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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 360x540, 293701_459330364108672_1400210663_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6903449 No.6903449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It seems that cosmetic surgery among cosplayers is on the rise. Who has had work done besides the well known cosplayers like Yaya and Riddle?

>> No.6903453


>> No.6903464

Miyu's post-op MtF with all that entails and had several things done to her face, most notably rhinoplasty and I think lip injections.

>> No.6903467

Cosplay Kitten

>> No.6903510
File: 43 KB, 480x640, 970058_608227982522012_1122812460_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marie claude bourbonnais

>> No.6903537
File: 1.88 MB, 1536x2048, 8052741864_5daf34e6e7_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AZ Powergirl
Vegas Powergirl
Liz Katz
Ivy Doomkitty
Ariane Saint-Amour

>> No.6903670

are we only talking boobs here? If not, we should include what has been done. Riddle looks like she may have had nose work done

>> No.6903676

Does it really matter?

>> No.6903701


fake tits is cheating
its offensive to those with naturally big boobs

>> No.6903704

Gr8 b8 m8.
Seriously, though, why do you care? All (read: by far most) girls wear make-up. It's all the same. I honestly don't know why you feel the need to shame people who got surgery.

>> No.6903710

implants feel like shit

have you ever felt big, natural boobs on on a non fat chick?
there is no comparison

>> No.6903715

You're not going to feel the tits of any of the hot cosplayers, m8.

>> No.6903719

cosplayers are human. I know a guy who spent the night with jnig

>> No.6903720
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I agree whats wrong with implants?

>> No.6903724

what difference does it make if she's fat? big tits are big tits

>> No.6903739
File: 112 KB, 224x220, 1363507387398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big tits

>> No.6903752

You're quoting words that are not actually there.

Idiot tripfag, filtered.

>> No.6903753

lol, do you even greentext?

>> No.6903755

He was implying I said anything about them being attractive. Which was not in my post anywhere. I was saying that big tits are big tits regardless of which body they are on, afaic they're disgusting on any body. Do you even meme arrow?

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6903779

Theres more in tits than just fat
Tits with less fat are firmer
Fat chicks have fat tits

>> No.6903848
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>people still believing this

>> No.6903855
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>> No.6903860


go away Miyufag
she has admitted to collagen injections and nose surgery

>> No.6903869

She's still not a tranny

>> No.6903875

I can respect it when people admit to having work done. Like I never had a problem with Yaya getting implants because she never lied about it.

>> No.6903898


>> No.6903900

Those are enormous. I will never understand why chicks do this to themselves.

>> No.6903903

Of course you want, being a faggot and all.

>> No.6903909
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The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6903927
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>> No.6903930

I've never seen you post before today and all your posts are utterly worthless and accompanied by the most unfunny of images. Drop the trip and leave, cuntbag.

>> No.6903935
File: 17 KB, 275x275, Did she borked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>32A cup before

Geez, it's like she has little boob syndrome.

>> No.6903936
File: 49 KB, 889x1444, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks extremely painful

>> No.6903937

I can't stop looking at that sad pulled-to-its-limit skin under her armpit.

>> No.6903965

Another glorious example of women suffering due to the lack of patriarchy.

It is scientifically proved that you're happier when you don't have freedom; women are just inferior; they need to be slaves.

>> No.6903968
File: 36 KB, 358x258, 1370446637167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're giving us a bad name.

>> No.6903971

Nice b8 m8

>> No.6903980

she got those implants for herself, guys

>> No.6903989

It makes a huge difference. A fit girl with big boobs has big boobs because of her great genes and high levels of estrogen. A fat girl has big boobs because she's fat. The whole "big boobs are big boobs" thing is the biggest misconception about the appeal of big boobs. I'm sorry if that offends you due to it going against the justification you provide yourself for living an unhealthy lifestyle.

>> No.6903991

Hate to admit it, but it's true for me. I feel so bad when I'm not depending on someone. Even if it's another girl or something. I'm just a pussy

>> No.6903993


Implants feel awful. They are hard as rocks and don't move naturally by themselves or in an outfit.

>> No.6903999

Implants look nice in clothes but horrible naked

>> No.6904019

I'm giving women a bad name? Oh really? That was totally unintentional.

Back to the kitchen.

>> No.6904025

Just ignore. Thankfully, most normal women know that not all men are like that, and most normal men know that not all women are raging Lorena Bobbits.

>> No.6904164

That was just a rumour started by her ex. He was gloating at fanime about how he spread it in retalation for her dumping him.

>> No.6904200

>words words words
>failed to see the post where i noted ' I was saying that big tits are big tits regardless of which body they are on, afaic they're disgusting on any body.'

You're an idiot. Read better you fucking whore.

