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6851711 No.6851711 [Reply] [Original]

Japan Expo just released an update on badge prices and hotels.


One thing worth mentioning.
>Please note that because this is a ticketed event, 1 entry = 1 exit!

The only way you can enter and leave as you please is if you buy a premium badge which cost $100 for the full weekend.

Your thoughts?

>> No.6851717

Hahahaha, I'm sure this will go over well.

>> No.6851720

Looks like its gonna be the latest addition to anime CA convention blunders

>> No.6851764

How strict is "exiting" like can you go to your hotel room if its on con grounds and still reenter?

>> No.6851768

Does Japan Expo Paris work like this?

I can already see the California congoers being veeeeery angry over this if they're used to going out for food or going to the hotel multiple times a day in order to change outfits.

>> No.6851795

What the hell is the structure. I mean this isn't like a concert where events are schedualed on a main stage. Isn't this like any con with?

>> No.6851799
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It says no where Temporary exit allowed. So I would guess that if you had to go back to your hotel room for any reason, you would be fucked.

Each ticket is good for one entry into the festival
Premium badge holders may enter and exit the festival at any time.
Once you have exited the festival, you will need to obtain another ticket in order to reenter the festival.
3-Day tickets are good for one entry each day of the festival. These tickets may not be shared by more than one person.

>> No.6851805

I'm just guessing, every entrance would be checking for tickets, including the hotels. I mean if they weren't checking the hotels entrances to the con, people would just sneak around to get in.

>> No.6851808

Oh fuck that. I was planning to go the entire time but now I may just go for a day or not at all at this point.

>> No.6851806
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>Please note that because this is a ticketed event, 1 entry = 1 exit!

>> No.6851807


Yup, that's how most French cons work.

>> No.6851813

WTF, I didn't know Japan Expo USA was even a thing.

>> No.6851820


I remember in the AX and Fanime threads people were hyping this con up to be the savior of the CA convention scene and made it look like some awesome new upstart. No on their FB page people are already planning to skip out and wanting to refund their badges.

Oh the tears are so delicious.

>> No.6851826
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Mmmmm yeah f that. This instantly puts a con in the "hahhahah no" category.

>> No.6851843

Seconding "ahaahhahaahaha no"

>> No.6851885

I saw this earlier today. I am not impressed

>> No.6851927

They're entitled to free entry and exit
Because you know, beer, food, and music festivals don't do this

>> No.6851944

Beer, food, and music festivals are usually free to enter beyond the beer and food you buy. My beef would be a festival that charges an admission price...
I don't know why they're calling themselves a "festival" to begin with, they're a convention. The majority of North American cons, not just anime ones, let the ticket holders in and out as many times as they please, for as long as their ticket is valid, so them doing this is pretty retarded. I can understand why people would want their money back.

>> No.6851964

It's different when you plan on changing costumes through the day or don't like greasy overpriced convention center food. At a music festival you expect to be there all day and bring a cooler.

>> No.6851980
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Actually... most festivals I have ever attended allow you to go in and out with like, a hand stamp or a wrist band or something. The only sorts of places I have been where it is one ticket = one entry are some museums and zoos.

This is sorta just full blown retarded for a con to try.

>> No.6852013
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WOW I just looked at those ticket prices. $20-25 for a one time entrance? HAHAHAHAHA fuck no.

>> No.6852032

Going to be honest, I used to champion Japan Expo but they are trying to be the French version without actually proving themself first. Like if an elite boxer had a son and the son started asking for as much prize money as his dad does for his very first fight.

>> No.6852036 [DELETED] 
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Welp, Don't say I didn't tell you so

>> No.6852040
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Welp, Don't say I didn't tell you so

>> No.6852045

Add to it taking breaks in your room or leaving convention grounds for photoshoots. Both would be screwed under this policy.

>> No.6852054

French Japan Expo is a shitty con anyway.

>> No.6852052

I will never cease to laugh at cgl's naive stupidty

Literally my reaction

>> No.6852070

And here I thought we couldn't have three CA summer conventions that fucked things over.

Anyone else just gonna fly out to Otakon or just stay home this year?

>> No.6852072

Whoever is in command here forgot something: you're not in Europe where the number of conventions is much lower. Hell, you're in California which has conventions every few weeks of varying sizes. If someone doesn't like your convention they aren't going to it "because it's the only game in town." They have multiple options and that's just in the same state. You extend it to other states and you have dozens to pick from. Not to mention your event is in summer, the most convention packed part of the year.

You have, for the moment, priced yourself out of the competition. You even made AM2 look better than you and I bet they're jumping up and down for joy too. Chase Wang is probably making little Chase Wangs over how he thinks your convention now has the potential to have worse attendance than AM2.

>> No.6852083

I was just about to post this. There are SO many other options that this is pretty much suicide. I'm impressed they actually had the gall to pull this.

