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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 25 KB, 184x184, Eren.Jaeger.240.1479626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6860367 No.6860367 [Reply] [Original]

Where can you commission a cosplay?

>> No.6860624

>Attack on Titan
Mah Nigger, it's such a good show.

Also I have a question. What can I do with a sombrero and a poncho? Are there any characters that wear a sombrero and a poncho that I can dress as?

>> No.6860634

GSTQ is the only one I know.

>> No.6860636
File: 31 KB, 387x376, 15083_1307914434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, brother.

>> No.6860637

If this turns into an AoT/SnK thread, i'll be happy. I'm actually looking for the vectors people posted before on a Help thread a while back. You know, the scout ones with the feathers. I need to embroider those badges and print out a large version for the back of jacket as an iron on.

OP: I know someone who commissions at a good price and does fast and good work. I can link you. hold on Cosaru dot com. Her site is simple and she can be contacted easily.

>> No.6860639


OP Here. All of my niggas. You ready for tomorrow?

SNK thread activate

>> No.6860642

How do I measure my chest and hips?

>> No.6860644

post a photo >;3 someone will surly do it for you

>> No.6860646

I've seen a couple good cosplays on worldcosplay, but has anyone any SnK cosplay stateside?

Curious because I'm wondering if anyone at Fanime crapped out shoddy scout uniforms, I know a bunch of people wanna do it for AX/Otakon.

>> No.6860647

Can't tell if sarcasm.

>> No.6860648

Measuring tape. Measure around the widest part of your bust, and then the same with your hips. Make sure you measure your waist as well, usually it's necessary.

>> No.6860651

Tape measure it.

>> No.6860652

OP Here. I'm trying to commission mine for Otakon. I have no talent, sewing machine, or knowledge of any of this but I'll be damned if I can't cosplay Eren Jaeger.

>> No.6860657

I got about 36 inches for every measurement...wat

>> No.6860660

Does Episode 8 come out tomorrow? My Saturday just keeps on getting better and better, get a Job Interview and now this.

>> No.6860662
File: 63 KB, 502x762, Female Body Measuring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6860661


>> No.6861517

I am working on the harness right now. I am almost done with the bottom half. because I am honestly not very good at this, I am using brown webbing instead of a leathery material. If everything is successful, I may remake it with fake leather.

Hopefully I can start the rest of the maneuver gear by next week. Other than that, all i have are the white pants.

>> No.6861633
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, Shingeki no Kyojin - 04 - Large 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more than ready since i'm caught up with the manga. Still damn excited though to see what they'll do next. Kind of annoyed at how bishoneny they made Titan (you know who look) grrr..

>> No.6861635

Otakon is gonna be filled with SnK cosplayers. I know this because i read the threads and it's pretty much all "so i'm cosplaying Mikasa and sasha.. blah blah"

Not sure if AB or AnimeNorth are being invaded with SnK cosplay yet?
I'm waiting til next year to work on mine. My cosplay list is too long this year, but i'm in love with this manga.

>> No.6861642

I saw two or three SnK cosplayer pairs at AN today. A really subpar Mikasa who seemed to throw it together last minute, and a decent Mikasa and Eren.

>> No.6861650

I'm guess a lot of SnK might be below average because everyone is trying to jump on the wagon and throw it together. I have been sewing for about 7 years now and that costume is not easy to put together, even if you aren't doing the 3D gears. I expect to see a lot of shitty premade ones at Otakon as well. I'd rather wait and buy nice fabric for the jacket and pants and work hard on making it look good rather than rushing out to be the 10th Annie in a con.

>> No.6861658

Spike spiegel in disguise

>> No.6861894

Well, I admit I am just wearing fitted white pants that I bought and didn't sew.

>> No.6862343

Yeah, but white pants are one thing. I plan to make the jacket and the harness and all that jazz. I hate making pants, so if i can just buy and alter /fit pants to me, i do that anyway.

>> No.6862348

Oh dear, some people are gonna be upset soon.


>> No.6862391

I dont understand why anyone wouldn't read the manga, especially with how easily SnK spoilers leak onto google searches and tumblr stuff.

I still love Annie as a character

>> No.6867891
File: 663 KB, 595x731, shingeki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this might be as good a thread as any to ask.

Does anybody know what kind of fabric these official jackets are made out off?


I love the texture and look of them, but I'm having a hard time pinpointing what it is exactly.

>> No.6867910

Maybe some kind of moleskin?

>> No.6867982


It was stated in a previous thread that they are 100% cotton.

>> No.6868006


Thanks. I'm assuming it's a heavier type of cotton then? It looks pretty sturdy.

>> No.6868050


I can't confirm that but it does look pretty sturdy. They're pretty limited and expensive though anon. If you want an alternative taobao has some not too bad ones to offer.

Unless you want to make it yourself then just use the heavy cotton and line it, or use broadcloth.

>> No.6868059

The weave would probably be regular twill or gabardine maybe? Those are the kinds of weaves used for outerwear

>> No.6868112

definitely cotton. People in the SnK world are poor and have to mass produce these to the army. Not to mention to when you move around to fight titans, you're not going to want to be wearing pleather or vinyl. I think it's definitely some sort of heavy cotton or cotton blend.

>> No.6868136
File: 93 KB, 720x960, 425291_10151958444662942_1340806067_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were a few of us at Animazement, I started making my costume last Sunday so its not top quality but here's mine

>> No.6868146

This. Also, you have to imagine that they're going to want to keep the fabric low cost and easily produced considering how many casualties they receive.

>> No.6868167


...? Who in the SnK world has purple hair? Did I miss something.

>> No.6868186

I'm saving up for my SnK cosplay, since I know my sewing abilities are NOT that good yet. I will be making the 3D gear myself, though. I'm pretty handy with making props and figuring everything out. Already have it planned to make the... Multiple sheath thing (you know what I'm talking about, rectangle, holds all the blades) double as storage, since I hate carrying bags around at con.
The only conundrum I'm having now, though, is the jacket. I always pictured it leather, but with the 'official' ones being the heavy cotton, I may have to re-search for a good cosplay or get it commissioned. Last resort is going to my mother for help... She can sew but it would be awkward/she would never get around to helping me with the pattern.
This is made about 50x more difficult by the fact it's going to be a group cosplay. So we all have to be using the same material. Fuck me.

(I'm going to be cosplaying Armin, by the way. Because I have a stupid babyface.)

>> No.6868194

No one. This person looks more like a bad OC. God damn it, why do people try to cosplay things they're going to suck at? SnK cosplays are not low skill level cosplays

>> No.6868196

Exactly. I'm going to laugh at the Snk cosplayers who use pleather/vinyl when I make my costume for next year Feb/March con season.

>> No.6868200

I'm >>6868186 do you have the links or perhaps search terms to find the jackets? I tried a few the other day, but I only found some uhm... Less than quality cosplays, to put it lightly.

