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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6857351 No.6857351 [Reply] [Original]

A-kon thread! Only a little over a week left.

>What are you cosplaying as?
>Which panels are you going to?
>Any plans?
>Thoughts on the new hotel

Also, when/where did we decide to meet up?

>> No.6857365

>What are you cosplaying as?
Just wearing some lolita all 3 days
>Which panels are you going to?
Some of the VA panels, Anime Hell, Misfits of Comedy, Hilariously Improbable One Piece Theories, and Destruction of Tokyo. Might walk in on a few others if I get bored.
>Any plans?
Other than the panels and typical convention things like shopping and taking photos? Not really. Although I might try to catch up with a few convention friends of mine and hang out with them.
>Thoughts on the new hotel
It's about damn time. The Sheraton was nice, but crowded as fuck. I haven't been to the Anatole, but I'd assume that it's bigger since they went through all the trouble of moving the convention there.

>> No.6857375

>What are you cosplaying as?
Wig should be here any day, adding some finishing touches to the dress. Almost there
>Which panels are you going to?
Probably none. I'm only going to be there Saturday
>Any plans?
Photos, dealers room, artists alley, usual stuff.
>Thoughts on the new hotel
Never been there

>> No.6857380

>What are you cosplaying as?
The Pyromancer from Dark Souls, Miku Hatsune with giant leek, and possibly my old Judas costume if its not too hot.
>Which panels are you going to?
Anything involving drawing or art. Artist interviews too.
>Any plans?
Hang with friends, meet new ones.
>Thoughts on the new hotel
Hopefully it will matter this time and help them crack down on all the idiots that like to show up.

>> No.6857410

>What are you cosplaying as?
Just wearing lolita, no cosplays.
Waiting for my skirt to arrive from my SS. Yay for last minute stuff.
>Which panels are you going to?
Mostly lolita events. Maybe a Hetalia panel with one of my roommates. Going to the concert, as well.
>Any plans?
Shopping, hanging out with friends, taking pictures.
>Thoughts on the new hotel
My group broke down on the highway in front of the Anatole a couple years ago and ventured in looking for bathrooms and a place to charge a phone. I only saw the front around the info desk and what was visible from there, but it looks pretty nice.

>> No.6857413
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>What are you cosplaying as?
Watashi from Jinrui
Still have a lot to do and I'm getting really stressed out now
>Which panels are you going to?
none planned right now
>Any plans?
friends from canada and south carolina are coming for the con... who knows
>Thoughts on the new hotel
Last a-kon was my first convention ever and I really enjoyed the Sheraton. The Anatole looks nice though, but It doesn't seem to be in an as convenient location.

>> No.6857416

>What are you cosplaying as?
Okabe from Steins;Gate, Burgh from Pokemon Black/White
Just need to sew the stripes on the Burgh pants and make a v-neck in the shirt
>Which panels are you going to?
Mostly comedy and old-school panels and Horror of It All. Also, I'm hosting Hilariously Improbable One Piece Theories.
>Any plans?
Entering the karaoke competition for the hell of it.
>Thoughts on the new hotel
Passed by it once- from the outside, at least, it's a nice hotel.

>> No.6857659

>What are you cosplaying as?
rx 78 gundam
um... i started last night
>Which panels are you going to?
none planned
>Any plans?
>Thoughts on the new hotel
never been to akon before
Also, when/where did we decide to meet up?

>> No.6857898
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>What are you cosplaying as?
Magical girl, arrancar, idol, old hag, other magical girl

Not nearly enough, luckily only one of those is new

>Which panels are you going to?
Probably none of them. The only one that I cared about is first thing on friday

>Any plans?
Photoshoots out the ass and some other shit.

>Thoughts on the new hotel
So excited! The hotel is beautiful and huge.

>> No.6857966

When and where did we decide to meet up, anyways?
I know we usually meet up under the stairs, but with the hotel having changed n all, are we still able to?

>> No.6858873

>What are you cosplaying as?
I'm just a lolita.
I'm hoping this dress I ordered gets here any day now! I'd like to wear it to the con.
>Which panels are you going to?
Swap meet. I haven't checked the other panels yet.
>Any plans?
This is my first time going to A-Kon, so I plan to have fun?
>Thoughts on the new hotel
I've been here before. It's really nice! I'm worried about the art, though.

>> No.6858977

Why does everyone keep missing the already existing thread? Lurk more.

>> No.6859359

no one is missing it, it's nearly full and it's overrun by tripfags.

>> No.6859609

the other thread is tainted by smoker and other worthless trash, it's not worth posting in

>> No.6859630

>What are you cosplaying as?
No cosplay, just lolita.
Coords are done, gotta finish trimming up/styling my wigs though.
>Which panels are you going to?
Didn't have plans to attend any, it will be my fiancé's little brother's first con so we're pretty much just gonna hang out with him and do what he wants to do.
>Any plans?
Babysitting a 20-year-old, buying lots of cute things in the AA, and probably lots of drinkin'.
>Thoughts on the new hotel
Looks nice! I just hope disrespectful weebs don't fuck shit up.

Also >>6857966:
>Anyway, traditional akon meet up is going to be Friday near the eatery that is next to the escalators at around 8-9pm. I'm not sure of my, or plenty of other attendees, plans. So with that in mind we plan late. Friday is always the least busy day, and that night is normally not planned for. As far as the time is concerned I have a final that day and may be leaving late in the afternoon, and as the person that always seems to take initiative for a meet I set the time and plan accordingly. The location, because of the new hotel, is somewhat of a mystery. Due to the under the escalator tradition, the meet up will be at the closest reenactment of previous meets simply because it would not feel right at any other location.
Courtesy of smoker.

>> No.6860073

A-Kon Guidebook app is up now.

>> No.6860085

>What are you cosplaying as?
Viking Norway (Hetalia), Holo (Spice & Wolf), still can't decide for Sunday... maybe Shion (No.6) or a casual lolita coord

Holo needs the black fur trim, rest of the tunic collar stitched, necklace, slight wig trim up, and a little touch up to the ears. Still a lot to do (a lot of handsewing), but it's like 80% there. And I need to prep my basket of apples--if anyone takes my picture they get an apple!

>Which panels are you going to?
Hetalia, some cosplay ones, Masquerade, industry panels

>Any plans?
Hanging with friends from the yaoi club, Masquerade, maybe making some Hetalia friends... I'm just going to try and enjoy the con and have fun. My gf is going to come hang with me in the lobby for a bit, so I'm excited to be part of her first con experience.

