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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6912092 No.6912092 [Reply] [Original]

New Dream Sky thread. Any luck for anybody?

>> No.6912101

yes! Lots of luck! Actually!
I got (from my SS) navy salopette, barrette, tights, chu chu, lav star bracelet and sax earrings.
She's going to try to get me the bag too.

>> No.6912114

I got the OP in blue and some of the jewelery.
Do you guys know more details of the bag yet? I've only seen it in lavender, do you think it will come in other colourways?

>> No.6912116

chibi Tenshi told me it would come in other colorways. She didn't say which though.

>> No.6912117

someone in the last thread said:
Melty Moon shoulder bag - 9345y
Colors: pink, yellow, sax, lavender, black

>> No.6912120

Tights are up on international! I just got two pairs! I have one of each color now!

>> No.6912123

since the tights are up now does that mean the rest are coming soon?

>> No.6912148

I've got the lavender JSK and the royal blue salopette. No accessories. I'm really hoping to snag the necklace and moon bag, though.

I want the bag in yellow!

>> No.6912150

Does anybody know when the bag is coming out? Will it be on the Intl site tomorrow?

>> No.6912172

I wish I knew! Anyone have any idea?

>> No.6912189


Got the lavender ones! I figured at least it'll match most of what I have. Actually I just didn't want to go empty handed after camping out in front of the computer for so long...

>> No.6912205

I think they come online when the first craze over the print on the site calms down.

>> No.6912275

I just grabbed the tights in black and lavender... any idea if AP will adjust shipping costs if I email them to combine my tights with the rest of my order (if anything else comes out today?)

>> No.6912370

They will not, I tried that with DDC and they said shipping is hosted by a 3rd party and they had no way to combine orders

>> No.6912496

I really wish we'd get some info on the bag -- I'd really love to get it but with all the hype i don't think it is going to happen.

>> No.6912597

Anybody with experience with AP bags help me out? I'm really rough with my shoes and bags so I never buy brand, but I really love the melty moon bag. Is the quality worth buying the AP version? I don't really put heavy things in it but the pleather tends to get scuffed and scratched. Also personal thoughts on 300 dollar dress + 20 dollar knockoff bag?

>> No.6912612


I own exclusively AP bags and I use the infamous doughnut bag day to day, which is pretty much the same as melty moon bag in terms of material. I take very good care of mine, but it still has some dents and scratches that won't go away. I don't every carry a lot of heavy stuff in it, but the strap around the buckle looks slightly... taut as though it's being pulled at. Personally, if you're rough on bags, I'd not recommend you buy the real thing.

>> No.6912652

I always buy replica bags for this reason, I'm so careless with bags and worried they'll be destroyed.
Sometimes I even buy two of each model and keep one for 'best'
Weirdly enough I'm against dress replicas. Don't mind others in them, but just for me I don't like them.

>> No.6912816


>> No.6912827

AP bags are pleather anyways. Same reason I don't buy brand shoes. If I want a pleather bag, I'll pay what pleather costs.

>> No.6912834

Same here, Anon. Hell, I won't even buy an authentic Liz Lisa bag since they're pleather.

>> No.6912859

so international staff doesn't work on Sundays, see you guys Monday

>> No.6912939

Has anyone seen any pics of the tights worn yet?
I'm wondering if they're sheer/slightly sheer or completely opaque.

>> No.6913057

Is the bag out yet?

>> No.6913079

I don't understand why people can't check the websites for themselves.

>> No.6913081

well considering they usually release things in store before it gets put up on the japanese site, that's probably why they asked

>> No.6913129

did anyone ask Chibi Tenshi about bag release possibly happening today? I forgot to ask and I've emailed her a couple times this week already so I didn't want to be a bother.

>> No.6913152

It should be released in another hour (?)

>> No.6913219

They are probably just like the Day Dream Carnival ones as pretty much all printed tights are the same right now. So they will be mostly, if not totally, opaque.

>> No.6913248

In store I assume?

>> No.6913251


The fucking bag is going to be released on the japanese AP webstore in 1 hour, at 12pm Japan Time.

Everyone just shut the tits up.

>> No.6913254


I'm going to rub my breasts all over your face.

>> No.6913259

Not sure why you're calling us Morons when no one else had any kind of time or information other than 'Sunday' Where did you get yours?

>> No.6913261

Not sure why you capitalized morons.

I was mostly referring to the person(s) who keep asking again and again

>> No.6913264

Oh, I have no idea why I did either. Ok, sorry I thought it was something other than the repetition (like they had announced it somewhere public and I totally missed it) Thanks!

>> No.6913270

No, it's not, and it wasn't in the stores today either or at least the ones my SS checked

>> No.6913272

People bought them yesterday, sorry you were late on the uptake.

>> No.6913274

fyi, your time is off, it's already past 12pm in japan, no bag up. can you tell us where you heard that info?

>> No.6913277

yeah no, it wasn't rosaire and chibi both confirmed this...

>> No.6913278


>> No.6913285

Yeah looks like we got some dud info there

>> No.6913287

No bags today. Staff "don't know" when they will be released.

>> No.6913289

this shit's not comin tonite girls, and it's no man's land on the international site, we'll have to wait till tomorrow.

>> No.6913293

we already knew nothing was happening on international, they don't come in on sunday

>> No.6913319

Does anybody know when jewellery/hair accessories will be up on the Int site?

>> No.6913329

Probably the same time as main pieces. Though I managed to grab 4 Melty Moon pieces last night.

>> No.6913336


Goddamn. I have my main pieces. I just want a necklace and a scrunchie.

>> No.6913348

Just checked japan site to see what tights they had left so I could judge what will sell out first on int site (trying to get op and tights in same order) and the only one sold out are Lav and black.
All clothing is sold out of course.

