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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 500x332, aiska-taiga-and-ryuuji-cosplay-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6906466 No.6906466 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your significant other, seagulls.
How did you met?
Is she/him into cosplay?
Have you cosplayed together?
Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!

>> No.6906731
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Eh I'll bite
>How did you met?
>Is she/he into cosplay?
Indeed, it's partially how we met haha
>Have you cosplayed together?
I feel safer having him around, so most of our cosplays are OTP material
>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!

>> No.6907003
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>how did you meet?
We met years ago via fighting games. I thought he was a jerk, but grew on me. This past Katsucon we hung out, and he took care of me when I blacked out (oops. #classylady). We kept in touch ever since.

>Is he into cosplay?
Yes! He loves it, but never learned how to sew! So I've been teaching him lately. Its fun!

>Have you cosplayed together?
We were part of a small Senbonzakura group for the Sakura Matsuri, but that's it. At CTcon were doing Senbon again and P4!

>> No.6907034

This thread sounds fun.

>How did you met?
I met him at a open house for a figurine distributor. If you guys are familiar with the Go!Figure event at Toyslogic, that's where I met him.
>Is she/him into cosplay?
He likes cosplays but his self esteem sucks so he doesn't want to cosplay. Don't want to make him do things he doesn't like to do.
>Have you cosplayed together?
No but I'd like to do something, like Monster Hunter armor sets or something. We've worked on costumes together though.
>Have you done couple cosplays together?
No but I really do want to change that. I doubt it though since he also works as a dealer. Something bulky will just get in the way for him when he moves around the booth.

You two are too cute for words.

>> No.6907033


>> No.6907051


>> No.6907074

> How did you met?
Of all places, /cgl/.

> Is she/him into cosplay?
Yes. And pretty passionate about it.

> Have you cosplayed together?
Not intentionally. We have cosplayed from the same series.

> Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
Not yet. Hopefully when I see him next.

>> No.6907190

Excuse me while I blush...
I don't even know how they got that shot but it's one of my favorites from con. Also if you want more cuteness I love the cosplayersmakingout tumblr.
Awe but intentionally cutest cosplay is the best. Goo for ittt

>> No.6907191


>> No.6907234


Please, you're aggravating my autism.

>> No.6907291

>How did you meet?
Uni anime club
>Into cosplay?
Interested but more into the have fun dressing up part than the put work and make things look nice (even if it's only from afar) part. It's okay as long as he's having fun though
>Have you cosplayed together/couple cosplay
We're not into the same series :(

>> No.6907333

>How did you met?
We went to the same high school but never spoke until years after graduation when we reconnected on Facebook.

>Is she/him into cosplay?
He wasn't at first. He thought it was stupid until I told him he could pick the costumes if he cosplayed with me. Since then he likes it.

>Have you cosplayed together?

>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
I don't have any since I'm posting from my phone.

>> No.6907548
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>How did you met?
Technically, we went to the same elementary- my best friend crushed on him, and I crushed on HIS best friend. Reconnected years later at a mutual friends birthday party.
>Is she/him into cosplay?
Not as into it as me, but he enjoys it
>Have you cosplayed together?
Kinda, did a minecraft thing last year. This year I'm doing Portgas D. Ace (crossplay) and he as Trafalgar Law. Pretty psyched about it.
>Have you done couple cosplays together?
Nah, not really interested.

>> No.6907551

My SO dislikes cosplay, lolita, and everything Japanese, or even Asian.

>> No.6907804
File: 313 KB, 720x627, SJ5-Cosplay-Contest-741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>significant other
Bahahahaha that terminology always makes me crack up.
>How did you met?
I think everyone knows this by now, but we met here on /cgl/. What else is new. I have you lovely people to thank for smacking me in the butt to realize my feelings for him, and now these two tripfags are together forever.
>Is she/him into cosplay?
...why else would he go onto /cgl/? Yeah he is haha. Though he hadn't done any actual cosplays himself until I came around to make them for him.
>Have you cosplayed together?
Yup! We've done several couple cosplays and we have many more planned. I'm going to college full time now and he's got other obligations so that's gonna put our cosplays on hiatus for a while.
>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
pic related; excuse the awful not styled wig of mine. That day had been a nightmare and since so many things were going wrong, I didn't get to cut my wig in time.

>> No.6907853
File: 155 KB, 636x960, 65656_584444211590581_723669336_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you meet?
A friend that I met in a roundabout way through cosplay introduced us. I almost set his apartment on fire (dropped a hookah coal), thrashed him in Mario Kart, and the rest is history.

>Is she/him into cosplay?
Yes he is! Though he only has a couple of cosplays right now, we’re working on big ones like Isaac (Deadspace) in the future.

>Have you cosplayed together?
Worked on armor and stuff together. He put in a ton of hours on my Samus with me.

>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
Kinda? Cosplayed from the same series, but no pairings. I’m not into super girly characters, and he’s picky. I think the closest was our thrown together last minute Tuxedo Snake and my (now I realize God-awful) formal Samus dress interpretation.
My favorite of our cosplays together was Ky Kiske and Bridget, and really our only true cosplay from the same series.