>Thoughts on the new hotel
I've only been to A-kon once before, but I'm glad they have a new space. I'm still frustrated with transportation, but I am very happy they have a larger place.

>> No.6860158

Your holo cosplay idea is cute, but I'm 99% sure you're not allowed to hand out food of any kind.

>> No.6860193


That is quite distressing. Perhaps I will just keep the apples to myself then.

>> No.6860206


I just did a quick look and I was not 100% thorough, but on A-kon's site all I could find was that some venues/hotels may not allow outside food or drink. I don't want to risk anything, so I'll be cautious. Yes, I looked into fake apples but it's considerably cheaper (and tastier) to use real ones.

>> No.6860305

I thought we decided to meet up Friday at 8 or something like that, somewhere in the lobby, though I could be wrong.

>What are you cosplaying as?
Friday: Fem Psycho (Borderlands) and Juri Han (Street Fighter IV)
Caturday: Yoko (Gurren Lagann)

Working on attaching a brake lever to the Buzz Axe (Borderlands) and patching up Yoko's rifle.

>Which panels are you going to?
Probably none of them. I always forget to go to panels.

>Any plans?
I don't have any meetups I'm going to but I'm more interested in hanging out with my friends anyway.

>Thoughts on the new hotel
Looks fucking awesome, and it should offer some interesting scenery for photos.

>> No.6860430
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>What are you cosplaying as?
Junko (Dangan Ronpa), Vriska (Homestuck), Duke of Detroit (Motorcity)

I still have a lot to do actually. please kill me

>Which panels are you going to?
I took over running the Homestuck panel for someone so probably just that.

>Any plans?
Going out with friends, running some photoshoots, dealers room , AA, the usual

>Thoughts on the new hotel
looks hella awesome. am excite.

>> No.6860441

omg juri and yoko i wanna see

>> No.6860460

>What are you cosplaying as?
Chihiro (Dangan Ronpa), Natalia (Tales of the Abyss), Aranea (Homestuck), and Mikasa (Attack on Titan)
>Which panels are you going to?
None. I was originally going to buy the weekend pass for the Homestuck and RWBY panels but decided against it.
>Any plans?
Hanging out with friends all weekend.
>Thoughts on the new hotel
It looks amazing from the pictures, I just hope that the con-goers don't screw this up.

>> No.6860468

>What are you cosplaying as?
Banjo from Banjo Kazooie and Ness

Just got done this week.

>Which panels are you going to?
Don't know yet, a few I guess.

>Any plans?
Just having a good time.

>Thoughts on the new hotel
Should be awesome

>> No.6860560

>yaoi club

Wtf is this shit?

>> No.6860602

Is anyone gonna be there on Thursday btw?

Not sure if sarcastic or actually serious?
I actually just finished re-making about 90% of my Yoko cosplay so it looks tons better now

Juri still looks like a mess but long hair don't care.

Looking forward to Banjo! I miss that game.

>> No.6860615

definitely serious you have a cosplay or devianttart page or anything

>> No.6860623


"This shit" is a local, private anime club in DFW focusing on yaoi/boys' love/slash.

>> No.6860626

I won't be there, but i wanna see pics of your Banjo!

>> No.6860667

I would but I have no pics at the moment. Sorry

>> No.6860668

Cool I even made Kazooie and a jiggy.

>> No.6860671

I'll be getting there on Thursday.

>> No.6860680

If I don't get a picture of you this weekend I'm going to ugly cry.

I have a page on Facebook where I post more of my costume shit, just look up "Syren Cosplay".

Cool, I'm not sure when I'll be getting there Thursday because i'm driving from a friend's house in Tulsa, but I'm assuming it'll be in the early afternoon.

>> No.6860741


We could be friends, you and I

>> No.6860745

Lol I'm sure well run into each other. How could you miss a guy cosplaying a bear with a bird on his back. Lol

I'm heading out from OK city and we hope to be there by the afternoon.

>> No.6860748

hello, i'm a wizard. and i hope to fix that at akon.


>> No.6860799


sounds ripe with weebs and landwhales, have fun I guess.

>> No.6860801

>What are you cosplaying as?
Recycling last year's cosplay because it was comfy: Matryoshka Gumi

Like 80%, haven't tried my wig this year and can't find my other sock.

>Which panels are you going to?
Pretty much none! Awkward Zombie if I can catch it.

>Any plans?
Volunteering and shopping!

>Thoughts on the new hotel
I hope it's easy to navigate. And cooler.
And I'm gonna miss the food plaza.

>> No.6860822

>What are you cosplaying as?
Jane, rule 63 Sollux, and Vriska. all Homestuck so I doubt most of you care

everything's done finally! thank god

>Which panels are you going to?
the hs one and probably a LK one and some other stuff (the horror movie one looks interesting)

>Any plans?
hanging out with friends, shopping, taking pictures. a friend I haven't seen in over a year is coming down from NJ so I'm pretty excited about that

>Thoughts on the new hotel
it looks really nice I'm excited!

>> No.6860980

The only reason I said it was because the Artist Alley has a very strict "no food" policy for obvious reasons; who knows what might end up in that stuff. There's no way for them to thoroughly inspect food items for quality so unless they're factory sealed (like the stuff in the Dealer's Room). So I think it'd be pretty obvious that if the artists can't sell food then the general attendees definitely shouldn't be able to just hand it out, as pure as your intentions may be.

Besides, Holo is a selfish bitch about her apples and never shares them anyway. You'd be totally out-of-character, lol.

>> No.6860986

Also what is sentence structure

>> No.6862647

that's not cosplay.

>> No.6863003

Heard from a friend doing artist alley that the new hotel layout means you need a badge to browse that area now. Anyone can confirm or speculate?

>> No.6863045
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>my face when the girl i have serious feels for and have been having major relationship drama with as of late is gonna be at a-kon and i feel as if the reckoning is at hand

i just wanted to go and have fun and stuff for the weekend like i do every year, but instead.. it's happening. a real life happening is upon me.

>> No.6863055

Just ignore her, anon. It'll all be ok. Make sure you're in a GROUP of friends (we'll be your friends) and you should be A-OK.

>> No.6863088


There's were over 20K people at the last A-Kon. You should be able to ignore her/lose yourself in the crowd easily. For example, one of my incredibly shitty exes was there last year, and I never even laid eyes on him once. (My friends kept saying "hey I saw Douchebag! Have you seen him?!" and I never did... score. He was apparently at the rave the same time I was, and I never saw him once in the crowd.)

