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6909289 No.6909289 [Reply] [Original]

What and the best and worst Texas cons?

The last one I went to was Anime Odyssey and it was fucking horrible. Never again.

I'm in the Austin area so somewhere in that area is prefered but I have family in San Antonio so I can get free lodging when I'm there too.

I heard that San Japan was a piece of shit, is this true?

>> No.6909312

Here are my opinions.

>Better tier
San Japan, AnimeFest

>Alright tier
A-kon, Ikkicon, Realmscon, Anime Matsuri

>Shit tier
Anime Overload, Onicon, Ushicon

Anon, just go to some of the cons and make your own opinion. That's really the best way to do it.

>> No.6909340

Hi Anon,
Anime Odyssey was indeed a piece of shit, don't judge cons on that.

I'm only one person, but I've been to all of what most people consider the major texas conventions so I'll tell you my favorites and least favorites.

Best Tier:
San Japan: Biggest con in the state aside from Akon, lots of programming, lots of guests, generally an all around blast. I don't know who told you it was shit but they have insane standards.

Anime Matsuri: The last year sucked compared to previous years because the venue was shit. I personally like AM because they run themselves differently than all the other cons, a lot of people would say that that fact makes them shitty. I also like that they focus on fashion. If rorita doesn't rock your jollies maybe this isn't your con.

Anime Fest: 4 day con, super chill. They get a lot of japanese guests. They also split cosplay into two days which is cool I guess, but they usually favor skits over walk ons.

Meh Tier:
Akon: Fucking huge, but they never get good guests or have good programing. You pretty much go because it's so big.

Ikkicon: Pretty big and it's in Austin so that's cool. It's always around new years which can be hard to plan for. Middle of the road for guests and programming. Overall enjoyable. It's pretty much average on everything

Shit Tier:
Anime Overload: Underageb& the last time I went to this one it was in a warehouse in the barrio. They moved to a hotel now so it might have gotten better. IDK

Ushicon: 18+ con which sounds good on paper but they get like 200 people or something really small. It's just a bunch of old guys that hate what the community has become and want to go back to the days of shitty fan sub video tapes.

Shit on Couches Tier:
Oni-con: Literally a guy shit on a couch once...that wasn't the worst year.

>> No.6909347

Yeah but that method of trial and error costs money.

>> No.6909350

Did Ikkikon really get better?

I went to year 2 and it was awful.

>> No.6909375

>year 2 and it was awful

you do realize the upcoming con is their 8th year right? That means you haven't been in 6 years. You should really just go back and check it out, even if it's not what you would consider better it is certainly different.

(I would say it's improved leaps and bounds since then, but like I said, I'm just one person with one opinion)

>> No.6909527
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I flew out to Animefest the year they had Maaya Sakamoto as a guest. I had to come the same day and leave early the next morning because of college schedules, so my experience there was super brief, but I liked what I saw. Staffers were extremely laid back and nice; the ones at the registration desk were especially awesome. I got to the con hotel with about ten minutes to spare before the concert started, and I thank those staffmembers to this day for waving me through registration with a smile so I could make it to the hall on time.

The only one thing that irritated me was the large number of people who wouldn't shut up during Maaya's live. So many people were yelling inane things between songs like "I like your shoes!" and "Let me glomp you!" that it took MAAYA HERSELF stepping up to the mic and saying "...Can I speak?" in English to before they'd stop. That is not any way to act in front of a guest, damn. But everyone at her Q&A panel the next day was very well-behaved and polite.

>> No.6909605

San Japan is one of the better cons in the state, Anon. I don't know who your sources are but more than likely they had outside factors (i.e. drama) make their experience horrible. SJ is pretty good about listening to critique and what the people want. Like any con, their panels can be hit or miss. The cosplay contest and dances are alright. There are great locations around for photoshoots. The hotel is very nice. It's right on the Riverwalk. I've enjoyed their guest selections the last few years.

Everyone that I know has always had a great time at SJ. I'd definitely give this one a shot. I would also recommend Ikkicon, AnimeFest, and A-kon for you. Here's why:

Ikkicon - It's in Austin so it's right in your neck of the woods. It's an average con but it's nice seeing friends there and at least getting out of the house.

AnimeFest - Another really good con but it's in Dallas. It's 4 days (over Labor Day weekend) but it has a lot of good guests, panels, and things going on. It's very chill and the people are friendly.

