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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6926872 No.6926872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>At con
>Boyfriend is off doing whatever with his lame friends
>Find another female Homestuck cosplayer at gathering
>Have fun roleplaying with her and doing silly cosplay RP type stuff
>Make out with her for photos and stuff
>Go back to her hotel room to hang out
>We start fooling around, heavy petting etc, still in costume
>End up spending the night there, naked and cuddling
>Go back to BF's hotel room we were staying at the next day, he gets pissy since I didn't tell him where I was and I tell him I was just staying with a friend. He calms down a bit
>Later that day see same Homestuck cosplayer again and we give each other a big hug and kiss on the mouth then she goes off on her way telling me to call her again later
>BF asks wtf that was about
>Explain to him about Homestuck ERP (erotic roleplaying)
>BF flips out, yelling and screaming and accusing me of cheating on him, etc etc
>Storms off and spends most of the remainder of the con doing other stuff without me
>Spend most of my con with new Homestuck friends being silly, etc
>We're still in a fight

Am I in the wrong over this, or is he overreacting? It's not like I fucked another guy or something.

Pic related

>> No.6926879

Cheating is cheating. While there may not have been an emotional connection there between you two, it still counts as cheating.

>> No.6926882

>>BF flips out, yelling and screaming and accusing me of cheating on him, etc etc

You did cheat on him. Just because it was with a girl it doesn't mean it isn't cheating.

>> No.6926887

Are you actually retarded, my god.

>> No.6926889

At least ask him if it's okay first. If you don't, it's definitely cheating.

>> No.6926892

People like you are the reason the HS fandom is so hated.

>> No.6926894

But anon, in-cosplay hookups happen in loads of other fandoms!
You cheated.

>> No.6926895

Yeah you totally cheated, how did you think that wasn't cheating?

>> No.6926896

A) you're fucking retarded
B) you're fucking retarded
C) you cheated and I'm surprised he hasn't kicked your ass, to the curb or otherwise

>> No.6926900


>> No.6926897

>>Have fun roleplaying with her and doing silly cosplay RP type stuff
>>Make out with her for photos and stuff
>>Go back to her hotel room to hang out
>>We start fooling around, heavy petting etc, still in costume
>>End up spending the night there, naked and cuddling
>ERP (erotic roleplaying)
You are in the wrong here. Maybe if your boyfriend knew you're into this and is "okay" with this, maybe it'd be a little different. But you just went into town with this girl, making out, naked and "cuddling"? What if your boyfriend was with a guy doing that, you'd be okay with that? I don't think things can work out if you keep up with the ERP stuff, even kissing.

If I was your boyfriend, I don't want to catch what you get from these strangers.

>> No.6926898

your bf is a fag

most guys would find that hot

>> No.6926899

Role Playing as a sexual fantasy is not the same as ERP.

ERP is something done NON physically. It's sort of like sexting. It's talking, nothing more.

You made out with someone.
You fooled around with someone.
You slept naked with someone.

One, you are waaaaaaaaay too quick to jump into bed with someone (don't you have any principles?) two, you're a horrible cheater who didn't once stop and think about what the emotional impact of your physical activities would have on your relationship.

That's what's wrong with so many people in the HS scene, and even the cosplay scene in general. They seem to think that sex is something that can be detached from emotion.

Sorry, if 20,000 years of human history hasn't managed to separate sex from emotion, you aren't going to either.

>> No.6926903

>What if your boyfriend was with a guy doing that,
I'll do you one better
what if he was with a woman.

Just because you can't have straight sex with someone doesn't mean it's not the same level of sexual infidelity.

If the BF was naked, cuddling, and making out with a chick, OP would be pissed

>> No.6926904

No we wouldn't.
Most guys do not get off to two girls dressed like two guys making out.
Stop going to /b/

>> No.6926912

Ladies, I give you Homestuckers.

>> No.6926913

>They seem to think that sex is something that can be detached from emotion.
It can be, but of course certain people, i.e choice members of the Homestuck fandom, have the emotional maturity of a teacup and of course fuck that sort of thing up royally.

>> No.6926921


>> No.6926922

The fuck is wrong with you

>> No.6926928

>It can be
nope, every single psychiatrist ever disagrees.

