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File: 125 KB, 499x333, ballerina-ballerinas-beige-beige-shoes-classy-Favim.com-433622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6906210 No.6906210 [Reply] [Original]

why are flats so hated by lolitas?

>> No.6906211

make legs look incredibly stumpy

>> No.6906218

I'm not a lolita but my guess is, if the skirts and dresses already go past the knees or stop at the knees, wearing flats in going to make your legs look shorter and stumpy.

>> No.6906229

I agree about the stumpy legs thing, and I think for photoshoots and meets it's more appropriate to wear a fancy heel or shoe.
But if it's a con and I have to walk more than one mile that day? Yeah nah, the flats are going on and haters gonna hate.

>> No.6906280

I really never go how flats are more comfortable. For me, they are even worse than heels. Hell, walking barefoot is more comfy.

> Maybe it's just me?

>> No.6906286

Why would you buy a $250 dress and wear it with shitty, casual $10 shoes you bought at Payless?
That is the real question.

Also, they tend to look bad with socks and tights, and bare legs don't really work in lolita.

>> No.6906292

It all depends on the shoe. I find that most flats have extremely thin soles with zero cushioning, so walking around in them feels really harsh on my heel.
Some flats have a small, rubber heel, and those aren't too bad. Insoles help too, but at that point I'd rather go for a low wedge anyway.

>> No.6906301

Cheap flats are uncomfortable because the interior has insufficient cushioning and arch support. They are literally flat. But good quality flat shoes are better made than the cheap Payless ones, and should have better interiors.

Ballet style ones look like crap but there are some styles of flat shoes that are cute with Lolita. Tea Parties are technically flats after all; whatever your personal opinion of them is (I know a lot of people think they are uggo) they are a very popular style of lolita shoe.

>> No.6906405

I walk funny because I have knock knees and my feet's structure is bad. I cannot wear ballerina flats to save my life. I can not figure out how to walk in them at all. I pretty much wear aerosole heels everywhere.

>> No.6906454

I'm going to go with the general that heels will make legs look nicer. I don't hate flats for Lolita though.

Where are the shoes in OP from?

>> No.6906482
File: 512 KB, 500x659, lor819824j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate it. It can look nice if you know how to coordinate it. Specially if you're tall. Wearing heels with already "short" skirts isn't very flattering for a lolita.
>LovelyLor very related. She's great at coordinating flats.

>> No.6906491

well that's your opinion. mine is, that coord looks meh, and the shoes are not helping.

>> No.6906705
File: 93 KB, 640x960, tumblr_mi5c4xxQv61qahsqho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, maybe not her best coord but you can't deny you've seen worse outfits done with proper lolita shoes.
Also, her friend is wearing flats here and it looks really nice.
Some lolitas are too narrow minded. We do have rules, but if you're careful and very sure about what you're doing it's ok to break them sometimes. There's no such thing as lolita police, you know.

>> No.6906710

You have to be tall, a long dress with flat shoes makes you look stumpy. I'm 5'8 and I don't think I could work it all the time

>> No.6906713

How are flat shoes any different from teaparties.......? Those barely have any heel to them either yet everyone goes gaga for them.

>> No.6906732

Tea parties do have a heel though and the ankle strap and cross cross straps over the foot helps with the stumpy-ness a lot.

>> No.6906738


I think when people talk about "flat shoes", they mean like, ballet flats? Not just shoes without heels in general.

>> No.6906736

Why are you even bringing up "rules"..?

Flats make your legs look stumpy; that's all there is to it.

>> No.6906737

>they have a heel
Lol barely. What is it? Like an inch? And you really think the straps help? I don't, they cut off your ankles.

>> No.6906745

ok... obviously you have formed your opinion, I was just trying to differentiate them from flats... carry on

>> No.6906744

ig. And seriously I've seen flats that have had little kitten heels the same size as tea parties too. I'd rather see someone try to coordinate something different, I think teaparties are easy and are the 'safe' option. It screams unoriginality and a fear to take a risk.

