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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6856872

I just ordered a shit-tonne of tights to get me through winter. I think Bhiner may be really annoyed with me, because I requested price updates on every pair (some of them, they were charging over $15 too much, wtf?).

>> No.6857001

Link to the tall black shoes?
Also looking forward to a review of those figures

>> No.6857024

Link to cat tights?

>> No.6857307
File: 998 KB, 1500x1748, fulloshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was seriously considering adding the Classical Puppets wonderland overdress and short corset to this batch, but the corset is currently sold out. So currently REconsidering that.

>> No.6857319

Going to repost this here then. Which maid dress is cuter? I can't decide

Also link to the blue for the anon who wanted it

>> No.6857320
File: 150 KB, 480x400, maidus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course did I drop my picture...

>> No.6857322

I have a fondness for frogs and have never seen a maid outfit themed around one before, so that's a plus. However, those ruffles and the apron-to-skirt ratio on both dresses look really awkwardly proportioned. I'd skip both and find something a bit nicer looking.

>> No.6857324


>> No.6857326
File: 138 KB, 400x225, 1337814260016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue one.

>> No.6857344

Blue one looks a lot better

>> No.6857370


First off, I'm totally digging your grid system for organizing orders. Totally stealing that for my next big batch.

Secondly, would you mind linking E2? I'm looking for some cute mori stuff like that, and I'm guessing some of the other items from 2 probably came from the same place.

>> No.6857373


I dig the blue way more that the green.

I feel like it could be nicer though...

>> No.6857381

Sure thing! And my old collages were such a massive mess every time I posted, I figured it would be a good idea to organise them a bit better in case people wanted to know where things were from.

That dress is here:

Other items are also from Artka and most of them are presently on sale. They're none of them cheap, but getting a dress for $50 instead of $80 is a pretty good deal.

>> No.6857390

Not that other anon but thanks for the link! Hnng I finally get the appeal of maid dresses

>> No.6857392



And you were right on the price, though everything looks really nice. I won't be putting in another order for a while though, so maybe by then I'll have the cash to do a little splurging.

Ughhhh lordy that dress is adorable

>> No.6857395

From what I've seen, that TaoBao is the official shop for Artka in China. The site linked from their official Facebook takes you to that store to buy, at any rate. So the quality should be as good as what you'd get paying $150+ on the other shops, but without as much variety. They don't appear to get all items from all lines, but a nice sampling thereof.

>> No.6857399


Oh, so it's all fancy brand stuff, nice!

Also, I love them for linking all the items that they have in the coord on the specific item's page. Why doesn't every seller do this?

>> No.6857401

It's really handy, yeah. That's how I found a coordinating skirt and wrap/shawl thing that were on sale as well. The tunic/sweater that they listed was sold out, though. Which is a shame, since it looked really nice in photos.

>> No.6857439

could i possibly find stuff like bento decoration picks and stuff like that on taobao? what would i search?

>> No.6857460

I just happened to find this cute shop and thought I'd share it

>> No.6857493

oh stuff like that would be great, like rice moulds and so on?

>> No.6857500

i found some here, http://s.taobao.com/search?initiative_id=staobaoz_20130523&jc=1&q=%B1%E3%B5%B1%D7%B0%CA%CE

>> No.6857502

Linking question from old thread. I really shouldn't internet just after I wake up

>> No.6857624

I need some gaming cosplay stores :( PleaseeeEEeeE, I've checked the ones in the FAQ but none have the custom cosplays I want.

>> No.6857679
File: 1008 KB, 1055x1500, T2t3YkXXxaXXXXXXXX_!!1023246685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa TBR what's up with you. Just placed an order and like half hour after I placed it out pops an email saying they already okayed the order. Someone's on the ball today.

At the same time though, dunno if i want to pay 98 bucks for the galaxy dress and bow, just because I already got MC and it just seems a little excessive to buy three lolita SK/JSK in a row.

>> No.6857698
File: 341 KB, 1213x949, taobao3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finally got my order, after waiting little bit over 2 months.

Biggest disappointment was that white blouse, it's really see-through and doesnt really fit. But it was on sale and really cheap.

Black & navy blouses are lovely and they fit really well. After i ordered them someone said here that the armhole (is that the right word?) is really small and she was right. Navy blouse has elastic, so it's not that bad. I have small arms so they still fit me.

All these socks fit to my giant western feet! My shoe size is chinese 43 and all of them fit nicely. I bought them from here http://shop64110790.taobao.com

i can post more reviews/links when i get home from work.

>> No.6857720


Links to the blue and black blouses please?

>> No.6857744

Please review blue blouse. I wanna get it at some point.

>> No.6857760

Could I get a link/term for the shorts? Thanks!

>> No.6857771


>> No.6857789

Anyone have any idea where Surface Spell got this wig?


Fucking need it.

>> No.6857792

Everyone knows stuff like knives and swords are a bad idea, but what about carving tools? My gut is telling me it's a bad idea, but it's really tempting, despite how they're possibly very low quality. I live in the middle of nowhere so I have to order all my tools online anyhow.

>> No.6857827

I've read and searched the spreadsheets.
I've been searching for a good silver or white wig for my Mokou cosplay i bought one from laurawu (ebay) but it was all fried...
Does anyone have good reviews/links from taobao?

>> No.6857896
File: 294 KB, 1021x480, yoybuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoybuy changed their exchange rate.

>> No.6857952
File: 26 KB, 271x239, ss (2013-05-24 at 12.48.56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah! my order is ready to ship from my ss.
related to my next order, are these type of boots doc martens? is that what you'd call them? I was after less chunky ones but still the base like that I guess. is there a term for that?

>> No.6857984
File: 103 KB, 750x374, T2aY6jXo8XXXXXXXXX_!!17501607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to their Weibo it is this wig.

>> No.6857995

The Weibo btw, it is the owner of the shop.

>> No.6858477
File: 1.90 MB, 1665x2000, loli_order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally stopped adding things to my order. Some items were made-to-order and reserve, so everything should be there by mid-June. I'm very excited for the DC blouse!

>> No.6858492

So...Is yoymart legit?

>> No.6858518

I've never used it. It's just in their email.

I imagine it's like buychina's set up.

>> No.6858573

Trying to make a tiny order to get a blue sukumizu with boob padding, a maid outfit and a nurse outfit all for 56 dollars (not counting shipping) before I move out. UGGHHH...

>> No.6858581

Have we even figured out if buychina is a scam or not?

>> No.6858582

How can you have trouble adding to an order? Seriously, I've been here a month and spent more money than I ever have.

>> No.6858584

Buychina is a shady seller, meaning they do a lot of crap that makes us mistrust them, including spamming tumblr. Search the archives.

>> No.6858587


I've been here for about 3 months now, and have made one order so far. I would've made more if I didn't have future rent and bills to pay. The last thing I need is a shopping addiction, so right now I've been limiting my needless spending to only money I make off ebay and through tips at work.

I do however want to finish my closet of beautiful outfits. So far I only have 3 school uniforms, one gym uniform and a white (no boob padding) sukumizu.

>> No.6858592

Kind of unrelated but how do you guys make your collages?
I used to do mine in photoshop but my computer died now I have a shitty backup laptop that I really doubt could handle photoshop, it gets angry if I have google, torrents and a video running at the same time and freezes for like 5 minutes.

>> No.6858594

I use PS, but some people use Paint just fine. Paint crashes less than PS from experience...

