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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 60 KB, 479x354, patrickstarquestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6891205 No.6891205 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any actual reason as to why so much drama happens in the cosplay community?

As an outsider, it seems odd, you don't get as much drama in the video game community or the fishing community.

>> No.6891215 [DELETED] 

>Is there any actual reason as to why so much drama happens in the cosplay community?
Women. Call me a misogynist, but it's true. Women are the cause of it.

You know, in retrospect it all makes sense. Our ancestors had to have some reason to keep the women in the kitchen.

>> No.6891225 [DELETED] 

Your comment wasn't misogynist until you mentioned the kitchen. That joke is ancient, by the way.

I agree with the first part though.

>> No.6891226 [DELETED] 


Trying to argue with a woman is like trying to herd cats, because they never take a consistent solid position that you can actually attack with logic, they dodge and weave, and gaslight you, and take things out of context, attack your choice of words instead of your point, they deliberately misinterpret what you're saying, etc. When a woman argues she's basically trying to play chess, but she doesn't want to move the pieces in the way that they're supposed to be moved, so she'll just move them wherever she wants. She picks up a knight and moves it like its a bishop. You can't play a game like this. So when the woman does this and you've tried to get her to play by the rules, it's perfectly okay to slap the chessboard right off the table. Checkmate, sweetheart.

The only time you can think it's not okay to slap women is if you think a woman is the equivalent of a helpless little dog, completely dependent on you - and feminists do think this, when it's convenient for them.

If you treat a woman like she's made out of chalk, you will never be able to satisfy her, physically or emotionally.

>> No.6891234 [DELETED] 

Get the fuck out of here before I do /cgl/ the courtesy of posting your name and address everywhere like /r9k/ already did. Your kind is NOT welcome on this board.

>> No.6891241 [DELETED] 

Awww, how cute.

That's not my name and address anyway, sweetie

>> No.6891242 [DELETED] 


this is a whole new degree of meta

>> No.6891243

Women hate each other. They all just want to one up each other and prove they're better than the next one. None of them are really friends, they just hang out together to talk shit on whichever girls aren't there that day.

>> No.6891248

I blame social networking sites such as tumblr, before tumblr and facebook got involved, it wasn't really dramatic at all. Since the rise of social networking though it attracted a bunch of teens obsessed with their image and cosplaying just became an extension of the sort of drama which constantly happens on tumblr

>> No.6891250

I actually get a kick out of listening to angry beta males bitch about women. Let him cry because he can't get a qt3.14 cosupray gf.

He'll probably get banned shortly anyway.

>> No.6891251


Just so the rest of you know, this guy is legitimately the most stupid person on /r9k/, and if you know anything about /r9k/, you'll know that's quite an accomplishment. He doesn't cosplay, he certainly doesn't lolita, he doesn't even go to conventions. He's just here because girls are here, which is why I'll be emailing Moot if he doesn't fuck off immediately, given that Moot agreed we should get first-offence permabans for anyone treating /cgl/ as 'the girl board' and shitting it up.

>> No.6891256 [DELETED] 


I stopped going on /r9k/ a while ago ever since /lgbt/ started up, has it changed a lot since?

>> No.6891257

Come back in 2 years when he answers.

>> No.6891261 [DELETED] 

/r9k/ has always been the laughing stock of 4chan.

>> No.6891263 [DELETED] 

It's not the men that has the problems, they look completely average.
The problem relies on the irrational standards of women, they want and EXPECT the best of a man (confident, funny, lots of money)
This is not based on bitterness, broken heart, or lonliness, the more experience you have, the more you see it.
Women have turned into the most cruel and self-obsessed creatures in the past 50 years.
For example, if a man was quiet they would label him a "creepy stalker" while if the girl was quiet, she wouldn't be labaled as harshly.
Women are privileged and us men have to suffer the consequences

>> No.6891264 [DELETED] 


/pol/ probably takes that title, at least /r9k/ generally stays on it's own board, /pol/ actively tries to ''redpill'' other boards sometimes by spamming them with pictures of le jew

>> No.6891267 [DELETED] 

The only reason I'm here is because of that /r9k/ thread, I was just visiting when I saw that post regarding women, which I just wanted to add upon

>> No.6891269 [DELETED] 

>at least /r9k/ generally stays on it's own board

I don't mind /pol/, but maybe that's because I'm white.

