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6912350 No.6912350 [Reply] [Original]

I've been a lolita for 5 years and now I feel like giving it up. I have a decent wardrobe and My outfits are nice. I just don't feel the same passion and love for the fashion that I used to. Is this just a phase? Have you had same kind of feelings? Did you quit and now regret it?

>> No.6912353

Wait a while. I sold off all my wardrobe because the flame briefly died and less than a year later I strongly regretted it.

>> No.6912362

That's what I thought too. I'm leaving the most important pieces and sell the ones I haven't used so much.

>> No.6912372

I went through that phase. I thought trying a different style would help, but once I got my gothic lolita coord all put together it just didn't feel right and I didn't feel like myself. that experience helped me appreciate how much I love the bright and cheery colors and prints of sweet lolita, and that convinced me not to give it up.

>> No.6912534

im going through it right now. i havent worn lolita at all but i keep buying lolita stuff... i have only started a year ago, too. when i started i thought about what ill do if this was just a phase, so i went with the classic style instead. with classic, i can wear it like normal clothing , its versatile. i think when lolitas grow up if they still love the style, they go for classic. just take a lolita hiatus. as for me i think i just need lolita friend(s) to share my love for the fashion with.

captcha: appearance pequate

>> No.6912579

but can someone be too old or get too fat for the fashion?

>> No.6912586

I went through that a couple of years ago partially due to being pissed with the community and being bored of the fashion. I ended up selling off most of my stuff and coming back a few months ago with a different style. Used to be sweet then went into classic since I felt it suited me more.

>> No.6912705

I've definitely gone through that phase - in fact, I've been going through it for about 4 years. I used to love lolita, and for a few years went to lots of meets, but then I just sort of fell out of love with it. I've ended up moving to otome and I'm falling in love again, just with new brands and styles. It might just mean you're tired of the same clothing and style - Keep the friends you made through lolita, but if you remain bored with it for more than 6 months or so, I wouldn't hang on to the clothing, except for the pieces you still like.

>> No.6913020

Im going through this a bit too, been in lolita for 6 years. But I think it cause my wardrobe is mostly sweet and I prefer classic/gothic/pirate now

>> No.6915980
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Coming from a practical perspective I say try and wear your lolita like Fanny does.

Tone it down so you look like a lady who dresses nice rather than a head to toe doll.

>> No.6915982
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You'd get to wear it more often and possibly love it all over again if you didn't just have to wait for meets to wear it.

>> No.6915986
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plus you'd be getting your money's worth.

>> No.6915999

>too fat
Yes, easily
Despite all the circle jerk you see online, the truth is that fat itas are pretty disgusting

>> No.6916019

I'd agree with waiting and seeing. If you've been wearing a lot of lolita and not a lot of any other sort of fashion it may just be time to take a break and a step back from wearing it for a while, and see if the passion returns. A wardrobe revamp can be helpful - sell off everything that you don't really, really love/wear.

You can certainly look stupid in lolita at any age/weight. There are no particular defining numbers about age or size, but I do think that after a certain size, nothing looks good on fat people (again, hard to put a number on as it depends on fat distribution)

>> No.6916041

To me lolita comes in waves - there are months when I frantically scan comm sales and mbok, spend long hours trying out new coords and crafting matching accessories. And then there are (usually related to extreme weather) months when I flow more into otome or other casual style - still dipping into my loli wardrobe, but without as much hassle.

I think it's the healthiest way to go about this fashion - giving yourself time to breathe freely instead of trying to maintain perfect doll look 24/7. Even if it means leaving your frills for a quite some time or replacing few outfits you don't love as much as you used.

>> No.6916066
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>tfw you can't dress like this every day because you'll probably get thrown up on and blood all over your burando.

Don't get me wrong, I love being in hospitals, but I wish there was just more flexibility in what I wore sometimes. I envy people who can wear this to work.

Fanny Rosie is just so classy though. I aspire to be like her one day.

Any suggestions for a 'practical' wardrobe? I think starting off with more subdued, but not necessarily plain pieces would work. I just have a mentality of being all like "Oh cool piece, must buy" and I noticed my wardrobe has lots of ornate pieces, but few pieces I could actually wear casually.

>> No.6916252
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>> No.6916283

I did. For me I made the switch from OTT sweet to gothic. Now I mostly just wear lolita to meetups so its less frequent and special.

>> No.6916329

Are you that nurse that keeps derailing threads to talk about herself?

>> No.6916567

Think of it in terms of a 'normal' wardrobe. Before wearing lolita, you wouldn't buy ten pairs of jeans and only two t-shirts; it'd be the other way around. Buy more blouses, more skirts, and save dresses for actually dressing up. Have pieces you can kind of just throw on and have it look good without putting too much thought into the coord.

>> No.6917349

well first off what do you think has caused you to feel as if you wanna give up?

>> No.6917778

Yeah you can, just don't wear it to work.

>> No.6918264

There's nothing wrong with having "a phase", guys. It's just TV's shitty portrayal of teenagers that gives the implication that having temporary interests means you're a shallow person or immature or stupid. It's pretty normal for people of all ages - lives change, why wouldn't your tastes?

>> No.6918756

it all depends on what you personally feel.
I know plenty of older ladies that rock the style and even though there are many people who feel fat people shouldn't wear the style, there a plenty of large girls who looking smashing in lolita as well.