A-kon - This one is in Dallas as well. I say go to this one solely for you to see what a huge con is like and experience that. Go to it at least once. If you like it then keep going.

>> No.6910076

I think it all depends on you. I enjoyed A-kon, though there were some competency issues and I don't have a good opinion of their cosplay contest (the "craftsmanship judging" left a lot to be desired). I'm just happy to live in a city with something as big as A-kon. The biggest con closest to me back home was AWA.

I'm really looking forward to going to A-fest for the first time, and they have great guests so far (at least for Japanese guests). So trial and error, yes, it's costly, but just see what you can afford.

I think the key is making sure you have a good time. Don't let what other people say or do ruin the con for you. We spend so much money to go to cons, why not enjoy them simply because it's a con! Idk, I come from a state where we don't have too many and definitely no HUGE cons, I always try to make the most of a con and have a good time.

>> No.6910146

please tell me about how skins craftsmanship judging went. I stopped entering when they got rid of it and I want to know if I should consider next year

>> No.6910149


>> No.6910215

My nigga right here. I was at that concert. Still my best experience with seeing a guest. I was just there in fucking heaven listening to her sing and hear how her voice and singing style has changed over the years. It's so rare that we get a decent guest, esp. JP guests, at Texas cons. Don't know how Afest did it that one time, but they've never gotten Maaya or someone of her caliber since aside from a good director or mangaka here and there.

>> No.6910227

Animefest is wonderful. I'm switching to SJ and Dragon*con this year, though, so not attending for the first time in a few years. I know SJ is great so I'm looking forward to going. I stopped going to Oni-con, A-kon, and Ikki-con years ago because all were horrible experiences.

For the Ushicon haters, some of us old farts went to their big con back in the day and it was fucking wonderful. I totally get their hatred for the community. Fuckers acted like idiots at their last big convention so they stopped.

>> No.6910279

I went to ushicon back when it was a real con too anon, just because it was good then doesn't make it good now. I would never advise anyone to waste money on it in its current state. For god sakes they have so little programming they encourage people to run panels out of their hotel rooms.

>> No.6910844


I thought it went really well. The craftsmanship judges were all people who work in the costuming industry and actually knew their shit. They were really nice and asked a ton of questions and seemed genuinely interested in what we had to say.

It was a big improvement to bring back craftmanship judging.

>> No.6911555

>I heard that San Japan was a piece of shit, is this true?


>> No.6911668

Considering travelling to Texas from Arkansas to compete sometime soonish, what's the competitive scene like? Who are the more well-known groups and what are they known for?

>> No.6911797


A lot of groups are moving to SJ and Anime Matsuri because of WCS.

A-Kon, while the largest con in Texas, is still trying to fix things but their contest has made a lot more progress. It still doesn't have tiered levels though. I would be happy if they just split it into novice/advanced at the very least.

The other cons are a mix bag.

>> No.6912069
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oh lord yes Maayafist to you my friend.

What an amazing experience that was. Did you go to her panel too? As glorious as it was hearing her sing live for the first time, being able to go up her after asking my question and place the little gift I brought for her right in her hands topped EVERYTHING.

She even wrote an essay about it in her I.D. book (called "Texas Size" ahaha), so I would guess that maybe she just really wanted to go to Texas and used the opportunity of the invite since she was going to be out west for Anime Expo that summer anyway. SO glad that I chose to go to AFest to see her instead. The small, relaxed and friendly nature of the con made it about a dozen times better than fighting the writing masses at AX would have been. (I heard awful rumors about lotteries for autographs and entrance to concerts/panels there; do they still do that?)

>> No.6912188

if you are looking to compete san Japan is hands down where you should go. They pioneered the class system in TX and have had well run competition for years. Anime Matsuri would be my second suggestion, but this past year they had some growing pains with a new director. It was still probably the highest level of competition I've seen, everyone brought their a game.

Avoid ikkicon and onicon. Their cosplay is run like shit. If you want to do a skit, take it to anime fest, but walk ons are very overlooked there. The are always on Friday night. I would say avoid akon too but since they finally brought back craftsmanship judging it might be worth your time.

>> No.6912515

Which one out of the Texas cons has the best group of attendees? Best cosplayers, most respectful, that sort of thing.

