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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6887738 No.6887738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is considered "creeping" at cons?

>> No.6887744


>> No.6887758
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>> No.6887772
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>> No.6887779

A person who a girl finds unattractive doing something she'd be perfectly ok with an attractive guy doing.

>> No.6887780

Being an ugly or poor white male in the presence of a strong independent wymyn

>> No.6887784

Yeah but does that include just looking/admiring someones cosplay or is it only physical/verbal contact that's unwelcome?

>> No.6887797

Be male
Be white
Be single
Be cisgendered
Be straight
Be unattractive
Not checking your privilege
Posting on /pol/

>> No.6887807

Troll post aside, do most con-goers see white males not in costume as creeps by the simple virtue of their being? What if I'm just walking around completely minding my own business?

>> No.6887813


No, he's a retard from /r9k/.

Black guys are objectively a lot more creepy since they assume every white girl on earth has a fetish for them.

>> No.6887834

Oh, it does. "Holy shit. Do you see that guy over there staring at us? I think he's going to rape me."

>> No.6887838
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>> No.6887839

This. Doesn't matter how you spin it, it always ends like that. Works the same for certain brown skin tones too (Indian, Arabic), but of course, if you are a nigger, creep away.

>> No.6887845

Yeah I get staring and obviously touching, but those things are frowned upon (and often illegal) pretty much everywhere you go. What if you're just looking at someones cosplay, isn't that the point of cosplaying in the first place? If you just want to get in costume for yourself, couldn't you just do that at home?

>> No.6887873

To be honest, anyone who is disgusting enough to be called a creeper by a girl should pretty much just kill themselves. Note how it's never men who are useful to society / have a job who creep.

>> No.6887877

Oh ok, so it's perfectly fine to hold all men to certain standards (aka having a job, "being useful to society") but as soon as someone holds women to equal standards "oooh that chauvinism/misogyny"

Get raped you pathetic cunt.

>> No.6887882

This thread isn't asking if creeping is ok, it's asking what creeping is, as in - is it any different at cons than it is otherwise. You don't need someone to tell you that touching someone you don't know or giving them sexually-themed compliments is inappropriate (yeah, some people still do it but they know it's wrong). I was just asking if there was any special con etiquette, especially if you're a male not in costume i.e look but don't stare, ask to take pictures, etc.

>> No.6887887

I've seen a lot of crazy nutjob feminist bullshit leaking into /cgl/.

I've seen people getting upset that someone took a photo of them without explicit permission to do so, and then getting offended that pictures of them were posted online.

Don't go out in public? Don't go to public events voluntarily?

>> No.6887907

So if I'm a non-white male, I can't be a creeper?

>> No.6887913

Ironically, if you're non-white you're usually considered even more of a creeper. I've heard from a few girls that a lot of non-white guys seem to think that every girl out there has a fetish for their race or that they want to see if any rumors are true, and they've come to just expect this and therefore usually try to avoid them.

Sorry bro ;_;

>> No.6887916

I'll admit in my case this is completely true.
For example, if I'm taking a picture with someone, how close I allow them to me completely depends on how attractive/not annoying (like if it's a hot dude, but he acts like a totally weeaboo, then no thanks) they are.
Like, I'd totally let a hot guy put his arm around me, but if it's some greasy as fuck neckbeard, then I always make sure to keep a good distance to prevent the grease from touching.

>> No.6887933

Deal with it, you fucking fedora-wearing fatso. Womyn ARE better than men. I'm sick of hearing you MRA losers bitch about your "equality". Well guess what you DON'T DESERVE equality, you dumb animals. Womyn SHOULD be the ones ruling the world. If it was us, there would be NO wars, NO killing, and most importantly NO rape. Look at anything horrible that happens in the world - it's because of a MAN. If you can't get a job and be productive members of society, then you are worthless and you become rapists, murderers and thieves. Womyn without a job NEVER do that.

How do you explain that you fat virgin fuck?

>> No.6887934

Only if you're black or Native American; and that's just because they're afraid to call you that. Arabs/Indians/Hispanics are too privileged to be excluded.

>> No.6887935

*clap* man I wish more girls like this would join the feminist movement.. it's the only way we can beat patriarchy

>> No.6887938

what's crazy feminist about wanting to be asked before a picture is taken?

You'd be ok if someone came up and took a snapshot of you eating and posted it all over the internet?

I'll be happy to pose if you ask (or not pose if you ask for candids.)

I don't think thats a feminist thing, or a gender-specific thing at all...

>> No.6887950

Doesn't matter if you're okay with it. Do you not see how many pictures people probably don't want are posted daily on the internet? Suck it up and quit being delusional. It's the age we live in and there is no such thing as photo privacy outside of your home in the eyes of the law (with a few exceptions of course; none of which relate to the discussion at hand).

Still don't like it? Go get a retarded lobby group going and see how far you get trying to take people's rights away from public places because you don't like them.

Next up, fatty guys lobbying for shirt laws for men because they're uncomfortable seeing guys in good shape... oh wait men don't fucking bitch and moan about useless shit.

>> No.6887951

>oh wait men don't fucking bitch and moan about useless shit.
Hi, have you heard of /r9k/?

>> No.6887959

Yo, I just had a dream today, about fucking Hermione, the loli version from the first or 2nd movie. Man her pussy was SO TIGHT.

>> No.6887965
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>> No.6887969

I don't 100% agree. I've known some women to be huge assholes too, and resort to murdering, thieving and rape whether or not they do have a job or a purpose in life. It's little to do with that, and more to do with having concern for other people rather than thinking about yourself all the damn time. But at the same time, I'm sick of all the bullshit men in general throw at us (again, I know many decent men) and it needs to stop. I'd just like it if people would treat others with the same amount of decency and respect as they want for themselves instead of stomp and shit on everyone else like a toddler.

>> No.6887971
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of course all men are browsing /r9k/ and totally agree on everyting that's written by robots

>> No.6888006

>womyn without a job never do that
no but they'll sure as hell stoop low enough to suck my dick for $20 bucks.

>> No.6888025

>tfw attractive male that girls not only do not object to attention from but actively seek
>tfw can do almost anything and never be accused of creeping
>tfw delicious double standards

>> No.6888029

>How do you explain that you fat virgin fuck?
Not a single reply answered this.

I win. Men are artifacts of the past.

>> No.6888045

g8 b8 m8

>> No.6888047

Take your fucking eights to /r9k/, neckbeard virgin.

>> No.6888055
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>> No.6888064

nothing, women just like to complain to get attention

you could be sitting there at a con buying artwork from someone and some bitch somewhere will accuse you of creeping

don't listen to it

>> No.6888069

says the neckbeard japanese virgin nazi

>> No.6888070

ive been called one pleanty of times, im a trust fund kid living in socal and usually dressed in high end clothes and usually have a watch on worth more than anything /cgl/ con goer's earn

>> No.6888071

Youre right. women DONT need to be without a job to be a rapist. A thief. Or a murderer.
As they always are, with or without a job.

>> No.6888084

women need to shut the fuck up.

after the rise of feminism, the rise of single mother hood, basturd children, immorality and lack of manners of the public just increased exponentially. and women literally do ANYTHING for any attenton at all

so they raise up all these causes, gay marriage, so that the court systems get tied up since homosexuals usally don't spend long amounts of times in relationships hence the spread f HIV/aids in the scene.

and stupid shit causes that they don't help anyone with , just their self-esteem

>> No.6888088
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Is it just me or is the whole con experience ruined if there isn't at least some creeping going on? It makes things more interesting.

>> No.6888111

race traitors pls go.

exterminate all koreans and chinese.

>> No.6888122

Stalking/following is creeping, anything more should be harassment. I guess I'm not surprised people would bring gender into this discussion, as guys do get harassed, just not as much as girls. People shouldn't feel shame and guilt because someone doesn't know how to back off.

>> No.6888124

omg guys!


>> No.6888129


That's a really naive way of thinking. You can wear the most badass jacket, and still look just as bad as a fedora faggot. Sorry I don't mean to be offensive, but it must be your body language and your attitude that turns people off.

>> No.6888145

man that was so retarded, I could only laugh

she literally says with full face seriousness the things I say to troll r9k virgins

especially the hotline miami thing, like holy shit, she totally stole it from me

>> No.6888160

the way i dress and what i dress in you can assume that i have a job even though i don''t and if they come home with me, they'll see that i've been in college for 8 years now and see degrees dating back to 2007 with my first associate arts degree to my lastest masters degree earned in 2012...

usually what im dressed in idk if you've ever heard of these...



>> No.6888176

So, trust fund, meaning you're using mommy and daddy's money, right?

Come at me when you land an entry level job at the music industry that's paying you $40,000 a year, about $15,000 higher than the national average, kiddo. I'm pretty sure my gear at hte studio is worth way more than your precious watch.

>> No.6888180


Oh god this thread

>> No.6888189
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>40k a year

>> No.6888204

i have a bunch of fender guitars, just 2 tele casters and 4 strats that do anything for ya?

watch was a cartier tank

i live in socal
$40,000 is below poverty here

>> No.6888211

>>6887738 (OP)
I was homeschooled, so I feel like I know the difference between awkward, creepy, and sexual harassment. Just my opinion from experience with all kinds of people:

Awkward: glancing in your direction, maybe blushing, stuttering over words when talking, taking breaths in the middle of words, scared to hold eye contact for long, mouth breathing, traps you in conversation or is poor at conversation, fidgets a lot, maybe shifts weight back and forth a lot while desperately talking/trying to become part of the conversation. Kinda like aspies, who are generally harmless.

