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File: 297 KB, 620x1123, headband-updo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6858601 No.6858601 [Reply] [Original]

I am someone who's absolutely clueless about hair care, and completely fails at it. Not a fan of wigs either.

Does anyone have any nice classic lolita hair tutorials or ideas?

Also general hair thread.

>> No.6859167


>> No.6859275

I'm having a hard time making curls look decent in my hair. I always see tutorials in GLBs and in the street snaps I see girls with natural hair and beautiful curls. Does anyone have a good tutorial or tips on how to achieve this? I've searched on youtube but for some reason this specific look is hard to find. I know they use a 32mm curling wand but when I try the curls never last and look off.

>> No.6859305

Have you tried a curling spray to set it? Or a gel? Are you curling too fast? Too slow? Or maybe you're a flat iron person.

>> No.6859373
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>> No.6859377
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>> No.6859379

this is so cute, but all the hair line keeps distracting me

>> No.6859380
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>> No.6859383
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>> No.6859389

It's Dakota after all...

>> No.6859411

I have naturally thick, curly (ringlets and waves), shoulder-length/boob-length hair... What are some cute hair tutorials I could try out?

>> No.6859432

Ah no wonder. Glad i have curly thick hair. Thin hair like that kind of bothers me

>> No.6859441

How has this girl completely missed her eye when putting on makeup? I'll admit I know almost nothing about styles, but that looks too awful to be intentional.

>> No.6859445

It's Dakota. She always does her makeup like that.

>> No.6859458


She does it that way to make the Japanese think her eyes are anime-huge. The sad part is they eat that shit up.

>> No.6859472

really? why? it looks like she is a kid who doesnt know how to use make up at all..

>> No.6859483

No idea who that is, but it just looks like someone blind applied it. I guess I don't get Japanese fashion.

>> No.6859488

For whatever reason, that style's popular in J-fashion.

>> No.6859494

She's delusional and batshit. She thinks we really believe her eyes take up most of her face. She has her own Encyclopedia Dramatica article if you want to look it up. Pretty lulzy.

Sage for not being about hair. Honestly, can we keep our lolcows out of these threads?

>> No.6859528


It's because she's white and they thinks it's cute when young looking white girls look stupid.

>> No.6859544
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Will straightening my hair once a week be considerably damaging in the long run? I know that any heat can be damaging, but I'm tired of keeping my waist hair on buns and stuff like that because of it being permanently frizzed out (tried everything, nothing reduces it).

>> No.6859553
File: 1.17 MB, 740x844, tumblr_ldf6tiNqFp1qf9z6k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her makeup is gyaru-inspired.

Pic related, one of the most retarded eye-enlarging tutorials I've seen.

>> No.6859581

That must be Dakota, dat balding

>> No.6859583

oh, i was right. lol

>> No.6859600


what the crap is the point of the random black eyeliner in the center?

>> No.6859603

Why not just get Japanese straightening/chemical straightening then? It would cost a bit, but in the long run, it's worth it.

>> No.6859612

So if you keep your eyes pointed straight forward for the entire day, it miiiiight look like the eyeliner is an extension of your iris.

>> No.6859623

link plz, I love ED articles.

>> No.6859624

That can be really damaging, especially if your hair is colored or thin.
Maybe try a keratin treatment for your frizz? It's supposed to be less damaging

>> No.6859639

Just go to google and type in Dakota encyclopedia dramatica . it will come up at katokoki

>> No.6859666

It can be, but only if you go to a reliable salon. A lot of places mix their own solution, which can be pretty nasty because they include more formaldehyde than they're legally allowed. It also "sets" using heat and many salons tend to overdo it with the straighteners in order to get done faster. I had a salon almost fry my hair while trying to fix damage caused by bleach/dye.

>> No.6859675

Go to a professional. Like a real one to do it. Also, more professionals will refuse to do it on damaged by bleach hair.

>> No.6859742

It kinda depends on your hair type. From what you're describing, it sounds like your hair is too fine.
What I usually do is I wash my hair at least 1-2 days in advance before when I want to curl it (if I wanted curls for Saturday, I wash my hair Friday morning or Thursday night) and let a bit of dirt/oil build up, but not enough to be obviously greasy or gross. This sounds gross but your hair will stay better if it has a bit of natural dirt/dust build up. If you're in a time crunch obviously hair products such as spray or mousse would help. Moisture makes you lose curls as well, so you never want your hair to be wet to begin with. If it's a matter of losing your curls due to moisture in the atmosphere, spray lots of hair spray after you're done curling.
When you curl, you want to play around with the heat and timing too. For me, I find it helpful to set my curler to the highest heat and curl my hair for about 5-10 seconds, or until I can feel the heat through my hair.
Technique is important too. I usually take a small handful of hair and start at the base (near my scalp) and put it through the curler, then take the curler all the way to the ends of my hair with my hair still in it. Then I curl my hair clockwise around the curler and let it sit for a bit, or until I can feel a bit of the warmth of the curler through my hair (the heat should be touchable and not burning your fingers off because that would be too hot).
Not sure if I'm making sense, but I hope this helps a little, lol. Just keep practicing and you'll find what works for you.

>> No.6860189

I have thick somewhat coarse hair that likes to frizz and I've found rinsing it with white vinegar before washing it with a shampoo with no laureth sulfates, and conditioning with a "cone" free conditoner makes a huge difference in terms of frizz and hair texture.

I also keep it up in a bun with a hairstick when it's not down and that makes a diffrence as well. Particuarlly if I put it up while still wet (combed through) and let it dry like that.

>> No.6860259

She will be posted soon her anyways, according to her book which the scans from she is modeling soon in the GLB (the book got a whole 'I love Gothic Lolita' section).

