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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 107 KB, 900x675, 345gfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6903252 No.6903252 [Reply] [Original]

When is it okay for a man to come up to a girl at a con and ask them for a hug?

>> No.6903254

Only if your physically attractive and don't smell. That's a general rule for life.

>> No.6903255

What if I'm a 7/10 and only smell lightly of cosplay sweat?

>> No.6903259

I will admit, it's kinda awkward.
But I'll hug them when they ask still.

>> No.6903263

when dat man aint a man anymor.... when he's a little pussy boy

>> No.6903265
File: 198 KB, 730x1095, 324fdds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /cgl/ liked men like that.

>> No.6903273

Unacceptable you must be a 10/10 and smell fresh out of the shower. If you don't then it's sexual harassment just asking if it's OK. Then she will go on to tumblr and talk about how she was harassed by a man at a con or come on to /cgl/ and put you in a creeper thread/con horror store thread.

>> No.6903283

he must also shave his penis

>> No.6903288

How about never?

I can't stand people I don't know coming up and asking for hugs. I don't know you, get out my space. Hugs are for people I care about or want to show compassion to.

>> No.6903290
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>> No.6903293

Ask nicely and if she says no don't make a big deal out of it.

>> No.6903299
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Keep your hands off the ass and we're solid.

Honestly it varies from individual to individual. There is no one universally accepted way to do things when it comes to social situations. Just try to be polite, keep your penis inside the vehicle at all times, keep your hands appropriately away from genitals, and bring someone to hold your spaghetti for you. If the person reacts adversely or say no, just be like "Oh well sorry then" and walk away before shit escalates.

>> No.6903310

As long as you aren't a creeper and ask nicely, it's all good. I actually kind of met my bf in this fashion. I was waiting for a panel to start, and he recognized who I was cosplaying, and we struck up a conversation. After the panel, he asked if he could hug me, and of course I obliged, he was too cute. We exchanged contact info and the rest was history.

It really all depends on the person, I think people are 100% in their right to say no to strangers.

>> No.6903314

I got asked for a hug once.
It was an older lady that was super excited to see my character. It might've been a but awkward, but it was sweet and she asked politely.

>> No.6903318

Oh! Forgot to mention, I'm okay with hugs from anyone. They only have to ask so I can mentally prepare myself.

>> No.6903319

Really, with me anyone's allowed to hug me. I mean, if I'm at an anime con,we're all here to have fun, right? I don't wanna be a dick and exclude some people from hugging me if they just want a hug. I remember my first con that I went to I was... 16 at the time? And I was dressed up as Konata and this guy (He was a neck bead with a 'No I will not fix your computer' shirt on) asked for a hug and he like spun me around and it was probably the best hug I got at that con. He was a bit creepy, but nonetheless, all he wanted was a hug

>> No.6903325
File: 22 KB, 220x395, kyoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be at A-kon 2013
>Be with my full Ouran group
>On our way back to our room after I finished singing during the deliberation period of the cosplay contest
>We predictably get stopped for pictures
>Cue hamplanet.
>Can smell her from where I'm standing
> "Oh my gosh you guys are leik my favourite ever!!1"
>She runs up to our Kyoya and asks him for a hug.
>He looks down at her.
>"You're kind of filthy so I'm going to have to say no."
>rest of us fight the urge to laugh as the hamplanet throws a fit.
>Flee to hotel room to eat our pizza.

>> No.6903332

You can be a 7/10 ONLY if she's holding a "free hugs" sign, but I think most larger cons ban signs like that these days.

>> No.6903338


That's both rude and hilarious but I think it's funnier that /cgl/ has adopted "hamplanet" into it's official vocabulary.

>> No.6903348


Usually I'd think it's a bit blunt and rude if she asked politely. Not saying hug them just turn them down nicely.

But that fits in so perfectly with Kyoya that it's delicious.

>> No.6903350


Eh, at least he was honest and told her up front he didn't want to touch her due to her poor hygiene. A lot of folks are way to passive here when dealing with obnoxious weeaboos, and it shows in all those weeb horror threads. So much bullshit that could be avoided, but people never want to be "mean".

