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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 47 KB, 400x400, The_Creep_Lonely_Island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6872968 No.6872968 [Reply] [Original]

Creeper thread, GO!

>> No.6872977

Only con I've ever been too, a bunch of guys kept hitting on and taking pictures of my twelve year old sister. She wasn't in costume, just dressed normally. She's really polite, so she couldn't tell them off. It was awful.

>> No.6872987

Some ugly guy said I looked cute in my Sailor Mars cosplay. I was so creeped out I stayed in my hotel room for the whole weekend. Ugly people like that guy should be shot in the balls.

>> No.6872988
File: 531 KB, 748x556, creepy british guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really feel unsafe going to british cons when filth like this is allowed to walk free

>> No.6872994

My friend told me about a groups of guys who woudn't stop taking pictures of a friend of her's young daughter, who was dressed up, for like 15 minutes.

>> No.6872998


At least he's kinda cute. The creepers at American cons are all ugly dudes. I wouldn't mind some guy who looks like John Barrowman stalking me. It's romantic when a hot guy does it. Seriously, how many creeper stories involve hot guys doing the stalking?

>> No.6873005

you can take a compliment like a champ

>> No.6873008


You wouldn't say that if you saw him. He was basically undressing me with his eyes. Besides, he was UGLY! Doesn't that mean anything to you? If you were a woman you'd understand.

>> No.6873011

trust me, when someone creeps on you and makes you feel uncomfortable, looks have little to do with it. I've been creeped on by 'attractive' guys before and it still doesnt feel good.

>> No.6873015

> I wouldn't mind some guy who looks like John Barrowman stalking me. It's romantic when a hot guy does it. Seriously, how many creeper stories involve hot guys doing the stalking?

You are seriously deluded if you think anyone WANTS to be stalked

>> No.6873019

Wtf is wrong with you? Being stalked is one of the most terrifying experiences in the world. I don't care if he's the most beautiful man in the world, that shit is still unnerving.

>> No.6873032


What's wrong with a hot guy you met somewhere friend you on Facebook and call you hot?

>> No.6873035


You know how many women who consider the shit Edward Cullen pulls in the Twilight series "romantic"?


You need help, and a better understanding of what stalking is

>> No.6873036

Depends...how did he find my Facebook?

>> No.6873037

Nothing but you sure don't seem to understand what stalking is.

>> No.6873042
File: 235 KB, 500x691, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other Riley fans out there? Well, someone found this. Fist training.

>> No.6873045


It's when an ugly guy shows interest ina woman way out of his league.

>> No.6873047

What has he done?

>> No.6873048
File: 33 KB, 900x704, autism_awareness__sonic_and_shadow__by_theclockoogang-d5hljqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In come the betas.

>> No.6873049

>and be open to fist training

That alone made me cringe irl

>> No.6873054

No sane woman does. trust me. stalking is fucking creepy-- and twilight is bullshit. that author has mental issues.

>> No.6873058

She's so tsundere.

>> No.6873066


>Wah wah wah, pretty girls don't want to touch >my pee pee so they're doo doo heads

Every butthurt Asspie rant ever.

>> No.6873070

No kidding. I was stalked by some guy that wouldn't take no for an answer at my former place of employment and it was some of the most terrifying shit in my life. I always ran on the bus hyperventilating and burst into tears when I got home. I was so scared that it was hard for me to even identify him when supervisors wanted me to point him out so that police action could be taken. A few days later, his boss saw him in action running after me and that was the end of that. I was still pretty shaken up after that.

>> No.6873072

I...I know the woman who started the Sonic Autism Awareness page personally. I knew it was only a matter of time before 4chan grabbed it up.

>> No.6873075

Not true in the slightest. I've been stalked in my life three times. One of them by an ugly loser in highschool who managed to get a copy of my school time table, my phone number, went through my mail (worked at the local post office) and wrote disgusting sex stories about us on the internet.
The next guy was my boyfriend of about a year. Extremely good looking, he did work as a male model and I thought he was waaaay out of my league. A lot of girls saw it as an Edward Cullen kind of situation. Either way, he had my text messages secretly redirected to his phone, he installed a gps app on my phone without me knowing so he knew where I was at all times, had software on my computer so that it copied my keyboard strokes or something to that extent from what I was told that gave him copies of all of my passwords and then could access my facebook and emails, ect. He tried to restrict me from seeing my friends and family, soon became physically abusive and I went through all of those denial stages of thinking it was my fault, thinking he could change, ect ect. I still don't personally understand what I was thinking/doing but I can't ever blame the girls who stay in those relationships because I was a moron who thought I could handle it too. I ended up getting an order against him and had to change my internet provider, ect.
The next guy was also normal looking, definitely the quiet boy next door type, plays guitar, car and sports fanatic. At this point in my life I had no trust and just couldn't stand hurting him with my trust issues and needed space, so left him. A year and a half later, I can still see he checks my Deviantart account and stuff. I've told him to stop, and I would delete my account but I believe he's harmless, just horribly heartbroken. I later found out he had to go to therapy and had depression, but I never saw that side of him. I think he fixated on me because I made him happy to an extent. Stalking is not fun.

>> No.6873078

Damn, this sweating nasty whore of a hambeast was stalking me, politely asking for my photo. What a creeper.

This one hot chick who mustve weighed less than 100 pounds kept chasing me and taking photos of me without my permission, thats totally fine.

>> No.6873081

I just want to gather up all the cute little waifu type girls at cons and protect them from creepy dudes.

I'm not even a guy, I'm just a homosex chauvinist pig. :c

>> No.6873091
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i'd let you protect me, anon

>> No.6873093


Good luck. There's a lot of ugly guys at cons. If it were up to me, I'd get bouncers at cons to keep the ugly people out, just like at a nightclub.

>> No.6873098

There was this guy who joined in with my group of friends while we were talking and tried to do that behind boob grab thing that's in anime. The girl screamed, and he tried to play it off as a cute little thing he does. Also, we hardly even knew him. He wasn't in our conversation for very long at all, and talked really loud/was obnoxious. I hate con people.

>> No.6873101

I would kill all the beta males. To each his own.

>> No.6873107


They tried that already with the Holocaust. And they would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling Allies.

>> No.6873288


Sonic makes the perfect mascot for Autism since those retards are obsessed with those shitty games.

>> No.6873293

Who is this?

>> No.6873303
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I've got one from Anime North

>Hanging out with some friends
>girl in maid dress and pink wig approaches
>leans on me and proceed to rub herself all over me
>she walks away and waves goodbye

I'm not mad or anything. Just a bit weirded out.

>> No.6873317
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>> No.6873331

I would just like to point out that, statistically speaking, most of the people posting in this are in the plain to ugly range, so the issue of being stalked is moot.

I'm just saian.

well, unless you're like that poster saying she was creeped out by somebody paying her a complement. if that's your standard then the bar's a little lower.

still less than 60%, however. and mostly it's just people being polite.

>> No.6873338

I'm hot. /cgl/ males are gross, but the females are different. Self post threads and wywt should tell you that.

>> No.6873339

I don't go to cons without my boyfriend, I'm fairly attractive so I get several stares During cosplay.

>> No.6873340

>I'm hot
1. fry.jpg. pics or it didn't happen.

2. actually, extrapolating from the self-pics here (excluding the few popular models who actually have followings and can photoshop and gets posted a lot) paints a very depressing picture of the average /cgl/. I know sometimes it's hard to notice because of all the circlejerking masked as concrit, but...

>> No.6873341 [DELETED] 

It's BLUE, and he's a stand up fellow as far as I know

>> No.6873343

Oh btw, that's not the girl in question, obviously

>> No.6873345

>implying stalkers don't go for the average or below average ones that nobody would suspect to get stalked and manipulated

>> No.6873352

I have two competing hypotheses. Perhaps competing is the wrong word. They could both be true.

h1. the average poster here has never actually been stalked, creeped, whatever. Posting is instead partly status seeking (look at me! I got stalked! It means I'm pretty!) and partly wish fulfilment.

h2. the average poster is neurotic as fuck. Every comment, every glance, every half-hearted flirt gets magnified into a Traumatic Event. "Hi, nice to meet y-" "OMFG STALKER WHERE'S MY CAPSICUM SPRAY". This may be magnified by h1 and the desire for drama in place of boredom.

y'know, you're ruining it for the normal people. Guys have to learn to treat every girl they meet with kid gloves because they don't know if they would turn out to be crazy as shit and make a scene over nothing.

This is a suboptimal state of affairs and makes me a sad panda. So sad I decided to namefag.

>> No.6873354

well, no, no they really don't.

stalking is all about wish fulfilment. why would you stalk a girl you're not even attracted to? it'd be like fapping to porn of the wrong gender.

>> No.6873355
File: 721 KB, 446x251, wwwy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting is instead partly status seeking
Said the namefag.

>> No.6873356

Yes, well, yes, yes they really do.
Read a book or two on stalking kiddo.

