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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 60 KB, 614x139, Screen shot 2013-05-22 at 10.54.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6856927 No.6856927 [Reply] [Original]

>2 Days

/cgl/ meetup

Friday Midnight: outside the 4chan panel, Friday
Saturday 6pm: outside of Doubletree swimming pool
Sunday noon: outside of Doubletree swimming pool

>> No.6856928

btw, anons should come to the meetup. We're super chill.

>> No.6856995
File: 71 KB, 720x960, just gotta do more shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the last thread but whatever

Basically done LeBlanc (I added the jewels to the staff and the straps on my hips already)

>> No.6857020

If anyone sees a girl in a bad cosplay and a shitty purple wig, please don't poke fun. I my actually burst into treats.

Also who's totally not ready yet.
<<<<<<<this chick

>> No.6857021

that bellybutton

>> No.6857026

>I my actually burst into treats.

But I love treats...

>> No.6857030

These treats taste like shame and failure.

>> No.6857036

But seriously, no one's gonna make fun of you. Don't worry.

>> No.6857053

I'll make fun of Todd specifically, but no one else. :D

I should be around for the Friday meetup at least. I'm up there AAAAALLLLL NIGHT.

>> No.6857080 [DELETED] 

You can't ignore my girth.

>> No.6857091

Do you even pose?

>> No.6857123
File: 728 KB, 350x263, 1366159474509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad cosplay and a shitty purple wig
This...this could be me as well.
But no I probably won't burst into treats. I'd be happy to sweep up your treaty droppings though anon, I might be able to sell them for $5 each to the weebs who have never tasted human spaghetti.

>> No.6857226

would fuck

>> No.6857234

Now I want to find you, purple wig anon, and see if you dispense candy when poked. My cosplay is coming along just as shittily if it helps, you're welcome to come make fun of me!
>my cosplay's aliiiive with the sounds of faaaailure

>> No.6857237
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, 1368227059541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see a mom and dad with a newborn baby stroller, please don't freak them out.

>> No.6857240

>newborn baby at a con

Between the noise from Otakubaloo and the people who run around without looking where they're going...good luck with that.

>> No.6857257

I'm gonna go but I'm a socially awkward neckbeard...I'm only going for the anime.

>> No.6857270


don't worry, you'll fit right in

>> No.6857323

Do you even posture?

>> No.6857334

Stop self posting Voldie, nobody wants to fuck you and your Buddha belly

>> No.6857368

That league photoshoots gonna be really interesting ain't it voldy?

>> No.6857384

What's everyone going as?

>> No.6857560

I don't frequent /cgl/ often but when I do it's so I can lurk around /cgl/ meetups during cons because none of my friends ever go.

See you on Saturday!

>> No.6857567

What the fuck is the TTC ?
Is that the centre itself?
>in relation to ticket pick up tonight

>> No.6857585

TTC is the transit system.

I thought Anime North was going to be in a bunch of different building and not at the Metro Convention Centre?

>> No.6857594
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TTC = Toronto Transit Commission. This will be helpful for many people getting to the con.

TCC = Toronto Congress Centre. The con will be held here, as well as the Doubletree across the street, the Sheraton down the road, and a couple other nearby hotels that I've never heard of

This is NOT at the Metro Convention Centre. That's where FanExpo is, and it's all the way downtown, whereas Anime North is in the top end of Etobicoke

>> No.6857622
File: 131 KB, 640x775, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay then this is a mistype?

>> No.6857629

Not me!

And why's that?

>> No.6857637
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>> No.6857656

Note how she started dressing up exponentially more slutily after DQ's brother from another mother took her virginity & then dumped her after she lost all her worth.

>> No.6857658

>no info about weapons check

>> No.6857669
File: 18 KB, 729x71, Screen shot 2013-05-23 at 8.19.27 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this at all what you're looking for?

>> No.6857671

I hate the guy who organizes panel/schedules at AN. The guy an absolute moron!

>> No.6857672

I swear at some point they said they would be doing weapons check this year on Thursday too. Can't find where they said it though

>> No.6857673
File: 6 KB, 505x199, weaponsCheckAN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it! It was in the info of an EventBrite reminder.

What happened?

>> No.6857718

Oh good!

>> No.6857772
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>Dat 10/10 weather

>> No.6857779
File: 51 KB, 492x516, aghhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socially awkward
>at an anime convention
Ohhhhh nooooo, what are you going to doooo?

I might see you guys there, I'll be dressed as a fashionable Aang on Saturday. Holla if you see me.

>> No.6857795

Anyone know if there's a vender in the Dealer's Room that sells sealer for body paint?

I just realized I'm running low and I have no time today to stop by Malabar's.

>> No.6857816

so what exactly are all the game events? do i walk into a room with a bunch of people playing street fighter or what

>> No.6857955

>30km/h winds

Ready to see all dem tangled wigs?

>> No.6857961

Call cosplaysupplies and see if they'll have it?

Pretty much. Not really worth the time unless you're in one of the tournaments.

>> No.6857999

Shopper Drug Mart carries spray sealers for makeup that work on bodypaints (I've used it on Ben Nye and Mehron successfully).

>> No.6858023

well then

I didn't see the wind speed. Fuck.