>> No.6860264

She will be posted soon her anyways, according to her book which the scans from she is modeling soon in the GLB (the book got a whole 'I love Gothic Lolita' next to a "I love Seifuku', 'I love Vivianne Westwood' and 'I love BJD fashion' section).

>> No.6860296
File: 63 KB, 400x266, sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have considered it, mainly the keratin treatment, but it is too expensive for me now, plus it scares me a bit the possibility of it going wrong and fucking up my hair. If I had money would probably do it.

Sounds like we have very similar hair! I'll try what you mention, thanks. May I ask the brands of the products you use?

>> No.6860301

The "I love gothic lolita" is probably just her in a black miniskirt. Her book isn't even out yet, there are no scans, just some preview images. The terrible editing on her face, the picture where her eyes are terribly uneven, and all her Taobao VW stuff is quite funny

>> No.6860308

>'I love BJD fashion' section

What the hell is BJD fashion? BJD joint tights + general Jfashion?

>> No.6860403

The best results I've had was the one time I used heat curler activator right before curling with like a .5" curler and then spraying the shit out of it with hair spray. It looked great all day but my hair was so crunchy and not very touchable.

Thanks, and your right about my hair type, I have pretty fine hair. I actually use the method you described only when I'm done I clip the curl in place until my hair cools completely. I use to clamp my curler it at the ends and work my way up but since my hair is pretty long it obviously didn't reach my roots and it dried out the tips of my hair. I try not to curl on the same day that I wash my hair but on top of having fine hair it also gets pretty oily. Dry shampoo kinda helps but my bangs still get gross later in the day. I guess I'll continue practicing with it. Are there any other tips you'd have specifically for long hair? It's at waist length right now. And do you think the weight of my hair is pulling my curls out?

>> No.6860422

The weight is definitely pulling the curls out. Try using smaller sections of hair.

>> No.6860434

Actually, thinking about it some more, you might want to look up heatless ways of curling hair. Long hair is so easily damaged, and yours is already thin as you've said.

Oh, and for the oily hair problem, live with the oily for awhile and wash your hair less often so your scalp stops overproducing oil. Unless you already do this, then you might want to try a different shampoo.

>> No.6860438

She probably means 'dolly' fashion.

>> No.6860473

Ok, thanks for your help. I only wash my hair every other day so I'll try a different shampoo. And I've had some great success with rag curls but the curls came out pretty small, I think I'll try pin curls instead.

>> No.6860491


I doubt it, there's a great difference even in Japan between "dolly" and "BJD".

>> No.6860512
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How would one achieve this style?

>> No.6860535

Big big eyes, skinny limbs, possibly jointed tights, and generally being posed like a limp rag doll splayed across the ground. I don't actually know why this is a thing.

>> No.6860613
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>> No.6860692

I have very fine, thick hair (the strands are fine but there are a lot of them).
Even just plaiting it a pain because it gets everywhere.

Does anyone have any tips?

>> No.6860696

You could try using a light wax to keep it in place.

>> No.6860708
File: 365 KB, 327x490, mnfchloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posed like a limp rag doll

but almost all BJDs can stand unassisted

>> No.6860710

could you recommend any in particular?

>> No.6860714

Sorry, I've only ever really had it used on my hair when I go to the hairdresser's and they apply it for me!

>> No.6860718
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>> No.6860720
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>> No.6860724
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>> No.6860722
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>> No.6860726


Stop it. This is a hair thread, not a fucking Kooter thread. I don't want this thread deleted.

>> No.6860727
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>> No.6860729
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I'm posting hair tutorials you big silly.

>> No.6860730
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>> No.6860731

They've already been posted.
1/10 for making me respond.

>> No.6860733
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>> No.6860738
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>> No.6860735

Japanese women use an eye makeup style specified for them, not for americans. It looks stupid on white girls and that doesn't stop them from imitating it because 'muh glorious japan'.

>> No.6860736
File: 20 KB, 424x600, r_02112401_sp_0017_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can tell you're new.

>> No.6860740

Yeah. I use japanese style eye makeup, but cater it to my almond shaped larger eyes. It would look so dumb if i tried to do gyaru style make up exactly how the asians do it

>> No.6860743
File: 146 KB, 800x1138, tumblr_mh7vamXl7S1qj816fo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I request stuff for short hair, guys?

You only need to post the tutorials, these are just unnecessarily taking up image limit.

>> No.6860788
File: 150 KB, 800x1141, tumblr_mh7vamXl7S1qj816fo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes sense. It looks so terrible when the eyelid/whites "illusion" dangles off.

>> No.6860790
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>> No.6860809

It isn't a makeup style specified for them, it looks bad at everybody when, well, being bad at makeup.

>> No.6860852

boo you whore

>> No.6860863
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>> No.6860861
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>> No.6860901

I know. But if you look at someone trying to dress like one, they all seem to go for the same type of pose. That is, like someone took the loosest strung doll ever an chucked it at a wall.

>> No.6860956

It's to make the illusion that they have bigger eyes like white girl do. I'm allowed to have bigger eyes if I want to. Check your privilege you racist dumb fuck.

>> No.6860968

how in all hell am i being racist? sure, you can apply your makeup however you wish. Just look like an idiot, go on. it's easy.

>> No.6860987
File: 293 KB, 1000x1500, Hirari-Ikeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tutorials for this?

>> No.6861044

I'm familiar with hirari~! I like her hair and makeup styles but sometimes it can be hit or miss for me.

>> No.6861115


You just twist it a lot untill it starts twisting together into a ball thing like that, then use hair scrunchies. That's how I do it anyway.

>> No.6861132

same. and add lots of hair pins too. It's a cute style

>> No.6861133


Holy shit, that eye makeup looks even worse from the side.

