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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 27 KB, 685x600, Work_in_progress.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6856384 No.6856384 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is autosaging, new progress thread?

>> No.6856405
File: 114 KB, 640x480, photo (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on the 3DMG for my Attack on Titan costume. Its ugly as sin, but I can only do so much when I started on Sunday and leave for the con tomorrow. So much more left to do, I'm freaking.

>> No.6856445

All done! My pink undershirt is in the wash.

Now on to another costume.

>> No.6856446
File: 621 KB, 753x500, HEHEHEHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahaha I can't into remembering to upload

>> No.6856454

Why did you just start in it? Something like that well take months to make...

Well good luck.

>> No.6856487

Up until last week I was busy graduating and moving back to my home town and I hadn't made any new costumes for this con. I also greatly under-estimated the work it would entail

>> No.6856796
File: 125 KB, 330x438, Yukumo-Armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making this hat. Has to be done by 4:30 tomorrow. Will be posting hourly updates so I stay on track. Wish me luck

>> No.6856956
File: 1.06 MB, 1840x3264, IMG_20130522_230556_730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 layers in.

>> No.6857058
File: 799 KB, 1600x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got some chrome paint for this Thomas helmet, just need to get the visor and do a bit of wiring and it'll be done!

>> No.6857133
File: 787 KB, 1840x3264, IMG_20130523_242240_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooooooo... I drastically underestimated how long paper mache rakes to dry...

>> No.6857137


That's coming along freaking great, anon.
p.s. random access memories is awesome.

>> No.6857204

>rakes to dry
ruh roh Raggy paper mache rakes forever to dry

>> No.6857207
File: 3 KB, 188x128, 1318021175754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope you are waiting for each later to dry... If you keep piling on wet paper mache, it's going to make it harder and longer for the under layers to dry.

>> No.6857247

Only doing those 4 layers. It has been a looooooong time since I've used paper mache. Probably should have done it over the weekend but too late now

>> No.6857254
File: 609 KB, 747x1611, almostreadytogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on this nonstop for a week now; it feels really surreal to have most of it done. Clothing test minus wig and makeup since I'm in the middle of packing for tomorrow. I need to slightly take in one of the cuffs and this thing has major fitting issues in the left boob, but fuck it. I'm ready for Fanime.

>> No.6858144
File: 577 KB, 1632x1224, photo (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a lot to do but I'm closing in on it, I may miss pre-con but oh well

>> No.6858175

Oh please be my waifu. This looks great you look very tall and elegant.

>> No.6858680
File: 362 KB, 1000x450, IMG_4310_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One armor costume is done, the next one is already in progress. Since I have so less time for this project, I need to be super fast, but at least was already able to finish a big part of the costume.
Before you'll ask: Material is Worbla.

>> No.6858704


That looks amazing. Well done, anon. What did you use as a base?

>> No.6858795


Looks great, can't wait to see the final result!

>> No.6858815

Why is the only time you post on 4chan to show off your armor that's the same thing every time? Fishing for compliments and fangirls?

>> No.6858818

Shut up nigger, it looks cool.

>> No.6858823


This board is fucking hilarious. The people who make the shit that's not half assed get so much haterade, the people who work on their appearances are berated and bitch bitch bitch.

Haha...keep it up. This shit looks good.

>> No.6858825
File: 1.99 MB, 1936x2592, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started the mock up for the outer garment... I need to add a gusset to the sleeve though.

>> No.6858831

You've got a point, she's never around when people are asking for advice or posting on other threads. Damn it Kamui just start a flikr or something, you aren't a member of this community.

>> No.6858940

She has a facebook and youtube account that has video tutorials, written tutorials, she answers questions all day on her fb... try harder if you want answers. She is a member of this community, lol

>> No.6859272

>she's never around /cgl/ to do anything but show off

>>She has a facebook and youtube account that has video tutorials
>>she answers questions all day on her fb...

Clearly you bested that rapscallion.

>> No.6859282

Actually I have to disagree, not too long ago I made a thread looking for help with led lighting, she was the first one to help me

>> No.6859285

I can't help but wonder if this(You) is exactly why Volpin left :\

>> No.6859339

Well, the main reason I post here is to help others. I don't have time to post here as frequently as I wish, but I just like to show that I'm still here and will help if someone needs any support. Yeah, it's slowly annoying that every time I post I have to explain my appearance, but this won't stop me.

>> No.6859370
File: 2.19 MB, 1936x2592, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished with most of the bodice. Tomorrow I should be able to start the inset piece and the collar draft.

>> No.6859390

These days all you ever do is post a pic and talk about being annoyed because you have to explain it. Maybe you should just leave and that would solve everyone's problems, no?

>> No.6859400

Sounds like you're the only one with a problem lol

>> No.6859463

Four different people in this thread are showing their distaste for Kamui, if my math is right that's more than just me motherfucker.

>> No.6859644
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, evangelion gendo 1341159678367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 2:30 in the morning you throw you arms up in the air and shout " FUCK EVERYTHING! " and swear you will start earlier next time. And.. hey.. at least now you know some things NOT to do.

That's where I am at tonight.. well.. and going to bed disappointed.

>> No.6859645

oh and the damn con is tomorrow

>> No.6860078
File: 349 KB, 640x480, scoperepair2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filling some gaps in between the sections of the scope on Yoko's rifle because someone was holding this partially by the scope. The rifle is about 15-20ish lbs total, so these seams often crack or sections of the scope around the PVC base break off.

>> No.6860165

Did you use a pattern for this? I've been looking for something with the same basic shape.

>> No.6860258

Decided to cosplay Frank-N-Furter, so I ordered a plain black full back corset to alter and cover in sequins, since corsets are my weak point. Now I'm freaking out because the number of eyelets is wrong and the back isn't the exact shape or height. Also ordered some grey stretch lace trim and straps to make the garter belt and some lurex for the gloves.
I haven't even gotten the corset yet and I'm already worried it's going to turn out like shit after I try to alter it.

>> No.6860306

Sorry, no. I draft my own. If you own a dressform, and are not in a hurry (I work a double today) you can shoot me an email and I can walk you through it. It's a pretty simple~

>> No.6860534

Kamui. Your work is great as always but imo it's starting to get boring.

>> No.6860569

Is it way cheaper to make a schoolgirl skirt?

Amazon and Ebay have them for ~30-40$. For the knee ones, anyway.

>> No.6860665

I agree. Super talented, but seeing the same WoW stuff over and over again is pretty boring after a while. She should try a new series.

>> No.6860712

Thanks a lot and yeah I know. But at the moment I just enjoy to create some nice, simple armor. I'm able to do fast progress and it's fun, but yeah, not really challenging anymore. I like to do something else, but there is no really anything else I'm intersted in. Hm... maybe next year.

>> No.6860725
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 249084_10151488130631630_2103972563_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to finally try using expanding foam and it's really fun! A tedious process, but great for relieving stress. Still a LOT more to carve, but this is after a solid 4-5 hours of carving. It's Palutena's staff (Kid Icarus: Uprising).

Kamui's work is what inspired me to try expanding foam. I personally love to see her progress photos, whether it's here or on Facebook. Keep it comin' girl!

>> No.6860734

The price of a pleated skirt depends on a large number of variables. The price pet yard or fabric, the size/type of the pleats, and the size of the person all change the final price of a skirt. If for instance you use a good suiting or something it's going to be a much more expensive skirt than one made from quilting cotton. My waist is around 28 inches, and a 3 inch box pleat used around 1 3/4 to 2 yards with plenty of excess for the rest of the Fuku.

>> No.6860739

This looks so smooth!!! I love it. What materials did you use?

>> No.6860871
File: 96 KB, 294x428, kkarmor3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almooost done with sylvanas armor props. Working on bow and quiver right now, got too bored of armor parts

>> No.6860876
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 130524-200151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got the visor in the helmet and finished the left glove. Next up is the right hand and cutting out the mouth hole (which is going to be considerably more difficult now that my dremel has blown out..)

>> No.6860882

Curious as well!

