ago, but nobody talks about it anymore and it was mostly some kind of group intern stuff
I don't really know everyone that well (yet), but so far it's a few normalos (read: people without alternative clothing or anything weeby about them; you'd never guess those were into anime) who look and are pretty decent; then there are some nerds (but non-creepy), there's one girl wearing cat ears (but she's not obnoxious at all, actually she's pretty lovely), there are a few know-it-all, stuckaboos and fangirls. The later 3 only go to big meets and are not that bad either. Just quircky if you will. Most are in some sort of "friends group" like I am always hanging out with the normalos (outside and during meet ups). Sometimes a few people get creepy and dramu hungry, but it's no where near the horror story level.

>> No.6936937

I forgot the two itas and 3 scenes (who are the "fangirls") but those are like mentioned before pretty nice. Actually everyone cares about hygiene. There was only one guy who didn't and I have never seen him again, so yep.

>> No.6936947

>>another admin who is really nice but says "nya" at the end of each sentence, online, on school papers, the works.

>on school papers

And they're not on academic probation how?

>> No.6936958

>college club day
>anime club's table just has shojo and some shojo accessories like Sailor Moon toys, and a pink table cloth
>ask politely, "Is it a shojo-focused club or will there be other types of anime?"
>I happen to like both and am just wondering
>get a glare, as she gives me the once over
>just wearing normal "girly" professional clothing but happen to be Asian
>"Of course we'll have other stuff how rude to ask why would you even say such a thing?"
>"Uh, because there's only shojo on the table."
>another glare
>club president goes back to talking to the VP
>turns out the club just sits around watching anime on a projector and there are random nerdy neckbeard townies who come too even though that's against college policy (clubs are supposed to be students only)

>> No.6936959


>a weeb clique forms
>they go to three clubs in a row that they formed (sci-fi/fandom general, anime, manga, all on a Friday, all taking place in the same place in order, how convenient!) to get extra funding from the college
>clubs go to local cons
>kids who do closet cosplays (or sometimes just wear a prop, like Homestuck horns) to class
>kids who think that acting like a tsundere, weeb, or kawaii desu sugoi anime character IRL is okay
>there are a few lolitas but they are ita as fuck, as in, they actually buy from Milanoo and think the bad items they receive are a fluke

>weeb leader
>lies about her life a lot
>gets caught and tries to backtrack but a good number of people now know she's a liar
>asked me why I don't tell her about parties anymore
>mfw I did before I knew she was full of shit and she said she wasn't into them
>mfw she got involved with lots of con drama on Tumblr

>mfw the same shit happens with weeby kids who ask me, each semester, to take them to a party, and who each semester, bail the night of in order to watch Doctor Who or some bullshit, wasting my time
>kids who end up asking me for tips on normal people shit eventually, like what kind of concealer to wear
>even though I don't like their behaviors, interests, or general weebiness, I'm still nice to them and always introduce myself to the freshman and offer to show them the ropes because I would have wanted someone like me as a freshman

My rule is that I'll take a group of freshman (or otherwise party noobs) out on a Friday or Saturday if they ask, no matter what, but if they bail at the last minute, not again.

>> No.6936960


Is there still an Amtgard group there?

>> No.6936996

this thread makes me giggle about the weebs but then I feel immediately sad after because there are so many out there, and people like us seagulls (who are just between the line of weeaboos and normalfags) go to these places yo socialize and ate almost always utterly dissapointed.

>> No.6937066

Once a year we should all gather and go on a marathon of anime or something.

That would so god damn cash.

>> No.6937075

that would be pretty damn awesome

>> No.6937140

Oh god a seagull run anime society will bring ruin to us all

>> No.6937149

Did we go to the same uni?

I ended up joining the atheist club. $5 dues, meet every week for movies and food. almost never talked about atheistism other than membership runs.

>> No.6937153

2nd I would get grief at an American uni for using the proper British spellings of some words.

>> No.6937165

you are now imagining a bouncer at the door of /cgl/'s anime club.
>guy with regular clothes is let in
>ita cat eared chick walks up only to see the bouncer step in front of the door and cross his arms
>lolita let in after ita is turned away
>guy with fedora walks up
>bouncer steps in front of door once again
Fedora fag starts getting bootybothered:"what do you mean I can't go in!? you let the first guy in! I'm going to complain about this on redfit!"
>bouncer looks him up and down
"you're not getting in with that hat."

>> No.6937192


No offense but seagulls aren't normal. Just because we can write legibly doesn't mean that we give off the same professional air in person with clarity and social grace.

The vast majority of /cgl/ anons are the same average people you see at conventions.

>> No.6937252

An anime store just opened at my local mall. Not a bad place, but not amazing at the moment. Seems the local mall rats and weebs have already taken to claiming the place as their territory.

On any given day, you can find the fat squealing fan-girls, the tall lanky douche in a fedora who thinks he's charming and clever, when he really just pisses off everyone around him, and the quiet, nervous kid who is desperately trying to hook up with one of the fat girls.

>> No.6937258


Would lel again

>> No.6938366


>> No.6938390

You don't know what samefag even is, do you?

>> No.6938395

I told a joke. someone thought it was funny. I'm not one to take off my trip just to stroke my own e-clit so stop assuming.

>> No.6938394

Not him/her but "tripfag posting something / one anon replying" is the standard situation where you cry samefag if you did not like the 'something' in question.