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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 348 KB, 380x577, oojia hot mess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6877992 No.6877992 [Reply] [Original]

Latest and greatest brought to you from our favourite indie designer

Indie designer thread/the good, the bad, and the ugly since I lost the old one

>> No.6878076

are there any indie brands that are fairly reasonably priced? I don't want to pay brand price for a non print simple skirt. that shit's downright retarded.

>> No.6878099

What range do you consider "reasonably priced" and what do you consider "simple"?

>> No.6878128

I don't think think I'd pay even 50 dollars for the dress in OP's pic, lol.

If it's a good dress, though, I'd be willing to pay $90-$150.

>> No.6878143


Woops, meant so say -- depending on your expected price range and what you're looking for, I might be able to recommend someone from my list

>> No.6878158

Who the hell is this, and why is it so ugly? Also mouldy walls and kiddie drawings.

>> No.6878167

I think the problem is the dress is so big and the mannequin is so small, it makes the dress look super sloppy and awkward

>> No.6878168

Image name says Oojia, which also answers why it looks like shit.

>> No.6878176
File: 79 KB, 1000x667, oj chiffon dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really really like this dress she did

>> No.6878177

Oo Jia, you're drunk, go home.

>> No.6878194
File: 90 KB, 786x960, oo jia apron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the construction of this apron looks good, too

>> No.6878203

Suit yourself. I love Oo Jia.

>> No.6878216

It's a VM replica by Oo Jia. Dunno why people bother, HMHM and Kidsyoyo and SurfaceSpell all did it to varying degrees, HMHM still offers it.

>> No.6878237


>> No.6878291

prise range $70-$150 $175 is pushing it. I'd be willing to go higher if things were custom-made. I'm looking for sugary sweet things, (prints not needed, just a cute design) I'm also just looking in general (style doesn't matter) who KNOWS how to make custom dresses for tall girls. I've orded custom dresses and had the bust seams land right under my collarbone. also love bloomershorts and any salopette like things.

>> No.6878310

shit how does that even happen

>> No.6878335

Sorry am on mobile. I really want a misty sky replica, does she still sell fabric? I'd rather make it myself :/

>> No.6878371

I'm not 100% sure about taller girls. But you could possibly try sweet mildred.


Once her summer cons are done, she should be back up and running in her etsy shop. I ended up paying $140 for the JSK and matching headbow at anime boston. She'll also be at Frill this weekend. I'd personally say contact her and ask her what her experience is with sewing for taller girls.

>> No.6878585

I would totally get this cloud chambers skirt if it weren't for the fact that I'm waiting on 7 dresses

>> No.6878592
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Fucking pic.

>> No.6878619
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New Korean Indie brand I've been keeping an eye on:

>> No.6878645

That's really fucking nice, anon!

>> No.6878784


I have bought from Jia before and what I bought was fine, but holy jesus batman this is awful.

>> No.6878785


Just drop her an email, she usually does sell fabric so there is a chance she might.

>> No.6878788

Please update on quality if and when you get a dress

>> No.6878790


It's on Hello Lace and it says they do international shipping, but looking at their website, I don't know if paying through paypal is possible

>> No.6878802

Fab. At least I can do proportions.

>> No.6882109

Moar! I love to see terrible 'lolita' things from etsy!

>> No.6882281

This is good to hear. What's /cgl/'s stance on using replica prints for original patterns? Cuz there's a couple prints I love, but can't stand the actual pattern/shape of the dress.

>> No.6882301

I'm not terribly against it, but prefer to see rehashed versions of actual original print garments.

>> No.6882308

Wasn't there a girl who altered a Vampire Requiem skirt into shorts for her boyfriend? If I recall correctly It was really cool.

>> No.6882349 [DELETED] 

>crooked stitching

>> No.6885005

What I mean is like, some prints that weren't released as skirts that are turned into skirts, skirts made high waisted/corset waisted, accent colors changed, or the shape of a bodice changed to be more flattering to certain body types. I love certain prints (Twinkle Journey, that pretty mermaid one, some others) but I'm quite tall, and even when I find something that matches my waist/bust, its far too short in the bodice or hits at a weird place on my waist. I don't want to ruin a limited item like a brand dress that would suit someone else perfectly as is, so I'd rather buy the fabric and make it on my own.

>> No.6885103

If the fabric comes directly from the company I have no problem, but if you are buying knock off prints I'd much rather see you take apart a used brand dress any day really. I am not hating on replica buyers, I just have a friend who's job it is to make the digital art for some companies' fabric (main stream american brand stuff) and I know it would just break her heart to have her hard work stolen. If I were to run a brand I'd be sure to sell a small portion of my custom print fabrics, sure at a really high fee and note that it could only be used for home sewing, but that is just me.

>> No.6885144

Nah. One of the ex-Baby staff members took a skirt and made himself pants. It looked awful.

>> No.6885146
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>> No.6885149
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Difficult to imagine, but I managed to find something more awful.

>> No.6885153

I could see this working .... if it were tailored better and coordinated well. As it stands, those tights and shorts are not helping him at all.

>> No.6885154

The tights, shorts, and shoes have got to go.

>> No.6885155


Never has there been a more fitting file name.

>> No.6885161

I think the vest is cute, too bad he looks like a flaming faggler with no style in every other sense.
>those rhs
No, those will never look good on men.

>> No.6885205

new? not really
They are around for a few years already. I wonder why nobody ever buys from them though. The quality looks quite nice from the stok pictures.

>> No.6885247

Looks cute from the thumbnail, but the closeup looks like Romwe fodder.

>> No.6885311
File: 153 KB, 960x605, 677_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was twinning you gais !!