>> No.6860894
File: 40 KB, 541x960, 292415_310205619109364_1624535678_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being crazy, I decided to try to get this done with less than two weeks to go until I leave for colossalcon.

I've got the hard part done though...

>> No.6860970

Those look niice! How did you attach those stars? It doesn't look like an appliqué..

>> No.6860983

that does look good!
And haha shadow cat.

>> No.6861013
File: 130 KB, 574x768, Tlettering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started working on the coat for Tashigi (New World ver.)! Got the "Justice" characters appliqued onto the back. Going to try to get the button loops sewn on the front later this evening.

>> No.6861015

Nah, it's stretch applique, my camera phone just doesn't pick up the stitches and I don't feel like pulling out the nicer camera.

He loves worming himself in to progress shots

>> No.6861101


did you notice how crooked your visor area is on the helmet? one side is larger than the other

>> No.6861136

>Making the same shitty looking armor for a few years.

>Not challenging anymore.

Maybe you should strive for a better product, perhaps try and push yourself in your art and show us that you don't just do this for attention.

>> No.6861149

yeah, I am in fact aware of that. Not worried about it though, just gonna take the heat gun to it for a few seconds then bend it back in shape. That thing has saved my ass so many times in situations like this it's unbelievable.

>> No.6861566

Warrior tier 5? Hope you're not doing the helm cuz dat shit's fuggo. I always thought the shoulders were nifty though.

>> No.6861610
File: 36 KB, 423x600, ameto2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My progress on Ameto! it's...mooostly done, I need some more accessories and just touch things up before ANext, but it'll do for my trip to AB tomorrow. Also, pardon, I need to iron ERRYTHANG

>> No.6861617

Not entirely sure about the character design, but that skirt/hem looks crooked as fuck. Is it just the photo?

>> No.6861624
File: 28 KB, 408x600, ametoskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I just slapped it on the dress form not really caring. I think it's fine?

>> No.6861692
File: 224 KB, 1230x743, serenity small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expanding foam is so much fun. It looks good so far.
This looks so well done. The lines are so clean
Beautiful, as always.

Okay of course my camera is a piece of crap, but that's okay.
But I'm finally done with the main part of the beading of the top. It only took about 1.5-2 hours to bead each of the 12 circles with little 3 mm pearls and golden glass beads. Now to do one final outer circle in the same golden beads.
And then do...everything else.
Finally got my contacts, too, yayyyy. I'm thinking the make-up is a little too dark for Princess Serenity, but I'm retarded and can't find a good medium between "can be seen on camera" and "streetwalker"

>> No.6861814
File: 755 KB, 922x1000, IMG_4317_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've worked already with expanding foam, EVA foam, leather, cardboard, Wonderflex, Sintra and many other materials and Worbla is far my favourite. And because of a pretty nice deal my Worbla costumes have almost no costs. I would love to work with silikone, making molds and stuff, but that's something I'm just not able to affort. And yeah sure, we all do costumes because of attention, but for me it's also my part time job because of my sponsors. So there are several reasons to keep on building one armor after the other for me.

Hm... no. My reference don't have a helmet, but maybe I'll add a modified one to my costume. We'll see.

Thanks a lot! Just can give back the same!
Wow, that's pretty nice! However will you still add some shaddows and highlights to your paintjob?

Thanks a lot! Your work looks great and I cannot wait to see the finished prop!

Hm... I'm almost out of Worbla now. However I hope to finish the whole armor next week.

>> No.6862057

I keep seeing this Worbla stuff and its always lumpy. How easy does it sand down?

I've used mostly clay then vacuum formed plastic but I'm going to switch careers in the near future and with the change means losing access to EZ Mode machinery so I'm looking for a replacement material to use.

>> No.6862067

It looks like it's make of gingerbread.. I want to eat it.

>> No.6862227
File: 714 KB, 614x1000, IMG_1121_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience you can make Worbla very, very clean, but it needs some work. If you heat it too much, it get air bubles or bumps, which you need to avoid or later get rid of it. In addition you need to add a coat to get a nice surface. I usually work with Gesso, but wood glue does also a good job. So, yeah, it needs some patience, but if you really want you can make it very nice and clean.

I know! And it smells so good when I open a new box of it!

>> No.6862279

this is gorgeous! (Shin or arm guards?)
I am wanting to make a Saint Seiya cosplay in the future. I've used craft form and wonderflex before, but it was difficult to shape properly. I want to give worbla a try for my next armor (Milo/Scorpio)

>> No.6862437

Thanks a lot and that's shin armor.
Hm... maybe trying EVA foam? As far as I know it's awesome for armor with big and not so complicated shapes. I would recommend Worbla more for detailed and curvy stuff.

>> No.6862460

No more EVA foam! Please!

>> No.6862466

Worbla sucks buttholes. It takes just as much effort to get right as your typical fiberglass prop, is much more expensive, and what you end up with always lacks dimension due to how thin it is.

>> No.6862471


So it is no wonder The RPF never uses it.

>> No.6862468

Thanks. I'll give EVA foam a shot.
Saint seiya armor does have detail, so i can use worbla for those things; like shoulder details and the waist belt.

>> No.6862503
File: 477 KB, 612x1000, IMG_4327_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm... I also already worked with fiberglass, but I don't really like it. But I also have to work at my flat and so the fumes are an argument against fiberglass for me. I guess, Worbla is a great beginners material, since it's very easy to work with it. In addition if you have very limited tools and no space, it's a great way to create some nice armor, but there are surely many, many alternatives. However I believe if you're creative, you'll find ways to create anything from any material. You just need to find out how.

Hm... looks good that I'm done next week.

>> No.6862617

I don't think anyone can deny your worbla work is fantastic. Absolutely beautiful.

Other people's work can tend to just leave people... Expecting more.

>> No.6862697

Pretty sure someone has a hair up their ass and is samefagging it up

>> No.6862731


ABS I actually use a lot more than I would ever use Worbla. Mainly because it does nearly the same thing, but you can get it in many different thicknesses. It's also about 1/2 the cost. An 8ft by 5ft sheet is only around 80 bucks.

>> No.6862757

Hmm, it shoulda interesting enough to give it a try. If anything I can use it to add small details and see how it works.

>> No.6862822

This, also EVA can give you cancer.


>> No.6862829

It's not fantastic, and for the price it's not even that good. If you put a little more elbow grease into your work you'd get better results for less money.

>> No.6862831

I actually just meant because it looks like shit

>> No.6862837

I know, I was agreeing with that, it looks bad. And it gives you cancer!

>> No.6862872


So can sawdust. Glue fumes. Any solvent. Any non-acrylic paint. A good 90% of the stuff used for cosplay will give you cancer if given enough stupid exposure.

Those Eva Foams will give you cancer if you have enough of the shit in your lungs and by years of bare skin exposure to the stuff. Simply wearing clothes or a wearing clothes under Eva foam is enough to protect you.

Its like that calorie free sweetener scare going around. Yes 0 calorie soda and sweetener will give you cancer if you drink enough to be immortalized in song and legend. Talking about 40-50 cans a day for a couple of decades.

>> No.6862926

I dont get the big stink around EVA. I've seen some really fucking nice stuff done from it, it just requires a lot of expertise to do. Just because you dont have the time or effort to put into it doesnt mean you should bash the medium.

>> No.6863170

> time or effort

Nothing to do with it. I actually go with the much longer armor-making routes because I prefer how it looks.

Some of us just don't like EVA foam.
If you're gonna do it, do it right. If you can't do it, don't do it.

>> No.6863176

Different anon here, what's so wrong with using EVA foam outside of the "health" risks? I for one was considering using it as it makes an easy base.

>> No.6863230

Thanks a lot, anon! However I guess that's the danger an anything you create: If you found a good example somebody made you always have in mind this example and always want to see something better or at least as good as this example.

