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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6873395 No.6873395 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure how many people here are in both hobbies, but has anyone else ever noticed...

Cosplayer says they're a lesbian? Vast majority of the time they're straight. If they really do like girls, chances are they're bisexual. Even the cosplayers loudest about being lesbians date men... while still saying they're lesbians, he's just ~the exception~. A lot of the time, cosplayers are very awkward with their girlfriends. You can practically tell just by looking at them that they're not really into it.

Lolita says they're straight? A large portion of the time they're not. I've met at least six girls at meet-ups with girlfriends that they're clearly over the moon for... while still saying they're straight, she's just ~the exception~. And it's not like a desperate hambeast type of thing either, four out of the six are above average even by normal people standards, and watching them be all cuddly and cute at meet-ups with their girlfriends makes me super jelly, not gonna lie. You can just see the love radiating out their pours and it's almost disgusting.

>> No.6873399

I am in support of the null hypothesis. I think your sample size is too small to make any generalized statements like that.

in other news, I always wonder if their sexual interest is in the girls or just the clothes they wear.

>> No.6873407 [DELETED] 

I'm online friends with a girl who runs one of the lolita confessions Tumblrs and she told me in a chat that she mostly likes girls, but says she's straight in fear of people assuming she's just another special snowflake pretending to be bi. That's probably what it is for a lot of them.

>> No.6873423

One of my online friends told me she mostly likes girls, but says she's straight in fear of people assuming she's just another special snowflake pretending to be bi. That's probably what it is for a lot of them.

>> No.6873433
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T-tell me where to find such lolitas...

>> No.6873432

I am a cosplayer and lolita who is bi. I lean towards men because of my upbringing, after a lifetime of being told that homosexuality is wrong, I just feel uncomfortable. I tend to become infatuated with girls in cosplay and lolita circumstances. But fear of being a labeled a speshul snowflake and a very judgmental friend keeps me from telling anyone.

>> No.6873440

Are you me?

>> No.6873446

'nother lolita here.
I grew up in the deep south where some folks still hold really odd views on other people's sexuality.
I have to consider myself bisexual because I can't deny that I am strongly attracted to women, in fact I probably prefer them to men.
But I have to date a boy and get married because it would kill my parents otherwise.
I'm pretty sure I will never get over my burning desire for a qt3.14 girlfriend who also wears lolita, though. I wouldn't mind a normal girl, but I had a really drunk lolita come up to me at a convention once, compliment my coord, and then make out with me. I guess it counts as a fetish now.

>> No.6873464

Well, I 'm glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.6873466
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Yuris everywhere!

>> No.6873470

True. I just wouldn't even know where to begin trying to find a qt loli gf.

>> No.6873483

I will never understand why people in such positions don't just tell their parents to either get over it or fuck off. I love my parents to death, but if they were dicks over who I dated solely based on gender, I'd have no issue removing them from my life if they didn't quickly learn to accept it.

>> No.6873493

Cosplayer and lolita, Ive always wanted a cute loli girlfriend but I don't tell anyone or try to approach girls because just like everyone, I don't want to be labeled as a special snow flake

>> No.6873494

Literally any meet-up ever. At least the ones in big cities.

>> No.6873497

If you actually approach girls and actively try to get with them, most people won't consider you a special snowflake.

>> No.6873506

This makes me think of one girl in my lolita comm... She's almost a creepy degree of obsessed with another girl. She likes all of the other girl's Facebook statuses and photos, comments "You're so cute!" on all of them, has come up to her and said "You have the perfect body..." during anime cons or other meetups, sends her messages via FB and text, etc. I don't know how the other girl bears it.

>> No.6873510


That is terrifying.
There's a girl in my comm who seems a little starstruck by one of the other members in a "SENPAI PLEASE NOTICE ME" way, but fortunately she's not being too creepy about it. She's got a girlfriend anyway, so I'm sure it's just admiration. If it ever got to the level you describe though, I'd probably tactfully try to tell her to back down.

What comm is this, by the way? A friend of mine was talking to me about a similar situation recently.

>> No.6873539

Aww, what?
I never want to go to meetups because I assume they're full of tripfags..

>> No.6873565

>That is terrifying.
Oh shut the fuck up. As someone who has actually had a stalker that would follow me and send me letters and online messages telling me how I was his and detailing his explicit fantasies about raping me and killing me if I refused him, there are few things more enraging than when people use words like "terrifying" to describe awkward, but harmless infatuations.

No, lolita meet-ups actually consist mostly of girls who either hate /cgl/ or never heard of it. At least all the ones I've been to, granted I've only been to three different communities.

>> No.6873569

I'm like that too. Guess I'm not the only one.

>> No.6873573



I was clearly using a joking tone, get your shitty attitude in check.

>> No.6873584 [DELETED] 

No, actually, there was nothing in your post at all making it was clear you were joking. Plus, given how many girls on here (and in cosplay in general) overreact to shit like what >>6873506 was describing, it's perfectly reasonable for one to assume you weren't.