>> No.6861145

I also have super long hair and I actually find it works best if I start curling from the top, closest to the scalp. That way I get extra holding power at the top where it's going to be more weighed down. It also causes less damage to my ends.

>> No.6861148

Oh. God. Her hair is so thin that when she pulls it tight, she appears to be balding. That is not a good look from behind.

>> No.6861156

I generally use Avalon organics, or Nature's Gate. If I found less expensive products without laureth sulfates or silicone I would buy them.

I also only wash my hair about 3 times every two weeks. I focus the shampoo on the top of my head, and the conditioner only on the length of my hair. I also switch out shampoos after a month or two.

I just read about occasionally adding a raw egg to your shampoo to strengthen and smooth hair. Kinda interested but also wary of trying that.

>> No.6861162

it really does.

>> No.6861166

what the crap-- why is she doing this style with such thin hair? it looks awful. This is whats printed in Japanese fashion magazines now??

>> No.6861164

that sounds easy but whenever I try it I just get lumpy buns

i can not into styling my own hair

>> No.6861173


Blame Bravo. I can't imagine the shit they're having to do to get her gigs. FFS she has the personality of a wet rag.

>> No.6861183

I read her ED just now. She hates lesbians? what a dumb whore. I'm a lesbian and i would definitely not hit on anything that ugly

>> No.6861189

Sorry, I don't really care about this issue that much but I have a question.
If Dakota looks so bad (which she does) why doesn't that agency just fire her?

>> No.6861224

can people actually do this in a mirror? even with a mirror at the back of my head, this is so hard to do.

>> No.6861237


Basically what happnened is that Bravo took ehr on as a model before they saw what she looked like without shoop and after effects, but by then they had already started marketing her in Japan as the "beautiful flawless living doll" so they were kind of stuck with her, now they're busting their asses to make her famous to save face and make up for the fact that they stupidly signed on a model with no unedited candid shots.

>> No.6861242


She hates lesbians and to her, everyone that compiments her is a "pedophile lesbian".

Hilariously enough, before Japan started noticing her she and her sister made a video pulling their eyes and sticking out their teeth saying how Japanese and Chinese people look the same.

Glorious Nippon would drop her ass in a hurry if more of then knew about that shit.

>> No.6861258

i would love to expose that shit. Why hasnt it been told to that JP agency yet?

>> No.6861259
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>> No.6861271
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dont know if anyone can help me but my hair is nasty as shit from malnutrition and dying it every couple months for a few years
i actually haven't dyed it since september though and i've been looking for a good way to get rid of the HORRIBLE frizz...

>> No.6861277

So it's a legal issue, did she singed a contract with them? and now they cant get off her?.

Is so sad that magazines and people who need models have to deal with this (she looks like shit). But she keeps getting jobs so that means Japanese people have shit taste and like her looks right?
Once again sorry about the off-topic

>> No.6861282
File: 49 KB, 500x375, kota3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> would drop her ass in a hurry
no they wouldn't. they already know. they are just so hopelessly deluded with her grorious living doll desu~ and obsessive aspirations of beauty

>> No.6861283
File: 19 KB, 364x500, Kotakotinosejob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because they're covering their asses.

Here's the video of them making fun of Asians (with Japanese subs!): http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=2w54l1k&s=6

Oh and here is what her nose used to look like, also a link to screencaps of her when she and her sister used to call everyone "faggot, dyke", etc.:


>> No.6861291


Yep, they signed her and THEN flew her to Japan.

Of course NOW they probably wouldn't drop her because thanks to her momma copyrighting everything that makes her look bad and having it all taken down, Bravo thinks the evidence of her devious past is sealed and nobody will ever know.

>> No.6861292
File: 32 KB, 506x376, koke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean to be fair, this was true back in her myspace whore queen days but it does NOT mean its true now. sure she said it back then and it was a FUCKED UP move to post it online but whatever its in the past.

>> No.6861306

I'd be interested in this too. About this time last year I had the bright idea to home-bleach the underlayer of my nearly black hair so I could dye it purple. For whatever reason, even though my bangs grow like an inch a month, the rest of my hair has only grown out about four inches in the past year. The result is half of my hair is frizzy, stringy, and despite trying to dye my hair back to all one color it just refuses to take so the dead hair is now a lovely shade of carrot orange. Is my only hope just chopping it all off?

>> No.6861307


Yeah, no. She was a nasty white trash cunt RIGHT UP UNTIL she got signed with Bravo. The only reason anyone thinks she "stopped" acting that way is because she's not playing on the internet all day anymore with her sister.

>> No.6861310

If it's that damaged, you're better off just biting the bullet and chopping it of. No serum or spay is going to save it, and cutting it will keep the damage from traveling up the strands

>> No.6861325

See >>6861310 You're pretty much boned.

Oh and >>6861271 if you have nutrition issues then try looking into supplements for your hair.

>> No.6861337

its just two big bantu knots essentially

>> No.6861412

I don't care about her past, or how she used to look like, she looks terrible now anyways, the pictures of her posted on this thread are immature looking and disgusting.
Japanese have shit taste when it comes about foreign beauty, and eat her up. That's what gets me.

>> No.6861470

I don't get it either. There are plenty of beautiful european girls out there, why do the Japanese like this disgusting shit?

>> No.6861487


Is your hair straight? Mine is super straight so it's really easy to just spin it tight.

>> No.6861485
File: 29 KB, 309x245, tail1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there wire in it or ?

>> No.6861486

so being a bigot, racist asshole is okay because 'aww, they're just kids. let them be bigots. :D"


(captcha: Unprejudiced)

>> No.6861511

glad I never did or said anything offensive on video as a tween when my older sister pressured me so she can be more e-famous

>> No.6861684

holy hell, is that her? she looks aweful, like she's about to be put into an oven. someone give her a sandwhich

>> No.6861731

I live in a pretty rainy area and every time it rains my hair gets so frizzy. any tips to avoid this?

