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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6886686 No.6886686 [Reply] [Original]

Upcoming Cons and your Homestuck Plans?

>> No.6886704


link to the last thread when you start a new one

>> No.6886720

What the fuck is going on with that disciple?

>> No.6886729

homestuck stay home pls

>> No.6886731


she's crouched strangely

>> No.6886734
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no u

>> No.6886736

No, I mean her cosplay.

>> No.6886751


It's ~artistic~. If you ask me, it looks fucking stupid. I respect cowbuttcrunchies' construction skills, but there's no way in hell the Disciple would be running around in a halter top, corset, a tutu, and lacy fabrics.

>> No.6886752
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As mentioned in the previous thread, Dirk Strider. Regular outfits for meets, Dreamer outfit for a con in late August.

Also planning to improve upon my last three cosplays: God Tier John, God Tier Dave, and although not HS, Marshall Lee from Adventure Time.

A question, maybe a bit of a dumb question, but... in this attached image, those are aviator sunglasses, right? I've just never seen any glasses shaped like them but they look really nice for Dave.

>> No.6886756
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>> No.6886761
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Looks fine to me.

>> No.6886769
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>> No.6886773
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>Trickster Dolorosa

Oh lord here we go.

>> No.6886778

Well they used more than two yards for the cape at least....
>Everything else tho

>> No.6886776

that Nepetas face is really wonky.

>> No.6886779

Meenah and/or God Tier Vriska for AnimeFest. I went to A-Kon and only cosplayed Homestuck but I don't think I ever wanna do that agai

>> No.6886782


>> No.6886785

That prop is pretty nifty, with the symbols of Team Signless all put together.

>> No.6886789
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>> No.6886797

Yes, but... it still looks cool.

>> No.6886796


And yet makes no fucking sense at all since none of the ancestors would have known anything about Sgrub.

>> No.6886804
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>> No.6886811

They look like aviators. I think he might've cut off the upper bar.

>> No.6886823
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Is that recommended? Pic related, Dave on the left, it seems they have also done the same but the shape of their lenses look a bit different.

But they've been posted before and they were described as being pretty decent, namely for their wig, and the glasses look okay too.

Just looking for insight, wanting to stand out among Daves.

>> No.6886829
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Male!Kanaya and Eridan for a local con this weekend, Ross Lalonde for a con in August. I'm not sure what's happening in my country re: meetups but I'm working on a set of Knight of Hope pajamas for any meets I feel won't be completely terrifying to attend.

>> No.6886843

Just curious, how are you going to style your wig for Ross? I've been curious about doing a male Rose cosplay at some point and I could just use the wig I use for Dave but I wouldn't know how to style it that wouldn't make me just look like Dave in Rose's clothing.

>> No.6886851

Dumb question, but I want to ask since we're on the topic of it, so... what should I use to cut off that piece?

>> No.6886862

Wire snippers would probably do the job. If you can't get it off close enough you could follow that up with a good filing.

>> No.6886866


wasn't sufferer's whole claim to fame remembering being kankri?

>> No.6886875

Alright, sounds good.

>> No.6886883

It's not dumb! I'd imagine some wire cutters would do the trick.
I haven't seen it done much but it does look more canon. I'd recommend it, as long as you found a way to trim whatever would be left after you cut off the bar (sanding maybe??) I'm not sure if the Dave in that photo did that, though. Their glasses look a little awkward.

>> No.6886884
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This is how I've got it so far-- still needs a bit of trimming here and there in the sides and back, but I'm not sure it'll be helpful since it'll also double as my Dave wig once I'm done with Ross, sorry.

>> No.6886893
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That's what I thought too. I figured he'd remember parts of Beforus and the game without realizing what they were actually playing.

>> No.6886901

I think it's the shape of their lenses that look a bit off.

But alrighty! I'll look into wire cutters.

>> No.6886902

I went too but didnt participate in much other than the panel friday night. What happened?

>> No.6886912
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>> No.6886916

any non-fancy sylphs?

>> No.6886921
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>> No.6886985

From what I can see of those wings they look lovely.

>> No.6886998

yeah I only went to the panel too, and I just realized that my previous comment made it sound like something bad or dramatic happened but it didn't. this was my first con cosplaying homestuck and it took me and my friends three hours to get ready when we did our troll cosplay and it was tedious and the hotel was hot inside and we felt gross is all.

well that and like every third or fourth homestuck we passed felt the need to tell us that there were games of spin the faygo going on as if we cared about that shit. no thanks

>> No.6887023

>"Hmm, I just got back from a-kon, I think I'll visit /cgl/ and find an a-kon thread"
>Homestuck on the front page

You know, instead of jumping on the hate bandwagon, I'm just going to ask.

What the fuck is a homestuck and should I at least read it before hating?

>> No.6887046

You should, but be prepared to read quite a bit.

The premise is this: four best friends all play a video game that ends up causing the end of the world. Adventure and a whole bunch of other stuff ensues.

It takes a while to get into, and the style can be off putting, so it's not meant for everyone.

>> No.6887054

Generally that's considered the polite thing to do. There's really nothing more eyeroll-enducing than yet another round of people blindly insulting cosplayers either at con or online just because their fandom is "too popular." It's really childish and pretty old at this point, considering Hetalia and Naruto went through the same phase.

>> No.6887058
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It's a webcomic done in a choose your own adventure format. It's not especially awful or really good, but a lot of batshit teenage girls are fans of it and they've completely ruined its reputation. It has some good cosplay, but like all things it has more bad.

>> No.6887081

Admittedly, these Striders are who inspired me to want to be Dreamer!Dirk, because I really like their outfits.

The colour might not be ENTIRELY correct, but aside from that, I really like these cosplays.

>> No.6887088


>jake's pale, pale legs

>> No.6887098

Do those Striders have capes on?

>> No.6887099
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looks like it.

>> No.6887114
File: 124 KB, 640x960, tumblr_mig7jfPGbm1qdvaiko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's HSG's opinion on colors for sprites? I prefer white + sprite color, it's easier on the eyes imo

>> No.6887117

homestuck is a webcomic about four kids playing a video game that eventually brings on the apocolypse. Later in the story, their game coincides with another game session played by an alien race of trolls, which is where all the gray and horns come from.

- It's a really interesting and unique format for a comic, there are interactive video game parts as well as flash.
- There are a wide variety of characters and you will most likely find at least one you really like, if not more.
- There is a mixture of drama and humor, as well as references to 80s and 90s things, if you are old enough to get that.
- The soundtrack is really varied and has some GREAT stuff, again, you are bound to find something that you like.
- The fandom is a HUGE open playground, and as far as fanfic/fanart/cosplay goes, people are very open to doing AUs of all sorts. Less developed characters often get played with in fandom as well.

- The comic is slow as all hell at first, though it sets up for stuff later on, so skipping ahead won't do you any favors. There is really only one character for the first act, and you read chat logs with other characters, but they don't come into play until later.
- Sometimes the chat logs, especially once the trolls who have typing quirks appear, are tough to read.
- The story IS good and definitely intriguing, but it can get confusing and is not without its "wat" moments.
- The creator can come off as a dick at times, and his girlfriend caused a lot of drama when people tried to sell Homestuck based artist alley merchandise.
- The fandom is huge and full of young kids. It is not ALL bad and there are more mature fans, too. But as with any fandom the bad tends to be what is talked about the most. So the fandom has a very sore reputation.

tl;dr - the comic has cool stuff and not cool stuff, you just need to decide for yourself if it is for you or not.

>> No.6887120

im so tired of girls with thin untoned/flabby ultra-pale hairless legs and no attempt at a crotch bulge

>> No.6887122

Isn't white + the sprite colour generally what's done?

The only sprite people go full colour for is Davesprite, because... well, I guess because he's popular.

