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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 219 KB, 4146x1870, 1370143057235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6904037 No.6904037 [Reply] [Original]

Cosplay suggestions thread!
Fill out the template and help people on what they should cosplay.
Give suggestions to get suggestions!

>> No.6904064
File: 2.70 MB, 4146x1870, still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i'll start

i'm really good at making accessories, but not so good at sewing. i'm stuck on ideas on what i could cosplay. my friend told me that i'd be a good homura, though. i also don't have a lot of experience with wigs, but i remember there was a picture guide posted in a thread here on how to make wigs look more realistic but i forgot to save it. if anyone has that picture i'd really appreciate it if they posted it. thanks!

>> No.6904096
File: 1.82 MB, 4146x3264, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could do Hagoromo Gitsune from Nurarihyon No Mago. She has that long black haired Asian thing going on.

As for me, please help people of /cgl/. I really want to cosplay but have no idea what I should be doing.

>> No.6904161
File: 2.89 MB, 4096x1827, suggestions3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that i use this for the big time-consuming or possibly expensive projects to gauge response. I have smaller cosplays planned like Make Payne with a pepakura gruntface head that are easy so i don't worry if no one gets it.

I'm a Gainaxfag, so my vote is for Rei

Think of something you really like, a character that would be fun and really cool to be, and do that.
A friend of mine was skeptical about going to conventions, then after talking about it for a while he came up with the idea of being a member of the Dark Brotherhood from Elder Scrolls and go to the next AX and preach about the Night Mother next to the religious nuts on the sidewalk.
Just do what YOU like. that's what cosplay is all about.

>> No.6904289
File: 420 KB, 1985x1044, suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd make a super cute Sailor Mars.
Phoenix Wright was the only thing I could think of. It was probably the suit...
You'd make a cute younger John from Sherlock.

>> No.6904551

I don't get it, don't these threads usually get a ton of replies?

>> No.6904570

Recently, these types of threads have been bombarded with male newfags instead of cute girls, so people are ignoring. It'll probably be active again in the future, though.

>> No.6904580

Well, the male to female ratio looks pretty even so far...

>> No.6904587

But it's mostly attention whoring male anons. "I have no idea what to cosplay lol".

>> No.6904597

You mean 1/2

>> No.6904606

>attention whoring

uwot m8?

>> No.6904629
File: 1020 KB, 220x300, I ran and tried.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about last few weeks. It was like:
> Awkward-looking dude posts picture
> Tell me what to cosplay guiz!
> Btw, I'm not suggesting because I don't think I know anime enough to actually contribute
> Teehee, don't hit on me silly gurls

>> No.6904633

But >>6904096
Left a suggestion for the only other poster ITT

>> No.6904638
File: 390 KB, 1990x901, cosplay suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from one I made a few months ago. I've pretty much decided on Faris because I have a Bartz and a Lenna (still waiting on Galuf though)

>> No.6904640

I'm glad that this time, OP decided to put rules in the first post. It got pretty bad when there wasn't any because people would constantly not suggest anything, and thus people stopped posting (because why suggest for someone when they won't even return the courtesy?)

>> No.6904645

And people will still give him suggestions.

>> No.6904649

Of course. That is irritating when people don't leave suggestions and just expect people to give them some. But you seemed quick on the gun to criticize people ITT when everyone had left suggestions.

>> No.6904650

Fack. Forgot to do suggestions. Here.
Either Homura or #4
The sleezy pro-bending champion dude from Legend of Korra. Can't remember his name off the top of my head right now though
I'd say Scarecrow, because it looks like it'd be super fun to make.
Hard to make suggestions without a casual photo, but of the three there I'd say Mistress

>> No.6904655

Not ITT at all, just replying to anon's question >>6904551 about why the suggestions thread have slowed down lately.

>> No.6904657
File: 130 KB, 444x250, Tahno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found him. His name is Tahno.

>> No.6904659

Ah I see. My misunderstanding.

>> No.6904668
File: 324 KB, 1280x1024, 330022_1258692499568_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they aren't just asking for advice.

This is the part where you advise them on what would or would not look good for them so that you don't have to whine about some ugly fuck at the con later.

>> No.6904759
File: 284 KB, 1280x1304, mysug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A repost but meh.

Corpse Princess
The Riddler or Lupin the 3rd
Eaglebones would be hilarious!
Definitely Mistress Nine
Cesar Clown, One Piece

>> No.6904769
File: 1.36 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comments:going to have curly hair when it comes back/affordability is in the 100-200$ range

>> No.6904779
File: 960 KB, 1595x713, 324456772345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond these three, I really don't have any ideas on what I could do.

>> No.6904785

read the thread

>> No.6904808

You could do Rika from Chuunibyou very easily

I'd love to help, but I have no idea what to suggest because you haven't even given a list of things you like!
Maybe someone from Assassin's Creed?

Long Halloween Scarecrow, please!

omg pascal please

Maybe it's your first pic, but I can see you as Sabitsuki easily! Or one of the Kaibutsu, both from .flow

>> No.6904813

I don't have a computer So I can't fill out the template

>> No.6904819
File: 389 KB, 1106x513, Screen Shot 2013-06-12 at 12.59.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot my damn image
I know Felicia is really frowned upon, but it would be for later, for sure

You'd be a great Zoro!
Have you by any chance played/seen Sengoku Basara? You would be able to pull of Keiji Maeda really well!

Nanako Dojima of Persona 4?

>> No.6904822

you can still give suggestions though

and at least give the poor anons who are tying to suggest things some idea of what you like

>> No.6904825

>>6904161 >>6904289 >>6904633 >>6904650 >>6904657 >>6904759 >>6904808

Thanks Everyone. Sorry for not posting things I like. The problem is most of my favorite characters are girls and I can't sew well enough to make some super intricate costumes. My favorite series are series like Touhou, Most of Gen Urobachi's Work (Fate/Zero, Madoka), and then just various vidya games.

>> No.6904829

hahahah lookit those man titties

>> No.6904840

I've also really gotten into Magi lately. I'm not sure if there's anyone I could cosplay from it though, and I don't think I have the face for Morgiana.

>> No.6904913
File: 538 KB, 4146x1870, 1370143057235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im really new to cosplay :/
Rea from Sankarea, Kido from Kagerou Project, I actually think u would be a great Homura Akemi from Madoka - as thats ur idea i say go for it

Kiyoteru Hiyama from Vocaloid cuz of the suit, how about Hei from Darker than Black??

Alice really did suit you! and the flesh maiden dress would really suit you - for suggestions I would say either Maya from Borderlands2, Luka from Vocaloid or Yuki from Vampire Knight

Go for Sayaka! How about Yuri from Angel Beats?