Creepy: Typically won't break eye contact, period. Takes the "Stop staring at me" glare as an invite for conversation. Mouth breathes a LOT and doesn't care. Poor general hygiene. Pushes personal boundaries. Tails you like a puppy, even if you don't know them and you tell them you'd prefer they didn't. Makes creepy comments/says things that are just "off" in a typically sexual way. Gender or attractiveness doesn't matter, but the more attractive guys who creep are generally called douches because of extra confidence.

Harassment: physical touching in an unwanted way, describing sexual fantasies, tries to coerce you (either gender) to take off something, wants to know what you look like under said costume, actually forces physical contact.

Kind of a general description, but as a girl, I'm really tired of other girls calling awkward or borderline creepy guys out as stalkers or harassers. Sometimes it pays to take two seconds to ask yourself if he's sexually creeping enough to ACTUALLY get security involved and possibly ruin some innocent and awkward guy's day, or if maybe he just thinks you're cute and isn't sure how to communicate well.

>> No.6888217

Looking at a girl.
Thinking about a girl.
Standing in line near a girl.
Looking at merch of the character a girl is cosplaying.

>> No.6888234

>a bloo bloo I can't possibly have done anything wrong, they must be overreacting to nothing
You're either really obtuse or an asshole who doesn't take responsibility for his actions. THAT's what makes someone a creeper.

>> No.6888242

Or a troll being stupid on purpose.

>> No.6888244

>an asshole who doesn't take responsibility for his actions
What actions?

>> No.6888253

I didn't get why you being homeschooled related?
But I think you wrote this out more clearly and fairly than most people have.

>> No.6888293


You're coming off as a troll. There's plenty of mini millionaires who don't flaunt their wealth around.

>> No.6888294

u owned him sister:D

>> No.6888307

I'm pretty sure that post was satire.

>> No.6888326

Homeschoolers are generally some of the most awkward, socially inept people around, especially here in America. BUT there are also well-adjusted ones like me. Once you go to a homeschool co-op or attend events with other homeschoolers, you realize exactly how awkward 50% of them are, bordering on aspies. I grew up around the most awkward of awkward, so I like to think I can generally tell when someone's awkward, creepy, or just an ass.

>> No.6888347
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>be innocuous-looking white girl
>can follow people with amazing asses around and look them up and down and no one notices or thinks anything of it

>> No.6888358

>but as a girl, I'm really tired of other girls calling awkward or borderline creepy guys out as stalkers or harassers.

Same here, I feel like most of these girls are about the same level of awkward as the guys, but they can't figure out ho to break free of the conversation, and they get scared so they over react, and when there's loads of people telling them that over reacting is okay obviously they're going to. To be perfectly honest most of the actually harassment goes unmentioned because it's scarier or shocking and it makes people too uncomfortable to say anything.

>> No.6888361

3/10 for quick response time, but too obvious extreme reaction.

>> No.6888393

Yep I was homeschooled (though I didn't go to groups or really like, learn, thx parents) and it made me SO socially broken and anxious. But I naturally have great body language, am socially sensitive and I'm hygienic/attractive so nobody ever noticed. For an even slightly more autistic (and male) person that would def be a one way ticket to awkwardville.

On the plus side being anxious and attractive just makes you look like a self-absorbed bitch and nobody bothers you.

>> No.6888545
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>dat feel when after I long day at the con you retire to your hotel room, bust out the lube, your portable printer, and have a massive fap session onto the pics of all the cute scantly clad girls you took

>> No.6888580

Alpha as fuck

>> No.6888700

That's pathetic

>> No.6888743


>homeschooled on resume
>into the trash it goes

>> No.6888751
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What if you are good looking and don't give a rat ass to the weeboo shit gorgeous women are dressing up as and make it pretty obvious (but in seductive ways) you just want to bang them in their hotel room and forget about them the next day?

is this considered creeping?
There must be others like myself that just go to these meetings to take advantage of the cute but awkward girls that dress in scantily outfits.

I think I've read some years ago a story about a group of fellas that would venture into the cons with a game and point system and who got the most/best girls won. land whales subtracted points

>> No.6888759

If we have sex with you then it's not creepy.

>> No.6888766

It's amazing how once you know the crazy shit mentality that goes at the cons you realize most girls are open to one night stands.

this anime bullish is almost a pretext for casual sex

>> No.6888790

wait cosplay isn't consent??

>> No.6888813

Actual successful people are laughing at you silently. It's really fucking obvious when someone is throwing around money that isn't theirs trying to look like hot shit.

>> No.6888832

Exactly. Only men can stop rape. We must teach you to stop raping.

Also, we must teach blacks to stop stealing. Only they can stop it.

And teach Muslims to stop doing suicide bombing attacks. Only they can stop it.

And teach women to not dispose of infants in trash bins. Only they can stop it.

>> No.6888863
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Damn it all..
You're yelling at the wrong people again. This is the problem with any movement.

There are tons of men at any given convention and most of them are so polite and well behaved that you don't even notice them. They mind their own business. They keep their creepy thoughts to themselves. They only use appropriate compliments when praising your costume.

Same goes for women. Plenty of girls won't glomp you out of no where or grab at your shit or tell you to kiss that other cosplayer because that's their OTP, or whatever.

Here's the really fucked up thing: Creepers don't fucking get it. They are socially retarded. They think what they are doing is fine. They think when you scorn them or insult them that you're some stuck up bitch or some meathead dudebro who doesn't get their pure intentions. They bitch and moan about the friendzone while guffawing about how great it is to be a trilby-wearing (it's not a fucking fedora. It's a trilby) atheist is as they simultaneously browse tvtropes and rebbit at the same time.

This is like trying to solve societies issues with sexism and the gender double standard by bitching about feminism in videogames. You're aiming at the wrong fucking target.

But there's another layer to this clusterfuck that a lot of people purposefully ignore.

Some people do some really dumb shit at conventions and attract the attention of creepers. They think the anime con was a fantastic place to walk around practically naked or flaunt their shit. Yeah, it's entirely the creeper's fault for thinking that this is somehow permitting them to get away with whatever their sick little minds imagine up, but how the fuck can you act like you weren't mentally prepared to interact with complete strangers who might show an interest in you?

>> No.6888882

So you're saying... men can't stop raping? Thank god for feminism, I hope we are successful in turning the world into a matriarchy where all you savage beasts will be put away and not even used in fertilization since women can impregnate themselves in theory.

>> No.6888887
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But I can't carry all six of them!

>> No.6888898

So are you a lesbian or you look at guys or what?

>> No.6888921
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>> No.6888944

Being ugly, non-alpha, and thinking you shoudl go talk to a woman.

>> No.6888962
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This, so much.

It's not people with healthy minds that are creepers. By definition they CAN'T be. Any mentally normal person will go "hey, I can empathize with that person, they are clearly showing signs of discomfort and/or stress. I better stop."

Creepers have no ability to read social cues, no ability to empathize with someone, or understand why what they are doing is wrong. If you read any con horror or weeb horror thread, you can see that most of creepers are:
a) autistic/aspies/have some sort of disorder
b) obsessed with one thing to the point of delusion and losing touch with reality
c) not used to being around ANYONE, much less a people with different backgrounds so no idea how to function with people that may not be like them
d) gain power as other delusional creeps around them feed their crazy obsessions and help mentally reaffirm that the fairytaleland they live inside their head exists in reality
e) Display extreme self-centeredness, either due to their delusions or their disorders. They will actually act like the world revolves around them and their actions, as if they're living in an anime or game, with them being the protagonist.
f) Due to these delusions and self-centeredness, they think everyone else is wrong, and what they're doing is right. If you disagree then you become the antagonist (bitchy bimbo/dumb jock/evil whatever) in their head-story.

Creepers are unhealthy people that cannot be reasoned with like a normal person. Therefore, telling everyone at a con "don't be a creep" won't stop the creeps, as they WILL NOT understand that what they are doing is creepy. You will only accomplish a irritating bunch of normal people as they're being condescended to, and a bunch of creepers going "well it's a good thing everything I do is to-to-ree ka wah-eee and soo-goy and just like what happens in my anime and everyone loves it just like in my animes!!! ^_~" and will continue to do their creepy shit.

>> No.6888967

Womyn are the cause of our divorce rates and the degeneration of society and none of them could ever be a leader. If womyn ruled the world, we
d be doomed.

>> No.6888973

So, assuming you're not a troll, how old are you? What job do you have?

You know that your biological clock is ticking, right? You know that you're going to one day be depressed when no man in the world wants to deal with your shit and you're looking for a way to get out of your shitty lower-class job.

>> No.6888975

I feel like society would have a more compassionate/caring feel to it if women were in control, but we'd also be less willing to take initiative.

Kind of like the difference between Europe and the USA.

>> No.6888972

Organizers of this movement have made it clear (although not very often) that this movement is not an attack on male otaku or males in general. The perpetrators of creeping are BOTH male and female.

>> No.6888981

What about South Korea?

>> No.6888982

I don't even want to think about Europe. Especially with Britain's "Big Brother" bullshit that they are pulling. The West is fucking falling due to Big Brother shit by the gov in Europe and Big Brother shit by the corps in America.

All hail our Russian/Chinese overlords.

