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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 825 KB, 928x1056, TOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6906361 No.6906361 [Reply] [Original]

Another "Characters you'd like to cosplay as but nobody'd recognize you" thread, anyone? Alternatively, post characters you'd love to see cosplayed that never get cosplayed?

I'll start! I'd love to cosplay one of the girls in my pic related (and I probably will), even though probably nobody would know who I am.

>> No.6906377
File: 149 KB, 721x1200, etoile2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl. No one would know who I am, even if I sang her song.
I have no idea who either of them are but they are so cute! Please cosplay at least one of them!

>> No.6906384
File: 116 KB, 774x1032, kokonoe_rin_by_dav_19-d39ajus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Regardless, they'd be impressive cosplays to pull off. You would be noticed for that alone.

>Pic related
Wanting to cosplay this character for too long, but considering it's incredibly simple/not that recognisable imo it makes it one of those things I'll never do.

>> No.6906387

I would! Oh man, Rhapsody is my favorite game. I'd love to put together a Cornet someday.

>> No.6906389
File: 32 KB, 801x452, plsrespond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, someone will know who this is. It's been three threads now.

I'll cosplay her after I've worked out a bit.

>> No.6906392
File: 74 KB, 372x145, Wendy_ingame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

combined with the fact her outfit is not eye-catching or original much at all, i doubt anyone would recognize me.
maybe if i carried Chester around with me...

>> No.6906391

think a lot of people would recognize this.

>> No.6906394

A fellow Rhaspody fan! I would love to see a Cornet cosplay

>> No.6906398
File: 193 KB, 319x346, Bianca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl. all I need is the wig, too.

>> No.6906399

Why does it matter if anybody knows the character? That's not the point of cosplay.

>> No.6906414

Part of the fun of cosplaying is being recognized and chatting with fellow fans of the game. Having other fans be super stoked to see you, taking your picture, etc.
At least it is, for me. If I cosplay and no one recognizes me the entire con I feel a bit bummed out and a bit lonesome.

I spend a lot of my con time wandering around alone so that might be part of it, too.

>> No.6906415

I'd recognize it, anon!

>> No.6906419

I would recognise you! Pokemon Heroes Latios and Latias is my favourite pokemon movie

>> No.6906422

thank you!! it's mine too

>> No.6906421

This is how I feel. I could care less if no one recognizes me. I feel sad for people who dont wanna cosplay a character they actually love because 'omg, i wont get swarmed by photographers' ... Sad

>> No.6906440

I would recognize you anon! You're Bianca (Latias) from Pokemon Heroes the movie.
You should do it, I used to love that movie as a kid.

>> No.6906465

I feel like this has completely boosted the people's confidence to do these cosplays. If anything, this should be a
>should I do this cosplay, or is it a waste?

>> No.6906481
File: 23 KB, 400x300, KenranButohSai-TheMarsDaybreak19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to cosplay her and have a Gram with me. Chances to be recognized in my country are 0, but I still wanna try. Though I'd like the pirate outfit more, but that's even harder to recognize.

>> No.6906511 [DELETED] 

I'd recognize you anon. And I'd be super excited to see you!

>> No.6906513

Okay, don't do this whole "Hi, I'm fucking psychic" thing on me.

This is on my playlist just as I scrolled down to see OPs image.

Mah nigga (I've actually always wanted to cosplay Cornet. Which con would you cosplay Etoile at?)

>> No.6906519
File: 48 KB, 800x600, hotori_knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legendia is my favorite game ever ever ever! I've cosplayed both of Shirley's main outfits and made a formal outfit for Norma (although it was really bad oops). If this is any help at all, for what it's worth when I wear Shirley to a con I almost always get recognized- probably only once or twice at the small cons, and a handful of times at the bigger cons. It's really great when you run into the few Legendia fans because they're always so pleased someone else loves the game as much as they do! Do, it OP! and then come to sakuracon and we can cosplay together---

It feels like I almost exclusively cosplay things that aren't well recognized anymore. I do tend to gravitate towards more obscure, less-loved series, but also because I feel insecure when I get negative attention which really only happens when I wear popular things it seems, haha. It's somewhat annoying feeling totally invisible, but it's so worth it when someone knows who you are and you get some good pictures afterwards.

As for me, I'd love to cosplay pic related, or a handful of other VN ladies, but I think that might even be pushing it for me! I might make this girl's outfit anyways, since without the blood it could pass for street clothes.

>> No.6906520

You should do it! There definitely needs to be more Legendia cosplay, and I know any Tales fan would be more than happy to see you!
And it'd be great to see Blue drop cosplay as well, even if not too many would recognize it!

>> No.6906524
File: 130 KB, 850x950, dom-ritzia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, so hard.

>> No.6906532
File: 210 KB, 267x368, zevb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch. She was my childhood waifu.

>> No.6906539

OP here, and wow, you have just convinced me to! Thank you a bunch, anon. I was ironically planning to go to Sakura-con this year, but didn't end up going due to finances (damn Vancouver for not hosting bigger cons so I wouldn't have to go to Sakura-con for a big fix). Perhaps next Sakura-con if I go, I'll wear Shirley.

That's awesome! I honestly didn't think there'd be as many people who knew ToL. This has inspired me.

>> No.6906560

I'm not sure! Probably at an October Expo or something in the next couple of years (Britfag who can't afford to go to America yet) as I'd boil if I wore it in Summer.

>> No.6906574

Awesome! The Tales fandom may not be super vocal, but it's a good size, and pretty dedicated. And It'd be great if you wore her so Sakura-con! If I recall, they tend to have Tales meets, plus it'd be awesome to see you myself!

>> No.6906607
File: 601 KB, 1200x1800, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, nobody played or cared about this game. And I fell In love with her.

>> No.6906629
File: 34 KB, 400x300, wallpaper_bryan_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

Not too many people recognized me when I cosplayed from one of the main four so I can guarantee no one will recognize this. If someone does I'll be very surprised.

>> No.6906686


>> No.6906689

I want to do this, and I've been designing an Abigail to take with me.

>> No.6906701

Hi five for PSU!

>> No.6906703
File: 142 KB, 480x272, shirley being sad because the tales fandom hates her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually going to be in the Vancouver area during the weekend of AE! Not actually planning to go to the con but just know there will be one other Legendia fan within your province, haha.