>> No.6873589

No, actually, there was nothing in your post at all making it was clear you were joking. Plus, given how many girls on here (and in cosplay in general) overreact to shit like what >>6873506 was describing, it's perfectly reasonable for one not to assume you were.

And how exactly was I implying only I'm allowed to have anything bad happen? I was merely giving an example of something that actually is "terrifying", which having a girl harmlessly, but awkwardly crush on you is not.

>> No.6873594

>But I have to date a boy and get married because it would kill my parents otherwise.

That's not fair on anyone, and you'll be basically ruining you and someone else's life if you do it.

>> No.6873654
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>implying 'fair' is a concept that can be applied to real life
>implying a relationship that is based on something other than your sexual preference is somehow a failure and capable of 'ruining' someone's life.

treasure your innocence.

>> No.6873657

>implying there's tones on the internet

>> No.6873659

Most female cosplays I have met are either lesbian or bisexual... Never though much on it until now. Huh.

>> No.6873664

>Most female cosplays I have met pretend to either lesbian or bisexual... Never though much on it until now. Huh.

Tell them that until they eat the vag to prove themselves, they are faking it.

>> No.6873680

can we all agree bifags are cheaters and terrible people?

>> No.6873683

and vaginas look like axe wounds and are gross and babies come from there.

>> No.6873697

You shouldn't generalize.

>> No.6873840

Probably because even straight girls can't resist cute girls in cute dresses

I have only slept with men and consider myself 100% straight, but if an attractive lolita came on to me I would at the very least make out with her a little.

>> No.6873856

Best part about having a lolita girlfriend? You can share clothes, or at least help each other coord.

>> No.6873861

Iori best im@s

>> No.6873871
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>> No.6873892

I'm a bisexual female cosplayer, but I hesitate to bring up my sexuality because I've only ever had sex with with one woman and never had a girlfriend. This is because all of the girls I am interested in turn out to be either straight or psychotic. That, or they really are the special snowflake type who seem more interested in the attention we get holding hands and kissing in public than the attention I give them. I don't get into relationships with people if I don't think they'll last, and I've been in three long term relationships with men, leaving me little time to develop much in the way of sexual/romantic relationships elsewhere. Despite the fact that I find women to be way more attractive than men, I'm scared to say so because I'm afraid people will respond negatively, "Yeah right, then why do you only ever date boys?"

I'm happy with my current boyfriend, but damn it, do I wish I could find a girl I'm compatible with.

>> No.6873903

Weird thing about the lolitas I know is that most of the really attractive ones are either lesbian or bi and heavily leaning towards girls. Most of the others are hambeasts/edgy kidz who either pretend to be bi because it makes them more speshul, or are militantly heterosexual and think everyone else should be too.

>> No.6873918

In my experience, finding a straight (not even bi-curious) female cosplayer is like finding a unicorn.

>> No.6873929

>>my experience

Something tells me you're a factor here.

>> No.6873941

That's not yayoi.

>> No.6873948

I meant when meeting/hearing about cosplay people.

>> No.6874042


No amount of green text could change the fact that you're just this little girl who can't say no to her parents. Choosing a mate based off your parents preferences...downright pathetic.

>> No.6874048

Keep talking, man. Everybody who's ever had to pay a utility bill is rolling their eyes at you right now.

>> No.6874053

>cosplayers are usually into anime/manga/vidya, all of which being male-orientated hobbies, so they meet a lot more men and are more likely to date one
>lolita is a very feminine hobby, so they are more likely to fall for girls for the same reason
At least that's my theory.

>> No.6874062

Did you just say *anime and manga* were male-oriented? Not just male-oriented but so male-oriented it can turn bi and gay girls straight because of all the cock pressing in from all sides?

Shit. I don't even have a reaction image for failure of that caliber.

>> No.6874065

Loli here:
I like girls for petting/ making out with but prefer men for all out sex.
For relationships both sexes are equal ( yeah I am one of those "it is about the person" bisexuals)
I have been married the entire time I have been into loli so I have sadly never been sexy with one. There is one incredibly hot girl in my comm in my same situation and we flirt a lot but know that it can never go anywhere.
In my local comm they are about
50% bi
25% straight
25% girls only

>> No.6874083

The series that sell and get cosplayed the most tend to be shonen. Magical girls are an exception, but even there the most popular ones, like Madoka or Sailor Moon, have a large male fanbase. Yeah, I'd say that in the West, animu attracts more males than females.

And uh, dating a man doesn't turn a bisexual woman straight. Not even dating 10 men. You might make a case for women who say they are lesbian, but then that just means they are not very honest and bi-with-a-preference like most people.

>> No.6874090

>>I'm still trying to say that anime and manga are all about guys
>>I'm also trying to say that anime and manga make girls want to date guys
>>I don't even know what a girl is

>> No.6874104

Congratulations, all your assumptions are wrong!
>hurr sexuality is fluid but only in one way and people never call themselves one sexuality while being another

>> No.6874139 [DELETED] 

lol no. Speak for yourself. I pay for everything on my own and the thought of an adult lying to their parents about something like that instead of standing up for themselves because they're still financially dependent on them actually disgusts me. Nothing wrong with needing a bit of help from your parents to get you back on your feet, but when it gets to the point of lying about who you are and what you want, it's just gross.