>> No.6913349

Try again at 9am JPT. Still looking for main pieces.

>> No.6913352


Thanks man, I'll try that. I think it's coming up for one PM there right now, so I'll probably just check back later tonight.

>> No.6913363

So annoying, I managed to scrape together a lil bit more money, bringing my total up to being able to get a melty moon bag aswell, but I'm short on shipping.
So now this extra money I spent time getting just feels like it's teasing me.

Anyone know how much shipping for a op and accessories costs to the uk? I was thinking maybe £30?

>> No.6913367


I'm in Scotland, so it might differ a bit, but it cost me about £30 to ship a pair of Tea Parties, so I'd say yeah, probably about that much.

Remember you'll also have to pay customs once it gets here, though!

>> No.6913371

Ugh, forgot customs. Deffo no melty moon bag for me.
Maybe I'll be paid before then however, do you remember how long your tps took to arrive?

>> No.6913379

I'll just roll out of bed and onto the computer tomorrow morning haha

That sucks. Hope there's enough delay for you to afford it, anon.

>> No.6913382


My TPs took about ten days-ish to get here, but then customs clung to them for about forty-five years before they even sent me the letter, so I can't give you much help on that front.

Hopefully you will be paid before them and you can grab it!

>> No.6913386

Wow, 10 days is pretty fast, thanks. But yeah parcelforce always dick around with my packages. Got a customs fee of £75 on a second hand jsk from America once, bad times.
Well I guess I'll try and find out.
If I even manage to grab anything before it's all sold out that is.

>> No.6913388


Beware though, I've had parcels that took about twenty days to arrive in Britain from AP only for customs to hold onto them for a further month, so like I said, no guarantee on how quickly things will reach you.

Hopefully you can get it before it all sells out. I BELIEVE IN YOU ANON.

>> No.6913423
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I believe in you too, Anon!

>> No.6913432

I can't for the life of me decide between the navy and the lavender.
I keep hearing people say the navy is dark dark, but oh god I fell in love with Dream Sky by seeing the old dark blue skirt in person and that was so lovely and I can just imagine that something a bit darker then that would be just as nice.
And some pictures I see of lavender are nice, but some look washed out as hell, and even more look like an odd gray-lavender.
Kind of glad it did not come out last night, I have another day to debate.

>> No.6913433

stores are getting parkas tomorrow

>> No.6913435

It is already 'tomorrow' in Japan.

>> No.6913436

derp. today

>> No.6913447




I got the lavender after this debate just because I thought it'd be easier to coord, but the navy is beautiful.

>> No.6913459
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any more customer photos?

>> No.6913462
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>> No.6913468
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>> No.6913471

I have actually moved the Blue to my number two spot after the Navy, it's freaking gorgeous in real life. Someone posted a picture of theirs last thread, let me find the post and i'll link it

>> No.6913475


here >>6911716 I think it looks SO much better in the IRL pictures than the stock photos

>> No.6913479

It is cute, but I like the colors of the star's streaks so much better on navy and lavender.
Fuck yellow and all it stands for.

>> No.6913496

oh crap I didn't even notice the damn yellow, derp... but the lavender looks so washed out... I cant get navy so I'm going to have to decide I guess

>> No.6913526

oh god i hope the parkas will come out with the rest of the release for the intl' site on monday!

>> No.6913533
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i kind of want a parka to be my chilling hoodie.
but i don't want to spend 100+ dollars on my chilling hoodie.

>> No.6913550

After doing some research, I decided to get the tights and try them out. I'm worried they won't fit, but I read someone who had bigger waist/thigh measurements (by about 2") wearing them and they seemed to be fine. I'm heavier but I have tiny spindle legs and no ass. So we'll see. I think I'll hunt down the jewelry I want and the OP later on.

>> No.6913563
File: 105 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mmcvgmASZz1ql6mlno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the parkas... I really like the look that people do with this JSK where they where a parka/zip up over the torso and pull the chest bow out to sit on top of the parka/cardi. I think it helps if you don't think the empire cut is flattering because it gives you a defined torso but you still look cute and put together with the chest bow pulling the outfit together throughout the body. This is the first photo I found on the dream sky tag on tumblr of what I mean (I think it's an interesting idea with the hat and bag, but not really my favorite coord or anything, I just like the parka + chest bow combo)

>> No.6913570

ahh! so damn cute. which shop is this photo from? did they show the other colorways?

>> No.6913581

It is from the Sannomiya one, and they only have the navy.

>> No.6913590

can you buy two of the same style and color skirts? I want two lav skirts from international, thanks for any info

>> No.6913593
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oomiya shows all the colors though

>> No.6913596
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>> No.6913599

OMG!! Thank you! I'm going to try and get one along with a skirt. Hopefully from the intl site if they put them up

>> No.6913603
File: 26 KB, 240x320, 16679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukuoka has the sax on a manikin.
I don't know, Sannomiya is my fave blog though, I always like there coords.

>> No.6913608
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All laid out from nagoya, I'm way to excited for this.

>> No.6913613
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why do osaka's pictures always look like ass? My closet has better lighting.

>> No.6913622

would these look weird to wear over dream sky jsk or op?

>> No.6913644

yeah, I think it would be to much of the same.

>> No.6913716
File: 210 KB, 1957x1015, dreamsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying to put together my first coord. i can't decide between these two...i love the navy colorway the most, but i really like the pink and yellow accessories! unfortunately the sax matches the pink and yellow stuff more than the navy. i don't want to buy all this burando and still end up looking ita.

any opinions/help?