>> No.6926936

Well, okay, I guess what I meant was people are capable of having sex primarily for the physical aspect for it while putting the emotional aspect to the side. Hookup culture practically revolves around this, but even if people decide to act promiscuously, they tend to set up clear rules and principles for themselves that they do/should make equally clear to potential partners to avoid messy shit like OP's situation

>> No.6926938

To be fair, 99% of women don't think anything that isn't vaginal or anal sex is cheating so that's why OP is confused.

>> No.6926939

Are all you fucks seriously too stupid to tell who is or isn't a troll?

>> No.6926940

>99% of women don't think anything that isn't vaginal or anal sex is cheating
So, you're saying
>have gf
>go out clubbing
>make out with random sloots
>gf won't be mad

>> No.6926941

Orgasms create emotional connections. A one-night stand will still create an emotional connection, you just never see them again so it doesn't go anywhere and goes away.

It's why in friends-with-benefits situations, at least one person develops feelings for the other every time.

>> No.6926943

Oh no, if the guys kisses a girl that's cheating. I mean the girl. The girl isn't cheating if she kisses a guy or sucks him offl

>> No.6926947

Unless you don't orgasm...
I've been in a physical relationship for well over a year and a half now and it's pretty obvious we don't care for each other, we get along and have fun and play vidya but that's about it/

>> No.6926955

At this point can't tell if troll or not, but that's not true.
Most grils know they're cheating when they do so, either OP is a troll or really REALLY naive, but still accountable for her actions

>> No.6926956

>you don't orgasm

Go have sex with someone who knows what they're doing then.

>> No.6926957

clearly virgins

>> No.6926959

your boyfriend is obviously an idiot. dump him and find a new one who'd appreciate your pseudo lesbian activities.

>> No.6926961

who is this retarded samefag? seriously, no one gives a fuck other than you and the OP's retarded idiotic boyfriend. OP, dump him immediately.

>> No.6926964

>Hookup culture practically revolves around this
that's the reason hookup culture is very detrimental.
It's a denial of the reality of sex.

>> No.6926966


its absolutely disgusting.

Just because people cosplay as Panty from panty and stocking doesn't mean they take every dick in the convention to stay in character.

I always thought homestuck was shit/ nasty but this "ERP" shit just made this the most repulsive cosplay ever.

I hope anime-expo finds a way to bans this shit.

>> No.6926968

what the fuck is wrong with you? i hope anime expo ignores assholes like you who are trying to push some kind of prudish sharia law onto congoers. fuck off you piece of shit prude. if you're offended at the sight of seeing people make out then there is something mentally wrong with you.

>> No.6926976


>offended at people making out

No more like homestuck cosplayers behave like shit at cons and should fuck off and form their own con
>they fuck up their paint sometimes
>shitty webcomics

>> No.6926977

Generally when people want to date, they expect you to be faithful to them. Being intimate with someone is consider cheating. Your boyfriend figured you understand that. If you were horsing around with someone else, the least you could have done is to ask your partner if it's alright with them. You cheated, there's no excuse. Deal with the consequences like an adult, or you can just be immature with your silly new friends.

>> No.6926983

Nobody wants to watch other people make out in real life, it's obnoxious as shit. A kiss every once in a while is acceptable, pawing and tongue fucking should stay behind closed doors.

Cons let CHILDREN in, you fucking idiot. Or maybe you're the type of person to think it's okay to behave like that in front of children?

>> No.6926984

It's not cheating if,
1- The balls don't touch
2- Just the tip goes in
3- She/He doesn't cum.

Everyone knows this

>> No.6926990

who gives a fuck if a kid sees two people making out? wow, seriously, did we go back into the dark ages here? when did your conservative republican family values become the norm here? get your sharia bullshit out of here you pathetic prude. people like you represent everything that is wrong with the world today.

>> No.6926994

then say that instead of jumping on the anti-girls making out bandwagon that all these worthless maggots (probably just a samefag) are jumping on.

>> No.6926996
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I'm not saying it's good or bad, just that people do it and that they can do it without considerable consequence to themselves or others.