If you know what kind of shit that girl always goes to at cons... just don't go to it. Easy peasy.

>> No.6863149

Sounds like it could be true since I think AA is in a ballroom this year.

>> No.6863156
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but i actually WANT to see her. i've just been anxious about the whole thing is all. she's been really 'difficult' as of late and, well, maybe it's not something i should go on about in a con thread, but damn i just wish she would be less difficult.

>we'll be your friends

that part's fine though

>> No.6863266
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Just go...

And post a greentext story about it when you get back.

>> No.6863491
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>What are you cosplaying as?

Freya (ffix). Pic related.

90% complete.
>Which panels are you going to?

Not sure yet.
>Any plans?

Will be competing the the main cosplay contest.
>Thoughts on the new hotel

Looks pretty awesome.

>> No.6863511
File: 956 KB, 706x1000, 1369282435524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you cosplaying as?
Shizuo from DRRR
Dark Flame Master from Chuu2
Sugata from Star Driver
Need to style a wig and maybe remake a chain. for DFM
>Which panels are you going to?
>Any plans?
秘密 go to the SAO shoot and try to fit in as a kirito OC
>Thoughts on the new hotel
I hope there are liquor stores close by.

pic unrelated

>> No.6863513

If you are white and a pretty cool guy just drink with me.

>> No.6863614

>What are you cosplaying as?
Samwise Gamgee
Done, just need potatoes to pass out.
>Which panels are you going to?
Some lolita panels, really haven't looked at the schedule yet.
>Any plans?
Set up as many photo shoots as possible, get photo shoots for my friends, spend most of the con alone, probably spend about a third of the con trying to maintain my anxiety in the hotel room away from people.
>Thoughts on the new hotel
No idea, looks incredible! We'll see. This is my first time back since 2007, so I'm nervous.

>> No.6863696


Registration and Artist Alley are in the same ballroom so you could likely get away without a badge for checking out the AA

>> No.6863722

that looks amazing! Freya is one of my favorite ff characters of all time. I love that you're wearing the snout, since it's weird when Freya cosplayers don't have it.

>> No.6863933

Sakura (street fighter), Lucy (fairy tail), and Lizbeth (SAO)
>What are you cosplaying as?
Sakura and Lucy are done, got half my mock-up for Liz done, just need to finish that and then bring everything together. Oh, and petticoats. Waiting on fucking petticoats.

Had planned on entering the VG costume contest. That's about it.
>Which panels are you going to?

Not really, I'm going alone/am new to this region.
>Any plans?

No opinion. First a-kon.
>Thoughts on the new hotel

>> No.6863947

Street fighter and Borderlands cosplays?
We should be friends.

I was supposed to bring tannis, but canned it for anime based costumes..

>> No.6863993

Did the old thread already start autosaging already?

>> No.6864628
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>What are you cosplaying as?
Taiga (Toradora), Mor (Magi), Raymoo (2hu)

Still have Reimu to finish and make all of the accessories for Mor.

And need to finish Sinbad, Ja'far, and Ryuuji for other people.

>Which panels are you going to?
Don't really have plans for any panel stuff.

>Any plans?
Checking out the concert, iron cosplay, photoshoots, usual convention stuff.

>Thoughts on the new hotel
Yes yes yes. I'm super excited for how big the hotel is going to be! Hooray for space to move around, which means hopefully less BO smell clogging up the hallway. I just hope convention goers won't screw it up for everyone and we get kicked out next year.

>> No.6864941
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>Those cosplays
You got any photos of you?

>> No.6864981
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No, they just decided they were too good for the old thread, too intimidated by the trips.

>> No.6865000

I just checked, yes it was autosaging.

Also, who's that handsome debonair devil in OP's photo?

>> No.6865159

>What are you cosplaying as?
Head from Star Driver
Sailor Mars
Maybe Izaya from DRRR.
Need to buy new pants for Izaya.
>Which panels are you going to?
Lol panels.
>Any plans?
>Thoughts on the new hotel
It looks really nice, so I'm excited for it.

>> No.6865622
File: 84 KB, 480x640, shizuchaaaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hope you like giant and shadowy.

>> No.6865635

>What are you cosplaying as?
Hamsteak and off shit.
>Which panels are you going to?
iron artist,improv, team fourstar, homestuck
>Any plans?
nothing too crazy. I plan on handing out some free buttons and stuff throughout the convention!
>Thoughts on the new hotel
very excited considering i've spent my last two conventions at the sheraton and from what i can tell, its absolutely beautiful!

im skeptical about the food cupons business. I end up spending 7 dollars on a hot dog thats normally $2, but coupons are a lot easier to spend than cash is.
I imagine thats the intention.

>> No.6865780

>What are you cosplaying as?
Hagakure (Dangan Ronpa), Joseph Joestar (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), Wako (Star Driver), might possibly bring my Quote (Cave Story) idk
>Which panels are you going to?
none really interest me
>Any plans?
Jojo posing meetup, battlepods, might go to the concert
>Thoughts on the new hotel
looks pretty nice, looking forward to checking it out

>> No.6866039

Aw man that's too bad!
What costumes are you bringing?

>> No.6866093

I'll bet it's that smoker dude
he's the biggest brony I know

>> No.6866398

oh hey that's me..
a weird angle but yeah.. I'm pretty tall.

>> No.6866419
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heres a better one. fag.

>> No.6866437

>What are you cosplaying as?
We'll see.
Yui jacket is still not ready. So yeah, it won't be done in time for A-Kon.
>Which panels are you going to?
Ani-Idol and the jeopardy panels.
>Any plans?
Attend the /cgl/ meetup and hopefully i'll find my next 3D at A-Kon. I haven't given up hope yet, I still believe! (somewhat)
>Thoughts on the new hotel
Haven't seen it yet those the pictures look amazing.

>> No.6866439
File: 79 KB, 454x759, woopwoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you, here's some Dark Flame progress.

>> No.6866443

My ass looks fantastic. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.6866461
File: 97 KB, 803x532, 2TR_0648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I have 5 minuets of fame.
Here is my lolita coord. hope you like.

>> No.6866467

ita as fuck 2/10

>> No.6866474


2/10 would not have tea with

>> No.6866606

More like jabroni. Amirite?

>> No.6866714
File: 70 KB, 500x375, 27b2kmts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking a moment to plug my Kuroshitsuji Character Q&A panel because fuck they gave me a large room and I don't want a half empty room.

