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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6860544 No.6860544[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The MCM has happened today and will continue for the next two days. There are two meets that will be happening on Saturday:

~Seagull Meet is at 6pm at the bronze statue on the stair and in front of the Excel.
~[No actual name] The other party is at 7pm at the Custom House DLR Station's ticket machine.

It is very likely that many people will turn up to the two meets and that each meets may split up into 2 - 3 groups.

Feel free to share plans, opinions or anything else that is worth posting (and I know that won't stop the shit posting).

>> No.6860711
File: 17 KB, 300x225, jason-alexander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still going to MCM
>I seriously hope you guys do this

>> No.6860716

The Seagull Meet will certainly happen (unless a crazy nutter decides to kill and dismember a "very certain someone"). The other meet can't really be guaranteed since it's new, but I will be turning up for that one for certain.

>> No.6861613

yo eva sucks
real talk

>> No.6861625

MCM Day 1: http://zeropan.com/2523/mcm-expo-2013-may-day-1-booths-goodies.html

The Tofu Cute stall... HNNNNGH!

>> No.6861711


Now the expo really begins

>> No.6861721
File: 2.72 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130525_083503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This room.

Getting into costume now. See you nerds out there.

>> No.6861726

Yesterday was shit. If today doesn't pick up I'm done with mcm. Seems in the 2 year absense the place has become over run by fatties and autists.

>> No.6861728

fuck youuuuuu

>> No.6861759

Know this feel

>> No.6861765

To the person who found a blackberry and texted my friend that it was at lost and found.
Which lost and found? It doesn't seem to be in any of the lost and founds in the building.

>> No.6861767

Call it. See if anyone at the lost and found answers. Alternatively lost and found may be slang for his back pocket.

>> No.6861776

I've tried, it's on silent unfortunatly.
Whoever has it, you can keep it if you hand in the sim card to lost and found please. I've got a lot of importent numbers on it.

>> No.6861808

Why would that random person be on /cgl/ ...lolololol

>> No.6861865

I got that feel yesterday too and fortunately today is better, but so packed though.

>> No.6861874

Gandalf brightened up my day

>> No.6861878

So did that guy who fisted the giant Pikachu's mouth.

>> No.6861922

the gandalf with the puppet? guy was sound

>> No.6861931

Anyone seen that black guy who dresses as shadow the hegehog?

>> No.6861940

Yes, it was only mentioned a few times on the previous thread which will soon expire. I haven't seen him today yet though.

>> No.6861946

MCM has always been shit. Only decent "expo" in London is probably Eurogamer expo.

>> No.6862046

Eurogamer is just a reason to walk around and get free shit. Mcm is more sociable.

>> No.6862066

How is the social side of things thus far?

>> No.6862078

Aye pretty good today, plenty of munters but a few decent folk. Last night was shite here's hoping it picks up.

>> No.6862080
File: 25 KB, 256x256, 1346064688732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No rapes.


>Capcha: incorporated trytopme
>mfw capcha wants to be raped

>> No.6862084

The only ones with the bollocks to try anythimg are the autists. And thats usually after too much alchohol. 99% of the people here are just socially awkward betas who couldn't get a fatty into bed if she set up a ramp covered in oil.

>> No.6862097

Because random cosplayers go on /cgl/, that's kinda the point of it....

>> No.6862101

Thanks for the update. I will be sure to change this. :D

I will do what I can to make it interesting given that everyone isn't boring fucks who deserve no fucks at all.

>> No.6862102

The rape train is on its way!

>> No.6862105

I was there 1 day and I'm fucking exhausted... That queue was not fun.

Especially bad because I'm pretty sure I was stuck behind that hedgehog guy you guys were bitching about in the other thread. He was one of the "free hugs" people that scream loneliness, and if a girl hugs them there's a brief moment where you can see them smelling her hair.

>> No.6862109

Was he in a shitty Shadow The Hedgehog cosplay? That is what I saw him in yesterday.

>> No.6862125


No, he was just wearing a shitty sonic mask/head-dress thing and a "free hugs" t-shirt.

>> No.6862127

I saw that guy too.

First time at MCM expo yesterday, never been before....it was fucking shit. Super shit. All the shit they peddle there is too expensive for it's own good and every single fucker there looks like they're on an outing from their mental hospital/behavioural correction facility.

You either get the 'try to be outgoing/confident/ social types' who actually end up coming across as fucking spastic lunatics. (mainly girls)

Or those socially awkward ones who look like they're having a shit when they're talking to you, mingled with nervous laughter. Urgh. (mainly guys)

I've never seen such a collection of freaks in my life.

>> No.6862130


I don't visit this board much, but this sounds hilarious.

>> No.6862149

Oh god dude, it's my first time going to MCM Expo tomorrow as well. I hope it isn't as bad as you say.

>> No.6862180
File: 1.72 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's at the statue already?

>> No.6862182

MCM Convention Center. You will never find a more wretched hive of retards and faggotory. We must be cautious."

>> No.6862184

Please folks, do share more!

>> No.6862188

Where the fucks the sign?

>> No.6862191

Me and my friend should be there in about 15mins look for a lightning and a guy in a maid outfit.

>> No.6862192

That's gay man. Crossplay is just gay.

>> No.6862197
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There is no sign. Look out for this prop.

>> No.6862200

Are people still around? Just picking up some drinks

>> No.6862204


>> No.6862205

#KONY 2012

>> No.6862209

Lot of people by the statue, any signs?

>> No.6862210

see the picture posted before

>> No.6862219

lol clothing doesn't make you gay. Being a guy and wanting to put a dick in your mouth does though.

>> No.6862221

Well I'm as lost as a Welshman in a brothel

>> No.6862222

>Being a guy and wanting to put a dick in your mouth does though.
Nah that just means you like dick

Ain't nothin gay about sucking dick

>> No.6862224

Hmm okay that was wrong of me to assert. A tad too fruity for my taste though.

>> No.6862272

Im going to the atm there.
Ill check if the group of people there arent to full autism and decide if i should turn arround or not.