>> No.6887129
File: 67 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mnukliNQmz1qdvuzbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cosplaying god-tier jake
that should be on the end

also in this picture, apparently this is the beginnings of an eridan cosplay. not an au eridan or anything, just comic eridan.

>> No.6887130
File: 310 KB, 1280x960, IMG_6355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually seen quite a few arguments here on sprite color, though not recently.

>> No.6887135

I prefer white + sprite color. I think it as you said easier on the eyes. It just people got to fine a good design + a balance of white and color.

>> No.6887140

My two cents I'd like to add is that, I feel like at least, Homestuck is also great for any beginner cosplayer because the difficulty of the outfits range from ridiculously simple (any of the kids in their regular outfits) to fairly challenging (Dreamer outfits, God Tier outfits, seadwellers) and you can gradually work your way up, I think.

I will be honest, I was one of the many who just slapped on a blonde wig, sunglasses, and got the pieces for Dave Strider's alpha outfit, his most popular one.

But I've gone up from there, going onto other characters and other outfits, and even wanting to improve that outfit of Dave's (which is why I've sort of been asking a lot regarding him). And plus, that's what this thread is for, too. To help out Homestuck cosplayers who want to improve and most importantly have fun and enjoy while doing so.

Not really feeling these two, especially both of their hands. I can even see Jadesprite's original skin colour.

White + sprite colour does look nicer.

>> No.6887151

I love to cosplay homestuck because it has a huge range of difficulty and lots of characters. I could go on for a while talking about HS cosplay related plans. I just wish that the fans could calm the fuck down once in a while.

Speaking of, anyone know how the upstate NY comm is?

>> No.6887158

'Course, there's always the fandumb to be irritated at, but it is always the case with any fandom.

>> No.6887175
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>> No.6887180
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that poor handmaid.

>> No.6887187

That summoner's cheese puff horns

>> No.6887191

Are you saying she's bad? She looks okay, at least compared to the other ancestors there I mean

That Summoner. Jeez.

>> No.6887198

Different anon. She's okay. Very unflattering photo to put up. Blinking or something??

>> No.6887196

Blue contacts for John, yes, no?

I found a nice, cheap pair for $20.00.

>> No.6887201

Those look kinda like akujin's dave glasses to me

>> No.6887207

I think it looks nice. Maybe blend your bangs in with the sides a bit more.

>> No.6887209
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I feel bad for her because of the rest of her group.

>> No.6887217

I sort of had a feeling... it looked kind of familiar. The listing for those glasses particularly, I cannot find, though. Just the iShades.

Ah, yeah, I had a feeling. That Handmaid looks familiar and I think I might have seen her before and she looks alright.

>> No.6887218
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>> No.6887224

That tin foil trident.

>> No.6887225

WHat's wrong with the horns

>> No.6887229

this entire cosplay just makes me want to cry. and tear something to shreds.

>> No.6887237

That's a pretty dense concentration of terrible right there.

What is it about ancestors that's so hard to get right? There's a handful of good ones but for the most part they're disproportionately sloppy and awful. Is it just the difficulty level?

>> No.6887245
File: 127 KB, 959x635, tumblr_m7jtrf0bp61rwtd6so3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on how vivid they are, and how much they make you look like slenderjohn.

some people can still pull that type off, but man, look at yourself in the mirror, and maybe get a second opinion on whether they' suit you.

>> No.6887251

The difficulty level, most likely. These outfits are some of the most canonically intricate, after all, and on top of that, you're grey and you've got huge horns on you.


So uh, I should at least try to avoid looking like that, right? Anyways, I guess I'll have to try them out some day soon and I'll come back here if I think it looks okay.

I've never worn contacts before, though... what's the general opinion on them for the kids? Any beginner tips and advice for application?

>> No.6887263

I rage at that Dirk's wig every time. One of the most unstyled wigs but people love her so much.

>> No.6887265

But that baggy Jane, though.

>> No.6887289

checking here for advice is usually a pretty good way to go. I like contacts for kid cosplays if you don't have a certain kids eye colour already (eg. I have blue eyes, so I don't need contacts for John and Jane, but I wear some dark green circle lenses that aren't too showy for Jade and Jake.).

tips? okay, I'm going to tell you what people told me with my first pair. You're going to drop them a lot the first time. and probably the second time too. just rinse them off with contact solution (NOT WATER), and give it another go. usually you want your fingers reasonably dry, but apparently that's a preference thing. When you first put them in, you'll hear and maybe feel some bubbles get squished out. its just air, you want it to come out. that means its a nice fit against your eye. you can spin them a bit to make them more comfortable, and try not to get too distraught if they really aren't comfortable at first. if they hurt, get those fuckers out. if they're just weird or uncomfortable, but not painful, mess around with them, wipe your eyes, and let yourself adjust. this sometimes takes me 20 minutes, but i'm a huge baby.
Getting them out can be weird as hell, but just kind of grab them with the pads of your fingers, and pluck it out by almost pinching it? its weird, idk, but that's what works for me.

hope that helps c:

>> No.6887334

Hmm... all duly noted. I'll keep this in mind once I try it out, so I'll probably be back with this in a little while. Thank you for the advice!

>> No.6887360

no problem, glad to help.

>> No.6887388

Plan to buy a sewing machine over the summer to work on making some GT outfits along with Dreamer outfits later on. AWA is my next con and I plan on doing Dave Strider. Not sure which outfit though.

>> No.6887473

Bit of an obscure request, but /r/ Alpha Guardians, so Poppop, Grandma, Dirk's Bro and Roxy's Mom. Basically the Beta Kids, as their Guardian counterpart to the Alpha Kids.

Just want to see if people have pulled them off.

>> No.6887474
File: 93 KB, 575x960, oh_my_by_rawlzilla-d67qtvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tinfoil princess :)

>> No.6887492
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every time

>> No.6887511

That was her old cosplay, where it was decent, but still meh. I hate any Disciple with no shoulder puffs, it's obviously there unless she has a bunch of shoulder fat.

>> No.6887522

I like light spritecolor + spritecolor.

>> No.6887691

I think sprite color for everything looks best + closer to canon

>> No.6887694

These look really nice

>> No.6887697

if that was the condensce at sac con on sunday, I'm amazed in this photo she looks about 10 years older than she did IRL. I would have not been surprised if someone had told me she was actually 12 years old.

>> No.6887936

That's the same cosplay, just at a different angle. Got any pics of good shoulder piff Disciples though? Besides DM I've only ever seen ones in halters or skintight shirts.

IMO though I'd rather see a well made fan design over yet another lazy mess.

>> No.6887955
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x2560, 20130526_113615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wondering... Again, may be a dumb question, but I always just want to be sure:

What's the best method for a shirt?
Is it...
A: Via the official sites if applicable (I know some God Tier colours are incorrect so that's out of the question)
B: Shirt printing services
C: Transfer paper and ironing it on
D: Fabric paint

I hear most people go with C. I've had my shirts either printed or purchased from the sites, while I'm not great at painting so D is not that viable for me.

But I'm guessing C is the most effective, or at the least the most cost efficient? Just like some input is all.

>> No.6887957

Picture unrelated, kind of forgot I uploaded this.

But that Mituna I met was such a cutie.

>> No.6887979
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>> No.6887980
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>> No.6887981
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people definitely do davesprite and jadesprite full sprite color because of cascade. I wonder why nobody bothers doing it for the others though

>> No.6888030

trying to convince someone in my local comm that they need to wear mascara and eyeliner even if they're doing a male troll. anyone got a bad cosplay pic on hand to show an example of why this is needed?

>> No.6888117

It's also more common for them to do Jadesprite white with green in comparison. I've NEVER seen a full green Jadesprite outside of the pic on this thread.