My tumblr url is the same as my name on here so if you do end up wearing someone from ToL to Sakuracon and want a buddy, feel free to send me a message! (Although I've touched on this in a stupidly long write-up I did about Shirley's outfit- just be aware that some people can be real jerks specifically to the "Shirley" cosplayer in my experience. For whatever reason just because she's not a popular character in an already unpopular game people think it's okay to be rude because they didn't like her and I've experienced this more with her than any other costume I've worn. This happens more at smaller cons. I still think it's totally worth it but don't let a couple rude people stop you from having fun.)

>> No.6906728

oohh nice! I was also thinking of doing that. Making just a small one to float over my shoulder and making her glow with a small LED inside or something like that.

>> No.6906748
File: 96 KB, 300x651, tumblr_m7ihcnjuoX1qae2rq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do this one day.

>> No.6906772

The looks like Sword of Mana art. I played Children of Mana on the DS. That game was amazing.

>> No.6906777

Dear Anon,

>Body of letter

Other Anon

PS U a shit

>> No.6906774

I hate hetalia, but I want that

>> No.6906785


Super close! Dawn of Mana for PS2. Glorious soundtrack, but the gameplay made some people hate it and give it awful reviews, but that because people like to thrash on games that have legitimate difficulty.

>> No.6906797
File: 103 KB, 300x750, tumblr_mfpm1pYAIT1ra9pxjo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose it doesn't help that the full game isn't released yet.

>> No.6906808

It's not Hetalia, but some other work he did. I can't remember the name of it though, sorry!

>> No.6906846
File: 277 KB, 504x336, Giggerota&Milkfed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! I always wanted to cosplay Giggerota myself. So I would have even less chance of being recognised.
Mmmmm Planet of the Milkfed Boys

>> No.6906860
File: 16 KB, 240x293, 240px-TCC-Tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to a con in the next few days and I'm really hoping I'm recognized.

>> No.6906862


Oh man. I just wish Lexx had been more popular, it's genuinely a great show. Goes down the shitter when Zev was switched out for Xev, though.

>> No.6906874
File: 938 KB, 733x2198, crossingthestreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6906932

Chibi-San Date

>> No.6906938
File: 1.51 MB, 332x173, 1370889668996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just kinda fangasmed. Thanks for postin' that

>> No.6906941
File: 19 KB, 389x388, 39304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is exactly what I'm like when I'm high
People can say fuck all to me, and the best I can respond with is autistic shit to try to calm the vibes.

>> No.6906985
File: 240 KB, 500x403, kabocha wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend and I might do these two from Kabocha Wine for shits and giggles on Sunday of Otakon; it's so simple and old I would be completely shocked if anyone knew who we were, but it'll be fun to be super 80s together.

>> No.6906990
File: 34 KB, 225x278, eru shun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We only have a 7 inch height difference (not nearly enough as you can see) but we are determined to make it work.

>> No.6906997
File: 42 KB, 144x190, nancy01fw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it wasn't so hot here all the time I would have done this already.

>> No.6907002


>> No.6907012
File: 613 KB, 406x1024, Ameto1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've worn Ameto twice and have yet to get recognized! (Albiet I was missing the headphones and belt......)

>> No.6907021
File: 608 KB, 800x447, rcccccccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6907020
File: 17 KB, 256x187, tumblr_mjidf1fUCK1rztdgoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snowboard Kids

>> No.6907030
File: 48 KB, 300x439, Oban - Paradice2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be a lot of trouble to go to for a costume no one would recognize.

>> No.6907039
File: 173 KB, 700x1163, [Hachimitsu_Scans]_Usotsuki_Lily_v02_c10_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy, that is. Even having a Hinata and wearing the school uniform I doubt anyone will know who am I.

>> No.6907041
File: 282 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mns7mumVGR1r45g3go4_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this show popular? I dont really know? And even if it is, is it too generic looking to be recognized?

>> No.6907047
File: 106 KB, 720x810, 1369596698699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bottom picture was like everywhere within the anime community when it first came out. Go for it! Seriously, I'd love to see a Nakamura!

>> No.6907049
File: 27 KB, 479x677, 479px-Mimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sobb. I love her but noone's played this game.

>> No.6907056

Not the same anon, but I want to do 3dpd Nakamura. Surprisingly it's difficult to find a plaid skirt like hers when it really shouldn't be

>> No.6907057

Atelier Totori! I prefer Mimi's younger version image that is.

>> No.6907064
File: 37 KB, 424x600, mrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay everyone from the series just because of the designs, shoot me.

>> No.6907070

Well that is, one that isn't $30+

>> No.6907071

I know, right? Almost considering ditching a plan of mine to be totori or mimi. Ack. My only problem with mimi is that noone will see her beautiful detailed shirt

>> No.6907075

I think Bodyline has a bunch of blue plaid skirts in various colors/styles, I was just going to go with that.

>> No.6907079
File: 105 KB, 850x900, la-cecille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday. I keep putting it off. But I really need to make Cecille.

>> No.6907080

I actually love all of the atelier series, and I'm planning a cosplay from it in the future.

>> No.6907096

I'm a total prop-whore and I'm in love with that staff..

>> No.6907104

I would be so happy if I saw someone cosplaying from wreCk, like I would just die. Pengosolvent/tvface is gonna be at ax and I really want to meet him.

>> No.6907109

Saeki might not stand out so much but Nakamura is pretty distinctive when you take into account the combo of her outfit, hair and glasses.

I was a really good Nakamura at Anime North. I didn't get a pic because it was just in passing but she was very recognizable.

I feel like these would stand out just because of how cute and elaborate these designs are. Even if not many people recognize them they'll still stand out.

>> No.6907118

I think if I made her staff I'd only want to use it in a photoshoot. Because dragging that around a con center would be lame

>> No.6907132

USOTSUKI LILY. If I saw an En with a Hinata I'd dawww all over. It's such a ridiculous story.

My favorite chapter was when Hinata's family got the puppy.

>> No.6907133

people probably thought you were a huge weeb

>> No.6907136

Noto's from Kitakou Broadcasting Club, actually.

>> No.6907236
File: 120 KB, 650x1000, p2-persona-hades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the atelier series. I want to do a group from possibly ayesha, but yeah. No one would know it, sads

I'm thinking of SMT solo/pair cosplays to do that are relatively advanced to enter into a comp next year, and I really want to do Eikichi and Hades.
But at a 5k attendence con there would probably be one other person that would recognise it. Maybe.