>> No.6862287

Turn around

>> No.6862324

Probably will. Almost there anyway after getting cash.

>> No.6862333

I'll consider it, I want to see it with my own eyes. I'm going with people I consider relatively normal (only one is a raging weeb faggot) so I should be alright, although my tolerance for faggotory is at a record low.

Hopefully I'll meet some alright people and avoid the free hugs offered from the lonely weirdos.

>> No.6862342

You sound rather normal. You there yet? I only see screaming faggots.

>> No.6862350

I'm going tomorrow, I was told it should be quieter on the last day.

My "relatively normal" friends talked me into dressing up because I said I was going. I won't be in costume for the majority of my time there but I will be carrying a very large red sombrero. Otherwise I will the cool dude in the green t-shirt and shorts.

>> No.6862353

The rape rave 2k13 was a ruse.

>> No.6862359
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This cake is delicious

You must eat it!

>> No.6862368

I turned up and it didn't happen for me either. Do you want to meet up?

>> No.6862372

I use to not mind the queue. Receiving a ticket and knowing you could go now was very satisfying. BUT NOW THERE IS A FUCKING QUEUE TO EXIT. WTF?

>> No.6862377

What are the vendors like this year?
I'm considering popping down tomorrow for discounted merch but I'd be interested to know if anywhere was selling any rare/OoP manga - particularly those published by the now defunct CMX

>> No.6862413

Okay, new post here about the FAIL-Rave 2k13. The whole waiting at a ticket machine for a meet where there would be hundreds of people going to be at as they are going home isn't funny.

For those who will still be around tomorrow I propose we meet at the Ship Bar at 2pm. The Ship Bar is at the end of the Docks which is close to where the Cable Car and odd glass building is at. Those who turn up can work out what we will do from there.

>> No.6862424

I don't understand what's with all these meetups? Do you desperately want to meet people from /cgl/ that badly? I'm sure if you hang around the con you'll meet better people and can go have fun with them.

/cgl/ is full of bratty little cunts who think they're the shit, ragging on everyone else when they're just as fucking bad or worse.

>> No.6862438

Its full of casual shit.
Hard to find anything for anyone that has seen more than 20 animes.

>> No.6862447

Thats on the right side outside the front entrance right?

>> No.6862445

But bro, the orgies man TEH ORGIES!

>> No.6862456

Im intrested in the meet but im not touching STD ridden congoers

>> No.6862463

I was hoping to meet some new people on here as the Seagull meet has the same annoying people who like you say "think they're the shit, ragging on everyone else when they're just as fucking bad or worse". It feels a little to awkward to approach random people who may not be prepared or even plan on having parties.

Not likely, but you can always be hopeful. :D

No. From the stairs/entrance you have to walk down some distance past all the hotels along the road, walk past the Cable Car, take a right and pass the odd glass building and eat the end of the path should be a large boat which happens to be a Bar too.

If you are familiar with the water skiing place it is the boat docked up close to there.

>> No.6862499

Damn, I assumed as much - guess I'll get some work done instead
Judging by >>6861625 the stalls look even more lacklustre than usual, seems to just be overpriced bootlegs and taobao plushies

>> No.6862507

Once again MCM expo proved that I would bone nearly anything in a slightly revealing cosplay. Though since when did London women all grow massive tits?

Why don't they just set up a one night stand meetup and in the straight group let the males fight it out until theres 1 male for each female? It would be glorious.

>> No.6862509

The best stuff was the food and even that was over priced considering I can make better stuff myself.

>> No.6862512

Sounds more like fantasy unfortunately...

>> No.6862521

so then I know I wasn't the only one keeping score...
How many hugs did you get?

>> No.6862523

Enjoy your STDs. I did notice all the tits hanging out.

>> No.6862533

Can't say I can enjoy any STDs if it is fantasy and besides I wouldn't bareback a slut as I do know what condoms are for.

>> No.6862552

How about no.

>> No.6862561

I already knew that with the delayed response.

>> No.6862567

Do people actually go to these conventions to hookup? Seems kinda sleazy but I guess the cosplay angle can make it hot for some people.

>> No.6862577

It isn't exactly easy to go on dating website and set the search specifications to "cosplay females only". My purpose for going to the meet is also to make friends and I'm hoping to get some Left 4 Dead 2 team mates. :)

>> No.6862594

Ah, I'm >>6862350. No idea what I am in for other than what people have said, I plan to really try to have a good time and hopefully meet some cool people. I know my group of about 11 is planning to have a picnic somewhere nearby.

I had a look at the pictures of the convention floor and it seems alright, if I do plan to buy anything it will probably be a blue Totoro t-shirt, I have wanted one of those for ages.

>> No.6862596

Yes, if im in cosplay, I tend to get much more into the scene, stay the whole weekend, one nighters are easy at those hotels.

Then again when im not in cosplay, I don't go looking for it as its kinda weird, so I tend to just be creepin. I decided I wasn't going to go to a meet today, as people watching can be fun, but I might do a meetup at Eurogamer or October MCM.

>> No.6862611

It that today or tomorrow with this picnic? I would like to know if I can get in on that if possible.

>> No.6862616

I'm just trying to get an idea behind it, never been to a con so I am curious about the stuff that goes on and the behind the scene stuff. I apologize for the 3rd degree.

So you're in cosplay, into it and you are in the mood for a good porking who would you go for? Jazz it up with others in costume or is it less discriminative and you would happily settle for anyone you are attracted to whether they be in costume or not?

>> No.6862638

Ill give some protips;
Avoid pony cancer
Avoid homestuck shit
Avoid big3
Avoid furry shit
Avoid SAO
Im at the premiere inn and when they are in the lobby man. The shit that comes from theyre mouth is cringeworthy as fuck

You are welcome.

>> No.6862641

>in the mood for a good porking
Oh lol. Alright, I'll indulge you even though im not sure wether you're taking the piss or not at this point. Minor wall of text incoming.

If I know I'm going to cosplay, I tend to put myself forward for all the meetups, photo ops, book the hotel way in advance for the whole, and just be as social as possible during the day and in the evening. The drinks start flowing later on, naturally, and if you make your intentions open and honestly clear early on, you can meet someone else who's just up for some fun.