>> No.6858598

Ahhh a wise one! Congrats on avoiding a shopping addiction. I've made a couple small orders and just keep window shopping and finding things I want.

I want a beautiful closet too. I'm sad that the flowy stuff that look so cute in pictures wouldn't suit me.

Didn't mean to sound like a bitch Anon, sorry if I came off that way.

>> No.6858606

Thank you! I mainly window shop as well, as I have these past two months that I wasn't buying anything.

I have a vast variety of taste so my closet is a mix of all sorts of things, though mainly inspired from Japanese fashion.

You did not come off that way at all, worry not!

On the other hand, I seem to have misplaced a link to a blue sukumizu with breast padding that would fit my 98 cm bust. Any chance anyone has one to shoot my way?

>> No.6858608

mspaint? didn't even know that could do collages, haven't used it in like 10 years

...okay, just opened it up and wow it looks completely different to how I remember. Time to google a tutorial.

>> No.6858655

Yes, MSPaint. It should be enough to make collages with. Screenshot, copy-pasta and crop.

>> No.6858665

Window shopping is great since it gives you time to think items over instead of impulse buying everything. I'm mainly using Taobao to build a lolita wardrobe, so I'm containing myself to buying lolita things and accessories that go with dresses I have. It's hard though.

>> No.6858669

Oh geez good luck to you! I would love to make up a lolita wardrobe, but it can get so expensive, even through taobao.

>> No.6858672


Online photoshop here:


>> No.6858811

That can't be right, the Surface Spell one has a long part and the one pictured is a point part.

>> No.6858817
File: 36 KB, 448x321, antaina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and forgot to mention that antaina shoes are kinda meh. i asked for matte black and still they are shiny.. Does anyone own these shoes (<-- on pic) and could review them? I have been eyeing on them too, but not sure if i want to order anything from antaina anymore.

black blouse http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15792072292&spm=2014.12317209.0.0
blue blouse http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13938801833&spm=2014.12317209.0.0

shorts are sold out, but here's the listing http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=12992293565&spm=2014.12317209.0.0

the blue blouse is my favorite from this order, it looks like on pictures and fits well. Armholes are smallish, but they do have elastic bands.

>> No.6858824


I wasn't impressed by AnTaiNa either. I received boots with frayed ribbons, wrinkled leather and mud on them. They fit perfectly but they tore my feet to shreds when I wore them for an hour.

>> No.6858827

Ugh, I'm worried now. just ordered some supposedly matt black shoes. Please god let them be matt.

>> No.6858829

Aw jesus. Now I'm dreading these shoes.

>> No.6858830


I'd suggest you don't try to wear them out anywhere. Mine genuinely crippled me, I had huge, thick blisters the size of my fist all over my feet, my feet bled everywhere and I could not walk. Weirdly, I'd worn them around the house a lot and to the store and stuff before this happened. It was awful.

>> No.6858835


In similar news, anyone know how to search for wigs with a long part instead of the "Point" part?

>> No.6858833

Holy fuck. I'm going to assume their quality has gone down hill significantly.

I bought several pairs from them last year that were perfect. One pair, I've worn almost daily since I got them. No blisters. No frayed bits. The only damage after all that time is a bit of creasing on the toe box from walking and the inside "lining" layer has rubbed of at the heel.

>Mine genuinely crippled me, I had huge, thick blisters the size of my fist all over my feet
What the actual fuck. Ow.

>> No.6858849

>I'd suggest you don't try to wear them out anywhere
you don't know how much that made me lol, anon.
But excellent, I've spent like $35 on a pair of shoes that I can't really use. Oh well I'll try and load my self up with plasters and those gel things and see how it goes anyway. Bring a spare pair aswell.

>> No.6858853


Sorry, that was me not finishing my sentence. I meant to say not to wear them out anywhere far away.

But yeah, tread with caution. I got blood all over my Meta OTKs.

>> No.6858869

Does pruany mind combining parcels from the same order? I was in a hurry to pay the service fee as items arrived, and accidentally split mine up into two.

>> No.6858876

Yes. But it takes some wrangling.

>> No.6858898

Look at the SS spreadsheet. It explains nicely why not to use them.

Even if you think they're legit (since people have bought from the site before), the costs aren't listed as directly as other sites.

My antaina shoes were okay but I only ordered TPs.

>> No.6858897
File: 223 KB, 348x750, T2W4P6Xd4aXXXXXXXX_!!89205423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember this chick's name. If someone can, you may want to contact her. This TaoBao listing is using her photo for their tights and I'm not sure they have permission.


>> No.6858908
File: 307 KB, 790x464, ORDERR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh! My order just arrived today. Everything's really nice. I know I've posted this a few times on cgl, but I'll just post the pic of my order one last time just in case anyone wants reviews/sources.

Everything was pretty rad. Not pictured: Baby Biscuit replica bag. Haven't tried out the maid dress yet, but I'll get to that later. The only negative is not really a negative. I ordered the Chess Story OP/JSK combo in size L because I thought I would want some wiggle room. But my dumb ass got TOO MUCH WIGGLE ROOM. It's not suuuper noticeable, but I dunno, I'll see if I wanna put it up on the comm sales for trade at a later date...

>> No.6858902

Girls a lying Bitch, wouldn't mind if they photoshopped 1900 dicks onto the photo

>> No.6858913

Ooookaaaay then.

>> No.6858916

Uh oh. What sort of wrangling? Loads of emails? Monetary bribes?

>> No.6858919

Can I get worn pics of the CP petti when you get the chance?

>> No.6858920

When I went through combining orders with them, I ended up having to pay all of the fees in separate batches instead of one, bulk amount. I also had to send at least two or three messages asking to combine orders (they kept saying that they couldn't; I assume, in hindsight, that they meant that they couldn't combine the order invoices, since both orders came in one box). The process was a mess and I ended up paying shipping twice (one amount for the "whole" order, another amount for the separate "side" order) because of how they set up the charges. It took about a week and multiple emails for them to agree to refund me the mistaken shipping.

>> No.6858960

Cracking the fuck up.
>Super cute bull shit! Japan cat tattoo thigh socks over the knee stockings with purchasing quality invincible!

That's the translated title for these:

Can someone who reads Chinese tell me if that's actually accurate? Is this a brand name or something?

>> No.6858971

Google translate gave me this: Super Meng Niu goods!

Of course I have no idea what meng nor niu mean so for all I know it is super cute bullshit.

I had something with COCKS! in the title the other day, made me snigger.

>> No.6859013
File: 519 KB, 1275x1650, topnopettibottompetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon. Forgive the messy room/crappy quality. You get the idea. top is no petti, bottom is with CP's Cupcake Petti.

>> No.6859029


Sidenote: Haenuli's Royal Kitten is so cute.

>> No.6859034

Looks like too much petti for that dress.
But damn girl, you got Haenueli's Royal Kitten.
I missed out on Snowfield's wolf in frame and I'd literally trade everything I own for it, hope they re-release.

>> No.6859050
File: 171 KB, 638x850, dowant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do the color options mean? Google Translate says the description says black and white, but then the color options in the description say black and grey stripes is sold out and my only options are black, white, or red and white stripes, yet the "color category" has colors like navy and dark coffee...

>> No.6859051

No prob!
Yeah, looking back, it does look like too much petti for that skirt, which makes me kind of sad! I wanted the Wolf in Frame to complete my Snowfield/Haenuli set but I missed that train...