>> No.6888991

Goddamn I did a shitty job trimming that down to fit. Look at all those extra prepositions. Sorry about that.

>> No.6888993


Pretty much this.

When a man finds a girl unattractive, he admits that he finds her presence annoying because she is unattractive. His feelings are his fault.

When a girl find a man unattractive, she psychologically projects her discomfort onto him and concludes that he is being creepy. Her feelings are somehow magically his fault.

>> No.6888998

Actually women are generally more hostile towards other women than men are to other men. The difference is they tend start rumors, gossip, and all that type of shit to try to attack someone's image or hurt them mentally whereas men tend resort to physical violence. Since physical violence is the much more noticeable one, and easier to pin blame on, men seem a lot less compassionate and caring than they are in that regard at least. Don't get me wrong, I feel women are prolly as a whole more compassionate and caring than men, but they fight as well, just in a different way. Both have victims and the way women "fight" tends to have longer lasting effects on their victims than a typical fight between men.

>> No.6889004

This post would be funnier if it wasn't for the fact that some girls actually are this deluded.

>> No.6889010
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Too true. Instead of wars we'd probably have a lot more embargos and things. However, that's off-topic. This organization says it's for male AND female creepers alike.

>> No.6889015


Obvious Poe is obvious.

>> No.6889027

As a female I have dealt with 'con creepers' but I also think this issue is being blown completely out of proportion. I've been going to conventions ten years, get a lot of attention in my costumes and have only been 'creeped on' maybe once a year. Far less than I get 'creeped on' in real life.

I've been standing with cosplay girls, a guy has come up to us and politely asked for a photo and the girl readily said SURE with a smile and told him he could put his arm around her waist. Then she proceeded to call him a creep as soon as he was out of earshot. That is utter bullshit. To be perfectly honest I feel like a lot of it is women who are 'convention' attractive trying to convince themselves and other people they are more desirable than they actually are. That they were just so hot they had men wanting a piece left, right and center and oh my god poor them- like a girl in highschool complaining to her friends about how so many guys asked her to prom and ewwww.

It's pretty much a standard of how good you look, because when you hear some chick complaining about all the dudes who thought she was so attractive they just had to creep on her- you might think you're unattractive if you've never ahd that happen to you.

Sexual harassment is not okay, but lets be realistic here. A guy glancing at you from across the room is not sexual harassment. A guy who puts his arm around your waist with your permission after asking politely is not sexually harrassing you. Our idea of what a creeper is has gotten completely skewed and I think the overdramatic chicks making up BS to seem more desirable or stand on a soapbox need to be bitchslapped by their fellow female cosplayers. It gives conventions and cosplays a bad image to perpetuate the bizarre ideal that every other male attendee wants to rape you.

>> No.6889035

I don't buy the "they can't help it" excuse. I was an autistic creeper in high school, and you know what I did? I fucking got therapy. Almost anyone can learn to at least emulate a functional human being, and if they refuse to that's their fucked up decision.

>> No.6889052

The big problem there is you try to aim this at creepers and you get a lot of normalfags who get angry because you're yelling at them, and a bunch of creepers who don't realize they're being yelled at going "Yeah! Get rid of those sick fucks! I'm so sick of dealing with all the fake nerds at my conventions!"

>> No.6889059

Severity of mental illness plays a factor. Just because yours was mild doesn't mean everyone can do the same thing. It's not so black and white. Glad you got help, but heck even Schizophrenia is believed to be prevalent in 1% of the population, and believe me, those people are definitely ill and should not be mocked. There's a myriad of other mental illnesses as well, and unfortunately, many of the sufferers cannot help it. People also don't even realize they have a mental illness, or they don't go forward with it because of the stigma in society against it. Hell this thread doesn't help either because it's rather likely that many "creeper" cases involve someone suffering from a mental illness, and look at how the people react to it. Mock them and label them as subhuman creeps.

Why is it that so many people get angry that these creepers have no empathy, but never stop to emphasize with them and think that maybe there is something wrong with them mentally and they at least need to try to get some help.

>> No.6889060

It's not so much "they can't help it" as they NEED help, but don't get it because they think they are not the ones with the problem. The US especially coddles people with disorders, and parents just make excuses not to take their children to see a "quack". "They're just different". "They're special and perfect the way they are". If you constantly told a delusional person with a potential mental disorder that they were fine and perfect and everyone else was wrong, what do you think will happen? Go on tumblr and you can find any community that continues to echo your delusions like a positive feedback loop.

You say you got therapy after highschool. Why? Was it because you magically learned that you were a creep, or was it because everyone told you that you were? Would you have changed if no one told you that you were wrong, but instead told you how perfect you were?

The sad fact is, as long as there are people to feed a delusional person's delusions, they will never get better. No matter how many times other people tell them that they're wrong, if one person, especially a close person, says they're right, they will keep believing they're right.

If you need help envisioning just how delusional these people are, watch this and you'll know what I mean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XjgHEctcy0

>> No.6889066

>As a female
tits or gtfo :o)

>> No.6889068


>> No.6889074

This just reminds me of an expression in French.

> Folie à deux.

If a lunatic is locked in a room with another lunatic, they'll feed each other's madness.

> Polite sage

>> No.6889089

Guys are going to wake up to this bullshit soon, and when they do, it's girls like you that are going to get the most benefit because guys know that normal, sane girls like you are in short supply these days so they will gladly go out of their way to even just have you as a friend, let alone a girlfriend.

>> No.6889094
File: 100 KB, 500x274, plsgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6889097


Yep. A world run by women would still have people making enemies, they would just shut off all contact with a nation and drain them of resources through theft or poisoning their food supplies until their population slowly starved to death or rotted away from internal conflict.

Now that I think about it, that kind of world would be pretty shitty. At least men destroy their enemies instantly.

>> No.6889101

I can't even imagine what footage they had to get rid of when you see how much terrifying shit they had to show just for that episode.

I'm still wondering how a psychotic cunt and a crazy old foreign man even got together, got married, and opened a business. The guy can barely function in society, and the girl is a manic idiot who blames everything on everyone around her.

>> No.6889102
File: 48 KB, 1280x736, Mr Potato Head Is Pleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6889103

Why the girlfriend bit, though?

>> No.6889107

What do you mean?

>> No.6889108


Soon? It's honestly already happening. At least here on 4chan pretty much every other board can smell female victim complex bullshit from miles away.

>> No.6889110

Thanks, I think! I have a lot of guy nerd and guy cosplayer friends and not all of them are attractive. That doesn't mean if they look at you they want to fuck you, most of them wouldn't touch any chick from a con with a ten foot pole or are married.

I think that creepers do exist but by blowing every glance/photo/touch out of proportion it just makes people either hyper sensitive or roll their eyes. I've had girls come up to me and tell me I'm 'brave' for wearing a costume and they're too afraid to wear one for fear of sexual harassment or verbal abuse. That is messed up. Conventions are not girls walking around in costume crying, having insults hurled at them and their asses grabbed every five minutes.

>> No.6889117

Most unattractive guys know their place. Even the attractive chicks I've seen at cons wearing skimpy outfits that don't bring friends (male or female) or boyfriends to block them off, I still see no one going up to them to hit on them.

It's just not their place.

>> No.6889126

I threw your post out the moment I saw "biological clock". Typical butthurt virgin misogynist argument. There is no fucking clock inside me.

>> No.6889122

The majority of guys will wake up to it soon. Most can see it even now, but just don't know what to do about it. Neo-feminism (not to be confused with the Women's Rights Movement) is slowly but surely coming to an end. Hopefully we can start moving towards actual gender equality soon.

>> No.6889123

I really think the most painful thing that actually has a reasonable chance of happening to someone that wears a revealing costume would be other girls on the internet making that person feel bad, uncomfortable or cry with their anonymous comments and rumors once pictures surface.

>> No.6889124

sorry didn't understand that not their place part. who are you referring to?

>> No.6889133

If they are unnattractive, they understand that they can't just go up to women and be really cocky about it and just demand things like an attractive or alpha guy can. They have to ask politely for a picture at best.

Creepers are people who don't understand this. They are self-centered and narcisstic. I wouldn't say autistic because having been in the autistic community for a while most autists while awkward aren't the people who just grab ass for the fun of it, because they don't think they can.

The idea that every man who's unnattractive is some kind of creeper misogynist who believes that con chicks owe it to him to be on his dick is blown out of proportion all of the time.

>> No.6889150

>they assume every white girl on earth has a fetish for them.
were did they get idea?

>> No.6889152

you do know that even if I'm attractive + don't have problems with talking to other people I can't just get away with alpha attitude. Girls really are more receptive but you get nothing with being a douche.

It's about realizing how receptive the person is and give has much as they would like to have. The "creeps" I see just insist when there have been enough verbal and body language clues to quit it.

>> No.6889147


I agree and don't agree with this. I agree that lots of nerds won't ask for much if they are awkward or ugly, but I don't mind at all when they want photos or to chat. As long as they're not trying to fuck me or stalking me then why does it matter what they look like? I think my only direct contact deal breaker is the con stank.

>> No.6889148

Yeah...I was really pleasantly surprised when I saw Thunderfoot on Youtube calling out neofems on their bullshit. Mainstream population is starting to wake up.

I would not be surprised if feminism becomes viewed by the majority as misandry within the next five years.