>> No.6903403

I don't care how fat or ugly you are as long as you're polite and don't smell. I think it is super cute when people ask for hugs regardless of how old they or what they look like.

>> No.6903410

be polite, don't smell, ask first, make it short (2-3 seconds)
if the person still says no say "ok that's cool"

>> No.6903423

>Be at Orlando Anime day a few years back
>Be 16 year old at first anime con dressed as Ichigo from Tokyo mew mew
>Not the best cosplay in the world, but for first time it was pretty decent
>I find out about glomping
>glomping people left and right, things're going pretty good
>All of a sudden Miku
>'H-hey, free hugs?'
>Miku is a pretty decent Miku, has contacts wig's a bit shitty, and well it's fucking Miku
>'Uhm no, no run along now.'
>dis bitch
>I start to get all sad, not because she didn't want a hug, just because she was a rude fucker and I never been to a con before so I didn't know how these things work
>Fast forward to two years
>Been to a few cons, so I know my shit. Dressed as Kiki from Kiki's delivery service
>Find the same fucking Miku, nothing's changed other than she's not wearing contacts this time and one of her ponytails look lopsided
> 'oh can I get a picture?! I love Kiki's deliver service
Felt like a dick afterwards though... Don't think I ran into her since.

>> No.6903434

wtf is your problem cis scum?
Can't handle a strong independent womyn?
Go jerk off into a sock, virgin loser ;)

>> No.6903461
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>> No.6903472

This. Fucking virgin filth, die.

>> No.6904007

>at a con, see someone cosplaying punpun
>flip out because the con wasn't super huge or anything and I wasn't expecting something cool like that
>he flips out
>exchange hugs

Its ok to be excited about a show/ character together, and hugs are nice.

>> No.6904023

how would you cosplay punpun?

>> No.6904073

Start a conversation normally, not a long one or anything and then ask nicely. Just be like "Hi, I think you look awesome/adorable/whatever, and can I have a hug?" Then if they say no be nice about it and don't act like they ruined your fun. I personally always say no when people ask me for hugs in my Utena costume because they crush the ringlets on the epaulets and it's a pain to fix, so sometimes a no isn't personal.

>> No.6904117

This with the added caveat of no body paint unless I know you very well.

If I say no, I feel bad not giving a reason (e.g. "Thank you so much for asking but my costume is a bit fragile"). Polite hugs are part of the fun!

>> No.6904130

> make it short (2-3 seconds)

This. I'm pretty open to hugs, but when I let someone hug me and they just cling... well, then things start being a little awkward. It's not like I'll call con security or anything, but I might just avoid general contact with that particular stranger after...

>> No.6904131

Like everyone said, be polite and practice proper hygiene. You should be golden. When I was 15, I was cosplaying Merle and someone getting excited and asking for a hug made my day. In the chance I don't trust someone to hug me, there's always the option of a fistbump. A lot of people seem to be okay with that as an alternative.

>> No.6904133

Fist bumping is what guys do. You don't do it to girls.

>> No.6904235

Last convention I went to a guy asked me for a hug.

I wasnt cosplaying.

>> No.6904243

I had the same guy this past weekend at Colossalcon ask me for a total of 4 hugs over two days. The first two I let slide, but third he did without asking and when he approached for a solid fourth I was sitting on the group and wound up as much politeness as possible to tell him no thank you. He then proceeded to creep around the area watching me. I now am not a hug fan at cons (presuming I ever was? It was never a big deal till now.)

>> No.6904245

sitting on the ground* damn touchscreen.

>> No.6907532

If it's socially acceptable outside the con, just ask. If someone's in body paint, has a crazy costume that would not work with hugging, or looks like they don't want to be bothered, don't ask.

I've been asked for hugs so many times, people must think I look like someone they just want to hug. Drives me crazy, but I always say yes. Probably won't this year, because last year, I got hugged so much at AX that I'm pretty sure the cold I got after AX was from all the physical contact.

>> No.6907542

Oh man, that's awesome.
And holy shit if an Ichigo Momomiya cosplayer came up to me for a hug I don't know how I could say no. <3

>> No.6907545

Well it's okay to ask after pictures...but if the girl says no don't persist. It's creepy.

