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6887787 No.6887787[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Latest GTFO reveals the identity of the blacklister of BTSSB and apparently she's cray? Also, add your own Baby customer service stories.

>> No.6887791

Hohoho, oh wow.
I got blacklisted because the bitch forgot to invoice me.

>> No.6887814

I'm inclined to think that it's true, because of how shitty we know their customer service is, but I'd still like to see these caps that Rosaire says she has.

>> No.6887857

It's hilariously close to experiences I've had of Japanese workplaces. A lot of companies doesn't care if people get yelled at, abused and treated like shit. People who reach seniority have gone through the years of grovelling so they rise through the ranks extremely bitter and entitled.

I haven't ordered an item from Baby in ages. I think sometime ago I forgot to pay for something due to family emergencies and didn't really care to order anything again.

I just wish some companies didn't have shitty mail forms. I just want to pay and be done with

>> No.6887863

Still, it's sad that the international customers can't do anything about it.

>> No.6887897

To them we're just a bunch of fatty chans who don't deserve brand.

Also the story does match in a sense that Baby's recruitment page is looking for an international order staff member.

>> No.6887912

Bitch just wants revenge for getting fired. Anyone going to ask the FB girl what happened?

>> No.6887924

Whoa whoa whoa what?? What did she get fired for?

>> No.6887943

Hi FB girl

>> No.6887944

It is rather hard to believe that the coworker would act like that without some kind of provocation or reciprocation

>> No.6888109

"sana" may be cray but consider the source. sane folks don't exactly go around blasting their employers like that. also hard to believe someone would make up a huge story to their boss to get them fired. i'm sure baby has no problem firing a shitty gaijin worker, especially since this post shows the maturity level of said worker.

>> No.6888113

so when does she get deported?

>> No.6888119

Have you ever actually been in a workplace?

>sane folks don't exactly go around blasting their employers like that.

So if a workplace fucks them over and they have crazy coworkers, and someone posts about it... they're not sane?

also >in b4 I'm accused of being rosaire

>> No.6888194

I'm pretty sure she doesn't work there anymore and a different girl was hired to handle overseas orders.

>> No.6888225

According to Rosaire:

"It's kind of a long story but basically she was gone for two weeks overseas, (I think to help out Misako and Midori) and during those two weeks I had to handle all the international stuff by myself. I had been there for just under two months and she expected me to be a master at everything. The other staff claimed all I did was sit around and do nothing while she was gone, which is a lie, because I did some huge shipments and a ton of clerical work. She went to the Isobes and told them that I wasn't able to do anything while she was gone and they believed her. Her claims to them were that I am too slow, make too many mistakes, and am a psycho. He ate it all up and said that my abilities are behind the other two foreigners they had hired in the past.

Either way, due to the way Aoki treated me when I tried to have a civil discussion with her, and due to the way she has been treating me this entire time, I had no plans to stay. They need to hire someone Japanese because this chick is so xenophobic it's impossible for a foreigner to work there. "

>> No.6888247

I can believe those claims by Baby staff. Isn't rosaire physically ill? That would attribute to slowness. She also went crazy when the drama popped up and burned bridges so I am inclined to side with Baby than rosaire.

>> No.6888259

>when the drama popped up
You mean when two girls lied about their shopping service experiences with her and didn't apologize even after they got caught in their own lies?

>> No.6888261

Yeah, I did think that maybe her illness had to do with it. At the same time, it's not hard to believe that the person who does the blacklisting is a Xenophobe (I mean, c'mon, it's Japan) and it was pretty obvious that Baby had no intention of giving good customer service to international customers. So, while it's nice to know, and I'd still like to see evidence of it, the post itself does end up seeming a lot more vendetta-y and less of "I felt Baby's customers should know" that she claimed in the OP.

>> No.6888279

>She also went crazy when the drama popped up and burned bridges

You mean she burned the bridges with people who lied about their experiences and showed absolutely no remorse over it?

>> No.6888283

I agree. And I know for a fact that rosaire has a persecution complex and woe is me personality so I usually take what she says with a grain of salt.

>> No.6888286

but but but octavekitten and infiniteneeya are so pretty and roll in brand and I want to be as popular as them ;__________; they can do no wrong.

>> No.6888287

So, if she was working by herself for a few weeks, why didn't she just delete the blacklist? I'm sure that bitch didn't remember peoples' names.

>> No.6888284

>persecution complex

Being a victim of catty cunts who tried to ruin your business =/= persecution complex.

>> No.6888289

Probably because that would have caused a shitstorm.

>> No.6888291

She probably would have been fired for it.. but she got fired anyway so.

>> No.6888296

I wasn't talking about the drama. I am friends with people who know her in real life and they all say the same thing even though my friends don't know each other. If that many people are saying the same thing, I am inclined to believe that rosaire isn't all right in the head.

>> No.6888297

This still makes me seethe. I really don't understand the mentality of people who are willing to lie, I mean outright lie! About something that could harm someone's money situation.... and then when they get caught act like nothing happened!!!

I wish they were at least fat so people would hold them accountable for their actions. Rabbit777 doesn't get away with calling fabric shitty because she has all the design skills of a 7 year old, but these two get away with blaaaatant bullshit? cocksucking damn it.

>> No.6888298

Deets? I mean actual details.

Because all people will ever say is vague attacks without ever, ever backing it up.

>> No.6888301

I'm sure she doesn't have access to someone else's work computer

>> No.6888300

Rosaire drama-anon, go away. Didn't you get a permaban the first time?

>> No.6888312

The reason I don't want to provide details is because rosaire might attack them. Some things were said to me in person and others through messages and I don't want to stoop down to posting messages.

Believe what you will but know that it isn't just one or two drama stirring people who is making things up about rosaire. I am not attacking her as a shopping service so I don't care if you use her. I am just saying that I am weary to believe everything she says at face value. What sucks about this situation is that we will never know the truth since we weren't there to see what went down at Baby.

>> No.6888315

>she might attack them
Anyone else remember this from the first time around?
>I know her but I can't go into detail because she'll expose me!

>> No.6888322

I get what you are saying anon, but without proof, no one is going to believe you.

And Rosaire should post proof too.

>> No.6888342

Rosaire, stop changing the subject to your old drama. The point here is that she was fired at baby by some raging manipulative bitch, so now give us some proof of this so we can all hate her too. Otherwise you just look like a catty butthurt ass who can't keep a job and runs to the internet to talk private shit about your coworkers.

I would never want to do any business with you btw because as soon as I accidentally annoy you, you'd spill all my personal details to the world. I'm sure your customers appreciate that.

>> No.6888350

I'm inclined to believe her when she says that her bosses didn't give a fuck about Cray Girl's antics, considering Japan's track record of xenophobia, and overall business culture.