>> No.6913723

the shoes for the navy are hideous (my opinion)
of course I've never liked.. i don't think I've ever seen a salopette coord that wasn't a catalog scan that I've ever liked/thought looked good on someone. So I'm probably biased anyway. Also, the Bright Blue colorway has yellow if you are only picking sax (vomit) because of the yellow accents. I think the bright blue is my favorite under navy.

And bangles with wrist cuffs always look weird/off to me. And you can easily find someone to make you wristcuffs to save money, since those aren't complicated at all.

>> No.6913725

oh i guess you picked the same shoes for both I didn't even look at the other shoes, I really don't like them, either color.

>> No.6913736

Yeah both of the shoes are kind of bad. Other than that the navy coord looks okay? A little too matchy-matchy but eh. The yellow accessories with sax is pretty bad though imo.

>> No.6913804
File: 105 KB, 958x1013, notreallyacoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the thoughts guys. it's nice to hear an opinion other than my own when i'm stuck.

i picked the sax because i thought it matched the pink the best.

the shoes are ugly, but i love them unfortunately.

thinking it over, i love the navy colorway too much. i can't imagine getting it in any other color. this is probably what i will buy (if i can catch it off the site). it's not really a coord, but it's everything i want from the release. i will probably end up coordinating the salopette with some off brand ankle socks and accessories.

>> No.6913830

The navy has no pink in it at all so wearing pink tights and wristcuffs will look awful.

>> No.6913847

yeah I would switch that to lavender. Pull colors from the star trails for your accessories, of if you want to throw in an entirely new color, you need to do more than just tights and wristcuffs imo

>> No.6913859
File: 50 KB, 220x293, tumblr_moggwrvMQo1st1jvko1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't plan on wearing the wristcuffs and tights with the salopette. i just really like the pink wrist cuffs and tights.

but looking at this picture i'm kind of tempted to get the lavender tights instead anyways.

>> No.6913890

Buy what you love, anon. Ignore these people who are so obsessed with colour-matching. When it's all in your hands, you'll be able to try with other stuff or work your new wardrobe around it. Good luck.

>> No.6913895

hey now, I thought they were asking for advice on coords (which they WERE above that post) I accidentally skimmed the part where they said this was just what they were buying. I thought it was another coord advice question...

>> No.6913900
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thanks! that is good advice.
yeah i figured that, don't worry about it. it was good advice anyways, the pink would not go with the navy.

>> No.6913955
File: 33 KB, 180x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of royal blue with pink though.

>> No.6913956

If anon wanted to wear the pink with the navy, it wouldn't look BAD. I wouldn't do it because it's too much, but why can't they buy what they love most?

No problem, you seem to really like certain items and this obsession with colour matching to the pantone number is kinda nuts.

>> No.6913967

reading comprehension fail, I said I mistook that post for a coord advice post (when people ask for coord advice I'm going to give them my advice aka I don't like that with that, etc) and I didn't realize it was just what she was buying. if I had (reading comprehension fail on my part) I wouldn't have even said anything, of course she can buy what she wants.

>> No.6913993
File: 71 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mohdnlvX1o1rw3c0fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks pretty good! i've never been fond of royal blue however. and the navy just blows me away in each picture i see.

i'm so hyped for this release!

>> No.6914014

I liked the navy version more at first too, but then I realized it didn't have the rainbow-ish star tails so I decided to get the royal blue.

>> No.6914015

Hey seagulls
Post some coordinates with Dream Sky while we're waiting for the release.

>> No.6914028

My SS got me a skirt in royal blue. I'm now thinking if I should buy the parka too. I want it, but obviously I wouldn't be able to wear it with the skirt because it would just be too much

>> No.6914366

My friend ended up with 2 navy star necklaces and is most likely looking to sell. Leave an email address here and I'll tell her to get in contact with you.

>> No.6914367

Would she be interested in a trade? I have a lav necklace that I might trade, and depending what the "sax" necklace comes out looking to be (because in stock photos it looks lavender) I might put that up for sale or trade too.

>> No.6914375


This probably explains why there are so many tights left over on the Japanese site

>> No.6914398 [DELETED] 

Any info on the hoodie yet?

>> No.6914406

I have no idea, she'd probably want a direct sale.

>> No.6914453

Already monday in Japan and still nothing new.

>> No.6914457

it's like 5 am right now, doubt they are going to put up anything until the stores open at 10

>> No.6914464

People here claimed that they would put the rest up at sunday evening.

>> No.6914489

Lol, yeah, because the web store staff were sitting there at 11:59 with their fingers on the button.

Releases happen around the time the store opens, which is 10 am Japanese time. They don't do midnight releases. Nice effort, though.

>> No.6914607

Did you even read the thread at all? The release was said to be on sunday.

>> No.6914624


Yo man, if you decide to sell the lavender necklace I'd be super super interested.

>> No.6914627

well they aren't gonna do it at 5 am in the fucking morning
wait until its around store opening time

>> No.6914661
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Is there no black this time?

>> No.6914660

Sunday is already over in Japan since a bit more than 6 hours, just saying.

>> No.6914665

Nope, only blueish colors.

>> No.6914687

They meant Sunday in other parts of the world, not Sunday in Japan. The web store is freaking closed on Sundays, why on earth would you have thought they meant Sunday in Japan? Lord.

>> No.6914705

Sorry anon. Meant to reply to this:

>> No.6914718

Who said that? If you read at all, you would notice many people saying it would be this morning in Japan that it will be on the international site.

>> No.6914722
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I've been torn between trying to get the new OP in lavender or trying to get accessories to go with the Navy OP I own from first release.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with the accessories plan and and get a parka to wear with my"street" clothes.

I fucking love moons and stars.

>> No.6914896

Done! Got my set! Navy JSK, barette, tights, lavender border strip crew socks, lavender melty moon necklace & earrings, lavender milky dream necklace.