>> No.6873357

note I don't have a trip. this name is intended for this thread only, so that people know which posts are mine.

It's disposable, I assure you.

>> No.6873358

And I assure you, unless the person is tripfagging or namefagging they will gain no such 'status' from telling a story anonymously.
You just said it yourself.

>> No.6873361

Your main point is banal, but this right here is interesting.

The optimum age for /cgl/, I think, is roughly 16 - 18. Bodies age. Shit sux. Wisdom of the ages really doesn't buy you credit here. By implying that you are older than anyone at all you are shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.6873366

technically true, but here's an analogy: masturbation has no bearing on reproduction and is in fact counterproductive, but people still do it.

People are irrational beings that go through the motions of status seeking even when it does them no good. Note the 4chan-universal calls of 'newfag', references to 'summer', etc.

>> No.6873367

bugger. keeping the name is harder than I thought.

>> No.6873370

>Guys have to learn to treat every girl they meet with kid gloves because they don't know if they would turn out to be crazy as shit

Expanding on this. A girl I know once said that she's offended that all the guys stop telling dirty jokes when she's around. The most offensive thing, she says, is that they assume she'd be offended just because of her gender.

It's not really like that, though. It's more that if you have to treat every conversation like a minefield, it kills the humor.

>> No.6873410


A girl rejected me (previously wanted to have sex with me) all because I was apparently being too choosy with my words. May I tell you that I only knew this girl for about one day at that point and the only 'conversation' we had were just her throwing comments on how she wanted to screw me, we didn't get a real conversation in until the next day we spoke but when I didn't crank out sex jokes and shit during a regular conversation apparently I offended her.

>> No.6873434

Once a man who didn't have a sixpack smiled at me.

Ugh. Fucking creep.

>> No.6873437


That last one isn't really stalking, anon.

>> No.6873438

Is this actually her?

Fucking black people are obsessed with white people sexually.

>> No.6873443


Bitches be crazy. Makes shit harder for the rest of em that aren't.

>> No.6873448

ITT men further proving their complete and utter retardation
call me when somebody rapes you and all your bros think its awesum and nobody listens to you

>> No.6873451

Show some respect. /r9k/ is MAN territory you CUNT.

>> No.6873452

this thread is why you should never trust men
>I'm too retarded to understand basic human interaction do & don'ts

>> No.6873453

>She's really polite, so she couldn't tell them off.

Did you tell them off?

>> No.6873454

>never trust men
>Implying women can live without dick

If a woman goes without sex for a year, she basically goes full hysteria-mode, you fucking need us to lay pipe in you to keep you sane for god sake.

>> No.6873456

I hate creepy cosplayers that ask you for pictures. Especially when they try and be polite about it. It's like "I know you're only taking me in this powergirl cosplay because you want to jerk off, perv". To be fair, I'm more lenient towards the hotties.

>> No.6873458


>> No.6873461

Ehh, dildos are better. Men don't vibrate while simultaneously stimulating your clit with little effort.

>> No.6873468


That last one isn't anywhere near the same as the other two.

>> No.6873478

That's...not how it works, man.
>Implying women can live without dick
Lesbian. Pretty sure I've been alive for 20 years.

>> No.6873481


Um, you do realize you've probably just not met the right man yet right?

>> No.6873486

They also don't feel as nice and fleshy, and they don't pulsate, and they don't cum in your mouth/face/inside you.

So not as good.

>> No.6873487

No, I'm pretty sure I dig girls. The thought of a penis anywhere near me makes me cringe.

>> No.6873491

>>be on facebook
>>there is really annoying nigger who keeps sending me messages and gross shit
>>"I can't wait to get in dat white pussy, u dont got to scare all dees white boys, message me if u like black dick"
>>he will not fuck off
>>he sends me his phone number
>>I make a fake facebook account of attractive girl dressed slutty
>>send a shit ton of messages to random men, asking them to send me pictures of their cocks
>>give them the niggers phone number
>>"hey, I tried to call that number you gave me, but this black guy answered, and he was really pissed. "
>>someone who called eventually directed the nigger to my fake facebook account
>>"why you asking guys to send me they dicks? That shit's nasty. Wud i do to u?"
>>"No, that's my phone number. Stop using it!

>> No.6873496
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>> No.6873508

>call me when somebody rapes you and all your bros think its awesum and nobody listens to you

That could actually happen if they were raped by a woman.

>> No.6873511

Cool, now go get raped by a women and cry to the news about how brutal she was.

>> No.6873516


What are you saying here?

>> No.6873519
File: 839 KB, 250x186, no manners.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We we playing truth or dare at like 1 in the morning at one of my first cons (I was like 15 i think) and I was dared to kiss this older guy and so I did. Only thing was that he basically brings it up whenever we meet at cons nowadays. It's really unsettling since he says shit like "Aw, I wish you'd stay young forever!" and "Remember when we kissed? You were so cute!"
It's even more unsettling since he has a girlfriend and keeps saying this shit to not only me, but some of my other friends too. I've tried to tell him to stop but he just pulls the "Anon-chan so tsundere!" shit with me and it just makes it all much worse.

>> No.6873524


Honestly that last one just makes you seem like a cunt anon

Getting upset over net stalking is retarded as fuck. If you're that pissy over someone looking at information you make public on the net make it private or take it down.

>> No.6873526
File: 199 KB, 286x385, gottagofaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine you're a cute looking girl. This guy sees you as you come in to the expo hall. He instantly yells out your characters name and zooms across the hall, holding his arms out behind him as he runs, barging past people as he goes, to get to you. As he comes within 15 yards, you can smell the unwashed armpits and unchanged nappy on him.

He has found you. He begins to start talking in broken weeb Japanese, mixing Japanese words in to his English sentences, telling you how awesome you are. He asks for your picture and you, wanting it out of the way and done with, kindly accept. He then takes out a camera and asks someone to take a photo. He jumps next to you in his cardboard cut out costume and pulls a pose, staring at the camera whilst you try to pose, unsure of how to handle this.

He tries to stick around after and drum up a conversation, but falls flat on his face. You kindly say goodbye and you go your separate ways, but throughout the day you notice there's that awful smell lingering in the air. As you periodically look around, he's always there. Staying about 20 yards away and occasionally looking up at you with his bug eyes so your eyes meet.

The only thing that is keeping him away is the fact you have friends with you.

>> No.6873534

That you're a faggot.

>> No.6873535

The first time you only semlt him from 15 yards away, now from 20. Can you explain this?

>> No.6873546
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Liam. God damned Liam is what this thread needed.

>> No.6873555
File: 486 KB, 400x260, B1XFu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can easily smell the guy from 20, if not 30. I don't think he ever washes the clothes he uses for his "cosplay", 15 is quite generous.

>> No.6873560

What I'm getting from this thread is that if an ugly guy is a dickhole to a girl he is the vilest scum of the earth but if a hot guy does the exact same things he is a romantic knight in shining armor.

This is shit is why I'm thankful I'm gay.

>> No.6873564


Oh, OK.

>> No.6873581


This x1000. I work in a comic/games store, and honestly, every single person who comes in who is omfg obsessed with Sonic always turns out to be either super Aspie, super autistic or actually mentally retarded. They are the worst fucking customers to deal with ever, seriously. Even worse than Hetaliatards, Narutards or Homestuckers.

On topic: actually being stalked is fucking terrifying and it doesn't matter if you are hot or ugly if a crazy fucker wants to stalk you. I'm totes average and got actual-stalked by a crazy once- full on stalked, weird mail coming in even though I never gave him my address, strange phone calls in the middle of the night though I never gave him a number, calls at my job, creepy messages along the lines of "so I saw you went shopping for shoes the other day..." when he lived in a different city a state away. Fucking. Terrifying.

>> No.6873586


I should add, this was before the days of Facebook/Myspace so it was extra creepy. It's easy as hell to stalk people now.

>> No.6873611

I think they might be overreacting about it because of their past experiences.

But man, even I occasionally check the facebook/blogs of people I used to be friends with in school just to see what they're up to nowadays.

>> No.6873630

>why stalk uggos
Because when they report it, no one believes anyone would bother stalking them.

sage because I'm replying to a thread the trolls have taken over

>> No.6873693


Same here.

I recently got painted as a stalker for it though, a friend of mine was avoiding me like the plaugue and claiming she was constantly busy, so after 5 minutes of googling I found her tumblr and twitter and confirmed her to be bullshitting me while posting on them all day..

Of course if I say anything I'm a horrible stalker who's out to violate her privacy!!!11! when in reality I just know the magic of google.

>> No.6873742

This is why I don't have either. Fuck that shit.

I'm lucky to have never been stalked at cons, but I've had like three real life stalkers.

First one was a guy who I was in a relationship with, but he had mental issues so we broke it off. I found out he stalks a lot of my online accounts, so I changed/shut down all of them since he'd use them to send me creepy messages. Every few years he still somehow finds me even though I never put real information in anything.