>> No.6868203

>Combat heels

>> No.6868206


Preparing for the shi-tier Snk cosplayers in bad premade jackets.

>> No.6868213

Because there's no such thing as a good one. I think the chance of seeing shi-tier jackets made using transfer ons and "omg look I embroidered!!!!" are far more likely.

>> No.6868218

Yup. I'm just gonna roll my eyes at them and ignore them

>> No.6868266
File: 5 KB, 196x183, 1314573559155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using boots with that kind of heel

Please stop.

>> No.6868278

Think I found one on my own
From a good seller, too.

>> No.6868347


You're acting all superior and shit but show me your self-made jacket and we can talk. It's hard to make jackets and not everyone has the time and skill to make one that looks decent. I agree there will be a huge influx of shit SnK cosplayers but show me a fandom that doesn't have mostly shit cosplayers in the beginning.

>> No.6868729

It is better than a lot of the fanime ones

>> No.6869551
File: 280 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully I am doing this right, I normally only lurk and never post. But I cosplayed Sasha and Jean at PCC this weekend and made the jacket, patches, and straps. here is a vector of the patch I made for those who want it embroidered. and if you guys want I can post my tumblr for my somewhat step by step tutorial of my stuff? Nothing is nicer then having reference pics and steps for making costumes :>

>> No.6869573

definitely post them! i'm so stumped on how to do the straps just right.

>> No.6869582
File: 146 KB, 716x681, titans harness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a ref of the harness I found on a taobao shop. Might help you make sense of which strap is going where.

>> No.6869588


Although my patches are temporary (transferred on to white cotton, then sewed on. I am waiting to get in touch with my embroidery guy to get my official ones made, but they don't look bad if you are on a budget. ^^;;;

>> No.6869597

your straps look amazing!

>> No.6869606

cool, i would love to see pics.

>> No.6869608


You are such a cuuuute Sasha, omg!!

>> No.6869653

Thank you very much :'D
But I totally forgot to make a prop potato, so I walked around munching on pik-nik sticks D: So that is on my to-do list~

>> No.6871769

how cute! your back-piece looks really good, though wasn't it hard to move in? I imagine it doesn't move with your shoulders like when you bend them back?

>> No.6871821

>*shoulder blades when you bend your arms back
corrected woops

>> No.6871838

Next time get some real baked potatoes... Mm potatoes..

>> No.6872004
File: 418 KB, 788x488, Shingeki (1 of 1)-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waaay ahead of you :D I'm working on the file for the back patches right now

>> No.6872067
File: 63 KB, 547x960, Mikasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best.

>> No.6872102

I do hope you bring a potatoe

>> No.6872124

>>6871769 For the most part, I had no issues with movement. I can't stretch my shoulders all of the way back, but I could roll my shoulders and move pretty much anyway I want. was comfortable wearing it all day too~

>>6872004 duuuude your patches look amazing, nice job

>> No.6872194

ah ok, thank you! I'll be Levi for an upcoming con so I think a little stiffness in the shoulders wouldn't look wrong

>> No.6872195

If they ever film a live action, this has my vote. That being said, I hope they never do a live action, would be terrible.

>> No.6872207

Too bad they confirmed that before the anime was even green lit. Look forward to your dream crushing in 2014

>> No.6872209

There's a Japanese LA in the works. We all know how Japanese sfx turn out, so...

>> No.6872213

M. Night Shymalan could direct it

>> No.6872351
File: 370 KB, 513x339, yayfoamcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I have so far. I know I will probably get judged for not making leather straps, but I was afraid to waste the money on it when I'm not very crafty. I ordered a cheap jacket from taobao (yes, I know you will all hate me), but I think I'll probably try making my own as well. Putting gesso and sanding this foamcore board will not be fun, though.

If the end result looks pretty decent, I may remake it with better materials. Also not sure if I should cosplay Mikasa or Rivaille.

>> No.6872375
File: 165 KB, 500x327, 88448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% cotton, but probably not twill because it doesn't have the distinct twill weave pattern.

That said, most people I know who are working on the jacket or planning to are using twill since it's generally heavyweight and easy to get in large quantities. Twill is also easy for coordinating the uniform if people get it from the same supplier.

I believe Cospa used a very heavyweight poplin/shirting (explains the lack of twill weave) for the outer shell.

>> No.6872399
File: 1.29 MB, 2048x1536, q4llf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a photo of a poster showing the official jacket in a little more detail. The close-up shots of the pockets show the buttons (?) well.

Anyone know what this type of button is called?

>> No.6872679

>>6872399 I get the most results when I type in jean buttons

>> No.6872688

cotton is not a fabric mother fuckers its a fiber.

>> No.6872701

Looking at the close up of the pocket it looks like the fabric might be a top-weight canvas.

>> No.6872755

>Also not sure if I should cosplay Mikasa or Rivaille.

how tall are you
how asian are you

basically the criteria for these.

>> No.6872761

Haku looked pretty excellent as the Eren, too; anyone have pictures of that? Still majorly bummed I missed Aku as Mikasa, though.

>> No.6872767
File: 553 KB, 851x1280, fabbfe510b4d3304dbe46be4c18bc004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I've found from Fanime so far.

>> No.6872770
File: 1.75 MB, 2696x4059, b6ea5b468532bf4b5cd28bd6fafbb783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6872774

I am 5'1" and an Asian female. Mikasa is like 5' 7" or something, and i dont want to look so short next to other snk cosplayers i might see.

>> No.6872775

They would've been good but where are their patches??
Also Revi, feet together wut

>> No.6872778
File: 541 KB, 1869x1400, 049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for Rivaille because best character.

>> No.6872782

Is this site legit? I'm tempted because I can't sew to save my life but...


>> No.6872791

I wanna cosplay Ymir in the future cuz yea...Shes plain like me and has freckles shes is a close as I can get. But yes them jackets, i would like one just for everyday wear

>> No.6872797

>Shes plain
animeonlyfag spotted

>> No.6872799

Im up-to-date with the manga, and I call her plain since that is how the other characters tend to describe her, along with ugly in a few cases. I know how awesome she can be

>> No.6872806
File: 244 KB, 1219x846, 1366800851422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rivaille is supposed to be noticeably short (keep in mind he's one of the older characters) so you should go for him then.

>> No.6872811

Hot damn, these are some meaty characters.
>... or my sense of overweight/underweight is horribly skewed

Sage for no real input.

>> No.6872822

Takes a lot of muscle to manage that 3DMG. You also notice that the characters that excel more in the series weigh more (compare Annie and Historia; Mikasa and Eren; etc)

>> No.6872826

>tfw Sasha Braus is my height and 2lb above my weight.
Also here; http://kwiksew.mccall.com/k3534-products-20090.php

Cut it down and it works for the jacket.

>> No.6872827

neat! thanks for that link.