DeLaSalle room, Friday at 6:00pm-7:00pm

>> No.6866791

So A-kon is my first con, will I hate it?

>> No.6866801

Depends entirely upon who you are and what you make of it.

>> No.6866803

I hate weaboos. I don't know what panels to attend or what to do.

>> No.6866807

Look at the list, any you see that seem interesting or like hilarity might happen go to it, you can leave at any time. It's akon, so they won't be all that good, and you really need to know the fine line of making fun of people and getting kicked out.

>> No.6866812

Cool thanks for the information bro. If you run around with a sign that says "I'm smoker" I'll thank you or something

>> No.6866839
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God damn, I know that feel bro . . . At Akon regularly, and my ex wants nothing to do with me. The hardest part is letting go . . .

>> No.6866989
File: 224 KB, 720x960, 60660_10151604683654715_552023764_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you cosplaying as?
Gurren Lagann
wearing my suit with the gurren lagann helmet
Akiba red's human form

gurren lagann is long done, been done since ikkicon and anime matsuri, akibared is almost done

>Which panels are you going to?
just the monster attack team panel, that's it

>Any plans?
Just spending time with my friends and having fun

>Thoughts on the new hotel
from what i've heard its awesome, i just hope no idiots steal the lightbulbs from the elevators again

>> No.6867112

I felt bad for the mat people when I went. It seemed like a lot if people were just there and didn't understand what it was.

>> No.6867120
File: 49 KB, 216x200, 1343996302910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afest has better panels and guests. Akon has better bands. Just drink and meet people and avoid most panels before 5. I'll be in thread on my phone all weekend and I'll just meet up with random people. I run around with a bunch of fellow cgl people and anyone is welcome to hang out.

>> No.6867467

>better bands
I'm not saying that /mu/ is anything near decent, but holy shit.

Akon is for the older panels and the 22 thousand people congregating in one place. Other cons are better managed and have better events and better just about everything. Akon is an aging dinosaur that is out of touch with the common illiterate surfs like you and me.

>> No.6867497

They had better bands, back in the early 2000s. I'm not even into J-music but I knew the bands they used to book.

I think people still hold onto that even though I don't think they've booked a well known japanese band in years.

>> No.6867516

Broooo, what day are you wearing this?
I'm sad I never got a pic with you at Ikki!

>> No.6867576

I'm not saying Akon bands are good either. Just that it's better than what afest has.

>> No.6867665

i'm wearing it saturday, i only got to wear him at ikkicon for the contest, and at anime matsuri, i was at photoshoots for so long i was too tired to wear him afterwards, but this time, i'm just wearing him on the convnetion floor, so say hi if you see me!

one thing that irritated me, was people just entering the room, getting free stuff, and walking out. the MAT guys are awesome and I look forward to there panel every year

>> No.6867677

what are some good photographers that are going to be there? i don't know a lot about texas photographers

>> No.6867702

So for you tripfags, what do you like to be called when internet strangers approach you? Would you rather them call you by your trip, or if you're one of those with internet weirdos on your Facebook would you rather be called by your real name?

>> No.6867756

Your better off not talking to them

>> No.6867840
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You're just as big of a dick as they are.

>> No.6867909

Has anyone ever participated in the scavenger hunt? Is it any fun?

>> No.6867919
File: 439 KB, 499x496, 1369159449899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I've never talked to you before smoker is fine, but I'll introduce myself nice and proper and by that point it really doesn't matter what you call me. smoker, Forrest, Faggot, hey tall fat guy. It really, I don't care when it comes to the seagulls.

>> No.6867930

Speaking of faggot..
You've changed over the years. Where is the smoker I use to know :(

>> No.6868238

Which one? The angry one? The one that makes fun of everyone? The one that only posts about matching digits? The one that complains about his irl issues? The one that just talks about dota? The wild and crazy guy at cons?

I have many faces. I'm just too tired for this shit.

>> No.6868338

Eh, Slutcliff is fine to me.

>> No.6868476

If I dress up like a Visual Kei rocker will the girls think I'm kawaii?

>> No.6868500


Not unless you are asian.

>> No.6869046
File: 31 KB, 300x379, hepburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss your saucy belligerent self. That one was fun.

On an unrelated note, I am all packed, I have never been ready for a con this early before, I feel so accomplished.

>> No.6869138

I don't care, Syren works, or Lola.

>> No.6869506
File: 70 KB, 640x918, ElevatorAction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could tell the ecstatic joy that flowed through your veins every time you looked awkwardly at me.
So much fun.

>> No.6869556
File: 78 KB, 497x452, fdsfgdsfgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a giggle.
You know it's bad when this is the best response they could come up with.

>> No.6869641

can you honestly blame them? a-kon attracts the most immature people i've ever seen, i've been to tons of cons but my god, the insane ones seem to come out in waves to a-kon. watch the lightbulbs will be gone out of the elevators by thursday night

>> No.6869806

I keep hearing about the crazies and the hijinks, but what else is there, specifically? I always hear Akon is the worst about this stuff but no one ever elaborates. Do they steal all the toilet paper from all the bathrooms or something?

>I probably shouldn't have said that.

>> No.6869847


well for starters, I've heard of stories of pranks and stuff, but the one i know of first hand is lightbulbs being constantly stolen out of the elevators, meaning you are riding in them in the dark. I've heard other stories of similar pranks but i can't remember them offhand

>> No.6869851

Lightbulbs unscrewed and stolen from elevators leaving them pitch black, furniture being moved from floor to floor, potted plants finding new homes inside the elevators, things being dumped off of balconies...

>> No.6869956

This makes me incredibly weary of wanting to go in cosplay considering I'm not too keen on how well stains will wash out of bridal satin.

>> No.6870066

>no hentaifest
>no yaoi/yuri fest

welp, this is gonna be a real shit stinking turd.

>> No.6870181


Ah, but it's due to shit stinking turds that there's no more Hentaifest! Yep, people actually shit up the room at the last one ever held. Plus other bodily fluids everywhere. The volunteers cleaned it up, but after that they all quit, for obvious reasons. A con badge ain't worth it if you gotta clean up biological waste to get it. Maybe if people hadn't been pigfuck disgusting, Hentaifest would still exist. See: why we can't have nice things.

(Yaoi/yuri fest died due to bitchdrama.)

>> No.6870516

bump bump bump

>> No.6870535

Meh, ok doesn't sound that bad, pretty much like any large convention. Is it true the Anatole is draining their fountain, anyone know?

