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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 40 KB, 892x252, autoita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6900334 No.6900334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know we have an ita thread, but can we have a "things itas say" thread? Like things that people say that make your ita alarm go off? Specific examples and general are both cool.

>> No.6900343

just in time
>hot topic
>mom alters garment to conform to her own standards

>> No.6900359
File: 78 KB, 409x762, tumblr_m6ryjr55vP1qi0slco4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6900378
File: 73 KB, 768x539, kikikiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't stand this girl and always imagine her looking awful. She mentioned somewhere too that she was plus-sized and has no brand so I feel like that ups the chances she looks ita

>> No.6900391

I have no problem with going to thrift stores, but lolitas who brag about their thrifting finds are ALWAYS awful.

>> No.6900415

>I'm short, so it sits at my knees, much lower than the image
I'm willing to bet she's fat.

>> No.6900423

didn't she say something exceptionally stupid recently? but I can't remember what

>> No.6900427
File: 77 KB, 1319x422, kikiobligatory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's her obligatory "I don't own brand AND I'M PROUD" post, complete with "brand is TINY" trope thrown in there too.

>> No.6900433

She was comparing mundane things to rape and the holocaust and violent homophobia on the post about wearing lolita to school.

>> No.6900437

oh RIGHT. God damn.

>> No.6900463

If your "tiny" friend can't fit into brand, she's really not so tiny.
I don't know why that makes me so mad, but I want to strangle her.

>> No.6900475

I'm chubby and I would fit brand with room to spare. I doubt her friend is tiny, except in comparison to her.

>> No.6900487

I think she's telling a lie about her friend and just parroting what she's heard about brand being "small."

>> No.6900496

Apparently she's "Absolutely tiny by Canadian standards", whatever that means.

But it's true that if you're a Japanese size S or smaller, some brand might look funny on you without altering. On some jap lolita model's blog once she showed how she had to safety pin parts of a brand OP in to fit.

>> No.6900507

> "Im a lifestyle lolita but i don't own any clothes yet!"

>"Lolita can be sexy and anyone who disagrees is an elitist!"


>> No.6900508

Anyone with "lolita" as part of their account/screenname...

>> No.6900512

...but I have plenty of petite friends who don't wear lolita because it's unflattering to them. It's either the bodice measurements are too baggy or it doesn't sit in the right place, or that their skirts are so long that every skirt or dress they wear looks like tea-length and they can't get away with wearing any other shoe besides heels without making their legs look like stumps.

I mean I totally get where people come from when they say that being small isn't necessarily a free pass in fashion.

>> No.6900515

Or a pony as an icon.

kikikikikikikikida implies that her "tiny" friend is still too large for brand.

>> No.6900523

I'm pretty chubby-looking, with a 84cm bust and 65cm waist, and I fit into brand easily. I am by no means tiny.
She's pulling things out of her ass, a lot of AP's recent stuff has been too big on me.

>> No.6900526

It just says that a few brand things 'barely fit.'
That could imply she can't fill them out or is actually too large. It could mean either thing and it probably does. Calm down.

>> No.6900531


is she literally 13? Who lets their parents alter their clothing to take something stupid and innocuous like a skull off when it's a huge embroidery like that? It probably looked awful afterwards.

>> No.6900532

>33 bust 25 inch waist
You're right, you're normal. Not chubby or tiny.
Why would you have trouble fitting into most brand?

>> No.6900538


That's my point. I'm not tiny and brand fits me comfortably. I don't know where that girl got the foolish notion that all brand is absolutely tiny.

>> No.6900540

>I don't know where that girl got the foolish notion that all brand is absolutely tiny
She's probably never worn any.

>> No.6900552

>I'm not tiny and brand fits me comfortably.
Okay, so you have no idea what you're talking about to speak for a tiny person that's trying to find a flattering brand dress. Good to know.
>"It works for me, so why can't it work for you?"

>> No.6900558

She hasn't. She went on a huge rant >>6900427
about why she doesn't own and doesn't want to own brand.

>> No.6900565


Shut up, cunt, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking about that bitch harping on about how brand is so small when it actually isn't.

>> No.6900567

"Wearing my lolita dress!"

That phrase is so ita. Everytime I see it, it's accompanied by some lace monstrosity, and the wearer is just wearing the dress with ratty hair in some terrible self pic because they couldn't be assed to put together a proper coord.

>> No.6900568


Also people who refer to their lolita clothing as their "lolitas".

>> No.6900574

Usually the people who bitch the loudest about what other people are wearing are usually the worst dressed.

I'll never forget this one chick in a convention thread who wanted to show up in her precious ~*~MMM burrando~*~ but didn't want to hang out with the rest of the ita lolitas in our comm.
Saw the girl at the convention the next day. Poorly fitted dress with a saggy, lumpy petti. Hideous accessories, bland overall, and a big fat holier-than-thou glare on her face the entire time. Didn't make nice or take any pictures with any lolitas no matter how well they dressed, nope, just hovered with her boyfriend the whole con.

She looked like a newbie and had the ego to match.