Second one was a guy in high school who asked me out right after I broke it off with crazy guy. He had personal space issues that got progressively worse. Last day I was in contact with him, he was leaning over and leering at me as I was trying to fix my bag, I asked him for space and he laughed. "Hahaha. You and your space." I then made some lame excuse to leave and did. He followed me. Not the coincidentally going the same direction as me, but he followed me all across campus. I went into as many crowded places as I could but he was still there and I ended up hiding in the girl's bathroom and calling a relative to pick me up. I think he tried to follow me in there too, but someone else saw him so he left.

Third guy was more mild since I could tell he also had mental issues. He happened to have a crush on me, so he'd show up out of nowhere to sit next to me, or constantly gravitate towards me and would make really obvious attempts to follow me back to my dorm. But the most disturbing part was that he liked to follow people and would do so really quietly so he wouldn't be noticed. It wasn't just me who thought it was disturbing. Dude scared the shit out of my guy friends too.
>foggy day
>they're going to a dodgeball competition
>It sure is foggy. Wouldn't it be funny if dudebro showed up?
>one of them turned his head and dudebro was there, right behind them

>> No.6873762

>Average looking person
>Be working at theme park years ago
>Spanish guy who is absolutely terrible at english comes to my booth one day, starts hitting on me
>Oh that's nice, take it as a compliment
>With him being so awful at english I don't get half of what he's saying
>Figure out I apparently agreed to go on a date with him someday
>He comes back to my booth every day, asks for me all the time, waits for me to get off work and things like that
>Manages to convince boss that he's my boyfriend and receives my work-schedule
>WAITS for me at the trainstation when I have to get to work and stalks me back to the train when I have to go home, never saying a word to me or letting me know that he's even there

After I figured out the thing with the work schedule I took a talk with my boss about it. Fortunately the month was ending so she helped me out, started shooing him away when he asked for me and overall covered my ass.
I'm sure he was harmless but man that was a shitty summer.

Con-related, a dude stalked me at a con a few years ago. Last day of convention I was partying hard with my closest friends when he invited himself into my friendcircle. Things could have ended very badly if one guyfriend of mine hadn't noticed how uncomfortable that guy made me. Got him banned from all future cons the next day. Thank goodness for staff-buddies.

>> No.6873768

Only a really mild creeper. At NYCC, a stranger bumped right into and when he apologized he wrapped his arm completely around my waist. I wasn't wearing anything nearly proactive, unless you count a Riza Hawkeye cosplay sexy.

>> No.6873773

>unless you count a Riza Hawkeye cosplay sexy.
There are people who don't?

>> No.6873783

There's this one guy that's an acquaintance of a friend and every time I run into him he blurts out something like "Are you wearing tights or stocking? I really need to know" or "Oh ! You have legs" then says sorry and runs away holding his groin. He's mentally challenged though so I usually brush it off but it can get a bit creepy.

>> No.6873854

This is pretty much the thing keeping me from attending most cons. The fear that this will happen to me.

>> No.6873855

So, I'm new to cons. I go with my girlfriend, but what I'm getting from this thread is if I tell certain people their cosplay is nice and looks great, they'll get offended and I'll be labeled as a creep?

>> No.6873865

You do realize that stalkers don't always have high standards, right?

>> No.6873868

I have a Collarme account. Every single black person who contacts me mentions at least twice that they are, in fact, black, and that they want a white slave to serve the superior black master.

It's a little fucking ridiculous.

>> No.6873872

No, you douche. If you say those things like a creep you'll get labeled a creep. Quit being weh weh no one will love me. Keep your mouth shut and observe until you get a decent idea of what people respond positively to, and do that. Pay -attention- to the person you're complimenting, and if they look guarded or anxious or preoccupied then just say your "nice costume, you kick ass" and fuck off.

>> No.6873882

You're whiny and pouty already and you haven't even gotten around to complimenting anyone. That's probably makes you a creep and definitely makes you a shithead.

>> No.6873885



>> No.6873888

/people here can smell a creep o noes/

>> No.6873904

I don't know if it's true but damn did I laugh.

>> No.6873924

I used to have screen caps, but I lost them on my old computer. The most rewarding part was reading the messages from the confused guys who either sent dick pics or tried to contact the nigger. After a while, the nigger started telling them that I was some horny slut, but he absolutely would not fuck me, and so I was seeking revenge. I don't really get why he did that, but it was funny as hell.

>> No.6873955

Hi, creeper here. I spent all of Fanime running up and asking to take pictures WITH cosplayers. Got a around 1 hundred in all. Thanks for not kicking me in the balls and calling the cops! Much love...from far away - Creeper

>> No.6874061


Go kill yourself you ugly piece of shit.

>> No.6874143
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1368054478795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go to cons in cosplay.
>get offended when people are impressed with your cosplay and want to take a picture to show to their friends.
I may be wrong but isn't getting your picture taken in cool poses like a major point of cosplay?

>> No.6874207

Nah, all the posts complaining about "ugly guys" are just people putting words in other people's mouths. None of the female cosplayers I know are actually like that.

Basically every cosplayer I've ever met is fine with letting you take pictures and compliment their outfit.

>> No.6874233

Nobody cares about your personal life, and the fact that you fell for such obvious trolls over and over is pathetic.

>> No.6874239


>isn't getting your picture of your cool COSPLAY and POSING EXCITING?

I'm sorry taking photos up my skirt, or down my shirt is not cool photos admiring my cosplay.

>> No.6874270

>a dude stalked me at a con a few years ago. Last day of convention I was partying hard with my closest friends when he invited himself into my friendcircle. Things could have ended very badly if one guyfriend of mine hadn't noticed how uncomfortable that guy made me. Got him banned from all future cons the next day.

Wow. You got a socially awkward guy banned for making you uncomfortable at a public event in a public place surrounded by your friends and con staff. How horrible for you.

>> No.6874306
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That is why god invented bike shorts and things that cover your clevage.

Cons are like a socially retarded free for all, going to one and thinking everyone will behave the way normal people do outside of cons is kind of stupid. You know some "photographers" are only there to take pics of barely covered, barely legal tits and ass to add to their cosplay fap folders. Either you are okay with this and you hang your tits and ass out or you cover that shit up like a logical person.

>inb4 "but i have the right to cosplay what I want without being stalked/harassed!"

If you don't want people to see it, cover it up. Bottom line.

>> No.6874383
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I've been a stalker before, but by the time knew what I was doing it was to late... I didn't mean to do it and I still regret it. There's a fine line.

>> No.6874385


Since I'm a lolita, that doesn't apply.

I had a man laying on the floor with a camera pointed upwards to check up my skirt, I have bloomers on, but that doesn't excuse the behavior, it's disgusting.

I do cover it up, I don't want people to see it, and yet it happens all the time

>> No.6874393

>man on the floor with a camera pointing upskirt
>this kind of shit happens all the time

do you live in india

>> No.6874398


Land of the free baby, home of the brave creepers who lay on the floor

>> No.6874429
File: 81 KB, 700x510, 1359849424001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>All these guys getting offended by people finding their lack of boundary's and sexual come ons creepy

Here is a tips to you beta males. If you don't want to be labeled a creep, don't act like one. Don't try to take pictures up my skirt, don't ask intimate questions, and learn how to take no for an answer. It's that simple. I'm sorry you don't understand why your behavior is creepy, perhaps you should take some asspie classes? Inb4 whaaaaaaaa it's just because I'm ugly. :(

>> No.6874437
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1316347257081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit I laughed until I had a coughing fit

>> No.6874474

"Tsss, tsss, here, her, take the cracker!!, that's a good troll!!, no go to /b/ before it gets too dark, ok >;)

>> No.6874498
File: 18 KB, 200x300, 1339983773655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought sushi
>walking back to hotel
>middle age fat man playing in the water fountain asked me for some sushi
>told me to shut my mouth
>stop mouth breathing you nerd
>mfw a middle aged wet fat man asked me for sushi and told me to shut my mouth

>> No.6874507

> calls this guys kiddo

Dou you have some kind of age complex?

>> No.6874517

>>spend your childhood playing video games with your older cousin who suffers from Muscular Dystrophy
>>cousin unfortunately and tragically passes because of complications with his disease
>>have a special nostalgia for these games still
>>sonic is included among them
>>have people assume you are a creeper as a result

I owe it all to you, Chris-chan and various furries.
How can I ever repay you

>> No.6874532

No one ever needed to "lay pipe in me" and I'm fine. I've actually introduced guys to taking it in their back hole and im proud to say they can't go back to "laying pipe".

Proof you men just want a good dicking by cutie girls.

>> No.6874539


Let's try not go to extremes here, ladies and gentleman, alike all groups of society, each gender has his jackasses, and his decent people. Can we agree that we'll be good as we threat each other with respect, even try to have a dignfied attitude with those who are a shame for men/women?. You know, act like brothers and sisters?

