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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6893677 No.6893677 [Reply] [Original]

>that one guy who blew all their money on the dealer's room and is now begging for dinner money

>> No.6893684

>That one friend who bought stupid figurines in the dealers room but was too broke to pay you for the hotel room.

>> No.6893694
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>That one friend who packs their entire room and closet when travelling to a con

>> No.6893701

>That one friend who brings like 8 cosplays

>> No.6893724
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I, unfortunately, have a lot.

>that one friend that keeps getting fucking guys at almost every con
>that one friend who is nasty as fuck and leaves their USED tampons out
>that one friend that blasts K-Pop everywhere
>that one raver friend who is high 24/7
>that one friend who brings their BDSM gear

>> No.6893727
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>That one friend

>> No.6893732

>that one person you room with who spends all their money before the con on cosplay outfits and begs their parents for money to buy shit in the dealer's room with

Andou, you don't deserve friends

>> No.6893748
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>that one friend who impulse buys in the Dealer Room, then gets mad at you for not keeping an eye on them

>> No.6893781

>that one person crying with someone comforting them around every corner

>> No.6893786


>that one friend who stays at the rave until it ends and wakes everyone up coming back into the room

>> No.6893788
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>That friend who asks for your help with their cosplay but pretty much just has you make it for them

>> No.6893790

>that one guy who pees on a laptop

>that one bitch that gets so shitfaced she starts to get violent

> that one person who knows you are on bad terms but decides to try to forcibly hug you anyway

> that one guy you catch stairing at your tits

>> No.6893794

>That one guy that refuses to take a shower during the con in fear of missing out on something.

>> No.6893810
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>that one person who seemed really nice and normal but they've had like two drinks and just turned squirrel-fucking insane

>> No.6893816

>that one bitch that gets so shitfaced she starts to get violent
This. A buddy of mine enjoys wrestling people. It's fun to watch, not so fun if you're on the receiving end. He's still great though.

>that one friend who is really good looking and keeps getting stopped every 5 minutes by someone who wants to flirt with them.

>that one girl crying because she lost her X

>that one friend who is really friendly and invites strangers in the room to hang out

>> No.6893834
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>that one friend who invites you to his hotel room party and makes a big deal out of what a killer time it's gonna be and you get there and it's nothing but tons of underage drinking and a chubby dude playing league of legends on the bed while 2 people make out mere inches away

>Tfw you and the people you came with suspect security is on their way, so you go WHO WANTS TO DO SHOTS, pound a few back in the bathroom without throwing cash in the cup, and then leave RIGHT as security comes barging in to boot everyone out.

We're terrible people but I still laugh.

>> No.6893841

> That one girl who has a dress 3 meters long dragging over the floor and doesn't bother pulling it up in crowded area's

>> No.6893848

>That one (ex) cosplay friend who was trying to talk to you while you were already mid-sentence with someone else, throws a bitch fit because you were "ignoring and interrupting them" (because you can TOTALLY do both) and forever has a vendetta against you because you didn't hear them saying something to you. (Now she's trying to be nice to me again because I'm getting a good reputation for myself)

> That one con friend who asked you out when you were single, got shot down, and a year and a half into your current relationship still occasionally tries to flirt with you at cons.

> That one friend that always bitches about con drama but doesn't see that she's the center of it 100% of the time.

>> No.6893865
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>that one girl who gets shitfaced
>that one guy who gets shitfaced
>that one girl and guy are now arguing and slapping each other
>that one girl and guy are now making out

>> No.6893876
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>That one friend who stays up til 5AM on the computer, and the light from the screen keeps everyone else in the room from sleeping

>> No.6893889

>and is now begging for dinner money
fuck, we had this at Anime North last year, some fucking homestuck kid came to the /cgl/ dinner and then tried to worm some cash out of people to pay for their meal

>> No.6893918

drives me insane. I give them half the trunk and then they actually have the gall to bitch about "if you didnt get such a small car!".
>that one person who sees you sit down after 6 hours of walking in heavy armor and helmet so you can get a fucking drink, and INSISTS its picture time after you take your gear off.

I dont care if you creep outside the door of the food court and wait till I walk out, let me get some breathing time god damn.

>> No.6893925

This is me though

>> No.6893934

>That one guy you give the room money to who pockets a chunk of it so you end up looking like a dick when you get to the hotel and your share is short.

>> No.6893937


they never close the hotel lobby.

>> No.6893948

I think I know who you are from the first part...If so,that whole situation was ridiculous and they really needed to chill.

>> No.6893950
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>that one friend who's drunk or high the entire damn time and it becomes your job to act as their keeper

>> No.6893965
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>that one fat bitch on your newsfeed that is 200+ lb and always cosplays skinny anime boys or stick thin anime girls then complains she gets no compliments when she isnt even flattering her body

do yourself a favor, jesus cosplay as someone with curves or get some goddamn shapewear so we dont have to see you complain you snotty rich jackass

>> No.6893969

Thanks for reminding me, I'm gonna be doing the AX carpool and if someone is like "and THIS bag is all my shoes! *thud*" I'm gonna be all over her.

A lot of my friends are lolitas and I get that lolitas don't travel light. But please people, pre plan ALL your clothing (not just costumes and coords) and ditch what isn't needed.

>> No.6893986


>>that one girl crying because she lost her X

My experience is:

>> that one girl crying because she lost her ex
>> after dumping him
>> and makes you go back to the hotel with her
>> and smokes all your ciggys because she's 'heartbroken'

I will never forgive that bitch.

>> No.6893992

I bet all you're doing is reblogging stupid shit on tumblr, too.

>that one friend that gets upset when you don't babysit them all weekend

>> No.6893998

To make it more general:

>that one friend who has a self-induced crisis and expects you to drop what you're doing and console them

No. Fuck you and the funnoodle you rode here on. I came to this con and spent my money to get here to have fun, not be in the hotel room mopping you up.

>> No.6894003

>that one friend who complains they are always bored, hates every panel, dosnt want to sit but complains feet hurt, and audibly sighs when you ask what they want to do.

Everytime. I love her but god damn stop bringing the vibe down

>> No.6894005

Uh...this seems way to familiar.

>> No.6894007

>Fuck you and the funnoodle you rode here on

It must be a long work day because that made me laugh much louder then it should have. Boss came to see what was wrong.

>> No.6894010

>that one girl who FINALLY learned after 2 years that not tripping on 4chan makes you less prone to drama.

So fucking dumb.

>> No.6894015

If we're talking about the same person, you know I didn't miss out on anything by not being her friend. It seems like a lot of her circle causes drama. I'm not going to publicly bash her or name names, but my gosh. Anyone that's been around me 30 seconds knows I'm a loud talker to begin with, but I genuinely try to be a nice person. I even helped out her "friend" after said fit because she was being so mean to her.

>> No.6894014

>that one stoner girl who wants to smoke but can't find a spot to do it so she wants to go smoke in the car you carpooled here in and you're all "it's my mom's car, are you crazy" but she won't take no for an answer, tries anyway, and sets off the alarm.

Happened. I wasn't impressed.

(also have you people not heard of edibles? Easy as hell to make and you don't release giant waves of HEY I SMELL LIKE WEED)

>> No.6894020
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>That one couple who tries to "sneakily" have sex in the hotel room while everyone else is sleeping

>> No.6894021

>that one person who insists you do all the stuff THEY want to, go to all the panels THEY want to, and hang out with THEIR friends.

Gettin' real tired of your shit, person.

>> No.6894027


All of this.

>> No.6894026

I only tripped for 3 days...
So much drama...
People thought I was samefagging etc.

It was only 3 fucking days.

sage for offtopic

>> No.6894028
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>that one fat hotel room mate who asks for helping being crammed into their too tight outfit

>> No.6894036

>That one roommate you're not even fond of that asks for half an hour of your time to do her makeup. Tfw she's never done makeup and asks you to use your stuff, including mascara.

Yeah, no. I don't want to get your eye bacteria in my stuff.

>> No.6894039

How do tripcodes cause drama?

>> No.6894045

>that one friend that jerks off over you while you're sleeping

>> No.6894041
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Does that dude seriously have "hand" tattooed across his fingers

>that one person in the room who snores so loudly that no one else in the room gets any sleep and everyone is grumpy as shit the next morning

>> No.6894042

>that one bitch who tells you she hates the series you are cosplaying from with a passion then just rants about how "stupid" said series is

>> No.6894064
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I almost got a cute girl at a con, but my friend was having relationship drama and kept calling me away for comforts. I never even got that girl's name..
I brought it up to my friend later and she just said, "Oh, you could've just ignored me." No, because you would've been pissed and crying at me.

Sage for rage.