>> No.6888205


Like where? Syracuse? Albany? Buffalo? Rochester? Makes a difference

>> No.6888270

Transfer paper might be best for you, unless you wanna pay for the official shirts.
For transfer printing, I would suggest centering the design you want, then fill in the background of the design on the comp with a a color a few shades darker than the color of the sign/symbol. So when you're cutting it out, anything you might not get EXACT close, there won't be obnoxious white there.
also if you do iron on please cut out a part if there's a space (leo, cancer, etc). I've seen too many goofy looking ones cause of that. hope this helped!

>> No.6888304

Every time I've used transfer paper the symbol has always peeled or faded really fast, so now I just use fabric paint. It works pretty well if you use freezer paper to make a stencil and iron it on to your shirt so your paint has nice clean edges.

>> No.6888323

Speaking of accurate Dave glasses, I wonder why more people don't get ones that would be story-accurate - since they're supposed to be the exact aviators that Ben Stiller wore in Starsky & Hutch, which are obviously gold-rimmed.

>> No.6888343

the others haven't been shown fully colored I don't think. also while I think orange and green jadesprites are good when done right, I feel like a full red arquius or a full dark blue tavrisprite would look really weird and bad

>> No.6888562

It's the "Condesce" (short for condescension). Do you even Homestuck?

>> No.6888574

Different anon, but I'd think any sprite with a slightly lighter color for the skin would look great. I hate white on the sprites just like I hate white wigs for the kids or guardians.

>> No.6888607

That skirt looks terrible, ugh. Why are the blue and green so dark, and the pink so pastel?
It looks so washed-out and so many Feferis do it.

>> No.6888657

That sucks, they're probably sold out right now then.

>> No.6888687
File: 67 KB, 537x553, oiyutjyrte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure who you're replying to, but Feferi's skirt actually does have a pastel pink on it.

>> No.6888697

I want to wear goggles for Feferi, but I don't want to get bugeye. Will i get slaughtered by cgl by having goggles on my head or around my neck and not wearing them?

>> No.6888705

Go away, Taki.

>> No.6888706

Those two are both right sweethearts too.

since you're Canadian, I know the transfers they sell at Walmart and Staples here work alright. Be sure to really iron them on really thoroughly though, and when you wash the shirt, turn them inside out. Also, be careful with what kind you get because sometimes the packaging isn't obvious about whether its a white transfer or a dark transfer. The 10 packs are usually the best way to go. Pretty sure my girlfriend and I get ours at Walmart because she says that brand goes on nicer? idk

>> No.6888711
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>> No.6888714

most people in cgl who say you should use goggles say you should wear them on your head or around your neck so I think you'll be fine. you shouldn't care what cgl thinks anyway

>> No.6888713
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What is this

>> No.6888715
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>> No.6888718
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I think you should wear them on your face, because Feferi does wear them on her face..

>> No.6888719
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>> No.6888720
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>> No.6888721
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>> No.6888727
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Also, a huge pet peeve of mine are Rose cosplayers with long wigs. Her hair is shorter than her chin, and shorter than her ears even, if Hussie drew ears. Her hair really is as short as Dave's, just styled differently, so why are you giving her hair like this? I get that it's probably from that fanart that was featured in Cascade (I think) where she is wearing her derse dress and such, but she's never been drawn like that ever again, and especially not by Hussie, so why people

>> No.6888729

Alright so, this one's gonna be a bit of a long post, so bear with me, please.

Well, I haven't seen any gold rimmed aviator sunglasses on Daves. I'm not sure how well they'd look.

Speaking of which, I went down to the Chinatown marketplace and bought two cheap things to a total of $11.50 or so: a pair of dark lens aviator sunglasses ($4.50), and a wooden katana with a sheathe ($7.00).

The glasses are kind of small on me, I feel like. But the lenses are black, not really as reflective and mirror-like as my other pair.

As for the sword, I'm a little worried because I sort of had to go through the entire bin of them to see what would look the best and I went for details like... does this sword fall out of its sheathe if it's upside down? Are there scratches or dents, etc? And eventually I had to settle for one. Turns out, the sheathe is curved, which helps keep the sword in, but I'm worried that it'll bend the blade. And, the sword is for Dirk.

Is it alright if I post an image or two with me wearing the glasses with my Dave wig on, so that I can get a critique? I am completely aware that it's probably not so great, far from it really, but that's why I'm posting it-- to get better and improve. I also attempted (disastrously at that) to style my Dave wig on my own. I'll also post a picture of the sword, too. The handle's rather big.

Unfortunately. But, I could check back every now and then, I do have all summer to do this.

Fortunately I'm just needing a Dirk Strider shirt, and maybe a Jake English shirt too, so this shouldn't be too difficult I hope, that is, the iron on method.

That's what I'm worried about. But, maybe it has to do with how well it's ironed on? See, to alleviate the worry I just have a shirt printing service like what I did for my God Tier Dave and God Tier John shirts, which do look okay, but they were a bit pricey.

>> No.6888735
File: 126 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mnuml1P1eu1s6nh69o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6888791

it's been three years though and hair grows. her hair has to be at least chin length by now

also if it's in cascade its canon and it's not like hussie ever draws them like that so her hair could look like that. it's all up to interpretation

>> No.6888801

God, I hate that Rose. She's all mindless fanservice.

>> No.6888821

Guys what should I cosplay next.

>> No.6888836

Alright, well... I decided to upload my Dave pics + two pics showing off the sword.


Of note:
> Please pardon the fact that some strands of hair stick up and I don't know how to keep them down.
> Please pardon the attempted styling job that I tried to do myself. I haven't styled wigs before, and the past wigs I've had, I got help.
> Please pardon the sunglasses. They do look nice and dark, which is what was suggested for Dave, but they feel sort of... small on me, and they feel a bit weird, whereas my other pair with the mirrored lenses feel and fit a bit better. Granted, I did just get these.
> Please pardon my Perry the Platypus shirt, in case you're wondering why my shirt has an angry expression.

That said, I do think the first picture looks okay, not so much the second because I'm not exactly sure what to do with that side.

As for the sword, the handle is huge. I feel like it could fit three hands to hold or something. It also doesn't seem THAT sturdy, but it's not something I'd use for LARP or anything, just as a prop to go with Dirk Strider.

I am requesting insight, critique, and help, if that's alright. I am open and willing to improve.

>> No.6888853

Hey guys, what is the best way to attach horns to a wig? I have peixes horns, if it helps

>> No.6888865


>> No.6888866

It's been shown that it is not. Everyone has the same length of hair. That length looks retarded and very un-Rose like. People always forget just how snoody and Gothic she is. She's not a sweet, "pretty" little girly chick.

>> No.6888867

If you're going to name all the shit that is wrong with it first, how are we supposed to critique or help?

>> No.6888868

I suppose if there's anything else I could do to fix it.

>> No.6888870

I mean... to add to what I said above, how I'm going about it is that I'm aware of what's wrong with it-- and I just want to know if I missed anything. Then, I'm wondering what I could do to fix it, exactly. That maybe I am missing something.

>> No.6888891

Is there a tutorial?

>> No.6888910


Google "homestuck horns snap tutorial" you fat lazy trash

>> No.6888918


>> No.6888922
File: 560 KB, 500x657, tumblr_mmz3dq9MlE1ro93t6o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone who has used the machine sewing armsock tutorial- did the armsocks accommodate movement well? Were they as more or less flexible than normal gloves? (not that I'd use normal gloves instead) pic unrelated

>> No.6888945
File: 15 KB, 650x450, 05400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her hair looks longer now to me

>> No.6888949

it's still very circular and short. honestly, it just looks very short and layered. dave's hair is that way too.

>> No.6888961

The armsocks accomodate movement great, as long as you make sure you have enough space to fit your hand properly, otherwise seams will pop and laddering will definitely happen. They're just as flexible as gloves, if not more so, because they're way thinner.

>> No.6889062
File: 229 KB, 1280x960, IMG_5874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this one?