>> No.6914900

Where do I get my hands on this as a Eurofag?

>> No.6914898

GOD IM SHAKING. got a navy set, jsk, barrette, navy earrings, melty moon ring,

>> No.6914905


>> No.6914906

What, really? Do you even AP?

>> No.6914907


>> No.6914908

I already had the main piece, the jewellery I wanted was out of stock (Lavender melty moon.) so I got the melty moon in yellow instead because I think it's just adorable.

>> No.6914911

I got my OP, crew socks, scrunchie, and Milky Dream star necklace in lavender!

>> No.6914914


>> No.6914917

The ring I wanted is sold out. WHAT DO I DO

>> No.6914918

I want the lavender barette, but I'm waiting for the bag. Do you guys think the barette will be easy enough to find second hand?

>> No.6914920



>> No.6914921



>> No.6914923

Two full sets for navy (jsk)

woot, awesome sauce

>> No.6914926

I THINK I GOT IT. I got the blue JSK. I'm shaking and my heart is pounding. I wanted the navy but it sold out, and that's OK. Because I think I like the blue better.

I got the wrist cuffs, jsk, and head bow. Everything is paid for already and so long as they confirm it I'm good.

Guys I'm so excited. This is the first time I've ever bought anything new from the AP site and the first time taking part in one of these free-for-alls... if I get everything I just might scream with joy.

>> No.6914924

If someone buys the melty moon necklace in navy, wanna trade for my lavender?

>> No.6914928



>> No.6914931


You almost don't deserve it for saying "woot, awesomesauce".
Please never do that again.

>> No.6914936


Yeah pretty much this: >>6914931
Dick move.

>> No.6914937


My email:

>> No.6914940


does it help that it was a very very toned down woot? Kind of like 'woooo' very quietly?

>> No.6914941
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>> No.6914943

My SS got the salopette in lavender for me, and I just scooped up the sax melty moon necklace (the 'lavender' one is way too dark purple imo doesn't really match the set) and lavender milky dream star bracelet. I have access to a ton of dyed leather (including pastels), gonna DIY a moon purse since I hear such bad things about the pleather quality.
I'm happy.

>> No.6914944

like bender when he turns into a human on futurama and he's dead but still 'woooooing' really softly?

>> No.6914945

will it matter if i mark personal use or personal gift?

>obviously first time trying to order from angelic pretty

>> No.6914949

I know the bag won't go up tonight, but I still checked...

>> No.6914952


I'll just pipe up and say that if my friend misses out and you get one, I will be so disgusted that I will send a carrier pigeon to poop in your eye.

>> No.6914953

it'll probably be on a weekend release. and won't show up on international until a couple days after /shrug

>> No.6914957

Time to post the last 3 digits of your order numbers and what you got,
Dream Sky Jumper Skirt(Navy)
Melty Dream pierced earrings(Navy)
Dream Sky Ribbon Valletta(Navy)
Melty Moon Ring(Navy)

and Ribbon name over knee(Lavender × Sax) because one of the shops showed them with it and it was kawaii.

>> No.6914960



>> No.6914961

410 Navy Jsk Navy Barette Navy Tights
430 Lav socks Navy socks

>> No.6914962

FB AngelicPrettyParis

>> No.6914963
File: 59 KB, 340x255, img2-QvvWOhgdykw3DLNllS6NLOMo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the navy Melty Moon necklace. I wish I could have got this ring though.

>> No.6914964

I got the ring and bangle in sax as it looks more lavender than the actual lavender.
Hoping it is, otherwise I'll be trading for navy in the near future.
Other than that got lav salopette and navy moon necklace for other coord with the navy skirt I got from ss.

So fucking happy right now.

>> No.6914965



>> No.6914967

Blue JSK
blue x pink wristcuffs
Blue "valletta"

BTW I figured out why they call them "valleta"... the katakana they use is baretta... it's a bad translation. I think it's cute though.

>> No.6914968

/cgl/ is not murica

>> No.6914970

Uh, not sure why you're quoting me >>6913259 that was in reply to a statement that the bag was hitting Japanese site at 12pm on Sunday, nothing to do with Dream Sky stuff.

>> No.6914971

426 Navy Skirt, Lavender JSK

It had been up for 6 minutes by the time I got there though, am bracing myself for a refund email....

>> No.6914974

also I was 417 for DDC, kinda weirdly close.

>> No.6914976

I really wanted that motherfucking lavender scrunchie goddamnit.
Got the valetta instead but ugh.
Maybe I can trade it/sell it and buy the scrunchie later.

>> No.6914978

Do you even read? It is already monday at Japan, idiot.

>> No.6914981

Dream Sky Salopette (Navy)
Melty Moon Ring (Lavender)
Melty Moon Necklace (Navy)

>> No.6914983

The bag is a part of the relase.

>> No.6914984

My friend got 409 for navy jsk. I'm so happy for her! Meanwhile, I am staring at that goddamn salopette.

>> No.6914985

Well it's in the photos, but it obviously isn't part of the release this weekend. Anyway, I guess they just searched for 'Sunday' and lumped me in with it, no big deal.

>> No.6914991

No I didn't read fucknut. I'm sick of people crying all weekend because it isn't conforming to their timezone. I'm in the exact same timezone as Japan and yes it's Monday. Hope you all miss your bags.

>> No.6914990

me again order confirmed :D

Thanks for making a 3-day website stake-out enjoyable cgl.

>> No.6914994

I was here as well anon enjoying the creys and the luls

>> No.6914998

Debating over whether to grab one of the remaining rings as a birthday gift for a friend. Gutted I missed the yellow earrings; I wonder if they'll show up on sale any time soon?


Oh man, I see that ring on the comm a LOT, you'll find it no bother I bet you.