>> No.6859058

I think it needs an A-line, but it's still a beautiful skirt, and you'll have a cupcake for other skirts/jsks.
Also did you prefer grey or black wolf in frame? I couldn't decide. I was leaning toward grey as I don't have any grey pieces, not that it matters anymore.

>> No.6859079

It is because of the way they styled it? According to you the owner of Surface Spell doesn't know where she gets her own wigs.

>> No.6859119

I preferred black. Just because I'm not really good at coording yet and black would be infinitely easier for me. Plus I don't think that lighter/mid-tone grey would look really great on me, since I have olive skin. But yeah I guess I'll look into grabbing an a-line petti.

>> No.6859278

Hey guys! I was wondering if any of you guys have bought from MyShirley before? I want, like, 32 tights from them (different styles x colors) and I was wondering if their tights are really MM/plus sized.

I have a spreadsheet with $400+ worth of shit and I'm thinking of just breaking off this one shop for these tights because I want them for the summer and I can't afford all the other things I want. Do you think this is a good idea? I'll probably go ahead with it because I'm (pathetically) desperate for these tights but I want your opinions?!

I'm also gonna try using TBR. It's only one shop, it shouldn't be too bad....

>> No.6859286 [DELETED] 

sguuvgnrybqyyw yckvaozyofqlec <a href=http://www.innov77.fr/projets/tnrequin.html>chaussure nike tn</a>
eahceaxcdughsi kunyxzgfahxuke <a href=http://newmanknights.com.au/airmax.html>air max australia</a>
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sgbzdakhajvxid wmsjgchawlbbqt <a href=http://www.torybruchmillsandals.org/tory-burch-holly-sandals-then-hung-up-the-phone-strange-she-tilted-her-head-frowned-mr-white-well-said-something-to-her.html>tory burch holly sandal</a>
oydiatucpuwfxq ryxpfrtridtrdq <a href=http://www.itiffany.org/rss/5.20-1.xml>www.itiffany.org/rss/5.20-1.xml</a>
lwwkfhnoaslvqp ersmlpynfqdjqd <a href=http://www.canadagoosesolds.fr/rss6/46.xml>www.canadagoosesolds.fr/rss6/46.xml</a>

>> No.6859326

who is she? i'm curious now.

>> No.6859336
File: 49 KB, 604x453, 162954_10150113310530569_74678_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok.. Let me make sure I'm not reading this wrong: what you're saying is, you want to know whether we think it's a good idea or not if you blow all your money on 32 pairs of tights from the same store that you aren't sure will even fit you?

So there's a good chance you're about to buy 32 pairs of disappointment that you can't even get on?

I... I don't really see the point in that...

>> No.6859344

Where in the store does it say the tights are supposed to be plus sized? I just did a search with 大码 and only two tights pop up

>> No.6859346

im laughing really hard because i meant to just type 100 dicks but instead typed 1900
but really shes a terrible person and all of her outfits are garish and bad

>> No.6859349
File: 98 KB, 570x560, il_570xN.321952878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I was the one who suggested the amazon universal cart! Sorry I did not elaborate, I fell asleep.

I can't put the address in because it thinks I'm spamming but it's just 'wishlist slash universal'
after amazon

You can install this into your toolbar and just add things from any site into your wishlist. I think it's a good/quick way to tally taobaos.

>> No.6859352

Never hurts in trying.

It says so in the description. I remember an anon saying she had ~24" thighs and she bought tights from here that didn't pinch and fit fine?? But I wanted to see if any other anons had good experiences from this shop.

>> No.6859360

Ooooh. So she was involved in *that* shitstorm. I honestly didn't know anything about her, just saw the photo on the listing and remembered having seen her face somewhere else.

>> No.6859372
File: 36 KB, 310x310, T1X5suXbhfXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't decide if this is stupid or amazing or amazingly stupid. But I kind of like it.

>> No.6859375


I love MyShirley! It is my favorite shop for imported tights. It really depends on what type of tights you plan to get. It would also help if you post your height and weight.

I think they mainly carry Japanese imports, and they tend to fit smaller than Korean imports. I wouldn't recommend buying their lace tights if you are taller than 170cm or weight over 135lb.

>> No.6859412

Bhiner. Goddammit. Thanks for fucking around trying to contact the seller when I asked you not to do that and just order the damned Dear Celine blouses. The size I wanted are now sold out in at least one colour, possibly both. Fuck.

I hope they restock like they did with the last style, because I missed out on THOSE for the same fucking reason.

>> No.6859429


Did you contact them via skype? I think they're usually pretty good at handling urgent request. I told them to buy a popular item asap after I paid, and they did. It might take them a while to get back to you, but you can always leave them a message.

>> No.6859443

I didn't know that that was an option. I'll keep it in mind for the future. For the time being, they're claiming that not one, but both colours are sold out in L now. Sigh. Praying for a re-release like they did with the last round of chiffon princess sleeves.

>> No.6859509

So, are people's packaged still getting opened and having things removed from them?

I read the taobao guide and it said that Vivienne Westwood stuff was most likely to be confiscated... but I want those winged sandals so bad, but now I'm too scared to try buying them because of that.

>> No.6859512
File: 41 KB, 500x400, tumblr_m7n83npSyC1ql8axeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry this is slightly off topic but would anyone mind posting their favourite thing they ever ordered off of taobao? I'd love to read about some happy customers and their treasures.

>> No.6859522

Anyone happen to have any store recs with home goods similar to what they sell at http://www.romapri.com?

>> No.6859550

That's a cute store but it's so expensive. Maybe I've been lurking Taobao for too long.

>> No.6859561

That's why I'm looking for Taobao stores! At least for some pieces...

>> No.6859595

The guide/faq says IT'S BASED OFF LUCK.

Read it again.

Wigs from Lucaille hands down (even if that isn't just one favorite thing). My favorite cosupray wigs. I have yet to have a problem with them both buying from a SS and asking directly via email. I love that shop so much.

>> No.6859599
File: 525 KB, 609x518, fuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine would be the brown skirt

>> No.6859604

So now I'm doubly annoyed. Because Bhiner kept forcing me to requote, I decided to try using my old Pruany account to see what happens. Either Dear Celine restocked or Pruany is lying, but they say that they've already placed an order with Dear Celine for the blouses and that it'll be 3-4 weeks before delivery.

Argh. Next time. Skype. And harassment.

>> No.6859607

... speak of harassment. Bhiner has just said that they can get the items as well. It's like they're reading this thread and figured out who I am.

>> No.6859622

They are gorgeous. And they get nothing but good reviews too. I'm seriously considering adding a few to my next order.

Everything pictured is adorable! The skirt and the sailor coats are especially sweet. You must have been pretty happy with that order.

>> No.6859626

I was, though unfortunately TR didn't order the cosplay and the sailor dress in time which were the 2 items I was most excited about

>> No.6859628

Sauce on the sailorish shirt?

>> No.6859629

I'm really set on some colored tights and some of those fake thigh high tights.

I'm ~140lb+ and 5'7"...hahha ;;

I went through all the listings I'm interested in and they all either have MM and/or something along the lines of

>All code, suitable for 155-173cm, see the price at the counter over a hundred, value money Oh!

I've seen their MM listings with those exact measurements so I'm assuming some listings are MM as well. Ah ;;

>> No.6859631

Which one?