>> No.6889072

if you've never worn contacts before, it's definitely better if you get a contact fitting at your optometrist first. some people have weirdly shaped eyes that will get screwed up if you just shove normal contacts in without knowing.

>> No.6889076

Anyone here going to colossalcon?

>> No.6889080

jesus christ anon. i know you may not like taki, but please don't make your samefagging so fucking obvious. you make like one or two abusive comments about her every thread when she's not even being brought up

>> No.6889083

it's inspired by some kind of fanart/design by a decently well known artist, i think

>> No.6889088

I am, but I won't be cosplaying Homestuck much.

>> No.6889127

oh god all that nosehair

>> No.6889128
File: 562 KB, 437x531, kkwig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, I figured you guys are still the best place to ask about wigs. Specifically Karkat wigs.

I'm not sure how to style most of it. I've pretty much done the fringe area and I'm... relatively happy with it, but I'm not sure on how to do any other bits.


>> No.6889140
File: 508 KB, 1280x1707, 1355644619460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tease the shit out of that motherfucker.

>> No.6889181

I kinda needed all this. I just got back from a relatively large con and the hate for homestucks there was pretty overwhelming! I realize theres some slobs out there, I just hate how quickly fans are labeled as disgusting and immature. I need to learn to not care what others think and just keep having fun and enjoying the comic for what it is.

>> No.6889187
File: 342 KB, 500x667, _karkat__old_progress_shot_by_mephistopink-d4rozol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluff it up, use a hair dryer to make some soft spiky parts that stick up a little if it's heat resistant.

>> No.6889194

yep. homestuck all 4 days. first time attending, so i'm not really sure what to expect.

>> No.6889213

They make goggles big enough where it doesn't look too awkward. Some of the speedo brands are actually nice. But if you insist on not having them on your face, around your neck would look fine.

>> No.6889283

I'm thinking about putting together a Dirk's Bro cosplay, since I cosplay Dave anyway. So, question: What sort of stuff should I wear to be recognizable (like what color pants? should I go off a specific piece of fanart)? I've got a bunch of ideas but thought there'd be no harm in asking.

>> No.6889285

who will you be on friday and saturday?

>> No.6889290
File: 45 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m81rxttAqf1rozohwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've seen, black pants look nice in my opinion, but please no skinny jeans. The white morphsuit is honestly up to your taste.

>> No.6889294


>> No.6889298

That was the only time I have ever said a single thing about her. Good one.

>> No.6889299
File: 15 KB, 300x450, dirksbro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dirk's Bro. Not Dave's Bro.

>> No.6889308

Damn I'd like to see that.

I'd try to incorporate red somewhere in there - otherwise you might have the Dave's bro = Dirk's bro problem. I'd bring the katana too, or maybe a Sweet Bro Hella Jeff The Movie dvd prop.

>> No.6889369

Doesn't he ride off on a very shitty skateboard? You should definitely make one of those. Also I personally like the idea of an all-white palette (but perhaps with a platinum blond wig). And as much as I like Alpha Dave in a suit (I believe Strideer has done something like this) the referenced picture has him in short sleeves. And if you can make sideburns, I'd definitely go with that for an older effect.

>> No.6889487

I've used gold-rimmed aviators for my Dave cosplay ever since I found a fairly cheap pair that suited my face well, and they look pretty damn great in my opinion. I've received a few compliments on them for the attention to detail since using them, so it was a good investment.

>> No.6889662
File: 147 KB, 640x960, 431032_457471010942762_1530540513_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6889665
File: 217 KB, 320x240, is that sign language or are you summoning satan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6889711

New winner of the Worst Rose Lalonde Wig award.

>> No.6889724

The amount of fraying going on with that Mindfang is unbelievable. How does someone look at that sword hilt and go "yep this looks great."

>> No.6889727
File: 70 KB, 640x858, im terrified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6889742

oh my god i wasn't expecting that
i think i might have just died and come back to life in the space of several seconds

>> No.6889752
File: 318 KB, 385x459, ah ah ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6889777
File: 112 KB, 960x599, 7454_10201282015761770_1623409334_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6889819
File: 217 KB, 500x667, apparently this is finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6889827

Why make such an awesome warhammer if your cosplay itself looks like horrible bullshit?

>> No.6889841

that not an awesome warhammer. that is a duct tape mess, anon.

>> No.6889856

It's an eh warhammer.

My main concern is, aren't those glasses from Akujincos's store? The one named "Bleach Aizen Glasses"?

They do look nice, I'll admit. But those glasses cost at least $25.00, then you've got the shipping cost... yet you can find those kinds of glasses anywhere for just a few bucks. Expense to stay accurate, I guess?

Either way the cosplay and hammer just isn't that good. The glasses look okay though.

>> No.6889869
File: 59 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mnshvlobsX1rtjquoo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were saying?

>> No.6889870
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>> No.6889872
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>> No.6889883
File: 581 KB, 320x240, style your fucking wig god dammit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6889895
File: 146 KB, 960x899, 401907_192503057571949_1481757591_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never find a worse dave cosplay.

>> No.6889920
File: 390 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mnwfdtxjEm1s6nh69o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some gems from the tag someone go through it with me

>> No.6889914

Trust me, one can. Just pull out any of the Daves from that strange Strider gif compliation.

Like, at least his glasses are... okay.

>> No.6889917
File: 276 KB, 1024x683, tumblr_mnum7hteT71qzc770o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those...black heads? Oh goodness.

>> No.6889924

what the fuck is happening with his nose

>> No.6889929

Argh, those obvious armsocks. What a letdown.

>> No.6889935
File: 81 KB, 423x750, tumblr_mnw7z5tAMb1rqhs6mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6889945


>> No.6889951
File: 73 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mnvpjwoOOh1qegi5no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6889975
File: 233 KB, 922x615, tumblr_mnolezVCQo1r79np8o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6889992

seriously though what is up with all these carrot shaped latula horns

>> No.6890029

Thank you for actually painting your can.

Their wig is actually pretty nice too.

>> No.6890040

I have to agree with this. I'm tired of seeing people just strap on a sunkist or any orange soda can and call it done.

>> No.6890042

They have a piercing, though.

>> No.6890048

Oh man one little detail like a piercing (which they have normally) throws this entire cosplay off and they suck.

>> No.6890058

Well, of course. They couldn't even be bothered to take it out for the pictures at the least, how lazy can they be?

>> No.6890070

I'm one of those people that says if they've had piercings for years and now cosplay, what ever, one lil piercing won't throw every cosplay off. It depends on the character really. If you are so snooty that something so simple ruins the cosplay for you then I'm sorry.

>> No.6890077

Of course there are characters that DO have piercings and that's fine and all, but is Dirk one of them?

>> No.6890083
File: 129 KB, 500x702, tumblr_mh2a1u5dM31qdwjd1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6890085
File: 430 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mguhybKvRg1rpns5bo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6890091

But that unpainted can, though.

>> No.6890098

creepy as fuck

>> No.6890096
File: 911 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_m7zz0qBDpt1ru6ow2o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said they were good. The lack of quality in Dirks and tricksters is astounding. That dirk with the lip ring is by far the best if you look over that one little detail. The group MF was in for tricksters that got popular, that Dirk was shit.

>> No.6890110

>The group MF was in
Was that the one in that candy store? It's been a while since I saw that one so I can't remember how well they were. Although from the sounds of it, doesn't seem so well.

>> No.6890120
File: 887 KB, 664x1000, trickster_alpha_kids___homestuck_by_mostflogged-d5yo9zt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Construction for the Jane and Roxy were nice. Wigs were fine for them. The guys though, not so much. Dirk's details were wrong. Heck, Dirk's suspenders where they clip on are yellow. That one lip ring Dirk even got that. Oh and awkward faces all around for the group. Don't get why some things get thousands and thousands of notes.

>> No.6890123

I hate that last minute prop. wooden rod from michael's and what looks like stock board.