>> No.6907276

I love how ridiculous it is & the author does not bother to cover up the fact that it is ridiculous (All those breaking-the-4th-wall joke)

>> No.6907280
File: 98 KB, 480x750, tumblr_mn609wf21H1r2au9ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably will not be known due to where I am (SG to be exact) & I'm sort of clueless/scared on how to react when people approach me and talk to me about the R18 aspects of the VN (At least VNs like FSN has a clean version to refer too...)

>> No.6907296
File: 171 KB, 480x600, 4999e14fd6f22a8adc54e6cbed898c9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl, but i'm pretty sure no one will know because it is from a phone app game.
And I want to cosplay a few characters from Atelier Annie, but I don't know how popular those games are...

>> No.6907336

>Why does it matter if anybody knows the character? That's not the point of cosplay.

Thank you. While it is nice to be recognized and stuff that is really not the point. You are supposed to be like:
"Oh shit son, ______ was so fucking awesome. I am going out tomorrow and I'm buying all the fabric I need for it. This ____Con I will be ________ and it will be glorious cause she/he/it is so badass/pretty/strong/awesome."

While it is nice to run into fellow fans we used to wear it for our own enjoyment. Reading the old fogey thread ( >6900594 ) you can see it all over the place.
You can actually enjoy yourself without having to stop every 5 mins for a picture. If you MUST make a splash then use all this internet to your advantage and do a photoshoot and post it online. If your cosplay is so rare then you will be what comes up when people search for that character. You'll get your popular pie that way.

>> No.6907346

I'm planing on doing Lilly. Other KS fans tend to be pretty nice from what I've seen, especially at cons. I don't think anyone will creep on you much, especially because it's Hanako.

>> No.6907354
File: 12 KB, 185x273, Madoka Shoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OhLawd. I never thought I'd ask this kind of question, but if I ever decide to get back into cosplaying, I want to dress up as this mutherfucker.

>Madoka Shoujo of the End

Like anyone else wanting to cosplay a lolita/loli-like character, I'm concerned about the level of ita here. I also don't know what the color scheme is since the manga was only released in black and white. And neither do I know if I want to get blood on it like when she goes off in a killing spree.

>> No.6907367

If you do it go completely black and white everything with red blood. Make it look like youve just stepped out of the manga. Youll be more recognizable too.

>> No.6907430

I'm thinking about Lilly as well but I find Hanako's scars are quite interesting to do hence the choice. Thank you for the assurance, I will be having a Hisao with me if I'm doing Hanako, so chances are I'll be fine.

>> No.6907438
File: 22 KB, 300x447, 51896-kohaku_syringes_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least this series is getting more recognition as of late because of the fighting game community but it's still super niche

>> No.6907443
File: 66 KB, 240x260, 1253768982937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw man, you bringing me back.

>> No.6907444

There might be a small resurgence once the Tsukihime remake comes out.

>> No.6907514
File: 16 KB, 153x237, hero108_mystiquesonia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know no one really knows/cares about the show and I have yet to hear a peep about it, but it's an ok show and I love her design.

>> No.6907554
File: 147 KB, 600x300, typing-dreamcast-backpacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6907567

...I-I liked the show...

>> No.6907584

why the heck are all the characters posted here girls?

>> No.6907605

Why the heck do you care?

>> No.6907750
File: 117 KB, 898x1024, oiymdqsxrv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiren the Wanderer

>> No.6907758
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1200, Yue-entspannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yue from Negima. Some people could at least remember the Anime when I asked, but very few could remember her

>> No.6907762
File: 962 KB, 500x333, fyfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a guy you want to cosplay that isn't recognisable and contribute to that aspect then.

>> No.6907793
File: 21 KB, 584x438, g_p-panzer-world-galient-01x26449f9ff91-mkv-00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker

>> No.6907833
File: 1.79 MB, 3251x3024, 48390-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how popular this series is, but I've never seen a cosplay from it in person...

>> No.6907836

I will never fuckin' forget Yue do it!

>> No.6907841
File: 346 KB, 844x1350, bff6b476a3fdc5c6b0f2ad923ab7f034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6907848
File: 9 KB, 130x237, okageartrosalyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosalyn from Okage. Never really got over PS2 RPGs.

>> No.6907854

Are you kidding me? Amnesia has an anime & ever since that it's a hit especially in the cosplay scene.

>> No.6907856
File: 21 KB, 266x435, art-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would recognize the fuck out of you.

C-can we walk together under your umbrella?

Contributing with something I'd like to see cosplayed before I die.

>> No.6907874
File: 145 KB, 533x799, 2982920361_438e912278_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplayed her with a Hiiro with me, nobody recognized me. & now I'm planning to cosplay her outfit from the last chapter But yeah, she's a real fun character to cosplay as, no regrets.

>> No.6907879

Yeah but I seriously haven't seen anything, except a few pictures that I went looking for online.

And having an anime doesn't mean a thing.

>> No.6907884

Here ya go.

Well, in the cosplay world it sort of mean something, 'cause a lot of the trends comes from the anime (I'm looking at you, Shingeki no Kyojin)

>> No.6907890

A friend of mine loves this game and was trying to convince some of us to form a group with him. Still not off the table. If you do do this, post pics! I'd love to show him!

>> No.6907901

I've seen a number of Rin cosplays. Saw one just this weekend at Colossalcon, in fact. No picture, though, sorry.

>> No.6907954
File: 69 KB, 621x468, 2225075-tumblr_m2b8djblvo1r8li5po1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6907962

Nah, everybody knows Ib.

>> No.6907963

Nearly everyone will know.

>> No.6907965
File: 210 KB, 500x284, kjhuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd love to see some, the only ones I've seen have been online and entirely asian. I'd love to give it a go, but I would like something way more complex to make, I think..

>> No.6907975

My friends and I have cosplayed Ala Rubra before. We were recognized by one guy, but I think the school girls as a whole are more recognizable.

tl;Dr: Do it anyway.

>> No.6908005

My friends cosplaying Ib, Mary, and Garry got a ton of recognition, and they weren't the only ones wandering around, either.

>> No.6908035 [DELETED] 

get out abipop.

>> No.6908043

I think you'd get recognised at least a few times dressed as Para-dice.
I'd be so happy if I came across an oban cosplayer at a con

>> No.6908105
File: 189 KB, 423x616, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6908108

You're not Alexander.