Female cosplayers tend to not like getting their costumes messed with, which is fair enough, but that said the 2 times I've done this the costume has only really been the foreplay anyway and has soon enough landed on the hotel room floor with everything else.

>> No.6862644

I should also add that this anon >>6862638 is totally right.

>> No.6862666

I know I should avoid bronies, homefucks and furries but what is big3 and SAO?

I know one of the weirder ones of my group of 11 is dressing as a homestuck character and he will probably fit right in.

>> No.6862680

What exactly is Big3?

>> No.6862681

One piece

Sword art online

>> No.6862751

But arent congirls meant to be batshit?

>> No.6862760

Yet again I fail to see how the fuck you can have sex with anyone in that place. I couldn't find one person that looked like they washed their balls on a daily basis.

Or do you just fuck any old creep that's cosplaying as your 'husbando'.

You must be pretty desperate if you're trawling in that hot mess just to fuck someone.

>> No.6862770

heh, many of us are that badly screwed socially, contrary to popular belief.

>> No.6862792

I saw him right next to me today. I couldn't help but laugh. I've seen photos of him online countless times but never seen him in person. That guy is creeeeepy!

>> No.6862798

I need pics man.

>> No.6862839
File: 113 KB, 447x599, 1330543926454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that, I done my knee in from this day alone. Maybe next year I'll finally meet you guys. you accept newfriends right?

Suck that there was no tekken booth at the con today, mostly it was street fighter faggots around. So disappointed.

>pic related, mfw I asked one of the namco worker

>> No.6862859


>> No.6862880

Anybody fancy a mid-day meet tomorrow? Just to kick back or whatever.

>> No.6862890

>if you make your intentions open and honestly clear early on
I can't imagine doing this without looking creepy as fuck.
"I came here to fuck bitches"

>> No.6862933

I didn't go today because friends copped out, still want to go tomorrow but don't want to be there alone, anyone want to meet up?

>> No.6862934

I suggested something with my previous post (>>6862413), do you have a better idea?

>> No.6862945

The next post below yours should be relevant. You can go if you want and meet at 2pm or perhaps a different proposed time.

>> No.6862953

That sounds good to me.

>> No.6862960
File: 1.49 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you know that kid who was swinging around the statue around 7-ish tonight?

There's a reason why it says 'do not climb,

>> No.6862966

So Eva had a hissy fit and fucked off I guess? Saw her walking into her hotel with that twig she calls a bf

>> No.6862984

I'm not sure if I should feel bad about missing the dramu or if I made the right choice by going back to my cozy hotel. I'm guessing the latter.

>> No.6862985

LMFAO!!! AHAHAAHAHHAHA!!! I saw the idiot myself. Surprised to see they actually got hurt.

Really? Did that really happen? Interesting. I was expecting a few people to get pissed off, bottle it all in and rage about it on Sunday or Monday on this thread.

>> No.6863000

Any details on the dramu?

>> No.6863022
File: 126 KB, 630x446, 1275729371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda wished I turned up just to see the drama unfold.

But then I saw this pic >>6862180 and remembered that I hate the expo. Too many smelly/hyperactive teens. No offence to the golliwogs who enjoy it.

>> No.6863031

Dunno what happened but her and stick insect just walked in in a huff

>> No.6863044

The tongues of the Seagull Meet shall wag with news soon enough of what made Eva and her BF leave in a huff. From how it sounds it looks like they both have Jupiter's cock in their arse. :D

>> No.6863061

Who is this Eva girl and her twiggy boyfriend?

>> No.6863063

Wasn't it just that big C found us too aspire and Eva followed him like the faithful hound

>> No.6863081

Odd, I expected my posted to have been stomped into the ground by now, I approve of this mostly decent discussion of con sex.

Sure, many are batshit insane, but theres also a good chunk of decent sociable friendly types just like you and me out there. This guy has it right. >>6862770 Its just a matter of finding someone with a similar amount of 'fucked up' to yourself. Its quite hard to put what I mean into words so I hope that gets the idea across.

Heh, well its no secret the girls have the short end of the stick in comparison to us guys in regards eye candy at events like these. I would apologise on behalf of my gender but it makes it easier for me to look good when im standing next to them. Also I don't like standing next to them. They smell.

Well I don't say it like that! You do have to be very social (or even better, drunk) before this even becomes a thing you can bring up. My point was I don't try to make it look like im looking for a relationship. Just some fun, and sex is part of a list of things I find fun. Some single girls also feel the same. So why not have fun together?

>> No.6863097

If you were on the previous threads you would know about it all such as how she has been annoying to many anons (especially with the pegging), trying to dictate the Seagull Meet coming up to the expo (hence her opinion is so "important") and threating people with her boyfriend (last I checked I think she said if Liam turned up her boyfriend will put him down as "there is nothing he likes than putting a black person down").

>> No.6863095

You seem like a cool dude, will you be attending tomorrow? I don't smell and I am socially well adjusted.

>> No.6863104

Fuck, what a bitch.

If her boyfriend is such a dyel twiggy dude what is the point of the threats?

>> No.6863113

Cool post. I think most of what people have been getting at with con sex is fantasy, but there is actually some logic to your post.

If you attend tomorrow with the intention of going to another meet this might help (>>6862413). Since I'm doing it I will call it REVIVAL-RAVE 2k13 since todays one failed (and was likely the result of trolling entering the real world from this thread). If this helps then that's good I guess...

>> No.6863114

He tried dictating today's meet but no one listened so he walked off in a huff. Personally I preferred Gregg

>> No.6863116

The queue sucked. Was in it for 2 and a half hours. The cheers made me laugh though.

>> No.6863129

Afraid not, I only went for the Saturday this time as I'm busy tomorrow. However we can be fresh together in October, I'm sure ill be around here somewhere in the con buildup.

>> No.6863126

Met the lot of them today. Bunch of stuck up cunts and sluts. Got their incestuous little click. Shared no mpre than a few words with eva and immediately knew she was a cunt. Very snappy little girl.