>> No.6894099
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>those friends who get upset when you want to hang out with your other friend because the con is the ONLY time of the entire YEAR that you see him

>those same friends who never, ever come out to your house anymore and always make you come out to their house so you can sit and watch them play games the entire time

>that friend who has an insane crush on you and all of her planned cosplays are characters that are shipped with yours

>that one fat friend who talks about how she wants to cosplay cute kids or scantily clad hot women and brags about not knowing anything about the series and just liking the design

>that Dragonball fanboy who gets pissed when he finds out that Goku is not your favorite anime character of all time

>> No.6894106
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>that girl that wants to have a cosplay meetup at a waterpark

>> No.6894111

>That super awkward guy who thinks he's big in the cosplay community here and wants to have a meet up at a theme park with rollercoasters. Because wigs/contacts totally mix with blazing hot parks with nowhere to cool off and super fast coasters. I think not.

>> No.6894146

Mallory pls go

>> No.6894151

>that one friend that says she has trust issues and can therefore lie and change plans as much as she needs

>> No.6894160
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You guys have some awful friends, holy moly.
>That one friend you try to invite anywhere, but he'd rather play LoL or WoW instead while you go with friends.

>> No.6894251
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>that one guy who continuously hits on your girlfriend and ruins your rooming experience with his passive aggressive bull shit
>that same guy who asks you to add him to your badge group for the next con only to skip out last minute and never pay you back for his badge and therefore, his share of the hotel expense

That is why I have long since culled him from our con group, and I've never put up with that crap ever again. I advise all of you to do the same. Don't needlessly prolong your suffering "because you're friends".

>> No.6894256

Hey you.

Man that sucks. Hope he hasn't been giving you a hard time since.

>> No.6894260

>that one guy who stands in front of your AA booth, blocks your other customers, and talks at you for twenty minutes at a stretch because he thinks you're friends when all you want is to take his money

I have no idea how to tell him politely to fuck off because he buys something from me every con.

>> No.6894266

>girls who sell prints

>> No.6894272

Sup! And nah, I actually haven't heard from him in years. I hear he's busy with school or something. No skin off my nose, though.

>> No.6894275
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>that guy who begs to be towed along to the con trip, only to play MMOs in the hotel instead of actually visiting the con

>that guy who decides to split up the group and didn't bring his cellphone

>> No.6894281
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>that guy who spends the entire con in the gameroom

I legitimately don't understand this. Buy the game youself, if you're so dedicated..?

>> No.6894285

I feel like they're trying to show off their speshul skillz to other gamers or something.

> That guy who keeps on sitting there when there's obviously a line of people waiting to play the game

>> No.6894289
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Oh man, I knew kids like that.

unrelated(?) captcha: olehong themselves

>> No.6894292

I don't get that either, I mean, my cousin who's huge on fighting games enjoys going to con game rooms for the little tournies but otherwise, he likes to be active with us and see other things.

It seems like a waste of time and money, but whatever man.

>> No.6894293

>that one friend who has a self-induced crisis and expects you to drop what you're doing and console them
Urgh, one year my friend insisted on bringing her boyfriend who's socially anxious and doesn't deal well with crowds. She and another friend ended up sitting with him in a less crowded place while my other friend and I went around and had a good time (both of us don't like him that much, he's crude and won't shut up about how big his dick is). She brought him along to a Dylan Moran show too once, same thing happened.

>> No.6894294

>That one cosplayer with a 9,002 pound prop who swings it around every time he moves.

Fuck you and your inability to hold things close to your body

>> No.6894296
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>That one friend who barely makes any money to begin with and struggles to put any food on the table yet goes to cons at any given opportunity.

Sadly, I know a person like this. Her priorities clearly are in order. She'd rather go to cons than put food on the table, pay rent, etc.

>> No.6894299
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>that one girl who goes to every con in the state (read: Texas) solely off flirting with guys, then complains when they only want sex

>> No.6894304

I had a friend who brought a costume for almost every phootoshoot that was going on one weekend and insisted that I drive her back to our hotel every time she needed to change.

>> No.6894309

I had a friend like that. Back when I was 13.

>> No.6894306
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>That one friend who complains about something that you like but a week later is all into it and acts like they know everything about it.

I have a friend who bashes everything but then gets into the stuff she bashes and acts like she never disliked it and denies everything if you call her out. That or she'll like something and say it's too mainstream now or stupid people like it. She even went as far as making a Facebook post about all this. She failed to realize that she applied to her fb status 100%.

>> No.6894310

Funny enough I am from Texas. Small world.

>> No.6894329
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>The one friend who isn't having a good time will bring the group down. If they're not having a good time then no one else should.

>> No.6894333
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>The friend that always makes themselves the victim no matter the situation even if the situation doesn't apply to them

>> No.6894337


Texas is fucking huge, man. I actually feel like a lot of us on /cgl/ hail from here.

>> No.6894346

> That one friend who doesn't make any of their cosplays, but will link you to every terrible tutorial in existence and tell you that they know how to do it better than what you were planning.

I can't bring it up anymore without this happening.

>> No.6894349

Did you?

>> No.6894355

No. I wandered off on purpose and told her my phone was on silent. She surprisingly didn't get mad. Maybe she realised that it was a ridiculous request.

>> No.6894352

>> That one enemy you don't see in your small hometown, but you see every fucking day at a con.
This happens to me every year. I don't see her at all at home, but all the fucking time at AX, its a huge freaking convention and we aren't even into the same things but i still manged to see her every year...

>> No.6894360

>the friend who refused to let us listen to anything but fucking KPOP for the entire 3 hour ride to the con last year because "IT'S MY CAR!"
>tell her if she does that this year i'm not going with her and she can go alone since friend 3 isn't going this year
>girl denies refusing to let anyone change the music, says it was a playlist that she and friend 3 made the night before and it just happened to play all the kpop at once, for 3 hours, and that friend 3 could have changed it any time
>friend 3 and me got so sick of fucking "BEFOA ZA DAAAAAAWN" and we both distinctly remember friend 3 telling her "see, this is why nobody else ever wants to go to cons with you, you whine until you get your way and refuse to listen to anyone else's suggestions", which she happily ignored and just kept singing in broken Korean

>same girl has a tiny ass car, and filled almost the entire trunk with shit she didn't even take out of the car the entire weekend, like her laptop bag, camera bag, huge bag full of every pair of shoes she owns, PILLOW AND HUGE COMFORTER, etc.

>same girl also nearly dumped friend 3 outside the dealer's room because she couldn't afford a badge, literally said "dude, she can wait out here!"
>friend 3: "REALLY? Wow, fuck you, (name)"
>girl shrugs it off, just says "come on, anon, let her cool off out here, we'll be back"
>i shove her bratty ass inside, grabbed her badge and took it out to friend 3

Why do I still go to cons with this girl? Because there's nobody else to go to cons with and my car can no longer make long trips.

>> No.6894369

>>that one friend who brings their BDSM gear
Do they use it on random people they meet?

>> No.6894372

Last year, a hotel roommate vanished for 24 hours or so with no one having any idea where she was, eventually turned up a sobbing hungover wreck. We went out of her way to try and get her ready and get her and her stuff to the con for the event she was there to be in. She didn't make it.

She trashed the weekend and we fell all over ourselves to try and dig her out of her own hole. Then she didn't pay me for the hotel that night.

Fuck to the you, we're not friends and you're invited to nothing.

>> No.6894379

Time for new friends?

>That one friend who you like to hang out with on other occassions decides to tag with you to a convention and has a bad habit of saying stupid and offensive things.

>> No.6894386

Just tell him you'll try to meet up with him later and he shouldn't be wasting time standing there when there's a whole con going on. And when he asks why you didn't meet up with him, tell him you got caught up in some bullshit.

It works for me, at least.

>> No.6894388

>That one girl who wont stop singing Pon Pon the entire road trip up to con
>That one person who insists on making the play list for the drive up and fills it with nothing but really bad scynthy jpop or rave music.
>That one person who brings everything and insists every single bag they packed is fragile and complains that every one took up to much space

Seriously? I know I stay up all night on the computer (not really at con since Im too tired but generally I'm a late web surfer) but it's not hard to have some common decency and turn down the light on your screen and/or cover you and the laptop with a blanket. Shields from the light so no one else stays awake and you get to do whatever the hell you want on the computer.

>> No.6894415

>those carpool friends that dont understand it's bad to scream bloody murder in the car because it freaks out the driver
>those same friends that pile their stuff so high in the back seat you can hardly see out
>Friends later complain about your driving because omg you didnt speed so it took forever to get there

Sometimes I really really hate being the driver for our group

>> No.6894417

>that one friend who blasts K-pop music and shitty indie rock while everyone else is trying to go to bed because it helps her get to sleep
>yells at everyone to get out of the room and not talk or watch TV when she's trying to sleep
>makes fun of you all weekend for listening to "weeaboo" music, says that she grew out of it

Fuck that whore.