>> No.6874153

lol no. Speak for yourself. I pay for everything on my own and the thought of an adult lying to their parents about something like that instead of standing up for themselves because they're still financially dependent on them actually disgusts me. Nothing wrong with needing a bit of help from your parents to get you back on your feet, but when it gets to the point of lying about who you are and what you want, it's just gross.

>> No.6874162

Anyone else get the impression that we have like one troll on this board, and he just types really fast?

>> No.6874170

And recycles his material.

>> No.6874183

Who are you referring to?

>> No.6874190

Man, who cares?
Sexuality isn't a big deal. If a flaming homosexual wants to say they're straight it doesn't matter.

>> No.6874200

Actually, yeah it does. If a 100% homosexual is in a heterosexual relationship, that's cruel to the other party involved. Same applies for vice versa. If they stay single, then whatever, but when they bring another person into it, it's fucked up.

>> No.6874203

I wish /cgl/ had user IDs like /b/.

>> No.6874321

Anime is male oriented. Who do you think buys all the BDs and merch?

>> No.6874712

you sound furious for some reason.
probably because even you realize that trying to police someone else's relationships through the internet based on your own notions of how things are ~supposed to work~ is a pretty foolish endeavor.

also, being OP here, I feel obligated to give you a response.
a) I'm not financially dependent on my parents. I pay my own bills, so I'm really not concerned about losing my allowance.
b) I don't consider my sexual preferences to be any business of my parents. I don't lie to them, but they don't ask and I don't volunteer information. But it would probably change our relationship dramatically if I ever came out to them, so I don't.
c) Most of these relationships, which you would consider 'unfair', have actually been very successful. & I go out with those men because, while they may not be as attractive to me as women, they have other good qualities, which are way more important to me than the sex could ever be.

>> No.6874724

Can I just speak as a male on /cgl/ for a moment?

I think you girls should be careful. It's not certain you're bi or lesbian, or that you prefer girls entirely and so on. For those of you who say you do, it's most likely you haven't met the man who could change your mind yet, and believe me, he does exist.

I guess, in a personal way I feel a bit aggrieved as I'm a guy and this sort of lesbianism makes me feel left out and as if you don't need us too, which is a bit annoying.

>> No.6874729

Can I just speak as a male on /cgl/ for a moment and say fuck this guy?

>> No.6874756

As a male on /cgl/ I agree with you.

>> No.6874764

I kind of get what you're trying to say, but I think in most cases sexuality doesn't work like that. If someone's all for the ladies, they're not going to be interested in a male alternative no matter how handsome or suave he might be. There are probably exceptions, but for some people men just aren't on the radar.

>> No.6874770

As a fellow male, you sound like a gigantic faggot.

>> No.6874771

It's the same here, though I've never had sex with a girl.
I'm happy with my boyfriend, but I tried looking for girls when I was single. I really don't want to deal with the stipulations. Here in BC the gay community isn't always very friendly towards because of special snowflakes who lead them on previously(so no one is REALLY bi!), or they think you need to 'pick a team'

>> No.6874802

>I feel a bit aggrieved as I'm a guy and this sort of lesbianism makes me feel left out
Well on behalf of all straight men, I am sorry us being straight makes you feel left out too. I genuinely mean it. <3

>> No.6875023

>Here in BC the gay community isn't always very friendly towards because of special snowflakes who lead them on previously(so no one is REALLY bi!)

That feel
So many lesbian girls who say that they'd never date a bisexual girl.....................

>> No.6875123

I've never encountered any person who so completely personifies entitlement.

"boohoo lesbians don't need me whyyy"

Why would a girl interested in other girls bother to put in all the extra effort to find the guy to change her mind. It would be a lot more work and disappointment.

>> No.6875311


You're completely backtracking. You go from dating guys cause you don't want to kill the relationship between you and your parents to some story about "other good qualities" being more important than sex, completely irrelevant.

Speaking of irrelevant, your b) response is also the same. What you tell them and what you force yourself to marry are two completely different things. Nothing up to this point had anything to do with what you TELL them.

>> No.6875887

bump up to page 1

>> No.6877248

How is that irrelevant? I'm attracted to both men and women, but I don't want to date someone just *because* they're attractive, or just to satisfy my parents, I date that person because I like more than just their genitalia. But I don't see the need to call my parents up and inform at random them of how great I think vagina is, because it's totally unnecessary & would only upset them. If that means I'm lying to them, as I addressed in b) and you accuse me of doing in
then I'm ok with this. I don't feel like any relationship I've been in has been 'forced'. Everything up until this point had something to do with what I tell my parents, because how would they know anything about my sexual preference unless I tell them? They live like 300 miles away. Unless I plan on bringing this kind of thing to their attention by asking for their approval, it's really not any of their business. What would be the point in ruining the relationship I have with my family by doing so?
sage because this shit isn't rocket science and I'm starting to get tired of explaining it.