>> No.6863127

It was all her. I don't think he posted anything or didn't identify himself during the threads before to my knowledge.

Thanks for the update. By any chance is Gregg's surname start with D and is 6 letters long? I might know him from elsewhere if that is the case.

>> No.6863130

Now I wished I went. ;-;
Still there is tomorrow if anyone is up for the meet.

>> No.6863134

>Well I don't say it like that! You do have to be very social (or even better, drunk) before this even becomes a thing you can bring up. My point was I don't try to make it look like im looking for a relationship. Just some fun, and sex is part of a list of things I find fun. Some single girls also feel the same. So why not have fun together?

Yeah, that makes sense. I'm a very sociable person, but I am useless with women. Really, it'd just be nice to have a girlfriend who's into cosplay, but as someone mentioned earlier, it's kind of a halfway point between being too niche to tap into a dating website, but has the requirement of not being an unwashed, sputtering aspie.

>> No.6863135

Is anyone around ibis atm fancy a smoke and a chat? Mrs has crashed lol

>> No.6863139

See >>6863129 , but good luck with the meetup. I do think I should add con sex definitely isn't for everyone. Be social and have fun first, any possible sex is a bonus.

>> No.6863142

You do not want to pick up a gf at expo, some girls are hot as fuck but mentally unstable and weird. Got with a girl last night who managed to track me down today and follow me around saying she loved me

>> No.6863146
File: 762 KB, 960x1023, 63453245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came and stood in the distance


>> No.6863148

Exactly, hence the eternal dilemma. Still, as >>6863139 wisely said, you can't pathetically seek out this kind of thing. Fun is the name of the game, romance follows usually if you're not looking for it.

>> No.6863150

I saw that post and wasn't quite sure what to reply with, but I understand and thanks. In my case I simply want a new experience as the other ones I've had have become stale for me.

Sounds like fun from where I'm looking at this. The most important rule in dicking any girl is be prepared to accept the consequences of such actions, even if the consequences aren't clear at all.

I know that feel. I did the same at the Seagull Meet, although I wasn't going to that one though which would appear to be a most unfortunate error of mine.

>> No.6863166

what the fuck was that meetup?

>> No.6863173

I thought it was fun, ended too early

>> No.6863178

People are pumping out replies to me faster then I can type, arg

Oh yeah you're right, which is why I've only really talked about one night stands. I mean if you're talking about a one nighter, you just want a girl that a) is sociable enough and b) makes you pop a raging boner in her cosplay. But if you're after relationshit, you need more then that, you would want your gf and you to cosplay things from your relevant interests together maybe, be it games, film, anime or what. Thing is, you're right, it is a bit niche for a dating website.

Sounds like fun. Maybe she was staying in character?

>> No.6863175

who were you?

>> No.6863183

I wish I stood with you

I think I've had enough of cons and expos...

>> No.6863322

So after 30 or so minutes walking around that statue looking for a /cgl/ or Seagulls sign I finally confirm the /cgl/ group by Eva's shoes.

As for the meet, there was no real structure of sort. People wondering what was going down, but nothing much did. Not pointing fingers, that's just how it was.

I was perfect happy chilling with the few dudes from the Skype chat and the other three dudes that came over. Not sure what happened to the other two groups but I had a pretty decent time in the group I was in, hope to see those guys again in future.

Just a shame there wasn't much of a sense of community.

>> No.6863348

Well that was a very average mcm. Flew in, met up with my slavbors, got mah drugs, wondered around, bought an incredibly cute stupid fox keyring. I really have to cosplay next time.

>> No.6863351

It's gotten too big to handle. We had people there that didn't even know what /cgl/ was, they said they were 'told to go there and shout seagulls'.

We should really stop it. Or at least size it down a lot.

>> No.6863361

It was barely 20 people though, is that even big?

>> No.6863373

Just got home from the mcm meet.

It was boring with the vapid main group. You had the elite little tripfag circlejerk and then the anons on the outside. Eventually the anons split off and did their own thing (which looked like way more fun) as the tripfag lot were basically the colour grey personified.

Anyone who is considering going to one of these: DON'T. There's a reason alternatives were offered. Go to an anon one, not the shitty tripfag one.

>> No.6863416

Managing 20 people you don't even know and trying to cram them into a bar/bedroom isn't going to work.

Same goes for the expo itself. They need to start putting attendance caps on the event itself, or find a bigger venue.

>> No.6863432

Couldn't go, had to work. Anyone know the results of the cosplay comp yet? Who is the Eurocosplayer winner?

Pics would be great.

>> No.6863930

yeah, after we split off it was actually okay. that swedish guy was wicked.

>> No.6863928


>> No.6863971

Was the group that shouting pile of shit with the free hugs guy?

Cause then im happy i turned arround.

A meet with normals would be nice to pass the time before i hop on my plane.

>> No.6863974

No, that wasn't them

>> No.6863982

Maybe it is easier to meet up at the backside of the excel as its less busy.
Afterwards we can go to one of the pubs on the venue

>> No.6864012

I think this was my 8th MCM London Expo since first going in 2009, I always forget the May event can get stupidly packed early in the day. I spent about £150 on anime DVDs, Blu-rays, some merch and more doujinshi. Also bought a signed graphic novel from Rob Van Dam, though none of you will give a fuck about that.

I didn't get a chance to take any photos of cosplay as I only had the morning there. I remember seeing two MLP suiters outside about midday as I was leaving along with a Dark Souls knight and the usual well done shonen characters.

>> No.6864013

Should we meet next time on Seagull Lane behind Fox's? It's a fitting meeting place.

>> No.6864028

lol the meet was shit til we split off. sweden da bes.

ive woken up with a fucking flu or something so im not gonna come up today which is a waste of this weekend pass ffs. shame really i was actually looking forward to a day for once. ;_;

>> No.6864029
File: 375 KB, 806x355, 1348165359193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a lot of fun with my group. Lots of drinks, fun chat and discussions of other shit. Sat drinking for 4 hours.

Anon meet best meet.

>> No.6864033

there was more than one meet?