Hm... well, like I said, Worbla is not THE armor material and also not EVA foam or anything else. There is no best way or a best material. But Worbla just has some main advantages for beginners: You can find a lot of tutorials about it, you need only a scissor and a hot air blower to work with it and it's crazy advertised. So, if people just look through other peoples progress and it's possible that they'll like this progress and then choose to use the same material for their own project. That's the reason, why Worbla is so popular at the moment.
I'm pretty sure this would work with any other material and hell, if somebody appears who makes enough advertising about making armor out of plastic bottles then people start making armor of damn plastic bottles. That's just like the community works and as long as I'm not able to affort any other materials I'll keep on working with Worbla. However I ordered some EVA foam today for a project in the future and cannot wait to give it a new try.

>> No.6863473
File: 83 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-05-25 at 16.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Freya's mask today. This costume is currently 95% complete, and will be worn to A-Kon next week.

The only things left to finish are rigging the tabard, painting the last part of the spear, and attaching the socks to the feet.

>> No.6863489

This looks great! Are you attaching it with a glue or a band? I hope I run into you, I'd love to see the whole thing in person!

>> No.6863498


Spirit gum. I probably won't be doing too much wandering around in it, since it takes a good 20 minutes to put the whole thing on and I have to have help.

I WILL be competing in the main cosplay contest, however, with a Vivi (my mother).

>> No.6863507

That's so cool! I'll be sure to watch, then.

>> No.6863575


QFT so...cool your jets people?

>> No.6863662

I paid 30 bucks for nice cotton to make a skirt just above the knees. 2.5 yards. It was at a store without coupons, so if you can get it at Joann's or hancocks with a coupon then yea it can be cheaper. Kona cotton is like 6 bucks I think, wrinkles like a bitch though.

>> No.6863840

>QFT anything is bad for your health so don't bother to observe proper precautions and just paint yourself with cadmium who gives a shit?

>> No.6864102
File: 377 KB, 1029x683, DSC_0123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redoing the gauntlet (Old one left, new one is on the right) and working on the neck armor thingy. Also almost done the with the horn! Wish I didn't attach it on such a cheap headband though at least it gets the job done.

>> No.6864593
File: 182 KB, 465x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rise is basically done, the sewing part anyway. I still need to get a turtleneck type thing. I might have to make a dicky or something. And I'm still waiting on the shoes as well.

>> No.6864603

You make so many Jojos so quickly. Give me your powers.

>> No.6864619

Wow, that looks great!!
I actually really hate that Rise wears a turtle neck. I never got that and always thought her foundation was too dark or something, haha. Yeah, a dicky would probably work best for comfort and still be accurate.

>> No.6864629

Thank you! Yeah I never got why she wore one either...it just seemed like a silly addition to her outfit, but oh well.

>> No.6864742

you look so good in that. please tell me you're wearing it to Otakon too

>> No.6864746

Thank you! As of now I don't have plans to. I'm wearing her for Anime Next

>> No.6864749
File: 195 KB, 400x600, T2R8fLXaXXXXXXXXXX_!!14240653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a wig yet? If not, I bought my Rise wig from Alpaca on Taobao and it's a really beautiful chestnut brown. Thick and heat resistant, too. I highly recommend it if you haven't yet bought one.

>> No.6864755

I do actually, and I actually got the same color as that wig (but a different wig). But wow that wig is gorgeous, thank you for the suggestion!

>> No.6864765
File: 88 KB, 500x333, T2NLmjXgVaXXXXXXXX_!!17501607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome. Also, on the subject of Taobao (sorry, I'm a taobao freak) Fantasy Sheep has the little rainbow bars you can add to your glasses as well as a set of Arcana cards. Both would probably cost you about $10 with typical China-to-China shipping/paypal fees. If you need a GO, let me know. I'm running one right now and would be happy to include you for such tiny items; wouldn't charge you shipping to the US either, since both are mere ounces.
I apologize if I'm over-stepping my bounds, just always happy to help another P4 cosplayer.

>> No.6864770

I actually haven't found any glasses yet that I've liked, my only other concern would be shipping, because the con is on the 7th, so they probably wouldn't get here in time. But thank you for offering, I really appreciate it!

>> No.6865005

Its the powers of 'not sleeping much' and 'doing nothing but work and sewing'

I'm taking a serious Jojo break after Colossal I think, I need to sew something that isn't entirely spandex for a change.

>> No.6865336
File: 142 KB, 409x1000, TWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the main part of the coat sewn, and the button loops & collar attached. Not pictured: also got the lining & the cuffs for the sleeves sewn. I need to sew the lining in next.

>> No.6866846
File: 180 KB, 1536x2048, 130527_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started my Isaac Clarke build

Its my first time working with foam so its more like a proof of concept, not too sure of how I like it yet

>> No.6866985
File: 549 KB, 1200x800, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I ended up remaking the hat five times, but I'm finally satisfied with how it came out. Need to block it still, but otherwise the knit part is finished. Lining should correct the ear flap curling.

Still haven't found the lining material. Joann's had some, but not in white. I've got some other places to look though.

And now I'm working on prepping a bunch of acrylic cubes for paint.

>> No.6867668
File: 231 KB, 478x982, 478054_446421202105915_1371652278_o-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically done with my Watashi/Ms.Sweets costume. Just need to sew buttons on the sleeves and the ribbon.. and to iron everything...
I hand dyed all my fabric due to not finding the colors in the fabric I wanted.

Still waiting on my wig since this one is too short..
Also I always thought my ladies were small but damn this costume makes them look huge might have to tape them down or something..

>> No.6867687

ohh that looks really cute, anon do you have a tumblr so i can follow?

>> No.6869358

get off page 5, progress thread!

>> No.6869649
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x1024, PhotoGrid_1369711777027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figure since AX is drawing closer and closer I need to get my ass working on cosplay so I'm not rushing last minute like always. Finally finishing my Filia wig from Skullgirls FINALLY AFTER NOT FINISHING IT 5 TIMES. I pulled out my Filia tentacles to get working on those again. Filled in some holes and tacked down the hair extra on my first tentacle. Pretty much done besides gluing in one of the spikes a bit more! I've also got a good chunk of work started on my second one. I figured I can do a layer of hair on my days off and get it done in about two weeks or less.

>> No.6870095

Remember to style the wig properly, and iron the outfit.

>> No.6870457


Wanted to tell you in the last thread already: this looks great, anon! It shows how much care you put into this. I'd love to see the finished cosplay.

>> No.6871391
File: 135 KB, 396x900, photo-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed up my Mia cosplay just a bit. The top is a bit more loose because its fitted for whenever I stuff my chest for her. But I took it in a bunch at the waist, and adjusted a few things. Might bring her to ANext but unsure.

>> No.6872743
File: 45 KB, 541x960, 969674_311964598933466_893473857_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I may actually get this costume done in time.

>> No.6873385
File: 107 KB, 480x640, 2013-05-29_00-15-36_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, first time posting here in months! Progress on my Kamen Rider Wizard helmet, Water styles. Just waiting for the mirror tint and blue tint film to arrive so I can cover the face gem.

>> No.6874071
File: 72 KB, 540x960, garruslights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put lights in my Garrus chest plate as well as painted it.

>> No.6875649
File: 612 KB, 1632x1224, photo-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blocked the hat yesterday. It evened out the pattern pretty well. I'm probably still gonna have to do some sneaky stitching to hide some of the background color carries. I'm a little worried that the flaps might be a bit long, but I think I can adjust that when I put in the lining, which I still need to find.

Meanwhile, I've got the base coat down on about half of the bunny cubes. They need another layer before I can start the tedious work of masking the faces, but the paint I picked seems to be working pretty well. Thankfully it's also adhering well to the belt I picked up––not looking forward to masking that off either. But at least once I get this shit and the shoes done (suede should be here tomorrow or Friday, hopefully it's the right color) the rest of the outfit should be pretty smooth sailing.


Thanks. I'm not on Tumblr really, but I do post progress shots on Twitter sometimes (see e-mail field).

>> No.6876865
File: 97 KB, 960x960, homura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest picture of my Homura cosplay although I brought the skirt up about 4 inches so the tips of the top actually reach (approximately) the bottom of the skirt. I had it way way too long.