(Those my 2 pens, now going back to douche-4chan atittude)

>> No.6874542

>Anime Boston
>sitting down checking shit on my phone
>two dudes high as fuck walk up "you're showing a lot of skin"
>friends swoop in like mighty dragons
>"where do you guys live?"
>"that's vague"
>"on purpose, go away"
>dudes stand there talking about Jim Morrison for another few minutes before stumbling off

I really wish that con wasn't in a fucking mall, there were a lot of disrespectful normalfags that weekend.

>> No.6874551
File: 73 KB, 420x294, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this and I thought of you, /cgl/.

>> No.6874558

this is not a perfect analogy, of course.

if it were they'd both be fat. and wearing cheaper clothes.

>> No.6874572

4chan is mostly jackasses. /cgl/ is no exception. basically the neurotic seagull is the female equivalent of the asspie neckbeard.

I'm just saian. I love you all, but them's the breaks.

>> No.6874574
File: 5 KB, 239x258, 1306287145876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about it. There were alot of nice moms and old people in the mall at AB this year, but taking the T was troublesom a couple times, as well as the occasional "faggots!" coming from a passing car. Which is funny because the people screaming that actually hit a red light infront of the 25k people waiting to get into the con entrance. They kind of shut up, rolled up the window and ducked down.

You know, I come from a really shitty part of town, and seeing a bunch of people dressed up like super heros and cartoon celebrities walk down the street would make day, even if I had no idea what it was about. Do these people who sit there and go, "The fuck are you dressed like an idiot for? Are you dumb?", really prefer to have nothing but violent thugs lumbering around them constantly? Honestly, 90% of the haters WISH they could cosplay for one day, they are just afraid of being judged. No kid wants to grow up to be normal, and these cons let you be that idol for a bit.

>> No.6874579

It's a numbers thing.

There's thousands of people walking/driving past you. They pay you no heed and you pay them no heed.

The one carful of faggots that yell at you? One in ten thousand. You just remember it a lot more. Don't generalize from this to 'normalfags'.

>> No.6874583

>sitting with a friend, discussing some personal issues late night in hotel lobby
>two drunk guys unrelated to the con come over, sit on either side of us
>one starts stroking my wig, asking me questions like "What do you dress like in the bedroom?"
>asks me what I would wear for him if he took me out on a date on Halloween
>"I dunno. I don't think my husband would appreciate that."
>guy acts like I shot him in the foot, jumps back, starts saying over and over, "Husband? Ohhh come on. Husband? Really?"
>friend gets up, grabs me by the hand and leaves

Not even an hour later, something similar happened.

>guy in elevator mentions he likes the anime we're cosplaying
>make small chat about the show
>guy lifts his badge up, lets it hang over his forehead and raises his arms in a fake stretch
>his T-shirt says, "Wanna do something that rhymes with 'truck'?"
>what the actual fuck

>> No.6874598


This is why the world hates women.

>> No.6874602

I don't believe any of these stories.

>> No.6874614

>at AN talking to some randoms at night
>random guy runs up to me out of nowhere and stares at me for a second
>gives me a peck on the cheek
>I'm a guy and I wasn't cosplaying

Didn't even bother me at all though, despite being straight. I think a lot of people are overly fucking sensitive. If someone actually stalks you for the day or something I can understand being upset, but so many people get their panties in a bunch because some "ugly" person talks to them or wants to take their picture once. I swear some people get creeped out if a person even makes eye contact with them. Grow up.

>> No.6874613

People say that, but it doesn't have to be and it's really not even though some people assume it is. After all, many cons hand out the "PLEASE SHOWER" disclaimers in their fliers and past retard behaviors have been effectively banned.

Also, harassment isn't just limited to people dressing lewd. Friend of mine was harassed and he's was a guy dressed as Vash. Landwhales kept following him around while asking him to make out with random dudes.

>> No.6874618

How's that sonic game doing for you guys?
Also, >>>/r9k/ is that ways, you got lost boys.
Awww but don't cry liwle baby mama is hewe, you just keep the trolling while I make some crackers to feed you, oka?

>> No.6874621

Your personal boundary limits =/= Everyone else's. I'm sure there's things that bother you that don't normally bother other people.

>> No.6874636

Despite that, getting creeped out by someone talking to you, or asking to take a picture or even looking at you at a massive social event with tens of thousands of people is not normal. If you are uncomfortable with that type of interaction then there is no reason to go there.

>> No.6874643
File: 23 KB, 460x307, captainmurphy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you pronounce that word, and does it really mean? My understanding is that it has something to do with a love/hate relationship.

>> No.6874647

okay, to prove that I am a Real Human Being with a functioning Empathy Module, I will now attempt to Show Perspective.

Guys have this implicit assumption that they won't come to physical harm. Most girls don't. This means close physical contact with a stranger is stressful. That's the difference.

Having said that, in real life the difference in the possibility of physical harm isn't as high as what people instinctively feel. MANLY MUSCLES aren't that great vs someone with actual intent to harm, and at any rate the vast majority of people are not out to get you. It's mostly an irrational thing, like the fear of heights or public speaking.

>> No.6874651

That's more like some case of extreme social anxiety or something like that, I think she's taking about more like the thing you post, you know, a strange person running to you and kissing you on the cheek. Some people wouldn't be as comfortable as you were in that situation, you can push your standrs to others, man, that We'll be like me telling you not to let people touch you without yoir permission just cause I do so.

>> No.6874652

The thing you're missing is context. Talking to someone is fine unless they're obviously busy with something. Asking a picture is also fine, but taking something like an ass or crotch shot may not be. Looking at you is fine, but leering is not.

The thing I find very silly with a lot of the arguments like this is that they completely remove all context and try to make the perpetrator look innocent, when in all likelihood, the perpetrator already knows that what they're doing is wrong and is just doing it because they think they can get away with it.

>> No.6874656

tl;dr version:
>guys can think with logic and girls can't

>> No.6874657



>> No.6874658

And to add to that, since you don't really know what kind of person you're dealing with, the best thing in that situation is to respect them as a person and ask their permission. Some people are okay with some of those things. Others are not. Either way, it doesn't hurt to simply ask. It makes you look like less of a dick too.

>> No.6874662

Oh my, anon, you're just et up with the dumbass on this one; hell, you haven't even noticed how many different gross ways there are for somebody to talk to you or look at you.

You basically know nothing and suck a lot and can eat cold dick for breakfast. :) <3!

>> No.6874664

> It's romantic when a hot guy does it.
Blue, please, you're not a hot guy.

>> No.6874666
File: 287 KB, 658x494, Loomer1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg is that billy loomer

>> No.6874669
File: 49 KB, 350x350, tumblr_lsuu2kAYyJ1qboaw9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf wrong image

>> No.6874672

No. More like females are socialized from a very young age to fear violence and on some level expect it from men because "boys will be boys". Keep in mind, that's also insinuating that if you're male you're completely unable to think or act civil and thus other people should simply excuse or ignore your behavior.

Of course, it's a lose lose situation since if you don't fear violence and it does happen "it's your fault".

>> No.6874674

when people gather there's something like a social contract.

here's the simple breakdown:

1. talking to you is socially acceptable. yep.

2. yes, even if the person doing so smells bad. socially acceptable =/= pleasant. You're free to tell them to piss off, of course. That too is socially acceptable.

3. mild physical interactions are acceptable, but you get a veto. Nobody has to ask to tap you on the shoulder, but you can tell them not to.

4. obviously sexual physical interactions are acceptable only with permission. No boob grabbing without permission.

5. violence or threats of violence are obviously not acceptable.

4 and 5 is why they've got security. The rest is just part of being in a public place. If you're uncomfortable with it, you need to suck it up. It also gets easier with practice, like public speaking.

>> No.6874676
File: 36 KB, 180x200, 1270073619944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Ironic Shitposting and you gotta have a good sense when it's happening, otherwise you'll fall victim to the ruse masters of seagulls.

>> No.6874690

How about you just keep your shit to yourself without making people veto you all the fucking time. Is that so damn hard?

You know this already. You're making up rules that make it OK for you to do this until people tell you you can't. Die in a fire: you have NO IDEA how much of a pain you are and how tiring you are to be with. Making sure you're not an asshole accidentally is YOUR job.

>> No.6874694

Femanon here. If another grill came up and randomly did that, I wouldn't really mind (weirded out though, yes). If a guy did it, then I wouldn't call con security but I would be a little freaked.

> Guess it's cuz girls seem less physically threatening than guys
> And if it's some little kid, I would probably just laugh...

>> No.6874697

>This is shit is why I'm thankful I'm gay.

Didn't even read this thread, but +1 to this. Re-quoting my post in the other thread >>6871480.

If all men were homosexual... man the world would be perfect.

