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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6877326 No.6877326 [Reply] [Original]

If /cgl/ would make their own style, what would it be? What would be the aesthetics, guidelines and name of our style?

>Basically, ITT: create /cgl/-kei!

>> No.6877336

Can we have tea-long skirts/dresses with extreme poof?
... Please? That might look nice.

>> No.6877343

>taobao threads

cgl kei


>> No.6877344

I can't imagine that looking nice.

>> No.6877347

What does /cgl/ like? Personally I see a kawaii nautical/sailor style if we're thinking of seagulls.

>> No.6877355

Well,that could come close to some dress shapes from the mid XIXth century with a different length and economy of the textile layers.

>> No.6877356
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>> No.6877357

Is it just me or is a nautical theme too restrictive for a fashion? I mean, I don't wanna wear sailor collars year round... they are a bit too... weaboo-ish?

>> No.6877359

I don't think we should have a rule about dress length. It should be more like otome and mori, where it's more about the feel of the style. Like you can use short or long dresses, shorts and skirts etc.

>> No.6877368

I'm sort of envisioning a bizarre fusion of fetishwear like studded garters and shit, otome and lots of chiffon and floaty things?

>> No.6877375

I would be happy with this. I'm short and long skirts swamp me because I'm not super skinny.

>> No.6877376
File: 113 KB, 500x654, 42f9b3f471315e685a666ba68295573e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Royal kei

This is NOT Hime Loli, but rather its older sister.

>> No.6877393

So thatwould be some toned-down Hime? You keep the profusion of accessories and details but use less flashy colours, more ample shapes and longer skirts and a more overall "mature" look?
Sounds neat.

>> No.6877407
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Guys. Tonned down Hime/Otome is Homekaji.

>> No.6877418
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More of it.

Let's not fight over names and styles, people! We'll get nowhere like that

>> No.6877425

>they are a bit too... weaboo-ish?
I wear a lot of sailor items (a few lolita ones, but a lot that could be worn casually as well). I wonder if people think I'm a weeaboo?

>> No.6877433

nautical themes are popular in the West every now and then too.

>> No.6877442
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Not the kind weaboos wear, I'm afraid.

>> No.6877446

I dont think that this will work out. Every person has their taste and will want 'seagul kei' to match theirs. If you wanna work it out its gonna be a veeeery broad style.

>> No.6877457

I think so too.
And honestly, I don't understand the need to make this nautical-based. Nobody but japanese schoolgirls and weaboos wear sailor collars.

>> No.6877458

yeah i have an old dress with small grey/black vertical stripes that has a sailor collar on it. it's made of the same fabric

>> No.6877462

I saw a couple of coats with those collars last year. But I agree that the seifuku style just has a weeb connotation.

>> No.6877465

Well, in some countries, the army still have sailor collar in their navy uniforms...

>> No.6877468

Honestly, I would get bored wearing sailor motifs everyday. We need something broader, something that has a bit more variation.

>> No.6877477

That is really cute. I'd wear it, maybe I would take off the flowers though, don't really care for those.

But yeah, sailor collars in particular have had certain popularity in the West. I was watching Reefer Madness the other day and one of the girls was wearing the cutest sailor blouse(dress?).

>> No.6877520

Yeah, I wear a lot of sailor stuff year round, but if it were a requirement or "rule" I would get bored with it very quickly.

I think where a /cgl/-kei would fail is in an overabundance of leniency. I feel like people would suggest what they already tend towards and like, and the style would never look cohesive or defined.

>> No.6877526

This might be dumb, but maybe the style can rotate on seasons? Like each season has its 'style'? Because I see nautical motifs only working mostly for summer...
This sounds kinda terrible to me though

>> No.6877531
File: 148 KB, 470x370, 1369953754958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to wear sailor colors in order to dress nautical/sailor. I would say something like this would go under the style.

>> No.6877534

The upside is that we all seem to the like same things(mori, otome, a bit of dolly kei) but on the downside, mixing all of them makes them a bit too much. Take into consideration that some people insist that since we are 'seagulls' we need a nautical theme and seifukus and we are left with a mess of different styles.

>> No.6877546

>wearing fish-related accessories and patters year-round.
I am already known as a crazy cat lady, if I add in fish, people will think I'm nuts.

>> No.6877544

Hmm, what about otome style mixed with mori?