Some guy asked for a hug after taking a pic of my Fantasia cosplay and when I said no because of body paint...[I honestly wasn't sure how well I sealed it]
I held up my hand to show how green I really was

And he stroked my hand...

>> No.6907556

>he stroked my hand


>> No.6907557

Maybe he took it as an indication to see for himself that it might not be sealed? Unless you mean stroke in like a creepy way.

>> No.6907559

No. But it was odd. Didn't even tell con staff. LONG HAIR DON'T CARE

I totally get that he could've. But he stroked it more than once and just the general lingering... It was weird but not OMFG CALL THE COPS weird.

>> No.6907561
File: 97 KB, 375x300, 5633990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls at cons are all stuck up cunts who think all men are animals who want to rape them.

Stick with bro hugs. It may not give you a boner but it feels just as good and with 100% less judgmentality. Guys are more fun to be around at cons with than girls anyway. Fuck those bitches.

>> No.6907588

So just going up to a girl with huge knockers and not bothering to ask their permission to grope them is wrong?!

ALL I KNOW IS FALSE!! *cries in a corner*

>> No.6912405

weird, I had the same thing happen. I said no

He was hanging awkwardly around me and some friends that were doing madoka and sayaka, just sort of watching I guess. I was taking photos and just chilling.

He came up and I thought he'd just ask where we'd be posting photos but instead just said we were awesome and asked if he could hug me. I said no, he then asked them but only sayaka was ok with it. Then he left.

>> No.6912514

I don't go for hugs with strangers, because I get laid at cons, and I don't need to replace sex with a small second of human physical contact.

>> No.6912754
File: 27 KB, 455x343, 1329112494259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

badass over here

>> No.6912761

>When is it okay for a man to come up to a girl at a con and ask them for a hug?

When the man is an 8 or better; or if the girl is a Beta with no self-esteem (average Asian girls, usually) then whenever you want.

>> No.6912780

Actually,I am a girl.

>> No.6912783

Prove it

>> No.6912784

I donnot have to prove anything, this is a girl board:) we're all girls here by default.

>> No.6912788

The word "badass" has what do do with gender, exactly?

>> No.6912799

Women can't be badass.

>> No.6912801

>I beat Guitar Hero 3 on easy. Check it, dorks.

>> No.6912943

>...but if the girl says no don't persist. It's creepy.
Unless it's Mika.

>> No.6912964

I'll give a hug to anyone who asks as long as they don't get body paint on me, personally.

>> No.6913027

Absolutely never. I don't even like hugging my family members bleh

>> No.6913049

Do people really do this?

>> No.6913050

Do people get hugs even if they aren't cosplaying?

>> No.6913092

Lol, thinks that hugs are some kind of "secret handshake" between cosplayers, or that they're given out as a reward for cosplaying.

>> No.6913101

Anytime you want a hug. As long as the person looks clean, doesn't smell bad and politely asks, I always hug them.

I like hugs, and making people's days better. Never got creeped on after hugging someone either, they were all good experiences and very cute too.

>> No.6913119

>almost everyone ITT saying "ask politely, I'm usually OK with it given you're clean"

I don't usually mind stupid 4channers being stupid 4channers but once the evidence against what you said is literally on the same thread you just posted your stupid shit on, I just feel bothered if I don't point it out.

>> No.6913395

Those girls are just trying to avoid being labeled as bitches. We all know girls at cons have problems being scared by unattractive men. "THIS MAN CAME IN CONTACT WITH MY PERSONAL SPACE. SO CREEPY! WHY WONT THE PAIN GO AWAY?"

>> No.6913421

Yeah my boyfriend can hug me anytime. Unless I'm covered in paint and will mess up his clothes, I guess?


>> No.6913429

Last time I was asked for a hug, the person screamed "BAD TOUCH!" before I was even 2 feet away from them.
>never again

>> No.6913450 [DELETED] 

I'm not a girl. And just so no one gets some kind of wrong idea, I AM a guy.
On topic, if someone came up to me and asked for hugs, I'd probably awkwardly say, "Umm... ookaaay?" If they were polite about it, and not like, leaking fluids, I guess it'd be okay?

>> No.6913497
File: 181 KB, 768x1024, 1366472315369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dress like this you should expect to give out blowjobs.

