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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 20 KB, 293x292, AnimeExpo-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6846682 No.6846682 [Reply] [Original]

So what is your line-up?
What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Where are you staying?
What are you excited for?

>> No.6846687


>> No.6846743

So what is your line-up?
Dark Flame Master, Eren Jaeger, and maybe Nightwing
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Fine ass
>Where are you staying?
Stop it stalker-kun~
>What are you excited for?
Seeing all my bitches.

>> No.6846763

Volibear, Umbreon, Mew Minto
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestuck. Fuck.
>Where are you staying?
Downtown LA Hotel or some shit,
>What are you excited for?

>> No.6846877
File: 45 KB, 700x525, acid_picdump_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is your line-up? Gria Raptor (FFTA2) and Crossplaying Ace (One Piece)
What are you expecting to see a lot of? *shrug* I'm in artist alley so most of the things I see are limited to my surroundings
Where are you staying? Westin
What are you excited for? General con fun! I love selling art in artist alley, meeting people and talking to other artists is probably one of my favorite things. Other then that, checking out other cosplayers, hanging out with friends, and possibly hitting up a One Piece meetup (if its happening)

>> No.6846924

My line up is mario warfare
madoka magica witch
and maybe some gotham city impostors
im expecting to see a lot of friends and high fives.
im staying at home (ORANGE COUNTY FOR THE WIN)
im excited for seeing the cosplays

>> No.6846931

>line up
It's a secret to everyone
>expecting to see a lot of
Homestuck and ponyfags
>where are you staying
ORANGE COUNTY. Fuck wasting money on a hotel.
>excited for

>> No.6846936


>> No.6846955

You got trains, nig?

>> No.6846959

MAH DAWG! none of that gay shit. lets be real bros

>> No.6846970

Alright but we gotta sport some fly ass Michael Jackson coats.

>> No.6846989

Wow. Now all the OC fags show their faces. I seriously just moved from OC to San Diego like a month ago.

>> No.6847004

Baby come back! You can blame it all on me!

>> No.6847009

DUDE GO FUCKING HOME IF YOU DONT LIKE IT. its not my fault you fucking homos love sucking dick constantly and gargle jizz all day. fucking cum breath ass motherfuckers

>> No.6847012

Nigga, I totally would.

There are like, no LAN centers down here. Da fuq am I supposed to do with my time now..?

>> No.6847018

play games at home with fast internet. seriously though bro move back to the OC its better up here.

>> No.6847020

Spend it in Orange County!! Much nicer than San Diego and their fucked up one way streets that are a notch above LA and Long Beach.

>> No.6847026

Sometimes I debate taking a two hour train ride just so I can go back to my favorite LAN center and harass the staff again. ;-;

>> No.6847030

move back broheim we will keep the whitetrash hatred warm for you! mind you its hidden like all the racism here in the oc

>> No.6847031

Do it. Then you can join in on pizza and trains with us bros. Everyone loves pizza and trains.

>> No.6847032

I actually might end up training it to LA for AX. It'd be easiest/cheapest, and it's kinda fun.

>> No.6847036

Former OC bro, you cosplaying to AX?

>> No.6847040

i know oc bro and i are

>> No.6847041

Yeah. I have 2 cosplays 100% decided on, and 1 still up in the air.
I lived in OC for 10 years of my life.. it's kind of weird to live anywhere else.

>> No.6847044

I know what you mean. It's like a whole nother world. Why are you in SD and not in glorious OC?

>> No.6847046

Fuck yeah bro! Cosplay 4 lyfe!

>> No.6847047


>> No.6847048

We classy as fuck!

>> No.6847051

I hear you all drink till you cant drink no more. then keep drinking

>> No.6847053

My mum moved to Iowa, and I moved in with my dad in SD.

I miss OC really hard. ):

>> No.6847057

bro we will keep a beer cold for you in your honor. and by that i mean in my tummy.

>> No.6847059

Drinking on that sake and soju. And that commie red star shit.

>> No.6847060

so much commie shit

>> No.6847067

Only the finest!

>> No.6847065

TO SD BRO! may he one day return to his rightful place in Orange County!

Sorry, bro. :( come back to the OC when you can!

>> No.6847072

the best

dude we will drink in his honor

>> No.6847084

Let's all get together and drink at AX!

I'll bring the weed. :D

>> No.6847087

i dont like weed but ill drink with you SDfag

>> No.6847089

I just need love.

>> No.6847091

I drink with ya bro, but no smokin. I got an allergy to that.

>> No.6847092

im allergic to that too broseidon king of the broceon

>> No.6847093

OCfag is a LoLer?

>> No.6847097

ocfag is fucking legit thats what he is. since im talking to yself

>> No.6847100

niqqa, I'm cosplaying Volibear at AX

>> No.6847104

Mines a secret. But other OCbro is doing Mario Warfare and Madoka Magica.

>> No.6847111

Okay, if you see me, give me a high five or a hug or something. I'll be kawaii as hell. And have a stuffed bear with matching armor.

>> No.6847116

Alright. Sounds cool. We'll ask if you're the San Diego bro from /cgl/. Hopefully there aren't a bunch of guys dressed like you! It would get awkward fast.

>> No.6847118

>So what is your line-up?
Gideon Graves, Kyubey, Kenji fron KS and Ruby from Pokemon Adventures
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Danganronpa. Also a lot of Homestuck (as always)
>Where are you staying?
Hopefully with friends in LA somewhere
>What are you excited for?
All the cosplays and meeting new people!

>> No.6847145
File: 113 KB, 1107x759, ASUX registration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The con of all cons!

>> No.6847177

So what is your line-up?
Too broke right now to care. Went to the KPP concert in LA so all of my assumed cosplay money ran out over there buying souvenirs for my family/friends (didn't get anything for myself but god honestly that's no biggie). Totally worth it.
What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Hatoful Boyfriend, especially Shuu. Not that I mind at all. Half-assed Attack on Titan cosplayers too. And Avengers/Marvel shit out the ass, not that I'm too thrilled about that, but whatever.
Where are you staying?
Not sure. Friend's friend has timeshares or something for one of the hotels. Dunno the details and as soon as people say "timeshares" I usually don't pry.
What are you excited for?
see: Hatoful Boyfriend cosplayers. Also, an acquaintance that I did print trades with at a con before invited me to AA with her, so I'm gearing for a fun and busy weekend with that. I spend more time bumbling around the AA like I'm the fucking spaghetti queen or sumthin whether I'm drawing that year or not. Hope I get time to do trades again.

>> No.6847359

Hey....g-guise...I live in OC too. Anything you recommend here?

>> No.6847375

recommend what?

>> No.6847404

>So what is your line-up?
Pullin old costumes out again prolly and whatever time will manage after finals.
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestuck, dang ronpa, Off, possibly more magical girls
>Where are you staying?
Westin. Party all night long
>What are you excited for?
The artist alley. Got a new friend working it with us this year.

>> No.6847512

>So what is your line-up?
Armin Arlert, Narciso Annasui, an assortment of my other older JoJo outfits
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
My Little Homestuckventuretime Superwholock Ronpaoff
>Where are you staying?
one of the hotels can't remember which
>What are you excited for?
Attack on Titan, seeing friends, trying to get Inoue to sign JoJo part 2 BD

>> No.6847972 [DELETED] 

>So what is your line-up?
Male variant of BRS, i've been told its kaito BRS but I dont like kaito so, male BRS.