>> No.6858041

It's ok, your hair is already messy

>> No.6858088

One more day

>> No.6858105

I'll be there on Saturday. Probably just walking around outside collecting street passes or go to a few panels. I'm too much of an aspie to go to your meet up though, you'd all be swimming raviolli

>> No.6858121

I'll bring parmesan

>> No.6858126

That's true.

Just come.

>> No.6858136

>weekend passes sold out
>only 1700 Saturday passes
>can no longer pretty register

I'm fucked aren't i. dat procrastination

>> No.6858181

yeah....did you not know about the cap? Those passes were gone months ago.

t least you can still hang around the main lot and see lots of cosplays

>> No.6858352
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Fair warning to you all, its 17C and windy as shit.

Needless to say, colder than the sender past 5 years. Better pack your jacket and pants.

>> No.6858372

Me too, and with bad gengar ears.

>> No.6858506


Yikes, I was planning to get a ticket at the door but this might be an exercise in futility.

>> No.6858550

Friday Midnight: outside the 4chan panel, Friday

Plz come

>> No.6858604
File: 643 KB, 500x434, 1365363791242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already here, if anyone wants to Street Pass with some 3DS and such lemme know

>> No.6858821
File: 17 KB, 300x225, kenfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup seagulls, I won't be cosplaying but I'll be wearing pic related on Saturday.

>> No.6858914

debating about going since I can only go there for one day.
Not into cosplaying or any shit.
but worth going?
heard everything is overpriced.
What's the atmosphere like?

>> No.6858921
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Have fun guys!

>> No.6858926

stood in that line for 2 hours and me and my bro got there at 5pm. coldest shit

>> No.6858928

also, whats happening on Friday Midnight?

>> No.6858933

the first /cgl/ meetup

>> No.6858935

It's a cgl meetup.

If you haven't been to one before, we basically just introduce ourselves and compliment on each other's costumes.

>> No.6858942
File: 75 KB, 1024x353, top lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop making fun of Voldi u heartless cunt!!

she makes very funny webcomics,funnier than CAD!

>> No.6858941


oh, quite neat.
As well...about the convention. Worth going?
because of wedding to attend + volunteering obligations, can only make it for Friday, but unsure if it's true about whether theres not much to do outside of watching anime.
Worth the $35 for Friday?

>> No.6858943
File: 2.95 MB, 465x262, 1365275278297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you're just a fat nerd? Will you compliment me on my weight?

>> No.6858947

who the fuck complements people on their weight unless its ideal for the said person making the complement?

>> No.6858950
File: 308 KB, 388x380, 1333759325622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all I could think of.

>> No.6858952

Lyper, please don't go

you're the only Canadian on /cgl/ that I respect

what's more important to you, getting laid or my respect?

>> No.6858955

I would just walk around outside and take pictures. It's free if you don't go inside. The meetup is in an area where you don't need a pass.

>> No.6858959
File: 36 KB, 281x480, gabewhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I always have to get caught between two lines of fire... ;_;

>> No.6858965

because your team doesn't buy wards

>> No.6858966
File: 101 KB, 800x600, manhunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey y;all, smiley guy here (again). i'll be there tomorrow so i'll see you all there! don;t be afraid to ask for pictures! (or casual sex. you can ask for that to. just saying. its an option)

>> No.6858969

Everyone is scary. I wanna stay home.

>> No.6858968
File: 115 KB, 645x898, 2WOLFS!11!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I get ripped, I go full fury and go fast? Would it be good?

>> No.6858973
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>> No.6858976

They're all gonna eat me.

>> No.6859000

lol that's so cute!

>> No.6859056
File: 2.77 MB, 2174x960, DONE SLEEP NOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6859060

Finally finished fixing up my Madoka cosplay....done for the night...phew

>> No.6859063


>> No.6859061

>Newborn at a con

Why? Why would they even?

>> No.6859071
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>> No.6859070

>no pants
oh god...

>> No.6859132

Okay, I have a dumb question regarding hotels! I'm staying at the Crowne Plaza for AN and I just found out I'm going to be arriving later than the check-in time. Will the hotel give away my room if I don't check-in within a certain amount of time? I'm scared they will.

I'm going to be arriving around 7-7:30pm and check-in's at 3.

Is that a problem? Should I call the hotel and let them know I'll be late?

>> No.6859138

uh.. Have you ever stayed at a hotel before? As long as your room is reserved, you're fine to check in after 3pm. I've checked into cons at 6pm sometimes because of traffic.

>> No.6859140

They won't give away your room. If you want to call them ahead of time, that's your call.

In fact most hotels have a policy where what they'd do is leave the room empty the whole weekend and charge you full price, regardless of if you even show up.

>> No.6859163

She went full slut modo. Once you give a bitch a taste of the D, she will do anything in the world to get some more. And since she looks like a British soccer mam, she has to try a bit harder.

>> No.6859170


Thank you both. I've only ever stayed at one hotel before, and I guess I'm just a big worry wart.

>> No.6859181


Don't be a pussy, it's Canada you chucklefuck. 17C is nice as fuck, I'm sick of all this god damn heat.

>> No.6859197

Even 13c is pretty fucking good.

>> No.6859203

Ugh, can I hire some kids from China to finish this shit for me?

>> No.6859200

Yeah, I would rather have that than 25-30C.

>> No.6859205

Um, kinda late there now, unless you wanna stand in a 3hr line for that possible chance of getting a ticket or being told they sold out.

>> No.6859208

Wait, if I buy a ticket tomorrow, can I get an invidual ticket for friday saturday and sunday, at a much higher price?