>> No.6864036

My roommate is really boring and slow so I thought it'd be more fun if I got together with an old friend the second day and it was kind of a disaster. We wandered around for an hour not doing anything or looking at anything because he didn't plan at all and was trying to find something specific, then he dragged me to meet his other friends who were all obnoxious spergs. Everyone knows and loves him and I didn't know any of them so I felt really left out. Eventually me and my roommate just ditched them. It was uncomfortable and shitty. It kinda feels like it was my own fault too for not trying harder to get to know his friends but they didn't seem interested in me and I don't really wanna be friends with them the way they were acting..

>> No.6864037

Seagull Lane sounds perfect.

Maybe from now on there should be a trip meet and an anon meet from the sound of it. It could solve a few problems?

>> No.6864048

That sorta happened after a bunch of us broke off and went to one trip's room, but I agree (or at least hang out at the bar and get to know everyone first, somewhere not as packed as Fox)

>> No.6864051

Ill be there as well. What time should we be there?
Ill be the tall skinny guy in normal clothes and spiky hair.

>> No.6864057

Are you still going? If other people head there I might join you.

>> No.6864059

I was talking about for October, sorry. I'm pretty busy all day.

>> No.6864074

Do you know where it is? Im not that guy but we could meet up and walk there as im unfamiliar here.

>> No.6864118

I know where the cable cars are roughly, but I'll mostly be wandering aimlessly.

>> No.6864119
File: 89 KB, 583x384, revival-rave-2k13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a crap map which should help.

Okay here are the details everyone:
Meet: Revival-Rave 2k13
Time: 2PM
Location: Ship Bar
What we will do? First thing we could do is hit the bar we're meeting at and then decide things from there.

>> No.6864124

And to add I will be at the Bar at 2pm with a sign, but if I don't have it I will be dressed in black (black shirt, jeans and trainers) and might have a red Cex bag with me. Also you might come across me in the venue in around 30 mins or an hours time as I'm going to check it out one last time.

>> No.6864125

Ok will be there at 2pm. Thanks for the map it helps out.
Also around that time ill keep an eye out on the thread

>> No.6864129

The time shouldn't change and I think it might be best to hang around there for at least 30 mins so most people get there.

>> No.6864132

I want to meet you guys, but I have social anxiety and will be super awkward....

>> No.6864134

Go and be there, you can be Liam for all I know and you're still welcomed. It's for anyone on /cgl or is somehow aware of this meet (hence psychic powers and shit).

>> No.6864137

I saw Liam outside. Seems pretty chill to me.

>> No.6864138

I have no probs with him either. It was that many trips were taking the piss out of him. The trips fags even set a insult blinge image of him on their FB group page.

>> No.6864143

If you mention this it makes it easier for me to take it into account and make you feel at ease. I used to be bad socialy. Takes some time but you will get over it mate. See you st 2pm

>> No.6864144

Can I show up with a fake ID and pretend I'm 18?

>> No.6864154

I have no idea what the ages are.
Im 26 atleast

>> No.6864166

Hey I was joking I'm not even going.
It would be funny though, I can pass for a 20 y/o.

>> No.6864175

Wish I could be at the pub with you guys. Have fun!

>> No.6864179

That chacha slide was fun if any of you were in it.

>> No.6864182

Sweden was a fucking boss.

>> No.6864189

Is anybody else in cosplay going to the pub? I'd head over by myself if it wasn't London and my cosplay didn't stand out so much.

>> No.6864190

You guys mind if a non copsplaying 17 yearold joins?

>> No.6864196

Anyone is welcome, im heading there now from the excel.

>> No.6864200

Wait for Magikarp?

>> No.6864212

Please respond.

>> No.6864215


>> No.6864216

Whatever gets you going dude.

>> No.6864218

Im infront of the olivr if thats the place

>> No.6864223

Why SAO?

>> No.6864245

I love how Eva was bitching that the meet was shit, she ended up walking off when no one wanted to pay attention to her.

We ended up drinking on the steps and at the fox courtesey of Gregg for a few hours before splitting off. Tom and Dead pool needed to fuck off though

>> No.6864247

Good fucking God I honestly thought people were bitching about her over nothing.

Hmph. Then is it true about her boyfriend? That he's basically her attack dog.

>> No.6864248

He seemed a bit of a pussy honestly. Acted like a tough /fit/ guy in that chat.

Nice that Eva acknowledged the meet was shit though.

>> No.6864252

I don't get it the most ugly and boring goths are in charge of the meets(???). The other people (Ophelia etc.) were all meh too. The dudes were all unattractice apart from about 3 (Hentai00, harrington guy and Wezley).

Why are they ''popular''?

>> No.6864253

It was Hentai00's first meet and his main board is /fa/. Not really part of their circle.

I don't get why you're making this distinction though. Eva looked pretty good to me for example.

>> No.6864273

Because they judged others on how they looked repeatedly. Liam, people sitting near their initial meeting spot.

They're all around 4-5/10 and I don't understand the elitism that they seem to have self righteously imposed on themselves.

If they were from other boards then I think I'd rather meet the other boards there. The cgl group were just childish and boring.

>> No.6864276 [DELETED] 

I had the impression that he was some kind of muscle bound dude. That's as far as my implication goes. You called him a boring ugly goth.

>> No.6864281


>> No.6864285

I read "you" instead of "they".


>> No.6864318

Friday: Shit
Saturday: Ultra shit
Sunday: Fucking fantastic

Got some good doujins too

>> No.6864319

Was Tokyobookstore there? I know other tables do doujin but I didn't spot them yesterday.

>> No.6864321

Not sure, I just went to the yaoiguy like last time.

>> No.6864396

Anyone get laid?

>> No.6864397


>> No.6864403

who were they cosplaying?

>> No.6864406

I probably could have, but I'm no good at "sealing the deal", as it were.

>> No.6864424

Does anyone have pics of that one incredibly tall (thanks to heels) Selina Kyle (aka tdkr catwoman)? I tried getting pics but then I spaghettied all over the place and chickened out.

>> No.6864468

So... all in all... not a very good experience?