>> No.6874703

B-but you were just talking about Shaft

>> No.6874713

who is this 'you' that you're talking to? I haven't been to a con for years. I go to Meetups a bit. Those are just rules for being in public places. Mostly common sense.

>Making sure you're not an asshole accidentally is YOUR job

I worked in a call centre once. People are accidentally assholes all the time. I suspect it's unavoidable in a lot of circumstances. A large part of being a normal, well-adjusted person is just cutting other people slack. Again: suck it up.

>> No.6874716

Harassment can be verbal. Asking someone how long it takes to get into their costume and how long it takes them to get out of it are two very different things

>> No.6874730

Sure. You can cause all sorts of grief with just words. I never bought the sticks and stones thing.

Thing is, this too is a part of normal human interaction. It's inevitable that people will be assholes to other people. The correct thing to do is to tell them to piss off, or just piss off yourself. The incorrect thing to do is to throw a hissy fit.

>> No.6874739

Suck it up yourself; I'm letting you know that you're doing it wrong. And here's why.

Those are not rules for being in public places. Those are things you wrote with no better guidance than your own intuition and the fact that nobody's told you they're misguided. And they are. Those rules are all about vetos and permissions and all of these things mean that other people have to tell you no if they don't want you to do something. That. Is. Shitty. That is also burdensome. It makes you a pain in the ass. Knock it off.

And hey, I worked a call center too! Aren't we special together. Surprise surprise, that's not related to you being a pain in the ass.

>> No.6874737

>seriously implying gay men are not victims of sexual assault, and assault in general, all the fucking time
Enjoy your world full of rape and murder

>> No.6874747


1. panic less. people are not out to get you.

2. feel free to tell people you don't like to piss off, but be aware that it's not really a Moral Sin for them to start talking to you (no, that's just you being neurotic).

3. cut people slack. Everybody rubs everybody else the wrong way occasionally and if you're gonna throw a fit every time you're just gonna end up the biggest asshole of all.

>> No.6874754

>I wish everybody would just guess what I want and do it without my asking

I think this basically sums up every whine thread ever.

>> No.6874765


Right. Nothing to do with the fact that you're dressed up as a cartoon character.

>> No.6874777

like the difference in assumptions of physical harm, there's another difference in play here:

Girls assume that they understanding of what other people want, and therefore everybody else must understands what they want. If they pretend they don't, they're just being deliberately dense.

Guys don't make that assumption. Unless something is verbalized, they'll guess, but they mostly won't act on those guesses because those guesses are made with very little information.

>> No.6874774

A decent dodge, but still wrong.

People don't have to tell you to stop tapping them on the shoulder if you default to a less intrusive way of getting their attention. People don't have to tell you not to put your arm around their waists if you default to a less intrusive photo pose.

See the common theme here? Keep your shit to yourself. Don't push it. Don't be intrusive. Fuck "social contracts", this means that sometimes you're going to have to avoid doing something that seems harmless.

Scary, I know. You might have to not touch somebody or not talk to somebody! You might have to change your behavior without everything being spelled out for you! How will you survive?

>> No.6874787


Totally agree. I went to Phoenix comic con this weekend and everyone was totally cool. This thread is full of neurotic, poisonous bullshit.

>> No.6874797

Nope. No hiding behind "men just don't understaaaaaaaand". Men understand people and motivations just fine, as any one of them will be delighted to tell you when topics like politics, military strategy, or foreign policy come up. Claiming that understanding people (especially women) is sooooo haaaaaaaaaaard is a guy being a lazy fuck.

>> No.6874799

this has been said earlier in the thread, but you are ruining it for normal people who don't mind those things.

There's a normal curve on people's perception on personal boundaries. Some people thinks they're right in the middle and all cases should be calibrated with their preferences. This is partly narcissism and mostly stupidity.

>> No.6874805

actually, the point is that women don't understand either, they're just more prone to guessing and put a lot more unwarranted confidence in their guesses.

protip: people who you've just met can't read your intentions. at all. if you don't tell them explicitly what you want, don't expect to get it.

>> No.6874810

Coincidentally, you just assumed "normal" means the people who'll let you do more and not make you feel bad.

>> No.6874814

well, not quite.

The social contracts are basically there for maximum slack-cutting. Leaves plenty of room for people to be accidental or even deliberate assholes. The point is that being assholes to one another is an integral part of social interactions (pick any thread in any board here) and is nothing to fuss over.

Only the things that are truly dangerous are outside acceptable boundaries. Things like sexual harassment or violence.

>> No.6874819

...you and your social contract. Have you even read this thread? How many people here have described shit happening including sexual harassment that the other half of the contract thought was just fine?

How hard do you want to defend your magical rules that turn out to be different for everybody and get ignored so often? How much water do you want to pick up in a colander?

>> No.6874823

do you have anything to offer this thread other than sweeping generalizations?

why don't you tell us why you're so upset. what happened to you, specifically, that made you so aggro. go on, we've got all day.

>> No.6874834

Let's talk about why you're so reluctant to consider my perspective and possibly change your behavior. I'm saying be more careful with people's boundaries and start assuming they're less lenient than you've been led to believe. You're saying YOU'RE MAD AND I MADE SOME RULES.

C'mon, man. Step up your game here. Tell all these nice people watching why being more thoughtful and considerate by default is so hard to understand and how you can't even -imagine- the horror of doing it.

>> No.6874848

I think we are describing two different things here.

I am describing a set of rules that will pass off 99.9% of people who will talk to you at a public place as 'just normal people', thereby avoiding neurotic behavior.

you're projecting this onto me as a Molester of Fancily Dressed Girls who will go to the absolute edge of what those rules will allow and spend my days terrorizing cons all day long despite my busy schedule.

I wonder if this is deliberate, or just an extended form of ad hominem.

>> No.6874880

Nah man, I'm talking about how you've never even wondered how many people would really prefer that you not tap them on the shoulder. People who won't tell you not to tap them on the shoulder, because that's being a *jerk* and making a big deal about something that isn't worth it, and it's just a tap on the shoulder, it's not like it hurt, right? Normal people aren't bothered by that, are they?

...and yet, they are. But you don't get told no. And you go about your life blissfully unconcerned, tapping away.

What I'm talking about is the big gaps in your "contract" that are filled with people who are uncomfortable, intimidated, pressured, and in circumstances that prevent them from telling you to cram your tapping and any number of other little things you may do up your ass.

Therefore, it behooves the thoughtful non-douchebag to acknowledge that his idea of "normal" may not be as permissive as he thinks! Amazing. The non-douchebag thinks about this, and resolves to be considerate and thoughtful with the personal space of others--more considerate than he thought he was being! Wow. The non-douchebag becomes more relaxing and pleasant to be around. The non-douchebag finds himself with lots of people who like him and trust him and enjoy his company! Good ending.

Bad ending: not giving a shit. Life goes on and you're just some schmuck. You can do better.

>> No.6874893

>mfw I took that picture and never expected to see it here after years
Rock on, poster.

>> No.6874896

>People who won't tell you not to tap them on the shoulder, because that's being a *jerk* and making a big deal about something that isn't worth it, and it's just a tap on the shoulder, it's not like it hurt, right? Normal people aren't bothered by that, are they?

See, there's the thing. No, it's not like it hurt. Annoying, possibly, hurt, no.

Proposed solutions: You can get used to it. Or you can, idunno, launch an advertising campaign about the evils of shoulder tapping. At the expense of inconveniencing everyone who don't mind being tapped on the shoulder.

It'd certainly be great if the world could change to your preferences, wouldn't it? Remove all pineapples on pizzas while you're at it.

At some point you have to decide whether it's you that have to change, or the world. They both can. One is significantly easier.

>> No.6874913

>...uncomfortable, intimidated, pressured, and in circumstances that prevent them from telling you to cram your tapping and any number of other little things you may do up your ass.

here you are projecting again.

ITT, I offer practical solutions and is met with further whining. Typical 4chan.

>> No.6874916

I had a guy follow me around the whole con, just starring and trying to talk to me. Maybe I was just looking for the attention/desire to be stalked to make me feel pretty. Oh, did I forgot to mention that after I left the con he also followed me and while waiting at the bus station he proceeded to take his dick out and ask me what I thought of it, and after I looked away and tried to walk, he came after me, hugged me from behind and started to dry hump me for about 5 seconds then ran away.

Never went to a con again.

>> No.6874927

>Molester of Fancily Dressed Girls

I am totally going to make this my handle for something.

Looks like we have a case study:

>A. I had a guy follow me around the whole con, just starring and trying to talk to me.

>B. after I left the con he also followed me and while waiting at the bus station he proceeded to take his dick out and ask me what I thought of it, and after I looked away and tried to walk, he came after me, hugged me from behind and started to dry hump me for about 5 seconds then ran away.

Question: at what point did this man's behaviour turn from socially acceptable to socially unacceptable? If you said B, then you are a well-adjusted human being. If you said A, then we may have a problem.