>> No.6904939
File: 751 KB, 2073x935, CGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love some suggestions!

Have friends who are willing to do group cosplays. With that said: Friends want to do a general Final Fantasy group and could use some suggestions outside of Tactics for that.

Ideas for Gundam related characters always welcomed! Considering Amuro or even Garrod.

>> No.6904957 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 2146x968, newsuggests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Rock Shooter!

I think Misato from EVA would look nice on you in addition to Ritsuko!

Nowi from Fire Emblem: Awakening!

Mistress Nine would look AMAZING!

Definitely Homura.

>> No.6904966
File: 1.56 MB, 4146x1870, cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have all the pieces to my kyary pamyu pamyu outfit. Almost done with microphone stick. Want to cosplay as grills/show off skin as much as possible.

>> No.6904967
File: 1.84 MB, 2146x968, newsuggests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Rock Shooter.

I think Misato from EVA would look nice on you in addition to Ritsuko!

Nowi from Fire Emblem: Awakening.

Mistress Nine would look AMAZING, definitely go for it.

Definitely Homura.

Kaworu would definitely suit your face shape.

Will reply again with more suggestions as the thread fills up!

>> No.6904999

>>6904966 Here
Also, want to eventually do Black or White from Tekkonkinkreet once I find someone to cosplay with me. I don't know how much help I would be at recommending cosplays (I don't know what animes you watch/games you play), but I can try.

>> No.6905026

Dude the white queen would be SO awesome but I think that she' d be awesome to do! you have a really good face for her actually!
Yuri is a good choice and also Ennis from Baacano!
If you're really new to cosplay I'd recommend something easy that you wouldn't have to like buy/make a whole bunch of stuff! You're super cute so maybe someone from K-ON?? :0

>> No.6905038
File: 142 KB, 638x960, meee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so my computer is like really stupid and im too tried to fuck with files so, uhm I'm 5'3'' and about 130 pounds.
My measurements are 35-27-38
and I'd really love to cosplay as Misato Katsuragi from Eva, Hsien-ko from darkstalkers, and anemone from Eureka Seven :0 I love most all mech and I'm really open to suggestions so!

>> No.6905611
File: 292 KB, 1593x773, What a silly nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be gentile. I've already done retro but I rushed it a bit and his head came out way too big. When I say I have a lot of tools, my dad used to work as a model/prototype maker so I have his experience and a massive arsenal of tools. Also hate parting with my beard since I have a silly baby face. Currently on a detox as well so I should be in shape soon. Hopefully.

I'd say go with Homura if your good at accessories.

Mako from Legend of Korra or think of a character you really like and do that. No point in representing a character you hate.

Plugsuit Shinji from Evangelion

Little sister from Bioshock

Beat from Jet set radio

Red lantern guy

Faith from Mirrors Edge

Amy from Suisei no Gargantia

Pokemon Gijinka

Ledo or for a suggestion: Ball version Brief from Panty and stocking

Mami-san~ or Princess Yukiko from Persona

Lucca from Chrono trigger

>> No.6905661

Ezio from Assassin's Creed?
[I am in love with your dress- where's it from?] LSP because bright colors really suit you, Mugi from K-ON!
Mami would be good, as well as Kyoko!
Brief from PSG, The Little Prince if you don't mind literary shit~
Yui from K-ON
Your Toph is perfect. Suki.
Beryl from Sailor moon?
Little Sister from Bioshock/ Diane from Rule of Rose
Spike from Cowboy bebop
Sokka from Avatar
[You're adorable] Taiga from ToraDora, or Funami from Yuru Yuri.

>> No.6905754

>Lucca from Chrono trigger
I have to play Chrono tigger, but my bf would be really happy if I cosplayed as her haha

>[I am in love with your dress- where's it from?] LSP because bright colors really suit you, Mugi from K-ON!
(It's from Delia's! I got it around march or april I think? so it still might be there) And I've actually always wanted to be Mugi! She's super duper cute :0 and LSP like Lumpy Space Princess??

>> No.6905793

Thanks so much! And yep!

>> No.6905873
File: 1.81 MB, 4146x1943, 1370143057235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other suggestion?

>> No.6905876


>> No.6905877


>> No.6905878


>> No.6905947
File: 340 KB, 1990x1200, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed this thread kinda died, but if someone could give me a few suggestions, or maybe tell me whether or not the idea my friends and I have come up with are any good, it would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.6905961

Rukia from bleach and maybe Mari from the new EVA movies!

>> No.6906077
File: 2.51 MB, 3000x1353, updated cosideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repost from the last thread but updated; i'm also doing eileen from regular show

suggestions time!
oh gosh you're a babe-- homura. i'm begging you, but you wit hthe red hair i also see kyoko
cute!!! i agree with phoenix wright, but you could also go kamina or lupin iii
maybe lelouch if youre okay with code gayass
ughhh i dont got much
buti'd love to see you as an ikari, do gendo
you have a really good face for most american mcgee characters in general, i like the flesh maiden outfit
you could also do rly well w something from tatami galaxy OH WAIT I JUST SAW WATASHI
you look more like a benson or skips than a mordecai, also please do nappa

i knoow, i know, snk but if you're cool with crossplay do armin
we have almost the same measurements and i think you should do sayaka.. also from tales of graces, pascal
and maka from soul eater

tiny tina from borderlands!!! if you're okay with vidya. when it comes to vocaloids, try rin
shinji or kaworu
any meguca

nami (one piece)

you'd rather do girls but i could see you as a really good shizuo

RIGBY FROM REGULAR SHOW get a mordecai. dojima is good, try gumshoe from the phoenix wright games
oh fuck, rufio
your picture is way too unclear for me to really suggest anything well

>> No.6906123
File: 398 KB, 1990x1200, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reposting with better picture...
Never done this before, sorry.

>> No.6906189
File: 448 KB, 1280x578, 154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went back and did some editing..Found more ideas.

Rigby would be cool

#3 cause it looks badass
Also..Can I borrow your Jacket kind sir?

Misato from Evangelion maybe?

#7..Also, you are pretty.

Ritsuko, become the crazy cat lady.

Kaworu because Kaworu <3

>> No.6906365
File: 1.39 MB, 2000x902, Cosplay Template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine. I remade mine to look nicer from the last thread for this. Suggestions coming soon.

>> No.6906372
File: 734 KB, 1668x756, Untitled (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Continuing from here]

Any of the Sugar Racers from Wreck It Ralph.
Spike and Scooby. Please do Marty McFly. Naota from FlCl.

>> No.6906483
File: 1.27 MB, 4146x1870, COSPLAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor Jupiter

not sure if you're interested in crossplays, but you'd make a perfect Ciel Phantomhive

I keep looking at you and seeing Lilo from Lilo & Stich.

Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist

>> No.6906490

I assume you're working on adding weight?

>> No.6906493

No I'm working on losing, that photo is me 15lbs lighter than I am now.

>> No.6906494

Anon reporting in for duty.
Oh my goodness. You would make such a cute Homura. Sorry, but I don't really have any suggestions for you. My mind is drawing a blank.
Spike from Cowboy Bebop.
You'd make a really good fifth doctor. Jon Snow from Game of Thrones?
Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones. Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon. Amy Pond from Doctor Who.
I see you more as an Aradia, personally. You kind of remind me of Hermione Granger from Harry Potter.
Oh, yes! Do a Sayaka!
Mamimi From Fooly Cooly. Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club. That way you can couple cosplay. :)
I would love to see a Ruby from you. Can't really think of anything else. (Sorry.)
Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club. (Please?) Also, you are feckin' adorable.
You are GORGEOUS, but I don't really have any suggestions that come to mind. Except for maybe the human version of Beast from Beauty and the Beast? Lol, idek.
Kairi from Kingdom Hearts!
Captain Marvel (female version) from Marvel comics.
Oh my gosh, your Brief is precious. Um... Zacharie from Off is all I can think of.
I still think you'd make a really great Amethyst from Steven Universe.
Hinata Hyuga from Naruto! And definitely Ramona.
Enjoy my shitty suggestions.

>> No.6906499

Girl, you need to eat something.

>> No.6906501

Oh shit. I meant>>6904289 for Sansa, Sailor Mars and Amy Pond. My bad.

>> No.6906505

lol honestly comments like this are so overdone. Obviously I have been eating, otherwise I wouldn't have gained 15lbs.

I actually like the Ramona suggestion. My boyfriend has a huge boner for Ramona.

>> No.6906508

Aaand I meant Hinata and Ramona for >>6906372.
Shit. I am a goddamn wreck today.

>> No.6906510

Um. She's a healthy weight, dude.

>> No.6906515

You would make a pretty cute Ramona, though. And I think a cute Homura Akemi from Puella Magi. :)

>> No.6906525

Must admit, I had to Google that. I've been out of the manga/anime loop for a while so I couldn't give many suggestions D: Thanks!

Thank you :D

>> No.6906526

Which is why she should be trying to lose weight.

>> No.6906528

Madoka came out like 2 years ago and is one of the biggest animes ever. How did you not hear about it?

>> No.6906530

It's not like there's only one "healthy weight". And still doesn't make sense, since even if you consider 120 the only "healthy weight", then why tell me I "need to eat something"?

>> No.6906535

Because my environment is such that I can only be exposed to new material if I personally go and search for it, and since there's no one in my regular life to give me suggestions I never do...it's sad.

>> No.6906536

She already said she was working on it, fuckwad.
So ANYways. How about some suggestions, guys?

>> No.6906534

Because you're a bitch.

>> No.6906537

lol okay, says the one concerning themselves unnecessarily with other people's weight.

>> No.6906538

>doesn't know any anime
>wants to "cosplay"

lol fuck off attentionwhore

>> No.6906544

>equates "not knowing any recent anime" to "not knowing any anime"

lol fuck off wannabetroll.

>> No.6906549

at least I gave suggestions. I don't see you saying anything helpful in this thread.

>> No.6906569
File: 470 KB, 1198x1123, Kaname.Madoka.full.1350983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gave out suggestions too. She has every right to be here just as you do. Now kindly fuck off if you aren't going to say anything constructive, desu.

>> No.6906570

Wait I'm confused, who are you even addressing here.

>> No.6906575

You're absolutely beautiful and your skin is beyond perfect [What do you do to it?]
Chihiro from Spirited Away, Rikka Takanashi from Chunibyo.

>> No.6906582

Cheapo drugstore cleanser in the morning and night, exfoliate in the shower. To be honest I can't give much advice or take credit, my skin's always been pretty good and it's mostly genetic.

I've been wanting to do Chihiro for a while but I need to find someone to do Haku with me!

>> No.6906588
File: 499 KB, 500x500, Sherlock unimpressed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are you guys doing.

>> No.6906592
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>> No.6906593

I don't even know anymore, man. This is a suggestions thread.

>> No.6906640

Poster from...

I've been meaning to watch PSG and since people are suggesting Brief as a good cosplay...I think I will get off my ass and watch it now.

You are the second person to mention The Little Prince to me! I will have to look into it.

Thank you! Don't worry...I am currently working on a Tamaki cosplay. He he.

>> No.6906659

Your eyes are so gorgeous! Princess Peach or even Rosalina.

If you are okay with FOX Animation or Disney, then I would also suggest Anastasia or Princess Aurora.

>> No.6906673
File: 65 KB, 440x1000, KH_II_Yuffie_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell Girl or Yuffie from Final Fantasy VII or Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.6906680

I've been debating between Tifa and Yuffie for a while, Tifa mainly because I have the hair for it though. Thanks :)

>> No.6906981


>> No.6906995
File: 1.95 MB, 1990x960, Cosplay suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have the cutest shaped face. I really hope you do Chel.
First thing that comes to mind is Percy Jackson.
Mio Akiyama or Yuffie

New suggestions would be awesome, I'm kind of stuck on what to make next.

>> No.6907001
File: 12 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6907016

brienne since you're so tall

>> No.6907027


Are you fucking retarded? Brienne is like 6'4-6'5. She's incredibly tall. 5'11 is tall, but not too tall to cosplay a feminine character,

>> No.6907035

meow. It's easy to get a few inches on boots, so she would be pretty accurate. More accurate than most.

>> No.6907038


But you're saying she should just cosplay as her because she's tall. That's a pretty dumb reason.

>> No.6907040

>hurr durr Im a cosplay expert listen to me

Your cosplays fucking suck. Go be a troll somewhere else.

>> No.6907050

tall, short blonde hair, only character I'm familiar on the list.
get more mad :3

>> No.6907059

>only character I'm familiar on the list.

>> No.6907063

uh oh typo.

>> No.6907066

>>only character I'm familiar with on the list.

>> No.6907073

are you nyanners?

>> No.6907082

Definitely have to do Mad Moxxi. For the fandom! And major respect for wanting to cosplay as Brienne, man. She's a bamf.

>> No.6907084
File: 26 KB, 276x310, mahnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Muscles Glasses from Epic Meal Time
> mfw

Wait a minute, I remember you...Kumori Con and Sakura Con right?

>> No.6907105

You sound awesome. I love Guy too; please post photos if you end up doing it.

>> No.6907187


>> No.6907220
File: 1023 KB, 372x242, 1360983779509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES. Chel, please, anon. You are just perfect. El Dorado is my childhood.