>> No.6913508

But that's-
>open picture
Oh, that's not Larkin. I was going to say, "she DOES give out blowjobs, for like $50"

>> No.6913510
File: 135 KB, 800x1200, 1369550636412 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if you dress like this you better be offering free cunnilingus.

>> No.6913513

I have a question tho....the character actually wears this. If anyone told PG that she was obligated to give them a blowjob she'd rip their dick off. So it's okay for the character to look this way, and for people to protray her this way but when someone who likes the character comes along and wants to cosplay as them...they're a whore automatically. So......shouldn't the comic industry stop drawing slutty costumes on characters.

>> No.6913516

Your power to read minds is astounding.

seriously though, why so butthurt? unclench. take a shower. shave, maybe. ask politely and don't do anything creepy. if people are still running away from you, you must be on some crazy level of ugly I haven't even seen.

>> No.6913520

No, I'm pretty sure Mika prefers to give blowjobs.

>> No.6913522
File: 46 KB, 677x461, 1318665927416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking it's socially acceptable to stroke a stranger's hand

>> No.6913525
File: 162 KB, 500x380, tumblr_mfifpjm6oU1qd3lh5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power Girl doesn't rip people's dicks off. She's a hero with an edge to her personality, not a psychopath.

She's also a huge slut.

>> No.6913528

>thinking touching someone's hand is socially unacceptable

>> No.6913532

I suppose it's fine to ask, but me and most people I know will say no. I don't even hug my fucking family I'm not going to hug some stranger.

>> No.6913534

The problem is that ANYTHING a man does around a woman who doesn't consider him attractive will inevitably be labeled as "creepy". If a guy is overweight or has a beard there's an 80% chance that the simple act of interacting with a woman will earn him "creeper" status.

>> No.6913541

If you actually read that scenario and think it's normal to just start stroking someone's hand you are a fucking pleb

>> No.6913544

How's your autism coming along?

>> No.6913553

yeah but, ya'll niggas be doing that to fat unnattractive women too and ya'll know it. Y'all know ya'll be calling them creepers, this shit is a two way street nigga.

>> No.6913554

No. You need to stop this bullshit immediately because deluding yourself with these ideas is not healthy and will get you fucking nowhere. Being unattractive doesn't make you a creep, acting like a creep makes you a creep. You're just making excuses to avoid addressing your lack of social skills, by just saying all women are shallow and hate you because you're not hot enough. It's sad and pathetic and you're just going to continue being awkward until you knock it off.

>> No.6913551

>If I choose to use the descriptive term "stroke" to describe physical contact maybe I can fool someone into thinking it was sexual or a topic of molestation

>> No.6913558

yeah you're a pleb

maybe if your female coworker shows you her engagement ring you should start massaging her hand

>> No.6913564

The term "creep" doesn't mean anything. It's used by women to describe a situation where a man didn't do anything wrong but they were fearful anyway. The term "creeper" is just a clever way to put the blame onto a man for your own uncomfortability.

How many men at cons get labeled a "creeper"? Thousands.

How many verifiable acts of rape or molestation have happened at a con? Zero.

Your fears are irrational and it's YOUR problem, not the man's. Conventions are very safe places and you need to stop persecuting men because they didn't live up to your expectations of social skills. Your social skills probably aren't all that great either.

>> No.6913566

>this is what stupid women actually believe

Fun fact: men do not care about your hands.

>> No.6913571


>> No.6913578

Is that supposed to be sarcasm? What exact "fault" is the man doing? Making you scared?

Seriously, WHY are you persecuting a man over a non-issue? "HE DIDN'T INTERACT WITH ME SOCIALLY IN A WAY I APPROVE OF" is not a fault, miss entitled. Get off the cross.

>> No.6913589

Even a thread about hugs gets turned into drama by /cgl/

>> No.6913601

I, too, believe that women are entitled to unwanted physical displays of affection. Also,

>> No.6913606

Oh my God, so much drama.

Ask. Fucking ask. Ask nicely. If they say yes, go for it, don't bury your face in their chest, and don't crush them.

If they say no, fucking nod or something and go play with your prick for a few hours.

God, what the fuck is with you people and your inability to function like a normal human in social situations?