>> No.6890134

The ONE Homestuck cosplay MF's done that I actually like.

>> No.6890138

Because of the colours, I suppose. It's a group of colourful people in a colourful place, and I think they mentioned that some kids thought they worked there.

'Course, it's a neat idea, to be a colourful cast of characters in an already colourful store, and Trickster Mode already has a lot to do with sweets and candy so it'd make sense to cosplay in a candy store.

>> No.6890141
File: 842 KB, 1000x669, tumblr_mnwhlzgtj61qcioteo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6890147

it's about the location mainly. Have a good back ground and look decent (helps if in a group with good people). Reminds me of that shitty eridan. They were in front of this huge church though in the snow and the photography looks great. They still sucked.

>> No.6890151

The outfits look well made. Not fond of the beads though. Anything other then that... eh not so much,

>> No.6890183
File: 120 KB, 402x497, tumblr_mnwd0aw5VT1qbyfkto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6890196
File: 510 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m8cgjt4Ex01rothkko5_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reason why a fancy design means sloppily outlining everything in tacky mardi gras beads? I want to understand this.

>> No.6890221

That fucking wig

>> No.6890298


There's also the possibility that it's a new piercing that they CAN'T take out.

>> No.6890303

Is there symbol craft foam???

>> No.6890309

hello grammar

>> No.6890314

shit bro i love that eridan
they're one of the decent ones, i dont know how fucking picky you can possibly get

>> No.6890326

you should know by now no one is every satisfied by any cosplayer. the character could walk right out of the comic and theyd still complain.

>> No.6890328

*ever fuck

>> No.6890352

/R/ing good sprites. Any sprites.

>> No.6890572


>> No.6890585


So great. They just get better and better. I hope this team keeps putting up videos.

>> No.6890589

I enjoyed this a lot

>> No.6890591

Did they get another cast member? Don't recall that Kanaya's face in any previous video. She's great though.

>> No.6890594

She's new.

>> No.6890596

Overall composition was great and acting pretty okay... but I have to admit I laughed at the Sollux's eyepatches and the Terezi's dragoncape.

>> No.6890669

>cute as fuck
is it a girl plz be

>> No.6890672

Hi Courtney/Lauren!

>> No.6890675

what? i posted that link, sorry to disappoint

>> No.6890681
File: 76 KB, 448x750, tumblr_ml76lxtNlM1rpns5bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This cosplayer looks like an alien in literally every photo of them.

>> No.6890688

you were fast jeepers

>> No.6890700


it already had about 400 notes on tumblr when that link showed up... i know that because their reply came up at the same time it appeared on my dash

>> No.6890703

Why do asians always cosplay Kanaya, I thought it was MF in the video until I checked the credits.

>> No.6890706

its only been up for an hour tops so anything seems fast to me right now

>> No.6890841

Her whole skirt's pretty much neons and pastels! But if anon is talking about the post I think they're talking about then the pink looked pretty much white it was so washed out. It's gotta be pastel but still bright!

>> No.6890963

She didn't style the wig herself

>> No.6891186


The thumbnails look like they have so much promise...

>> No.6891300

/r/ing pics. This sounds eerily familiar though the ones I'm think were in rain, not snow

>> No.6891334
File: 742 KB, 1277x1920, tumblr_mj9avyRIVA1qhju1eo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6891412

Ah thanks! Wasn't the one I was thinking, after all. That's a pretty good Eridan, though.

>> No.6891487

>pretty good
>inaccurate colours

>> No.6891520

Everything is in the right place, there are props and accessories with some kind of effort in them, so yes. It's pretty good. Great? Maybe not. The colors are over saturated. But good, yes.

That being said, what would you consider a "good" Eridan?

>> No.6891540

It's universally accepted that there are no good Eridans.

It's easy to fuck him up, same with Feferi, the other seadweller, because of all the bells and whistles that everyone seems to overlook, half-assedly attempt to compromise with, or ignore altogether.

>> No.6891550
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mnuldrMViy1rxf1nno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 5k notes

>> No.6891585

That's an unfortunate point of view

And that's just unfortunate period.
Actually, wait, no, that would be a passable Prince Adam wig...?

>> No.6891586
File: 552 KB, 800x537, 1363133390687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That coconuthead wig
Jesus christ

>Nothing fits muh headcanon so all Eridans are bad

>> No.6891703

I just can't get over how the wig is super vivid violet but the cape is blue-purple. Just choose one. Also that flat ahab's

>> No.6891726

Friday I'll be Aradia, Saturday is Karkat. sorry for the late reply, megabus wifi is utter crap.

>> No.6891731

Are those fucking freckles?

I guess it's because it's hurr, Davesprite.

>> No.6891748
File: 765 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mndiyn7l7w1qfe1kko3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of people seem to give coloured flecks on seadwellers apparently. I've seen worse than that, though I'm not a fan of them.

>> No.6891749
File: 59 KB, 720x1081, _mg_3208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not big on freckles (I have them naturally and hate them so maybe I'm biased) but the composition is cute. I guess I like that about HS basic costumes; you can do crazy shit and it's not a huge loss.

>> No.6891782

I blame the shoop and same-face abuse.

>> No.6891882

God this Eridan is terrible, it always sucks when shit cosplays get popular just for good photography.

>> No.6891948

You're right, after all good photography never fooled anyone on this website into thinking construction was better than it actually was, nor does photography or character-appropriate/interesting locations deserve recognition of its own.

>> No.6891986

Honestly I feel bad for how my own costume turned out vs how fantastic of a photog mine was. It's hard to separate the two, objectively speaking.

My own Eridan (coincidentally, >>6891749 is my chin) is pretty whatever, but the photographer was brilliant and the scenery was great.

Ah my Eridan... Back when there were maybe 20 Homestucks at the con and we thought it was huge. I gave zero fucks. Okay, that's a lie. I gave like... 2 fucks. And the shark teeth were 1.

>> No.6892007
File: 257 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mnfoj1X5B51qhbl88o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>off-coloured jeans

>> No.6892019

Sigh. It's a shame, too. I've seen the other pictures in that photoset and she is cute, and the photography looks pretty nice. But... jeans.

>> No.6892027


I don't care, she's hot. Who is this?

>> No.6892032

would anybody happen to know anyone who takes homestuck cosplay commissions and still has slots open? all the people I know of are closed for the rest of the summer and I have a con in august

>> No.6892071

It's hard to tell how your construction is from that pic, but the photo looks great.

>> No.6892099

So, I'm getting someone to commission me a Derse Dreamer outfit for Dreamer!Dirk.

I've been looking into learning how to sew on my own so that I won't always have to rely on commissions and I would be able to do and make my own things. I'd imagine that I'd have to start with a good sewing machine, for one, but I've read that those usually cost a few hundred dollars. Then I'd actually have to learn how to sew.

Of course, learning capabilities are always subjective, but I'm just curious, how long did it take for anyone here to go from beginner sewer to decent sewer, going from simple things to some nice outfits?

>> No.6892112
File: 1.13 MB, 250x135, tumblr_mnl79aKGXY1qzc770o5_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6892116

I think it took me a couple of costumes before I became "decent" at sewing. But if you buy the right fabrics, you'd be surprised at how many corners you can cut and still come out with an okay looking project. As a general rule, if you stay away from cheap satins and cotton, you're good to go (satin and cotton have a time and place and for a beginner it's just best to go with suiting or bottomweights imo).

A lot of people skip out on reading their patterns - but I say as long as you follow the pattern to the best of your ability, you're going to be pretty set. It's going to use a lot of terminology you're not familiar with and that's okay!! You don't have to slipstitch your waistband - just sew that puppy right on until you get the hang of things.

I think Homestuck is a really good place to start for cosplay, by the way. There are a lot of simple things to choose from - it's also good for intermediate cosplayers like me who want to get a firm grip on the basics. I started out with Tales of costumes... so I think starting on some god tiers will be simple enough for a beginner to grasp well! Read the pattern and red/watch tutorials if you need to. You'll get it!