>> No.6888359

Wait, what happened here? That drama is vaguely ringing a bell, but I don't remember it clearly. Are there links?

>> No.6888362

I am with you. People think that infinite and octave are nice people but they aren't. They had a group where they would occasionally shit talk about people and it is no surprise that egl's resident bitch soniabunny was a part of it too. I regret not taking caps before the group disappeared because there were several e-famous lolitas in it.

>> No.6888366

It would have been viewable from the main database, since she was running international orders alone she would have had access to it, since it's sort of important to the job.

>> No.6888371

>a group where they would occasionally shit talk about people
>there were several e-famous lolitas in it


>> No.6888372

To me, it sounded more like a personal black-list than an official one, if the part about her writing comments like "idiot" was true. So, it would make sense if it were saved in her personal emails/files.
If this girl takes care of the majority of the international orders, it has pretty much the same weight as a real, company black-list would, since who she rejects and accepts seems to depend on how much she hates foreigners that day.

>> No.6888374

rosaire threads always have dramu, whether it's vendetta-chans or people trying to start dramu about the vendetta-chans.

>> No.6888377

Then how did rosaire view it in the first place? This girl apparently hated her as well.

>> No.6888381

If she was working in international orders, she probably had to follow her rules, which would probably include not shipping to names on that list.

>> No.6888385

Sana's rage must be so big that she would take the extra effort to make sure she doesn't ship to people on the blacklist. I'm a lazy person so I wouldn't care who I'm shipping and selling things to.

>> No.6888384

Well, I don't fucking know, I'm not her. Maybe she happened to glance at it. Ask her in the getoffegl thread.

If it were in an open, company database, you really think anyone cared about the shit-talking in it, then? Rosaire probably would've gotten into deep shit for deleting it, since the office would already know about it in this case, which implies tacit approval

>> No.6888388

Would have been nice if she somehow managed to copy and leak it.

>> No.6888389
File: 73 KB, 500x376, 876556789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But in all seriousness, I really don't want to support Baby anymore. And it's not because of the way they handled the situation with Rosaire, but how they do indeed handle their customer service and how they've blacklisted so many people over trivial bullshit.
If they want to be xenophobes, fine. But they can do it on their own time and in their own country. They don't need dirty, fat piggu foreign money after all.

I'd say boycott them so they develop a better understanding for their international customer service, but maybe they really don't need us. Their attitudes sure do represent that view.

>> No.6888392

I think she would need to see it because she would have to run new orders through the blacklist to make sure sales were ok to be completed.

>> No.6888396

So then she would have a copy atleast, right? I get she's trying to 'help' by leaking the name but her whole post seems like butthurt because she has nothing to back it.

>> No.6888407

rosaire is pulling an octavekitten!

>> No.6888411

Yes, if she was smart she would've gotten a copy of it. It seems she doesn't care about fucking over her employer, might as well post tons of personal information from the blacklist while she's at it. Don't forget to include addresses and phone numbers. You know, for internet points.

>> No.6888415

That I can agree with. Hearsay from a stranger on the internet is hardly enough proof of anything.
How do we even know that the FB page is even the BTSSBitch? Maybe it's someone who fills in for her while she's away, hence the inconsistent bouts of bitchiness - it's not like it happens to all foreign customers.
Or it could be her, but she didn't write mean comments in the blacklist.
Or maybe rosaire never spoke with her boss about it at all.

Aside from the reviews, there really is zero proof of anything.

>> No.6888416

Baby is basically the oldest brand with the most loyal customer base for a variety of styles. Not to mention they have the closest to official backing from Japan, what with Misako and all that. They don't need us at all. And honestly, they've got bad customer service, but all the lolita brands don't really care too much about foreign customers, because they won't integrate into the foreign market with things like broader size range and I know that a place like AP USA and the international site specifically both get leftovers unless it's a big release(but they still get less) Heck, even bodyline does this.

Lolita brands never needed us, they just wanted more money and the demand was there, so they took the initiative.

>> No.6888418

Personal info is too much, even if it was all blacked out except for first name, last initial, and the comments the Japanese woman made. I'm curious about all of them.

>> No.6888423

Wow, you're so right, anon! I mean, there's no way she could have edited out the names or addresses or emails beyond the first name. That's impossible, you can't just edit things like documents or photos!

>> No.6888425

And I shall deliver. It was everyone in the lolita community that had presence in one form or another. Here is what I remember. octavekitten, infiniteneeya, redtonic, go-slowly, tsu_, xylia-x, kyomu (mod of lavieclassique), milkteamilk (fyeahlolita blog), arthael

>> No.6888429

You think that anyone would believe you? That all those Lolitas banded together to talk shit? You are as laughable as Lisa's haters.

>> No.6888427

See, all of this is making me somewhat side with vendetta-chans. I mean if there was something to back it then I'd be more inclined, but right now this just seems like a bawwfest on her part, and what if she has a problem with this FB girl and so she wants people to think that she's a bitch?

>> No.6888430

Well, she's fired now, so there's no way of getting at it.

I'd be content with the emails she claims that Sana insulted her in, though. What I really want is sold proof that the chick is a complete dick.

>> No.6888433

Was Rosaire in there?

>> No.6888435


>> No.6888434
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>me when this thread

>> No.6888436

That is what I want too. Does rosaire think that we will all believe her because of her previous drama? I sided with her then but with this issue, I won't believe it until caps are posted. She posted caps before so I don't understand why she isn't posting them now.

>> No.6888438

Yeah, especially since every single other brand seems to have customer service ranging from decent to really amazing. Why bother with Baby?

>> No.6888439


>> No.6888450

What do you even mean by 'group'? You mean they exchanged chats or was it a FB group or what? It doesn't seem like a big deal that famous lolitas that know each other would occasionally gossip.

>> No.6888451

Get back to work Toujima.

>> No.6888455

Don't fucking derail the thread with this hearsay shitstirring bullshit.

>> No.6888457

makes no sense to me that rosaire was in it. You said it's a e-fame girls group. She was a nobody until the octavekitten incident, eh?

>> No.6888460

It isn't hearsay. It was a Facebook group called Elite Elder Lolita Cabal and there were more people in it that the ones I listed. The group's mission was to ban replicas and the members often mocked people who were for replicas. I'm not going to act innocent and say that I didn't post but those girls aren't as perfect as they seem.

>> No.6888463

>The group's mission was to ban replicas and the members often mocked people who were for replicas.

This isn't fucking drama you asshole. Maybe you're just a fatty-chan who has to wear replicas. Wah wah wah, sorry not everyone likes your cheap knockoff trash.