(I loathe the Chocolate Rosette vest the other guy has. Such a pretty print can't look this tacky)

>> No.6885337

I dunno, it kinda looks like he wasn't forced into wearing it. All he needed was brown loafers and then the outfit would look tons better immediately.

>> No.6885369

>All he needed was brown loafers
THISSS. Fuckin a

>> No.6885381

It's your money. Do what you want with it.

>> No.6885431


It *is* really cute, though I'd prefer a longer skirt on it.
Might actually order this if she does other colours as well, it's lovely.

>> No.6885471
File: 114 KB, 960x720, 945457_379487715502777_528603195_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the new Lief stuff that has come out. And I do like those white shoes with that coord.

>> No.6885482
File: 80 KB, 500x754, 923214_540614555990281_172002443_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Baroque sailor lolita

>> No.6885486

>baroque sailor lolita
anon, that's a sailor-inspired otome at best.

>> No.6885488
File: 418 KB, 596x395, tumblr_mm7qmpzPhR1sp9586o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Margaret

>> No.6885490
File: 101 KB, 625x960, 480421_540635835988153_1470006593_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has more of the lolita silhouette then?

>> No.6885493
File: 49 KB, 600x800, 603161_591513297547087_1432082151_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haenuli (but not loving this color way because it makes me think of vomit)

>> No.6885496
File: 60 KB, 640x960, 10064_548407201869842_981731892_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Snow Field

>> No.6885500

Dam what's the indie brand with the spoon velvet dress?

>> No.6885503
File: 29 KB, 250x375, 70726f647563742f6d65616c30312e6a70670032353000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vierge vampur. 2 of my friends have it, fucking jelly.

>> No.6885505

I wish she'd make just a skirt for that. I'm not a fan of the bodice.

>> No.6885514

It's my favourite style of dress, it's a lot of the appeal for me.

>> No.6885894

god this guy was/probably still is a douchebag

>> No.6886026
File: 148 KB, 570x589, etsy horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon delivers!

>> No.6886042
File: 379 KB, 1000x1500, il_fullxfull.381226808_456k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superman lolita skirt from etsy.

>> No.6886054

A friend of mine has it, too. It's gorgeous in person.

>> No.6886070


>> No.6886081
File: 92 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.459228923_hxv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

etsy lolita skirt

>> No.6886090

Okay, I am quite positive that that is a leftover tablecloth.

>> No.6886514

Omg it looks like it is yellowed from living in a trunk in the attic for too long. EW.

>> No.6886547

The construction doesn't look too bad but damn. That poor fabric choice. That horrible design.

>> No.6886596

is it bad that i actually kinda like that? just not for loli

>> No.6886608

It would be much nicer if it was remade with a different and much better fabric. Reminds me of these moths.

Speaking of moths, any indie designers done a good moth print yet?

>> No.6886611
File: 308 KB, 950x633, tumblr_m9ovurbb5G1rpxjywo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it help if I remembered the picture.

>> No.6886649

same dress with petticoat
the detailing is what makes it otome
there's nothing lolita about it
knee-length poofy skirt doesn't make automatic lolita, even though there's a little bit of scalloping on it.
i'm pretty annoyed by all the "lolita" dresses/skirts that have no lolita detailing whatsoever.
(not the original otome anon)

>> No.6886665

man that needs an ironing like something fierce. i want to buy some of oo jia's fabrics to make stuff, but she doesn't have some of the prints i want, or the color quality (her black stained angel replica is more like super super dark green) isn't there.

>> No.6886671

That is understandable. How do you feel about taking the prints and only printing up replicas in colorways that were not officially released? Like say, Chess Chocolate in burgundy or something.

>> No.6886676

the ageplay-eyest of ageplay shit.

>> No.6886762

I think if you take an original print like chess chocolate into photoshop and really play around with the images and make it more your own, it would be totally cool! Like.... maybe making a chocolate trump version? It would be your own original art inspired by AP and be something really unique

>> No.6886783

>there's nothing lolita about it
Is that what you say about all non-printed dresses?

>> No.6886791

You sound really really new.

>> No.6886952

actually, i'm talking about dresses that are all print and no detailing. just gathered skirts and princess bodices.

>> No.6887029

Finally a skirt that goes perfectly with battenburg parasols lol.

>> No.6887061

You are either really stupid or really ita.
Possibly both.

Though I do agree that the fabric choice is rather un-loli. It looks like cutsew fabric.

>> No.6887107

Yeah the mustardyness of it is awful. The purple one looks pretty neat I might get it

>> No.6887258
File: 141 KB, 960x540, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh.......has anyone made a Grumpy Cat border print yet? Spoonflower is a clusterfuck of mistagged shit, so can't find anything.

>> No.6887404

oh my god yes please

>> No.6887427

Not a single company that I'm aware of sells their custom print fabric on the side for home use. If this were an option I would jump on it, not only for moral reasons but for quality as well. Also, as I said, I'm above average in height. Its impossible for me to alter a pre-existing dress to fit my long torso. I already own a non-printed jsk which I am desperately searching a matching fabric for so I can adjust the straps at least, though it will always be too short in the torso (if its at my natural waist, the top is halfway down my boobs. Pull it up to cover boobs, and waist is way up on my ribs)

>> No.6887443

THISSSS. I *can* sew, quite well, and I would much rather just sew my own stuff instead of having to trawl every forum trying to work out the fit of a particular burando reservation before anyone even has it in their hands.

I have a big (10DD) bust and a sway back that makes my already small waist even smaller, meaning my bust to waist ratio is ridiculous. If I get dresses that fit perfectly on my waist, they're going to give me massive loafboob... I'm actually at the point where I'm considering getting a binder just to flatten them down for lolita.

