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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6868939 No.6868939 [Reply] [Original]

The last one was pretty interesting, so here's another fursuiting thread!
Feel free to post opinions, stories, pictures, and so on.
To get things going: How do you feel about fursuiters attending regular anime/comic conventions? Do you like seeing them or do you try to avoid them entirely?

>> No.6870794


>> No.6870799

do you guys have sex in these things?

>> No.6870808

No, wouldn't work anyways.

>> No.6870814

Yes. There's a reason no one can stand these people and their cons are regarded as shit holes.

>> No.6870933
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Why do fursuiters show up at Anime cons like that's totally a great place to be the creepy fursuit guy?

>> No.6870936

I kind of want to make sweet vanilla love with it.

>> No.6870942

I wish most fursuits looked like that. I just want to cuddle him/her.

>> No.6870955
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Too bad she took down all her videos and photos.

>> No.6870957
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>> No.6870975


>> No.6870991

Some of them are super sweet and generally nice to be around. Its the dipshits (roughly 98.9999% of all fursuiters) that make most of the sane ones look retarded too, so generally fursuiting is looked down upon. I love running into them and talking about construction of a suit/head piece/etc.

Its the stupid 13-18 wolfaboos and sparkle shits that ruin it for everyone.

>> No.6870998
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>> No.6870995
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I have a few.

>> No.6871002
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>> No.6871000

There is a little flap on the suit that opens up for sex or so I've seen on that Gigolos show.

>> No.6871005
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>> No.6871006
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>> No.6871010
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>> No.6871014
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>> No.6871016
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>> No.6871021 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck do we allow this filth to proliferate our board? God, I hate new /cgl/.

>> No.6871053 [DELETED] 
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You would prefer this all over the board?

>> No.6871058

I made a fursuit once to see if I could. I'm not into the furry fandom at all.

After learning about all of the blood, sweat, and tears that goes into making a suit, I find it really appalling anyone would have sex in one. You can buy costumes elsewhere with crotch zippers and stuff that have animal patterns rather than actual fur and you can go and have sex in those.
Don't have sex in something that took months to create and cost a ton of money.

However there will still be situations like these
but as long as they only occur in the hotel room and they never do anything creepy otherwise, I don't mind. Some people have crazy fetishes. As long as they don't practice them outside the bedroom, is it really an issue?

As far as convention attendance, I'd prefer if non-anime related suiters could keep their outfit out of the area. They're bulky and in the way, as well as not really applicable. Pokemon, etc suits are fine. But just generic fox/wolf/whatever... I'd rather them not.

Some of the people in the suits are really weird and crazy. But if they're the kind that don't talk, I don't have much of an issue with them, hah.

>> No.6871063 [DELETED] 

Yes, actually.

>> No.6871065 [DELETED] 

Better than furshit at least.

>> No.6871067

>Open link
>Close tab
>Clear from history

>> No.6871069 [DELETED] 
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And even this?

>> No.6871075

>Don't have sex in something that took months to create and cost a ton of money.
Why would you make something so difficult and expensive just to cover it in Jizz?

>> No.6871080 [DELETED] 

PT's a trainwreck you just can't keep your eyes off.

>> No.6871087 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 958x555, 1356888881475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is built like a K-on.

>> No.6871092 [DELETED] 

It always bothered me how their torso's are as long/longer than their legs

>> No.6871100 [DELETED] 

Her body doesn't look too bad here. imo.
She just has shitty proportions because she's short as fuck.

>> No.6871106

I admire the technical skill that goes into the craftsmanship of fursuits, but they still creep me out. Especially things like >>6870933 with big, realistic eyes. As for whether they belong in anime/comic cons, it depends. If someone wants to bring a Kyubey fursuit to an anime con or a Gumball fursuit to a comic con, that's all fine and dandy, but leave the shitty fursonas to furry cons.

>> No.6871110 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 190x159, 1333980917974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a keion bod

Feels so bad

>> No.6871115 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, stumpy-shoko-tan-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys have never heard of Shoko Nakagawa?

>> No.6871111 [DELETED] 

but some women in Japan are actually build like this. Longer torso and shorter legs. That's why a lot of them wear heels/platforms.

>> No.6871120 [DELETED] 

Is she a dwarf?

>> No.6871118 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6871123 [DELETED] 

Leave the Keions alone. They're cute.

>> No.6871124 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 1066x800, stumpy-shoko-tan-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6871131 [DELETED] 

I love Shoko-tan.

>> No.6871143 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 600x690, japanese-midget-girl-hobbits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be cute and still have odd proportions.

>> No.6871168 [DELETED] 


Her nails...Does she bit her nails?

>> No.6871190 [DELETED] 

Koti has some gross stubby fingernails. You know the kind that look like toenails. I don't know if it's because she chews them, but they do not look nice and I'm glad that she has fake nails on in that pic.

>> No.6873954


>> No.6876570
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>If someone wants to bring a Kyubey fursuit to an anime con or a Gumball fursuit to a comic con, that's all fine and dandy, but leave the shitty fursonas to furry cons.
This exactly. Cosplay mascots/fursuits are usually pretty cool, and half the time they aren't even done by furries, just cosplayers who want to portray a non-human character they like accurately.

>> No.6876576

ugh these are too cute

>> No.6876636

>Fanime this year
>Pokemon Gathering
>Arcanine and Mightyena

I fell in love

>> No.6876700

Agreed. Actually I do not mind furries so much at anime or comic cons, since I just consider it part of the culture anyways in a way? For the most part larger cons like Comic Cons are less Comic and more Pop Culture cons now...

Speaking of this though, that reminds me, I need to start looking up tutorials on this stuff. I wanna make an Oko San cosplay where I have a pigeon head and wing arms while wearing the school uniform and stuff, and I'm not entirely sure if having full sleeve wing arms under long sleeves would work well? If someone else knows though by all means, suggestions would be nice.

>> No.6876734

I hate furries, but that is super-cute.

>> No.6876770

Maybe just gloves where your fingers are in feathers, and a couple trailing up the sleeve?

>> No.6876794

I'm kind of split on furries. The only one I ever talked to was at this year's fanime. She was a rabbit running around stage zero? She was telling me how to make the heads and stuff, and helped me figure out how to make a deadmau5 costume. If all furries were like that I probably wouldn't mind them in cons, even if it's off-topic.

Same con, some guy with a tricycle or something? Wouldn't talk and was creepy as shit. Kept petting his face? I have a feeling more are like this guy overall.

>> No.6876875


>> No.6877008

You could make elbow gloves, and make the feathers only go a bit deeper into the sleeve, so they don't show,

My buddy got a picture with her I think, but weren't there two?

>> No.6877022
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>dat video

dear god why

>> No.6877285
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I'm a furfag but, I don't hang out with furries like this.
There's a growing part of the fandom, and a bigger and bigger majority that don't treat it sexually.
I haven't been to a furry con yet, I will be soon. But, I constantly hear about furries saying how boring and mundane anime cons are to their furry counterpart.
I don't care if they come in their suits to anime cons, because there already is enough at anime cons that isn't anime that I just don't care.

>> No.6877290
File: 27 KB, 403x403, 552289_394076063997833_1639460104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll dump some suits

>> No.6877292
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>> No.6877297
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the kemono style seems to be a favorite

>> No.6877299
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>> No.6877300
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>> No.6877301
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>> No.6877302
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>> No.6877305
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>> No.6877311
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>> No.6877315
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>> No.6877312
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>> No.6877316
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>> No.6877320
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>> No.6877327
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>> No.6877330
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>> No.6877333
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>> No.6877339

/fa/ furries.. Guh.. I have trouble imagining something worse.

>> No.6877342
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>> No.6877345
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>> No.6877349
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>> No.6877351
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>> No.6877354
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>> No.6877362
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>> No.6877361

Can't we stick to it being a mascot cosplay thread?

>> No.6877372
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>> No.6877374
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>> No.6877378
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>> No.6877381
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>> No.6877385
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>> No.6877389
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>> No.6877397
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>> No.6877405
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>> No.6877402
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>> No.6877406

No, god damn it, this is exactly what we don't want to see, random fucking animal suits. Cosplay is fine, OC fursonas no. most of these aren't even good.
Yiff in hell.

>> No.6877410
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>> No.6877412
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>> No.6877417
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>> No.6877416
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>> No.6877420
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>> No.6877421
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>> No.6877428
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>> No.6877431

I'm not so much into fursuits, but I'm intrigued as to how the eye's are moving.

How does this work?

>> No.6877437
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>> No.6877448

almost all fursuits have those actually.
It's an illusion more than anything. You can actually make a pair out of a pair of plastic cups I believe.
They're referred to as 'follow me eyes'

>> No.6877451

Optical illusion. The eyes are inset. They call them "follow-me eyes"

>> No.6877452
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>> No.6877454

For conventions, as long as the "fursuit" is a mascot character I'm all for it. However, I dislike seeing OC furries, that's like cosplaying an OC character, it's just silly. I also hate when certain characters like pokemon are done in that weird Don Bluth style that most fursuits seem to be made like, you know the ones like this:
In fact, that dumb style is probably why I hate about 85% of the fursuits I see in general.

The ones with insane detail or interesting character designs I like, though. I can't even begin to imagine how much work goes into these:

However, when people post shit like the picture in the upper right corner here >>6877299 or here >>6870998 it makes me wonder how much of that "ohh nooo, no one has sex in these we don't sexualize furries this is mostly a nonsexual culture it's all the media's fault" is true or not.