>> No.6914997


polite sage

>> No.6914999

I've paid for my stuff and gotten a receipt back from paypal through email.
How long till I know if I'm being refunded?

>> No.6915000

well i ended up choosing personal use. customs fairy, please be nice to me.

i'm >>6913804
and what i ended up getting was:
order 451
navy salopette
navy hair clip (scrunchie was gone oh well...thinking of it now this might be more versatile for me)
lavender melty moon ring
white stripe ankle socks
mellow white shirred blouse (unrelated to the release but i bought it)

i'm torn between being really excited and being unable to believe i spent that much at once. this is my first time buying a main piece from brand. (only other thing i have bought directly new are some etc socks) i can afford it, but it's definitely a new feeling to spend that much.

congrats to everyone who got what they wanted!

>> No.6915001

I still wonder why hardly anyone from europe orders from them, they even have tons of Day Dream Carnival OPs still in stock.

>> No.6915004


Sorry, what do you mean by "on the comm"? English is not my first language.

>> No.6915009


No worries! The sales communities, like the ones on Facebook or EGL comm sales on LJ.

>> No.6915010


>> No.6915014

Ugh fucked up my order. Now I have two of navy salops

>> No.6915020


>> No.6915021

I wasn't f5ing, expecting it to go up at 10am Japan time and missed out on the colourway I wanted. Hopefully the order I ended up making came through.

>> No.6915029

Oh wait its fine. No dramas.

>> No.6915028

Aw man, never seen those sock before and really want them now, they're cute as fuck

>> No.6915031

I'm hoping someone will sell on the comm because I can't buy it right now. If you're not broke, I wouldn't sweat too much because you'll be able to sell it.
If you're broke, well I'm really sorry, anon!

>> No.6915032

How much will the salopette sell for on the comms do you think? I want in in the bright blue colour.

>> No.6915033

This anon here and I just got a confirmation e-mail.

I've never felt such relief in my life, I'm going out for a run, this joy has given me way too much energy.

>> No.6915035

check your order page, when it says your order pyament is confirmed (or whatever it says when it finally turns grey) then you SHOULD be good

>> No.6915037

bright blue is lilke... 3rd most popular, so I'd say either retail or maybe a bit over? nothing crazy since it's not the top two colors and it's a salopette

>> No.6915042


I would have thought the salopette might have been more popular with this series because of the weird and unfortunate cut of the JSK.

>> No.6915043

And confirmed! Might have been my third choice, but still really happy!

>> No.6915049

Order no. 417
Dream Sky Jumper Skirt(Navy)
Dream Sky Ribbon Valletta(Navy)
Item: Dream Star Cuffs(Navy×Navy)
Item: Dream Sky Scrunchy(Navy)

>> No.6915056

Auto confirm received, still worried as fuck, I dillydallied a bit getting the jewelry together.

>> No.6915057
File: 58 KB, 500x667, tumblr_moi4yrBNf81qbuhibo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my confirmation email 10 minutes ago. i wasn't too worried about it, i thought the salopette wouldn't be that popular. at least not as much as the op or jsk,

that's the reason i bought the salopette.

>> No.6915061

Well Dream Sky has always been empire waisted, I'm glad they didn't change the design, it wouldn't have been the same heh

>> No.6915067

I personally like empire waist dresses, just they look weird on me, so I went with salopette.

I hated that odd aqua colour at first but the more I see it, the more I like it.

The first pic of all the pieces and colours didn't do any of the colours any favours.

>> No.6915066

personally i think salopettes are a more weird and unfortunate cut/design in general than any empire waisted dress, I hardly ever see salopettes pulled off irl

i assume you know how to pull one off though, so cheers

>> No.6915069

Personally mind

>> No.6915070

yeah AP is notorious for having bad color swatches in their catalogs. I mean look how off the Blue is in the catalog scan compared to the real photos haha

so happy the navy looks great irl

>> No.6915074


>> No.6915075

I'm thinking of coording my lavender with mint or more lavender, and my royal blue with yellow or white. What are you guys planning?

>> No.6915078

Fuuuck, I fell asleep and missed it!
Does anyone know if it's gonna go up on the us site? Or when the bags/hoodies are supposed to come up?

>> No.6915076

and now the word has lost all meaning and is just sounds in my head

>> No.6915083

The salopette is really fug. It looks all wrong at the top.

>> No.6915087

I wanted to coord my navy with lav and no idea about what to coord my lav with.
Maybe just white and more lav, or could go for an all out sweetness attack and coord lavender with pink.

>> No.6915090

your face is really fug.
but ya salopette's usually only look good if you are flat as a board, even the manikins have to much tit.

>> No.6915092


I've got like an 82cm bust. I'm going to look terrible, aren't I?

>> No.6915094

Through a cardigan over it, it will be fine.

>> No.6915098

Praying that the cut of this JSK doesn't look horrendous on me.

>> No.6915107

Well if it does you can always sell it, buy a skirt and have some money left over.

>> No.6915104

I'm not that big busted, UK small B sometimes a depending on the bra, but I've actually been thinking of binding for lolita.
The clothes just seem to look nicer, worried about people thinking I want to be loli bait or whatever, however.

>> No.6915108
File: 143 KB, 500x667, tumblr_moi55iYexw1qbuhibo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found the picture.
I'm so fucking excited. Need a lavender blouse and bag though. And some navy shoes I think.

>> No.6915110

For the JSK, where should I wear my petti? At my waist as usual? With less poof or more poof? I've never owned a dress cut like this.