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestuck and ponyfags (I wouldn't mind them as much if majority of them didn't live up to their stereotype to the teeth in most cases)

Where are you staying?

I keep forgetting where my friend booked the hotel, its close buy though.

What are you excited for?

hanging out with friends and all dem figure deals.

>> No.6847973

>So what is your line-up?
Male variant of BRS, i've been told its kaito BRS but I dont like kaito so, male BRS.

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestuck and ponyfags (I wouldn't mind them as much if majority of them didn't live up to their stereotype to the teeth in most cases)

>Where are you staying?
I keep forgetting where my friend booked the hotel, its close buy though.

>What are you excited for?
hanging out with friends and all dem figure deals.

>> No.6847999
File: 128 KB, 570x1410, Tcctan_sitting_sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio. I might bust out my TCC-tan again.
SAO, homestuck, meme-cancer
The Hilton? I think.
Excited to see some lolitas, the bands, cosplayers, the gal fashion booths, etc.
Really excited to hit up our friend with a Med Card. Anyone have some recommendations to pick up from the dispensary?

>> No.6848102

pick me up things

>> No.6848153

So what is your line-up?
KH2 Riku, KH3D Riku, KH1 Riku, Joshua Kiryu (twewy)
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Probably Homestuck?
>Where are you staying?
Some hotel a ways away. It's cheap and we have a car so eh.
>What are you excited for?
Con related? The dealer's room I guess. I would imagine this con would have a metric fuckton of stuff in there. This is also my first AX so I am hope to see some really awesome cosplays.

>> No.6848158

how is the /cgl/ meet at AX? might drop by

>> No.6848280

>So what is your line-up?
Bunnymund, Trickster!Jake, Rancis Fluggerbutter, Armin Arlelt, Taichi Yagami
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
1000+ Homestuck gatherings, Dangle Rompers, ponies, prolly a decent amount of SnK
>Where are you staying?
Just a close by hotel
>What are you excited for?
Friends, Attack on Titan stuff, photoshoots, partying, hopefully be part of a panel.

>> No.6848290

>TCC-tan cosplayer
Must get pics

>> No.6849338
File: 404 KB, 800x600, AX 13 Plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
It's looking like the picture to the left

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
No expectations. Just partying and having a good time

>Where are you staying?
JW Marriott! WOOP WOOP!

>What are you excited for?
Roomin' with some awesome friends and if my panel gets approved, that for sure!

I'm still not sure what days I'm wearing what. But Matsu will be whatever day my panel ends up being, Fighter is gonna be worn at the NIS booth, Cody is for the Alternate Costumes SFIV group that's happening. The rest are just up to the others I'm planning to cosplay with

>> No.6849347
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>> No.6849376
File: 397 KB, 1280x720, 1333552917856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
Jake (T&B) Sinbad (Magi) Jesus (SYM) and poooooossibly Ishimaru (dangit grandpa) if I can throw it all together in time.

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?

>Where are you staying?
up in the air rn, but might just stay at home

>What are you excited for?

>> No.6849378

So you only cosplay shitty characters because they don't wear a shirt. Way to be a manwhore.

>> No.6849483

I don't like wearin' shirts man. Hell I'm on set as a costume manager right now and I'm not wearing a shirt. Your second statement is also pretty much true. But I've worn a lot of shirts in my day, lemme tell ya.

>> No.6849810

Musical Guest of Honor announcement tonight! Find out what concert is coming on July 5th, 2013 to Anime Expo! #jrock

Who's it going to be?

>> No.6849817
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>> No.6849877
File: 402 KB, 800x1536, animeexpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
Ymir (SnT) is pretty much the only one for sure. Other maybes are Red Book Sukajan Asuka (EVA), Touhouvania Sakuya, gag SnT, and Borderlands 2 Lilith
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Attack on Titan cosplayers with limp harnesses.
>Where are you staying?
Probably at my house. Not a very far drive
>What are you excited for?
friends! also last SoCal con before moving to Seattle in September.

mah titans!

>> No.6849897
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>> No.6849902
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>> No.6849906
File: 94 KB, 800x683, GIRUGAMESH_by_Sadesper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a Girugamesh thread

>> No.6849914


Oh man, a Ymir cosplay. All the high fives in the world.

>So what is your line-up?
Jacket from Hotline Miami, maybe something else?
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestuck, MLP, Adventure Time. I hope it won't be as strong.
>Where are you staying?
Still haven't technically found out where, but it'll be close.
>What are you excited for?
Cosplay, and laughable photography taken by myself to post on here for others who couldn't come attend as soon as possible. I also can't wait to walk around all fucked up and bloody whilst severely malnourished, and dehydrated. I'm hyped, son. I'm HYPED.

>> No.6850496
File: 21 KB, 444x408, 1368305757073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>So what is your line-up?
Toad (SMB) & Twilight Sparkle gijinka

>>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Sword Art Online, I guess. I haven't kept up the Winter/Spring releases at all, so I don't know what's "in" right now.

>>Where are you staying?

>>What are you excited for?
Kazuhiko Inoue, Kyle Hebert, Johnny Young Bosch & Mari Okada

>> No.6853492

>what is your line-up?
Paprika, The Batter, MGR!(Mexican)Raiden, and I guess MGS2!Raiden for a photoshoot/gathering

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
anime shit I don't know/care about

>Where are you staying?
JW Marriott for one of the nights, my apartment for all the others.

>What are you excited for?
Potentially running two makeup panels, and wow AX finally has a musical guest I know/like (Kaya)

>> No.6853640

So the new guest announcement was Kaya and Moonstream? I'm not familiar with J-rock stuff, but are they known?

>Tfw when very few anime related guests

>> No.6853658

>So what is your line-up?
None, not worth bringing any cosplays this year
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Not expecting much. Looking worse than last year.
>Where are you staying?
Commuting from Riverside daily
>What are you excited for?

>tfw you should have saved more money and gone to Japan Expo instead

>Visual Kei shit

>> No.6853682

>>So what is your line-up?
Sakuya from SAO, Reiko from Natsume Yuujincho, Natalia from tales of the Abyss and Luka's sandplay dress from Vocaloid.
>>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestuck, Attack on Titan, Pony gijinkas, OFF, etc
>>Where are you staying?
Westin, we manged to get a good deal on a tower suite
>>What are you excited for?
Kazuhiko Inoue's panel, I love his voice as Nyanko-sensei from Natsume yuujimcho...Not sure what else panel or goh wise since still no schedule. Looking forward to cosplaying with my friends though. we finally found a group of characters all three of us can cosplay as without too much trouble, even if we are all secondary characters

>> No.6853905

>>So what is your line-up?
Mizuho- Please Teacher in her space suit, Shep- Interstella 5555, Clair- Pokemon HG/SS
>>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestuck, AT, the usual....
>>Where are you staying?
The Luxe!
>>What are you excited for?
Meeting up with friends, and Pokemon HG/SS gym leader group!

>> No.6853961

>So what is your line-up?
Matoba Seiji in a suit, casual Matoba Seiji, exorcist Matoba Seiji (if I'm told to make it) / Natsume's Book of Friends
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
>Where are you staying?
>What are you excited for?
Working ACP events and hitting up the Vertical booth again. I was so busy last year that I couldn't make it to the artist's alley so I'd like to see that too.
Kind of intrigued by Kaya but can't be assed to care about VK anymore.

>> No.6856967

Voice Actor Megumi Han announced as Guest of Honor for AX2013!