>> No.6906839

I was just trying to exemplify my point of view.

>> No.6906912

And you've formed yours, but I agree with that anon and really they're not that much different from flats. Even flats have a small heel on them sometimes. They're not all ballerinas.

>> No.6906918
File: 46 KB, 453x592, tumblr_m2ulmuvOyS1rpls3vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I wore those exact shoes in ivory to a meetup a few months ago
Welp. I don't usually go with flats, though, I just badly needed shoes to go with my co-ord and those were the only workable ones I could find when I went shopping. Still, I don't think they looked so bad.

>> No.6906923

i don't know... i can't really get in to lolita because i hate the ugly as fuck clunky shoes everyone insists are must-haves

>> No.6906929

They're not a must at all. I think a pair of classy heels often goes better with an outfit than tea parties and the like.

>> No.6906940

This is what I was assuming... the only flats people tend to hate are ballerina flats and those are the ones I always hear people hate on anyway (outside of lolita context).

>> No.6906973

Sorry to be a pest, but would you mind disclosing where you got those flats?

>> No.6906982

I can't walk in heels to save my life (apart from if they're really thick ones for taller shoes), and I have no idea how people do meet ups wearing heels, I'm so used to wearing flats for day to day wear I don't think I could wear heels for an all day thing, or if I went to a convention.

>> No.6906999

I actually really miss the clunky old school platforms that made everyone looks like a demented doll.
Still wear my RHS a lot too, I love the platform and they're fucking comfy as hell.
Pic shitty, but related.

>> No.6907017

I remember when I got into lolita, a friend of mine went to Japan as part of a high school trip. I was stupidly jealous, because part of the trip was a brief (like, two week) homestay. By complete freak luck, it happened that the daughter of the family she stayed with was into lolita, so she took her all over shopping and giving her advice.

One of the things that really stuck with me that she told my friend was "you want BIG shoes or the dress will look too heavy. You need to be anchored down or you'll look ready to blow away." Thus, my friend came home with three pairs of Meta and an*ten*na stripper-style mary janes that were popular at the time.

>> No.6907026

To be honest I really love those shoes and want to own some. Though they aren't my favorite for lolita. Same with teaparties, they're cute, but they tend to make the outfit costumey with all of the bows and ruffles paired with an already decked out fashion

>> No.6907032

I think another part of it is posing. The "typical" lolita poses for photographs tend to look even more ridiculous with flats than with heels.

>> No.6907029

Right here:
It's an Irish store, but they seem to ship worldwide. Hope I helped!

>> No.6907067

Thank you so much!!

>> No.6907072

Would it be entirely hideous if I attached ribbons to some flats? Think RHS without the platform. I think it'd be cute and I have enough tall.

>> No.6907087
File: 328 KB, 500x335, RawkingHowasShooz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hermm....I've always worn them without the ankle straps because that makes my legs look stumpy.

You dropped your picture, brah.
>Lol barely. What is it? Like an inch? And you really think the straps help? I don't, they cut off your ankles.

>> No.6907092

dafuq happened to my post?
Man, I've got to double check my replies. I haven't been here in a while. Is this some new 4chan system?

>> No.6907106

This is why I hate flats. Nothing to do with lolita. I can't wear heels too, so it's seriously awkward finding shoes.

>> No.6907130

I usually wear tea parties for conventions because they're more comfortable. Though i have a few heels that are surprisingly comfortable to walk in, so long as I'm not doing a ton of walking (like giant conventions such as Otakon).

>> No.6907137

i must have been talking out of my ass, I don't know why tea parties don't give the same stumpy look that ballet flats do, but they just don't look the same to me. I don't even really like tea parties, I only own one pair that I don't even wear heh

>> No.6907145

In general, off brand shoes don't look as good with lolita as shoes that have been designed specifically with lolita in mind.