>> No.6892138

I'm also not really an artistic person. I don't know how to explain this, and I'm not even sure if it ties into this and sewing... but cosplay IS an art, in a sense.

Just curious, how long have you been cosplaying or well, sewing for? And then how long has it taken you to become decent? I mean, even if you said a time frame I doubt I'd be able to match it, but I am just curious and just seeking insight is all.

>> No.6892140

Like I said, no good Eridans. Face is too feminine.

>> No.6892146

Okay, what I mean by not being an artistic person is, I can't draw, and I know this sounds dumb but I'm just wondering if that translates into sewing capabilities in any way.

Like... what skills will sewing require, and what skills will it teach me, is what I probably should have asked?

>> No.6892160

you realize these trolls are 13 years old right

and that most 13 year old boys are not shining examples of masculinity

>> No.6892164

Even then, I think we should see the rest of that cosplay and not just the head and part of the wings, to judge if that's a good Eridan or not.

>> No.6892166

For reference, I am a pretty artistic person...but only with 2D. Anything that involved 3D thought was just not my style! I think having artistic talent is good for...aesthetics? Like knowing if two colors work together and proportions and drawing out your own patterns. But I think if you're mathematically minded, that could work in your favor as well for pattern drafting, fitting, structure, and all that.

I've been cosplaying since the second semester of my freshman year in college... so since 2008? But for the first 2-ish years I only made one-two costumes per year for money reasons and the complexity of the costumes I made. I honestly feel like my first few outfits were decent already... I just wasn't at all happy with the construction (like I said, fabric can be surprisingly forgiving if you get the right fabrics). It was around my fourth costume that I really started to get the construction just right, though, enough for me to be pleased with what I made rather than just trying to make it passable.

I definitely suggest doing something like an Heir outfit and gauging your skills and trying to get the hang of sewing. Then maybe remake it (or cosplay another Heir) and learn from your mistakes.

>> No.6892180

Ah, yeah, see that's where I will come short, I probably won't be able to draw my own patterns well, but I suppose that's why many tutorials exist and are out there, for guidance and all.

Hmm... another question. I'm guessing people try and use sewing machines, but those can be pretty costly, but I'm also guessing it's more effective than hand sewing.

>> No.6892192

To be fair, I very rarely have to draw my own patterns. Modifying patterns, yes (which you can test on scrap fabric or old bedsheets or something), but hardly ever making my own from scratch.

Hand sewing will take you forever and will not give you a clean seam especially when it comes time to hem your garment. Machines are sometimes on sale for $99.99 at Hancock's and Joanns, though?

Stay away from Singer machines. If it's not a model from the 60s then it's going to be glitchy as fuck.

>> No.6892196

I learned to sew on a model from the 80s and used it for years. It still works. There is nothing wrong with Singer.

>> No.6892206

It depends on how you handsew. If you don't keep your stitches small then yes, the seam won't be as clean secure as a machine stitched one.
With enough practice, you can get just as clean a seam with handsewing.
I do agree with you in that it takes a lot longer.

>> No.6892205

Let me rephrase that with "recent Singer models," I suppose my exaggeration was too subtle.

>> No.6892215
File: 898 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mnl0lsjDzQ1r1yfkgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wings could fit the frames a little better, but it looks pretty good to me tbh

>> No.6892251

The cosplayer looks really small, like a kid. I thought it was cute when I saw it on my dash.

>> No.6892248

Looks pretty damn good to me
Anon needs to stop fuckin complaining.

>> No.6892253

I think she also does a godtier vriska

>> No.6892257

They look at least 13, old enough to be aware a shitty rose wig can't be used for Dave anyway.

>> No.6892261

Again, I think the idea is that it's a Dave in a Sprite can... therefore, Davesprite. A novel idea, somehow enough to gain thousands of notes.

Kind of do want to see this kid be Prince Adam, though, since another anon pointed it out.

>> No.6892264

I think it's clever, I just wish it was done better.

>> No.6892266

Notice how its his God Tier outfit though, I have yet to see any good Eridan in his regular outfit. So yes, an okay God Tier Eridan, so show me some good Eridan in his regular outfit.

There are no good Feferis either.

>> No.6892267

Oh, certainly. Apparently during the photoshoot when they called for all the sprites, they went up and everyone had quite a laugh.

>> No.6892271

you needed a full picture to notice it was his god tier outfit?

>> No.6892275
File: 244 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mnh9omjHzB1qh84wbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirrored glasses?

>> No.6892276
File: 282 KB, 1390x925, _MG_3170b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my point. The photographer made my half assed Eridan look actually kind of cool. It was amazing, really.

Before anyone points it out- Missing the cape collar, wig was sitting too far back on my head (I'm angsting to this day) which put the horns off a bit, and the shoes are Gamzee's. The bottom of the pants look a little gross because I ran through a fountain for a shot ahaha...

>> No.6892279

When I say "notice how it's his God Tier outfit" I'm saying, this is him in his God Tier outfit though, are there any good Eridans in his regular outfit?

>> No.6892281
File: 70 KB, 900x600, 1363145311479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking wweh nothing is good I can't enjoy anything.
Here. A good Feferi and Eridan.

>inb4 lel it's shit.

>> No.6892282

There's a stigma on mirrored lenses.

It's dark lenses or bust, I think.

>> No.6892285

It was universally accepted, in these threads, that there are no good Eridan or Feferi cosplays.

>> No.6892286

That Eridan looks like a retard.

>> No.6892295

/cgl/ isn't a fucking hivemind

>> No.6892296

Wrong colours all around, strange angles on the horns, and apparently it's a good Eridan.

>> No.6892298

>Implying that it isn't and that there are no generally accepted opinions and every opinions is completely acceptable

>> No.6892301

every opinion*


>> No.6892302
File: 26 KB, 188x180, 1327461845958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw serendipitous cosplay shopping trips

>> No.6892304

No actually they are pretty bad keep trying

>> No.6892306

What'd you get, anon?

>> No.6892307

Uh. I'm not the Eridan hating anon, but that's not a good Eridan at all. >>6892276 is lightyears better than that one and he even admit his wasn't great.

>> No.6892309


sewing is a lot more related to other 3d art like pottery, anything where you construct something, sculpture, than drawing. being analytical and thinking about geometry is an asset, though having an artistic sense for color and texture helps

>> No.6892311


if you can't afford a 90$ basic machine you can't afford cosplay. it's not a cheap hobby.

>> No.6892313

Of course not. I have been purchasing commissions, wigs, props, glasses, etcetera. so I know how expensive this can be.

>> No.6892314
File: 407 KB, 822x1060, tumblr_mjkasz22YQ1qe1lg6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay admittedly it's not the best I just chose one from the thumbnail that had Fef in it too.
Nonetheless I still don't think it's the worst I've seen and my main point remains.

>> No.6892316


>> No.6892320

I think I found the perfect shoes for my Equius costume! On the other hand, I didn't find the shorts for him that I wanted...

>> No.6892322 [DELETED] 

Those two look fine to me. Really don't get why everyone in HSG has a hard-on for claiming that there are no good cosplays of something or nitpicking small inaccuracies. Just because something isn't completely flawless doesn't mean that it's shit.

The people here would probably nitpick DM's shit to death if you didn't know it was here.

>> No.6892326

I really really dislike that Eridan.

>> No.6892328
File: 448 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_mny0hru3Pa1qba7l9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those two look fine to me. Really don't get why everyone in HSG has a hard-on for claiming that there are no good cosplays of something or nitpicking small inaccuracies. Just because something isn't completely flawless doesn't mean that it's shit.

The people here would probably nitpick DM's shit to death if you didn't know it was her.

>> No.6892333

Shhhhhhhhh they'll never know.