>> No.6874933

honestly though, there are some unwritten social rules about what's an okay way of communicating with a stranger in a public forum and what's not. Shoulder tapping is not seen an breaking that rule. If not followed by a rude comment or other physical contact, a shoulder tap is not something to get upset about.
I get what you're trying to say, and I understand that some people might not find it pleasant. But some people find even being spoken to by strangers uncomfortable. Should one not be able to talk to a stranger (a perfectly polite conversation, not anything weird) because the stranger might be one of these neurotics that would find it uncomfortable? That's just not realistic, especially in a public place such as a con. If you're a person that's seriously bothered by (again, perfectly polite) contact with strangers, than maybe you shouldn't attend those events.

>> No.6874937

let's focus on part A for a bit (part B is uninteresting because I think we agree that it's not acceptable):

did you tell the man not to follow you around?

YES: then he should have stopped following you around. If he refused, the best thing to do is to contact security.

NO: then he is free to do so.

Are we agreed with this? If not, why?

>> No.6874949

>If you're a person that's seriously bothered by (again, perfectly polite) contact with strangers, than maybe you shouldn't attend those events.

I agree with everything except this part. The right thing to do is to keep attending until you are used to it, while keeping your neurosis hidden. The skill of pretending to be a normalfag is a very useful thing to have.

>> No.6874950

In all honesty, I don't think it's really 'normal' behaviour to follow someone you've just met around a convention without invitation, whether they've made it clear that they don't want you there or not. Not saying it's necessarily creeping/intentionally invasive by default, but it does kind of indicate a lack of proper socialisation. I understand the idea that 'you're both there because of common interests and likes', but it still seems odd to me that you would suddenly attach to someone who has a completely different agenda to your own, purely because of a brief meeting.

Put it this way: it would be considered rather weird to follow a stranger around a store after bonding momentarily over buying the same brand of cereal, right? Why does it make it any more acceptable in a convention setting?

>> No.6874953

I told him that I'm not interested(when he kept trying to ask my name and try to give me his motel room number) and leave me alone to enjoy the con. He got very pissed and kept a bit more distance, as well as no longer trying o talk me into it, but I could still see him creeping and stalking from the corner of my eyes. A couple of people who I was talking to(some artists selling come plushies) saw he kept starring and just standing a distance from me and told him quite literally to fuck off but he pretended not to hear/understand.

My point is, you don't need for this to diverge into a B, but if someone follows you around the con, keeps starring and stalking despite you and others telling him to fuck off, that's already a problem in itself. It makes you very uncomfortable, insecure and its a very unnerving ordeal to go through(with or without the B).

>> No.6874972

>If he refused, the best thing to do is to contact security.

Practical solutions. This would likely have made B impossible, too.

There is a difference when you're putting on a costume. If you wear a mascot suit in disneyland, people are going to want photos taken. Might even follow you around. Same here. Kinda the whole point of a con.

>> No.6874980

Big difference again: mascots are paid to deal with that sort of thing, the average convention goer is not. And while the point of a convention is to meet people with other interests, it's not going to automatically make people best friends, which is what seems to be the assumption behind most 'creeping' incidents.

>> No.6874997

being paid is not the primary difference. the difference is that putting on costumes in a convention with a lot of strangers who like costumes is basically a big sign saying PAY ATTENTION TO ME PEOPLE I DON'T KNOW. It's what the cons are all about.

>it's not going to automatically make people best friends
No shit. But you start out with a friendlier assumption than, say, at the supermarket.

Still, it is totally fine to just tell people to fuck off, too. Those are people you'll never meet again. You don't have to go out of your way to accommodate them. Just keep in mind that talking to you is not automatically a dick move.

>> No.6874995


And what did you do about it? Probably nothing except grimace and walk away.

American have no spine.

>> No.6874999

Creep = ugly guy

Non-creep = hot guy

>> No.6875004

Not the anon you're talking to but... Imagine you went once more to a shop. You buy a sandwich, pay for it, get your receipt, say thank you and goodbye to the cashier, which says it back. This(in con terms) is going up to someone, telling them their cosplay looks nice and taking a picture of them.
Then imagine you back at the shop. After you finished the whole ordeal, you keep staying in the payment area, doing nothing, just randomly walking about, smiling, and sitting there.
The con equivalent is stalking/creeping someone. After taking your pic.complementing them and they said goodbye, you try to start up unwanted conversation despite being told goodbye, hang around them, follow them around and maybe try to take more pictures without them noticing.
This is creeping.
When people decide to cosplay, they only sign up for the first part(selling you the sandwich) but with you remaining around the payment are after you got your sandwich is going over your limits and makes anyone uncomfortable.

>> No.6875005

I may be oblivious as fuck for this, or it could have been some weird coincidence, but looking back at my photos from last con, in almost every single one I have found that were taken of me, this same dude is in the background, staring directly at me.
He is also in a bunch on the photos I took of cosplayers, staring at the camera.
I never noticed I was fallowed, and I was always with a group of friends and he never approached me but shit I have the creeps now.

>> No.6875011
File: 14 KB, 679x427, 1265657085846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his T-shirt says, "Wanna do something that rhymes with 'truck'?"
>what the actual fuck

nice one

>> No.6875021


Google "Japanese pronunciation chart" and click on the tsu, n, de, and re. Then combine the sounds and there you go.

And then google "what does tsundere mean".

>> No.6875031

>Just keep in mind that talking to you is not automatically a dick move.

I'm not saying that it is. That was never part of the problem I'm trying to discuss. Having a conversation is a normal part of life, whether you're at a convention or not. Interacting with people is something you have to do unless you want to live at home and have everything delivered to your doorstep while you hide in your bedroom.

What I'm saying is that in an ideal world, people would know how to socialise properly and recognise that following someone around for a day when you've talked to them for less than five minutes isn't normal. Unless they've invited you along, when the conversation ends, you go back to your own plans and route. If that coincides with theirs, fine. Cool. But if you change your plans to align with theirs, it's weird.

Also in an ideal world, more people should stand up for themselves and tell people following them to back off, but that doesn't mean someone at a convention (male or female, in costume or not) should have to put up with someone else's inability to follow social norms and cues.

>> No.6875038

Basically refers to an anime trope where a girl hates the male at first but turns out to be all lovey lovey later in the show.

>> No.6875041

we pass that "theme" a while ago, but hey, here's a site that you might like: >>>/r9k/, there a lot of boys that'll be happy to play with you, baby.

>> No.6875045

If the first part of your sentence made any sense, I might have been offended at your retort.

>> No.6875060

oh you wright bby, but, hey, what can you expect from a silly woman like me? ;), it's not like were on /r9k/ where people are born with common sense and logical thinking...HEY, MAYBE YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT PLACE OUT!!!

>> No.6875078

>I'm going to make myself look even more stupid!

Now you're just making everyone else look bad.

>> No.6875101

Yeah, because your asumption of hot boy=acceptance of harassment for women, gives you a reasonable look.

>> No.6875108

And is it not true? How would it not when it has been continuously proven?

>> No.6875127

>Continuosly proven.
Ok, let's have some fun, man, HOW?
(I know you're going to talk about your personal experience with utterly stupid or/and sucseptible women, and assume were all alike, but go on, I can read.)

>> No.6875141

Science, bitch.



Hot guys get away with tons of shit.

>> No.6875143

no you fucktard. it's soon-day-ray dere isn't pronounced dairy, that's so weeb.

>> No.6875145

>day ray

deh reh motherfucker

>> No.6875148

Oh great, it's /fit/'s fake accounts roleplaying. What next? A picture of a sauna?

>> No.6875155


>> No.6875174


you know, when I saw those links I think, "well, it's obvius he IS prepared", then I opened them. Screenshots of facebook of dumb women with an obviously fake account (I've seen the thread in /b/ before, "lewl so funny/10"), giving ambiguous or random/go with the flow responses, then giving a number that may or not be theirs. Comon' man, you know you can do better that, don't you have more pictures of this?, I' ve seen better examples of the same fb.

>> No.6875179

Holy shit, these responses were even better than i expected.

>> No.6875180
File: 217 KB, 1008x720, 1367455094732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread is a cesspool of trolls and retards and you should all feel terrible. Especially this barely functioning mental case spewing his word salad everywhere; like, who is going to read that shit?

Seriously, you guys. Seriously. Get a grip. I'm developing battered wife syndrome here.

>> No.6875200
File: 11 KB, 275x183, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, the trolls are so cute...I can't contain myself from feed them!

>> No.6875203

>battered wife syndrome
MFW I have a law exam on this topic(among others) in a week.

>> No.6875253
File: 17 KB, 493x533, 1352354595115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don't have any personal information available on the internet for people to look up, forcing them to stalk and bother you in person
>mfw I am lonely, quiet, and shy enough for this to sound appealing due to no human contact for extended periods of time

maybe once my summer bulk is over ill pop some anxiety meds and go to a con in a somewhat revealing costume and just walk around

>> No.6875315

I read the majority of this thread. This is my first post.