>> No.6889156

Look butch, everyone in this thread (and ultimately the world) is laughing at you and your kind. You can take your bunched-up panties and your autographed poster of Lorena Bobbitt elsewhere. Literally nobody wants to be around people like you. Honestly, a better use of your time would be to find another movement because your little "womyn" thing is not going to be around for much longer.

>> No.6889161

Creeping at a con is being asked if you could be carried for a picture and then being stalked for the rest of the con despite being in a different costume. Or when you turn down a photo and then proceed to be watched and followed by the rejected fellow.

>> No.6889175

a man talking, looking, being within a few feet of a female = creeping

>> No.6889178

lol, yeah - try again.

>> No.6889183

I'm pretty sure it's a troll. People with SJW syndrome that bad probably couldn't stomach being on 4chan.

>> No.6889191

"Creeping" depends on who does it.

Fat girls can creep.

Socially unaccustomed guys can creep, though may just be shy.

Following someone when they don't want that one person around is creeping.

Silently appreciating someone's costume, asking for video or a pic, and then going your own way is not creeping.

Being understanding when obviously the one being perceived as a creep is just some kind person with some amount of autism or other problem is golden.

If you feel being creeped out by someone, it is your responsibility to say something to them. Do not suffer, try to educate them. They won't learn until they are told what is not acceptable.

It may turn out they could be the nicest people ever and someone you could count on to move a body.

Just try to be a decent judge of unusually behaving people and try to figure out how you want to deal with them. Most people don't want to ask questions and find out anything.

>> No.6889193

>everyone in this thread (and ultimately the world)
You mean you samefagging over and over again?

>> No.6889217
File: 36 KB, 342x500, tumblr_mlgaae4ayi1rn2kyco1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'll actually answer this correctly:
A con creeper is someone who is sexually aggressive when in a con environment. They say inappropriate things and do not respond to implicit or even explicit requests to leave their target alone. They are not necessarily rapists (though I wouldn't recommend taking a chance), but they make people feel vulnerable and afraid by trying to pressure them into doing things and refusing to leave them alone. They have a poor sense of boundaries and do not fully understand the concept of what is and is not consent.
They are usually also entitled fedora-types that think they deserve to have sex with people just because they are supposedly nice to them.

>> No.6889222

pic unrelated

>> No.6889224

Lol, I can't imagine how long you were staring at my comment, fuming that you couldn't find something to actually refute. I forgot that I was on 4chan and was actually expecting some kind of legitimate argument.

>> No.6889226
File: 36 KB, 510x1499, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6889227

100% the truth.

>> No.6889230
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, goodjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both 16:28

The timing of that image was fucking perfect. My sides are leaving the cosmos.

>> No.6889233

what is this retarded republican doing on /cgl/ gtfo you are probably a rapist

>> No.6889236

newsflash cunt, 90% of guys do that

>> No.6889237

Can I interject and point out that even if someone is supposedly samefagging (which I'm pretty sure NEVER ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENS), it doesn't magically make you right, you dumb sack of shit.

>> No.6889238

That poster is indeed a dump /pol/fag and the thing he said about gay marriage makes absolutely no sense but calling anyone who disagrees with you a rapist just makes you look like a typical feminazi cunt that no one wants to be around.

>> No.6889241
File: 109 KB, 600x796, jimmyspace6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol u rustled

>> No.6889247

I mean, I get the irony but doesn't that actually prove that there are at least two people making a similar argument, therefore not samefagging?

>> No.6889252

>Accuse people of samefagging
>Proof comes up that they aren't samefagging

I can't fucking stop laughing this is too good.

>> No.6889255

bitch please, i'm a dude and i will call anyone a rapist if i want, especially if they're a stupid fucking republican who doesn't believe in women's rights.

>> No.6889258

I am a different person who was thus far not involved in the argument.
That's why a said I was interjecting, yes?
I was actually disagreeing with the womyn chick and now you look like a douche.

>> No.6889264
File: 21 KB, 267x200, Spiderman with the mumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6889269 [DELETED] 

>dat filename
my parallel appendages have literally left his dimension

>> No.6889273

>dat filename
my parallel appendages have literally left this dimension

>> No.6889358
File: 124 KB, 423x370, chucky_cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus fuck.

>> No.6889368

I know. I missed it ;_;

>> No.6889378

Are you dumb? Have you never been creeped on by alpha 9/10 males at a bar and still been creeped out? Even if a guy is attractive, creeping on me earns no less than bitchy dismissal and no more than a swift kick to the junk. I fucking hate men who creep on me, no matter what they look like or where I am.

>> No.6889397

"creeping" is a term used by female cosplayers as a way to persecute men at cons despite them doing nothing wrong or illicit. It's basically saying "you didn't do anything wrong, but I felt uncomfortable, so it's your fault."

>> No.6889400

Sometimes. But there are cases where people act out of line in terms of harassing cosplayers.

>> No.6889406



>> No.6889432
File: 16 KB, 196x320, 1335703246Tecn8u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Male cosplayer
>Encounters a silly/unattractive woman who acts in a way he doesn't enjoy
>Makes light of it, stays respectable, and eventually leaves
>Everyone is happy

>Female cosplayer
>Encounters a silly/unattractive man who acts in a way she doesn't enjoy

>> No.6889435

"creeping" only refers to unattractive/fat/grody people. when an attractive guy "creeps" girls call it "getting hit on" or "flirting"

>> No.6889448

lol, you make me sad

Glad not all guys think the way you do

>> No.6889454

What happens when we have to shut the country down for 3 months out of the year?

>> No.6889458

Just ignore >>6889432, anon, they're probably from /r9k/

>> No.6889469

Well obviously there would have to be some sort of coordination to make sure not every agency leader gets pregnant at the same time.

>> No.6889472

For me, creeping has always gone into a very specific category:

>Following someone around when you haven't really asked to tag along. Most people don't mind chatting with you, if you're just up front and talk to them. I've met a lot of nice people that way. But just this weekend, I had a female fluttershy cosplayer follow me around and talk about nothing but how beautiful all the female cosplayers were. And she kept saying I ought to wear my skirt higher so people her height got better views. Considering I didn't know her? Not okay.

>Touching someone without their permission, especially when it's obviously not warranted. I was cosplaying Larxene one year (as a retarded kid, mind you), and had a random Axel run up and grab my tits. Then buried her face in them. I started complaining, and she went "nah babe, it's fanservice!" slapped my ass, and left.

Like, if you ask someone if you can do a fanservicey shot for a photo, and they agree? Cool. But doing it out of nowhere? Not cool.

>Automatically making yourself part of the group. Nine times out of ten, if you're cool and chill with people, they won't mind you tagging along to their room. But just assuming you're invited, and going in? Then looking at people's stuff? Is fucking awful. I had a guy running a brony panel just come up to my friend and I's room, and was going through some of the merch I'd purchased. I kicked him out immediately, but just the fucking assumption was not okay.

>Being all over someone you've just met. I have a male friend who does crossplay REALLY well. And several times now, guys have tried to get pictures of his crotch or even touch it, to verify what gender he is. If you wouldn't do that shit to someone in real life, DON'T DO IT AT A CON. I also think initiating hand holding with a stranger is fucked up, but that's just me, I'm pretty sure.

That's... my standard for it, really. I'm sure I forgot something, but in my experiences, that's what I base someone's creeper status on.

>> No.6889479

Both of these arguments are true.

Touching or groping someone you don't know: Creeping
Following someone around: Creeping
Not taking no for an answer after making a request: Creeping
Making sexual or otherwise suggestive compliments: Creeping
Making excessive compliments of any nature: Creeping
Taking a lot of pictures without asking: Creeping
Taking a single picture without asking: Slightly impolite but not exactly creeping
Asking to take a picture with, then putting your hand on someones waist or touching their abs without asking: Sort of creeping
Trying to strike up a normal conversation with someone: Usually not Creeping
Asking to take a picture of or with someone: Not creeping
Taking a single picture of a group of people without asking: Usually not creeping
Looking (not staring) at someones cosplay: Not Creeping
Giving someone a single genuine compliment on their cosplay: Not Creeping
Standing near someone minding your own business: Not Creeping

Of course all of these are open for debate, but anyone who thinks/says that a male is a creeper by simply existing near them (not including following) needs to get over their shit. You're not royalty and you don't have the right to demean people like that for simply being near you, looking at your cosplay, or trying to strike up a normal conversation. If you don't want any of these things, stay at home.

>> No.6889483

thanks, i will.

>> No.6889491

I'm talking about periods. With all the time world leaders spend together they are bound to synch up.

>> No.6889504

>People should not have the right to decide who does and does not touch them.

>> No.6889515

>letting anyone touch you

>> No.6889536
File: 6 KB, 102x145, badbatteur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who says the term "creeping" is used only to persecute males is an ignorant douche who doesn't get the reality of the situation.
When I was fourteen a guy who I'd met briefly a few hours earlier approached me at a rave and pretty much immediately tried to make out with me and grind. I refused. Now, being an unattractive fourteen-year-old, I grant that I was too insecure and surprised by male attention to really make it known that I was uncomfortable, and I may have let him kiss me (I honestly do not remember), but also I was fucking fourteen and he knew it. He followed me up to my hotel room (which I was luckily sharing with friends) and tried to get me to come back to his. I refused, but he stayed there and kept touching me, even though my friends were trying to kick him out. Eventually he left and went on to attempt to rape my friend.
That is a con creeper. I didn't necessarily protest, but I was weak at the time and didn't really know how. He sensed that. That is why he chose me. Con creepers frequently prey on insecure and/or underage people to try and get quick sex regardless of how dubious the consent is. They do this knowing these people are unlikely to speak up or stop them. They are not nice but socially awkward people (though those guys do sometimes get unfairly labelled as creepers), they are predators.