You wanna find out, big boy

>> No.6926999

>targets another anon as being a republican who lives in the dark ages

as a liberal (if that fucking matters in this conversation, protip: IT DOESNT)
Having decency is a bipartison thing.

Your underage is showing hard.
Just because your group of giggly gooks thinks its funny doesn't mean the rest of the people around you do.

also if this is OP apologize to your BF and mature a little if possible.

Also the fact that ERP is part of the HS culture makes me worry about young kids getting STDs and shit if they are swapping fluids so easily

>> No.6927017

neither of them have balls or a tip

>> No.6927025

wow check your privilege cis scum

>> No.6927029

someone who's high level convention staffer at multiple cons, I will tell you that that heteronormative traditional socially conservative populace dictates 85% of the decisions a convention takes.

It's because the parents of the attendees DO fucking care, and the parents are the ones blowing all this money on the convention.

Yes, even the parents of the 25 year old alternative lifestyle kids who don't identify with any gender, race, or even species.

>> No.6927038
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I refuse to believe this is real

>> No.6927046

fuck the kids, I don't want to see that nasty ass shit. Does anyone seriously want to see two 17 year olds covered in shitty greasy grey paint and sweat macking out in a hallway?

>when did your conservative republican family values become the norm here
>implying conservative republican family values are not the norm

>> No.6927061

I"m just confused as to when fucking MANNERS became 'conservative republican family values'. No one wants to hear you spagetti-slupin all over someone's face.

Plus why would you want to do that in a con setting surrounded by strangers anyway? Its pretty much guaranteed that some disgusting person is gonna be there playing pocket pool as you swap delicious grease paint flavored saliva.

>> No.6927062

Seriously, who cares about the kids seeing? *I* don't want to fucking see it.

Go hump your fake-boi yaoi friend in your hotel room and talk about how "oppressed" you are.

>> No.6927068
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>playing pocket pool

>> No.6927070

Stahp trollin'

>> No.6927073

I can guarantee a majority of a con wouldn't want to see any two people make out, doesn't matter on the sex of the two people, doesn't matter what they're cosplaying, doesn't matter on their weight or if they have body paint on them or they're greasy or not. Some people are absolutely mortified of seeing people do ERP or just even simple kisses out in public, and there's some people who aren't as much. I think for the benefit of the people who think its against the norm to be making out in public, any conventioner, or any person in public what-so-ever shouldn't be making out.

Save it for the bedroom, but if I was OP, you obviously cheated. It doesn't matter with your view points if ERP is ok or not, you should have asked your bf, or just didn't do it at all. I can see why your bf is upset.

>> No.6927078

You should feel bad for being one of those awful cosplay tarts who thinks roleplaying and fandom bullshit excuses your terrible behavior.

Homestuck ERP is retarded. Pretending you were in character or acting out a scene as some sort of justification for slutting it up is retarded. Trying to pass it off as anything other than what it is, also retarded.

Your boyfriend is probably overreacting, but then again, he's probably not too bright. He is dating some inconsiderate, weeb, homosuck cosplayer, after all.

>> No.6927085

you are DEFINITELY the wrong one in this. You /did/ cheat on him. Honestly you're as bad as saying "oh having sex counts as cheating but oral sex doesn't". Obviously he considers making out to be cheating (and naked cuddling??? um?? excuse me??) and you should be ashamed. Being a "cosplayer" doesn't excuse fucking any of this bullshit. Get off the internet, sit in your room, and think about how your actions affect other people you thick headed idiot.

>> No.6927087
File: 51 KB, 500x340, omg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homestuck Cosplay
>Troll posts

I can't tell if this is utter brilliance that transcends the simplicity of 4chan's confines, or if this is just how awful the homestuck cosplay scene has really gotten

>> No.6927092

Fucking christ homestuck fans are just as bad as god damn ponyfuckers.

>> No.6927122

Well from what I can tell they both keep to themsleves most of the time. They arent worse but equally shit.

>> No.6927151
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this is gross this whole thread is gross.

>> No.6927201

I think female cosplayers in general are just subhumans.

>> No.6927213

i think you can enjoy your hand for the rest of your life

>> No.6927233

This thread made my day

>> No.6927237

Do homestuck cosplayers really think this is acceptable?