>> No.6907270

Oh my GOSH the new Captain Marvel is a total babe, but before that suggestion I would have never thought about cosplaying her holy crap!

>> No.6907549


>> No.6907573
File: 238 KB, 1280x652, 1366513973144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for my shitty suggestions, but my memory for characters isn't very good

Delirium or Death from Sandman

Ramona rules

Always Marty. Haven't seen a cos of him for an eternity.

How about Casca from Berserk (Post-retardation is easier to I guess because you won't need armor)

Cline from SAO

>> No.6907621
File: 1.01 MB, 4146x1870, My sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely liking the Homura idea.

I can't think of it right now but the suit picture screams someone out to me...

Definitely like Red, maybe Kanade from Angel Beats...

When I read males who cross dress: Aikawa Ayumu, Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka

Your picture kinda yells Lupin the 3rd at me.

Chel from El Dorado!

Something with a hime hairstyle, bunch of other ideas... and Rika from Chuunibyou!

Also, here's my sheet, would love input on my ideas and new suggestions.

>> No.6907761

>When I read males who cross dress: Aikawa Ayumu, Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka

Love that anime!

Spike would be pretty awesome. Also, Booker from Bioshock Infinite came to mind.

>> No.6907794
File: 83 KB, 716x960, wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing Skips sounds awesome.

I was Willy Wonka at Sakura Con

>> No.6907821
File: 285 KB, 2488x1122, costhing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine and suggestions for all...

Mistress 9
Someone from K-on
Sailor Jupiter for some reason
Beowulf (Herro btw)
Second Kline SAO
Seconding Winry Suggestion

>> No.6908204

Definitely have to do the 11th Doctor. I think you could pull off a Glenn from The Walking Dead cosplay. And maybe a Dave Strider from Homestuck?
You're definitely fluffy enough for Spike, Emiya and Raven. But I don't really have any suggestions for you. (Sorry.)
Hitagi Senjougahara from Bakemonogatari. Eri Ninamori from Fooly Cooly.

>> No.6908215

You are waaaaay too cute for a Brienne cosplay, sorry.

Could pull off Max Payne. Although Giant Dad would be super impressive.

>> No.6908278
File: 177 KB, 500x270, tumblr_mkan7jIZrW1qb7k1zo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gwendoline Christie is too cute for Brienne and yet she is! Makeup is magic.

>> No.6908286

The lack of makeup is magic.

Most women are just ugly by default. Men are the real handsome gender.

>> No.6908540

You're welcome, hun. :)

>> No.6908589

You're so cute! Tinkerbell, Harley Quinn.
I was asked this in the last thread too.
The Doctor, Skip [or whatever his name is] from Boxer Hockey.
Madotsuki from Yume Nikki

>> No.6909006
File: 23 KB, 480x360, Starfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is currently sucking the balls, I believe.
Any other suggestions, seagulls?

>> No.6909020

women are not ugly by default. Women look plain and simple by default. not smeared in make up. it's how we're born. But the media tells us to smear make up on our faces or else we wont be accepted by men. oh noez, i cant live this life without the approval of men.


>> No.6909029

Thaaank you.

>> No.6909326

Just because you dont know anime doesnt mean you cant cosplay. Stop trying to be edgy with toward those who like western stuff . Comic fans and Video Game fans can cosplay to. So try to be a little more open minde you dingus.

>> No.6909358
File: 18 KB, 500x318, AgentFowler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now whatd u say bout my dingus u lil shit?
(Lamest joke of the year award goes 2 me.)

>> No.6909374

Then cosplay something from something you do know.

>> No.6909524

Btw I wasnt the one being talked to I just hate it when people shit on western fandoms cosplayers. I mean for me cosplay is supposed to be for fun in the first place. Personally I am not a big anime fan I watched 2 or 3 shows but nothing big. So I cosplay stuff based on other things I know and like way more and I don't see the problem with it. Though aredsec

>> No.6909932
File: 72 KB, 405x410, kitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this cool?

>> No.6910305
File: 1.59 MB, 3317x1496, cosplay reccommendations please!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to be that person. But you look like that werewolf guy from Twilight.

You'd make an awesome Spike from Xmen 3, you've even got the hair.

William Mason from Downton Abbey, you look almost exactly like him imo

Tinkerbell, also you are adorable.
And holy fuck, you will make the best Tank Girl.
You'd also make a very good Daenerys from GoT

Mabel from Gravity falls
Sakura (with Syaoran) from TRC, or Cardcaptors.

>> No.6910304
File: 205 KB, 5000x2230, cosplay template2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bad @ giving suggestions so I won't do it.

>> No.6910319

You look a lot like that ugly actress who does Ash-- I mean Yara from Game of Throws. You know, the one who said she's gonna go sail all around Westeros just to sail up Dreadfort's river to save her idiot brother. I guess idiocy is a hereditary trait for Greyjoys.

>> No.6910326

Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine.

>> No.6910329

Thanks. :3

>> No.6910402

Why not Jenny? Vastra might be a little hard to do. I also think you could do a great Fem10 or Amy.
Might look into Downton Abbey if it#s a good idea.

Do a Ganondorf. Would be glorious.

>> No.6910419
File: 62 KB, 350x550, diablo_3_female_monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont do another mad moxxi. I counted 9 of them in the first 4 minutes at my last con. Even though the game isnt that great, the female monk from diablo 3 is well known and your face pic is perfect for it.

>> No.6910563

Vastra's been my dream costume for a while, so I'm reveling in the difficulty. My good friend's making the prosthetic, and the costume's been in progress for a few months now.

I am nowhere near pretty enough to be Amy, lol. Thanks though!

>> No.6910687
File: 1.30 MB, 2073x935, cossug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't cosplayed in a couple years and would like to get back into it!

I think it's your lenses and maybe your smile, but I think you'd make a really cute Nanami from Revolutionary Girl Utena.
Seconding people's suggestions of Lupin III and Sokka. Also maybe Archer from Fate Stay Night.
You'd be crazy tall for the character, but I think you'd make a cute Fix It Felix.
Jean Grey from X-Men, perhaps.
You'd make a lovely Sansa from Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire.
Sailor Saturn!
Lacus Clyne, maybe. I'm not a Gundam SEED fan, but I think your face would work well for that.
Try Jacuzzi from Baccano!
You'd be an adorable Miwako from Paradise Kiss.
Pleeease do Bumblebee from Teen Titans!
If you could find an Ariel, you'd be a handsome Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid.
I know you'd like cutesy, but I think you'd be a cute Marie Kanker from Ed, Edd, and Eddy, and your partner could be Edd.
The main character in Perfect Blue. Can't remember her name.
You're going to be an awesome Brienne. Seconding Tinkerbell, too!
Depending on how you did your makeup, I think you could pull off Cersei from Game of Thrones.

Sorry for not getting all of you. I really couldn't think of anything for several posters, but I'll ponder on it and come back.

>> No.6910701
File: 120 KB, 550x750, 09-05-14-beatrice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatrice Castiglioni from Umineko No Naku Koro Ni would be a perfect match for you! No doubt it would be a big project, but I definitely think you could pull it off.

>> No.6911241

You do realize other women care more about your makeup and shoes and outfits than most men do. No straight man cares what shoes a girl wears. Nothing wrong with wearing makeup but women put too much emphasis on the external things at times. If people think you're ugly without the makeup, you probably still ugly to them with it on.

>> No.6911283

I want to post one of these because I really need some suggestions, but I have neither a recent picture or a camera.

Can someone just give some suggestions to someone who kinda looks like a short, brunette Brienne of Tarth? I would just cosplay her, but I'm terrible at making armor.

>> No.6912047

Nah, just deal with it, you're the uglier gender.

If all men were gay and we could reproduce by cloning, it would be the perfect world,. Handsome people everywhere.

>> No.6912105

bellatrix lestrange.

how about you post some suggestions for others, too. there are still plenty who could use more.

>> No.6912125
File: 2.15 MB, 2903x1309, 1370991652722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! So I got a lot of free time for now and so i would like to do something that takes a lot more effort than the costumes I did so far. My ideas aren't really that complicated though so if you got any suggestion on something that is not too difficult but not to plain and simple either, I'd be glad to hear about it.

from left to right the characters are:
Flonne from Disgaea
Levy from Fairy Tail (already got the fabric and wig so I probably gonna make it)
Miyo Takano from Higurashi no naku koro ni

I also would like to do cosplay that doesn't look that childish. I got a lot of characters who look really young and wear colorful clothes. I probably still want to cosplay those as well but it would be nice to do something else once in a while as well.

Crossplay wouldn't be a problem for me, however, I feel like I can't really pull off looking manly lol

Oh, and I would like to try out cosplay props like weapons as well

>> No.6912236

You should give suggestions first before asking for them. Most others have.

>> No.6912411

Oh okay I'm sorry about that! I gonna look through it again and make some suggestions first.
You would be a wonderful Sailor Jupiter. Wouldn't be bothered if you used your real hair for it. Since it fits quite well!
Your body fits Utena as well. You could pull off her tomboyish looks and still be very feminine. If you would like to make props maybe make her sword for the costume? That would be really cool!
I don't know why exactly, but I think you could make a really good vampire!
I also thought of Rin from fate/stay night when I saw a picture of you.
Instead of Mistress Nine I would rather suggest you to make a Sailor Saturn cosplay. I think that would look really pretty on you.
You would look awesome doing crossplay
I don't know if you like Reborn! but you would make an amazing Byakuran since you already look good with bright hair, and most other people just can't wear white wigs and look good, in my opinion. If you don't know Reborn or dont like the character, you should still go for any character you like that has white or pastel hair!
Also, your body already looked awesome in your Yoko cosplay so you should totally go for the other outfit as well!

>> No.6912418
File: 82 KB, 442x351, 1367780626848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly off-topic, but would cosplaying Tomoko betray my powerlevel? How known is she outside of imageboards?

>> No.6912444

Just do it, that would be amazing.
Well, I think it would be, but I rarely interact with people outside of imageboards. Go figure.

>> No.6912503

>>6910687 here again to add just a few more.

Your first picture to me says Peter Parker, but the second makes you seem like a good pre-serum Captain America.
I really want to say Harry Potter, but it's probably just your hair, haha! Dream from the Sandman comics might be a good choice, too.
Not to be that girl, but I think you'd make a cute Pinkie Pie; you just look kind of playful in the Mari photo. And a gijinka would give you some room to work with your budget.
You'd be heaps cute as any of the Sugar Rush racers in Wreck It Ralph! Malon from Zelda, too.

>> No.6912510

I've seen this character before, but I just can't seem to find anything about her! Would someone mind telling me what she's from?

>> No.6912521


>> No.6912527

This is going to sound incredibly stupid, but what application can I use to make one of these on a mac? Paintbrush doesn't really work, and I don't have photoshop on my laptop.

>> No.6912529

If I ever see anyone cosplaying Spaghetti Girl I'd immediately ask for a photo.

>> No.6912541

I'm the girl from that post again.
I was also thinking of doing a Touhou cosplay since the characters from that game are all so much fun and the costumes look super cute but are not TOO hard to make. What do you people think?
unfortunately I haven't seen that movie, yet. The character designs of them look so extremely cute though. Might think about Malon as well, thank you!
I think you would look amazing in armor! I haven't watched Game of Thrones or read the books, however if armor isn't a problem for you I would happy to see you do a Fire Emblem cosplay that would look just so cool! If you are not a fan of the games maybe a similar rpg?

>> No.6912546

Many thanks!

>> No.6912587

Sawako Yamanaka from K-ON! And personally, I see you as more of a Satoko than a Miyo. But either one works.
Definitely Sailor Jupiter. And Suzumi Tamao from Strawberry Panic!

>> No.6912622

Sawako Yamanaka is so cool. Its quite some time ago i watched that Anime but I can still remember how funny she was!
Takano is one of my favorite characters and I really wanna try to cosplay an adult once in a while so I rather thought of her instead of the kids. Satoko is really adorable though. I like her a lot as well! I once did a Hanyuu cosplay but it turned out horrible and couldn't wear her horns ): might do it again since I feel kinda bad for doing such a bad job lol

>> No.6912640

That's a bit of a spoiler, anon.

>> No.6912638

>I was also thinking of doing a Touhou cosplay since the characters from that game are all so much fun and the costumes look super cute but are not TOO hard to make. What do you people think?
I'd say go for it. You judged it about right, Touhou cosplays are super fun and not extraordinarily difficult, plus Touhou fans are (generally) pretty cool. Maybe try Tenshi, Momiji, Shou, or Youmu if you want to do props as well?

>> No.6912672

Youmu would be fun! I also thought about Flandre since she's cool and the props for that costume would be a nice challenge as well just dont know if I could pull it off on the convention...
I already heard that the fans in general are quite cool but I'm not sure if I meet any in my area barely ever see any cosplays of it at the cons I go either.

>> No.6912673
File: 484 KB, 370x249, tumblr_ln83yjoxX91qbvovho1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, my bad.

>> No.6912696

Rosalind from Bioshock Infinite.
Sansa Stark
Any Kingdom Hearts character.

>> No.6912756
File: 142 KB, 680x680, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that English translation title

>> No.6912992

Go for Takano

>> No.6913077
File: 527 KB, 2073x935, 1370991652722 (0-00-00-00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

number 1
you look like 2
that girl from mirrors edge
number 5

>> No.6913093
File: 2.39 MB, 2986x1347, 1370991652722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just looking for more suggestions for cosplays next year. I like historical looking costumes. I cosplay mostly from animes and games.

Hinata from Naruto (Her younger version preferably)

Hugh Anthony Disward from Dantalion no Shokan,

Go for Beowulf

Kagamine Rin

Sasha from Snk maybe?

>> No.6913179
File: 836 KB, 2500x1123, 000009876543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6913186

I don't know why, but I can see you doing a Madam Red (Angelina Durless) cosplay from Black Butler.

>> No.6913200

I hope you're getting some suggestions ready for others. But I think you'd make a perfect Homura Akemi from Puella Magi. Especially with those gorgeous eyes. And mad props for wanting to do Dinah and Fran cosplays. I love both of those mangas.

>> No.6913221

I think you'd look great as Kyoko from Puella Magi or Sailor Neptune.

Rufioh or the Summoner from Homestuck, though I think maybe one of the guys from Gantz would look fine too.
Going out on a limb w/ this but you really look like the cute actress who plays Abigail Hobbes in Hannibal. Might not be a well noticed cosplay but you would look nice as her.

Sailor Pluto or Rukia from Bleach

Elizabeth from Bioshock

>> No.6913394
File: 689 KB, 4144x1904, suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sailor saturn maybe>>6904759
Miaka yuuki from fushigi yuugi or hikaru from magic knights rayearth
i think you'd make>>6904939
a fucking awesome tomoyo from cardcaptor sakura

>> No.6913405

you look like PrivateToaster without makeup

>> No.6913426

Tsumugi Kotobuki from K-ON!
Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi.

>> No.6913427

lol i googled privatetoaster and i got pictures of toasters idk what to think hahaha

>> No.6913474

oh shit I just realized you meant Pirate Toaster that's what i get for posting at 1 AM drunk oops LOL.

>> No.6913592
File: 2.42 MB, 4146x1870, icannotintomspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these pretty people

Anyways, this will be my first time attempting to cosplay, and you guys seem to know what you're talking about, so let me have it... gently, please.

Also take my recommendations with a grain of salt because... like I said, inexperienced person here.

I can see you being a good fifth doctor.
Really liking the Sayaka.
I think Mugi would look good, but I can see you being an AWESOME Chitanda from Hyouka.
Kiritsugu, but I'm a massive nerd for Fate/Zero so I might be biased. Raven would be cool too.
Sailor Jupiter, but I want to go ahead and maybe say Mitsuru from Persona 3.
I think you pretty much nailed it with Neptune. Maybe Touka from Chuunibyou.

>> No.6913705
File: 200 KB, 572x768, Bizenghast - Super Bon Bon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do Dinah I feel like you should take the time to make one of her more noticeable outfits. Otherwise I doubt anyone will recognize you since she dresses like a goth loli.

Not to mention I'd like to see more Bizenghast love...

>> No.6913710

YES. I absolutely LOVE that outfit of hers.

>> No.6915837
File: 74 KB, 960x541, 425233_10151688994112419_1625249009_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that is a new one :D
Definitely going with Mcfly...That's heavy.
Prince Eric, another new one - thank you.
Loving the suit.

My girlfriend surprised me with the 9/10 Dr. Sonic Screwdriver. Also I found this..I think it will work.


Picture not related, its a baby Raccoon we are taking care of.

You have nice curves, go for the sailor scout.

Bright, just slap everybody.

>> No.6917063


>> No.6917768
File: 463 KB, 1200x543, cosss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few complex costumes in the works and I'm looking for a costume for a con in two months time! I'm experienced with sewing and a little bit of propmaking. I love unnatural hair colours.

Yes, you have a great face for Homura!
You could pull off so many Touhou characters with a cute nose like that!
FARIS FARIS FARIS FARIS Also, you'd be a great Aela from Skyrim or Bastila from KotOR
Nilin from Remember Me
If you want to do Felicia, go for it! You'd pull her off really well.
Neptune from Hyperdimension Neptunia
Janaff from Fire Emblem
Maybe try Palutena instead of Pit?
Wowwee you're such a cutie! You should cosplay Philia from Tales of Destiny!
You should cosplay Power Girl!
You'd make an amazing Rosalind from Bioshock.
Pixie from X-Men/Marvel?
Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura or Tsubasa
You have a fantastic face and bodytype for Ouka from .hack
FRANKENFRAN! Or Elizabeth from Bioshock
You have a face better for Sailor Jupiter or Sailor Uranus.

>> No.6917790 [DELETED] 

I still don't understand how someone this bad at drawing got publish.
I like the design and the writing, but the fuck art man. It's like a doujinshi you make in highschool.

>> No.6917883
File: 806 KB, 1244x675, cosssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys!

>> No.6917890

suggestions fggt

>> No.6917925

I am so happy that you're cosplaying Edith!

Judging from your love of period stuff, you could take a look at Emma. There's tons of really awesome dresses/outfits in there. Give the art a chance in the beginning. The art ends up being God-tier.

>> No.6917927

>>6917890 ahh faq

>>6907621 Kiritsugu plz

>>6906995 Harley Quinn Arkham games or Viral Gurren Lagann

>>6906365 Maka

>>6904913 Pokemon Hilda

>> No.6917947

You don't really have the chest for Moxxi...

But I'd love to see you do tank girl.

>> No.6917957

Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 4.

>> No.6918050
File: 961 KB, 4146x1870, Cosplay SuggestionFull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to see Kyary
Rock from Black Lagoon
You would make a really cute kiki!
Kairi from Kingdom Hearts (1 or 2)
Garnet or another character from Sakizou's artworks would be awesome =)

>> No.6918130

You'd be a super cute Mimi from Kodomo no Jikan or Hazuki from Doremi and for both your glasses would fit!
Chieri from AKB0048 would be very pretty as well. And you should totally go for Madoka if you like poofy skirts. However I think your face is perfect for Mami.

you would be a really cute Luna from Sailor Moon if you tired the human form!
Tomoyo from Card Captor Sakura would look really pretty on you as well! Especially if you found a Sakura and you two could make nice costumes from the artworks. Clamp's artworks are always full of detail and frills and it would be super adorable!

>> No.6918161

more suggestions pls, don't be racis

>> No.6918166

Go through the thread and give everyone a suggestion and I'll consider it.

>> No.6918320

yeah but i'm 5'2 LOL!.... it's hard being short with a strong facial structure

>> No.6918351

Thanks for the suggestion! I know she's not typically cute but Marie is still adorable, and my partner loves EE&E! Sailor Jupiter would work really well for you.
I lol'd at the Brock. Glenn from THe Walking Dead?
Chiyo from Inu x Boku SS
You're adorable and remind me of Violet from American Horror Story for some reason. Do Ryou.
Like anon said, you have really nice curves that would be perfect for a sailor scout.
I think Chitanda is so cute, so thank you! Bright would be cool, Takao Akizuki from Kotonoha no Niwa.
Melty or Madoka.
You have such a sweet smile! Stocking or Babydoll from Suckerpunch, Asami from The Legend of Korra.

>> No.6918437
File: 1.44 MB, 4146x1870, cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to /cgl/. I should add that wigs I currenlty have are the long black wig, 'short' blond wig, and the gray wig pictured. I have another blond wig not shown, but that goes about halfway down the neck.

>> No.6918442

tubbywan pls go

>> No.6918451

you should definitely cosplay Stocking!
I feel like you might like cosplaying Quote from Cave Story, you definitely have the build for it
I don't watch a lot of magical girl stuff (which seems to be what you like to cosplay), but you'd be a pretty cute Daiya Higashitaka (from Pt 8 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
DEFINITELY go with Commander Bright, you're perfect for that character.

>> No.6918454

When's it due?

>> No.6918462

Uh, the cosplays? I don't really have any set dates because I'm really relaxed with my cosplays, but I'm hoping to have the RX-78 done by Nekocon in November (though I might change it to Shining Gundam), and Big Boss done by MAGFest in January.

>> No.6918483
File: 15 KB, 278x278, Ahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the baby.

>> No.6918494

I was kind of hoping you weren't being a dick and was talking about the cosplay plans, but whatever.

>> No.6918496

Thank you for the suggestions! I was actually thinking about cosplaying Mami. Funny you said I should cosplay Chieri! I want to cosplay Suzuko!
I'm actually internally screaming a bit since I adore JJBA. I'd never thought anyone would think I could cosplay someone from it haha I'm actually working on gaining muscle for Jolyne at the moment! I'm seriously considering Daiya now, thanks!

>> No.6918500

Definitely do Jolyne! I mainly said Daiya because she has that bear(?) hoodie sweater thing going on which is more lolita looking, since you were planning on cosplaying Madoka and another magical girl (I know nothing about that whole genre, sorry), but you'd be a great Jolyne!

>> No.6918510

I'm not even huge on magical girls, I'm just going on a really big mahou shoujou kick haha. Aww, thanks. I'm going to work really hard in making my Jolyne perfect!

>> No.6918519

If you need help with the wig, I think there's a tutorial on how to do it on the JJBA forums.

>> No.6918522
File: 1.13 MB, 1971x887, 1345578521092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senjyogahara from Bakemonogatari
Ryuunosuke from Fate/Zero (Bonus points if you get a caster to come with you)
Ginko from Mushishi (See my picture)
Misaki Mei from Another

>> No.6918658


>> No.6918677

your cosplays are horrible m8

>> No.6918686
File: 46 KB, 400x299, 1326504480534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to explain m8?
I sense trolling

>> No.6918691


are you kidding me? you can't be real... maybe you should reconsider showing off such confidence on /cgl/ without the cosplay to back it up, it might end badly for you

>> No.6918695

I'm gonna go ahead and say that if you can't even pull out a single reason why you consider my cosplays bad, your opinion is bullshit.
(Not saying they are perfect, I know they aren't, I am genuinly interested in knowing what you think is bad)

>> No.6918701

Fujimoto from Ponyo is all that comes to mind. Or Spirit from Soul Eater.

>> No.6918705

oh my fucking god

>> No.6918713

And if you're not going to say anything constructive or contribute to this thread, then kindly excuse yourself.
General rule of thought: Don't be a douche.

>> No.6918721

Can I get some recommendations, please?

>> No.6918725

Can't really tell what you look like with the pictures that you posted. But I suppose I'll give it a go.

>> No.6918726

Id say try okabe from steins gate

>> No.6918732

Commander Amarao from Fooly Cooly.

>> No.6918745
File: 1004 KB, 965x713, 1324674281228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> using your own hair for Kiritsugu
> not cutting it right, or at all
> not styling it right, or at all
> not even dying it
You seriously have the audacity to call people who might not like it trolls?

>> No.6918759

>You seriously have the audacity to call people who might not like it trolls?
>people you might not like it
>your cosplays are horrible m8

I'd say there's a difference between not liking it and saying ALL of them are shitty.

Also I'm aware of my hair, it was a really last minute cosplay (I'm talking about less than 2-3hours before the con) and I didn't have a wig or a way to shape my hair. It would have been much better.

>> No.6918777

> >your cosplays are horrible m8
Did you not recognise sarcasm? Strong words do not necessarily imply strong intent.
> it was a really last minute cosplay
You could have mentioned it before calling the troll card.
I've no idea how that char from YM should look, but your cosplay gives off the impression that you wanted to do Kamen Rider, but decided to do something else with it at the last minute.

>> No.6918785
File: 104 KB, 590x529, 5092-1652142373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mask is a bit too big, but otherwise its great

>> No.6918787
File: 983 KB, 500x351, tumblr_inline_mi9wogfwMV1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6918837

>Also cut my hair much shorter since the pictures were taken
Well that's unfortunate because it suit you well and made you a qt.

>> No.6918859

I had to cut it because here in the suburbs, it's impossible to get a job if you don't fit the normal short hair guy stereotype.

I miss my long hair ;_;

>> No.6918886

Dude, if you shaved yourself bald, it would grow back to that length in, like, half a year.

>> No.6918905

Took me about 1.5 year to get there.
My hair doesnt grow really fast

>> No.6919031

> pull out a single reason why you consider my cosplays bad,
the most glaringly obvious one: no wig
it all looks like a closet cosplay
the first one is verging on "paper iron-man"-tier in terms of awfulness
I'd love to see you berserker cosplay just to laugh at how inevitably pitiful it would look

>your opinion is bullshit.
you must be a troll

>> No.6919059
File: 96 KB, 730x727, 1326414992637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paper iron-man
Maybe not a troll, just retarded or nazi standards

Probably both

This is why I dont come on /cgl/ too often, the community can be nice but most of the time its a piece of shit

>> No.6919064

In that case, I'll prepare my slapping hand. Thanks for the input.
I really need to get around to watching Mushishi.

If you can pull off Berserker, that would be amazing, but the SnK one would be cool too. Are you going to try and make the maneuvering gear (or whatever it was called, it's been forever since I've read the manga, the box looking things that are attached to the belt) too or just the outfit?

>> No.6919069

Yep, since it's likely thell be a metric shitton of bad eren cosplays, I'm focusing a lot of my efforts on the 3DMG

>> No.6919080

Yeah, when I was at A-kon the quality of the 3DMG (if there was one) basically determined whether the whole cosplay was great or "oh god why" tier. Good luck with that.

>> No.6919178
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Sorry for terrible pic/not on template. Apparently I have taken no pictures of myself since Halloween.
Stats are 6' tall, somewhat overweight but not terribly so (also I waist train and use shapewear), 24 years old. Haven't cosplayed since 2009ish, outside of Halloween, ren fairs, or steampunk. Fairly competent at sewing. I'd prefer something adult and fairly covering, and like frilly gothic stuff. Anime, manga, video games, or Western movies/cartoons/comics are all fair game, I like em all.
My old cosplays are terrible but they were Marluxia from Kingdom Hearts, Baiken from Guilty Gear, Seras from Hellsing, and some rather terrible attempts at Harley Quinn.

>> No.6919192

Scout's mother from Team Fortress 2.

>> No.6919240
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>> No.6919247

Fuck's sake. Post suggestions before you ask for them. Kthx.
(Peeps are more inclined to give you suggestions when you give them out as well.)

>> No.6919258

I could defs see you as Asuka Langley Soryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion, though.

>> No.6919259

Huh, that's one I hadn't thought of. Usually get told I look too young to play moms. Cute idea though.

>> No.6919275

You'd actually be pretty cute playing some Disney boys (Peter Pan comes to mind especially) You could also get away with playing younger characters like Hit Girl. You're just very cute and young looking, and some well done contour/shading makeup will give you a heck of a lot of range.

>> No.6919277

um no

>> No.6919288

I was thinking about that! Thanks!

>> No.6919291
File: 29 KB, 423x469, asuka-cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um yes. Lick my prostate, nigga.

>> No.6919353
File: 1.71 MB, 4146x1870, Suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fourth pic kinda reminds me of Jones, from the XIII comics (not widely known, though)

Rider from Fate Zero

Go for Dinah

Maybe Rosalind Lutece ?

>> No.6919413

The thing with SnK is that you don't have to do a particular character, there is a whole fucking army out there just waiting for you to cosplay.

Much better than a derp approximation of a character

>> No.6919597
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I see that you're not really a fan of the idea, but I think you would make a great Asuka.

You'd also be able to pull off a good Rita from Tales of Vesperia pretty well, or Yukari from Persona 3. Mayaka from Hyouka would also work pretty well for you.

>> No.6919600

>Be able to pull of a good Rita from Tales of Vesperia pretty well

This sentence brought to you by the US redundancy department of redundancy department of America.

>> No.6919706

Thanks Brienne is a tough bitch.
I haven't read Sandman but I suppose this is a good reason to now!
With a lack of makeup I could probably make it work.
Thank you!
Haha thank you.
Thanks for the new suggestion!
Thank you!
If only I had a way to stuff my tits big enough for her hah!
If I gave two shits about her chest compared to mine I wouldn't have included her in my cosplay ideas.

Suggestions to come in next post.

>> No.6919736

I feel like you'd make a better Simon than Jayne.
Ugh you're so cute. Please do Madame Vastra
ahaha if you don't do Brock I'll be extremely disappointed.
Commented before about Dinah, definitely do one of her more well known outfits though.
You'd do great as Simon as long as you're reasonably in shape.
Selene, no doubt about it. Also you would be a good Peggy Carter.
Seconding the Disney boys or just any young Disney character really.

>> No.6919838
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I've been out of cosplaying for a while and haven't been watching or playing a lot of stuff that is very costume-heavy, so I'm a bit dry for ideas.
I've already decided to do those three, but I put them there as an example of the kind of costumes I want to do nowadays. Simple, comfortable and fairly cheap.

>> No.6919889

Haha actually I already cosplayed her, after a suggestion on here!

>> No.6919885

I think you'd make a good Taiga from Toradora.

>> No.6919914

Oh lol, how about that... umm... well I'm kind of just spitballing here (I'm new to this), but I think you might be able to do Kurisu from Steins;Gate pretty well.

Heather would be cool too.

>> No.6919922


>> No.6919958

oo I've never watched Steins;Gate... to be honest though she looks a bit tall and slim for my body type, haha.
I might check it out tonight when I get home, anyway.
Thanks for the suggestions, though!

>> No.6919970
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I guess I'll give this a shot.

I really haven't cosplayed in years but certain things have happened lately that make me wanna get back in to it! I would love suggestions. :D

>> No.6919979

Susan Strong?

>> No.6919980
File: 42 KB, 600x337, hououinkyoumastaresintoyoursoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I always thought she was supposed to be kind of short. But then again maybe the main character is just really tall... which, in retrospect, kind of makes me feel dumb since I was considering cosplaying the main character and I'm a little hobbit of a man, but I digress.

Either way, you should totally watch it, it's a great show, and I'm sure whatever you decide to cosplay will look pretty good.

>> No.6919986

You fucking people.

>> No.6920009

I think a troll look would be really cute on you. I'm not a fan of homestuck (don't understand) but you definitely have the aesthetic I think!

Gaz from Invader Zim? :3

You have huge eyes! It really makes me want to see you do McGee's Alice or something. You might be too tall though. You definitely have the dainty historical looking face for it though!

>> No.6920261


wow i think there are more attractive females on this board than any other board
any they like anime too

hi from /fa/

>> No.6920344


I was thinking of maybe doing Hanji since I 'm about the same size and weight, but I'm shit at judging whether I look like a character or not (in terms of facial/body shape), and as you said, better do a random soldier than a character you can't pull off

>> No.6920671

Black Star from Soul Eater or Fry from Futurama

I agree with anon. Spirit would fit you perfectly
Red hair really fits you so I also had to think of Battler from Umineko

>> No.6920685

yes, this is the girl board :)

please come anytime you want to ask girl related questions, we're all about that :)

99% girls here :D

>> No.6920691

r u underage? :3 if so let's have sex :)))

I'll deflower your cunny

>> No.6920722

i woke up hard
and now im staying hard
you are hot but kinda look like a trashy slut

>> No.6920726

and there I thought we wouldn't have to see such rude behavior on /cgl/

>> No.6920731

Are you at Otakuthon if yes do generic SnK member pls.

>> No.6920734

I take that back she doesn't look like that.
you are absolutely right.
pretend I didn't say anything

>> No.6920737
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>> No.6920738

give suggestions first, then I will give you some as well!

>> No.6921636

Moeka from Steins;Gate.

Now go give some other people some suggestions.