>> No.6888464

Well, they were friends before that. I mean, the incident with Octavekitten had initially been a favour where instead of charging her SS fees, she did it free of charge so that she could fill up a stamp card.

>> No.6888471
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Did you ever think someone can own brand AND own one stupid replica? I wouldn't be mocking fattychans when you have a thundercunt that big, girlie.

>> No.6888472

The thing is, I don't understand why it's a big deal that they would talk about other people? Just because they're famous doesn't mean they can't gossip. It's totally fine until they start doing shit like what Octavekitten and Infiniteneeya did, where they actively try to ruin someone's reputation. That being said, yeah, this thread isn't about past drama, so can we bring this back to how it's related to Baby?

>> No.6888474

>what if she has a problem with this FB girl and so she wants people to think that she's a bitch?

I haven't even thought of that. That's a low blow then.

>> No.6888478

Different anon but tbqh I think AP intl still handles their shit better than Baby.

>> No.6888484

Do people still think that efamous lolitas are perfect beings? They aren't. They bitch, they gossip, they drink, they're just like any normal person. Like any normal person, they act civil to people on the internet BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT NORMAL PEOPLE DO. Get your panties untwisted.

>> No.6888487

Poorfag, fatty-chan whatever. I don't condone stealing artwork regardless of whether it has any affect on the original producer's sales. Stealing is stealing, get that through your head. Call me elitist, but there are ways around supporting counterfeiting. Entitlement is one hell of a drug.

>> No.6888492

Do you have reading comprehension issues?

>The group's mission was to ban replicas and the members often mocked people who were for replicas
>I'm not going to act innocent and say that I didn't post
Poster is obviously against replicas if she was in the group.

>> No.6888494

I'm inclined to believe that she wouldn't sink to such levels. She might have a bit of a victim-complex, and there are times where it's justified and some where it's not. However, she has had the experience of people trying to ruin her business reputation, and she has also had the experience of anons helping her out by uncovering the truth and proving naysayers wrong. So yes, while it's possible that it might all just be some kind of elaborate lie, I'm inclined to think she knows better than that because the truth will get uncovered eventually.

>> No.6888503

>Call me elitist
No, but I will call you an idiot with a stick up your ass. I bet you don't even have any brand, I bet you just shitpost here to make yourself feel better. Delusion is one hell of a drug.

>> No.6888506

She never said she was in the group.

>> No.6888513

She posted, therefore she was in the group.

>> No.6888516


>I'm not going to act innocent and say that I didn't post

>You can infer by this sentence that if she posted, then she was in the group
>What is reading comprehension

>> No.6888517

What if this FB girl lost her her job or was the one who fired her? I mean, yes she has a disease but if the workload was that difficult then maybe they were right to let her go. All I see in her post is her pointing the finger with no proof just saying 'hey remember this? this is that bitch!' it just seems overly whiny to me.

>> No.6888532

The FB girl was the one who got her fired. It's not in the original post, but she does mention it in the discussion. This >>6888225 is apparently the way she got fired.

I'm not saying it's not pretty self-indulgent to make a big deal about it right after she got fired, and she probably has a huge vendetta against someone she felt got her fired (whether it was deserved or not). At the same time, though, it might also be completely true that the girl is an asshole, and because of the shit Baby's customers have had to deal with, I would absolutely love to see proof of it.

>> No.6888536

So, once again, you have no proof, no evidence, and not details.

>> No.6888596

I have been so drama deprived that this makes me excited. Anyone miss the good old drama?

>> No.6888602

I do, anon. So many newfags means no drama or just the same old crap.

>> No.6888611

Someone should send the gtfo post to Tocco. That would be glorious if she responds.

>> No.6888612

drama gets me moist but sad to hear octave is shady

>> No.6888634

I used to look up to her because she dealt with crap because her tattoos and her age, and I liked the contrast between her sweeter outfits and her tattoos, but... yeah... finding out what type of person she really is was a major letdown.

>> No.6888645

YES, THIS. I have mutual friends with her but I'm not friends with her on FB. Can someone link her?

>> No.6888675

I still admire her style, but I can't really say I respect her as a person.

>> No.6888676

I remember that group. Someone tried adding me to it once. I declined the invitation because it looked like bad news.

>> No.6888690

Do you think she would respond? I always think that japanese people are the type that gossip and backstab you instead of doing public confrontation.

But yeah, send it to her.

>> No.6888699

It's locked and I doubt she has an LJ or knows enough english to make one.. But she already knows the post has been made

>> No.6888708

There is so much ignorance in that thread now. So so much.

>> No.6888788

Um, she's in charge of the international orders. I'm sure her English is fine.

>> No.6888819

How so?

I mean, I'm kinda iffy of people jumping on the hate train for this girl with no proof, but I wouldn't say that's them being ignorant - just drama-starved.

>> No.6888845

I don't think even that many people are jumping on the hate train. We're waiting for proof and more deets because most things are just pure speculation and empty claims right now.

>> No.6888858

>other staff claimed all I did was sit around and do nothing
>too slow
>make too many mistakes
>abilities aren't up to the standard of previous employees

Seriously, if I had someone who did this in my department, I'd complain to my manager as well. Nothing sucks more than coming back to work to find tasks not done as they should have been.

It's difficult for foreigners to work anywhere in Japan. I bet the 'civil discussion' would have quickly descended into a shit storm quite quickly, especially if one party isn't prepared to accept that their work ethic isn't up to expectations.

>> No.6888864

It could have been that. Someone mentioned that she's sick and that it might have had something to do with her being slower, so I could buy that.

It's also possible that this girl had it out for her for being a white fatty-chan, and took a few reasonable flaws and errors, and exaggerated them to suit her own purpose.

Honestly, without those supposed hateful emails, everything is just baseless assumptions made on rosadadaea's claims.

>> No.6888871

But how valid are the complaints of someone that tells a customer they're going to "sue them" for posting on EGL about damaged shoes and bad service?

>> No.6888904

Well, there's no way of knowing for certain because it seems like there was no one overseeing her while she was working. If she had only been there for two months, isn't it an issue with Baby's management that they would let someone completely new handle such large orders? I mean, I know it's a small company, but it's like they're looking for a reason to fire her.

>> No.6888908

Have you ever had a job before, bro?

>> No.6888928

Obviously not, but I don't see how that's relevant? They put her in charge of dealing with all the international orders without help while the other girl was away, and expected her to deal with it when she'd only been working there a short time.

>> No.6888941

Whoops, read that as "Have you ever had a job there before?" And I was like, "What, at Baby, of course not!"

Yeah, I've had a job, but no one ever left me on my own when I hadn't been trained enough to handle the job by myself.

>> No.6888943

>complaining about people talking shit about others
>on 4chan talking shit about others

>> No.6888964

Two months is plenty of time to train someone for a job, especially something as simple as that.