>> No.6915115

wear it at the waist, the cut of the dress allows the skirt portion to drape from the underbust seam so it should fall correctly without some kind of gap between bodice and petti, if you have the right shape. AP releases usually have a stiff layer of tulle on the last 5 inches of the skirt, to give it more of a flare, so even a cupcake would work, though I think a soft a-line would work best (like VGD)

>> No.6915119

I would recommend using A-line. I think cupcake would make the shape look wonky. As for placement of the petti, for these types of dresses, I wear my petti above my natural waistline. But since I don't know your body shape/preference, it's worth experimenting the placement.

>> No.6915121

Dream Sky Dress(Navy)
Melty Moon Ring(Lavender)
Milky Dream Star Ring(Lavender)
Milky Dream Star Necklace(Pink)
Milky Dream Star Bracelet(Pink)
Milky Dream Star Necklace(Sax)
Milky Dream Star Necklace(Lavender)
Milky Dream Star Bracelet(Lavender)
Dream Sky Ribbon Clip(Navy)
Stripe border crew length socks(Pink)
Melty Dream pierced earrings(Pink)

So... I got a little over excited.

>> No.6915124

Last 3 digits of order number?

>> No.6915129

just posting again that my friend ended up with an extra navy shooting star necklace, if you'd like to buy it just reply to this message with an email.

>> No.6915130

Do you guys think there will be any more jewellery restocks?

>> No.6915140

look at this bitch that already has the first release. die.
saying this out of jealousy not cuntyness just btw

>be 86.5cm
FUCK this is gonna look like shit on me and I don't give a fuck

>> No.6915162 [DELETED] 

haha, I know right?
btw, I am

Order no. 443
>Melty Dream pierced earrings(Yellow)
>Dream Star Cuffs(Sax×Sax)
>Milky Dream Star Ring(Sax)
>Milky Dream Star Necklace(Yellow)

Now just gotta stalk the site some more for the parka and bag.

>> No.6915172

haha, I know right?
btw, I am

Order no. 443
>Melty Dream pierced earrings(Yellow)
>Dream Star Cuffs(Sax×Sax)
>Milky Dream Star Ring(Sax)
>Milky Dream Star Necklace(Yellow)

Now just gotta stalk the site some more for the parka and bag.

>> No.6915169

a minimizer bra might help it look better. i personally like wacoal's slimline seamless underwire minimizer bra.

i'm 86 cm, i know it won't be the most flattering on me, but no fucks given. i like it better than the skirt, jsk or op.

>> No.6915189


Oh man, if you ever decide to sell those earrings, I beg of you, let me know because I'm so gutted I missed them.

>> No.6915204
File: 129 KB, 500x700, tumblr_md4yc8FOun1r40s14o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at the Japanese OHP, do you think that might be a good indicator as to when the parka and bag will be released internationally? I guess if you keep up the stalking, you may get lucky.

I must say, these stalking threads are the best. I love you guys. I'll still be lurking thus thread, but until next time, anons.... (single tear)

>> No.6915213

Did they even put up the melty moon necklace? It's not listed on the international site from what I can see, not even as 'sold out'

>> No.6915214

I've never wanted one print before in so many colours.
Also praying for this for the socks aswell. Shit I will buy one in every colour.

>> No.6915220


Yeah, I bought it. It's still there. Second page.


I don't understand anon. Misty Sky has already been released... Unless you mean you're trying to get it second hand?

>> No.6915226


This is natural selection at work right here.

Dumb people don't deserve pretty things.

>> No.6915230

Oh, I see it now. How did I even miss that? Thanks!

>> No.6915235
File: 25 KB, 221x221, 1365319290389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's long gone, sorry anon.

It's been rereleased already? I was so busy working I missed chocolate rosette; ddon't tell me....
If it hasn't, which I thought, I would buy several pieces too. Anon, who would buy all of the things, good luck!

>> No.6915244


Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you were confused and thought Misty Sky was an upcoming release.

>> No.6915253
File: 16 KB, 250x365, 1370555851432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, it's been a treacherous time. Surely, Misty Sky will be next, if not soon after in the rereleases, would you agree?

>> No.6915260

natural selection
not being able to buy ugly, overpriced plastic shit

This is natural selection at work right here.

>> No.6915264


If they rerelease Misty Sky, I might get so happy that I don't know what to do with myself and just kill myself.

>> No.6915265


If you think it's so ugly and overpriced, why are you even here?

>> No.6915271

Funerals are expensive. Misty Sky all the way!

>> No.6915278


Yes to all of that.

>> No.6915284

Do we know whether or not this will be released on the US webstore? I don't see any upcoming release info or anything.

>> No.6915285

Parkas are up on the Japanese site, no sign of the bag.

>> No.6915315

I dont see the parkas : o

>> No.6915317

Thanks anon!
I am trembling with anticipation

>> No.6915336

me neither

>> No.6915342



>> No.6915347

yeah same here
Where? I checked all the sections just in case on the Japanese site...

>> No.6915356

maybe you need to refresh the site? They went up at about 12pm Japan time

>> No.6915374

ahh ok, I'm just kind of checking them out anyway, would look dumb on me, thanks for info

>> No.6915390

I bought a binder but I accidentally bought 2 of the wrong size (my bust grew 2 cup sizes without me noticing) and I'm just really bitter about the experience. if anyone knows of any cheap binders please post.

>> No.6915403

Not after the parka unfortunately, but lolitadesu has a Lavender one for sale.
$169 though.

>> No.6915415

I have everything I need in this series forever I think!
Order #390
Dream Sky Tights(Lavender) Dream Sky Tights(Pink) (hoping these will go with my black jsk from 1st release)

Order #445
Melty Moon Necklace(Pink)
Melty Moon Bangle(Pink)
Melty Moon Ring(Lavender)

Order #448
Dream Sky Dress(Lavender)

I'm also >>6912101

>> No.6915467

Aww shit, they have the melty moon jewellery too!