>> No.6864477

Just for some. I had met up with a dude from cgl. He even was so kind to five a shorrcut to thw airport. He was normal so we had some good talk.

>> No.6864497

To be honest no, everyone seemed far too Aspie. Eva and her twig tried to take control then threw tantrums when no one paid attention. Even when we hit the first pub they had sticks rammed so far up their arises they had to fuck off to remove them. The rest were all right but when the aspire brigade joined us it became shit near the river

>> No.6864519

Tripfags bro. Next time an anon meet

I dont even understand why these kids cosplaying think they are so special

>> No.6864538

Isn't everyone that goes to MCM an aspie though?

I mean, even within our breakoff "anon" meet there was some. The tripfags just seemed on another level though. They weren't even talking to each other.

>> No.6864545

I would love to get her side of the story.

>> No.6864554

Who was aspie in anon meet?

>> No.6864553

>implying she wouldnt crive for attention.
Her word against several anons

>> No.6864568

none of your business

>> No.6864575

So how was the fuck on a scale to 10?

>> No.6864580

Why mention it then, buddy?

>> No.6864585

Me for one.

>> No.6864588

Coz he aint got no bros to tell he just lost his virginity.

>> No.6864590

I enjoyed it. I hung around people outside of /cgl/ though (to my knowledge) and met some pretty cool people. I think the seagull drama would've dampened my experience.

>> No.6864599

I fucking love you girls.

Slept with two girls this weekend.

I never thought it would happen but fuck. Cosplayers are sluts.

>> No.6864607

What where u cosplaying as mate?

>> No.6864604

There are so man personality disorders flying around in that place.
It was fun watching the drama unfold.
I didn't attend either meet but I got a good view from the periphery.

>> No.6864606

Is this for real?
And I've only ever seen one cosplayer who I was genuinely attracted to without myself forcing to think that way. Are people this desperate?

>> No.6864611

A rapist.

>> No.6864612

Think this is the case for any nerd con.

>> No.6864640

i bet one was piratetoaster or something

>> No.6864679

details plox.

>> No.6864682

if the dude who played dark souls from the anon meet is still here add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/nidaa/

oh and not to forget swe and speedylolita

>> No.6864695

fuck off you pak

>> No.6864704

Did try to add you earlier but I'm literally retarded when it comes to new Steam.

>> No.6864709

Anyone pick up some swag? I bought a Madoka doujin and a Chuu2 one. Also has anyone else noticed that there were a lot more fake figures this year?

>> No.6864711
File: 536 KB, 1280x857, ero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got.

As for fake figures, there's always been tons.

>> No.6864712

post yours if you want

>> No.6864718
File: 1.33 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All dat Project-H

>> No.6864720

13 total now.

>> No.6864732

ey son das me.

ill add you when im at my pc.

>> No.6864769

How do you buy these without spilling spaghetti everywhere?

>> No.6864780
File: 173 KB, 1279x856, DSC_0018-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the hentai prince. Not a single fuck.

Collecting their publications.

>> No.6864785
File: 232 KB, 900x1597, halibel_cosplay_by_riinechan-d59u15f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costumes that cover most of the face?
I want to take part in a masquerade or something, but am terrified of pulling derpy faces through fear, so any ideas of (partially) masked costumes?

>> No.6864784

>"Hi, I'll take this please"
>Hand over money
>Receive change

>> No.6864790

You're already surrounded by people buying the same thing and talking to a guy that enthusiastically sells them. What would make you drop your pasta everywhere?

>> No.6864794

My sense of shame.

>> No.6864827

>implying anyone gives a fuck

>> No.6864869
File: 70 KB, 308x474, cache_308_479_0__92_CrossedBadlands28wrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son I brought a whole bunch of Crossed comics, how do you think I felt?

>> No.6864922
File: 575 KB, 400x500, 1351132761757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally back home in the good old North, feels good to have my own bed again.

Shame I'm going to stay up all night Lightroom'ing all the photos I took. I'll probably post them all here or put up a link to them sometime tonight or tomorrow.

Overall the weekend got progressively better from being absolutely horrible, especially when no-one can figure out which ibis hotel is which.

>> No.6864973

Fuck you wigger.

>> No.6864996

>Son I brought a whole bunch of Crossed comics, how do you think I felt?
Sadly resigned to the fact you have shitty taste?

>> No.6865038

I'm just going to say here that the short spell I spent with Eva makes me agree with the anon way up the page who says the main group are the colour grey personified. They really fucking are. At least Eva has a bit of life in her and some thoughts that aren't "hurr we r da leet sekrit club". Would have liked to meet some anons but the thought of the flying semen from the inevitable circle jerk made me go do something less gay.

>> No.6865069

So did anyone see that people where running off with Liam bag and headpiece after expo was over. He just left it as he wonder around almost took a photo with his head piece on as joke but my party said I be taking it to far.

>> No.6865449

I don't speak african sorry dude. Try saying that in English?

>> No.6865564

I only just about had a meet today where two turned up, one bailed out during the meet (can't blame the person, but they could have said something as I'm no trip-fag and wouldn't have been insulted) and I helped the other one towards the end. All in all it was better than not having a meet at all and I look forward to the next event in October.

To all the fags here who love trying to get drinks in a crowed and over-popular venue related bar (hence The Fox) there is a new one local to the area called The Oliver Bar which is a bar on a boat. It is located close to the odd glass building called The Crystal and is generally a lot less crowed and a potentially better option overall.

The bar in question is where I started my meet at and I would like to let others know it is a good option to meet at unlike the ticket machine (that was just trolling) and even the statue by a small margin (which is always populated during a MCM Expo event).

Well that is my take of my experience and I hope this might be a little useful for the October event when it comes.

>> No.6865972

Didn't you hear she had a sex change fuck sake get with the times

>> No.6866301

I still want a blowjob from her and so what if she is a guy now i'm bi

>> No.6866329

that wouldn't stop her fucking anything that moves though

>> No.6866354

I guess she decided to take the whole pegging thing to a new level that no one can compete with her at.