>> No.6894427
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OH god, one of my friends is like that. Great person, but damn, she snores like a buzz saw when she's on her back. I couldn't sleep so I chilled in the bathroom doing some hand sewing so the light wouldn't bother my sleeping roommates. I heard one of them get up twice one night to shake her so she'd roll over and stop snoring so loud.

>> No.6894426

Shit friends general, jesus guys.

>> No.6894440
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"I never snore at home, I swear!"

>> No.6894443


Sometimes you only have two choices: shitty friends or no friends.

>> No.6894445
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>> No.6894452

>that one guy who saves you from your diabetic coma while everyone else is ignoring you as you pass out in the corner you were resting on with his candy

I could have died if everyone kept ignoring, thank you random fat for being so nice and shoving a lollipop into my fucking mouth

>> No.6894453
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>> No.6894457
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I have it worse. Try finding out from one of your con roommates that you grind your teeth in your sleep. I didn't even know I did it until one of them told me. I then went and was talking to my dad and he was all "Oh yeah, you didn't know?" Thanks dad, for never telling me that I've been grinding my teeth in my sleep since I was a kid. Worse part this wasn't until a couple years after I had been rooming at different cons with people, so I probably had been unintentionally annoying people in my sleep at con without even realizing it.

I don't either. Especially the ones who babysit a single machine the entire convention. One of the past ALA's, there was some huge fat guy camped out at the TvC game the entire time. Only time I ever saw him the entire time, was at that game, and the only time he moved was when somebody beat him at the game, then he'd sulk away and go back to it once they were done playing.

and in the case of those friends
>That friend that insisted in room stuffing as many people as possible to get the room rate as cheap as possible, even if the room was ridiculously packed.
>That friend who lied to you about the number of people who were going to be in the room, 8 people are not the same as 14.
>That friend who insisted on bringing her CAT to all the cons she attends and never left it home with her mother or paid for boarding.
>Friend who suffers from a victim complex and never took responsibility or apologized for any of their actions. Even if they're clearly at fault.
>That friend who shit talked you behind your back, even when you were still friends. Like telling people you ran off to fuck your boyfriend when you left them for 10 minutes to go talk with your boyfriend.

This was all the same person. I abandoned ship. Good riddance I say.

>> No.6894471
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>that one girl you just meet at a con who you find 3 hours later crying somewhere because of some retarded reason and wants to get you involved
>that one cosplayer cosplaying from a popular series who gets mad at you for not fawning over him and his shit personality
>when that same guy gets mad that you punch him for violating you "ITS AN ANIME CON! GET USED TO IT! ITS WHAT YOU DO!"
>that one autistic fuck who tries to be edgy
>that one new ita who thinks she knows more about lolita because shes wearing it to a con and you didnt bring your coords since you didnt want anything to get damaged

>> No.6894476

The last time I went to a con I was invited by an acquaintance/weeaboo from school who knew I was into anime, and I told my friends so they could meet up with me later for a day while I could stay the weekend with the weeby one

But with that being said
>sharing a hotel room with that someone who insists on leaving the tv (at full volume) and lights on all night
>that person leaving their half-eaten Chinese food and pizza out in the hotel room for two days
Never again...

>> No.6894479
File: 107 KB, 500x712, tumblr_m5upprEG1t1rsaxixo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and no.

She starts using it on herself...and then slowly she brings in more people with her...

>> No.6894481

>that one Lolita who tries to call you out for being poorly coordinated or Ita when you're in cosplay

>> No.6894484

Just say "Hey, can we chat later so we aren't blocking other customers?"

>> No.6894490

sauce for that gif

>> No.6894497

>he's crude and won't shut up about how big his dick is).
What? How does that happen? Does he just constantly bring his dick into the conversation?

>> No.6894498

>that one person at a crowded con with a huge backpack/bag who keeps unknowingly hitting people with it every time they turn around

>> No.6894510

Boku no google it

>> No.6894513

>bringing a backpack to a convention
Am I the only one who judges those people?

>> No.6894512

Mitsudomoe. I forget which season or episode

>> No.6894518

>>when that same guy gets mad that you punch him for violating you "ITS AN ANIME CON! GET USED TO IT! ITS WHAT YOU DO!"
Just tell him that people get their shit slapped in anime for fondling people.

>> No.6894529

Pretty much. Like once we were at Subway and I jokingly made a comment about bringing in a ruler to check whether the subs really were 6 inches or a foot long, and he was like "no need to, we can use my dick". He also actively tries to put you off your food while you're eating, like comparing sour cream to semen or whatever.

>> No.6894525

>that one friend who asks for a hook up, every time you see him, even though you have expressed directley that you are not into that shit and have been in a steady relationship for 7 fucking years, are engaged, ect
god mother fucker take the hint already you can not jump my bones stop asking.

>> No.6894534
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This. I let it slide until his fuckbuddy started yapping loudly when saying their good nights.

And, they left a mess in the shower. Ugh...

>> No.6894533

Does his girlfriend ever get tired of it?

>> No.6894535
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He's either desperate for the pussy or overcompensating out his ass.

>> No.6894542

No, she just thinks it's funny because, you know, she's the one taking his dick.

He's short and not the most attractive guy in the world, I think it's just his way of feeling confident. Makes me uncomfortable as fuck though.

>> No.6894550

Hm, I've noticed that height sometimes affects dick length. Not often individually, but overall. He might be one of the guys that prove my theory.

>> No.6894551

>the roommate who insists you're a selfish bitch for sleeping in one of the beds every night even though you had severe injuries to your back and hips 3 months prior to con and need a wheelchair to get around

>> No.6894572
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>That one guy that always wants to cosplay from the same series as you even though you don't want to do a group cosplay. If you refuse then the victim/guilt trip card is thrown at you.

This dude I know is 27 years old and I'm 23. He always tries to piggy back off of whatever I cosplay even if it's from a series he doesn't know. Every time I say no, he literally throws a tantrum like a 3 year old. You're a fucking adult. Act like it.

>> No.6894576

>phone decided that i was going to post right then
>that same guy thinks he gets all the bitches
>he always cosplays that one guy from bleach with the green striped hat
>that same guy is under 5 feet and chubbs
>I am 5'8" and 91lbs and recovering
>please tell me how that is going to work bro

>> No.6894579

Fucking. This.

>> No.6894583

>he literally throws a tantrum like a 3 year old
Like. Throws himself on the floor tantrum?

>> No.6894586

He did once.

>> No.6894588

This happens to me, every single fucking time.
I live in Georgia, and last year I flew all the was out to California for SDCC and dis bitch was fucking there. I was about ready to shank her ass and go to the police and get a restraining order.

>> No.6894602

>>That friend who insisted on bringing her CAT to all the cons she attends and never left it home with her mother or paid for boarding.


>> No.6894616

It was a special needs cat, but seriously, her mom was fully capable of watching it(along with the 10+ other cats they owned together) or her putting down the money to board it at a vets office.

My coworker's has a special needs dog but they usually have either a family member watch it, or board it at their vets office if they're out of town. If it's a local con, they might bring it to the con since it's a little dog that can't really bark(she was the runt and weighs like 4 pounds, She can't really bark, it comes out more like a raspy whisper)

>> No.6894651

D-does she at least stay in hotels that allow this?

>> No.6894658

Yes. She at least had the sense to contact the hotels first and made sure they allowed pets. Kind of sucked thought every con we'd have a corner taken up by a large kennel for the cat when she was already cramming way to many people in the room already.

>> No.6894677

>That one guy that has relationship drama at every single con.
>That one guy who feels he's not getting enough attention and starts moping about it and when you ask him if he's ok or if you can do something to make him feel better, he just goes, "No, I'm fine, really," and goes back to moping and making it clear he's not having a good time.
>That one group of slutty underage girls that go to cons for the sole intention of fucking older guys and are really loud and annoying to boot.
>That one guy that doesn't get the hint/won't take no for an answer.
>That one girl that thinks she knows everything about the local community and that she's really close with the "popular" people but not a lot of people like her.

>> No.6894693

>that one friend who comes to /cgl/ for the first time and don't understand anything.

This has happened way too many times. One did an obvious selfpost to promote herself but also posted her personal email, another apparently "trolled" us and later wrote on facebook that "all 4chan is so mad at me lulz i trol them" when only three people in a thread told her to stop embarrassing herself.

>> No.6894729

>That one girl who, despite being rich as hell, always uses up all you shit.

Girl, your parents are the 1%, and they give you so much allowance you don't even need a job. Lay the fuck off my broke ass's food and beauty stuff. Not to mention, she doesn't just eat a handful of shit, she eats the whole bag without a word, and "accidentally" mixes my makeup in with hers. Whiny, I know.