>> No.6904242
File: 19 KB, 450x473, Hudson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're giving reasonable men a bad name.


You have no idea how comforting that is to hear after being stuck on /pol/ for a few months.

>> No.6904246 [DELETED] 

>whining whining whining
>fails to see that I was making a different point that "big boobs" and how "they're nice" is often a blanketed statement which some people, mainly fat girls, think applies to all big boobs.

A nice house is only nice when it's in a nice neighborhood. You can take the biggest, nicest house and put it in the middle of a garbage dump and nobody will think it is nice anymore. Big boobs are only nice on fit girls. There is no way I can make that any easier to understand for your obscenely autistic brain.

l2read&comprehend dumbfuck
Also, don't bitch at me because you're a paumpus, asexual, gender-confused fuck

>> No.6904250

>whining whining whining
>fails to see that I was making a different point that "big boobs" and how "they're nice" is often a blanketed statement which some people, mainly fat girls, think applies to all big boobs.

A nice house is only nice when it's in a nice neighborhood. You can take the biggest, nicest house and put it in the middle of a garbage dump and nobody will think it is nice anymore. Big boobs are only nice on fit girls. There is no way I can make that any easier to understand for your obscenely autistic brain.

l2read&comprehend dumbfuck
Also, don't bitch at me because you're a pompous, asexual, gender-confused fuck

>> No.6904263

>No, you're giving reasonable men a bad name.
You mean mangina-vaginas who embraced their inner female?

I don't think I can really make your name any worse, m8. You are already the lowest scum of society.

>> No.6904276
File: 152 KB, 1000x1000, 1303151375421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ole saying goes: "Big tits on fat girls are like abs on skinny guys. They don't count."

And now I've insulted 90 % of /cgl/.

>> No.6904283

>"Big tits on fat girls are like abs on skinny guys. They don't count."

Well you fucking ruined it then. Actually, maybe it would work if you changed the latter part. You see, females think you're hot if you have abs, no matter if it's because you have low bf% or because you've been going to the gym for six months. Point in case: Voldemort's ex-bf / aka DerpQueen's brother. Every single seagull's vagina was getting marinaded over him, even though he is self-admitted skinny DYEL tier.

And I suppose, that similarly disgusting males / desperate Betas / manginas / xenomorphs also actually think that big tits on landwhales make them attractive.

>> No.6904300

People can find skinny guys or fat girls attractive. That doesn't make their abs or tits count. Skinny guy myself, and I acknowledge this fact.

>> No.6904303

wouldn't this be better as:

'big tits on fat girls are like big tits on fat guys. they don't count"?

>> No.6904307

beta ottermode fag detected

>> No.6904320

well, small tits don't really count on guys, either.. It's some /fit/ wisdom i picked up.

>> No.6904324
File: 39 KB, 353x234, Fuck Off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to /fit/ with ye!

>> No.6905160

back to /r9k/ with you

>> No.6905852
File: 129 KB, 247x520, mill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuse me for interrupting the boobwar but there is something else ive wondered about:

What work has Yaya done on her face?

Look at the picture from 2000 it looks like she had an asymetrical face, one eye higher than the other. How the heck do you fix that with plastic surgery??

>> No.6905855

Le pregnant
le I have a babby in belly :DD

>> No.6906131

Okay lets get this straighten out.
The guy you are calling my brother is not actually my brother. He was one of my first convention friends that I met three years ago I trusted him and considered him a close friend. We decided last summer to start calling each other brother and sister as a joke, people ended up taking us seriously though. Turns out that my "brother" was the one ???? !MOug53qwKw who was the vendetta-fag who used my insecurities against me and I can imagine he was also posting others personal business on 4chan. He is the reason I quit cosplaying because I do not want to deal with people that. So please do not call him my brother because I am quite a shame I was friends with someone like that. This will be my last post ever, I just wanted to clear some things up for you guys.
I hope you are all doing well and managing your lives.

>> No.6906262

corsets are cheating then too.
and makeup
and hair dye
and contacts.


>> No.6906278

Fake tits look fucking ridiculous 100% of the time. it's conflating an issue on the outside for one on the inside. Use the money to get a therapist and learn 2 self respect instead

>> No.6906317
File: 201 KB, 616x321, real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep! real breasts are always better.

seriously you guys are so single minded for as every pair of great natural breasts, there are a pair fucking ugly ones. Same goes for boob jobs, for every horrifying one there is a set out there that are pretty damn nice.

If you can't justify the money that fine, but don't judge other people who choose to have it done, you don't know what their reasons are. Maybe they have a deformity, or cancer, or lost a lot of weight or maybe they just like big boobs and want attention.

