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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 55 KB, 454x960, 431718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6908949 No.6908949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have the full uncropped version of this?

>> No.6909021


>> No.6909034
File: 52 KB, 640x960, 563533_472763749457697_1558135894_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6909063
File: 52 KB, 656x960, 1369014527429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6911158


>> No.6911168

but why should we give it to you

>> No.6911181
File: 186 KB, 335x362, 1352692339300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, you tried.

>> No.6912066 [DELETED] 

That's just PirateToaster. Her ass isn't worth getting in a froth over and it's all over Google image search.

>> No.6912156
File: 509 KB, 904x960, sdfsfs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.6912157

is that god

is that her bf

>> No.6912179

What a cruel crop.

Just pixels away from showing us perfection.

>> No.6912182 [DELETED] 

Go back to bed Blue.

>> No.6912196 [DELETED] 

When will piratetoaster do a costume that isn't super lazy? I would hate her less if she actually did a more interesting cosplay at some point than just some kind of sexy woman or whatever is popular on tumblr. Her newest 'cosplay' is Revy which is a tank top and shorts and her face doesn't suit Revy at all. Maybe I will be labelled jealous but it just seems a bit pathetic when she could do much better if she tried I think.

>> No.6912206 [DELETED] 


Isn't that Poison?

>> No.6912208
File: 1.20 MB, 250x188, 1370043994219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why am I laughing at this

>> No.6912240 [DELETED] 

why would Blue give a damn about her anymore?

>> No.6912242 [DELETED] 

Because pussy.

>> No.6912244 [DELETED] 

but he already has a gf

>> No.6912245 [DELETED] 

Sup nicknacks. How many times did you suck Blue's dick IRL?

>> No.6912246 [DELETED] 

Prove it.

>> No.6912248 [DELETED] 

about fiddy times

>> No.6912250 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 680x678, eva braun's face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his new gf.

>> No.6912255 [DELETED] 

Solid upgrade m8

>> No.6912254 [DELETED] 

typical nicknax :))))))) xD

>> No.6912253 [DELETED] 

you should be able to find out yourself

>> No.6912266 [DELETED] 

As if I'd go for Pirate Toaster's cast-offs. Nice try though m8

>> No.6912282

Dear stupid janitor,

Stop trying to micromanage conversations by deleting whatever you don't like what people are talking about.

It's fucking annoying.

>> No.6912288

i'm more surprised they didn't delete the stupid thread

>> No.6912294

Stop insulting Denmark, she's the handsomest girl on /cgl/.

>> No.6912293

Shit I didn't even notice my post had been deleted. Nice to know I can say my opinion freely. I don't think I even wrote it in a truly vendetta fashion, merely stating that I think she could do better than constantly doing lazy ass 'sexy' costumes.

>> No.6912298

Dear vendetta-chan,

Stop trying to drag your personal hate campaigns into the thread and the janitor won't need to do anything.

What are you, 13?

>> No.6912301

lol nobody was displaying a vendetta. They were just talking light-heartedly about Blue and Piratetoaster's relationship. Wasn't even negative. The janitor just decided to carve it out of the thread.

And please, don't start making up arbitrary reasons on why it's okay for janitors to police conversations that don't break any rules. That's not what janitors are supposed to do and not why Moot appoints them.

>> No.6912303

Fuck off, shitty janitor. You make the board worse, not better.

>> No.6912306

>the janitor not just deleting the thread that's intended for tripfaggery and wank
I am disappoint.

>> No.6912305

It was people trying to drag up tripfag drama again and that always turns into a shitstorm. You know exactly what you're doing, grow up. This is the reason everyone thinks the UK community is full of drama-whoring faggots.

>> No.6912307

>singling out cosplayers
>not breaking the rules

You haven't even read the rules, have you.

>> No.6912309

>be the person who reported the thread
>only part of it gets deleted
>rest is still here

janitor can you just delete the whole thing pls, it's barely on-topic and it's just here for drama

>> No.6912311

You are fucking stupid. It is not the janitors job to police conversations or try to interpret what might become a "shitstorm" or whatever stupid excuse you want to concoct. They are here ONLY to delete content that is expressly against the rules, not to pretend they're mods. From what I understand Moot even had a talk with the janitors about this type of shit but apparently it's still going on.

Stop trying to defend a janitor's poor behavior just because you think it's cute to heckle.

>> No.6912313

It's nice to know that people on /cgl/ are now being taught that all they have to do is report and cry and there will be a chance some dumbass janitor will delete things for them.

Corrupt janitors and spoiled brats. Welcome to the new /cgl/.

>> No.6912315

We get to talk about cosplayers. Stop misinterpreting rules.