>> No.6915479
File: 77 KB, 640x480, 1368126608921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, charging $53 for necklaces?
Well shit, I'm going to hang onto mine. If they're $53 now I can't imagine what the price is gonna be like later on.
>tfw you want that sweet auction down the road where people bid $100 just for a single ring

>> No.6915482

Damn, they've exposed my sercret. Now I will never have the melty moons.

>> No.6915483


>> No.6915495

Fuck, I just bought the shooting star necklace from there since I was like an hour late for the release. All I really wanted was that necklace. I'm on the fence about the dresses themselves and I'd prefer to wait a bit on them. I have the money to spend even though it's more than I'd like.

>> No.6915497

parkas are UP! grabbed a lavender but sad I missed the navy skirt D:

>> No.6915508

order number 485- I grabbed a lavender parka too...no confirmation email yet obviously, I really wanted the sax blue I'm sad it went first :(

>> No.6915523

I'm 486. I hope we both got it. It's been awhile since I bought from the intl' site but I think I got an email from AP with "Thank you for your purchase." I think it's the automatic one.. wondering if I should be waiting for another confrimation?

>> No.6915530

*not "think I got"- did get

>> No.6915535

Yeah, I was worrying about that earlier. You should get two emails from them.

>> No.6915536

There's a confirmation email that comes out anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours after you complete a purchase in the online shop - that's the sign they've got the goods to ship, otherwise you get a refund automatically.

I really hope we both get it too! *fingers crossed*

>> No.6915542

ah crap. what happens if I added another item with the parka that's not sold out? Will they refund me the whole amount or just the parka? The only other item I bought was the summer catalog and i don't want it shipped alone :/ fingers crossed for us both!

>> No.6915551

So I'm super worried now.
I picked up some stuff yesterday and went through the checkout process but got an error.
I went through it again and the transaction showed up on my paypal and I was even mailed a reciept by paypal.
I haven't received any emails at all from AP though, not even a confirmation one.
I'm hoping it's just a delay because of all the orders but if not it's not too much of a loss I suppose.

>> No.6915557

I had this happen with the Gloria series, they only refunded me the value of the JSK I thought I had purchased and the difference to shipping, I had some other things in my order and they came out, the refunds for the item and the shipping were separate.

There isn't much we can do at the moment, just wait and see I guess.

>> No.6915562

When did you know you were not getting it? Before or after the second conformation e-mail?

>> No.6915567

Were you ordering from the Dream Sky Series? You can log into your mypage to view what has happened with your orders, if you see a pattern like this then click on 'detail' to check what actually went into the order, if it says 'paid' instead of 'unpaid' in that first bit then you're fine. Even after the paypal transaction they don't allocate funds until they have confirmed the existence of the item.

If it wasn't Dream Sky stuff I wouldn't worry at all, it's more likely to be a workload delay then.

>> No.6915568
File: 16 KB, 397x64, thingss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops picture fail

>> No.6915571

OH NO. I do not want to pay $15 for shipping a single catalog. Has anyone cancelled a purchase before? I don't think AP will treat us like how Baby has but I've never cancelled with them ):

>> No.6915580

I just got my confirmaiton email - I really hope you get one soon too. I've never tried to cancel an order with them (but to be honest I was miffed then too, I had just put some small accessories I wouldn't have bothered to get on their own)

>> No.6915581

Oh thank goodness. order 486 with lav parka and catalog status have both gone to "paid" and waiting shipment. Also got that 2nd email from AP. YAY!

>> No.6915583

yes!! we got them parkas! :D

>> No.6915585

YAY. Good Job AP.

>> No.6915607

Can't believe I didn't think of that! Exams are really frying my brains.

Nothing has showed up . Looks like my order didn't properly go through then.
All well.

>> No.6915639

lol feels like the parkas sold out quicker than anything else. Probably only put up like, what, 2 of each color?

>> No.6915672

Same here, only thing I wanted, so thanks to the anon that posted that they had them. It was only like $6 more and now I don't have to stress about trying (and probably failing) to grab it from SF site.

>> No.6915679

I wish I wasn't on the road when the main pieces were released. I really wanted a navy skirt. I'll wait and see if AP USA will be getting any. It really seems like they put a limited number of parkas. Seriously 2 (assuming) per color for the rest of the world?!

aw I hope it will be sorted out for you soon

>> No.6915746

I was going to wait to see if Bunnykitty/kittycarousel got any as she's been getting new release items recently. But eh, figured I'd go with this. I recently bought Milky Planet (older release) and got the necklace and tights from dream sky to coordinate with it, and because it's cute.

>> No.6915911


People selling their first edition stuff because it doesn't match the new print, apparently.

>> No.6916057

I hope the Paris shop gets the series soon as well.

>> No.6916060

They already sell pieces of the new release as well because of that reason.

>> No.6916062

I got pretty much all I wanted. My credit card is weeping so hard.

>> No.6916080

Did anybody get a ribbon clip in royal blue they might want to sell? Please let me know.

>> No.6916945


>> No.6917263


>> No.6917269

What colors were you gonna hold out for?
I feel like I want the black, but I haven't seen pictures of any of the bags besides the lav and pink.

>> No.6917270


Not that anon, but I'm personally shooting for lavender or yellow.

>> No.6917436

I'm hoping for lavender. I have enough pink bags and all the other colors don't go with my wardrobe...

Good luck to everyone! I hope we all can get a bag color we want :)

>> No.6917437


Do we know when it's getting released?

>> No.6917469

Not today or this week I'll bet

>> No.6917521

Indeed. Doesn't seem to be today.

>> No.6918879

Or today so far

>> No.6919013

AP Paris confirmed that they will get Dream Sky soon as but they got problems with the customs lately, they had to pay 1789€ in taxes last week for a small delivery.