>> No.6889541

So, what's the difference between creepers and alpha males?

>> No.6889548

How attractive they are.

>> No.6889554

How does it feel to be cummed inside?

Is it truly a feeling worth it's own maymay?

Faggots need not apply; only vaginal cum can be truly felt.

>> No.6889556
File: 803 KB, 1169x3731, 11012122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for kicks.

>> No.6889560
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 1354583580369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ability to read social cues
Having aspergers at a young age (specifically Non-Verbal learning disorder) made it really hard for me to socialize with others during my younger years.
I won't go into details, but it lead to 'bullying' and a lot of misunderstanding. But if I was to get any where in life, I had to learn how to socialize properly and I went to get help and talked to a psych about some of the things that troubled me.
I'll be honest when I say I can get shy sometimes talking to cute girls, but at least I can 'take a hint' and know when to stop.
So at a con, it's a quick 'hello', a picture with their permission, a small chat and that's it. No bantering on and on or stupid trivial questions. They have places to go and others want to say hi and take pictures.

As far as creepers goes, just watch out for anything that would invade on a persons safety or privacy and report them to security. If there's someone who seems to be shy or embarassed talking to you, give them the benefit of a doubt and try not to let it ruin the con experience.

If they grope your boob, then smash their face.

>> No.6889558

Sure, some guy came up to a ugly chick, just because somehow he knew "zomg this Quasimodo is 14! that's totally what pedophiles like me look for!".

2/10 story, didn't read past that sentence.

>> No.6889559

>stuck fetish

>> No.6889563

In my opinion, an "alpha male" is someone who's willing to take charge of a situation and speak his mind. He is confident and strong. This can be good or bad, depending on the situation and how far he takes it.
A creeper is not confident or strong; he is conniving and a coward. He will try to pressure you into sex by manipulating, insulting, and even harassing you. If you refuse to do so, he will act as if YOU are "the bad guy" for denying him something he believes he deserves. He is bad news in any situation.

>> No.6889568

Thanks for explaining it.

So "creeping" is fine as long as you're doing it with strength and confidence (and good looks or fame/status).

>> No.6889572

Alpha males are attractive men that take advantage of insecure girls at cons.

Creeper are unattractivemen that try to take advantage of insecure girls at cons.

Neither are good.

>> No.6889580

They sound almost interchangeable.

>> No.6889581

We had already spoken beforehand and asked my age. He had also hung out with my friend he tried to rape for an extended period of time earlier on.
Maybe you should read past the first sentence next time, you little shit. What he did to me and my friends was fucking traumatizing.

>> No.6889585

What you are missing here is that an alpha male isn't just looking for sex. Confidence and strength are his personality, he doesn't just put it on for T&A/

>> No.6889590



>> No.6889595

>What you are missing here is that an alpha male isn't just looking for sex. Confidence and strength are his personality, he doesn't just put it on for T&A/
Yeah, keep telling yourself that he's interested in your deep inner qualities. :rolleyes:

So attractive and at least a bit skilled in Pick-Up Artistry to convince you that he values more than your vagina (for the night).

>> No.6889598

All women think they're unattractive.

>> No.6889601


>> No.6889604

>What you are missing here is that an alpha male isn't just looking for sex.
>an alpha male isn't just looking for sex.
>isn't just looking for sex.
Oh honey..

>> No.6889606








>> No.6889609

Yo, what's with the all-caps? You mad at me or something? Didn't even read, lol!

>> No.6889612

I mean in theory. I have yet to meet an effective "alpha male" in real life.

>> No.6889616

Come now, you described all your boyfriends as "Alpha :)" as long as you were together.

>> No.6889619

Yeah I'm fucking mad. I have a right to be fucking mad that you decided my experiences didn't happen to me or didn't matter because you think I'm a girl.

>> No.6889623

I'm asexual and have never had a real boyfriend thanks.

>> No.6889624

Well, you're not a girl and it never happened to you. Sounds like a story made up straight from /r9k/ or something.

Proof or gtfo.

>> No.6889630

>I'm ugly / transfat / pangendered / tortoisekin

Only guys can be asexual in the meaning of it's word. See Wikipedia.

>> No.6889636

I cannot even fathom why you think it is okay to say any of this and I hope you fucking die. :DDD

>> No.6889638
File: 2.88 MB, 320x240, some whore dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is what I look like. You made me so mad that I started dancing in front of the webcam, right now.

>> No.6889641

o m g THIS!

It should be illegal to insult girls! Even on the Internet, if someone says she's a girl and you insult her, that is NOT OKAY! You should be shot.

>> No.6889642

WOW can you really not wrap your head around the concept that I might actually be male WOW why do you even think you have warrant to discuss this????

>> No.6889643

I am not a fucking girl.

>> No.6889650
File: 91 KB, 548x618, In this moment, I am euphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that came to mind, but I clung to hope that you're not some liburtard mangina faggot who automatically says he could possibly have a boyfriend~ perchance~~

Pic related, it's you.

>> No.6889653


Ha ha ha. Specifically black nerds tho.

>> No.6889656


This is why creepers are disgusting. Just imagine this guy imagining being on top of you / below you / inside you, jerking off to his own imagination.


>> No.6889659

I don't even know how you are trying to insult me at this point. Wow I'm a douchey fedora-type. Woah amazing you win the argument good job and also what you're saying is totally related to the discussion.~~~~~~~

>> No.6889671

Where would you place yourself in the following chart?

Harry Stiles.........||.......a handsome Anon
Donald Trump......||.........../r9k/ neckbeard

If you're in the first, second or third quadrant, congratulations, you are not a creeper!

>> No.6889686


>> No.6889690

If that's the kinda guy, girls think of when they talk about creepers I can see why they're so creeped out.

>> No.6889687

Harry is so fucking sexy ,unf unf

>> No.6889713

>no social life
>only few friends I have for a few years are online
>always think of myself as a beta creep
>make complete beta out of myself with friend I made off /cgl/
>she avoids the Fuck out of me
>end friendship
>decide to suck it up and talk to coworkers my age
>find out I'm not as much of a beta creep as I thought
>get a ton of respect from them and I get invited out all the time
>girls don't actually avoid me like the plague

not really sure if its related enough to the thread, but I think sometimes creeper threads and beta threads can poison your mind into thinking you're one of them when your only problem could be that you don't try talking to other people. And of course to avoid being a creeper don't try to save any sinking ship relationships people are a dime a dozen and if they don't seem to give a shit about you they aren't worth bring your friend.

>> No.6889714
File: 320 KB, 1000x1000, 1340171321037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also think initiating hand holding with a stranger is fucked up

>> No.6889726


>> No.6889728

This is a SFW.

>> No.6889737

I've heard that the guy in the photo wasn't actually the guy who said the quote, but I'm not sure.

>> No.6889739

You stupid women have no idea what being "creepy" even is.

Following you home and hiding in your rose bushes? That is creepy.

Walking into the girls restroom and watching you pee with his hand in his pants? That is creepy.

Getting into a conversation with a guy you don't find attractive? Or experiencing some sort of petty scenario of social awkardness with a man at a con? Sorry, but this has nothing to do with being "creepy".

All you're doing is highlighting your own irrational feelings of discomfort and awkwardness, which is more YOUR fault than anyone elses.

Stop looking for reasons to persecute men at cons just because you lack the emotional capabilities to handle your own shit.

>> No.6889741

Who gives a fuck? Neckbeard fedora wearing virgin misogynists are all the same anyway; and they deserve the same fate = be put to death ASAP.

>> No.6889743

MRA/Athens detected >>>/r9k/ >>>/pol/ >>>/out/

>> No.6889754

>Nine times out of ten, if you're cool and chill with people, they won't mind you tagging along to their room.
Really? I've never been to a convention before but I want to go and make friends. I'm kind of timid/shy but people have said that I'm cute and friendly. I've been a bit more social this past year but I don't want to overreach and be too invasive.

Should I ask "mind if I tag along?" or will someone generally offer to have you come up to their room?

>> No.6889755
File: 346 KB, 500x611, Douche-English Dictionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this needs to be posted again.

>> No.6889756

>I don't like what you have to say so please go to another board

lol what kind of argument is that? 4chan is not organized by opinion or belief. If you can't make a point then don't reply.

>> No.6889763

>If you hate feminists you hate all women!

Typical feminist propaganda.

>> No.6889765
File: 2 KB, 125x91, oh my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know you struck a nerve when they direct you to a different board

>> No.6889764

>this is what tumblr actually believes

>> No.6889767

>implying common sense is propaganda

Don't you get bored after doing this for, gosh, 4 years in row now athens? Go buy a hooker to take your virginity.

>> No.6889770

Actually, I got that from Cracked.com, a site run mostly by cis white privileged men, but unlike you, they're not crybaby losers and they're not afraid to talk about it.

Here's my personally favorite article:

It's just sad that their viewers are mostly cis white loser virgin males who can only cry and complain about every such article they make.

>> No.6889773

>refering to feminist propaganda as "common sense"

feminist detected.

>> No.6889774

>being butthurt about feminism

20+ year old NEET neckbeard virgin who still lives with his parents detected.