>> No.6877557

...Sounds nice but I have problems envisioning it... maybe some pictures/coords?

>> No.6877561

How about a punkish twist on mori?

>> No.6877562


>> No.6877565

Fish for the cats obviously, anon. Gosh.

>> No.6877566

Oh wow that's so tacky looking

>> No.6877568

>Take into consideration that some people insist that since we are 'seagulls' we need a nautical theme and seifukus and we are left with a mess of different styles.
I had not considered that, actually.
I think you're right about having a substyle of other styles. Like
(mori, otome, a bit of dolly kei)
all together sounds silly to me. Why wouldn't you just say you are wearing mori one day or otome or dolly kei the next? Also, calling something seagull-kei would be embarrassing as hell to me.

That's called hama.

>> No.6877570

we'd all wear this uniform (linking because on the 3ds)

anyone that does not wear a petticoat will be executed, or given the title "miss summer" and will be heavily bullied.

>> No.6877577

>That's called hama.
What, isn't hama girl the nautical version of mori? What does that have to do with otome?

>> No.6877578

I agree with this post wholeheartedly 100%.

>> No.6877580
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>dat outfit

>> No.6877584

this thread had potential but turned out to be cancerous

>> No.6877588

My bad, I thought the post read sailor mixed with mori for some reason. What would an otome/mori mix look like?

>> No.6877590

>What would an otome/mori mix look like?
Like mori? I don't see what otome could possibly do to change mori.

>> No.6877599

I mean in the sense of colors and accessories
like shorter dark/dark neutral loose clothing with tons of textures

>> No.6877601
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I have no idea, maybe something like this?

>> No.6877608

That just looks like otome

>> No.6877609

Uber cute. But it is still just otome with a scarf

>> No.6877653
File: 88 KB, 237x347, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European folk costume inspired OTT lolita

like pic related but with more ruffles and frills and OTT elements and a better fabric choice, embroidery and painting prints are also acceptable.

>> No.6877663

Isn't that dolly-kei?

>> No.6877687

dolly kei isn't really lolita
I'd really like to keep it resembling to a lolita dress/coordinate and just create a crazy aesthetic with the folklore theme

>> No.6877700

No, but a lot of dolly kei outfits resemble the Lolita aesthetic.
Also, if you keep it too much like a Lolita except the accessories, then it's just OTT Lolita.

>> No.6877704

This is.. never going to work.
It would be really neat, but face it. Nothing will ever be coherent and people will argue about what it should be to fit their own tastes.
Cool idea, but can never be executed.

>> No.6877713

Are you serious?
It's Dior.

Runway outfit is see-through because of haute couture. Ulyana on the left is wearing an opaque top.

Sometimes I just wonder what in the world some people on this board find fashionable.

>> No.6877718

Okay, the next 3 pictures posted in this thread will be the base for our /cgl/-kei. We will combine one theme/aesthetics/element from each picture into one style. Go!

>> No.6877730
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>> No.6877736

can you not

>> No.6877737
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>> No.6877744

Are YOU serious?
Just because its made by a high end brand does not mean it looks good. In my opinion, it looks bad. Other people will think it looks bad. And yet other people will think it looks good because holy shit people have different tastes in clothing! Haute couture. Heh.
3/10 made me respond

>> No.6877746

>Sometimes I just wonder what in the world some people on this board find fashionable.
Galaxy seifuku.

>> No.6877747
File: 206 KB, 600x795, 512028-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the majority of the seagulls are in the west, they can't wear water-line-long skirt and nurse outfits every day while going to classes, running errands and so on.

>> No.6877752

You should have posted faster then anon.

>> No.6877749

Why are you making new rules?

>> No.6877753

Who says we can't.

>> No.6877754

god where can I find those skirts.

>> No.6877755

Ok, feel free to do that but don't complain when people give you odd stares and you're mistaken for a prostitute.

>> No.6877762

No, it doesn't matter if its Dior or Versaci or Gucci, that skirt still ugly as hell. And I think >>6877566 was referring to the skirt, not the top.

There is nothing ~avante-guarde~ or ~boundary pushing~ about that outfit, it seriously looks like the designer took his grandmother's old mumu and turned it into that thing around those womens' waists.

>> No.6877767

The same thing happens in lolita.