>> No.6888978

Yeah retail is easy but terrible because of the shitty entitled customers.

>> No.6889002

Basically this, I've worked in retail before and it usually is only a 2 week training period or so. And I doubt that even baby has an impossible amount of international orders to process.

>> No.6889040

You sound like those weabs who think you can work better than any other foreigner so every Japanese company should be hiring you to go to glorious Nippon.

>> No.6889214

This is also hearsay, but as far as I know, this girl was just dumped into this job with too much work, shitty pay, and a very basic grasp of the English language.
I'm pretty sure I am not the only person blacklisted because she forgot to invoice me.
It was also said to me that she pretty much has free reign of the international side of Baby. They are not a "small" company, they shouldn't be letting 1 or 2 inexperienced part-timers shoulder all that work.

It is quite possible that Rosaire knows way more than this teenager, and she didn't like it. But then, this is just speculation, based on things I have been told.

>> No.6889220

sounds like a load of bullshit.

>> No.6889228

Cool, m8.

>> No.6889249

Other people here and in the gtfo post already confirmed this.

>> No.6889287

What illness does rosaire supposedly even have? I'm doubting that one. I think she is just lazy and got caught being lazy on the job and was properly punished for it, and now has a vendetta against this girl and Baby.

>> No.6889293

The hat fiasco.


>> No.6889310

and now you're back! from outer space!

>> No.6889313

Up until she made the gtfo post, Lisa had been making posts about this person harassing her on her fb and linked the same Facebook in the comments part. So I believe this. It matches up with what she has said prior to the getoff post.

>> No.6889321

no one is questioning the legitimacy of the harassment, we're questioning whether or not this girl is actually the same person who does the baby blacklisting.

honestly she could be, but she also might not be. it would be simple for rosaire to accuse someone, who is actually harassing them, of something they aren't doing that would still be believable.

>> No.6889328

everytime I see a picture of octavekitten on my dash I want to smack that smirk off her face

>> No.6889344

It's pretty normal to make one or two people handle the work realistically done by 5. Their economy has always been shitty and they cut staff to the bone. It's laughable when people don't believe that the major companies that I've seen have massive projects done only by a small amount of people who see their home only when it's finished.

So much butthurt baby can do no wrong fans

>> No.6889352

She still is a nobody desperately trying to be a somebody.

>> No.6889365

>implying anybody in lolita fashion is a somebody
Just girls in a big ass sub fashion circlejerk.

>> No.6889364

Shhh, anon. Shhhh. We know you're still upset that your smear campaign failed last winter.

>> No.6889381

I wouldn't call the other girl inexperienced or anything. She's had the job for six years, so there's been plenty of time to improve. She's just an asshole.

>> No.6889450 [DELETED] 

According to Rosaire. Without proof.

>> No.6889461

According to Rosaire. Without any proof.

>> No.6889467

Rosaire whining to the internet about being a victim yet again. Notice a trend yet?

>> No.6889473

Professional translator here. Being able to muddle through international orders (which usually requires only knowledge of item names, item numbers, price, confirmation number, etc.) is a much simpler endeavor than reading through a 4chan thread full of Internet lingo and nuances that is specific to English-speaking lolitas. She would probably be more familiar with LJ as an acronym for "Life for Journey", a free newspaper on travel and music.

If this blacklist and the person who created it are actually real, I would suspect the person is not only an embittered person, but that she is also too damn LAZY to look up new English vocabulary and go the extra mile for international customers. A customer is asking you a question in email using new words? Just look up the damn vocab. Feel free to bitch about work to yourself -- I don't envy people who work in retail -- but making a digital blacklist for other coworkers to discover is just setting yourself up for future trouble.

Which is why I really wish there were SCREENCAPS. There are stories of customer complaints, but no proof of this supposed blacklist.

Also, if she's really enforcing a blacklist for foreign customers who order something in the "incorrect manner" (sending her questions, making special requests, etc), she probably won't bother interpreting an anonymous board in English that is accusing her, BTSSB, and Japanese society as a whole, for being xenophobic and unfriendly to foreigners.

>> No.6889478

I do notice a trend! Whenever there is a post about rosaire, there are vague comments saying that rosaire has suuuuuuch a persecution complex, suuuuuuuuch a victim complex, she's alwaaaaaays whining about being a victim... and yet you never, ever provide details or evidence of any of it.

Why are you so butthurt about her, anon?

>> No.6889500

And then people bitch and moan about those who step forward to warn others of inappropriate behavior while simultaneously bitching and moaning why no one steps forward...

>> No.6889524

>people bitch and moan about those who step forward to warn others of inappropriate behavior
>Implying the people who "stepped forward" last time weren't lying about or greatly exaggerating what happened.

>> No.6889540

Well gee whiz, isn't it obvious? She always claims that everyone is attacking her for no reason. If this has happened multiple times, it's not a huge leap of logic to assume that maybe, just maybe, she is part of the problem.
But whatever, Craizaire! I'm sure you think that Octavekitten, Lingzero, Infinateneya, the Baby staff, every competeing shopping service, and a hoard of Japanese tranny rock band fangirls are all in on this big conspiracy to get poor little sweet innocent you.

>> No.6889561


>> No.6889562

Just pointing out she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.

>> No.6889564

>And then people bitch and moan about those who step forward to warn others of inappropriate behavior while simultaneously bitching and moaning why no one steps forward...

Except everyone who has thus far stepped forward to warn others of inappropriate behavior has either lied flat out and been proven wrong by caps and evidence, or refuses to name details--gee, might that be because they know they'll be proven wrong?

>But whatever, Craizaire! I'm sure you think that Octavekitten, Lingzero, Infinateneya, the Baby staff, every competeing shopping service, and a hoard of Japanese tranny rock band fangirls are all in on this big conspiracy to get poor little sweet innocent you.
>implying octavekitten didn't lie
>implying lingozero didn't lie
>implying infiniteneeya didn't lie
>bringing up J-rock and using Craizaire as an insult

I see you've never left /cgl/, vendetta-chan. Guess what? NOBODY FUCKING BUYS YOUR BULLSHIT ABOUT ROSAIRE. If she's done something shitty, PROVE IT, you little turd.

>> No.6889570

How about accusing some poor random Japanese girl of being Sana because she's jelly?

>> No.6889571

>but no proof of this supposed blacklist.

I agree with all of your comment, but everyone knows the blacklist exists. Multiple girls have come out on the getoffegl post about being on it.

>> No.6889584

do you have any evidence that this is a "poor random Japanese girl" and not a Btssb employee?

Or that she's jealous? Any evidence? Details? Anything besides your sad vendetta?