See, I can play this game too.

>> No.6889776

Just because you found something on website and has cartoon text doesn't mean it's somehow wise. None of that crap makes any sense.

>> No.6889779
File: 50 KB, 400x400, and_suddenly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this delicious trolling...

>> No.6889784

Yeah, I bet you read the entire article in 2 minutes.

>> No.6889787

Why can't I hold all these straws?

>> No.6889788

I live with my wife. Keep up the childish taunting though. I'm sure acting like an entitled feminist who hates men will surely land you a husband.

>> No.6889796

Also, FUCK YOU for implying that I ever want to get married. Take your patriarchal shit somewhere else.

>> No.6889794

>I live with mai waifu. ;_;
Good to know your parents finally abandoned you, you useless little parasite.

>> No.6889800

OH GOD, thanks!
Finally someone who gets the point of the thread!!!
We're talking about the creepers, not the tumblr-"feminists"-bitchy-doublefaced-cunts or the fedora-women haters-"edgy machism, GET OVER WITH IT ALREADY AND FOCUS ON THE REAL PROBLEM, FUCKING ASPIES!

>> No.6889803

No asshole that's not how quandrants work.

If you learned ANYTHING from Math in High School you'd know the first quadrant starts where both X and Y are positive and goes clockwise from there.

So by saying the first second and third quadrant the only person you are excluding is Harry Stiles.

>> No.6889804

What makes you think I would want one? Who do you think you are telling me I need a man? Do you think a man could please me? No man will ever be enough for me.

>> No.6889807

Someone's aspergers is acting up.

>> No.6889810

Aspies are the problem? ;_;

>> No.6889813

Angry fat lesbian feminist detected.

>> No.6889814
File: 34 KB, 660x601, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because you come from Potatoland?

>> No.6889824

So what exactly does a male who isn't a creeper take as a non-verbal cue to touch (put arm around, hold hand, etc) a female he is having a conversation with? I'm genuinely curious. Many times I've had completely normal conversations with a guy who isn't creepy at all, but it usually gets to a point where he just decides it's okay to put his hands on me in some way? I sometimes wonder if I give off some kind of indication that makes him think I'm interested in something more than just talking, when I'm really not. This always kind of bums me out because I come to this realization that "oh, he just wants something else from me" when I was genuinely just enjoying conversing with another human being. It also makes me awkwardly guilty and self-conscious because I wonder if he thinks I was leading him on when I have to cut the conversation short and gtfo because I'm uncomfortable.

>> No.6889826

now i remember why i stopped browsing this fucking site

>> No.6889835

Because you're a male virgin + creeper.

>> No.6889837


Lol nope. If you're gonna be so aggressive about something insignificant (>asshole), make sure you're right first.


>> No.6889839

ssh, it's okay. i still love you

*softly pets your head*

>> No.6889842

Touch my head over the Internet again and I'll call the cops on you, you filthy creeper.

>> No.6889850

Not just aspies, but people with absolutely no social skills, strong obsessions, and delusions so thick you could clot a toilet with them.

Creeper=/=beta. Creeper = person who cannot into society and thinks they are right even when told they are wrong by nearly everyone. This thread was going (relatively) well until tumblr and r9k showed up.

>> No.6889851

For those who are worried that they're creepers and don't know it:
There is a lot of mixed (and incorrect) information in this thread, and many others like it. Just because some people think that being stared at is sexual assault does not mean most people will think that.

-Staring at someone (meaning looking directly at them for an extended period of time) is generally creepy, but it isn't illegal. This is still frowned upon, so just take a picture (after permission). It'll last longer, etc.
-Following someone around in public places is also creepy, but not illegal (until they say to leave them alone). Generally the polite thing to do if you want to be around someone is to simply go up and say hi. Light, non-sexual compliments are cool. Small talk is good. Stalking is bad.
-If you don't want to talk and just want a picture, just ask. If they say no, don't take a fucking picture. You don't need to have an in-depth conversation just to ask for a picture. Don't worry about it.
-Hand on shoulder during pictures is fine. Hand on waist, ask first. Hand on ass? Nope.
-Don't go up and hug someone without even speaking to them first. You can ask for a hug, most people are happy to give one. Keep in mind though that some people value their personal space more than others, and wouldn't be into it. If they decline, don't take it personally.

Holy shit that was long. At any rate, there are probably some aspects of convention etiquette that I'm not aware of, and I don't speak for everyone obviously. Basically, give people their personal space and respect their boundaries. It's not necessarily your fault if you creep someone out, but it -is- if you don't leave them alone after they've expressed as much.

>> No.6889849

How about treating him with respect and not assuming anyone who so much as touches you is trying to rape you or cause you some sort of harm. Contrary to what you've been brainwashed into thinking by other retarded women, men are not monsters.

>I am irrationally scared of men in social situations. How do I let him know of his wrong-doing?

You don't. This is YOUR problem and you need to work on your social awkwardness.

>> No.6889855

you were asking for it

>> No.6889878

Reading that article I came to #3 and... it literally made me think we should either lock away all men or find a pill that will take them back to their senses.

How could women let these beasts run around wild for the whole history, being the irrational little fucks they are? And WE get called out for PMSing or being "too hormonal". Holy shit.

>it's not some rare, weird exhibitionist fetish, either. It's that they can't even wait the couple of hours it'd take to do it safely at home.
>a man can be giving the eulogy at his own grandmother's funeral, and if there is a girl in the front row showing cleavage, he will be imagining himself pressing those boobs in his face, with his own dead grandmother not five feet away.

Did I already say men need to be put away until we find a cure for that shit?

>> No.6889877

So, according to stupid woman logic, a man at a convention is a sexual deviant if he:

-Looks at a woman
-Walks to the same area as a woman
-Talks with a woman
-Puts their hand on a woman
-Enters the personal space around a woman

Why don't you just be honest and say you don't like being around any man you don't know at cons, with the exception of asian guys with 6-packs you want to fuck.

>> No.6889885

how did you read all of that and come up with that conclusion wow how bitter are you how small is your penis

>> No.6889902

please stop making everyone look bad.

>> No.6889903


>>6889754 here
How do I make friends and have conversations without coming off as invasive and whatnot?

I've always wanted to be more social without being too overbearing and it's tough.

>> No.6889904

Sometimes you can say something with no flirtatious intentions and someone else can construe it in a flirtatious way. It isn't necessarily anyone's fault, but at that point if he's clearly interested and you aren't, just make it clear. You would be doing a disservice to the both of you if you just didn't say anything just to be "polite" or whatever.
If you're really uncomfortable, the number one thing you should do is leave (try to not be too abrupt such as literally walking off mid-convo, just say you need to be somewhere or whatever).

>> No.6889905


Yeah! Just being polite goes a long way, seriously. I seriously find when people ask if it's cool, I don't mind them coming up.

But if they invite you up? You've clearly done something right

>> No.6889906

Yeah, what this person said. But if you really want him to stop touching, try folding your arms and/or end the conversation. Whenever I'm talking to someone and they fold their arms, I take that as a cue to wrap it up and leave.

>> No.6889911

It seems as though the only response women can make is to say "go back to /rk9/!" "u must be a neckbeard virgin!" and "lol I bet u got a small dick XD"

You have absolutely no argument to fall back on and only have childish taunts at your disposal. Which is pretty much admitting that the person you're replying to is right.

>> No.6889916

But I'm not disrespectful. I don't think they're going to rape me or whatever, but I will admit that I take being touched by someone I hardly know to be a signal that they want something more. Do you go around putting your arm around the waist of someone you're just casually talking to?

I just worry that, like I said, I give off some indication that it's okay, since this has happened on multiple occasions. Does that make me socially awkward? If it does, I really don't care. I just want to know the mindset of the male species(lol), and you're not really helping by just telling me I have some kind of problem.

>> No.6889922

For fuck's sake, I'm not even a woman.
I don't even go to specifically anime conventions either. I've just been to comic-con.

If you violate someone's personal space on accident, you're not necessarily a bad guy, you could have just been mistaken about something. You keep doing it after it being obvious that you're making them uncomfortable, yeah, you're a fucking douche.

>> No.6889926

So... because men are sexual by instinct and nature, we need to wipe men off the face of the earth. Because... it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Welcome to modern feminism.

>> No.6889939

You know you're entitled when you actually view "personal space" as some sort of civil right.

If you are that terrified of people entering your invisible space barrier then don't go to crowded public conventions.

>> No.6889941

Forget it, just got to #1 and I'm positive men need to be locked away if any of that is remotely true. And it does sound like it is true.

>> No.6889950

>so just take a picture (after permission)

Maybe you ladies can explain this to me. Maybe it's because I'm a guy and I couldn't care less, but do you feel if someone wants a picture they should ask you for permission, or just as a heads up to let you pose properly with all your gear?

I honestly don't mind when people take pictures of me, even if they don't ask, because I'm kind of there for people to take pictures of me in my cosplay. I could, however, see it as bothersome if you're just standing talking to someone and without warning, someone takes a photo of you and you weren't even posing or ready. On a side note, I never met a cosplayer who said 'No, don't take my photo' unless it was because they wanted to set up and get their stuff on straight.

As for hugs, I never experienced an 'innapropriate' hug. I've had both males and females come up and hug me unexpectantly, but most would ask beforehand. I guess some people have a different 'personal space' when it comes to hugs.