>> No.6913610


And I mean that for men and women. They teach you not to touch other people without permission in kindergarten here. Do we really need to go back that far?

>> No.6913636
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 1250174069514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ask a girl for a hug and she gives a shitty attitude and says no then I just grab her and do an over the top bearhug where I pick her up off her feet and she's all "wtf put me down! stop!!" while I just shout "HUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGSSSSS!!!!!!" and don't let go.

>> No.6913638
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>> No.6913658
File: 496 KB, 426x786, Dick grayson does what he does best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat ass
Oh god that better be a male Nightwing or I might not know how to feel right now.

>> No.6913660

Before asking for a hug at least talk a little like compliment their costume and ask how they felt about some part of whatever game or show their costume is from.

Oh and while we're talking about it can people stop that shit where they pretend to get angry at a cosplayer for being a character they hate. A long ass time ago I cosplayed Xigbar and I got so much "OMG I HATE you! Your fight was so hard!" from across the fucking street.

>> No.6913675

>any Org. XIII fight
Pick one.

>> No.6913696

I stared at a lillith cosplayers tits while have idle chat. Nothing came of it and we both moved on with our day. Stop being beta and just act natural; most likely if you're an aspie with pimples and weigh a lot girls won't want to associate with you but that's just human nature.

>> No.6913703

Most KH fangirls back in the day couldn't do more than bash X. I think most of them go tripped up by the crosshairs part of the fight. If my memory is correct I think Graviga took care of his warping.

Fuck I loved Chain of Memories' fighting system (Sora side at least) but most of my friends bawwed that it was too hard. It wasn't hard at all it was simply a game style that was more complex than bash X.

>> No.6913733

Yeah thats fine. I would oblige, no hesitation. Thats why i got out, to pick up women and engage in sexual activities with them. But alas a woman would not. Now why is that?

THATS is the double standard.

>> No.6913769
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>> No.6913776

Unless you're so sweaty that you smell like a locker room or are literally dripping, you can ask whenever you want. However, you also have to politely withdraw right away if she says no.

>> No.6913792

Awww yeeeee he better be.

Yeah he likes to blow me too.

And to clarify, I'm sorry if Anon thought it wasn't weird to stroke a stranger's hand. To me, that's a bit weird. I didn't overreact. I didn't call con staff.
Also to elaborate on the story, when I refused him a second time [after he stroked my hand] he turned to look at my friend dressed as Elesa.
"Hey you're a girl. I can ask you for a hug." [or something to that extent]

She said 'You may ask, but I can also choose to decline' And that was that.

>> No.6913793

Because you seem to think I'm absolutely pissing myself in terror if any human with a penis comes within a few feet of me, and that if they so much as ask me what time it is I'm going to run away screaming and file a police report for attempted rape.

Get this through your thick ass skull. Women aren't "afraid" of men who are polite and behave with some semblance of social awareness and can conduct themselves appropriately. They are afraid of men who give them a god damn reason to be scared. Being fat and ugly is not a reason. Invading our personal space, touching us without permission, making lewd comments or asking us overly personal questions, sneaking pictures of our asses when we turn around, staring down our tops, etc. is.

>> No.6913799

>if they so much as ask me what time it is I'm going to run away screaming and file a police report for attempted rape.
Wouldn't be the first time a woman has done this.

>Get this through your thick ass skull. Women aren't "afraid" of men who are polite and behave with some semblance of social awareness and can conduct themselves appropriately.
Wrong. If a man is unattractive then that man will be seen as a "creeper" almost by default. You're assuming rationale is being employed when it isn't. If you were rational you'd realize you aren't in some kind of danger because someone touched your shoulder or didn't say the right thing.

>> No.6913817
File: 492 KB, 500x252, tumblr_inline_mj7zn7Deym1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wouldn't be the first time a woman has done this.

you're clinically insane and i really, really hope you never reproduce.

>> No.6913829
File: 92 KB, 500x254, tumblr_mnz39v9Kkh1r3rny4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women falsely accusing men of rape? You must be insane!

>> No.6913845

>redpill bullshit

>> No.6913893

This is why the furry community is so much better. Fursuiters will hug anyone, and they ain't stuck up catty bitches.

