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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6910166 No.6910166 [Reply] [Original]

Drama bomb in 3. 2. 1.

>> No.6910176

I agree with her though? underage girls MOST OF THE TIME don't have the money needed for this fashion and make really bad clothing choices. Like 80 percent of the girls in ita threads are 16 year olds with black and white hot topic lacemonsters.

>> No.6910184
File: 496 KB, 350x193, Popcorn_Drama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just waiting for the flood of asks from underage "lifestyle lolitas"

>> No.6910193

>less than 15
So longlivelolita is probably 16, huh.

>> No.6910192
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aka 15 year old girls who's only lolita item is a hot topic petticoat that their mommy and daddy bought them?

>> No.6910197
File: 125 KB, 300x300, babyoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or that hello kitty necklace meant for 3 year old.

>> No.6910201


>> No.6910207

oh sorry, blame autocorrect

>> No.6910219

If I was a parent of any teenager that wasn't employed then you can bet your ass they wouldn't be getting a $300 dress. It's not about them being 'immature' for the fashion or not, but the principle that expensive ass shit shouldn't just be given to a kid just because they ask every time. Christmas? Sure. Birthdays? Maybe. But if they're only putting together one coord a year then what's the point?

But you'd be surprised how many parents do this for their unemployed, spoiled little brats and what gems for "adult" lolitas they turn out to be once they legally hit 18.

>> No.6910235
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What's your opinions on b lolitas?

>> No.6910241

all dat ignorance.

>> No.6910242

I agree with the first sentence, and from there it just goes downhill.

>> No.6910250

someone ask her what she thinks about mana.

>> No.6910258

>Men shouldn't do it because it was a way for japanese women to revolt!

Then by her logic, gaijin women shouldn't either.

>> No.6910262

>dat spelling

>> No.6910259
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i want you to know why you disagree! I think it’s for grown because even if the dresses look childish or meant for girls, if you see the measurements of them, you can tell they are made for grown up bodies. Aside from that, in the beginning, it started as a revolution against the way women were portrait in Japanese society, having to be mothers and wives and all that. And on a smaller side, it is odd to have to watch out on what you do or what you say because there are kids around, you know. Long time ago, in the forum i was, we had people (man that is) messaging us saying that they were spying our meetups and i don’t think that’s safe

>> No.6910265

>using grown up
>being older than 14

>> No.6910266


I'm all for faminist revolutions too. Nothing like a good mass starvation.

>> No.6910270
File: 145 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mn4f1iOV1I1so4f6yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really shouldn't be insulting b lolitas.

>> No.6910273
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>> No.6910314

of fucking course she's a hispanic lolita. Damn, why is 95% my own race terrible at coording?

>> No.6910324

Because most of our regular clothing is way too fucking colorful and mismatched as it is, so it just has to be acceptable in every other fashion.
Also, kinda poor it seems.

>> No.6910332

I remember her from daily_lolita! She always has that dour expression on her face and takes herself very seriously. I especially remember her "Harry potter lolita" photoshoot.

>> No.6910363

So if you look like a man, then you shouldn't dress lolita? By that logic she needs to stop wearing this fashion.

>> No.6910383

Her and half the comm as a whole need to opt out then.

>> No.6910471

What happened to this girl? Seriously, I've talked to her a few times before, and she's even sent me PMs about liking my blog and such, and she never seemed this judgmental and rude. Not to mention, I can't remember her spelling being this atrocious.

1. She was drunk or under the influence.
2. Someone else took over the blog for her.
3. She snapped.

>> No.6910482

this is the weirdest white-knight post i've seen in a while

>> No.6910512

she's always been super judgmental. She's quite strange and tbh she doesn't have the best coords for her to be so critical about others.

>> No.6910525

I talked to her lot and her English was never this bad. Strange

>> No.6910524

I'm not white-knighting her at all. She's behaving terribly, I'm just wondering what happened. She was always nice to me and she seemed nice to other people, but clearly not.

Ah, really? I don't think I've ever seen her coords. I didn't care enough to look for them, I guess.

>> No.6910526

>I don't think I've ever seen her coords
Look up in the thread about 4 posts or so...

>> No.6910529


>> No.6910552

Looks like she has a permanent bitch-face. She always so angry...

>> No.6910593

Oh my. Yeah, she looks constantly angry and makes some questionable choices...like that harlequin blouse.

>> No.6911252

all this is really old, isn't ?
she is from my comm, don't know man; I have to say, she is a fun bitch.

>> No.6911313

But Lolita was started by a crossdresser. Where is she getting this "FAMINIST REVOLUTION" shit from?

>> No.6911320

Mana didn't start it, he named it.

>> No.6911325

That was dumb of me to say and I realize as much. I meant more along of the lines of he was very influential in the lolita scene.