>> No.6927240


Go hard or go home.

>> No.6927251 [DELETED] 

I once had sex with a Rei cosplayer while I was cosplaying as Gendo Ikari.

I didn't even know her.

>> No.6927263

Chloroform is a hell of a drug.

>> No.6927261

Oh, what, so just because it isn't another guy, it isn't cheating?

OP, you really are a dumb slut and I hope you're a shame to other Homestuckers.

I know you're definitely a shame to the Cosplay name.

You are more than in the wrong
You fucking cheated on your boyfriend. How is that not obvious to you? Are you really so thick as to not realize you cheated?

Holy shit, OP, your boyfriend does NOT deserve a dumb slut like you.

>> No.6927275 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 852x475, safety-first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Didn't use Chloroform

2. That school girl outfit made me instantly horny, quickly devised plan to get her into the bathroom.

3. locked the door.

>> No.6927281

Cool, nobody cares.

>> No.6927283

I think an old social justice warrior proverb applies here.

You're a terrible person. Stick to the tabletop and online for your RP.

>> No.6927309

get a load of this guy

>> No.6927351

You should have had the common courtesy to invite your boyfriend in for a threesome you selfish fuck.

>> No.6927367

If you were going to do something like this (ERP), you needed to tell him ahead of time and mutually agree on it, and set boundaries as a couple. As soon as you went off alone with that girl, you crossed a line. You did cheat, he didn't overreact, and frankly I'm surprised you didn't break up right then. If you really want to do this kind of stuff and he's not okay with it, you need to either break up with him, do it within the confines that both of you have agreed to, or else NOT DO IT.

>> No.6927376


>> No.6927386

I doubt they all do.
Seeing how big the fandom currently is, I'm sure there's a good number that might not mind, but I don't think that's because of Homestuck. It's just a series unfortunate enough to have a bunch of morons that love it.

>> No.6927402



There was a convention in Spokane where for three days straight, the Homestucks had a "make out circle"
They didn't even check to see how many underaged people there were.

Most of the people at that con were homestuck cosplayers and they were walking around with each others face paint and black lipstick smeared all over their faces.

Three days straight.
Makeout circle.
There were 12 year olds making out with 21 year olds there because they didn't check ages.

>> No.6927407

>convention in Spokane
When was this?

Also, gross.

>> No.6927421

See, I really want to say that not all of them are like this. I really really do, and the people I know that like Homestuck don't do shit like this.

They also haven't actually cosplayed it yet. So, maybe improper use of grey paint rots your brain?

>> No.6927476

Last year at Kuronekocon.

>> No.6927488
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People like you
need to stop existing

>> No.6927489
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>mfw I was thinking about going there this year

Thanks for the heads up, anon.

>> No.6927495


Yeah, just a warning.

It's a really small local con, anyway.
Overrun with Homestucks and their parents, and not much to do anyway.
I think I'll probably skip it this year.

>> No.6927496

I'm gonna be going to Kumoricon this year, actually. Looking forward to it.

>> No.6927512

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.6927524

Trollpost or not, if they can't fucking seal their makeup, you shouldn't be prancing off with them.

>> No.6927733

It's actually rare to see any homestuck fags kissing at cons. This motherfucker is a troll.

>> No.6927741

So if OP hooked up with a troll who didn't seal their paint, if they fucked would she get paint all in her vag?

>> No.6927748

I really hope they don't always paint their entire bodies. The time and effort alone probably aren't worth it. Plus, good paint ain't cheap.

>> No.6927756
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Hamsteak a shit. Boyfriend can obviously do better.

>> No.6927762

I think OP is just trying to troll. has some vendetta against someone in the pic.

>> No.6927763

If by "rare" you mean "something you can easily find at every con."

>> No.6927768



>> No.6927765
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This was posted on tumblr a while ago but I don't remember the girls name.
>mfw lots of praise for ~*expressing themselves*~

>> No.6927770


Tumblr has chicks who fight for the "right to not have to shave their body parts", too, though.

They're just a bunch of fucked up freaks.

>> No.6927772


>> No.6927795

This. I'm not gonna judge a girl if she has body hair, but I'm gonna judge the shit out of one that's judging me for shaving.