>> No.6857005

I'm actually considering going this year now that Kaya's being invited, and on top of Ram Rider attending as well, it feels like AX just decided to fucking invite musical guests picked right out of my musical taste from High School.

Pretty fucking weird Ram Rider's even coming here. Has anyone even heard of him up until now? Did he write some song for an anime I don't care about?

>> No.6857067

Ram Rider is the one and only reason I'm attending.

>> No.6857100

So what is your line-up?
I dont know yet. Havent decided which day(s) I'll be attending because my college schedule still hasn't been decided.
What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestuck, much like last year. SAO is obviously going to be everywhere... maybe some touhou or Madoka would be nice.
Where are you staying?
I live an hour 1/2 away from LA.... So at my house...
What are you excited for?
Mkaing friends. I'm beta as fuck. AND BUYING ALL THE MERCH.
It's the highlight of my life/year.

>> No.6857103
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>So what is your line-up?
I can do only one this year, which is Mami from Madoka since I can only go for 2 days this year. I haven't even started on Mami yet but I want to do another character as well.

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Dangan Ronpa, SAO, SnK, Homestuck, Hetalia, Adventure time, My little pony, Fat weebs with those computerized cat ears, and itas

>Where are you staying?
I'm just staying home this year.

>What are you excited for?
Being with my best friend and looking at the awesome cosplays and booths. And the fact that there might be some sweet nendroid deals there.

>> No.6857128

>Little Witch Academia panel
>Only one episode long

Ugh, couldn't AX pick another Seiyuu with a much more impressive resume?

>> No.6857142


Hey, I'll fucking take it, plus they have also announced Kazuhiko Inoue, and his resume is plenty impressive.

They also said she would be part of a panel hosted by Studio Trigger, which I'm hoping and praying means there will be various staff who will also soon be announced as guests. A Trigger panel would be great.

What I'd really like now is a music guest who is at least semi-famous, or even better, has contributed to anime in some fashion. Step it up AX, you need to somehow top TM Revolution at this point(though I'm not counting on it).

>> No.6857223

>a music guest who is at least semi-famous, or even better, has contributed to anime in some fashion.

I thought that's the reason why they brought in those visual kei crap?

>> No.6857265
File: 157 KB, 650x366, kaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaya is pretty well-known among the VK scene. He was formerly of Schwarz Stein, a 2-person electronic/darkwave act which was produced by Mana (ex MALICE MIZER, leader Moi dix Mois, owner of lolita brand Moi-même-Moitié), and has done pretty well of himself as a solo artist, as well. He's a crossdresser but has a wonderful, rich voice.

Moon Stream isn't *as* popular, but it is comprised of Satsuki (from now disbanded VK band Rentrer en Soi) and Tomo Asaha of Echostream. I couldn't tell you much about their music, though, since I haven't heard much of it.

Anyway, I'm considering attending this year to go see Kaya, and a Moon Stream show sounds fun, too!

(picture of Kaya at PMX a few years ago)

>> No.6857272
File: 68 KB, 500x681, kaya btssb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, he sometimes models for Baby the Stars Shine Bright. Think he counts as "semi-famous."

>> No.6857628

OC sucks massive dick from what I've experienced so far.
This is coming from someone living here for the past 2 and a half years, before this I lived in SD and LA, which were much better, stay gay.

>> No.6858138


I've been in the OC for a year, it's chill here dude. Stay salty, loser

>> No.6859658
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I'm gonna be cosplaying as Marlon from Pokémon, Sasahara from Nichijou, and hopefully as Jo2uke if I can finish the sailor suit. Sewing is hard.

I-I might actually go to the /cgl/ meetup if I'm not feeling too aspie.

>> No.6859664
File: 86 KB, 500x673, Marlon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably gonna stay at the Westin like last year. I'm expecting to meet some nice people and hopefully make a few friends.

>> No.6859668
File: 470 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20130329_184203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my line up might be fucked this AX because of relationship issues...
Lets see I'm doing Hisao Nakai, Kamina, Kouta (elfin lied), and Toad from Mario Warfare BUT WHO KNOWS NOW alkjdflajdflkjakldf...

>> No.6859874 [DELETED] 

Damnit Alex get off of cgl

>> No.6860179

Hey niggas, AX just put up there Masquerade info. They are giving away cash prizes again.

$3,000 - Best of show
$2,000 - Second place
$1,000 - Third place


>> No.6861705

I'm sorry, but how is no one talking about the insane dramu about the AX Photography Contest shit that just went down on their Facebook? That shit is crazy.

>> No.6861715


What happened?

>> No.6861720

They seemed to have rigged it and didn't crown the right person

>> No.6861725


Those sons of bitches. No wonder there's a shit storm.

>> No.6863367
File: 124 KB, 742x800, [Lelling Intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it wasn't even that bad.

>> No.6863442

What happened~?

>> No.6863632

>So what is your line-up?
Ryuuji, Miles "Tails" Prower, Yusuke Urameshi, Applejack
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestucks (fuck...)
>Where are you staying?
Wherever my girlfriend is planning
>What are you excited for?
Artist Alley, yo

>> No.6863915

yeah, I didn't even know about it til the post in this thread. I was expecting something actually interesting and juicy and it failed to deliver.

>> No.6863953

>So what is your line-up?
Tycho Science, Aoi Asahina, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu and maybe Mitsuki (Doubt)
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
>Where are you staying?
The Westin!
>What are you excited for?
Hangin' out with friends mostly.

>> No.6863961
File: 596 KB, 1133x720, Laughing Titans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to current /cgl/ for drama is like getting a hamburger at a Mexican restaurant.

You're gonna be disappointed.

>> No.6863988

>So what is your line-up?
Noiz (DMMd) and Audrey (Valvrave), I've been contemplating adding a third but I don't think I'll have time.

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?

>Where are you staying?
My apartment.

>What are you excited for?
Hanging out with bros. Trigger panel.

>> No.6863996

good luck with parking expect 15 bucks a day at least

>> No.6865977

>None, I have no preference.
>Hot ass bitches in cosplays with big ass and tits.
>I'm not staying since I can get home by the Metro.
>Streetpassing my 3DS,I'm just telling the truth to the point I don't like anime that much at all, did I rustle everyone's jimmies yet?

>> No.6866696

Do you play Pokémon? M-Maybe we can battle. :3

>> No.6869432

Yes I play Pokemans.

>> No.6869449
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not them but
>tfw waiting for X&Y

>> No.6869726
File: 206 KB, 1160x800, Yvette, Yvonne, Yasmin (Delicious Chocolate).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should go to the Pokémon meetup (no idea when it is, should be known closer to the con). If you're into the current metagame we can stomp some scrubs there.

You're telling me.
>all three of the female protags are waifu/10
>delicious chocolate female protag

>> No.6869767

>Streetpassing my 3DS
I can do that by just going to uni.

>> No.6869824
File: 168 KB, 500x500, Qwilfish1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's trying to go for the 100+ people in a day thing.

>> No.6869831

Were you the same Marlon from Fanime?

>> No.6869900
File: 87 KB, 500x582, Marlon9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Didn't really wanna go to Fanime to begin with.

>> No.6869950

>So what is your line-up?
Nothing. Going casual because I'm not cosplay savvy (as much as I'd like to be).
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Same shit as all the other years, and I'm cool with that.
>Where are you staying?
Home. I only live 20 minutes away.
>What are you excited for?
The atmosphere. This time I want to join up with the /cgl/ meet-up in hopes of befriending KAWAII UGUU~ cosplay girlies. And to make new friends, in general.