>> No.6872829

>Levi being 5'3" and 140+ pounds
how much muscle can you even have at that height and weight and look that scrawny?

>tfw same height and weight as Armin
>tfw blue-eyed blonde planning to cosplay him
>tfw everything other than gender is right

>> No.6872836

>>6872826 literally the exact pattern I used, super easy instructions~

>> No.6872846

man mikasa looks good for being 150 lbs, it's probably due to her muscle but I jelly. (is also 150 at 5'6" but yeaaah)

>> No.6872848

>Just finished reading the latest chapter

Jesus, anybody want to play the "Guess who's the next Titan"?

>> No.6872852

I think one of the major issues is that we're so damn used to seeing really off character weights. This feels like the first really realistic weight scale I've seen on anime characters.

>> No.6872864

I was really surprised but also happy at seeing the chart. It's actually quite good height to weight ratios, even if the style is the way it is and hence doesn't show it that way. (Man I love the style, their 3D gear is ridiculously hot.) So excited!
Just the fact that Mikasa who is stronger than Eren but at the same height, actually weighs 5 kilos more than him is really nice! So nice with a super strong, tall, muscular girl!

>> No.6872870

Also voting for Levi or any one of the shorter characters who isn't insanely blond and pale.

>> No.6872872

So, uh, I want to cosplay Connie.

How hard is it to wear a bald cap and look convincing?

>> No.6872874
File: 186 KB, 400x358, 5641313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, I'm 5'3" and 135-140, but none of it's muscle. (hahaIlayinbedallday) ~70cm waist, I usually wear things in small or medium. I can see it work for him, it makes sense if he has abs but not huge pecs or much on his upper arms.

>> No.6872879

I always thought he had a buzz cut.

>> No.6872880

ikr. I wish I could shave my head for just a day.

actually, I'm a cosplayer with tons of wigs, maybe I'll consider that.

>> No.6872883

even so, it's extremely short, you'd need to hide your hair convincingly.

>> No.6872884

Yeah, also Hanji is the same height as Eren and Mikasa, but is only 7 pounds lighter then Eren. It makes perfect sense she's so much lighter then Mikasa since she's more of the scientific type and less the athletic type.

Connie's not completely bald. You can tell in >>6872806
it has at least some stubble to it.

>> No.6872886

wow!! Those look great. please share file. i have an embroidery machine that i can use at a friend's near by

>> No.6872889
File: 59 KB, 1280x721, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like shaven and then hair growing back after a week or two

>> No.6872899

It would be great to see a Ymir, especially if you have a Christa

>> No.6872901

Do christa! Accurate height

>> No.6872904

Oh my gods, Levi here.

>> No.6872908
File: 189 KB, 800x1142, muscles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Muscles. <3

>> No.6872913
File: 42 KB, 505x338, shingeki no kyojin keyholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I really decided that I need this. Where can i find this?

>> No.6872925

Christa would be tough since she's much shorter than 5'1" and distinctly Cauasian...

Limited edition volume 10 of the manga.

>> No.6872954


What I've thought about doing is putting flocking on a bald cap, like how they do for BJDs and other doll mods. I really fucking love Connie...

>> No.6872958

I think a bald cap with some make up on it could actually work. I had a friend way back in Animenext years ago do a bald character from bleach. He had chin length hair and hid it all over a bald cap. Looks convincing as long as it's put on properly with some make up.

>> No.6872980


Remember that 3D gear creation writeup on Cosp.jp that was going around a bunch of Attack on Titan threads ago?

Someone translated it into English.

tl;dr you're probably going to want a Daiso.

>> No.6872995
File: 86 KB, 499x282, 3029587_1349247803011.69res_500_282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


W-wow!! Thank you so much for this link, anon. I can't wait to get started on my gear

>> No.6873003
File: 205 KB, 605x492, Mikasa_Defending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why this cosplayer went through the trouble to make the fan, when the fan is never shown (it's just on the inside, shown in a reference demonstrating how the 3dmg works)

>> No.6873016

Because accuracy.

>> No.6873017

probably because she didn't notice that the fan doesn't appear on the inside and assumed it must appear on one side from mainly using the 3DMG reference page as reference rather than scouring through panels.

>> No.6873020

>doesn't appear on the OUTSIDE
it's 2 o'clock in the morning I need to stop posting about titans.

>> No.6873023

Oh wow, you're right, it doesn't appear on the outside. It's more like a small closed drum barrel than anything.

>> No.6873030

Probably couldn't get the arm patches done in time? I still think the both look great compared to the sea of feces of bad AoT/SnK cosplays at Fanime and Animenorth.

I like the Revi's contouring.

>> No.6873039

one thing you might want to take notice of is that the tutorial writeup is for manga-version (obviously), whereas there is some difference with the anime version. The strap configuration is slightly different (parts of the straps under the pants in the manga go over the pants in the anime), the coloration is a bit different, and there's a three-part... thing instead of the one drum.

Someone I follow reblogged some really detailed reference from Pixiv for this; it's useful for strap configuration even if you're doing manga 3DMG.

I'm currently debating what to do with mine because I like the coloration of the uniforms and straps better for the anime, as well as a few other minor changes I prefer, but I like the manga better for other things and think the anime longer cloaks are stupid as fuck and would get caught in the 3DMG. So I'm trying to decide if anybody'd get upset if I made a mostly anime outfit with a manga cloak because fuck that noise.

>> No.6873046

>So I'm trying to decide if anybody'd get upset
Nah just go for it. SnK cosplayers are gonna be in the dozens soon enough, nobody'll care to nitpick yours if it isn't half-assed.

>> No.6873051

I think a collab between the anime and manga versions are cool. I've seen people do it before and it comes out successful.

I also hate the cloak because it makes no sense to have it if you're swinging around 300 feet in the air. Are you cosplaying Revi? (I am just guessing because of cloak mention)

Thanks for the link. It's extremely helpful and going into my SnK cosplay folder.

>> No.6873092

Yep, my best friend and I are doing Hanji and Levi, although I fully plan on being at least a few other characters.

Oddly enough I don't even know how the fuck you make that thing around Levi's neck even if I know how to make 3DMG and a fully lined jacket. Cosplay priorities, I have terrible ones. Anybody know what it's called or have tutorials on how to make it?

>> No.6873099

It's a cravat.

>> No.6873623

Yay! I'll definitely do him then. I'm pretty pale, but the blondes in this series look like those people that are EXTREMELY pale. I buy fair foundation, but they look almost white. Plus, I look a little dumb with blonde hair and blue contacts.

Yeah, that's what I figured! I don't really want to do one of the blonde girls.

Yeah, the height is good, but I do think she looks too caucasian for me as >>6872925 said. I know that race doesn't matter or whatever, but I'm one of those asians that doesn't look great blonde despite being pale.