>> No.6911337

From stupid articles by people who don't know anything about lolita and think there must be some deep philosophical meaning behind it. It's just like every other trendy "alternative" fashion, a bunch of people (teenagers) got bored and started wearing weird clothes and liking musicians that also wear those clothes. It gained popularity and now it spread overseas.
I'm sure everyone has their own reasons for getting into it, but most people just like the way it looks.
Why do guys wear their pants around their knees so their underpants show? Is it some revolution? No, it's because some faggot on MTV started doing it and then it got popular. Fashion is simple like that.

>> No.6911423

> No, it's because some faggot on MTV started doing it and then it got popular.
Is that why? I always thought it was just because they're lazy fucks.

>> No.6911449
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>> No.6911469
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I wonder what she thinks about Kaya who is 6 years old right now and only wearing brand.

>> No.6911467

Over 15 is a grown woman now?

>> No.6911473
File: 135 KB, 468x700, tumblr_l7ayirXYtR1qd04uwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6911484

Kaya is over 6. Look at her blog, there is no way she is 6.

>> No.6911488

In 2011 there were reports about here and back then she was 4 so she must be 6 now besides her blog being non-public since ages.

>> No.6911486 [DELETED] 

In 2011 there were reports about here and back then she was 4 so she must be 6 now.

>> No.6911493

Please show me where on her blog.

>> No.6911504

I kind of agree about the underage lolita thing though. Most girls under 14 will not be able to acquire full wardrobes, participate much in communities, and when they do often don't act very maturely. Younger girls also don't take critique very well, and will get upset when you try to give them advice I find. I speak from experience, as I got interested and bought my first dress when I was 14. I cringe looking back and my actions back then in both the online and local communities. And in the end, since I was so young I only ever could afford that one dress and go to that one meetup until I was 17, when I finally had some funds to support the hobby, there really wasn't any reason for me to start that early.

The only time I know of a younger girl being involved in our community was a 12-13 year old. Her parents bought her as much brand as she desired, for silly things like doing her chores. She acquired about 5 times the size of my closet in 6 months or so, then sold it all off after six months because she was bored of it already.

>> No.6911653

I lol'd

>> No.6911721

I started at 13, got a brand dress fro 75€ by a forum, and my style was not that bad. Good coords came with my fifteen years tought

>> No.6911729

There's one younger girl in high school in my comm, well at least locally that attends meets. Her parents are really nice and not weirded out that there are adults there twice her age. They will usually accompany her to meetups or sometimes if the location is permitting, do their own thing while she's off with us. She's mature and well-mannered and overall very pleasant to talk to despite the age differences. But I think sometimes younger girls can be really off-putting, especially ones that are judgemental about those who own a lot of brand, or just look very well put together and automatically assume that we're elitists. Most of us were there though, broke with little money to fund our hobbies. I don't mind younger people in the fashion, as there's great options. But they'd better be prepared to blend in and socialize with people who are older and sometimes much older.

>> No.6911774

Even your kid only gets whip cream showcase.

>> No.6911796

Younger girls are more likely to be obsessed with the drama, and they're also usually the ones who insist anyone over 20 needs to gtfo.

>> No.6911809
File: 34 KB, 527x480, laughinggentlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, WHERE did she come up with this "faminist revolution" shit? Who told her this? Do other people think this too?

>> No.6911826

but it was a faminist revolution

>> No.6911841


>faminist revolution
>Crazy shit tumblr folk keep making up.

>> No.6911870

Wrong print. It's the legendary Dreaming of Macarons print. And it's called "Whip Showcase".

>> No.6911920

i cry inside not having lived like that

>> No.6911926


But what if it really were famine supporters
Look at all of pro-ana in loli

>> No.6916923
File: 16 KB, 510x86, birthday wishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow ok

>> No.6916941
File: 488 KB, 490x276, tumblr_lkozuzzEKi1qdh0wl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this bitch for real?

>> No.6916997

Educate yourself, plz.

>> No.6917088

Oh god I swear there was some girl some months ago saying the same lolita is a feminist movement shit on this board.

>> No.6917151


How does she get dresses in her size though? Do they make them for her or does someone alter them for her?

>> No.6917159


I'm guessing she's confusing it with otome:


Or she thinks it was a rebellion against gyaru or something.

>> No.6917274

her mom is a Lolita designer, I think AP. So yes she gets them make just for her.
Speaking of children in Lolita does anyone have that Lolita in Korea clip?

>> No.6917293

please, have you tried fitting into mmm or vm WITHOUT being a faminist?
>it can't be done

>> No.6917295

I thought it was that her mom was just friends with a designer. Anyway she's so cute! If I had a kid I'd definitely try to dress them up a bit sometimes, maybe not so extreme but something.

>> No.6917355

THANK YOU. I'm so sick of seeing that dumb rumor spread around. The only people I ever see talking about it always go about it in the most condescending manner, which is hilarious because they are the ones who are extremely ill-informed .