>> No.6892359

The worst things to fuck up with Eridan is shitty hairline in a wig, shitty fins and violets not matching/using Gamzee's purple instead, shich is my problem with both >>6892281 and >>6891334
I don't fucking understand how people are so colorblind they don't get it that all of his fucking violets are the same exact fucking shade.

>> No.6892364

>too peach pink lining
Still not great. Close, but... No perf Fef yet.

>> No.6892373

to add onto that, her hair is also in front of her fins. uncanon, bluh.

>> No.6892382

this design is horrible and her face looks odd but this girl has the best tits in HS cosplay my god.

>> No.6892385

are you parodying ridiculously picky cosplay critics right now or

>> No.6892389

>best tits in HS cosplay

>> No.6892403

She's good. But not perfect. Doesn't matter much but she could be a little better. Not too big on asian Fefs anyway though.

>> No.6892404

Should I get leather fingerless gloves for Dirk? Many people seem to do so. Doesn't he wear them in his God Tier outfit?

>> No.6892413

I'm sure everybody knows that all his purples are the same shade but do you know how fucking hard it is to find things that match? just because every single purple doesn't match doesn't mean that it's automatically shit

>> No.6892418

Yes it does. Stop whining about difficulty, if you can't put in the effort to find matching colours, you shouldn't even bother.

>> No.6892421
File: 14 KB, 266x545, tumblr_mhxvm5HF7r1ro3tlgo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his god tier outfit has gloves that match the outfit. he wears leather fingerless gloves in his alternate outfit on LOTAK though, but not in his default outfit

>> No.6892422

I'm not even cosplaying eridan, but nice try

>> No.6892426

I know a lot of people have issues with default Dirk wearing leather gloves... I personally find them very attractive but ymmv

>> No.6892432

Okay, then that wasn't for you, then. Just to any Eridan cosplayers bitching about difficulty.

>> No.6892434

Okay, this might be a dumb question, but while we're talking about Dirk, I have to ask...

Are the colours of his God Tier outfit a darker shade of the Derse colours?

>> No.6892436

No, they're more reddish.

>> No.6892438

the heart colors look more red, while the derse colors look more purple

at least that's how they look to me. I know lots of people draw/cosplay derse dreamers in warmer colors but they seem to be a cooler toned purple in the comics

>> No.6892448

no she's not perfect but having a lock of hair in the wrong place is the dumbest thing to give a shit about

how are you even real

>> No.6892449

I was thinking it was the other way around, in the comics the Derse dreamer outfits look pretty pink-purple-ish, while people tend to depict them as a more royal purple, not unlike Eridan's colours.

...unless that is what you were trying to say and I misunderstood.

>> No.6892453

If you can't be bothered to keep any stray locks of hair from being out of place, then you shouldn't cosplay.

>> No.6892454

That's how I see it too, yeah.

>> No.6892457

lmfao ok please show us your cosplay bro, i want to make sure every strand of your hair is accounted for

>> No.6892460
File: 12 KB, 213x201, 1361982084254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6892465

Exactly, I mean, you wouldn't have Roxy's hair behind her ears or Nepeta with sidebangs... Get the hair right.

>> No.6892471

Tumblr's fieldtrip to 4chan

>> No.6892474


>> No.6892491

And hardly anyone gets the curl in Roxy's wig right.

>> No.6892493
File: 12 KB, 650x450, 03324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feferis glasses are pretty much round though, a little ovular but still better than those shitty swimming goggles that 90% of Fefs use.

Also, is it just me or has HSG been full of nit picky cunts lately? Do you all just have a lot of angst for a new update or something? I am legitimately confused as to why you've all turned into a bunch of raging assholes- even more so than usual.

>> No.6892494

>implying that this isn't how it usually is?

>> No.6892500

it wasn't implying, it was saying it outright

>> No.6892501
File: 12 KB, 190x243, 1368999615634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I left for a while when hiatus started but came back hoping that the summer cons and new pics would make it better but it's gotten worse.
Jesus Christ get a fucking grip

>> No.6892510


her eyelashes are inside her glasses, too.


how do you people even function at a convention without having a rage seizure in the middle of the floor

>> No.6892515

That's why they take advantage of being anonymous to be raging cunts

>> No.6892516

I'm conflicted. Boston is having a Promstuck. On the one hand, it's Bostonstuck. On the other hand, it seems to be pretty well-run despite not being at a private location. Do I go?

>> No.6892518


>> No.6892519

Summers on /cgl/ are always so neat.

>> No.6892521

It's Bostonstuck, what do you think?

>> No.6892522

Sure, why not.
The worst that can happen is that it gets too weeby or underage and you just leave

>> No.6892523

Check it out and run away if it's terrible.

>> No.6892524

Do it. Worse case scenario, it's super awful and you can come back and tell us all about it.

>> No.6892526


That Subjuggulator club is awesome though.

>> No.6892528


I like JJ's Mindfang 700% more now that she changed the skirt.

>> No.6892536


HSG has been ULTRA cunty lately for sure

>> No.6892553


come hang with me anon, I'll have alcohol.

>> No.6892565

They could have styled the wig better and made the pants longer. And it looks like they didn't even try to look like a guy

>> No.6892566

why did they have to find such an average skinny-fat girl to play Kanaya? Seriously, what did she do to get in this video, her wig isn't even well-styled.

>> No.6892567

What the heck does that mean

>> No.6892572

Did adding the word "average" to your post make it worth deleting?
And anyway she looks pretty fine to me.

>> No.6892575

i thought something looked different! your right it looks a whole lot better now.

>> No.6892581

God, these really are not good

>> No.6892586

JJ is running it (if youre bostonstuck you probably know her) so it will probably be less retarded than usual but its still bostonstuck. tread carefully.

>> No.6892588

She looks fit but that pan of the book shows that she has a huge amount of belly fat. Someone clearly needs to do some crunches before bed.

My internet fucked up, I didn't realize it posted the first time. And yeah, because she's so unspecial, I don't understand how they casted someone like her. Has she even appeared in the HS fandom before?

>> No.6892594
File: 53 KB, 650x650, 04687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made the pants longer


>> No.6892595

>Has she even appeared in the HS fandom before?
Who the fuck cares

>> No.6892599

Someone sounds jelly they didn't get picked.

>> No.6892610

I just watched it just to check this out. Her body is fine. I smell vendetta.

>> No.6892617
File: 970 KB, 250x188, tumblr_mnw2d3xPr41qfaczpo2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7.7k notes

>> No.6892623


Ugh... I can't believe how pretentious people can be

>> No.6892663
File: 14 KB, 473x231, tumblr_mnl2puK4Lr1rblme6o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone steal a pair of horns yet?

>> No.6892687

>boo hoo, this thing has a lot of notes!!!!
That's pretentious?

>> No.6892695

I heard rumors that people were going to do this at a-kon but then nothing happened. but then again I was hardly down in the con the day I cosplayed a troll but I still haven't heard any stories from anybody so I don't think anything happened

>> No.6892700

is pretentious really the word you're looking for here?

>> No.6892712

well, she's calling herself a good cosplayer and implying that other people need 'keep going' to get to her level, so i guess that is kind of pretentious

>> No.6892719
File: 111 KB, 640x426, tumblr_mny8vkt7V41rbc05fo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warhammar cosplay

>> No.6892735
File: 599 KB, 415x619, tumblr_mny5zo6ScV1renrzko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not feeling the plain yellow rings. I'd like to see actual jewelry used. Plus, no horns.

>> No.6892736

It was actually somebody else calling her a good cosplayer, but still pretentious all the same.

>> No.6892739

I didn't even think this was Homestuck at first... and even after looking at it, it barely is.

>> No.6892742

and shit cape

>> No.6892743

They're like those people who say cosplay is about fun just to excuse their own shitty cosplay.

>> No.6892745


the "Good Cosplayer" part was somebody's reblogging commentary

not that she's fantastic or whatever but she didn't call herself that.