>> No.6907156

Speak for yourself.
Nothing will ever make my nearly 3ft tall, 11in legs appear stumpy. ever.
I'll wear flat oxfords with whatever the hell I own, and will always be complimented on my long, long legs.

>> No.6907164

You know it's funny, when I first got into lolita I thought those teaparties and those chunky shoes with bows were ugly as sin and I never got why people wore them.
To this day I still prefer lolitas in regular heels and offbrand shoes.

>> No.6907170

gurrl, I feel you, 5'10 here

>> No.6907198

Most girls aren't taller than 5'6 or 5'7

>> No.6907206

Exactly, most, not all.
Don't speak out of turn.

>> No.6907309
File: 52 KB, 250x334, 1359661066346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the whole stumpy thing. It's not like it makes your legs look shorter. They are at the literal length that they naturally are
I'd definitely agree that heels make your legs look longer, slender, and your feet smaller, but if your legs are thin enough, why not flats?

>> No.6907317

But then you shouldn't yell about a general statement that obviously doesn't include you

>> No.6907326
File: 75 KB, 500x332, 1359523952983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl isn't even wearing shoes, and I think her legs look great. Am I just not fashioning right?

>> No.6907330

Camera angles and that chair looks huge oh god

I'm 5'7" and I personally can't stand wearing flat shoes; I dunno, man.

>> No.6907337

It's something to do with the cut of the shoe making a straight line along the side of the foot, which 'cuts off' the end of the leg, separating the leg from the shoe, and making the legs look shorter.
This girl is wearing either small kitten heels or small wedges, not flats.

>> No.6907339

or she's lifting her foot a bit, they don't look like flats to me at least

>> No.6907442
File: 131 KB, 500x500, 1362361619045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one, then? or does she not count because of the 1/2 inch?
And I'm not totally understanding about the line thing. What if the flat was the same color as your stockings? Would that fix the problem or just look more dumb?

>> No.6907451

Even that small bit is better than a completely flat shoe. I think having the ankle straps help, too. As a personal thing, I hate when the socks and shoes are the same colour. It creates a kind of colourblock on the entire bottom half of the coord.

>> No.6907826

Are you me?

Anyone knows tips for walking in heels?

>> No.6907834 [DELETED] 

sorry /cgl/ I just woke up.

>> No.6907840

ITT: mad bitches with short fat legs that like to ruin everyone's fun

>> No.6907842


Practice at home where no one can see you and repeat after me: heel toe heel toe heel toe

it doesn't take long to learn how to walk in heels, it takes awhile to learn how to look good walking in heels though

>> No.6907969

are you meant to work on the heel?? i thought my feet hurt a lot because i walk on my heels.

>> No.6908126

ITT: no one can decide what flats are

>> No.6908155

Maybe. I have these tiny heel shoes (however the heel is also thin so I nearly twist my ankle in them every 10 mins) but the other problem with heels I find is that the skin around my toe nails gets pulled and then I end up with blisters/REALLY painful skin below the toenail until I put on a plaster. Also whenever I walk around in heels around the house my mum makes fun of me saying I'm not walking right, even when I'm doing heel-toe-heel-toe. I'm also 22.

>> No.6908161

I think it depends on how long and thin your legs are.
Your legs are gonna look stumpy if you're short to begin with and your legs are fat or curvy.
It also depends on the style of the shoe and the material it's made of.

I ain't lolita but by the pictures I've seen here, the flats look bad because they lack form. They look too "simple" when you put them next to the frilly dresses.

When you look down at the shoes you're left with an "off" feeling because the shoe is too simple for the style.

I've never really been a fan of tea parties because they look like oversized shoes for little children, and most flats are made for casual wear, so you'd really need to be picky about the kind of shoe you're wearing for it to look good.

>> No.6908174

I've always heard to put your weight on your toes in high heels...

>> No.6908192
File: 225 KB, 1481x1481, 26_wurl_28_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we have in this thread is a failure to communicate.

Half the people in here are taking flats to mean any shoe without a heel, the other half are taking it to mean specifically cheap ballet flats.