>> No.6872321

Yes, I'm an honest Wario WAHAHAHAHA!!

>> No.6872343

Well actually I finished that last year. I'm at 2,000 Tags but I know some that are 5,000+

>> No.6872359

Guest announcement at 8 PM P.S.T. tonight!

>> No.6872364
File: 360 KB, 500x611, hot_babe_vibes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I'd love to see some cosplay of the new girl, not seen any so far.
Might go along to the meet as Ruby if it's warm enough.

>> No.6872476

Kick-Heart! Director Masaaki Yuasa announced as Guest of Honor!


>> No.6872478


This is actually the first one so far that didn't totally disapoint me, because tbh the line up this year is pretty meh..atleast to me.

>> No.6872510
File: 256 KB, 500x600, Marlon10(Why the fuck do I have so many Marlon x Roxie pictures).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What. That's crazy. I only got around 500 at last years expo.

Same here man. I'll be dressed as either Marlon or a Team Magma grunt, depending on what day it is and if I can get off of working my booth.

I'll probably give away some random shiny Pokémon of mine or something.

>tfw there will never be an Anime Expo Pokémon League like at other conventions

>> No.6872511
File: 68 KB, 400x225, 1289160733947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the Facebook page to see announcement
>all this mad
>they've been wanting their musical artist flavor of the year that did that one anime opening/ending to a popular anime series

>> No.6872519
File: 25 KB, 300x459, 1288739053479.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How on earth do you get so many?

I'll keep an eye out for you then. And what is this Pokémon League that other conventions do? I've not heard of it before.

>> No.6872531

Trigger staff and Yuasa huh. Sure am glad I decided to go this year

>> No.6872535
File: 571 KB, 245x250, 1368646951346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how many people are you betting are going to ask about LWA Blurays?

>> No.6872543

I get the feeling they'll confirm them. LWA is getting played there iirc. I only hope there will be a chance for autographs; I just got my Inferno Cop shirt today and I want that shit signed

>> No.6872544
File: 35 KB, 500x420, Marlon38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a poster for it here on /cgl/ for Anime North, I think. It was a legit Pokémon League (with gym leaders/Elite 4) that you can challenge to win random prizes like TCG booster packs or plushes. It looked hella fun.

You'd think a huge convention like AX would have a Pokémon League or a tournament at least. ;_;

>> No.6872555
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, Shiny Chariot Magical Festa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so. Is Trigger themselves going or is it just Akko's VA?
I really wanna get a printout of this and get it signed now too.

>> No.6872560

I think Sushio said on his twitter that more of the staff will be there. Don't have the link on hand though

>> No.6872564


>> No.6872569
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Oh man that sounds pretty balla. I would've expected AX to do that sort of thing but I guess they have other things instead. Does NicoNico still do their booth and such?

>> No.6872573
File: 67 KB, 415x600, Marlon5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other things instead
Just fighting games. ;_;

NicoNico always has a booth there iirc.

>> No.6872585
File: 85 KB, 500x652, tumblr_m891y99RrY1r6v4cho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least there's always streetpass opportunities! Not to mention hype for X&Y, just wish it came out sooner.
But yeah, sleep for me now.

>> No.6872589
File: 374 KB, 637x959, Marlon57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-You too.

>> No.6872590

First time attendee so we'll see what happens!
>So what is your line-up?
I'm hoping to have Yui from K-ON done by AX so this is what i'll be going as.
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Girls in half-naked cosplay and alot of Attack on Titan.
>Where are you staying?
No clue yet.
>What are you excited for?
ALOT of guests. Though I wish they had gotten some popular bands this year. They pulled an A-Kon.

>> No.6872605

the guests suck i hope they get better seiyuus and musical guests
im jelly of otakon having yoko kano and tm revolution

>> No.6874098

By exploring! Basically going to Streetpass meetups.

>> No.6874113

How long have you had your 3DS? Must've been a while for 2,000.

>> No.6874122

Since December 2011, I had a Zelda 3DS and I transfered it to the Pikachu XL. I wish I can go the Expo cosplaying as Wario lol.

>> No.6874134

I'm also an Admin for StreetPass SB, every year there's a big group meetup at the end of the year and that's wehen things go crazy and flashing green on your 3DS. When I took my 3DS last year at AX, I had to constantly open my 3DS but it was the best feel ever haha!

>> No.6874140
File: 140 KB, 800x600, 1364331052759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I'm jealous. Only got mine 2 weeks ago and I'm only at 180.
Going to be fun getting all those different US regions on my Streetpass Map.

>> No.6874156

That's good! I'm telling you, once you StreetPass, it gets addictive to see that person that you StreetPassed. I remember at the Expo I've gotten 2 people from Japan, the usual Californians, some from Arizona, Washington, and Missouri, and all these people from far states! So you know people come pretty far for the conventions.

>> No.6874202

Yeah it does get addicting, especially when you streetpass someone in your hotel. I'm coming from the UK for it so I hope I can give some people a new country on their maps.

>> No.6874217

Wow that's far! Well if anyone sees me I'm like 6'1 playing with a Pikachu XL and I have a Shy Guy charm on it. And I got the 4 Day Pass so I going to the Metro, and I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to some people there.

>> No.6874226

I'll make sure to say hi!

>> No.6874229

Also my StreetPass group has a Facebook page if you want to check it out or check out the LA or OC page. Just go to Facebook and type in StreetPass San Bernardino.

>> No.6874234

Ok! That would be my first time to meet someone from there,cool!

>> No.6874986

SAWSbuck gijinka all over again.

But a much better preparation with a not crazy schedule.

Also nixing the backjointed stilts from the get go.

Should be tonnes of fun.

>> No.6875599

>AX rejecting anime-related panels
Is this end-game?

>> No.6875718

You're wearing stilts?

No ya dingus.

>> No.6875895

>So what is your line-up?
Muscle Man from The Regular Show and the Ice King from Adventure Time.
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
gray people and sloppy Shingeki no Kyojin cosplay.
>Where are you staying?
JW Mariott. Stayed there last year and it was the bess
>What are you excited for?
LCS, Meeting new seagulls, partying

bout time you come back out hurr. ps chicken burgers arent a thing.

>> No.6876200
File: 20 KB, 338x333, 1332611650150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muscle Man from The Regular Show
Do you know who ELSE likes cosplaying Muscle Man?

>> No.6876479
File: 1.04 MB, 797x600, reference2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
Saya from Saya no Uta! I just wanted something comfortable.

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Dangan Ronpa hopefully! Maybe Magi and Homestuck. I'm not sure how popular those two actually are.

>Where are you staying?
I-isn't that a little sudden?

>What are you excited for?
It's my first time going to AX, so I feel overwhelmed but excited!

>> No.6876611
File: 47 KB, 400x439, HNNNNNNNNNNNNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saya from Saya no Uta
10/10 taste would wife/no-homo with.

>> No.6876667

Now I'm more excited that someone will recognize me.
See you there, Anon!

>> No.6876713
File: 382 KB, 3000x3295, eye'll save u meduka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-You too.

>> No.6876738
File: 387 KB, 976x1632, tumblr_m6gr1lu1TH1r3ogaqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not sure how popular those two actually are.
Homestuck is fucking everywhere (pic related), Magi not so much. They'll most likely be more DR than Magi there.

>> No.6876768
File: 73 KB, 480x280, 5(88).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't expect something to be that popular, wow! I didn't realize that when I saw posts about Homestuck cosplayers being everywhere, they were actually everywhere.
I don't think I remember even Naruto being that popular.
Kind of sad Magi isn't as popular, though. It seemed better. Excited to see all the Dangan Ronpa cosplayers, though!