I'm super happy with that black lapel though, unf.

I'm reluctant to start the boot covers this weekend because making and top stitching all those diamonds is going to be a nightmare :(

>> No.6876939


I'd stick my dick in it.

>> No.6876945


Well...that's an odd reaction. For this cosplay, at least.

>> No.6876966
File: 209 KB, 500x743, tumblr_mj5drfGpmJ1r9i187o1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WELP just ordered a set of silk swatches from dharmatrading.....looks like couture effie is my next big project! want to have this done for the catching fire premiere in nov.

pic very fucking related. DEM RUFFLES.

>> No.6876991

I order all my fabroc from dharma.. great service

>> No.6877991
File: 41 KB, 600x450, BLj7YRZCcAAOCVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got the background painted and faces masked for the regular color scheme cubes (holding off on covering other sides until after I get the inverted set masked so I don't run out of tape) and I got the belt started. It looks pretty good from a distance but the lines are still pretty sloppy. I did a bit of touchup and hand painted on faces on the green blocks, but it still needs a fair bit of cleanup work.

The suede for the shoes technically came today, but my mail carrier is an ass and didn't feel like delivering it (again) so I have to wait until tomorrow to pick it up at the post office.

>> No.6878092
File: 46 KB, 720x960, 941584_10201246329505124_1951799275_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Vanellope wig progress. So many flyaways I have to spray down or trim off, but that's what I get for doing my first "pull into a ponytail" wig I guess... pretty sure I'm going to stick with clip ons from now on, even if it does look more authentic this way.

>> No.6878654
File: 516 KB, 675x900, photo(44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Man's Questions Kira. So much applique...4 days left to finish...

>> No.6878676

NIIIIIIIICE. Are you putting the orange behind the blue or the blue behind the orange? How's your hat?

>> No.6878718
File: 935 KB, 1000x1294, Volibear2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhhhh. Volibear progress,

Working on losing weight too.

Finished the pelt/cape part. Lined it and everything. Still need eyelets on the skirt, shirt, and cape. But everything's nearly done, with sewing at least. Need to get the fabric for the paw pads.. Other than that, good to go.

>> No.6878994

I don't know why you aren't wearing a white bodysuit under that. It would look more 'put together' and balance the outfit, on top of probably making you less self-conscience over your weight.

>> No.6879042

bears are chubby creatures anyway, the body type is pretty suitable just firm up a bit, a thin ass bear interp would be pretty sad

>> No.6879090

>look fat in pic
>click pic
>points withheld because no face

>> No.6879184

I do have a face.. ):
I've got beady, black eyes, and a wet black nose.

>> No.6879197

how has nobody commented on how fat chicks with belly button piercings are fucking repulsive white trailer trash shit

>> No.6879221


The orange pieces are all applique via stretch stitching. Hat...still trying to figure that one out...I have a good base but patterning out the bowel is going to be interesting.

>> No.6879223

05/31/13(Fri)13:08 No.6879197
>how has nobody commented on how all chicks with belly button piercings are fucking repulsive white trailer trash shit

>> No.6880285
File: 170 KB, 2048x1536, 130531_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a mock up of the face-plate pieces with tape

Looks alright I suppose, probably will be better when its attached to something stable

>> No.6880900
File: 289 KB, 1282x855, IMG_5294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first cosplay coming along nicely I think.

Still need to add some details such as Titans logo on sleeves etc, attach a zipper and get a correct belt and scarf.

>> No.6880902

Oh right, also need to add about 10cm to the sleeves from the same red fabric.

>> No.6881879
File: 69 KB, 720x960, tardis_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a couple of days old. Much as been done since. Almost there!

>> No.6881888

Your HOA must really love you.

>> No.6881896


holy shit!!! I want to be your friend now

>> No.6881922
File: 51 KB, 960x720, hardware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took this a few minutes ago. And no, HOA has no love for me.

>> No.6881924

looks amazing
Is one handle longer than the other though?

>> No.6881930

Yup. Screen accurate handles and door lock. All the exact same ones used on the early Smith tardis.

>> No.6881931

One is a door handle, one is a handle to open the small box that contains a phone.

>> No.6881952

i just started this dress about a week ago.
ran out of fabric abooutt 3 days ago lol I originally ordered 20 yards but its all in the skirt man...it hurts

>> No.6882055



Can't wait to see the entire cosplay.

>> No.6884539
File: 46 KB, 600x450, BLz5YY0CEAAX60U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've almost got all the props done now. One shoe still needs grommets and they both need tongues + some cleanup (the laces are just in the one as a test), but otherwise they're more or less done. And the cubes just need to be strung up

>> No.6884921
File: 290 KB, 1200x1600, 0602131636-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am working on a tiny crown~

>> No.6884928


>> No.6884945
File: 39 KB, 480x640, 969051_10100843616083729_809902932_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready to break some walls at Colossalcon!

>> No.6884948 [DELETED] 

Anon, i have been following your Noiz progress and i am so excited to see him done! *_*

>> No.6884953
File: 112 KB, 1440x810, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon! I have been following your Noiz progress and i cannot wait to see it done. It looks really great so far! Love that belt. And the boots look fantastic

>> No.6884987

what's the final design going to look like?

>> No.6884988

ooh nice

>> No.6885809
File: 914 KB, 2164x2596, ALIM7240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6886048

That is rough as fuck

>> No.6886266
File: 60 KB, 960x540, garrusderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painted the top half of my Garrus mask today

>> No.6887365

did you calibrate it? it doesn't look calibrated

>> No.6887402
File: 1.59 MB, 2592x1936, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solaire shield is on its way...

>> No.6887577
File: 79 KB, 500x610, cordedpettiprog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

progress on my corded petticoat for maou, it seemed like a great idea at the time for a more renaissance shape and practical wear but 50 metres of rope into the skirt I'm really dragging my feet on the last ten rows.

it really does feel nicer and allow for better mobility and skirt drape though. will be worn with another petticoat on top and bum roll.

>> No.6887642
File: 43 KB, 600x450, BL5cEXtCMAEikiP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty much finished the shoes tonight. They're still a little sloppy in some spots, but I think I can fiddle with it some more to make it less apparent. Once I get all the props/accessories done I can finally start on the clothes.



>> No.6887729
File: 40 KB, 816x612, new crown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remaking my ice king crown in eva foam because craft foam is flimsy as fuck. I just need to modge podge it and put on some acrylic. I gotta put some softer foam on the inside too cause it came out slightly large.

>> No.6887753
File: 40 KB, 640x480, sumiachestplateprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time with Worbla ever. Probably should have started with one of the more simple parts of Sumia's armor.. considering I don't have much room for error with one jumbo roll and no money left if I screw up. It didn't come out fabulous. I'm not satisfied at all, but oh well. I tried fixing it up with scraps.. I think it'll look a lot better if I prime it really thickly and sand it down smooth. Any other suggestions? One side looks a lot more wonky than the other because I tried making it more even with the little scraps. This took like 8 hours and I am rather disheartened ;-;

>> No.6887763
File: 933 KB, 3264x1840, 2013-05-29_00-15-36_673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attack on Titan Body-Wrappings

Started a few nights ago for a con in Sept. Trying to take this cosplay nice and slow. Don't want it to be rushed like some of my other ones. Gonna be making the 3DMG entirely out of wood as well, so I have to be pretty precise

>> No.6887798

Dude you look freaking stunning, bellybutton ring and all?? ? Don't let these weirdos get you down about your weight. You're doing awesome on your outfit and you're rockin' your body type. Babe babe all around babe.

>> No.6887875
File: 377 KB, 492x900, itsharukabitchdrinktillimsick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it count if you bought majority of it? I cut the wig though and I still need to find the bow thing unless I decide that I just need to pop all my collars and get shutter shades. Perhaps a gold chain. I didn't even mean to cosplay MC, it just happened.

>> No.6887878


Do you have some idol bitches to go with your pimp Haruka?

