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File: 813 KB, 866x976, 20130611_sailormoon_img_moonpowder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6916651 No.6916651 [Reply] [Original]

Reservations for the 20th Anniversary Sailor Moon make-up is back! Compact is open today, and nail polish opens tomorrow. All orders will be filled and reservations will be open until next month! Still limited to 2 items each individual, and all reservations made during this time will eventually be filled (in order of reservation date).

Fuck yeaaaaa. Bandai will be rolling in money after this. Got a friend in Japan who'll be able to get the nail polish for me, and everything else that comes out. However probs not going to get it until 2014 earliest seeing the previous release dates were for October and November 2013.

>> No.6916656

So, is it true that you can't use a shopping service for these?

>> No.6916665

Of course you can, just look at all the reviews at Tumblr.

>> No.6916667

Link? Older pre-order link is still sold out. Guess I'll just have to cross my fingers my friend who lives in Japan won't move within a year

>> No.6916668

I was out of the loop because I did not have any money, but now I have it and I'd like to buy one of these. Where?

>> No.6916673

I don't even know what that means, unless it's sarcasm and I'm just being dense (not that anon)
if the 2 per order limit is still in effect you cannot use an SS for this. The Bandai site takes uh, some kind of 'wallet' or COD option, but not credit cards, so unless those are available to you you can't use a forwarding address either (Tenso does not allow COD)

>> No.6916677


>> No.6916721

So how are the rest of us gaijin who don't know any Japanese residents supposed to get this?
My pure heart crystal can't take missing this batch as well.

>> No.6916726


Main page. Can't wait to see what else they release, hopefully some gorgeous perfumes like those pixiv designs.

>> No.6916769

The Tokyo Toy Show display had only the compact and the nail polishes, but I'm hoping for more!

>> No.6917245

I remember reading on the old pre-order page that they do plan on possibly releasing it to overseas customers too but there's no word on when. I can't take this!

>> No.6917281


I've bought from them before, so when I saw it I figured that I wasn't going to go through the hassel of figuring it out w/o a shopping service.

>> No.6918040

is the powder case and the nail polish set going to be limited releases for pre-orders only, or are they going to be a regular product? I MUST KNOW

>> No.6918224

How do we use the wallet system? Is it possible to sign up for it from overseas?

>> No.6918260

I can't tell you anon, all I know is there was someone struggling for about an hour or so checking out during the second pre-order madness last week and I (as well as other anons) mentioned that she wouldn't be able to check out with a credit card anyway to use a forwarding address (since most sites do allow credit cards which makes forwarding addresses easier and cheaper to use than SS since the fees aren't as bad) and she says something like 'I have a Japanese wallet account' and then later said it was an accepted form of payment so she had managed to finally finish her order. That's all I can remember, you can check the old thread in the archive, but I don't think she gave any more info then something called 'Japanese wallet' or something along those lines. Maybe it is some kind of amazon thing.

>> No.6918273

Also, this link for the new made to order says something about CoD only?

>> No.6918282

Does cash on delivery only mean that my host mum will have to front the cash and then I will have to pay her back? :/ awkward.

>> No.6918288

yeah pretty sure that's what CoD means in terms of payment. It's not that weird considering Japan is still heavily reliant on paper money and almost everyone pays with cash or has cash on hand. I think it's even a pretty big hassle to use cards and ATMs close at specific times so people usually have a good amount of cash on them all the time. I know several auctions I've won via SS have been CoD. I read that in some article about 'misconceptions about living in Japan' and it was pretty interesting. Especially since I pretty much never carry cash anymore and do most of everything via cards.

>> No.6918307

If you don't mind me asking, how did CoD work for those auctions? What SS did you use, or did they ship directly to you in whichever country you're in? I experienced the ATM closure problem a fair bit when I was living there but never had any problem paying with a visa card. Did your SS pay it and then invoice you, or...?

>> No.6918309

That's what it means. She'll pay when the item gets delivered to her home (if that's where you're sending it). You can potentially send the money through her bank account and let her know to be expecting it.

>> No.6918313

I used Noppin for SS, so it was y!japan. After you win the auction you send them the full amount no matter what the payment type is. I didn't even know it was CoD until I sent them a message for an update and they said there had been some trouble with CoD (not sure what). So I'm' sure there have been even more auctions I've won that needed CoD but there weren't any issues so I never had to ask,and therefore never would know. Most SS for auctions have you pay either before making your max bid, or shortly after the auction is won, so CoD wouldn't be an issue for them since you would always have paid in full before the item was shipped.