>> No.6876791
File: 24 KB, 210x199, magikarp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
Quattro, and uh... that's it, most likely. I actually won't be attending AX for very many days this time around.

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestuck, Doctor Who, Supernatural, you know, the typical tumblr-popular stuff. Whatever though.

>Where are you staying?
At home, I live in the area.

>What are you excited for?
Gundam gathering, Kazuhiko Inoue, dealer's room and meeting seagulls (hopefully)!

>> No.6876831
File: 1.69 MB, 1024x765, 1346727864032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, it's absolutely insane. Magi might get a bit more popular in the future but Tumblr loves DR right now so there are a lot more cosplays of it.

>> No.6877322

How did homestuck get so popular? It's just a webcomic?

>> No.6877411

It's been going for 3 years
It's gained so much popularity in that time, especially during the troll arcs (which I hate)

>> No.6877432

Makes you wonder if it would have been as popular without the trolls

>> No.6877455
File: 26 KB, 650x450, 01791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure the quality of cosplay would be much higher then

>> No.6877485
File: 101 KB, 900x675, cosplay_vaas___far_cry_3___2012_by_joredmih-d5buy60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
You need more than 1 ?!?!
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
In an Anime convention? Surfers!
>Where are you staying?
My home, I live 15 minutes away
>What are you excited for?

>> No.6877508

>So what is your line-up?
Lady Knight from Maoyuu and Sailor Uranus (classic version).
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Bad? Fucking Home stuck and MLP. Possibly good? Attack on Titan and SAO.
>Where are you staying?
At a hotel on the shuttle route.
>What are you excited for?
Nothing major yet, Masaki Yuasa is pretty cool (I am a Kickstarter backer) but I'm waiting for more guests to be announced.

>> No.6877677

>So what is your line-up?
Hata no Kokoro and a Homestuck repeat for the HS meet, probably sollux or karkat
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
HS of course, Shingeki no Kyojin and some 2hus would be great
>Where are you staying?
At a relative's.
>What are you excited for?
THEY INVITED KAZUHIKO INOUE I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY also the LizLisa show-parade will be interesting.

>> No.6878126

>Attack on Titan producer George Wada announced
Well... I guess that's kind of cool.

>> No.6878271
File: 210 KB, 510x512, 1367184660618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's just changed the game quite a fair bit

>> No.6878433
File: 84 KB, 245x300, bored titan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more than cool.

>> No.6878449

I want the Shingeki no Kyojins to outnumber and slay the Homestucks.
That said, it's going to be difficult as fuck to stand out in those uniforms. Oh well.

>> No.6878541

>Attack on Trolls

Ahhhhh yes, I can see it now...

>> No.6878586

Line up: nothing atm thinking a half ass ox king because im fat but look a little built

Expecting: Sadly a shit ton of homestuck and ponyshit like fanime but probably worse. Hoping to see a Misaki nakahara that i saw last year and ask her out

Staying at?: Westin hotel (fuck yeah hotel parties)

Excited for?: maybe meeting a girl or something, Taking pictures with new camera thats pretty good for quick photos (sony cybershot tx-30). Party, guests (not musical guests atm), friends that are coming; and hoping to meet people and possibly get some and have a good time.

>> No.6878589

You have a little over a month. Hit the gym and control the diet to make it a not-so-half-assed Ox King.

Shame us staff don't get to stay there this year. ;____;7

>> No.6878598


assigned hotel rooms or what?
also any news of possibly other musical guests?
Kinda don't understand the thought process of the concert right now

If i am correct the chosen concert doesn't even do music for any anime ? so im kinda dumbfounded

>> No.6878605

Yeah, they're assigned. The SPJA comps our hotel and we stayed at the Westin last year. It was bretty gud.

No news that I know of right now, sorry. I could ask the higher ups about it but I can't promise anything. ;_;

No idea about the chosen concert right now, I can look into it for you if you'd like.

>> No.6878671
File: 300 KB, 577x473, Screen Shot 2013-04-06 at 1.56.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
Mera, Starfire, Skyla, Ya'Wara.
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Titan stuff, Adventure Time.
>Where are you staying?
Not in a hotel
>What are you excited for?
....Not much actually. There's always lots of great cosplayers at AX, so i guess that.

>> No.6879604

Porno Graffiti announced just now.

The musical lineup now stands at:

Starmarie (pop)
Kaya/Moon Stream (VK)
Porno Graffiti (rock)

Meh. For liking musical acts as much as I do, I'm kind of bummed, but will still probably go.

>> No.6879621

So jealous! Why cant i be here? Such big fan of both Moon stream and Porno graffiti. damn living all the way on the east coast.

>> No.6879632

>So what is your line-up?
63'd Kamen Rider Amazon, Meryl (MGS), Aya (GLTAS), Maggey Byrde

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Terrible OFF cosplayers

>Where are you staying?
Probably just going to drive there everyday, unless a friend needs an extra person in their room or something.

>What are you excited for?
Seeing friends, Toku meetup, buying a ton of sit in Artist's Alley

>> No.6879931

Unfortunately i wont be able to go becuase i'll be leaving the navy soon so im really in the need of saving money right now. Next time ill have my line up already

>> No.6879949
File: 766 KB, 750x909, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I won a trip to LA from a local con to compete in the contest at AX with my GaoGaiGar costume. I am planning to ship it all ahead of me since its pretty damn big. Does anyone have experience with how AX treats over sized props or costumes? It gives size limits on the website and my stuff is pretty well over those limits but I'm pretty sure some cosplayers like Goldy have had stuff in the past that is just as big as mine.

Ive already sent AX an email but since its not far out and I have to start shipping things soon I am getting kind of nervous.

>> No.6880000

You sir are doomed. For props they're sticklers on the 7ft height and iirc 15lbs weight limit. Double check those in the weapons policy though, because I don't have to pay attention to that this year. There was also talk about limitations on hall costume size due to the robot guy in his extremely oversized outfit. For masquerade you can bring in larger items, but I cannot say if there will be a lift or ramp to get on stage this year, so you should email the cosplay people about that. Otherwise for just wearing to show off, the outside areas should be ok, and South and West hall lobbies provided you miss the horrible crush times (South Hall lobby is wall to wall bodies when dealers hall is about to open). Find a couple spotters to go with you everywhere your costume goes regardless (even in masquerade)

>> No.6880068

If ever you get to successfully ship and get approved, what days will you be attending Ax...

Dat goldion hammer makes me go hnnnnnnng

>> No.6880081
File: 760 KB, 800x903, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the hammer is 6 foot tall, but I don't have a scale big enough to weight it. I'm sure its over 15 lbs though. Will they seriously pull out a scale on my arse to check that?

Assuming everything goes well probably just the day of the contest. Maybe Saturday and Sunday if things go well idk.

>> No.6880100

Goodluck to you then! Hope to see in your full hotbloodedness on saturday!!

>> No.6880143

Just noticed the arms aren't attached. That's smart. And how everything is so symmetrical and clean. That's quite an achievement.

Where are you shipping from?

>> No.6880154

I think I know who you are

>> No.6880160
File: 83 KB, 340x311, oh-god-i'm-cumming-everywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6880161

Thanks :) I'm really proud of that particular part and the costume as a whole. Being able to move my arms outside of the biceps was a must to accomplish iconic poses and handle that giant weapon.