>> No.6870540

Were used to fountains not being on anyway.

>> No.6870577


Yes, they are draining the reflecting pool. Mostly for safety reasons, they don't want some dumb teen to take a header into it while walking & staring intently at their phone. Also, come on, you know if that thing was full, it'd be full of trash and people would be pushing their friends into it all day every day. Cons bring out the worst in people.

>> No.6870584

Oddly enough, most of the cons with fountains I've been to had left them up and running. Besides the vinegar bomb at Animefest, no one ever did anything. I'm surprised no one ever soaped them.

>> No.6870642

but people soaped the Hyatt fountain every year...

>> No.6870695

Still not as bad as the messes slutkip makes. Bitch gets blue on everything.

>> No.6870704

I can not believe I missed that. I am so disappointed now.

The pictures were so great.

>> No.6870748

I didn't hear any horror stories about slutkip this past year, did she go? or did a-kon finally ban her?

>> No.6871070
File: 51 KB, 800x533, rocky being punched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will someone punch smoker in the face for me? I won't be there so I won't be able to do it myself.

>> No.6871162
File: 151 KB, 621x621, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good thing I drank all that estus if I'm gonna get pu-

>> No.6871164

Ever since the drama that happened a few weeks back, it's more of a 50/50 chance I get called by either my name or Jebus. But either is fine by me.
The lightbulbs will be spared this year since the elevator is glass and people will see what you do. But I agree, it's bad enough the landwhales will be out in full force due to lolita panels and other things (like dolls in strollers). Hopefully, nothing bad will happen....oh, who am I kidding?

>> No.6871234
File: 27 KB, 500x311, 12-08-28-running-man-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another year , another hide and seek bell race!
join us friday and saturday!

>> No.6871242

>The lightbulbs will be spared this year since the elevator is glass and people will see what you do.
>elevator is glass and people will see what you do.
>people will see what you do

There are so many things that are going to happen now that are worse than just stolen light bulbs.

>> No.6871452

what is this?

>> No.6871536
File: 15 KB, 400x285, Why Bells Hide and Seek Should Return (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we split into 2 teams, mission and chasing. the chasing team must wear bells and remove all of the mission teams nametags before time is up. the mission team has different missions ranging from finding certain cosplayers and testing their knowledge of anime/games to finding hidden things in the hotel.once the nametag is removed you are OUT but can still help your team from jail via walkie talkie. we do 3 rounds of hide and seek.

>> No.6871542

Ffff Running Man! Do want!

>> No.6872473

Finally figured out my costume plans for saturday.

I dunno about the rest of the days, may just come in normal clothes. Also this is a bump motherfuckers.

>> No.6872482
File: 72 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-05-28 at 16.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just finished Freya five minutes ago. Here's a crappy picture of the result of the first makeup test.

Note, at the time the picture, the costume was incomplete. Also, the picture was taken with a crappy webcam, hence the quality.

>> No.6872485
File: 15 KB, 513x245, tweets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked where are the escalators.

>> No.6872499

Anyone doing last-second exercising/dieting before the con?
I'm eating nothing but bananas and tuna.
Well, those are also the only things in the house, so it's like I'm being forced to diet.

>> No.6872609

If you lose any more weight, you're going to turn into Nami.

>> No.6872617

Huge tits and impossibly small waist?
Sign me up.

>> No.6872646
File: 53 KB, 463x396, IMG_0269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet you like seeing guys drool as they look at your huge tits and you crush them to the ground with the words "I have a boyfriend"

>> No.6872741

>What are you cosplaying as?
Misty from Pokemon two days and a Slytherin student one day
Just have to get my red suspenders
>Which panels are you going to?
Don't know yet but the comedy ones and team four star last year were hilarious.
>Any plans?
Doing the dances more than likely, and possibly the anime jeopardy and this hide and seek bell thing I'm hearing about
>Thoughts on the new hotel
I hope it's bigger and people don't piss off the staff haha.

>> No.6872857

that doesn't sound healthy...

I wanted to eat well this week, but then mrs. Menstrual showed up. Fuck it, I'll do what I want.

>> No.6872900

>implying syren is THAT hot
>implying that she's not just "ok" and "I guess I'll hit on her out of curtusy and gentlemanlybess"

Stefan, wiut r uy doin? Stahp bein creapy.

>> No.6872931

dude syren isn't even that pretty... total butterface. her nose is all fucked up and her face is kinda chubby. good sized boobs yes, butt is alright. bit of a bump on the stomach. 6/10

>> No.6872950


>Implying you're not a landwhale

>> No.6873000


exactly dude..

>> No.6873022

I wont be cosplaying, but you fine people should stop by the Funimation booth to say hi, I'll be working there.

[spoiler]It's my first con, so I'd like to apologize for any awkwardness in advance.

>> No.6873505


She's back.

>> No.6873542
File: 20 KB, 444x497, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone who wants to play "find the cosplay" bingo during the con.

>> No.6873550

Fourist, y must u be sow meen? ;_;
Too easy.

>> No.6873551

I don't know what liquor to bring. Sage for literally lamest contribution to thread yet.

>> No.6873645

That uh, that got real creepy right there..

I know righ--waaaait a minute....!
Nah but I do have a big nose, it's a fact.
I've considered rhinoplasty but I don't have thousands of dollars to drop on plastic surgery, so instead I'll embrace my giant nose and busted face.

>> No.6873663

Don't feed the trolls, they'll shit up the thread again.

>> No.6873669

Just for context, youre the xtan right? I'm so awful at names.

>> No.6873776

>elevator action
so that's where that comes from

>> No.6873832


>> No.6873839

No, I'm not.

>> No.6873848

This reminds me, whatever happened to Smoker's gf that everyone called a landwhale but was actually a 10/10 Aryan goddess?

>> No.6873851

I broke up with her. A while ago.

>> No.6873859
File: 13 KB, 300x200, Paris_Tuileries_Garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6873874

Cosplaying Zuko from Avatar, and wearing a Sanic mascot costume. Probably gonna carry a boombox and blare some City Escape when I do.
Only panel I'm doing is the Voice Over Idol, as a competitor. Pretty stoked.

>> No.6873887

Dude stop talking to yourself/bragging about having a hot ex. And yeah sure..... you broke up with her......

>> No.6873894
File: 7 KB, 120x153, knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not tho

>> No.6873905
File: 21 KB, 367x451, OrsonWellesThinksYou'reAFaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad decisions ahoy!