Ballet flats are a no effort shoe, the kind of thing you throw on in the summer when you don't feel like getting dressed up. Some of them are really cute, but overall they're just way too casual for Lolita. It's like wearing tennis shoes with a cocktail dress.

Shoes with flat soles come in all styles, and plenty are fine for lolita. Just match the dressiness of the shoe to the dressiness of your outfit.

Pic related, I'm wearing these with a navy sailor op and a straw hat.

>> No.6908313


If you're still here, the reason people go gaga over tea parties isn't whether or not they are flats/heeled. It's because they have lots of bows, straps, pearl/crystal chains, heart cutouts and various other details. When you're doing OTT sweet you need shoes that are also over the top, you know? They don't need to be tea parties, but tea parties are an obvious and easy answer rather than scouring shopping malls for that one pair of shoes that has too many bows and things on them *and* also comes in the perfect shade to match the lolita dress you're buying it for.

>> No.6908999

I wear VW x Melissa flats with my coords and I noticed that many other lolitas do too.
I think as long as the flats have straps it's okay.

>> No.6910272

Dear girls,
Stop wanting to be tall, I'm only 5'9" and I like stumpy.


>> No.6910678

I don't know if it's just me, but I dislike any type of shoe for Lolita that doesn't have a heel that's more than an inch. Heels just look more elegant to me. I never understood the appeal of ballet flats, oxford flats, tea parties, or rocking horse shoes.

>> No.6910684

>me me me me
Or you could make up for your size by growing the fuck up?

>> No.6910686

But on the other hand, not all styles of lolita are elegant.

>> No.6910700

tfw you have knee and foot problems and can't wear even low heels without pain.

>> No.6910762

That's very true. I'm just extremely partial to classic so that probably explains my taste.

>> No.6910785

The only types of lolita that would probably look good with no heels is casual and possibly sailor. I'm tempted to add that naturalistic trend people are doing, but even that falls under 'elegant'. And gothic and sweet are both too showy for flat-flats.

>> No.6911078

That might be because the toe box is way too narrow for your foot, rather than the fact that they're heels.

>> No.6911092
File: 351 KB, 303x570, Simple Pink and Blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a more toned down sweet, especially with solid no-print dresses?

>> No.6911097

Wouldn't that fall under casual?

>> No.6911143
File: 36 KB, 500x697, 1362361552314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was under the impression that casual was more otome-like? With cutsews and petticoat optional? When I say toned down sweet, I basically mean not OTT. Solid colored jsk with a simple white blouse, solid bow or headdress, not a lot of accessories, and simple socks/stockings.

>> No.6911150

Even with toned-down sweet, I think heels look better. The lolita silouette is poofy in general and sweet has that cheery feel to it, and flats just fall... flat (in my opinion).

>> No.6911178
File: 141 KB, 500x667, stumpywtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it depends. I'm sure flats can be done well, but for the most part it seems like when people wear flats with lolita they always choose the worst styled flats ever. They're almost always look very cheap looking. I think it also depends on what you're doing. Would I wear heals to a meet where I was going to be walking all day? Hell no.

Also, just cause you have a heel doesn't mean your legs are going to look thin or longer -- case in point the image I posted. This one of the main reasons why I hate most bodyline shoes. That boxy weird bubble toe looks horrible. It makes peoples legs look weird. I'd rather have this girl wear flats than wear those horrible shoes.

>> No.6911180

er... "they almost always". English. I can speaks it.

>> No.6911302
File: 1.40 MB, 1332x1054, Flat Compilation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are good flats? I'm hearing some talk of disagreement over what flats are, so does that mean there are good ones?
Are any of these okay?

>> No.6911307

4 15 9 12

>> No.6911315

I like 8, 9, 12, 16, 17. 18, and 20.

>> No.6911336

I have this issue, and a lot of others, with ballet flats, but generally like flat shoes.