>> No.6875350

What is it with all these people being like, "AHA IT'S ONLY CREEPY WHEN AN UGLY GUY DOES IT"? Do they really think that's the only reason? Really? Kinda seems like they're trying to blame their social failings on perceived unattractiveness. One woman's Adonis is another woman's Chris-chan, after all. It's about behavior, gentlemen. Sure, there are some people who are unreasonably nervous and too liberal with the word "creep," but if this is something you've been called multiple times, then the problem most likely lies with you.

>> No.6875382

What I have trouble with is telling if a woman is trying to get with me, or if she's just being polite/friendly.

Women are generally more liberal with their compliments "oh, that's so cute!" etc. and I don't really know how to take it.

>> No.6875400

I once had a friend invite me to hang out with her at a con because she knew I would scare away creeps with my gangly white girlness. SO I've never had any problems, sux 2 be u.

>> No.6875396

Woman here. Still can't figure out when anyone is ever hitting on me. You're not alone. I would recommend asking her out to see if she's hitting on you, but all my attempts at asking people out to find out if they wanted to slip me the D have been unmitigated disasters, so I don't recommend it to anyone.

>> No.6875413

>i recommend x
>but i don't recommend it to anyone


>> No.6875425

...that's why I said I WOULD recommend asking her out, BUT personal experience tells me not to.

>> No.6875430

Wait... so if I ask for a picture of a cosplayer I found cute, took it alongside her, with the only physical contact I make is putting my arm around her shoulder while I do variations of the peace/thumbs-up sign, and then bidding her a cheerful 'thank you!' is now considered harassment-slash-creepy?

What the fuck, /cgl/.

>> No.6875435

You didn't read any of the thread, now did you?

>> No.6875436
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 213768768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly guys creep me out just by existing.

>> No.6875448

Nah, I do it all the time. But then again, I don't have a neck beard so I don't know if they'll find it gross otherwise. Rule of thumb: ask yourself if you look like a neck beard or potential rapist that day, if not, go for it.

>> No.6875450

Why do you still exist then, anon?

>> No.6875460


I just don't want to be in one of those hoverhand pictures over in /v/. ;_;

I even ask permission first if it's alright if I put my arm around their shoulders before the picture is taken, too...

>> No.6875462
File: 286 KB, 640x640, 1365736353775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creeper stories are just a competition between women for who deserves the most pity for being almost-raped. It's all part of the "race to see who's the most oppressed of them all" desire tumblrites (which most of /cgl/ are) have.

Using socially awkward people as a scapegoat and to try to victimize yourself is disgusting. Not everyone at cons can be a woman with innate social skills and unlimited opportunities to practice them.

>> No.6875478 [DELETED] 

Tell that to this anon.

>> No.6875482

Tell that to this anon.

>> No.6875491

If someone asks to take a photo with me, I kind of already expect the arm around shoulder thing. I don't mind it too much. Even a hug is fine if they ask for it.

>> No.6875494


>> No.6875496

Why? It applies too.

>guys honestly this guy was so creepy he followed me and showed me his penis scout's honor it really happen i bet NONE of you have a worse creeper story than that

Creeper stories are just the female variant of men's fishing stories. "Some guy asked for a picture and was really awkward but harmless" becomes "HE ASKED FOR A PICTURE AND THEN GRABBED ME RIPPED OFF MY DRESS PANTIES AND HE RAPED ME RIGHT THERE AND NO ONE STOPPED HIM"

>> No.6875510

Well if it helps. I accidentally did that once to a VERY VERY cute cosplay girl. My friends looked at the photo after they took it and laughed at me. I was so embarrassed that I ran back to look for her and explained that I screwed up the photo and wanted another one. She laughed and this time we both got closer to, holding each other's waists. Long story short: Fix your hover hand if you can, otherwise that shit will haunt you forever and you might end up in one of 4chan or Reddit's cringe posts. The cosplayer probably won't mind since it makes an funny story to tell their friends.

>> No.6875516
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>> No.6875522

Glad to see /cgl/ has inherited 4chan's proud tradition of redirecting opinions that hit a nerve somewhere else.

>> No.6875565
File: 155 KB, 1160x1147, Clipboard Image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my keycaps arrived, and I spent like an hour pulling out the old ones, cleaning, and putting in the new.

they're pretty sweet.

50 /g/ points to the first to spot the imperfection.

>> No.6875574

And they said cosplay doesn't mean consent.
You're just begging to be raped by big black men.

>> No.6875580

also, back on topic: yes, you are all sad, sad people. you are sad and you should feel sad.

>> No.6875597

Yeah... totally...

We're all really proud of being raped. In fact, that's why we do it on an anonymous board.

No, you moron. This place is a safe zone. That's why gripe threads are here, because you're safe (unless you feel like name dropping). Same with rape/ molestation stories. It's good to get it off your chest. That's what anonymous boards are for. I'm sorry that you think all women are assholes. Maybe be less of an asshole yourself? Seriously, you're no worse than a woman screaming "ALL MEN ARE THE SAME HURR DURR"

>> No.6875661

most of you are too ugly to even rape. get over yourselves.

>> No.6875669

Why does the thought of this scare me but intrigue me at the same time?

>> No.6875772

I could not take Riley's death threats towards whites seriously after that. I used to think, "shit, she must really hate white people", now I just think she's jealous and envious of the white girls she can''t have. It also cracks me up how she blamed whites for her attraction to them, she sounds like a rapist.

>> No.6875781


Get a load of this fucking creeper.

Yes, you stupid fuck, following random people around is unacceptable and creepy. The fact that you think this is a valid argument shows just how removed from reality you are. Stop being a weirdo.

>> No.6875792

Because we're so ugly that we should be glad to even be considered rape worthy.

Please, give your penis, Anon-san! It is all that I live for!

>> No.6875796

You ruined it.

>> No.6875798

I have this weird thing going on where I imagine getting raped by just about every girl I come in contact with.

It's been like this for the last 2-3 years and I'm wondering if I'll ever stop.

>> No.6875826

As one of the very few sane casual Sonic fans (since 1993)... this is upsetting because it's true from what I've seen. I showed some other oldfags Chris Chan, chasethehedgehog, Alix Henriol and other shit and their jaws dropped. They couldn't believe the amount of autism in the community.

>> No.6875857
File: 57 KB, 480x360, Hedgehog1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I remember playing the second game in 1996 or so and I'm here almost 2 decades later wondering how this happened. Something about it being an animal and also being anime-like I'm assuming?

>> No.6875865

I played the first games when they came out. My first system i got with my own saved up money (from doing chores) was a Sega genesis. so it hurts to see what the sonic fandom has become. I would love to meet some sane sonic fans though who aren't weirdo furries.

>> No.6875876
File: 279 KB, 796x1280, 1369858220929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get some degree of amusement and laughs out of this stuff because of how ridiculous it is.

>> No.6875879

...that blue foot. I can't help but laugh as well. I don't think why the Sonic fandom pulls in so many basement dwellers with no social skills.

>> No.6875888

I actually think Sonic The Hedgehog is something autistic people enjoy the same way autistic children enjoy Thomas The Tank Engine.
Bright, distinct colors and stuff.

>> No.6875889

Ah sonic. I remember that shit on megadrive. Back then it was the best looking, most polished game on the system.

Never got past the first level, tho. Platformers are shit tier and pretty graphics are just not enough to make me go through the repetitiveness.

I have no idea why anyone would want to dress up as one. It's a goddamn SD character. Doing it i. 3D is gonna look like ass no matter what.

>> No.6875891

It makes me so sad that Sonic is considered one of the shittiest fandoms, like shit, I love it and I really want to cosplay Amy, but I have this fear that I'll be looked down on.
I'm guessing it's because it has furries, and has been around for a while? With games still coming out? Like the fans just keep piling up, unlike other bad fandoms where it'll be big and terrible but then slowly die as the thing ends.

>> No.6875896

>i want to dress up as an anthropomorphic pink hedgehog
>i have this fear that i'll be looked down on
Your fear is entirely justified.

>> No.6875898
File: 28 KB, 510x537, 1340318366288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I want to do a gijinka version, which is really no different than when people do pokémon gijinkas.

>> No.6875909

>pokemon gijinka
>3 minute google
Horrifying. Incidentally, ruining childhoods is a total dick move.

>> No.6875913

No. I think it would be cute.

>> No.6875918

Well, this is about as much effort as I'm willing to put in. Go nuts, I guess.

>> No.6875927

>ruining childhood
What..? How?

>> No.6875930

Le fat pikachu.

>> No.6875934


Not likely,

I started by asking him nicely, but then I got super pissed and took a photo of him, found the nearest convention security and watched them take his badge and make him leave.

