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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 223 KB, 1280x800, Beautiful-Japan-City-View.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6892894 No.6892894 [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/ confessions!

What are you ashamed of?

Tell em' right here!

>> No.6892921
File: 103 KB, 468x538, whyareyusocrueltoyourselfop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todd is my favorite tripfag and it would be awesome to be friends but I don't know what to say because I'm horrible at making friends

>> No.6892925

Todd once told me I should trip because I was a cool guy and attractive. I didn't post on /cgl/ for 6 months.

>> No.6892932

What... Why 6 months?

>> No.6892936

are you me

>> No.6892942

>My sister going to her first con with me in a month
>She's cosplaying homestuck
>Landwhale and whenever I suggest for her to eat healthier for the benefit of her health and her family, she rejects it and eats more
>Lesbian and proud
>Ultra feminist
>Doesn't believe cosplayers should wear makeup
>Doesn't believe she should take off her glasses for her cosplay
>Doesn't think she needs a wig
>Never wears deodorant
>Thinks she knows more about conventions than me
>Doesn't know what a dealer's room is, and didn't know cons had raves and photoshoots
>Best of all, her whole homesuck cosplay is made from clothes via Goodwill.

I think it's sad I don't want to go to a con with my own sister, but holy shit I'm in for a bad time.

>> No.6892944

I found friends who cosplay which is slightly unrelated but still.

>> No.6892948

Entering a cosplay contest when I knew it was a nightmare, I was not proud of my work and having photos of it feels bad man.

>> No.6892965

quit cosplay years ago and still coming here

>> No.6892970

Wait.. You found friends who cosplay, so you left for 6 months????

>> No.6892977

I'm one of those people that thinks lolitas have to wear a petticoat and makeup with all coordinates that are considered lolita. Also I think natural hair colors look better (in terms of wigs and such).

Like, you can be any size or shape or color, but please wear makeup and a petticoat and style your hair. Otherwise you will look terribad.

>> No.6892981

Um... don't all decent lolitas think that you need to wear a petticoat and make-up and style your hair? That's not shameful, that's common sense.

>> No.6892998

Do not bother. He is horrid.

>> No.6893012

There is one voice actor I should have never spoken to, because now he texts me telling me when he has masturbated to the thought of me.

I'm scared of him now and damn disgusted. Here I thought it'd be kinda cool having a VA friend, but he just talks about wanting to fuck me.

Not namedropping who it is or who I am.

>> No.6893022
File: 484 KB, 480x270, 1314252531107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not namedropping who it is

>> No.6893021

What series is he from?

>> No.6893023

it's vic, isn't it?

>> No.6893025

One of my best friends doesn't top stitch for her cosplays and it drives me CRAZY.

I asked her why and she's like, "because it doesn't look anime".... and I just..... NO.

>> No.6893043

Nope. Ill say that much. Though Vic did pull his creeper stunt when I met him, which made the other voice actor go ballistic when he heard.

>> No.6893046 [DELETED] 


It's gotta be Spic Lasagne

>> No.6893052

B-but why?

>> No.6893058

Is it Johnny what's his name from Power Rangers or whoever was Kyon?

>> No.6893072

Pull your yellow fever bullshit filled head out of your ass and maybe you will see.

>> No.6893071

No, lately there's been a bunch of "well-known" lolitas claiming that some coordinates don't need petticoats and that makeup isn't necessary.

>> No.6893074

Everytime a ita/bad cosplay comes up I'm tempted to post my friends.
They cosplayed at the Asian festival here in town. One was sailor moon the other a shitty maid outfit. They were the only ones.
Then the Lolita outfits she wore to SCAD's little con. I'm so tempted.

>> No.6893076
File: 22 KB, 356x200, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6893077

you are a bad friend, and you should feel bad.

>> No.6893080

You know he only posts here to be worshiped by azn loving freaks like you and he has no interest in any of you personally

>> No.6893085

I just thought he would be a cool guy to talk to...

I thought he was like... Mexican or some shit.

No need to be a dick to me, anon.

>> No.6893090

>thought he was Mexican

LOL Sure you did. I'm saving you trouble, anon.

>> No.6893094

>azn loving freaks like you

Uhh, okay. The only photo I ever really looked at of Todd is when he was wearing sunglasses...

>> No.6893093 [DELETED] 

reported for ot tripfag shit

>> No.6893102



>at con
>blinded by sun
>walking in the hallways
>accidentally step on a sleeping person

>> No.6893103

MiniMoose put your trip back on

>> No.6893107
File: 16 KB, 1015x528, carsonwhinelikeabicth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck...

>> No.6893108

If you are who I think you are, it's Christopher Corey Smith isn't it.

>> No.6893109

You're a stalker, you should know how these things work.

>> No.6893113

its vic isnt it

>> No.6893119
File: 27 KB, 372x287, yakuzaasa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh.... It was my story in the other thread that gave it away....

I am NOT a stalker, anon-k-kun!

>> No.6893118

People sleep at cons?

>> No.6893120

I'm not who you think I am, nope. This is my first time saying anything about it to anyone.

>> No.6893121

Yeah, walk into a con after day 1 and you can find people lined around the hallways snoring away.

Even at Anime LA on year that had bean bags in the hallways for people to sleep on

(sorry for the excessive post)

>> No.6893126

>Have shop but things I make are going out of style
>Am done buying supplies. Putting much money into it but not getting much of a return.
>But have huge fanbase, who I don't want to disappoint.
>Don't know what to do.

>> No.6893135

I am ashamed that I let attention whore cosplayers get me riled up.