>> No.6877764

I have a weakness for pleated skirts, please tell me you have a link for those.

>> No.6877766
File: 715 KB, 1565x600, 1369962060193 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw this is the base of /cgl/-kei

So how do we combine these three pictures into one style?

>> No.6877772


>> No.6877774

>mistaken for a prostitute
Rarely. With that outfit, you'll get that several times a day.

>> No.6877777

>Polkadot pattern
>Nurse theme
>Mature lady feel
Someone make a coordinate for this.

>> No.6877778

Dammit why'd it have to be Rakuten...

>> No.6877786

Fits cgl perfectly.

>> No.6877793

I'm not referring to the quality of the piece, but at the aesthetic of it as a whole. Dior is known for their feminine, elegant and vintage-esque aesthetic, specially during the time of Galliano.

Maybe you dislike it, but I like it and would wear it any day of the week.

>> No.6877796

Come on, anon, you gotta admit the dress is oddly shaped.

>> No.6877812


shut your face hole

>> No.6877821
File: 458 KB, 683x1024, 00470fullscreen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the matryoshka feel to it, plus, I think the pattern is gorgeous.

This one has Lolita potential with appropriate layering.

>> No.6877828


Do I need to say more?

>> No.6877840

Nope. Too long(mid-calf), the wrong pattern and shape. Nothing Lolita about it, just a puffy dress.

>> No.6877866

I'll probably catch shit for this, but I really like the dirty post-apocalyptic goth/punk look. I also like visual kei, though I'm not schooled on it. My perfect style would be a flashy combination of the two.

>> No.6877869

Half my wardrobe is sailor stuff; guess I'm a weeb then.

>> No.6877873
File: 135 KB, 480x640, 4396070606_0d65f487e3_z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andes Kei

>> No.6877902

/cgl/kei would and should be kind of tacky. Galaxy seifukus and Derpy-chan salopettes. Old school lolita and Nightmare Carnival. Dakota style make-up.

>> No.6877932


>> No.6877938
File: 117 KB, 414x417, cgldesperate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. /cgl/kei is probably similar to (sorry for this) kooter-kei. desperate j-fashion/tumblr/loli with an unintentional(??) slut factor.

>> No.6878869
File: 49 KB, 271x241, 1305155852801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had forgotten about you, Derpy-chan.

>> No.6879074

Taobao ripoff Vivian Westwood sandals!

>> No.6879083

there is nothing lolita about this, please go back to /fa/

>> No.6879088

I'd like to mix 80s fashion with 50s. So much anime and manga take cues from 80s motifs like big poofy hair and defined color blocks but actual 80s stuff was never flatteringly cut. 50s stuff is cut flatteringly but was flat and drab. So mix those two.

>> No.6879139

>Vivian Westwood

>> No.6879185

My bad, I get it confused with my sister's name sometimes.

>> No.6879983

I was thinking about this. I love the Idea of nautical for "seagull kei"
maybe wearing retro-nautical clothes with wigs, and kooter style makeup? I really am starting to love this idea. of course nautical lolita dresses, and regular j-style nautical clothes if you did your makeup and hair to CGL standards, would fall under the category of seagull kei as well. Nautical fashion with a japanese type flair= seagull kei

>> No.6881124
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I guess I'm just into wearing cutesy clothes, but sometimes with a mature vibe. I don't really belong to a particular J-fash.
However, if I had to come up with a name, I'd go for ojou-kei, as I imagine a modern Yamato Nadeshiko would wear this kind of clothes?

>> No.6881562

Yes, that's exactly what I imagine seagull kei to be. It doesn't have to be obvious nautical with sailor collars and stuff, but it needs to have the feel, like with otome and mori. Nautical j-fashion.

>> No.6881819

I really want to see someone do this.

>> No.6882629

holy fuck I would wear the shit out of that style though.

Think leg harnesses and chiffon layers, tights and cute shoes with studded ankle straps.

>> No.6882630

Coreect me if I'm wrong, but isn't that just cult -party?

>> No.6882634


Me too, anon. That's kind of how I dress anyway.

>> No.6882635

That... actually sounds amazing. Certain styles could still have aspects of 50s gear like florals and so on, but if they wanted to take the block geometric patterns and bolder colours from the 80s, they could!

>> No.6884955
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I feel like whenever it's photographed, we need to make the PT pose.