>> No.6888182
File: 777 KB, 1632x1224, photo-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I've got all the main accessories done now. Gonna line the hat after I get all the paint/glue cleaned up and then I can start on the clothes.

Still waiting on studs for the bracelets/cuffs/whatever they are, but I think I've got everything else.

>> No.6888909
File: 77 KB, 577x597, 130604-155047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas helmet is done! fixed most of the visor crooked-ness, got the mouth cut out and covered, and finished both of the gloves. Also fuck buying a black motorcycle visor, garbage bag stretched over acrylic plastic FTW.

>> No.6889023
File: 52 KB, 500x501, 1369276659361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need lenses gurl

Can't be Blind-chan without the blind

>> No.6889125

Very clever substitute, I'd never have guessed honestly. Looks good!

>> No.6889239

Might i ask what were the boots base originally before you totally customized them?

>> No.6889289

I was thinking of getting some glasses and painting on her scary ass eyes. Or perhaps doing that anime eye make up technique that frightens me. Though I did see some gold lenses for cheap in Shibuya so I may just get those and get some nice shots of this.

>> No.6889793
File: 126 KB, 444x415, Screen shot 2013-06-04 at 7.19.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These ugly things. They were like $10 on clearance at Target. I was mainly looking for something with the right heel/toe shape. I probably could have gotten better results if I'd done some sewing on the shell pieces first before gluing them to the base, but this was my first time working on a shoe like this, so I was sorta bullshitting my way through.

>> No.6889955

first time and you think it could've been better!? holy christ anon. i thought you customized some kind of winter ugg boot. for bullshitting those shoes are fucking amazing

>> No.6890022
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, BLmX5q3CUAAwY4b.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was actually pretty easy. It's all just rubber cemented down. I looked up some shoe-making tutorials and applied some of the concepts to this. I think I spent like $15 on the suede too and I probably have enough left over that I could theoretically make another pair. So, it's not ludicrously expensive either.

I don't think I took enough progress shots to do a tutorial, but basically I covered half the shoe in tape to create a pattern (most shoes are actually symmetrical, once flattened, so you only have to do one side) and then tested it with paper towels (sounds silly, but it bends to curves better than paper but is stiffer than muslin, and you can use the perforation to get a really accurate cut-on-the-crease). Then I cut pieces from the suede with liberal 'seam allowance' and applied the rubber cement to fold over the edges on one side (you don't need to bother on the parts that overlap), you could sew this but the rubber cement works well enough, unless you want stitching. And then I applied the pieces to the shoes from top to bottom (like the toe and heel caps are the last/top most layer, if that makes sense) and with the pieces near the bottom edge of the shoe, you stretch them across the contour and then trim the excess leather once the cement sets. The lining is just glued in because I wasn't sure how the shape would turn out and wanted to be able to 'sculpt' the top edge a bit, but ideally that'd have been sewn (it's not really even across the shoes, unfortunately).

Anyway, I know a lot of people are a bit hesitant to work with leather, but it's a nice material. It's not (always) as expensive as it seems and it's a really nice material for 3D shapes since it stretches pretty nicely. Most of the shoe pieces were small enough that I could have gotten them out of remnants honestly, but I needed particular colors.

>> No.6890142

Thanks for that explanation, I never thought about the tape thing! I usually just wing it and modify my pattern as I go. ILU.
Also those shoes are beautiful, they look bought (more specifically, I think they look so professional I wouldn't have assumed they were not made with special shoe sewing machines etc)

>> No.6890154

PS, samefag here, I forgot to say how happy it makes me to see people make shoes. They are usually the worst part of people's costume, even if the cosplayer did a nice job with the rest. Yours are absolutely fabulous, I'm not familiar with the source material but I think it is safe to say you'll look great in this cosplay!

>> No.6890188


Yeah, I got the tape thing from the shoe-making tutorials I found. They usually work from a wood or plastic shoe form when going from scratch, but the principal is the same. I was kind of amazed at how well it worked, honestly (especially the symmetry thing, it seems crazy because the contour's so different). I usually don't bother making shoes myself if I can find something pre-made that's pretty close (alternately Taobao), but this particular character's outfit is so matchy-matchy, the shoes were kind of unusual and the Taobao offerings were pretty shit (and probably wouldn't have matched my colors either) so I decided to go for it. It seemed like a fun project too (and it was).

Anyway, thanks for the kind words. They're really not that impressive if you inspect them up close, but they photograph well and I guess that's the main thing in the end.

>> No.6890349


Thanks for this anon! You had some great ideas in there I'm copying down for future use.

You don't happen to have any more progress pictures you could show, do you?

>> No.6890390
File: 80 KB, 1024x768, BLvSAB0CUAAhHnN.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've only got a couple others, but I'll post what I have.

This is fitting a pattern piece with paper towel (the fold line is at the front, the shoes have a seam in the back but the design has strip with a pull on the back so it hides it completely). You can kind of see where I filled the zipper area with a scrap piece of leather too (the beige strip near the heel). The white stuff on the shoe itself was just whiteout where I did some 'sketching' on the shoe. It would probably be a good idea to actually mark the pattern down on the shoe for positioning purposes though (so you don't have to eyeball it). I'd already cut a section out of the center front where the shoes open up (it's actually pretty small, I should have probably taken more out but I was anxious about taking too much off).

>> No.6890416


I really appreciate it, thank you very much. Sometimes things like this are just hard to visualize so its great to have reference.

>> No.6890432
File: 36 KB, 600x450, BLvqQieCMAEGtgZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here's the first piece applied (I added more seam allowance and made it a bit taller than the test piece) with the lining glued in. The lining is cut to the same shape as the piece, so it doesn't actually fill the shoe completely, just a few inches down from the top. You can kind o see where the edge of the original shoe is and how the top edge of the piece still kinda flimsy looking since I hadn't fully glued it together yet. For this one, I didn't 'hem' the edges by folding them over first since I wasn't quite sure how it was going to sit on the shoe, ideally you should probably do that/sew it to the lining first or something like that––it'd probably result in a neater line.

Before applying the piece I painted the shoe and the leather piece with the leather cement (I forget if I mentioned it earlier, but I used a fancy non-toxic water based one, but I'm pretty sure any rubber cement will do the job, I just use my hands a lot so non-toxic + easy cleanup was a concern) and let it set up to get sticky. I'm pretty sure the shoes themselves were shitty pleather but it stuck just fine. Then I carefully laid the piece down, starting from the front and smoothed it onto the shoe, stretching toward the back. You can peel it off if you need to reposition, just make sure there's still cement on both pieces before you try to reapply or it might not stick.

>> No.6890443 [DELETED] 


The patterning really worked in your favour, it looks quite smooth against the show.

>> No.6890456


I don't have progress shots of the next two steps since I did them in fairly quick succession. I checked a test piece over this, like in >>6890390 and then I cut it from the leather with ample seam allowance (don't go too crazy on the inside unless you mark it well though). I painted the piece with rubber cement, let it set up and folded over the inner edges (the curvy bits that overlap the first green piece). Then I put on a little more cement on the edges and painted the shoe (try to be a bit more conservative in the overlap areas because, at least with suede, it's not really going to come off if you overshoot the edge.

Then I carefully set it down over the shoe in basically the same way as the first piece and smoothed it out/etc. I already put the pattern away but the center blue looks pretty similar to its shape on the final piece (so the heel and toe areas are cut out, just with some overlap allowance). I could have probably made them cover the whole area and had the toe and heel pieces be 100% overlap, but it would have been more liable to pucker and required more material. I left a lot of excess toward the bottom edge and cut that off with an xacto (carefully, you don't want to cut into the shoe) after I let the cement set up a bit.

Then I applied the green toe and heel pieces basically the same way. Before finishing with a piece of black leather cording (like the squareish type) around the bottom edge to hide any wonkiness.

I couldn't actually get the grommets in with a hammer and anvil so I sorta cheated and just glued them in since they're more decorative than anything, but you'd probably want to use one of those pliers type applicators for this sort of thing.


Leather's pretty forgiving, it stretches a lot (I intentionally used a thinner part of the hide I got for the top piece since it had more convoluted curves) as long as you take the time to work out wrinkles and stuff.