>> No.6912745

they're all about the same to me. Akon gets more douches just because they get more everybody. I guess out of all of them onicon has the worst behaved. Public defication and urination, body paint staining furniture, property damage, ECT.

>> No.6915181

Tsuki-Con is the worst anime con here in San Antonio Texas. Especially this last year, they did it in an underground parking lot. It was shit and they try to say it's because all the money goes to charity. Anime Odyssey I thought was fun, San Japan is cool. The rest I haven't gone to yet but never go to Tsuki-Con I beg you!

>> No.6916108


That was not my experience at all. For one, the judging was public (which in all my experience, it's always been in a private room with just YOU and the judges, not you, the judges, and other people waiting).

They did not ask questions. They silently looked at my cosplay while I tried to remember everything. I'm used to the judges asking you questions about the piece, which helps jog my memory, or allows you to focus on a particular part more. I just felt like they wanted me to get it over with. So I ended up rushing and forgot all the extra prep I did even beyond the costume to actually get in character.

The tiered system is completely unfair (and I'm not saying that because I didn't win). But how is someone who is a novice (like the girl who was next to me and it was literally her first cosplay she'd sewn) to compete against the pro groups? How can they win? Tiered systems allow fairness because you win as the best at your skill set. I think it's also a bit unfair that groups and individuals are judged together. The top 3 were all groups. How can one solo awesome cosplay compete against 4 awesome cosplays in a group?

I'm not begrudging those who won, the groups really did stand out. It's my personal opinion that the fabric choices this year were poor. Nothing wrong with buying it all out of JoAnn's, but it shouldn't LOOK like that. Way too much satin and cheap brocade. And I understand the work that went into custom designing/getting the fabric printed (probably Spoonflower though) for the Gankutsuo piece that one best in show, but I just wasn't wowed fabric wise by anything this year. I guess that's what I focus on, is fabric textures and such.

And I was just a bit surprised that custom printing your fabric can be a major factor in why you win best in show, but I dyed all my fabric and the judges didn't even comment or mention that in the craftsmanship. Like I said, the craftsmanship judging I experienced was impersonal and very stiff.

>> No.6916110


It's also worth noting that I handed them my packet with my reference images AFTER they had judged it. They didn't ask for it before looking it over. I understand some of that is them just looking at general construction, but how can they see how faithful it is if they don't have the reference image?

I just have issues with the craftsmanship judges. The lady handling the paperwork was quite nice, though it is a bit annoying that they had all this rush for the online registration for the contest, and ended up having like 40 at the door spots instead of just 10 (they added spots is what I''m saying). I feel like that's poor planning and advertising on their part.

>> No.6916124

I do not like that, if they judged you with other people in the room. That seems inappropriate to me.

A lot of your other feedback sounds like you're just a novice though. I prefer a judge that asks questions too, but I've had plenty that don't. You have to be prepared for either type.

>> No.6916249


I would consider myself as a novice, and I haven't had too much experience with other competitions, but I was just very displeased that it was public judging. It's uncomfortable! I shouldn't have to deal with the judges AND everyone else. It was the general cosplay room with sewing repairs, the paperwork lady for entrants (so people were signing up) and then you went and sat down in a line in chairs and when it was your turn, you stood up and they looked at your costume. I can deal with no questions, but public judging AND them not asking for your references until afterwards is definitely inappropriate.

>> No.6916253

I think you misunderstood my use of the word novice, which is understandable since its also commonly a class. I meant novice in the sense that you don't have much experience competing, not in terms of your technical skill.

>> No.6916268



Sorry, anon, but I've been to plenty of contests competing or judging-- both large and small, in Texas or out.. and having a separate room for judging is not always feasible. Just be thankful they're taking steps towards bettering it. somewhere around 17 I stopped entering all together-- it's been a joke for years and at least what's her face in charge is trying to fix it.

God damn, I feel like such an old fag- but i actually remember cons before San Japan that used the tier system in Texas. Of course, before that it wasn't so prevalent in the anime cons, but then the talent levels at anime cons were no where near what they are now. Literally I go to cons and shit myself--

You whippersnappers have seriously amped up the talent.

>> No.6916286


No, I understood what you meant. Because I don't have much experience competing, but enough that I thought I knew what to expect.