>> No.6894738


I sort of enjoy it when people I know come on here and embarrass themselves. It's pretty funny especially when they think they are hot shit.

>> No.6894748

Tell her to buy her own stuff.

>> No.6894779

This can be pretty hilarious, especially when they use their real emails or link back to their own websites at the same time and get harassed. Cuts both ways thoug- once a friend posted a progress pic from my personal facebook to a thread here saying something like 'Wow! Isn't anon great?' and everyone thought I was the one selfposting badly.

>> No.6894788

How do you think the rich stay rich? They mooch off friends, and never spend their own money if they can help it. Jew style.

>> No.6894793

I hate when someon'es seriously being nice to you or complimenting you and people think it's selfposts.

>> No.6894794

It's a little funny, yeah, but jesus fuck all that second-hand embarrassment.

>> No.6894806
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>>That one guy friend who drinks and makes an ass of himself in front of his friends.

>>Same friend who acts like a total asshat when he's drunk and takes 3 guys to restrain him before security came in.

Thank fuck I didn't need to see him again after the con.

>> No.6894863

That's how many great relationships start

>> No.6894866

Most of the time she uses my stuff without asking or telling me, so I have to figure out later, then have to have the awkward situation of calling her out on it. I tell her that, but she'll either say that she's just trying my stuff out, or she forgot hers, or say she only used "a little" bit, or just write it off as not a big deal to the point of it making me look like I'm having a fit because she used like a tablespoon of my shampoo. Except in reality she used half the fucking bottle of my special shampoo that *has* to last no less than an entire month, because I can't afford it without budgeting shit. Or, my favorite, "I can't afford to buy a new X, so I'm just borrowing yours!" Bullshit, you just bought yourself Dermablend concealer and MAC mascara, back off my drugstore makeup. I've honestly gotten to the point where I just hide my stuff from her, so she has to ask me first and I can stop it there.
More like her parents make a shit load of money at their jobs, and she just doesn't know how to make hers last.

>> No.6894869

>that one girl who "didn't have money" to contribute to gas or hotel, but bought 50 dollars worth of ugly pokemon plushies
>and bought a 3ds a week before

>> No.6894873


That's actually kinda cute...

>> No.6894876

Not con related but my boyfriend's roommate tried to pull this every day of the week. And those dorm beds are not quiet. Any twist and turn is loud as fuck.

>> No.6894885

>that one friend who always chooses the characters with low cut tops and short skirts but always complains about flashing people

She does it every con I swear and she looks at all the guys as if they are perving on her. Every slight bit of wind and she'll make a scene about her skirt flying up. Girl, half of us are wearing skirts, just hold it down and nobody will look if you don't scream. Oh and wear safety shorts ffs.

>> No.6894893


So you people just let this happen, or...?

I make it abundantly clear to any couples who plan to share a room with me, that if they want to fuck in the bed or the shower, they need to get their own goddamn room, room with someone else or stay home, or face the wrath of an angry drunken former redneck with an old studded leather ass-whoopin' belt. I mean seriously, that shit's insanely rude and can make people feel really uncomfortable.

So far in 3 years of con-going I have not had one single problem.

>> No.6894913
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>that friend who tells strangers its ok to sleep in our room for the weekend

No. Fucking no.

>> No.6894944

At first it was just a lot of passive aggressive grunting to let them know we were still awake. Then the boyfriend finally told them off after a two terrible nights of sleep because he didn't want his insomnia to relapse. After that they slept over at her dorm for a month before slinking back.

>> No.6894952

>the boyfriend finally told them off after a two terrible nights of sleep

Kinda sad it took that long, but at least he said something.

>> No.6894957

all this sex negativity
should ask if you can join them

>> No.6894973

>That girl that gets naked in the convention room, and is NOT fit/small/cute and/or smells bad.
>That girl that gets all cuddly and intimate and she's not fit/small/cute
>That girl that steals from roomies- badges, dealers room items, cosmetics *WE KNOW IT'S YOU BITCH
>That creepy girl/guy that always manages to find you no matter how hard you try to hide
>That girl that tries to resell items from a grab bag in the dealer's room for a profit, then gets upset she has no food money

>> No.6894975
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Not everyone who doesn't like it when people fuck/shove their hands up shirts or down pants/slurp saliva in public is negative about sex. Quite honestly it's obnoxious and reeks of a need for affirmation and attention.

As an aside, fuck this modern whoreculture.

>> No.6894976

Holy shit this!
>con last year, I book the room
>hanging out with bro who is hittin on girls big time
>he gets really interested in one of them in particular
>she ends up hanging out with my group for a lot of the con
>stays later than she was planning to, no roo, skips ride home with friends
>no place to go
well that sucks, hope she can stay with my bro she's been all over
>he's in his brother's room, no space
>go to rave
>come back hours later, she's sleeping in my bed
In. My. Fucking. Bed.
>bro is nowhere to be found
>roomie let her in because apparently it had been 'cleared with me'
>sleep on the floor since I don't wanna be a creep
>yell about it in the morning

For fucks sake man, you don't just do that tleast I got free I-Hop.

>> No.6894977

My least personal favorite...

>That creepy/talkative/overly friendly guy/girl that hangs around your Artist Alley table and scares away all your customers, and you can't get away because it's your fucking Artist Alley table. Fucking damn it.

>> No.6894983
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I tend to have nightmare roommates. I need to share my full stories someday.

This happened before. Never again did I room with that person (despite us being close friends).

There was a separate incident where we had an almost all-nighter party and we didn't find out until the hungover morning that one guy was fully awake as he watching everyone in the room sleep.

>that one girl that cries over her ex and your dumbass roommate brings her in as an attempt to get into her pants

The girl is cool, but that roommate and ex of hers were assholes. Her ex dumped her and then told my roommate he could have her.

>> No.6894993
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>tfw you ask them to move and they make a scene / tell other people to not buy from the table

>> No.6894998

>That girl that gets naked in the convention room, and is NOT fit/small/cute and/or smells bad.
>That girl that gets all cuddly and intimate and she's not fit/small/cute

See, now you know how it feels to be creeped on.

Just kidding, haha. Sorry that all had to happen to you. Sage because no real contribution.

>> No.6895006

It just does.

>> No.6895014

Ugh. This. How do you even combat it? T_T

>> No.6895018


The same way a magnet attract metal.

The same way cons attract socially inept nerds.

It is their natural purpose.

>> No.6895027


>> No.6895042
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No idea. We ignored him and offered a little sale to the people who came over to see what all the yelling was about.

>> No.6895061

> that one friend wakes up early to go to the con but insists on waking everyone else up.

>> No.6895063

reading this thread i feel like we all have that sleazeball friend who's trying to get into some broken bitch's pants at the con, and then said girl ends up causing room dramus

>> No.6895086

> that one guy who became hysterically butthurt and declared a full-blown vendetta against me just because he didn't get Best in Show at a contest I was hired to judge

> that one girl who stopped being able to afford rent because she over-committed to cosplay and tried too hard to climb the popularity ladder, borrowed hundreds from family and friends to afford living expenses, blew it on more cosplay, had to move back in with family, and is STILL DOING MOAR COSPLAY while debt piles up and friends dwindle because the butt-pats from tumblr and facebook fanboys feel like validation

> that one guy who thinks that being head of media for a small/mid-sized con gives him the right to boss everyone around IRL and constantly act negative and bitchy in order to gain control of every situation he's in ever

> that one girl who constantly cosplays from games she hasn't played, comics she hasn't read, etc. and justifies with it BUT I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE MUH NERD CRED SILLY BOYS DON'T HIT ON ME

>> No.6895094

>That one friend who ends up spending 90% of his time in the hotel room and expects you to keep him company for most of it.

>> No.6895115


I am now paranoid that you may know who I am talking about. What state/con?

>> No.6895125
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>sleazeball friend who's trying to get into some broken bitch's pants at the con

My husband had a friend like that. I think he had a case of nice guy syndrome and was really socially awkward. One time he spent talking maybe 10/15 minutes with a girl, then tried asking her out. When she pulled her boyfriend up to her and told him she was seeing somebody, he stormed off to our room and pouted in the corner for an hour before we got him to tell us what happened. He was so mad that he ended up spilling his iced coffee all over the front of him when he couldn't get the door open right away.

Guy was a grade a moron too. He actually tried to pick a fight with one of our friends because he thought he was talking about him on /cgl/ like literally was looking for our friend at con threating to beat his ass. Other friends got ahold of him and told him too cool his ass down. He ended up losing the lot of us as friends, and he wasn't even going after the right person. Like seriously, he was going to try to kick the ass of the wrong person only on a assumptions.