>> No.6890494


That's fantastic. Thank you so much for taking the time to write that out! I have some shoe projects in the future and this will help fantastically.

>> No.6890498


Happy to help. For the record I don't really know what I'm doing, but it worked out pretty decently in the end.

>> No.6890516


Fair enough, but its great to hear from people that are working through the kinks as well. Best of luck with your cosplay!

>> No.6890522

i think a lot of cosplay and trial and error, but i definitely appreciate the people willing to share their trials. Thank you for this. The boots look amazing.

>> No.6890555


Ahhhh fantastic. And thanks for the notes on the shoes. I bs'd a Noiz a while back because I just love his color scheme, but I'm glad to see someone giving it some actual effort. This is turning out spectacularly.

>> No.6890565
File: 2.94 MB, 1599x1068, collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always my first step to creating a good cosplay - make a cosplay collage!

>> No.6890609

You son of a bitch

>> No.6890684
File: 113 KB, 1000x750, rsz_sany0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After letting the patterns sit around for a week, I finally started these things.

>> No.6890761
File: 131 KB, 720x960, 484647_10151506713741630_681763962_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg my Sumia armor now looks like a burn victim. Kamui makes worbla look so easy to work with.. it was all a farce.

>> No.6890763

I'm sure it'll look fine once you paint it. Keep on going!

>> No.6890875
File: 102 KB, 871x1136, BL_YP0aCIAAReuB.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And now the hat's basically done. I might go back and do some stay stitching on the pattern where the background's showing, but otherwise it's finished.

>> No.6891872

I'm really sorry that I didn't saw your post before, but I guess now it's a bit too late for some advices. However maybe this still can help you: If you work with thermoplastics it's usally very hard to "control" the material without any support. And even if you use craft foam inside, it's still not easy. That's the reason why I always recommend is to work with solid shapes and surfaces. If you built a bra cup, use a globe and mold it over. It's also a great help, if you get bumps in the later progress. Also roll your material with preassure over a solid surface to get a clean shape and don't use your finger to connect several Worbla parts. Instead of use pieces of craft foam. I'm pretty sure you still can improve your breastplate, but you need to be very carefully and work with some solid shapes.

>> No.6892127

Can I ask why the craft foam? I always thought it was just to protect fingers from burning, but does it help anything aesthetically?

>> No.6892161
File: 716 KB, 1612x1609, tai progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooooooooo, our wig challenge for Round Five is to make a Tai wig from Digimon. I've...never even seen Digimon.

>> No.6892172

Have you seen Angela Anaconda? Because they reference Digimon in that.

>> No.6892173

God speed, Korin.

That's a weird idea for a round, though...

>> No.6892198

Ah, I have no idea what that is.

Thaaaaanks. I've already got mine finished, but I'm waiting until everyone else has theirs done to post the final wig.

>> No.6892222

Oooh good luck!

After seeing all the rounds, I wouldn't be surprised if someone makes his goggles out of hair...

>> No.6892259

It enlarges the area of the preassure which comes from your fingers. So you avoid to make bumps into the worbla and it helps you to work with more care. It's pretty hard to explain for me. Just try it out and you'll see the difference.

>> No.6892308

Luckily we don't get any extra points for making the goggles. It's purely how accurately and cleanly we make the wig. They gave us felt to make his headband, which I'm pretty sure I botched.

>> No.6892335

I'm so excited to see this. Aikatsu! is a bit of a guilty pleasure.

>> No.6892336


>> No.6892498

Haha I'm playing monhunt whilst browsing thread, win!

Hope your hat is doing well!

>> No.6892556
File: 181 KB, 640x480, 20130605_212924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big time lurker. Just finished my jojolion top, its my first actual costume and im feeling kind of proud despite the flaws.

>> No.6892596


>> No.6892642
File: 198 KB, 575x1000, catbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ughghgh. finished.
catbug kigu commission.
for your enjoyment, a 5ft person wearing it and a 6ft person wearing it.

>> No.6892658
File: 50 KB, 400x400, kawaii_kiwi_by_werewolfess_chan-d4d1vg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6892671
File: 198 KB, 325x233, neat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take 5 please.

I kid, but that's great craftsmanship and very cute. Are you the same person who made the catbug plushie?

>> No.6892691

omg, totally hope I run into you then. Cosplay looks great so far too!

>> No.6892720

Could you make a mini tutorial or something on how you make kigus? ;-; Soooo adorable.

>> No.6892725
File: 164 KB, 643x1143, IMG_20130604_194712_334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished kyubey last night and now I'm ready for Anime Next. My first plush ever and I'm really proud of the little creep.

>> No.6892758

Pantsu #underpan => !MCgUwle8VU

>> No.6892760

Thank you! I'll be in her Sunday...posssibly saturday as well

>> No.6892769

Korin #rad => !Ls0QbhK90s

>> No.6892791

>Korin #rad


>> No.6892802

Thanks! I did make a catbug plush too. :)
I have an inexpensive kigu (oh yeah gmarket) that I basically make a ruboff pattern from. I just add length to everything as the original I have is a size small.

>> No.6892832
File: 207 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Workin/re-newing Marshall Lee's goddamn axe bass.
It's not as cardboardy lookin in person I promise,also the skull broke off at the top.

>> No.6892958

Suuuper cute!

>> No.6892960
File: 223 KB, 1088x645, P1050197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miria Harvent from Baccano! My bf is doing Isaac. It just needs to be hemmed and I'm wondering if I should put in the leg slit because it's not very apparent when she wears it.

>> No.6892966


>> No.6892968

Very cute :P

>> No.6892969

Awwww, it's so cute...but evil.

>> No.6893055

is it possible to take like.. a small rotary/buffing tool to clean up the rough spots? Or is that a big nono with thermoplastics?

>> No.6893098

Sorry Korin, that was me, why did someone post your trip anyway? Seems like a jerk thing to do.

>> No.6893111
File: 2.75 MB, 1284x1084, San Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't seem as impressive next to some of this amazing work, but you guys keep me motivated on my first attempted cosplay.

>> No.6893146

Did I accidentally epoxy my clamps to my prop? It will be an exciting time when we find out tomorrow!

>> No.6893173

If you're like me you're way more worried about the prop then the clamp right now.

>> No.6893186
File: 68 KB, 640x480, picture004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally finished Wizard [water styles] before ANext. I'm kinda disappointed I wasn't able to put on the mirror and blue tinting on the face, but alas, ordered the wrong thing online and not enough time to correct mistake.

>> No.6893192

Actually no because it's 5 clamps to hold this stuff down, so that's $35 to replace them to fix the prop if I fucked up.

>> No.6893197

good job for your first try! it's really rough looking but has potential. i'm a bit worried about that spear

>> No.6893204

I wanted to go with a more realistic edge to it over the rounded oval in the anime because I was worried about it looking to round, but if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them, I don't know anyone who cosplays so I'm going in blind.

>> No.6893249
File: 1.73 MB, 1000x2250, june6progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prototypes for the 3DMG of our group; a third of our group for AX is in Socal, and the other two thirds are over an hour apart in Norcal, so I've been making patterns and taking measurements as I go. A little over a week has passed since I started, and I've had to redo things a few times, but I'm finally making measurable progress! Still have to prototype the wire tract, the hilt grips/detailing, and the mounting system for everything.

>> No.6893272

that looks great. What's it made from? (the gas tank parts)

>> No.6893282
File: 616 KB, 900x400, thisisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So quick question- if you light your wig on fire, does it generally tend to improve the over all aesthetic? Because I'm seriously considering it right now.

No but...I just have literally no experience working with wigs. I have literally cut and styled one wig in my life and it was just to texture it so it didn't look like a bob. I'm going to have to redo some of the pins 'cause they got sloppy 'cause I accidentally knocked the wig head over...and I really need hairspray. I should have done that from the start. But does it look alright so far? Or is it seriously just like a hot mess 0/10 rip it out and start over

>> No.6893297 [DELETED] 

dont tell me you actually printed the box too...