Funny pic related, he’d dyed his longer hair for Dante (DMC5) and then got so sick of black hair he shaved it all off. Then he realized he had another con and didn’t have a wig last minute (wouldn’t let me buy him one), so that’s why he’s bald Dante there.

>> No.6907864

I think we would care more if you guys don't constantly shove it down our throats about how much in love you guys are.

Trailer park lady going to college and no full time job man? The universe weeps for your child.

>> No.6907883

>How did you met?
University. We took a summer course together that wasn't related to either of our fields and wound up hitting it off.

>Is she/him into cosplay?
Not at all. He's supportive of my hobby and seems to think it's cool, but he has no interest in it himself.

>Have you cosplayed together? / Have you done couple cosplays together?
Noooo, but I might bring it up. There are a couple costumes (namely the skull tattoo guy from Lady Gaga's Born This Way video and George Koizumi from Paradise Kiss) that I think he could pull off astoundingly well if I could just convince him to let me stuff him into nice suits and do his make up.

>> No.6907891
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But I make about $70,000 a year after taxes?

>> No.6907904
File: 112 KB, 800x450, becoming perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le me don't post in months,--almost a yearish?--of us
>le me answering questions, nothing stating RABBU RABBU DOKI DOKI
>no sage on post
u wot m8

>> No.6907909

>"le" anything

go back to the trailer park where you belong with the rest of the inbreeding animals

>> No.6907916

Obviously you don't get the joke that I'm trying to be a tard because everyone hates the "le" shit. Try saging if you're going to be making OP's thread go off topic.

>> No.6907943

>How did you meet?
/soc/ lel
my secret shame
>Is her/her into cosplay?
Not really, but there's a few ideas he's interested in.
>Have you cosplayed together?
Went to Promstuck as Equius and Aradia together, but there are no pictures, he doesn't like having pictures taken of him.

>> No.6908176
File: 263 KB, 900x600, Reimi (5 de 5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you met?
Friend of friends. We met at a dinner we had together, and discovered we were in pretty much the same fandoms.

>Is she/him into cosplay?
He is, though he hasn't done much.

>Have you cosplayed together?
We did, we actually cosplayed 2 couples together before even dating. It was funny. We're planning a couple cosplay for now, and a few groups with our friends, but not as couples or anything.

>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
Same as above, pic related. But we did it before dating lol.

>> No.6908358
File: 177 KB, 960x640, tumblr_mo6z2v95Q61r51qbpo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you meet?
We were both living in Japan and started hanging out and bonding over shared interests.
>Is her/her into cosplay?
He's very into cosplay, we almost always try to coordinate what we're doing to be from the same series.
>Have you cosplayed together?
Yes! Last weekend we were Gyro and Johnny from Steel Ball Run. Unfortunately our good pictures of just the two of us aren't ready yes, so have our SBR group! I'm second from the left and he's all the way on the right.

Oh my gosh, you two are adorable! I can't take it. I'm also impressed with Rohan's wig a LOT.

>> No.6909004
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>How did you met?

>Is she/him into cosplay?
Definitely not a first, they didn't even enjoy going to conventions. But he suggested I find him a character to cosplay as. I was worried he wasn't actually interested and just suggested that to get involved in my hobby, but after cosplaying together we both had a lot of fun.

>Have you cosplayed together?
Yep, never got a great pic together, but pic related. Went as Marceline and Marshall Lee. There was a lot of issues with the costume (despite it being so simple) that annoyed him, but in the end we both had a lot of fun together. He even wants to do it again and asked me how to do the makeup so he could go himself for a future con I can't attend.

>> No.6909043

>How did you met?
Cosplay meet-up
>Is she/him into cosplay?
>Have you cosplayed together?
Of course, we love doing it together.
>Have you done couple cosplays together?
Usually all our cosplays are planned with that in mind, canon or noncanon.

>> No.6909061

>How did you met?
High school a few years back.
>Is she/him into cosplay?
He wasn't when we started dating, but now enjoys it as much as I do.
>Have you cosplayed together?/Have you done couple cosplays together?
Not recently. The only "couple-y" one we've ever done was a default and genderbend version of Don't Say Lazy!Mio (was the first time he cosplayed), other than that we've done Terrance & Phillip from South Park and Sanji & Chopper from OP.

>> No.6909093

How did you met?
At a con last year! We were both dragged along by friends.
Is she/him into cosplay?
Not really.
Have you cosplayed together?
Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
We'll be attending the con we met at this year doing couple cosplays together, it's his first time cosplaying and my second. Should be interesting!

>> No.6909145

>How did you met?
We met on an /x/ Livestream, oddly enough.
>Is she/him into cosplay?
He's Chinese and hates everything that has anything to do with Japan, so no. He likes Homestuck cosplay and roleplaying, though, but he's very shy about it and rather embarrassed about the whole thing.
>Have you cosplayed together?
Yes, he goes as human!Sollux -- he hates the idea of wearing the grey paint, but he makes a perfect Sollux anyway in terms of personality and appearance! -- and I go as Rose in her velvet Squiddleknit dress.
>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
Indeed, as the aforementioned pairing~!

>> No.6909188

>How did you meet?
Online (gaming forum specifically)
>Is she/him into cosplay?
I roped him into doing it with me at our first con this year.
>Have you cosplayed together?
Yes, two different costumes. First time for both of us.
>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so,
We did Kurisu/Okarin and Holo/Lawrence.
>post pictures!
I only have crappy con hall photos. Aside from that I don't think he's OK being posted to 4chan lol.

>> No.6909194
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>How did you met?
We've not
>Is she/him into cosplay?
I hope so
>Have you cosplayed together?
It'd be nice if we could
>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
N-not yet

>tfw no gf

>> No.6909203
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>> No.6909408

How did you met?
>Highschool AP biology
Is she/him into cosplay?
>Apparently, he started getting into cosplay because he wanted to impress me (he didn't know much about con culture/cosplay but knew I liked it), so yes, he is.
Have you cosplayed together?
>Yep! Nan and Karol from Vesperia and we're doing Saki and Takizawa from Eden of the East
Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
>Only bad hall pictures, so, no

>> No.6909435
File: 99 KB, 960x720, 389154_456884691002803_1339392697_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you met?
we got super fucking drunk at a party at ALA 11, knew of each other vaguely before then through cgl
>Is she/him into cosplay?
>Have you cosplayed together?
yeah~ a couple of times. mostly one piece
>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
YES but we don't have any good pictures lol, unless you count doing zoro and robin in a big group and not getting any of just the two of us. DW HE HAS A MUCH BETTER WIG NOW.

>> No.6909448

How did you met?
We met at school.
Is she/him into cosplay?
Yeah! But we've only had 3 chances to go to cons together and he couldn't go to the most recent one.
Have you cosplayed together?
Yeah! 2 times.
Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
Once, but it was a year or two ago. I was Dirk and he was Sollux and it was probably my worst cosplay I've ever done. It was so much fun though and I was glad to cosplay with him!
We're planning on another couple cosplay for SaikouCon but we're going to do our best this time.

>> No.6909456
File: 678 KB, 1067x1600, Kyrie Rudolf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you met?
Via a group of CGL folks on G+. We met in real life for the first time at Sakuracon 2012. I was super nervous and awkward and puked a lot due to the nerves. Now we live together and it's pretty great.

>Is she/him into cosplay?
Yup! He is less into sewing than I am, but he's a good sport about cutting/pinning for me.

>Have you cosplayed together?
A few times already, and we will be doing more in the future for sure.

>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
Our first couple cosplay, Kyrie and Rudolph Ushiromiya. I beat him at Scrabble so he had no choice.

>> No.6909522

Shit I meant to reply in my last post but I didn't realize that nervousness is why you kept getting sick ;3c

>> No.6909518

>How did you met?
Over tumblr. We were two of the first Dangan Ronpa cosplayers so we started talking on skype, months later I admitted to having a crush on her and she said she felt the same way.

>Is she/him into cosplay?
Yep haha.

>Have you cosplayed together?
Not yet, but we will at Otakon this summer.

>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
No pics yet, but we're going to be cosplaying Rise and Naoto from Persona 4 and Fukawa and Togami from Dangan Ronpa.

>> No.6909630

>How did you met?
>Is she/him into cosplay?
She's only gotten into it the recent years we've been together but she's gone crazy for it since.
>Have you cosplayed together?
Yup, a few times now
>Have you done couple cosplays together? If so, post pictures!
We did Finn and Fionna and Ash Crimson and Elisabeth Blanctorche on two occasions, we're hoping to do Leo and Lili from Tekken once I finish sewing Leo's jacket.

>> No.6910040

Ugh yep. It took like three visits before I stopped doing it. I end up telling the story to anyone who acts like they're so awkward about dating. If I can find someone not scared away by me throwing up 10 minutes after meeting them, I think there's hope for anybody.

>> No.6910347

Most of /cgl/ has met their boyfriend online. Huh.

>> No.6911020
File: 33 KB, 400x236, img-oh-look-this-thread-again-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/irgin or /a/nal virgin discovers /cgl/
>dreams of a qt3.14 of his own
>posts this thread to entertain idea

>/cgl/ bites

>> No.6911043

what did you expect?

>> No.6911058

>i'm sad cause i have no SO

>> No.6911064

>I'm only with my "SO" so I can show off to other people, that's why I have a need to post about it on the internet.

>> No.6911079

Lol as if, I'm sure people date others just to please YOU online

>> No.6911098
File: 256 KB, 1280x720, IMG_0049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, did that one hit home? Are you feeling a little guilty now? I bet it explains a lot.

>> No.6911194

you are thirsty as shit bro