>> No.6873801

lol I love that cover. They were probably like." Hey, can you put one of your characters in some kind of swimwear for the cover?" and then they get a ripped sportsbra Mikasa

>> No.6873870

A mail coach knot looks closest to how the anime ties it; for mine I got a long strip of a nice linen-cotton blend and will pretty much just be sewing one long rectangle.

>> No.6874836
File: 79 KB, 480x640, muscles2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also think it was probably something a long those lines. Man, Mikasa is my fitspiration. <3

>> No.6875762

wow, i'm Revi's height, that's pretty cool.

>> No.6875775

Is there more? Please say yes!

>> No.6876379

You can't afford it. Unless you got a real ass 9-5 job keeping your pockets lined.

>> No.6879618
File: 456 KB, 1034x1500, 1369951731636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better version

>> No.6879627

It's Levi, as in the jean company Levi
author even confirmed it
go away with your weeb shit

>> No.6879636

That makes a lot more sense than how I was pronouncing it in my head, leh-vee

>> No.6879697

The only commissioners worth booking are usually booked up to a year in advance anyway. Enjoy throwing hundreds of bucks at an amateur that won't even give you your unlined shit before disappearing.
Just use Taobao.

>> No.6879812
File: 174 KB, 1000x381, canIreiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this turned into kind of a SnK thread and I can' find any thread more suitable, do you think I can pull of a decent Reiner if I change my hair?

Pic related ( sadly that's all the pictures I have of me, sorry for no frontal view of the face. )

>> No.6879818

You'd make a better Eren or Bert, Ernie is short and stocky while you seem to be fairly tall and reasonably built but thin

>> No.6879853

I'm actually a little smaller than Reiner, and a lot lighter. He`s 1,85 cm on 95kg, that's 4cm taller and 14kg heavier.

Thing is, I actually thought about doing Bert, but the guy I'm cosplaying with is doing Raviolli and he's 1,78.
Bert 1,81 and Raviolli 1,78? That just doesn't work.

>> No.6879861

both are correct....

>> No.6879862
File: 155 KB, 331x832, 1369615390566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Bert

>> No.6879865

He's 6'1"

>> No.6879867

You definitely seem more like Bert than Reiner.

>> No.6879915

Thanks a lot for the input, I appreciate it.

As I said the Issue is that I'll be attending with a Raviolli cosplayer and while I am not much taller than him, I am wider than him, which would make Reiner believable.

Could I pull of Jean or perhaps Marco? Just anyone, because Bert would honestly be my last resort.

>> No.6879921

Yeah I could see Marco or Jean as well, you've got that slightly 'cutesy'/baby face, but not in the sense that you look like a woman.

>> No.6879927



Also you can't cosplay Reiner without his hetero life partner.

>> No.6879939

Where are you guys getting the boots for the uniforms?

>> No.6879943

Making boot covers because all the Taobao options have the single worst zippers I've ever seen.

>> No.6879947
File: 45 KB, 500x338, thatfeelwhennobert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have no qt 2meter tall bf


I currently even have a similar haircut to jeans, plus it's easier to get his haircolour right than Reiners. So I think I'll go with Jean.

Thanks for all the input.

>> No.6879956

I'm planning on buying brown flat boots since they are almost any shoe store like pay less or marshalls or even dsw would have them. I was just going to buy fabric for the knee part and sew it on myself, like vinyl or pleather that matches the boot.

>> No.6879959

if you're worried about your hair-- dying and such. Just get a wig. You are allowed to get a short wig you know, haha

>> No.6880033

Dude, you can do a very decent Reiner if you just keep the look of the latest picture. Can you do some sort of frontal pic?

>> No.6880669
File: 650 KB, 500x289, tumblr_inline_mfv4haBNCc1rtwaqk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6880866


Tell your friend he's too goddamn tall for Levi. Levi's most recognizable trait is being a manlet. There's plenty of others he can pull of more convincingly.

>> No.6880899

>realistic height/weight ratios
my god

>> No.6881040

>posts picture
>is taller than anyone else in picture
>is thin
>is moe
>probably socially awkward
>doesn't want to do Bert.


>> No.6881378

>realistic height/weight ratio
Excusing Levy

>> No.6881450

Go figure Bert's the tallest right? Get it? Ha ha ha.

>> No.6881870

Yeah, he's ... 6' 3" i think??

>> No.6881874

Yes, taller than 5'5" for Levi? just dont do it

>> No.6881882

Oh snap, those look awesome. Are you almost done with that file?

>> No.6882162

I'm thinking that when the creator of the title says "It's pronounced Levi, like the jeans" and it's set in a very western setting, it's pronounced Levi, like the jeans.

>> No.6882172

Not only that, but in the manga he is almost ALWAYS drawn as sweating or with sweat drops....

never saw it coming.

>> No.6882197

I'm transferring it to my machine to embroider as I type this

>> No.6882227

There's also a post he made on his blog referring to "getting it from Jesus camp," which leans towards it being Levi.

>> No.6882535

I'm getting somewhat discouraged from
Continuing my own SnK cosplay, got the 3DMG
And swords Almost done, but the cloth side is gonna be hard, as apparently I gotta change it.
Always thought the jacket was leather as it would be more durable and provide better protection from impacts and the elements.

>> No.6882546

It's not leather. There hasn't been a hint of shine in any reference that says it's leather. Considering meat is probably in very short supply, they're probably not going to waste cows on providing soon-to-be-dead soldiers nice leather jackets. If anything, they need it for the ass straps.

Anyways I'm working on drafting the jacket for women's and I found men's sample measurements so I can provide a jacket pattern for the gentlemen too! I'm hoping I'll be able to finalize them and grade it so there's sizes 2 - 12 for everyone. I'm printing them out and giving them to my friends first. It's also driving me slightly batty that all of the characters have different fits to their individual build...

Cosplay wise, my best friend is doing Mikasa, and I was suppose to do Eren... but putting on the fitting sample made me realized that I defiantely have more shape than I remember. My measurements are 35-27-38. I'm going to bind my breasts, but will it just look to weird?

And uh, I bought white jeans from Uniqlo because seriously why even bother making them.

>> No.6882559

wouldn't wool make more sense, considering the setting?

>> No.6882943

I find this line of reasoning questionable. Mostly because how do they give knee high leather boots to every soldier in such scarcity?

>> No.6882961

Leather doesn't have to be shiny

>> No.6883017

I wonder if I can trade making a 3DMG to get a jacket done
I'm decent at prop production
But no material and skill with needle and thread

>> No.6883050

From what I can surmise wouldn't have the land to support growing cotton either
Pre-fall of wall Maria, it was mentioned that they had the land to support meat production and with
The scouting legion at the time the only ones suffering casualties, providing leather jackets isn't out of the question,
It is likely that they would salvage from the dead the uniforms after the fall of wall Maria and perhaps the use of leather jackets and it's lessened mobility contributed to the High casualties

>> No.6883060

I can see the boots and the gear straps, but it just doesn't seem particularly economic for a food-shortage population to produce so many leather jackets?