I will be shipping it from Ft Lauderdale in Florida. I work for a company that has a sizable logistics department but its still likely to be be pretty expensive. You only live once though. I don't imagine Ill get this chance again.

>> No.6880187

What do you win, if you win the AX contest?

>> No.6880193

Assuming he means the Masquerade I think it's $3k/2k/1k for first/second/third

>> No.6880237

That was something else that I am a bit confused by. Did AX always do there contest as a masquerade? I always thought the performance contest and costume contest were separate events. Seeing as how its just me and gf as my handler going I cant really do much of a performance except walk on and pose while some music plays.

First time going to an out of state con. Hell first time going to a con that gets over 10k attendees.

>> No.6880328

>So what is your line-up?
Solaire of Astora, JonTron, and Riot Singed

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Nothing really, just having fun

Where are you staying?

What are you excited for?
Hanging out with friends, checking it out for the first time, cosplayers, meeting mega64

>> No.6880369


Uh, why,,,?

>> No.6880448

shit, i forgot to register up until now. at what time does the price change tomorrow?

>> No.6880481

If it's automatic, probably around midnight (couple of hours from now). If it isn't, whenever they feel like it.

>> No.6880482

oh and it only goes up $5 assuming it's like last year. $70 is where it caps.

>> No.6880499

oh, for sure then :)

>> No.6880556

It's only a florida thing to have separate contests for costume and performance.

>> No.6880578

Announcing MarginalRec artists Jun Necky & Nana Hatori at AXDance 2013!

>> No.6880732

AX's masquerade has always been craftmanship & performance together. Best in Show/2nd/3rd means best of both categories. There are separate Best Craftsmanship/ Best Performance awards too though. It's fine to do just a walk-on, but you likely wouldn't score high enough on performance to get a combo prize. Make sure not to skip the craftsmanship judging or else you won't be eligible for a craftsmanship prize either, lol. Check out some videos from past AX/Fanime/SDCC, people can still do interesting things on stage even as a walk-on.

>> No.6880739

Hey bro im staffing too. Im in Access Control what about you? And im also bummed that we aren't in westin anymore. Gonna be real gay if im out partying out in some other hotels and im gonna have to walk it all the way towards USC just to get back to my hotel and sleep.

>> No.6880949


Not the same anon, but I'm in Cosplay this year. I'm still going to party like fuck at the Westin, I usually make a note of taking over the pool after a certain panel each year. I'm really gonna miss the leaf-soaps the Westin rooms have ;_; Strange thing to miss I know

>> No.6882314
File: 79 KB, 536x392, Haruka does a drug deal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not access control, got into Weapons Policy somehow.

You don't have to walk, there's going to be shuttles this year taking us to and from the hotel/LACC 24/7 iirc. No need to make the worlds sketchiest walk.

I'll probably party around the Westin/Hilton area since that's where a few of my friends are staying. If I'm not too tired or anything.

There are some grey areas regarding some costume things. The hammer size is fine (less than 7 ft) but the 15 pound weight limit is a bit iffy. The one robot dude that the other anon was talking about was a weird thing since he technically didn't have any weapon-esque props on him, so it counted as part of his cosplay (which we don't/can't handle). Same deal with the guy who dressed up as a giant 3DS last year. You may want to e-mail the person in charge of Weapons Policy once the SPJA e-mails you back. See if you can work something out or at least get some information.

No need to get nervous man. It's an awesome cosplay. That does bring up a question, how heavy is the hammer exactly? They may be more lax about it if it's something close to 15 lbs (like 16-19 lbs). Worse case scenario, you'd have to find someway to make the thing lighter and you have about a month to do it. But that's the worst case scenario.

Did you take over the pool last year at the Westin? I remember walking out to get some air with a few bros and remember seeing a boatload of people just mobbing the pool.

>> No.6882378

Dat lcs afterparty.

>> No.6884922

The only reason I'm browsing 4chan after not being here for probably a year is because I'm so excited about AX I can't even sleep (and about a month ago I had a phase of not wanting to even go. Psh, Idiotic brain, of course I want to go!)

I'm super excited about Inoue Kazuhiko being there, and...just seeing people and great cosplay and doing things (not entirely sure what yet as I can't plan jack shit before the schedule is released but...)

I am really, really excited.

>> No.6885378

>So what is your line-up?
Lolnope. Thought about doing something but finals and Fanime tired me out.
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
>Where are you staying?
I have no idea actually. Commuting an hour and a half doesn't sound really attractive right now, but none of my friends are going.
>What are you excited for?
Artist Alley, cos ppl, volunteering at a booth.

>> No.6885586


I spoke with Otakon's Chairman (come to find out) at the Swap Meet at A-Kon (I know, right?) and he told me getting bands to perform is harder than it seems because there's always contracts and negotiations just to get the band or artist to say yes to playing, which is why a con will have an awesome band one year and a couple of average bands the next.

>> No.6886135

Anyone had any luck with getting in touch with anyone in relation to the masquerade entries? The submission form on the site doesn't seem to work so I just emailed them everything a few days ago but haven't been able to get a response to any of my emails.

Not alot of time left to start shipping this giant sucker out.

>> No.6886430

I'll poke a couple people for you tonight.

>> No.6886468

And I just got a text that you should please email ax.cosplay.dept AT gmail because there are problems with the AX email system "like fucking always"

>> No.6886552

Well I shot that one an email. Lets see what happens. I seriously hope its not too late by now :(

>> No.6886566

Did anyone else apply for the Fashion show and has anyone heard back from them yet? I got a reply back at the end of April saying that they're going through all the applications and that's it.

>> No.6886602

"We got it. Let him know its being added to our database. I'll send an email back as well to apologize for the late confirmation." Sounds like you're good to go. I hope I get to see GGG in person

>> No.6886652

>Line up
Junko Enoshima, Sakuya Izayoi, Mikan Tsumiki, Ritsuko Akagi
>what are you expecting to see a lot of?
Titans, SAO, Dangan Ronpa, Madoka, Homestuck
>Where are you staying?
The Sheraton about a mile away
>What are you excited for?
Just getting to hang out with friends and get pictures.

>> No.6886722

Two friends have said they already got confirmation for the fashion show. Perhaps you didnt make it? Or ax is doing shit inefficiently as always, and emailing people at separate times.

>> No.6886770
File: 63 KB, 620x465, 4-4753-15791-AiAGaoGaiGarFINAL08avisnapshot350620100723011116jpg-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your sir or madam are awesome. Final Fusion approved!

>> No.6886808

Everything is a massive clusterfuck for AX right now. Even press/industry reg has gone stupid because they decided to move the date of pre-reg up to May 29th and only announced that on facebook. It still says June 15th online and that's even after people pointed out that it said that on the 29th.

>> No.6886869

Are there still tickets and hotel room available? I'm not from America but I've thought of going there.

>> No.6886949

>So what is your line-up?
Probably nothing? I'll be in my kigu jammies most of the weekend or something. I'm lazy as fuck!

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Hopefully exciting things, I'm from the midwest so my idea of a big con is ACen.

>Where are you staying?
Either with a friend or in a car! :P HOBO TIME

>What are you excited for?
Um.. I don't know. I'm just gonna go take it all in!

Any tips from people who are veterans? What are things I MUST see and what are events that aren't worth extra tickets?

>> No.6886997

AX never sells out. you can register at con, get a hotel room day of, whatever.

>> No.6887186

Probably because there are like 18,000 hotels in the immediate area.