>> No.6912314

How about you stop shitting up threads because you think it's cute to dredge up people's personal lives? You're the one doing the shitposting, you could at least try to pretend you're not just upset because your shit-stirring got nipped in the bud. Damn straight the janitor got rid of it, hope you get a ban too. We don't need your kind on this board.

>> No.6912323 [DELETED] 

What, you mean like how Piratetoaster was in a relationship with Blue but she cheated on him and is now with someone else?

Yeah, good luck trying to silence people with that.

>> No.6912334

Go back to bed, Denmark. This board is not your personal plaything.

And yes, we can talk about Piratetoaster or anyone else we want to.

>> No.6912336

Piratetoaster cheated on Blue. Pass it on.

>> No.6912337

>ITT: Pirate Toaster selfposts about her distinctly average posterior, tries to shit-talk other tripfags she doesn't like, then gets booty bothered when the janitor intervenes in her shenanigans

Never change, Fran.

>> No.6912338

Man we all already know that, let it rest. Pirate Toaster being a huge skank is nothing new and nobody needs reminding, she does a good enough job of advertising it herself.

>> No.6912347

>implying I give any fucks about this board anymore
It's been fun, but I grew up and got a life so now I only lurk or post relevant content in a very select few cosplay-related threads. In case you hadn't noticed, I've backed off and dropped my trip for good, and I would very much appreciate it if you could drop this shit and stop blaming me for fucking up /cgl/.
Not sure if you think you're funny or clever or what, but it got old ages ago so just stop.

>> No.6912703

Here's the video:

>> No.6912724

Grew out of being a cosplayer huh? Got a life? Does that mean you were just a skank trying to get attention the whole time? Thanks for giving females in this hobby a bad name you twat.

>> No.6912733

Sauce has now been delivered to you OP. You should delete this thread otherwise everyone will assume you are either:
A) PirateToaster attention whoring
B) Blue trolling PirateToaster
C) A dramafag from the UK with too much time on her hands

>> No.6912738

>She thinks I'm OP.

You just got comically deceived and now you're frustrated.

>> No.6912741

She's... She's cumming feet.

>> No.6912760

>Bitches don't know about the 4chan's ability to embed youtube videos

>my nubs

>> No.6912768

>uses embedded videos
Oh sweet summer child...

>> No.6912776

>doesn't use embeded videos
oh sweet sourpuss...

>> No.6912779

Hope you enjoy getting sonic'd.

>> No.6912793

im a whovian so ofc I enjoy getting the D from the Doctor :D

>> No.6912805
File: 15 KB, 329x302, 1359057839239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I enjoy getting the D from the Doctor

>> No.6912808

What is this image.

>> No.6912815


>> No.6912822

>implying piccolo is an old maymay

>> No.6913561

I still cosplay and go to cons, it's just not a central part of my life anymore. Stop grasping for straws, thank you and goodbye.

>> No.6913812


>> No.6914243

>implying that is more degrading that /v/irgin

>> No.6916035

p sure her and god had a thing, I can picture it

>> No.6916040

I feel pretty bad for PT because she gets so much stick for something that never even happened, even BLUE has posted saying that he knows she didn't cheat and they seem to be friends still? Unless he's been telling people shit to give sympathy? I don't know, I don't know the guy.

I also feel awful for her because she was slaving away over a gorgeous dress for a cosplay and it was very vintage looking and fully covered (I'm unfamiliar with the anime it's from) and then she was having troubles which meant she couldn't finish it (Not sure she'd appreciate me going into detail here) so she pulled together a Revy cosplay from stuff she already had.
She's done a fair amount of good non-skimpy cosplays like Jill, Asuka, Cammy, Jade Harley, etc and yet people only mention Poison and Revy because they're skimpy.

tl;dr give the girl a break just because you want to cause drama

>> No.6916048

That Ryu is fugly.

Just sayin'

>> No.6916071

sup nixnax/blue/pri-whore-toaster

>> No.6916082
File: 26 KB, 500x277, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really now, that's beyond pathatic.

>> No.6916111
File: 84 KB, 643x960, 58370_206947802772421_396098615_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon delivers its right on her fucking facebook page dumbasses

>> No.6916367
File: 2.10 MB, 400x242, dr who can fap to this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About friggin time, thanks Anon.

>> No.6916450

Can't be her facebook because the profile that pic came from is not available, but her personal fb and fan page are still up. Any more juicy pics? :3

>> No.6916452

Is she slipping on her heels?

>> No.6916454

No that's just the way she stands. You can see it in a lot of other pics.

>> No.6916476
File: 492 KB, 455x1815, 1369603297933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it that most women tend to stand weird?
they either have their toes pointed too outwards or too inwards
>pic semirelated