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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 12 KB, 236x213, batten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6842174 No.6842174 [Reply] [Original]

Secret ita tendencies thread?

Pic related, I secretly fucking love them.

>> No.6842190
File: 869 KB, 400x222, die lace monster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842204

I-I like that parasol

>> No.6842214

mini top hats with weird shit on them. I love that stupid fan+friend bat mini top hat.

>> No.6842222
File: 313 KB, 245x245, 1367902967371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6842225
File: 2 KB, 90x124, dem sleeeeeeve cuuuuuuffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love black and white coords.

Also, saw pic related in another thread. Is it bad that I fell in love?

>> No.6842231

goddamn what a small image.

>> No.6842234

Okay, emoticons I can understand.

The stuttering stuff is commonly seen as an obvious joke here, though. Relax.

>> No.6842238

image for ants

>> No.6842245
File: 496 KB, 499x281, whatisthis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6842270
File: 26 KB, 300x170, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

>> No.6842279

I really like headdresses. Of course, I don't think it really counts because I don't like maxipad lacemonster headdresses. But I really want a nice tasteful one.

I also really love black and white coords.

>> No.6842340

God damn I love me some tiny hats. I also like to be a special snowflake and slightly alter most of my main pieces. I just like knowing mine are a little different, even if no one else ever notices.

>> No.6842358

I think it's one person, I've seen them in like 3 or 4 threads calling people out for that.

>> No.6842364
File: 25 KB, 100x98, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6842365

Same here, everyone knows it's a joke, like when people here use 'golly anon, that shit is fucking kawaii'

>> No.6842370


>> No.6842376

I picked it up somewhere as an impressionable youth and only needed one person to complain about it to knock it off. The fact that anon doesn't drop the text stuttering proves they're not actually beta enough to be doing it and it's all an act.

>> No.6842382

It was not a common thing on /cgl/ until very recently. When people are doing it in an obvious "tsundere" way, I get the joke, I don't complain. Otherwise, just fucking stop.

And no, I'm not the only person who's complained about it. I've seen at least one other person complain about it, too. I can only say at least one, because anon is anon, you know?

>> No.6842405

Stompy/goth boots. I know. Tacky. But I like the contrast.

>> No.6842407


......hate myself a little.

>> No.6842417

I live in the south and I'll be damned if I'll be ashamed of bearing my shoulders. It must be nice for you lolis to live in climates that fluctuate, but where I'm from, you can wear shorts on Christmas.

I bear my shoulders and I refuse to be ashamed.

>> No.6842420

I live in Louisiana. I can go SWIMMING on Christmas!

Reminds me. What do lolita swimsuit look like? I mean, I own a swimdress, but I want something that feels more loli.

>> No.6842489
File: 60 KB, 624x757, 2336101895_48c301ce42_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dis rori

>> No.6842501
File: 27 KB, 300x400, Swimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is one of the metamorphose ones.

>> No.6842505


>> No.6842515


I'm pretty sure there are a ton of AZ loli's that manage to cover up in 110 heat, just saying

there's not really a right or wrong but I don't have any sympathy for loli's out of state being hot i mean jfc

and I lived in alabama with the humidity i know it sucks but it's worse in Phoenix

>> No.6842519

God forbid anyone bear shoulders! I might faint from the sight, not even the heat!

>> No.6842559

bear shoulders would be terrifying, I agree

>> No.6842563

AH bare! Hahaha that is hilarious. I'm not even going to delete it, I hope some anons get a laugh out of it.

>> No.6842575

didn't say it was wrong, just unsympathetic

bear shoulders reminds me of game of thrones tbh

>> No.6842605
File: 243 KB, 635x306, tumblr_lrl764XN2h1qecu65o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the lolita swimsuit Fanny Rosie has.

>> No.6842612

Black lace parasols [God, I love those things.]
Black and white coords
Mini hats
Bell sleeves [only sometimes]
Clunky platform heels

Oh, old-school, how I love you.

>> No.6842648

>Clunky platform heels
Yes. All my yes. Go big or go home in true Manabanana style.

>> No.6842669

I'm a one-peicer, personally.

>> No.6842718
File: 62 KB, 436x574, Cat Ear Beret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat ears. I need this.

>> No.6842998

reminds me of the belgariad series by david and leigh eddings, mostly because there's a character named Cherek Bear-Shoulders.