I try and reason it out with
"nothing they do effects me"
"it's a silly dress up hobby"
"don't be so catty"

But then my brain answers with
"They play to the lowest common denominator and thereby slut up a brainy hobby with their little pond big fish syndrome"
"It maybe silly but nothing is silly about the hours spent or the skills acquired that they just say tee hee and wear as little as possible and get all the attention a well made outfit should have"
"Hardly anyone was catty before but with all the people NEEDING to be the center of attention with all the likes it made it catty as fuck"

So then I am right back at not hating them per se. But I certainly give a side glance of judgey-judgement.

>> No.6893136

is it deco stuff

>> No.6893139

I hate going to cons with my partner. When I'm single, I can have fun and flirt and feel attractive. When I'm taken, I still don't mind setting the situation straight and just waiting until I get home to get laid. When I bring someone to the con with me, though, I feel like I have to babysit them because I always have more friends and always know where the events and parties are. At Fanime in 2012, I had one partner that had almost no friends and was clinging onto me for almost the entire con. They would say it was okay to for me to go spend some time with my friends, but then I'd come back after even just an hour or two and they'd be moping and complaining about how they were so lonely and weren't doing anything but walking around while I was gone. When we went to social events, they would make no effort to make some mutual friends and start a conversation. Maybe it's fun when you're dating the right person, but that soured the whole concept for me.

>> No.6893147

You're on 4chan. You should definitely evolve your judgey-judgement into full blown hate. Next time, take a small knife and try to kill one or two. You'll definitely feel better drenched in the blood of your enemy.

>> No.6893155

I love you anon

>> No.6893157


If that is you, don't worry. The high prices of SM stuff that comes out will drive people to you.

>> No.6893168


>> No.6893172

I have a decently established etsy store of laser cut nerd shit. And one of my husband's friend's wives wants to sell her crocheted cupcake hats through my store. I told her she should try to make her own store and she's all "meh too much work."

I need a really clever way to tell her to fuck off. I'll never bring it up again and hope she forgets but just in case I need something chambered.

>> No.6893181


Anon-kun, we might derail the thread! Back to the other one

>> No.6893184

Stop. This little moe-in-distress-because-of-crazy-anon-kun-please-notice-me-Todd-kun-act is fucking annoying.

>> No.6893188


nope not me

>> No.6893190

But I'm not samefagging.
and the other thread is pretty much empty so...

>> No.6893193

Just simply tell her that her shit deviates too far from your store's idea and look.
Laser cut =/= crochet

>> No.6893202

Tell her that it's not the same customer demographic. Also, there's a legality issue, since the store is in your name.

>> No.6893225
File: 75 KB, 500x800, professional_misty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel bad. The cosplay world is definitely changing. People like this think they're suddenly professionals and want to start charging for prints. This hobby is getting kind of fucked up.

>> No.6893252

What is that body shape...is it the top? God I'm so confused by this pic.

>> No.6893260


I feel this.

There's definitely a lot of grappling for attention and it's not always done in most classy way. It can cause some really uncalled for harassment sometimes (like that Tony Harris shit a while back) but sometimes people are just vain/greedy/assholes and you gotta call 'em out on it.

>> No.6893289
File: 17 KB, 400x343, 8073-1288034169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things haven't been going well for me in my life right now and I've started coming on here again after a year and a half of avoiding 4chan entirely, just so I have people to talk to.

I'm ashamed of myself for struggling so hard to get out of my slump of mental and physical illnesses, and ashamed of my local cosplay community for following along with the new trend of unwarranted self-importance and trying to act like we're all "oh so nice~" when pretty much none of the friends I've made in the hobby actually give a shit about what happens to me. And for all I know, I could have done the same to someone who was once in the place I am now.

>> No.6893296

It's not okay, anon, but hopefully it will be soon.

Just try your best to be fair to everyone without wearing yourself down, and focus on making life better for yourself.

>> No.6893299

Me too, but don't do it.

>> No.6893300

Her wig had so much potential. I'm not even gonna speak about the rest of her.
>dat face though

>> No.6893371


no lie, that's really nice advice and it actually made me feel considerably better. Th-thank you. ;A;

>> No.6893376

are you that guy everybody ates at /dsg/

>> No.6893384

We have a small local "con" every month, where about 20 or 30 people meet up go through the city.

Sometimes I am just ashamed of those people. Bad and slutty cosplays in the streets, spouting shitty anime music from shitty cellphone speakers and being agressive at people not knowing what cosplay is or that say it's strange for grown up people to dress up like japanese schoolgirls without any reason whatsoever.

>> No.6893399

I really, really want to cosplay and always wanted to, but I probably won't cosplay to my local con again this year because of social anxiety and having no friends, making the excuse that I just need to practice sewing more. I hate myself.

I really want to enjoy myself at cons but people scare me. It's stupid, I know, but...

>> No.6893470

This. So much this (use to have a con buddy but we lost contact with each other)

Also closet cosplays

And if the cosplay is casual enough, I'll wear it out in public sometimes (like Mion Sonozaki's outfit with the yellow t-shirt with pants and white sweater or Heather Mason's outfit and so on).

>> No.6893478


I'm not even a good lolita, but I definitely stand by the petticoat being a necessity, and I'd say make-up, even minimal make-up, is a necessity too.

>> No.6893497

I'm addicted to shopping because it makes me feel better about myself. The thought of a new dress coming home is one of the few things I live for, when I should really just get a fucking grip of my life. I'm at uni, I'm doing well, I have a lovely boyfriend and everyone says I'm pretty but I just have this deep seated hate for myself and my face and nothing I do is ever good enough for my parents or myself, no matter what I do. So through some backwards logic I think buying frilly shit is gonna make it better.

