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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 78 KB, 240x320, le.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6908203 No.6908203 [Reply] [Original]

Well, this blows. Does anyone have caps from the Socks_cat post?

I dislike it when things are deleted from getoffegl because it's a decent place to have things for posterity. The wonderfinch drama got deleted and so is the Baby drama and we only have the cgl archive to refer to in regards to the latter.


>> No.6908209

>Details have come to light that imply the original post has been passed on to Japanese authorities which could cause repercutions for the comm and it's maintainers.
Any more info on this? What sort of legal issues did this whole thing have?

>> No.6908207

I came here for recaps too...

>> No.6908210

I've got caps of the post, give me a minute to put it on Photobucket

>> No.6908212


Please do.

>> No.6908213

Here everyone goes. I couldn't crop it, thus the link

>> No.6908216

Upload it onto here because the archive will save it. Don't trust photobucket uploads since they usually get deleted.

I have no idea how getoffegl would be affected at all by this drama. People posted stuff and that is it. I think it's because rocketlaunching is rosaire's biggest whiteknight and she doesn't want proof to show that rosaire was skewing things.

>> No.6908223

Give me a while to crop it then because the file is too large to upload.

Also, have a google cache of Rosaire's post prior to some of her edits.

>> No.6908224

BTSSB loves claiming wanting to sue people, just look at the shoe drama.

>> No.6908226

Rosaire, rosaire, rosaire.

The last comment I remember is the sock account saying "maybe she lied about her bad service!!" (which was a stupid comment). What happened after that?

>> No.6908253

of course she deleted everything now that it came out that she was not being honest about everything and more importantly, that aoki is not sana. I also heard the isobes are taking the commotion quite serious and are going to take further steps. .

>> No.6908252
File: 1.05 MB, 587x2176, GTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.6908255

>I also heard the isobes are taking the commotion quite serious and are going to take further steps. .
Receipts, please!

>> No.6908261

Ha! Called it. Suck it for those who jump to conclusions!!

>> No.6908275

What was the Wonderfinch drama that got deleted? The only major drama I can remember being removed was the stuff from the mod community that led to EGL closing.

>> No.6908288

So BTSSB is now threatening to 'sue?' Lol, on what 'damages' I wonder? Hurt egos?
I hate this brand now.

>> No.6908287

I feel really bad for Tocco. She didn't deserve secrets to be made about her when the drama wasn't even clear. She sounds like a nice logical person. How can Rosaire sleep at night? Has she said anything after the e-mail was revealed?

>> No.6908290

It was when someone leaked a post from the mo community on /cgl/ where wonderfinch was acting like a child when reporting an issue, saying that she "may have to kick someone in the teeth." Granted they were being ridiculous, but the immaturity of it all bothered people. A getoffegl post was made, and angelofdeath (admin at the time) deleted it because it was "private'--even though private posts were fine in other situations.

This was what occurred before the mods shut down EGL for a week.

>> No.6908299

Naw. She's still a bitch. But she's not a random crazy bitch who insulted Rosaire out of nowhere. Rosaire just decided to lie in order to make her case more solid, instead of telling us what really happened. Which I'm guessing, based on the polite tone of this particular email, is that, somewhere along the line, Tocco and Rosaire got super pissed at each other and started slinging insults. Tocco gets mad, tells rosaire not to come into work, rosaire freaks and whines to Isobe, and we go on from there.

That said, Tocco still did reveal some damning info about Btssb and their opinion of foreigners.

I wish Rosaire didn't lie because you know vendetta anon is just going to lap it up like milk and honey. "SEE, LYING PIGGU!!! SHE WAS PROBABLY LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE!!!"

>> No.6908298

Ahhh, I knew about angelofdeath removing a private post from the mod comm and EGL closing, I just didn't know Wonderfinch was involved. I missed the initial drama and only saw the fallout.

>> No.6908303

I would say on grounds of bringing damage to the company's name?

>> No.6908306

Which was only damaged because of something one of their own employees said? They don't have a case.

>> No.6908310

Going by Japanese precedent, it probably wouldn't amount to anything. For "libel" online, it generally needs to be something posted in Japanese, on a Japanese site, frequented by people who would come into contact with the company in Japan. A post on a neglected Russian-owned website in English probably wouldn't qualify.

>> No.6908324

In Japan, it doesn't matter if it's true or false. But they would need to show that it had a significant impact on their company's image.... in Japan. Which this hasn't.

>> No.6908335


idk more either, though I personally believe that based on what that girl posting on behalf of aoki said the whole 'dislikes foreigners / foreigners don't know what is cute' was misinterpreted and not necessarily an act of rasism. we'll see what happens. If it really comes to a lawsuit it will at least be a lesson for rosaire to never publically bad mouth a company she works/worked for again.

>> No.6908348

I'm at work right now so I apologise if I can't respond to anyone right away.

The mod team decided that for the time being, it'd be a good idea to let the drama surrounding this settle, at least until more details come to light.
There may not be any criminal proceedings at all but we'd rather not take the risk and lose the entire comm.
Once we know more, we'll share the info on the comm but for now, can you keep the drama contained here?

>> No.6908362

This was never an issue in the past so I don't get why this is an issue now? And who is even going to bring down getoffegl anyway? There is nothing that is risking the community.

>> No.6908372
File: 1001 KB, 450x375, 1905c1290569414900508712ecad9113-micdrop06.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am posting here one time, just to clear something up. I have been out literally all day (and I've got recipts to prove it!) and I had no hand in any of this. In fact, someone PM'd me to tell me that Rosaire had deleted her post and you know what? I banned her. I banned her without asking the other mods, even.

I know things about the situation I am not allowed to share, however I will say that I did tell her not to start this whole mess to begin with and not to leave things out. I will also say she did not delete her post because she was wrong and wanted to hide, either. (and for the record, I am not throwing her under the bus. I told her these things myself, even.) I am actually in the process of leaving lolita, and had successfully kicked reading CGL until this all happened. She's my girl, but I am not involved in this whatsoever other than bystander and commenting telling people a boycott is pointless. Please stop dragging me into this.

>> No.6908373

major brands were threatening to close EGL if they don't ban replicas

>> No.6908375


But getoffegl was never in danger of being closed down. It's Rosaire that might be taken to court, not livejournal or the mods of getoffegl. All you're doing is hiding evidence (it's not very easy for Baby to find it here is it?) to protect Rosaire

>> No.6908377

>major brands were threatening to close EGL if they don't ban replicas

1) getoffegl isn't egl.

2) they were full of BS, anyway. If record companies can't get filesharing LJ communities shut down, what makes them think a niche fashion community will shut down EGL for talking about replicas?

>> No.6908379

It was only AP actually which everyone should understand with all the print replicas by DOL and Jia.

>> No.6908381

You didn't 'let the drama contain here' when there weren't evidences against Rosaire.

We all know she's leading you by the nose. Stop pretending otherwise.

>> No.6908382

AP USA at that

>> No.6908401


So if any member of getoffegl breaks the law and looks like they may be taken to court for libel will you delete everything to protect them too or only your scammy friends?

>> No.6908400

I don't think what any of you understand is LJ has shut down communities over less before, Baby has enough money and power that they could shut getoffegl down if they wanted. Technically, getoffegl is against LJ tos but somehow manages to skate by.

>> No.6908404

>All you're doing is hiding evidence

because it's not like you can't find everything you need to know on rebeccablacktech amirite????

>> No.6908407

We can. Can a Japanese company or lawyer???

>> No.6908408

The word of founder of a lolita wank comm that allow wanking on anything but me & 'my girl'.

>but I am not involved
Yeah, right.