I dunno, it's just imo. People who want leather jackets are going to get one either way. It just looks off to me.

>> No.6883129

Yeah wool, flax and hemp would be the most obvious fibers

Really doesn't seem like the climate is suitable for cotton.

(of course there's some seriously schizophrenic things in the setting like no rifled cannon but the compressed gas powered grappling hook backpacks that are the 3dmg are a thing)

>> No.6883135

Wool would take a lot of sheep on their very limited land for farming/pasture. It may also become too heavy and warm during summer months. It seems that the walls are situated in a relatively warm climate.

>> No.6883901

The leathers are likely to be stock piled materials Pre-fall of wall Maria or salvaged from the dead ,
With the fall of wall Maria the ranchers must have moved their herds to wall rose but with the lack of grazing lands and massive influx of refugees , food demand rose so most of the live stock slaughtered for food created a stock pile of leathers.

>> No.6883906

it does look off and it makes me wonder if they even read the manga, because it makes no sense to use leather for anything but the straps and maybe the boots

>> No.6884008
File: 452 KB, 836x842, 1369928014127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I want to do Jean but all my friends said to me I look like Bertholt and also my personality is like him. But I am not so extreme tall like him, I am only 181cm (sorry, too stupid for amerikkka-size). Maybe I use boots with a a little bit more heel to be taller. Good idea?

>> No.6884023

Yes. It is very appropriate for Bertholdt to be the tallest one of a group.


>> No.6884144

Bert is mai husbando so you should do Bert, bonus points if you're slim but have some definition as per the official art

>> No.6884246

Probably bro. I'm doing the same thing with my friends; one person in our group can whip out something like the jackets fast once things are cut, so she's taking care of those while the third person and I take care of the 3DMG

>> No.6884491

Use lifts inside the boots. If i see people using heels for SnK cosplay, i'm gonna rage. they wear flat boots for a reason.

>> No.6885220

Don't worry, I am a slim guy.

>Use lifts inside the boots.
I hear this the first time! How is it possible?
I would use boots with a little bit more heel. I understand if the heels are extrem high then it looks really stupid. I want to be 5-10cm taller. I think smaller people than me has more problems to make a cosplay as Bertholt. Is someone here around 185-190cm tall? These are tall enough I think. In my country I feel me soooo small with my only 181cm :_:
For a Levi cosplay or other smaller guys I am a lot too tall. lol

>> No.6885295


A friend of mine brought up an interesting point.

While animals used for leather are probably scarce, they -do- live in a world populated by giants.

...What if they used... Titan leather?

>> No.6885316

Read the manga.

>> No.6885334


There is actually a quite obvious reason as to why they can't use titan leather. Did you read/watch the show?

>> No.6885351

it's because the titans thrive on regenerative cells. When the nape of the neck (regenerative organ) gets cut, they begin to disintegrate

>> No.6885359

Yeah, I just got to the part of episode 7 that shows the disintegrated Titan ~20 minutes after I posted that.

>> No.6885910

if you can make acceptable 3DMG, you can probably make a perfectly fine jacket with a pattern. Don't be so afraid of sewing. The 3DMG isn't that easy compared to sewing a jacket from a pattern that will have instructions.

>> No.6885958

Would it be acceptable for someone 5'1'' to cosplay Christa? I don't have a group (yet) but I am pretty much one of the shortest people in my region.

>> No.6886780

Where are you from?
We could definitely use a christa in our team, especiall one that would emphasize our Bert ( he's kinda short, only 1,82 )

>> No.6886794

Jacket problem solved
I looked up brown military style jacket/shirt for a nice low price,
Just need to add lapels, shorten the waist length and add metal buttons
And make the emblems.
Urgh now I have to make emblems...
Perhaps I'll use my prop crafting for this one

>> No.6886820

See, there you go! At first I was thinking along the same lines as you were -- that the 3DMG would be a lot easier than the jacket. But then after I assembled it and got it ready for sanding, I realized that it was actually going to be a huge pain and really time consuming.

>> No.6886850


Care to provide a link for your jacket?

>> No.6887005

That would be cool.

>> No.6888065

If by NYS you mean New York state, I have some bad news for you:
We are quite literally on the other side of the ocean.
Nevertheless, I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.6888209

I do.
Aww, that's unfortunate. To you as well!

>> No.6892144





>> No.6892803

I used foamcore board for most of it. Wood might get too heavy.

>> No.6893018

What I'm using is close to Styrodur, I think; it's a kind of XPS foam but lower quality. Been really good for some parts though since you can carve and sand the shit.

>> No.6895038


There are a million different weaves for each fibre why do people look at me like I'm an asshole when I'm like "yeah but what *type* of cotton"


Struggling with this at the moment - I'm a fabric costumer (as evidenced by above rage) and I have no idea what to use to make it light enough but still be able to finish seams nicely because foamcore tends to shreed hurr durr I are weakling.

>> No.6895162

Foamcore boards would shred if your blade isn't sharp enough, so the dull parts would drag bits of the foam with it. Also take it slow and firm, don't cut yourself. I use a metal ruler with a cork backing to help with cuts, but I've never done anything at an angle. Either way it can be frustrating; I went through so many blades when I was mounting some art projects...

>> No.6895408
File: 781 KB, 800x600, motortest1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about it; I've gone through a few blades just working with the polystyrene foam on the prototype for our group's gear, but probably slower than it would on foam core. I shudder at the thought of how many blades our group is going to go through collectively while working on the finals.

Also, I was able to confirm that what I'm using as referenced in >>6893018 is pretty close to Cellfoam 88, which is carried by Hobby Lobby and probably other hobby stores. Image relevant, it's the prototype made with Daiso Color Board.

>> No.6895438

I really like the series, but I don't have much construction experience and Otakon will be flooded with SnK anyway, hm...

>> No.6895460

so would something like craft foam be a good prototyping material?

>> No.6895464

A friend of mine wants to build his own 3D maneuver gear. Anyone got a tutorial on it?

>> No.6895468

Don't frequent this board, but there are a few things you can try.

Sintra or PVC foam is easy to work with and very lightweight, seems like it'd be better than polystyrene for something of that size.

Also, use a small saw and sandpaper to cut PS foam rather than a knife. The serrated edges cut faster and you can smooth curves with sandpaper rather easily.

>> No.6895495

Not that person, but what would be good for cutting Sintra? I have some sitting around in big sheets but I'm not sure how to go about cutting it down.

>> No.6895505

Knives, scissors, it's pretty soft. A saw could work too.

>> No.6895776


This topic is making me really fucking hungry.

