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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 955 KB, 300x162, Baw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6909725 No.6909725 [Reply] [Original]


Kikikikikiki discovers Getoffegl and is scandalized! Translation, "Boohoo I'm a bitchy ita"

>> No.6909727
File: 90 KB, 1317x546, Kikikikigofuckyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caps for prosperity.

>> No.6909728

And let the yearly discovery and bitchathon commenced, to be terminated by moderators saying "they're not affiliated with EGL, if you don't like it, don't read it" before freezing comments or deleting the post.

>> No.6909732

Lol she's all like "can't we all be friends" bawwwww
NO bitch we can't.

>> No.6909735

No! We need to change ourselves and let go of hatred and become true, lovely lolitas! Also, poop rainbows.

>> No.6909736

I already poop rainbows, but that just might be my diet...

>> No.6909737

Can't wait for a mod to come by and delete that.... oh wait

>> No.6909739

Teach me your frilly ways

>> No.6909740

Lots of gum. Hard to come out, but fucking pretty in the toilet.

>> No.6909743

I'll drown it out with tea.

>> No.6909746
File: 251 KB, 580x454, 2322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I no longer have any wish to be a part of this community.

No one wants you as a part of the community. Especially since your whole "dress codes are just like Nazism!!" debacle.

>> No.6909752

or was it that they were like murder and rape? I can't remember, she says so much stupid stuff I can't even recall it all.

>> No.6909759

I expect there's going to be a GTFO of this?

>> No.6909782

I wonder how she'll react to my comment...

>> No.6909787

Are you the one who called her out? She won't like it, but she sure as hell deserves it.

>> No.6909797

Thank you for calling her out. She pretty much demonstrated why getoffegl exists.

>> No.6909796


>> No.6909798


I noticed your comment after I posted mine; fantastically put!

>> No.6909800

Why would you do that? We're never going to hear the end of it and I haven't any popcorn.

>> No.6909804
File: 14 KB, 204x127, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brought enough to share

>> No.6909807


I'm wafer, yes. I was struggling to get my thoughts across, so I hope it makes sense. I don't class gtfo as 'bullying bullying', if that makes sense. In my opinion, there's a difference between bitching about someone because their nose is big, and bitching because they've flooded the comm with noob posts. The latter because they don't know what google search is, or are too damn lazy.


Mods will freeze the comment, guaranteed.


>She pretty much demonstrated why getoffegl exists.

I was going to say that, but decided to reword it as advice. i.e. get your arse onto your post and realise why people bitch about you.

If she comes up with some bullshit butthurt reply, I won't be replying to it. No time for bullshit.

>> No.6909808

Yeah mannnnn

>> No.6909810



>> No.6909822


Thank you, but your comment wins purely for this line:

>...prone to saying things that will warrant a calling out...

What a nice subtle way on calling her out. Now pass me some popcorn.

>> No.6909829

Someone make a gtfo post about her...

>> No.6909880

When is this bitch going to reply. I want to see her go apeshit over those comments.

>> No.6909887
File: 31 KB, 515x210, onlymyopinionmatters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went snooping to see if she had a FB or something and if there was delicious butthurt. Found hypocrisy instead.

She's also on Neopets. Now doesn't that just speak volumes.

>> No.6909889
File: 339 KB, 450x306, 1333446271262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm still on Neopets

>> No.6909908
File: 55 KB, 960x720, kassi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is Ru?

Also photo from her fb, she looks like Kassi Kandi.

>> No.6909936

I wonder if she actually did flounce. She'll probably be back though.

>> No.6909947

She is actually pretty cute

But I was pretty sure she would flip shit at some point. She is just the type

>> No.6909962

Good old lunagoonie! Always says what i'm thinking so i never have to post.
I do wonder however if a noob will eventually try to post and defend kiki or if they are all scared away by now....

>> No.6909967

She would be cute if she was 16. The fact that she's 20something and still makes status updates like "Just woke up to such a scary noise from outside... sounds like someone was making freaky demon voices... >.>" and "I want a jumper skirt with spongebob on it!!!!" and "If you put on cat ears and insist on calling yourself a lolita, I will shank you. -.-" AND THEN

"I have to much to deal with right now to put up with immaturity. If you wanna overreact over little things, that's your choice. But I will not tolerate it. I have a lot of stress right now, and I don't need more. So go ahead, do what you want, but don't come crying to me when you realize you've treated someone poorly."

then you need to re-evaluate both your life and your internet presence.

>> No.6909974

For fucks sake, when is this bitch going to respond? I better not have got that popcorn ready for nothing!

>> No.6909983

(un?)fortunately she said she wanted nothing more to do with us.

>> No.6910015
File: 33 KB, 340x300, tumblr_lhlrmysKTU1qhy6c9o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.6910017

Well apparently the mod isn't freezing this one.
Only unscreening some replies.

And personally I could give a fuck less about what this girl says or does. She isn't the first newbie to think she's a lolita expert and she won't be the last. I'd rather not piss myself off by viewing her posts and giving her rants the time of day. I only ever hear about her when she gets posted here. But that's just me.

>> No.6910018

Hahaha oh god. Everyone's already said what I wanted to say, except for the fact that GTFO is ridiculously nice these days. Imagine if she had found the comm a few years ago?

Totally capping some of the comments before she flounces for real.

>> No.6910023

This is why I don't bother with EGL anymore. Too much fucking stupid like this chick on there.

>> No.6910029


Not that anon but a Neopian too.
Do you two remember the CGL guild?

I joined after a big thread about it a year or so ago and went to the /vg/ one after it apparently died. Sad times.

>> No.6910039

Isn't it the same bitch who basically wrote "I think brand is poor quality and ridiculously overpriced and looks good on barely anyone, but hey if you buy it a lot at full price I think it's great!"

>> No.6910041

Mmmmhm, sounds like her.

>> No.6910044

I-I'm in the Neopets Seagull guild. I check in now and then to see if its active ;_;

>> No.6910077

I remember when I first joined egl and I casually mentioned the gtfoegl comm as a joke response to someone and Miss Megan Maude went nuts on my ass and warned me that I could be banned for saying its name! Same with curse words.

>> No.6910094

i hope she flounces when she realises no one cares. also, signing posts... ugh

>> No.6910096

says the girl who is whining about people's words regarding her!

>> No.6910097

what the fuck *is* ru?

>> No.6910098

She swears by the name of the almighty Ru Paul.

>> No.6910101

Maybe a reference to "To Love Ru"? Idk.

>> No.6910102

Internet Bullying

The random capitalization in her post made me chuckle

>> No.6910116

I remember when I was 14...


Wait this bitch is in her 20's?

>> No.6910124

I'm kinda curious now, why was GTFO created? I remember reading somewhere that it was during the angeli_deas drama, but what's the whole story?

>> No.6910134

i think it was created when loli_wank went under, and people were reluctant to start another comm with that name (the implications of 'wank' and what it's slang for, and the better-known definition of "lolita"), as well as just another back-up site for problematic newbs and scammers. i could be wrong, though.

>> No.6910136

I'm pretty sure it was that if I recall correctly. I know it was some big blow up of drama that had mods and white-knights clinging to the thread on egl and someone had the idea to make a break off comm just to make the discussion less stupid.

>> No.6910161

Post deleted.


>> No.6910181

god damn it i hate the drawings of frank. mostly because they're innacurate as shit. i still have the post up, anyway, but i won't have the expanded comments

>> No.6910196

I have some comments expanded, but it's not a big deal either way. There wern't many and most of the good stuff wasn't in the replies.

>> No.6910202

Yeah, she didn't respond. She probably just cried and then baleeted. Poor thing, usually people grasp at the 1 or 2 comments agreeing with them before they do that. She's like a scared ita deer or something.

>> No.6910232

Fuck this bitch, what am I supposed to do with all this popcorn.

>> No.6910236


>> No.6910255

I just sent her a link to this thread, I thought it was only fair she knew about us bitches too, y'know?

>> No.6910257

but the best thing is how that one noob with the Hellbunny dress even called kiki out. i closed my window before realizing it got deleted but she said something along the lines of 'i took this as constructive criticism on what to post and what not to'

>> No.6910260

Caps are too large, have a link to the whole thing while I crop it up a bit.

>> No.6910261

Yea I saw that too. Ironically that girl must be underaged because she constantly talks about living with her mom and her mom approving what's on her clothes or whatever, and kiki is like 20-something

>> No.6910285
File: 608 KB, 500x270, 87u564y53.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who have never even been lolitas "leaving lolita" because everyone is mean

>> No.6910288


Whatever shall she do with all those shitty lace parasols?

>> No.6910333

The entire kikikikida account has been deleted, and I think she's made her FB timeline friends only? I can't into FB, so correct me if i'm wrong.

Hopefully that's one less clueless bitch to plague the comm. Job well done girls, you did good.

>> No.6910340

Which means we lost all her comments. Crap. Caps anyone?

>> No.6910344

if her account is still there then it would show it existed atleast even if it was private.

>> No.6910354


The FB account is there, but you can no longer see the latest posts including the one >>6909887
posted as well as the stupid ones >>6909967
pointed out.

Damn, I wanted a bitchfest. Fuck you Kiki, this isn't how these things work!

>> No.6910379

Well shit. This was my entertainment till tomorrow. Ah well, just have to wait for btb.

>> No.6910387

Damn, I wanted to see kiki's rant when she found this place.

>> No.6910401

Of course she made her fb private, someone linked her to this thread, where her fb was posted.

>> No.6910405

Oh wow, it's ironic to see this right now because:
>wrote a secret about the same chick a few days ago being uppity about now owning "overpriced burando~"

Oh well, maybe we'll see some secrets? Doubt it, it was so short lived.

>> No.6910411


Ru is RuPaul, the drag queen / model / singer. I love RuPaul, but to see this girl even remotely mentions him... -shiver-

>> No.6910412

Secrets get posted tomorrow, so if you want one, go make one.

>> No.6910424

she needs to rupologize for mentioning Ru's name in vain

>> No.6910454

I laughed a lot harder than I should have at this.

Seriously though, this girl... I can't even express all of my feelings for her. I'm glad she deleted her account. Maybe she'll straighten herself out and make a new one where she isn't so...dislikable.

>> No.6910488

BOOO! I wanted more drama.

>> No.6910783

So kikikisdfsd is friends with Crystal Moon.

I have no appropriate image.

>> No.6910827

This stupid bitch can't leave a fashion she was never in. Let's just wait for the sales post.

2 used bodyline dresses
Forever 21 blouse
Claires kneesocks
Payless maryjanes


>> No.6910946 [DELETED] 

Post like this make me wish this was reddit so I could give you an upvote. Because you deserve it.

>> No.6910949 [DELETED] 

Post2 like this make me wish this was reddit so I could give you an upvote. Because you deserve it.

>> No.6911269

She has two bonnets and a Bodyline dress.

>> No.6911293

Tis worse than we feared.

>> No.6911376
File: 640 KB, 500x249, tumblr_mec6pxo5mJ1rmt8w3o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6911444

Damn. The most disappointing thing to see in the comm sales is a big, enticing "LEAVING LOLITA ALL MUST GO" kinda title and only seeing a bunch of ita shit

>> No.6911545
File: 39 KB, 1424x290, Screenshot (37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man. Crystalmoon in the house everyone.

>> No.6911553

Where was that comment

>> No.6911559


The kikiwhateverthefuckhernameis' gtfo


I'm a shit stirrer, so let's see how she reacts to my comment. There better be a lovely bitch fest waiting for me when I get home from work.

>> No.6911563


Apologies, that links to my reply to her. Derp.

>> No.6911564

You said exactly what I wanted to say. Thank you.

Bud did you HAVE to start this at 1 AM?

>> No.6911571


Oops, sorry anon. It's 6am for me. I was disappointed in the lack of bitch fest on Kiki's behalf, so i'm hoping i've set myself for somes luls when I get home.

I'm off to work now, if she goes full retard you guys better make it hilarious.

>> No.6911574

timezones. It's only 10 PM for me when that was posted. Probably different time for poster.

>> No.6911577

She's actually... taking it well. Amazingly.

Sorry Anon, no lulz out of this one.

>> No.6911587

...This was not expected in the slightest.

>> No.6911595

It's kinda nice though. We so rarely see people who're GTFO'd as much as her change.

>> No.6911883

Just now. Someone keep poking the bear

>> No.6911910

Where is this gif from?

>> No.6911916

Attack on the Pin-Up Boys

>> No.6912065

It's also nice to see she either got a spell-check or takes more time rereading her posts before hitting enter these days. They're legible, unlike a lot of her old posts.

>> No.6912267

Yeah, thank god for that one. Her friends deserve a medal for telling her off and making it stick.

>> No.6912269

Fucking hell, what's with these gtfo-ees owning up to their mistakes? First Norbertrox, then crystal moon. Hell, at this rate Kikikida might even apologise for her bullshit!

>Sarcasm sphere self-test complete.

Oh good that's still working.

>> No.6912360

Hi guys

Sorry, this is totally tiny and irrelevant, but I thought it was hilarious so I thought i'd share.

So after a bit of snooping to see if she's as crazy elsewhere (just put KiKiKiKida into google, she's super easy to trace) I found out her Neopet's account.

Anyway, found this:


The whack job in question is none other then KiKiKiKida. No idea what she's meant to have said, but the fact this person labelled her a whack and idiot was hilarious.

>> No.6913884

I like how she skips over some of the posts were people are called out for their shady business and told to get out of EGL for being overall massive bitches and treating people like shit. Because that is what I usually see (when there is adequate proof of course).

>> No.6917176

Where is she elsewhere on the internet?

>> No.6917199

Neopets and a now locked Facebook.