>> No.6859635

Thanks for the link!

How's the wig and where did you get it? Would you take worn pictures? I find lots of wig stores use the same stock images so I'm quite wary about them...

>> No.6859636
File: 1.06 MB, 1874x1874, tb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, after 2 years, I decided to purchase from taobao again~ I'm using TBS like last time, but since Lucy is gone, I've been assigned Candy. I'm sad since Lucy really helped me out with a bad situation I had with Fantasy Sheep, but well... I think Candy will do this time :D
I hope everything goes well! I'm willing to review everything once it arrives here~

>> No.6859638

Oh man, how annoying! You got them eventually right?

>> No.6859640

What a teenagery order! Not an insult or anything just brought back some high school memories. Is someone going to prom? ;)

>> No.6859647


It doesn't look prom-related at all to me? More like a gyaru's order?

>> No.6859652

Link to both cat shirts and blue teddy bear cookie shirt? Please? <3

>> No.6859656

Ahahaha, I know! It sort of looks like, right? But yes, like >>6859647 said, this order is mainly gyaru focused~
And well, some very cheap cds and some replicas!
(also, not related but... we don't have proms in my country! It would've been great though)

>> No.6859661

Sure!! Here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w17-1818983982.59.KY3U4f&id=18269650615& The 3 of them are in the same link~

>> No.6859672

My bad, its the 2nd from the right next to the turtle neck.

>> No.6859678


I think you can try their color tights, they should have more elasticity than lace ones. The fake thigh high ones wouldn't fit. I'm 5'7'' and 135lb, the thigh high part was too tight.

MM stands for mei mei, which means sister in Chinese. Sellers like to use that to refer to their customers.

>> No.6859685

Ahh would you mind coming back and reviewing the nails? I have short nails that never grow :(

>> No.6859703


Review of all items shall follow either in my Tumblr of Blogspot.

>> No.6859706

Sure :) To be honest I'm not really expecting much from those since they were pretty cheap, but let's see what happens when they arrive~

>> No.6859739


That is so fucking cute?

>> No.6859751

Note that I got the small, and it's quite loose, so unless you're fairly big, it's safe to buy

>> No.6859752

I'm pretty sure it also means something like 'pretty one'

>> No.6859758

I would say that it arguably translates into something like 'miss'. It's not like everybody's calling each other their imoutos.

>> No.6859760

Yeah, it's more like 'miss'. Like in Chinese, you always call your elders as aunty or uncle, even though you're not related. It's just polite. Or when you're little you call older people of the same generation 'big sister' but they're not really your big sister.

>> No.6859865

Hey, for those of you who ordered from Dark Box before, particularly with the magic astres dress, how long does it take to get their orders out? Are they quick about it? I just placed an order for the JSK, and I'd just like to know how long I'd have to wait.

>tfw when half an hour later you find out that you did well on your exams this sem
>tfw a large weight is lifted off your chest
>tfw your shopping therapy becomes celebratory shopping

>> No.6859868
File: 125 KB, 310x310, T1DNqnXCVgXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else have their Captain Mia skirt refunded? My SS said that the shop took on too many pre-orders and refunded a bunch they figured were over seas buyers to keep the first run of the skirt in China. I feel this is a "We messed up so we are going to to make an excuse" response and I"m just curious if anyone else had this happen.

>> No.6859907

Mine doesn't appear to have been refunded, but I ordered pretty early in the pre-order period.

Who did you use as your service?

>> No.6859911

Friend added that dress to an order she did with me. Magie Astres took roughly a month to complete. I joined the second round of pre-orders because I liked hers so much. I was told that they would be ready in early July this time. So around the same time frame, sounds like.

>> No.6859937
File: 856 KB, 1001x502, Screen Shot 2013-05-24 at 9.33.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just placed my small shitty order with pruany!

>> No.6860021

Link to the YYH things please?
What are they, cds?
Hiei was my first husbando...

>> No.6860083


All of those things (except the jacket) look like items that can easily be found anywhere.

Even the jacket might be found at Burlington Coat factory for $20-30 bucks.

>> No.6860114
File: 377 KB, 756x1099, taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My small order. This is my first taobao order since 2010, I'm so excited!
And my obsession for MC is showing, I just wish I could buy the short JSK in every colorway, it's probably my favorite lolita item ever produced. I just wish my SS would ship it already..

>> No.6860128

Yeah, my sister bought those exact same shoes at Payless for like $15. You can spend an hour in F21 and find all of that.

>> No.6860152


Ah, thanks. Quite quick then, especially when you compare it to KL.

And yeah, dress does look quite lovely in reviews. My wallet is currently crying but at least I have a very pretty dress to satisfy my nebula cravings.

>> No.6860156

Where can i find cute school uniforms / accessories? Not the ones in the spreadsheets. If you have bought any, could you do a review? I'm interested on buying one but I don't know how is the quality

>> No.6860172
File: 257 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 5-24-13 at 11.34 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wig is pretty nice. It's nothing to really rant about. My only complaint is that one side seems to be curled fine but the other isn't as curly? I hope that makes sense. It looks uneven. It's cute enough that I plan on probably wearing it in the future. But I'm still underwhelmed. TBH I feel a bit like coconut head from Ned's Declassified when I wear it... The store was nice enough to include some bobbie pins, a wig cap, and a little bow with the wig.
Source: http://vivianjiafa.taobao.com/ can't find the actual wig atm, sorry!

>> No.6860180

Look at them both next to each other Anon, the fantasy sheep one doesn't even have a skin top. Did she sew one in herself?

>> No.6860196

Maybe they live somewhere that isn't America? I am not that anon, but I live in a European country and in the middle of nowhere in said country. Everyone can't just go to to F21 whenever they feel like it.

(... check your amurrica privilege)

>> No.6860195

Thanks! That looks pretty good. The photos on the website look like the wig might be shiny but it looks all right in your photo. How is it in brighter natural lighting?

The curls aren't quite true to the picture, though, that's for sure...

>> No.6860204

I preordered the jsk and haven't gotten an email a out refunds.

I used celestial delinquent.

>> No.6860312


Yes, I read that. I was asking if it's still happening since nobody has mentioned it lately, not how likely it was that it would happen to me.

>> No.6860315


I would love if you or anyone else can review the BJD tights. Are they any better than Choke's BJD tights?

>> No.6860346

Yeah, in super bright lighting it's a bit shiny on top, but yeah, not really shiny. The curls are my only issue. That and the fact that I think my face might not be a flattering shape for the wig are the only issues I have. The curls can be styled again, so it's not a huge dealio. My package was 5kg, so I'm not surprised the one side is a bit off since it was under some stuff.

>> No.6860352

Okay, I'm going crazy. You know how my SAL parcel went from China to Canada in four days and it amazing?
Well it has been stuck in British Columbia since the 21st. Shouldn't it have moved by now - they've all been business days.

>> No.6860360

First used yoybuy and it got refunded three times, they're fucked some times and don't seem to like to handle pre-orders.
But I haven't gotten an email from TBS saying they've refunded me as of yet. What was your SS?

>> No.6860369


I got this soft hood with bear ears 2 years ago, it arrived in october and it was the most useful thing ever for winter.