>> No.6866371

I heard she prefers to fuck things that don't move, too much effort.

>> No.6866440

any pics yet?

>> No.6866844

Cheers for the shortcut mate, was there in time. Even had to wait for like 1.5 hours.

>> No.6866905

Had a surprisingly good first Expo and will probably continue to come back at least a few more times.
I left the meet fairly quickly to go drink, since it was so disorganised, so I didn't really get to see that many people besides the two kids that spent the night drinking in our room. Good fun, got no regrets.

Really need to bring a cosplay or camera with me the next time so I wont feel like a total casualfag, woop.

Best room ever, definitely makes the current minus on my bankaccount worth it. A+ would stay there again.

>> No.6866960
File: 485 KB, 841x452, whatconditionmyconditionisin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekend was so mellow. Call me a bitch but It was really nice to have a change of pace from end of uni celebrations. Sorry If I seemed a bit distant and for leaving the meet early, went back to the bunker with a few people and played a few games. Scratched up the back of my hand on the Sunday and managed to make it look like one of the stamps. I almost broke down laughing when I found the porn star corner. Still way too many people throwing around steady cams this year, needs to stop. No one wants to watch a shitty edit that you've put no effort into.

>> No.6867043

Thank you for introducing me and the others to that drinking game, it was really fun (and I still can't believe you fell for that QuestionMaster round I was doing...)

Definitely got to get a room like that for October.

>> No.6867055

How do you even get a GF at expo? Everyone I saw turned out to be with someone already

I just want someone to watch anime with and shit

>> No.6867071

they're all crazy though

>> No.6867075

I saw Liam stalking this girl around the square grass bit, she was walking quite quickly but he was obviously following her, so she hid and then bolted it back to her friends. Poor thing.

>> No.6867083

The vast majority of "couples" going round weren't actual couples. The girl has a good-looking boyfriend who isn't into anime or cosplay so she gets invited by her beta-arse friend. He carries her stuff and buys her everything and she just goes with him. By the end of the night he's alone and she's in some good-looking stranger's bed.

>> No.6867085

You don't need to be dating someone to watch anime with them, step it up homie.

>> No.6867087
File: 117 KB, 900x950, 1368660097318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6867090

I met quite a few cosplayers at the weekend and some of them asked me if I was on facebook, and when I added them all I see is "in a relationship"

But yeah I wanna girlfriend I can geek out with. I don't care if they are crazy as long as they don't lie and they give me a bit of attention

>> No.6867099

The general population of the MCM attendees is getting progressively more douche-like with the emergence of groups like Sexy cosplay guys/girls. The course of these threads is a good example.
It's sending out the message that the majority of cosplayers treat the hobby as some kind of fetish or way to pick up girls/guys rather than just doing it for enjoyment.
A lot of good people are turning away from the scene now because of this and the sad thing is, there's very little that can be done to stop it since it's so wide spread.
It's not as bad at smaller cons but if it creeps in, rip uk con scene as we know it.

>> No.6867122
File: 944 KB, 1152x974, FSHIONMANSTAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took next to no pictures. I'm still not used to the whole taking pictures at expos yet. I'm definitely buying a 50mm for next time so I can try to cut out some of this background noise, really starting to grow out of my kit lens. Saw one guy running around with a reflector and shoving it in people face without even asking then taking a picture. Total ass hole with no respect for peoples personal space.

>> No.6867123

Back in the day I went to cons to attend the actual events, see my friends and have fun in cosplay.
Now that I've grown older, I do all those things + sex. It's a break from my stressful work and life, might as well have some extra fun when people are willing. I think it's the same for a lot of friends.

With that said, /cgl/ reeks of desperation these days. Don't go to a con hoping/expecting to get laid, just take that as a bonus. If you need to ask the internet for advice on how to get with horny drunk nerds then you have a problem. Take it as it comes and leave it out of con-threads.

>> No.6867131
File: 978 KB, 1613x1075, Biodock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6867133

+More cosplay variety this year than previously
+Way more good T&A than usual
+Floor seemed better laid out with more room
+Fox was a little cheaper than I remember it being last year
+Got my dick in Tabby and Kelly Jean

-No real stand out costumes
-Not many good props
-Way too many pricks with huge cameras blocking the floor
-Plagued with free huggers
-Saturday is still a nightmare
-Too many rip off stalls selling shitty deviantart manga, swords and second hand body pillows


>> No.6867136

I'm not saying that cons should be free of sex, It's just that it seems to be taking a higher priority over cosplay and creating a really scummy vibe.

>> No.6867139

>selling second hand body pillows
I cringed a little

>> No.6867141

That's really nice. Yeah, for cosplay photos I basically just used a 50mm for everything. It's nice having the wide apertures for when you are indoors, so you can avoid using shitty ISOs or flash.

Being able to avoid flash is pretty useful though, available light tends to look a lot better, and there are a small number of people who suffer from epilepsy (such as a friend I met recently).

Only thing I'm starting to find with my 50 though is that it's not quite perfect for portraits. Something like an 85mm will give you a flatter image (as opposed to the slight fisheye effect you get on shorter focal lengths - an extreme example being 18mm if you need to try and visualise the effect). So where I was taking photos of people in front of the shutter doors, you can see the barrel distortion of the lens where straight lines don't run straight etc (which is normally something you don't notice if you had taken a photo outside).

The other thing is I did a couple of face shots since some people had good makeup and such, but with a 50 you have to get almost uncomfortably close to them - in almost all cases I felt I had to apologise for getting so close.

That said, the shallower angle of view should be nice.

The downside is that for full body shots you will need to back the fuck up since it's zoomed in that much more, which means you will get people walking in your shot, camera shake will be more noticable, you will more likely not be able to get as fast aperture/shutter speed as a 50 and so on.

>> No.6867144

>+Got my dick in Tabby and Kelly Jean
kelly is a total cunt though, why stick your dick in crazy?

>> No.6867146

I got a theory for this.

Robots from r9k come over to this board and here about people getting laid at these nerd cons and flip their shit in excitement.

>> No.6867153

Is no one going to post any photos?