>> No.6908405

Maybe so, but Baby are after Rosaire, not getoffegl. They're angry about an ex employee trying to ruin their reputation and know she could/could have just posted it elsewhere

>> No.6908409

>scammy friends

Rosaire did not scam anyone.

>> No.6908410

pretty much this. Even sites like Artist_Beware get threatened with closure all the time as they too are against ToS.
We'd just rather not take the risk

RL is the only one with any connection to Rosaire outside of this which is why she's taken a back seat as far as the situation is concerned other than commenting here and banning Rosaire.

>> No.6908413

I have a question about Rosaire. If she was getting a staff discount, that judging from Tocco's emails she was abusing her staff discount, then did she offer that discounted price to her customers? Or was she charging them full price with SS fees on top?

>> No.6908419

Where are you getting that I'm protecting her? Did you not read my last post...? I deleted nothing. Tiggs deleted socks_cat and Rosaire deleted her own post. IF it was up to me, I would have kept it up and let them sue me/arrest me whatever. But it wasn't up to me. Again, she didn't delete because she felt she got caught and wanted to hide from the mass of angry anons, I can't say why but there are rumors here that are not too far off. I'm not here to argue with you, I'm here to say leave me the hell out of this because I have literally nothing to do with it.

>> No.6908420
File: 82 KB, 325x452, lolita 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the death of lolita_fucks. I think it's understandable to want the community to fly under the radar, since lolita wank communities have been shut down before.

>> No.6908423

You're a goddamn coward. You censored the posts to protect your friend. Don't spit in our face and tell us it's raining.

>> No.6908421

Rosaire used her discount to purchase items for herself to wear to work.

>> No.6908428

>The word of founder of a lolita wank comm
I did not start getoffegl, flandular did.

What is wrong with being honest? I thought you guys appreciated transparency? She's my friend but this whole time I have stayed out of this other than telling people a boycott won't work.

>> No.6908426


No one is claiming she was hiding from angry anons, she's hiding from angry lawyers! And you as a mod team decided to help her do that.

>> No.6908434

You are so mad at me for literally no reason. I censored nothing. I had no hand in any of this, I'm sorry if you can't believe me but that is the gods honest truth.

>> No.6908436

How hard is it to get it through your brain, dude? Getoffegl mods don't want the community shut down because lawyers are potentially involved with rosaire. If they let that happen, you'd be fuming that they didn't take action to protect the community.

>> No.6908439

Shit, you don't even need lawyers to get a community on livejournal shut down. Anyone can do it if the community violates the TOS, which getoffegl does, I believe.

>> No.6908440

Ah right, thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't sure since the email said something about reselling.

>> No.6908451

so all the wank with the chargebacks that girl was doing on brands and people was allowed but this isn't? and the owner of the community is rosaire's biggest defender?

seems legit

>> No.6908452

Rocketlaunching doesn't own getoffegl.

Rocketlaunching banned Rosaire for deleting her post.

>> No.6908453

How is that negating anything I said? You're trying to protect someone who broke the law.

It's very doubtful that Baby would try and shut getoffegl down since they're interested in prosecuting Rosaire but even still, I'd rather lose a drama archive then be you guys trying to protect her. Bitch should take responsibility for her actions.

>> No.6908468

She sure tried to slander someone and start a boycott on a company.

>> No.6908470

>It's very doubtful that Baby would try and shut getoffegl
tocco and her lovely band of whiteknights could try. getoffegl already skirts the line of being allowed, and getting removed. nobody is protecting rosaire.

I think you've got that reversed, and on the wrong site... the chargeback shit wasn't allowed on here, but somehow this is.

>> No.6908475

Not to mention omitting the truth left and right doing that.

And you believe the liar that she is.

>> No.6908473

How do we know this? The e-mail said that she bought so much every day that it seemed like she was probably selling it. I doubt she made enough to keep buying lolita every single day.

>> No.6908480

>She sure tried to slander someone and start a boycott on a company.
She wouldn't need to slander that company or start a boycott to get people to not appreciate their xenophobic bullshit and their BAD business practices to customers.

It's just a shame that so many people kiss this brand's ass just because it's "been around" or occasionally puts out something wearable and not ita-licious, that they don't mind taking multiple slaps to the face.
I'm ashamed to own the things I do from them.

>> No.6908488

Or just using this situation as a tool to fuel their hate-boners for rosaire and don't actually give a shit about the brand issue or how many people they've screwed.

>> No.6908487

I see that a fake smile and lie from the other brands has gotten the best of you.

>> No.6908490

I'd rather some brand have a fake smile and lie to their customers but at least -cater- to them every now and then instead of blacklisting anyone they don't wanna deal with and giving multiple fuck-yous to overseas customers.

>> No.6908495

So, either way you're punishing the entire company for one shit employee?

>> No.6908503


Hi Rosaire!

>> No.6908504

It's pretty clear that the shit employee implied that the xenophobia permeated the entire brand.
Second of all:
>should companies be held accountable for the things their employees say?
When it's on company time and making references to the company? YES.

>> No.6908506

Lel ikr? Im rosaire gies no srsly xD everyone say hi to me

>> No.6908517

Reposted everything to my journal
If anyone shares the nice easy link with Baby/Tocco/etc it's not really my problem. At least this can't be deleted.

>> No.6908521

It did seem like it wasn't just one employee, but the company as a whole

>> No.6908545

Difference is, Maiko didn't threaten them with legal action. Loli Secret had it with the copyright claims and they shut themselves down

>> No.6908578

I'm sure that's why they hired a gaijin in the first place then. Oh well, all this means is that I'm going to be able to buy whatever I want since you idiots are going to be missing out during your righteous boycott to try to fight the evil xenophobic Japanese~

>> No.6908586

Have fun being blacklisted and buying from a company that hates you and thinks you look like shit in their merch~

>> No.6908627

They use foreign models in their ads and one of the designers even said white girls look better in lolita (I'm sorry I don't have the sauce/links, but it was from some event or con interview a while back). They might not like *dealing with* foreign customers, but I doubt the entire company thinks all foreigners are ugly piggus who look like shit.

>> No.6908632

It's easy when you speak Japanese and use a fake Japanese name. They think I'm a cute Japanese girl living in America. No one has been anything other than helpful and sweet to me. Be jelly.

>> No.6908639

>I'm faking being Japanese
>teehee they don't treat me like their white piggus

Yeah, models being the key word. People that they like and who think they are kawaii enough.

>> No.6908661

Baby is as xenophobic as any normal Japanese. Asians are generally xenophobic, and you guys act like this is something new? Every country has racism. Everyone is racist to some degree.

I don't hold anything against Baby, because Rosaire did provoke them to get the response she wants.

>> No.6908687 [DELETED] 

well they were pretty much ruining it themselves before...

>> No.6908787

What was it again she tagged her original post of getoffegl? "rosaire wins again" .... :')

>> No.6908805

I need a mini recap, how did Rosaire lie and how did that come to light??

>> No.6908813

wasn't that a tag someone made around the octavekitten debacle? not just for this crap about tocco?

>> No.6908819

She posted caps of an email between herself and Tocco in which she censored out certain areas. Later, the uncensored version was posted on /cgl/ by someone, and it turns out that the censored out parts made the email sound a lot less harsh than the version Rosaire presented. Check >>6908517 for details.

>> No.6908823

if all japanese brands are xenophobic torwards their foriegn customers, how come innocent world and closet child bends over backwards to help you, and you only see this sort of shit from Baby?

>> No.6908824

It was a tag that's been around for a while. Can you tag your own posts, now that I think about it? I thought mods had to add them.

She didn't lie but she did majorly misrepresent what went on, at least in one email where most of people's "da fuck?" was coming from, which said that foreigners don't have a sense of what "cute" is and "Btssb doesn't like forengers."