>> No.6914232

Gtfo Athens. There are no false rape accusations, only insane neckbeard virgins like you think that.

>> No.6914235


Let's just be gender equal here and say that both should give free blowjobs.

>> No.6914322

This is the most autistic fucking thing I have ever seen on /cgl/

>> No.6914364

Making out with superman does not make you a slut. Any chick would make out with Superman, and most dudes would too for that matter.

>> No.6914405

No, it does make you a slut.

>> No.6914407

> Implying this could end any other way.

>> No.6914470
File: 11 KB, 500x500, 0nPej0I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

errbody liek, 'dat ass', and i'm here staring at his visible bulge

>> No.6914480

Are you still in high school? 4chan is for users 18+

>> No.6915153

That's not equal, it doesn't benefit me

>> No.6915165
File: 904 KB, 500x281, tumblr_moibhvzLpi1rmequvo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>if they so much as ask me what time it is I'm going to run away screaming and file a police report for attempted rape.
>Wouldn't be the first time a woman has done this.

can you please just die?

>> No.6915406


Thanks for confirming that you're a fucking idiot and everyone can safely ignore you.

>> No.6915521
File: 52 KB, 960x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly how attractive do you have to be?

Do I fit the bill?

>> No.6915527

you have beautiful hair
oh my gad

>> No.6915561

you are handsome as fuck

And I've noticed a lot of cosplayers don't mind giving out hugs as long as you aren't stinky or look terrifying, and are approaching them calmly. Then of course there's variables like if you have body paint on, if they have body paint, how fragile their cosplay is, etc.

>> No.6915573

I'd say you'd make a good Snake but I don't want you to cut that hair.

>> No.6915589

I know this isn't a "What should I cosplay as?" Thread, but please for the love of Christ do Disney's Prince Adam.

>> No.6915603

Omfg THANK YOU. I literally came here just to say that.

>> No.6915610

Diablo 3 male demon hunter, do it now.

>> No.6915618

>tfw agree to hugs and know they are expecting to get some breasts pushing up on them but I have small ones

Haha sucker, thwarted by the DFC!

>> No.6915623


You are attractive but your hair looks kind of greasy and unwashed and if you hugged me I'd be afraid it would get all in my face and mess up my makeup.

I think sometimes people don't agree to hugs because they don't want people to fuck up their makeup, hair, etc, too.

>> No.6915633

Just because this person doesn't want to hug a complete stranger, doesn't give you the right to make derogatory comments about them. In my opinion, people coming up to strangers asking for hugs implies more of a social disorder than someone rejecting them.

>> No.6915653
File: 130 KB, 401x405, pleasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I would hug the fuck out of you.

>> No.6915656

Quuuuuurl u know I be mirin' both.

>> No.6915662

> implying they didn't love the feeling of two small softballs pushing up against them

>> No.6915839


what the everloving fuck.... that beautiful hair.
Your hair looks like an ad for shampoo.

You're also kinda cute. Smile a little.

>> No.6915848

You have simply lovely facial structure. Also might make a good Tarzan. (depending on your body....)

>> No.6915858

Is it weird that I'm normally not a touchy-feely person at all, but cons sort of transform me into a hugger?

I take it back, that's a dumb question. Obviously the con atmosphere makes some people get huggy.

But honestly, I don't go around glomping and getting really crazy about it, but being able to hug strangers is really liberating. Hugs aren't such a big deal, but our society kind of makes them into a big deal. Yet in con-world, it's just like holy fuck, we like the same video game. Let's hug.

>> No.6915871

Different anon but I don't think I could even say softballs... More like moderately fluffy pancakes at best. You'd be more likely to get clavicle than chest.

>> No.6915872

I know the feeling. I'm normally very shy but at a con I can let loose a little. Everyone else is there to have fun so I don't fear their judgement. Of course, since I don't really have the hang of being outgoing, I end up doing stupid awkward shit like thanking the guy holding a door open for people with a chirpy "Thank you, Kakashi-sensei!" I don't even watch Naruto. Thankfully, I'm a mediocre-looking mediocre cosplayer, so no one will ever actually remember me after the con.

>> No.6915936

Why do people want to hug strangers at cons anyway? Genuinely interested here.