>> No.6887210


Does AX offer prereg?

>> No.6887216

It's $70 for a four-day ticket. That's it's final price so if you decide to on-site it'll be the same.

>> No.6887228


Alright. I might be interested in flying to LA. Any FAQ or guides for AX?

>> No.6887232

First time going to AX here too. How much's a hotel room in walkable distance?

>> No.6887236


Don't bother at this point. The on-site registration area almost never has a line on day 0 while the pre-reg line is like a mile long.

>> No.6887235

Too much. But you may want to Google the hotels in Downtown by the LACC/LA Live.

I've heard the LA Athletic Club is cheap but hella sketchy.

>> No.6887248

Same as every other convention. Remember to eat, sleep, rehydrate, and take showers. Bring camera if you want to take photos of stuff. Be prepared for lines, especially for popular things. Bring comfortable shoes because you will be walking a lot. Since it's LA it can get hot so dress accordingly. Concerts cost extra. Not sure if you can still get in free if you wait long enough. Bring cash "just in case."

Sub-$100 a night if you are fine with the lower end hotels. There are shuttles but I'm not sure where to find a route map. Another option is a hotel/motel near a Metro stop because the LA convention center is right next to a Metro Blue stop.

Check expedia or other travel sites.

>> No.6887252

oh and you'll probably be flying in to LAX which is a good distance from the convention center. If you want to go cheap as possible you can take a bus from the terminals to the metro and then you transfer two or three times on the metro (transfers are free for the metro subways)

Other option is to take the flyaway bus from LAX to Union Station ($9) then take the Metro Red->transfer to Blue to the LACC.

>> No.6887254

Also this x111100000. The prereg line is huge while the on-site registration usually takes no more than 20 minutes.

>> No.6887257


how about renting a car? how about parking?

>> No.6887260

I'm going to assume that Saturday it grows exponentially for onsite but I hear they got the registration under control last year.

>> No.6887267

Parking sucks. Period. Since it's next to the Staples Center (basketball stadium) that means "event pricing." $20-30 if you want the convenience of close parking. You can probably hunt for free parking but who knows how far you'll have to walk. The Metro, as mentioned, is another option. Park at a station and take the Metro in.

>> No.6887270

Yeah, expect sunny 100+ degree weather.

>> No.6887277

While we're on the topic of metro if you are taking the red->blue then you get off at the 7th St/Metro station, walk to the Blue side of the station (ask people where it is; it's up and down some stairs), then go to Pico and get off there.

Note that if you have to contact anyone, the metro is a cell phone dead zone. You will not be contacting anyone once you get underground, not even in a station. I always have to rush to make calls/send texts before the Blue line gets into the tunnel.

>> No.6887285
File: 158 KB, 209x193, [HONKING OGRE-LOAD].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staff anon here. Even on Saturday it was still manageable and not as bad as the prereg line.

>> No.6887297

That's good to hear. No point to prereg then since the prices are at their highest now. Hell, if it came down to the $50 price if you register the year before and $70 it's probably better to just go with the $70 as a convenience fee. Thankfully I do industry now but I'll have to on-site that this year since the deadline for that apparently moved up suddenly.

>> No.6887303


how long am I expected to wait if I decide not to prereg?

>> No.6887313

Thanks! I'll try to keep looking for something then. Live like an hour and a half away and 3 hour of commute every day (no car hur dur) doesn't sound too exciting.

>> No.6887325
File: 109 KB, 209x193, [HONKING INTENSIFIES].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear it moved up so suddenly. At least you're not waiting outside in 100+ heat to get your badge like the prereg people, right?

If you don't prereg and decide to buy your pass on-site on Day 0 or Day 1, then the maximum amount of time you'd be in line shouldn't be more than an hour to process, pay, and weapon check (if you have one). Don't quote me on that though, there were a few years where the on-site reg line was as long as the prereg line.

If I could can find it, I'd recommend carpooling with a friend and pitching him/her some gas money if you can't get a hotel.

>> No.6887355


I've honestly never had to wait more than 15 minutes for on-site. Sometimes if you sneak over from the pre-reg line they'll process you at on-site anyway because no one's there anyway.

>> No.6887394

Haha yeah. I did that one year on my first AX. 50 pounds of combined baggage since I took a plane in that day and went to get badges first. Took 4 hours to get my badge and tickets on day 0 and it was hot as fuck. Next year I had same weight but came day 1 at 8am so it only took an hour after pickup started.

>> No.6887455

First year at AX, what should I expect?

>> No.6887460


Throngs of homestucks.

>> No.6887466

Panel scheduling clusterfucks where things that need to be in Petree Hall are unable to and so there's a giant fucking line for a room that won't fit a tenth of the people. I'm looking at you, LiSA panel.

>> No.6887531

I know that pain. H-Hopefully I get to see a lot of /cgl/ people there.

Con funk, Homestucks, heat, overpriced food, parties, panels, other stuff.

>> No.6887540

This year I might actually go to a seagull meetup. I forgot about Fanime's. Whoops.

>> No.6887624

i'm guessing that the dances won't be at club nokia again this year. k-pop group tvxq is gonna be performing there on july 5th.

hopefully they won't be in the same shitty location as it was last year

>> No.6887628

They probably will be. I don't think renting Nokia Theater or Club Nokia was very high on their list of "fun things" when it came to the pocketbook. I did like Club Nokia for the concerts because it felt like a proper venue but AX couldn't pack as many bodies in to there because of the size. It also sucked as a photo venue because everyone with pernission to shoot was on the second floor. Nokia Theater was great to shoot in. Also cost a boatload of money everytime.

I think we're stuck with things like the West Hall.

>> No.6887692

pretty sure west hall was confirmed to be the space where the photographer collaboration thing was going to be set up. there's also supposed to be backdrops and a changing station for cosplayers if they need it. i could be wrong but i swear i read something like this somewhere on their site or some such.

>> No.6887696

Hm. I remember them announcing the photo thing but didn't read too much into detail about it.

Oh. TVXQ was on May 7th, not July 5th.

Ugh, means it's going to be a shitty photo year if it's in Club Nokia...

>> No.6887707

I've been going to AX for years, but I've never stayed in a hotel (my friends and I live in the area, so we stay at someones house usually). Next year, that might not be an option, so we are considering staying in the JW marriott. How many people can you (on average) reasonably cram into a room? There are usually between 5 and 8 of us, and I'm trying to decide if we should go for one or two rooms.

>> No.6887711

Any homeless people encounters?
The ones in LA are fucking hilarious

>> No.6887719

Hey guys

I know everyone had a lot of fun at last year's AX Pancake/Waffle Party and we're really excited to do it again this year.

As most of you probably remember we had to shut down early last year due to the overwhelming demand. So unfortunately we will probably have to scale it down a bit, but we hope to get as many of you guys in as we can.

We're still working out the semantics so we can run it as smoothly as possible but we'll try to get the Facebook event up soon.

More info in the coming weeks so stay tuned in these AX Hype threads!

>> No.6887721
File: 65 KB, 477x345, 1367986508261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
Aquaman and Red Hood

>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homestucks...so many Homestucks. That and booze.

>Where are you staying?
My house?

>What are you excited for?
Just seeing friends, cosplaying the king of Atlantis, and having fun overall

>> No.6887725

What I thought was more hilarious were those Monk dudes walking around all over the place. I couldn't tell if they were cosplay or not until they started bombarding me with their pamphlets..alot of them turned out to be pretty cool dudes though so it was alright.