>> No.6895940
File: 434 KB, 2048x1186, 967200_372099299573726_2102032053_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt see this anywhere in the thread

if your trying to make the anime version of the 3DMG
this is by far the best reference image your ever going to find

>> No.6896233

there's something like insoles that you can buy, look up 'shoe lifters' (if you're in Europe, there's a German company that makes good ones)

>> No.6896248
File: 332 KB, 900x1280, 1370395668690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you cosplay Mikasa you better have abs

>> No.6896249

SnK might be the first series that actually convinces me to work out for a cosplay. I look like the right build under clothes, but if I ever want to be any of the alternate outfits I want to have at least semi-decent arms and abs.

>> No.6896275
File: 397 KB, 640x480, ArcSoft_Image909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've been using as my main reference for >>6895408. It's been pretty accurate so far, the only thing I've noticed that I've had to edit is the exhaust chamber/tube area; the anime and other fan-references depict it differently. The trigger area is also way to small for anything but anime fingers; I had to increase the size for mine to fit and my fingers are pretty slender, and the friend I just did a fitting with had trouble fitting mine so hers will have to be larger.

Sintra sounds interesting, I saw it recommended on a tutorial for another prop and I might want to give it a try for a later remake or on future projects; we're using PS foam for these since Daiso has huge sheets of it for dirt cheap.

For now, many thanks for the tips on cutting PS; I've been using sandpaper for sculpting curves already, but I'll have to give small saw blades a try since I think I have a few of those stashed away somewhere in the house.

>> No.6896973
File: 203 KB, 703x480, 944347_598691570148479_603507335_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS. OMG I'm not alone. Out of all the animu and vidya I could have been inspired by over the years this is the first that really inspires me to work crazy hard at the gym. The only character I could actually cosplay with my height though is Hanji. Gotta get the ass down first though.

This is crazy helpful. I might be able to laser cut parts if I can get some vectors from this.

>> No.6896989

Looking for clarification. The boxes at the sides hold spare blade for the swords? The grips control the grappling wires?

>> No.6897016

Where are people buying their uniforms? I should be fine on in the 3DMG but my sewing isn't good enough for a cleancut uniform.

>> No.6897020

I know there are official jackets on AmiAmi. You're on your own with the rest, though. All of the good costumes you're seeing are sewn.

>> No.6897030

The rest is plain pants, shirts and straps. If I can figure out a 3DMG you don't think I can figure out that much?

>> No.6897031

the grips also act as the hilts for the blades

>> No.6897082

i love you, anon. Mikasa and Ymir have both become inspirations for me to get fit.

>> No.6897089

i suck at sewing too, (much better with props and wigs) but the jackets aren't too difficult with a simple pattern. You can do it, anon!

>> No.6897096 [DELETED] 

have you read the manga at all..? are you trolling?

>> No.6897097 [DELETED] 

5'1" is still pretty short. It's better than someone being 5'5" and over.

>> No.6897100

are you anywhere near new york city? at all?

>> No.6897099

link please?

>> No.6897117

I'm gonna be in Japan soon and visiting Akihabara. I'm guessing it shouldn't be hard to find a jacket in a cosplay store?

>> No.6897124

Probably not, but Japan isn't known for quality cosplay costumes.

>> No.6897127

Good luck. I just got off my flight today from Tokyo. Scoured Akihabara for anything SnK but found no uniforms or patches.

>> No.6897159

Actually anon, if you're Hanji's height then you're also in the right height range for Eren and Mikasa as well; those three are all in the 170 club. Sasha's just below them at 168.

>> No.6897181

>be 155cm
>want to cosplay sasha and Levi

mmm watcha say

>> No.6897190
File: 903 KB, 500x281, jhgertbns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6ft 1.
>Only characters within my range are Berthold and Reiner.

I might as well cosplay an actual titan.

>> No.6897204

Well, technically you can go as almost any of the guys a[art from Armin or Levi unless you're doing a group with a person who is shorter than you doing someone that is taller than your character

>> No.6897308

True, but I'll likely be going with a group, some of which are much shorter than I am. Don't want to look out of place, or character for that matter.

>> No.6897314

Also Erwin Smith is your range! Grab a nice average size woman for Hanji and a midget for Levi and do an elites group!

>> No.6897659

Everyone's gonna be Mikasa and I'm more plain and prefer to keep my glasses on. I have invisiframes so I mod drug store glasses/sunglasses to fit over my own for accuracy.

>> No.6897703
File: 44 KB, 183x315, rico_attack_on_titan_49628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay Rico, I wanna see more minor characters cosplayed.

>> No.6897706
File: 12 KB, 400x449, item24581_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too early.

If you're looking for official goods, most are only on preorders for now. The first batch of Cospa jackets (June release) already sold out. They've added a second batch to be released in late July.

You might find some keychains and small items at this point in time, but most released goods are simply sold out due to demand. If you manage to stay through July, you can get a replica of Eren's basement key, for example.

>> No.6897707

Are you alone or with a group?

Is accuracy a priority for you over personal fun and enjoyment?

How much do you resemble either character (regular Caucasian country girl vs. brooding 30-something Caucasian man)?

>> No.6897852

If you count 6 hours away as close, unfortunately. I'll be in New York City for Comic Con, though

>> No.6898391

I'll definitely be at NYCC thurs-Sat. What are you going to cosplay for it?

>> No.6898394

Seconding this! I want to see some sexy Erwin cosplayers.

>> No.6898415

I don't have the plans completely set yet, Christa Renz (probably Friday or Saturday), and Anastasia or Juvia Lockser. All three if I can do it and not procrastinate.

>> No.6898439

Ugh, please don't cosplay ONLY anime at a fucking COMIC convention.

>> No.6898443

My Armin should be done (not bringing the 3D manuver gear because well... NYCC, but hopefully we can meet up or something ? My gf is doing Eren.)

>> No.6898476
File: 121 KB, 530x679, sophisticated-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..... It has a manga too. Actually the comic was first. So, i'm able to cosplay from it if i want.

>> No.6898481
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1370547461680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna cosplay Sasha Braus but my boyfriend hates Snk.
That and I'm kinda lazy, and I am already doing two other characters.

>> No.6898482

lol it has more relevance there than Doctor who cosplayers.

>> No.6898491

You should cosplay her if you really like her, and i'm sure you can find a group. Also, please dont be lazy with this kind of cosplay. It's a lot harder to make than people think it is and i'm already expecting so many half assed SnK costumes this year. Otakon and AX are going to be a gold mind. --- or mind field.

>> No.6898503


>> No.6898533

If you want my email for chatting/contact purposes. i'll leave it in name field

>> No.6898570

Sounds good. I've jotted it down, and will probably message you sometime soon.

>> No.6898661

Anyone making patches happen to be working with a Janome and able to send me their file? I use a machien in a borrowed space where the software only works with a dongle usb that you have to give them some sort of collateral to borrow. It's a pain.

>> No.6898966

With a group, I'm the shortest.

I do want to be accurate enough so that people don't make a mockery of it.