>> No.6893927

same here anon. what's your style?

[mootpls] maybe we can be shopping addict buddies [/spoilerspls]

>> No.6893960

Well, it's kinda weird to see this. But IDK, you can talk to me.

>> No.6893963

I've been wanting to cosplay for years but I can't bring myself to because of my huge hooked nose.
Sigh. I'm not even Jewish, WHY.

>> No.6893964

you too

>> No.6893974

Honestly I think I'm getting there. As cliché as it sounds, I've been feeling empty inside for a while. Like, there's a pit, there's nothing there, apathetic. And I'm slowly realizing that the thought of shopping is the only thing that makes me feel like a person anymore. I like clothing more than I like spending time with friends or family. I've turned down invitations from friends just so I could spend my nights alone on the internet looking at clothes.

>> No.6893981

Anon are you me?

On topic:
I haven't done it, but I've really wanted to cosplay Homestuck for a long time. I don't want to be con cancer and I'm not really "in the fandom", I don't want to be associated with those people. But I really like some of the character designs and I like the series.

>> No.6893996

cosplay cyborg 002 from cyborg 009.
or other big nosed characters

>> No.6894002

Are you me? I know how to sew and everything, but I could never convincingly be some kawaii anime girl with a tiny line for a nose...

(Thank god for SnK, though, I might finally do it this time.)

>> No.6894024
File: 26 KB, 445x530, killmee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even browse that board... So I guess not?


>> No.6894031

Never seen this before, I just might! I'm a girl though, never done crossplay before.

The first thing I thought when I saw Annie was YES, THANK GOD MAYBE THERES A CHANCE FOR ME AFTER ALL!

Does anyone else know any big nosed characters? Preferably female..

>> No.6894044

I only really go on here for the drama. Cosplay bores me and cons seem joyless to me outside of people watching and I'm just not that mean of a person.

>> No.6894049

Are you trolling me? Have we met?

>> No.6894061 [DELETED] 

Why would I be trolling you?
Yah, in the AN thread. Not irl.

>> No.6894067

Why would I troll you?
Not irl tho

>> No.6894086

I want to do this every day, you have no clue. I try to be a nice person, but sometimes I have to distance myself from people who do such horrible cosplays it kills me holding back my opinions.

>> No.6894093
File: 7 KB, 377x326, 136158991355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm like that

Except for this part:
>When we went to social events, they would make no effort to make some mutual friends and start a conversation.

I'm scared I might be annoying my SO now.

>> No.6894155

I'm always tempted to go to con speed dating, so this year I went to the lgtb speed dating at fanime- all the other girls in line acted like 16 yr old tumblr vomit and there were dudes that were lined up on the opposite wall for the het session... two hours early with a giant line going down the hall. Some were actually pretty attractive but dat desperation...
never again

>> No.6894434

I feel the same with some of the things you've said. I don't have any future ambitions apart from buying clothes, all I care about is having money so I can afford to buy clothes. I never really gained any close friends at uni, some I was closer to but they graduated a year before me. I kinda feel like I'm not even bothered about being in my relationship anymore, if I got dumped tomorrow I wouldn't give a crap even though it's been 2.5 years.

>> No.6894584

For years I've secretly wanted to start doing sexier private photoshoots like some of my Japanese cosplay idols. I don't care if I don't get famous or make money, it's just something I'd like to try at least one to boost my confidence in myself.

>> No.6894599

I wouldn't mind doing in-character speed dating for fun. I'm not single, but I'm pretty sure no one takes those things seriously.

>> No.6894601

I cant STAND it when people wear lolita to their proms. Itas do this the most. I know, yeah, its your special night and you should wear what you want, but as someone who wears lolita almost all the damn time I go out, I mean, its your special prom night, wouldn't you want to wear something different than that that you wouldn't get the chance to otherwise? it really really bugs me. same goes for weddings.

>> No.6894603

So why not do them?

There's no shortage of competent, horny photographers out there.

>> No.6894621
File: 292 KB, 636x712, weddinglolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I so agree with you about the wedding part especially.

>> No.6894630

My friend wore lolita for her prom and she looked great You probably just got made fun of at yours, be more jelly.

>> No.6894631

I really don't want my friends to think badly of me for it. I don't care if strangers think badly of me for doing photos but I'd be really upset if my friends saw them and assumed I was is or that because of it. It's hard to explain to your friends you did pin up photos in a school uniform or whatever because you wanted to feel more confident about your body.

>> No.6894634

there's nothing bad with using clothes from goodwill, it just depends on how you alter them

>> No.6894635

Agreed. I mean, people can totally do whatever they want, but I'm a daily lolita and I wore a glitzy, sequin-and-glitter bomb dress for prom.

That being said, though, whenever I think about getting married, I always picture myself wearing Milky Ange's Claudia OP. It's so cute to me. But I don't think I'd actually do it, I want a big fluffy ballgown. Maybe I'd wear lolita to the reception, though.

>> No.6894637

So don't put them out on the internet.

Or wear a cosplay that involves a mask.

You're only young and beautiful once.

>> No.6894639

Kind of along the lines of >>6894584, I really want to get a ton of sexy photoshoots done in light fetish gear, but a) I'm terrified my comm would find out and shun me, b) I'm very, very unattractive and c) how do I even into any of these dreams.

And I also want to bang a girl in my comm really badly.

>> No.6894643

You're right. Thank you.

>> No.6894647


bodyline? at a wedding?