>> No.6861877

do you have an eating disorder...? I hope you get better, whatever you have.

I'd just chop it off, hair is dead the minute it comes out of your follicle. If the tip of your finger nail cracked a little you'd just cut it off right? Not keep trying to 'repair' it with nail polish.

>> No.6861932


Bite the bullet anon. If your hair is that damaged, there is no redeeming it.
My hair was HORRIBLE last year. Frizzy, dry, split ends every where, constantly snapping off and shedding. One night I just decided I'd go for it, picked up a pair of hairdressing scissors and cut myself a pixie cut. It's been 1 and 3 months since then, and my pixie cut is no more. Now it reaches down past my collarbones and because I haven't dyed it once it's all fresh, clean, silky, undamaged hair and looks amazing.

It sucked having to wait for it to grow out, but omg it was SOOOOOOOOOO worth it.

>> No.6861989
File: 59 KB, 640x852, BLGfq5ICcAAvVfW.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got a own idol book as mentioned berfore.

>> No.6862010

When are we getting photos of it?
I don't have any contacts there which would spend the time/money doing it.

>> No.6862024

They were already posted here.

>> No.6862032

Time to comb the archives.

>> No.6862043


No, they're in this thread. Scroll up.

>> No.6862116

Young lady, check your website. This is not Tumblr.

>> No.6862710

Why would you enlarge your eyes and shoop your jaw to that extent, but not even bother with basic contouring on your nose?

>> No.6862834

Anyone got anything for short hair?

>> No.6863453
File: 97 KB, 800x600, 作コメ渡邉MS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its incredibly hard to find anything.
>tfw above ear length hair and no idea what to do other side sidepart

>> No.6863495
File: 23 KB, 344x481, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how short are you looking for?

>> No.6864225

I really need help. My ends split no matter what I do. I let it cut regular but a week later the split ends are back again. I wash my hair only with silicone free products and with cold water. After it I wont scrub it dry. I only use a brush made of wild pig bristles. I use coconat oil twice a week after conditioning. When I sleep I make a lose knot. I try to eat a lot of eggs.
I dont know what Im doing wrong..

>> No.6864329

Maybe you simply just lack the right vitamins and iron.

>> No.6864342
File: 195 KB, 1024x1024, lieschen birdcage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i asked in an older hair thread but people just told me to put wires in the head(and i still dont understand how to create the style)

>> No.6864422

I eat a lot of friuts and vegetables, but what should I take in addition to that?

>> No.6864426

Try getting it cut further up. It might be that the last few inches of your hair are damaged, and you're only cutting off the very ends leaving damaged hair which then splits and travels further up.

>> No.6864431

the person in your picture is clearly using a wire frame ( you can see the wires on the inside) just make a wire frame with the base in the shape of a crown. She's also obviously using wefts for the braids so braid the hair into the wire and such. Was that really so hard to see?

>> No.6864441

better picture? it looks like it's up because she's moving

>> No.6864464

i can't understand back-combing, guys
at first i thought it was pushing the comb up and down but a seagull said that you have to push the hair towards the roots
but when i do that, my hair just looks like an ugly huge fluff of mess, not the pretty hair pictures i see here. what am i doing wrong

>> No.6864484
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Any how-to's with my kind of hair? I mean, I like how it is, but I'd like to do more with it.

>> No.6864486

am i blind, or is your hair longer on one side

>> No.6864502

The right side is a bit longer than my left. I told the stylist to do something that'd be a bit interesting, and we both came up with this cut. To be honest I like it a lot.

>> No.6864508

off my head, i think you can do tiny braids on the longer side of your hair and pin them around
not sure how you'd look like if you tried to set curls in your hair. another seagull with really short hair did it a few hair threads back, it looked like one of the ETC models

>> No.6864512

Show your face you ugly coward.

>> No.6864558

>show your face
do you see the problem here anon

>> No.6864561


>"another seagull with really short hair did it a few hair threads back, it looked like one of the ETC models"

The gal with short hair who tried to do rag curls and ended up with two fros?

>> No.6864567

I'm trying to decide on a new haircut, but I'm having trouble figuring out what would compliment my face shape best. It's already short, with a sidebang going completely over one eye, and I think I'm ready for a change.

I don't think I'm masochistic enough to post my face here, but my face shape seems to be a mix between an oval and a heart. Soft. Big eyes, big (but not wide) nose.

>> No.6864576

do you want to grow it out? because if you get something that needs maintenance (i.e an angled bob) it will just look awkward growing it out

>> No.6864597

I'm actually not sure if I want to grow it out or chop it off. It all depends on of I manage to reach my goal weight. If I lose another five pounds, I'll probably be able to pull off shorter better, if I stay where I am, something a bit longer would be good.

Any suggestions?

>> No.6864897

Ah fuck. Was hoping to avoid having it short. Its crazy ringlet curly and I've yet to see someone with super curly hair cut short that looks decent.

>> No.6864910

This isn't actually her hair. She reuses this for another outfit. Its just wires shaped into a birdcage, with false hair braided around, and then plopped on her head and her own hair brushed around it to blend it.

>> No.6864918
File: 103 KB, 442x600, haiiiiir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should do something like this using loose pin-curls.

>> No.6864939

Well yeah no shit, that's the point of back combing. It's to build volume, you only back comb the underneath of the hair, the fluffy mess of tangles is what holds it up. You're probably back combing for a style that doesn't need it at all.