>> No.6889587
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>> No.6889593
File: 1.20 MB, 717x960, 1357468629194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But octavekitten, and the others, were lying out of their cunts.

Oh look everyone! It's the hat she she claimed she "thankfully" received the morning of her flight on September 6th!

>> No.6889628

I'm more inclined to believe her, who has proven herself truthful before, than you, who's spammed mad vendetta over and over again in some psycho, deranged attempt of making her the villain for no reason that anyone can discern, going as far as making several puppet accounts and samefagging over multiple websites just to try and make her look bad.

>> No.6889655

She always came off as a self-important bitch. I'm still wondering how she gets away with so much when there's so many stupid fucking threads about being too old for Lolita at 21. Isn't she late 30's now?

>> No.6889693

She's like 32 lol.i don't think that counts as late thirties kiddo.

>> No.6889699

32 with a kickin bod and slick style

>> No.6889703

For someone who was railing for caps last time, Rosaire sure hasn't provided direct caps of the conversations where the coworker supposedly said mean things to her. Facebook statuses complaining about work are not proof!

>> No.6889701

While rosaire is around her age, can't dress herself, and cries to the internet for asspats when she fucks up.

>> No.6889705

No one is referring to the literal blacklist existing or not. It's whether or not this bitch called everyone idiots and fat pigs. Anyway, I'm going to use a fake Japanese name to order from now on to see what happens.

>> No.6889717
File: 713 KB, 722x1376, hypocrite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rosaire bitches about her health too much -octave

lol okay

>> No.6889731

ew wtf

>> No.6889732


Rosaire has not "fucked up" once as far as we know. Even if she was bad at her job and that's the reason she got fired, we have no proof of this.

Also, proof of "can't dress herself"?

>> No.6889748


>> No.6889753

Seems like she's being called fat everywhere there has been drama related to her. Can't help but wonder how she looks

>> No.6889762

Once again it didn't take long for Rosaire's obsessed vendetta-chan to show up.

>> No.6889766

You sound ignorant and like you have never worked in a team environment where one person does not put in their share of the workload.

>> No.6889778

Since she's unemployed, Rosaire has even more time than normal to pout on /cgl

>> No.6889785

Wow for a "fattychan" she looks really good. And she's like barely too fat. Like 10-15 pounds less and she'd look "fine".

>> No.6889797

hi rosaire, get a fucking job you looser

>> No.6889809
File: 97 KB, 500x669, rosaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are either a vendetta-chan or have never seen an ita. She looks pretty damn good considering.

>> No.6889820

Serious question time:

Why does every time Rosiare's name comes up a shit storm ensues?

And has anyone actually met her in real life?

>> No.6889833

>when she fucks up

when has she fucked up? deets? evidence? proof?

also, the only reason octavekitten and neeya aren't pariahs is because they're decent looking and have lots of brand. If someone like rabbit of tiferet pulled this, they'd be out.

she has some really obsessive vendetta-chan(s?). They started last fall, claiming all sorts of shit about rosaire that they never proved, which ended up culminating in ocatvekitten, infifiniteneeya, and lingozero joining in suspiciously fast on one of the cgl vendetta chan's posts on getoffegl.

>> No.6889836

and a lump of coal where her heart should be

>> No.6889838

go to bed you mong

>> No.6889854

What's the motivation for vendatta-channing? Had something happened to start it or do people really do this for shits & giggles?

>> No.6889859

Falling out with some famous lolitas, and the Tokyo lolitas.

>> No.6889860

Alright. When someone goes under for surgery, it's not called bitching. However, complaining about every little symptom and using it as an excuse for things is.

And no I am not octavkitten, just something who thinks you are cray cray.

>> No.6889867

lol. wow, man-faced fatty-chan.

>> No.6889880

Because she comes on here and responds to everything.

We know she frequents cgl.
We know she likes to make her affairs public.
We know she now has all the time in the world to sit here and respond.

Really? First three mean old girls are after her, now Baby's staff? I'm guessing there's something wrong with her personality.

>> No.6889888

I can't remember the exact details, but one of the theories was that the vendetta-chan was someone who didn't get an item they wanted from rosaire and got super pissy about it, since the posts on /cgl/ started after some reservation? But I'm not 100% sure on that. I'm inclined to believe that it's someone American, living in Japan or otherwise, that has connections to the ocatvekitten, neeya, lingo--either that or at least one of them was participating all along, since they popped up pretty fast with their BS stories when vendetta anon made their post.

>> No.6889891

>First three mean old girls are after her

Omg you stupid cunt. there is proof they lied. There is literal proof that they lied. Just stop it.

>> No.6889893

Yes, because when a grand total of four people are mean to you, it means that you are a terrible person.

>> No.6889898

I get the feeling you know more than you are saying. If she somehow pissed the group off I can see them batting her down every time her name pops up.

>> No.6889899

She looks like the trannies she chases after.

>> No.6889900
File: 49 KB, 1296x328, octave2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this, octavekitten posting a screencap of rosaire talking about her private illness? Oh!

>> No.6889910

No one knows who the Vendetta-chan actually is, not even Rosaire, I think, so it's all really just speculation as to why they do it. But whatever the reason, it got to the point where V-chan was telling her to kill herself and trying to ruin her business.

>> No.6889918

There probably could be a personality problem, which would explain why this shit always happens to her. Has anyone met her in person?

Really, do people pick on others just for the sake of it or because someone has done something to cause it?

>> No.6889919

>Using her sister being attacked as reason to criticize her on slow shipping

Dick move right there.

>> No.6889921

it says it's a cap of her talking about her sister being attacked by a stalker.

Gross. Why would anyone use that on an anonymous forum to defend their point.

>> No.6889923

She chases after trannies? What do you mean?

>> No.6889930

Tranny j-rockers.

>> No.6889934

>Really, do people pick on others just for the sake of it or because someone has done something to cause it?

In this case, the "case" looks to be either lingozero being buttmad that rosaire couldn't get her an item fast during the holiday season, or neeya being pissed because rosaire made a facebook post about how another shopping service was taking pictures inside closet child and she was pissed because it could affect how the store sees other foreign shopping services.

>> No.6889936

Apparently she used to be part of the J-rock scene, and so V-chan likes to call her out on liking trannies.

>> No.6889937

Oh whoops, I thought it was about her illness... but that's even worse.

>> No.6889942

Well according to her she was fired for being too slow at her work so maybe she is mildly retarded or something like that.

>> No.6889946
File: 96 KB, 640x235, Nemesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're mildly retarded for not being able to get over this huge thing you have about her.

>> No.6889949

>being a raging cunt because rosaire didn't get your item

c'mon naw, get over it

>> No.6889952

If someone was slow at my work I'd be picking on them too. Ain't nobody got time for some slow ass, that means I have to do my work + catch up hers that she didn't do.