>> No.6894649

I did my good deed for the day :)

>> No.6894652

>custom made sequined ball gown big poofy princess style
>ride cinderella carriage while wearing dress, feel classy as fuck
>everyone giving me compliments, even weeks after the prom

>your friend:
>regular lolita dress, the kind of shit I wear daily
>wears it to her big event that will never happen again

yes, I'm mad jelly. jelly is my middle name.
some might call me "the jelly anon" even. I'm just that fucking jelly.

>> No.6894656

I'm trying to figure out who you are, I know the girl whose Facebook you pulled that off of.

>> No.6894737

I go to cons and meets purely to hook-up, even when I go with my girlfriend. I stopped watching anime years ago and think cosplaying is weird. At the last Britfag meet I fucked Eva Braun whilst her boyfriend was in their hotel room fast asleep.

>> No.6894739


Imo, if you insist on having a lolita wedding dress, go all out with extravagance and elegance. Wear a dress of the best quality with ornate or at least well-done details. Create a coord so OTT that you couldn't do it for daily lolita wear.

But for heaven's sake, do not settle for some basic bodyline piece and matching RHS or tea parties.

>> No.6894775

Someone at a con gave me their email and paid me $50 to send him some nudes... I was only 16 years old.
I sent him a bunch of horse porn and blocked him and that was the last of it really.

>> No.6894778


>> No.6894777 [DELETED] 

There are loads of big-nosed characters in Attack on Titan, especially Annie.

>> No.6894785

You should do it with your SO haha

>> No.6894797

>custom made sequined ball gown big poofy princess style

Oh my god, you were THAT girl at prom. There's always one girl with a princess complex...Trust me, people were laughing up their sleeves at you even if some did compliment you. People who take such insignificant things so seriously must be pathetic. I mean really, a ball gown and carriage...?

>> No.6894800

I think it's cute. Not everyone wants the same style dress, I don't see what the big deal is here? She had fun and felt amazing, that's what counts on prom.

>> No.6894807

So, wearing a $200 "plain" lolita dress is different from wearing a $200 department store dress how? Prom is not that important, and it happens in college too. A nice chiffon, pink AP dress with the right accessories looks hella awesome and girly princessy.

>> No.6894809

>She had fun and felt amazing, that's what counts on prom.

Must be why she's making fun of another girls wearing lolita to prom when she herself would have looked more ridiculous.

>> No.6894810

I come to cons to hit on girls and make sure that they keep quiet when I'm done with them.

>> No.6894812

Not the same anon, but I'm going to have to agree with the princess complex. Not saying she has one, but it sure sounds like one.

If both the hime-sama and lolita-chan felt like princesses, that's cool. It's prom and I personally didn't care so much. Hime-sama could use the the gilded cane out of her ass though.

>> No.6894831

I feel the same way when I see girls in those shitty little cocktail dresses that you could basically wear to any formal or even semi-formal events. I wish ball gowns would come back in style. I went all-out formal when I went to prom, not because I cared about it being a ~special night or whatever but because it might be the only time I'd ever get a chance to be that ridiculously formal.

>> No.6894867

thats creepy as shit anon

>> No.6894880

I wish I could meet this one seagull at a con or somewhere in real life but I know I'll probably never come across her. Even if I did see her, I'm a beta faggot and probably wouldn't even know what to do when I did. I feel so pathetic.

>> No.6894918

I pretend I'm going to cons to hang out with friends, but I'm really just going to get laid

>> No.6894922


deets, faggot. who is it?

>> No.6894932

Everyone seems to be going now to get wasted or get laid or show off. Man, doesn't anyone just want to make new friends who're interested in the same things as them anymore?

>> No.6894936
File: 210 KB, 1024x683, monstermeetz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a vendetta-chan

>> No.6894940

Wouldn't you feel weirded out to see your name in a secrets thread? I don't want to creep her out.

>> No.6894942

I have never been to a con and thought it was weird until now.

I don't have any cosplay friends, wouldn't even know who to go as and don't want people I know to find out.

>> No.6894958


Peronally I would be flattered as fuck, but I'm a narcissist so, y'know, whatever.

Either way, you're anonymous so it's not like she'll know who you are.

>> No.6894964

She has 585 friends. You probably don't know everyone on the internet, so good luck with that. And, if you're that Misty, no. You're not professional. Stop it.

>> No.6894965

What's so weird about it? I always thought con goers were really cool and that it was amazing that they were so dedicated to their hobby and were doing what they liked doing. And if your friends will really judge you for that, they're dicks anon.

>> No.6894972

original anon. that's exactly how I feel.
I wanted to go full out withesoo. and pretty much everyone rode in those carriges, but I just felt paticularly classy while doing so. better than the rest of the night actually.

>> No.6894981
File: 114 KB, 571x1754, 0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hate my dad a little bit for being white
>wish I could be pure glorious Nipponese
>think I'd be more attractive if I wasn't half-white
>dislike him for making us move out of Japan when I was 8

I don't mind living in America (and kinda glad I don't live in Japan right now because of cost and politics), but we lived in fucking Alabama for four years right after Japan. That was awful.

Sage for not really being /cgl/ related

>> No.6894984

also I'm paticularly butthurt about the "prom thing" today because I got a text from my friend saying HER friend wore a milanoo dress to prom. a black x white x blue lace monster apperantly.
poor girl, just getting into lolita. and when she's full fledged she's just going to look back at that "milanoo prom mistake" and feel regret. no one deserves to regret their prom night. not even girls that bought milanoo even though I SPECIFICALLY told her not to

>> No.6894996

Why did he take you to Alabama.