She censored out sentences that made it clear Tocco understood there were cultural differences between the two of them, that Tocco didn't agree with how foreigners were seen but it existed, and gave her email a much more polite, if curt, tone. Whereas what rosaire initially posted made it sound totally bitchy and weird. Tocco's later emails are still rude and nasty, but given the polite but curt tone of this earlier email, I'm inclined to believe that both of them blew up at each other which resulted in the mudslinging... rather than Tocco just being a bitch the whole time.

Now, of course, it is possible that Tocco was just being passive aggressively polite in this first email--but if she was, then I don't think rosaire would have felt the need to hide sentences.

>> No.6908829

*"Btssb doesn't like foreigners."

There is also debate about whether or not Tocco actually is Sana, aka the mega bitch of Baby's customer service.

>> No.6908839

Telling the entire community Tocco is Sana and that it was Tocco who got her fired rather then her fucking up her own trial period.

>> No.6908846

Everything was copied, including her friends-only fb statuses whining about Tocco while she was still working, was translated into Japanese and sent to Mr. Isobe. Thats likely what he took to police. Its all so glorious ^.^

>> No.6908851

She didn't get fired.. she quit.. *giggles*

>> No.6908855

vendetta-chan, you must be so happy! finally she did something bad and you can rag on her without getting totally shut down.

>> No.6908857

I'm just glad someone decided to show us Tocco's side of the story though. I thought Rosaire's shit was pretty shady to begin with and also felt we were dealing with some misinterpretations. Oh well, what's the next drama guys? :D

>> No.6908858

>Thats likely what he took to police.

LMAO I can't wait until they laugh in his face. Japanese police don't give a fuck about office squabbles. *smile*

>> No.6908861

Oh Rosie, when will you learn you arn't always right?

>> No.6908870

6908851 here; looool sure, I'm a vendetta-chan because I found her original post shady. I bet you find it hard to believe that there ARE people who don't jump to conclusions but they still exist. Before this drama I never even heard of Rosaire and her drama's so how exactly is this a vendetta?

>> No.6908884

Yes, Tocco had reason to say what she did. Rosie must look horrid in loli for her to say that *grins*

>> No.6908890

>before this drama I never even heard of rosaire
>claiming to know what is going on with her Facebook
>claiming to know he's taking stuff to the police
>*grins* *giggles* ^_^

You're not fooling anyone, boo.

>> No.6908892

Naw, Tocco's just a cunt who lacks creativity with her insults. "Lol piggu~ oink oink~"

Open a book, Tocco. Broaden your horizons.

>> No.6908899

High five biatch, I also sent them caps
Funny that Rosaire, who always cries "Need caps! Need proof!", forgot that other people can take caps and use them as proof against her

>> No.6908908

Someone should make a post about her and link all of her private info. See how she likes it, ya?

>> No.6908909

>Funny that Rosaire, who always cries "Need caps! Need proof!"

When has she cried "Need caps! Need proof!"?

Links, please? Or caps, since you obviously take them.

>> No.6908915

>link all of her private info

Dat you, whiteknight from getoffegl? She didn't link any private info.

>> No.6908925

Uh, anytime anyone criticizes her in the slightest?

>> No.6908935

As I said: Links? caps? Evidence? If she "always" does it and does it "anytime anyone criticizes her in the slightest," then it shouldn't be a problem for you to find a few links.

>> No.6908939


I did not say all Japanese brands are xenophobic, you did. Please read my post again.

>> No.6908942

The Octave drama, remember? She asked then.

>> No.6908945

ɹıou ǝɹıɐsoɹ (rosaire) replied to a comment left by socks_cat (socks_cat)
in a LiveJournal post (http://getoffegl.livejournal.com/582322.html).). The comment they replied to was:

> I don't agree with Baby or Tocca but how we can trust Rosaire? What else
> are we missing? I think there's something to be said that she's always
> involved in petty drama - no one can have that bad luck without bringing
> it on themselves

> Archive: http://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S6894949#p6905366

Their reply was:

<i>she's always involved in petty drama</i>

links, proof, etc

>> No.6908946

Didn't she provide caps for that drama?

>> No.6908950

I don't remember her asking octavekitten for caps. I do remember someone responding to octave (before vendettaanon deleted all the comments) and pointing out that she couldn't have gotten the hat "the morning she left" because there were posts on her Tumblr of her wearing the hat like a week before.

And in any case, that's hardly a good example, is it? Since it turned out that octave DID lie about what happened, as the caps showed.

But as anon says, if it happens so much, why can't they give any links?

>> No.6908951

She's right, though. Anons keep saying "oh she's ALWAYS involved in drama, she's always doing this, she does this all the time" but they never provide links or caps or anything but "oh she ALWAYS does it, she does." As of right now, I can only think of two times where she involved herself in petty drama. The time she got pissed because a SS was taking pictures in Closet Child and breaking community rules and this case where she got fired/quit and had a tantrum about it.

>> No.6908952


Anyone who calls vendetta are Rosaire and her whiteknights. I have been called vendetta plenty of times in these threads, and I have never heard of Rosaire until this. They don't care if you're bringing logic to the table, that's vendetta!

>> No.6908957

What logic, pray tell, have you brought to the table?

The people that get called vendetta are the ones who are clearly taking a massive amount of enjoyment in shitting on rosaire whenever she's brought up, regardless of the topic, regardless of what happened.

>> No.6908972

What did you get called vendetta for, then? What did you say?

>> No.6908966

that wasn't the point.

>> No.6908967


I have always been suspicious about Rosaire's since this happened, and yet I get called vendetta when I dare to question anything. Maybe people who cry vendetta shouldn't abuse the word so easily if they want to be taken seriously.

>> No.6908974

I got accused of vendetta as well, for asking an inane question that wasn't insulting in the slightest. I don't know who either Rosaire or Tocco are and wanted clarification and got slammed for being vendetta chan.

>> No.6908977

What exactly did you say?

>> No.6908984

IMO, I feel that everything has something against Rosaire. I starting seeing this drama when someone called her out for being unfit as an SS because she was/is a fatty-chan. I see this whole Sana thing come up and Rosaire giving proof (albeit, inaccurate proof) but, one thing is certain. Baby has some international problems, since people are receiving threats of lawsuit and blacklisted for no damn good reason. I'm not supporting twisting of the information, like Rosaire obviously did with the email. But I digress from my question, What did Rosaire do that was illegal, except libel against Tokko's facebook page?

>> No.6908987


Are you being serious? Are you really this attached to what anons have to say? Maybe it's time to step away from 4chan.

>> No.6908990

Rosaire is blacklisting you

>> No.6908991

I think it was something along the lines of if we could see the emails without the cenorship and was accused of vendetta and being Toco's mate. That's it. No name calling or bullshitting on anyone or slinging mud.

>> No.6908988

I feel that vendetta is a word that is flung around 4-chan with no idea of what it actually mean.

>> No.6908992


>> No.6909003

>Are you being serious? Are you really this attached to what anons have to say? Maybe it's time to step away from 4chan.

So... you want me to step away because I'm interested in seeing why they were called a vendetta anon? Aka, I want to see if they said something snitty and are shocked people called them vendetta, or if they did indeed say something innocuous?

>> No.6909010


I'm not going to dig up my post, simple as that. Also I really don't care if you believe me, since other people had the same treatment. Just know that /cgl/ isn't just for lolitas, there's plenty of weirdos in here. Anything said against Rosaire doesn't have to be vendetta. I made my point clear, so I'm going to stop posting about this matter.

>> No.6909013

I can't find a comment like that in the archives. (I just went "find all+ "vendetta" on all the posts after the emails were posted.) Do you remember what post it was in?