>> No.6873915
File: 17 KB, 350x277, shrug_answer_101_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6873930
File: 2.89 MB, 400x326, 1336506657801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10/10 Aryan goddess
Oh god, I need pics.

>> No.6873944
File: 390 KB, 431x661, katawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only one of her that I saved but I do recall there being others.

>> No.6873953
File: 6 KB, 160x160, 430144_236446209777922_1221708445_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6873958

She'd have to be blind to be dating smoker.

>> No.6873962
File: 25 KB, 261x284, 1287096451852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ba-dump tish

>> No.6873967

>brown eyes and in a wig

>> No.6873968
File: 26 KB, 439x355, Sakaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with my Sakaki costume~

I'm looking forward to the new hotel, I like hotels. I wish I could live in one! Especially the really classy ones. ^-^

>> No.6873977

anyone that could find her through smoker's friends on fb? maybe we could get some more pics.

>> No.6873986

OH! Do you also have tha picture of smoker with PT? That was great, he looked 20 feet wide.

>> No.6874024
File: 178 KB, 717x960, 0332187012B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem thighs, unf

>> No.6874031

woah hold on a minute, so smoker broke up with her, she cosplays, she's single

will she be at akon?

>> No.6874033

Hers or his? Lot o' meat on dem bones.

>> No.6874035

Nah, sorry man.

>> No.6874036

I was referring to hers. I would love to have them wrapped around me. His not so much.

>> No.6874041

but why

>> No.6874044

>we has a room

I'd be willing to join just to have a place to stay

>> No.6874049
File: 829 KB, 210x140, 1321591571733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6874059
File: 65 KB, 723x488, Maya_and_Sakaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should dress up like a cute little kitty! Then you can follow me around all day and I can pet you and love on you!!! ・ω・

>> No.6874228
File: 97 KB, 500x375, 1284603314287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel that most of /cgl/ wants to bone your ex?

>> No.6874236

hahaha, someone get pics of the op so we know who to avoid the fuck out of. Do people legitimately answer shit like this?

>> No.6874246
File: 2 KB, 126x107, 1279462007097s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha, someone get pics of the op so we know who to avoid the fuck out of. Do people legitimately answer shit like this?
The answer is yes, yes they do.

>> No.6874245
File: 59 KB, 300x229, 1366479077530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10/10 Aryan goddess
Someone sure is giving herself asspats today.

>> No.6874360
File: 53 KB, 343x601, 1369190458197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even mean to derail the thread this time.

>> No.6874450
File: 21 KB, 449x360, IMG_0424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anything for a fellow AzuDai fan <3

>> No.6874482

I realized today that "classy" hotels don't have fridges or microwaves so I'm actually not that pumped about the hotel anymore. The parking and internet fees are a straight ripoff, too. This hotel costs way too much. Am I just a stingy hobo bitch?

>> No.6874501

You're not staying at the main hotel?

>> No.6874504

No, I am, I wish I wasn't though it doesn't seem worth it.

>> No.6874505


That's how most cons go. The room price isn't worth it but the con itself is great (unless you're going to a con like Ushi or Ikki). You can stay with us if you want :3

>> No.6874549

Don't worry dude. She was a selfish, soul-sucking bitch and you were right to dump her.

>> No.6874559

It's not too late to switch! A lot of the cheaper hotels across the street(s) are still available. A friend of mine switched today.

>> No.6874577

Shit! I have to get a photo of that! I'll look for you~!

>> No.6874578
File: 218 KB, 495x372, djokovic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd let her suck more than just my soul.

>> No.6874630

I only just checked the schedule and I'm a little disappointed. There's a lot going on, but nothing really that interesting. I don't know. Also, no lolita panels or meets? I was kind of banking on them so I could get some decent lolita photo shoots.

>> No.6874665

Oh no I found more.

>> No.6874689

Awwwwww yeah

>> No.6874693
File: 112 KB, 271x285, 1368850164360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god...

>> No.6874727

Yes, the mention of your out of your league ex did that for you.

>> No.6874881

Well Hilton website was telling me it was too late to cancel so I'm just gonna grin and bear it and hope the pool is fancy.

You're so sweet anon!

I'm bummed by the lack of lolita stuff too, esp considering it's International Lolita Day wat

>> No.6875054 [DELETED] 


Is that a yes? We need more people tbh.

>> No.6875085


I wonder if no one submitted any lolita panels. Since the panels are all volunteer run, if no one submits any for a specific thing, then there aren't any on the schedule. Weird though, since I thought there were a bunch of Dallas lolitas.

>> No.6875109

I have no badge, but I hope to stop by with my boyfriend at some point.

I might go by myself for some time on Friday. I start a new job that's constricting my schedule as well as picking up my car Saturday morning part way between Dallas and Houston so I have to wake up early.

>> No.6875112


It's almost fucking impossible to get a panel in at A-Kon. I've tried every year and each year, I get a "We're booked" by September. That's probably why a lolita panel wasn't booked.

>> No.6875114

The Dallas lolita meet I went to last year was pretty crappy.
They're all really clicky. Even in the music video room. On top of that they allow really shitty quality to be played despite someone else voluntary to run it with better and updated music videos.

>> No.6875153

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, since based off of the A-kon FB forums it seems like the local lolitas are trying to get a list of lolita/lolita-reated events going.

I'm just looking forward to dressing up at this point, ain't no big thang. I will probably go to the bar meetup on Friday.

>> No.6875170

any fb seagull meet up page?

>> No.6875205

woah, that sounds harsh. what did she do to you?

>> No.6875275

omg event page?

>> No.6875338 [DELETED] 

Come to the swap meet guys we have Sailor Moon and Anime and Video Games and other stuff and yay let's all trade our useless shit.

>> No.6875377
File: 4 KB, 225x208, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6875386

She didn't do anything to me personally, but I've heard tales of her selfish bitch behavior from sources other than smoker and he's a much better person for dumping her instead of putting up with her bullshit just because she's mildly pretty.

>> No.6875395
File: 977 KB, 300x204, tumblr_m9ro8ycXxW1qdszopo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm already terrified of elevators, I REALLY DON'T LIKE SEEING JUST HOW FAR I WOULD FALL if something ridiculous happened

>> No.6875447 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 900x675, no_one_cares_by_jhallpokemon-d4cw2o5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She didn't do anything to me personally, but I've heard tales of her selfish bitch behavior from sources other than smoker and he's a much better person for dumping her instead of putting up with her bullshit just because she's mildly pretty.