A-kon is the first con I've been to where they don't have tiers. This boggles my mind that they do not have tiers. I thought this was standard cosplay/masquerade practice. Also, I see what you're saying that cosplay judging can't always be private, but A-kon was at the Anatole. I'm sure they had space. I know A-kon really tried, but I'm not sure if it's worth 5 hours out of my Saturday to try at a contest it's nearly impossible to win because they don't tier it.

It's disappointing to see that A-fest prefers skits as I had hoped to try my luck there. Does A-fest have a tiered system? I'd like to compete if I have the time, but I'm doing a few panels and don't know my schedule yet.

>> No.6916388

By "AFest prefers skits" the anon meant that the crowd is going to be at the skit contest. They split up the competitions. Friday night is Walkons and Sunday night is skits. I think it's tiered, too.

>> No.6916416

akon is vehemently against classes. For years cosplayers have suggested it and for years the response has been that Ellen finds them unfair and she does not trust participants not to lie about their skills so she refuses to do it. They will probably never implement a class system. I'm also not sure why you expected it since their rules mentioned nothing about it.

>> No.6916418

what con before san Japan had classes? I'm pretty sure they were the first, unless it wasn't an anime con

>> No.6916428

on the one hand, cosplayers can always be booted up into a higher class at the judges' discretion

on the other hand, cosplayers *are* notorious for lying about their costumes. I'm glad they finally implemented craftsmanship judging because usually judges can weed out people who didn't actually make their costume but are trying to pass it off as their own.

>> No.6916489


Thanks for clearing that up. Schedule providing, I would enjoy competing at A-fest. But my panels come first.


I knew A-kon doesn't use it, but I expected it in the general sense that I thought that's how masquerades are run. I'm still fairly new to competing, I just figured a big con would have them. The other large cons I have attended do, but I know A-kon bucks tradition on everything it seems.


They can and will. This is what has happened to me. But do people really lie? I mean, are we talking pros wanting to be novices? Or is it more like you're a journeyman and want to be a novice? I'm always very honest since at this point, I don't know where I fall (novice or journeyman) given that I've won for journeyman (after being bumped up at an incredibly small con), but have only sewn 3 cosplays (though I have been cosplaying for a few years).

I always understood it as once you've won at a skill level, you generally HAVE to move up. I think also once you've competed as a novice enough, you have to move up as well? How long do people generally stay in the divisions? I'd imagine journeyman is a large division since it's such a wide skill level.

>> No.6916531

I like how you say even though you haven't entered many competitions you still have a better understanding of them than a novice but then you keep saying stupid shit anyone that has done a few cons in the area would know isn't the case.

It is 90% of the time people lying about how advanced their skills are as opposed to downgrading them. People who bought off eBay claiming they made the costume, novices entering at a higher level, generally because the higher the level the better the prize. Some people lie the other direction, but whichever it is the argument is stupid because if your judges are qualified they can pick that shit out pretty easily.

>> No.6916552

I've won a few Best in Shows but they were all with skits in which we *weren't* judged in craftsmanship at all, and in fact two of those were in street clothes. I've never competed for a craftsmanship/walkon award. I would count as a Masters class because of the high-level awards but I probably have less craftsmanship experience than people in the Journeyman class.

>> No.6916566


I'm new to the area. I'm not saying I know everything, I know I don't, but I'm sorry it comes off that way. I had a perception that turned out to be false.

>> No.6916593


I signed up at the door, and was told they had the extra spots because some of the skits and pre-reg walk-ons dropped out before the con. They always hold at least 10 spots, but there have always been between 25-40 signups at the con in my experience. Works out for me, because I never know what I'm going to have done when they do the pre-regs for the contest.

>> No.6916611


That makes sense.

Unrelated to the spots issue, what was the deal with the Soul Eater skit? I remember they weren't present for the award at first, and where I was sitting I saw some guy get into an argument with cosplay staff over them not being there? I was too far away to really hear their conversation, but it looked a little heated.

>> No.6916681

they were off being entitled whiney babies because their audio was "wrong" even though it was a file they had sent the con.

>> No.6916683


Skits are viewable here. http://youtu.be/NrggCC18b9k

Soul Eater skit starts at 5:46-5:50. Only version I've found, it's all of them in a chunk.