I probably resemble Sasha more, regular Caucasian country girl.

>> No.6898972

That's an option to consider. I've never gone blonde before, even in cosplay. I think it's worth a try! Just have to arrange a group of Elites.

>> No.6899756

It honestly won't be hard. There's a lot of girls that like Hanji already, and that want to cosplay her because she has glasses. Similarly, there's a lot of short males and females wanting to cosplay Levi because he's a canonical badass.

>> No.6899988
File: 664 KB, 718x899, 1353836201654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone, just a quick question.

My bro suggested going full titan on this, me being colossal an he getting armored [He's slightly shorter and stockier than me], going straight to the point.

How do you make a decent colossal titan? The "official" one uses tights with some kind of mask and body paint on his legs and forearms. What do you suggest?

I'd love to do it but it looks way too hard for my skills, I'd convince him to do BRA but we'd need wigs and a girl. Here's a pic for referene, I think I could do a good Bert.

>> No.6899993

Unless you know someone who does ridiculously good body paint jobs the body suit is really the only want to go.

>> No.6899996

either way he's gonna need one hell of a painter, just red tights with a couple of streaks won't cut it

>> No.6900005
File: 45 KB, 500x455, colossal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd need to do something about the masks, but they sell bodysuits already like that: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Attack-on-Titan-Shingeki-no-kyojin-Bertolt-Hoover-giant-full-body-zentai-Costume-/251274922488?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a812709f8

There's also an official colossal titan mask if you're willing to shell out about $80

>> No.6900010


It's just a body suit.


Mask if you want to make it perfect.

>> No.6900018


>XXL barely scratches 195 cm in height

Being colossal is suffering, the mask does look pretty fantastic tho.

>> No.6900066

Since it's made of lycra it might have a decent amount of stretch.

>> No.6900166

What I love about this series is the legit sounding height/weight ratio.

I'm going to go to the gym like crazy now to get down to 140-ish at least (I'm a fatty) to be a decent Levi. At first I wanted to do Eren but I'm 5'3 so I don't think that'd work out too well.

Has anyone considered using maybe courduroy for the jackets? I feel like it'd be thick and structured enough for the jackets.

>> No.6900179
File: 38 KB, 641x482, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I have access to a professional grade embroidery machine, but the hoops it comes with aren't big enough for the back patch.

>> No.6900186

Right? I'm 5'2 and 120, but pretty flabby. I started with a personal trainer at the local gym... I'm a giant ball of pain but I'm motivated, for once.

As far as corduroy goes, it'd be sturdy, but it looks kind of unfortunate. That texture doesn't photograph well and you look like you walked out of a vintage shop.

>> No.6900192

This is the first series I've seen in a while that made me want to really be as perfect as I could be.

I didn't think about that in regards to the corduroy OTL. I'll have to continue the quest for the perfect material. Good thing I don't really have a deadline for this

>> No.6900195

Yeah. What's everyone else doing about this because embroidered small patches +iron on large patch just seems weird.

I don't want to hand embroider since I'm doing both the jacket and the scouting cloak, but... uhgh. I'm not seeing much alternative. On the bright side, the background can just be fabric and the shield shape can be satin stiched via machine, but the feathers will kill me.

>> No.6900198

Scratch that our biggest one is 5.5in x 7.8in. Still don't think that's quite big enough?

>> No.6900199

I'm doing embroidered small patches and satin-stitch-outlined back patch. I'm expecting to spend two whole days just satin-stitching because dem wings man.

>> No.6900202

This is why, for the first time ever, I'd rather just buy a jacket and focus on the 3DMG and other bits. I could get a giant hoop but it's horrifically expensive.

>> No.6900223

I considered that, but I'm also not finding a jacket with good base material + good embroidery. The only ones that I've seen that are actually embroidered have been cringe-worthy. though I wasn't thorough, do you have any particular ones in mind?

SnK cosplay is suffering.

>> No.6900230

Not particularly. I was going to work on other stuff and wait for the verdicts to start coming in once people start buying and using them.

>> No.6900961

Our group is having issues with the boot covers, any tips to make them or links to suitable shops?

For people having issues with the patches, just find an etsy shop that does custom orders. We're lucky enough to have an acquaintance with professional equipment to do ours, but I've gotten custom things off of etsy easily.

>> No.6900987

Also, be in shape. Both Colossal and Armored titan have nicer bodies because they be important Titans, unlike the generic ones.

I'm still trying to figure out what the hell i am going to do with the badges on the front and shoulders.

>> No.6900990


I'm working out now as well. 5'4" and 125lbs. I want nice abs and muscular arms. I think this show is making everyone want to work out.

>> No.6901041

Why is that exactly. I'm sure all of us have seen a ton of animu with fit characters yet this one is suddenly speaking to us? Someone get a psychologist on this shit.

>> No.6901090
File: 695 KB, 1233x753, 2013-06-09 19.40.48_Ronny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pattern for the uniform jacket is finished. Triple checked it to be as perfect as I could see, I'll finish up the final sample very soon. I'm pretty sure I posted before, I must of been tired as hell.

Derp yep.

Would anyone else be interested in snagging a copy of the pattern? I'm having it scanned and printed for people already. $20 + shipping will save you hours from altering any jacket or pattern you could find and it' s relatively easy to do it yourself. You'll get a full range of choice between sizes 2 - 10/12.

If you need it in time for AX, I can bump you up to priority.

>> No.6901132

mfw I'm doing this too but for Sasha

>> No.6901137

I may be interested in this. That looks really good, since the jacket isn't as simple as it seems.

>> No.6901139

I'm not sure. It's our firey spirit to keep in shape and fight Titans perhaps?
Now i need to go to uniqlo myself and get some nice fitted white jeans/pants.

That pattern looks awesome!

>> No.6901142
File: 18 KB, 300x147, dezzy_diamond_designs_winter_cover_photo_by_lesauceboss-d5ojwtq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please never commission any type of cosplay from Dezzy Diamond Designs. It is done very crappy for very expensive and if you're not happy with it they will not fix it or refund you.

>> No.6901205


You can flip that argument too: farmland is scarce, do you really think they have land to spare for textile crops? Why assume that it'd have to be cows too? You can get leather off all sorts of animals (pigs, sheep, etc) and you can also eat those animals, unlike a cotton crop (and if you're arguing that it's an animal fiber, well you still need animals for that). They obviously have enough leather to provide boots and straps for harnesses, I don't see why the jackets being leather is considered such a ludicrous idea (though, I don't think this aspect of the design was really that thoroughly thought out in terms of the macroeconomic conditions of the land inside the walls).

Consider the pattern on the back of the jackets as well. I'd assume if the jackets were cloth, it would be embroidery, but that's a massive area to embroider, think about the resources that would require. But if you assume leather, the design could just be painted on without looking stupid––think those decorated WW2 bomber jackets.