>> No.6889960

I'm just saying she posts all the time about how shitty her health is. Who the fuck decides to take a picture of their surgery and then post to facebook? Rosaire has never done that. You are the only cray cray one here. U ma, Jo?

>> No.6889979

Well Rosaire was throwing out a slew of silly excuses and who knows if she was telling the truth

>> No.6889983

Before she added me on facebook she told me that she had originally made it to keep her family updated on her life and health and that it would be depressing, and she wouldn't be offended if I didn't want to be friends any more, so I think she has every right to post about her health to facebook either way.

>> No.6889987

I remember some non-native English speaker bitching about rosaire a long ass time ago before there was any big drama, I want to say it started last summer/fall. Now whether the same person has become the v-chan or there is someone else or multiple other people who have taken over remains to be seen.

>> No.6889990

And yet Octave still managed to go to work, which is much more challenging job than teaching English to some sproglets, leave the house, and ship sales-post things on time

>> No.6889988

She used her illness as an excuse. Octave has done that too. Why is it okay for Octave to do it but not Rosaire?

>> No.6889993

>throwing out a slew of silly excuses

But anyone with even ta small moral compass would realize that posting someone's message about their sister being physically attacked is not "lol SEE! See this silly excuse!!!" Especially when you take into consideration that octavekitten's entire post there is bullshit, since it was proven she lied about how long it took, she lied about when she got the item, and she lied about her experience.

But rosaire doesn't?

>> No.6889996

I meant before rosaire added me, forgot to add that, apologies.

>> No.6889997

>ship sales-post things on time

Except rosaire includes, and has for like a year++, disclaimers on her posts AND her shopping services that it may take up to x amount of time for something to be shipped and that you need to get an okay from her if you have a deadline so she can tell you whether or not she can make it.

There's like... what? One or two feedback from her years on the sales community about shipping later than she meant to, and in both cases she offered ways to help placate the buyer for her mistake.

>> No.6890002

To add to that, both the people who complained about she shipping times were proven to be lying and had actually gotten their items on time.

>> No.6890015

Okay and that's fine but don't bitch about Rosaire doing the same thing on her own personal facebook.

Rosaire doesn't teach English anymore, you fuck.

>> No.6890025

My bad, packing some boxes or whatever then

>> No.6890021

thought you were talking Octave, nevermind.

>> No.6890031

well, technically only octave lied about shipping, but that's because the others ended up with refunds.

Octavekitten got her item about a week before she needed it and well within the timeframe she gave rosaire. Lingozero canceled her transaction and got a refund--she's the one that claimed she had to badger and badger rosaire to get a refund... when in reality she got a refund within 9 minutes after rosaire was the first one to suggest it as a solution. Neeya also got a refund since she had ended up purchasing the item herself in the online reservation, claiming she did it out of desperation since rosaire wasn't communicating with her, when rosaire was the one that flat out told her that she probably wouldn't be able to get it and she'd be better off trying it herself--and if they both ended up with dresses, rosaire would have no problem selling off the extra so it would be no worries.

Lingo and neeya lied about their experience too, of course, but just not about when it arrived since it hadn't happened.

>> No.6890032

Cadney, who was a big Rosaire supporter, recently just posted asking for another SS. What happened there?

>> No.6890043

Why don't you ask Cadney?

>> No.6890047

Maybe she just wanted a new one? It's not that odd. I use one service for taobao b sometimes I use another if the first one is having a lot of traffic. She's not the only one using rosaire's services.

>> No.6890051

So what I got from the GTFOEGL is:

- Rosaire is fired from her job due to being told she is under performing
- Rosiare blames it on this other girl, who she says lied to get her fired
- Rosaire outs the girl on Facebook without any proof it is the said girl who lied, and tells everyone that this girl also hates them and has blacklisted them from the store
- Rosaire also says this girl is a xenophobe and shouldn't be working there in the capacity she is in

This just sounds like a person bitter at losing their job so hitting back anyway they can. Why did she wait until after to tell us about the Blacklist? Is this because it only mattered once they had fired her and to was a way to beat up everyone to agree with her?

>> No.6890052

Whoops, oh yeah, I forgot about what the Neeya situation had been.

>> No.6890056

Vendetta-chan MO: When confronted with the facts about what has happened, change subject and shoot into the dark

>> No.6890063

So you got something else form the GTFOEGL entry then?

>> No.6890066

I don't disagree that she did it to get back at them for firing her, but I'm fairly sure she couldn't have done it while she was working there because she would probably get in trouble for it (not that it matters now, but she couldn't have known, then)

>> No.6890073

>Why did she wait until after to tell us about the Blacklist?
Moron alert.

>> No.6890074

Obviously she was pissed about being fired and only felt comfortable about posting about this once it happened since, y'know, people need jobs and money and aren't likely to risk that shit while they have one.

You're operating on the assumption that rosaire is lying, when there's no reason not to believe her.

>> No.6890084

Well no, if the Blacklist meant that much and offended her so much, why wait until after to out it? If your principles were that high there are ways to anonymously get the word out.

Especially if you lurk /cgl/.

>> No.6890088

Except that Rosaire isn't mad at Baby, she's only mad at this girl who she feels screwed her over. She specifically tells someone who claims they don't want to shop at Baby now not to avoid Baby but to be careful ordering through the site because of this girl.

>> No.6890092

Innocent World has pretty good customer service? They're slow & have a basic mail form, but you always get a "personalized" letter from them on IW stationary with your purchase.

>> No.6890105

If working with this girl was so horrible and the harassment was continuous and daily, why would you stay there?

The Blacklist was run by this one girl, not Baby. Still could have outed the list and the owner of it if it really bothered her that much. That she did it after she was fired makes me feel Rosaire has started vendatta-channing on her own.

>> No.6890107

Not really. She was the only other member of the 'international team' at the company, and certainly the only native English speaker. It would be very easy to find out that she leaked the information.

Basically, though, you're now nitpicking because she didn't want to lose her job.

>> No.6890111

>If working with this girl was so horrible and the harassment was continuous and daily, why would you stay there?

Do you live with your parents?

>> No.6890118


>If working with this girl was so horrible and the harassment was continuous and daily, why would you stay there?

Well, she's a foreigner living in Japan, and as we've covered above, the Japanese have some weird business policies when it comes to foreigners. It wouldn't exactly be easy for her to find another job.

p.s. you reminded me of when someone comes out after being domestically abused and someone says "why didn't you just leave?"

>> No.6890115

I guess I am nitpicking because something does feel off about it. There are no caps to support what is going on and we only have the say so of one side of the story, who gets upset when others attack her without proof (which is what is happening here).