>> No.6927797

>judging me for shaving

They do that?

>> No.6927804

Clearly if you're shaving you're giving in to society's expectations for feminine hygiene and beauty.

It's not like some people dislike feeling like a yeti.

>> No.6927812

And for dressing in clothes that show their figure.
And for wearing makeup.

Basically for being females.

They bitch and bitch, because they don't like how "guys judge them" or how "guys don't have to shave/wear makeup/blahblah" (even bitching about how men can take their shirts off and walk around that way but girls can't)
But usually they're lesbians, or even ftm.
What does it matter if a guy doesn't like them?

And they HAVE the right to do all that, they just aren't always going to be socially accepted.

They shouldn't yell at others for shaving, wearing makeup, etc

>> No.6927818
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Why do girls always reply to obvious bait? All of you can't be this new.

>> No.6927819

This, here... This is tumblr girl logic

I personally can't stand being hairy
I feel disgusting when I have hairy legs, pits, vagoo....

Tumblr girls need to respect that.
They can be hairy, but people can choose to be smooth.

>> No.6927831

Pretty much. Want to be hairy, be hairy. Want to be smooth, be smooth. Tan/whiten whatever. What people do with their bodies is their own business.

I hate how Tumblr/feminists whine about people policing their bodies while they do the same thing to others.

I thought about throwing "The patriarchy!" in for good measure but eh.

>> No.6927843

Yet guys can't wear skirts/dresses, wear makeup, wear ANYTHING cute, etc.

>even bitching about how men can take their shirts off and walk around that way but girls can't

Most people will tell men to put their shirts back on. So that's bullshit right there.

>> No.6927845


Women really set the standards to begin with.

I don't think that many years ago, a man went up to his wife one day and said "I think you should remove your body hair and put this colorful paint on your face."

Men just grew accustomed to what women have done.

>> No.6927850

Guys can, go ahead.
But like girls get shit if they dress like guys, expect shit.

If people see it more, they'll get used to it in time.

And do they get yelled at for taking their shirts off?? I didn't know that, sorry!

>> No.6927857
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>Cheated on someone, who you essentially called lame
>That person gets mad
>Get surprised when they do so
You're very obviously retarded, and/or trying to make homestuck look bad.
He doesn't deserve to have to deal with your shit. He's a saint if he didn't dump you

>> No.6927855

>Guys can, go ahead.

Uh no. Outside of a con maybe, if a guy is wearing a dress he'll most likely be killed. Or at least arrested.

>> No.6927861

I respect that it is a choice.
It just makes me sad that kids grow up learning to feel disgusted and hateful of their own natural physiology. It's not like anyone is born without hair follicles. It's even being pushed onto men now as well.

>> No.6927864
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>if a guy is wearing a dress he'll most likely be killed. Or at least arrested.
Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.6927866


>> No.6927867

This happens like
I'm not even tumblr and I know homobia/transphobia is a huge issue

>> No.6927878

I live in downtown Seattle, so I guess I just generally don't see that stuff, what with Capitol Hill and all.
We don't really have quite as much homophobia as other places might...
So I probably can't understand just how bad things are in other places. I'm sorry, anon!

>> No.6927880
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I'd like to believe you're exaggerating

Don't think so
Here homos can homo and no one gaf
Also, I went to Barcelona last year and again, homos could homo and not a single fuck was given

>> No.6927881

well the other anon was blowing things out of proportion by saying you'd PROBABLY be murdered, but your chances DO go up quite a lot.

>> No.6927884
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I live in downtown LA
where the minorities are the majority and the laws don't matter

>> No.6927886

>Guys can, go ahead.
Sure they can but they better be ready to expect some strange stares, pointing, laughing, and possibly harassment. Crossdressing in public is almost treated as a sex crime in some places. Cops will stop you and question you because they may think you're a male prostitute.

>But like girls get shit if they dress like guys, expect shit.
Women today wear pants, caps, t-shirts, and shorts. These were clothing choices that were strictly male only 80-90 years ago. Women can basically wear what they want and not get called out on it unless they are intentionally trying to imitate a man with their clothing choices. Then I'd assume she were a lesbian or transgender. Reality is, men and women are different. Not better or worse, just different. No amount of SJW saber rattling will change this.