>> No.6867157

They probably aren't reading this but I want to give a shout out to the Mio and Ritsu cosplayers who did a shoot with me as they were absolute legends. We chatted for maybe 20 minutes before hand about stuff and the actual faffing around with photos was like another hour.

Pretty much made Expo worth going.

>> No.6867161

This is what Im wondering.
Anyone know why that asian guy was making video? He had this line of cosplayers and he'd run through several times to make some vid. Is that up yet?

>> No.6867162

Ah, I think I spoke to you briefly, great costume.

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6867164

Some DJ came on and started playing metal late-ish on Sat. Liam was sitting on the stage just leering at this short girl, or else slowly staring side to side with his eyes wide open. Would have loved to have seen the security guard push him into the pit, he'd have been fucked.

>> No.6867167

>Got my dick in Tabby and Kelly Jean

The believability is weak with this one. Unless it was with both of them at the same time. Then its believeable.

>> No.6867169
File: 482 KB, 1920x1040, lightroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still working on mine, I'll get them finished soon and dump them.

>> No.6867187

Sorry new to everything here, when you say pit do you mean mosh pit?

Also I here there was some sort of party there. That true?

>> No.6867192

>tfw just outside of picture

Fun meetup.

>> No.6867197

Thanks for the advice, bro. Another thing I really need to invest in is a lens hood.

There's always a shit loads of people making cosplay montages that everyone apart from the people involved hate. Don't get me started on them, they're the worst.

>> No.6867198
File: 1.11 MB, 1613x1075, Sundaysteps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woops left my picture out. All that lens flare.

>> No.6867202

>mosh pit

MCM ought to actually get some real bands, though. I thought I could hear folk rock early on the Saturday, and went over, but it was just some twats with inflatable guitars doing karaoke. Seriously, there must be about 10,000 pub-rock bands who would jump at the chance to play on an open-air stage at an event with 60,000 people. Even if only about 20 of those even care enough to get close to the stage

>> No.6867208

Early on the Sunday even, arse.

>captcha: erilwanc caused. A few cosplays did cause me to IRL wank, it must be said

>> No.6867223

UK con "scene" has been dead since its inception.

>> No.6867228

Whats the party like?

>> No.6867230

If its been dead all these years then sexualising it is some nasty necro shit.

>> No.6867231


>> No.6867242


>> No.6867275

There were three bands who actually have record deals and have been in the charts but they weren't advertised any more than the others so it went to waste.

>> No.6867281

You realise crazy bitches fuck the best and always swallow, right?

>> No.6867290

and then they cling to you with their daddy issues and emotional problems

>> No.6867292

Anyone got pictures?

>> No.6867296

Can't cling to you when you're 1400 km away.

>> No.6867303

they'll try, trust me

>> No.6867316

where do i get in line for a clingy girl? i love that

>> No.6867328

that War Machine was the fucking shit, apart from a slightly dodgy cannon

>> No.6867336

There were a lot of really good Iron Man suit cosplays, it was pretty impressive.
Should we start a new thread for photos? This one's past the bump.

>> No.6867348

yeah, whoever posts pix do this

>> No.6867372

I'll do it soon then

>> No.6867383

Why not use flickr? you can upload right from Lightroom 4 and theres no pro accounts anymore

>> No.6867397

There aren't any Pro accounts now? What happened?
And I do use it but I like to dump them here too.

>> No.6867434

So is it true that Liam got off with a fat bird? Like a really hamburgling fattie?

>> No.6867436

Eh? When I was travelling to the con and lining up I saw some rasta / stoner kids, a very stereotypical chav and some /fit/ types who were talking about this business they were setting up. If anything that shows the popularity of "geek culture" and the MCM is expanding to ever-more-normal people. Could you imagine any of that lot going to an AL event? (or even knowing AL exists, for that matter)

>> No.6867446

Any UK con. It's way harder to find a chick at a con who isn't a clingy mentalist than one that is.

>> No.6867456

now we're auto saging

>> No.6867458

how do you alphas find a girl at a con anyway? do you just like go up to one you like, talk about random anime for 10 mins then say are you single and do you want to go for a drink or what?

>> No.6867475


This guy seemed to have a decent enough idea. Dunno about if you aren't in cosplay though...

>> No.6867479

I usually just get my dick out then hack it off with a bread knife. Works every time.

>> No.6867482

Yahoo decided to change it all to keep up with other sites like FB (what?) I think

>> No.6867485

see this is the thing, ill bump into someone in cosplay (i dont cosplay), say its nice and that, chat for a few minutes and it doesnt go anywhere after that

is there a secret technique to gauging if someone is interested, or even single for that matter. virtually everyone i meet is taken, hence why i'm turning my attention to expo to find someone i have things in common with

>> No.6867495

Basically you're asking how to talk to girls anywhere. This isn't exclusive to cons. It just so happens it's easier at cons because you know the majority of the girls there would rather take it up the ass raw than go to bed alone.

It ain't about being some alpha bro or talking about who has the biggest anime collection. It's plain normal social skills. Talk to people, be normal, be nice, loads of girls will be queueing up to suck on your balls.

>> No.6867502

First time going yesterday and it was so good. The atmosphere was fantastic and I had so much fun.

Did anyone see/take part in that big cosplay bum rush around the side of the building? There was a proper photographers doing some work and there was an entire line of really quality cosplay.

>> No.6867508

if they are holding a free hugs sign, is it because they are ronery and your chances of getting somewhere are greatly increased?

>> No.6867513


Get this shit off of /cgl/ and back to /soc/ you friction burnt fucks.

>> No.6867524


Free huggers crave human contact but they're too awkward to put themselves out there properly. The ones that will bend over for anyone are the ones walking around the con floor in bikinis.

>> No.6867530

is that a rule of thumb like just anyone in a bikini? or does that apply for cosplayers too? like if you see a yoko littner cosplayer, ir's probably because she wants the D?

>> No.6867537

New thread:


>> No.6867645

Yokos are the most desperate for it.

>> No.6867809

Good to know I was helpful, but I hope you didn't get too bored waiting and all.