>> No.6860426

Actually they are out of stock now, but yes, these are cds :) I'll still give you the links, if you can, I suggest you to check their stores because they have thousands of cds and dvds!
Hiei is great <3 I liked him and Kurama~

>> No.6860759

MeiMei means little sister specifically, still fucking adorable though

>> No.6860769

wait two weeks, then call canada post if it hasn't arrived

>> No.6860777

my sal package was supposedly in new york for like 15-20 days, even on the day of receiving it. only after i received it did the tracking say it had gone to any other state (and i live FAR from new york)

>> No.6860818
File: 1.25 MB, 1500x1748, fulloshit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on these.
Got confirmation on the Dear Celine items and the Milk purse last night. No more shopping until August for me.

>> No.6860820

It's pretty amazing, I think. I have no idea what you'd wear it with, but it's pretty awesome.

>> No.6860877

Can you link me to the butterfly tights if they're not from Daruma please. Can't see the writing on the pic.
Also Pruany are telling me the daruma ones are sold out.

>> No.6861005

Everything I tried to order from Daruma is sold out, yeah. I added a colour key to my order collage this time; the black box ones are items that turned out to be sold out/were out of stock AFTER I paid for them/added them to the collage.


>> No.6861085

Do you have the link to the red vest/ shorts?

>> No.6861102

How long does a custom petticoat from classical puppets generally take? It says 2 months, but is it always that long? Could it take longer? Everything in my order is at bhiner already, all I have to do is wait for the petti.

>> No.6861168

i use paint,

>> No.6861181
File: 83 KB, 729x729, T2nL_rXkVXXXXXXXXX_!!809741836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are listings for cabochons like this typically for just one? the price makes me want to assume that it is but ive only ever seen cabochons sold in groups of at least 4 or 5

>> No.6861253

fucking EBAY, seriously

I cringe everytime I see seagulls spending money on shopping services and organizing large taobao group orders and shit for boring as fuck blouses and tights that can be found with the korean fashion tag on ebay, for like $10 with free worldwide shipping.
Is it 2000 again? have people forgotten about ebay and googling stuff in general?

>> No.6861260

I respect that, I'm just calling you an idiot.

>> No.6861602

links to d2 and c2 please.

>> No.6861605



>> No.6861612


>> No.6861615

You're welcome! I was so pleased to find that it's the official shop. The pieces in the store for my region all cost at least double the TaoBao site.

>> No.6861619

Example; same skirt as C2:

~$170 + $30 shipping.

>> No.6861620

You have great taste, just wanted to let you know~

>> No.6861626

Wow! Good find Anon.

>> No.6861769
File: 122 KB, 500x751, T2jGb9XehXXXXXXXXX_!!10274962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New princess sleeved blouses up on DC, go get em http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w28-17807470566.7.eWpoYL&id=25309328573

>> No.6861868

Um! I'm putting together a (good) wardrobe for the first time and I'm so confused about where to find affordable stuff. I keep running into what you're talking about with taobao (oh this is cute but I could probably get this anywhere...)
I live in Australia and every store that has something that doesn't suck shit is $60-$100+ and I don't have enough cash to support that.
Do you think Ebay is the way to go for me? Sorry for dumb question.

>> No.6861873

Aww wow, I never thought of looking for Artka on taobao!

>> No.6861875

Also,what are things that are cost effective to get from Taobao? I have a good understanding of the shipping costs and how taobao works and everything but I don't have much "real world" fashion price understanding to compare it to.

>> No.6861920

Well generally you want to buy things from taobao that you dont have access to elsewhere (indie lolita, pretty and cheap chiffon blouses, rikakkuma stuff, kiguramis etc), or something that is sold near you but is exorbitantly more expensive then the taobao price. For example, that bart simpson sweater. Ive seen that being sold in the upper sixties, meanwhile you can get the same sweater on taobao for waaaay cheaper.
This is my sort of thinking anyway.
The problem with your order is that it's all things you can find near you (assuming you live in america) for relatively cheap/similar to the taobao price or on ebay. The deal with ebay is that even though they mark up the price on items from taobao, sometimes it's more cost effective to get it there anyway for shitty small orders because there are no SS fees + 2 shipping costs. Before you purchase something from taobao think to yourself about whether you'd be able to find it on ebay. If you think you can something helpful to do is to run the image url of what you found on taobao through the reverse image search and see if you find it on ebay in results, quick and yields results sometimes.

>> No.6861935

Thanks for the reverse image search tip!
Wasn't actually my order but I was interested in the criticism of it.
I'll start checking Ebay more.

>> No.6862110

Tabao English

>> No.6862578

Well there's your problem. Problem #1: Stupid shady name. Sounds like a scam site, and after checking it out, it doesn't seem like a scam but just a poorly run and operated business.
There was something about a 5% service free promotion, come on...

>> No.6862582

Oh, and I literally mean they wrote "service free".

>> No.6863154

Already got it. Ohyeah.

>> No.6863152

They link to the shop on their official Facebook under "info". I looked into the TaoBao to see if it was official and found out that, shock and awe, it is. Considering the difference in prices, I was stupidly happy.

>> No.6863247

Link to A4, B7, C5 and F5 please?
Also, you have really great taste.

>> No.6863260

Does anybody know if DC would take custom colour requests on their blouses? They have a blouse I *need* but I wish it came in a different colour.

>> No.6863288

Thanks. I'm trying to redo my whole wardrobe, lolita and otherwise. So I've been trying lots of shops out.


B7 (this one is a 2 week pre-order):

C5 (I got the "thick" higher denier pair; it comes in a semi-sheer as well):

F5 (I bought these once before and they're a bit fragile; the pairs I'm buying are replacements for ones that got torn at the toe after a few wears):

>> No.6863303

I don't believe so. I'm not sure they even do custom sizing any more?

>> No.6863314

Oh also, does anybody know if TBR are back in the game again?


Ah, what a pity! Oh well.

>> No.6863363

They are already since months, they only take long if the shop doesn't reply.

>> No.6863372


Brilliant, thank you anon!

>> No.6863482

It should re-direct to Chinabuyagency. It used to be called Taobao English, but they changed their name. And it isn't a scam site. I'm assuming Anon just missed the o

>> No.6863485

DC still does custom sizing.

As for colors, never have known for them to offer custom colors.

>> No.6863521
File: 615 KB, 1400x600, taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I said I was going to post this last month but I've been really busy, sorry. But I did take individual pics and they're all in an album: http://imgur.com/a/arH7A
Taobaoring order was $252.19 without shipping, 5.7kg. I made the order before they announced they wouldn't use SAL so I had to pay $99.62 for EMS. Made the order 3/28, shipped out 4/10, arrived 4/22. I won't use TBR again since because I'm still pissed and I heard they're still slow at answering (?)
Really good! Cherry blouse is my favorite out of the order.
Also amazing, true to stock. Skirt is more pink than creme btw.
White skirt is gorgeous, pink is kind of sheer and a bit darker.
Everything is true to stock, quality is meh. Cat ears pinch my head a lot and the each side of the metal ears came loose from band, but they're cute so I'll probably just hot glue it back. Lace from the underside of lace headband isn't secure, a bit gets undone every time I wear it. They gave me a free hairband.
>Maomaohome (mine-c.taobao.com)
Blue skirt is a bit darker, but a not a big deal. I complained about the pink sweater last time and I'll complain about it again. It's way too big and the fabric is shiny and hideous. Blue dress is ok. Blouse is thick but cute, kinda fits weird.
Love the orange and pink heels, which I bought in a size smaller and are still kind of loose. White was ok until I wore it and it made the back of my foot bleed.
>Colorful shoes
Blue shoes are really light, color is also more blue not turquoise. Pink shoes are cute.
Definitely ordering from Litongxue and ForestGirlFans again, maybe Huawenzi because I would also buy the pink heels in black and Mdhj. I already ordered everything I liked from Sevibaby and Colorful Shoes, and Mine-C didn't impress me enough.