Should I judge you for dressing up as a cartoon character for attention? If you didn't want attention why not just make the costume and wear it in your apartment, alone.

>> No.6906962

If they don't want people judging their life choices, they should be less obvious about it. Or never leave their apartment if they don't want to risk negative attention.

>> No.6906980

Honestly I thought Jessica Simpson was pretty, and it always made me feel bad for her that she had crippling self-esteem issues over her body and looks when they were never really bad.

>> No.6907097

I think breast jobs get more positive attention then cosplay

>> No.6907129

>be less obvious about your life choices
>supports a hobby or fashion with fucking neon wigs

>> No.6907419

virginfag detected

All natural tits feel great, even the fat ones bro.

Also you have a small dick. Small dicks think small.

>> No.6907434


That makes no sense at all.

>> No.6907612

Buyers remorse detected.

>fucked a fugly fat chick who took his virginity, because he was a desperate virgin who caved in to peer pressure
>now has to pretend he likes fat chicks because all his "friends" are making fun of him

<the smallest violin on the world.gif>

>> No.6912039

work done?

>> No.6912217

Check farangdingdong.

Until her breasts hang below her waist or touch the floor, she'll never be the biggest.

>> No.6912232

Oh, God.
That's disgusting.
Please tell me none of you find this attractive.

>> No.6912235

Goddamn she is so pretty.
Speaking from a male perspective most of us don't care if a girl has a boob job as long as it's a good one and they look and feel natural. I personally prefer real ones but fakes are cool as long as it doesn't look like someone shoved softballs under the girl's skin.

>> No.6912259

Jesus Christ how horrifying

I am right in between 32-34A and I would never get implants. It makes me feel kind of bad that some women dislike having small breasts because I find them to be really nice. Even my sister had discussed having implants done and hers are much larger than mine.

>> No.6912263


Oh dear lord I would do terrible things to have an ass like that. This pic makes me want to do squats until my hips explode. ;__;

>> No.6912265

>I personally prefer real ones but fakes are cool as long as it doesn't look like someone shoved softballs under the girl's skin.

Basically this

>> No.6912272

The problem with chicks that get implants is that they obviously have some big insecurity issues they're dealing with. When most guys see a girl with them they automatically assume she wants us to look at her titties, otherwise why would she have gotten them done? I know that's not always true because some women get them to feel better about personal insecurities like I first mentioned. But that's almost always an indication that the grill has issues.

>> No.6912285

Let me tell you, when I was in high school I weighed 95 lbs. and was just a tiny person, and I was a 32A. As I got older and put on a more healthy weight for my age (I was somewhere around 105 at age 24) I went up to a B-cup. Now that I'm even older and current weigh in at 114, and know more about bra sizing (most women wear the wrong size) I am a 30D which is ridiculous because no one actually makes that. Well, Victoria Secret, but they're stupid expensive. Anyway, my point is that back when I was an A/B I toyed with the idea of implants. Now I'm so glad that I didn't do it. First of all, being older means more confidence and I'm happy with the boobs I have anyway. But also, everyone's bodies change as they get older. It's life. So for people who want ridiculous implants, I would say to give it some time. I think huge watermelon boobs on thin/fit people look ridiculous, but they're not my boobs so whatever.

>> No.6912330
File: 186 KB, 640x640, Chelsea-Charms_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6912348

Are you me? This is literally identical to my life, measurements/weight included.

>> No.6912352

>Gain 19 pounds
>Go from an A cup to a D cup

lol you wish.

>> No.6912355


Cup size is relative to band size, 30D isn't as big as whatever you're imagining.

>> No.6912364


NAYRT, but can you please go back to fit? You clearly know nothing about women, bra sizing, or women's bodies.

>> No.6912371

Okay then, miss expert, please explain to me how a woman can go up 4 cup sizes by gaining 19 pounds and also somehow have their chest go down 2 inches.

>> No.6912376

Cupsize is relative.
30D is the same as 32C so it's two cupsizes if you will. The back size goes down so the cup size goes up.

>> No.6914164

Why don't you like your brother? Because he dumped Voldemort after taking her virginity?

>> No.6914195

The girl on the left (Jessica Simpson?) has okay looking tits. That's just not a very flattering top.

>> No.6914203
File: 88 KB, 1304x881, 34sdr342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This will be my last post ever


>> No.6914205

>Last post ever
>"quit" a while ago
>still lurking /cgl on the off chance someone will mention her

>> No.6914206

ah delicious delicious delicious tripfag drama, I missed you so much

>> No.6914221
File: 112 KB, 458x288, 1356649191567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah sistas! 32D here, but still.
Seriously? Those are some floppy tits!

>> No.6914223

You can get 30D's at La Senza online.

Try a 32HH, that is bra hell.