Related I guess- which brands are good for that? Indie or otherwise?
And don't tell me shit like oh lace it looser around your bust - that shit isn't always going to fix all fit problems without then wrinkling under your arms.

Sage for offtopic.

>> No.6887504

No. Get out

>> No.6887604


You can actually get legit brand fabric if you know where to find it... It's usually a couple of seasons old but it exists, mostly in Hong Kong/Singapore/Thailand... Dunno why it ends up there, but seriously ask around and you will find it. I know people who have legit AatP and AP fabric (sometimes it ends up on the comm, sometimes it doesn't.) The brands just order more than the need and end up selling it off to fabric stores and other distributors. It exists and it's out there, it's just hard to find.

>> No.6887612

Ohh man I need to know details. If I could get my hands on legit AatP fabric I could die happy.

>> No.6887626

Arthrael had some for sale last year, she said it pops up infrequently, but it's not like, a rarity if that makes sense? I think it was around 35/yard. She had AP's Candy Treat and that AatP print with the stripes and the crest logo on it. I believe Candy Treat was at a fabric store, and the AatP one was at some kind of outdoor market. Get in with the Thai girls and they'll help you out. Beats me how it ends up in Thailand, though.

>> No.6887627
File: 579 KB, 499x666, tumblr_mm8ngiJtku1sp9586o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love their stuff but dammit, they need to hurry up and start receiving international orders. From what I understand from their Tumblr, international orders has been pushed back. I hate this waiting game.

I neeeeed that.

>> No.6888249

That dress in black needs to get on my body.

>> No.6888477

I have it. I love it, but the print tends to fade with washing (I only hand wash it now) so it is more of a muted brown grey than black after a wear or two. It still looks amazing, but just thought you might want to know :)

>> No.6888745

That is disappointing to hear. Can you post pictures? I love the contrast in the print so if it fades that fast, I would have to reconsider. The woes of liking black clothes.

>> No.6890357
File: 125 KB, 500x667, daylight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure :) here I am in bright arse daylight, it should give you some idea of the fade. I'm not entirely sure it was ever true black if I'm honest, I think the pic you posted was shooped a little to boost the contrast. I got it second hand so it is hard to know.

>> No.6890486

Possibly backdoor goods or excess that was printed and the brand didn't need or pay for? Someone knows someone who works at the factory that makes the fabric. I'd seriously love to get in with someone who can get it for me though.

>> No.6890639

It looks pretty good in your picture. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.6890714

No problem! It really is one of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe right now. I just wouldn't pair it with a black blouse for example b/c it just isn't true black and thought you might want a heads up incase that was your plan.

>> No.6890744

I think you'd look better with longer wavy hair, no bangs. The dark hair is nice, blonde would also look good if you ever wanted, especially an ash blonde.

>> No.6890756

where did they ask for advice on their hair

>> No.6890764

wha- what???

>> No.6890916

Wow. TSF looks nice in the stock photos! It really sucks that her construction is so poor.

>> No.6890937

You're new here, aren't you.
/cgl/ always gives out unsolicited beauty advice.

>> No.6891154

Was there a review or something I missed?

>> No.6891171

That dress is gorgeous and cute coord!

>> No.6891879

I heard they had good construction. What are you referencing?

>> No.6892017

Is it?

>> No.6892137
File: 307 KB, 3004x1395, 980124_575681142476108_1621094070_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pop Princess made really cute skirts! Too bad that the Etsy listing price is more than a new brand jsk price...

>> No.6892156

The skirts are nice if that's you're style, but her blouses are hnnnngh. Damn expensive though.

>> No.6892155
File: 101 KB, 570x952, il_570xN.466100673_fspz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6892188

If it wasn't so expensive I would buy it. But I'd rather have brand for that price.
It's really off putting when indie brands price so high. Sometimes you gotta start low and build up your prices as you get more popular.

>> No.6892203

Is the waistband wonky or is it just me?

>> No.6892217

The only indie brand I'd be willing to buy for more than brand prices is 4 o' clock. Her construction and quality is hnnnggg, plus it's custom, so as far as I'm concerned, well worth the prices. Even if her prices are higher than they used to be, it's still a decent rate for the quality and if you factor in customer demand.

>> No.6892240
File: 89 KB, 570x679, il_570xN.393634907_tmnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From Pop Princess' Etsy shop. You can see glue everywhere; I think it looks like shit.

>> No.6892247

The crown thing is from a necklace on ebay

>> No.6892249

On the other hand, getting decent fabric printed in small quantities is stupidly expensive (Am I just cheap or does ~$25/yd for cotton seem expensive?) not to mention the commission price. I'd agree that I wouldn't buy it anywhere near $230, but there is some high base cost involved.

On the other hand, $90 for a non custom fabric indie skirt... Not buying it.

>> No.6892254
File: 40 KB, 480x640, 603161_591513297547087_1432082151_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words can't describe my burning desire for this dress.

Also Haenuli is probs my fave indie brand. The new print, The Little Prince, is a bit OTT for me, though. And the green/yellow/ick colorway is just... gross looking. I don't know what they were thinking?

>> No.6892255
File: 195 KB, 960x933, 8579_10151698906101337_317857950_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypnotic Designs 'Creepy Candy'... not sure what's going on with their designs. The pink striped candies look like shrimp.

>> No.6892268

All the striped ones look like shrimps/nautilus shells.

>> No.6892272

Where do you guys buy your custom fabrics? Just spoon flower?

I'm really hesitant to buy from them because it's kind of crazy expensive, and I heard some reviews of the prints running? Or white lines on the fabric...?

>> No.6892315

They look like rolly polly bugs.