>> No.6900578
File: 34 KB, 572x549, 1368844815106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shut up cunt
How about you shut that clap you call a cooch, take five minutes to fucking breathe, and realize that even on some petite girls brand does fit snuggly or wrong. There. Now go to bed because it sounds like you need it.

>> No.6900581

Weeb Japanese. "I can't believe you met Misako-chan!" or the use of "kawaii" outside of Tumblr (which I've just given up and labelled it the "kawaii safe space" where I don't even fucking know)

>> No.6900586
File: 107 KB, 320x287, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's pretty ita tumblrfag behavior to take a post like that and find some way to get offended by it. Good god, who fucking cares?

>> No.6900595


How about you don't resort to telling people to "go to bed" like you're some fucking big man to try and win an argument. Don't talk down to me, I bet you're one of those slimy assholes who call people "honey" or "sweetie" in arguments too.

Fuck off, I wasn't talking to you.
And if brand fits "snugly", then you're not petite.

>> No.6900604
File: 490 KB, 220x166, watch out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the meantime calls other people cunts, bitches, slimy assholes, etc.
Gee, you sure do lead by example anon!
You're talking to me now, but I kind of feel bad. I feel like I'm talking to someone autistic and maybe I should just let you 'have' this.

>> No.6900608

Eh. I sort of agree. I thrift a lot, mostly for blouses, so I don't think thrifting or mentioning you get things at thrift stores makes you an automatic ita. However, where I draw the line is when people say they got their "entire outfit" at thrift stores. It just always has a "Ha, look at me! I got this entire outfit for 10 bucks while you spent 300 on your brand and I'm just as good of a lolita." tone to it. Not saying it can't be done, but 99% of the time those thrifted skirts and dresses are horrible.

>> No.6900607

don't waste the post count responding to intentionally inflammatory bullshit.

On topic, the people who are like "I KNOW Milanoo's bad, but what about this one thing/situation..." To me they're worse than the people who don't do their research at all, because they do their research, know the poor reputation, and are still willing to throw their money at Milanoo. It must feel nice to profit off of morons.

>> No.6900614

>don't waste the post count responding to intentionally inflammatory bullshit
Please don't samefag your post to make it sound like you weren't being inflammatory. Calling someone a cunt who was disagreeing with you is a surefire way to be inflammatory, so don't act innocent.
>inb4 you imply you're not the samefag

>> No.6900615

excuse me good chap, you seem a tid-bit cranky at this hour, so i wanted to suggest you perhaps, possibly warming up a spot o milk and turning in for the night.

>> No.6900618


I can call people what I like when they butt in and talk to me the way you did.
And I don't have to lead by example, unless you're some kind of child who can only figure out what to do if somebody shows you first.

You're the one replying, you twat. You can do what you like, stop responding and imagine that "hohoho, I sure showed that Aspie!" or you can keep responding, but I will never give you the last word.

If you don't want an argument, don't fucking butt in with such a shitty tone to your post and mind your own fucking business.

>> No.6900621

>I can call people what I like when they butt in and talk to me the way you did.
I can "butt in" however way I'd like. You're posting on a public forum, not your personal diary.
>inb4 you make some other excuse for being a whiny hypocrite and spamming the thread more
Just stop, really. I'm cringing.

>> No.6900624


That wasn't even me, you dolt. You're a terrible detective.

>> No.6900628


Dude, all she said was that she's fat and she can wear brand. If the ita-chan's friend is as 'tiny' as she says she is, she shouldn't have trouble fitting into brand.

That doesn't automatically mean it'll sit right, but at least she can get it on, and that's the entire point.

>inb4 samefag

Seriously, who shit on your petticoat?

>> No.6900629

OP here, please don't get my thread deleted. Band together and direct your anger at incompetent itas. For instance, I am so sick of seeing >>6900378
giving "advice" on every other post. I want to see how she dresses herself.

>> No.6900627
File: 21 KB, 450x338, oh you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh I get it, you're trying to impersonate an ita who just discovered cgl yesterday and found out about those threads where we post shitty ita coords.

>> No.6900630

Why are you so angry? Calm down.

>> No.6900633


And if you're free to butt in, then I'm free to call you a cunt, you cunt.

You're continuing to reply, you absolute tool. You can try to embarrass me and call me autistic and say "oh I'm cringing", but I give literally no fucks, because this is an anonymous board; what do I have to be embarrassed about?

>> No.6900637

Are you new here? When you make a post, everyone can read it and it's fair game for anyone to reply to

Go back to LJ or something

>> No.6900635

so, you're kikikikikikikikiki right?

>> No.6900636

>Seriously, who shit on your petticoat?
Uh, maybe the person that's going around and slinging shit like
is? They're being obnoxious.

>> No.6900639

Confirmed for autism.

>> No.6900644

>I'm free to call you a cunt so there~
And I'm free to tell you to go to bed when you clearly need it.

>> No.6900649


No, I'm not new. I just find it a bit idiotic that they're so offended by me calling them a cunt when they butted in.
It's also fair game to sling insults, I can't see why they're so bloody upset.

No, just an angry young man.

>> No.6900655

>It's also fair game to sling insults
It's also fair game to tell you to go to bed, call you autistic, and call you out for your opinions.

Go to bed aspie. Damn.

>> No.6900656


No you're not, you smug bitch.

>> No.6900658

Go to bed, you're embarassing yourself. I'll even wait and let you have the last word.

>> No.6900667

Go to bed.

>> No.6900662

Welcome to the internet, sonny.

>> No.6900663


Stop samefagging.

>> No.6900664
File: 33 KB, 506x273, newPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6900673

Looks like an ordinary whiner status on FB to me.

>> No.6900672


I'm not embarrassing myself; I'm not embarrassed. This is an anonymous board.

You do that, or alternatively, stick to your current strategy and keep repeating yourself.

>> No.6900676


Hi there, kikikikikikikikiki~

It's okay that you're too fat for brand, honey. Shh, it's all okay.

>> No.6900685

This thread literally makes me want to throw up, oh my God. OP, can you just delete it and make a new one?

>> No.6900689

I found her on FB. She's Kida MrWigglesWorth.

Meanwhile Facebook still won't let me use my name because it claims it's not real and demands two forms of government-issued identification before it will allow me to change it but you get fucktards running around with "names" like that.

>> No.6900687
File: 111 KB, 762x707, 0303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't responded to you for awhile now.
But stay longer, keep defending your anonymous honor and non-embarrassment even when you say you have none.

>> No.6900688

Shhh. Time for bed

>> No.6900693


Remember, anon, it's only ever one person against you~

>> No.6900702

So was this actually some thinly veiled attempt to post that girl's FB page thinking a cgl army would go after her for you based on two caps you posted?
Sorry, but neither of the things she said are really that worthy of such response. In fact, I think the majority of people would look at her LJ posts and just not give a fuck because they're tl;dr.
Sorry not sorry that you're pissed at this person, fuck off.

>> No.6900703

Are you quoting the right person?

>> No.6900708
File: 59 KB, 646x316, plussize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6900713


38 inch waist...?
Holy shit.

>> No.6900717

She just posted her opinion. She even said it was just her opinion.

I think you're looking for things to get mad at.
>protip: nobody fucking cares

>> No.6900732

You'd have to be sarcastic/completely mental to think 38 inches is not plus size.. You only need to go onto health websites where they say a waist size of 31 inches is bad, and over 35 inches is even worse. 38 inches sounds quite scary, seeing as her waist is 8 inches larger than my bust size. O_O

>> No.6900733

the insinuation is obviously there

>why say that about yourself?!

as if it's some super huge negative thing to her

>> No.6900736

She said "not very big at all, AND not in my eyes.

She said her opinion, and also claimed it as fact.

>> No.6900735

So fucking what? If that person has a problem with it then they can handle it. It's not like it's some long ass tumblr rant about body acceptance ffs.

>> No.6900742

>claimed it as fact
To her it's a fact. That's her opinion about what is fact. You're reading too hard into this. No really, this is one of those thing you've really go to try to extract to get some offense taken.

>> No.6900748

lol they didn't have a problem with it, they actually seemed more confused than anything. She was obviously the only one with a problem.

>> No.6900752

You keep saying "butted in:" but I'm not sure that you understand how public forums work

People can and will reply to any post you make here. You don't get special immunity from replies just because you don't want someone "butting in"

>> No.6900767
File: 84 KB, 1305x612, sobro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6900775


>> No.6900776

What's with the apostrophes for plural words?

>> No.6900779

unless you're a tripfag you're anon, so no one cares who you were talking to originally because no one has any idea who the fuck you are

>> No.6900781

with waist sizes, are we talking about natural waists, or where your bellybutton is? what waist are we talking about
sage for offtopic kinda on a mix of narcotics; everything is confusing, sorry.

>> No.6900785

Does anyone on this thread actually wear lolita?

>> No.6900790

Me, I just got in here though. Going back to the animal crossing thread.

>> No.6900791

Probably more interesting there.

>> No.6900793

>"Does anyone here wear lolita"

>> No.6900801

Should be natural waist, Anything else would have a modifying like 'waist dropped 3 inch' etc

easiest way to find your natural waist is to take some elastic and tie it snugly around your midsection, then bend side to side a couple of times and where ever the elastic rolls to and settles is your natural waist (in most cases at least)

>> No.6900806

i have no idea what I just read.

>> No.6900862

>>original Victorian or colonial pieces
What. Did she rob a museum?

>> No.6900907

Chubby, really ? This is rather skinny, you fit into smaller brand skirt...

>> No.6900936

>Many of us were obsessed with learning the Lolita style and how to caress it
>caress it

Also, I think they're projecting their own reasons for joining lolita onto others. Not everyone who wears Lolita does so to be an original special snowflake(TM). I wish the post was still around so I could see how people replied.

>> No.6900963

It's not that hard (and often not that expensive) to get actual Victorian clothing.
Not everything old is a museum piece.

>> No.6900979

like American standards but smaller

>> No.6901289

Apparently she was like French or something, and the word that was proper in her language translated in English to "caress." That doesn't excuse the rest of the stupid, though.