>> No.6895152


>> No.6895178

>That one creepy guy who points out/remembers things you said in passing three or four years ago

>> No.6895194

>That one person who that thinks all the female/good cosplayers of cosplaying just for attention/not being a "real fan"
>Those few cosplayers that actually do just cosplay for attention and don't actually care about the source material.
>When those two collide.

Dammit, ruining it for everyone else.

>> No.6895196

>That person who will ditch every event and person to spend time with you in your room because you look upset. And then later complain that you ruined all the fun by dragging them away from the con.

Happens too often. I -just- need some quick people breaks every now and then. If I'm upset and really want you to come with me I will tell you or call you. If I don't say anything, don't come with me if you don't want to.

>> No.6895208
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I've seen this work in a bad way with my friends.

A friend of mine jumped in immediately with a trip. I lurked the board for a good year and posted here and there anonymously before tripping, so I knew a lot of what to expect. She did not, in fact, she hadn't even heard of this board until I mentioned it.

So, naturally, when she asked for a critique on her Lightning costume, she got torn apart (though there were a few compliments) and her self esteem was destroyed. She sold that cosplay and has lost interest in pursuing more complicated cosplays.

>> No.6895215

I guess a jorb well done, /cgl/?

>> No.6895263
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I think I remember that Lightning cosplayer actually... yeesh. It's like, not all of 4chan is the epitome of scum and villainy, but we're still 4chan and not very pleasant. Test the waters first before diving in head first.

>> No.6895583
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>that one creepy photographer who refuses to get the idea that you're trying to get somewhere and can't stop for photos

>> No.6895601

If somebody buckles to the internet they really don't have any place in the public world either, you literally cannot live without being tough and alpha, this goes for men and woman.

>> No.6895605

>>that one friend that blasts K-Pop everywhere

>> No.6895625

> that one girl who walks around in her underwear at a con, "it's my OC!", and thinks she's the best cosplayer ever because she's swarmed by perverted photographers.
>that one guy who always takes pictures of couples who are hugging or kissing.
> that one person cosplaying obscure characters who gets mad because you get more pictures taken since you cosplay a popular character.

>> No.6895649
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If a car bomb went off in one of the more popular cons, do you think it would kill one good/worthwhile human being?

>> No.6895650

You might accidentally kill a janitor or some poor fat security guard trying to feed his kids. But for the most part, you would be doing your country a favor.

>> No.6895660


>> No.6895667

>That one friend sewing in the hotel room until Sunday afternoon.

>That one friend who is desperate to be con famous, spends way too much money and time on a costume and throws a hissyfit when people don't treat her like the next coming of christ.

>That one friend who throws a tantrum and takes off her costume if she isn't getting as many photos as other people and sulks the rest of the weekend.

>That one friend who makes four costumes, gets piss-drunk Friday afternoon and doesn't wear any of them because she's hungover all weekend.

>That one friend who has 'social anxiety' which is fine in a crowd until she has to pee, wants to eat somewhere in particular or is in a shitty mood in which case she has an 'anxiety attack' and everyone needs to cave to her whims and if you don't do it you're an asshole.


> that one girl who stopped being able to afford rent because she over-committed to cosplay and tried too hard to climb the popularity ladder, borrowed hundreds from family and friends to afford living expenses, blew it on more cosplay, had to move back in with family, and is STILL DOING MOAR COSPLAY while debt piles up and friends dwindle because the butt-pats from tumblr and facebook fanboys feel like validation

I know far, far too many of these. Dropped out of school. No job. No money. Somehow flies across the country and goes to more cons and makes more costumes than anyone else I know. Complains on tumblr that her parents are abusive and cruel for telling her to sort her shit out, 1000 people agree.

>> No.6895672
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So literally every single cosplayer is a piece of shit. Good to know.

>> No.6895675

Nah, there are good ones but bad ones are more fun to bitch about. See below.

>That one friend who drives you to cons without asking for gas, never asks for a bed and keeps all their stuff in a tidy little corner all weekend and never creates

>That one friend who comes over to your house to help you bust out a last minute costume after you've been tearing your hair out and screaming and somehow manages to make it fun again.

>That one friend you see once a year at the con who is like a brother from another mother or sister from another mister who welcomes you with open arms and acts like you were just hanging out yesterday.

>That one friend who buys you your ticket when you're broke for a special surprise when you're feeling down.

>Those friends who don't forget your birthday is during the convention weekend and surprise you with a cake, pizza and a room full of people you know after losing in the costume contest.

>> No.6897645

> remember everything people ever said to me, even after years of being friends with them
> that long-term memory
That makes me a creep now?

>> No.6897734
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>That one friend who gives you shit if you're gonna be able to finish all your stuff in time for the con
>Same friend is a free-loader at home, doesn't go to school or work
>Same friend is notorious for finishing stuff last minute and uses you as motivation for getting shit done
>Same friend asks for your help in something minor but if you ask for help in something minor it's put off until you yourself end up taking care of it

Thankfully I've distanced myself from the friend since the previous con.

>> No.6897786

>That one friend who has 'social anxiety' which is fine in a crowd until she has to pee, wants to eat somewhere in particular or is in a shitty mood in which case she has an 'anxiety attack' and everyone needs to cave to her whims and if you don't do it you're an asshole.

Holy fuck, this.
I'm tired of dealing with the mysterious "anxiety attack" that apparently gives someone the right to lash out at everyone until they get their way. Then they're instantly okay.
Bonus points if they're coherent enough to update Facebook about it, and if they talk about how no one understands.

>> No.6897790
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Yeah. She uh...she told me once that she's worried she might attack someone because she is a sociopath. She read me a sociopath checklist and out of, like, twenty items she matched up with two, maybe four. She insisted for me not to worry since she would never hurt me or anyone she cared about, but she said not to be surprised if she suddenly murdered someone one day.

>do you even mental disorders

Now that I think about it, I'm kind of glad that I'm getting distanced from these friends. It makes me a stand alone cosplayer, but there's no drama with just me. I'm planning to go and looking forward to going to Sakuracon by myself.

>> No.6897882

The second I stopped trying to make cosplay friends and just relaxed and did my own thing was when my cosplay life got awesome. Now I just go to cons with my girlfriend and we make at least one new friend a con, and there is no group or room drama.

>> No.6897893

Do you mean artist alleyers, or people that literally just try to sell their art in the middle of the convention?
Because, if it's the first, you're irritated too easily. We're kind of paying to be there, and it's a part of the con.
If its the second, I can see that being justified.

>> No.6897894

I'm tired of dealing with stigma.
Oh but wait we're not allowed to complain about that because we are too 'different' for you cool folks. Yeah okay.

>> No.6897902

>that one girl in a slutty cosplay who hates on other girls for being in slutty cosplays

>> No.6897926

>That one Artist Alley tablemate that thinks it's okay to invite some girl she just befriended to sit in your seat behind the table while you go get some water.

>That one girl that thinks she knows everything about the local community and that she's really close with the "popular" people but not a lot of people like her.
Shit, is that me?
I know and talk to a lot of the more popular cosplayers and such, but I can feel negative thoughts just emulating from a couple of them, and it makes me really insecure, and that no one actually likes me.

>> No.6897935

>"I'm not allowed to complain"
>we are too 'different'

Oh, fuck you. No one said you weren't allowed to do something. People like you are the reason why there's a stigma and make it hard for those that actually have them so bad that they need to seek medical help.

>> No.6897986
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>that one friend who constantly blames their middle school weeaboo days on you when they were a weeaboo before they met you

I get that we both used to be weeaboos but can you please shut up and stop putting all the blame on me to make yourself look better?

>> No.6897999

>That one friend who is 1/4th Japanese and acts like she is "the Asian friend"
>Any time she or anyone else tells an Asian joke she says "Oh, It's funny because I'm Asian and I'm here! "
>She has DD breasts and always says "It's funny that my boobs are so big because most Asians have small boobs! How did that even happen?" And much much more.
It annoys me so much. She hardly even looks Asian. The only way you can tell at all is her eyes, and they're hardly Asian at all.
I feel like I'm the only one annoyed by this too. Everyone else eats her Asian act up.

>> No.6898038

>That regular enemy who you see all the damn time at the store but at cons you're free.

>> No.6898048

>That one friend
I'm the only one who has called her out on her bullshit, which is probably the foundation of our friendship.

>> No.6898053

Earplugs. I can't stress that enough.

>> No.6898058

I think I said one time or a couple times "But you're not even that Asian" But people say "Well, you can kind of see the Japanese in her eyes. They're a bit slanty." Or "But you should see her grandma! She's ridiculously Asian looking." But really just because her Grandma's 100% Japanese doesn't mean my one friend is.

>> No.6898061

>That one friend who finds you and then proceeds to look after you while you're in the middle of an anxiety induced breakdown in the middle of the con

Seriously, love her to death for helping to cheer me up and get me back to steady.

>> No.6898071


Ugh, I know a bitch like this. Except with her it's 1/4 Korean, and she's not actually Korean at all (her parents and grandparents can and have confirmed this).

>refers to herself as "this little azn right here"
>literally says it "ay-zin"
>only fucks offbrand Asians (viet, thai, etc.) because she "doesn't want to date outside her race" and the real Koreans all hate her and make fun of her
>is the typical western slut when she does it- goes on dates with guys she doesn't even like to get free shit and lets them buy her gifts while she continues leading them on while boning her beta Vietnamese fuckbuddy

>> No.6898084

I can sadly admit to this when I was 13 or so... I got in so much shit for like anime and taking martial arts I said I was part asian so people would leave me alone, but I at least tried not to mention it and it became a source of shame when I grew old enough to realize how stupid that was...

>> No.6898086


I think more than a few weebs claimed Asian heritage in the height of their weeb phases, but this bitch takes it to the extreme.

>> No.6898096

I never actually went through a "weeb phase". Sometimes I feel like I missed out but maybe it's all for the better?

>> No.6898100

> offbrand

I never had the claim-to-be-azn!11! weeb phase since I was (am) actually asian. But there was a Chinese girl I knew that would pretend to be partially Japanese because of the 'Japan raided China so the two races' blood totes mixed' shit.

>> No.6898107


BTW, I only use the term "offbrand asian" to piss her off, because to her Koreans and technically Japs are the only real azns (and then only because she was a weeb before she was a Koreaboo). I know it's probably racist as fuck but in her case I don't give a shit.

>> No.6898184
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she could be..although Japanese DNA diverged from mainland Chinese DNA thousands of years ago...

But how is being the product of a rape mean anything? Japs can be less attractive than Chinese on average because they're far more inbred.
Disregard those "average faces of X country" shit. I've seen many a photo of large groups of people in Japan and they are not any more attractive than Chinese people.

>> No.6898187

I'm full vietnamese; both my parents were immigrants, but I've been accused of lying at a convention when I told someone I was a full asian, and they called me a weeaboo for "lying" about it? Because apparently I look part caucasian, probably because me and both my parents have very large eyes.
But yeah. It was weird.

>> No.6898197

>have very large eyes

ya srs m8? You sound delusional. South Asians have bigger eyes than westerner on average, so the hurr big eyes mean white thing is totally bogus.

Southern Asians like Cambodians are mixed with Italians so that's why they have darker skins. Ugyrs are mixed with Italians too and they have very large eyes on average. But Italians themselves have oddly proportioned faces so their eyes don't look too large for their faces.

Ancerstors of modern Italians an some Nordid populations had a tendency to have abnormally large eyes. Not so much today, though.
>pic related

droped text

>> No.6898196
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>> No.6898203


>> No.6898204

I never said that the average south asian didn't have large eyes, but I meant that that could be a reason that someone might say I look more caucasian, because most people I know automatically assosicate asian-ness with "squinty eyes". There isn't exactly a large asian population around here to tell them any different, either.

>> No.6898214

most people don't realize what their genetic makeup consists of and thus probably don't know what they are.

Multiple studies have shown that northern/East/etc Asians show far more signs of neoteny than your average anglo-american.

Neoteny = bigger eyes/flatter faces

Neoteny is also present in Italians etc too in much higher concentrationms than Anglo-Caucasians but not as much as Asians.

>> No.6898215

Well, the more you know.

>> No.6898216

>If Scandinavians are highly neotenous based upon mutual sexual selection (Miller, 2000), with both sexes choosing mates exhibiting those blue-eyed, blond-haired, pale skin markers of a person able to thrive off dairy and sunlight (Harris, 1989), then one would also expect to see larger brains (Tobias, 1970) and a cooperative, care-based society (Eisler, 2007). Long arms and legs can also go with a low-testosterone neotenous constellation.

Asian societies, specifically Chinese peoples, also exhibit neoteny (Montagu, 1989), with perhaps both sexes choosing small-sized mates to manage limited nourishment sources. Female estrogen levels are low (Diamond, 1986) and left-handedness is low (Dawson, 1974), with the males’ testes size almost half of a Scandinavian population adjusted for size (Diamond, 1986). These are all patrifocal markers.

Chinese populations mature far faster and reach puberty sooner (Eveleth & Tanner, 1976) than Northwest Europe populations, an acceleration consonant with a patrifocal frame, yet they exhibit neotenous or maturational-delayed features such as relatively larger brains and flat-faced, diminutive features.

>> No.6898220

back on topic
>that guy who takes a massive shit in the hotel room bathroom, leaves it unflushed for hours, and doesn't own up to it when it's finally discovered, near-cemented to the bowl.

>> No.6898224

>that one friend who brings two random whores to the room and asks everyone else to get out of the hotel room so he can "use the bed"

>that one friend who brings in their loser friend who tries to coach our cosplay skit as if he's some sort of fucking director

>that friend who does nothing to assist in keeping the room organized or anything, comes in piss drunk, pukes on the floor and on some guy's stuff, and doesn't even clean anything up.

>> No.6898245

>Southern Asians like Cambodians are mixed with Italians so that's why they have darker skins
lolwut. Please tell me where you got this from?

>> No.6898255
File: 166 KB, 258x281, e4637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good fucking god I'm eating right now

Captcha: uggymen destruction
Thank you, captcha.

>> No.6898325
File: 41 KB, 312x409, tab31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he authors checked all the various combinations, and these came out at the top as likely admixtures (i.e., the two sources produce particular patterns in the target). Please remember that these triads should not be taken literally. The Uygur are not descended from Japanese and Italians. Rather, they are descended from populations with genetic affinities to these two sources.


A lot of what this guy is saying is little more than wishful thinking since he's azn or something but Italians and Cambodians do have genes in common.

>> No.6898367

Well, that's going to make for some interesting reading. Gonna have to bookmark that for later.

>> No.6898430
File: 13 KB, 91x81, Screen Shot 2013-05-15 at 10.10.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend that brings their 12 year old weeby cousin along for the con and tries to sneak them into 18 plus panels so they don't have to leave them unattended

>that one friend that tries to set you up with her smelly weeb friend

>that one friend who brings a boom box and blasts nothing but gangam style, pon pon pon and caramelldansen

>> No.6898446
File: 499 KB, 400x302, CatLick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, though it kind of drifts on the same thought line of Americans telling other people they're British.

>> No.6898456

You need new friends, anon.

>> No.6898493

>That one friend who told you to wear your LARP gear to a con and said you'd fit in

I'm glad my community doesnt have these smelly plump weebs.

>> No.6898547

America was founded by the British, moron. Most Americans have Brit blood in them, even the niggers.

>> No.6898606

I have a memory like that. I don't think it's creepy unless you bring up embarrassing stuff or awkward stuff out of nowhere.

>> No.6898616

You'd think people would be tired of Caramelldansen by now.

>> No.6898633

I think you missed the point of my statement anon.

>> No.6898669 [DELETED] 

Is that you Asuka?

>> No.6898670

My one friend last year begged me for a ride to Otakon and I thought, "why not?"

When I went to go pick her up she had (without asking me) invited three of her other friends into my car. I thought, "oh why not, what's the worse that could happen?"

All they did was bitch and moan about all the walking they did, not being given enough money from their parents to buy shit and one of the girls (who I didn't know) even had the audacity to ask me to pay for her dinner at one of the sit down places nearby. Same girl also told me she needed to be taken home immediately for whatever reason she didn't elaborate on which kind of ruined the rest of the night for me since there were panels I wanted to go to.

None of them even offered a single damn dollar for gas or parking.

Never. Again.

>> No.6898812
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>That one girl who says her friend needs a room and will take your spare reservation
>Exchange texts with her, everything is good
>Get text months later saying she's scared to enter her boyfriend's credit card because they might take the whole amount out
>What the fuck
>"Yeah, I don't want to risk it because everyone might not pay me."
>This bitch that you don't even know wants you to put the room with 7+ people in it on your credit card

>> No.6898856
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>Those friends you made from a fandom who stayed up until like 3 am in the con room with lights on crowded around the computer chatting loudly and squealing about stupid ass shit.

This made me 10/10 rage because I didn't come to the freaking con to stay up all night so I'd be exhausted the next day. And when I told them to knock it off and go to sleep they took that as continue to talk in hushed voices and turn the lights out but still giggle and squeal at random intervals.

Tried rooming with the same people and about a month or so before the con, our room was full with about 8 people. Being in my name, I told them that 8 was maximum and no one else was allowed in. So they tried to persuade me " just one more person, come on anon it's a friend and we just found out she could come so please please please." And basically a full night of fucking no, we already decided this, don't decide this shit without asking the person in charge of the fucking room, they decided to split off and leave us with like 4 people, making the price of the room skyrocket and have more people swaying on whether to stay in our expensive room or join the others.

We ended up cancelling the room and not going to the con. I told them to fuck off and never talk to me again, completely disconnected with them, and to this day I don't room with anyone except REALLY close friends.

>> No.6898861

In the wild, these traits are often found together.

>> No.6898864

Keep fighting the good fight anon

Off-topic sage

>> No.6898867

I don't mean to be insensitive, but it kinda sounds like you were the party pooper here. I wouldn't want to room with you either if everyone in the room wanted to hang out except for you, and everyone was paying in on the room as well. The only time "in charge of the room" matters is when your card is on the room and people are fucking it up or disturbing neighbors late at night. Outside of that, if everyone is paying equal shares they get to decide what time to go to bed and what activities they want to participate in. Turning off the lights and lowering their voices were the appropriate responses, but you trying to be room dictator is most likely why everyone left your room.

For the same price, in fact less so, they could go to a room where they were allowed to have fun on everyones terms.

>> No.6898872


You clearly didn't read the entire post.

>> No.6898875

I wasn't the only one who was trying to go to sleep, but I was the only one who spoke up to tell them to go to sleep. Especially when the next morning everyone was complaining about how horribly tired they were. There were 4 of them being loud and me and 3 shy people were trying to sleep. I bet you'd find it obnoxious too to be dead asleep and startled awake 3 hours later by someone screaming about how cute that picture/person is.

It's just as well that I room with people I know regardless since we all go to bed at normal times to get up early enough to enjoy the con and not feel like we've been hit by a truck.

>> No.6898876

If you haven't already, that sounds like the exact kind of explanation you need to give for them to understand, hopefully

>> No.6898877

Actually I just missed the part about trying to add in more people. That part is for sure wrong, in fact, seriously what the fuck were they thinking? But I stand by the rest.

>> No.6898878

ah well see, you made it sound like only you were upset. If there were more people then you were completely justified to be upset.

>> No.6898883

Sorry then, I think I just got too angry remembering it. Honestly if it were me by myself I'd just put in earplugs since past con experiences have taught me that someone is going to snore horribly and always bring some.

>> No.6898914

>snoring horribly

Oh god.. that "one guy" is my mom. She used to snore so loud that I had to carry my boyfriend into the bathroom and sleep in the tub because otherwise my EARS fucking hurt from how loud she could get.

Ear plugs have been a necessity for years now.

>> No.6899740

also based Vapes.

>> No.6899772

>That friend who sets up the hotel rooms wrong so there's not enough beds for everyone
>You end up sleeping on the floor and have an aching back all con

>> No.6900087

>That one girl you're constantly doing favors for because she can't handle real life, you ask her for one thing and she flips her lid
Hope you enjoy having no friends, since I'm the only one here that ever put up with your crazy diva shit.

>> No.6900126

> That one con mom who got off work at 3am and just getting into the hotel room who still agreed to take you to the ER even though she was dead tired, and sat there with you until noon...
I still can't thank her enough for being with me

>> No.6900127

How'd you get injured?

>> No.6900191

>That friend of a friend you're sharing a crowded room with who takes the bed all weekend and comes up with some bullshit reason why.

>> No.6900280

>The one brony faggot who fucks up with the lust of his now, gets piss drunk stupid in your hotel room, thus forcing you to go find the girl in question to fix it.

>> No.6900288
File: 62 KB, 500x282, BANG BANG MUTHAFUCKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those DYEL guys that cosplay as buff characters
Every time.

>> No.6900325

>I don't mean to be insensitive, but
Here's a tip, anytime you use the word 'but' you cancel out the previous sentence.

>> No.6900332

> Yeah I roomed at a popular con in Maryland one year with one such bitch. I thought it was for real, but the following year, her antics led me to believe that cunt was acting.

>> No.6900337

Avoided by making people pay before the con, and if they don't then they are SOL

>> No.6900348

>that friend who invites his friends that you don't know to stay overnight in your room without telling you because they have no way to get home so you come in at 3am to find extra bodies on the floor that did not pay and were not invited

Fucking Dragon*con EVERY TIME.

>> No.6900349

Did you try explaining to her how credit cards work? Or is she too simple minded for that?

>That one friend who says they will cosplay with you (team cosplay where you go as one person and they go as someone else from the same series) but only to cancel at the last moment and so you're stuck walking around the convention and they have the gall to complain that they didn't get to cosplay.

>> No.6900350

No it doesn't. If they are trying to tell you what they want to say and not sound insensitive, how should they go about doing it then?

>> No.6900352

>that asian girl who never makes costumes but posts ten million make-up progress pictures that don't look anything like the characters

she pretty much draws on her eyes/face/nose and it looks bizarre

>> No.6900363

>That guy who sat in front of your seat at the cosplay / masquerade, blocking your shots while getting video and had a girly laugh

>That guy who interrupted your stream of consciousness ramble while in the waiting line to get in the dealer's room by being a dick and telling you to shut up

>That overzealous security dude who took it upon himself to fuck with anyone wanting to videotape anything

>> No.6900381

>that skinnyfat 5/10 who has a huge ego and thinks every guy wants to fuck her and tries to get with all the guests

>> No.6900393

I have a feeling I know who you are talking about. Momocon 2013 AA?

>> No.6900397

> squirrel-fucking insane
Knowing people like this this is the very best description of them.

>> No.6900399

>That one friend who barely makes any money to begin with and struggles to put any food on the table yet goes to cons at any given opportunity.

I cannot tell you how many friends I have like this. I stopped trying to give them advice and I never EVER give them money anymore. They are still fun to hang out with and chat with, but man are they going nowhere in life.

>> No.6900407

What I don't understand is how they think they can live their whole lives like that. You're in your late teens/early 20s, how are you going to keep this up for the next 60+ years?

>> No.6900409

That third one.
> Theres so much drama!!1!
Bitch you either hunt for drama or make it yourself.

>> No.6900410

Can I hear some stories?

>> No.6900416

It's a conservative and cowardly way of covering your ass when talking.
If you're really concerned with how you can say whatever you want without offending, I suggest socializing more often. As far as I'm concerned, anytime someone puts 'but' in their sentence, I disregard the previous statement. It's just a candyass way of sugarcoating the next statement.

>> No.6900438


>those friends who aren't as drunk as their other friend, who looks like they are getting over their head
>those friends who ignore their friend who is getting really sick and puking
>those friends who keep laughing and messing around while their friend passes out on the bathroom floor and you are the only one to notice so you end up saving his ass from asphixiating on his own puke

Jesus christ, your friend seriously could have died in the bathroom alone, you all are shitty friends. I didn't even know the guy goddamn.

>> No.6900440

When I hear that someone say they don't want to sound insensitive, I believe them. I don't see how else they would let me know they're not trying to be a jerk and are trying to kindly tell you their thoughts.

>> No.6900452

>that person leaving their half-eaten Chinese food and pizza out in the hotel room for two days

Oh god I have so many stories about fucking instant ramen cups.

>room with some friends who I thought were cool at d*con 2010
>one girl dyes her hair fucking red in the bathtub, stains all the hotel towels
>another girl does bodypaint, gets it all over the sink and mirror
>ALL of them eat their way through one of those boxes of instant ramen cups, I'm talking like 24 cups
>most, if not all, were left half eaten with the broth still in the cups all over the room
>we could not get the putrid smell of spicy shrimp ramen out of the room for the rest of the weekend
>overall shitty con in terms of room

>> No.6900455

Not offense, but you sound very stupid.

>> No.6900458

Piggybacking off this
>those friends in your con group who will always give you shit for getting to sleep in the bed at that particular con even though its your turn to

We have a system where we switch off on who gets the bed on cons, so like at con A friend 1 gets the bed, con B friend 2 gets it, etc. I never complain about it when its not my turn, but damn they bitch and moan. I also hate sharing the bed with people so they bitch when I won't let them sleep next to me. Fuck that.

>> No.6900471

>that one friend who's on press who acts like he/she's working for CNN even though they're working for a small website/blog
>that one friend who asks you to accompy them in the autograph line because they want all their stuff signed even when you don't have anything for the guests to sign

>> No.6900476

You can't seriously think someone's stupid just because they have one different opinion than you.
I think that you are too quick to judge what people are saying, but I wouldn't say you're stupid. I don't even know you so why would I judge you so quickly?

>> No.6900478

Not cosplay so not really cgl relevant. Suffice to say some goths can be really awesome, some goths are drama farming loonies for whom the description from the poster i quoted covers some of the crazy.

>> No.6900483

Different anon. Didn't you read the first part though? I obviously meant no offense. Seriously, dude. This is why we can't have nice conversations.

>> No.6900489

Okay, so the only con I go to is just a 45 minute train ride away so I've never had to stay in a hotel for it, so I have a question to those who do have to stay in a hotel. How fucking expensive are these rooms you're staying in that you need to split the cost with 7 other people in order to afford the room?

>> No.6900502

How would it be -different anon- if -you- meant no offence? And stop being a bitch.

>> No.6900504

Electric Lady?

>> No.6900513


I know for Anime Boston this year, I looked at the sponsored hotels in like January and they were like $250 a night iirc. Ones where you don't need to be 21 at check in are even more expensive. If you're cheap/really young, I can see why splitting would definitely be a good idea (just not with that many people. You aren't even allowed to do that).

>> No.6900517

But aren't there cheaper hotels around? And some people ITT have talked about driving from their hotel to the con location, they would have the option of just staying at a different place, right?

>> No.6900524

I'm the anon with the no offense comment and the one who replied afterwards. That's why I said "I obviously meant[...]"

Making you see that point of view felt odd. I never thought anyone would need to see it so black-and-white to understand it. So I guess you do now. When people say
>no offense
>not to be mean
>not to sound rude
>I don't wanna sound like a bitch
It will be followed up by something mean or rude or offensive or bitchy. Except that they'll try to make it into this beat around the bush way to make themselves look nicer.

Which is even more obvious in this case, because she made a very uninformed assumption even though she had not really paid attention to what she was reading. So I'll side with first anon here.

>> No.6900554

Your decision comes down to either
>pay less and commute
>pay more and don't commute
Personally I don't like commuting to cons like I used to and that way you can stay for everything without having to worry what time to leave to head back in the car to the hotel

>> No.6901588

Actually had a gallbladder attack, i didn't know what it was at the time, but i found out that morning...

>> No.6903610

tfw cheap hostel that doesnt offer free wifi

>> No.6903668

If you're in the US, I know who you're talking about. There's a guy in the south like that. My friends and I literally told him that we wanted our own pictures and he kept jacking our whole photoshoot and wouldn't go away. I was trying to be really nice since I arranged the shoot myself, but I finally told him to go away. I had to tell him a separate time not to take my picture anymore because he's a known pervert and wants 50 poses when he asks for "a" picture.

>That one photographer who doesn't speak enough English to know people are trying to tell him to nicely go fuck himself with a sandpaper dildo.

>> No.6903708

>That one guy who can't get over the fact that you didn't want to have sex with him two years ago, so he STILL spreads around that you're a bitchy whore to everyone who lends him an ear on the con scene.

>That one girl who is nice enough to see through his lies and quotes what he said to you.

>Those other friends that come forward with the same story from him, who were too smart to believe him.

>That one guy that everyone now knows is a liar, who has no friends on the con scene anymore, and I didn't have to say a single word about him for karma to bite his ass.

>> No.6903714


That feel is best feel.

>> No.6903718

>that one friend who is really friendly and invites strangers in the room to hang out

Seriously, can they not? Especially when it's your room and they don't ask before hand and 10+ people are suddenly in you room when you get back to change or something.

>> No.6903725

>That underage hambeast Homefag that decides it's cool to strip in front of your boyfriend and wanders around with her vag exposed.

Seriously, if it wouldn't have been child abuse or some shit I would have knocked the sense into her. I would have been way more upset had my boyfriend not almost puked and shoved both of our heads back under the blankets to avoid being blinded.

>> No.6903733
File: 249 KB, 548x367, godsendme2sleepplz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one person in the room who snores so loudly that no one else in the room gets any sleep and everyone is grumpy as shit the next morning

If I die from over dose, it's that asshole's problem
>pic related, it's my savior for the weekend
>tfw I know I'm the lightest sleeper in the room
>tfw I'm the last one to fall asleep all the time

>> No.6903744

Sounds like my roommate.

>> No.6903773

I always worry this is me!
I bring those nose strips just in case and tell everyone to hit me if I snore. It's so embarrassing...

>> No.6903787

I guess she really wanted those spot passes

>> No.6903794

figure out what they like and suggest another artist on the other side of the room they should check out. OR divert your attention to another potential customer that looks at your table and hope they get bored and leave

>> No.6903795

Because of past issues, trying to get to sleep outside of my own home can stir up panic attacks in me. So pretty much every night at a con I get my drinking done early and hit the PMs at 9pm or so to subside most of the anxiety that may occur. Still I'm usually last to get to sleep and sitting awake in a dark room with sleep-breathing everywhere is so uncomfortable. Meh.

>> No.6903796

Fucking this.

Went to Metrocon last year with a girl that's extremely bipolar and all she wanted to do was sit and text. The other friend I went with and I stayed with her though because if we lost her she'd throw a major bitch fit on how we don't like her anymore. Also, like the first fucking con I went to I had a hambeast of a friend come with us and she just sat and basically cried in the corner because no one wanted to take pictures of her

>> No.6903806

I do that sometimes, but when people walk buy and check out their stuff, I just mention how freaking cool I think the artist is and that some of their best stuff isn't even on display.

Probably the only booth I've ever felt I annoyed was Death-a-Sketch. I feel justified because I buy them sodas and shit, though. They're seriously there for four days just handing out free (poorly drawn) sketches.

>> No.6903841

>spend a lot of time making a cosplay
>go to con
>someone else did the same one, only better

I hate that guy.

>> No.6903844

Holy shit, how many of these are different people?

>> No.6903893

The difference right here is that you're obviously trying to offend him to prove a point, while SlowMope was being sincere.

>> No.6903926
File: 18 KB, 366x380, 33xueiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend who you bought a wig for as a gift and who destroys it completely beyond repair after 1 day of wear

>that one friend who refuses to have character accurate hair (read: emo fringe at all times) because its "uncomfortable" and throws off your entire cosplay group's appearance

>that one friend who whines about not being able to sew so basically has you make her costume for her, then the entire time at the con she complains about how the costume is uncomfortable or falling apart in places (which she then whines at me to fix them on the spot) and after about an hour wants to change outfits.

>that same friend who basically takes credit for the costume you made for them

>that friend that thinks buying junk food for the room amounts to the same as paying for their portion of the room. the snacks are all what SHE likes anyway.

>> No.6903948

>already bought and started working on a costume for a friend (as a birthday present)
>got caught up with school work so the con was closing in and I wasn't finished
>publicly gives me an attitude on her status when she basically said if I didn't finish the costume by thursday (we werent wearing that costume until saturday and I reminded her I could sew at the con if I had to.) that she would simply refuse to wear it.
>complained the whole time she wore it.
>now she looks back and jokingly says how "shitty" the costume was.

>> No.6903962

Just drop that friend, seriously.

>> No.6903964

This, but to almost everyone here.

>> No.6903969

>how are you going to keep this up for the next 60+ years?

Welfare, government money, becoming a lifer at McD's, mooching, etc.

>> No.6903976

Yea that too. Just have people pay for gas/hotels upfront, if they don't have the money, don't give them a lift or let them stay. Their problem not yours.

>> No.6904093

Where I live, they're narrowing down who gets welfare.

>> No.6904114

>that guy you never met who goes up to you when you're talking to a girl to talk about fucking body pillows.
I'm not using fucking as an adjective.

>> No.6905909 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 199x200, 1370029297036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Please, someone help me/her ;-;. The Con's in three days and she wanted to do a fucking complicated character, and I'm trying to suggest different cosplays but her main focus is that one and she's trying to push making it on me. Any suggestions for easy big girl cosplays please?

>> No.6907675

That's how I met my boyfriend! It was around 1am and I was sitting on one of the couches watching robotech and he asked if he cold join.

>> No.6908996
File: 422 KB, 567x489, 1328287585074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend that wants to split the hotel with you but wines about the price


>that one friend who decides to bring random people into the hotel room to "hang out" and they end up sleeping there.

>> No.6909009

>>that one friend who's on press who acts like he/she's working for CNN even though they're working for a small website/blog

MY GOD I KNOW/DESPISE THAT FUCKING FRIEND, every time I see them at a con they complain to me how busy they are and all the interviews they have yet still follow me around to fucking brag about press pass. fuck you and nobody gives a shit about blogspot anyway!

>> No.6909012

that fucking file name! lol

>> No.6909506
File: 61 KB, 500x750, 139964c0fb37d7d819f215a83c1c2eeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one girl who cosplays characters JUST so she can do them "better" than someone else
Fucking bitch, I tell you. Couldn't tell anyone who I was cosplaying beforehand just in case she decided to make it before I could...