>> No.6914584

Because people carry fat differently? One of the first places extra weight ends up on me is in my chest.

>> No.6914590

28 G reporting in. And I was flat-chested throughout most of highschool.

I have found under ten bras in my size in the past year, all of them over $50 and none of them cute. So I didn't purchase any of them and am squeezing into ill-fitting bras.

>> No.6914593

I actually wouldn't mind getting some surgery. A nose job and jaw shaving would be grand. Too expensive, though.

>> No.6914594

I've had double eyelid and nose surgeries
I'm asian

and I am a guy

>> No.6914656
File: 30 KB, 470x352, rupal_bra_08_470x352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was a big boobied chick and a cosplayer I'd dive into the world of making my own bras.

I hear it's tricky at first but after you get it you can make bra after bra after bra however you like them with less cost.

>> No.6914769
File: 87 KB, 717x960, 1017231_618728014812804_1113188120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6915025

Should read "fist caress"

>> No.6915048


>> No.6915117

>30D which is ridiculous because no one actually makes that

where do you live?
I see them all the time in the UK

>> No.6915150

Do people seriously think 30D is big?
Jesus, I am a 30F/32E and I am right in the middle of medium.

Buy your bras from specialized stores, here are a couple:


>> No.6915154

Prove it.

>> No.6915158

People see the D, and don't realize how small the band size is :/ (34 D here, same as you!)

>> No.6915173
File: 540 KB, 1024x721, 1317108768228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People see the D
>not when they see my D

>I'm sorry

>> No.6915186


I was going to say something like "People don't realize it's a small size when they see the D" but anon beat me to it.

>> No.6915192
File: 58 KB, 988x163, D-and-DD-cups[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6915200

You took pictures of your own breasts as they grew? Why?

>> No.6915211

Are you seriously this retarded? This is a compilation of pictures from different people. They don't even have the same skin tone.

Here's more:

>> No.6915222

Hurr fucking durr skin tone never changes with different lighting or exposure to sun. Also, you were replying to a post that said 'Prove it'. How does that prove anything you illiterate autist?

>> No.6915228

It proves that D and DD aren't big but rather small-medium as fuck. Given your immense intellectual depth you might've missed it.

>> No.6915275

Lol, the perv at >>6915154 was replying to your post to get you to "prove" that you're a 30F/32E, in other words, "post your bewbs femanon huehuehue"


>> No.6915290

hi korea

>> No.6915344

Any Pics or the Vegas Powergirl?
If it is who I think it is, I can confirm cosmetic surgery or not.

>> No.6915707
File: 131 KB, 1369x1065, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that IS Vegas PG

>> No.6915776

What's with the recent influx of cougars and cosplaying powergirl? Is the character really that old?

>> No.6915791
File: 356 KB, 1368x2048, 463731_509568335758905_853006674_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6915804

Her first appearance was in 1976, which is definitely old in comic book terms, but not fucking ancient (which would be 30's-40's)

>> No.6915811
File: 113 KB, 600x325, pebbelzinthewild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see cosplayers get their butts worked on instead of just the boobs all the time.

You can be one of 100 cosplayers with fake boobs or you can be the ONLY cosplayer with a big giant fake ass!

>> No.6915830

But ottermode guys are attractive.

>> No.6915831

...God. This is like looking at gigantic anime tit fetish porn but in real life. Do not want. That shit looks painful as fuck too.

>> No.6915865


suuure it does.

>> No.6915901

Cool story, Orihime.

>> No.6915906

Bye bye, my future girlfriend.

>> No.6915908


Different anon, but boobs are (in my case) a good indicator of weigt loss/gain. It's the first place were I'll notice major fluctuations in my weight

>> No.6916073

>tfw you have lotus pod boobs

>> No.6916076
File: 13 KB, 158x151, 1360554415674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegas has been cosplaying PG for years.
We said cosplayers not bitches who wear costumes on fetish sites.
Any asshole can do that.
Fuck I think even -I- could get on male cosplaydeviants.
>people who have only seen implants from the early 90's
I mean granted there ARE some botched jobs out there but that's what they get for going to Mexico.

>> No.6916091

34E reporting in. I have trouble getting bras on occasion. Especially strapless bras, ugh. All they do is like flatten/constrict you once you go past a D. Anyway, I had smallish breasts (32B) while in high school, but after turning 18 went up about 4 within a couple years. I gained weight yes, but some women get more hormones as they get older, and our bodies change like, constantly. It's not the same as men. Our hormones are pretty much always changing.

There are a lot of women who get boobs when they are in their late teens or early twenties.

>> No.6916123

Vampy Bit Me
Ivy Doom Kitty
Liz Katz

>> No.6916281


What did they have done and proof or GTFO.