>> No.6875455

I'm literally cringing.
What if all the weeaboos and shit heads decide to do their jumping shit and take glass or lights from the elevators and I just.

>> No.6875476 [DELETED] 

Have you ever posted on 4chan before
what are you even trying to do

>> No.6875480

shh i don't know what happened and the image was terrible and a quick search
(i'm sorry)

>> No.6875486

shhh, it's okay baby
no words now
only angry sex

>> No.6875487 [DELETED] 

I wonder how long the line for Dick Lasagna will be this year. (◕‿◕✿)

>> No.6875492

join me in angry sex via craigslist a-kon orgy
they has a room ;)))

>> No.6875500


This con is going to be fun, I can tell.

>> No.6875501 [DELETED] 

Plot Twists:
- Pixyteri makes a cameo appearance
- No stench
- No loafs of bread in elevators
- Your cause of death is not ONE TWO THREE JUMPPAAAAAAHAHAAAAA
- You can see wtf is going on at the cosplay/skit show.
- This is an anime convention.

>> No.6875508 [DELETED] 




>> No.6875512 [DELETED] 

Does anyone want me to post what I'll be bringing to the swap meet / what I have right now for trade to make a reserve trade?

>> No.6875515


Sure. My spenders group will be there as well so i'd be willing to trade with you.

>> No.6875528

not >>6875512
but I'll be attending.
What is your group swapping?

>> No.6875531


Anime, manga, pretty much whatever we have that's anime related. Anything you'd be interested in?

>> No.6875536

Mind specifying? : - )

>> No.6875545


It really depends on what you're looking for. We have anime box sets coming in, manga lots, wall scrolls, posters, and much more.

>> No.6875560

Mind just generally specifying?
Like, something you think you could get a good offer for and things you are looking for?

>> No.6875588


>things you could get a good offer for
GiTS SAC season 1 and 2, possibly my Sailor Moon DVD sets, two Code Geass DVD sets, and some other things as well. I don't know bro, I won't know exactly what i'll have until tomorrow when I pack.

>> No.6875606
File: 91 KB, 600x800, 1367994133729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you said you were gonna hold on to the Sailor Moon sets

>> No.6875664
File: 86 KB, 334x282, 1337517535956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who knows, someone might come up with an excellent offer. We'll see.

>> No.6875682

No anon, the prices are really high, even for a convention. It's why I'm staying across the street. I would rather walk a few blocks and get free parking than pay out the ass and not be able to move all weekend.

The DFW lolitas that have run panels in the past decided not to do it anymore after how last year went

>> No.6875684


>> No.6875687

This one is the most terrifying

> A-Kon, Rooming, Fun Bondage, Hilton Anatole - m4m - 23 (Dallas)

>> No.6875692
File: 8 KB, 267x200, 3I83Mc3H85N85L75Jed5s45f081aa51f613e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my shit at "I prefer this to be mostly non-sexual" immediately followed by "it can get sexual". Goddamn, he looks so mad!!

>> No.6875693

omg i cried
so beautiful

>> No.6875739

Are the Sailor Moon sets suddenly worth something? I have a pretty solid collection of extras including the Dubbed and Subbed ADV releases, Pioneer Singles and Thinpak sets (S, SuperS + Movies)

>> No.6875774

What's the a-kon dance like? I've never been to one.

>> No.6875816

How did last year go?

>> No.6876185

This, what happened?
Also bump because I'm leaving for Dallas today guyzzz*~~~

>> No.6876194
File: 110 KB, 960x960, 942320_10151396794447665_50165281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, Texas has it's own JNig wannabe now. Pic related.

>> No.6876196


I didn't get to go, but from everything I've heard it was just a lot of people asking dumb or awkward questions and they just didn't feel like bothering again.

>> No.6876213

..... Wow. And not in a good way.

>> No.6876326


Hell no. No, no, no, no, no. If you want to be femme!Ed, do it with a leather miniskirt. He would never in a million years wear this if he was a girl. No, no, no, ugh... WHY?!

>> No.6876449

Got my Saturday costume ready. Fri and Sun I think I'll either go my normal clothes, suit, or Amish Mafia.

>> No.6876523


Don't tell her that. She posted this on Facebook and said it was "the only way to genderbend". Check out her profile, most of her pictures have her making quirky "I'm a sexy nerdy girl, stick my tongue out and be random" faces.

I wish con's would have a "decency" rule that allowed them freedom to say things like this aren't ok. There's doing sexy cosplay, and then there's panties with garter belts and fuck-me boots proudly displayed cosplay.

>> No.6876540


Yeah, this is "I'm gonna look like a hooker in latex and wear a flamel jacket." This is NOT genderbent Ed. Rule 63 should still be in-character, it's not a license to walk around dressed like a whore.

Who's the cosplayer? Is she actually wearing this to A-kon?

>> No.6876553

I don't understand what the problem is besides her bad taste in anime.

>> No.6876590

dat pooch

>> No.6876613

problem is there are 20+ canon character designs that are panties, garterbelts and fuck me boots. You can make them against the dress code, but then you will have to deal with pissy cosplayers.

>> No.6876651 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 444x580, 1369022285151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you cosplaying as?


>Which panels are you going to?

>Any plans?

>Thoughts on the new hotel
fuk i wish i was going so i could check out the new hotel.

inb4 completely trashed and back to sheraton next year

>> No.6876660
File: 104 KB, 960x720, lol akon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I could go this year, the new hotel looks sweet.

>inb4 completely trashed and akon ends up at a motel 6 next year

>> No.6876677

The things I would do for a Sailor Moon Movie on DVD...

>> No.6876752
File: 1.34 MB, 3008x2000, 1307921344181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll miss you so much, my sweet, sweet, doubs

>> No.6876876


Which reminds me, I forgot my Sailor Moon at home ;_; but I still brought some good stuff to the swap meet so here's hoping for good things!

>> No.6876974


There was the normal level of con awkwardness but nothing major, it was a really fun panel with an enthusiastic audience. We didn't apply again because we weren't sure if we were going to the convention at all this year. I know some lolita panels were submitted by other people and not approved, not sure why.

>> No.6877004

considering that your ex was fairly good looking I would expect you to have better taste in women than this.

>> No.6877126


Are there any rules about selling at the swap meet? I know of a few swap meets that mention if money changes hands you're kicked out immediately but this doesn't show anything.