>> No.6919813

AP USA are releasing tomorrow.

>> No.6919820

Your post doesn't make any sense.

>> No.6919829


Your mum doesn't make any sense.

But yeah. AP USA are releasing Dream Sky tomorrow. It's online only, apparently.

>> No.6919831

AP USA releases Dream Sky tomorrow at 12pm PST. Not that anon, but I have deciphered the message for you.

>> No.6919836

yea for overpriced

>> No.6919842

Hear Hear

>> No.6919898
File: 79 KB, 280x373, sax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anons. The sax appears lavender and the lavender appears purple because they're transparent and on a pink-colored background.

>> No.6919909

awesome, I was worried about that too, makes sense. Glad I hung onto my lav necklace and ring in the end then!

>> No.6919915

Welp, looks like I might be selling off the sax necklace and ring then.
I hope someone might be interested in trading me a lavender ring because I really don't want to fucking buy from AP San Fran.

>> No.6919919

if the us store even gets any jewelry...

>> No.6919928

From their facebook:
>Angelic Pretty USA Yes we will be getting all the jewelry, headdress items, and socks.

>> No.6919983

This might sound dumb, but on the Japanese site, the bear and bunny bags no longer have the "new!" box around them. I'm taking this as a sign that the bags will be up SOON.

>> No.6920043

Theres a sax skirt available !

And the crew socks have been restocked

>> No.6920300

Pretty sure you mean translucent. If it were transparent, it would be clear.

>> No.6920322


Was it really necessary for you to correct somebody over such a tiny detail and bump this thread? You didn't even sage. It's not like people didn't know what they meant.

>> No.6920376

My mistake, Jacobim.

Also, I do enjoy enlightening people about their use of language. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.6921128

anyone get anything from AP SF? I finally got my navy skirt! It came out to be about the same price as it would if I bought from AP Intl' since I use domestic shipping (in California). yay!

>> No.6921135

I had two items in my cart. Then when I submitted my order, one was gone, and I had to repeat the whole process for my other item. By the time I submitted my order again, my cart was empty.

This is such bs.

>> No.6921139

Got the OP, ribbon, and crew socks in Navy. I think I'm set for life right now.

>> No.6921144

Fuuck, I missed the only thing I really wanted;_____;

WTB Navy parka, will pay anything

>> No.6921149

lol the sax colorways are still available.

>> No.6921161

That sucks. Sorry to hear about it anon. Whenever AP SF releases a popular print, I don't dare add anything to my cart other than the main piece I want for that exact reason. That's how I got my DDC jsk and today's.

>> No.6921172

Wow do you have really fast Internet connection? I wish I could be that gutsy but I know how fast items can disappear! Congrats on your navy set!

>> No.6921183

The site lagged a bit for me too, actually.

I had my card number ready with a simple copy paste and was moving in the speed of light (it also helps to make an account beforehand so you don't have to fill out all your information). I've also done the SDCC ticket sales before and ended up to be one of the very last people to get a ticket.

>> No.6921208

Yes copy paste card info is definitely the way to go. Hey! I just got my ticket to SDCC too! Just yesterday with the resale. I tried to get passes the first round months ago but the site lagged so bad I was on a white screen for over a half hour. I got lucky with the raffled resale so now I'm going Friday and Saturday!

>> No.6921220

They are limiting jewelry purchases but at this point the jewelry totally outnumbers the main pieces left. I just want some of the accessories I missed on the international site. :(

>> No.6921235

If you wait a bit they may release the jewelry without restrictions since there are only 4? Main pieces left. Or email them about it?

>> No.6921243

GG, if you see a girl wearing a navy Dream Sky set, that may be me. I cannot wait for Dream Sky AND Comic Con!

>> No.6921252


>> No.6921259


>> No.6921263

The sax OP, skirt, and salopette is still available.

>> No.6921350 [DELETED] 

I emailed and they said I could go ahead and purchase just accesories.

Just snagged the last Melty Moon necklace!

>> No.6921377

If it makes you feel better, they wouldn't have let you buy just a necklace if you weren't also getting a main piece.

>> No.6921398

oh, it does make me feel better.

>> No.6921412 [DELETED] 

I have a pink one I might sell for a good enough offer. leave an email and I'll contact you.

>> No.6921501

I got the sax salo. Everything went up on my way to work. After seeing more pictures of it im okay with the color. So that makes tights, star necklace and salo for this series.

>> No.6921566

bumping, how did everyone do on the US release?

>> No.6921573

Anyone is selling their blue OP/JSK? I want to buy.

>> No.6921736

I got what i wanted, the blue jsk and hair scrunchie. I might buy the pink socks later, i'm not sure.it was my first time buying burando so i'm really happy!

>> No.6921756

Missed out on the hair accessories I wanted. Time to friends in Japan and scour auction sites...

>> No.6921837

I got the royal blue JSK, the star bracelets in pink and blue, a melty moon necklace, a shooting star necklace, and a barette. God, my bank account hates me so much now. I can't buy anything frivolous until at least August.

>> No.6922498

Quick question!
I've never had a dress like this before and I only have a cupcake petticoat which I've heard would look a little weird.
I've been searching around for light A-line petticoats, but does anyone have a specific one they'd recommend?

>> No.6922517

I am so jelly of everyone who managed to get the blue JSK. Both releases I was too slow.

>> No.6922939

Anyone in the UK get their stuff yet? If so were there customs and how much?
Trying to prepare my heart.

>> No.6922978

I actually find mine sugar hearts special set of the same cut works better with a cupcake rather than A-line petticoat - I didn't think it would. I think you should wait until it arrives and try it with your current petticoat, I found the A-line made it too triangular.

>> No.6923003

Ooh I'll wait on it then! Thanks!