From what I heard, the Soul Eater people sent in their soundtrack, but it was only a placeholder. (which pissed me off, because damn, then I coulda done that too? I had school stuff near the deadline and ended up having to drop out.) They sent another version of their soundtrack after the deadline which they apparently changed a ton of the whole skit in, but oops, the first soundtrack got brought/played.

I read their tumblr about it and ended up raging, because by their own admission, their second soundtrack was over the time limit (dafuq?!) and they burned a ton of time trying to set up their shitty props. I thought burning extra time setting up was an automatic dq and that going over time on soundtracks was also an automatic dq. Basically, I think they're a bunch of drama queens who don't think the rules apply to them. Sucks they got an award anyway.

>> No.6916708

Yeah, the placeholder audio was supposed to be just until they could re-record the *same exact skit* with different recording equipment. Changes to the dialogue, etc, weren't approved because the point of the deadline is that everyone has to get their shit together by that point. If it had been the same script, like it was supposed to be, they wouldn't have had a problem with it. But apparently they thought they could rewrite the whole script.

Also they spent a fuckton of money on printing those posters and they couldn't buy a roll of velcro tape to attach them to the PVC? Urgh.

>> No.6916715

yeah, that pissed me off to. It sounded like akon approved the overtime, but I think that's highly inappropriate. You should enforce your damn rules, it makes it fair for everyone.

>> No.6916743


Skit video poster here: from what I understood overhearing staff talking about it (I eavesdrop, it's an awful habit, and I was bogarting the hotglue gun in the cosplay room on Sunday morning sooooo...), they approved the script & time on the placeholder soundtrack, expecting the second one to be the same exact thing, just better recorded. So, the overtime probably wasn't actually approved, despite what D2P's flouncy ass tumblr says.

>> No.6916768

doesn't surprise me, so ironically had they used their "real" track track they should have been dqed on going overtime and wouldn't have won anything.

>> No.6916787


Pretty much this. If their "real" track had gotten used, they woulda been dq-ed for overtime and for their insanely long setup time. Yet they got an award anyway and were still bitches about it. I saw the face of the guy in the Death the Kid outfit as he came off stage with the trophy in hand, and he literally looked furious.

>> No.6916888

Detail2Perfect? MY GOD.
This is the skit group that raged when their Shakespeare Final Fantasy skit didn't go well with the audience at Anime Matsuri. Because it was the audience's fault their skit was "too intelligent" aka boring as fuck.

>> No.6916938

Don't worry, they raged on FB and Akon is "NEVER getting their business again!" The charlatans!!

>> No.6916951


We can only hope they won't come back. What I saw of that skit made no goddamn sense and seemed boring as shit. And I'm a Soul Eater fan, seen the whole series multiple times. They looked good, but wtf was that shit even supposed to be?

captcha: education regooly. Education regooly indeed....

>> No.6916975

I didn't understand the skit, but I'm not familiar with the fandom. That shouldn't stop a skit from making sense though. I think they could have done better with a choreographed walk-on. Does Akon allow individual music?

>> No.6916978

I went in 2011 and their main events was a tent with a pebbled floor. Didn't have the most fun but the people I was with may have been the source of that.

>> No.6916990


Walkons get 30 seconds each, so no, it's in the rules that walkons don't get their own special music. Every year I watch the show there's like 75+ walkons, it'd have to be a huge pain in the ass to switch out music for all of them, not to mention think how many could get screwed up by grabbing the wrong cd/starting the wrong track.

>> No.6917121

No... Oh no... Please don't go, D2P... lol jk gtfo you fucking crybabies. They're snobs too. I hope they stick to their guns and don't fucking come back.

>> No.6917162
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hahaha oh wow
are they seriously expecting Akon not to share a video of the entire skit section of the contest because youtube picked them as the thumbnail?

>> No.6917191
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Yes. Yes, they did expect that, and A-Kon actually seems to have been nice enough to remove their skit.

>> No.6917214

Hey, I moved to Corpus Christi three months ago. How's Realmscon?

>> No.6917226

Other cons do custom walkon music so it's not hard, they're just lazy. Even then you can still have a well choreographed walk on without custom music.

>> No.6917256


From what I was told it's the sound guys who don't want to mess with that many seperate CDs/files. At least, how it was explained to me when I entered my walkon a couple years back. And yeah, even with the general music playing, I was still able to do a few poses and not just run across the stage as fast as I could.