>And do they get yelled at for taking their shirts off??
Unless it's at the beach or at home why would a guy need to be outside with his shirt off? Only rednecks do this.

>> No.6927889


As a homo who cannot homo, I beg to differ. I routinely get things thrown at me, yelled at me, have the shit kicked out of me, be pushed and shoved with no warning, generally treated terribly. Most of my town's population are scum, though.

>> No.6927890

>seeing other chicks shit on SJs
this gives me hope

>> No.6927893

But you live in America, yes?
I was just stating that that doesn't happen around the globe

>> No.6927895

I read through this entire thread and has gave me somewhat of an idea to try to ruin this god awful fanbase that seems more like an accoult. It's gonna require some fabrications of things and lots of dedication but trust me I will succeed by the end of summer. Watch for it on the news my dear anons. Im gonna ensure this fanbase becomes well hated with what I am gonna plan on doing. Screencap this because I promise you anons I will deliver. I swear it.

>> No.6927896
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This thread

>> No.6927897

Go be a faggot somewhere else

>> No.6927903

>I...I'm gonna do it, guys!

>> No.6927900

Are you just super flamboyant or can you control yourself? I don't like anyone being harassed but how can a person tell you like dick unless you tell them or act like it?

>> No.6927902

We should get back on topic to support this

>> No.6927908

This does not happen in most places in America. >>6927855 is just exaggerating. I live in the south and people that are openly gay get treated the same as everyone else. They may get some shit said behind their back but everybody else does too.

>> No.6927910


>> No.6927911


No, I live in the UK.


I'm not flamboyant at all. I'm female, and I really don't look like a lesbian, or act like one. I'm thin, I dress nicely, I wear make-up, feminine clothes, have long hair etc. Nothing about my behaviour or appearance suggests my sexuality.

The trouble mostly comes from the fact that a couple of people found out (I didn't tell them.) about my sexuality around four or five years ago in high school and the trouble has followed me ever since. My town is a shitty place and I can't wait to get out of it.

Sage for offtopic.

>> No.6927915

You have autism.

>> No.6927917

Sounds like it's less about your sexuality and more about what you did in the past.

>> No.6927919


I can assure you, it's about my sexuality. People found out I was a lesbian and that's where the shit started.

>> No.6927926


There won't be any need for that to be honest, since someone is already planning to commit suicide inside a big con coming up in august anyways. It's homestuck related too which is sad because I am in this fandom. Polite sage for not contributing.

>> No.6927927

Try living in and around DC. As a guy you walk outside in any kind of girl clothes and you WILL die.

>> No.6927937

Details please

>> No.6927944


I know that feel. I used to live in a town that consisted of about 200 people, and they were all Bible-thumping Christians.

Oh my God, some bitch outed me and you would have thought I had decapitated the preacher or some shit.

>> No.6927950

We both know you must elaborate

>> No.6927982


It was on cosplay.com or it was anyway since I think a mod deleted that thread for some reason. Also Otakon.

>> No.6927990
File: 51 KB, 480x357, derailed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6927995

let that worthless tripfag do whatever he's planning on doing. chances are it will go completely ignored and he will be mocked for it.

>> No.6927998

Then tell us

>> No.6928008

Walk outside in the wrong colors in DC and you'll die. DC is a shithole in general.

>> No.6928012

Ugh, that's disappointing

>> No.6928014

This is exactly why I prefer Marvel.

>> No.6928022


I lol'd so hard I farted assburgers!

>> No.6928024


>> No.6928028


I think you mean a cult.

>> No.6928237


>> No.6928245
File: 144 KB, 1332x999, 1359285823074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're lucky your bf is too beta to leave your stupid ass. Keep doing what you're doing, though. If he's putting up with it now, he'll put up with it later.

>> No.6928269

This can't be a serious thread right? This has got to be a troll if it hasn't already been confirmed.

>> No.6928392

Anon meant occult, but that term doesn't apply here.

>> No.6928748


Oh shit source on the image?
Any story behind that picture though?

>> No.6928786

Some girl was beaten and raped then left in a parking lot by Otakon. She ended up dying in the hospital a couple weeks later.

>> No.6928801