Ballet flats
>No arch support
>Usually cheaply made
>make legs look stumpy and feet look like they turn up on the ends
>Difficult to find a good fit for your foot that doesn't slip off in the back, bunch in the middle
>generally don't provide much cushioning

Also, in lolita, it looks weird when you wear a very elaborate outfit with plain shoes. Even with a bow or a little doodad on them, ballet flats look very plain in general.

I adore a nice flat shoe, but I prefer it to have some structure and almost a chunky feel. I really miss bodyline's heart buckle replicas- those things looked good with normal clothes as well, and were actually really comfy.

>> No.6911361

I hate how most "classy" heels I see look.
Maybe it's just because most of the heels I see suggested as classy are cheap patent leather spike heels that "classy" girls under 30 think are appropriate business wear when they look like low key hooker shoes.

Oh god, this. Recently I've been hunting down "90s" style shoes on ebay, the big clunky mary janes and shit that used to have those giant platforms? Either in lolita or not, they tend to make my curvychubby legs look fucking adorable. RHS still don't look flattering to me, but I think that's more about my hate for the wood colored platforms on shoes that are often worn with no other brown in the outfit, though.

>> No.6911364

I think this could work if you use nice, nonshiny ribbon, get the ribbons to stay in place, and don't just hot glue them on.

Of course they'd have to go with the coord but that goes without saying.

>> No.6911500

I now keep a pair of flats in my bags for when I can't stand to walk in my heels anymore.

I'm already dressed up like a freak; Nobody's gonna care about my shoes.

>> No.6911514
File: 124 KB, 1173x592, il_fullxfull.331282975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go to the craft store and buy clip on earring backs.

Attach the ribbon to those. Now you can change out the ribbons to match the outfit.

You can also use rhinestones, buttons, ect to attach to the earring back and decorate your shoes.

>> No.6911541
File: 73 KB, 260x320, 1312591115625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap that's genius.

>> No.6911542

>don't speak out of turn
I'm sorry, how are we determining turns? A lottery system? Leg measurements?

>> No.6911594

This is what I do with my lolita shoes. But it would be better to buy actual shoe clip blanks. They have a tighter grip and will hold on to your shoe better.

>> No.6912067
File: 102 KB, 477x358, composite (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy decent heels (like, not the bargain bin $15 ones) that aren't stilettos, and pad them properly so your feet don't hurt. If they're any good, you should be able to walk in them fairly easily.

...are you sure you aren't just wearing terribly ill-fitting shoes?

Yeah, those aren't classy. These are fucking classy heels. Also clunky platforms are amazing.

>> No.6912074

By this standard, RHS and tea parties ought to be ought of the question.

OP its the straplessness part. It looks too empty unless you got some of those socks with the criss cross lacing printed onto them but?..

Really, deep inside my mind, whenever I see a lolita sporting ballet flats, I instantly think half-assing with modern couture at Target.

>> No.6912075

*out of the question

>> No.6912091

s- sauce?

>> No.6912099

Wow I was going to get that jsk in beige but it looks so awkward

I'll be getting the skirt instead wow

>> No.6912103
File: 184 KB, 700x525, zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're part of Fluevog's Baroque line. Prepare to empty your wallet, gorgeous shoes and worth every penny: http://www.fluevog.com/code/?w=family%3ABaroques

Pic related, saving up for these babies to wear with OTT classic coords. I don't wear heels often due to foot problems, but Fluevogs are well-made and surprisingly comfy for all-day wear in my experience. I don't mind flats, but I'm not a fan of ballerina flats because they tend to look too plain with lolita, unless it's a super-casual outfit.

>> No.6912131

I'm not sure if I would do them full RHS length or if I would prefer to make large cute ankle bows instead. I was actually thinking grosgrain or maybe even velvet ribbons if it looked right. How else would I attach them except for hot glue though? E-600 or similar epoxy?

>> No.6912132

Deco flats anon again, why do I not read the entire thread before I respond? That is glorious!