>> No.6890121

NO, why do you ask?

>> No.6890125

>Still could have outed the list and the owner of it if it really bothered her that much.

For that to accomplish anything, Baby would have to give a fuck about their foreign customers. Which they don't.

>> No.6890126

Yeah, I won't be completely satisfied until caps happen either. I do believe Rosaire, but it's pretty much unofficial GTFO policy to include them.

>> No.6890127

Do you not understand what it's like to have a job, then? Lots of people suffer through shit they don't want to deal with because they need to keep working.

>> No.6890130

Well, "Why didn't you leave" is a question to ask, because the answer tells you about the person's motivation for staying.

If they said "I had no where to go, no money and no one to help me" then it helps others to understand more why they did what they did, don't you think?

>> No.6890148

Going by that logic she must have had something already lined up and waiting, so she either knew she was going to get fired or was getting ready to quit.

>> No.6890150

Yes they do and you are right. I bet we all have stories about that topic.

Question is: how much shit does one take before you say enough? There are always shit-tier jobs to work at if you leave until you get back into your profession.

>> No.6890153

No. I don't think. I think that's a really fucking stupid question to ask someone who just got out of a situation like that.

Maybe I'm just pissed because I was abused myself and am really fucking sick of being asked "why didn't you leave", but to me and I believe most people, it's really fucking obvious that they were fearing for their lives if they left.

Obviously Rosaire's situation isn't as dire (we can assume), but being unemployed in a foreign country that is known for disliking foreigners and being xenophobic is not a situation to jump headfirst into.

>> No.6890155

I think that there is some element of truth in what rosaire is saying but she is exaggerating heavily. It's not hard to believe her coworker is a bitch and we already know baby has a blacklist.

However, when someone makes a huge accusation like this, the burden of proof lies with the accuser, not the accused. Innocent until proven guilty man. There are two things to prove, that "sana" is really Tocco Aoki and that she is as mean and terrible as rosaire says.

>> No.6890157

I don't think she did it to try and change the way Baby acts towards their international customers. It's been discussed in the thread that there's nothing anyone can do about it, be it boycotting or complaining about it to them, Baby won't change. She did it to show people that the girl is an asshole, which is something people like to know, even if nothing changes. I mean, who said that GTFOs needed to be meaningful? There's posts about stupid itas and noobs all the time, and complaining about it doesn't change anything, but it does allow for people to vent. She might have posted it for personal reasons, but the actions of Sana affect everyone who buys internationally from Baby. In that sense, it doesn't really matter what her motivation for posting about it is, so long as her claims are true.

>> No.6890165

I am sorry that I have offended you and I can see your point. People who have never had to deal with that have no reference point for what you have gone through and so will ask questions like that to try to understand better. Please accept my apology, and that I will think more before asking.

>> No.6890174

Anyway, do other brands even have blacklists?

>> No.6890178

I think brands have them for reserves, and refusing to sell is always something that's an option if a customer is really shit.

>> No.6890184

That was probably the nicest apology I've received (I'm praying you weren't being sarcastic), so thank you.

For the record, I'm fine with people asking me that question in a manner that isn't accusatory, you know? But it's frustrating when a group of teenage neckbeards accuse me of "wanting to be abused" or something and saying "well why not just leave"?

I'm sorry for blowing up at you like that. I definitely took my frustration out on you wrongly.

>> No.6890201

Honestly, I think it's the best gtfo post in a really, really long time. Even if she made it all up (which I doubt) it provoked discussion that the community sorely needed.

>> No.6890203


>> No.6890209
File: 46 KB, 603x358, 45d6108487a554a09fb68e25c1802ff7_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6890219

She says they are in Japanese. Is she going to translate them? If she does can we trust her translation?

>> No.6890229

Well there's plenty of people in the community have at least intermediate-level Japanese reading abilities, I don't think getting accurate translations will be an issue.

>> No.6890230

it doesnt matter if she does, if she shows the original someone else will be able to translate them

>> No.6890242

and it was proven that 3 out of 4 lied about you anyway...

She might wash her dirty laundry in public but it doesn't seem like she deserves a truly shitty rep.

>> No.6890263

Maybe I will.

>> No.6890323

This. I've got popcorn in the microwave, can't wait 'til Saturday to see the secrets.

>> No.6890418

Why is it taking so long? Doing a little editing beforehand perhaps

>> No.6890426

C'mon rosaire, I gots to go to bed soon. I need my dramuuu

>> No.6890430
File: 8 KB, 200x200, wadergthygjuthrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890436

Oh shit son, she added them in as an edit in the main post

>> No.6890451

>everyone waits for caps
>none of them can speak japanese


>> No.6890452

>all in Japanese

damn it this means nothing to me

>> No.6890453

Hmm doesn't look like it's just the Baby staff being an asshole, and there are edited parts and omissions

>> No.6890457

>I blacked out parts of our emails and things that were either too private or irrelevant to this situation.


I bet it's a conspiracy!!! Rosaire edited out the part where she vehemently attacked the poor kawaii Japanese princess!

>> No.6890460

>Hmm doesn't look like it's just the Baby staff being an asshole

Specific examples with translations that can be backed up by people with translation skills?

>> No.6890461

My favorite part is she totally left in her own asshole responses and yet people are still trying to be like OMG SHE'S PLAYING INNOCENT

>> No.6890462

She's also throwing insults, none of this makes Rosaire look innocent

>> No.6890466

Rosaire also never said she was innocent.

>> No.6890463

You can only take so much abuse from someone before you snap back... I completely believe her, especially if that cap anon posted and the chatter about Rosaire's FB are true

>> No.6890469

C'mon, /cgl/.

>> No.6890470

I think >>6890461 was defending her...

>> No.6890471


I just can't with this vendetta bullshit anymore.

She threw an insult... AFTER... the person called her a bull, said her Japanese was shitty, said she needed to shave her face, told her to never come into work again, called her fat, etc.

>> No.6890478

To be fair, it's not cgl, just that one obsessive vendetta-chan who won't ever be satisfied no matter what evidence is provided or what is said.

>> No.6890479

All of her FB + LJ whining was about how this girl was mean and had wronged her blah blah blah the usual Rosaire
How about you act like a fucking mature 30 something adult for once when someone makes you mad, and not escalate the situation?

>> No.6890480
File: 255 KB, 1536x1712, fTlrBM2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the template and website you shouldn't use "we can't" or "we won't." I think it should be "it's unable to~."

Actually I'm a president with her own company! So while I can't work at Baby anymore, I can't leave everything related to international shipping to you and quit either.


People at Baby don't particularly like foreigners [...]