>> No.6864953

Ouch. With hair like that, I'm amazed you decided to mess around with dye. Curly hair damages so easily. I'd ask a stylist for a second opinion, but prepare for the worst Anon. Another option is to gradually cut the damaged parts off as your hair grows, which is what a couple friends of mine did when they had dye related disasters, but it might look a bit off for awhile. Again, have a chat with a stylist.

Good luck Anon!

>> No.6865609
File: 47 KB, 560x400, datlampmang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'll give it a try.
I- I don't see how that'd help any but okay..
Actually, that's really cute, I think I'm going to try that out. Thanks.

Also dumping what little I have.

>> No.6865614
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>> No.6865619
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>> No.6865630
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>> No.6865638
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>> No.6865634
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>> No.6865642
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>> No.6865650
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>> No.6865647
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>> No.6865660
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>> No.6865668
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>> No.6865677
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All I have. Hoped that helped.

>> No.6866077

what magazines are these from guize

>> No.6866089

Pretty sure it's from Cure

>> No.6866098

One is from cure magazine, the other one is this one >>6861989.

>> No.6866693

I've actually dyed it a few times before, including bleaching, without it having this many issues. Guess I learned to stay away from the cheap shit now though.

I guess I'm most upset cuz now I gotta go find an easily restyled natural lookin wig cuz I do living history and we gotta have the proper hairstyles. My natural hair is midway down my back as it is. Last time I cut it, it was below my waist.

>> No.6869280

My sides.

>> No.6869297

Yeah, when this was first posted on cgl, I laughed heartily.

Although having the lighting blown out that far does most of their work for them.

>> No.6869314

i posted the misery photo. Yup, from my cure mag.

>> No.6869361

Has anyone here ever done straightening perms? What was your experience?

>> No.6870439


>> No.6870575


on caucasian or asian or african hair?

>> No.6871986

caucasian hair

>> No.6874506
File: 771 KB, 950x730, 02 Scarf Arrangement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Chokichoki. They have about 15 hair cuts a month, and tell you what faceshapes they work on too... which is like super rare for men's stuff.

I'm going to go ahead and post some of my translations.

>> No.6874547

That is really cute.

>> No.6874883
File: 482 KB, 800x525, 01 Classic Arrangement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that one was genius it's a simple look that goes with a lot of styles. I wish my hair was long enough to try it though.

>> No.6874888
File: 581 KB, 803x718, 03 Hair - Mixed Braid Updo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6874938
File: 415 KB, 400x600, 16 Antique Doll Makeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6875518

i'm really loving what you're posting

>> No.6876195
File: 538 KB, 500x1500, 06 Side Bun Style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AH, thanks

>> No.6876199
File: 173 KB, 526x400, 008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6876201

I styled my hair like this and my boyfriend said I looked like I should be called Helga and be a strict headmaster at a girl's school

>> No.6876264
File: 225 KB, 500x450, 010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have given him a good spanking them You know to go with the hair.

>> No.6876605

you posted in a cosplay ideas thread earlier didn't you?

>> No.6879376

dont die, thread!
i need more things to do with my chest-length thin hair then just wear it straight down!

>> No.6879388


I think it's because I'm a lazy fuck, but my hair is so long and thin I can never get the results these girls get.

I should probably use hairspray more, for one. I just don't like how it makes everything look and feel so stiff.

>> No.6879591

So, I want to buy clip-on hair extensions, it's my first time buying them and I'm thinking of getting Remy hair extensions because I've heard good things about them. I found some nice ones on eBay, but I'm not sure if I should trust a shady Chinese sellers on something important like this... ;_;
And what would be a good length for the extensions? I'm thinking of maybe 18"-20", I just want them to look as natural as possible.

>> No.6880074

I'm going to a salon tomorrow to get my hair dyed for the first time. I know it's recommended to not wash your hair the day before but I left it unwashed for two days. Is that alright or will it be too dirty?

>> No.6880103

Relax, you'll be ok, and so will your stylist.

>> No.6880110

I have super thick hair and no matter how much I try to do a cute high pony, it goes all bumpy and gross. Does anybody know how to keep this from happening?

>> No.6880119
File: 179 KB, 400x600, Hair 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what texture is your hair, curly, wavy, straight? Go to an ethnic hair shop and odds are they'll have what you need. When you go with human hair anything higher then 18" can get really pricey. I do weaves and make my own clip in extensions regularly and that's the place I hit up first before checking online.

What is your hair texture?

>> No.6880121


It's curly, the kind that goes into ringlets when it's wet, but soft and shiny, not like coarse curls.

>> No.6880136
File: 178 KB, 400x600, Hair 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6880146
File: 144 KB, 400x600, Hair 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm go to an ethnic salon they'll have remy tracks in that texture that you can touch too! Again though remember anything above 14" can be pricey like a pack of 14 is normally between $25-30 for human hair while like the 18" hair I bought was $50... and I have 24" hair that was $80 a pack.

Also if you ever are looking for a wig in a color that is like natural I would say hit up an ethnic hair care store too. They have human hair ones for pretty cheap that are a nice quality.

>> No.6880151


Sorry, I should have specified, I'm high ponytail anon, not extensions anon.

>> No.6880339
File: 29 KB, 680x443, curls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or I should have checked...

Have you tried taking a stiff brush, dipping it in water, then using that to smooth out your hair and you brush it up into the ponytail, then tying an elastic around it really tight. After that use the same brush with some gel on it to brush the hair up to the ponytail's base? I'm mixed and that's how my grandma would do it to pull my hair up and it's super thick and curly... like the Italian curl in the pic mixed with a ringlet.

>> No.6880383


Anyone have any idea how to do something like the bottom middle? I've been dying for that technique.

>> No.6880388

Do you have a crimper?