>> No.6852100

They have a few options.

The first, obviously, is to have free re-entry period. If you absolutely must monetize it, $5 per day for unlimited re-entry (effectively making it a $65 convention) to be applied to your ticket. Anyone staying in a block hotel should also be allowed free re-entry without an extra fee The third is to leave it as is and have disastrous numbers. I'm going to three other conventions this summer, all in California, and was hoping to add a fourth. Looks like I'm scratching number four off.

I don't think it's gall, just sheer stupidity tinged with a bit of pride. Unless they have massive guests this has no possibility of success.

>> No.6852152
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>> No.6852166

Japan Expo for now states that they're keeping the policy the same as their other cons which is probably one of the more BS reasons you can give.

>> No.6852186

Then I estimate they'll have roughly the same number of Americans attending.

>> No.6852197

I hope they change their tune after their preticket sales are abysmal. You can't announce a ticketing policy like this and have one guest that a lot of people don't really care for as your only attraction.

>> No.6852205

You know you fucked up when you got people who are choosing to pass on this con in favor of Sac Anime.

>> No.6852235

I'm amazed that people thought Japan Expo was going to be better somehow. Given how everyone freaks out any time a rumor of AX turning for-profit crops up, why would you even be in favor of a con that is purely for making money? They decided they wanted to bring their product to a new market to make money, and when they couldn't buy out any of the other major conventions, this is what happens.

>> No.6852252

Problem is, there's no product. One guest announcement, no exhibitor list, no info on AA, no info on masq, no panel announcements or submission forms, no screening announcements, no concerts.

What product?

>> No.6852259

>new convention
>charge more then the biggest northern cali convention.

>> No.6852274

AX's issue wasn't that it was for porfit but moreso that the convention quality has gone downhill with its guest lineup and events. People were really excited for Japan Expo as it looked to be the kick in the head that AX needed to get its ass in gear. On top of that Fanime also dropped the ball hard so some people saw Japan Expo to be the new big con in town to makeup for the potential failures Fanime and AX are.

With the way things are going it's going to be Sac Anime that's going to be everyone's fallback give how that con manages to get amazing guests each time.

>> No.6852303

Oh well. I'm pretty hyped for Fanime and AX now though, despite just "ok" guests.
I was really only hyped for Japan Expo as they have gotten Kyary and Momoiro to perform at their French con, which I doubt they'll do in the USA anytime soon.

>> No.6852701

Latest FB post shows they've submitted the feedback to the higherups.

Things could change

>> No.6852735

Hope so. They already got some very good responses on the initial comment thread that should be able to point out anything that they may have overlooked. There's also that facebook event where people are considering hanging out outside the convention and not actually attending, haha.

>> No.6852842

No one even wants you around anyways

>> No.6852847


Good luck in Baltimore in the middle of summer, kid!

>> No.6852917

Did they update with this today? Coincidentally, I met a staffer for Japan Expo at a con last weekend. She told me AA/Exhibitor reg would be up sometime this week, most likely, but that there was a hiccup in the website which led to a delay.

If this was posted earlier, I wish I had known so maybe I could talk to her about it. Not that it would've made a huge difference, I suppose, but it would've been nice to talk to a human being about it to see what was up.

>> No.6852926

Yup, went out today about 12 hours ago. They had a backlash almost immediately.

>> No.6852925

Just today on their fb page.

>> No.6852928

is it bad?

>> No.6852933

Oh. Yeah, no kidding. This is pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.6852961

There's still Otakon Vegas that's out to dethrone ALA and SacAnime Winter for winter con dominance

>> No.6852966

It's hot and humid. Not unheard of in other places so you might be used to it already

>> No.6852969

It's a weekend after (or before) ALA though. Probably possible to go to both no worries.

>> No.6852974

>so you might be used to it already
coming from the UK... I doubt it

>> No.6852980

So basically, they're charging people extra in order to enjoy the normal, typical structure of cons, and then limiting the number of premium passes so that only about 200 have the "privilege" of being able to enter and exit as they see fit and do what people normally do at cons anyway?

I just NOPE'd so hard I think I pulled a muscle.

>> No.6853020

The main problem is that they're trying to apply a European model to an American event. I can see how they might want to be fair to their European attendees but they need to be made to realize that they can't do that and be anywhere near successful when they have competitors everywhere in this country. Going by my very scientific count of animecon's list there are approximately 360 events for 2013. In Europe there's a quarter of that.

>> No.6853040
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Not obviously said to go against Japan Expo. Not at all.

>> No.6853049

That just makes this picture even funnier: >>6851806

>> No.6853051

is it bad if I laughed?

>> No.6853053
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Those are some ice cold motherfuckers

>> No.6853054

Hahaha they tweeted the same thing. I'm losing my shit.