>> No.6908129
File: 222 KB, 485x403, Eve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to be Eve from Black Cat but it'd probably be difficult to just do a straightforward cosplay without falling into generic gosurori anime girl land. I'd probably have to have wings and/or a blade coming out of one of my arms to get my point across.

>> No.6908180

Another fan! Ahhh, I'm more inspired to do it now. Thanks, anon!

>> No.6908191

Ala Alba, not Ala Rubra. Sage for retardation.

>> No.6908197


Fuck, holy fuck what con would you do that at? I would have to meet up with you and see that.

>> No.6908201

Not that anon, but I've seen it subbed as Rubra before.It's not a terrible mistake, but I get where you're coming from.

Ah-ru-bu-ra could be written both ways if someone misheard the first Ah.

>> No.6908220

As long as you look cute and the outfit looks like it should be cosplay (as in, not just pulling something black out of your closet), you'll get pictures taken.

I like anime, but I'm not a huge fan of it so I don't know all of the characters. I just take pictures of cool/cute/crazy cosplay.

>> No.6908360

I would recognize you in a heartbeat and then probably give you a shit ton of hugs.

I've been wanting to cosplay Tala for yearssss

>> No.6908431

If I saw this in person I would love to get a photo with you! I love Mimi so much
I've got Meruru planned for next year

>> No.6908482

I actually don't like that show, though that design does look like fun.

>> No.6908588
File: 30 KB, 400x519, 58700_10151038961742447_1026340055_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care that I'll be falling into GAMER GURL territory because I haven't played the game. I've read like half the wiki and been in love with the music for five years. It's gonna happen.

>> No.6908592
File: 85 KB, 600x422, Infinite_hamlet_members.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also someone from this series. Idek who yet.

>> No.6908604
File: 40 KB, 576x926, Luca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AWMAN. Luca is another one of mine I'm sure no one would know who I am.

>> No.6908616
File: 57 KB, 400x1000, sh2-karin-koenig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6908626

I would. ;w; Where do you hail from?

>> No.6908629

USA, eastern PA area

>> No.6908638
File: 244 KB, 869x1250, f007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not perfection personified so I'll just look like a regular dude in a school uniform

>> No.6908640

Damn. I'm from Texas. Oh well, there is always the internet. You should go for her!

>> No.6908701
File: 100 KB, 640x800, aaed07dd36b1604d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, a fellow Rage of Bahamut player. This game just has way too many awesome outfits to cosplay...
I was considering Dark Alice (pic related) for myself, but Arriet looks great as well

>> No.6908865
File: 24 KB, 391x497, llieutenant_shiny_sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro Quest will never be a real game ;_;

>> No.6908921

Aww why can't you be in my country :c

>> No.6908926

Bluuuh all the people who want to cosplay cool things are always far away...
But I totally want to some day!

>> No.6908932
File: 41 KB, 240x650, Steena1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite it being from a classic game, I'd be impressed if this character got recognized now adays.

>> No.6908954

The manhua version or the novel version? Or the concert version? Either way if you are doing the main characters, chances are you will be recognized.

>> No.6908960

Oh, wow. This is considered classic now? Steena from CC, right?

>> No.6908969
File: 238 KB, 1024x768, stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you cosplayed from Legendia, I'd cry.
If anyone cosplays Legendia, I'll cry.

I remember cosplaying as Claus from Mother 3 in 2009 and everyoen thought I was a Lucas recolor or just didn't know

I'd also love to cosplay as just about anyone from Osamu Tezuka's work, especially Dororo, pic related

>> No.6909031
File: 25 KB, 400x580, 2437155-6061593573-koude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow hearts isn't too unknown, I even saw a small group from convenient at the last con I went to. I'm not sure how many would recognize the prequel though despite it being one of my favorites in the series.

>> No.6909091
File: 93 KB, 398x891, sorry anon I just had to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6909551

I would recognize you, I watch this every morning when getting ready to leave the house.
Do well anon-chan!

>> No.6909556

I've seriously thought about cosplaying Sapphire from Princess Knight in her prince clothes cause GOD DAMN cutie.

>> No.6909614
File: 483 KB, 602x338, fiona and creepin' mejojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiona Galland in her traveling outfit. It's so cute and this game just breaks my heart. I'll actually be doing her for a con coming up in a couple months, but the likelihood of me being recognized is very, very low.

I'd definitely recognize you!

Me and my otome gamer heart.

>> No.6909622
File: 33 KB, 300x805, shurelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh, girl. You need to play those games. I plan on doing Shurelia one day. Her outfit is going to be such a pain to make.

>> No.6909675

Beatmania IIDX?

I'd recognize an Ameto easily if it's the Express Emotion maid version.

>> No.6909692

Man, I want so bad to see someone try poipoider, but the dome alone, nope.jpg.

>> No.6909711
File: 60 KB, 639x564, 1368802-elaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream cosplay, actually.

>> No.6909714

Oh god, I just realized how to do it.

>> No.6909841

I had a level 110 CAST. I would recognize it, but holy crap did I hate the story mode for that game.

>> No.6909862
File: 43 KB, 431x646, Candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet sweet candy

>> No.6909938

Woha! What character is that?

>> No.6909990

I really want to cosplay Cecille too!

>> No.6910002
File: 846 KB, 1500x1200, Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, everyone will think of me as being sick now, but I would love to see a cosplay group of the Milk Squad from "Milk Closet" by Hitoshi Tomizawa. Especially a Tarou cosplay (the spike boy) would be great.

I even considered cospalying him myself, but without a group it would be not that much fun and hardly anyone knows about it~ Also the character design is rather strange after all. That's also the main reason why I don't think I will ever find other to cosplay it with together.

Heck, there are even no japanese cosplayers at all!

But still, the manga really got to me and I would love to find cosplayers from it!

>> No.6910007

of course Bryan would be recognised! Who of the main four did you cosplay?

>> No.6910106

>just read this

No really, what the fuck Japan?

It would be awesome to see a cosplay of it now though.

>> No.6910296

Anyone from Ava's Demon. Too bad the fandom is micro-sized and I doubt I'd meet anyone who knows what it is, let alone likes it.

>> No.6910369
File: 115 KB, 900x506, magicka_cosplay__group__by_eaglas-d5ff4zg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going as these guys from the game Magicka in an upcoming con, I highly doubt anyone will recognize what I am from where I'm from

>> No.6910413

I haven't decided yet- I really love Lolidragon's designs but am of the opinion that her color scheme sucks ass, and I love Prince but his designs are awful. Bluh.

I knowwww but I don't own a PS2. Guess I should invest, huh?

>> No.6910432
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x960, tumblr_mie9edd7Mv1ry3h9ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JFC, I love Ava's Demon. This is the only cosplay group I've seen pictures of, though.

>> No.6910433

Good to see, that I'm not the only one now.

>> No.6910439
File: 438 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mm22ahoUof1r2jj3co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, spoke too soon. Google also revealed this to me.

>> No.6910461

fucking typing of the dead, oh my god

it's so ridiculous, it's wonderful

>> No.6910580

Too bad that the Gil and Ava in the first photo are the only decent AD cosplayers I've seen yet.

>> No.6910951
File: 58 KB, 377x593, EHatred4f088968ae5da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heartbreaking, isn't it?

>> No.6910966
File: 519 KB, 1050x1515, 1340579613953-knj-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considering it's incredibly simple/not that recognisable
trust me, the hair is anything but simple and it is quite recognizable

>> No.6910978
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, 1347664678296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KS cosplayers are some of the nicest people I've met, and even though it's an adult game I've never heard anyone talk about the pornographic aspects of it, it's mostly talk about the characters

>> No.6911166
File: 16 KB, 200x355, serendipity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill a bitch to see a group cosplay from this. I'd get one together myself but I'm the only one in my circle of friends who has seen it.

>> No.6911171

Oh my god man, I remember staring at the vhs cover al the time when I was a kid because it was so damn cute. I can't remember the movie much though.

>> No.6911184

i don't remember much either but I remember it being the greatest thing to ever happen to me when I was 5.

>> No.6911300
File: 25 KB, 674x518, Dan the Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted to do a costume of Dan the Man for a while, but I don't think it'd translate well into real life.

>> No.6911305
File: 405 KB, 671x800, IWBTG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'The Kid' from 'I Wanna Be The Guy'

>> No.6911311

Now everyone will think you're a shitty Oliver cosplayer from Ni no Kuni.

>> No.6911321

Oh my god oh my god oh my god. yes please

>> No.6911323
File: 164 KB, 503x475, 1335320605960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6911332
File: 24 KB, 600x480, lacroix2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about LaCroix from VTMB.
How hard would it be to not just look like some ginger in a suit if you don't have that godly bone structure?

>> No.6911381
File: 131 KB, 800x1210, cavalier-of-the-abyss-660111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The Nex

>> No.6911392
File: 673 KB, 950x800, WhimandAnna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday, perhaps.

>> No.6911414

I've actually done both! People did recognize the Express Emotion version more!

>> No.6911419
File: 96 KB, 640x480, trava-fist-planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll occasionally see a Sweet JP here and there, but that's the closest I think I'll get to seeing any Fist Planet. I'd love to do the trio with a couple of friends, but I'm way to short to be Mikuru. Either that or I'd love to be one of the Super Boins with one of my friends, but I don't know anyone who is near my height who has the experience/desire to ever do that.

>> No.6911429
File: 209 KB, 860x1300, Goodnight Punpun v01 c01 - 010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually surprised I haven't seen more Punpuns? I think I've seen one or two. It's so well-liked and it's an interesting character design, I'd love to see a Punpun group!

>> No.6911437
File: 71 KB, 430x323, mikan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if anybody will recognize the character, but I loved that VN and I'm cosplaying her anyway

>> No.6911458

Would instantly recognize and ask for a photo.

>> No.6911516

Sorry for off topic but was there more then just redline to this? Did these guys actually have a bit of spot light of there own? Think you just made my day.

Also I think I'd die happy if I ever saw a full redline line up, but thats wishful thinking.

>> No.6911551
File: 383 KB, 640x480, trava1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trava and his partner had their own mini-show before REDLINE was a concept. They're basically in REDLINE as cameo easter eggs.

The series is called TRAVA: Fist Planet.

>> No.6912167

It's super cute
but that's always the problem with VN. I never met anyone in my area who is playing them. And most times you get recognized it's only for the looks not for the actual character.
But have fun either way!

>> No.6912177

Nobody wants to admit they recognize a character from an eroge/ecchi manga/etc, especially if it's a little girl.

>> No.6912416


>> No.6912475

My Boyfriend wants to cosplay as him when he gets more buff, his face suits the character, i think.

>> No.6912480
File: 102 KB, 502x255, BJ reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me I have a goddamn figurine of her and she's my current inspiration for loosing weight

augh i love osamu tezuka so much

also i'm certain people would recognize you, they might not know your name but Sapphire is suuuper iconic

>mfw i will never have a group Tezuka cosplay

>> No.6912497
File: 424 KB, 301x1000, full1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My... first cosplay that I didn't buy. because i couldn't find one
Can you recognize it, and if you can, does it look alright?

>> No.6912499
File: 322 KB, 500x679, 1354129393847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spoilers dont work

>> No.6912560
File: 163 KB, 500x300, 211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aww, Anon-kun, you've ignited my wig styling bun-er. Gdi, I'm so doing this now..

>> No.6912627

I'm sorry!
I really need to save up some money and get my butt to an American con one day!

>> No.6912658

That shitty game just keeps ruining things for everyone.

>> No.6912669
File: 47 KB, 421x640, Killer-Is-Dead-Mondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game isn't even out yet and doesn't seem to have much hype, but I'm tempted.

I've always been a huge Grasshopper fan.

>> No.6912886
File: 7 KB, 300x225, Kodomo-no-Jikan-fans-start-crying-right-about-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a friend to do Kuro as well and be the best combo

>> No.6913004

Dangan Ronpa fag get out

>> No.6913056
File: 438 KB, 505x715, b72ba0db9ccad092bc08ca01c1923079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of many characters I'd love to cosplay but I'm sure barely anyone would know where she's from.

>> No.6913148

Anne from A Witch's Tale. I can't even find a picture of her to post. You meet her in the second play through, none the less, so I feel like no one would recognize me.
It was a surprisingly cute game...

>> No.6913343

I shit you not I've had this planned for the past year but don't want to do it because it's NEVER going to get translated

>> No.6913355

Do it anyway.

And then post pictures here.

We need more brown elf.

>> No.6913357

>No spoilers on /cgl/

>> No.6913413


chihiro? dangern ripple has had a massive jump in popularity since tumblr got its hands on it. I saw around 6 or 7 the last con I went to.

>> No.6913414


Saw one at Fanime this year. Got a hug and photo, and the guy was nice too.

>> No.6913415
File: 11 KB, 300x168, fjhtyju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been some time since I posted that and got to watch the series. I am planning on putting together a trava cosplay immediately after my next con. Probably Redline trava instead of fist planet, for the sake of ease. Trying to figure out how to get the ears right...

Thank you for enlightening me to this. I now want more anime set in redline universe .

>> No.6913419
File: 209 KB, 640x2295, amalia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6914595

You'd be surprised

>> No.6914674

What are these from? I like the design of the left one and might get into your fandom ;)

>> No.6914684

wakfu's only unpopular if you're in the United States. Canada, Europe, South America, real big.

>> No.6914708
File: 176 KB, 540x406, vlcsnap-105690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blue-haired girl.

Even though Storm Hawks was on America's Cartoon Network for a while it always aired early in the morning and never gained much of a non-French fandom.

I probably still will cosplay her, since dark-skinned female characters I really relate to are rare. Maybe I'll be surprised and people will recognize me.

>> No.6915122
File: 321 KB, 546x366, Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved the art style. Loved the hairdo specifically.

>> No.6915127

If it wasn't for you mentioning the title I would've never remembered what it was.

But I do remember kind of enjoying that show.

>> No.6915132

I would totally recognize that!

> But then again, I'm a Frenchie

>> No.6915160

Wasn't this a book, too? I swear I have it somewhere in my basement. Thing's older than me; I got it from my great-grandmother.

>> No.6915418

Oh, they're from the Mana-Khemia games. The one on the left (Whim) is from the second!

>> No.6915445

You should totally do it! Especially if whatever your event you're wearing it to will have a Tales meetup. At least some people would recognize you there.

Personally, I've wanted to cosplay Stella or Fenimore since I played the game a couple years ago, but I feel like they'd have even less of a chance getting recognized than Norma or Shirley. Sigh.

>> No.6915464

Baki the Grappler is one guy I wanna try once my body fat is lowered and I got a bit more bulk, only sad part is nobody would know who I am. I'd just be a weird guy with scars in a pair of boxing trunks and some wrist and ankle wraps.

>> No.6915461
File: 79 KB, 600x809, Ester 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly would love to cosplay from Absolute Zero - The Forbidden Epic of Fallen Angels

But considering that it's a canon AU manga of a pigeon dating game that is impossible to find translated and wasn't released outside of Japan....

>> No.6915470

Agreeing with the anons saying this is recognizable. I cosplayed Ib at a couple of conventions this year with a friend as Garry, and there were a TON of people who knew who we were.

You and me both, anon. Honestly, I've wanted to do Eve's sweeper outfit from the final chapter of the manga for the longest time, but exactly 0 people would recognize me.

>> No.6915475

Actually there was an Amnesia group at Katsucon this year!

>> No.6915494
File: 140 KB, 256x256, Threads_of_Fate_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads of Fate/Dew Prism. It was completely overshadowed by FF7, but it was the game that I bought my first console for. I've wanted to do Mint forever.

Uhgh. I've been wanting to do one of Creed's outfits, but for the black one I'm pretty sure I'd just look like a gay Sephiroth clone.

>> No.6915499

I love this game! I considered cosplaying as Mint also but I don't know if I could pull it off.

>> No.6915513
File: 60 KB, 598x280, altair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoukoku no Altair. I fucking love this series and have cosplayed it before (0% recognition at a large-ish con, but I expected that) but I can never get anyone to cosplay with me. It kind of grinds my gears that my friends say "Ah I'm not really into that style of outfit/comic" and then suddenly they all cosplay Magi... Oh.

>> No.6916456
File: 39 KB, 545x640, 2132428280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to do this guy


I would love you if you did that

>> No.6916555
File: 302 KB, 387x622, Screen Shot 2013-06-17 at 1.00.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely adore all the Birdy the Mighty series and really would love to cosplay Tsutomu someday, but he's super plain. (I'd love to cosplay Birdy too, but I'm not in shape enough and even if I was, I don't have even close to the right body type for her.)

Just finished this manga, I would totally love to see that last outfit.

I seriously want to cosplay Trava.
Freaking sweet. I hope to see pictures soon.

>> No.6916779

Ah, I even played the first one! I thought it looked somehow familiar style-wise... I want to play the second one now :3

>> No.6916785

That series looks absolutely baller, I'm downloading it right now!

>> No.6916790

I don't think it would be terribly hard beyond the arm. But I'll probably go for it if my friend isn't down for a group thing we talked about a little while back.

>> No.6916802
File: 637 KB, 785x1039, Commander_Shepard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly most people would probably think your Shepard.

>> No.6916850
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, LF-158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

Would be very fun in the bedroom

>> No.6916896

Really? That's great! They're not necessarily the best games, but they're fun. Though as a warning, the dub is just as bad in the second as it was in the first.

Oh wow. I decided to look this up last night, and now I'm hooked! So thanks for mentioning this!

>> No.6916929

Not OP, but how do you figure I should go about finding a Tales meetup? I'm going to be cosplaying Chloe at an upcoming con in Vancouver as well (I didn't know there were so many west-coast Tales fans, woah) and I have no friends who are into ToL.

>> No.6916936

Just hearing that makes me happy, anon. It's such an obscure series, even in Japan... I'm really quite fond of it so I wish it did better. I'm a sucker for semi-historical fiction and something like Turkey is incredibly cool to me.

>> No.6917050

I laughed really hard. That would be… very interesting.

>> No.6917517
File: 19 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-104489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Leon from Kaleido Star a few years ago with my girlfriend as May. People thought she was a KH OC and I was a 'casual' (aka lazy) Sephiroth.

>> No.6917668

People usually plan meetups on the con forum or on coscom, if there's a subsection for your con, so check around there. If there isn't a thread for Tales cosplayers already, make one!

>> No.6917839
File: 90 KB, 500x723, tumblr_mobkakKRez1r9piwro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's fairly new, but since there is no release day set for the US I think a lot of people would think I was cosplaying Gumi

Rina from the new digimon 3ds game

>> No.6918056
File: 67 KB, 524x552, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll just think I'm Lolita.

>> No.6918073

What you people have to realise, is that although all of you say 'nobody will probably recognize this, ect. ' you can't know for sure until you try and that people will surprise you sometimes with what/who they know

>> No.6918105

Thanks! But it comes uncoloured, so I will need to guess the outfit's colour. But it is a refreshing change seeing her in that outfit *laughs*

>> No.6918117
File: 93 KB, 400x640, Star Ocean EX - Ashton2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you do this, please take photos, lots of photos, and post them, cause i'd love to see such an awesome character cosplayed by someone who knows what this character is

also, i'd love to see more Ashton Anchors from Star Ocean: The Second Story

>> No.6918118
File: 275 KB, 1280x1024, 1188791005450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh just do it it'll be fun and wonderful

i'd like to see something Izuna flavored

>> No.6918774
File: 276 KB, 360x880, waver velvet - final form 100% full power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon, because dressing like a wizard pimp should be its own reward, gnome saiyan?

>> No.6918939
File: 230 KB, 709x582, jaquette-the-adventures-of-alundra-playstation-portable-psp-cover-avant-g-1345123667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplayed it already. Recently, too. Costume itself wasn't a roaring success (damn that wig) but throughout the con weekend I surprisingly had around a dozen people recognise the character and asking for photos.

I actually couldn't be happier because the people who did know the character were all like minded and pretty cool. I'd say go ahead and cosplay that unpopular character, you'll be surprised!

>> No.6918963

>Not recognizing a Fate character
Are you serious?

>> No.6919002
File: 100 KB, 500x369, tumblr_mhgscp16MR1r497c7o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly obscure Fate character. You'd have to have read the wiki or Fate/Apocrypha to know who that is.

>> No.6919943
File: 52 KB, 205x232, Screen Shot 2013-03-17 at 7.29.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be glorious
I've wanted to cosplay Riza for a while but I haven't been sure how to do the arms

>> No.6919975

I don't even watch/read/play Fate games and I know who that is

>> No.6920202

I'd check out some fursuit handpaw tutorials, but just make them have long sleeves instead of cutting off around the wrist. Hand maneuverability might be a problem if you make the paws big though…

>> No.6920259

I've wanted to cosplay from Absolute Zero too. If I had time I would have gone for Wallenstein, but alas. I'd love to see pictures though!

>> No.6920414
File: 413 KB, 640x480, Sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they'd just think i'm poison ivy or something

>> No.6920522

You better have dem hips girl

>> No.6920530

Try school uniform suppliers and get stuff sized for fat kids (or luck out with high school uniforms)? That usually ends up being pretty cheap.

I'm heavily considering throwing together a Nakamura for AX if I could be sure that all my stuff would arrive in time and that it'd fit.

>> No.6920544



Ahh thanks anon. It's still something I do plan on doing, especially at a con in winter or something, but it would be nice if even a handful of people noticed. And if I were to meet a Tala even better.

>> No.6920595
File: 203 KB, 770x1000, tumblr_mcyz1dDHRW1qcjglso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too! I love her, and those games are great. I'd like to do her or Saki, cause unfortunately I haven't the assets for Vanessa.

>> No.6920861
File: 73 KB, 576x847, shuuei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream cosplay since 2009. Someday...

>> No.6920957
File: 42 KB, 623x439, Riza---Pincess-Resurrection-OVA-25955391571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured I could leave the bottom open and have the accurately sized paws, which would be more than enough material to cover my real hands when posing

>> No.6920959

I think it's too specific to be immediately recognized by anyone who doesn't absolutely love the series. I watched Danny Phantom and still didn't recognize her for a second.

>> No.6921032

OH! Saiunkoko montogatari? (or however the fuck that's spelled)

>> No.6921038

i like to look thru this threads and memorize all this character just in case if i ever see them at a con i can recognize them

>> No.6921095
File: 260 KB, 640x360, tatami-f-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watashi from Tatami Galaxy, I think people would mistake me for some genderbent Jade Harley.

>> No.6921107

if you have an excellent wig and have an ozu or akashi with you, it'd work.

>> No.6921225
File: 19 KB, 330x465, berserk_femto_bottom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only do this if my brother does guts. My brother is a body builder, and I'm the opposite of /fit/, lean and cut. Se we would look the parts, but if I'm alone I'm sure no one would recognize or just think im an edgy g-force member.

Hope we see more Femto Griffith instead of pretty boy in the manga soon.

>> No.6921253

I think they are avoided because of difficulty. I can't think of anybody that wouldn't know Femto or Guts, but maybe things are different where you're from.

>> No.6921365
File: 43 KB, 240x341, maximilien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still going to cosplay him.

>> No.6921371

Maximilien is so cool!

>> No.6921387

Wait, is that Robot Carnival?

>> No.6921490

Oh man, I'd love to see a Wallenstein cosplay!
I was honestly considering Ester. And I might have a couple friends interested in a very small group.

If it ever happens, pictures will go up somewhere.

>> No.6921502
File: 86 KB, 480x718, 481c43f9-d81e-11df-8228-a8bfc396a36f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a second I took it as a female version of Kyo from Fruits Basket
>pic related

>> No.6921509
File: 931 KB, 1429x845, idungahjkd109938midoriko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I'm so stuck on her as she had a very brief appearance, but I would love to see cosplay of her and maybe do it myself someday.

>> No.6921510

holy fuck, i think it is Robot Carnival!! (brb, gonna scream about my childhood from 15 years ago)

>> No.6921513

Do it!! I love Le chavier. Such a great manga/anime.

>> No.6921533

I love Kanon!! I cosplayed as her way back in 2005/2006. Didn't have a wig but everything else and I have plans to remake her.

>> No.6921545
File: 63 KB, 800x465, ivanova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the most badass female scific characters
it kills me because i have a fairly similar face and build
supercon is coming up so i'm still considering it

>> No.6921591

Not enough B5 cosplay.

>> No.6921600

I've cosplayed Guts before. You won't get as many people recognizing you as Naruto of Final Fantasy cosplayers do, but the ones that do recognize you are always super pumped.

I was too thin to be Guts IMO, but I'm going to start going to the gym later this month.

>> No.6921611

Yea my younger brother is the size of a refrigerator, and I'm otter mode and lithe, so It would be a great match up if he would be up for it. The closest I can get him to fantasy stuff is game of thrones.
Berserk has been going on for years and is very slow, so only a select few would really recognize it since its not like the new series, that pumps out 50 filler episodes a week. I think people avoid it because a good guts is hard to pull off and a griffith is already a side character in a (nowadays) obscure series in america.

>> No.6921621

Yeah but the ladies still love him, at least the pretty boy version.

Any ideas as to how you would do the Fento version?

>> No.6921625

I think if you styled the wig really well and maybe had some related props then people would recognize you? I'd be delighted to see Tatami Galaxy cosplay!

>>6920530 anon here. Last night at 4:30 AM I totally bought everything for a Nakamura costume. I found a really cheap ($3 on amazon prime) copy of The Flowers of Evil to serve as a prop too. I'd wanted the Japanese copy with the same cover used in the anime (I assume it may exist) but pfft, I ain't got time or money to find one. If I do have time I may try printing the cover and taping it to my book.

>> No.6921626
File: 169 KB, 160x120, 1307150499530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The helmet would be pretty easy. Either paper mache, or just a helmet with a plastered beak sanded to perfection. Hes a pretty simple fix, A wet suit with some plated armor . The real tough part would be the cape, which I would probably convert to be an easily collapsible set of wings for showmanship when taking pictures. There are some clawed, tight gloves in my closest I can use for the hands as well

>> No.6921639
File: 99 KB, 272x388, Outenkun_playful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outenkun from Hoshin Engi. I know Kat did it back in early 2000's. People would just think I'm some drow elf hot topic goth.

>> No.6921657
File: 37 KB, 225x350, 80676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for off-topic, but how much hate/flack would I receive for cosplaying as pic related? I have never been to any cons before, would there be lots of other folks dressed as him as well? Based on a quick google search it seems that might be the case. Is it seen as "entry level" or pathetic in any way? Just curious, thanks for any responses. For the record, if I ever dressed as Hohenheim it would be with natural hair and beard.

>> No.6921699

He's not THAT common, I've only seen a handful.

>> No.6921717

>natural hair and beard.
damn you gotta be manly as fuck to pull off a good hohenheim.

>> No.6921725


I've only seen one really really good Hohenheim, maybe two. If you can pull it off, fuckin' go for it.

>> No.6921737


Go for it. There needs to be more great ones out there.

>> No.6921791
File: 8 KB, 249x203, 190635_138020032933970_138013102934663_227858_1525791_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would love to do this is. But I only think I would only do it if I went to Comic-con.

>> No.6921800
File: 39 KB, 234x105, Screen Shot 2013-01-28 at 3.50.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I never even thought of that

>> No.6921922

hence, I'd never cosplay her. Unless there happened to be a group or something.
I just think her normal outfit is too basic to be recognized either, might as well have fun making it.

>> No.6923234
File: 45 KB, 640x400, Photo_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though people are really starting to take off with Bioshock Infinite cosplays, I don't want to do an Elizabeth cosplay, but rather a female Founder's soldier, yet they're not the focus of the story nor do you even see many of them in the game.
Sorry that the photo was taken with a potato, but they're the one with the golden Statue of Liberty mask.

>> No.6923648

Fantasica? Whoa I thought I was the only one who wanted to cosplay some of the cards.

>> No.6923722

Shadow Hearts is a weird time to cosplay. I've been recognized loads of times in my really mediocre Alice but my friend does a pretty bitchin Yuri and nobody ever recognizes him.

>> No.6923730

i feel like this is because 1) his design isn't particularly noteworthy or distinct and 2) not very many people (at least that i know) have played Shadow Hearts.

i only played 1, but i really enjoyed it and would love to see cosplays from it.

>> No.6923770
File: 59 KB, 240x300, robangel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a bunch of other card designs from the game, but yeeeah.

>> No.6924125
File: 55 KB, 500x350, 42927_Dart_Feld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to cosplay as Dart or any other member from the Legend of Dragoon game.

Don't think many people will recognize it though

>> No.6924309
File: 28 KB, 700x1150, lol-noa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DO IT. I've been wanting to do Shana forever, but those fucking wings, man.

Also pic related.

>> No.6924337

Always wanted to do Ragnarok Online cosplays, theres plenty Id do if it was popular or recognizable

>pic related
one of my favorites

>> No.6924338

If you feel the need to be known who you're cosplaying as -- you're an attention whore

>> No.6924341

Its nice to be able to connect with someone and talk about an anime/game, opens new friendship. The world of some cosplayers is quite lonely.

>> No.6924343

You forgot to attach a photo but I did an archbishop once - got recognised twice and once as a High Priest.

>> No.6924346
File: 45 KB, 300x400, mistress-RAGNAROK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one I want to do most is Mistress of Shelter and before that was the Female GM outfit which I think is super adorablee. What con did you go to?

>> No.6924524

they are just super cute.

>> No.6925118
File: 209 KB, 494x750, a bloo bloo bloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone notice if my friends and I cosplay this comic? We're tempted to cosplay this for NY Comic Con.

>> No.6925365

I'd love you for this, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it there.

>> No.6925799

At AWA I'll be there with a Monster Girl Quest group, though I doubt anyone will recognize us lol

Myself as Chrome, and various friends as Luka, Ilias, Granberia, and possibly someone else?

I'm also doing Tsujido from Speed Grapher with the same people and some as Kagura, Suitengu, Niihari and Makabe

Aaaand I cosplay Rin from Katawa Shoujo? Planning on doing Mikan from Wanko someday soon <3

>> No.6925906
File: 20 KB, 266x250, nanatokaoru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only would Nana be unrecognizable, but considering the manga's subject matter...

I don't think I would have the balls to wear this out to a con. ):

>> No.6926522

Do it anyway.

>> No.6926685

That's ironic; We should meet up. My boyfriend and I are cosplaying from Monster Girl Quest too. (Alice and Luka)

Currently working on the Angel Halo.

>> No.6927039
File: 40 KB, 141x149, 1359871679136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I only recognize her because of Cross Edge

>> No.6927968

Depends on the area you're in - we're all from South Carolina, so we go to cons around here - I'll HOPEFULLY have Chrome almost done for Hoshicon this coming up weekend, and AWA is coming up as well, and then there's Ichibancon in January, but as of right now that's all the out of state cons we can get to ;w;;