>> No.6880395


I do, but a pretty old one, and everytime I use it I look like one of those she-creatures from the early 90s and those awful crimps..

>> No.6880400

Does anyone know how to make clip in bangs? and how to make them look natural?

>> No.6880417

uh you can buy a new one at any target, sally's or beauty store in general for under $30

>> No.6880454

I'm going to try to find a chart, but I'll explain the best I can. To make that kind of wave you have to have a hair straightener. When your hair is damp take sections of it, depending on how tight or loose you want it, and sort of twist the strand around itself towards the outside of your head and then go over it a few times with the straightener while it's still twisted, repeat with the rest of your hair and done~

>> No.6880467

I didn't think I'd use it enough but if I can easily get those gorgeous waves I'll happily buy one. Just got a new job so gotta wait for the income first though!

I think I get what you're saying. Doesn't doing that while wet damage it? Or am I completely misguided? Clearly I have no clue as to how to deal with hair.

>> No.6880489

I didn't even know they made clip in bangs.

>> No.6880491

if you just want waves, braid your hair when it's wet and let it dry overnight or for a few hours

>> No.6880512
File: 707 KB, 1400x2105, 1347421362230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually tried that a few weeks ago. To say it looked atrocious is being nice. I have really fine, short hair so it's tough to do stuff with. I'm starting to feel like an asshole for not contributing, so here's a tutorial.

>> No.6881246

No, offense, but I think your bangs could use a trim. The way they curve into the rest of hair is very flattering for your face, but they're too long. They're kind of eating your eyes, which look very pretty! Especially since it looks like you went through the effort of putting on eye defining makeup.

>> No.6881259

Anymore tutorials for more "elegant/classy" ponytail styles?

>> No.6881266

be careful with those,
i did one in beauty school and i had to shave my head....
if you have colored or damaged hair you need to be very careful about the strength of the perming solution. although most good stylists should know this and warn you, my instructor was just a bitch

>> No.6882273
File: 398 KB, 851x1280, 1347421101503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking this is a low chance, but is this what you were referring to?

>> No.6882626
File: 85 KB, 521x456, 23o8962187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, I have this problem and would be grateful if anyone helped me out.

I have natural curly hair (really curly, unfortunately).
>mfw hair is dry but has to be washed at least every two days otherwise it'll start getting oily and smelling bad.

I tried applying conditioner but it only got me so far. Hair still does not fall naturally/ still feels dry.

I also hate that I can't keep my hair straight for 10 minutes without it starting to get wavy (even when I apply hair spray)

thanks in advance

>> No.6882636

Monster High material

We Gorillaz now

Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees this?

>> No.6882638

How do you style hime bangs? I straighten my hair and clip it down, but It never looks like that!
Would a wax or product help with that?

>> No.6882653

You'll have to go a month with washing your hair less frequently. You can still shower every day, but wear a shower cap or something. After a month or so, your scalp should stop overproducing the oils and your hair won't become oily so fast

>> No.6882721

alright, how may times a week should I wash?

>> No.6882726
File: 211 KB, 1000x1465, Zasshiko_103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in love with this hairstyle in the bottom right. I am a little confused based on the picture. Anyone have any idea what's going on in the second two steps?

>> No.6882730

It looks like most of the hair is in a braid, but one lock is left out (in the upper right of the first step you can see her holding it, and most of it is in a bun in the second step). In the second and third steps, she wraps that extra lock around the braid to get the "roll" of hair you see in the final step.

>> No.6882733

You can try washing with the baking soda and vinegar method. My hair used to get oily and gross after 18h, so I did that for two or three weeks (ended up going back to shampoo because I wasn't at home and didn't have BSV with me). Now I can go ~3 days with nice hair.

It also improved the texture of my hair. Before, I had stupid hair that was randomly pin-straight, wavy, or in frizzy ringlet curls. Now it's got lovely loose curls. I plan to do 2-3 weeks of BSV every few months from now on.

>> No.6882756
File: 131 KB, 400x600, Hair 06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that. I think I have another one somewhere too... I'll look for that on a differnt flash drive.

>> No.6882764
File: 723 KB, 1400x2120, 046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea how to make them. But when it comes to making them look natural try just hiding the part where it is connected to your head with your own hair.

pic somewhat related

>> No.6882778
File: 350 KB, 500x300, tumblr_m5u6ipljG91r7kr84o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! That sounds right. I'll give it a try!

>> No.6882945
File: 490 KB, 1400x1874, F015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something like the bottom left, But do a two strand twist before pulling it up?

>> No.6884084

Put it in a bun, a real ratty one, ratatata.

>> No.6884133
File: 24 KB, 320x241, Shampoo_418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely understand. I struggled with having really fried and frizzy hair because of my curls so I ended up straightening it everyday. Yeah I regretted doing that since it only made my hair even more dry.

The problem actually is that most shampoos out there really aren't made for curly hair. Almost all shampoos have 'sulfrates' in them which is basically a 'degreaser' it's also found in your dish soap. The thing about curls is that the natural oils take longer to get down to your hair because it's not just straight. De-greasing your hair will make it really fucking dry. There are shampoos out there that are sulfate free. You might want to do some research.

find your hair type here: http://www.naturallycurly.com/hair-types

Naturally curly's forums are a great place btw.
There's also the "curly girl method" which is a hair regiment specifically for us curly people.

Read a how to here: http://www.wikihow.com/Follow-the-Curly-Girl-Method-for-Curly-Hair

Also there's tons of before and afters for the CurlyGirl method. Curly hair is a hassle but trust me the work is worth it. :)

>> No.6884177

how can I get natural looking curls in my shoulder length straight hair?