>> No.6891272 [DELETED] 


It does stay on it's own board, it just has some weird grudge against /cgl/

I mind /pol/ because I usually go on /int/ and they keep going over there to spam about the Woolwich murder or whatever

>> No.6891276 [DELETED] 

Just cut off Mexico from the internet, problem solved.

>> No.6891280 [DELETED] 

Hey now, not all betas are angry misogynist.

>> No.6891281 [DELETED] 


Why is that? Because of our "feels" that you don't understand because you're a privileged women?
Women cannot understand us because they are the recievers not the providers, women do not approach a man unless he is highly praised or has devine looks. Hell, you women even get DISGUSTED from men who try and approach you who do not pass your mental checklist, (as seen in your 9 post greentext stories) even when they have the balls and confidence to do so, you still shit on them.
This board just re-inforces my realist ideas because you only want what's best for YOU as you are selfish creatures.

>> No.6891283 [DELETED] 

Right, some are whiteknights like you.

>> No.6891284 [DELETED] 
File: 996 KB, 500x298, pffhahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this whole post

I've been to your board and I've seen the things you post about your awful social skills, austism, and general inability to get wimmins' attention, which is why you bitch and cry about how terrible they are because they don't even notice you exist. And the only female attention you ever get is from your mom or the girls on /cgl/.

Keep going, I'm dying to see what else you have to say.

>> No.6891285 [DELETED] 

I'm no white knight.

>> No.6891287

Haha, hell no.

Nobody on this board or even on /r9k/ is interested in your unoriginal and self-obsessed whining about women. This board has a topic. It's not the board for you to come and rail at women because a qt3.14 turned you down once so you now hate all women forever.

Unfortunately /r9k/ doesn't stay on its own board. In an ideal world, 'femanon here' or 'girl here' on /r9k/ would be an autoban, and the same would go for 'guy here' on /cgl/. Unfortunately it's not so easy to autoban based on behaviour beyond that, but a vigilant mod would be nice to get all of the desperate pussy-chasing scum off this board so we could actually talk about cosplay and lolita.

>> No.6891288 [DELETED] 

Do you still have that lol imma grill trip?

>> No.6891289 [DELETED] 

They shit on you because you're pathetic. It has nothing to do with devine looks or money, not every married man is unattractive or poor. It has to do with the fact that you're worthless and are too stupid to realize it.

>> No.6891290 [DELETED] 

This isn't even the girl board.

>> No.6891291 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 252x294, 1360470499768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basing your argument on the way I said something instead of something I said
>basing your argument on my past experiences

I can already tell your a women

>> No.6891292 [DELETED] 

It kind of is

>> No.6891294 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck you're delusional. Go cut yourself.

>> No.6891295 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 601x453, ricky-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /cgl/ do you know what time is it?

>> No.6891297 [DELETED] 


it's the cosplay board that /r9k/ thinks is ''the girl board''

>> No.6891298

>Is there any actual reason as to why so much drama happens in the cosplay community?
This is an artificial perception.
The only reason there 'seems' to be drama is because there's more avenues to post about it and more ways the general public can view it. Not to mention people in it tend to post their dirty laundry on the internet more often.
You should try other subcultures and see how bad they are.

>implying there's no drama in the video gaming community
Lol, the fuck is this?

>> No.6891299 [DELETED] 

I like whore pussy like /cgl/'s, but I'm not a misogynist.

Can I stay?

>> No.6891302
File: 38 KB, 600x450, cryinganimegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6891296 [DELETED] 

>not every married man is unattractive or poor.
Mean't to say isn't unattractive or poor, my bad.

>> No.6891303 [DELETED] 

There's a large number of guys here that cosplay or just like going to cons. /y/ and others have a lot more girls.

>> No.6891304


>people in it tend to post their dirty laundry on the internet more often.

why though?

>> No.6891309

As ancient as the kitchen. Neanderthals were an egalitarian society, by the way, with women having equal power as men, and they were wiped off the face of Earth by the Alpha-male-subservient Homo 2xSapiens.

>> No.6891310

Simple answer is: muh e-fame
It's not weird kids that like anime and want to dress up like their favorite character anymore.

>> No.6891307 [DELETED] 

>I can already tell your a woman
Welcome to 90% of /cgl/. What else is new?

>> No.6891312

Why do you care?
Facebook pages?
Idk, ask a sociologist.