>> No.6863549

I feel like a major creeper,
but Anon, if I'd date someone based solely on their Taobao-order, it would be you.

You must make the cutest fucking outfits.

>> No.6863663

Aw man $99 for shipping. Ugh! Cute stuff though.

>> No.6863683

Probably a bad idea, you'd need to check customs laws for your country and China. Even if they allow it, you're going to have to make sure the forms are all filled in correctly, if everything isn't declared it's going to look like you're trying to sneak it in and that will raise red flags.

>> No.6863765


I ordered a knife in my current order but it's not shipped. It's just a kitchen knife, and it comes with a plastic cover on the blade so I hope it's okay.

>> No.6863775

Again some Cult Party store.

>> No.6863791

Slight mistake, I made the cart and sent an urgent e-mail 3/23, James responded to it and I paid for my order on 3/24. I think it took a little over a week, maybe 10 days, for things to arrive at the SS.
Not creepy at all, thanks anon I'm really flattered!
Yeah I was losing my shit when I found out. I could've bought a lot more stuff with that money.

>> No.6864146

I cannot only find one boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai uniforms and i have tried the japanese word translated to chinese it straight up in chinese and the title off the chinese wiki page but i can find a fuck load of merch, any help?

>> No.6864185
File: 70 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mj4ytlAJjh1qgf0w3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'm going to sound like an idiot now.
Is it ever a good idea to use EMS? I calculated the estimated weight of my order with buychina's calculator and checked it into TaobaoSpree's discounted EMS rates and it is ridiculously high for the teensy amount of stuff I want to order.

Maybe buychina's calculator is retarded or something. I have to trust it because I have no idea how heavy a tshirt is and 400 grams sounds right.

SAL is looking a lot better to me right now but all the SSs encourage using EMS.
I'm so confused.
If I have to pay $90 to ship a bunch of shirts then my taobao shopping days are over before they begin. Sigh.

>> No.6864201
File: 124 KB, 800x532, T22Na8XnNaXXXXXXXX_!!808507717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never wear this but it is so cute.


It reminds me of bubblegum and kindergarten.

>> No.6864256

Has anyone bought any BOBON21 clothes/accessories? They seem really nice in the pictures but i'm not so sure if the quality is okay.

>> No.6864313

Yeah, I'd probably have to go with an SS with good english and communication as well so they can declare it properly as well.
I'm trying to figure out whether it'd be worth the risk of bad tools, and if shipping would jack up the price too much.

Ah, maybe you could report how it went later? I think there was some discussion (quite some time ago though) whether knives in general was a bad idea.

>> No.6864315

Have you tried to add "cos" when you're searching?

>> No.6864350

My BFF ordered from there and she said that most of the things she got had loose threads and were falling apart pretty quickly. I got a skirt and it was ok, lots of loose threads. The lace was pretty cheap and the zipper stretched out a little after only a few wears

>> No.6864377

What petti should I get to wear under Chess Storys rose JSK? I just recently got it and it looks terrible with the usual CP cupcake one.

>> No.6864380

I would suggest using an A-line petti.

>> No.6864382

you know..if a cupcake one doesn't work, try an a-line one. there are like just two main types of petticoats

>> No.6864391

Shipping methods are explained in great length in the FAQ, pros and cons of each, etc etc

>> No.6864454

I know. I've read it up and down and am a taobao thread oldfag. I'm not asking what shipping options are better for what reason I was kind of asking people's thoughts on EMS being worth it or not. Also whether tshirts are 400 grams lol. Never mind, we're all busy people and I'm being annoying. Sorry guys~

>> No.6864475

BUt that's the thing, anon, whether EMS is "worth it" or not es completely subjective and depends on the person (as the FAQ mentions)

If you need something in a week then EMS is "worth it", if you don't care when you get it and need to save money, than SAL is

>> No.6864615
File: 54 KB, 960x582, 166059_573522906023706_880639720_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where this blouse came from? I can only see part of the watermark since loli loli cut it off. looks like Aniss something?

>> No.6864617

Can someone review their school uniforms, please? ;_; I can't find almost any review outside /cgl/

>> No.6864622

Miss Point I think

God I hate loli loli paradise

>> No.6864626

Which is precisely why I'm looking into getting it from Taobao.

>> No.6864630

And yes it is, thanks!

>> No.6864884
File: 749 KB, 850x3267, T2OfSsXapaXXXXXXXX_!!24845062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to be a bother, but can anyone point me to shoes like these OR stores that sell shoes like the ones Coconuts stocks? I've already tried search terms like "bow shoes/heels". I'm getting some with the same look but I really love this platform, it looks so much more comfortable than ones that look like it. Coconuts does have these in stock but only in a 38

>> No.6864893

They are Liz Lisa replica shoes.

>> No.6864915

Ahh, are they? Thanks so much, that helps me a ton.

>> No.6864919

Okay, I'm confused.

I got this message from the tracking site: "Attempted Delivery (Country code: US)" for my MC. What in the world does that mean?

>> No.6864929


For me, it means that the the delivering company came to my door, tried to ring the doorbell, did not get an answer, and took the package away. I get a slip of some sort. Dunno if it works the same in your country (as I recall, UPS does this a lot? USPS less so - they just dump it in front of the doorway) and they'll either redeliver it or you have to go fetch it yourself (in my country, they charge 3.50 euro for redlivery, fuck that shit, I just drag someone with me to lug the shit back)

>> No.6864931



>> No.6864934


The clothes are poorly made and really not flattering in real life. Personally I wouldn't buy from them, but if you're looking for cheap taobao clothes, then go for it.

>> No.6864938

See that's weird because I didn't have it delivered to a place that would need someone to ring the doorbell. I had it delivered to my post office PO box. Where else would it go? I'm so confused.

>> No.6864947

Oh no oh fuck forget I even said that. FUCK THIS, I want every single one of these shoes now.

>> No.6864948


Ahhhh I see now. Yeah, that is pretty weird. Maybe it couldn't fit in the PO box? That's probably not a huge possibility however. I'd call them but I trust you're probably on that already.

>> No.6864950

In my country, the post office will hold large parcels for PO boxes in a seperate area, so you have to ask at the front counter.

>> No.6864951

Has anyone gotten a K-On! uniform off taobao? Trying to figure out which place has the best deal. Also are there any other good stores selling shameful otaku things like daruma and fairyroom?

I can't give back much I'm afraid, but here's a link to a store with cute stationery and notebooks and stuff
And this place has lots of eyelashes
But I guess most of you already know these.

>> No.6864984

That's what I would think too but I've ordered much bigger orders before and they just hold them behind the counter. And this isn't really a post office, it's my college's mail room. Should I check at the local post office because the mail room is closed today?

>> No.6865578

if i bought 3 wigs whats a good estimate of shipping through DHL

>> No.6865963

If you get the status of "Attempted Delivery" are they going to try again or take it to the local post office? What happens now?