>> No.6877136

No selling. It kills the fun and a guy almost got kicked one year. There are many alternatives, like going to the dealers room and getting them something, etc. But no selling, unless you want to take it outside.

>> No.6877158


Fuck. I have about $3000 in video games I was going to bring but I could use the money way more than I could use most things I find at the swap meet.

>> No.6877202

People are bringing games as well, so you can always stop by, but selling isn't allowed generally. Not worth it either, the people with good stuff want to swap it, the people with bad stuff want to buy your stuff cheap - which is against the rules.

>> No.6877224


Well, like I said, it never listed it was so I wasn't sure. I understand lowballers will exist when you try to sell but I have no need for more anime or manga, and my collection is pretty well set, I just figure bringing my FF, Megaman, Mario, and tons of RPG stuff I have to clear out may be best removed at a con instead of dealing with ebay or craigslist.

>> No.6877240

FUCK FUCK FUCK I didn't have time to withdrawal physical cash from the bank today and my PIN is fucked up. Does a-kon take credit for badge purchases?

>> No.6877346

I have high standards, but It's was at that point all about the dubs.

>> No.6877545

How's the line?

>> No.6877697

You're good, they have full cash registers so they're doing cash, debit, and credit!

Also god help everyone in the pre-reg line. We did on-site and were through the line in about an hour, but the pre-reg line looks like a 4+ hour wait.

>> No.6877706

Thank god. I knew ikki had credit.

Yeah my friends told me not to pre-reg, the line is super long. we buy once we get there.

>> No.6877712
File: 76 KB, 720x960, 971764_10151636455122888_1119610776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my only costume because I hate myself enough to do full mascot in Texas close to summer.

They'll be two of us roaming around at night.

>> No.6877770

I'm going to hate the hell out of you.

>> No.6877799

Oh my fucking god, make sure you do his actions too (no moving if the person you're following is looking)
You'll scare so many peopleq

>> No.6877813

Oh god, you fucker.

>> No.6877815

Please hire some guy to follow you from a distance with a camera while you stalk people.

I want youtube videos of this.

>> No.6877819

Please go to the rave and just stare at people.

>> No.6877826
File: 482 KB, 400x300, tumblr_m8dda8NwFF1r8piu1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dfw no masquerade again

>> No.6877876


People submitted for one and they got responses up until about 2 months ago, then they were told they'd have to submit for next year. There were also rumors that it was because they didn't want competition with the Steampunk Formal. I just want whoever runs it to ensure it's actual ballroom style music and not rave music, like the last few had.

>> No.6877924
File: 1.94 MB, 320x177, j-jonah-jameson-laughing-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have friends telling me they went to the pre-reg line, thinking they would be out of there within an hour or less

This con is going to be so much fun...

>> No.6877940
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 305923_10151116929127051_1424951648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you cosplaying as?
Ninjask-themed Bug Expert pokemon trainer.
Still need to dye my beige vest yellow and make some sort of wing implement. Was thinking of lining the ring of my bug net with red triangles.
>Which panels are you going to?
No idea. Prolly gonna go the one with Katie Tiedrich.
>Any plans?
Wing it.
>Thoughts on the new hotel
Practically inaccessible, no longer a simple walk to the train station. Damn.

Picture related. Was my (unfinished) costume from last year. That's me on the far right.

>> No.6877981

what's it from.

>> No.6878002


That's SCP-173. Google can do the rest for you.

>> No.6878027


oh god.. it's almost time. it's really happening, isn't it?

oh god

>> No.6878033
File: 999 KB, 500x300, 1369714078620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wing it.

>> No.6878088

is that collin college youre standing in front of?

>> No.6878120



>> No.6878290

If anyone wants to play running man then keep and eye out for 6'5 black pokemon breeders. Will will explain the rules and teams.

>> No.6878321


@ ____@ Will you do this Sunday too? It's the only day I can go and I love the show.

>> No.6878328


Can someone explain this to me?

>> No.6878339

watch the korean variety show running man to understand

>> No.6878340

We can try Sunday but most of us leave around 3-4.

Its a korean variety show that we imitate at akon every year. This year we are thinking of making the games into drinking ones.

>> No.6878347

T ___T omg nooo all of my sads
all of them
I will have to play next year or at the next anime convention in Dallas which I forgot the name of

>> No.6878358

We also play at A-fest. Is there no way you can come Sat/Fri?

We are playing the thief card game and everyone who guesses wrong has to take a shot.

>> No.6878370

getting a car from my grandma between dallas and houston saturday so not really and have to wake up early and that day so early to bed tomorrow
plus I'm baking like 3 or 4 batches of cookies x .x

>> No.6878383

Sheeet I'm packin. Got a presentation tomorrow, and off we go!

>> No.6878390

We will play a game in your memory then!

I will bake 2 dozen cookies and everyone will take turns eating 1. First person to find the cookie made with salt has to drink but may pick 3 others to drink with them.

>> No.6878395

omg thank you anon

>> No.6878406

Just remember when you see a group of huge intimidating black pokemon breeders that we are some pretty cool guys.

See you at Afest!

>> No.6878432 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 180x279, Burgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be Burgh from Pokemon tomorrow.
Feel free to say hi to me or engage me in some conversation.

>> No.6878559


The rumors are just rumors. It's mostly an issue of time. There isn't worry about it competing with Steampunk ball.

>> No.6878639

I need stories, photos, and most importantly- how's the food situation?

>> No.6878652

Huh. Kinda glad I'm not going this year. All the drama of a new location, plus I'm sure there's gonna be a mess regardless.

Mind you, I really wish I _could_ go to a con this year. But I am broked this year. Tooth repairs, new car bills... I'm already have issues just having enough to eat at the end of the month.

((REALLLLY hope I get the promotion at work. 2k more a month? YES PLEASE!))

Share photos and stories damn it! Some of us need to live through you lot! :p

>> No.6878659

Me and my buds almost didn't make it due to one of our core three being horrible with money.
We has a hospitality suite at Hilton Anatole and only me and my brother saved the funds, he didn't.

So me and my bro, instead of spending 700 each, just folded, cancelled our reservation earlier in the week and just got a double at the doubletree.

First year I won't be staying in a suite. Too much money problems.

>> No.6878932

Can we start a new thread that isn't completely off topic and while we're at it the image is the logo so we don't have to browse the catalog again and again? I'd rather have the thread be about what's going on NOW and coming up.

>> No.6878961


there, this thread was about to max out anyway