>> No.6917306

Smaller than the other cons, obviously, but it's pretty fun. The game room is pretty big, surprisingly. I don't have any firsthand experience with the staff, but they seem helpful enough.

>> No.6917327
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Thanks, man.

>> No.6917529

oh my god, freaking divas.

>> No.6917562

I wasn't aware of the panel unfortunately. But your experience reminds me of something similar that I did when Ikuko Itoh came down to Ushicon. Ugh these rare and good guests.

>> No.6917570

D2P needs to settle the fuck down. They're acting like they're the Beyonce of the cosplay world. Their reputation is muddied so and so forth. What reputation? I've never heard of them until the A-kon stuff taking place. Their Soul Eater cosplays weren't even all that great. I've definitely seen better. Delusions of grandeur going through their minds, I presume. Not healthy.

>> No.6917571


>> No.6917610

I've actually known of them for a really long time and admired their skits and blah de blah... (they did a Pokemon skit that was funny my first A-Kon) Now, I'm disappointed. To see them be such stuck-up divas about what happened and especially to turn their noses up at a prize for having good cosplays... sheesh. I don't care how good your cosplays are, you don't act like that.

>> No.6918291

if you are surprised by this you shouldn't be. They do it every time they don't get what they think they deserve.

>> No.6918620

alllll the butthurt that came after was mildly hilarious. Are cosplayers outside of Texas so entitled when it comes to hobbies? There always seems to be some kind of ridiculous "I deserve this award!' mentality here at costume contests.

>> No.6918645

yes, yes they are. Its not a Texas thing, its a cosplayer thing. There will always be that one drama ridden bitch that doesn't win that throws a tantrum. We have a lot of really chill cosplayers too, in fact we probably have more of those then people like d2p

>> No.6918812

Yeah, for every chill cosplayer there's one willing to throw a bitch fit when they don't win, or willing to act like a smug ass if they do. And surprisingly enough, the assholes don't tend to win the bigger prizes.

>> No.6919004

usually because their the kids that have he deviantart mentality about constructive crit. Everything they make is perfect and how dare you suggest a tip to improve it.

>> No.6919019


One thing people don't consider is a lot of judges pay attention to who causes drama and has massive bitchfits. In some cases, people who cause hell and a half for cosplay staff because they have to be some sort of drama queen/king or if they treat staff badly will most certainly be notated.

All of this gets back to the judges.

If groups or people who have been around awhile who may have decent to great cosplay, but they haven't won anything major...it might be due to this.

Food for thought.

>> No.6919786

apparently not enough since they threw a fit right there and still got an award.

>> No.6919811

Which of the Texas con is the best con for hanging around out of San Japan and Animefest. I mean, I like anime and all but I don't know who the Japanese voice actors in the industry are or have any real reason to go there.

Honestly I am planning a road trip with friends and we need a place to go to on said trip, and we were thinking about maybe a convention, if not a rave or concert.

>> No.6919939

People will probably disagree with me because the con is kind of meh but Ikkicon. It's in downtown austin, short walks to anywhere downtown and quick drives to some of the more major "tourist" sites like south congress and zilker. If the convention socializing isn't getting you what you want walk down to sixth or something. Plus the food is amazing.

>> No.6920081

the judges didn't see the fit they threw backstage, and certainly didn't know the fit they'd throw about getting the award

>> No.6920156
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San Japan and A-Kon would #1, #2 respectively..

Most of the other Texas cons are crap tier..

BTW, has anyone been to OmniCon?? I have friends that are wanting to go, but I was wondering if it was worth the six hour drive..

>> No.6920175

A-kon is #2? Haha how many A-kons have you been to?

>> No.6920678


I'm sure they'll remember it next year. I just don't get why they got THAT upset. It's a skit at an anime con. Is it worth throwing this much of a fit? If they hadn't been so bitchy, maybe people would sympathize (somewhat) about the wrong track being used, but they took home an award and were still assholes about it. It's like they think A-kon is out to get them the way they bitched about being in the video.

>> No.6920733

>It's like they think A-kon is out to get them the way they bitched about being in the video

I'm pretty sure they do

>> No.6921157

This isnt the first time they've had a rough draft of their audio played either. I didnt know staff could accept unfinished audio!