I shouldn't just come out and say this, but the reason no lolita brands have foreigners involved in the design process is because foreigners don't have the proper sense of what is cute. [...]

Good luck from here on, try to polish your sense of cuteness.

>> No.6890484

>when someone makes you mad

Having insults hurled at you isn't just someone "making you mad."

I don't even know what to say about freaky vendetta people anymore. No matter what rosaire does or says, you'll find something else to pick at

If she DIDN'T say anything back to this girl after being insulted, you'd probably say she was a pussy. If she DIDN'T post on her Facebook about how this girl was a bitch, you'd probably say she made the entire thing up.

>> No.6890483


>> No.6890488

It's pointless, anon. You and I both know damn well this shit would not fly in a job here in the states.

>> No.6890489

God what a bitch.

>> No.6890491

I completely agree with her.

>> No.6890495

I refuse to believe there's someone this fucking stupid.

I don't even think it's v-chan anymore, just a troll pretending to be them to piss people off.

3/10 got me to reply

>> No.6890497
File: 162 KB, 1536x1108, vrrqidz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I lie? Can you explain that for me?
The president spoke to me about all this, and I don't want your respect, I wouldn't care if you called me "Aoki" without using -san (lol) I just want to do my job.
It's such a nuisance to the Isobes the way you go straight to the 3rd floor when something happens.

>> No.6890499

And since Rosaire can't act rationally, she results to crying VENDETTACHAN TROLL

>> No.6890504
File: 125 KB, 1536x1036, 7EgfvSr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what a B person* like you has to say (lol)
Why are you so much like an elementary school child?

*B people = worthless people basically

>> No.6890502

I don't know, man. Remember during the great Liar Trio debacle, vendetta-chan just resorted to saying rosaire should kill herself, she should die, etc etc

but lol @ them saying she should act mature when they act like a damn 15 year old with a hate boner for someone who got their role in the high school lay

>> No.6890507

You are a vendetta-chan, though. You're obsessed with bringing her down. You have a mental illness, anon. Get some help. Seriously.

>> No.6890512

Glad that she had the balls to say what the rest of Baby's staff were probably thinking. Get the hell out you loud smelly shabby ugly crazy roundeye. Who would want to work with Rosaire?

>> No.6890510

>people at baby don't particularly like foreigners
then why open up shop in the first place, bitch? I'm not even a fan of baby but boy this shit gets me mad

>> No.6890515

See what I mean? When they can't find a way to critique her actual behavior, they just go to "omg, nobody likes her! really! like no one wants to work with her!! fat pig!!!"

Just like every thread where your bullshit is called out.

>> No.6890523
File: 33 KB, 250x256, 2346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890519
File: 303 KB, 1536x2048, zZVvtWJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell them when they come to work~ lol
You can write whatever you want on EGL. lol FB is fine too, right?
How about just copy-pasting the parts of my mails that are convenient to you?
Our worthless* customers do it too ^o^
Don't drink too much cola lol Oink

*she used that "b person" term again

>> No.6890527

Gotta be some explaination why Rosaire has problems with so many people, eh? Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and admit that you might be the problem

>> No.6890530
File: 952 KB, 500x281, bazqF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're insane

>> No.6890532

Maybe read the translations of the caps? There's reason to have a problem with this bitch right there.

>> No.6890533

Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and realize that you're in an insane asylum because you're butt-fucking-crazy.

I'm not even joking. Get. mental. help.

>> No.6890535

holy shit these keep getting more and more vicious. I'm not sure if it makes me giddy because amazing dramu or sad that there are people this awful in the world.

>> No.6890543

dude i have no idea who either of these people are or what is going on but i love juicy dramu

>> No.6890544
File: 259 KB, 1536x1840, rPYFjZq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the blue one:
I'm going to show these to the president. So he can see what level [of crazy] you're at.

Well, good luck with practicing Japanese and giving up cola! It would be great if you got to the point where lolita suited you. Also, I think you should shave your face, so your makeup would look pretty! \(^o^)/

Rosaire replied and told her she looked like an old woman

Aoki's reply in black

Well you look like an old man. (lol)
I'm glad I don't look like you
Thank god
Bye bye piggy

>> No.6890538


>> No.6890541

I love it.

>girl insults rosaire
>rosaire is sassy back

>girl lies to isobe and gets rosaire fired
>insults rosaire more (worthless, ugly, pig, etc)
>rosaire insults back

>> No.6890542

Guys stop feeding the troll.

>> No.6890548
File: 798 KB, 500x224, cindersoot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jaysus Aoki is like a poor man's version of Marguerite from Ever After

>> No.6890551

WOW this girl sounds like a cunt.

>> No.6890552
File: 83 KB, 1536x650, vrHAvkU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[...] If you feel like this is bullying it's proof you haven't thought about your actions, save the protests until you've become perfect, please.
You're like the type of person that makes up the majority of our customers.

>> No.6890554

cunts are warm

this girl is a stone cold ice dildo

>> No.6890556
File: 57 KB, 1536x576, knGi3ig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The type of person that makes up the majority of our customers = kamattechan*"

kamattechan is basically a crazy attention whore. the kind of girl who wants everyone to notice her and lies about everything. there's an insult in japanese, "menhera" which means batshit crazy ("mental healther") and kamattechan is the kind of menhera who brags about her problems.

>> No.6890557

I love that movie!

>> No.6890559

>stone cold ice dildo
you mean like that one anon was talking about smashing up in her cooch on hot con days?

>> No.6890564

Being a foreigner in Japan must be tough. Tolerance is seen as a gift, like giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Do one thing wrong, and it's taken away and you're suddenly that darned foreigner again. You're not human, you're just somebody they're tolerating. Don't make mistakes, or they'll put you in your stupid foreigner place.

>> No.6890561

>Get. mental. help.
Jesus fuck take your own advice for once

>> No.6890563

Aoki is a psycho bitch.
And no, I'm not ordering from Baby anymore. Fine, whatever, they won't miss my foreign piggu~ness, but they don't have to have my money either.
This brand really went to shit.

>> No.6890567
File: 969 KB, 497x229, tumblr_ml9prgDkUE1qfk4npo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't? Except for weirdos.

>> No.6890571

The fact that Isobe let that kind of thing go on for an extended period of time is really damning.

>> No.6890574

Being a foreigner anywhere is tough, especially if you're trying to live there and not just visit for vacation. After all, it's one thing to put up with dirty foreigners who are there for an afternoon on vacation--quite another to put up with them trying to work with you.

>> No.6890576

Damn Aoki is vicious. Even if she hates foreigners she should at least realize that her job is doing international orders and without them, she'd be out of a job.

>> No.6890577

I just want to imagine him as a kindly eccentric man... knowing that he's a douchebag like so many bosses just blows.