>> No.6892348
File: 196 KB, 1194x946, soooon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until this skirt arrives.

I think most indie brands make the mistake of going straight to customized prints without the financial resources or skill to make it work. Lady sloth is able to set herself apart by offering lower prices partly from getting ready-made fabric.

>> No.6892574

The presentation, pieces, and general photograph just looks so cheap. Did the "designer" of this print ever look at even one photo of a Japanese lolita brand? Terrible.

>> No.6892580

>Not weaving the fabric yourself and painting patterns on by hand

>> No.6892630


okay maybe if you just took one of the cat prints and replaced the faces with grumpy's... but still.

>> No.6892636

why didn't she finish the overlay with a rolled hem? it would look so much cleaner...

>> No.6892647

spoonflower is crazy expensive. their black isn't a "true" black, more of a charcoal, and supposedly the colors fade when washed. the white lines i think you're referring to has to do with their dye process; they use some sort of eco-friendly dye process, but it means the dyes can't properly penetrate the white fabrics, so when something is sewn and one of the fibers gets pulled or turned, it can reveal the white underside of the fabric.

>> No.6892698

That's the worst color way. I'm much more of a fan of the other two darker colors

>> No.6892703

I absolutely hate spoon flower and its as exactly what the other anon said, black doesn't show up well due to the printing process they use.

>> No.6892734

That skirt is really lovely.

Stupid question, but how exactly does one go about ordering from Lady Sloth and/or other Facebook shops.
I know I'm supposed to send her a PM, but is there a specific format I should do it in? I suppose I have to include my measurements and my email for paypal...
I know it's silly, but I'm just so paranoid about messing something up in my order and looking like an ass that I've always avoided brands where I have to message the seller directly.

>> No.6892829

Just PM her to ask for your item & approximate shipping to your country and she'll PM you a form that you fill out with details & payment info.

Also, loving the Haenuli Fashion Film

>> No.6892847

I think this person is confusing her with Baroque and that review about the bad construction. I think it was the collaboration with Lief, with flowers on it?

>> No.6892851

must be, I've never really heard anything negative about snowfield.

>> No.6892868

ugh that girl on the far left's overall skirt thing is awful.
the fucking squiggly ribbon shit looks so bad.

>> No.6892898


>> No.6892917

ric-rac. It's called ric-rac

>> No.6892967

You mean they look like maggots

>> No.6892971
File: 65 KB, 574x960, silkbolero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this piece was far more impressive.

>> No.6892991

more like ric-rachet

>> No.6893459

God I hate the galaxy print trend. It's so damn busy. The print on it looks absolutely adorable, but the galaxy part completely overwhelms it. I do find myself wanting the tights though.

Oh god. The material, the sewing, the fit, the cuts, that print. My god how can you think that looks good?

>> No.6893476

That film is gorgeous! I always love how they present their brand and clothing.

>> No.6893508

So this one is Dear Margaret also? Is this still available or was it reservation only? I'm a really big fan of the black, as well.

>> No.6893510

Exactly this.
Maybe she doesn't have a rolled-hem capable overlocker? They can be expensive if you're just starting out.

I-is it just me, or is the third girl that really popular black Sailor Venus cosplayer with the button nose?

unf. Is it actually silk like the caption suggests?

>> No.6893561

Wow, that is really pretty.

>> No.6893869

The tumblr post suggests yes:

"Silk Bolero with Ruffle Trim

Self is khaki silk dupioni, lining is champagne silk taffeta. Hand applied trim and hand slipped armscyes makes this piece one of my more couture lolita items I’ve made lately. The grain of the fabric matches at the shoulder and side seams, only shifting at the center back princess seams. Comes with matching removable rose pin. Pricing upon inquiry. This piece was a commission but can be remade for another client."

>> No.6893893
File: 117 KB, 624x960, 485565_535199759871439_196645854_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Dearest Victoria from Frll Fashion show.

I would think it would be easy to start up an indie brand if you knew how to sew well and invested in good floral fabric to offset the costs?

>> No.6893897
File: 468 KB, 850x1169, tumblr_m9xni8AV681qczycto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, and if you have access to the lolita sewing books like Otome no Sewing book.

>> No.6893901

I think a lot of people think that. But if you want to have a real brand you need to have the ability to produce several pieces out of the same fabric, otherwise it just is one off pieces and nothing to create a brand identity.

>> No.6894047
File: 159 KB, 434x750, tumblr_mnzll2Sms41ssn3hto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite sure if this is thread relevant, but I just saw this gem come across my dash as someone's latest etsy shop addition. I have no clue who this would look good on.

>> No.6894057


>> No.6894204

$25/yd for cotton is super cheap, to be fair. The only UK based non-industry printing service want £38/m for cotton (their cheapest fabric), and tbh it's not that much better than the spoonflower cotton.

The silk sating is pretty nice, though, but £46/m... you may as well use an industry service and get higher quality fabric for that price.

>> No.6894246

This is so cute! I'd never wear those shoes with my boat- feet, but wow.

>> No.6894282


Not the other anon, but I thought she meant you could buy an entire bolt of floral fabric and make a whole lot of dresses, as opposed to trying to find a printer and doing the next big print. Which most indie brands seem to fail at anyway.


I am simultaneously horrified yet impressed that someone actually took the time to weave so many beads together into that eyesore

>> No.6894290

Hmm. In the UK, my local fabric shop gets factory offcuts from Asian designer labels (mostly Indian and Korean, from what I can tell). Do you think it'd be possible for lolita fabric to end up there?

>> No.6894297
File: 54 KB, 250x333, ap_2010_op_frillmarine_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-printed also refers to dresses with a small all over print like polka dots. But I'm pretty sure that even dresses with no print have tons more detailing than otome. Usually the dress piece in otome is a little bit less onate. I'm pretty sure this plain lolita brand sailor OP has more detailing than that one even.

>> No.6894307

It's possible. Our local fabric shop (Ditto) gets ends of runs from Prada and places like that. It really depends on their clientele. If the fabric wouldn't be bought by their usual customers, then they probably wouldn't stock it.

>> No.6894454

well, it's certainly... creative.

>> No.6894657
File: 142 KB, 459x750, tumblr_mnlw1qw1nP1sp7oixo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of want this, but it would be so much better if the top stitching on the bodice did not suck and she did a blind hem on the skirt.

>> No.6894660
File: 466 KB, 566x904, tumblr_mnlw1qw1nP1sp7oixo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The back

>> No.6894815

H-how can you see close enough on the bodice to see that the top stitching sucks? All I can see are the pins holding it to the mannequin.

Also yeah that hem would be lovely as a blind hem, or if you were to get a decorative/accent thread and do an overlocked rolled hem that could be nice too. That could be easily fixed by adding a small layer of high quality lace to the edge too though - the seam she has now would easily support that.

>> No.6894817

Wait, disregard my last, just saw the shitty skirt-to-bodice seam. That's bad. :(

>> No.6894820

So pretty, even though that tulle needs to be finished...

>> No.6894843

Did the anon who's obsessed with Lilly of the Valley's unicorn print ever get her dream dress? I met the designer for the brand at Frill last weekend and she mentioned her to me...

>> No.6894853

I love this picture, because you're not too sure if she ate her other leg because she was hungry or not.

>> No.6894874
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 941509_547504131975017_1555541991_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoulda posted the close up they put on there Facebook.

>> No.6894886

Wowowow. This is pretty but that top stitching.

>> No.6894891


So I don't actually see any top stitching... this is just the seam being pulled down over the interfacing in the bodice, it doesn't really look like actual top stitching, just poorly sewn together bodices pieces.

>> No.6894915

It's a pity too because I would buy this just because that print is pretty.
>there's the skirt
There's hope

>> No.6894974
File: 76 KB, 510x960, 252781_405642236161208_1939445303_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about hope, it is from the same maker of this gem.

>> No.6894997

Holy fuck now I want to make a super cute landscape print with a fabric kite on it!

>> No.6895211

cute idea, poorly educated

>> No.6895213


>> No.6895243
File: 932 KB, 1280x1601, diorvenus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... you don't usually hem tulle, it doesn't really fray. If a raw edge was good enough for Christian Dior himself I'm ok with it too... there are many other problems with that dress though. Pic related

>> No.6895279

I'm not in love with the dress but I absolutely need those tights in one of the other colorways

>> No.6897221

http://egl.livejournal.com/19256586.html lol what do you guys think of this?

>> No.6897230

Oh, isn't that the girl who replicaed Twinkle Journey and edited out Meta's name and replaced it with her own?

>> No.6897231

Seen this yet?

"Perhaps its just me but I thought the idea of indie brands was to offer a cheaper alternative?"

and general "bawwwwwww I can't afford burando on my ~full time job~ with a ~decent wage~"

>> No.6897240

This post made me madder than it should have. What a moron.

>> No.6897243

I wonder what her idea of a decent wage is, because I just looked at WAMH's shop and the most expensive thing listed there is like $330, and that's £208 (if AUD) or £216 (if USD). I can understanding thinking "that's not worth the price" because I personally think WAMH is horribly overpriced, but saying you can't outright afford it? It seems like she's living on a tight paycheck, if a £40 (AP new from store costs around £165-180) difference means she can't afford it.

>> No.6897245

Forgot to add that wasn't including shipping costs, but to be honest, shipping from Japan and Australia is both expensive as fuck.

>> No.6897247

Yeah, I wanted to reply, but I felt like it'd be wasting my time. Anyway, it seems like people have already corrected her. I do think that brands like WAMH are expensive, but because their construction and print quality is nowhere near brand quality, and they sell it for over brand prices. Like, I don't care how special snowflake the damn print is if it's going to be blurry and the dress is going to have loose threads.

>> No.6897251


I'm more bothered that she's listing WAMH and clockwork rose as the brands she's watching. Girl has crap tastes.

>> No.6897252

Actually Day Dream Carnival and Twinkle Carnival were around £192 new from store. So that's even less of a difference.

>> No.6897280

it got deleted.

>> No.6897281

Aannnnddd bahleeted. I was in the middle of typing a reply too =_=

>> No.6897286



>> No.6897621
File: 205 KB, 1029x1562, prices of indie brands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get any of the other comments, I'm sorry guys.

>> No.6897625
File: 79 KB, 540x720, 1329596472734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like this print

Construction is shit, though.

capcha: abortive ntsrosh

>> No.6897629

I fucking hate lunagoonie. She's a moron and she always starts such useless threads on gtfo and she has the worst most unimportant comments ever.

>> No.6897928

I think he's a boy?

>> No.6897930

It's a shared account, so they could be both.

>> No.6897933

Are you butthurt that she made a post about you or something? All the posts I've seen have been completely sensible, and I think the miss that the point of GTFO is to bitch, no matter how petty the issue.

>> No.6898128
File: 418 KB, 456x456, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I really want the skirt of this print but as everyone else has expressed, I'm also unsure on the construction of it.

Would I be better off waiting for someone to sell it on the sales comm later for cheaper?

>> No.6898137

You just sound butthurt, s/he (???) generally says what people are thinking without being an asshole about it. I sort of agree about the useless GTFOs but I think the comm is so dead that they sort of take what they can get.

>> No.6898140

Indie prints almost never come up on the comm sales. If you really really want it I'd just get it and if it's that awful you can always sell it.

>> No.6898172

I'm curious about this too. Last time we saw her she was heartbroken because Anon told her about issues there were with the dress. I'd like to know if she ever got to see it in person.

>> No.6899422

Do you have a link? I have spent the last hour looking for that.

>> No.6899636


>> No.6899794

I just commissioned a jsk from a seamstress called SweetiePie. It was a custom design with two colors of fabric. She was very attentive to my needs and answered all my questions promptly. She also sent lots of progress photos and made a mockup of the dress before making it. She's pretty good and has awesome communication. Very professional.

>> No.6899798

Isn't that the girl that self promoted her mediocre work on EGL earlier?

>> No.6899829

It's not actually bad, her stage work pictures on her fb were what I looked through to get a feel for her quality and it wasn't amazing, but I wouldn't say mediocre.

>> No.6899843

Post a picture?

>> No.6899914

I know her in real life and have seen her stuff. It's better than it looks in pictures, and I wish someone would tell her to get professional photos because the ones that she posted really do make her stuff look mediocre when it's not. I'd tell her but I don't feel like it's my place because I'm not close enough to her to really be her friend, but I'm not distanced enough from her for it to seem like unbiased advice.

>> No.6904008


>> No.6904065

I actually really like this though

>> No.6905019

Is there an alternative to Spoonflower? I'm planning to do some custom prints and was going to go through them.

>> No.6905037

What's wrong with the construction?

I'm kind of new to lolita, and I haven't really looked at a bunch of indie brand stuff. Give me some tips as to what to look for when searching for quality?

>> No.6905042

That has to be heavy as fuck.

>> No.6905046

Show them pictures of the types of prints you are looking for and just ask if they've ever come across any. Perhaps next time they go to order they'll remember you.

>> No.6905048

Is the kite tail actually pulled taut over the gathers? Why would you do that?

>> No.6905057

The bodice is very tubular and flat, the skirt doesn't have enough fabric in it to hold more than a minimally poofy petticoat, the ruffle looks too heavy and oddly stitched, and the bodice is also very very plain.

Also a personal pet peeve, the front and side panels of the bodice. They should have either matched up the print or had the side panels cut with the print on an angle to the front. It just looks sloppy this way.

>> No.6905069

Thanks a ton!

>> No.6906261
File: 53 KB, 809x960, 993774_535202643206098_859520753_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lady Sloth, NO. You don't just sew the lace on the outside of the skirt ever...

>> No.6906276

It's kind of weird, but does it seem like her quality's gotten worse over the past year?

>> No.6906319

well her mother does all the sewing. As for design, she's never been a favorite in my book because she either picks weird material (a knit jsk, really?) or she always does something strange like corset lacing on the front, which always looks terrible to me even on brand. Yes this looks even worse than normal because of the lace on the bottom.

>> No.6906339

looks ita, some of her prints have potential, but I never understood how Lady Sloth could become so popular in the first place, most of her stuff is still pretty basic and ita looking.

>> No.6906347

Because she is dirt cheap, and her clothes are serviceable

When you've got indie seamstresses charging $75 for a circle skirt, a really nice gothic skirt with a print on it for $45 is heaven

>> No.6906360

because it's cheap, custom size available, simple as that.

>> No.6906373

same way Talia Speaks did. She (or her mother, or whoever) does skirts that will at least fit around someone's waist for $40-$50. Even if they're not well made.

>> No.6906542

She churns stuff out, quick and simple. Like the only other indie brands that pushes out releases frequently enough is Haenuli & Baroque. If you're able to coord her stuff right, it will look really good. Unfortunately, if you don't, it will look really really bad.

>> No.6906782

Lady Sloth just makes me miss In the Starlight that much more. They were good if you wanted some cheap but sturdy wardrobe fillers. Imagine if they were still around (but making stuff that was a little more current and not just the same stuff)?

>> No.6906802


They had an etsy for a while, but it's gone.

>> No.6906905

Sometimes I imagine having a closet filled with my own designs. Just beautifully tailored clothes I made and having people love my Lolita talents so much that they beg me to become an Indie designer.

>> No.6906933
File: 70 KB, 280x226, skirt_418_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how I miss them...

>> No.6906961
File: 73 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mnqcyyGZdc1qbhoiro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more photos of Mists of Venice coords...

>> No.6906972

ITS was amazing. I remember staring at their website for ages when I was a noob.

>> No.6907068

Have that skirt, love the shit out of it.

>> No.6907093
File: 62 KB, 250x219, skirt_047_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky lucky! I used to have this "red riding hood" set but I sold this year when I lost my job... it was seriously gorgeous, they stepped up their game in the last year of business.

>> No.6907103

Aww thanks! I drooled over that site back in the day and when ITS had that etsy for like 2 seconds I got that skirt and their black bustle back and black wristcuffs. Also picked up a blouse of theirs on the comm_sales. I really like their items, and they sized well for plus size.

>> No.6908369
File: 54 KB, 250x374, tumblr_mocg9kCya61sp9586o2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear margaret is going to release two sailor dresses and i can't choose which one to get. anyone else going to order? i hope that communication and construction won't be a problem.

>> No.6908371

That dress is so cute!

>> No.6908376
File: 306 KB, 394x598, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the other one.

help me choose!

>> No.6908390

OMG. This one is really cute! It would be my choice, I love the pleats. I don't think you could go wrong with either, anon.

>> No.6908391

I would suggest the second one because I think you'd get more bang for your buck. The first one looks simple but the second one is more elaborate. If the cost is the same, I'd personally go for the more elaborate piece. Both are cute pieces. Too bad that I'm not into Sailor Lolita and I'm hoping that Dear Margaret will release items closer to what's seen in this post >>6885488

>> No.6908399

i love pleats too! but i like how the first dress looks very casual and something i can wear if i want to throw on something cute. maybe if i have enough money, i will buy two. but then there is the dream sky re-release that i am also on the fence about. why doesn't money grow on trees?

since two anons are suggesting the second, i think i will go with the second one.

thank you for your help!

>> No.6908455

I don't recommend you "brand" called "Marke Eigenbau", you can fin her on facebook. She sews slapdash. I got bonnet from her. the bone was crooked, these were loose threads. It looked like she used not enough of frabric.

Also, I love Lady Sloth clothes, but these new series are just terrible. The print looks like shit. Lace sewn on outside of skirt? I think she can't make anything worse than that.

>> No.6908543

Good heavens that all looks terrible.

>> No.6908738

Link for the brand please.
I would love to buy this dress.

>> No.6908815
File: 143 KB, 960x720, 76179_198215150319483_2063243019_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, just googled that Marke Eigenbau and they're trying to sell this for 40 euros.

>> No.6908828
File: 71 KB, 960x309, 200674_142547439219588_1727460108_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah ohgod and 80 euros for this, are you kidding me?

>> No.6908837

It's less about the lace placement and more about how unevenly gathered it is.

>> No.6908842

>forgot to take the basting out

oh for fucks sake

>> No.6908859

Going by the photo the "basting" seems to actually be all that's holding it on.

>> No.6908862


I have major secondhand embarrassment from reading that.

>> No.6909747

You're right, basting was keeping parts of my "bonnet" together, but when I pulled out one theard it just broke up 8 D. She said something like
>my stuff is so expensive because the lace is expensive,
>and I sew percisely
>her stuff has better quality than "burando" item does

>> No.6909758

Is it just me that thinks Lady Sloth's stuff looks bloody awful?

>> No.6909772

dear margaret has immaculate construction. The owner sews every dress herself and they ahve been in business for years, so she knows her shit. Personally the second dress will probably look off on anyone with a longer torso as the design elongates a normal/short torso, so depending on your shape, I would pick based off that.

>> No.6909774

yep you're the only one in the whole world

>> No.6909899

How do you order from Dear Margaret, anyways?

>> No.6909995

Seconding. Are they doing international orders yet, or is that still "in the pipeline"? It'd be great to have some of her stuff in Australia...

>> No.6910315
File: 55 KB, 250x376, tumblr_moeaoy3Tom1sp9586o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak of the devil

>> No.6910331

>Due to the large amount of domestic orders, the designer is not sure what to do about international orders for the sailor series, therefore your input will be most helpful.

Why couldn't they open orders for both domestic and international at the same time? Is this some Korean sales model I don't understand or do Koreans hate foreigners too? It seems like Haenuli is the only brand that has no issues whatsoever.

>> No.6910477

Dear Marget doesn't speak English, she prefer Korean Market where she fully understand her customers. She make all dresses by herself, she knows that she can't make more than 10 pieces per a month.

>> No.6910515

>Classical Doll will be around 275-300 USD

That is more than fucking brand.

>> No.6910519

Haenuli understands the international market well. If Dear Margaret doesn't, she shouldn't open her brand to international orders and stick to Korean customers or people buying through a shopping service. If Dear Margaret does sell overseas, I hope that the owner doesn't pull a Baby and blacklist everyone too.

>> No.6910528

This worries me a bit. Dear Margaret doesn't seem organized and I am worried that their communication will be crappy like Baroque's. From what I understand from Tumblr, DM is using a translator but what if the situation becomes something like Lief and klanaide where the translator tries to help everyone but the brand drops off the face of the planet?

>> No.6910562

Yeah, this.
Also, that sailor OP isn't all that nice for $300

>> No.6910565

dear margaret has been around for years...

>> No.6910577

Don't remind me of Lief. I rage every time I think about how shitty their communication was and how I was the one who had to pester them to finally get my dress. What is with Korean brands and shitty communication? I was going to buy from Baroque until I read this review http://egl.livejournal.com/18904229.html

>> No.6910581

Years and years and years. (Anyone have that Vivcore macro?)
What does having been around for years have anything to do with this. Baby has been shipping internationally for a long time and they still suck.

>> No.6910586

if that's the case, i feel bad for the translator already. i can see it all happening again like the way it ended up with lief.

>> No.6910597

no, i mean in reference to dropping off the face of the earth, they are established and successful, they aren't going anywhere. no clue on international shit

>> No.6910688

Gotta agree, $300 is a bit much. Haenuli's prints run what, $200-$250, which is more than fair.

Then again if what I read is right and Dear Margret makes everything herself I can see why the cost would be higher.

>> No.6910746
File: 203 KB, 700x600, 1367616143959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Babe, I got you babe~

>> No.6910769


>> No.6910849

yes they say the owner makes every single dress herself and they look really amazing. HOwever, I'd kind of like to drop some money on Cloud Chamber, but I'm afraid that beautiful pin tuck jsk they have would look stupid on my boobs

>> No.6910980

I feel you about the boobs ;(

>> No.6910986

what is this cloud chamber..

>> No.6910990
File: 451 KB, 1536x2048, whitedress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this? It just got posted to the comm sales

>> No.6911016
File: 213 KB, 450x675, tumblr_mmiu79JogR1qcfpzpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry didn't realize I dropped my picture. This is the black, but I think I like the ivory more. Search 'cloud chamber' on facebook

>> No.6911018
File: 30 KB, 450x675, 941611_566910649998439_608524878_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hat to match

>> No.6911022
File: 64 KB, 716x960, 942362_559293337426837_1657049318_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the white, the texture on the fabric is just fantastic on the white

>> No.6911024

their site http://www.cloudchamber.co.kr/

no clue on price since these appear to be made to order

>> No.6911132

thanks for the info, anon, that stuff is seriously beautiful.