>> No.6887952

I gave one 50 cents for a booklet he had
Or was it a dollar? He didn't complain. Meh.

>> No.6887975

omg i go to streetpass sb! o.o its cray seeing someone ive probably definitely met irl post on here ;-; i work at the mall we meet at now, and havent been able to go to any meets because of my work schedule.

>> No.6888895

This little faggot decided to make new videos about to how survive AX


>Implying it's not the same shit every year

>> No.6888950

Make sure you bring that sauuuuce again!!

>> No.6889412

That's cool, we either are busy with work or school though :)

>> No.6889586 [DELETED] 
File: 420 KB, 480x270, why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 weeks to go, so much to do.

>> No.6889614 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 500x293, d80cb2b5f23876b9c59b4a9a1907ff34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is your line-up?
Bulma, Bad Girl, maybe Lyfa, and Amane
What are you expecting to see a lot of?
SAO, Sailor Moon, Evangelion, Madoka, Adventure Time
Where are you staying? Wherever my best friend Cat has a room.
What are you excited for? Cosplaying of course and seeing all my friends again! Had to leave Fanime early for a surgery, but I am looking forward to partying and running around having crazy shenanigans!

>> No.6889622
File: 15 KB, 340x158, hivemind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
Bulma, Bad Girl, Lucy, and Amane
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
SAO, Sailor Moon, Evangelion, Madoka, Adventure Time
>Where are you staying? Wherever my best friend Cat has a room.
>What are you excited for? Cosplaying of course and seeing all my friends again! Had to leave Fanime early for a surgery, but I am looking forward to partying and running around having crazy shenanigans!

>> No.6889626

sdlkjshfsfdkl I can't green text to save my life

>> No.6889683
File: 246 KB, 800x870, Kuranosuke-kuragehime-18671179-800-870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
Going as Kuranosuke from Kuragehime. I chose it because my friend wanted me to since she was going to be Tsukimi but she backed out when I had 80% of my cosplay finished...
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Homesucks, Vocaloids, Hetalia, people trying to casual cosplay ponies/pokemon...
>Where are you staying?
A hotel near the con? Friend has it set up so I have to ask her again haha
>What are you excited for?
The fact I came come back to my home state and just chill for awhile in panels and spend my paycheck on animu shit

>> No.6889738
File: 211 KB, 547x333, Even my waifu thinks you're a casual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad Girl
Please let this the Bad Girl from No More Heroes. I've seen terribad cosplay of it at AX and I hope yours is cool.

>not spending your paycheck on chinese cartoons all the time

>> No.6889758

Which AX?

>> No.6889798
File: 23 KB, 502x417, [autism intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw two in 2011 and three in 2012. They were really lazily done. People using ballerina tutus and a pink blouse instead of a lolita dress, no red heels, no wood-colored bats, etc.

They were really disappointing. I'd cosplay Bad Girl but I have a penis.

>> No.6890287

So I got that major masquerade update e-mail from masquerade.

Holy shit man.

>> No.6890359
File: 173 KB, 300x450, AX2011 035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first run yeah. They made me about 7ft. But also made me go crazy.

Kept coming apart, and I didn't notice the padding slipping away and rubbing me raw.

So nixing that shit right away. We might try summer/winter forms. Maybe.

have a self post of us from a few years ago.

>> No.6890493

The JW has pretty large rooms. You should be fine if you are more towards 5 than 8. That or if you are ok being comfy with everybody.

>> No.6890623

Great, thanks! (and yeah we are in our 20's and have been friends/going to AX since middle school, so we are super comfortable with each other)

>> No.6890910

I haven't heard anything back for them yet. Whats the major update?

>> No.6891337

>Anime Expo announces another Visual Kei band as a guest

I'm not into the stuff at all, but I heard it's losing popularity in Japan. Is this true?

>> No.6892757

Are you guys going to be at the JW again this year?

>> No.6894623

I was walking back to the Sheraton with a friend after one of the raves 2 years ago and I had to fend off a homeless person with my glow sticks. It was a fierce battle.

Is the JW and Westin where the majority of people stay? No parties, no fun at the Sheraton every year. ;_;

>> No.6894644

Vendetta much?

>> No.6894653


Haha, yeah. That was me.


Bryan shhhh ;)

>> No.6895296

So what is your line-up?
JLU Aquagirl, Asura from Kurohime, 2 years later Nico Robin, lolita
What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Titan, Madoka, Kuroku no Basuke
Where are you staying?
No idea lol
What are you excited for?
Kaya, food trucks, decent mexican food

>> No.6895470


Olvera st, seriously

Anyone who tells you otherwise is fucking lying/not Mexican

>> No.6895506

vendettaaa channnnn

>> No.6896016

They sent an e-mail saying that because of the prize increase, they are doing a tighter screening. They are sending all of the info back and you have to include your waivers, an intro video, two cosplay progress shots, and reapply again to get a number.

>> No.6896113

I wonder how many entries they'll get with those kind of requirements...

>> No.6896438

Well im collecting my info and ill send that out tomorrow. They increased the prize? What is it now? Is this info being posted somewhere so I can stop bothering you for info ><?

>> No.6896467
File: 323 KB, 600x800, 0f546bcf98c402d75d7c1c1a13e97362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is your line-up?
Chespin and Eevee gijinka
>What are you expecting to see a lot of?
Probably Naruto fags and Final Fantasy people everywhere.
>Where are you staying?
Well this is embarrassing. I completely forgot the name of the hotel. A friend of mine booked the room and I just gave him the money. I need to go over dat shit.
>What are you excited for?
I jumped on the Madoka Magica bandwagon kind of late, but I'm seriously in love with it right now. I'm hoping there will still be some decent cosplayers from the series this year, along with some nice merchandise.

>> No.6896552

It was a mass e-mail that they sent to all the contestants. I have checked AX site and they don't have any info in detail about this change, but they recently sent back everyone's applications (for those who didn't get anything, they said to e-mail them) and then approve everything and send it back with the appropriate info.

I heard it was 3 grand from here, but this was before the whole e-mail got sent so I don't know if they increased it any more.

>> No.6896564
File: 736 KB, 936x1253, 936full-allison-harvard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's fangirling about the fact that Allison Harvard is cosplaying as Chii/Freya with her friend at AX yet? If I lived anywhere nearby I'd probably go just to meet her.

>> No.6896572

What's the deadline for the masquerade? Thinking about doing it this year, but it's my first time.

I was going to do it with a group, but I haven't heard ANYTHING from the people I'm supposed to do it with, so I'm getting kind of fidgety.

>> No.6897090
File: 432 KB, 493x701, &gt;tfw no qt3.14 iDOL(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-You could invite a few staff people, right? :3

>Chespin and Eevee gijinka
10/10 taste.

>> No.6897108


>> No.6897283

then get me some decent guac motherfucker

>> No.6898217

Vic Mignogna is back at AX! YAY!

>> No.6898240

The king of /cgl/ has returned

>> No.6898253

Well, I was looking forward to AX. So much for that.

>> No.6898265

I emailed them asking about it and sent them some updated info on myself. They replied back with-

"Thank you for the update. I'll updated your info so it will be seen by the people in Japan.
I'll update you once we finalize the model list."

>> No.6898311

Fuck yeah AX came through with the guests!

>> No.6900187


>> No.6902568

So is this video that AX wants accutally going to play in front of the audience at the event before you walk on? Or is it just supposed to be some kind of intro for the judges?

>> No.6902648

this thread is autosagin