Fucking sassmasters jfc.

>> No.6853059
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Not at all.

Also Japan Expo better come out with some amazing guests to even make that badge worth it.

>> No.6853063

I did when I saw it in my feed.

>> No.6853065
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>> No.6853075
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Annnnd of course the people that think this is unprofessional.

>> No.6853078

Whoever they're announcing later this week better knock out an internet backbone with the mention of their name. Hell, they'd better announce that band too. They're seriously going to need something to use as damage control

>> No.6853129

Some people can't handle the banter m8

>> No.6853149

Con Wars, a new beginning.

Episode 1: Anime Expo vs. Anime America
Episode 2: Anime Expo vs. Pacific Media Expo
Episode 3: Anime Expo vs. AM2
Episode 4: Anime Expo vs. Japan Expo USA

>> No.6853150
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>at least japan expo aren't behaving like middle schoolers
>aren't behaving like middle schoolers
>japan expo are not behaving like middle schoolers

>> No.6853203


Fuck I loled

>> No.6853242

AX took the post down

>> No.6853256

I'm disappointed. It was entertaining.

>> No.6853320
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there's a part of me that says people are not reading it right and I would assume that 1 event = 1 exit means that 1 special event ticket (concert, special guest panel, ect.) will be given to you at con. Thats how i'm reading it, unless someone can tell me otherwise

>> No.6853325

Well I read it as no pass outs, as did everyone else. And I read it more than once, before I decided to get mad at a con on the other side of the planet.

>> No.6853382

That part of you would be wrong because Japan Expo staff made zero attempts to say anything different from what people were interpreting over the past 14-odd hours. They also made the explicit effort to say "please note that 1 entry = 1 exit" twice and "Japan Expo does tickets slightly different than most shows" on the ticketing page. Under the premium tickets it says "come and go as you please" as a benefit.

>> No.6853601

Fb update, they took out the rule now.

>> No.6853617

Japan Expo USA Took out the One Entrance/One Exit Rule. To anyone that left feedback for them, please Thank them and show your gratitude and support for listening to our concerns. Thanks.

>> No.6853673

Yeah I saw the update. Most likely I'll show up now as its rare to see a con acknowledge its mistakes and improve

>> No.6853675

This, half of me wasn't expecting such a quick update, I'm sort of impressed.

>> No.6853680

>Butthurt Americans everywhere

>> No.6853681

They removed it, but they will still enforce the rule at the con.

>> No.6853708

>being forced to pay for rentry into the festival for stuff like going back to the hotel, getting food, leaving for photoshoots during a 14+ hour convention.

>> No.6853806

I don't imagine that going over well, and I can't imagine what benefit that would have that would outweigh the problems it would create.

>> No.6853933

I still want to know if they really did base their policy on their French model.
I kinda wanted to go to Japan Expo in Paris one day. But now? Fuck that.

>> No.6854375

Well, upon reading comments (in French from the natives), yes it is. Though from the way they talk about it, it sounds like a festival / amusement park thing more than a 'convention'.

There are the special tickets (which apparently, you can reuse as normal tickets for the comic con), and there are the normal tickets. For each time you enter, you need to reapay, but the normal tickets are unlimited.

>> No.6854622

French Japan Expo is probably 10x the size so you could actually spend a whole day there.

>> No.6854658

Yea, like I said, they made it sound like a festival / amusement park.

> Amusement park = spacey

However, it still doesn't sound very comfy. One girl was like: "Bring food and a cooler because the food is expensive. You can fill out your bottles at the water fountains!"

>> No.6854661

In/out privilege now granted to all tickets.

>> No.6854676

And they were trying to pull that shit on us too, heh. Same reason people sneak food into movie theaters. I'm actually surprised they didn't try to monetize the in/out.

>> No.6854744

What benefit does the con have from the one entry = one exit rule?

I keep thinking about Otakon, if that were the rule. Nobody would be able to move. That con is crowded with only half of the acutal attendees in the con center. I'm sure this venue is different & bigger,a ble to accomodate that, but still...saturday afternoon, with every single person who's there is there? That sounds like a nightmare.

>> No.6854780

Mainly to upsell people with their own selected food/drink vendors which they probably would have an agreement with to profit share (and for the center's own vendors it would be a bargaining point for the convention to use). Part of the local area's main benefit is the increased spike in local business revenue and if people are prevented from exiting for lunch and possibly even dinner (late programming) that impact is much less than normal. That's the main reason cities like conventions and other events that draw large crowds; local businesses benefit a lot.

>> No.6854995
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>> No.6855072


>> No.6855086


>> No.6855111

Japan Expo should have not listened to those faggots.


>> No.6855121

Gotta play murrican ball on murrican soil, especially when you're surrounded by lots of murrican teams.