>> No.6892748

she wasn't the person who said that though, and the post was about her improvement, so I don't see how saying anybody can get better is pretentious but okay

>> No.6892768

What are you cosplaying as?

>> No.6892776


Someone doesn't understand how fitness works

>> No.6892780

i....i dont see what the problem is, she isnt terrible, she looks ok. unlike those lip biting daves or autistic looking human stuck cosplays

>> No.6892784

>looks ok

>> No.6892785


...Or people who understand that different people enjoy hobbies at different levels on intensity.

>> No.6892788

Not that anon,
and she does look okay.
I don't see the problem besides people complaining that notes actually matter.

>> No.6892794

She looks below average at best and it doesn't warrant getting that much note.

>> No.6892795


>> No.6892813
File: 21 KB, 206x160, 1367793358106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly are you trying to say here

>> No.6892819


Not sure yet. Just keep an eye out for a flask, I guess

>> No.6892820

>Implying that people cosplay for enjoyment

>> No.6892824

can i /r/ some cuties with nice legs? particularly araneas or roxies

>> No.6892830

No. Go ogle elsewhere.

>> No.6892841

Has anybody seen a Hussie cosplay yet? He has been seen in the story multiple times and his costume is quite easy.

>> No.6892845


>> No.6892849

i would but i'm on mobile. will post when i get home

>> No.6892872

I found it. The supposed cheap grey skin tutorial that involves using eyeshadow.


Has anyone else done this before? Does this actually work?

>> No.6892881
File: 143 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_ml8gtfSkAk1r4n9yho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sighs, why

>> No.6892883

I really don't get why anyone would try is the thing. The "expensive" Ben Nye that the poster is talking about is six bucks and setting powder is three. The total cost of the super cheap eyeshadow and foundation that will probably rub off in a few hours is $10. Why bother?

>> No.6892885

Regardless, it's still an alternative method, and I want to see how well this works, if it does.

>> No.6892893


considering 90% of silver eyeshadow is metallic, I can't imagine it looks as good as other methods. unless you're doing a bot.

>> No.6892899

not to mention that like the other anon said, most grey eyeshadow is metallic, and I doubt five dollar foundation even looks good on

>> No.6892933

well, at least they're relatively hot

>> No.6892940

>relatively hot

>> No.6892953

well, yeah, they are. if you compare them to the people in the shitty striders gif, they are pretty hot

>> No.6892956

Okay well, anyone compared to those strange Striders would look amazing

>> No.6893115


>> No.6893134

Oh wow

>> No.6893151


I love Ashley to death, but she was an overreacting, raging cunt in this post, and I'm shocked she flipped her shit so badly.

>> No.6893182

to be honest, i can kind of see where she's coming from, and although maybe the gigantic rant is a little much, i don't really disagree with the overall message she was trying to convey

>> No.6893433

I actually kind of enjoyed reading that. She's not official staff/getting paid to run panels, and she's not the only one running panels, so she doesn't have to stay totally civil about them.

>> No.6893465
File: 253 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mnydu4U5641r0a2yxo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would. I'm heading too in assuming it doesn't rain again. 413 was pretty low-key so hopefully this one will be too.

I can't wait to see what sort of dumb tumblr drama the king/queen elections bring though.

>> No.6893472
File: 192 KB, 717x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punk!kurloz horns

>> No.6893474

Sighs loudly

>> No.6893475

/r/ God Tier Striders

>> No.6893490


Wow, rude, but about time somebody told all these whiny special snowflakes off. Watch her get unbearable amounts of shit for daring to suggest some cosplayers are better than others

>> No.6893505
File: 144 KB, 567x850, tumblr_mnmysqZoix1r35os0o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much mess and work when you can buy snazaroo for less than $10 and baby powder to seal it and you're done

>> No.6893582

hey /cgl/ new to the fandom. i hear a lot about dumb kids and that kind of retardedness, but is there anyone in the fandom who is down right dangerous/should be stayed away from?

>> No.6893583


Depends on your comm. what area are you from/what cons do you go to?

>> No.6893590

east coast, north east. I go between VA and MA stopping in PA and NY for meet ups and cons

>> No.6893611


Northeast is a lot of catty drama and gossip but nobody really dangerous unless you count MF punching that girl at Katsu

>> No.6893650

On this topic, is anyone from the south with similar suggestions?

>> No.6893667

MA is mostly just immature and full of drama - not aware of any actual danger outside of that rumor of the 18+ mod sleeping with minors. Same goes for PA and NY just less so and with more quality.

>> No.6893673

Where exactly in the south, though? I can tell you some Floridastuck business but other than that, nothing.

>> No.6893690

Nah, mainly in the North Carolina area. There's a couple big local groups but they're fairly unpleasant.

>> No.6893705

If you're ever in town for Carolinastuck, just remember that there's mostly only two extremes... elitists who aren't as hot as they think they are, and children who don't even look like they tried. There's a few decent cosplayers that are decent people, but most of them are bratty kids.

>> No.6893714

Oh, hello friend. Really I think it's only the smaller area groups that are okay. Most of the kids in the big group are collaborated in the Triad and Charlotte areas, and they're mostly young and slightly obnoxious. Like I said before though, there's a few decent people (I like to consider myself one of them, but that's me judging myself).

>> No.6893764

Shitty elitists and even shittier kids seems to be the cosplay norms at all of the local communities. Any theories on that? Does the way meetups are run just drive away most actual quality or what?

>> No.6893777
File: 166 KB, 500x572, 1367875971436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which part of VA do you go to? I go to VAstuck, HRVAstuck, and ODUstuck. Which are more along the coast side. We have a lot of underage kids, one creepy old guy, and Asherbee(luvmonkey). We do get some the occasional good cosplayer at meets. The VA comm. is pretty tame. Although we are late in the game for barstucks related events. Just now we are starting to get meetups for older homestuckers.

>> No.6893793
File: 116 KB, 960x720, hottopicaradia and fatdave on the quest for the golden hamburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to attend my first meetup ever this month and I'm scared of running into things like pic related. How's the New York homestuck comm, specifically the area around albany?

>> No.6893819


All it takes is one meetup where you get a lot of nasty looks because everyone you're with is behaving like an autistic three year old before going isn't as appealing.

>> No.6893828

No clue about Albany. NYC has a mix. If you are scared of running into things like that picture though, I wouldn't go to any meet ups anywhere. Those aren't even that bad in comparison to some of what you get. Keep in mind meet ups are casual. Most people don't wear full costumes. Sometimes the casual outfits really look good...sometimes they don't. Personally I don't care as long as they behave.

>> No.6893835

oh no, I was just going to wear a rose shirt or something. pic related was also bostonstuck

>> No.6893843

Because the sane people don't want to be seen around the idiotic and embarrassing ones.

>> No.6893844

Are the elitists the ones that made that other group? I'm really only vaguely familiar with any of the members apart from the tumblrcore posts I was seeing in the main group.

>> No.6893850

Yeah, I've done a few small gettogethers with people around my university and they were pretty fun, but the larger ones all seem eeeegh.

>> No.6893859

Not really, the main girl who made the group is young but really nice. Some of the admins are shit, but they gave up on even actually doing admin work. Only one girl really admins and she's also fairly nice. Most of the people that comment a lot are immature... I almost feel like you can figure out a person by how often they post in the group.

The larger ones are way out of the way for me, the only sizeable one I did was the Zoo meet but I wound up going off on my own with friends since it was less 'let's look at the animals' and more 'let's take a walk through the zoo'.

>> No.6893896

New thread: >>6893895

>> No.6894033

I hear Snazzaroo is usually frowned upon here though.

>> No.6894450

yoooo MF punched someone at katsu? ....what happened?

>> No.6895718

What the hell happened to the new thread?

>> No.6895761

Old thread was purged for some reason. New one:
