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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6867535 No.6867535 [Reply] [Original]

MCM Expo is over until July when Manchester Expo happens, and upcoming events include Ayacon and Tokusatsu.

Did you enjoy the weekend? Any fun stories to tell? Post some photos if you took some too.

>> No.6867565
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Here are all the photos I took:

>> No.6867573

Aah, the droning tones of the no fun allowed club. Welcome at last.

>> No.6867574

Had a great time, was my boyfriend and mines first cosplays. (Steins;Gate)
The expo seemed a lot more busier this year though, I didn't particularly enjoy waiting an hour in a queue for the exit.

>> No.6867579

Expo was kinda shit, but fucked Eva in the arse so I'm happy.

>> No.6867587

Just a quick question. The exposure over all the shots is nice and consistent. Do you use a light meter, or do you lock the exposure or what? I find some shots are perfect and others look pretty dingy. I think it's where predominantly white backgrounds fool the camera

>> No.6867588

Unless you're a bag of nicknacks (literally) I don't believe you.

>> No.6867596
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>> No.6867599

This was my first expo and I really enjoyed it because I'm not dead inside.

>> No.6867606

First con I've been to, it wasn't that terrible, except possibly the hugely overcrowded con-area, but I was only there on the Saturday.

The Sunday morning hangover however, was less than pleasant.

>> No.6867615

I didn't get nearly drunk enough. Where did people go after Foxes closed?

>> No.6867619

those Luteces were fucking great, walked around in character the whole time, it was superb.

>> No.6867621

I didn't stay at Fox for longer than 15 minutes, I didn't see the point in paying three times what Tescos down the road took for their shitty beer.

>> No.6867624

Expo was pretty good, but Saturday was way way too packed. They either need to expand the space or start capping the numbers. It's just getting dangerous now!

>> No.6867625
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I shoot in manual and keep my ISO on 400, then change the shutter speed to what is best for the environment I'm in. It's good to take some test shots at a random crowd before going for serious photos so you can adjust your settings to what you want. Bear in mind though I'm just a beginner at this stuff, so take it as a grain of salt.

I keep a memory of settings for the areas I'm in. In relation to Expo, here's what I use:
• Outdoors = Shutter priority (or a very high shutter speed like 1/300s to 1/500s)
• Indoors (Glass roof area) = 1/30s
• Indoors (Dark hallways and inside the event) = 1/15s (Can get away with doing 1/60s if you step the ISO up to something stupidly high)
• Night = Use an external flash or you're fucked

Also even if you don't get your shots perfectly lighted on your camera, just throw them into Lightroom and play around with the RAW files, it can save those times you fuck up and forget to adjust your lighting settings.

Their costumes are pretty much perfect as well, they did a fantastic job.

>> No.6867627

ah, yeah staying there was probably a mistake, but I didn't want to drink my hotel room.

>> No.6867629
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I mean aperture priority, not shutter priority, doh.

>> No.6867630

or in it, in fact.

>> No.6867634

look you barbarian...

>> No.6867631

I don't get you Britons inherent fear of drinking without a roof over your head, there was a perfectly fine patch of grass outside

>> No.6867635

Not just the price but the general service in the place was terrible.

Spoilers: there are laws against it.

>> No.6867639

You can't drink on Expo grounds, it's private land.

>> No.6867640

Ok thanks bro, that's pretty much what I was getting. Outside I was using aperture either something like f4, f8 or f11 depending on what I wanted, and inside the event hall, I had to use shutter priority and go to 1/15

>> No.6867641

waited 25 minutes to get served at one point, how they can't be prepared for what must be one of their biggest weekends of the year is beyond me. Upstairs was a bit better though.

>> No.6867652
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Everyone goes to Foxes because it's well known. There are easily several other places around the Excel site that barely had any people in them, they're just not well known (thankfully).

I keep my aperture on the lowest I can when photographing cosplayers to decrease the depth of field and get that blurry background effect and bring the cosplayer into dominant focus. I need to get something other than a kit lens so I can get better shots but they look pretty good with what I'm using. Shutter speed is absolutely more important though.

>> No.6867657

well given the point was to socialise with friends and friends of friends, there being other deserted pubs wasn't really very relevant

>> No.6867662

True, true. It's just way too small for the amount of people that go there. The least they could do is offer more seating spots outside or somewhere.

>> No.6867663

Ditch priority modes and go full manual. Priority modes aim for grey and can't tell if you're shooting something that is supposed to be lighter or darker. You use a priority mode and shoot a piece of white paper, the shot will come out grey. Shoot black paper, it comes out grey.

Manual is the way to go for events. Since you'll be shooting people all the time and usually groups stand in a line, you should use any aperture between 2.8 and 5.6 to give you as much light whilst keeping your subject in focus. 8 or 11 is an unnecessary waste when you're shooting events unless you're doing a very close head and shoulders portrait. Set the ISO as high as you feel your camera body can get away with without noise being a problem. For entry level cameras this is normally 400, for mid level it's about 800 and pro cameras can usually do 1600 fine. Some can even do 3200 without noise being visible outside of 100% crop.
Then just ride your shutter speed depending on light and focal length. I would never drop below 1/50th unless I had absolutely no other choice. Between camera shake and subject movement you shouldn't be using something like 1/15.

>> No.6867688

Thanks man, I have a Sony A580 body, but the sensor is the same one as used in a D7000 or K-5, so it should be decent

>> No.6867726

The bad Shingeki cosplay.... it begins

>> No.6867750
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I thought it was good.
I noticed that there was an abundance of Fem!Cas, Poison Ivy, Luffy, L, Finn, Madoka, etc
I was cosplaying as Mugi, I was surprised I didn't see another since it seems like it would be a popular cosplay.

On a sidenote, is anyone going to the con in earls court in July?

>> No.6867760

HyperJapan? The one in November was terrible so I'm skipping it now.

>> No.6867759

You mean Hyper Japan? Yeah I was thinking of it just because I love that area (literally 5 minutes walk from the venue is the cafe that appears in the K-ON movie promotional artwork, and they even have that image in the shop window).

So yeah, might go along and hope for some Keions to be present. Not sure if anyone would go along with going to the cafe with a stranger though haha.

>> No.6867761

so many Elizabeths, though the vast majority were way better than I was expecting

>> No.6867775

I really enjoyed it, just went with one friend, though. I really wish I could make more friends who are into going to cons. I must attend the meet next time, it seems at least some of you broke off to have some actual fun!

They definitely need to expand to a second hall. They must have stands lining up to fill it.

>> No.6867779

I had a great time at the meet, puking into the thames was a highlight

Even the hangover was enjoyable

>> No.6867780


Nope, it's not Hyper Japan. It's just called London Film & Comic Con.
I bought tickets on a whim.


>> No.6867783

Does anyone know who cosplayed the Emperor from The Emperor's New Groove during the Masquerade on Sunday? Cheers!

>> No.6867789

Yeah I got a picture with all of them bar one.

So many Bookers too, most of 'em awful.

>> No.6867795

the cross-played pair, particularly the male Elizabeth, were cool.

>> No.6867814

Oh yeah, I think I saw them briefly in passing. Got any pictures?

>> No.6867822


>> No.6867834
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not mine but here you go

>> No.6867851

I went there in '11 I think and it wasn't too bad, much, much more focus on comic book and movie fans which is pretty nice, and I live in West London so the commute was only 20 minutes for me rather than an hour~
I remember there was a guy standing by the queue playing his guitar and singing a song about Batman and Robin's homoerotic relationship

>> No.6867862

Loads of Ita's in mianoo shit and cheap lace, i didn't even wan't to go near them.
So embarrassing and ruining Lolita

>> No.6867866


Most of the lolitas I saw were wearing Angelic Pretty.


>> No.6867873

For those who were talking about The Fox I would suggest maybe going to The Oiler Bar (a Bar on a large boat) in October like I mentioned in the previous thread (>>6865564 and oliver was the wrong name, I screwed up there) as the prices are either the same or slightly better and the transactions are done much faster than The Fox.

It is also a good meet spot and isn't heavily populated like The Fox is during the events as The Oiler Bar recently opened earlier this year so not many would know of the bar.

I'm posting this as the other thread will 404 soon.

>> No.6867884
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Here is a random pic I took on the saturday at MCM

>> No.6867887

that kid cannot believe how good a day he is having

>> No.6867890
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So I remember leaving my hotel room drunk on Saturday gone midnight, speaking to some people including a very well spoken guy dressed as Totoro, and getting back drunker. Was this any of you guys? If it is, many thanks for a cool night, would be cool to catch up with you guys next time, hopefully sober enough to remember more.

>> No.6867895

I had no idea people went to a pub after. This is where I'm going wrong. Is this where all the single girls be at?

>> No.6867899

no, apparently that's the lobby of the Premier Inn

>> No.6867947

But that is also the same place where the worst cringing people are at. :(

>> No.6867962

Cosplay: you take the good with the bad.

>> No.6867992

If you're after the single ladies you need to be good-looking and not a spaghetti spiller. Picking up a girl at expo is the same as normal day to day life, you just don't have as many options or competition. Hang around with a group because being alone and hitting on people is creepy as fuck, unless you're ridiculously good at picking chicks up. Bond with other groups on the steps or the lobbies and you'll be golden.

Use a fake name and not your normal phone number and prepare for some of the best sex you'll have as most of the girls are crazy but have some fucked up fetishes and will be willing to do whatever you want. Just remember to get the hell out of dodge the next day as some of them are as clingy as their vaginas are around dicks.

Avoid the Fox in the evenings as it's just a sausage-fest. It also helps if you work out and go for a character who shows off as much flesh as possible, you'll get the girls coming in droves just be prepared for 95% of them to be ugly or fat.

>> No.6868048

You forgot that having a fat wallet and a big camera goes down really well, too. If you can't pull off a ripped shirtless character then show off how loaded you are. Expo chicks love the man who's buying everyone drinks.

>> No.6868058

Only if you're good looking. Expo chicks maybe crazy and weird but they're still girls, they'll take the drinks and then fuck off to the good looking guys hotel room. Most of the 'couples' going round were just friend zoned guys taking girls around and buying them shit

>> No.6868070

Yeah guys, it's not enough to be an arsehole, you gotta be a good looking arsehole if you wanna be a true pick up artist.

>> No.6868074

All the more reason to do dem squats and oats

>> No.6868075

Glutes for the sloots

>> No.6868085

You haven't been hanging with the real Expo crazies then.

>> No.6868086

Anyone actually got any photos from Expo?

>> No.6868098

second post down has a bunch, or you could go to the MCM facebook page

>> No.6868109

>Dat bendy sword.
>Dem very poorly chosen character choices.
>Dem completely non-form-fitting costumes.

Oh dear, it's not looking good...

>> No.6868133

cargo pants
What the actual fuck???

>> No.6868236

Welcome to MCM Expo!

>> No.6868268

I did notice a ridiculous amount of shitty TARDIS cosplayers - mostly girls in poorly sewn, short dresses, one person was wearing a swimming costume with reflective squares stuck on it? I mostly blocked it out of my memory though, pretty horrible

>> No.6868289

Was it me or did Expo have a record level of autistics in attendance this year? Every 25m there was some braying socially awkward 'tard making a twat out of themselves.

>> No.6868297

25m seems remarkably high.

>> No.6868529

If anything this year was pretty light in that regard.

>> No.6868532


That kids having a wank.

>> No.6868537

Haven't been to Expo for 2 years due to Uni and I didn't expect it to have changed this much. Sure there were more people, but that's a given. I didn't expect to see so many shit cosplays, autistic fuckers, creepy old men and fat people as I did.

Saturday was rammed with people and the main thorough-ways just stank of piss, not even a mild stink but the blatant stink of day old pee. I know the majority of these people rarely leave the house and therefore don't see the point in bathing but my god the smells that were coming from people were down right terrible.

You had fat women with their guts hanging out, old guys hugging little girls, creepy young guys covered in acne holding "free hugs" signs and beta males chasing after any female offering to buy her stuff. Expo may have been rather bad before hand, but it's downright shite now. Even the Fox was full of fuckers like this who would drink one beet and loudly proclaim how drunk they were. The hotels and room parties weren't any better with a fat guy or girl hanging around every corner trying to force themselves into any sort of room party.

Dear lord the -place stank.

>> No.6868652

Are there any videogame/comic/anime cons that aren't like this? I think the scale of MCM's attendance just amplifies what is always there.

>> No.6868783

Because of the size MCM has more of a chance of bringing in normal people, other smaller cons are only really well known to the specific communities they cater to and therefore have a higher percentage of weeb and autism.

>> No.6870080

MCM being the size it is int he place it is at the price it is, it brings in EVERYBODY. Smaller cons cut some people out, both the norms and the worst of the basement dwellers. Plus at MCM you have to mingle with the public while at small events you're usually just hanging with your friends.

MCM is definitely the worst hell pit.

>> No.6870088

Is it just me or does has this year really brought out the bitter neckbeards? If you don't cosplay don't expect to get as much attention or be as valued at events centered around cosplay especially if you go to /cgl/ meets too people in cosplay are just more likely to speak to each other since if you only come to /cgl/ around mcm for the meets you're hardly relevant at all. I don't mean that in a tripfag sense I just mean if you're not into cosplay or j-fash it's not like you participate, it's like going to a /fit/ meet because you like the jokes but you don't lift.

>> No.6870102

But half the dudes on the '/cgl/'-meet didn't even cosplay

>> No.6870122

Totoro ring leader. Yeah that was a lege night - remember the dares at all? I was the blue hoodie guy with tequila if that rings any bells.

>> No.6870125

Yeah, It's kind of sad.

I might post a thread on /soc/ next time in an attempt to segregate the non-seagulls.

>> No.6870127


>> No.6870129

>If you don't cosplay don't expect to get as much attention
no fucking shit sherlock
maybe you should just go into a normal club instead of going to Expo

>> No.6870130

You'd be better off getting various boards that will show up, such as /v/, /co/, /a/, to do their own meets.

>> No.6870136
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I remember very little after "is it cool if I have this Jaeger?" to be brutally honest. I remember dares were a thing and I vaguely remember speaking to three people. But I must have been there for about two hours and that Jaeger wasn't mine so, clearly it was all awesome people, and a pleasure speaking to you all. I was the long haired guy with the gold "TIGER" shirt if that clears anything up.

More photo for the photo god.

>> No.6870137

Eurogamer expo is the only good con in London. Well if you're into gaming more than anime.

Also because they actually have low caps on attendance, and there's good shit going on there other than just shitty cosplay.

But if you're going to go there just to try and fuck or something, do us a favour and don't come.

>> No.6870146

Hehe. Good luck with that.

>> No.6870148

That would be for the best, we really need to avoid people turning up and being upset that they don't get enough attention as cosplayers at a /cgl/ meet, it really boggles the mind.


>> No.6870152

Why don't they do that?
The most senseless thing in the world is to go to a meet up where you know you wont fit in and then complaining.

>> No.6870153

I think the problem is that most people believe that more girls go to /cgl/ than any other board so guys wanting to hook up flock to it. Guy to girl ratio at the meet was around four to one where as in the past it has been balanced with a good variety of people who are all there to make friends with cosplayers rather than find their cosplay wifu/fuck.

>> No.6870154

Are cosplays more out of place at Eurogamer Expo?

>> No.6870155

I don't know. I think the assumption is simply the /cgl/ meet is just a catch-all 4chan meet.

>> No.6870157

Not really, there's not as much though.

>> No.6870160

Only if they suck.

>> No.6870158

You're right, there is a misconception about the people who use /cgl/ also a lot of people at the meet were friends of /cgl/ users and not heavily involved in the scene it was a odd mix of people and most of the people who weren't involved in /cgl/ made no effort to involve themselves in being social.

>> No.6870159

Well I frequent a fair few boards anyway, and I imagine many other seagulls probably do the same.

>> No.6870161

Yes but some of these people clearly weren't interested in cosplay/lolita/whatever Japanese fashion as a hobby which makes all of the difference.

>> No.6870163

Didn't come to May. But looking forward to October. Just need to start my cosplay...

>> No.6870166

I wasn't at the meet this time, so I wouldn't know, to be honest. It would be cool to be able to arrange meets on /a/ or /v/ or what have you, but with the attitude a lot of people on the boards have it would nigh on impossible.

>> No.6870170

there were quite a few people at the /cgl/ meet that hadn't even heard of the place and were just told by someone to go to the statue and shout for seagulls, seemed a bit strange

but in regards to getting other boards meeting, /a/ is tricky because they hate that sort of thing and /v/ usually meets at places like Eurogamer. MCM would be more suited for /co/

>> No.6870175

I think what would be for the best is if people who turn up to a /cgl/ meet realise that they are going to a.../cgl/ meet! That's all that needs to happen and if they have genuine contempt for /cgl/ from the start or for some reason think /cgl/ girls are easy then they're going to be in for a bad time.

>> No.6870180

Yeah pretty much. I swear a lot of people at that meet just came along from /fit/ and /r9k/ to try and get with grills

>> No.6870183

I have a sneaking suspicion that a few people on the MCM facebook group go on /a/. Judging on how some of them behave on it.

>> No.6870184
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The statue was more crowded than usual. Next time it might be better if we hold it somewhere else that's not directly on excel grounds like around the Gondola area.

On another note, this section. Sorry for the bad picture, I didn't want to stand too close or make it look like I was taking a picture.

>> No.6870187

we could always meet on Seagull Lane just behind Fox's

>> No.6870188

I like this idea.

>> No.6870191

No, that is a road.

>> No.6870192

It's a plan for October then!

And? It's not like we're going to be there for longer than 20 mins.

>> No.6870194

I don't think you understand what a road is.

>> No.6870195

so what was the tripfags dramas this year then?

>> No.6870197
File: 345 KB, 1539x808, seagull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see plenty of meeting space here

>> No.6870199

Why even ask here? I'm sure you know that whatever gets posted in the thread/on the board is very unlikely to be true.

>> No.6870201

There was only 1 tripfag there.

>> No.6870203

In-front of a loading dock? Are you a moron?

>> No.6870211

EvaBraun and her boyfriend tried to take charge but no one listened so they left after 20 minutes. The rest carried on as per usual.

>> No.6870212

Case in point.

>> No.6870217

Except that's what actually happened, her boyfriend tried to take charge of the gorup and was ignored, they left as soon as we hit the Custom House pub.

>> No.6870219

Thankfully that was it they left and things resumed as they always do.

>> No.6870225

I counted 3 unless Im wrong. Ophelia, Piratetoaster and Eva Braun. Eva braun was the only one with any drama because she had a tantrum when people werent kissing her ass

>> No.6870229

So can we count on Eva and the shit posting that circles her to quieten down now that its clear noone gives a fuck about her?

>> No.6870230

Ophelia and PT don't trip anymore so they don't really count. There were a bunch of other trips there too but they left pretty early.

>> No.6870231

Piratetoaster and Ophelia aren't really tripfags.

>> No.6870237

No one's really a trip to be honest, it's all on Skype

>> No.6870239

Eva Braun trips on the regular just pointing out the different between her and other people.

>> No.6870242

She was asked a while ago to drop it as it causes drama and she seems to have complied.

>> No.6870240

No they just self post whenever their popularity rating is going down. I heard they acted like a pair of melodramatic wankers but not sure of the context. Just something I overheard. Wouldn't surprise me if it were true, they were probably pissed that no one was sucking their dicks.

>> No.6870247

I haven't seen either of them posted here or even tripping and I've lurked /cgl/ for a few months.

>> No.6870248

im not sure where you got that from but at the meet I went to (was there another?) they were really chill and chatty with everyone. I didnt see Eva so can't vouch for her.

>> No.6870249

Ophelia was pretty chill at the meet

>> No.6870251

What are you talking about everyone at the meet after Amber left was fun.

>> No.6870252

Yeah that's true, but that's because there hasn't been any drama about them. No one really cares one way or another. If someone said some real talk about them or expressed dislike of them then you'd probably see their pictures appearing with less-than-threes and "waifu" in the comments.

>> No.6870253

Sounds like PT and Ophelia might have been mean to you. Please apply ointment to the burned area.

>> No.6870257

I've never met them myself, that's just a pattern that occurs, not so much now that they're not news. I don't know a lot about them, but my impression is that they're two pretty girls with all the personality of a glass of tap water, that's about it.

>> No.6870255


Man you guys love talking about this shit don't you?

I'm not going to write a long diatribe explaining point by point the events of the day, but, if you want a good reason not to listen to these morons: It was me who said "We're going to the custom house pub" in the first place.

Eva left because she and I had an argument about something. I left because I didn't particularly feel like arranging activities for 30 people.


I think Ophelia was fine, just hanging out doing Ophelia stuff. Pirate Toaster was starting up all kinds of shit because Eva asked her to maybe talk about something other than how much dick she takes in the Skype chat once in a while. And she did it in private.

Personally, I don't really blame PT. The only thing of value she brings to the group is between her legs so she's got to remind everyone that it's available otherwise we might forget to bring her along.

Anyway, have fun talking about how I'm making all this up or whatever.

>> No.6870256

dont cry too much eva

>> No.6870259

LOL Eva pls leave

>> No.6870261

>inb5 we are all eva

>> No.6870262

i feel bad for PT, she has to sleep with every person around her just to try and stay relevant in conversation

>> No.6870260

eva chill out this isnt going to make you more popular

>> No.6870263

PT did nothing wrong sorry that you're a jealous fatty who can't get diq

>> No.6870264

So if a girl talks about sex she's a worthless slut who brings nothing to a group? How adult and grown up like you I really wish I had your critical thinking skills without your view I'd have forgotten that women who enjoy sex aren't worthy of any kind of involvement in anything ever.

>> No.6870265

Eva's butthurt because PirateToaster didn't want the party to come back to her room and Eva's evidentially too thick to understand what 'I don't want other people in my room' means.

>> No.6870266

Wow no seriously I haven't met any of them. Here's why I think that: ophelia: past drama mainly surrounding what she can and can't get away with due to her looks. Pt: past drama mainly surrounding what she can and can't get away with due to her looks. Eb: past (?) drama mainly surrounding things she's said and done here and irl and opinions she has.

I guess I just tend to think that if someone is only remembered for their face, they're probably the type to value their looks above other things and everyone knows girls like that are bitches. They're probably all twats.

>> No.6870267


Well that's what I said. I mean, she's claiming that Eva's a huge slut shamer because she asked her to chill out talking about it in the chat all the time.

I've been impossibly diplomatic because my actual opinions would reflect badly on Eva but I think she's a brainless slut and I've never once seen her add anything to a conversation.

I did find it interesting in the skype chat that she'd been silent for ages and I mentioned something about prostitution and she came out with "Prostitution should be legal" then lapsed back into silence.

She's 1 dimensional as fuck, and it's a pretty shitty dimension at that.


This is Eva's boyfriend, not Eva. Reading comprehension, yo.

>> No.6870270

I saw PT and Eva talking about how they have the same strap on in the skype group. I guess sex talk is only okay when it's Eva who's getting it.

>> No.6870271

that's why you were begging to hang out with us on Saturday nice one captain texas

>> No.6870272

Didn't you know that it's only ok to enjoy sex if you're in a relationship where did you get the idea that women could do what they want from?

>> No.6870274


It's not that she talks about sex. It's that she literally only talks about sex. Like, the fact that she lets everyone fuck her is the only thing she brings to the group and she likes to remind people of that.

At Midlands MCM some of them were gonna start up Never Have I Ever and she was to go first. I shall transcribe the event.

PT: Can I just say something I HAVE done and drink anyway?
Someone: Sure, why not
PT: Never have I ever done anal
And then a drink.

So, for no reason whatsoever her opening gambit was to let everyone know that her ass was also available.

It's literally the only thing she has to offer anyone is easy access.

Sorry to say. Though if you want some advice: You don't need to white knight her to get in there. Just ask, man.

>> No.6870275

> they're probably the type to value their looks above other things and everyone knows girls like that are bitches
could you have outed yourself as a neckbeard any more blatantly

>> No.6870277

I h-hate g-good looking girl t-too.

>> No.6870278

fucking hell how hard did pirate toaster reject you

>> No.6870280


Eva also talks about a whole pile of other shit. Seriously, learn to read dawg.


What? I literally left the group to go hang out with another friend. The group tried to follow ME to their table and I shooed ya'll away because my friend didn't want anything to do with the cgl group.

You do remember that, right? Me outright saying "go away yall" and then going back and forth until you guys left? At which point I happily stayed with my friend at the bar?

At what point was I begging?

See, the thing is that there's people in that group that I actually do like. I'm not gonna sit here and be like "Pfft I just rejected you nerds" because, you know, I was perfectly happy to also hang out and talk with a few of the people there, but, you obviously weren't paying much attention if you think I was the one begging to hang out with you.

>> No.6870281

Not exactly sure where all this drama is coming from but it seemed to be a pretty chill meet. (Can't really compare to other meets as this was my first).

We sat on the steps for a bit and had a drink, then the rather tall chap suggested we head to a pub and we stayed in for a pint or so. Eva (I'm guessing it was her? The Goth (?) chick) left and then we filled up on some chicken and headed to The Fox for a few hours. No one was being weird, obnoxious or even particularly loud. Everyone pretty much sat down, chatted and drank. Quite fan actually and ended up with a dreadful hangover the next day.

>> No.6870279

thats not really the crime of the century to say that you have done anal nor is it an invitation for people to partake in anal with you

>> No.6870283


Miss you pal, apparently we pissed into the thames together, how romantic

>> No.6870284


Man if she did, it would have been pretty hard, since it'd be her first time so she'd probably be pretty blatant and awkward about it.


The point is that, again, it's the only thing she brings to the table.

Anyway. I'm just gonna stop responding to anyone who doesn't seem to be able to read.

>> No.6870285

Don't worry Gregg the meet was fun and we really enjoyed your company. We know it this drama is currently all coming from Eva and her boyfriend as per.

>> No.6870286

Are you telling me that you've experienced more than maybe 20% of that sort NOT being bitches? You're lying to yourself, sister, take a step back. Even if you think that's just a stereotype you wouldn't believe the kind of backstage manipulative shit they pull while you're not looking. If I wanted to really put my tin foil hat on I could say you're probably one of those two, but I think the chances of them catching wind of this subject and getting here that fast are slim.

>> No.6870289

Sorry that was my fault there, I spotted an empty table near the door and pointed everyone towards it saying "There's a table over there" and I guess they assumed it was with you.

>> No.6870290

All this fucking drama. Hilarious.

Met my bro Charlie at the meet and it was cool as fuck. No idea who went to Fox bar though.

>> No.6870291

Do you always get your kicks by dictating what girls can and can't do or just on weekends

>> No.6870293

Confirmed for /r9k/ user and virgin who is so scared of attractive women he has to shitpost about any that he sees when he actually leaves the house.

>> No.6870295

Hands up, how many of the people here have or want to fuck PT or Ophelia
Cos that's how I'm going to judge how truthful this thread is likely to be

>> No.6870296


Hey man, it's cool. Like I said, you were cool, some of the other people there were too. I was quite happy to hang out with the group. If not I wouldn't have brought them all to the Custom House Pub in the first place.

My friend didn't want to hang out with CGL people so I shooed everyone away. It's no big deal dawg.

>> No.6870297

Greg directed us to that table to sit down when we came into the bar, so we saw you sitting there and pressured that's where the group had moved to. Then you started screaming 'GO GO JUST GO' in a crowded public space like some kind of deranged autist so we shuffled off to our own table. That's literally it.

>> No.6870298

If you put o's head on pt's body then you'd have something attractive

>> No.6870303

for the short time that I met you, you were pretty cool
unlike the other southerners

>> No.6870300


Literally always. 100% of the time.

>> No.6870302

I'd do them both

>> No.6870305


I believe the actual thing went as follows.

Megan: Can we join you?
Me: No
Megan: Like, actually no?
Me: Yeah, no, go.
Megan: Oh, ok

Then everyone turned and left, then I came over and explained the situation with my friend.

Hyperbole is way more fun than regularbole though.

>> No.6870306

But if you got to mix and match that would be the combo
I'm not saying I wouldn't as they are but pt has a bulldog face and ophie can't decide if she's chubby or dying of starvation

>> No.6870308
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Maybe. PT would be into some pretty kinky stuff, ophelia is more vanilla.

>> No.6870311

I don't think PT has a bulldog face and I don't think Ophie is chubby or dying of starvation.

>> No.6870315

That's your opinion, man, I'm just sayin. Out of the two I'd pick pt overall. More my type.

>> No.6870317


Oh, also, remember: freedom of action does not mean freedom from judgement.

PT is free to be a huge whore, and I'm free to be disgusted by her being a huge whore.

Can't have it both ways bro.

I didn't say what she can or can't do, I gave my opinion on it. It sucks that some people are so insecure that they can't stand anyone who doesn't approve of everything they do.

>> No.6870320

Sometimes I wish I did half the stuff people accused me of, it sounds more fun than my actual life which is 90% watching Grand Designs and Flog It with my nan and 10% listening to Skrillex by myself.

Honestly like, I have no beef with Eva. Yeah we rubbed eachother the wrong way on the Skype chat but we talked about that like adults and were fine at the weekend until there was a complete fuck up in communication which led to what should've been a small bump in the weekend but has somehow blown up into a he said, she said drama even though my side dropped it a long time ago.

>> No.6870321

That doesn't make any sense I said I don't think pt looks like a bulldog and that Ophie is not chubby or starving to death not that I'd pick any of them what I don't understand is how someone can be chubby and starving to death or how PT has anything resembling a bulldog face.

>> No.6870323

How does it not make sense that you have one opinion and I have another are u retarted

>> No.6870326

No your statement about the two of them doesn't make any sense. PT has a heart shaped face so it makes no sense to call her a bulldog and as for Ophie you can't be both chubby and starving to death I hardly need to explain that one.

>> No.6870328

well that's resolved then, dramu over

>> No.6870330


Yeah, and Eva's pretty happy to be done with it and have nothing to do with it either. Other people were the ones starting shit up in this thread talking rather inaccurate shit about her.

I've been ludicrously diplomatic up until now because I knew if I said what I thought it would get HER into drama and bullshit, but, now that it's found her anyway I'm free to say what I like, so, you know. Read above for my opinions I guess.

Either way, she didn't start anything in this thread and I'm only posting here out of some futile sense of desire to correct factual errors. And it's nice to finally just say what I think. Either way, if no one else posts about it she ain't going to either, so, keep that in mind whether your name's on or not.

>> No.6870332

I didn't say she was both oh shit son read your words. I'm not having some gay internet argument over your waifus

>> No.6870333

I would suggest the bar I mentioned in this post (>>6867873) as it is near by, less crowded and a better bar overall to get drinks from in comparison to The Fox.

>> No.6870339

For those asking about the size of the hall - they did apparently extend it again this year but still no cap on tickets.

>> No.6870337

Eva was the one who blew that shit out of proportion and wouldn't drop it. Oh her weekend was ruined because she didn't listen and was too lazy to walk from one end of the centre to the other, cry me a river.

>> No.6870338

Could we all drop this please?
I hate using my trip, I haven't in half a year but this is petty.

Btw, thanks for pointing out that I'm recovering from an eating disorder, I almost forgot.

>> No.6870340


>> No.6870341

so why the fuck did you think it okay to act like a complete cunt regarding Toastie when you both have no problem with her what the fuck.

>> No.6870344

At least they opened up the side-halls for people to hang around in, that was a good idea

>> No.6870346

So did she actually get pissed off and leave over nothing or not what happened here. I should attend next time so I understand the following threads.

>> No.6870349

/cgl/ - Bitching General

Personally I had a great time, everyone was super chill, then again I was probably too hammered to notice

>> No.6870351

All this shit happened before 8PM, iirc.

Great experience for those of us attending for the first time.

Oh wait, no it wasn't.

>> No.6870354

Why the fuck did you go to a seagull meet, you could do so much better in life. Aim higher. It's not that bad.

>> No.6870355

None of this drama discussed in the thread really went down at the meet apart from Eva leaving.

>> No.6870356


Should have gone to the anon meet - that was pretty good after we broke off.

From what I've seen and heard the other group (the ones that went to the pub) were just bitching about each other~

>> No.6870357

I remember hanging at the steps, going to custom house bar, then people split off there and GREGG THE GANGSTER found us a table outside the fox and we were drinking store bought beer.

Last thing I remember was puking into the thames

>> No.6870361

Yes I'm aware of that. Things still happened on the day though.

Because maybe I wanted to get to know some people who attend cons regularly such as myself?

That's what happened in the end.

>> No.6870363

where WAS the anon meet?

>> No.6870365

You can go to a con and meet people who go to cons regularly, you go to seagull meets to fight for attention, bitch and create drama.

>> No.6870366

Nobody even bitched about people at the fox what are you on you deranged neckbeard. Go back to crying about the friendzone ffs or at least attempt to rebuild your life.

>> No.6870373

i would've liked to go to that. where did you meet?

>> No.6870369


We went and got some drinks and just sat down on the grass outside MCM for a few hours - was pretty cool, good day overall

>> No.6870371

>said one of the fox attendees, smirking as they think they've helped cover for their equally slippery pals

>> No.6870380

Then make a meet and don't post about it on /cgl/ you retard.

Advertise your meet on /r9k/ next time and stop shitting up /cgl/, it's not our fault none of the girls fancied lowering their standards to have a night of sweaty greasy romance with a 2/10 neckbeard.

The same fagging from you really is intensifying.

>> No.6870383


We were at the statue as well and went to the bar that they went to but then split off after that

>> No.6870381

Yeah I guess. Or I could try to stop reliving '09 when I actually had a decent group of con going friends and grow up like them.

We were with the /cgl/ guys. Steps, bar, back to steps and grass. Who the fuck can even afford £4 for a pint?

>> No.6870382


I don't recall saying that. I mean, I have no problem with PT doing whatever she wants.

However that doesn't mean I'm not going to express my opinion about it, and my opinion is that it's disgusting and seriously reduces her value as a human being.

There's no 'problem' with her as in I'm not going to start up bullshit in threads, and I didn't start anything in this thread either. But since the discussion is happening I expressed my opinion. And I think that's perfectly okay.


Eva and I had an argument, and that was why she left. Was personal between us, had nothing to do with anyone else.

>> No.6870384

Toastie I know its not much coming from an anon on CGL thread but I have nothing but good things to say about you since meeting you in person. Both you and Ophelia are genuine lovely pretty girls and I actually feel really sorry that people treat you so horribly for shit that may or may not have happened in the past.
It was lovely meeting you (and Ophelia however briefly) and hopefully we can speak properly at the next CGL meet if you're attending.

>> No.6870387

I didn't make a meet, I was teaching this noob how not to have a shit time at expo

>> No.6870388

That's a nice opinion you have there edgemaster but
it's a shame that it's wrong.

>> No.6870392


Then why be so offended by it, bro? If it's wrong then it's meaningless and you can just ignore it, right?

>> No.6870394

>white knighting based on a short meeting on a day both were prepared to charm innocent non believers

Throw out the fan club card before they take your soul

>> No.6870395

What you're missing is tact to the point of autism.

>> No.6870397

I ended up with the single /r9k/ dude in the "anon" meet. Reality is, nobody was really talking or doing anything and then they decided to go to a bar where the drinks were £4 each. We decided it sucked and went back to what we were doing before. As a newcomer I had absolutely no idea what was going on and stuck with the other new dudes.

>> No.6870396

What is your problem with attractive females who happen to cosplay, son?

>> No.6870398

Hey I was at the fox and I don't recall any bitching, unless there was another group at the fox that wasn't sitting outside

>> No.6870399

I love how everyone here is bitching and acting like cunts to each other, yet at the meet not a negative thing was said.

Y'all need to grow some balls and stop hiding behind the anonymous name

>> No.6870401

What attractive females

>> No.6870400


Fun fact: that's not Eva.

She's sitting right next to me, but, good try yo.

>> No.6870404

I wasn't even at this expo but speaking as one of PT's close friends I can actually say that she isn't nearly as bad as you have in your head. We banter about her being some sex crazed slut because we find it funny that in actual fact she's probably one of the least sexually active out of all of us, and a complete deed babby (love you really Frank <3)

>> No.6870406


I'm deeply curious WHICH people from the group it is that are posting this. Let's see if I can remember everyone.

Ophelia's boyfriend
A couple of people who I'm almost 90% sure were with Thrillhouse and NOT posting this.

So I'm gonna have to guess that the people arguing with me are Harry and PT. Anyone want to man up and correct me?

>> No.6870409

And you are?

>> No.6870410


Eva's boyfriend.

I can go tag all my posts if you want.

>> No.6870413

Chris, get this off /cgl/, you're a better guy than listing people's names and demanding that they identify themselves maybe leave this for facebook.

>> No.6870415

Hi Eva's man your accent is p cool.

>> No.6870416

I thought rob was ophelias bf.

>> No.6870418

I thought Eva was a strong independent woman who could fight her own battles.

>> No.6870420

This post is only my second post in the thread. We're not the only people that go to expo you know.

Say that to my face faggot and not online see what happens <3

>> No.6870421


I don't have facebook. And I'm not demanding it I'm genuinely curious.

You'll note there's no last names or any kind of proper means of identification.

I'm just wondering who it is that was at the meet and claiming shit like I "stormed off cause no one was listening to me" despite that being blatantly not true.

I mean it's either dishonesty or stupidity, and I'm just wondering which.

>> No.6870425

The beacons have been lit

>> No.6870423

what the fuck, now you're listing names? stop that shit, there's no need for that
just fucking drop this whole thing, why are we still arguing over this?

>> No.6870427

This isn't how they'd resolve things in Texas

>> No.6870430

I've been waiting all day to hear that.

>> No.6870432

As an outsider I'd just like to say that if wanted to go find and stalk a Harry or similar, although I can't think of a reason to do it, it's not likely that I'd find that one Harry in the sea of existing harries.

>> No.6870433
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>> No.6870434


Thanks bro.




She is. I'm just wondering why someone's literally making up things that are factually wrong. It seems like such a poor way to go about this whole thing.


Well it's someone claiming to have gone to the CH pub with all of us, so, fairly limited pool.

>> No.6870435

New and so legit anon here.

I've just followed all this and have finally got to the end of this. Am I really the only person here who had a meet with no drama spilling out of it?

Now I'm not sure if I should consider myself lucky, be jealous of the anons here who currently have drama or somehow fucking do both!

I shall continue to observe and perhaps explain a few things should that be possible.

>> No.6870437


Man some people are REALLY uncomfortable at the thought that they'll be caught out as the one spreading shit, huh?

>> No.6870438

>Britfag Thread
>The Tripfaggening

Does anyone have anything to say about MCM that doesn't involve the meetups, sex, how i get sex or tripfriend arguments?

>> No.6870442

I'm not even a part of all this drama, i'm just saying we don't need this shit to keep going on. can't we just drop all of this?

>> No.6870440

>anon posting all day


>> No.6870441

It was essentially shit, as it has been for a good few years.

>> No.6870443


You're a funny guy bro.

Though since you bring it up yes it is. There was so much whining and drama there too.

>> No.6870446

It was quite good, overpriced stalls as usual but they had a few decent games showcased and EDGAR WRIGHT.

The cosplay this year was quite good as well, I really shouldve gotten a photo of cardboard vegeta

>> No.6870448

Anyway, I've had my fun, so, I'm off to play Bayonetta or some shit. Enough of you have my skype that if you really want to talk about this more you can get me there.

Peace out ya'll.

>> No.6870447

Cosplay squirrel in spacesuit

>> No.6870450

Unfortunately other than what >>6870441 says it really is just about the three things you mentioned.

Rarely, however, some people do talk about their cosplay, how to perfect it and so on and advertise/ share their cosplay with the thread. If only things were still like that...

>> No.6870451

Chris really needs to chill the fuck out and get over this so the thread can get back on track.
So it was a big misunderstanding, can we just leave it at that? I wasn't even at this specific split-up meet since I left early to get drunk with a few other seagulls, and this thread makes me feel thankful that I did cause goddamn dude.

While I had a fantastic evening, and I'm sure most other people did as well, I do hope that next meet will be better than this.

>> No.6870452
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Post some more cosplay photos!

>> No.6870459

As long as Eva doesn't turn up the meets are fine. All the drama revolves around her

>> No.6870458

So the past is finally returning to the present? Long at last and thanks for raising a hand against this endless dribble called dr@3u#%...

>> No.6870461

I posted a grand total of 2 times anon today, sorry.

I don't know why I even get mentioned since I'm not someone you could call a /cgl/ tripfag or a tripfag of any kind.

>> No.6870462

Or we could have a anon meet (for perhaps multiple board regulars) and the seagull meet (for /cgl regulars). It's not that hard really.

>> No.6870467

Cementing that /cgl/ is a circlejerk are we?

Why even be concerned about other boards. /cgl/ should organise a /cgl/ meet. If you absolutely do not want people from other boards then state that.

>> No.6870471

Wow, can someone give me a rundown of what's going on here? I've only attended MCM once before and took photos of random cosplayers. I kinda find it hard to make friends there? I don't know (maybe it's because I'm in my late 20s and everyone is too young).

>> No.6870474

I don't really know where the hell the drama comes from, either I have a high tolerance of drama or there simply were very little of it

>> No.6870472
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The Oilier and the area around it are both great areas for a meet.

I'm glad that some/most people managed to meet up with others and get chatting. I've made a lot of good friends over the past few years at mcm seagull meets and it would be a shame if they fell to shit now.

The venue is still too small. It's the hallways that are the real problem. They tried to counter it by opening up a food court sitting area which kinda worked. I heard the E-sports stuff was OK after they sorted out most of the technical stuff.

>> No.6870475

hey PT are you a transgender? thats what someone told me at mcm.

>> No.6870483

I'm under the impression that multiple boards who go to the London MCM Expo have happened to had found this particular thread on /cgl and decided they would check this thread a month before the MCM to join the main meet on this thread.

I believe the differences between multiple boards may be one factor to this ridiculous bitching and all.

The alternative group is to cut down on drama and so everyone can enjoy themselves next time around drama-free. The alternative meet will probably have flaws, but a new idea will always need fixes as such.

Why it has to be on here is because this is where many anons on 4chan have chosen for Expo meets opposed to other boards, threads or different websites/services such as facebook (and anything similar).

>> No.6870488

She says, with her trip on

>inb4 she reminds me that she only uses her trip to tell us how often she doesn't trip

>> No.6870489

What is there even to argue about? Is it too hard to meet up, talk cosplay and animu, enjoy some drinks and see where the night takes you?

>> No.6870490

I thought the location was perfect even though only two people turned up (as it was a Sunday and revival of a failed meet). I hope I can make some new friends two and maybe get some Left 4 Dead 2 teammates too for the next meet without too much dramu.

>> No.6870492

So the alternative group is for new people, while the older group is for those guys whom exist as a circlejerk already?

>> No.6870496

Please tell me when in the past 5-6 months I have tripped, outside of this thread...This kind of thing is pretty much why I stopped tripping in the first place. I don't really use /cgl/ that much anymore either, MCM is just a busy time for britfags on here, lot's of cosplay stuff to talk about.

In my opinion the meet would be better if everyone could get together and decide what to do first, the lack of planning doesn't help. Plus, if you're new you may have to speak up and make yourself known a bit more but I thought that was a given for any kind of new social situation? Either way, I had fun and I'm sorry if my presence somehow offended anyone.

>> No.6870502
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We watched Mamma Mia and played a drinking game at my meet.
Drama: 0, enjoyment: 1.

This thread needs some fluffy kittens and cosplay (cannot provide shit so I will leave that to the pros).

>> No.6870505

4chan boards hate talking about their actual topics.

>> No.6870508

smh this meetup was corny. all the bitches were skinny as fuck and all the dudes faggots. where were all the trill niggas at?

>> No.6870511

Fighting game corner.

>> No.6870513

More or less, but to cut down the drama from this post I shall explain.

Alternative/ Anon Meets - Thoses who are new people from maybe /cgl, but mostly from other boards come to meet together and define a few type of meet relevant to London MCM Expo.

Seagull Meet - Mostly for all /cgl regulars or are close with the /cgl regulars (as in friends, family, boyfriend, etc) who mainly follow the tradition or do the same thing as always in Seagull Meets with going to The Fox and then have a room party.

The idea of separating these groups is to prevent conflict of interest which causes most of these dramas as different boards will definitely have different ideas to those on /cgl.

It would also be a test to see if this idea even solves anything, but what I said before is merely the theory and hope of doing such a thing with two different meets.

>> No.6870517

Eva wont be coming next time no need for drastic replanning.

>> No.6870518

So I should turn on a trip and be obnoxious more? I talked to a few people in the Skype chat and introduced myself to some but with the structure of the meet it was hard to go beyond that.

I don't know. I don't even know if I'm a "/cgl/-er". I browse the board but don't really post that much. I just enjoy looking at cosplay.

The fg corner was shit, as it always has been. People being selfish and not understanding that other people want to play.

So one would be a /cgl/ meet and the other would be a non-related private meet essentially. Nice idea.

>> No.6870521

Not be obnoxious per se but made your voice heard, other non-/cgl/ers managed it and we had a great time.

>> No.6870522

Indeed. I was hoping for more on cosplays and so on, but it would appear most have forgotten that this is what this thread is for at the moment.

>> No.6870523

I usually browse /v/ and /a/, I only come here because I just like seeing cosplay and the like, and I'd like to do something that doesn't suck some day. I don't want to crash a /cgl/ regular meet, especially since I don't have a costume, but organising a meet-up on the other two boards is a nightmare because everyone is so anti-social there. MCM is just a great way to find like-minded folks, and /cgl/ is the only board in actively organising social events. Splitting the two events would be good, but maybe the "regulars" should organise something in private whilst a more general "4chan" meet is announced on this board?

>The fg corner was shit, as it always has been. People being selfish and not understanding that other people want to play.

Oh god, I hate that. Me and a buddy of mine played a lot of MB and AH because they were just never used, but as soon as anyone else showed interest we let them hop on and play. Pretty cool watching guys who really know their sit play, though.

>> No.6870527
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these sound like very good ideas
let's do this in the future

>> No.6870528

But it still is a /cgl/ meet ergo the regulars will be there not all of the regulars are in the same friendship circle which is something which is being drastically overlooked here. You're essentially advocating advocating advertising a 4chan meet on /cgl/ but having the people who actually use /cgl/ not come.I'm not sure if you realise how you're sounding.

>> No.6870529

What's everyone planning to cosplay at your next event?

>> No.6870530

Okay, I think I did that. Regardless, more structure next time.

I got a few games of BlazBlue. The displays were laggy as fuck and the dude I was playing knew one Platinum loop that for some reason I kept getting hit by. Wasn't really that much fun. No way I'd have been able to get a game of SSFIV. It's silly. They should have a rule of best and off.

RE: Your other point, I had a blast talking to the people in the "anon" meet about video games and /g/ related stuff. Also just 4chan as a whole over the years. Was sweet.

>> No.6870532

I didn't need to know as I didn't go to the Seagull Meet, but thanks anyways and if she has any changes in the next 5 months she can always share it with everyone here if she really wants to.

Well that would be it. I hope the idea works really well.

That is what I'm trying to do here and get it working too with as less bullshit, drama or other problems as possible without someone twisting messages and so on.

>> No.6870533

Nuh nigga, there no bitches up in the fighting game corner and all dudes just wacked out playing games and shit. I just wanted to tap some /cgl/ anime bitch ass is all. smh.

>> No.6870537

If Eva isn't coming why not have one single meet on the grass whilst having a few drinks and chatting. Then you can all split off for room parties and pubs, it seems Eva and the boyfriend are the ones everyone has a problem with. If they're not there I doubt there will be problems

>> No.6870539

*best of 3 and off, that is.

>> No.6870541

I think that's what will end up happening everyone else was chill.

>> No.6870542

I'm thinking Psycho-Pass as Shinya Kōgami as the outfit should be easy, but I would have to craft the Dominator though which should be the hardest part theoretically.

>> No.6870547

Confirmed for /r9k/ user.

>> No.6870556

Confirmed for /cgl/ user

>> No.6870560

confirmed for 4chan users

>> No.6870564

Good to know the idea is appreciated.

Different anon here. Friendships from my perception should mostly be with the Seagull Meet (in this post >>6870513) with how the group decides and do things together, but the reason another group was formed was to keep the views of other boards from mostly conflicting with the /cgl views of the Seagull Meet (which causes the dramas and so on).

Why it has to be advertised this thread in /cgl is because that is where most London MCM Expo attendees on 4chan are able to arrange a good meet due to the difficulties posed by trying to arrange a meet on their other boards.

As an additional ideal it would probably be better to have different meet spots such as Seagull Meet meeting at Seagull Lane or the Statue and the Anon Meet meeting at the grass or maybe The Oiler Bar.

I'm sure most of this can be agreed upon a month coming up to the October MCM event.

>> No.6870566

Confirmed for internet user

>> No.6870568

Confirmed for 4chan troll.

>> No.6870569

You're not very smart.

>> No.6870572

If you see any flaws you can always share it so that any "not very smart" things are kept to a minimal with all sides if possible.

>> No.6870576

You're not very constructive.

>> No.6870579

Why not just have one large meet since the drama monger wont be there and then we can all brainstorm something to do that way people can hang out with cosplayers as well as non-cosplayers and it will be a generally good con experience instead of trying to split an already small group of people for no real reason.

>> No.6870581

Yeah, pretty much this.

>> No.6870582

How's everyone's next costume coming?

>> No.6870583

Like someone I met said it is because so many people are childish with stuff on here and my take on this is that some people just don't want to grow up

>> No.6870586

It's basically a few people being autistic and incapable of having a conversation with someone about their feelings so would rather have a shit fit on /cgl/.

>> No.6870587

Any idea who this was?

>>On a slightly more sobering note, it has been brought to our attention that some dealers are not adhering to the rules and regulation regarding the sale of prohibited and / or age restricted goods. As a result of this, and in light of current events, a dealer has been barred from our events and we will be even more rigorous in our checks to ensure that this type of behaviour does not take place at our shows. We hope that we can count on all your understanding and support to ensure our shows stay both legal and safe for everyone involved.

>> No.6870589

I was speaking to my friends who run a table at the expo who also go to other events and the word is that the organizers may think about hiring all of the custom house and check for tickets from the main doors.
lets see if this will happen or not.

Also I have to say I think this event just gone wasn't as troublesome as the past ones but it's a massive accident waiting to happen with the volume of people that went Saturday.

>> No.6870593

Can't be the doujin dealers, they've been there for years.

I'm curious who it is now.

>> No.6870594

We can also do this if it really is down to one or a few troll mongers who won't be a significant problem next time. My idea was to sort it before the actual meets to prevent any drama and other problems, but I would do this if many people are with this idea.

Lastly what happens next time around isn't what one person decides, but what most and all people decide on or so that is what I would like.

>> No.6870596

It might be, the change and enforcement of pornography laws is a recent one.

>> No.6870597

Weaponry, perhaps?

>> No.6870600


Oh dear. Would not be surprised if it was one of the Hentai stalls. Every time I was in that general area I hear at least one voice saying "That's disgusting, there are kids here!" or something alike. Possible they got a lot of complaints this time, I shopped there before I was 17 because they accepted my College ID.

>> No.6870601

I liked queuing with a token to get my hand stamped. Like really, they take the exact same amount of time. Was in line for 2 hours.

If they sold to those not of age it could have been a problem.

Honestly, the only problem was numbers and having no real plan. Although some of the tripfag/circlejerks may just want to stay in their cliques, which works out fine either way.

>> No.6870604

It was a misconception that Eva was even organising anything at all to be fair even though the drama is down to her

>> No.6870607

What's changed?

Maybe, but they've been there for years too.

>> No.6870610

You can't avoid some people who know each other going it comes across as slightly anti-social to infer that people who are already friends can't go since then 0 cosplayers would show up.

>> No.6870611

I agree. All the "anon" people that I was with were perfectly happy to go along with anything. There just wasn't anything happening to go along with, so we wandered off.

Perhaps a kind of "itinerary" should be collectively constructed beforehand? Rather than just one guy trying to make it up on the fly.

>> No.6870614

Sounds perfect, before the next con we should have a thread just for planning what to do at the meet, maybe have a poll about it and all will be well.

>> No.6870621

I suppose we can get a better plan together and organise something appropriate with the given numbers I suppose.

I understand. The whole concept of her dictating everything was wrong, although I respect her attempt in trying though. Let's be sure to keep drama minimal or stop it entirely if possible.

Interesting. I guess we need to set some tasks, games or anything else to do for the meet. Ideas on this should be good.

Sounds like a good idea and even better that this idea is taking off. I be sure to add stuff to any such thread and poll when the time comes for that.

>> No.6870623

Shame they won't do anything about the people selling bootleg figures and stuff.

>> No.6870632

I think stuff is only done with police and so on if the problem is significantly complained about or happens to be related to an area of law which may have a significant coverage on at particular time.

>> No.6870715

How come other cons get pictures posted and this is all bullshit drama. Step it up England.

>> No.6870757
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Glorious banter, /cgl/ golliwogs. Much more interesting than the /soc/ brit threads.

Don't know how so much drama can derive from two people leaving a meet. But I still enjoyed reading all the butthurt anon posts.

(saged to not revive the drama, as much as I'd like to see it)

>> No.6870758
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Good point. I'll dump the best of my (shitty) photos

>> No.6870760
File: 47 KB, 640x960, Stark lightyear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really messed up on the photo front and took next to none. Mining the Facebook page to make up for it.

Did not see this guy. Kinda wish I would have now.

>> No.6870766
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>> No.6870773
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>> No.6870776
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>> No.6870780
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>> No.6870783


>> No.6870785

Is that a dude?

>> No.6870787
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>> No.6870798
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>> No.6870800
File: 55 KB, 640x960, Ironmanniceworneffect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many Ironmen and the surprising thing is most of them were of a high standard.

>> No.6870801
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>> No.6870810
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>> No.6870817
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Oh man, I saw him on the Tube on Sunday, had a chat to him about his costume. I was pretty damn shocked when he said it was his first cosplay.

Poor guy had to walk up all dem stairs too in the blazing heat.

>> No.6870824
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>> No.6870844
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This Dyne was hella hype I recognised him. Awesome dude. Shame so many FF7 fans don't seem to have played the actual game if they can't recognise Dyne.

>> No.6870855
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>> No.6870856


>> No.6870900
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>> No.6870917
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Last for now, and this thread seems to have stopped bumping anyway.

>> No.6871040
File: 446 KB, 2048x1536, dassomekawaishitrightthere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6871051


>> No.6871104

Good to see cosplay pics at last. Now this is what this thread should be posting!

>> No.6871263
File: 146 KB, 640x480, PIC_0646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to find him. ;_;

>> No.6871267
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>> No.6871271
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>> No.6871281
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>> No.6871282

This guy was such a boss. The workmanship on the backpack and his front box were amazing. Overheard some girl asking why people were fascinated by such a minor character. Clearly she had no idea what she was talking about.

Had a speaker in the box hooked up to his phone or something playing video game songs.

>> No.6871304
File: 148 KB, 640x480, PIC_0697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I missed him in October so I was happy I was able to catch him this time.

>> No.6871334
File: 618 KB, 2560x1920, PICT0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone get any photo of any of the Snakes or other MGS cosplayers?

>> No.6871338

Haha, he was epic, and he didn't just play Song of Storms all weekend like some people would like to do *coughcoughgemuconlinkwithocarinacough*, he played a mixture of game music

>> No.6872304

How is Hyper Japan in comparison to MCM (As an all-round event, not just cosplay)?

Considering going for the first time, it's a party I'm very late to and I really should have gone years ago. I'm still not a great cosplayer, will I get snubbed or are there plenty of weaboos still to make me stand out less?

I like the fact that there is a stronger focus on Japanese things, but generally any advice on the differences/similarities to MCM would be much appreciated.

>> No.6873240

It's like a smaller, worse MCM.

More focus on fashion and culture though. Worth a try if you're local I guess.

>> No.6873285

>worse MCM.
I'm sorry, what?
nothing can be as worse as MCM

>> No.6873321

Well, it depends on how you look at it.

MCM has the nicer venue and more people which I prefer personally.

>> No.6873472

So this was the first year we got asked to leave for not having a ticket (we were getting Sunday tickets only for a specific guest, this was Saturday).

I'm actually a little bit impressed they even bothered. Needless to say it was a pointless exercise on their part, though.

>> No.6873567

Anybody venturing more photos?

>> No.6873729
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>> No.6873732
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Also this guy got a good laugh from me

>> No.6873733
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>> No.6873781

>All that effort on costume
>Orthopaedic shoes
Cher Lloyd cosplay