>> No.6893303

ah thank you for responding ;-; I actually used craft foam for smoothing the worbla!! But that's the least of my troubles, mostly my issues are little tiny imperfections, it's hard to see in the picture though. There are some bigger 'lumps' that I need to get out, but I think I can do that if I work carefully enough. The problem is mostly in the frame I made. I really can't explain what I did, but I really messed up structurally, so the more I work it, the more the 'decoration' sinks down into a place that I can't fix it from (the area directly around the cups I put in), and then I tried adding some extra pieces to fix the place where the worbla sun into the seam, but smoothing it out and trying to blend it just made everything messy and wah. I should stop working on it at 4am probably! Will the primer cover most minor imperfections or is it mostly just a prep for painting?

>> No.6893308

Blue parts on the sheaths are polypropylene sheets, blade is basswood, literally everything else is Daiso Color Board. I've been trying to find a US-equivalent all day, and I think the proper name for it is XPS Foam, which can be found as Cellfoam 88 in hobby stores. Going to a Hobby Town tomorrow to check if it's the same stuff.

Warning: the thinner bits (clutch and trigger) are fragile as fuck since XPS foam isn't the strongest stuff. I'm thinking of priming it and coating it it in plastidip.

>> No.6893321

...what is the wig for? (and that's a lace front, don't that on fire, dems expensive)

>> No.6893328
File: 106 KB, 656x366, abbadonsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for Abaddon from Supernatural. I know I'm probably about to get booed out of the thread, sorry, I just love the character, and I'm making the dress from scratch too. It's hard to find pictures of the back of her hair, which is why I'm having such a hard time with it I think. Plus pin curls take a lot of work to start with.

I actually got a pretty good deal on that wig though! I think I only paid like $45 if I remember correctly. I searched for like two friggin months though and there were only two from the seller. I lucked out pretty hard, it's not bad for the price I paid.

>> No.6893339

I think you're looking pretty good there so far, anon. It looks pretty natural and once you fix your hold issues, I think you'll be fine. You can do it!

>> No.6893344
File: 11 KB, 450x359, lemmeholdjoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good thank you so much! It's my first wig so I was super nervous that it looked terrible and I just couldn't tell haha. I think I'll just unhinge the top ones then hairspray cement seal the hell out of it (harhar Hell), then redo the top curls really nicely and seal them too. Thanks, I feel much more confident now

>> No.6893348

Looking good! What's the helmet made of if I may ask?

>> No.6893430
File: 39 KB, 568x533, BMAxdfLCEAEtKzw.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A dumb, minor accessory that no one's probably going to see, but I figured why not (it is a critical moe point after all): a linen handkerchief. Dunno if it's actually supposed to be linen, but that's the most appropriate material I had on hand. The rabbit design is my own embellishment (we never actually see the handkerchief anyway, it just gets mentioned once), but I thought it needed a little something.

>> No.6893444
File: 199 KB, 640x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this put together last night.
Hoping its the right size.

>> No.6893446

I can't wait to see if the Fabdazzle is strong within you, young Jousuke. VENTURE FORTH, YOUR FOUR TESTICLES AREN'T GOING TO SUCK THEMSELVES.

>> No.6893867
File: 75 KB, 508x796, Screen Shot 2013-06-05 at 6.29.28 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6893880

Also, don't forget to resize it. That thing is WAY too big on you!

>> No.6893877

I'm sorry, but...
You pepped it completely wrong.

You need to examine which lines are mountain folds, which are valley folds, and ultimately find a better pep file.
Don't use a foam one either. It may look easier, but unless you are doing it out of foam, it's a huge nono.

>> No.6894017

Its a foam pep...I was not aware, and I had this eva foam laying around. I have a higher def version of the pep but I wanted to make this one with my girlfriend to get her into it.

Id feel bad if I started a new one since she helped with this one but maybe I can start on one of the other versions on my own. I've done pep before so I know what you mean.

>> No.6894040

Gorgeous! Those look very clean, I like them

>> No.6894060 [DELETED] 

Oh, one of my gay buddy cosplayed that for fanime. good thing I didn't see him or else i'd puke.

>> No.6894104


Anon, that is SUCH a cute detail to add and I'm sure people who know the game/character will love you for it if you ever pull it out at a convenient moment. Are you going to a con with this once it's done? You're really taking your time which is a good thing...

>> No.6894115
File: 446 KB, 500x500, 1362960586541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how much I adore you right now and I'm all kinds of jelly and hope you have fun wearing the cosplay and oh god you are officially my favorite anon ever sob

>> No.6894119
File: 11 KB, 300x299, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately with pepping, you might have to make it several times until it is right. It's one of those things that happens. :-/

Did you make the helmet out of card stock or foam? It looks like it is just paper.

And a good thing to do when pepping is to use a ruler and red/blue pens to mark the lines so you know the difference, and so you can fold it easier.

>> No.6894122
File: 322 KB, 960x1280, SideView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting the finishing touches on Soul Calibur IV Yoshimitsu's helmet. Just finished the door knockers things.

>> No.6894138


Thanks. Yeah I should be, uh, 'premiering' it at AX. I'm not sure what day yet. Kinda dreading it because I know it's going to be hot as fuck (fucking Noiz and his double layer of clothes).


Haha, thanks. I don't end up cosplaying much because I spend too much time sperging out on inconsequential bullshit like this, but it's half the fun imo.

Progress-wise, I haven't done much today. I tried dying some leftover white satin to match the green so I could use it for the tie, but it came out too blue, so I guess that's not happening. It wasn't really critical, but I like having different textures on costumes. Might try it again if I find some cheap remnants or something.

>> No.6894229

Ill have to resize it
Like I said, I'm not "new" to pepakura, I just have not touched it in a while. I thank you for the help, the pen idea will be applied.

Thanks again.

>> No.6894265


you are fucking amazing, jfc

polite sage for lack of contribution to the thread

>> No.6894274
File: 769 KB, 1609x1252, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my first boot cover....

Out of fur.

It's removable because I love those shoes and I'm not ready to give them to the cosplay gods.

Adding claws at a later date.

>> No.6894288
File: 98 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the full furry leg.

>> No.6894610
File: 47 KB, 720x960, 960220_10201287966786030_1862486256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made earrings for my Rose Tyler costume! I know they're not impressive, but I've never made jewelry before so I'm really proud of myself.

>> No.6894620
File: 195 KB, 640x480, 20130606_213213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing makeup

>> No.6894746

Stalking your progress super post. I got almost everyone!
It looks great, awesome job sewing all that anon!
Wow, that must've been a bitch to make. I always love props. It'll be really hard carrying that around though. One year, I saw someone’s prop hit someone and snap right in half. Awesome so far and good luck with that!
That's so cute! I really love the rainbow bits. I bet it'll look really good when it's done! I wish I could see finished pics.
Really cute! But please remember to iron it before you wear it out. It's a shame when people forget.
Really nice job! I love Homura and your cosplay looks really well made. Good luck on the boot covers!
Awesome! It looks really nice so far. And don't lose weight! You're perfect just how you are! And you are trying to look like a bear anyways so why would you need to be skinny for that?
Holy crap that's awesome! Really nice job, it looks amazing and must’ve taken forever. What are you going to do with it when you’re done though?
That crown's so adorable! Is it for anything in particular?
Really nice job on the outfit! But like >>6889023
said, you should try to find contacts.
That character's outfit is so adorable!! Good luck making it, I really hope it turns out nice.
That's so cute and really well made! I wish you mass produced those.
Don't burn the wig anon! It's a lace front and it really looks great so far. Good luck finishing it up!
Those are amazing!! They look really carefully made and I can tell you took time on them.
Those are so cute! What are they for?
Those look really good especially for first time earrings!
Really nice job so far, but maybe make the pants a bit looser? They look like a pretty tight fit.
Good luck on all your cosplays! The majority of them look really good and I hope everything turns out how you all wanted it to.

>> No.6894752

A little, It's mostly my slut-gut. Which is a work in progress.

>> No.6894989
File: 109 KB, 437x583, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gosh you guys were right! The wig isn't all that terrible, thank you! Sucks I can't work on it or my dress until my shoulder is healed, but I got a pretty good idea what it'll look like after putting this on and I like it! (I have a ginormous forehead oh my god I am moving that wigline way the fuck down)

>> No.6895022

See, you did it! Hope you get better soon, hon.

>> No.6895052

thank you so much!

>> No.6895517

What was your base wig? Definitely mistook this for Rosalind Lutece at first.

>> No.6895533

The fuzzy boots are for the "bear" cosplay earlier in the thread. <3

>> No.6895813
File: 75 KB, 884x341, maoprog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following up from here, made my overpetticoat because I was sick of sewing cords and wanted to see how many more rows I would need for optimum poof. Everything is unhemmed and unstarched and the cartridge pleats aren't attached to the waistband here- but I'm really happy with the volume given by the cordedpetti and overpetti and can't wait to combine them with the bumroll/corset/dress. There is one smaller below the knee length petticoat left to go for wear underneath the cordedpetti to keep it off my legs, and that's it for the underpinnings.

Still going to finish the rest of the cording and add the horsehair braid to the bottom of the petticoat which should add some extra oomph as well. I really, really prefer the hoopskirt-less approach to making this huge dress because when I sit and pose it just seems to look so much more pretty and is super comfortable, I can sit and squeeze through narrow places no problem!

tl;dr how many times can you say petticoat in one post.

>> No.6895910


Oh wow, that really does look nice. The rope thing seems pretty genius from a practical standpoint and it really does seem to give a lot of volume.

>> No.6896029
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, ALIM7254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6896046
File: 41 KB, 450x671, costumersguide.com_maggie_costumes_1830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I can definitely say it is way more comfortable and practical for movement, I really dislike wearing hoopskirts to conventions because it feels like my ass takes up the enter hallway and no one can push past me without almost knocking me over.

I can't take credit for the idea though, they've been around since before crinoline and hoops- I made mine using this tutorial as inspiration:


>> No.6896089


Still, it's an excellent application of an old idea. I don't think it's a thought that's occurred to most people doing big dresses for cons even though it seems like it solves a lot of common problems.

At any rate, I can't wait to see how the dress looks over it.

>> No.6896109
File: 75 KB, 716x960, 995190_475288442548825_308621578_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feathers aren't attached yet, since I don't have enough. It's my first time making armor parts!

>> No.6896111

I actually made a corded petticoat for my saber cosplay, since I had to make the crinolines myself because hers are mid-calf. They really add a lot of volume without a lot of fabric and pack way easier than hoops too (just fold them and iron/starch when you get to your room)

>> No.6896114

Syndra is awesome. Will you have a prop for energy balls or whatever they're called? My friend dressed as Syndra at Fanime and it seemed kind of empty without any props.

>> No.6896121

Oh yeah, I absolutely will make her balls, since it just has to be with her.

>> No.6896155

do you have any photos of yours? curious about these......

>> No.6896160

You're doing her skin? Justicar Syndra or whatever it's called. Looking good so far if so.

>> No.6896171

Yeah, Justicar Syndra. Thank you!

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>> No.6896528

I don't really have any photos. It basically looks like >>6887577 except shorter, and gathered to a waistband that buttons. I got lucky and found a bolt of cotton organdy for it, so it irons up crisp, and the cords are actually twine from the hardware store since it's cheaper and stiffer than the cotton you'd use to make piping.

>> No.6896559
File: 122 KB, 1322x486, I hate Digimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point, I'm pretty sure the other contestants are well into their wigs, so why not. The headband sucks, I know, but I was exhausted and had to be at work in a few hours before it was due. I think I hate the back, too. Meh.

>> No.6896561


if you want any sort of ego boost I opened the picture to see what you did and said "Hey that looks like an Abbadon wig!" and hey it was

so yeah you did good

>> No.6896565


Soon as I saw what this round was I remembered your DBZ wig and I was like "Welp shit Korin's got this one in the bag" and GODDAMN THAT'S A FUCKIN BADASS TY WIG

>> No.6896586

THANKS MAN. But for real, I know nothing of Digimon so I'm just hoping this works out. Plus, they gave us 5 days to do this wig and I was on vacation for most of those days. The majority of this thing was done the night before it was due because, well, vacation. I just wish we were given more time so that I could have done a better job.

>> No.6896588

I used starched linen for mine, though after all the manhandling through the machine it needs to be starched again... not sure if I want to keep the drawstring waistband or go for cartridge pleats and a grosgrain waistband.

I can see how a corded petti would work awesome for Saber, any pics of the full costume?

Thank you! I'll definitely be posting pictures of the dress as I move it along, the end result will be Maou from Maoyuu Maou Yuusha!

>> No.6896613

Oh, and twine is a great idea instead of that overpriced other stuff, I used dollar store rope for mine and its been great and cheap as dirt.

>> No.6896924
File: 2.48 MB, 1936x2592, Base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for the glue to dry so I can texture this tomorrow.

Do you guys think paper mache, tin foil, or tastefully bent tape would give this a good texture? or other suggestions. I'm just not keen paper mache right now because it will take another full day.

>> No.6896925
File: 2.54 MB, 1936x2592, Proportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the proportions right!

>> No.6896935
File: 444 KB, 960x1280, Sword9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks familiar...

I also went with cardboard, but mine was slathered in a hearty layer of hot glue. Gave it just enough uneven lumpiness with just enough smoothness.

Lots of Gesso over the paper mache could give you a similar effect, I'd imagine.

>> No.6896988

Is that the Barioth greatsword? I'm making the Djinn sword and shield.

The whole thing was covered in glue? I was debating on covering mine with masking tape before trying to texture it.

Also, what do you plan on using as a base for your shield?

>> No.6896991
File: 388 KB, 1000x667, 5146053491_fdf1d7aaf9_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My armor has been finished for years.
Just posted one of the in-progress shots to show you the hot glue part.

And that was the Djinn, which changes shape, width, and size depending on which step in the upgrade path you're on.

>> No.6896997

The white spikes threw me off. That looks sick!
How did you make the spikes? It's the only part I'm afraid to make.

>> No.6897017


>> No.6897163


What's so bad about it?

>> No.6897205

Oh this is an awesome idea. I will borrow it for the next time I get around to making a big dress. About how much weight does it hold up, would you say? I'm guessing stiffer cording would help hold up more?

>> No.6897439

Cardboard cut and curved into shape, lots of hot glue, then black duct tape, smoothed and heated with the glue gun to give it a rough texture.

>> No.6897600

Not the dick who called it terrible, but I'm guessing they dislike how bumpy the props look. I don't think it is terrible myself and it isn't that bumpy to begin with, but we've got our fair share of prop making (or wanna-be) elitists on here who make things realllllly well and sand the heck out of things so maybe he/she takes offense to anything that is less than perfectly smooth. The rest looks nice, it is hard to say how nice until you wear it. The Rupees are cute.

>> No.6897818

Also not the dick who called it terrible, but it's bumpy in a horribly "I got the basic shape down" way, not in the "oh god I am so sick of sanding, it will have to be imperfect" way. Lots of filling is needed, then more sanding, then primer, then sanding, then more primer, then paint. The paint itself is also kind of meh, looks like it could have benefitted from better paint and masking areas properly. It could be worse, it's not cardboard and tinfoil, but it's also at the point where enough time and money has gone in that more work and it would look so much better.

>> No.6898000
File: 68 KB, 540x960, garrusbuildprogress_6_6_2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garrus progress

>> No.6898363

Just an aside, because I never get the chance to tell this to other Garrus Cosplayers: I hope you do something about your eyes. Blend them and color them in the right way, if at all possible. I've seen a few pretty great sculpts marred by a cosplayer who thought their work ended at the outer edge of the eye-socket.

Coming along great, otherwise. Good work on the proportions of the armor so far.

>> No.6899496


>> No.6899500


Seems like it.