>> No.6921174

I was in the cosplay contest and I'm pretty sure they still won something but they had left as soon as their skit ended. Divas doesn't even begin to describe them

>> No.6921182


So it's an epic fail on both parts? You would think neither the skit group nor A-kon would let it happen again, but geez. Though I'm quickly finding that Texas cons don't always a) outline all the options and b) don't follow the options they outline. Case in point the A-fest panel voting stuff.

>> No.6921265

its the later 9 times out of 10, especially when cosplay is involved. The director sees something THEY love but it doesn't follow te rules so they make an exception. Its a huge problem that always ends in someone getting special treatment they don't deserve.

>> No.6921602

Wondering about Omnicon too. I'm not six hours away but it's still a pretty long drive.
All I know is that they're having John DiMaggio come down.

>> No.6922354


Local over here! I quite enjoy Omnicon. The convention center is pretty and in super walking distance to some good eating spots. The artist alley never really has any /good/ talent, but Dealer's room is pretty nice and the events are fun. However, they're accepting more and more fan panels this year so I don't know if that'll really change anything. I know we got a kid down here that ends up running a lot of panels for another local con (Banzai Kon, never worth it) and they're quality, but I don't know if she's doing any panels for Omnicon. The Rave is fun. The guests seem to always be in a great mood and the con feels like it's centered around them, in terms of events and whatnot so that's good!

I must say though, if you're looking for WOW amazing cosplays you might not want to come. The locals are okay, I guess, but in the Valley it's mostly "I'm having fun so it's okay to suck since everyone else sucks" mentality. Despite that, there are some super chill people down here that are great to hang out with and there are more 21 - 25 year olds. Being in the Valley we have some tourists attractions so maybe you can stay for awhile and hang around.

tl;dr - if you're looking to hang and snag some autographs then this is the con for you! check out the island afterwards maybe even be a tourists. cosplays leave much to be desired at times.

>> No.6922518


They told the staff it was going to be re-recorded on better equipment for better sound quality and submitted a text version of the script which matched the first audio. They did NOT tell staff that they were going to change half the skit half way through the track on the second recording.

>> No.6922820

does anyone know what the staffs reaction to their lie or their bitch fit is?

>> No.6922886


Was any of it discussed in the A-kon threads post-con? I avoided the threads since it just seemed like tripfags talking about the seagull meetup. I know some of the cosplay staff frequent /cgl/ (that's the only way they noticed the problem I'd had registering for the contest) so I wonder if it was discussed there and they might have seen it.

>> No.6922922

honestly this Thread has discussed it way more than any akon thread. If the staff is out there they aren't responding.

>> No.6922934

>Shit on Couches Tier:
>Oni-con: Literally a guy shit on a couch once...that wasn't the worst year.
I don't even live in Texas but hah, this made my day

>> No.6922982

Thank you anon! It sounds like it might be worth checking out, at least.

>> No.6923308


From what I overheard in the cosplay room Sunday morning (I'm hot glue gun anon), the general staff reaction seemed to be dismay over the drama, and disappointment in the whole situation. But, since D2P was already saying they would never enter the contest again, the other reaction seemed to be that it was a self-correcting problem.


This sounds like truth to me, and sounds like someone who could be staff or who knows staff.

>> No.6923601

>D2P not entering anymore
>self-correcting problem

HAHAHAHAHA. I don't know why, but that was hilarious.

>> No.6923616

Hey Shae.
You're a slut.

>> No.6923901

What. Are you talking about steam punk chick? If so, vendetta and/or random ass jelly.

>> No.6924307


Well, I suppose if they did try to go back on their word and enter, staff could always decline their entry, right? Do they enter at A-fest as well?

I just feel like they abused the whole system with the A-kon deal (even if A-kon is partially to blame for allowing them to submit a placeholder and that seems to be an exception for them and not a rule for everyone). However, I really think in retrospect their win was not fairly awarded given how they obtained the win. Not because they had a drama fit, but because there was some really flagrant rule bending if not all out rule breaking.

>> No.6924324

their award was craftsmanship based I think, so it wasn't directly tied to their skit but I agree, they should have been disqualified for breaking the rules.

If it was my decision and they came back I wouldn't just decline them because that would start even more drama, but I would watch them like a hawk and DQ them for any tiny mistake.

they probably do Afest? The last time I saw them preform was at AM a few years ago with some FF skit.