What the fuck is wrong with your dad

>> No.6895004

>she had fun and felt amazing, that's what counts.
thats what most itas feel when they go out looking like shit, no? they have fun and feel amazing. but either way they are a laughing stock, and we make fun of them here.

so wearing princess dress at prom = gaudy
and wearing average everyday lolita dress=lol ok perfect

haha do what you want, I'm going to laugh at you regardless, and its apperant other people hate it too.

>> No.6895008

Military. It was a mandatory 4 years, and he almost let us (my mother, brother, and myself) just stay in Japan. That would have been nice. I'm in Virginia now, and have been for about 7-8 years.

>> No.6895026
File: 1.19 MB, 240x240, 1357028575746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not enjoying glorious hafu status of getting best traits from both sides

>> No.6895033

I like my face, but my dad's nose is ugh. Looks fine from a front angle, but it's a bit large. It doesn't help that I'm trans and it'd be even easier to pass if I was full.

>> No.6895047

>that embarrassing moment when you realize you're quoting the anon who was defending you and your fluffy cuntcess dress.

>> No.6895048

your sister is a cunt

>> No.6895056
File: 249 KB, 600x400, 1356908381789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your nose sounds unfortunate but rejoice in being the true master race

>> No.6895071
File: 38 KB, 812x488, C5vonRp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, at least my mom emails me cute shit like this.

>> No.6895083

Are you sure you don't just look Asian
Because most half-Asians just look Asian

>> No.6895087

It could be worse. You could be full white.

>> No.6895091
File: 111 KB, 809x569, Photo on 5-20-13 at 10.24 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't /soc/, so sorry for self-posting. But this is me. I look more "Asian" with makeup on, I guess.


>> No.6895108

I go for all of the above.

New friends are great, free booze is par for the course, and a hookup would be the icing on the cake.

>> No.6895111

you are cute and your nose is also cute
rejoice in your hafu status
>mfw my mom will never send me cute emails with emoji because she doesn't know how to computer

>> No.6895119

>tfw I look more haffu than you and I'm only 1/4th

>> No.6895120

When my mom first learned how to text she'd put :^) after every message and it was cute in its own kinda dumb way

>> No.6895129

my mom still does either =) or :)))))) and doesn't understand whats going on when i send faces like ;_; or (・∀・)

>> No.6895130
File: 33 KB, 666x696, 1306367477292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dad's whiteness is too strong. Must purge the uncleanliness.
War face.

>> No.6895135

You look 100% white, sorry to say

>> No.6895141

Have you ever told your dad how much you disliked his genes?

One time I yelled at mine for being Jewish. I'm a terrible person.

>> No.6895142


You look whiter than me and I'm pale as fuck blonde 100% Irish white. Impressive.

>> No.6895146

Nice trips. But like I said, my nose looks fine from that angle and I do like my face in general, but profile view it's bleh. Nothing to do about it, I guess.

I may not look Japanese, but I definitely don't look (full) white. At least not like any of the white people around where I live.

>> No.6895150
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>One time I yelled at mine for being Jewish. I'm a terrible person.

I laughed so hard I feel like i'm going to hell for it.

>> No.6895157

I am officially convinced.

No, I haven't. Doubt I will in the near future. I mean, what can he say? "Sorry for being white, bud." I'd rather spare him the trouble and bitch about it on the internet.

>> No.6895159

>Nothing to do about it, I guess.

Korean plastic surgery, yo. They can probably make you look pure Nihonjin.

>> No.6895160

>mfw every one of my siblings look asian except me who looks 100 percent white
>when i tell people i'm half they give me this one second look of surprise, try to hide it, and say "oh i totally see it now!"
>gdi i wish they'd stop lying i get it already

>> No.6895167

I've honestly considered, at the very least, rhinoplasty, but I have mixed feelings about plastic surgery as a whole. Not to mention being your average no-money college student.

>> No.6895173

Could you use makeup trips to make your nose look smaller?

>> No.6895179

>no-money college student

It's cheap in Korea, and really common.

> I have mixed feelings about plastic surgery as a whole

If there's something you dislike about yourself, it's okay to change it. That's the entire point of tranny-dom. Plus nose jobs are the least negative PS right behind getting teeth fixed.

>mfw white and have droopy ugly eyelids and want kawaii eyelid surgery, but have no azn genes to justify it.

>> No.6895186

How is someone with no money supposed to get to Korea?

>> No.6895190

Makeup can only make it slimmer, which it already is. Nothing (natural) to be done with how far out it goes.

Yeah, it's down to like 4-5 thousand or so, right?
And it's not so much the "changing what you dislike" part so much as "how much can you justify something like this?" I just don't know if I can personally justify thousands of dollars on something like this, especially when it's not something that's causing me strong self-esteem issues or social anxiety or something, like it does for some people. Maybe my feelings on it will change in 10 years when I can more viably consider a financial decision like that.

>> No.6895193


Tell your mom you want cheap Korean plastic surgery to look more Japanese?

It could work maybe.

>> No.6895198

Haah, that'd be hilarious. My mom's recently been on this super anti-Korean thing, talking about how the big corporations are taking over Japan's politics and entertainment companies or something. She spat poison when I even looked at a used Kia after I fucked my first car up.

>> No.6895201

Why did she get with a white dude, anyway?

>> No.6895210
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I dunno, Japanese people like their white guys or something? At least in the time period when they met. Shit, they got married after only 3 months of knowing each other. Whole world's cray cray.

Have a cute bunny because I've talked so much about my personal life and feel kinda bad about pooling all the attention.