>> No.6843003

It's not just in a fake tsun way, it's meant to be meek and timid and spaghetti also.

>> No.6843007

10/10 would wear

>> No.6843008

>buy beret
>stitch two pieces of fabric
>attach to beret
Fucking done.

>> No.6843010

I actually really like brand pieces with animal ears on them. All of those AP bear parkas and crap, love. I also like skirts a tiny bit short with a bit of thigh showing(don't kill me misako!)

>> No.6843034

Not really relevant anymore, but a few years back I remember really liking sheer lace-topped ankle socks and thinking they would look great with lolita, but never daring to wear them because everybody who didn't cover their legs were ita. And now, ankle socks everywhere

>> No.6843041

so super special and original desu~

>> No.6843133

Ankle socks still weird me out in lolita but I've seen them look really cute if one wears something like sheer dot tights with them!

>> No.6843147


Yeah, I generally layer mine over sheer tights. I have some really cute sheer tights with hearts all over, and they look adorable with ankle socks.

>> No.6843467

This, especially those big chunky gawff maryjanes of circa 2001 Moitie fame. Similarly, the mid-thigh, umbrella-poofed gothic skirts that used to be acceptable.

>> No.6843473

Hey anon, if you want a larger version of that picture, I have the book it's from.

>> No.6843549

Ugh yes me too. It kind of sucks that so much old school stuff is considered its now, because I still love tons of it.

At least black x white can still be done, it's just more difficult. I consider it a challenge.

>> No.6843557

Hot damn that's cute.

>> No.6843572

I have one of these... but its in cream and I use it with Victorian reenactment gear so.

>> No.6844515
File: 49 KB, 480x640, mamgarters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those animal garters that currently start to become popular in harajuku.

>> No.6844773

Giant platforms are always amazing. I have some from Demonia (those chunky 'Dolly' mary janes and knee high lace up platform boots with approx 5" platform)

>> No.6844841

I'm not even hiding it, haha.

Yeah, sorry about that, haha.

If it's no trouble to you, go ahead and post it! I feel so silly for only saving the thumbnail. I guess I got so excited that I didn't think my actions through.

>> No.6844879
File: 128 KB, 500x375, 1086539894_f612ffd201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chunky pink clown muffin bottom shoes.

>> No.6844881
File: 67 KB, 600x800, HEARTBOATB13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit and also cork sole chunky shoes.

I miss lolita when the aim was to look like creepy retarded doll.

>> No.6844915


That's awful.
...I love it.

>> No.6844935

I will always always love rocking horse shoes. I dont even care

>> No.6844933

I love stiletto heels with gothic. I love stiletto heels period.

>> No.6844943


>> No.6844957

I love lace parasols and thinner headdresses.

>> No.6844961

I feel you. Goddamn, I love my pearl cat ear headband and kitty cap

>> No.6844960

are bells sleeves an ita thing? i thought it was acceptable in Hime?

>> No.6844967

I'm really tempted to get the bowler hat version of this. I know I'll look weeb as fuck but dammit, I tried one on and it was kawaii as shit.

>> No.6844992


This so much. I'm not even a lolita (retired dirty punk, lol) and my love of RHS borders on sexual. Except, I would never in hell pay $300-600 for VW ones. Fuuuuuck that.

>> No.6844994

>pearl cat ear headband

I would love those so much if I could fine a black one, with and without the pearls.

>> No.6844995
File: 84 KB, 480x640, 109P952-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you. For some reason I really like this hat by AatP. I know I can't coord it with anything and it's really silly. But I love it.

>> No.6845010

You stole my reactin exactly.

>> No.6845011

What I wouldn't do to have a pair of giant-platform-maryjane-Mana-shoes...
No clue where to even get any now that I can actually afford lolita shit.

>> No.6845013
File: 153 KB, 434x624, b1026a34c07991d4898aed5faabc732c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2001 gothic
Kinda sums up everything I love that is considered ita, but fuck I might just wear them anyway.
>clunky platforms
>black x red
>barrel curls with gothic
>gonn show leg

I think I should start shopping at Antique Beast.

Also, I would shamelessly wear the fuck out of pic related.

>> No.6845014

I have this
It is so pretty IRL, it's not a disgusting yellow like this picture suggests. It's all a uniform white. It is soooo prettyy... It's like my favorite lolita piece.