Honestly, I think you can make sound arguments either way though. There's no official line about what the material is supposed to be.

>> No.6901232

We're currently conflcited within my group;

We wanted to try and do a "realistic" cosplay; that is, we wanted to recreate the SnK Uniform solely with tools and fabrics of the 16-17th century.
All in all, we wanted to make it a little bit more "rugged" and "worn" if you know what I mean.

Is that okay, or will we be labeled " top lel - shitty oc's "?

>> No.6901233
File: 42 KB, 584x775, realisticproportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a 6'1" 17 year old weigh 207 pounds?

Pic related, he's 6'1" 200 pounds, and the character doesn't look fat to me.

>> No.6901238

Do it man, if it looks good who cares.

>> No.6901241

the author has no fucking idea what people look like at different weights.

>> No.6901242

couldn't they just paint cloth too?

>> No.6901243


Yeah, but I don't think it'd really have the same look.

>> No.6901245

Well I can live with that, I just saw some people claiming that the weight/height proportions were realistic, which they are clearly not.

>> No.6901246
File: 37 KB, 396x600, 601-200_DaveBauchelle_l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LEL no. Pic related, someone who is 6"1' and weighs between 200-210 lbs as seen on the cockeyed height/weight picture chart.

>> No.6901248
File: 29 KB, 400x600, 601-200_MikeDevine_L1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another from the same site, same proportions. 6'1", 200~ lbs.

>> No.6901249

A trained soldier would clearly not have the same physique as an overweight man in his late thirties.

We're talking about a 17 year old that has barely had any time to develop his real musclemass, and is most likely at low bodyfat due to the limited amounts of food he has access to, combined with the cardio his position requires.

>> No.6901250

Yo, I don't mean to be rude, but people's body mass can vary very greatly. While they do look a bit small for their respective weights it's still a more realistic attempt than most animes. It's not perfect, but it's a step in the right direction.

>> No.6901253

I'm not really complaining about the anime, but about the people claiming the proportions are realistic. Mass varies, but it basically all comes down to bodyfat and musclemass, with a few variables like bone structure which are usually not playing a big part.

>> No.6901257

levi has to be ripped as fuck if he's pushing 140
small frame with that weight at that height, gotta have muscle everywhere

>> No.6901260

I understand your point, but I'd like to make the argument that it plays a bigger part than you think.
I'll use myself as an example because I don't have any other at hand right now, apologies beforehand.
A friend and I are working out at the gym right now, she's much smaller than me and looks a lot better, I'm shorter, stockier and a little bit under her weight.
Still, I'm stronger than her and more capable of whatever workouts we're doing. But I still look like a fatty mc fat while she looks fit.

>> No.6901266
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 3manlet6me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are completely right, this is what 5'8" 140lbs looks like.

Levi is a sick cunt

>> No.6901275

Well, as for women, the most common variables are simply height and bodyfat. My guess is that the small height advantage she has causes her to look more fit while being around your weight.

But the thing is, here we're talking about a fit teenager at 207 lbs. That's equal or better than the physique I linked earlier, there is simply no variable aside from bodyfat who could bring him to that weight.

>> No.6901278

equal to*

>> No.6901284 [DELETED] 

for certain characters he could always cop-out with titan magic muscle density

here's to the tag not fucking up this time

>> No.6901413

Is this one of those patterns where you have to measure out a seam allowance? I'm so bad with those but I could learn for the sake of using this.

Maybe it's because most of these kids are fairly normal and despite the pseudo science fighting Titans is something that seems fairly attainable for a normal human? Most other animu is like "you are the chose/only one who can do this" or everyone gets their powers from some gem of great plot significance or use some crazy unwieldly weapon that looks cool but would be impossbile to hold.

>> No.6901414

*waves hand* I'm a clinical assistant! In my experience, I would say this is probably due to...

The white pants. Dude, white pants are the least forgiving thing they could've chosen. My ass in dem pants right now? Oh lawd.

But seriously, it's probably because there are slightly more realistic weights (maybe not realistic, but getting there) that people want to see if they can't at least achieve that.

...Nah, just the prospect of those white pants is fucking terrifying.

>> No.6901417

My vote goes for cotton because that shit is breathable. You won't find many modern military clothes made of leather. Also cotton is a fast growing crop and has an easier chemical-free process to because cloth\ that tanning leather.

>> No.6901423


But this isn't really 'modern' military and they have highly limited resources. I'm just not sure I buy the argument that they must be outfitting the army in cotton because of land/resource scarcity. Cotton might grow fast but it requires a lot of land and man-power to turn into textile (and again, cotton is just cotton, it's not edible like cows and pigs and sheep are), especially given the tech level of Shingeki. And again, they obviously have enough leather to make riding boots and harnesses for the whole army. One set of those boots probably requires about the same square footage of leather as a cropped jacket would.

I'm not saying leather is necessarily more correct, but you can make a pretty convincing argument either way.

>> No.6901439
File: 1.14 MB, 1223x1630, 20130602_165820_Ronny1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! It's not so simple because I added a few of fiddly diddly parts, but I swear they're there for a reason.

Watch out for Uniqlo, they have some crazy vanity sizing going on. I bought a pair at my usual size and I have to pick it apart so I can make it smaller.

Seam allowance is already included! I use 1/2" and 1/4" and that will be labeled for clarity.

Have one of my early test fits for the sake of it.

>> No.6901576

It takes a lot more resources to feed and raise enough cows to clothe an army than to spin cotton for the same amount of fabric.

>> No.6901579

The author is a 47kg twig, I'd believe it

>> No.6901581

>white pants
At least they're not stark white. They look like very light gray.

>> No.6901603

Someone shops at Daiso. I don't suppose you're prepping for any California cons?

>> No.6901654

Thread's in sage. New one at >>6901647

>> No.6901693

So, I might be inclined to buy from you.
But I need a little bit more convincing;
would you mind posting a few more pictures of your prototype?
If you could try it on ( of course without face ) that'd be really nice.

>> No.6901754

hell yea, that's what I'm planning to do too (minus the tools part, I hand-stitched a 18th century uniform once and there's no way in hell I'm going to do anything like that again)

>> No.6901755

Doea anybody know where I can commission the scouting emblems on the back and side of the jacket like for embroidory or printed out. Its the only thing I need to complete it.

A easy alternative on how to make it myself would be helpful too.

>> No.6901791

Me and my best friend are cosplaying Levi and Mikasa for next year. I am 5'7 Mikasa is exact height and my friend is cosplaying Levi (he is a guy) and is 5'5. And I am also wearing boots with a small heel and he will be wearing flat boots so the height difference will be more noticiable.
I am making the jackets and straps since I am good at sewing, and he is making the 3DM gear since he likes and is good at making props.

>> No.6902701

Be the guy that saved the kids from being eaten in the beginning.
The one that works on the walls.