>> No.6866214

Thanks bb that's what I thought. I was just confused why the SSs were pushing EMS so much as a shipping option when SAL seemed like a much better deal. I couldn't even find SAL rates on Taobaospree's page.

>> No.6866222

I've seen a few on tumblr, maybe you'll find one there~
I've been looking for more high quality (no shiny ribbons, good skirt) ones but to no avail.

>> No.6866258


They would most likely leave a slip that tells you to pick it up at your nearby post office. If not, wait until Monday?

>> No.6866821

Hosted a group order. Total shipping weight was 26kg, so the order was split into two packages for mailing. This part I get. The part I don't get is that one parcel was sent out via Shanghai (EMS). The other Changsha (also EMS). There's roughly a 1000km difference between the two cities. My questions are:

why would this happen? Did they actually send them two different routes somehow?
is it possible they gave me the wrong tracking number for one? (both have the right country listed for final destination, so...)
one is set to be delivered tomorrow, should I expect the other as well though its tracking number hasn't updated in four days?

>> No.6866825

I've used yoybuy for my last five or six orders but I finally decided to switch. Now I can't decide between Bhiner, Pruany, Taobaospree, and Taobaoring. It's so difficult trying to weigh out the pros and cons to each I wish I could just choose one already.

>> No.6866831

I personally had a bad experience with Pruany in the past. They also have an annoying as fuck shopping cart. However, they do respond quickly and plenty of other people have had good experiences. They're also cheap.

TaoBao Spree is the most personable of those you've listed, but they've had issues lately with people not getting timely responses. Their Excel sheets are also a bit annoying, because they're in HKD instead of Yuan or even USD. Multiple conversion headaches, really.

Bhiner has a great shopping cart system, but if an item is on sale, you have to request that they change the price manually. There's also the problem of 're-quoting' anything that they either think is out of stock, any pre-orders longer than 2 weeks wait, and any stores used that they can't immediately reach the seller.

Haven't used TaoBaoRing, so can't speak for their service.

Also, I only ever use EMS, so I don't know if any of those shops offers other methods of shipping, which is important to some people. I'm pretty sure that Bhiner and Pruany are EMS only?

>> No.6866843
File: 32 KB, 560x420, 1329181889682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I spent a good quarter of my paycheck making a purchase for housing goods (bed sheets and pillows and the like) from taobao, using the agent yoybuy.

I have recently read that many people are skeptical that it is a scam and I am here to disprove this theory.

However within their customer service I have raised some serious questions amidst their practices dealing with cutomers.

They're very quick to order things
and the system setup makes it very easy to pick and choose items.

However the negatives come with :
not receiving pictures of items when they reach the warehouse(which I was told you have to pay 2 dollars a picture for each item for)
And the fact their customer service is rude.

Upon further investigation of asking about air packaging I was having trouble converting the weight of a package and wanted to know the specific details on the difference between the currency (since I was away from home at the time).
The agent then responded promptly : 'I already gave you the weight of the package why not find the difference yourself?
Please let us know if we could be of further assistance. Thank you.'

After I pretty much had to wait forever for a response and felt like they were rushing me the entire time I really don't think I will order things through them again.

With that being said I'd rather wait longer and pay more through taobaofocus or taobaospree than deal with this crap.

So now because they screwed me out on yoybuy I got to pay like 70usd for a package to be shipped here when the math doesn't even calculate.
I was hoping to save at least a good 15 bucks but guess not.

>> No.6866847

A tiny thing that bothers me with some is their flat rate for domestic shipping. For example yoybuy is a flat 10CNY while taobaoring is 15CNY I believe. It's a tiny difference but I've always wondered if they refund you the cost for shipping after or it just costs a bit more..

>> No.6866887

Link to the two sailor jackets on the left?

>> No.6866894

Why'd you decide to switch, out of curiosity?

>> No.6866909

I usually use yoybuy too, and recently tried Pruany a few times. Overall they're pretty similar, both with cart systems, similar response and processing times, they even both hold your stuff for up to three months. (>>6866847 iirc they both use 12CNY as the flate rate for domestic shipping? I think?)

The cart system is a little different, if I were to compare it to yoybuy it's like th shopping cart and my order section combined, (also- you pay the service fee before they weigh the package) but I still greatly prefer it to a spreadsheet. They offer small package postage, which is quite cheap for small parcels, but uneconomical above 1kg.

Not that anon, but I personally kept getting frustrated by alipay (which I had to use after they stopped offering paypal as a payment option). It often says the bank is 'too busy' to process payment, and I still haven't figured out how to use webmoney despite using it a few years ago.

>I have recently read that many people are skeptical that it is a scam and I am here to disprove this theory.
This is the taobao thread. They are on the spreadsheet. It's pretty well known here that they are not a scam. I've also never felt 'rushed' by them, but luckily never needed photos of my items. Sucks about the customer service though- what were you trying to convert? weight or currency?

>> No.6866943 [DELETED] 

the weight specifically I needed to be converted for me.

I have used yoybuy in the past as I generally stick to 3-4 different agencies all for different buying purposes
Never had issues with yoybuy in the past
but this is enough to not make me want to use them again.

>> No.6866945 [DELETED] 

derp dropped my correct quote

was meant for you ah!

>> No.6866971

Most SS are now using flat rate domestic shipping which I don't like at all. They counter the argument for flat rate domestic shipping by saying that sometimes shops charge more than the given flat rate, for which they compensate, but I think overall they're making money from this new rule. And no, they don't refund you the cost for shipping.

>> No.6866974

I recommend TaobaoNow, they have cart and staff has great communication and better english skills than me. Just saiyan'

>> No.6866987


>> No.6867037

Yeah TaobaoNow is hardly mentioned on /cgl/ but i use them too and am really happy with their service. I think they are one of the more expensive ones though which is why people don't use them? Also they don't take pictures of the stock when it arrives at the warehouse. But i don't care about that because they do have a great service

>> No.6867117

Due to financial reasons, i can't make an order until August and there is just sooooo much stuff i want to buy! I've found so many cute things and just ugh it sucks that i can't get anything!!!!

Sorry needed to get that off my chest

>> No.6867130

Speaking of TaobaoNow, I was about to place an order with them, but their website appears to be down?
Does anyone know if this happens often with them or approximately how long it will be before it's operational again?

>> No.6867142

Goddamn Rosaire are you still buttmad?

>> No.6867166

Any Britfags used sea shipping? I know it'll vary a lot, but I was wondering how long it took for you? Just so I can have an approximate idea.

>> No.6867289
File: 139 KB, 561x370, themoreyouknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galaxy Seifukus are actually from fantasysheep.

>> No.6867389

I thought everyone knew this? Didn't we realize this when they first came out?

>> No.6867747

I hate Memorial Day this year! My MC is at the post office but I can't go pick it up because of the holiday. This is torture!

>> No.6867920

Works for me.
TBN has never been down for me and I visit their page regularly, when I have order in progress I go several times a day

>> No.6867923

How is it expensive?

>> No.6867936

Not the same anon, but probably because of Service % Fees and what not

>> No.6867941

Actually the girls running the other store are the same ones from Fantasy Sheep, you notice it at the modeling pics, just saying.

>> No.6867995

TBS has a USD spreadsheet and a HKD spreadsheet, so if you're in the US TBS isn't bad at all.

>> No.6868024
File: 152 KB, 1000x800, taobao haul updated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of torn between shipping the stuff that already came in and just saying "fuck it" to the other three items, or just waiting for the whole thing to come in, then deliver it by SAL like someone who knows how to save money somewhat.