>> No.6895358
File: 234 KB, 900x599, 1343417895869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Chinese and have really mixed feelings about Caucasian girls with Asian fever and wanting to be yellow. I have horrid ashy yellow skin, and it tans and pigments super easily. I'm so jealous of redheads with their glo-in-the-dark pure whiteness and dainty features. There's also some characters that I feel only Caucasian features fit, and I will never attempt to cosplay because of my own complex (e.g. Sailor Moon, Utena, ParaKiss). I can also never get a job as a face character, or do any Disney cosplays except for Mulan (who I hate). I've got nothing against people who do cosplay characters clearly from another race, but I just can't stand doing it personally.

But then again I don't freckle at all, and I can do wa or qi type cosplays without looking strange. It's also hilarious when weeaboos like PT try to photoshop themselves yellow when the entire continent and sub-continent of Asia is trying to make themselves paler.

>> No.6895375

>that awkward feel when people ask me if I'm Asian
>that awkward feel when I'm white as fuck
Don't really get it anymore now that my hair isn't long and dark with bangs. But holy shit it pissed me off because people assumed I was a weeb/trying to be Asian just because of my hair and face/face shape.
Though apparently dresses, skirts, and tights are "Asian girl clothes"

What's wrong with Mulan? She's one of the only Disney princesses I like. She progressive without being too try hard about it.

>> No.6895382

For what it's worth when I've seen Mulan at Epcot she's always in her matchmaker garb and is quite princessy. Which....kinda goes against her whole character. but there was still a huge line of girls lining up to see her and that makes the money.

>> No.6895384

White people are very prone to looking pasty and having big noses, two problems that Asian girls rarely have. That's why so many of them are jealous.

>> No.6895410
File: 25 KB, 246x345, asiannose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why tumblr wanted mulan to be dark, wear armor and have her hair chopped off. it was a disguise and not who she really is

>> No.6895427

That is embarrassing

>> No.6895437

Because SJW's think if it isn't dark skinned, it's whited washed, and unless you're butch as fuck and refer to yourself as a genderless 'it' you're sexist pig.
I hate Tumblr as a whole.

>> No.6895442

Your sister sounds like the kind of person I would hate

>> No.6895466

I find it really strange that after a "big name" cosplayer does a character (i.e. Jessica Rabbit, Cammie, Fae Valentine), all of a sudden cons and cosplay tags on tumblr are filled with said character. I can't talk about it with anybody either for fear of coming off as elitist or jelly or whatever. I'm also somewhat disappointed that congoers don't make a lot of recent season anime cosplays either but I guess not everybody keeps up or cares.

I once had a friend tell me I couldn't cosplay a sailor scout because she was "white" and told me to do Mars because she was the only Asian one. Three years later I post the character I've always wanted to do on FB and she likes the picture. Part of me wants to believe she just wanted to deter me from embarrassing myself because I was a beginner then but the other part of me is really annoyed by her hypocrisy, if there is any or if she even remembers making that comment.

>> No.6895472

>not into the fandom
>love the series
>love the character design

you are con cancer

>> No.6895482
File: 88 KB, 295x321, 1365029967290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ashamed that this board even fucking exists

>> No.6895484

She sounds like the definition of cis scum. Tell her they changed the week of the con and ditch her ass.

>> No.6895485
File: 192 KB, 714x963, 1370513351819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be me
> Be in this thread
> See nothing but entitled whores and disgusting 3DPD everywhere
> Start to question if life is even worth living
> Wish that everyone would stop posting

>> No.6895487
File: 339 KB, 680x680, 1370488997544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's head back to /a/ now before this place rubs off on us.

>> No.6895488

She's not really a princess, I don't like the Disney versions of her design, and I know too many white girls obsessed with Disney's Mulan which is quite off-putting. I like the traditional tale and the Chinese movie version well enough.

Wat. She used to be a sheltered upper-class daughter, so she'd never set foot outside and be pale as balls. Chinese men and women alike had long hair, just worn in different styles. The armour thing though, is that for the park? Because I can see why that wouldn't be popular, even Cindy and Belle's alternate costumes make parents and kids confused.

>> No.6895502

> caucasian girls with yellow fever
I'm Chinese too, and what is this? Honestly never come across this in NYC

>> No.6895509

sup /a/ le epic raid , am i right :D

>> No.6895539

I'm a Gothic lolita, I think this place is pretty much a support group for shopping addicts, especially the Taobao threads, Taobao,such an evil beautiful beautiful thing

>> No.6895544

She's not a princess, but she's part of the princess line up

Disney doesn't keep true to ANY of the stories, stop crying about muh heritage

>> No.6895545

I am the same with future ambitions, I've been looking at doing my degree closer to home (I moved very far away) to see if the whole having family round me would help, but I was home for a few weeks and still had packages coming so I kinda had to hide them from my nosy mother. Embarrassing. I didn't really make any close friends either, I have like...one close friend? I think. It seems very hard to find people that have the same interests as me. I hope your relationship gets a little better feeling anon, but maybe it's just time for you to be alone for a while?

>> No.6895554

>trying to act like we're all "oh so nice~" when pretty much none of the friends I've made in the hobby actually give a shit about what happens to me.
Are you me? I feel like it doesn't matter if I'm there or not, it doesn't make a difference lately,,.

>> No.6895563

You're like all the Greeks I know who got mad about Hercule- oh wait.

>> No.6895571

It was Vic wasn't it?
Or Crispin?
Or Spike?
Or Sabat?
Or Baker?

>> No.6895591

Me too.
I want to walk away, but she keeps doing and saying ridicolous and stupid things.
Why can't the judges see her for the lying piece of shit landwhale she is

>> No.6895594

Now now, she's not a landwhale and you know it.

>> No.6896094

I had sex with two guys at once even though I had a boyfriend. It was just too exciting to pass up and he never found out about it anyway.

>> No.6896245
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a white dad
>dad rarley to never had any zits
>have a chinese mom
>mom was called "porcelain doll" in high school because of her flawless skin
>I have acne on my nose, chin, and forehead

>> No.6896246

The Chinese film of Mulan is amazing, just sayin'.

>> No.6896254

The last con I went to left me pretty miserable, I don't know who to talk about it though.

>> No.6896257

oh god photoshopping to look YELLOWER? being chinese, this seems like a fucking horrible idea. do you have any pictures of this person's yellowfied photos?

>> No.6896266
File: 1004 KB, 499x359, Runsit Woman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tans and pigments super easily
This. I am pale in the winter, but I can't step five minutes outside in the sun without my skin tone darkening.

>tfw my cosplays are all pale and my con is in August

This is probably the 'grass is greener on the other side' syndrome though. My hair is darker than most Asians I know, but I find that blond-almost-white hair is the hottest thing ever.

>> No.6896274

>having darker hair than asians
>%99 of asians have true black hair

>> No.6896277

I know that feel. I spent months dieting and working on my costumes, getting excited to spend a weekend having fun with my friends, but then my 'friends' decided to dick all over me and that kind of thing really gets to me, so yeah, so much for that. It was really pretty heartbreaking. What ruined it for you?

>> No.6896278

Actually, no. There are actually a lot of asians that have dark brown hair (and they wished their hair was darker??). That and no one has true black hair.

> Has compared with friends

>> No.6896282

I'm ugly.
Acne all over my face, upper back, chest and shoulders.
Big penis nose with a bump and a bulbous tip.
Square/rounded jaw and buttchin.
I cry sometimes thinking about how much I hate my looks. I only looks slightly better with makeup. My hair is gross, too.

>> No.6896287

ooh i know that feel
I've got acne on my upper back that's left little dots of dark skin, and lots of acne on my forehead
my only advice would be to exercise and use saunas, as it clears up skin and helps quite a bit

>> No.6896288

Is 'yellow fever' an actual thing? Like, outside the internet?

>> No.6896291

Go to a doctor! My boyfriend has some kind of cystic acne all over his back and he just got antibiotics and this gel stuff from his doctor, it's starting to clear already and it's only been a week. I get the gross job of applying the gel :c

>> No.6896299

My little bro had this and we got antibiotics. I'm happy to see it clearing up and him wearing shorts again.

>> No.6896305

Yeah your right. Landwhales don't exist.
She just dresses completely inappropriate for her size then photoshops herself into what she believes she looks like.

Most of the judges knew her when she started out ten years ago and bullied her, now they are all "good friends". It's almost as though they over-look her behavior out of guilt.

>> No.6896318

I'm pessimistic as fuck, male, have stretch marks, am chubby, think myself as the ugliest fuck in the world, procrastinate everything, and due to ending my friendship with my crush, I feel like giving up trying to lose weight, cosplay, and anything I enjoyed doing with her.

Basically I contemplate suicide every day.

>> No.6896327

Not saying she isn't a lying bitch, but she's not fat/fat enough to be a landwhale

>> No.6896330

I cried when the USPS man came by today and still didn't have the package(s) I have been waiting for.

>> No.6896334

I think everyone on this board and the majority of cosplayers are petty skanks but I still want to fuck them.

>> No.6896452

>I know too many white girls obsessed with Disney's Mulan which is quite off-putting. I like the traditional tale and the Chinese movie version well enough

Not everyone is Chinese. It's an American made movie, do you expect?
Not every white girl is familiar with ancient Chinese legends.

>> No.6896458


Kinda the same thing and some other stuff I don't want to whine to strangers about. At Least I met some new people so it wasn't a total shitfest.

>> No.6896459

Link to your store? I want to see!

>> No.6896490

I'm a bad cosplayer. I mean, I'm not ugly or fat, but I can't sew and my cosplays always fall short of my expectations. I end up comparing my outfits with someone else who did the same character and immediately my whole con experience is mentally ruined. I'm trying to get better, and every year I push myself to do more and more creative things. But in my mind I will always feel inferior.

There was one time during Anime Expo where I dressed as an Eevee gijinka and was stopped every 5 minutes to have a picture taken. That was a nice ego boost, but I still have the fear of seeing my pictures on here being laughed at.

I have to admit that I'm not nearly as bad as some of the cosplayers I've seen on here at least.

Oh god, same here. I went with someone who didn't wanna do ANYTHING and just kept bitching about how he "hates crowds" and wanted to sleep. It's like, yeah I hate crowds too but get over it? We're only here a few days out of the year and then we go back home to our little shithole of a town. Why the fuck would you complain? I had another friend who took 2 steps into the dealer's hall and sat down because she was tired. I left her behind because fuck that shit. Not my fault she's too fat to keep up.

>> No.6896495
File: 186 KB, 700x400, 1364575304342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep wanting to order shit off the internet, mostly items like socks, nendos, trading cards, plush toys, weeb candy. I'm addicted to the feeling of waiting for something to come in the mail. Waiting on preorders to ship for those 4de plushes is going to be the death of me.

I'm really vain. I'm not pretty or special or anything, but there are some physical traits about myself I really like, and sometimes I'll look in a mirror and think, "Wow, that's nice, maybe I could cosplay after all."

I finally have a job. I've always been pretty poor and never had the chance to sperg out, and now that I have the means, I'm too old to have a viable excuse. I'd like to go to a con and make friends but I can't make conversation. I don't even try. I just want to listen to people talk and have them like me, like some kind of friendship leech. Instead I've been giving most of my paychecks to my parents and saving the rest for my sister's kid. They've never had extra cash before and I'm still mooching off of them so it's nice to see my mom go to a store and buy something for herself for once. I'll probably just keep admiring cosplays from afar and collecting pictures.

>> No.6896521

Damn, I needed to get some shit off my chest. I was completely in love with lolita. I knew I could never give the clothing justice. I became depressed and now I live laughing at ita's and drama.
I used to love going to cons before a creeper at an anime works booth creeped me out... and he took pictures of me. :|

>> No.6896547

I don't even enjoy cosplaying that much anymore. The making is stressful and the wearing never seems worth it. I like hanging with my friends and being tolerably dumb at cons, but I feel like if I don't cosplay I'll get shunned or ignored or not enjoy myself or whatever.

I only even have one cosplay (that still fits me) and I've worn it to every con and meet for two years straight now.

>> No.6896555

homegirl you gotta get your butt back out there!

Also if you're depressed reach out to a doc. It's worth it, there's help yo.

>> No.6896560
File: 996 KB, 175x131, 1367036445340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ended longterm relationship early last year

>ready to get back out there and meet people

>really would like to go up and talk to qt 3.14s at cons

>terrified of getting called a creeper

>> No.6896562

That's rough, man. Anybody would be hurt in your position. The first thing you have to do is that you've got to learn to have fun by yourself.

If you feel like you can't have fun, do SOMETHING. Hit the gym, find a new hobby, anything -- just something that can distract you and pass the time.

>> No.6896563
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1345003021418238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant draw straight lines. I cant. Even with a ruler I end up fucking up some how, or always ending up slightly off (i.e, two parallel lines at the start will be 2inches apart, but at the end they will be 1 and 1/2 apart). the embarassing part is I know my girlfriend corrects them when she thinks im not looking/around. Shes an engineer at heart and it drives her crazy. She hasnt much artistic skill, but I love creating armors and they usually need to be symmetrical and properly measured or it will be immobile.. But it bothers me when people say "your so good at making things!" but in truth I'm just the idea guy.

>> No.6896575

Aw man I get you about the straight lines thing. Happens to me too, till I started working with triangle rulers and T-squares. It really helps. Also metal rulers with a cork backing is a godsend. No more slips when I'm pressing on the ruler too hard when cutting or drawing lines.

>> No.6896581

Girls can be pretty unreasonable when it comes to calling boys creepers sometimes. Good luck, and it it bad I was laughing out loud at the gif before the muscles part?

>> No.6896598
File: 14 KB, 400x321, 1356349320052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm addicted to the feeling of waiting for something to come in the mail
Are you me?

>have browsed cgl for almost going on three years now
>never cosplayed once in my entire life
>crippling anxiety and horrible self esteem
>have always really wanted to experiment with jap fashion but can't bring my self to bother because of said self esteem
>wake up get out of bed and straight onto the computer
>on weekends can never legitimately find a reason to actually get dressed or go outside
>the only thing I enjoy other than buying tonnes of merchandise, bento boxes and other weeabooish things is occasionally opening the curtains and windows on a warm day and playing moeshit anime OSTs and music on the stereo while lying on the floor in a sunny patch browsing

>> No.6896603

I buy famous lolita's stuff especially socks

>> No.6896611

I'm horrible when it comes to costuming. . .I can pin, iron, dye, paint, and recently sew on buttons, but I physically can't do anything else and my sister ends up doing it. I've started to buy her wigs and help her out with the mundane stuff on her cosplays to thank her but I still feel really bad for having to rely on her all the time and feel like an awful sister

Also neither of us get anything done until maybe a week before the con 'cause we're both procrastinators but I'm always feel too annoying suggesting we work on stuff so we can drive each other cause she usually ends up doing most of the stuff anyways

>> No.6896624

I spend a lot of time and money on lolita but I don't want to wear it outside with fear of being mocked or being called ita.

>> No.6896661

In a really lonely transitional period right now, all my honest friends are really far away and the only tie I have atm with others my age is cosplay. I still enjoy the actual hobby - The only thing is that the community feels so artificial that it makes me lose my faith in humanity. Maybe if I jump ship to another regional comm then I won't hate talking to cosplay girls so much. Probably too much to hope for though.

>> No.6896670

I am pretty much the only person in my country that comes to /cgl/ but I wish I weren't. I live in such a big country, and we've had our own forums for lolita and j-fash drama once or twice... I just wish we could use /cgl/, or that I could see more people from where I live in here. I like it here. And I always feel self conscious about saying where I am from because that is like putting a red flag on my head.

>> No.6896697

My sweet baboo is pessimistic, is chubby, has stretch marks, and procrastinates too much. I call him "cutie patootie" and he calls me "cutie with a booty." There's hope, anon. You just gotta find something that makes you happy.

>> No.6896703

I honestly miss the days when /cgl/ had regular period and "gross women stuff" threads. They were at least more fun than the frequent /r9k/ invasions we get now.

>> No.6896724

I wore lolita to my Senior Tea recently. Got mixed reactions but mostly was good. People complimented me and I got laughed at but nothing too bad. I got asked for pictures twice, rejected the firsf, but did a weeby pose in the second but covered my face. I'm wondering if that picture will make it to the internet.

>> No.6896746
File: 29 KB, 240x320, 0264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy for you and all, but man, that is awful.

>> No.6897172

Die you fucking virgin shits. People like you is why I sleeping with as many guys as possible, just to make sure you're butthurt about it and commit suicide.