>> No.6918314

Oh and no, they would not ship directly to me. They ship to the SS.

>> No.6918334

Is there anyone in this thread knowledgeable about getting these products living outside of Japan? I've read a couple different things about it being possible if you use a credit card. Can anyone explain this even a little bit further?

>> No.6918340

obviously you didn't read the thread. The Bandai site does not take credit cards, so a forwarding address (unless you have an alternate means of payment) won't do you any good.

Since the 2 item limit per order is still in effect, that also mean that an SS will not be able to help since they literally would only be able to order 2 of these in total (unless they could possibly use different accounts or maybe different comps depending on how Bandai tracks the order limit, either by IP or simply by account name). If the SS figures it out we'll also find out. I've sent a couple questions in to various SS. But really your best bet is to have someone local in Japan order it for you (a friend or relative) and just make sure they are going to still be at that address come December or even Jan 2014.

>> No.6918360

J-List got the rings, just saying but they are overpriced for not being real silver/gold anyways.

>> No.6918363
File: 59 KB, 300x229, 1366479077530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a fucking break J list.

>> No.6918364

I'd imagine the exchange rate would have something to do with that, as well as the markup jlist does.

>> No.6918367
File: 33 KB, 640x427, 1013518_640826529279095_2141533994_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

powder inside compact on skin

>> No.6918365

Well, they don't were cheap on the Bandai site either.

>> No.6918366
File: 19 KB, 640x427, 1011202_640827042612377_1665833676_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping some pics, sorry if these have already been posted

nail polish colors irl

>> No.6918368
File: 29 KB, 640x426, 532533_640823269279421_1576726285_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compact in hand

>> No.6918370
File: 54 KB, 480x640, 954839_640711639290584_514623726_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

display at the toy fair.

the nail polish bottles looking fucking huge, which is awesome

>> No.6918369
File: 58 KB, 480x640, 1016136_640391649322583_153996215_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another shot of compact

>> No.6918382

Oh...I was hoping the colors would be nicer...

>> No.6918389

Same, I am disappoint.

>> No.6918406

Pink looks decent. The rest of them, yeahhhh not so much.

>> No.6918410

For real. Couldn't they at least add some glitter?

>> No.6918430

I'm guessing they are trying to recreate the nails in the show? Which have a shimmer, but not a glitter. I was only going to buy them for display purposes anyway, especially since th ebottles appear about twice as big as a normal nail polish bottle.

>> No.6918435

Now I'm worried about the entire line. I was hoping that this would be more like the Disney Princess line at Sephora, but this all just seems so cheap. It's more like you're purchasing a novelty than actual makeup.

>> No.6918440

They do look very novelty. I hate to say it. I think Bandai should have just stuck to re-releasing the RPG toys at this point. I mean, the make up in these don't look to be much better than what was likely in the RPG toys anyways.

>> No.6918445

oh... yeah... I mean, I am surprised anyone actually thought this would be quality makeup. Sorry anon, I've known it was all novelty and simply merch from the get go.

>> No.6918455

I actually like the colors.

>> No.6918467

i do too, they look like almost exact matches to the show colors, which is awesome to me

>> No.6918475

There are a lot better Sailor Moon polishes by indie polish designers. I'd buy these for the bottles and nothing else.

That polish looks very thin and poorly mixed, like you'd have to paint a lot of coats just to build up to the proper color.

>> No.6919803

Does anyone have family in Japan that is willing to whore them out to those of us in need without connections?

>> No.6919812

I was able to snatch up a preorder from the Mio Boutique that >>6917281 recommended before they sold out.
I'm not expecting quality makeup inside, but is there a way to swap out the pans with another compact?
I seem to remember someone posting a tutorial for it in the last thread for this, but I forgot to save it.

>> No.6920014

I do. I'm going to try.

>> No.6920023
File: 145 KB, 512x1268, 1371004370195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. I will definitely be using this.

>> No.6920253

Would you charge some sort of SS fee for it? Report back to us on that endeavour!