>> No.6889954

I don't know about asking if you can tag along to someone's room, I've never been in that situation before, sorry. I personally would be ok with it if I knew the person well enough, but you don't usually have time to establish that kind of thing at cons. It might depend on the person, but I don't see the harm in asking as long as you just stay cool if they say no.

Just talk to people, I know it's tough when you're socially awkward but it's really the only way to make friends. Learn proper body language if you don't know it already. It doesn't always apply, but generally if someone is crossing their arms they are either A: wanting to be left alone or B: cold. Smiling is generally a sign of amusement and invitation to continue conversing (obviously you need to pay attention to what they say as well, otherwise it's useless).
Those are the more obvious ones, and if you're not used to picking up on social cues like that it can be hard to remember during conversations. But with anything you're not good at, it just takes practice. Don't feel bad if you fuck up, just try to improve.

>> No.6889957

No, because they literally cannot control their intincts. If you are masturbating in public, disregarding laws and just generally self destroying because of your sex drive you need to be locked away.

>it makes you feel uncomfortable.
No, it fucks our whole society up.

>> No.6889963

I think it's just a way to show the person you recognize that they're a human being. I get that they're there to display their cosplay and whatnot but taking pictures of single cosplays without asking sort of implies that they're some sort of inanimate attraction. If they're already posing for another photo, then it's fine if you just take a picture.

>> No.6889967

I think trying to be polite is my biggest problem, actually. Like I'd sooner make up an excuse and end the conversation than ask him to remove his hand. Call me socially awkward, but I just can't come up with a nice way to do so.

>> No.6889968

>everyone who is similar is exactly the same

>> No.6889970

I am fine with people hugging me or putting their hands on my waist or whatever. But I know several people (men and women alike) who don't like strangers to do it. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
If you think it's silly to be courteous, then continue doing whatever it is you do. You don't have to listen to my advice, it's not for you.

>> No.6889973

I totally get asking to take a picture with someone, and I also get asking to put your hands on someones waist - because sure, some people would prefer that you ask first, but what's a non-awkward/beta way to ask a girl if you can put your hand on her waist?

>> No.6889976

To be truly polite, you do need to take both of your feelings into account. And it's difficult to do that in the throes of nervousness. You might need to see a psychiatrist, and I don't mean this in a "LADY, U NEED THERAPY!" kind of way. Just need to take care of that social anxiety, so you can be a happier, more well-rounded person. Some anons on /cgl/ sadly can't do what a professional can do.

>> No.6889982

"Hey, is it cool if I put my hand on your waist for this picture?"
If you're extra worried at that point, you can say "sorry if that bothers you", but it's not necessary.

>> No.6889998

Generally just for the possibility of not feeling like they're in a condition to be photographed (like you said, posing properly with gear and such). People do post those online after all, so they should have some amount of say in how they look when their picture is taken. You know those pictures people take when someone is mid-blink? Yeah, those are embarrassing.
Also, holy shit, when people take pictures of people when they're eating. That would embarrass the hell out of me, even if I didn't have chipmunk cheeks full of food or whatever.

>> No.6890005

Alright, thanks!

>> No.6890004

"Hey, is there any way I can get a picture with you? Also, is it cool if I put my hand on your waist?" I don't know, just sounds completely beta/creepy/sleezy/awkward to me. I might just be socially awkward though.

>> No.6890009

I already talked on /cgl/ about how whenever a woman does something bad "all women are this" but if you do the same to men "OMG NO YOU ARE GENERALIZING" even though it applies to most of them. Nope, not going down that road again.

Anyway, I'll keep believing that men's obsession for women and sex drive is not that bad and the article is very, very exaggerated. Otherwise, I think I might never leave the house again or go on the internet or anything in utter disgust for the male gender.

And if it is any tiny bit of true for anyone here, I want the person to know that the exaggerated sex drive and utter desperation are your problems and you should probably commit sudoku.

>> No.6890011

That question makes me think of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaWf8v00jVs

And I'm always afraid I'll come off like that.

>> No.6890014

has anyone else ever politely rejected overly grabby dudes ("whoah bro, i got a boyfriend") only to be told not to flatter yourself?

nigger your hand was two inches away from my tit, i know what you were trying to do.

>> No.6890019

Don't flatter yourself.

>> No.6890020

beta =/= creepy =/= sleezy =/= awkward

>> No.6890024

Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

>> No.6890026

Looks fine to me. It's worse to just put your hands on someone's waist (especially if they're ticklish, oh boy), since you have no idea if they would be cool with it or not. Most of the time, someone will just say something like "Yeah, of course! Don't worry about it." Very seldom will someone be mean to you over being polite.

>> No.6890027

Sort of agree with this, but poor hygiene doesn't make you a creeper, it's just not fun to be around.

A creeper is that person who knows damn well that their actions are not appropriate and tries to justify it anyway-

Basically, the rules of society say don't touch others without permission and when someone else seems uncomfortable with what you are doing and like they want you to leave them alone, you leave them alone after making a polite excuse. If you break those rules and force your company on people who don't want it, it's creepy.

>> No.6890033

It was very exaggerated. The writer thinks that being a sex-neg feminist (who hates men! see ladies, I'm just like you!!!) will get him the pussy.
Not sure why he didn't put his eggs in the sex positive feminist basket though, that's like guaranteed vaginas all over the place.

>> No.6890034

The varying degrees of what /cgl/ considers creepers always throws me off. Some fat kid like that or some fedora wearing guy, yeah I could see why you wouldn't want them touching you.

>> No.6890049

everyone has a different meter for what they find creepy. generally though, two inches away from sexy bits is pushing it regardless of how attractive you are

>> No.6890059

Oh no, I wasn't saying that just going for it without asking is a better alternative. I'm just saying that unless you're mega confident or really good at conversation, it will probably make it awkward either way; but I've never tried so I'm probably wrong.

>> No.6890061

She might have been joking. The video cuts off right then, probably for comedic effect. Could also be that the guy had body odor. Putting your hand on someone's shoulder when they're shorter gives them a nice whiff of your underarms, oh boy.
At any rate, for a picture it is almost always acceptable, also that korean (?) chick does not amount for the entire female sex.

>> No.6890068

Ha, being overly sympathetic with neo-feminism is not going to EVER get you laid under any normal conditions. I'm sorry butch, but you can't sell that one anymore.

>> No.6890072

Not any of those things, sorry bud.
I'm all for equal rights, but the feminist movement as is lost me a long time ago.
I was simply making a joke, no need to start slinging insults.

>> No.6890076

This is not because you hired all women, it's because you didn't follow the "no asshole rule."

Men can be two faced at work, too. You should see some of the shit the male salespeople used to pull on each other while not thinking I was a person because I was an assistant.

>> No.6890090

Oh, I see then. So much more hope in humanity right now. One thing he said was true: he probably doesn't know what it's like being a woman, just like we don't know what it's like being a man. I was startled for a bit.

To be honest, I can't stand sexist men so being in the very least open minded/not hateful about feminism is a must, but dat extremism.

Just like being simply nice and nothing else won't get you pussy, simply agreeing with me in a political point of view is not going to make me want to fuck you either.

The only thing not being a sexist asshole/being a feminist will do for you, at least in my books, is make me not cross you out for being a sexist asshole.

>> No.6890135

Neo-feminism =/= Women's Rights Movement. Stop being lied to / lying to yourself. Being against "feminism" doesn't mean that you hate women, the Women's Rights Movement, or like to throw around sandwich and kitchen jokes. It just means that you realize that feminism is no longer concerned with gender equality, and rather with complete and unhindered superiority.

>> No.6890152

Wait... other women don't become randomly aroused at completely inappropriate times?

>> No.6890156

No... but men need to realize that women have strong sexual urges, too, but are not conditioned to view their vagina as something that can magically take over our brains or how many sex partners and what kind of sex we've had to be a measure of how awesome we are, so we just ignore them and eat chocolate if we can't act on them.

>> No.6890159

>not being a sexist asshole/being a feminist
>implying that you can be either or, not both.
I am neither sexist, nor do I support what feminism has become today. Just like not being a Democrat doesn't necessarily mean that you're a Republican.

>all dem straws

>> No.6890160

This shit. Not like I've fucking worked anywhere, but men talk shit about each other all the time. Maybe I just make friends with catty guys both IRL and in videogames, but from what I've seen ya'll can get pretty nasty.

>> No.6890162

This is basically my feelings on the matter, although I would like to point out that many people still do call themselves feminists and actively participate in the feminist movement who aren't happy with how the most radical and shitty ones get all the attention and get their demands filled.
For the most part it's currently a failure though. It seems to have split into sex negative and sex positive groups, which adequately divides the "ALL SEX IS RAPE" batshit insane people from the "hey guys maybe we should just worry about fixing these shitty outdated laws and stuff" normal people.
There's reasonable people and crazies on both sides though, so I'm still not really sold on the movement anymore.

>> No.6890217

>"creeping" at cons


>> No.6890224

The crazies vastly out number the rational though, or are just more vocal.

>> No.6890266
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>> No.6890268

>Womyn ARE better than men.
Wow, something called equality exists, ever heard of it?

>bitch about your "equality".
Bitch, if we weren't equal, you would be cooking me a goddamn steak and fetching me the paper.

>you DON'T DESERVE equality

>there would be NO wars
Yes there would. Land. There would still be some form of war, guaranteed.

>NO killing
Top lel. People can kill one another one way or another, they can find ways, no matter how many laws are imposed.