>> No.6845015
File: 83 KB, 600x690, shoes136-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have this pair from Bodyline, got mine about three years ago, but they're still in stock in some sizes. Reasonably comfy. I need to wear mine again and not be afraid of looking ita. Damn.

>> No.6845016

Oh god they look gorgeous. I always miss nice accessories...

>> No.6845018

I was so surprised it was still there when I walked into the Baby SF. It stole my heart and $70 + tax.

>> No.6845021
File: 114 KB, 480x640, 136970-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I bad for still wanting a bunny ear bonnet?

>> No.6845024

I want one too...

>> No.6845039

Demonia or TUK would be the brands to look for, as for where to buy - Demonia is stocked in pretty much every goth store online, and TUK has their own webstore

black x red makes me so happy

They're awesome, just do it.

>> No.6845049

I think black x red can look so beautiful, especially if it's a dark, ruby red. I'd take it over black x navy blue any day.

>> No.6847202
File: 241 KB, 600x900, bxwkimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a photo folder of my wishlist on my computer and I can't bring myself to get rid of some of my old ita pictures because if all the judgment disappeared, or trends flipped, I'd still wear them. Pic related.

>> No.6847226

I secretly love wa-loli. Only when it's done with nice fabrics and pretty patterns, though.

>> No.6847229

those were the salad days...
I don't even try to keep up with the current trends, I'm just lolol old school weee

>> No.6847254

god I love that

>> No.6847274

I've actually seen black cat ear headbands with out pearls in a lot of stores like F21 and H&M

>> No.6847277
File: 37 KB, 240x320, 74398095413542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted an Usakumya rucksack but recently I've been seen it used in a lot of ita coords and really badly done fairy kei and it's just ruined it for me. But I still really want one.

>> No.6848206


AZ loli, it's not too bad covering up in the summer because it keeps my skin from frying and the 0% humidity removes any sweat the instant it creeps out of my skin!

I'm only somewhat kidding.

>> No.6848249

does the dryness/heat have any effect on your clothes? i always worry about fading fabrics in extended direct sun...

>> No.6848284
File: 567 KB, 256x180, i only like the rabbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny ears.

I love me some bunny ears.

Seriously, though,

>> No.6848288
File: 256 KB, 700x453, B058-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love headbands like this. I think they'd be cute with a retro/ sailor cord.

>> No.6848310

Do it. I wore a bunny backpack (the ouran high school host club bunny one) with lolita. The ears are so big and floppy that they bounce when you walk. It's the most adorable thing.

>> No.6848327

Does any one know where I can get one of these? (Not taobao is possible)

>> No.6848592


Not that I've seen, but I also make a point not to go outside much or stand in the shade when I do.

On a different topic
>going to the east coast (NJ) for a few months
>thinking I might bring a coord with me since I might go to Otacon
>remember the humidity from last time I went to NJ in the summer

I don't want my poor brando to face the humidity...

>> No.6848593

Nigga just grab a piece of fabric and tie it around a headband

>> No.6848603

Those are stupidly easy to make, just google "usamimi tutorial". Basically just a piece of fabric with wire in it.

>> No.6848644
File: 500 KB, 500x494, hng.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking adorable.

I'm surprised that no one mentioned this yet, but I like it when the frilly edges of bloomers are peeking out, I also like black mary jane shoes with sweet lolita (+1 if they're chunky platforms).

>> No.6848651
File: 120 KB, 245x138, yui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flip flops and a blouseless JSK.
I saw a girl in my comm do it and it was amazing. She looked so happy and I was so happy cos of her happy and and and

>> No.6848657

If I could, I would give you a big kiss on the cheek because that post makes you sound like such a sweet person.

So adorable~

>> No.6848847

>>implying black+white is newb
Fucking noob. We need another oldschool thread to stop this stupid.

>> No.6848849

I meant ita.

>> No.6849072

Hell, I do this all the time. Granted I don't call it lolita, but I love wearing my JSKs or bustier/skirt combos as sundresses/summer coords.

>> No.6849094

neko ears

i feel so guilty.......

>> No.6849096

Visible bloomers, maybe a bit of leg.

Fuck you all. I just want to look like a creepy doll.

>> No.6849101

i dont think those are ita.