>> No.6891317

And then the homo saiyans came and all kinds of shit got fucked up.

>> No.6891316


>> No.6891321 [DELETED] 

Are you Ricky Gervais?

I have to say, Sir, Equality Street was a great song. I keep singing every time I'm peeing in shower. Can I have an autograph?

>> No.6891322
File: 202 KB, 606x810, 1362958718046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can already tell your a woman
>tell your a woman
>your a woman

>mfw being this smug when you can't even get grammar straight

>> No.6891324

I'd be happy to drop the trip if such a rule was instated.

Which is exactly what I'm trying to say. Doesn't keep the desperate neckbeards out, though.

No, you can fuck right off too. This board is for people who are interested in cosplay and EGL, the gender of its users should be utterly irrelevant to the content that is posted here.

>> No.6891323

Saiyans were only in Japan, dumb ass. And Mr. Satan beat them all.

>> No.6891325 [DELETED] 

Bu... But whore pussy Eva. I want cosplayer whore pussy and bareback sex with the cunts on here...

>> No.6891326 [DELETED] 

If you want to troll girls, you should probably come up with something more original than that. It just gets brushed off, just like people saying "your mom!".

Aside from that, I love cooking.

>> No.6891327
File: 495 KB, 320x240, url.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And then they evolved into the Homo Sengens

>> No.6891332 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 425x518, 1361171341327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ricky, it's /r9k/. Come back, you're being a huge wiener right now.

>> No.6891333

Mr. Satan!? This is a Christian board. We don't use that name here.

>> No.6891343

A dominatingly high percentage of women, a high percentage of younger people, the pressure and appeal of lots of attention and the draw of competition.

Not to mention daddy issues and bitches be crazy.

>> No.6891335 [DELETED] 

Ignore and filter; this is a bad troll. She would do anything possible for attention. First she was a transsexual lover, then a lesbian who loved African shemales, then a Christian and now she's pretending to be a (worse) iteration of Sage-san. She was Athens too, probably.

Also, how's that German Majoring working out for you? Still gonna have that "le ezy mony job in le bank xD"?

>> No.6891336 [DELETED] 

Misogynist fuckheads like you don't get whore pussy at conventions, especially ones that don't cosplay.

You might try hiring a prostitute instead?

>> No.6891338 [DELETED] 

Do you have a big wiener anon-kun?

>> No.6891339

Actually that's a good point. I'm pretty sure /y/ or /cg/ has the largest female user base, even with all the bromos.

I think the worst drama /y/ gets is over whether there's enough dick to classify as y or cg. This argument is flawed. That or gay sex negates drama. Either way.

>> No.6891344 [DELETED] 

>Aside from that, I love cooking.
Good, then you will make a great wife. How much does your father sell you for? I would offer two cows and 10 acres of land beneath my castle.

>> No.6891345 [DELETED] 

You cosplay whores give it up to any guy that will talk to them.

>> No.6891347 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 881x414, ricky is normalfag scum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>because they never take a consistent solid position that you can actually attack with logic, they dodge and weave,

On that topic Ricky you've been doing that for quite some time now, so if you really want to now is the chance to justify your position

>You hate the way women complain about being lonely when there are guys out there who like them
>You hate normalfags who boast about girls having crushes on them over /r9k/, and think they should leave the board
>You boast about girls having crushes on you over /r9k/, and whine about how lonely you are despite it
>You hate the way women mock guys who like them
>You do the same

So once again, I implore you to either properly justify these positions, or stop normalfagging /r9k/ up like the vile normalfag you are

>> No.6891348 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 266x266, har.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying that girls have to go for the 4chan browsing nerd, I'm saying that women naturally want strong and dominant.
That's natural and healthy, it's natural and healthy.
However, the women bring nothing to the table other than looks with their bad attitudes, constant complaints and constant demands (as seen on this board).
It has also been proven that women actually fawn over the male who has had a criminal past over the normal bussiness man.
Why? Because the man with the criminal past has a more "exciting" life in comparison to the bussiness man.
This world is built to make women to make them feel "special" about themselves.
To put the failure, to put all that single motherhood, every single dating the bad boy as patriarchy.
She gets to slut about with the jerks and the creatures and not even with good males (not me, mind you) and marrying and having relationships with males who are criminals and degenerates.
I'm not crying over the males who never even tried or the ones on r9k who cry about rejection when they haven''t had their serving, I'm talking about the ones who deserve a relationship and don't because of women's irrational standards

>> No.6891349

In all the anon surveys cgl has always had by far the most unbalanced rate of women:men. It's practically 6:1.