>> No.6920646

i have a friend in Japan who ordered two for me last night. She also shared that while COD is the only option at first, you can 'change the payment' to japanese CC at the end. So not really sure how to do that, but if you're ordering via someone in Japan mention to them to try that because it saves you about 400Y since CoD has a charge

>> No.6920672

do you people even use this SM merch or does it just sit around to look pretty

>> No.6920754

I like that green but I bet it'd actually look horrible on fingers

>> No.6922270

I'm not too surprised that the makeup quality looks crummy in these pics. A Sailor Moon x Sephora collab would be cool though. The quality of the Disney Princess makeup is great.

I'm have a thing for compact mirrors so I'm just collecting. I have a feeling that powder may clog my pores... not using it.

>> No.6922271

They basically buy them for the bottles and compact cases. Anyone who would actually pay that much for dollar store quality makeup is a twat.

>> No.6924247
File: 10 KB, 300x300, PRE2483_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of on topic just not the make up related...
(I found it on here first, there's other sites with her pre-order)

I feel like I've been pretty on top of the PGSM stuff coming out, but there here's Ami and I can only find her on J-list. Granted, I've not been searching since I pre-orderd Usagi already. But still... what's gotten me is that there's no detailed images of her from what I've found and no mention of her from some of my other moonie fans.

>> No.6924255
File: 122 KB, 620x442, 30535-sailormercuryheader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pose refeference sheet

While I could have (probably) been living under a rock. I just thought there'd be more awarness out for the other figures.

>> No.6924575

They're not officially up for pre-orders yet, nor have detailed pics been released. J list just decided to start taking pre-orders for the pre-orders.

>> No.6924583

Just so anyone interested in the thread knows: never buy anything from J-list. Their items are ridiculously overpriced and Bandai is releasing the sailor moon figures in the west via bluefin/amazon. Alternatively use Amiami or other importing sites like hlj.

>> No.6924601


>> No.6925048

...wow. I am not carrying that around in my purse. That thing looks huge.

>> No.6925058

This. J-list has a redonkulous markup. That SuperS ring mentioned earlier in the thread? They want $280 for it, which is about $113 more than what it costs on the official Bandai website.


>> No.6925063

I once mentioned J-List in a tweet to a friend saying that it's overpriced and he shouldn't buy from them. J-List had the gall to tweet back at me and my friend (despite not being mentioned with the @) and advertise their site.

>> No.6925100

They probably have someone constantly lurking Twitter for any mention of their business and think any publicity is good publicity. Either way, really shitty on their part.

>> No.6925289

Ok, I thought it was really weird that there was nothing else where and no mention on here at all. I thought it was just off. Thanks to everyone that cleared it up. And hell no I would not buy from J-list not at their prices, that ring price is ridiculous like others said.

>> No.6925820

AmiAmi likely won't bother putting her on their English site. They didn't for Moon. They only had her on their Japan site.

Hobby Link Japan, Amazon, Big in Japan, and HobbySearch will likely be the best places.

>> No.6926367

>actually using the makeup

>> No.6926395
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>> No.6927189

I'm going to use it for the mirror, dumbass.

>> No.6927207

I don't know... these nail polishes remind me of O.P.I from the pictures. Probably not the same quality, but that's what it looks like to me. My money's on we'll never get an international release for these which is a shame since the bottles are cute.

>> No.6927408

>actually using it as anything other than a collector's item

>> No.6929200
File: 17 KB, 320x320, Sailor Moon SuperS Brooch Design Ring - GOLD - mbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I figured I'd put this up here if anyone missed the 1st wave of rings. The silver is also for pre-order as well.

>> No.6929224

The more I look at it, the more I like this ring. It's a shame that Japanese 13 is equal to US 6.5... argh, half a size too small. With how thick the bands look, it'd cost a ton to get them resized larger.

>> No.6929304 [DELETED] 

It shouldn't cost that much to do resizing unless. I worked in a jewlery store, it's a really common thing. Now that's just a size up or two, no idea about more than that.

>> No.6929306

Here's a ring size equivilant.

>> No.6929310

It shouldn't cost that much to do resizing. I worked in a jewlery store, it's a really common thing. Now that's just a size up or two, no idea about more than that.

>> No.6929330
File: 3 KB, 295x246, Size-Table mbt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the size table from the website. FYI- you just order the ring and then get the size that you need.