>> No.6911156

Looks like the dress is 180,000won
but it says "order off" so does that mean they're not making it anymore?

>> No.6911163

I think orders are filled. It's not sold out so you may be able to order later.

>> No.6911170


wow, that's less than 200 USD, holy shit

>> No.6911186

Is cloud chamber made to measure, made to order, or one size?

>> No.6911188

Not sure, I believe made to order. You can try asking on their FB page?

>> No.6911195

I'll wait for the items I'm interested in are back on and do so. Thanks!

>> No.6911202

This. I will never understand indie designers who think they can charge brand prices when they're not even brand quality.

>> No.6911205

Rereading the notice, it says not all items are custom. So I guess it means most are. Fab.

>> No.6911219

Well those cloud chamber OPs are like... 160usd, I consider that extremely reasonable for the look of them (well constructed, nice material, etc from just looking at pictures)

>> No.6911220

They are made to order but not custom size. Order off means do not take orders for the model anymore.

>> No.6911227

That's reasonable, but some indie brands charge $300+ for dresses far less than brand quality

>> No.6911257

No i understand that. WAMH is a perfect example. Unfortunately, it appears they are somehow still in business. But I guess you get about two years before shit has to be making money before you call it quits.

>> No.6911312

Some people think "Okay I spent a million hours on this, so I should charge $300 accordingly". You should consider your labor time when pricing, but the end result still has to *look* like a $300 dress. If the dress is ugly and crappy looking, no one cares if you grew the cotton and wove the fabric yourself, or paid $20 a yard for a custom print.
For example that Cloud Chamber dress looks like something you'd pay $300 for from a Japanese brand. The materials are nice, it has beautiful sewn details like pintucks, etc. Because the product is gorgeous and well-made I wouldn't expect them to automatically be cheaper just because they're a smaller brand. But a talia-tier seamstress making plain JSKs out of kona cotton from Jo-anns is never going to be able to get brand prices for their stuff.

>> No.6911520

Is it me or do Asian indie brands do lolita better than western indie brands? I can't think of a single western indie brand that I like.

>> No.6911524

does snowfield count? She's kinda asian, and kinda american. I also liked excalibur girls.

>> No.6911610

Excalibur Girls? More deets please.

>> No.6911617
File: 458 KB, 425x500, excalibur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now defunct. I dug up a lot of stuff on them last time we had one of these threads. Here is one image I have saved. They never really took off. It was a mom and daughter thing... I don't think they made it past their first collection. Too bad, they had gorgeous construction.

>> No.6911626

Everyone loves selling their Lady Sloth stuff. I can't go on sales_comm without seeing something of hers. Is it because they fit like crap or what?

>> No.6911630

That looks beautiful. I wonder why they never took off. Were their prices too high?

>> No.6911647

No I think they just never really had a business plan or start up money? They never really did anything beyond announce they were in business as I recall.

>> No.6911662

It is made okay to well, can fit nicely to weird, and was usually pretty cheap so people don't have any stake in keeping it.
I think that with LS the big thing is that she uses very unusual fabrics that don't easily coordinate into normal loli looks. People get her stuff, can't coordinate it, and then sell it to the next girl who does the same thing.
I have 2 skirts from her and I love them both.

>> No.6911701

What brand is this? Looks like a decent casual dress.

>> No.6911976

In addition to setting your own hourly wage, I think when you yourself are making the product, you have a more biased view of the product itself: either you have a greater view of it and think it is worth more, or you have a more humble or critical view of it and so you take a shot in the dark pricewise.

>> No.6912211

Ick by Industrialkitty? She just posted a sales post on the comm.

>> No.6912212

They had a pretty successful website, but it sounds like they shut down for personal reasons, not capital.

>> No.6912216

She makes all her stuff in korea! Asian.

>> No.6912249

no she doesn't. She has a studio in Atlanta.

>> No.6912277

I don't buy it, how's she making everything so cheap? Not by American labor laws and standards.

>> No.6912308

It's not that cheap. Also shes pretty much selling direct to market so there is no middleman and retail markup. It's totally possible.

>> No.6912407

not for those petticoats. I need proof, I don't buy it.
And those bags she was selling were most definitely taobao bags

>> No.6912530

Explain joke to me please? I remember Vivcore but wasn't on /cgl/ yet.

>> No.6913240

Yeah I think those items are produced in Asia, I was mostly referring to the JSKs and skirts etc.

>> No.6914156

Vivcore made a lolita inspired chemise a la rein, which is a historical style dress. After that, a couple other indie designers also made chemise a la rein style dresses, Miscy and I Do Declare. Vivcore got upset about it, and stated in lolita_secrets (I think?) that it wasn't fair for them to steal her design because years of research had gone into that dress.

/cgl/ got wind and balked. She had taken the design of the original dress and cut the skirt shorter, which anons felt didn't constitute years of research. Soon people started uploading pictures of dresses with the skirts cut shorter, like the one above, and going "Hay guise, this took me YEARS OF RESEARCH." Those pictures also got posted to lolita_secrets, and it became a sort of meme. Whenever Vivcore got mentioned here, it was usually followed with posts that would just say YEARS.

It was hilarious at the time, but died down, because /cgl/ has a short attention span. This is the first time I've seen it mentioned in a long time.

>The Moar You Know!

>> No.6915961

the skirt is cute, but I don't what sort of crack the designer is smoking. it's not worth more than 120 bucks.