>> No.6884265

Need some help with my hair. I dye it every few months because I really dislike my natural color, but now that my hair is long, it tangles very easily, and the humidity is giving me a lions mane. I don't really have thick hair, but I have a ton of it, or so my last few hair stylists have said.

I was wondering what I should do with it. I wear glasses, have a pretty round face, thin cheekbones, big nose and when I smile my face becomes really wide. I'm at a loss because it's starting to become a pain.

>> No.6884267
File: 39 KB, 328x429, guh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture is me with my dirty hair tied back.

>> No.6884318

Her hair reminds me of Golem.

>> No.6885399

Ask your hair dresser to layer the bottom third and shape it around your jawline, as well as thin out the back. A good hair dresser should be able to look at your hair type and facial structure and suggest what would look best.

>> No.6887274


Try the rag/sock method, or pin curls. Both took a little bit of getting used to but I got pretty nice curls in my hair from both the methods. Youtube has good tutorials, as usual.

>> No.6887283
File: 104 KB, 500x684, 1347088668820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone possibly suggest any good styles for Mori? My hairstyle is incredibly stupid, it's between chin-length and shoulder-length on one side and about 1/2 an inch long on the other side, and the back blends from shorter to longer. I want gorgeous mori hair but don't know what to do at present.

>> No.6887571
File: 57 KB, 450x600, .600.715165-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about doing this?

Inb4 wig. I'm not trying to cosplay him, I simply want to rock that hair style.

>> No.6887622

Is your hair straight, wavy, or curly?

>> No.6887629

I don't think that that style is possible with human hair.

>> No.6887634
File: 60 KB, 340x460, Natalie-Portman-large_94295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a low side bun on the longer side of your hair? That might be cute.

>> No.6887919

pretty straight with random wavy parts

that is such an adorable idea it has too many short layers for that presently but I am so tucking that idea way for later.

>> No.6888403
File: 111 KB, 500x667, 506635a0b5d5b3678da2a37658d7d2c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try a side ponytail until the longer side gets long enough to bun or braid.You can try adding some flower clips or real flowers to give it more of a mori feel.

>> No.6888431


I want the wig on the left.
Nobody fooling me that that ain't a wig.

Where can I buy a massive wig like that?

>> No.6888442

Add some curls and crimping to the long side,but not all of it, with an accessory.

>> No.6888488
File: 35 KB, 594x772, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6888505


freaky gorilla arms.

>> No.6888521

Does anybody have some tutorials for styling blunt bangs? I am getting tired of looking at these pictures and wondering how did they get their bangs like that.

>> No.6888593

It's just the way the camera is positioned.
/captain obvious

>> No.6888599


No shit, because I actually though that model just had naturally freakishly long arms.

>> No.6888615

Styling them how? And what do you mean blunt? I have straight across bangs is that what you are talking about?

>> No.6888712
File: 139 KB, 421x707, Asian (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to ask that, for example how do you get these curled to the side bangs?

>> No.6888716


blow dryer and a round brush, curl it off to one side?

>> No.6888717

I just use a hair straightener when it's still a tiny bit damp and it does the trick.

>> No.6888772

Anyone has some nice ideas for doing something cute with your hair when you have a side cut. It is always hanging loose straight or curled, because I don't really know what to do with it now that one side is really really short

>> No.6888796

i've heard that's really bad for your hair though.

>> No.6888800

Read higher up in the thread?

>> No.6888804

Be me.
I literally cannot get my bangs to straighten properly and when they do, they look like the end of a broom.

I usually just go for a round brush/hairdryer combination, or one of those round hairdryers.

Shh, do you hear that? It's the sound of water hissing right as you do it.

>> No.6888816

It's not bad if you do it on low with an ionic straightener. It actually helps my hair a lot. My bangs are the softest bit of my hair.

>> No.6889065
File: 47 KB, 466x358, 1344484094920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the suggestions! They sound doable and cute.

>> No.6889549

I do this to style my hair. I only use heat on my bangs, and because I trim them so often the damage is minimal.

I'm lucky enough to have straight hair so I dont have to flat iron my entire head, but my sister does this with her crazy curly hair and it looks pretty cute too.

>> No.6890383

You're welcome, anon. I hope they work for you.

>> No.6890517

I have fine waist length hair that's sort of hermoine granger meets taylor swift, and not in a good way.

Flexible hold hairspray seems to work better for me than regular hairspray. I use an Aussie spray that has a non aerosol bottle, I forget what it's called. Most max hold sprays tend to weigh curls down or if they get touched during the day for some reason they just pull straight and pointy and weird.

Best hair curling method I've found-

Start with dry hair, washed last night. Apply mousse to top and sides, spray hair liberally with water bottle, apply a pea sized amount of shea moisture curl defining gel. Roll hair with satin covered rollers to about bob length, flip head upside down, blow dry on low heat for 3-5 minutes.

Release curls from rollers, arrange as needed and spray with hairspray.

>> No.6890540

I've done this, I generally use it with coconut oil as a deep conditioner and then use a vinegar rinse.

>> No.6890550

>TFW losing weight unexpectedly fast from my fitnesspal and trying to get fit.
>TFW spring comes and your hair seems thinner than usual and you panic.

At least it's not as thin as Dakota's. Thanks, this thread has cheered me up. Even if my hair stays thin if I get skinny enough I can still be a kawaii elf goddess!

Polite sage

>> No.6890560

Chop it to as short as you can stand it, don't dye it or bleach it for at least a year, take a hair skin and nails multivitamin erryday, and switch to a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner.

>> No.6890587
File: 42 KB, 450x450, tigi_bedhead_styleshots_hidef_curls_duo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try supplements for hair growth? Fairy Emily swears by them.