>NO rape
See above, just with rape.

>Look at anything horrible that happens in the world - it's because of a MAN
Because before women did not have many rights at all.


>> No.6890269
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top lel

you go gurl!

>> No.6890275
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>> No.6890277


Shit, now I'm imagining Patrick Bateman trolling anime cons for girls to fuck and kill.

>> No.6890278
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>> No.6890282
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>> No.6890284
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>Cosplay & EGL

>> No.6890286
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>> No.6890289
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>imagining Patrick Bateman

>> No.6890293

please tell me you guys seriously aren't retarded enough to fall for this

>> No.6890294
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>> No.6890295


>> No.6890301

Guys this is a cosplay board what the fuck

>> No.6890299
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>> No.6890300

Crazy femenazi cunt, whats the matter, did daddy not love you?

>> No.6890306

The thread was dead before bateman came in here and started spamming replies to the obvious feminazi trollpost.
I guess he remembered it while he was getting ready for bed and had to come back before to vent before turning in, otherwise he wouldn't be able to rest peacefully.

>> No.6890304
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>> No.6890305

Women without a job are women with a beta boyfriend who they slowly enslave

There are no homeless women, just women between manslaves

>> No.6890312

>How do you explain that you fat virgin fuck?

Race Card.

It stops any militant feminist argument cold.

>> No.6890310
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Oh calm down, honey. How about some tits or a phone number?

>> No.6890311
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>2 9's

>> No.6890317
File: 1.89 MB, 500x281, 2spookie4myboogie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit please tell me this is a troll. If rabid illogical dogs like this were allowed to be in charge of anything we would all be dead by now.
Hell I'd rather be under sharia law than this.

>> No.6890318

>NO wars, NO killing, and most importantly NO rape
>Dido, Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, Semiramis, Myrrha...
Need I say more?

>> No.6890322
File: 146 KB, 576x635, 1350433237056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw white heterosexual male

If the power of my race card could be expressed in numbers they would have negative value.

>> No.6890324

I can't tell if it's the same guy responding to the comment or people who just found the comment.

Probably both.

Holy shit.

>> No.6890325

Can you name a woman who stopped someone from getting raped?
Checkmate, feminazi

>> No.6890331
File: 267 KB, 1073x521, Queen Empress Victoria I, most powerful woman in history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, this piggy woman wants to get raped, squeal bitch, squeal. You and your shitty board needs a good rape

>> No.6890334


>> No.6890335

It's been /tumblr/ for a while. Same with /co/

>> No.6890336

Pretty sure this thread hit bump limit ages ago but saging just in case
Might have been someone linking it on /pol/ after shitposting a few times, then a few others joined in.
There's some posts that were at the same time, so it's at least more than one.

At any rate, it was obvious bait and anyone responding is severely overestimating the amount of feminists (let alone such insanely radical ones) on /cgl/.

>> No.6890339

God fucking damnit I hate that board.

It's as bad as feminazis except they're on the far right instead of the far left.

>> No.6890341


>posting /pol/ here

Wow, just STOP posting anytime now.

>> No.6890342
File: 710 KB, 632x748, 1369882373379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahaha this anger, top LEL

>> No.6890343

preach it sister

>> No.6890344
File: 85 KB, 400x582, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ sent me here. Your tears flowing from this post are enough to wipe out thirst from Africa.

>> No.6890347

Oh, now the /pol/ shitposters are here. Great, this board needed some more fucking NEET, virgin beta fedora-wearing autists.

>> No.6890350

I wonder how many people are actually crazy feminist and how many just post these over the top comments. I know I've pretended to be one of those tumblr quality posters before, but this is just out of hand.

>> No.6890351
File: 1.41 MB, 440x3784, 1367643302224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill deliver from /pol/ to a... Ms. Bitchcunt? Did I get that right?

>> No.6890353

That was posted earlier ITT

>> No.6890355

I hate to say it, but /pol/ is the last true 4chan board.

>> No.6890356


Even as a white dude you can pull it on a feminist by asking her a simple question:

Who do you honestly think has it worse in terms of equality? You, the college educated white female or the black felon who has served his time and is now trying to find a job to stay legit?

Watch the BSOD off of that one

>> No.6890360


>> No.6890363
File: 35 KB, 407x482, 1368399085125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/pol/ here

I came to laugh at you

>> No.6890364

really, /pol/


>> No.6890365
File: 786 KB, 3432x2008, 1367534949288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, well, I got plenty more where that came from.

>> No.6890368
File: 144 KB, 750x563, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitty cosplay board.
>Calling /pol/acks fedora wearing neckbeards.
Oh man all this feminist butthurt.

>> No.6890369
File: 94 KB, 1022x768, brilliant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably cosplay this


>> No.6890370
File: 266 KB, 1312x358, feminism - what a nice man respecting strong independent womyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890372

Think original 4chan idea.

>> No.6890373

>forgetting about the superior Y-chromosome


>> No.6890375
File: 199 KB, 907x858, 1368055282149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890377

>if you don't like /pol/ don't go on the board!!

Then stop raiding other boards, goddamnit.

>> No.6890380

I don't get how someone committing a crime and having to deal with the repercussions would make a feminist feel bad. Can someone explain this to me?

>> No.6890381

/pol/ tries to be like old 4chan but it really isn't

>> No.6890382

/pol/ you crazy
Come by more often.

>> No.6890384


>> No.6890385

At first I thought the image you posted was going to be directed to the comment that was linked on /pol/
I was sadly disappointed

Can we please stop slurping up this shitty bait already? It was probably the original poster of that comment that linked it on /pol/, after he didn't get as many replies as he wanted.

This is just depressing. I would think at this point /pol/ would be familiar with such obvious shit.

>> No.6890386
File: 79 KB, 750x600, 1346306433020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any time you need your privilege-checking brigade kept in check we'll drop by.

>> No.6890387


>> No.6890388


>> No.6890389
File: 64 KB, 580x348, 1366842829610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.6890391

>This is just depressing. I would think at this point /pol/ would be familiar with such obvious shit.
/pol/ is one of the most paranoid boards on 4chan. What do you expect?

>> No.6890395

Meh. It ended up working out.

>> No.6890396


>> No.6890397

/pol/ likes Bush? What the fuck. For a board that claims to be above the two-party dichotomy I'm surprised.

>> No.6890399

You can't take macro images too seriously you know.

>> No.6890400
File: 145 KB, 253x368, b073a0e341ddde181d6348bd3c1f17384b599f13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry 4chan does that

check em

>> No.6890402
File: 135 KB, 856x469, niggaIJustdontCare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890403

Not really. They just acknowledge he is slightly less shitty than obama in regards to mass murder.

>> No.6890407

Hey /pol/, have you ever been to /co/?

>> No.6890412
File: 238 KB, 1279x720, drive bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dubs are dirty

>> No.6890413

>Womyn SHOULD be the ones ruling the world
but bitches arent ruling the world, your fucking retarded cunt, i believe a good fucking will put your head back on

>> No.6890415



>> No.6890417

>implying this isn't how a large portion of /cgl/ actually thinks

>> No.6890419

No. It isn't. The replies to it before /pol/ came in should show you that.

>> No.6890420
File: 205 KB, 958x957, 1354502201851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhhh. Relax.

>> No.6890423
File: 398 KB, 900x900, chanty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890425
File: 143 KB, 964x743, 1369441691324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6890429

Feminists consider all males to be criminals by default.

>> No.6890431
File: 185 KB, 699x604, go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890442
File: 31 KB, 480x352, 2161027-585898-portrait-of-young-surprised-man-gesturing-isolated-on-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My sides have left my house.
Now I have to go catch at like 2 AM and it's all your fault!

>> No.6890444

lol i thought it might be for real. until i saw the y

>> No.6890445
File: 29 KB, 267x267, 1368991322037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6890447


>> No.6890448

and fuckin trips son

>> No.6890449


Greetings from the land of technicolor equines!
Nice dubs.

>> No.6890450


Bateman the prophet, OFF BY ONE!

>> No.6890454
File: 1021 KB, 958x1777, guardian facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890455
File: 12 KB, 325x273, 1369698994164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off by none

>> No.6890465

So seriously a question I've always wondered....
women have been around just as long as men. Whats the feminist/whatever logic for why women aren't in charge, if they are so much better?

>> No.6890468
File: 48 KB, 401x486, 1369640290054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6890472

Because patriarchy.

It was a system of gender roles created by a shadowy cabal of men in the year 10,000 BC to benefit men at the expense of women. Ever since, women have been oppressed.

>> No.6890473

I would assume biology

>> No.6890474

The post you're responding to is likely bait that /pol/ fell for hook, line, and sinker.

There's very few if any rad fems on /cgl/. People are generally level-headed and reasonable on this board.

>> No.6890475
File: 143 KB, 312x366, 1367975436306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/v/ was right for once.
Thanks, Anita.

>> No.6890482
File: 19 KB, 625x280, Womyn Superiority.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For future reference.

>> No.6890487


>Fat shaming
>Virgin shaming
>on /cgl/

Top kek.

>> No.6890505

>Patrick Bateman vs /cgl/


Just picture this happening in some cosplayers hotel room

>> No.6890508




>> No.6890513

Applerape pls
Bird watching pls
Rapetrain pls

>> No.6890573

This thread was a fucking good laugh, well done.

>> No.6890580
File: 125 KB, 500x339, brethren before wenches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure as hell was.