>> No.6849106
File: 136 KB, 730x1095, 010101010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry and i dont just mean cat ears or whatever attached to a hat like previous posts say, i mean like those clip on ears

oh and you reminded me, but in photogs where a petti is showing is so awesome! especially coloured pettis. dunno if thats really ita with most but i know people are all over "omg my petticoat is showing"

>> No.6849162


Hate to burst your bubble, but as pretty she is, she's pretty ita.

>> No.6853195
File: 595 KB, 450x600, 1333086801343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No blouse can be cute.

>> No.6853213

Each piece of the outfit (ears, dress, wig, collar) is awful.
The girl is cute and all together she does look good. Weebish as hell, sure but still cute.

>> No.6853230

So edgy desu

>> No.6853232

I found a bunch of them at dollar tree lol

>> No.6853235

i think what you guys meant to type is "when a skinny girl with a cute face is wearing clothes i think they look good"

>> No.6853510

While it is cute, it just looks like a girl in a sundress. It doesn't look like she has a petti either. I think you can go without a blouse and still be lolita, but this isn't it.

>> No.6853567

>I miss lolita when the aim was to look like creepy retarded doll.
Oh yes this. I miss how looking frumpy and odd and like you just put cyanide in someone's teacup was part of the aesthetic. I still rock my oldschool stuff sometimes but never to meets, because 95% of those girls are newer than new and would just think I'm a clueless ita.

>> No.6853848

...animal ears.
when its done right, its cute as fuck

>> No.6854447
File: 968 KB, 500x352, dance_dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6854459

Your example is a terrible outfit though. Look at those socks.

>> No.6854463

I have never seen this .gif before.

This is now my all time favourite .gif.

>> No.6854503

This girl can actually pull "ita" off.

I'm surprised.

>good-looking people have an easier time... LOOKING GOOD? GASP!

>> No.6854505


>> No.6854770

where can I buy these?

>> No.6855371

I really love lace monsters. i don't know why, and I can't justify it at all but I really want one.

>> No.6855386
File: 280 KB, 1536x2048, 919540_663144313701274_265725788_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloomer peek
Bell sleeves

The Atelier Pierrot designers at ACEN this weekend ruined my years of telling myself bell sleeves and anything wa-inspired was not acceptable.

>> No.6855712

Why do I want this so badly?

>> No.6855719

I think platform sneakers can look cute with lolita sometimes.

>> No.6855720

They are an extra of the JSK:

>> No.6855734

I just got Hanueli's Royal Kitten dress, and I think it would look really cute with a pair of plain, nicely-made cat ears.

>> No.6855743


>> No.6855999

>>Oh god, someone please put 'look at all the fucks I give' on this gif.
It's too perfect.

>> No.6856003

Dropped my quote, wtf?

>> No.6856016

I'm so jelly, had to pay retarded vet fees just to find out my dog had a sore leg and it would get better on it's own so I missed out on the Snowfield's wolf in frame. Hopefully they'll have some at Frock on.

>> No.6856020


Mana-sama, full of grace.

>> No.6856030

having the same dame purse and wig for every damn coord.

I need new purses.

dont get me wrong, I have other wigs, but I'm really freaking attached to that brown/tan split wig and I think it looks the best on me.

>> No.6856236


I know this feel. I have like two purses I endlessly cycle because goddamnit they match everything and all of my other bags are very outfit specific.


>> No.6856630

omg this happened to me too. I thought my dog had broken his leg, but was told he'd only torn a little bit of ligament in his knee so it'd heal just fine and they took two rounds of xrays to "double check" and tried to insist on him staying an extra two weeks to make sure he was as immobile as possible to allow him to heal in their small cages. The bill was already over $400 for the xrays let alone the pain medication. Boarding fees....fark off....vets are as blood thirsty for money as real estates.

>> No.6856659

>that feel when remembering all those short choreographed performances from his Malice Mizer days
>motherfucking Mana on a bicycle from one of the Brise lives

Fuck, my nostalgia.

>> No.6856913
File: 253 KB, 240x180, ani_brise-shakin2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brise is now playing in your head manually.

>> No.6857670

I shamelessly use my Moitie replica bat purse with even everyday outfits, sweet outfits, etc. I've never really seen a purse as an element of an outfit so it doesn't really bother me but I wonder if people in my comm wish I'd get another bag. But I hate switching purses.