In other news, ran out of shampoo and decided to try a sulfate free formula. Got what's in my pic. Initial reaction is that this stuff smells fantastic. Really sweet and fruity if you like that sort of thing. Shampoo is hella thick, enough that I might water it down a bit. Conditioner isn't as rich as I'm accustomed to, but we'll see. Currently waiting on my hair to dry, so I'll continue tomorrow.

We'll see how this goes.

>> No.6890599

I take a vitamin, and my hair is still growing super fast, like I need to chop my bangs once a month. Just it seems really thin. You can't tell when it's long because it's very long and very curly, but if I lift a strand I get a tiny bit of that "there's no hair in this line" effect like she has.

The good news is I have a little bit of that "halo" effect with little bits growing back in. I think I for some reason shed like double the amount I normally do. It might also be my new anti depressant meds, which are related to the weight loss. IDK.

Maybe I should just chop it to like armpit length for awhile and see if it will grow back and even out.

>> No.6890632

That sounds really depressing Anon, hopefully it was just a reaction to the season changing and your meds and it fixes itself.

I keep debating trying vitamins and such for my hair, but there's a ton of conflicting information. Additionally there's absolutely no regulation on what goes into supplements, so I could just be wasting money on snake oil.

>> No.6890708

Has anyone with normal/thick hair tried this? I love the idea but the bald spot... I can't.

I'd try it myself but I can barely braid front facing.

>> No.6890828


Why can't they put a wig on her like all the other models, I'm surprised they allowed her to look so balding in a magazine.

>> No.6890874

not the same anon but I have another curly hair question that pertains to this one.
So when I was drunk a friend did a stupid thing to my hair about two months back that ended in a very expensive trip to the salon to get it fixed and dyed back to my natural color (dark brown) for some reasons pertaining to the bleach that was used they had to dye it red then brown to get the colors to work, it worked fine and good for a while but soon faded and now I'm a copper hair.

My problem is I dont know if I should be using shampoo for curly hair or for dyed hair, because when I'm using shampoo for dyed hair to try and make the color last longer I notice my hair getting frizzier and not as healthy, but I worry about the dye fading faster if I go back to shampoo for curly hair. I'm about to re dye it again to hopefully make it last longer to my natural color but I dont know what I'm going to do shampoo wise once I get it touched up.

>> No.6890882

Try a sulfate free shampoo. I'm fairly sure people point to sulfates as being bad for color, so removing them might help. An as a twofer, most sulfate free shampoos are marketed towards people with curly hair.

I'm personally in the midst of experimenting with sulfate free formulas (I''m >>6890587 ) However, I've never dyed my hair so I can't say for sure.

>> No.6890886

Come to think of it, I think L'oreal has an entire line of sulfate free shampoos for colored hair.

Sage because I'm a moron.

>> No.6890906

That awful, bald hairline will be there no matter the thickness of your hair, even if it covers a smaller area.

>> No.6890930

I'm just wondering if it'll be reduced to where it's at least... presentable. Man, I need to figure out how to braid backwards.

>> No.6891196

You're right, anon!

I tried it, because I have a lot of hair. I didn't get a "hairline" but I got a little bald spot that I couldn't cover.

>> No.6891758

When you dry your bangs, you need to use a round brush to give it a little bit of poof at the roots.
If you straighten your bangs, only use your straightener on the ends. Otherwise it all hangs limp on your forehead.

>> No.6891762

Strategically placed clip? You could have, perhaps, a heart clip in the middle of your braid heart? I have this cool pink giraffe I could try... I will apparently love giraffes, but it could work.

>> No.6891770

Get coloured hairspray in your hair colour to stain your scalp? It'll make the bald spot less visible, they make spray specifically for this for people with thinning hair.

>> No.6892450


If you're looking for another brand after this to try, Organix has really nice stuff. A bit on the pricey side, but so is Bed Head. I have their cherry blossom shampoo and conditioner, the conditioner is very rich and it all smells great. Plus sulfate free.

>> No.6892455


My hair dresser recommended pre-natal vitamins and MSM. I couldn't get ahold of pre-natal vitamins but the MSM made my hair grow so fast and it was way thicker when I was on it.

>> No.6893245

Those are good ideas, but this hairstyle really tugged on my scalp and felt too uncomfortable to wear for very long.

>> No.6893277

what's MSM?

>> No.6893280

i use organix. It's definitely a bit pricy, but i get it when it has a buy one, get one free sale at Rite aid or CVS.

>> No.6893443

I'll keep that one in mind for next time, thanks! I need a rich conditioner for the ends of my hair, the Bed Head stuff isn't quite cutting it right now.

>> No.6894054
File: 867 KB, 512x2516, TBD_brigitte_bardot_bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this hairstyle would go well with lolita!

>> No.6894085


It's a 'vitamin', I guess? It's really good for joints and skin, but also hair and nails. I got some on Amazon for like $8

>> No.6894092

I don't understand what she does in 5 and 6.

Why would you curl your hair just to straighten it again?

>> No.6894268

It looks as though she's combing back the front of her hair in 5 to help keep it from falling forward/getting messy. In 6, it seems like she's prepping her hair to backcomb in 7, to give volume, and to add extensions in 8.

She's also not straightening her hair in 13 but is loosening the curls and I think in 14 she's neatening out the ends.

>> No.6894283

All that work for such a plain hairstyle.
Just tie a ribbon, and curl the bottom of your hair with an iron without product. Once the curls fall and it has the the flatness you want, hairspray it.

>> No.6894318
File: 107 KB, 478x700, side scallop braid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. From far away, it looks like her eyes are just floating in front of her face.

I imagine that this would be even cuter with a bow attached at the top of the braid. I wish that putting hair bows on the back of the hair was more popular in lolita - I'm thinking about Wendy's look from Peter Pan.