If you don't care if I believe you, and won't even reveal what you, then why are you whining about it?

>> No.6909022
File: 36 KB, 499x340, BABYMAMADRAMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought for sure this thread would be titled BABY MAMA DRAMA

>> No.6909025

Aww. That would have been good. ^_^

>> No.6909030

Are you seriously digging through all the archives to verify what I said in the past week in the 3-4 different threads that went over 200 comments that were here discussing this, just to see whether I am lying or not?

So if I can't remember or can't give you the exact comment or you can't find it then that proves your 'vendetta shitposter' theory?

By extension, if I really wanted to, I could go through the archives and pick out an innocuous statement that was accused of vendetta and say it was mine.

Why can't you guys accept that there are actual people here that don't have anything against either girl and are legitimately asking for details so the can make up their own minds.

That's not shitposting, that's not stirring drama, that's not vendetta. Stuff gets posted up on /cgl/ that people are going to ask about. Don't slam them when they do.

>> No.6909033

>Why can't you guys accept that there are actual people here that don't have anything against either girl and are legitimately asking for details so the can make up their own minds.

THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS. I don't even know what the fuck Rosaire did.

>> No.6909037


Don't feed the troll anymore. She's probably trying to steer the attention away from Rosaire's dirty laundry.

>> No.6909039

Someone else here. In the first thread that got deleted, I got called "vendetta" for saying that I wasn't going to side with Rosaire without getting the full story.

>> No.6909042

I like how Nia has been quiet when she was so involved with calling us vendettas.

>> No.6909044

I agree, but what did Rosaire do that is getting Japanese authority attention(?), if even that. Libel is wrong and not telling the truth is wrong, but what is the reason for hating Rosaire?

>> No.6909047

>implying I was the only one calling vendetta
I like that you feel the need to namedrop though.

>> No.6909052

Didn't say you were the only one. My my, you need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.6909056

as in
>it was implied

>> No.6909062

Will you stop banging on about how everyone must "hate" roseaire for no good reason and must have a personal vendetta?

Most of us don't give two shits about her.

I suspect the people who have dealt with her in a bad situation would have good reason to think she is an insufferable person though, like bits of Tocco's replies.

One thing that struck me in particular was when roseaire apparently said, while on trial/probation at BABY, "oh it's past 5pm can we talk in English now?" Imagine if a Latin American/Asian/dirty immgrant stealan honest citizen's jobs said that in [insert English speaking country here]. "speak english or go back to your dirty country you ape" wouldn't even cover the beginning of it, the sheer level of entitlement is just omgwtf.

>> No.6909077

This. Hate is such a strong word. Rosaire basically fucked herself over and became a lawlcow for all our pleasures.

>> No.6909083

Look, I saw all the shit that happened with the people calling a shitty ss because she was fat. And that was no reason at all.

I see that you guys are just jumping on the hate bandwagon. All I ask for is a reason, not hearsay.

>> No.6909089

I'm interested in knowing what you said, to see if there is a legit reason why you were called a vendetta anon. It doesn't take that much effort, I don't know why you're acting like I'm sitting here with a magnifying glass and white gloves, carefully sifting through threads like they're 15th century manuscripts. Bring up the three threads about rosaire, ctrl+f, vendetta, next. That's all it takes.

>> No.6909090

She's probably getting offensive for a reason...

>> No.6909100

Why do you have a vendetta against that anon?

>> No.6909106

Usually /cgl/ would be all up this bitch for slandering and misleading information. How can people still defend her? I don't get it.

>> No.6909108

I don't think it's so much the fact that she was talking in English (and assumably only Tocco could understand her), but that she was being very loud and making demands

>> No.6909111

Probably because she gets attacked on here all the time for no reason. The people obsessed with hating her basically made it like the story of the boy who cried wolf. They called her fat pig nasty bitch scammer cunt etc etc so many times for no particular reason, now that she's done something shady (even though, again, it's not like Tocco is an innocent princess here) it's like "eh."

>> No.6909110

It's really just Rosaire and her handful of friends that won't let the subject drop

>> No.6909117

You're gonna tripfag and then get mad when people remember your name? Gtfo

>> No.6909120

She wasn't called a shitty ss because she was fat, she was called a shitty ss because under the name karasu she made shitloads of sales post on comm sales alleging that "the buyer fell out of contact" "the buyer did not pay". Later on she alleges she had a stalker and deletes and purges the karasu journal, while, interestingly, keeps all of her contact information intact in her other shopping service journal, and you know, not ceasing to be an ss when she alleges that the ss business was what got her the stalker.

Most likely roseaire is samefagging things up a bit. Like how everyone defends fucking chokelate whenever she does something shitty or *pretends* to be anon gobsmacked by her shitty tights and tries to promote her shit.

>> No.6909124

I feel like Rosaire made us look bad to Baby. When I was a tourist in Japan, I try to be on my best behavior. I don't want the Baby staff to think we're all drama starters.

>> No.6909128

Nia doesn't know how to read. She will just think you're complimenting her.

>> No.6909138

I wonder if they arrested her yet.

>> No.6909139

>can't think of anything else to say
>"uhh.. well.. ur a tripfag!"
you tried. next time, be more creative.

>> No.6909135

Thank you for clearing that up, at least. I'm not trying to be a whiteknight at all, I just wanted information on what actually happened. Usually, (not all the time) Japanese usually find gaijin from the US very blunt and to the point. It may have not been making demands but yet, just talking how people do from the US (assuming Rosaire is from the US). For the loud talking... i have not a clue
I'm not defending Rosaire, lies and libel are bad, but its hard choosing a side when you get called out or ignored for questions.

>> No.6909144

Tocco also said she read *everything* out loud because of her "forgetfulness" which in turn she apparently said was caused by her fibromylagia. Imagine if all fucking day you had a migrant worker who is not fluent in English muttering shit in their native language.

>> No.6909146

You're so fucking annoying. You're so fucking abrasive because of some trolling that was done to you however long ago. Drop your fucking trip then you stupid shitposter.

>> No.6909151

I would not be surprised if she was playing both ends of the middle, and in turn took our posts made under the assumption that Sana = Tocco and everything roseaire said was true out of context and tried to use that as her "defence" and "proof".

>> No.6909154

>She wasn't called a shitty ss because she was fat, she was called a shitty ss because under the name karasu she made shitloads of sales post on comm sales alleging that "the buyer fell out of contact" "the buyer did not pay"

And this is a problem because? Unless you have any evidence that the buyer did pay and in such case, wouldn't this have been reflected in her feedback by buyers who were unhappy with their transactions?

Isn't it interesting, though, that many many people can hate on rosaire or post negatively about her and if someone calls samefag, that's terrible--but anything positive? "Welp must be rosaire samefagging."

>> No.6909155

well, don't bring me up and that won't be a problem.

>> No.6909156

Wow. That would be fucked up. Why would someone do something like that?

Does anyone know why she released her side of the e-mails in the first place? It doesn't sound very smart if the other side can just post the original.

>> No.6909159

Who is hating on Rosaire? I don't see any hate.

>> No.6909163

Rosaire posted the long/uncensored email on /cgl/ herself because people were asking for it uncensored.

It seems like she was super super pissed about being fired and not thinking clearly, since even the censored emails showed that both her and Tocco were behaving immaturely--so I don't know why she thought the post would be a good idea in the first place.

>> No.6909168
File: 813 KB, 500x281, STt5dm9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see any hate

Oh I don't know, all the comments in the previous threads about her being a piggu, saying she lies about her medical conditions, the comments in here that just reek of someone rubbing their hands together behind a computer screen because she got caught being a dumbass, etc etc.

If people get called a samefag for being a douche about her, they whine because "zomg more than one person can hate her!" But if more than one person defends her? "MUST BE ROSAIRE!"

>> No.6909173

Will the real Rosaire please answer this? Why would you post something that makes you look like an idiot?

>> No.6909169

Lol idiot. I'm sooo glad your leaving. Don't let that door hit your birchy behind

>> No.6909179


But people have been saying it must be Rosaire AND her friends/whiteknights. I haven't seen anyone call samefag until now.

>> No.6909193

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

>> No.6909197

>rubbing their hands together behind a computer screen because she got caught being a dumbass

This is /cgl/, we do this to everyone.

>> No.6909201

I'm more defending her because her name has been brought up many times, usually wrongly accused. I'm not saying she was correct with her actions, but how do I not know that this is just another "lets talk shit about Rosaire" day.

>> No.6909215

Just read caps. wow, um.. way to twist everything to sound like a victim! I knew the censored emails were fishy. It sounded like Tocco was trying to help. and it turns out no one can help a lying manipulative cunt. Sorry baby, you tried!

>> No.6909219

This is my first post in the thread because I was sleeping. Gotta do that sometimes.

>>6909163 pretty much hit it. I made the post a few hours after I got home and I was assmad that I got bullied for so long and when I tried to work things out peacefully (she said I was loud and demanding but she wasn't even listening to what I was saying. I was asking her to come to me and tell me she has a problem with me so I can work to fix it instead of running to the boss, to please not call me fat constantly...) but she interrupted me and said that I was a huge pain in the ass and not to come in anymore.

I had made this "list of grievances" as per advice from a superior in the office because we were always butting heads. She seemed hellbent on getting me out of there.

I admit it was stupid to post it and I should have thought about it more but I was pretty pissed off after the boss called and told me Aoki's version of what happened, which was a complete lie. I got into an argument with him and he told me it was impossible for me to work there anymore.

>> No.6909222

Wow, I didn't think it was possible but this makes you look worse

>> No.6909231

>got into an argument with the boss during a meeting about another worker alleging poor work behaviour

>> No.6909230

I don't really care at this point because what's done is done. You can only take so much abuse before you snap. The entire day was just constant bullying and then her telling me to gtfo, the boss telling me her bs version of what happened, then her quickly turning to insults in our final conversation.

>> No.6909234

It was a phone call. And it wasn't work behavior. I tried talking to her after work had ended.

>> No.6909239

Wouldnt put it past her tbh. it would have been pretty sweet if only she didn't get herself fired like an ass. Then cry to us for social justice...

>> No.6909247

Yes, you can only take so much before you snap.

Snapping happens and things are said and done in the heat of the moment that wouldn't have been done otherwise. But what happens afterwards is what is important.

You could have chalked this up to "well, I had a shitty work experience with a shitty person. That sucked." and moved on. You chose to go the next step and post about it on an international community. Now everyone in that community has an opinion, and it is spreading.

>> No.6909244

Awww poor Rosaire. Always abuse! By errybody!! And you're sick as a duck too!

>> No.6909252

Is Baby really going to take action against you? What you did was pretty much illegal. Do you have a lawyer?

>> No.6909256

Any interactions had with another work colleague should be done in a professional manner, regardless of the setting, unless the two are friends outside of work. There are appropriate channels to deal with workplace harassment and bullying.

>> No.6909258

this so much. How ironic that rosaire whined about people ruining her ss reputation, yet goes ahead and soils Baby's international rep. I can't believe I've defended her in the past

>> No.6909257

List of what I bought in the almost 2 months I was there:

Wallet (using it now)
Saint's pearl headbow in ivory
Dreamy pony headbow (to match my jsk)
Mermaid in the jewelry box black jsk and headbow
Some day of ranunculus jsk and socks
Sugar Bouquet planner
Paradise du un Unicorn socks (to match my jsk)
Princess gloves in white

Check all my sales posts. I've never sold any of this. It's all in my closet or being used regularly.

>> No.6909262

Fuck you cunt. Octave was a liar. How was I lying in this case?

>> No.6909263

I know. I act on emotion too often. I tried going to the boss but he didn't believe me, even when I showed proof of bullying, because she would explain it away. I know now that I should have gone to the labor board about it when it was happening.

>> No.6909265

If you aren't trolling, you need to stop posting here. Really. Nothing good ever comes out of defending yourself on /cgl/. It won't salvage your reputation or make you look better. If you are genuinely concerned, STOP POSTING and wait a while for it to blow over.

>> No.6909266

TBH, baby's international rep was already ruined.

>> No.6909272

You aren't doing yourself any favours by responding to that anon that way.

Perhaps it's time to take this advice?

>> No.6909270

Labor board instead of getoffegl board. omg you don't say

>> No.6909271

I am trying to give Rosaire a chance to redeem herself, so here's some questions:

Why did you feel the need to black out most of the e-mail? Why didn't you come forth and just reveal the whole story instead of making people jump to conclusions?

>> No.6909274

Tocco was a Bitch. I wanted everyone to see that she was Indeed bullying me And indeed xenophobic

>> No.6909278

I did nothing wrong. I was wrongly fired and wrongly accused of lying. I hate Baby and refuse to have anything to do with them. Ever

>> No.6909279 [DELETED] 


>> No.6909277

Are not me. I'm going to take >>6909265's advice.

>> No.6909281


But blacking out most of it wasn't necessary. You still haven't explained why.

>> No.6909283

When the bullying was occurring, did you say to her that her comments were inappropriate, and that she should stop them?

I am asking because some people don't realise they are being offensive until it is pointed out to them. Some people think stuipd comments are 'jokes'.

>> No.6909291

Still, jokes like that are meant to hurt people. And it was probably pointed out.

>> No.6909301

Where are the secrets against Tocco? I can't find anything on this drama

>> No.6909303

Tocco wasn't nice to you but from hr side of the story, you weren't good at your job to begin with. I'm not saying she was right but I don't think her comments are why you were fired.

>> No.6909309

This so much as well, anon.

I was siding with her last time. Now I'm questioning whether all proofs she provided in the previous drama were legit.

>> No.6909310

It could have been just that plus xenophobic-ness that got her fired, possibly. Hell, I dunno what fucking Rosaire did, im just used to cgl crying wolf with rosaire.
And tocco isnt right at all either.

>> No.6909311

People don't get fired for doing 'nothing wrong'. People are, however, let go during the probation period for a number of reasons, one of them being unable to fit in with the existing team and not being able to meet the required output the business needs.

It feels like shit when this happens, but you pick yourself up and move on to the next place where hopefully your abilities and personality will match. By posting up what happened to the international community, you are just proving the impression that Tocco & the Baby management had in their mind was correct.

>> No.6909313

Except no ones going to forget this one. Pretty epic dramu if you ask me

>> No.6909317

Darling, I think that was a troll, it was sent after rosaire "left". It sounds to ragey.

>> No.6909319

Ive seen worse on here.

>> No.6909322

I really tried to give you the benefit of doubt, but this doesn't cut it. It was manipulative to censor the email and misleading everyone. There was no good reason to do it besides to make yourself look good. I would have respected you more if you paste the whole email.

>> No.6909323

>unintentionally posts comments in trips
>Oops, not me.

Way to go, Rosaire.

>> No.6909327

Define 'ragey'? Does posting coworker's emails, Facebook account, baby's international views count as ragey?

>> No.6909328

I soooo agree. I could have figured out that Tocco was a bitch without censorship.

>> No.6909331

Thanks for letting me know, Honey. Still, it's relevant advice.

>> No.6909333

/cgl/ doesn't have as long a memory as you would expect, even with the archives. No one even talks about that Yui drama anymore, and that was such a shit storm a few weeks ago.

>> No.6909334

+1 btw just for the record, I doubt rosaire has left. Source? past rosaire dramu

>> No.6909335

I thought Rosaire quit? You all know she can't stay away from drama so she's still going so be lurking this thread sans trip anyway.

>> No.6909339

You just talked about the Yui drama. Kinda proved yourself wrong. funny.

>> No.6909337

I dont agree that posting private info is the best way to comment on someones behaviour. I was quite displeased with the posting of a persons facebook.

>> No.6909338

>Now I'm questioning whether all proofs she provided in the previous drama were legit.

Why? The proof against octavekitten can be done without rosaire's emails since the crux of it was that octavekitten claimed she got her item "just barely in time, thank god!" and she got it well before she left, and the screencap rosaire did provide was taken with her phone. The proof against lingozero was only partial, but then lingozero showd up and posted the messages in full which only further solidified what lingozero lied about and misrepresented. I can't remember offhand about neeya's, though.

>> No.6909343

Are you mistaking namefagging for tripfagging? Anyone can put Rosaire in the name field. Observe.

>> No.6909348

Maybe they're new to cgl?

>> No.6909345

No they didn't. they mentioned the Yui drama beause it was SO huge and SO big and EPIC DRAMAAA... but it hasn't been brought up in weeks. Using the drama as an example is hardly proving them wrong, since what they're saying is, what is epic drama today is nothing a week from now.

>> No.6909346

Same. Who the fuck does that? It's messed up.

>> No.6909352


>> No.6909349

Yeah, I can reference Mabet-gate in a post, too. That must mean that /cgl/ talks about Mabet often...

>> No.6909357

I like this new direction rosaire is taking. She's always quick to get in the drama but now it seems she wants to shake the subject off, throwing other names out there. Sadly it's rather transparent

>> No.6909353

Am I the only one who's sick of this drama? It's so convoluted I can't make heads or tales of it. Why the fuck does Rosaire have so many people who hate her, and an equal number of people willing to defend her to the death?

I just don't get it.

>> No.6909362

See... I can be whoever I want to be. ^_^

>> No.6909369

I doubt anyone will be defending her this time...

>> No.6909370

I've just been trying to fucking understand it... but now it doesnt matter. Its friday right now and im tipsy reading funny ita-drams. its difficult writing captcha's though

>> No.6909371

Don't impersonate me!

>> No.6909366

She started getting hated on last feel for unknown reasons. It's suggested that it has to do with someone who didn't get an item they wanted from her SS, someone who was mad because she made a post about another SS who was breaking rules, or something like that. It intensified realllly fast around the time that someone made a post on getoffegl about how she should "get the boot" because of a bunch of ridiculous reasons, which is the post where infiniteneeya/octavekitten/lingozero lied about what happened with her.

People are willing to defend her because that drama got really really nasty for no reason. I mean nasty in the sense of people saying she should kill herself, she was a disgusting bulimic bitch who needed to die, she was an alcoholic cunt blah blah blah blah. And again, for no particular reason, since all of the reasons provided were easily proven wrong with links and screencaps. So basically people get overdefensive about her because of how overaggressive the attacks against her were/still are, in some cases.

As for WHY they hate her? Who knows?

>> No.6909372

forgot to change my name

>> No.6909377

Essentially she's a shitty human and a lot of people find her irritating. On the flip side she runs a shopping service and gives her favorite customers free alpacas to win their loyalty. She's also very good at manipulating people through the internet and playing the victim to make people sympathize with her. And no rosaire, I have no caps or proof of this.

>> No.6909376


>> No.6909379

Much appreciated.

>> No.6909380

Well, the previous drama probably was legit in Rosaire's favour. That doesn't mean that everything she does/did is going to be legit though, and this situation doesn't mean everything she does/did is backhanded.

This situation does say a lot about her personality and how she deals with other people.

>> No.6909381

I want alpacas... :(

>> No.6909378
File: 208 KB, 352x342, MAIN_QueenCanada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're forgetting who the real queen is here.

>> No.6909382

Lol k, like you are furiously F5-ing these threads constantly. Being unemployed, you have all the free time in the world

>> No.6909383

She's bulimic? I love bulimia. How's it working out for her?

>> No.6909384

Does anyone know who posted the uncensored version of the email? Is it even real?

>> No.6909385

>I have no proof but she's totally a shitty person!!!

this is why people get called "vendetta anons," btw.

>> No.6909386

I'm so bored of baby clothes already. It's halfway through the year and 90 percent of their releases are either ok good or ita as fuck

>> No.6909389

I responded to the person saying "well I'm doubting her on the other issue now." There's no reason to doubt the proof in that case, since 1) for one person's claims, you don't even need rosaire to poke holes in it, 2) in another person's claims, the person who lied about it posted their own caps in full as well, and it did them no favors but actually made them look wrose.

>> No.6909387

> :(
Casual reminder that we dont do emoticons or whatever here
post an image to convey your emotion if you really need to

>> No.6909394

If you were actually the queen you could buy some. Sucks for you. I think you should use rosaires shopping service.

>> No.6909392

Good lord. I saw the Octave drama and such but I didn't realize the insults getting thrown at her were any worse than "lol fatty" type BS, which comes with the territory.

It was posted Anon in the last thread, "Rosaire" in this thread claimed it was her.

>> No.6909397
File: 119 KB, 410x600, 410px-Darnley_stage_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I get all the alpacas I want.

>> No.6909398

Yes, I agreed with you and don't know why I put your post in there. Over-active mouse clicking, perhaps.

>> No.6909404

Considering /cgl/ has drama everyday, there's no reason to post old shit. That doesn't mean no one remembers it. People remember shit as far as usagi kou days.

>> No.6909401

Meh, I'm not here all the time anyway. Guess old habits just stay with me.
I probably would.... if I wanted any clothing, but im a cheapass

>> No.6909402

Yeaahhh. Someone posted a sample of some of it in the post on getoffegl that provided evidence that the other girls lied. I don't know when the archive started, but I imagine it might be there too.

I don't care if someone hates on another person, but at least have some actual, legitimate reason to back it up. For example: octavekitten lied about what happened with rosaire, and that is fucked up of her. Or rosaire left out parts of Tocco's email to make her seem bitchier, and that is fucked up of her. Not "so and so is terrible and awful and horrible, no proof but I swear shes' ALWAYS terrible!"

>> No.6909405


Seriously. I don't give a fuck if some bitch fired a bitch. I want to know if BABY is worth the money, and secondly, if all this drama & idiots spamming them with caps will make them REALLY hate foreigners.

>> No.6909407
File: 646 KB, 884x1148, Élisabeth_Vigée_Le_Brun_-_Marie-Antoinette_au_livre_-_1785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non, me.

I get cuddly sheep. Peasants love cudly sheep.

>> No.6909412
File: 2.11 MB, 1498x1961, Marie-Antoinette,_1775_-_Musée_Antoine_Lécuyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just have cake.

>> No.6909413

Yup iawtc.
Btw, stfu vendetta anon

>> No.6909419

Doesn't this whole drama prove Rosaire is manipulative? How can you guys be so blind and defend her shitty behavior? If she was giving handing out free gifts, I can see why so many people will jump in and defend her.

>> No.6909423

Darling, no one is defending her. She's just talking to herself again. Don't feed the Trollsaire

>> No.6909426

I've never talked with her (much less gotten free things, or anything, from her) and I defend her when she deserves defending, which up to this point where she had a tantrum and lied, has been every time.

>> No.6909425

I would just take the free gifts. It doesnt mean i would whiteknight her. I just like gifts

>> No.6909427
File: 32 KB, 355x367, guillotine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no cake for you

>> No.6909428

Oops, that's what I get for not scrolling down. Thanks. They mystery, it deepens.

>> No.6909430

exactly, I defend when people need defending, but not now. She was clearly doing shit wrong and i dont like that

>> No.6909438

No kidding. When I saw the original Japanese screencap, "Buu-chan" ("Buu" is the Japanese onomatopoeia for "oink") my immediate judgement was that both Tocco and Rosaire had the maturity and vocabulary of middle school students. Embarrassing.

>> No.6909457

Buu doesn't even sound like a pig.

>> No.6909513
File: 294 KB, 1574x1006, V-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of the stuff that was posted.

>> No.6909521

She's giving out alpacas while Tocco is handing out free Baby dresses. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at here.

>> No.6909532

Rosaire gives gifts to everyone while Tocco only gives gifts to kawaii lolita friends. There is a big difference!

>> No.6909540

The writing style looks like it was all the same poster. Also looks like the same poster who was saying similar things to that Redemption-chan girl who gave back the stolen IW skirt. Samefagging troll up in here or what?

>> No.6909552

Rosaire gives small gifts to her customers, which is actually pretty standard for shopping services, especially if someone's spending a significant amount of money. And it's not just for SSes, either... I get gifts regularly from mbok sellers. Tocco gives expensive gifts, or at least one expensive gift, to her friends.

>> No.6909563

I don't actually remember how the troll was typing to Redemption-chan, but the Vendetta-chan in previous Rosaire drama was clearly one person and had a distinctive typing style. I don't think we've seen her at all for this drama, because it wouldn't be reasonable comments like, "Isn't it weird that Rosaire censored the emails?" it'd be more, "kill yourself uggo fatty i hope you die you alcoholic scum." I don't think the people who have been accused of being the original V-chan are indeed, her.

>> No.6909569

The fall of Rosaire. I've waited so long for this. My heart is literally pounding. This is great!

>> No.6909573

speaking of


>> No.6909592

Does it feel warm and tingly and good, anon? Is your pussy dripping wet from the thought of Rosaire's downfall?

>> No.6909600

Yes I need more!

>> No.6909604

Meh whatever, this still doesn't make Baby's international customer service look any better.

>> No.6909606

Girl, I've been here a long time. Happy summer to you, too!

>> No.6909625

They'll probably treat us worse now.

>> No.6909700

>>6908824 >>6908787 >>6908813

No, actually. I made that tag as a joke when the emails were released and public opinion was still favorable. OP can add tags to their post, but cannot create new ones.


Well aren't you just a peach? Actually, just for that, I think I'll stay. :)

>> No.6909703

God, reading these e-mails, it is like a carbon copy of what my last 2 assistant managers went through with my district manager.
My district manager can be kind of hard to get along with and is kind of frank, and holy shit the last two AM's had let every little thing get to them and take it personally. The last one was astonished that I could deal with her, always commenting on how I would just smile and nod to whatever.
I don't understand these people, you are at work, your higher-up tells you to do something, you do it, if it is wrong they will correct you. They may not say it with smile and sunshine. Especially if you were a dumb ass and this is the second time they told you.
Just smile and nod and GO ON WITH YOUR LIFE IT IS JUST A JOB. They pay me, I do work.
Ranting aside, it just seams like a large culture and personality clash, and I honestly feel for all parties involved.

>> No.6909751


Think it's time to go to specsavers m8.

>> No.6909756


Are you blind?
The fake post was in lowercase r and Rosaire's trip has a capital.
I'll bet you are the same person that impersonated her to shitstir.

>> No.6909762

>ITT people who can't tell the difference between a name and a trip

>> No.6909767

congratulations on your 'it's my first day!' award


>> No.6909768

fuck you for accepting that. it's NOT okay to be racist, despite what you think. this is business, if you can't push your personal feelings aside then fuck off, baby.

>> No.6909780

tumblr's that way sweetie

>> No.6909790

How come no one actually remembers that Rosaire doxxed someone she knew was innocent of the thing she blamed them for to get people to go all personal army on their ass? Or has this thread gotten too long for anyone to read the original posts?

>> No.6909791

While I think it's okay for people to be racist (you don't think you're racist? You are. Just saying), I don't think it's okay for a business to implement racism into their practices.

>> No.6909795

Posting someone's Facebook link isn't doxxing someone, retard.

>> No.6909799

Did the poster translate this, or did one of Tocco's friends translate it? I'm just wondering because maybe they translated it more nicer than it was intended, she still says that nobody at btssb likes foreigners which is a rather harsh statement to make in an e-mail that seems that kind.

>> No.6909802

Someone on /cgl/ translated it.

>> No.6909805

As in, quite possibly a random troll? Or someone who dislikes Rosaire?

>> No.6909806

I was wondering this as well. Translations can be biased (this is a huge problem in the k-pop community). Somehow I don't think it was the original anon that was translating the first time.

>> No.6909819

Just shows you anons are quick to believe anything if it means sweet drama.

>> No.6909837

A complex language like Japanese can also have different connotations, it's possible it was interpreted differently to the way it was meant. I'm not saying it is faulty per se, it's just something you have to be careful with.

>> No.6909846

lol it's hillarious how you are looking for something new to doubt every single time again. Now it's the translations. Not a Aoki whiteknight here but as a major graduate in Japanese who has been living in Japan for over 8 years I can confirm the translations are right.

>> No.6909847

How are we supposed to believe what you say when you can't even into English? lel

>> No.6909850

You're a shopping service, of course there wouldn't be a sales post.

>> No.6909853

I'm a native Japanese speaker and the translation is wrong.

>> No.6909854

So what are the facts here?

Baby used to have an awful racist nasty bitch in charge of shipping who used the Sana account

Bitch left and Tocco, a family friend of the Isobes, helped out (having previously helped in different roles for 6 years?)

Baby hire Rosaire (a foreigner)

Rosaire is shit at her job

Rosaire doesn't get on with Tocco (and maybe the other people in the office). Rosaire doesn't understand Japanese business culture?

Rosaire may or may not have used her staff discount to buy shopping service items?

Rosaire gets into a strop, threatens to quit. Tocco says quit then, Rosaire quits and then tries to get her job back. Isobe says no.

Throughout this Rosaire and Tocco have had en email spat descending into name calling because they're both nasty children.

Rosaire decides that the western wank community will be her own personal army because of sympathy for past drama which Rosaire may or may not have been misleading about and may or may not have been her own vendetta troll for sympathy/ss business.

Rosaire lies and says Tocco is the awful Sana and responsible for all black listings, the shoe problem etc

Rosaire blacks out the parts of the email where Tocco is trying to help and shows sympathy, making it look like she thinks foreigners don't look cute

Understandably upset Baby tries to sue for libel

Rosaire tries to hide evidence with help of her getoffegl friends


>> No.6909856

Right, I almost forgot that a none native English speaker can't read or understand English context if he/she were to make a grammar mistake. *hilarious

Cry me a river you nitpicking b person :)

>> No.6909858

She has had two other usernames in the past. One was Karasu, and I forget the one after. I remember hearing that there were some horrible SS experiences using her so she jumped ship and changed her name. I think her last name had the same story. After this I expect it to change again honestly, but I'm not sure she'll be able to escape the drama again.

Also, the lack of large amounts of online evidence doesn't mean innocence or guilt. A lot of the people I associate with have their bad experiences, but really don't care post more than a line or two about it, or not at all.

>> No.6909859

That wasn't the only mistake. Also, that's a spelling mistake, not grammar.

>> No.6909860

Who are you trying to fool? Feel free to re-translate if the translations are do dead wrong.

>> No.6909864

But rarely anyone uses her for in store shopping anymore (because she was working and couldn't scour closet child like she used to), and they mostly use her for new releases of the AP variety. Just like how everyone here thinks rosaire is a filthy liar, other people are capable of lying too. Just because Aoki said it, doesn't make it fact.

>> No.6909871

I remember seeing that she'd changed her name and got a whole new feedback profile on egl_comm_sales and wondering how she was able to get away with that (with mod permission). Most people either have to list all past accounts, or lie and get banned when they're found out.

I used her shopping service once when it was Karasu. I don't have anything dramarific to say, just a case (like it seems with others) of having used many ss before and this was by far the worst. I didn't hate her or anything but I wouldn't recommend the service or use her again

>> No.6909884

This is a problem because say you were someone who had commissioned roseaire to buy you shit, you give her the deposit and she drops off the face of the earth, only for you to find later that she claimed she could not contact you and sold it to someone else.

>> No.6909891

you tried this before and it didnt't work

>> No.6909925

If this would've happened people would have posted about it.

>> No.6909958

>>GTFO friends

Except only RL is friends with her and she banned her from the comm

>> No.6910001

protecting her from a lawsuit
ban will only last until her next name change

You can cry about how they're scared Baby will shut down getoffegl or that a ban will actually affect Rosaire in any way. Doesn't make it true. Rosaire might have learnt her lesson by now that it's probably not worth responding to people off anon becomes she comes off looking like a massive bitch

>> No.6910008

What good will banning her do, when she has a ton of sock account?

>> No.6910014

Because it makes the mods feel warm and fuzzy while looking good to everyone else.
It's a totally futile gesture that simultaneously pats and covers arses.

>> No.6910022

We are protecting ourselves and nobody else. How is banning her protecting her....? How are we even protecting her at all? If I was really trying to protect her, I wouldn't be sitting here arguing with you and telling you the facts. Another anon said you can even go find anything you need to know on RBT. Sucks it's gotta be this way but like has already been said, getoffegl skirts the line and if we didn't do anything, people would be up in arms. Consider the replica ban on EGL, you can't even talk about them-- why was nobody screaming about the mods protecting the brands then? We have a rule if you come and post with a sock after you've been banned, we will keep banning all subsequent usernames. I have already banned the socks of hers that I know of.

>> No.6910024

They just want another venue to slobber over and/or create drama about her so they're whining. If the comm got deleted due to this they would be crucifying the mods here and on the new comm they'd make. Lose/lose situation.

>> No.6910025

Such as? Why say that without posting a list so we will know?

>> No.6910031

If we didn't ban her for breaking a rule, wouldn't people be mad about favoritism? Just trying to keep consistency. Sophie's choice :(

>> No.6910038

Bull. You deleted socks_cats post to try and stop Rosaire getting sued. The banning is just to try and make you lot look a little better (otherwise you would have deleted her post yourselves)

Baby do not care about getoffegl. Very few of us care about it! It's nearly dead. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

>> No.6910053

Sigh. There is no winning here.

Once again, I did not delete socks_cat's post. I have said that time and time over. Why do you keep saying that I did? Tiggs did, and she will come here and tell you that she did. Rosaire deleted her post of her own volition because the Japanese police have actually gotten involved now (at Isobe's behest) and she wanted to save herself.

Anyone can report the comm right now, and the way the conversation was going between Scarlet/Leyla and Rosaire, before Rosaire deleted, either one of them could have easily done so. I'm surprised they didn't. Better safe than sorry.

Frankly, I don't care how it looks. It wasn't done to look any particular way. It was done to keep consistency, like I said.

Let's be honest here, this is only a problem for you because it's Rosaire. If this was any other member, the mod team would have reacted the same exact way. We all stand by our choice to stop all the repostings.

And for the record, I do think it's shitty she censored things. And I can 100% see how it could be argued it was made to make her look better. I'm actually kind of disappointed in her that that had to happen that way, but there is a lot about the situation you guys don't know.

PS: Just for posterity, I never got an alpaca either and I've spent a generous amount of money with her.

>> No.6910060

why do you suck so bad at English?

>> No.6910083

The fact you weren't the one that physically pressed the delete button means shit. As a mod team you agreed to help her cover her back or don't you guys even speak to each other?

No one has any interest I'm reporting the comm, are you completely retarded??? Rosaire is the one who has broken the law, she's the one the police are interested in. They're investigating the comments she made on Facebook too do you think the Japanese police are going to shut down fb? God you're thick.

Again, bullshit. If Octavekitten posted slander about Rosaire and she was trying to sue, would you have deleted Octave's post to protect her? No way you would.

I hope something does come of this. I'm glad sockscat reposted to her journal and I hope someone directs Tocco to it. Rosaire needs to learn to take responsibility for her actions without her friends trying to cover for her. If she was innocent she wouldn't try and hide would she?

>> No.6910087

>They're investigating the comments she made on Facebook too
What comments and how do you know this?

>> No.6910095

I am sure Tocco will be absolutely thrilled that socks_cat reposted the shit and even went to the extent of posting her full legal name.

Which is against LJ TOS.

>> No.6910100


>As a mod team you agreed to help her cover her back or don't you guys even speak to each other?

Most of the time we don't, actually. Me and Tiggs, honestly, are the only ones that ever do anything and the other mods have admitted to us many times they don't even look at the comm. One other mod had no idea anything was even going on and told us to make a post about it even though Tiggs had already done so.

>>No one has any interest I'm reporting the comm, are you completely retarded???

Namecalling, nice. Anyway, that is the whole reason why we're trying to stop this shit. And actually, you are wrong. This whole thing STARTED with the getoffegl post, and from that they began investigating the comments she made on Facebook. If she hadn't made the getoffegl post to begin with, then nobody would be investigating her FB comments. You really don't understand just how easy it is to get things shut down on LJ, do you? Yes, Rosaire is the only one they are investigating, but by existing as a community we enabled her to slander and defame BtSSB and Tocco Aoki.

>> If Octavekitten posted slander about Rosaire and she was trying to sue, would you have deleted Octave's post to protect her? No way you would.

See, nobody deleted Rosaires post. Rosaire deleted her own post. And slander/libel laws are not the same in America as they are in the US. IF Octave was in Japan, and if this was the exact same situation, we would do the same exact thing.

Nobody is trying to cover for anyone. If you could see through your blind rage, you would understand that. She knows she's not innocent, she has even said so herself. She deleted her post to save herself.

Again, this is only a problem because it's Rosaire. And because it's me. Flan could go and nuke the comm and I would still get blamed for it.

>> No.6910113

>same in America as they are in the US

UGH FUCK, I meant Japan. Remind me not to go on CGL when trying to get ready.

>> No.6910245

I'm wondering if t was "sock_chan" who translated it? Although they claim they were once a rosaire whiteknight, they seemed awfully quick to say "well I'm never buying from your ss!!!" and "you were probably lying about your bad service, too!!!" even though common sense would dictate otherwise.

>> No.6910930

if she was fucking up at work as bad as you guys say she's probably not getting sued for libel if she used her discount to sell clothes and pocket the difference that's just stealing

>> No.6910988

Actually if she signed a work contract, then yes, she can be sued for libel... and that's why I dont write anything about work to tumblr, facebook, or anywhere retarded

>> No.6911061

I think you need to look up the definition of stealing.

>> No.6911348

Who the heck is Redemption-chan??

>> No.6911367

Can someone confirm the lawsuit rumor? Are people getting C&Ds or what? Japan is the opposite of litigious (that would disrupt the wa). It's really rare to hear about lawsuits that aren't one corporation against the other and even that seems infrequent.

>> No.6911412

Long story. Here's the GTFO.

>> No.6911447

I can confirm that I haven't gotten served with anything.