>> No.6877459
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>> No.6877470
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>> No.6877466

there's the fetish side, and the weird people in fursuits side.
There are some people with suits for sexual purposes referred to as 'murr suits' but theyre very looked down in the community. There are several furry run tumblrs and such that make lists of said people.
The fandom is becoming less and less sexual though. That is certain

>> No.6877472
File: 79 KB, 540x720, 75309_10150300468875062_505065061_15371046_6091153_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god I HATE HATE HATE when they give cosplay characters that toony look. It's the worst.

Another thing I hate is when they do partial suits of shit like Pokemon; like they've got an Eevee head, tail, and paws with a tshirt and jeans.

>> No.6877473
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>> No.6877478
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>> No.6877480
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Whatever you say.

>> No.6877483
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>> No.6877487
File: 97 KB, 205x448, 5bd4434bcafd07bf49f8b6bd902177eacbefc078-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets balance this out with some actual cosplay

>> No.6877484
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>> No.6877489
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>> No.6877491
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Yes, let's.

>> No.6877495
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>> No.6877497
File: 120 KB, 500x333, 3611778248_7d45ca0917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heheh I love those giant pokemon mascots and I kinda want to wear one

>> No.6877500


>> No.6877501
File: 443 KB, 480x347, 1354313402037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.6877509


>> No.6877512
File: 191 KB, 479x720, 1323365337362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My absolute favorite. I don't know how many blue clown wigs whoever made this had to buy but by god it was worth it.

>> No.6877514

Dang that's trippy

Thank you! I feel more enlightened now!

>> No.6877524
File: 212 KB, 509x640, 1341473264904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6877535

Big costumes that cover your face and hide your identity are interesting because they give you free license to act without care. It's like being anon, but at a convention or whatever.

>> No.6877536
File: 117 KB, 588x480, wargCC01sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UGH I LOVE THAT GUY. Not just for that one, though the Beatles fan in me fucking loves him for it, but his other suits were an inspiration for me to try mascot cosplay too.

>> No.6877549
File: 38 KB, 640x428, 1346989260367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably why a lot of furries (specifically the ones that wear their neon colored OCs) at cons are so obnoxious. No I don't want to hug you just because I can no longer see how ugly you are.

>> No.6877556
File: 32 KB, 219x329, 1396051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that chocobo, the girl is actually backwards inside it to get the legs right

>> No.6877558

Wait...so she has to hunch all the time?

That sucks but good going for her.

>> No.6877560
File: 230 KB, 400x500, 1318807299126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha, I figured so. She did a great job with the construction, even if it was probably a bitch-and-a-half to be in.

>> No.6877604

That's dedication. Any videos of her moving?

>> No.6877734

Can't find any... This was from Animazement 2003, though, so not as much video back then.
The cosplayer is http://www.cosplay.com/costume/127051/

>> No.6877742

poor quality, but it exists.

>> No.6877790
File: 102 KB, 300x400, 944910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more Chocobos~

>> No.6877795
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>> No.6877798
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>> No.6877803
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>> No.6877809
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Counts, right?

>> No.6877825

If it's a mascot-type costume for a convention related character; wonderful.
If it's a furry, they should stay at their own conventions. I feel the about comic book characters at anime conventions, too.

>> No.6877885
File: 116 KB, 400x600, furrycosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see anything wrong with fursuiters at anime conventions. I see comic book cosplay, video game cosplay, band cosplay, lolita, TV/Movie cosplay, guys making random outfits out of mountain dew boxes or whatever, and some people who look like they fell into their closet and wore everything that stuck to them. Some people wear the most random shit because they can at an anime con. . .I think a fursuiter is far from the strangest thing I have seen.

As long as they don't stink and are respectful (something I hold to eveyone), then I don't care. We are all there to have fun and because we share similar interests.

I think if anything. . .I would just be bothered if the Artist Alley started having a heavy dose of Furry art. Granted, I enjoy some furry art, but I am not at an anime con to buy furry related things.

>> No.6877886

Do these have the inverted legs, too? The one on the left looks like she doesn't and I can't figure out the one on the right.

>> No.6877964

Nope, just padding to give it that effect.

>> No.6880268
File: 220 KB, 900x1224, white_kyurem_cosplay_full_view_by_shadowhatesomochao-d5gfwgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyuram bump

>> No.6880268,1 [INTERNAL] 

Aren't there stupid people in every fan thing? I heard about people who do "it" in batman or wonder women costumes. There's a book or two out there ruining what lolita fashion is all about.Heck, I've just heard on the radio news that there's a doctor who with "adult content" thing going around the Internet. There are stupid people EVERYWHERE.

I don't really like cosplaying, but when I'm at an anime convention and I see that they didn't pay attention to details, I FLIP out. I like anime, so when a favorite character isn't represented correctly, prepare to get smacked.