>> No.6859206


Fuck the heat.

I didn't come to Canada to sweat through the whole summer and be disappointed by winter.

>> No.6859210
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Who 2hu here?

>> No.6859216
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Don't know how this guy survived 2hr+ like that in the cold wind.

>> No.6859217

Oh god, the line was FREEZING. Back in Hamilton it was still hot, so me and my friends wore shorts and skirts, bad idea.

Saw some wicked props at weapon check, really excited to see how their costumes look.

Saw that guy too, crazy man.

>> No.6859221
File: 1.81 MB, 2058x960, bloopblooop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super excited.

>> No.6859229

Why would you cover up the face in the center but not the other ones.

>> No.6859230

She just ate a chili taco and it was stuck in her teeth

>> No.6859232


I didn't know El Generico liked animes.

>> No.6859233

>All flights to New York cancelled because of weather
>Set up at Radisson till next flight
>Wondering why people are cosplaying

>> No.6859245

Because i looked stupid, had nothing to do with identity or anything, i was just making an ugly face haha.

>> No.6859252

This anime north thread is making me reminisce hard. I am really sad.

>> No.6859258

well scientifically speaking, body fat insulates

>> No.6859260


>> No.6859279

I have a weekend pass that I'll give away for free. I wasn't really interested in going and the friend who got me to buy the ticket isn't coming. The refund date came and went and I only just realized.

If anyone wants it they can shoot me a mail at


I'm in downtown Toronto and will be in Queen/Bathurst area around 5-6pm tomorrow. Since the ticket has my name on it, pickup is in person only.

>> No.6859281

What, are you like 90 and on your death bed or something? Come down there like everybody else then.

>> No.6859280

There, see! There, it WAS cold and windy. Idiots saying it's nothing.

>> No.6859284

And well, actually, there was some old man with a cane and jacket that said "New York" in pink and the staff got him to the front of the line so as to not have him suffer for 3hrs.

>> No.6859287
File: 1.40 MB, 320x374, 1355670396307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this weather. It was hot as hell around 10am-3pm and then it turned 180 degrees and made the whole day windy and cold. I'm glad I drove outta there after I picked up my ticket. Pray that the weather is nice and sunny on all three days.

>> No.6859288

I want to be the little girl~

>> No.6859290

Btw, I saw Tom Savage doing a photo shoot when I was walking through the double tree.

>> No.6859293

>tfw you were a lazy piece of shit and didn't bother getting a new cosplay done
Time to pull something out of the closet...

>> No.6859295

LEL same here

>> No.6859304

to lazyness then!

If I say hello to tripfags I recognize will they be all "umm... do I know you?" or will they be cool? Don't visit /cgl/ much.

>> No.6859307

>15 things on schedule
>10 overlap
Fuck you

>> No.6859309

i do this at least twice a year lol

>> No.6859430

If for some reason someone is selling a weekend pass, I am buying for 75$
Send me an email
communists @hotmail.com

>> No.6859437
File: 25 KB, 325x462, mmm im getting mad pussay for this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bby u wun some dick? Let's fuck. Check out my 6pak

>> No.6859436

W-well, just sold mine for 50$. I just suck at scalping... that or I can't get myself to rip people off.

>> No.6859440


>> No.6859446

Still awake, after running on no sleep for three days getting my costumes done you'd think I'd be out like a light. Probably too excited for tomorrow. Lots of SAO and Madoka I the preregistration line up though.

>> No.6859447
File: 30 KB, 250x334, tumblr_mnafqj0YOD1qg7u6vo2_250[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look through AN tags on tumblr
>see this

God damn why do people try to do kawaii blush IRL? It just looks like scars or scratches.

>> No.6859448
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>> No.6859452

Because kawaii desu yo.

>> No.6859455

is it possible for me to show up and buy a ticket tomorrow? how long are the lines and when should i show up

>> No.6859456

I would suck your dick and let you cum inside my pussy if you sold it to me for 50 bucks.

>> No.6859457


>> No.6859461

>Canadian girls in charge of not being prostitutes

>> No.6859462
File: 203 KB, 1024x1152, 1298354403338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


could be boypussies.

>> No.6859465

I call BS. You still is a fat virgin.

>> No.6859468
File: 84 KB, 500x376, 1289075312408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it begins. What's next, the girl/dude that keeps saying I'm a pedophile will appear?

>> No.6859470

So did you buy a whore or what. Please, share your virginity losing experience.

>> No.6859474

go home you're drunk

>> No.6859476
File: 36 KB, 347x387, endlessejac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-she didn't survive...

>> No.6859485

anyone going to help me out or is the thread now tripfag bullshit

>> No.6859490

it's completely possible, line might be 2-3 hours.

>> No.6859495

Are you trying to trick me?

How much did it cost?

How did it felt inside?

Did you use a condom?

Did she let you finish inside her? Finish on her? In her mouth? Or did you have to pay extra for that and was short on cash so you had to cum in your hands?

>> No.6859493

shit's sold out yo

see >>6859279

>> No.6859500 [DELETED] 


sex doesn't feel as great as you think it will when you're a virgin

>> No.6859501

its not sold out they always sell single day admissions at the place

>> No.6859506
File: 90 KB, 450x325, flanflyreimuanim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cum in your hands
That's fucking pathetic.

This discussion is pretty pathetic also. Here, have a flanfly for all your efforts into extruding this information that is absolutely useless to the world to know.

>> No.6859507

Sick quoting skills m8

also, virgin detected. I bet you keep telling yourself that every day before you go to sleep.

>> No.6859510

So you were just trolling.

Why would you keep posting on /cgl/ if you weren't a virgin anymore? You only come here to solicit some tiny underage girl to have sex with you.

>> No.6859513
File: 77 KB, 1200x600, 1287466365643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening!

>> No.6859514

You know, you didn't troll me successfully if I called you out on it...

>> No.6859517
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>> No.6859518

I know that's why I'm here
Guard your vaginas well, ladies of /cgl/. I'm on the hunt.

>> No.6859520
File: 1.23 MB, 160x120, VLCQuality2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck sir.

>> No.6859525

I'm going to beat you up if you don't stop.

I'm >>6859437 you don't stand a chance buddy.

>> No.6859527

So you won't come to steal me some vodka this time matt?

>> No.6859529
File: 1.59 MB, 346x221, warrior_getting_ready_for_the_final_fight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, come at me bro.

>> No.6859532

ask yourself, would you put it into this girls mouth?
your sausage I mean

>> No.6859536
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>> No.6859535

Fucking sub-human weeaboos.

>> No.6859542

Why not? The answer is important.

>> No.6859543

ok, what about this girl then?

>> No.6859552
File: 30 KB, 447x335, 1270337616072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because that "thing" is not in the least sexually arousing and it's a child.

2/10 facial structures, wouldn't bang.

I had fun feeding the trolls, now I shall take my leave because car trip tomorrow for AN.

See you there trolls, love you all.

>> No.6859556

I love you too, but I'm a girl. But you would probably not like me since I'm a virgin, unlike you. :/

>> No.6859559
File: 4 KB, 126x126, 2011costanzaTREENIGGAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kari pls go to sleep.

>> No.6859560

I won't let you tell me what to do anymore, Jérôme.

>> No.6859567

lol, what a gay name

>> No.6859566
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Will thou come and kill me under the sakuras?

>> No.6859569

You can risk it and spend 3hrs in line to be told they just sold out.

>> No.6859570


>> No.6859573

N-no I won't, why did you post a picture of my b-booty. That was just 4 you >:(

>> No.6859574
File: 76 KB, 202x218, 1311904101274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name's not Jerome tho.

>> No.6859576
File: 274 KB, 833x1200, Uno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to play some Uno?

>> No.6859577
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>> No.6859579

What is it then?

>> No.6859580
File: 24 KB, 200x240, iknowthatzawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the bets?

>> No.6859582
File: 98 KB, 399x450, 1344520424675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I say that online?

>> No.6859584

Have they fixed the bug with Tranquil Boots yet?

I read it on your steam profile page.

Dgtl 25 Feb 2013 @ 5:37pm
you're welcome, honey
Lyper 12 Feb 2013 @ 4:38pm
t-thanks degetel
Lildobber 10 Feb 2013 @ 6:56am
Dropping you some knowledge, you can use tranquil boots, drop them pick them up and use them again right away.
Dgtl 30 Jan 2013 @ 12:35pm
You are bad at dota and suck my penis very much.

>> No.6859586

Shut up already!

>> No.6859587
File: 70 KB, 900x1200, me about to shoot meself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what to do, breh? Don't think so...

Do you want me to pull it?

>> No.6859589
File: 311 KB, 1280x720, 1342909527686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a short lived bug. With the recent nerf, they're severely underpowered, even for jungling. I had to change my style of play with many carries, like Sniper because now you have to build him around early life leech for sustain, healing boots are just a piece of shit.

>> No.6859594

Ohhhh they nerfed it? This totally fucking explains why I just had a 8 losing streak today.

>> No.6859592

Low stakes.
20$ game bet limit

>> No.6859598

Gambling is un-Christian anyway, so who cares. Oh wait, I forgot, there's always you decadent non-French Canadians. I really hope Toronto will be flooded.

>> No.6859596
File: 1.52 MB, 849x1200, 1344816945217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of turning into regular brown boots, they turn into 25 MS boots. Also, most of the "big" creeps in the jungle cancel the heal, and the cd is 60 instead of 40 on the active.

>> No.6859602
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Silly magic users.

>> No.6859605

>btw anons should come to the meetup, we're desperate for attention.

I can already tell exactly how it's going to be

>the Alpha circlejerkers (Todd, Enver, Voldemort & that drug addict) jerking each other off
>some Beta circlejerkers shielding them around (the ones who did the ugly board-tans last years)
>anons standing a few meters away from them, awkwardly pretending to be part of the company and that their having fun while dying inside

>> No.6859611

We could always play, Uno.

>> No.6859615


But just the two of us, no tripfags allowed.

>> No.6859616

One problem, I don't have Uno.

>> No.6859618

We can just fuck instead, then.

>> No.6859620

typical toronto cosplay losers

>> No.6859621

But, I want to do stuff and just ignore the trips.

>> No.6859634
File: 15 KB, 180x235, 1314630845196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people even do at a meet up?

>> No.6859653
File: 80 KB, 500x438, 1343259757458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any /co/mrades are going, let's meet up! I'll be the casual grey lantern.

Email's in field.

>> No.6859769

been wondering. did anyone ever see a vita at the pre registration line up? in the full 2 hours i was there all i saw were 3ds

>> No.6859849

Will I have fun if I just stay outside on Saturday? Every time I buy a pass I also.most never use it.

p-pls play 3DS with me ;_;

>> No.6859867

>If I say hello to tripfags I recognize will they be all "umm... do I know you?" or will they be cool?

Yes! it's very cool. Please say hi to us.

>> No.6859871

This is exactly why I don't want to go. Thanks for bringing out my worst fear anon

>> No.6859872


Sometimes I feel like it's just some anons trolling. We literally don't do that at all.

>> No.6859892

I already think you will have your hands full letting people through your streetpass gate every few minutes.

My sister and her bf are thinking about coming for the sole reason of streetpassing

>> No.6859895

> Please say hi to us.

Wow. You sound so friggin desperate. Pretty much confirms what >>6859605 said.

Why else would you be so desperate for other people to pay attention to you? Why not just make due with the circle of good friends you already have?

=> You want to feel like some fucking e-celebrity.


>> No.6859901
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>> No.6859909

I just wait until the end of the day and do it.

>> No.6859913

Well, I was just trying to be nice :/

>> No.6859917

Funny, I've just seen the pilot episode of Breaking Bad, and HOLY SHIT man, best pilot episode ever.

>> No.6859918
File: 55 KB, 480x640, LFLlIXp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well at con meetups, we all pretty much meet each other, sometimes go to a panel together such as "how to get a con bf/gf" for a good laugh

it's usually the outside of con meetups where there's a planned activity. But I encourage you to come say hi!

I would recommend asking a staffer what your chances are before you get in the line. The badge doesn't get you much anyway, just entry to buy stuff and panels. That's why so many people just go without.

>> No.6859923

man, why are you making friends with faggots on /cgl/ instead of watching iG completely wreck Tongfu? do you even esports?

>> No.6859925

Anyway, cgl meetup right after the 4chan panel tonight. Come hang out and make new friends. (Or take pictures from afar and make fun of us)

>> No.6859926
File: 8 KB, 251x217, 1307291821945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a bad idea! You can only have a maximum of 10 people waiting at your gate at a time. You have to let them in before you can let in anyone else.

I expect atleast 150 streetpasses a day from this, which means opening your gate 15 times a day (as well as playing the games with people). Check often, otherwise you'll miss getting more people.

>> No.6859934

It's always been funny to me; these people who make "4chan panels". I would really like to know what's the idea behind it / what makes you think you're legitimate enough to represent 4chan.

I mean, if you weren't at least a 2, maybe 4 year old newfag to this site, then maybe... but even then it would be silly.

>> No.6859938

> what makes you think you're legitimate enough to represent 4chan
for one, applying to host the panel. the staff doesn't care, nor does the crowd

>> No.6859941

Yes, an evasive edgy answer, that will do the trick.

It's like some tourists who were on vacation making a presentation about Islam, pretending they're all Imams / hardcore Muslims.

>> No.6859943

I know what you mean. I think the panelists are oldfags though (>4 years).

>> No.6859946

Every time I see that word.

>> No.6859947

Ah, so it's not you who's doing it? It's some other people then?

>> No.6859944

>arguing with enver from denver

>> No.6859945

Well, I guess >4 years don't make them old fags anymore. It's more like >6 years now.

>> No.6859948

Can we have a 3DS meetup too?


>> No.6859953

>supporting nintendo-jews like that

>> No.6859951

The fact you have said that 20 times has finally convinced me to go
You are quite persistent.

>> No.6859952

Oh, no. I'm not doing it. I probably won't go to the panel cause I might have something else to do. But I'll be at the meetup after.


>> No.6859954

Hah... I think you're being sarcastic?

>> No.6859955

You don't need to have a 3ds meet up.
Walking around classifies as a 3ds meet up

>> No.6859957

I don't even know anymore.

>> No.6859964

For the 21st time, just come.

>> No.6859965

You know who else insists so thoroughly on people meeting them like that? Over the Internet?



And serial killers.

You've been warned, sis.

>> No.6859967

Don't you mean
>You've been warned, CIS.

>> No.6859973

Please don't bully

>> No.6859976

You are too kawaii for me to talk to, I'll just stare at from a distance.

>> No.6859979

oh thanks, I never even bothered with street pass until yesterday in line. I thought it was weird I only got 30 passes.

>> No.6860003

I'm bringing my 3DS XL with me, probably at some point gonna be sitting down checking my streetpasses or playing Mario 3D Land or something, come up and say hello, I think that would be enough of a meetup for anybody with a 3DS.

>> No.6860019

No, CIS isn't an abbreviation, it's a prefix, you stupid uneducated idiot. Go check your rape culture privilege.

>> No.6860024

Cosplay isn't Consent, and there is clearly transphobia in Gaming.

>> No.6860028

what the heck is going on

>> No.6860029

I like you.

>> No.6860033

Ignore it, it's all Athens.

Here's the solution to his posts:

Don't forget to like & subscribe.

>> No.6860056

Does that apply to all panels? I remember there were certain parts of the con that they didn't check for badges...what are my options?

>> No.6860065

Am I able to buy a Saturday pass today? Or do they only sell those the day of.

>> No.6860069

All panels and events require a badge IIRC, but remember that the vast areas inside the doubltree hallways (and sheraton + other hotels if you venture out there) are badge-free. There's also the TCC parking lot, which tbh is the nexus of the con. You won't be able to enter the Congress Centre without a badge, so no AA or Dealer's room unless you sneak in or something.

>> No.6860095

Volde, do you put out? or... what?

>> No.6860100

Only for one night stands. She is still 2emotionally scarred 4 another real relationship :(

Can you believe it, her first boyfriend ever who took her Catholic v-card ditched her for his sister.

>> No.6860118

meh, I would stick it in her if she swallows

>> No.6860142

You're disgusting.

>> No.6860159
File: 261 KB, 648x1750, photo (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like people said, you don't actually have to have a "meetup" to streetpass.

But on that note, my Mii is named Mars and my greeting will say that I'm cosplaying Sailor Mars. Come say Hi if you find me!

Also in somewhat related news, Sailor Mars is a go! I have a bad habit of never trying on a full costume until the day of the con, but I think it looks good so I'm happy.

>> No.6860167

would like to know this as well

>> No.6860171

B-but I want to play monster hunter

>> No.6860181

>Only for one night stands
thats all her face/body is good for anyway, why would i want to fuck that all the time? pass.

>> No.6860182

If anybody spots a tall guy with lime-green shoes, leather jacket, say hello. Just don't pick the wrong person

>> No.6860183

hnnggg hot; however, dat phone resolution

better pics please.. for ... my collection

>> No.6860185

this! im also out there, if you see me come say hi!

Im wearing shorts and a tshirt, i also have hair and my shoes are on my feet currently! DONT BE SHY :D

>> No.6860202
File: 942 KB, 2560x1920, IMG-20130522-00288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see ya there.

>> No.6860211

I'm wearing a long wig and a short skirt today. NOT DOWN FOR THIS

You're an exception

>> No.6860215

Well, I'd say the same thing, but because she's one of those moder cool kids who pretend to be religious, yet she also sins regularly and makes fun of true godly men like me.

>> No.6860245

Prabhu Deva is great dancer stop making fun

>> No.6860250

I'm not religious...

I seriously hope the weather stops sucking, I do not wanna freeze my ass off all weekend

>> No.6860261
File: 224 KB, 600x800, IMG_20130523_172648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saw you yesterday but spaghetti and my manga was keeping me from saying hi.

The thing turned out great though!

>> No.6860269


>> No.6860463

is there anyone who's not an annoying faggot going to otakuthon this year?

>> No.6860487


>> No.6860551

>tfw no one to go to AN with

>> No.6860555

>tfw wandering around friendless

>> No.6860561

>tfw this con isn't even about anime anymore and is full of normalfags with gfs
>tfw no gf

>> No.6860581
File: 509 KB, 355x536, yusosad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at AN last year with gf
>I want to go to a couple panels
>she just wants to go back in the hotel room for a bit and suck my dick
>go do that
>miss the panel I wanted to see
Girlfriends are the worst

>> No.6860586

>and then I woke up in my parents' basemen

FTFY, m8 :)

>> No.6860596


ITs actually a true story, she absolutely did not want to go to the panel and pretty much wouldnt do anything I wanted. She only offered the blowjob because she knew I would want that and would miss the panel for it.

I didnt want to bring her in the first place, I didnt get to talk to any of my friends because she would constantly hound me and get on my nerves. I broke up with her by deleting her from my phone/facebook and blocking her and leaving a birthday card in her mailbox that had birthday crossed out and breakup written in. She was a bitch.

>> No.6860599

go away normalfag

do you even watch anime?

>> No.6860598


>> No.6860612

yes, im watching FLCL right now

>> No.6860616

>tfw you will never own a rickenback 4001 or gibson flying v because they cost to much

>> No.6860645

>gibson flying v
I wish, I had a cheap squire but was never good at guitar so i sold it. Glad i didnt spend alot for a good one

>> No.6860654

everyone who plays guitar/bass/drums has a cheap squier

hell I'm playing on mine right now I got it for 50$

>> No.6860750

Todd, do you know anyone with weed that's selling?

>> No.6860756

>implying beta piece of shit Todd knows anything about having fun

>> No.6860761

So how about you anon?
No joke I'm looking for anyone that's selling, open question. Someone was hitting something hard in front of Doubletree and now I want some too.

>> No.6860764

Don't have UNO, but I can bring Cards Against Humanity if any of you enjoy that game.

>> No.6860781

>getting high at an anime convention

that's it, the normalfags have gone too far this time

what's next, high school kids go to AN for prom?

>> No.6860783

jesus I hanv't lived in toronto for years but just go to the market its where i would buy oxy's heroin and weed

>> No.6860793

That's what my friends are doing, we were just hoping to avoid that because it's about an hour bus ride from where we are.

>> No.6860796

well you could ask around on 420chan irc
nothing wrong with the market tho you can also grab some grub in dirty ass china town

>> No.6860813

I go to AN to get drunk and have sex with girls who are self conscious and willing to do anything to get someones affection even for just a night.

Everyone has different goals. Some like to get high, some like to sit in the doubletree and take picture of girls feet. Idk

>> No.6860821

>have sex with girls who are self conscious
you are a horrible HORRIBLE person holy fuck man lol this is why girls get pushed to the edge and end it all

you srsly can't be doing that shit it breaks souls/minds and damage chicks look if you want to groom a chick fine just don't go fubaring a bunch of them

srsly your the type of person i get a hard on for breaking bones/hurting for fun

>> No.6860823

he doesnt

hes some edgy 4chan faggot. guys that actually do that don't brag about it on 4chan

>> No.6860827

>srsly your the type of person i get a hard on for breaking bones/hurting for fun
Edgy, I like it.

Anyway who said anything about hurting or demeaning them? whats wrong with finding a girl and showering her with affection, making her feel good for one night? show them that they are worth something? that they can find someone? just because they have a bad image of themselves doesnt mean they dont deserve to be treated nicely.

I think youre the monster. Jerk.

>> No.6860833

>Anyway who said anything about hurting or demeaning them?

>have sex with girls who are self conscious and willing to do anything to get someones affection even for just a night.

>> No.6860838

>have sex with girls who are self conscious
Show them that they are beautiful and worthy of someones time
>willing to do anything to get someones affection even for just a night.
Show them that they just need to be themselves, that they dont need to do this to find someone

Not my fault you thought it in a rapist tone because youre a broken hearted person. Thats not my fault, im sorry.

>> No.6860881

yeah, because pumping and dumping them will do wonders for their self esteem.


>> No.6860883

>to find someone
a one night stand is not "finding someone"

>> No.6860903
File: 19 KB, 343x449, Sonic-The-Hedgehog-Fleece-Cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fucking idea where this thread is going but I'll see you bastards on saturday (fucking sold out 3 day passes...). first time going so im half assing this with style

>> No.6860921

Soooo how early should I come if I want to get a Saturday ticket at the door?

>> No.6860930
File: 1.88 MB, 290x208, 1359256546823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screw the ticket, bring 3DS and play monster hunter with me

>> No.6860960

Sadly I have no 3DS with which to play Monster Hunter.

>> No.6860973


>> No.6860984

Fuuuuuck, then I need to leave the house at 5 am. Maybe I'll just come later and lurk around outside.

>> No.6860988

haha no worries, just show up atound 10am and wait in the line. its shit so hopefully you have a friend to talk to our make friend with the people in line with you and hope they dont stalk you later that day and ask if they can wear your skin

>> No.6861029

Is it just a long wait or will the tickets actually be sold out, if I get there at 10 that is.

>> No.6861034

Meant to link

>> No.6861052

a long wait for sure, might be sold out but i doubt it

>> No.6861068

uhmagud, my Shion cosplay was so painful to wear today, I have fucking dents in my arms from the sleeves.

I'm so sorry Chariot anon, your cosplay was so wonderful and I think I dented it when I hit it with my bag. My arm movement was very restricted ;_;

>> No.6861103

Well, for Voldefart, even this would be a great help. She's literally crying for someone to dick her @ this con.

>> No.6861107

id dick her shes starting to grow a thick body might as well go for that before she balloons

>> No.6861119

>this weather

fuck i need to get my jacket

>> No.6861123

Do it then. Try to take pics of her too, to post them on /cgl/.

This girl is the next Spoony/MJ/Ikuy, you heard it here first guys.

>> No.6861144


Agreed. No idea how you cosplayers with thin costumes managed to walk around all day - I was wearing a coat and jacket and still felt chilly. Mad respect to you guys!

>> No.6861142

I wonder which one of the torontofags you are /sarcasm

>> No.6861355

lol, sadly none of my friends are coming. All are busy doing productive stuff like leadership training or volunteering for Doors Open.

>> No.6861432

Well, I honestly, when I think about it, had a really shitty time last year. It was my first con, and the 3 hour line for pre-registered people plus all the homestucks had me really disappointed. It didn't help that I went with a shitty person. So I guess I'm not actually reminiscing.

>> No.6861456

get better friends, ones that dont waste their time on bullshit like leadership training and volunteering like baby bitches

>> No.6861575
File: 199 KB, 1000x1070, IMG_5843a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad pic but pretty sure this was you.

>> No.6861793

I know that feel. Didn't help that I was so bear from travel that I decided to go to bed at 10. Always tonight, I guess.

>> No.6861853

saturday morning motherfuckers. what are you guys doing today

>> No.6861855

I was going to TTC it over early to the Centre to make sure I got a ticket but now I'm feeling lazy. I'm just going to go later, check out some cosplay and then go back home to meet some friends around 4ish.

Is there "peak hour" for cosplayers?

lol, that's what I told them! But then I may eat those words when after our program is over and I'm still jobless.

>> No.6861880

Anybody interested in buying a weekend pass for $50

>> No.6861887

Sorry buddy, I would if I was going to go all weekend but I'm only going today.

>> No.6862185

K.. So no ticket. Whats there to do at anime north? Allowed to visit the shops?

>> No.6862217

being outside is better than anything the con has to offer indoors, seriously

it's no wonder most people walk around without a pass

>> No.6863399 [DELETED] 

Indeed, I just did this on Saturday and it was amazing. Make sure to check the photoshoot schedule from someone on online and go to the designated zones as they have series specific gatherings every hour in several different locations at once.

Pic related, it's what I saw at the Homestuck group, 'cause I know how much you guys love that stuff. They were reenacting and posing scenes for over two hours.

>> No.6863405
File: 448 KB, 2000x816, IMG_6120a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, I just did this on Saturday and it was amazing. Make sure to check the photoshoot schedule from someone on online and go to the designated zones as they have series specific gatherings every hour in several different locations at once.

Pic related, it's what I saw at the Homestuck group, 'cause I know how much you guys love that stuff. They were reenacting and posing scenes for over two hours.

>> No.6863407
File: 504 KB, 1554x1000, IMG_6129a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliright, I kid, here's one from the Kingdom Hearts one.

>> No.6863410

i still don't even know what homestuck is

>> No.6863411
File: 607 KB, 2000x1104, IMG_6003a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not satisfied? Here's the Sailor Moon one, at all of these, they try to make interesting scenes and groupings, it's great.

>> No.6863454
File: 93 KB, 300x300, tumblr_mmsqpjOIoN1qmdmupo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm staying in room 7228 in the Doubletree. Come blow my mind.

>> No.6863458 [DELETED] 

Or the Valve one, which was held in the worst place possible, windy with bad lighting and cramped space.

>> No.6863471

ok, im coming for you

>> No.6863472
File: 458 KB, 1516x1000, IMG_6161a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or the Valve one, which was held in the worst place possible, windy with bad lighting and cramped space.

>> No.6863497

Homesucks are such cancer it's ridiculous - I went with my filthy casualfag friend today (his first convention) and even he could tell they were shit.

>> No.6863579


It was my first big anime convention and it was still lots of fun without a pass. Too bad I didn't have a friend with me, I felt a little weird being solo and asking people for pictures.

>> No.6863582

>no pass
>Still fun things to do

What sort of fun things?

>> No.6863598

Thank God I wasn't Homestuck today. I probably would have just given up and quit with such a massive group. Yesterday's group was a lot smaller but by lieu of the location being so fucking far away.

I passed by the HS photoshoot at 2 PM and it was completely chaotic, just a sea of orange and yellow and grey moving around this area, a big area regardless. After about ten minutes I went back into the con for about an hour and a half, came back outside and they were STILL trying to finish.

And, none of the cosplays looked entirely spectacular, save for a few.

>> No.6863636

Enjoyed the cosplay and the weather, plus the free stuff in Doubletree that didn't require a pass.

But to be honest I'm easily entertained.

>> No.6863681

See: >>6863405

>> No.6863693

>all those shitty store-bought cosplays

>> No.6863841

Man I saw the Sailor Mars on the far left today and I have no idea what was up with her tights and skirt, but it was riding way up her bum. Like, her bum was completely visible, and I don't think it was intentional. I was almost going to tell her about it but I didn't want to seem rude

>> No.6863981


Come and say hi. No need to feel embarrassed. I'm interested in meeting up with some chill con-goers.

>> No.6863990


btw, blasting music all day everyday.


>> No.6864142

Were you the guy with the red boombox on Saturday?

And what did you all get up to on Saturday night? I was going to come to the meetup but I had made plans with my friends elsewhere.

>> No.6864145

where is everyone?

gib pictures i repot u

>> No.6864224

biggest pet peeve is people who fucking park on the road WHERE IT SAYS NO STOPPING


>> No.6864229
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>> No.6864230
File: 551 KB, 1280x1920, IMG_0606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6864341

So no meetup today? I see no one.

>> No.6864566
File: 380 KB, 1386x1000, IMG_6013a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean as it is here?

>> No.6864680
File: 424 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mnf1dwwRTR1qf1o05o4_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peeking around for pics, and found Voldemort instead

>> No.6865039

is nobody back yet? dead thread

>> No.6865080
File: 532 KB, 1600x1200, 0526130035-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well everyone is calming down and packing. so what did you guys get this year? only went saturday but only got pic related and a pic + autograph from eriko nakamura

>> No.6865132

Got myself two wig stands, snacks, two Adventure Time books, a Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask manga, a pair of blue contacts, some drinks... I do hope it was all worth it, but so far I'm enjoying this Adventure Time book, the Righteous Rules for Being Awesome. A... simple book, yes. But hey, I love Adventure Time.

I also picked up two big props that I got commissioned and had them with my cosplays yesterday and Friday.

>> No.6865164

Got one figure, one of those katamari plushies from the crafter's corner, and two pins (only paid for one, the artist gave me one free because I was cosplaying the series). I wasn't really impressed by much of what there was to buy this year. Most of the art was shit that they had in previous years, so I already have what I like, and a lot of the new stuff was not to my tastes (One Direction art? At an anime con?).

>> No.6865186


I bought a mami costume. pretty good.

>> No.6865189

I fucking cringed at that too. One Direction at an anime convention, are you serious...

>> No.6865264
File: 162 KB, 768x1280, CAM00076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all I got.

>> No.6865268
File: 187 KB, 768x1280, CAM00039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6865278

Whoa, a Manmi.

>> No.6865279



>> No.6865286
File: 200 KB, 1280x768, CAM00041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls ignore the female maguca. MANDOKA is best. Also get on IRC. You know which channel.

>> No.6865645

And it wasn't even just one booth. Multiple people thought that was a good idea...

>> No.6865671

Oh, seriously? See, I was just in the artists alley or crafters corner or whatever it's called (drawing a blank at the moment, pardon), and I did see a table before I left that had some One Direction art. I mean, if you're into that, sure, but I don't think you'd find people at an anime convention who would also enjoy it.

I just didn't know there was more than one table with that. Jeez.

>> No.6865685

Yeah, I saw two or three. They were the tables that had a ton of BBC fanart, not so much anime/vidya. Fucking anglophiles at anime cons.

>> No.6865694

picdump thread >>6864737