I'm so sick of people abusing lolitas because we're kawaii desho desho~ and can't be rude

>> No.6875941

'm so sick of people abusing lolitas because we're kawaii desho desho~ and can't be rude

Wait, is that actually a thing? Because anyone lurking here or the comms for five minutes would know that you're all PMSing bitches. Just saian.

>> No.6875945


>PMSing bitches
>implying there aren't entire threads dedicated to abuse that lolitas get all the time from strangers that includes lifting their skirts, spilling drinks on them, or assaulting them

Yep, lolitas are pretty much the baddest motherfuckers in jfashion, don't mess with them

>> No.6875951

I suspect that the prospect for all three of those things is no more than, say, cosplayer or maids.

There are many threads about that in their forums too.

>> No.6875954

Also, bad motherfuckers and pmsing bitches are two different concepts entirely.

>> No.6875975

Posting in the wrong board? That's not a subtle imperfection...

Also, your backslash is on upside down.

>> No.6875982

Yep. It's not on upside down, it's printed wrong. Also the space bar isn't compatible with my leopold. Sux.

>> No.6876005

You're fine so long as you don't grab a girl around her waist. I'm fine with someone putting their arm around my shoulder for a picture, but my waist? NO. That makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.6876007
File: 72 KB, 728x947, aturd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this online.

>> No.6876016


holy moses buddy, you suffer insecurity issues.

1. if he posted with no name, you'd have nothing to use

2. by that logic, you're debating NOTHING

3. why are you getting upset? the post is psychological ya putz, and, its the ones who kill the messenger that are guilty... cough.

>> No.6876020

Wahh waahhh, I don't flip my shit whenever a girl stares or comoliments me, in fact in my mind its NORMAL. how fucked do you need to be to presume every male wants to throw you down and fuck you? chris' a'mighty girs' you should KNOW that if youre going to do this gay shit, there WILL be stalkers. Just like how at a job, you're EXPECTED to work.

>> No.6876026

There's so many spelling errors that I can't tell if you're making a good point or not. Jesus.

>> No.6876036
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>> No.6876038


>> No.6876067 [DELETED] 

> You know how many women who consider the shit Edward Cullen pulls in the Twilight series "romantic"?
You know how many women have serious mental issues and were raised horribly?

>> No.6876073

What the fuck are you even trying to say?

>> No.6876088

>Goes to Con
>Enjoy's Said con minus a few attendee's who go full retard from too much sugar.
>See's a girl in cosplay
>Registers in mind "Hey that cosplay was good, or.. ew that cosplay was terrible"
>Might ask for photo If I think the cosplay was really well done
>Does not act like a complete creep or acts in that sense of "OHMYGOD MY FAVORITE WAIFU IS IN REAL LIFE"


>> No.6876109


>> No.6876111

Horseshit. Think logically. If youre at a con thee s security. There are people to help. And on your boys will be boys shit, stop blaming gender for your lack of spine, youre far more likely to be called on your shit if youre male because men can take critism, a very vocal group of women cant without having a hissy fit. See tumblr

>> No.6876115
File: 49 KB, 744x645, Keima_TWGOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any attention seeking hambeast slut on /cgl/ would ever get hit on by anything except the most desperate shit tards

Now I see why these threads are so popular

>> No.6876123

Jealous skank detected.

>> No.6876124

still waiting for images & video. non cosplay related did anyone video that spazzing out guy in the ice cream eating contest

>> No.6876125

oops wrong thread

>> No.6876127

Oh come on /cgl/ are all sluts

>dresses up in skimpy clothes and tries to act innocent

Give me a fucking break, the only thing you /cgsluts/ are worth are a good dicking by some fat man with a small cock.

>> No.6876129

When I was at a small me and a friend walked around wih our cameras and took pictures of great cosplayers. Then there was that hambeast just showing up in her weird-ass Bleach cosplay and just posed in front of us and didn't move an inch. So, we were just kinda staring at her and we were kinda speechless because she just jumped in front of us, didn't say a single thing and started posing. So I just started laughing and my friend asked her "Uh... Do you want a picture or something" and she didn't even respond she just kept on posing and oh my god we were so creeped out then he just took a picture of her because I refused to take a picture her and she just walked away after that.

Not a single word.

>> No.6876131


>> No.6876134
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1362744603467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you could give us a good dicking

>> No.6876136

You offering your small cock then, fatass?

>> No.6876137
File: 24 KB, 484x530, 1367516270080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6876184

Whether you like it or not is irrelevant to the 'good' of 'good dicking'. It's only good if the dick likes it.

>> No.6876243

I've been told I'm a very attractive male, and I've come to believe it after getting fit.
I'm just a very socially awkward person and often get told i'm "weird". I don't mean to be, i have a very difficult time communicating to others how i feel and struggle to articulate that.

been called a creep though frustrates me to no end and makes me feel horrible.

Although i have a job where i work with kids who i seem to get along with way better than adults. and the only girls who have crushes on me are like, 10.
what's wrong with me seaguls?

>> No.6876245

Have you ever heard of the Well Cultured Anonymous?

>> No.6876476
File: 27 KB, 290x485, Chris-Chan_Want_Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dressed as Kamina a few years ago as a con
>ripped as fuark cause I actually dedicated over a year to get my body into proper shape for the role
>hambeast Yoko cosplayer asks politely to take a pic with me, so I oblige acting nice
>ends up feeling my abs without asking right after the photo
>feel uncomfortable about it immediately but brush it off
>she leave for the time being, after some compliments
>end up seeing her at almost ever place I go, begin wondering if she's stalking me or if it's just coincidence
>nighttime roles around so I retire to my room briefly to have a few shots before going out for party time
>as I'm posing and checking out my lats in the mirror while brushing my cape to the side I hear a knock on the hotel door
>it's her telling me "we should walk around together since you have no Yoko with you!"
>I politely tell her no
>she insists and gets into how it's "meant to be"
>creeped out at this point and sure she was following me around
>I tell her to fuck off and shut the door, then go take a few more shots and debate taking a cold shower in the fetal position
>as I open my door and am about to leave I notice a pair of fairly large panties with noticeable shit stains on them, a used pad, and the pin Yoko was wearing in her hair on the floor outside.
>report this to the hotel
>didn't see her the rest of the night
tl;dr Crazy hambeast Yoko

>> No.6876517
File: 134 KB, 519x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those links.

>> No.6876520

You could have some spectrum of autism.

>> No.6876521

I have the same fucking problem. Took me about a month to decide that my now boyfriend was, in fact, interested in me. I'm so used to people being flirty for shits and giggles that I usually don't know when I'm actually being hit on.

>> No.6876544

Anime fans being disproportionately autistic is one of those stereotypes that, as someone on the autism spectrum, I've observed to be true. Every Aspergers group or program I've been to is full of anime fans.

>> No.6876811

Why do you go to the programs?

>> No.6876912

another cool story brought to you by bro inc.

>> No.6877210

you know i actually suspected that for awhile...
as welll or ass burgers or something like that.
i hate thinking about it though.

and no, i haven't, what is that?

>> No.6877233

Oh and too elaborate on that, watching me trying to akwardly seduce girls is one of the most cringe worth, uncomfortable things anyone can witness.i mean fuck, some people go spahgetti, I go full ravioli and take it to the next level.

>> No.6877261

What've some of your past experiences been? If you don't mind sharing.

>> No.6878152

Oh no! You've found out about our women pity- conspiracy!!!, I mean, what other reason would we have for this thread? abuse awareness?,


>> No.6878164

Well, this is quite odd anon, may I ask if you have some sort of medical condition?

>> No.6878178

Did you hear something of her after that?

>> No.6878184

This. It's a little har for me to notice too, and it's worst when you may be hurting someone feelings.

>> No.6878772

well Remember when i said i worked with children? i could be standing around my colleges for lunch and be totally excluded from talking to them.
They're all happy to gossip and bitch and joke around or whatever and i join in the conversation i'll get nervous and tongue tied.
and everything suddenly becomes awkward and tense. The cute girl generally only seem to put up with me because i'm not bad looking and some of the guys like me enough.

but when i'm working with kids it all comes easy, even those that over here me talking to them or watching me working with them seem to laugh at what i say and do. To these kids i'm the best teacher and the funniest guy going, but to these adults i'm a weirdo.
or did you want stories of me trying to talk to woman?

>> No.6880093

not necessarily creep related but it kind of fits in with the theme of uncomfortable interpersonal relationships

if a girl hangs out with a guy for a bit, just some friendly chit chat with him talking about guys that have creeped on her in the past etc, and the guy expresses interest in her (nothing dramatic - just being straightforward that he thinks she's cool and that he finds her attractive) but she doesn't share that interest, would you feel uncomfortable afterwards? should the girl stop talking to the guy and hanging out with him? assuming he reacted in a perfectly reasonable way like "fair enough, just wanted to tell you"

>> No.6880096

>with him talking about guys that have creeped on her in the past

er, that should be "with her talking about guys that have creeped on her in the past"