>> No.6891350 [DELETED] 

I know you're trying to troll, but it's not working. Try again.

And yes, I would make a great wife. Thanks for the compliment.

>> No.6891351 [DELETED] 

>However, the women bring nothing to the table other than looks with their bad attitudes, constant complaints and constant demands (as seen on this board).
That's what you bring to the table.

Why are you bitching?

>> No.6891355 [DELETED] 

Do gay guys even like yaoi?

>> No.6891356 [DELETED] 

None of your business, but yes.

>> No.6891357

>tfw no catty seagull gf

pls kill me now.

>> No.6891358 [DELETED] 

Where are you getting that delusion? A lot of cosplayers are sluts, yes. I know some of them. But they never go for the unattractive, creepy, socially awkward neckbeards and autists who think the way you do. There's a reason /cgl/ has creeper threads.

>> No.6891359 [DELETED] 

>good males (not me, mind you)

Did you even read further, sweetie?

>> No.6891360 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 20332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However, the women bring nothing to the table other than looks with their bad attitudes, constant complaints and constant demands

And here we have the r9k mantra.
Repeat it enough and you might start believing it.

>> No.6891363 [DELETED] 

You're projecting an awful lot there.

>> No.6891364 [DELETED] 

This is the typical neckbeard's perception of women. Do you even go outside?

>> No.6891366 [DELETED] 

You are so fucking dumb and will never find a woman. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.6891367 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 640x480, disgustface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ confirmed for /r9k/ extension

>> No.6891368 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 960x929, ricky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ricky, get the fuck out.

>> No.6891369 [DELETED] 

>going outside
Get out, normalfag. I bet you have friends and a job too.

>> No.6891370

Eh, last one I saw (mind you, I'm not around much) wasn't more than 2:1. The cg one was about 10:1. But again, unreliable stats and probably outdated by the day.

>> No.6891371 [DELETED] 

Does anyone in this thread(Is James here?) have details on Eva Braun? She's got her own page there on that site too.

>> No.6891372


Generally most boards on 4chan are more balanced than you'd imagine, it's just anons don't mention ''btw im a grill'' or ''btw im a bouy'' in every post

>> No.6891373 [DELETED] 


Nice argument there, because going outside is TOTALLY going to change my world view.
Damn, I gotta love GOING OUTSIDE surely a life-changing experience.

>> No.6891374 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 500x330, kitten_smile-1611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I think I'll stay.

>> No.6891375 [DELETED] 


she lives near London, that's more or less all I know

>> No.6891376 [DELETED] 

He's autistic.
He literally doesn't understand what he's saying or comprehends social interactions.

>> No.6891377 [DELETED] 

James wouldn't be that silly, I know where he lives.

>> No.6891378 [DELETED] 

Apparently. I didn't believe it until the vocaroo thread. My God, that was a thread...

>> No.6891379 [DELETED] 

She's talked a lot about herself on the best board of 4chan, I'm sure you could find all her info in the archives. All I know is that she's white, British and has a nice bf.

Bitches and whores, mang. ;_;

>> No.6891380 [DELETED] 

It will, actually. It'll also help if you stop being a fat crybaby and learn some social skills.

>> No.6891382 [DELETED] 

You're not personally invested in it because of other males. You're personally invested in it because YOU can't get a pretty girl.

>> No.6891383 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 823x1059, we qt now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the superior picture


>> No.6891387 [DELETED] 

No one gives a shit about James though, your point is moot.

>> No.6891384

Most girls pretend to be boys on other boards or just don't bring it up.

>> No.6891388 [DELETED] 

Yeah it's getting more obvious after each post.

It's a shame, since I know autistic people that are way more socially capable than him.

>> No.6891389 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 828x1065, rickyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the superior picture with the 2deep4u quote.


>> No.6891390 [DELETED] 
File: 1.76 MB, 640x480, oUVty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I gotta love GOING OUTSIDE surely a life-changing experience

Sperglord, going outside can do wonderful things for your psyche. You'll get a healthy dose of vitamin D if it's sunny, a bit of exercise for an hour if you're walking around, and you familiarize yourself with your surroundings so you don't become sociopathic.
You've been browsing r9k too much.
You're starting to shun the outside world in favor for arguing with strangers on the internet who could give a damn what you think about women. Just because r9k will harbor your rants doesn't mean anyone else cares or thinks you're right.
>mfw r9k addicts

>> No.6891393 [DELETED] 


ricky please stop you're as bad as eva

>> No.6891391 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 514x468, Screen Shot 2013-06-05 at 11.08.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice shaming tactics there girls!
You go get them monster boys!

>> No.6891392 [DELETED] 

I am not trolling. How much do you cost, woman?

>> No.6891395 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 358x361, girlslaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that him?

>> No.6891396 [DELETED] 

The most handsome tripfag of /r9k/, why u hatin?

>> No.6891401 [DELETED] 

>shaming tactics
No, I'm telling you that the reason you have bothered bitching about this is not for the sake of other men. It's for the sake of your own dissatisfaction with women in regards to how they treat you.

Accusing someone of "shaming" when shaming was not the purpose of their post is an actual shaming tactic.

>> No.6891398 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 500x611, Douche-English Dictionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be posted again.

People who hate feminists = misogynist.

And MRAs are the worst cancer on Earth.

>> No.6891399 [DELETED] 

Ricky pls.
Go away.

>> No.6891400 [DELETED] 

>The most handsome tripfag of /r9k/, why u hatin?
Not saying much.

>> No.6891397 [DELETED] 

Are you literally retarded? You're the one who brought him up. Shouldn't your wrangler keep you off places like 4chan?

>> No.6891405 [DELETED] 

I'll have you know he pulls bitches left and right, I bet he's getting his dick sucked right now. Nobody messes with BigRick.

>> No.6891402

This one time I caught this big-ass mahi mahi and this jelly bitch cut my line and the fucker got away

Why is the fishing community full of salty fronds?

>> No.6891403 [DELETED] 

How about you read that last sentence there and take it to heart? Also kill yourself faggot.

>> No.6891404 [DELETED] 

Because it doesn't matter how he looks. If he were a Beta pussy-sucking mangina, he'd get all the "omg cutie:)" compliments from the Beta females of /cgl/. But he's threatening the feminist propaganda, ergo he is disgusting.

>> No.6891408 [DELETED] 

Did it ever occur to you that women are shaming you for a reason?

>> No.6891409

I wish the actual cosplay and lolita threads moved at half these speeds.

>> No.6891410 [DELETED] 

>have a disgusting personality
>be surprised he's found repulsive


>> No.6891417

/cgl/ is a very slow board, slower than /tg/, I think. Still haven't found the dramu threads, they told me I'd find some here. :|

>> No.6891418


I wish people were actually discussing the matter at hand and not having an argument amongst tripfags

>> No.6891426 [DELETED] 

He looks like a chubby 12-year-old spic. And with his attitude there's no hope for him.

>> No.6891429 [DELETED] 

Eva Braun is such a cunt hurt person, IMO

For the record, the more you post this kid's face over the net, the more of a service your doing for his sake, seeing as how chicks really love shit stirrers whose reputations preceed them

>> No.6891430

I told you mods are more serious now, WHY DON'T YOU EVER LISTEN TO ME PACHA???

>> No.6891431 [DELETED] 

Yeah, just look at Komeji. Women love em.

>> No.6891432 [DELETED] 

He even looks autistic...

>> No.6891434 [DELETED] 

Only teenage weeab girls like him.

>> No.6891435 [DELETED] 

>implying I didn't already know that

Look! Little Emma is already thinking!

>> No.6891436 [DELETED] 

We do? News to me.

>> No.6891437 [DELETED] 

He's rich, he's getting all the qts, women are only interested in money and big dicks and Ricky has a 10 incher. Pls respect, he's the head of Los Zetas.

Sorry. :|
Either way, I'll go now, I feel like seagulls are gonna think we're "raiding" them or some shit, lol.

>> No.6891440 [DELETED] 

Most women hate feminists too you know. At least the batshit/radical ones.

>> No.6891441

There's some top-quality lolita drama on page 0, but you're not a lolita so...yeah.

Threads like this are thinly veiled misogyny bait. None of them have ever gone well and the idea that you can pinpoint all the drama in the cosplay community to one cause is absurd.

>> No.6891443
File: 494 KB, 669x1000, 1353547630763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to dump cosplay and lolita in hopes that this shit is purged.

>> No.6891444 [DELETED] 

Okay, you fat autistic wetback.

>> No.6891447 [DELETED] 

You're not even from her. How would you know?

>> No.6891448 [DELETED] 

The more I look at his face, the more he reminds me of my ex.

>> No.6891450
File: 254 KB, 900x1350, loosening_the_mew_up_by_kunai_master-d425l5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6891452 [DELETED] 

Yeah we know. We picked that up long before with your womyn rants.

>> No.6891456
File: 103 KB, 467x700, 1316195006359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6891459 [DELETED] 

I've been here two years, you pillock. Yeah, /r9k/ is my main board, but I lurk here pretty heavily still.

>> No.6891460 [DELETED] 

Actually the correct term would be spick.
Spic and wetback would be someone from mexico, but as you can see I'm not.
Spick would be someone who has been raised in the american culture, which I was.
Hispanic and Latino would be the correct term, but I don't think you would be very fond of such words.
Not too sure about chicano though

>> No.6891464 [DELETED] 

That's why it's a spectrum disorder! I wouldn't be surprised if he got a positive for Aspergers, at the very least. It's somehow nicer to think that he literally can't comprehend how moronic he sounds versus willfully being an imbecile.

Ah, the human condition is a strange one, indeed.

>> No.6891462
File: 462 KB, 600x896, 1356110631138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6891463


What is the point if you're going to shop the shit out of the image anyway?

>> No.6891467
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>> No.6891469 [DELETED] 
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>Only teenage weeab girls like him.

So all of /cgl/?

>> No.6891470
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>> No.6891473
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>> No.6891472

So I'm thinking of doing a Free! cosplay for HyperJapan 2013 since I'm too lazy to make a costume for anything.
Is it just lycra swim trousers and goggles?

>> No.6891476
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Turns out I don't have much Lolita after all.

>> No.6891479
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>> No.6891482
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>> No.6891485

>don't get as much drama in the video game community
you've never been to /v/, have you?

>> No.6891486
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>> No.6891491
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>> No.6891494
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>> No.6891495
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>> No.6891500


What about the fishing community?

>> No.6891505
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>> No.6891506
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>> No.6891509
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>> No.6891514
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>> No.6891517


You could say that it's a community that's been ruined by women

They're always causing so much drama by "fishing" for compliments

>> No.6891532
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>> No.6891535
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>> No.6891536
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>> No.6891546

There is literally drama everywhere, if there is someone to talk about and everyone doesn't all get along. You might need to be part of that "inner circle" but it's there in some way, shape or form. I see drama at my cleaning job among the guys, when I played yugioh and pokemon there was drama, there is drama in university/college classes, there is even drama if you have multiple housemates.

With the cosplay community you have a focus on appearance and competition, especially with the rise of social media, and that is going to further spark the drama.

A lot of Cosplay community discussion takes place online, cons are generally far between - this helps fuel it because when there isn't much to talk about it's easy to talk about people.A lot of cosplayers are also on facebook/twitter/tumblr so it's also easy to find stuff to call them out on.

Cosplay is just the perfect storm, but it's not the only hobby with drama.

(and I'm just going to say, after graduating highshool I have seen more men causing drama than women.)

>> No.6891553

I'm amazed someone cosplayed as a Gijinka Garbodor. I love and hate that fucking thing but this looks great~

>> No.6894622

I think some Nordic woman went through this thread. If you know what I mean.

>> No.6894638

Fat people like to complain.

>> No.6894641

Hahahahaha, of course he's a shitskin.

>> No.6894648
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Boy, am I glad there's an archive.

>> No.6894708


>> No.6894736

Women without social skills who are competing for attention.

>> No.6894821

>the fishing community.

The fishing community is all about successful trolling.

>> No.6894829
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>You don't get as much drama in the video game community

>> No.6894846

There's assholes in every subculture and hobby. Underwater basketweaving has dramatic assholes. Toy train collectors have assholes. Gingerbread house decorators have assholes too. Ours just looks worse because the nature of the hobby attract narcissists and people who take themselves too seriously.

>> No.6894879

>You don't get as much drama in the video game community

Yes, because Sony and Microsoft wars are just figments of our imagination.

>> No.6894999

There really is drama everywhere.

>you don't get as much drama with the video game community
The fighting game community has a retarded amount of drama.

>> No.6896766

However is posting these pictures, please continue.

>> No.6896772

Whoever* derp

>> No.6896814

Lol have you ever been in a gaming community. Mother of all drama is in there nigga

>> No.6896822

>Just so the rest of you know, this guy is legitimately the most stupid person on /r9k/, and if you know anything about /r9k/, you'll know that's quite an accomplishment.
Because of /r9k/ I made the life of a virgin guy I know in real life hell.

>> No.6896836

Every hobby, every thing attracts drama cause there's a lot of assholes in the world who decide to be assholes in whatever it is they deal in.

And just cause you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. Just ignore the bullshit and keep on going.

>> No.6896853


>> No.6896870

You're cool

Let's be friends

>> No.6896881
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I'd sum it up like this: Cosplay is a visual, appearance-based hobby. It is pretty much all about looks and skills. If you get critiqued as a cosplayer, it is because someone is judging your appearance or your personal abilities, which many can feel is a direct insult.

It's like someone calling you ugly, when you were trying to look your finest or calling your hardest work shit.

It's all very personal and when people feel personally attacked they tend to lash back, getting equally as catty, petty, and short-sighted.

Likewise, many people can make purely superficials judgements, while leaving the person out of it, but others can still misinterperet that as an attack on that cosplayer's character or quality of personality.

It's entirely possible to tell a person that their cosplay looks awful or that something they did is wrong without equating them to Hitler.. Some people just don't get that.

Toss in the typical internet grapevine and some people wanting attention, but not wanting to deal with all the stress that comes with attention, and you just get this emotional clusterfuck of whining, bitching, and highschool drama.

>> No.6896900

Sometimes someone's gender is relevant to the content they are posting about. Calm down.

>> No.6896921
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I think the fact some people are elitist about craftsmanship and such may attribute to it. This community is very much like a roller coaster, there is literally not a single cosplay out there that everyone likes. Someone, somewhere, for some reason will dislike it. Just how the world works.

>> No.6896930

i think it has more to do with age, not gender. Anyone, male or female under 20 years old is going to cause drama more than people in their mid-late 20's..>>6891370

>> No.6896939

I gotta disagree. The drama llamas/generally immature people I know all are in their mid or late 20s...

>> No.6896940

Probably, but you do also on occasion get the hyper feminists/masculinists and their various related jokes and put-downs.

>> No.6896942

Pretty much this.
It also sort of depends on the attitude you have as you cosplay or dress. If you come in and go "This is my first time trying so and so..."
Peeps gonna help and most will be reasonable and nice. If you take the advice good, if you ignore it and cry, bad.

You have to learn to take critique guys, for everything really. It hurts yeah but if you get better you'll see less and less and then it'll pay off. If you throw a fit and refuse to change then you're gonna get nothing but mean comments.

>> No.6896945

You could probably argue that there's no cosplay that can't be nit-picked. I've heard more "It looks good, but..." rather than just, "I hate it because or reasons."

A picky critic can deduct imaginary points because of the material or the patterning or the quality of the fabric or the techniques or even just the series in general.

"It looks good, but... They're cosplaying from a show/comic/thing I hate, so its automatically shit."

I've even found myself deducting points because of things like pepakura or 3D printing or really anything that removes the "making it from the ground up" step. Admittedly, those techniques take a whole different set of skills and are no less labor intensive than anything else, but I can't help but feel that snobby bit of elitism when I see people who just printed off someone else's instructions and covered it in bondo or fiberglass or whatever, while I start from absolutely nothing and pattern a whole suit of armor from blurry reference pictures and my own scaling math.

>> No.6896967

>tfw when one of my greatest sources of pride was being able to make really nice props for friends, and 3D printers are going to completely kill my game some day.

Thank god they're still out of most people's price range.

>> No.6897174

Full thread


#fight censorship
#smash patriarchy

>> No.6897424

I've thought the same thing.
In the next few years, we're going to see some home printers and on-demand printing services offering small props. Think buckles, brooches, bits of jewelry, little accent pieces and ornamentation for armor. Being a prop maker will still matter.

In the far future, when I hope I'm done cosplaying, we may see some cosplay markets reduced to digital sales of 3D Printable models of different items. Pay for the file, print it off, paint, and you're good to go. At that time, the skills to have will be the ability to rip models from games and convert them to printable elements, the ability to model things from scratch, and knowing how to paint. Sewing will probably still be pretty necessary also.