>> No.6912186

I second >>6911594 's suggestion about the shoe clip blanks though, because the earring backs can also snag on your socks where the hinge is. You can get the shoe clips on Ebay and Etsy pretty easily.

>> No.6912193

I think someone with long, thin legs could definitely pull it off.

But I think everyone is having an issue with the definition of "flats" here.

Ballerina flats can look nice with some things and with certain legs. But I don't think that is often the case. Generally though, flats can look nice, they just have to have some detailing to make them fit with the outfit and aren't distractingly plain.

If the issue is one of comfort there are nice ones you can buy--anything cheap is going to be just awful.

Generally though, a bit of something (some heel) is going to look better than none.

Perhaps I'm biased though because I think the tea party shoes are hideous.

>> No.6912257

Fuck yeah a set of 20 is $2.99 free shipping on ebay. Gonna check etsy as well because I don't think I need 20 of them though. Trying to decide if I want a bow on the toe or not as well as the straps. I really like the simplicity of RHS, but flats are less visually interesting as a base.

>> No.6914170

Possibly, they're pointed so that makes sense.

>> No.6914522

source for 8, 10 and 15? Not for lolita but I'd love them for work.

>> No.6917069

>implying all flats are cheap
It's amazing how little lolitas tend to know about fashion outside of Japan

Anyway, OP, if you have a good quality pair of flats and coordinate it with the right outfit, sometimes they actually look better than typical lolita shoes, especially with classic. I kind of hate most lolita shoes, they make outfits way too busy a lot of the time and not in a cute way.

>> No.6917076

Uh... not in my case. Modeling worthy long legs master race here.

>> No.6917351

>spends $$$ on heels
>will only buy $10 max flats
>"flats are so cheap and uncomfortable!!! heels are so much better!!!"
this thread, basically

>> No.6917370

... you have 47 inch legs??? how tall are you?

>> No.6917382

That co-ordinate sounds like something I'd wear anon. Love my brown oxfords. I need a new pair...

>> No.6917386

Are you giraffe anon from the loli secrets thread?

>> No.6917397

yeah, that makes no sense. assuming you're 6 feet, you're 72 inches. 72-47 is 26 inches. assuming another 10 for the head, there's 16, and 4 for the neck is 12... your entire torso, shoulder to crotch, would be 1 foot long.

>> No.6917405

Personally to me, it just doesn't look balanced. You're wearing a poofy dress, so you want to match up the length of your silhouette with your width. Heels help with that, flats not so much.

>> No.6917406

This is kind of random but the Guinness book of world records measures leg length from the natural waist down, not inseam. Maybe that's what she's referring to? 12 inch waist to shoulder is still iffy, but believable.

>> No.6917421
File: 15 KB, 336x383, Picture 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse the crappy drawing, but this is roughly what a person of those proportions would look like. either that person a, is about 8 feet tall b. is lying c. is measuring from the hips like a basic bitch or d. is slenderman

>> No.6917540

Everyone here seems to be referring to sweet lolita, but what if you dress in plain classic? My general style is (don't laugh) a blue dress Belle sort of look (please don't laugh), and the only thing that really looks good with that is plain flats or heels, and the heels look off.

>> No.6917552

I'd pay to see a lolita-Slenderman

>> No.6917652

I think most lolitas immediately say no flats because of the large amount of itas who don't have proper footwear to match their garments and throw on some shoddy ballet flats. I know I've seen this numerous times. Not that it can't be done well, but it strikes me as along the same lines of how black dresses with white lace are discouraged now. Not always awful, but easy to screw up if you don't have an eye for the style yet.

>> No.6917704

Thinking about making this happen now, what have you done

>> No.6917724

Godspeed, how would one even resolve their respective silhouettes?

>> No.6917819
File: 44 KB, 573x575, slendykun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6917831

they make your legs look stumpy, offer no support for your foot and have a tendency to fall off.

why are these shoes even a thing

>> No.6918065


A morph suit in a coord!?!?

>> No.6918084

Have this exact shoe and i love them in loli