>tfw I just want my MC shit to come

>> No.6868053 [DELETED] 

I know you will kill me for this, I am really new and im looking for NGE accesories can someone link me to asuka hairclips please I beg you

>> No.6868113

Yeah, I just checked and it works for me too with a proxy.
So I guess they IP banned me, maybe? I can't fathom why- I hadn't even ordered anything yet, and this was my first time using their service.
All I'd done was add and remove items from my cart. Would they ban me for changing the contents of my cart too much?

>> No.6868506
File: 671 KB, 1019x1024, maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I could get maid dresses with this colouring?
MOE have their own colours for each maid but they wouldnt tell me where they get theirs.

>> No.6868538

Hi, I'm sorry I'm a total taobao newbie, but I have a few questions that I would love if someone could answer!

About how long does it take to be delivered after you make your order with an agent? Also, about how much are shipping costs? I know it depends on weight, so how much would an average pair of shoes cost to ship, and how much would a dress cost to ship?

>> No.6868547

If something says it fits you perfectly in the size chart except it says for people 153-155cm and you're 157.5cm should you get it anyways or buy a size up?
I live in the US and usually but small or medium, but on Taobao I'm mostly fitting into Small or Extra Small and am nervous.

>> No.6868552
File: 297 KB, 400x233, taobao_finds_-_read_the_faq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6868564

Sounds kind of crappy. I'm buying from Taobao for the first time and am thinking of using Taobaotrends. Does anyone know if it's any good?

>> No.6868578

The style and photo filter look a lot like they're from the same shop linked here >>6857319

>> No.6869172


>> No.6869191

First parcel arrived today. The other's tracking number finally updated. It should be here tomorrow.

>> No.6869227

I have a somewhat large order (mostly my mom's, got carried away with the cheap dresses) and I need some opinion on dhl and other cheaper alternatives.
I usually use ems, but itll be extra expensive if I use ems for this order.
Sal and air mail are out because mom wants to wear some of the dresses to a formal

Thanks in advance

>> No.6869238

Ohmygod. I'm dying of laughter. The ginzuishou/time key pendant I ordered. I took it in the sunlight to get a good look at it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black blur. And then my cat went running up the wall like a fucking lunatic, chasing the rainbows.

>> No.6869289

That sounds amazing. Is the time key pendant any good? I've been debating getting it.

>> No.6869318

I lost my shit. She is such a spaz of a cat. The ginzuishou pendant is huuuuuge.

The key is really quite nice. I'll take some photos later if you'd like to see non-stock ones. But I'm about to eat lunch.

>> No.6869349

Go a size up. If you get something too big, you can always hem it and fix it. However, if you get something too small, you're basically SOL

>> No.6869350

Cats are at their best when they're spazzing over shiny things.

Pics would be great when you have the chance!

>> No.6869584
File: 120 KB, 600x534, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a seller/listing for the official Madoka light up LED soulgems? I bought one at a con and regret not getting them all while I had the chance. I can't seem to find them!

>> No.6869616

Hi! I'm >>6859636 ~
About the nails, the agent just mailed me and told me that he had no replies from the seller, so I'll be canceling them :( Sorry!

>> No.6869648


Sure no problem. It won't be shipped till probably mid july though.

>> No.6869816

Having a shit of a time getting good photos. The weather has come over, so I'm not getting good light right now. I'll try again tomorrow. To give you some idea of scale, the top of the key is about the size of a quarter (assuming you're fron the US; if not, I have some other coins I can put around it for reference).

>> No.6869879

where is it from?

>> No.6869885


The second photo is fully accurate.

I also got Endymion/Mamoru's pocket watch from that shop.

>> No.6869961

I'd prefer to pay through paypal and they no longer offer it. For my last order I messaged them and they let me anyways but said I can't do it again and Alipay just doesn't take my card for some reason.
I also wanted to try somewhere with a lower service fee.

I decided to try taobaoring but I might put my items in a cart for Pruany and Bhiner too just to see how fast they'll quote it and if it comes out to the same price.

>> No.6869972

Does anyone use Bhiner? I'm trying to place my first order with them, but in the postal code field in the cart checkout page it only accepts numbers, and my country has letter in it too, so I can't place an order. I've tried messaging them about it but they keep thinking I'm talking about my password and just keep resetting it. Does anyone have any ideas how to get around this or should I just use another SS? :-/

>> No.6869982

could you link to the cute lace collar?

>> No.6869988

Have you tried messaging them with your address itself? Or just described the problem? I can't say that I've had that many issues caused by the language barrier.

>> No.6869989

I just described the problem. Maybe I should try that instead.

>> No.6869995

Does anyone know what the difference between "生成色" and "漂白"is? Google is giving me "generate color" and "bleach respectively. After doing an image search I'm thinking that maybe "generate color" is offwhite and "bleach" is pure white?

>> No.6870004

Generate generally is ivory or off white, yes.

>> No.6870005


Off white and bleach white.

>> No.6870097

I use bhiner and i've also had that problem, what i did was giving them my complete adress the way it should be, they replied by saiyng that i can put my address the way i want in the "New adress" field.
I hope this helps!!

>> No.6870405

bump for taobao

>> No.6870510

Here you go!

>> No.6870733

Yeah, I'm from the US. Hot damn that's huge, and it's fine to wait, I'm waiting a bit to take decent pictures of my MC. The weather is crap where I am too.

>> No.6870745
File: 20 KB, 384x233, seemsfishy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm ordering directly from a taobao seller and everything was going fine until they decided that I owed them over double the actual cost. Has anyone had dealing where the price quoted is more than it should be? I have no idea how to go about correcting this. I sent them my math on what I should owe and asked about where the extra was coming from and apologized for the inconvenience, but I'm worried they'll screw up my costume now. I'm ordering from YomiEveryday.

>> No.6870771

This happened with me too, I just made sure I had the right postcode under my account info, and in the shipping form entered 000000, and attached a note in the message box saying that I was unable to enter my postcode, and writing the correct one. I've received two orders from them fine this way.

>> No.6870774

I had this exact problem Anon. I almost thought you were me posting before I realized that was threads ago (because I asked about it too).

Just Copy + Paste it and it should hopefully work. That's what I had to do and it's what another Anon suggested.

>> No.6870822

Are the dresses poofy/take up a lot of space? DHL will end up being expensive if that's the case. If you can estimate how "large" volumetrically the package will be, you can guess if DHL will be cheaper (same goes for UPS).

>> No.6870833

Email them saying that you know the conversion rate and the math seems off. Show your work.

Yeah it's like schoolwork but it's worth a shot.

>> No.6870966


>> No.6871387

ty anons!

>> No.6871492

link to the listing please?

>> No.6871732

I haven't been in taobao threads for a while and decided today to come back, but after like 4 scrolls both up and down the catalog I didn't see the picture and was worried you were all dead and or Taobao gen had been banned from cgl somehow. Then I saw it. Thank goodness.

However I am sad it seems the Captain Mia everything is gone? Will there be a re-release? That was the cutest print I'd seen ever.

>> No.6871788

There's probably going to be a general listing. The preorder price in the item's description also shows another price before the discount from preordering.

>> No.6871789

We are in autosage.

Making thread momentarily.

>> No.6871800

New thread:

New thread:

New thread:

New thread:

New thread:

New thread: